Entry Book: February 1681, 21-28

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: February 1681, 21-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp48-60 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: February 1681, 21-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp48-60.

"Entry Book: February 1681, 21-28". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp48-60.


February 1681

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Feb. 21. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of moneys of the Tenths which shall be paid into the Exchequer by the Bishop of Sarum for the year ended 1679. Christmas) 133l. 6s. 8d. to the two Auditors of Imprests for a year's fee each; "notwithstanding any former direction to the contrary" [concerning the disposition of moneys of the Tenths]. Disposition Book II, p. 49.
[Same to same] to reserve in the Exchequer for the Treasury Lords' particular disposal the money which will be speedily paid into the Exchequer by Mr. Bedford. Receiver of Popish Recusants' Estates for Beds, Bucks, Herts, Oxford and Berks. Ibid, p. 50.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to revoke and determine the grant lately made during pleasure to Ralph Williamson of the office of Comptroller of Newcastle port, and to re-grant the same to him during pleasure, with full power, by the consent of the Treasury Lords, to constitute such deputies as he shall think necessary for the respective ports, members or creeks thereof; all in as ample manner as Martin Feoster or any other his predecessors therein; with non-obstantes to the statutes of 1 Hy. IV, 4 Hy. IV, 13 Hy. IV, and 1 Eliz. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 99.
Same to same for a same for a grant to Louisa, Duchess of Portsmouth, of an annuity or yearly pension of 1,000l. payable out of the revenue of First Fruits: with a further grant or direction therein for same to be paid out of Tenths if at any time the revenue of First Fruits be overcharged or any other way unable to meet the said annuity: all for 31 years from 1680, Christmas, to her, her executors, administrators or assigns: to be payable quarterly by tallies of assignment on the Receiver or Collectors of First Fruits or (in case as above) on the farmers, collectors, receivers or ministers of the revenue of Tenths: the first payment to be made at Lady day next. Ibid, p. 100.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to acquit, release and discharge Capt. Edw. Cornwall, of Moccas, co. Hereford, of her bond, dated July 22, in 1,800l. as surety with Herbert Aubrey for John Davy, of the city of Hereford, Receiver for Hearthmoney, co. Hereford, for 2½ years to 1674, Mar. 25; which bond is forfeit by said Davy's not having duly answered and paid in his receipts; all by reason that the King has already similarly discharged said Aubrey, and in consideration of the sufferings and good services undergone and performed to Charles I and Charles II by said Cornwall. Ibid, pp. 101–3.
Henry Guy to the Cofferer of the Household. The Treasury Lords have ordered 500l. to you out of the Excise money. Please apply this for the purveyors. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 186.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow with Sir John James and partners' interest account, cast up both ways. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Bedford to pay into the Exchequer to-morrow, without fail, the moneys in your hands of your receipt of Recusants' estates. Send me a line what sum you will pay in. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwate, forwarding the following state of the account of the [Farmers of the] revenue of the Four and a Half per cent. duty in Barbados and the Leeward Islands. Ibid, pp. 186–8.
Appending: said state.
l. s. d.
to three years' farm rent at 5,300l. per an. 15,900 0 0
money charged upon the said revenue by great seals and privy seals not yet passed into tallies: viz., for the Earl of Ranelagh and Lord Brereton, claimed by Terwhitt 2,658 11 2
to several merchants for shipping 5,787 15 6
to the Governor for his salary to the end of this farm 4,800 0 0
to Mr. Blathwayte for his salary for that time 1,062 10 0
£14,308 16 8
l. s. d.
rent of the farm for four years 21,200 0 0
charged upon the revenue in tallies struck, which are unpaid as by the particulars below 4,710 10 6
money advanced by the present Farmers, which is to be recouped out of the last year's rent 5,300 0 0
charged by great and privy seals as above 14,308 16 8
interest on the said 5,300l. advance money for four years 1,272 0 0
£25,591 7 2
So that there is 4,391l. 7s. 2d. more charged upon this revenue than the rent comes to to the end of the farm.
l. s. d.
Per contra. Creditor.
