Entry Book: December 1680, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: December 1680, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp760-774 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1680, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp760-774.

"Entry Book: December 1680, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp760-774.


December 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 11. Same to same to issue to the use of the Privy Purse (notwithstanding the Treasury Lords' order of Aug. 16 last) the money that now is or hereafter shall come into the Exchequer from the King's part of seizures or forfeited goods. Disposition Book II, p. 35.
Same to same to reserve in the Exchequer, awaiting the Treasury Lords' directions, the 250l. which Mr. Collins, one of the sureties of Sir William Doyley, late Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Surrey, will forthwith pay into the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 36.
Dec. 11. Money warrant for 600l. to John Thompson, gent., in satisfaction of his pains and charges for near five years in soliciting the levying and bringing into the Receipt of the assessments on London, Middlesex and Westminster, as by the privy seal of Aug. 6 last. ut supra, p. 656: to be paid out of the rent of the late Farmers of the Hearthmoney, ut ibid.(Money order dated Dec. 15 hereon.) Money Book, p. 289. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 184.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Tho. Robins for a watchman's or tidesman's place, London port. Reference Book I, p. 176.
Same to same of the petition of the five under-searchers of London port concerning Francis Smithwick's petition and pretences of a grant of an undersearcher's place, and the order of Council thereon made. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of William Barrett for a tidesman's place in London port, he having been bred a merchant and traded to Virginia, but now reduced to poverty. Ibid.
Same to same of William Norris's petition for leave to resign his watchman's place, London port to John Taunton, his very good friend. Ibid, p. 177.
Same to same of the petition of Clement Dowle (constituted searcher of Gloucester port, 15 Car. II) for leave to surrender said place to his son Job Dowle. Ibid.
Same to same of Robert Clerke's petition for a tidesman in ordinary's place, having been a supernumerary tidesman some considerable time. Ibid.
Same to same of William Hodgson's petition for a tidewaiter's place in extraordinary, his previous reference having yet received no effect. Ibid, p. 178.
[?] Henry Guy to Sir Thos. Littleton and partners [in the late Victualling of the Navy]. Send your [Victualling] accounts forthwith to the Auditors of Imprests to the end the state and several particulars thereof may be laid before the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 138
Dec. 11. Same to Mr. Astry. Certify my Lords forthwith what money is in your hands of fines and forfeitures. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign for payment out of the Navy weekly money the 32l. 11s. 0d. to Ann Lannaway and the 19l. 6s. 3d. to Charles Dallison as in the enclosed papers [missing]. Ibid.
Same to same to similarly assign for payment the 50l. and 30l. for two medals given eight months since to Capt. Dover and Capt. Roberts: as by the enclosed papers [missing]. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Attorney General of the petition of Capt. John Baynes for 110l. 2s. 6d. by him expended in his late [sic, erratum for present] Majesty's service as one of the King's evidences against Lady Tempest and others for being concerned in the horrid and damnable Popish plot. Certify us what services petitioner has done. Ibid, p. 139.
Appending: order of reference from the Privy Council dated Nov. 12 to the Treasury Lords of said petition.
Dec. 11. Henry Guy to Francis Smethwicke. The Treasury Lords have referred your petition to the Customs Commissioners. Attend them to make out your pretences of right. Out Letters (General) VI. p. 139.
Same to [the Excise] Auditor Birch to make up the interest account of Sir Jon. James and his partners by their daily receipts and payments from the time they were constituted Cashiers of Excise till the time they went out of that receipt. Ibid, p. 140.
