Entry Book: March 1681, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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'Entry Book: March 1681, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp60-79 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1681, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1916), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp60-79.

"Entry Book: March 1681, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 7, 1681-1685. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1916), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol7/pp60-79.


March 1681

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Mar. 1. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease of premises as follow to Thomas Prowse of Hillersdon, in the parish of Cullompton, co. Devon, his executors and assigns for 17 years from 1694, Michaelmas, at the following rents, amounting to 11l. 15s. 0d., payable to the Receiver of co. Somerset, and fine of 20l. Ibid, pp. 309–14.
Prefixing: (a) particular and memorandum dated Feb. 24, made out by Auditor Anthony Parsons, of the premises, viz., a tenement in Maudlin Street, Taunton [Somerset] late in the tenure of Robert Withers, 10s. per an.; ditto in the Old Street there in the tenure of Magdalen Fisher, 10s. per an.; a cottage in Church Lane there late in the tenure of William Hobbos, 4s. 4d. per an. (all late parcel of the late chantry of St. Mary Magdalen in Taunton): a burgage in East Street, Taunton, late in the tenure of Roger Ide, 20s. per an.; a burgage ibid. late in the tenure of Philip Arthur, 18s. per an. (both late parcel of the late chantry of the name of Jesus in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton): a burgago ibid. 3s. 4d. per an., late in the tenure of Anthony Lamberd, formerly pertaining to the chantry of Holy Trinity, Taunton; two chambers in Fore Street ibid. formerly in the tenure of Richard Billings, formerly pertaining to the chantry called Swinges chantry, ibid. 9s. 4d. per an.; a burgage situate in North Street late in the tenure of Richard Wharton, 8s. per an.; a burgage late in the tenure of Robert Sheldon, 20s. per an.; a burgage late in the tenure of Richard Marshall, 13s. 4d. per an.; a burgage late in the tenure of John Martin and afterwards of Robert Heathfield, 17s. per an.; (the preceding four in North Street and formerly parcel of the fraternity of the High Cross in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen, Taunton): a burgage in Silver Street, ibid. late in the tenure of William Denis, 10s. per an.; a burgage, ibid. late in the tenure of Robert Marlett, 10s. per an.; a burgage, ibid. late in the tenure of Robert Bingent, 8s. per an.; a burgage in Pole Street, ibid. late in the tenure of William Hooper, 10s. per an.; a burgage, ibid. late in the tenure of Robert Brown, 10s. per an.; a burgage, ibid. late in the tenure of John Nomys, 8s. per an.; a burgage late in the tenure of Roger Bedman or John Eyre, 12s. per an. (the above seven formerly parcel of the fraternity of the Holy Sepulchre in the parish of St. Mary Magdalen in Taunton): a tenement near the Easter gate, ibid. late in the tenure of _ Mount and afterwards of John Pope, and formerly parcel of the chantry of the name of Jesus in the abovesaid parish, 6s. 8d. per an.; a burgage in Taunton, late in the tenure of Ralph Williams, 10s. per an.; a burgage, ibid. late in the tenure of John Wethercock, 5s. per an.; a burgage or tenement, ibid. late in the tenure of John Workman, 6s. 8d. per an. (the above four parcel of the late chantry of St. Andrew in above-said parish): lands in Langford Badfeild, alias Budville, late in the tenure of Thom. Thorne, 1s. 4d. per an.; lands in Halselake and a half yard late in the tenure of Edward Richards, 4s. per an. (both formerly parcel of the late chantry of the Holy Mary in Milverton, co. Somerset): all as granted 1664, April 18, to John Prowse.
(b) ratal dated Feb. 28, by John Fisher [Deputy Surveyor General of Crown Lands] of said particular. The lessee to defend the King's title and to recover such parts thereof as are concealed.
(c) Entry dated March 7, of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of this lease.
Mar. 1. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to take from John Thorp, Michael Wicks and Phillip Marsh, the three Receivers of Customs inwards, London port, all customs bonds in their hands or which shall be taken by them up to May 1 next, and to deliver same to Charles Duncombe in satisfaction of tallies which he will deliver in lieu thereof; paying him at the same time the calculated discount on said bonds. Out Letters (Customs) V, pp. 318–9.
Henry Guy to Mr. Prettiman to attend the Treasury Lords to shew cause why you do not send in your pleas to the Auditor. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 199.
Same to Mr. Knapton. My Lords are informed that, under pretence of taking fuel for the King's house at Lindhurst, you cut and take away great quantities of wood to the prejudice of the forest. You are henceforth forbidden to take or cut any fuel wood within said forest on said pretence. Ibid.
Same to the Board of Greencloth. I have shewn your letter of yesterday to my Lords. Send to them the method and calculation of that suspension in which his Majesty gave you order when he was last with you at the Treasury Chambers, [so] that my Lords may present the same to his Majesty for his approbation and obtain an Order of Council for your putting in execution what he shall agree to herein. Ibid, p. 200.
Mar. 1. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of such Excise money as shall this week be paid into the Exchequer) 2,000l. to Mr. Johnson for offreckonings [of the Forces], and 1,500l. to the Cofferer of the Household. Disposition Book II, p. 51.
Same to same to issue to Mr. Neale 600l. out of the Tenths after the satisfaction of those payments charged on the Tenths prior to said Neale's warrant. Ibid.
Money warrant for 10,000l. to Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, as imprest for payment of the bills and wages due to his Majesty's servants payable in his Office [of the Treasury of the Chamber] as in part of the privy seal of 1671, Dec. 18, for 50,000l. to the said Treasurer, on which privy seal orders have been already drawn for 34,264l. 10s. 3d. (Money order dated Mar. 2 hereon.) Money Book II, p. 344, Order Book XXXVIII. p. 202.
Same for 3,000l. to Sir John Kirke, Receiver and Paymaster of the Board of Gentlemen Pensioners, for half a year to 1680, June 24, for the wages and board-wages of the Captain, Lieut., Standard-bearer, Clerk of the Cheque, Harbinger, and 40 Gentlemen Pensioners of said Band, according to the sign manual and privy signet of 1670–1, Mar. 17, for reducing the said Band: to be paid out of the moneys of the First Fruits and Tenths. (Money order dated Mar. 2 hereon.) Money Book II, p. 345. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 202.