By the interest of 5,300l. [advance money] for three years at 6 per cent. 954 0 0
by tallies paid as per the particulars below 14,946 0 0
£15,900 0 0
l. s. d.
The particulars of the tallies paid as above.
1674, May 7.—For the soldiers [of the Barbados Regiment] 2,057 11 4
1674–5, Jan. 7.—For Marcus Browne 909 0 0
1675, April 1 and 1675–6, Jan. 29—Earl of Ranelagh and Lord Brereton 5,638 11 2
1676, May 3.—Ship Allen of Poole [belonging to] Benja. Skutt 1,876 17 6
1678, April 23.—Sir Jonathan Atkins 400 0 0
... July 13.—Same 200 0 0
1678–9, Feb. 3.—Same 400 0 0
1679, Aug. 10.—Same 400 0 0
1679–80, Feb. 29.—Capt. Freeman 750 0 0
1674, May 7.—For the soldiers [of the Barbados Regiment] 2,314 0 0
£14,946 0 0
l. s. d.
Tallies unpaid on the said farm.
1679, May 7.—For the soldiers [of the Barbados Regiment]: now in the Farmers' hands 1,230 1 10
1679–80, Jan. .—Sir Jon. Attkins 400 0 0
1680, June.—Same 400 0 0
1680–1, Jan.—Same 400 0 0
1678–9, Jan. 31.—[For the soldiers of the Barbados Regiment, per] Mr. Lawrence 1,485 1 2
1678–9, March.—For shipping 670 7 6
Mr. Blathwayte [for salary] 125 0 0
£4,710 10 6
Feb. 21. Treasury reference to the Ordnance Commissioners of the petition of Sir William Prichard, as by a reference dated Feb. 3 inst. from the King to the Treasury Lords. Petitioner sets forth that he contracted in 1678 with the principal officers of the Ordnance for 200 tons of cordage, 200 tons of match and other appendant stores for carrying on a war with the French King, and that he delivered into the magazine of the Tower so much thereof as amounts to above 5,000l., and has remaining on his hands 100 tons of match and near 150 tons of cordage to the value of 8,000l., which has been and is still refused to be delivered [taken] into the stores by the Ordnance Commissioners, the contract not being made in their time. Prays to have the contract confirmed and the said stores received (which were brought at very dear rates at that time, the prices being very much enhanced) and that his payment may be ascertained [fixed on some fund] or that he may have allowance for his losses. Reference Book I, p. 224.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Higgs for a watchman's place, London port. The said Commissioners are to give notice to my Lords when such a vacancy falls. Ibid, p. 225.
The like of C. Hen. Carveth's petition for the place of collector or customer of Falmouth, void by the misdemeanour of the present officers; the Treasury Lords having a favourable regard to his merit.
Same to the Taxes Commissioners of the petition of John Vaughan, Receiver General for South Wales and Monmouth of the Eighteen Months' Assessment, anno 1673, praying an allowance, he having to employ many deputies (hired at greater rates than the Act allows) by reason of his great circuit, and having great losses by several of the said deputies, and being disappointed of the usual further allowances by reason of the King's granting to one Mr. Jepson about 1,300l. which is in said Vaughan's hands: therefore prays a remission of the 500l. which he is in arrear on his receipt of Hearthmoney for South Wales and Monmouth, in consideration of his charges as above and of the services and sufferings of him and his family in the late wars. Ibid, pp. 225–6.
Feb. 21. Treasury reference to the Attorney General of Richard Graham's report, dated 1680, Oct. 11, on the petition from Griffith Standen concerning his discovery of lands settled to Popish uses, said petition having been referred to said Grahme by the Treasury Lords 1680, June 22. Thereon Graham reports that he has examined the will of Thomas Yate of Lyford, Berks, date 1654, Aug. 7, whereby he gave all his lands, tenements and hereditaments (not formerly settled upon his grandson, Jon. Yate) to the said John Yate and his heirs for ever, but Standen alleges that at the same time said Thomas Yate at the sealing of said will declared in writing under his hand and seal that he gave the said lands so unsettled in trust to pay the legacies mentioned in the information and to superstitious uses therein declared. Standen shews not the original declaration, but has several witnesses to prove the same, which may be probable evidence for a jury to find upon a commission. Reference Book I, pp. 226–7.