Dec. 13. Same to the Customs Commissioners. Peruse the enclosed [missing], by which Sir Denis Gauden desires to export a quantity of victuals free to Tangier. Inform my Lords whether the Victuallers of Tangier have usually exported these provisions free to that place, and whether pursuant to order of Council or on what other ground. Ibid.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners to forthwith pay into the Exchequer all such money as is now in your hands of the Wine Licence revenue. (Sent by Mr. Smyton.) Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to peruse the laws relating to the Tenths and First Fruits, and to give my Lords your opinion as soon as possible whether (in case it be thought fit to let those revenues to farm) the collection of the Tenths can be lawfully disposed into other hands than those of the bishops, and whether the First Fruits can be farmed without removing Mr. Prettiman, the Remembrancer, or whether another person may be appointed to execute his office. (Sent by Mr. Smyton.) Ibid, p. 141.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to certify my Lords how much the First Fruits and Tenths severally produced annually for seven years preceding 1640, and how much for the seven years now last past, distinguishing the receipts in money from those by tallies of pro or assignment. (Sent by Mr. Smyton.) (The like letter to the Auditors of Imprests.) Ibid.
Same to William Hewer to pay 10s. each to the 30 soldiers discharged from the service of Tangier who are mentioned in the petition now in your hands. "and to take order that they do not make any applications for more money until our Lady day next." Ibid, p. 142.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Stephen Jackson's petition for the collector's place at Berwick, now yoid by the death of Elias Pratt: petitioner and his father having been eminently instrumental in the Restoration. (The like reference on John Greene's petition for said place. The Treasury Lords recommend petitioner for this place.) Reference Book I, pp. 177–8.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Thomas [the son] and Elizabeth [the widow of Thomas] Johnson. Said petition sets forth that said Thomas Johnson during the late troubles purchased the manor and late disparked park of Liskeard and several woods, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, and being Major to Monck's Regiment of Horse, a Coldstreamer who providentially secured Berwick, and very instrumental in the Restoration, the said park and woods, being the demesnes of said manor, were leased to him, as also the rents and profits of said manor, which said rents and profits, not being grantable by lease, were confirmed to him by special command of the King and by orders of 1660, Dec. 8 and Dec. 15 from the Commissioners for [enquiring into] Sales of Crown and Church Lands, and these orders were confirmed by the King by his commission under the great seal, by virtue whereof, and of the warrant of the Lords Commissioners [of the Treasury] of 1668, May 20, and of the late Treasurer Danby's warrant of 1675, July 8, petitioners have always enjoyed the rents and profits of the said manor of Liskeard until 1680, July, when the Treasury Lords directed a suspension of all payments out of the Duchy of Cornwall without further warrant from the said Lords; since which petitioners have been deprived of said rents and profits: that Major Johnson in his lifetime laid out much money, and petitioners are daily expending more upon the lands and moors of said park by draining and making flood-gates, bridges and watercourses to float them, new planting and enclosing, etc., and in maintaining the King's right to a wood called Dobbleboys wood by a long Exchequer suit for his Majesty's future benefit: and in asserting the King's right and privilege in another lawsuit now threatened by the vicar of their parish to have tithes in kind contrary to an ancient custom "which we hope to prove for his Majesty's benefit." Therefore pray a confirmation of Treasurer Danby's warrant of 1675, July 8, for their continuance and enjoyment of the rents and profits of said manor or otherwise to be considered in a sum of money for the same. Ibid, pp. 178b–9.
Dec. 13. Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Jno. Arscott, esq., setting forth that his predecessors for several descents have always stood possessed of the tenement with the appurtenances called Horslade alias Hoggslade in the manor of Bradford in the parish of Clawton, co. Devon, late parcel of the possessions of the priory of Launceston and annexed to the Duchy of Cornwall, and that petitioner enjoys same at present under a grant of 3 Car. I, for 99 years terminable on the lives of John, William and Ann Arscott, children of Edmund Arscott of Tredcott, of which three lives only Ann now survives. Therefore prays a fresh estate on surrender for three lives, he having lately laid out great sums in manuring and improving the premises. Reference Book I, pp. 179–80.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,200l. to the Master of the Great Wardrobe out of the 4,000l. lent into the Exchequer by Mr. Bridges on the 8th inst. (Same to the said Master of the Great Wardrobe to apply 400l. thereof for the new service of the stables.) Disposition Book II, p. 36.