Treasury warrant to Francis Dickens, woodward of New Forest, co. Southants, to apply the money which will arise by the sale of browsewood cut in said forest within the year ended Sept. 29 last, towards the payment of the 300l. allowed by the Treasury Lords for the said year's wages for the keepers [of said forest]. If same fall short of said 300l. the shortage is to be made up by digging up and selling moares and roots of trees formerly felled and levelling the ground. Money Book II, p. 345.
Mar. 1.
altered to
June 20.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for declaring William Chiffinch's account of the French moneys. See infra, under date 1681, June 29. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 125–33.
Mar. 2. On this day Mr. Blathwayt's report touching the Four and a Half per cent. duty was read [to the Treasury Lords at the Treasury Chambers]. Said report, dated 1680–1, Feb. 18, is as follows: In my report of Dec. 8 last I informed your Lordships I had received from Col. Strode tallies for 9,048l. 2s. 1d. on account of the three last years of the Barbados farm of said duty, so that [the account for] same was ready to be passed, but that the Farmers desired further defalcations. The matter remains in this state. Please appoint a time for examining and passing that accompt as also for declaring the accompt for the first four years of the farm, which has been stated as by the privy seal of 1677–8, Mar. 19. As for the Leeward Isles, Col. Strode's account for the first seven years [farm of] said duty will be ready as soon as Sir Geo. Downing and the merchants (who, after several meetings, have resolved to offer considerable abatements upon the defalcations demanded) sign their report. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, pp. 65–9.
On Dec. 8 last I laid before you the proposal of Richard Pain and Lewis Prescot offering a discovery of divers estates and moneys in the West Indies if Mrs. Danby's petition, relative to the like discovery, be dismissed. The pretensions of either party should be closely examined or the grant may be used to the vexation of the people and detriment of the King in those discoveries which (at least many of them) are at present under a regular scrutiny by his Majesty's orders transmitted to those parts. If petitioners' pretensions be so strictly examined it may produce discoveries which may be for his Majesty's service. I have received from Mr. Guy letters as follow sent from Sir Henry Morgan (Nov. 12, in reply to which I desire your instructions for a letter to quicken him in the execution of his Majesty's commands "whereby it will appear that your Lordship continue your resolution to exact a strict compliance with the methods prescribed for the carrying on this service"); and from Sir William Stapleton (Nov. 26, for reply to which I propose the like draft). I have also received a like letter of acknowledgment from Sir Jonathan Atkins, Governor of Barbados, dated Oct. 26 of his receipt of my commission. I have also notice from a correspondent in Barbados that an interloping ship from Guinea, valued at near 5,000l., has been seized there. If condemned the moiety thereof belongs to the King by the charter of the Africa Company. We have as yet no acknowledgment from Virginia of the receipt [of the copy of my Commission] and of his Majesty's orders touching the revenue there and particularly touching the quit rents granted to the Earl of Arlington, Lord Colepeper and others. Lord Colepeper has been some time in town without offering to the [Privy] Council or to your Lordships concerning the same. This matter is for your consideration. Col. Norwood, who for many years was receiver thereof [Virginia quit rents] by a grant dated 2 Car. II. should produce a copy of his grant, and of the acquittance from the patentees which he mentions in a letter. As to the reference of the 12th inst. of Sir C. Wheeler's accompts concerning muskets, etc., shewing 2,333l. 13s. 8d. due to him from the King thereon, I cannot state said account without a report upon it from Sir William Stapleton. I pray Wheeler's petition and account may be sent thither for information.
I annex a state of the Four and a Half per cent. duty, drawn from the informations given me by the Farmers. It requires to be considered whether tallies formerly struck upon the first farm of [said duty] in the Caribbee Islands be preferable, without Treasury warrant in that behalf, to tallies struck on the present farm, as there yet remains an arrear due to the King upon the first farms [of said duty] in Barbados and the Leeward Islands, which [arrear] may discharge those tallies or some of them.
Prefixing: (a) Sir H. Morgan to Mr. Blathwayt, dated Port Royal, 1680, Nov. 12, acknowledging receipt of intimation of Blathwayt's appointment as Auditor of the Plantations, and of the accompanying King's letter and Treasury letter directed to the Earl of Carlisle, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, p. 597, which [I opened], having power from his Excellency to do so. I called a Council hereupon and charged the Secretary to enrol same. My congratulations to yourself. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, p. 63.
(b) The like letter of acknowledgment from Sir H. Morgan to the Treasury Lords, dated ut supra. By the first opportunity I will send the accounts required. I have reminded the receiver and the surveyor of their duties. Out Letters (Plantations Auditor) I, p. 62.
(c) The like letter of acknowledgment from Sir William Stapleton to said Blathwayt, dated Nevis, 1680, Oct. 22. Your abovesaid Commission and letters were delivered to me this day week by Capt. Haywood, commander of the Norwich. They are on record. Ibid, p. 65.
(d) The like letter of acknowledgment from said Stapleton to the Treasury Lords, dated Nevis, 1680, Oct. 26, in reply to the Treasury letter of July 5 last, ut supra, ibid. p. 599. The accounts cannot be transmitted so easily as you require, little or no care having been taken therein hitherto, some parties accountable being dead and insolvent, the islands or members of this Government not being entire but dispersed, and several alterations being made in the several particular Governments. I beg payment of my arrears in Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment to be paid to Capt. William Freeman and Mr. Patrick Trant. It has been often ordered by his Majesty and as often stated. The arrears of the garrison of St. Christopher is likewise unpaid. Please to consider that we are daily in sight of the French soldiers upon that island who are well paid and accounted, and that I am commanded to keep his Majesty's two companies in as good clothes as the Forces at home, which I cannot do without money. All the Acts of the Islands are among the Council of Plantations' papers, those that relate to any revenue are but two in all, that of the Four and a Half [per cent. duty] which is perpetual, and that of the impost of liquors which falls every year if not renewed, except in Antigua, where there is an Act for one pound of sugar per acre and the Act for impost without limitation. Ibid, pp. 63–4.
Mar. 2. Henry Guy to Mr. Blathwayt. Send my Lords your opinion on the enclosed letter [missing]. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 200.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay (out of such Customs money as shall this week be paid into the Exchequer) 1,500l. to Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe on their order of Jan. 4 last as in repayment of so much by them lent and the interest and reward thereon. Disposition Book II, p. 50.