On this report the Attorney General is to certify whether there be a probable title to be made to the King in the premises.
Treasury warrant to William Harboard, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, for a particular of certain premises of which Tho. Prowse desires extension of term: with a view to a fresh lease thereof to said Prowse for 31 years at 11l. 15s. 0d. per an. old rent and 20l. fine. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 304.
Prefixing: report dated Feb. 15 from John Fisher (in the absence of the Surveyor General of Crown Lands) on said Prowse's petition.
Same to same for a same of the hundred of Bucklow and its appurtenances, co. Chester, with a view to a fresh lease thereof to John, Earl of Bridgewater for 31 years from Lady day last at 47s. per an. rent and fine of 4l. 14s. 0d. Ibid, pp. 306–7.
Prefixing: said Earl's petition for same and report, dated Feb. 15, from abovesaid John Fisher on said petition. Premises were granted 1606, Aug. 9, to Sir John Egerton, kt., for the lives of him, Francis Leigh, and Peter Egerton, at the rents of 40s. 8d. and 6s. 8d. de incremento, and 20s. for a heriot, and with an exception of fines of court. Peter Egerton, the survivor, died lately in Ireland. Petitioner has several manors within the hundred.
Money warrant for 26l. 13s. 4d. to John Potenger, Comptroller of the Pipe, for half a year to Christmas last on his allowance for writing the farms and debts of Recusants and summons of the Pipe in Pipe land twice every year; to be paid out of sheriffs' proffers. (Money order dated Feb. 22 hereon.) Money Book II. p. 340. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 201.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for a tally to discharge the baronet fee of 1,095l. due to the King for the baronetcy conferred on Sir Samuell Marow by the patent dated 1679, July 18. Money Book II, p. 341.
Money warrant for 25l. to Elizabeth Martin, widow, for last Christmas quarter on her pension. (Money order dated Feb. 22 hereon.) Ibid, p. 341. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 201.
Same for 12l. 10s. 0d. to Eleanor Mather, widow and relict of Capt. William Mather, for last Christmas quarter on her pension. (Money order dated Feb. 22 hereon.) Money Book II, p. 344. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 201.
The Treasury Lords to Mr. Gerrard of Hilderstone. We are informed that several sums of money have been lent by divers persons upon several securities which are in your custody and which belong to Jesuit priests or superstitious uses, whereof a particular was lately presented to us. You are to deliver said securities and all writings you have concerning such persons and uses to William Southall. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 189.
The like letter to Mr. Jon. Jackson of Bushbury.
Same to Lord Chief Justice North. We are informed that it is become a general practice for clerks of assize to compound or discharge the issues of jurors for small rewards to themselves, thereby obstructing the King's service and public justice. We desire you within your circuit openly in court to charge the clerk of assize and any other officer you think fit not to presume to remit or compound for any jurors' issue, fine or other duty belonging to the King without special order from the judge of assize for that circuit. Ibid, p. 190.
The like letters severally to Lord Chief Baron Montague, Baron Atkins, Justices Ramond, Windham, Jones, Charlton, Levins and Dolbin, and Barons Weston and Gregory.
Henry Guy to the Excise Commissioners to forthwith put Capt. Wingate in possession of two chambers in the Excise Office which have heretofore belonged to Sir Jon. James. Ibid, p. 191.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to put in execution the Order in Council of the 16th inst. for the better continuing the trade of the Plantations to this kingdom only, and to send copies thereof to the Customs officers in the Plantations. Ibid, pp. 191–4.