Same to same to reserve in Exchequer for the Treasury Lords' directions what money shall be paid in there of the Wine Licence revenue. Ibid.
Money order for 240l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward: with a letter of direction of same date for said sum to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 180.
Dec. 13. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, the equipage of Monsieur Lente, Envoy Extraordinary from the King of Denmark. Out Letters (Customs), p. 292.
Appending: schedule of said equipage signed Beyer and dated Dec. 11 (including four horses, two coaches, a cabinet containing his secrets, etc.)
Same to same to observe an order of the King in Council as follows. Ibid, p. 293.
Appending: said order dated Nov. 26 continuing for one whole year from said date the order of 1679, Nov. 12, which granted the liberty of exporting iron guns or ordnance on payment of only 5s. per ton duty: it having been represented to the King in Council that such ordnance would be more frequently exported to the advancement of the manufacture in this kingdom if the Customs were not so great.
Same to same to permit the import, Customs free, of the household goods of Francis Parry, late Envoy in the Court of Portugal: (the books only excepted, and any French goods as under the Poll Act). Ibid, p. 294.
Appending: schedule of said goods (including eight chests of books, 10 cases of china and Estremas ware, eight cases of pictures, etc.): and certificate by said Parry that all said china and pictures "are wholly and solely for my own use."
Henry Guy to the Farmers of the revenue, Ireland, forwarding to them a letter from an officer of the Customs "complaining that you exact in Ireland 2½d. per lb. for tobacco that comes from England when 1½d. was the rate taken by the old Farmers [your predecessors], and that you encourage those that discharge in Ireland contrary to the Act of Navigation." The Treasury Lords desire you to return an answer immediately to said letter, and particularly upon what grounds you take more for tobacco than was formerly taken. Out Letters (Ireland), p. 95.
Money warrant for 1,050l. to Dr. John Taylor for secret service without account, being for three quarters to Michaelmas last on the 1,400l. per an. to him [for the Duchess of Portsmouth] as by the privy seal of 1676, June 30. To be paid out of the moneys in the Exchequer from the revenue of the Duchy of Cornwall. (Money order dated Dec. 14 hereon.) Money Book p. 288. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 182.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 200l. to Seth, Bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, for last June 24 quarter on the 800l. per an. (which of late years has only been paid of the annuity or yearly pension of 1,200l. per an.) for the support of the honour of that Order. Money Book, p. 288.
Same to same to pay 50l. to Margaret Brewer, relict of Edward Brewer for one year to 1676, Sept. 29, on his fee as late one of the customers of the great Customs, London port. Ibid.
Same to same to pay 26l. to Elizabeth, widow of Edward Agberow for half a year to last Lady day on his salary as late one of the King's waiters, London port: it being certified by Ralph Fenton, rector of Ludlow, and John Sharrett, churchwarden there, that said Agberow "dyed and was buried the 27th day of March, 1680." Ibid.
Dec. 13. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 13l. each to the 19 King's waiters, London port for last Michaelmas quarter on their salaries. Money Book, p. 288.
Dec. 14. Henry Guy to the Ordnance Commissioners forwarding copies of several affidavits against Sir George Wharton. You are to cause said Wharton to send to the Treasury Lords on Thursday next a direct and particular answer in writing to the several charges therein, the answer which he has already given in being so general that my Lords judge it utterly insufficient. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 142.
Same to Auditor Parsons to send to my Lords the state of Mr. Veale's accompt as Receiver for co. Gloucester of the Royal and Additional Aid "with his reasons why the same is not prepared for declaration." Ibid.
Treasury reference to Mr. Grahme of the petition of Dame Anne Arrundell to the King for a grant of Sir John Arrundell "her husband's estate during his non-conformity under the rent of 20l. per month, payable half-yearly"; said petition being referred to the Treasury Lords by the King and having been the 10th inst. referred to Mr. Randall, Receiver of Recusants' Forfeitures for Devon, Cornwall, etc. It is now referred to said Grahme together with said Randall's estimate of said Sir John's estate in Devon and Dorset. Ibid.