Royal sign manual to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for securing on the Customs the loan of 40,000l. which Thomas Duck, esq., did, Dec. 22 last, propose and agree to lend to the King at 6 per cent. per an. interest; of which sum he has already paid in 25,000l. and is willing to pay in the remaining 15,000l. It is therefore by this intended privy seal ordered that said Duck be repaid out of the Customs by tally the said 25,000l. already lent and the 15,000l. as the same or any part thereof shall be lent and before any tallies that shall hereafter be levied or stricken on the same. Further the Treasury Lords are to pay him half yearly the 6 per cent. per an. interest thereon without account. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 105–7.
Mar. 2. Royal sign manual for 500l. to Henry Guy, for secret service without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of Nov. 6 last. (Money warrant dated Mar. 5 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 5 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 108. Money Book II, p. 345. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 203.
Same for 577l. to same for same: to be issued on same. (Two [? duplicate] money warrants dated Mar. 5 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 7 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 108. Money Book II, pp. 347, 348. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 203.
Same for 95l. 4s. 2d. to William Williams, clerk, as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated Mar. 5 hereon: 85l. 6s. 8d. thereof to be satisfied by tallies on Guy, bishop of Chichester, Collector of Tenths in that diocese, for arrears of Tenths due to the King for the vicarage of Rye in said diocese, and the remaining 9l. 17s. 6d. out of any unappropriated money in the Exchequer. Money order dated Mar. 7 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 112. Money Book II, p. 347. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 203.
Mar. 3. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of FitsGerald, alias Villiers, esq., desiring an additional clause in the grant and confirmation of lands in Ireland, pursuant to the royal letter of Aug. 21 last to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. In all cases concerning grants of land, revenue or treasure there it is usual that the report of the Lord Lieutenant thereon be first received. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 315.
Henry Guy to Mr. Parry. Report to my Lords on the enclosed letter (missing). Out Letters (General) VI, p. 200.
Same to Sir Nathaniel Johnson, Mr. Trant and [Mr.] Bradshaw to pay into the Exchequer to-morrow without fail 6,500l. according to your promise, the same being disposed of to such uses as will not admit of any delay. Ibid, p. 201.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Chancellor. Alderman Breedon and the rest of the Old Farmers of the revenue of Ireland desire to be heard again upon their demands for defalcations. As you were present at the last hearing at the Treasury Chambers in July, Aug., and Sept., 1677, appoint a time when you can attend us herein. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to demand duty for only 71/5 pipes on the nine casks of Malaga wine lately imported by _ Pym in the ship Maratina, Thomas Morley master, from Malaga, the casks being a fifth less in gauge than the butts usually imported from Malaga. Out Letters (Customs) V, p. 314.
Mar. 4. Henry Guy to the Ordnance Commissioners. Certify my Lords what the useless and broken brass guns belonging to your Office may be worth per ton, to be sold. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 200.
Same to Auditor Bridges for a constat of the debt due from Dr. Nicholson, deceased, late bishop of Gloucester, for [the Tenths of his diocese for] 1669 and 1670. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. The Treasury Lords have been directed in Council to cause an enquiry to be made in the ports and creeks which lie towards Holland what arms have been lately imported for those parts. Inquire carefully and give my Lords a speedy account and for the future direct your officers to be watchful what stores of that kind may from time to time be imported, and give my Lords notice thereof accordingly. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 201.
Royal sign manual for 250l. to Henry Guy for secret service without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of Nov. 6 last. (Money warrant dated Mar. 7 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 8 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 113. Money Book II, p. 349. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 203.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to contain an indenture between the King and John Genew of London, esq., for the grant to said Genew (for consideration as below) of the item of surplus of the Hearthmoney, as under the covenants of the farm of the present Collectors or Farmers of the Hearthmoney as follows. By indenture dated 1678, Dec. 9, the King constituted Antho. Rowe, Nathl. Johnson, Cornwall Bradshaw, Robert Nott, and Tho. Duck to be collectors, receivers and officers of said revenue for five years from 1679, Mar. 25, on terms and covenants, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. V, p. 1151. By the present indenture the King grants and assigns to said Genew the item of surplus as provided and covenanted for in the said indenture of farm, that is to say all the moneys which shall, during the term of five years from 1679, Mar. 25, arise from the Hearthmoney over and above the 162,000l. per an. rent and the 26,000l. per an. allowance and all other allowances to said Rowe and partners, as by the abovesaid indenture of farm to said Rowe et al. To which end the King hereby grants to said Genew all the covenants in said indenture with Rowe, et al. which any way concern the said item of surplus of the Hearthmoney with power to sue the said Farmers thereon, and with promise of grant of such further powers as said Genew shall desire for the discovery and recovery of said surplus, and with a clause of quiet enjoyment. On his side said Genew hereby covenants to pay into the Exchequer 6,000l. on April 25 next; 1,600l. on 1682, April 25; 4,000l. on 1683, April 25; 4,000l. on 1684, April 25; and 2,000l. on 1685, April 25. If the receipts of the Hearthmoney be lessened by infection or fire, or the Hearthmoney duties be hereafter taken away by Parliament, then the King hereby covenants that Genew shall have such recompense or abatement out of the payments agreed to be made by him as above (except out of the 6,000l. being the first of his said payments) as the Treasury Lords shall allow, and full power is hereby given them to make such allowance. Further if it shall happen that the Hearthmoney revenue be by any means so lessened that there shall be no such surplusage during the said term then the said Genew's payments are thenceforth to cease and determine, and he shall have such allowance and recompence therefor as the Treasury Lords shall allow and declare and shall be paid out of the Exchequer as in consideration of such loss of benefit: but with power to the Crown to recover such parts and portions of the said surplusage for which such allowance or defalcation shall be made. With liberty to said Genew to see and peruse all books of accounts, surveys, schedules, etc., made or to be made by the said Farmers of said duty. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 114–24.