Appending: (a) order of the King in Council, dated Feb. 19. requiring the Treasury Lords to transmit forthwith to the Governors of the respective Plantations in America the said Order in Council of Feb. 16 to be punctually observed. (b) The said Order made at Whitehall Feb. 16 inst. by the King and 14 Privy Councillors detailed. The preamble of this Order recites that since the expiry of the Act of 22 and 23 Car. II. for regulating the Plantation trade (whereby the word "Ireland" was directed to be left out of all bonds taken for ships sailing for any English Plantation in America, Asia or Africa) several bonds have been given for many ships to bring to England or Ireland (in accordance with the Navigation Act of 12 Car. II) any sugars, tobacco, cotton wool, indigo, ginger, fustic, or other dyeing wood of the growth of the English Plantations in America, Asia or Africa: further, that in order to the better keeping the trade of the Plantations to this kingdom [of England, exclusive of Ireland] the Act of 25 Car. II. for the better securing the Plantation trade provided that ships not giving bond to bring such goods to England only shall pay duties at the place of loading as in the said Act. By virtue of this Act the said [Plantation] duties are [therefore likewise] due where bond has been given to bring such goods to some other place than England. Therefore [hereon follows the substantive or enacting clause of the Order. See it given verbatim in "Acts of the Privy Council," Colonial Series II, pp. 15–16]. Ibid, pp. 191–4.
Feb. 21. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners, forwarding papers concerning the interest account of Sir Tho. Littleton and partners [former Victuallers of the Navy]. You are to consider what expenses the said Victuallers were at before 1671–2, Jan. 9, what money they received and what services they performed, and what is equitable to be done between the King and them as to the commencement of their interest. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 195.
Feb. 22. Same to Mr. Grahme, transmitting certain papers [missing]. You are to put those of them in prosecution that you think most advantageous for the King's service. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,665l. 5s. 6d. remaining in the Exchequer from the Seventeen Months' Assessment, to the Treasurer of the Navy on the orders for the 30 ships as by the Act for said Assessment. Ibid.
Same to Sir Tho. Littleton and partners [late Victuallers of the Navy]. The Treasury Lords are informed that after your victualling contract was made there was some subsequent agreement made with you by the late Treasury Lords or Treasurer Clifford for regulating your payments. Bring my Lords [a copy of] that agreement. Ibid.
Same to Patrick Trant to meet Mr. [Lawrence] Hyde at the Earl of Ranelagh's house in St. James's Square to-morrow. Ibid, p. 196.
Same to Jon. Brewer, esq., to attend the Treasury Lords on Saturday morning. Bring Mr. Ball's account. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Dunbarton. I return from the Treasury Lords your papers relating to the business of Ireland. The constant method in these cases is first to obtain a reference from the King to the Lord Lieutenant General of Ireland, upon whose report the whole matter will come of course before the Treasury Lords. In the margin. [sent by] Mr. Lloyds, messenger. Ibid.
Same to the Board of Greencloth. The Treasury Lords intend to supply the Cofferer of the Household with 6,750l. This is to be paid by the days following, viz. 1,250l. by Feb. 26, 1,500l. by Mar. 10, 1,000l. by Mar. 19, 1,000l. by Mar. 26, 1,000l. by April 2, and 1,000l. by April 9; and is [intended] for the uses following, viz.; Ibid.
for the quarter ending 1680, June 24 250
extraordinaries before Michaelmas last 1,000
for purveyors, cart-takers, supply of poor servants and towards the Prince of Hanover's expense 5,500
Feb. 22. Henry Guy to the Cofferer of the Household to apply for the service of the Household for the year beginning April 1 last, and not to any other use, the money that is or shall be imprested to you at the Exchequer by virtue of the privy seal of Jan. 14 last. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 197.
Same to Sir Phillip Lloyd. Send to the Treasury Lords the minutes which were taken at the [several] hearing[s] of Alderman Breedon and partners, the old Farmers of the Irish Revenue, before the Earl of Danby and others of the Privy Council in July [and Aug.] 1677 concerning their defalcations. Ibid, pp. 197, 198.
The Treasury Lords to the Earl of Danby (dated Feb. 26) for copies of the said minutes.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests. The Earl of Ranelagh's health will not permit him to come to you these three weeks. You are therefore to attend the Treasury Lords with his accounts stated. Ibid, p. 197.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay out of the moneys of First Fruits and Tenths (after the 500l. to me [Guy] for secret service) 1,000l. to the Earl of Oxford, preferable to any payment charged on the First Fruits and Tenths. Disposition Book II, p. 50.