Mar. 4. Royal letter to the Governor of New Jersey concerning the Order in Council of Feb. 16 last, supra, pp. 52–3. relating to bonds for ships entering to the Plantations. Take care that the Plantation duties as by 25 Car. II. be duly collected on all ships lading enumerated commodities and not giving bond to land same in England, Wales and Berwick, and no other place. We also mind you of our former letter of 1675, Dec. 1, concerning the due observance of the Act of Trade of 15 Car. II. You are to take care that no European goods be landed in your Government, but what are first taken and laden in England, except as therein excepted; and that all other matters in the said Act of Trade and in the Navigation Act of 12 Car. II. and the Act of 25 Car. II. for the Plantation trade be duly observed: and that you charge all officers under you to assist the Customs officers to that end. (The like letter severally to the Governor respectively of Virginia. Maryland. Barbados. Bermudas, New York, Carolina and Jamaica.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 134.
The like letter to the Governor of the Leeward Islands, but with the addition of the following paragraph. We are well informed that the Plantation laws have been worse observed in the islands under your command and especially in Antigua than in any other of our colonies. You are to take more care for the future. Nor is it sufficient that you do give these matters in charge to your deputies and other officers under you; but we do expect that these frauds and abuses be by your prudence and vigilance for the future effectually remedied and prevented in all the islands under your Government. Ibid, p. 135.
Mar. 5. Henry Guy to the Navy Board. In reply to yours of Feb. 7 last, my Lords desire you to forthwith pay out of the weekly money of the Navy 400l. part of 1,400l. for which you have accepted a bill of Exchequer [sic for exchange] drawn on you by Admiral Herbert for so much taken up by him for the service of his Majesty's ships under him in the Mediterranean and payable to Mr. Richards: and you are to satisfy the party concerned that my Lords will certainly provide the remaining 1,000l. Out Letters (Customs) V, p. 201.
Same to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue out of Customs moneys 9,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy for three weeks to Feb. 5 last on the weekly money of the Navy. Disposition Book II. p 51.
Same [to same] to issue 500l. to me [Guy] for secret service: out of Customs moneys now remaining in the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 52.
[?] Same [to same] to pay as follows the 12,000l. which will this week be paid into the Exchequer upon account of the Excise surplus for the year ending June 24 next, viz.:
to the Treasurer of the Navy 7,000
" " of the Ordnance 3,000
to me [Guy] for secret service 1,500
to the Keeper of the Privy Purse for Healing Medals 500
Mar. 5. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 30l. 10s. 0d. to Robert Hall for half a year to 1680, Lady day, on his salary as customer of Chichester port. Money Book II, p. 346.
Money warrant (in duplicate) for 5,000l. to Henry Guy for secret service without account: being for half a year to Christmas last on the 10,000l. per an. which the King has signified his pleasure shall be paid from Midsummer last on the privy seal of 1679, June 30, for 20,000l. per an. to said Guy for secret service for three years from 1678, Christmas: the full 20,000l. per an. having been paid thereon up to Midsummer last. Together with a dormant warrant clause for 2,500l. quarterly during the remainder of the said term of three years: to be issued out of moneys of the Excise. (Money order dated Mar. 7 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 346, 348. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 203.
Same for 35l. to Sir James Long, bart., for seven years to 1680, June 24, on the perpetuity of 5l. per an. payable at the Receipt to the heirs of Sir Robert Long, kt.: the said perpetuity having been paid to 1673, June 24, and no further: together with dormant warrant clause for payment of said perpetuity as it falls due in future. Money Book II, p. 350.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland. We have lately received from the Earl of Ranelagh an account sent to him by his deputy, Sir John Champante. Said account states the Farmers of the Revenue of Ireland to be 57,584l. 10s. 0d. in arrear on their rent due Dec. 31 last, and that as they have days of grace till Jan. 31 last for 20,000l. of their rent their arrear will be 97,584l. 10s. 0d. if they have made no payments since Dec. Hereon we wrote to Sir James Shaen to know the truth. He replied that if there be any arrear of rent it is not for want of effects to satisfy same, but is occasioned partly by some orders made and proceedings thereupon whereby the collectors have been encouraged to detain their receipts in their own hands or else to let it run in arrear on the country; and partly by the delay of the Deputy Vice-Treasurer in making out assignments upon them for the pay of the Civil and Military lists so far as might and would have been done [or satisfied] by their collectors in the places remote from Dublin. Shaen also complained of the great mistrust, inconvenience and prejudice they, the said Farmers, lie under whereby (contrary to their covenants) they are debarred from the management of their own cash, which has caused them great loss and damage, and exposed them to great scorn and contempt, and they consider themselves entitled to defalcation therefor. So far as they have been really obstructed in getting in their arrears, these excuses seem plausible. But the King is very apprehensive that under colour of such excuses he may incur a great prejudice. For if not true the Farmers would seem to be unable to pay their rent and if true the Farmers may be seeking for defalcations rather than to pay their rent. The King therefore commands that if any such orders have been given contrary to the Farmers' grant, same be forthwith recalled and that warrants be forthwith issued for paying the military list up to Dec. 25 last, either for full pay or by way of imprest where it cannot be immediately done otherwise; and that debentures be forthwith given by the Auditor General for what remained due to that time to the Civil list and list of pensions; and that forthwith, upon the receipt of such warrants and debentures, the Deputy Vice-Treasurer send his notes or orders to the Farmers to issue assignments for satisfaction thereof without considering or examining whether there be so much rent or no due from them as will pay the same; and also that the Farmers give assignments to you for so much money as will complete the fortifying of Kinsale [up] to 20,000l.; and if there be no present use for so much for that service it may be immediately applied for buying stores of arms and ammunition: "all which Sir James Shaen, at our desire, hath assured us his partners will assign on their collectors to be paid by them out of the first part of the revenue and arrears which is or shall come to their hands (except the allowance for the ordinary settled charge of management and 8,000l. to defray extraordinary obligations under which they lie, neither of which allowances are to be reckoned to diminish or postpone the payment of the monthly rent of 20,000l.) and confidently affirms the whole will be paid off before the first day of May next." And for the satisfaction of his Majesty Shaen has promised that except 16,000l. more to pay off Mr. Rider and others to whom they stand obliged, which to prevent their ruin they will be necessitated to assign to their collectors to be paid after the [above] said payments out of the surplus of the revenue above their rent of 20,000l. per month, they would consent that some responsible person be appointed Treasurer to them to receive, and keep accounts of, the produce of their farm until the accounts of the present farmers be stated to the 20th inst. and until the abovesaid