Money warrant for 10,000l. to Ralph Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe, as imprest for the Great Wardrobe. (Money order dated Feb. 25 hereon.) Money Book II, p. 340. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 202.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 120l. to Peter Percivall for one year to Lady day last on his fee as Chief Searcher, London port. Money Book II, p. 342.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to receive from Henry Guy and to cause to be cancelled the several orders (registered on the late [1670–1] subsidy) for several sums, amounting in all to 35,000l. [drawn] in the name of Sir Thomas Osborne (now Earl of Danby) and Sir Tho. Littleton [as jointly Treasurers of the Navy] and one order (registered on the Customs) for 3,700l. in the name of Richard Stratford; all which orders were by mesne assignments vested in Sir Thomas Clifford, then Treasurer of the Household, his name being used in the said assignments only as in trust for the King; which orders so assigned were, by the great seal of 1676, July 29, ordered to be delivered over for his Majesty's use or to be cancelled; and, since the death of said Clifford, said orders have been in the hands of Sir Phillip Lloyd, who has lately delivered them over to said Guy. Said orders are to be hereby cancelled and made void, and memoranda are to be made in the margins of the books of the facts as above and of the cancellation as hereby. Ibid, pp. 342–3.
Appending: list of said orders (viz., No. 65 for 1,000l. on the first quarter of the subsidy; No. 95 for 3,000l. on the third quarter of ditto; No. 69 for 5,000l. on the fourth quarter of ditto; No. 70 for 5,000l. on the fifth quarter of ditto; No. 80 for 5,000l. on ditto; Nos. 83 and 91 for 3,000l. each on ditto; and Nos. 95 and 96 for 5,000l. each on ditto; together with the said order for 3,700l. on the 1673, Lady day quarter of the Customs: total, 38,700l).
Feb. 22. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay two bills, detailed, of Henry Ayloffe, King's Remembrancer, for parchment and other necessaries for the blank books of the Customs for the outports and London respectively for one year from (sic for to) Christmas last: (totals respectively 331l. 16s. 8d. and 37l. 9s. 4d.). Money Book II, p. 343.
Same to same to pay said Ayloffe 45l. 12s. 0d. for one year to Christmas last on the fees to him and his clerks heretofore usually paid to him [and them] by the Customers of the [out] ports for passing their accounts. Ibid, p. 344.
Money order for 20l. each to Mathew Lister and Jon. Lowe, Deputy Chamberlains [of the Receipt] for last Michaelmas and Hilary terms on their additional allowance of 40l. per an. each for extraordinary service in sorting and ordering the records in the Treasury [of the Receipt] at Westminster. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 201.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of George Lloyd, gent., for a surveyor's, landwaiter's, or searcher's place in the Customs. Reference Book I, p. 225.
Feb. 23. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General to prepare a great seal for settling the account of the surplus of the Excise for the year ended 1680, June 24: all in the form of an indenture between the King of the one part and George Dashwood, Tho. Rowney, Samuell Dashwood, Felix Calverd, John Friend, William Stronge and Edward Buckley, of London, esqrs. After reciting the two indentures of 1676–7, Feb. 26, and 1677–8, Feb. 21, for granting said farm and the indentures of 1679, May 16, and 1679, Dec. 6, for the settling and discharging the surplus of the Excise for the two first years of the said farm, the present indenture witnesses that the whole produce of the Excise for the last year of the farm amounted to 686,640l. 9s. 0¼d. and that there remains due to the King 108l. 18s. 11d. for so much not accounted for the King in the two preceding years of the farm, making 686,749l. 7s. 11¼d. in all, which leaves a net surplus of 50,204l. 13s. 9¼d. still due to the King, after deducting 560,000l. for rent, 55,000l. for salaries, 5,000l. for arrears, and 10,000l. for reward and the further special deductions as follow, which are hereby granted and allowed by the King, viz., 1,000l. for extraordinary pains of management during the said [last] year, 2,748l. 6s. 6¼d. paid to brewers within the same time for exported beer, 30l. 1s. 7d. allowed by the Excise Commissioners within said year to sundry brewers for other causes, 2,648l. 10s. 11¾d. for poundage on the surplus after the rate of 12d. per l. and 117l. 15s. 0¾d. for 6 per cent. interest and 1 per cent. quarterly on such moneys as they paid before Dec. 25 last upon account of the said year's surplus. Of the abovesaid surplus of 50,204l. 13s. 9½d. the said Dashwood and partners have already paid in money 26,000l. and have given security for the remaining 24,204l. 13s. 9½d. to be forthwith paid to the Excise Commissioners to even and balance their account. The King does therefore hereby acquit, release and discharge the said Farmers of all demands upon them by reason of their covenants for the said last year's surplus of their farm. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 81–4, 103–5.
Feb. 24. Money warrant for 600l. to Thomas Neale, Groom Porter, for one year to 1679, June 24, on his yearly sum in lieu of all bills for furnishing several sorts of household stuff and provisions for Whitehall and other the King's houses. Money Book II, p. 344.
Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests to permit George Dashwood or Samuel Dashwood to inspect the Earl of Ranelagh's accounts. Out Letters (General) VI, pp. 197–8.
Same to said Dashwood to inspect same speedily as they are to be brought before the Treasury Lords this day week.
Treasury reference to Mr. Prowse [Solicitor to the Customs, of William Elsden's petition as one of the sureties of George Pley, deceased, as follows]. Hereon said Prowse is to report what estate said Pley left and as to said Pley's other sureties. Reference Book I, pp. 228–9.
Prefixing: said Elsden's petition shewing that said Pley, as collector of Weymouth, became indebted to the King, but the King discharged same in consideration of former good services in furnishing his Majesty in naval provisions; but the Treasury Lords refuse to sign the docquet for the privy seal for the release of said Pley and his security until a naval bill (for which petitioner is no wise obliged) be satisfied and since Pley's death process has issued against petitioner, as one of the securities, and there is now in the hands of the sheriff of Dorset an extent against petitioner which has compelled him to forsake his home and retire into another county for safety, to his own disgrace and the loss of the county, there being no other Justice of Peace in 12 miles of the west part of Dorsetshire but petitioner. Therefore prays stay of process that he may return home.
Feb. 25. Money order for 655l. 5s. 6d. to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, upon account in further part (as by the privy seal of 1678–9, Mar. 19) of 58,400l. for building the hulls, masts and yards of four ships of war to complete the thirty ships as by the Act for said ships: to be issued out of the remains arising by the said Act. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 202.
Feb. 26. Treasury reference to the Ordnance Commissioners of the petition of Sir Thomas Clutterbuck: petitioner shewing that from time to time he has supplied the King's ships in the port of Leghorn with such guns and stores as they stood in need of and were by the respective commanders' warrants directed to receive, "the costs of all which was from your petitioner immediately [on] receipt discharged without any other benefit or advantage to him than his bare Commission of 5 per cent., out of which he allowed his correspondent in London 1 per cent." For reimbursement of the money so laid out he was, by agreement, to pass bills upon the Ordnance Office payable at 10 days' sight. His correspondents have always accompanied such bills with the receipts and other proofs required. But for 8 years past petitioner has met with no compliance from the Office of Ordnance so that the bills of exchange have been returned protested and have been re-drawn to his great damage. The sum, with interest and damage, now amounts to at least 2,000l. and besides petitioner has several debentures signed by the officers of Ordnance for, in all, 2,000l. 9s. 3½d. as below, some part whereof has been due ever since 1676. Prays payment of this latter sum and allowance of interest and damages [as above]. Reference Book I, pp. 227–8.
Appending: state of said Clutterbuck's debentures in the Office of Ordnance.
l. s. d.
1676–7, Jan. 31. One debenture 87 1 3
1677, May 30. " " 7 2 6
" " " " 37 10 2
" Aug. 31. " " 22 19 5
167[7]8, Feb. 22. " " 143 13 1
1678, April 26. " " 419 18 3
" July 31. " " 340 2 6
1679, Mar. 20. " " 157 4 5
" Mar. 24. " " 159 1 0
" May 31. " " 414 4 5
1680, May 31. " " 130 14 10
" June 23. " " 80 18
£2,000 10
Feb. 26. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Samuell Sheafe, setting forth his services to the King by land and sea and that he is in arrear of his pay 16l., and left a tidesman's place to serve at sea in the Dutch war. Prays to be restored to a tidewaiter's place. The said Commissioners are to take particular care to speedily restore him. Reference Book I, p. 230.