assignments be paid. The King commands these particulars to be put in execution before the 20th inst. and the Deputy Vice-Treasurer and the Farmers are to make up their respective accounts to that date. The Deputy Vice-Treasurer is to make up two distinct accounts, one to contain all moneys by him received of the Farmers for their advance money and rent or otherwise out of their farm, and to contain also (as money received), all notes, assignments and orders by him made and given to the Farmers to the 20th inst. for payment of the civil, military and pension lists or for any other person or use. The other account is to contain all other money by him received of any other person upon any other account from 1675, Christmas. In the Farmers' account they are to charge themselves with the 60,000l. advance money and 20,000l. lent money and with all the rent due before the [last] date of such account according to the monthly days of reservation and not according to the days of grace. All these accounts are to be delivered to the Auditor General before the 24th inst.; and he is immediately to give you and us an abstract thereof: and the Commissioners of Accounts or the Barons of the Exchequer are to call over the vouchers by the paper books and give you and us a true state thereof. The Deputy Vice-Treasurer is also to give you and us the state of the arrears of pay due to the military, civil and pension lists to the 31st inst. after all the warrants and debentures for pay thereof to Dec. 25 last are satisfied. Till all this be transacted, Sir James Shaen has promised that meanwhile and until all such notes, orders and assignments for pay of those lists to Dec. 25 last and the other payments above be fully satisfied, they will not receive into their own hands any part of the revenue except the abovesaid 8,000l. and the usual and settled charge of management; but that what money they collect or receive shall be paid to the assignees in the places where collected, or else delivered to Thomas Taylor (whom the Farmers by the King's approbation have nominated to be their Treasurer, a person of whose integrity and capacity we have good assurance) to be by him disposed of in the first place for paying the assignments and in the next place for paying 16,000l. to the Farmers for satisfaction of Mr. Ryder, et al., the King being willing that they should receive that sum for that purpose after satisfaction of the said assignments and after satisfaction of all rent due from them to the 20th inst., the said sum being to be no part of their monthly rent. "But it is not hereby intended that the suspension of the moneys which have been appointed to be stopped out of the list of pensions or any other sums ordered to be disposed of for arms, ammunition, etc., should be taken off, but that assignments be made for the issuing and payment of those sums to such other uses and persons for which the same were designed when the stop was made; which are likewise to be satisfied and paid before the Farmers' assignments for the above-mentioned 16,000l." The contents hereof are to be managed with as much secrecy as possible, each person concerned being acquainted with only what relates to him. If this letter be delayed in passage so that the matter cannot be perfected by the 20th inst., yet all warrants, orders and proceedings hereon are to bear date that day and be despatched as soon after as possible. Out Letters (Ireland) II, pp. 101–5.
Mar. 5. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Hender Mountstephens to be made surveyor of [the Pill at] Bristol if Mr. Carew (Cary), present surveyor, be dismissed; the Treasury Lords having ordered petitioner's removal to the first vacant more advantageous employment. Reference Book I, 232–3.
Like reference on the petition of Tho. White, gent, for the said place.
Like reference on the petition of Tho. Miller for said place now voyd, the Treasury I ords having ordered him to be presented in commiseration of his distressed condition and losses.
The like reference dated March 8 of Richard Griffith's petition [for said place].
Mar. 7. Henry Guy to Mr. Brisbane. The business of the Customs in Rochester port needs a small vessel. The collector says that the London yacht now in the yard at Deptford, and at present of no use to the Navy, will be very fitting for this service. Move the Admiralty Lords to have said yacht assigned to the service of said port. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 202.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to apply as follows the 7,000l. which the Treasury Lords have provided to be forthwith issued to the Treasurer of the Navy, viz.: Ibid, p. 203.
to pay the men belonging to the James 500
[ditto to the men of the] Albemarle 200
to pay for materials or stores such as are most necessary to be employed in the yards 2,000
to complete the bill of exchange of 1,400l. drawn by Admiral Herbert 1,000
for Sheerness 300
to pay off and discharge the supernumerary workmen 3,000
Mar. 7. [Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the] docquet of a demise by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Abraham Fothergill of divers lands, etc., in the parish of Witham Friary and elsewhere, co. Somerset, parcel of the lands of Joseph Prickman, junr., of London, merchant, outlaw. Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 314.
Money order for 50l. to the Treasurer of the Hospital of King Charles I. at Westminster as royal bounty for one year to Christmas last, for the keeping and bringing up of poor fatherless children. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 203.
Henry Guy to the Master of the Great Wardrobe to apply as follows the 2,461l. 16s. 0d. which has been directed to be paid to you forthwith, viz., 800l. to the ordinary [of the Great Wardrobe], 700l. for the extraordinary [of ditto], 561l. for the Pages of the Bedchamber, 400l. for the Stable equipage for a coach and chair for his Majesty. Disposition Book II, p. 51.
Same to Mr. Griffin [of the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office] to apply as follows the 3,146l. 1s. 7d. which has been directed to be forthwith paid you, viz.: 200l. to Mr. Randu: 260l. to the [King's] footmen; 127l. 15s. 0d. to the Grooms of the Chamber to the King; 36l. 10s. 0d. to the Grooms of the Chamber to the Queen; 83l. 6s. 8d. to the Gentlemen Ushers to the King; 24l. to the Quarter Waiters to the King; 25l. to the Messengers to the Queen; 83l. 6s. 8d. to the Gentlemen Ushers to the Queen; 21l. to the Quarter Waiters to the Queen; 523l. 15s. 0d. to the Messengers to the King; 1,387l. 10s. 0d. to the Guard of his Majesty's body: and to reserve the remainder of 373l. 18s. 0d. for the Treasury Lords' further direction. (Entry struck through.) Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the shipment, Customs free (as requested by the Navy Commissioners the 3rd inst.), of a further proportion of victuals to be sent to the King's ship Richmond at Barbados, being for 80 men for four months: said victuals to be sent in the Experiment, Jon. Fallett master, now lying at the Redhouse at Deptford. Money Book II, p. 349. Out Letters (Customs) V, p. 314.
Mar. 8. Henry Guy to Mr. Cordall. Of the two years' liveries which the Treasury Lords have ordered to be paid to the Pages of the King's Bedchamber, one year is to be paid to Mr. Griffin's executors, and the other year to Mr. Edward Hewton, one of the present Pages. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 204.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign to the Victuallers bills of imprest to the amount of 20,000l. by 4,000l. a month, the Treasury Lords having resolved that the Navy Treasurer shall receive 4,000l. a month at the Exchequer for five months from forthwith for said purpose. The residue of the Victuallers' bills already made forth or to be made forth upon this year's declarations or the remainder of the last [year's] you are to assign for payment on the Navy's 1,000l. per week, which is to be continued for that [Victualling] purpose. Ibid.