Same to the Taxes Commissioners of the petition of John Mawson, gent., shewing that at the Restoration he was appointed agent for the purveyance in co. Leicester, where he bought his goods upon credit, on which account there is 665l. owing to him; that afterwards being made Receiver of the Eighteen Months' Assessment in the hundred of Guthlaxton, co. Leicester, he was forced to use 400l. of the moneys of that assessment towards satisfying said debt. Prays stay of process against him; his father having ruined his estate in the late King's service as a Captain of Horse. Ibid, p. 231.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export, customs free, on the Arabella pink, James Manby master, of victuals for 80 men and stores (rozen, oil, brimstone, &c.) to be transported to his Majesty's ship Richmond at Barbados, said 80 men being her complement. Out Letters (Customs), V, p. 313.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners, enclosing the establishment for payment of the Victuallers of the Navy which was agreed in 1672, Mar. 26, and signed by Treasurer Clifford. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 198.
Same to Mr. Hewer for an account of what is due to complete the whole expense of the garrison of Tangier to Christmas last, and what will be due on the same from that date to May 1 next. Ibid, p. 199.
Henry Guy to Sir Richard Haddock. The Treasury Lords commiserate this poor seaman, Ralph Austin, and recommend to you the payment of his ticket for 11l. 14s. 4d. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 199.
Same to Mr. Hall to send to the Treasury Lords a particular of the estates of Robert Cresset and Roger Pope, esqrs., extended for said Cresset's debt as Receiver of the late Eighteen Months' Assessment for co. Salop. Ibid, p. 201.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer, the Clerk of the Pipe, and the Comptroller of the Pipe. It appears by the petition of Thomas Bodham, senr., of Swaffham, co. Norfolk, gent., John Hubbard, senr., of Stoke Ferry, co. Norfolk, mercer, William Jarvis of Briston, co. Norfolk, yeoman, Edward Pockover, of Fakenham, co. Norfolk, shoemaker, that being convicted as Recusants, summons of Pipe was issued in Trinity term last for levying the 20l. per month on them and thereupon Phillip Harbord, sheriff of said county, or George Kemp, his deputy, levied by distress 33l. upon Bodham, 49l. 19s. 1d. upon Hubbard, 25l. on Jarvis, 100l. on Pockover, 32l. 14s. 1d. on Howling, and also seized divers lands by extent out of the Treasurer's Remembrancers Office of Hilary term, 1679, for said Bodham's and Hubbard's convictions. It appears to us, the Treasury Lords, by certificate from Sir John Hobart, bart., Sir Peter Glean, bart., Sir William Barkham, bart., John Drury, Nicho. Martin, Augustin Briggs, and George England that the said persons are not Popish Recusants, but Protestant Dissenters. You are therefore to forthwith issue a writ of restitution to said sheriff to restore said distresses and you are to stay all further process. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, pp. 305–6.
Same to Henry Ayloff, the King's Remembrancer, to issue a Commission to the following persons to enquire of and to seize the lands and goods of Edward Coleman, William Ireland, Thomas Pickering, John Grove, Thomas White, alias Whitebread, John Fenwick, William Harcourt, alias Harrison, John Ganan, Anthony Turnor, Richard Langhorne, senr., James Corker, William Marshall, Henry Starkey, Lionel Anderson, alias Munson, and James Baker alias Hesketh, severally attainted for treason. The Commission to be returnable by next Ascension day, and to be addressed to Sir Patience Ward, kt., Lord Mayor of London, Sir Tho. Player, kt., Sir Gilbert Gerard, bart., Sir William Pultney, kt., Tho, Pilkington, Tho. Smyth, Nicho. Archibold, Tho. Hunt, Henry Harsell, Henry Asthurst, Tho. Owen, Sam. Mellish, Tho. Harriot, Edward Proby, Edmund Warcupp, Henry Crispe, Sir George Treby, kt., Recorder of London. Ibid, p. 308.
Feb. 27. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. William Claver, waiter at Weymouth, who is suspended, is in town in order to his vindication. Appoint a day for his hearing before the collector of Weymouth go out of town. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 174.
Feb. 28. Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, out of such Excise money as shall be paid into the Exchequer this week, 3,000l. to Mr. Johnson for off-reckonings [of the Forces] and 1,250l. to the Cofferer of the Household. Disposition Book II, p. 50.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners. In Dec. last 48l. 4s. 0d. was issued to the Treasurer of the Navy for Mr. Baker and Mr. Cornwallis, two volunteers. Make forth their bills and assign same for payment accordingly. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 199.
Same to Mr. Charles Pleydell. The Treasury Lords are informed of a discovery that you can make of certain lands and arrears of rent in co. Gloucester, which are concealed from the Crown. They desire you to attend them herein at Oxford at the beginning of the sitting of Parliament. In the margin: delivered to Col. Haward. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Ordnance Commissioners of the following proposals. Reference Book I, p. 228.
Prefixing: said proposals offered to the Treasury Lords. The Navy is in want of hemp and tar. The King has in the Tower a quantity of brass guns which are no way serviceable. I will deliver 10,000l. or 12,000l. worth of hemp or tar and take payment one half in ready money and the other half in the said guns at a market price, and I will deliver the hemp and tar at the price the Navy gives, although these guns must be transported, for this nation cannot vent 20 ton of broken brass guns.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of—Gilbert for a tidewaiter's place, London port. Ibid, p. 229.
Same to same of George Draper's petition for a tidewaiter's place in extraordinary London port, his father having been a great sufferer in the late wars. Ibid, p. 230.
Same to same (on a reference from the King, of the 18th inst.) of Mathew Dodsworth's petition for remission of the balance of his debt as a surety in Aug., 1672, for tobacco duties, his bond being 60l. 3s. 4d. towards which he paid 20l. in May, 1673, but, before he could pay the remainder, he fell into misfortune and was put into the King's Bench, and is in daily fear of prosecution on the said balance. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of Sir Dennis Gauden, Sir Denny Ashburnham and others, late Victuallers of the Navy, said petition having been read at the Privy Council, 1680, May 7, and recommended and referred thence to the Treasury Lords: said petitioners praying for the following allowances [on their account for said victualling], viz.: Ibid, p. 231.
l. s. d.
money deposited for Custom of wheat 2,800 0 0
interest money 3,589 9 6
advance money 1,811 13 4
money lost in the Phœnix of London 931 5 0
money paid for Mr. Benjamin Gauden's ransom 869 16 3
provisions lost in the Anne of London 847 13 4
£10,849 17 5
Followed by: a later reference dated 1681–2, Jan. 28, to the Auditors of Imprests of the report from the Navy Commissioners on said petition.
Same to Auditor Blathwaite of the petition of Richard Paine and Lewes Prescott et al., shewing that they drew up proposals relating to a considerable discovery of money and money's worth, but forbore same on finding that one Madam Danby had a reference to Mr. Blathwayte upon her pretence of a like discovery. But she has allowed same to lie a whole year, being unable to make out her pretences without the assistance of petitioners, and is now gone beyond the seas so that there is no likelihood of her further progress therein. Therefore pray that Madam Danby's petition may be dismissed, whereby petitioners may proceed to deliver their proposals. Ibid, p. 232.
Said Blathwaite is hereby to report on said petition, and on Mrs. Danby's petition touching said discovery.
Feb. 28. Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Robt. Foley, late Receiver for co. Worcester of the Royal Aid and Eleven Months' Tax. praying to be released of several sums with which he is surcharged by the head collectors, notwithstanding he has had his quietus est. Reference Book I, p. 243.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of William Goldesbrough, clerk to the Commons House in Parliament, as by the order of reference of the King in Council the 25th inst., requiring the Treasury Lords to inform themselves what was done in 1665 about removing records and papers from Westminster to Oxford. We have discoursed with petitioner, and find that there was not such occasion in 1665 to carry down so great a number of records, books and other papers as there will be now by reason of those which concern former proceedings of the House and the discovery of the plot; but that one close carriage will be sufficient to perform the service. The Board of Greencloth may be directed to provide a close carriage for this purpose Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 309.