Mar. 8. Henry Guy to Mr. Kerwood. You are to pay into the Exchequer by Saturday the 2,000l. in your hands of the moneys of the assessments, and the whole account is to be forthwith prepared and presented to the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 204.
Same to Sir Robert Sawyer, forwarding the following proposal of George Dashwood and partners. Hereon (after perusal of the present lease of the Excise, the sub-farm of the Excise of Wales and of four Northern Counties and the privy seal which passed for determining the farm on a year's notice) you are to prepare the draft of an indenture between the King and them to contain all the particulars of the said proposal in the nature of a collateral agreement. This draft is afterwards to be the substance of your own warrant [the royal warrant to you] for preparing the bill [for the great seal]. Ibid, pp. 205–6.
Appending: said proposals dated London, Feb. 26, from said Dashwood and partners [present Farmers of Excise], they being desirous to manage the Excise for the remaining two years of their present lease. If the notice of the determination of their farm as from June 24 next be counter-manded and their farm made absolute, they will (1) procure the present sub-farmers of Wales and the four Northern Counties to give 6,000l. to the King without account over and above their rent. (2) Further from June 24 next the Farmers will remit to the King his covenant for allowing them interest for the running cash by them paid towards their rent. (3) From June 24 next they will pay their rent by 7,000l. a week for 13 weeks in each quarter for the remaining two years over and above the deductions and detainers to be made and allowed by their present covenants; but they crave an allowance of six per cent, for such of the said weekly sums as they shall pay within the first six weeks after June 24 next for that in that time they shall receive little of the Excise. (4) From June 24 next they will pay the further sum of 1,000l. weekly in each of the said 13 weeks in every quarter on account of the surplus of the Excise, for which [payments] they crave six per cent. interest from the times of payment to the time when said surplus ought to be paid under the present covenants. (5) The remainder of the rents and surplus they will pay according to their present covenants. (6) They pray some security for repayment of the money to be thus by them advanced on the account of the surplus; and that the said surplus be not in the meantime anticipated or charged by any tallies otherwise. (7) As on Mar. 25 next [inst.] there will remain due to the King on the present first year's rent of the present farm of Excise only 70,588l. they will pay weekly from Mar. 19 next [inst.] 5,800l. on account of rent and 2,200l. on account of this year's surplus to complete 8,000l. per week, for which [? 2,200l.] they desire interest for such time as [same is paid before the time] they ought to pay it by their covenants. (8) If at the end of the farm their payments exceed the product of the Excise, they are to have security or continue in the farm till they be [re]paid.
Mar. 8. The Treasury Lords to the Earl of Danby. Send us a copy of the minutes of 1675, Dec. 3, relating to the Earl of Ranelagh's undertaking [for the pay of the military list, &c., Ireland] as we are now considering the accounts of said Earl and his partners [therein]. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 206.
Henry Guy to the Excise Commissioners. The Treasury Lords have ordered the Excise Farmers to pay you forthwith 12,000l. on account of the surplus of the Excise ended June 24 last. You are to pay same into the Exchequer as soon as received. Ibid, p. 207.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 200l. to Seth, bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of the Garter, for 1680, Sept. 29 quarter, for the support of the honour of that Order; only 800l. per an. having been of late years paid by agreement as in lieu of the annuity or yearly pension of 1,200l. granted for such support. Money Book 11, p. 350.
Same to George Dashwood and partners, managers [and Farmers] of Excise to forthwith pay 12,000l. to the Excise Commissioners in further part of the surplus of the Excise ("the sum which was adjusted to be paid by you" for the produce of the Excise) for the year ended June 24 last. Ibid.
Money warrant for the following for half a year on their respective fees or salaries as falconers, viz.: 32l. 10s. 0d. to Geo. Russell, serjeant of the hawks, and 45l. 12s. 6d. as falconer; 25l. to Marmaduke Conway as falconer, and 15l. as spaniel keeper; 25l. 1s. 10¾d. each to Arthur Wichells, William Sakins, Andrew Holmes, John Silvester, and Silvanus Rowley; 25l. each to John Preston, John Legge, William Poulton, James Russell and Peter Croles, 22l. each to John Potter, Richd. Edes, Abell Daniell, Thomas Dechamp, and Thomas Duffield; 24l. 18s. 4d. to Geo. Russell, junr.; 19l. 0s. 2¾d. to William Russell and 15l. 19s. 4¾d. to John Osboldston: (total, 538l. 9s. 11¼d.). Ibid, p. 351.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Charles Fytche's petition for a place in the Customs, he having been Comptroller's clerk at Woolwich till that office was dissolved. Reference Book I, p. 234.
Treasury warrant to same to give James Cottle a commission to seize uncustomed and prohibited goods in co. Cornwall. Out Letters (Customs) V, p. 315.
Same to same to employ John Done as waiter at Neston loco John Knolls, deceased. Ibid, pp. 315, 316, 317.
George Webster, as a noon tender, London port.
William Bindles, as waiter and searcher at Whitehaven loco Evan Christian, deceased.
John Stevens as boatman at Wivenhoe loco Henry Langley, deceased.
Phillip Gross (Grosse) as tidesman at Plymouth loco Charles Bowden, deceased.
William Cramblington as waiter and searcher at Sunderland loco Michael Belly, deceased.
John Watson as boatman at Newcastle and Mathew Young his mate loco Michael Gray and his mate. (In the margin: cancelled 1682, Sept. 4.)
Mar. 8. Instructions from the Treasury to the Customs Commissioners in reply to the latter's memorial of the 28th ult. You are to dismiss Tannet, the collector of Poole, suspended on suspicion of being accessory to the rescue of a very great parcel of linen which was lodged in his house. (2) We approve your dismission of Francis Hill, a tidesman of Weymouth port, and you are to dismiss Robert Randall, the other tidesman there; but you are to be favourable to Charles Cogan, a landwaiter, ibid, as his complicity does not appear so plainly and he is well recommended by the gentry for his honesty. (3) You are to add 10s. per an. to the salary of the officer at Uphill to keep a horse and to reside. Out Letters (Customs) V, pp. 315–6.
Treasury warrant to Henry Ayliffe, the King's Remembrancer to forbear or stay process till next Trinity term against William Ellesdon, surety of George Pley, late collector of Weymouth. (The like warrant dated Mar. 12 for William Harding, another of said Pley's sureties.) Warrants not Relating to Money VIII, p. 315.
Mar. 9. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners, forwarding the following [letter from Mr. Blathwait relating to a] project of a treaty of peace [sic for commerce] with Sweden, and a book of the negotiations at Nimuegen, "wherein you will find the treaty between the King of Sweden and the Dutch, p. 671." Consider the same according to the instructions in Mr. Blathwait's said letter and attend the Committee for Trade with your observations and opinion thereon on Saturday morning next. Return the book to Mr. Blathwaite. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 207.
Appending: said letter from William Blathwaite [to the Treasury Lords] dated Council Chamber, 1680–1, Mar. 8. Having prepared a project of a treaty of commerce with Sweden, the Lords of the Committee for Trade desire same (together with the Treaty of Commerce lately concluded between Sweden and the Dutch, which is thought very advantageous to the Dutch) to be perused by the Customs Commissioners in case anything occur to them for the further benefit of the trade and navigation of England in relation to Sweden.
Dormant privy seal for 10,000l. to be issued in such proportions, to such persons and for such uses as the King shall from time to time direct by warrant under his sign manual. (Royal warrant dated Mar. 2 to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 109.
Privy seal for 2,000l. to Edward. Earl of Conway, one of the Principal Secretaries of State, for secret service without account. (Royal warrant dated Mar. 2, to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal. Money warrant dated Mar. 12 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 14 hereon.) Ibid, p. 109. Money Book II, p. 354. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 205.
Same for 3,000l. to Sir Leoline Jenkins, one of the Principal Secretaries of State, for secret service without account. (Royal warrant dated Mar. 2 to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal. Money warrant dated Mar. 12 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 14 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 110. Money Book II, p. 353. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 205.
Mar. 9. Privy seal for 1,850l. per an. each to Sir Leoline Jenkins and Edward, Earl of Conway, as salary and in lieu of pensions as Principal Secretaries of State. This privy seal is to rescind the privy seal of 1680, May 12, which granted the like salary to said Jenkins and the Earl of Sunderland; the said Earl of Conway having been constituted in place of said Earl of Sunderland. The payment by the present privy seal is to commence from Christmas last and to be made out of the Customs and the first quarterly payment to be made at Lady day next. (Royal warrant dated Mar. 2 to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal. Dormant Treasury warrant dated Mar. 12 to the Customs Cashier to pay said salaries quarterly from time to time as above.) King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 111–2. Money Book II, p. 354.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 200,000l. to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, as imprest for the Navy and Victualling. (Money warrant dated Mar. 23 hereon. This money warrant quotes the privy seal as dated Mar. 10. Money order dated Mar. 24 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 136. Money Book III, p. 12. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 206.
Mar. 10. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the order of the King in Council of Feb. 16 last, which referred to the Treasury Lords the petition of Sam. Clerke praying for the renewal for two months longer of the licence for the importation of gum seneca, which licence expired in November last, there being at present so great a want and scarcity that several trades are thereby greatly prejudiced. Reference Book I, pp. 234–5.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to give full power and authority to Thomas Chiffinch (son of Thomas Chiffinch, lately deceased) both before and after attaining the age of 21 years, to nominate (with the approbation of the Treasury Lords) a deputy to execute the office of one of the two searchers at Gravesend granted to said Chiffinch, junr., by the great seal of 1677, Aug. 28. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 136.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for passing and allowing to Richard Kent in any account to be by him rendered as Receiver and Cashier of the Customs, the sum of 3,850l. paid by him into the King's immediate hands for the King's particular and especial use and service. Ibid, p. 137.
Same to same for a same for orders to be drawn for 1,500l. to Edmund Warcupp, and for issues to be made up to that total upon such orders of such moneys as shall be paid into the Exchequer out of the forfeitures, rents, issues or profits of the estates, goods and chattels of Jesuits and Popish priests and lands settled for Popish or superstitious uses. To be received by said Warcup without account. All by reason that "at the first breaking forth of the Popish plot lately discovered to be contrived and carried on against our royal person and the Government of this our realm, we directed our trusty and well beloved Edmund Warcup, esq., then and still one of our Justices of the Peace, to apply himself to the detection and prosecution of the offenders therein and are fully satisfied that the said Warcupp hath been at great pains and charge in that service." Ibid.
Mar. 10. Royal sign manual for 200l. to Henry Guy for secret service without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of the 9th inst. (Money warrant dated Mar. 12 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 12 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 138. Money Book II, p. 352. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 205.
Same for 1,500l. to same for same: to be issued on same. (Money warrant dated Mar. 10 hereon. Money order dated Mar. 11 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 138. Money Book II, p. 351. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 204.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as shall this week be paid into the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book II, p. 53.
to Mr. Johnson for offreckonings of the Forces 2,000
to the Cofferer of the Household 1,000
to me [Guy] in part of 5,000l. upon the 20,000l. per an. for secret service 200
more to me [Guy] for secret service 200
to Sir Stephen Fox for secret service, being intended for the Earl of Sussex 200
to same, ditto, for the Earl of Lichfield 200
to Mris. Eleanor Gwynne 250
to Richard Topham for the Duchess of Cleveland's children 300
Same [to same] to issue to me [Guy] for secret service the 250l. which will be paid into the Exchequer by Samuel Bedford, Receiver of the fines and forfeitures of Popish Recusants in cos. Oxford, &c. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt, forwarding four papers, being the account of Lord Colepeper, Governor of Virginia, and other papers relating thereto. Lord Colepeper will send you the original vouchers. From all these you are to prepare a state of said account for the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 208.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 12l. 10s. 0d. to Mris. Eleanor Mather for one quarter on her pension of 50l. per an. Ibid, p. 215.
Same to the Navy Treasurer to continue the payment of 1,000l. a week to the Victuallers for one year from Jan. 1 last out of the [Navy's] weekly money; and, out of money to be directed by the Treasury Lords for that purpose to further pay same 4,000l. a month for 5 months commencing from Feb. last. Ibid, p. 208.
Same to Mr. Stratford to attend Sir Robert Sawyer, the Attorney General, at his chamber in the Temple to-morrow, for settling the discharge of the orders between Sir Robt. Viner and yourself; so that the Attorney General may present to the Treasury Lords some method for finishing that matter. Ibid.
Same to Sir Gilbert Talbot conveying the Treasury Lords' assent to the Lord Chamberlain's warrant for 1,000oz. of plate to the Earl of Conway, a Principal Secretary of State. It is to be delivered out of the remains of the 26,000oz. directed to be sold, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. VI, pp. 681–2, 692. Ibid, p. 209.
Mar. 10. Henry Guy to the Excise Managers or Farmers to pay 12,000l. to the Excise Commissioners to-morrow without fail on account of the Excise surplus: so that same may be paid into the Exchequer and disposed of on Saturday. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 209.
Same to the Ordnance Commissioners forwarding a copy of a memorial forwarded to the Treasury Lords by Mr. Jo. Creed from the Commissioners for the Affairs of Tangier. You are to provide the several Ordnance things therein in such proportion and quality as the memorial imports. The Treasury Lords will provide money for same as soon as possible. (The like letter to Mr. Montague to similarly provide the item of cloth.) Ibid, pp. 209–10.
Appending: Copy of an order of the Commissioners for the Affairs of Tangier, dated Whitehall. 1680–1. Feb. 25. By the articles of peace made with the present Emperor of Morocco there is to be yearly delivered to him 200 barrels of guns unstocked, 200 Barbary locks, 120 barrels of powder and 100 pieces of cloth. The estimated charge hereof is 2,272l. 10s. 0d. The Treasury Lords are hereby desired to cause a moiety hereof to be seasonably forwarded and sent to Tangier to be delivered to the Emperor: the barrels and locks to be of the dimensions and sorts already sent to the Ordnance Commissioners.
Same to the Customs Commissioners forwarding the Treasury letter sent to the Navy Commissioners to deliver the Little London to the Customs Commissioners for service in the port of Rochester. The persons appointed to receive her must give an indent for her and her furniture. Ibid, p. 210.
Same to same to present George Day for the first vacancy of an undersearcher, landcarriageman or coastwaiter London port; he being certified as extremely well qualified. Ibid, pp. 210–11.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to prepare an answer to the enclosed [missing] for the Treasury Lords. Ibid, p. 211.
Same to Edward Griffin [of the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office] to apply as follows the 3,146l. 1s. 7d. which the Treasury Lords have directed to be paid to you, viz. Ibid.
l. s. d.
Mr. Randue 200 0 0
clerk of the closet 4 0 0
[King's musicians]: violins 202 2 6
[King's] trumpeters 115 0 0
officers of the wardrobe 185 8 4
officers of the Jewel House 39 14 7
yeoman usher of the House of Peers 27 7 6
apothecary to the Household 11 2 6
[King's] clockmaker 9 2 6
three Gentlemen Ushers to the King 50 0 0
ditto to the Queen 50 0 0
four [Gentlemen Usher] Quarter Waiters to the King 12 0 0
four [Gentlemen Usher] Quarter Waiters to the Queen 12 0 0
four Grooms of the Chamber to the King 36 10 0
ditto to the Queen 36 10 0
cofferbearers 13 13 9
waiters on their Majesties' beds 20 0 0
waiters on their Majesties' robes 10 0 0
marshall farriers 77 10 0
twenty footmen 200 0 0
groom porter men 12 10 0
yeomen hangers to their Majesties 67 10 0
yeomen ushers to their Majesties 37 18 1
yeomen of the bows and guns 4 11 3
10 messengers to the King 124 14
messengers to the Queen 25 0 0
pond keeper 7 10 0
guard of his Majesty's body 1,387 10 0
falconers 90 18
remainder, to be reserved for the Treasury Lords' disposal 76 7 6
£3,146 1 7
[? Mar. 10] The Treasury Lords to the Lord Privy Seal. In reply to yours of the 10th inst. we have always fairly and plainly acquainted you that it was not possible for us in the streight condition of his Majesty's affairs to pay any part of that freehold annuity you mention, which we doubt not you have a very just pretence to. Therefore among your other claims you needed not have added this while you yourself cannot but notice the increasing difficulties upon his Majesty. The other allowances [to you] as Lord Privy Seal we reckon to be due, one part of them, viz., 4l. a day for half a year, the other of 20s. a day for one quarter only, for till Lady day be past we cannot reckon another quarter due. We acknowledge that payment to have been usually made to you when the Judges received theirs, and [this] had not been altered but at your own most earnest request about a twelvemonth ago to have half a year paid you at once when there was but one term due to the Judges. Having complied with you herein you have been ever since out of that list, and instead of paying you constantly with the Judges every quarter we have not designed to provide for you but every other quarter: and now it falls out that the Judges themselves are unpaid that other quarter which makes you to be behind this half year. We design to provide for it with the first payment to the Judges, and if done before Easter term this will leave you but a quarter in arrear. This very payment is so singular an effect of the King's bounty to you that while there is not one great officer of the household whose diet money is not retrenched and now totally suspended your diet money is so well paid that you are but one half year in arrear. We have no prejudice against you and would not proceed unfairly towards you. We endeavour to do our duty with more regard to our Master's honour. Out Letters (General) VI pp. 212–3.
Mar. 10. Treasury warrant to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to the Marquess of Winchester the following rents, viz.: Warrants not Relating Money VIII, pp. 324–5.
per an.
l. s. d.
the fee farm rent issuing out of Bainbridge Park 68 7 1
a ditto issuing out of the toll of Boroughbridge 2 0 0
a ditto issuing out of the wapentake of Hallikeld 0 4 0
a ditto issuing out of the manor of Bradcroft 4 5 0
the same (at eight years' purchase, or 598l. 15s. 4d.) being agreed to be accepted by said Marquess as in lieu and full satisfaction of the fee farm rents of 25l. 10s. 5½d. (at 16 years' purchase and seven years' arrears, or 599l. 15s. 9¼d.) [granted him but previously] granted to Mr. Bland by lease, viz., 3l. 6s. 4d. per an. and 22l. 4s. 1½d. per an. quit rents parcel of the manor of the chapter court of Beverley: so that said purchaser is willing to lose 1l. 0s. 5¼d.