Letter of direction on the 250l. remainder unpaid of an order dated 1671, July 14, for 450l. to Isaac Legouch in satisfaction of a jewel given by the King to the Envoy from Portugal (ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books III, p. 907): said 250l. to be hereby satisfied out of the money of the Queen's portion now in the Exchequer. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 181.
Appending: (a) letter of direction dated 1679, May 30, for 200l. hereon: (b) the Auditor of the Receipt's request hereon to Mr. Fillingham and Mr. Deering, deputies to the Teller, Sir William Doyly, to pay said 200l.: (c) recordatur dated 1679, June 2, of payment of said 200l.: (d) assignment dated 1671, July 15, by said Legouch of all his interest in the abovesaid order to Thomas Thynne, esq.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords (Lawrence Hyde, Sir Jno. Ernle, kt., Sir Edward Dering, bart., Sidney Godolphin, and Sir Stephen Fox, kt.), for last Michaelmas quarter on their salaries. (Money order dated Dec. 15 hereon.) Money Book, p. 290. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 182.
Same for 25l. to Elizabeth Martin, widow, for last Sept. 29 quarter on her annuity or pension of 100l. as by the privy seal of July 28 last. (Money order dated Dec. 18 hereon for 20l. [sic, erratum for 25l.] "upon her petition.") Money Book, p. 291. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 186.
Same for 50l. to Rebecca, daughter of William, late Lord Chandos, for last Lady day quarter on her pension of 200l. per an. Money Book, p. 291.
Dec. 14. Money warrant for 60l. to Anne Golding, widow, for half a year to June 24 last on her annuity or pension of 120l. Money Book, p. 292.
Same for 75l. to Mris. Honora Harding for 1674, Lady day quarter on her annuity or pension of 300l. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to Isabella Bointon, widow, for 1678, June 24 quarter on her annuity or pension of 200l. Ibid.
Same for 400l. to Henry Fredericke Thynne and James Thynne for two years to 1679, June 24 on the fee or salary of 200l. per an. to them as [jointly] Keeper of his Majesty's Library. Ibid.
Same for 30l. to Ursula Elliot, widow, for half a year to Sept. 29 last on her annuity or pension of 60l. Ibid, p. 293.
Same for 50l. to Mris. Justina Vandike, now Lady Stepney, for 1674, Christmas quarter on her annuity or pension of 200l. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to Dame Bridget Saunderson for 1679, June 24 quarter on her annuity or pension of 200l. Ibid.
Same for 150l. to Anne, Countess Dowager of Newburgh, for 1679, Sept. 29 quarter on her annuity or pension of 600l. Ibid, p. 294.
Same for 125l. to Dame Ruth Trevor for 1676, Christmas quarter on her annuity or pension of 500l. Ibid.
Same for 62l. 10s. 0d. each to Elizabeth and Anne, daughters of Sir John Lawson, kt, deceased, for 1673, Christmas quarter on their annuity or pension of 250l. each. Ibid.
Same for 25l. each to Mary Nevill and Sophia Nevill for half a year to June 24 last on their respective annuities or pensions of 50l. each. (Money order dated Dec. 20 hereon). Ibid, p. 304. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 187.
Dec. 15. Money order for 1,055l. 6s. 5½d. to Robert Packer, Usher of the Receipt of the Exchequer for paper, parchment, books, bags, ink and other necessaries delivered to the officers of the said Receipt and for diet and fees of the said Usher for the terms of Michaelmas and Hilary, 1678, being 1678, June 20 to 1678–9, Feb. 12, and also for necessaries delivered from 1678–9, Feb. 12 to 1679, March 25 to the late Treasurer Danby. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 183.
Royal sign manual for 580l. to Henry Guy for secret service: without account: to be out of the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of Nov. 6 last. (Money warrant dated Dec. 20 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 69, 70. Money Book, p. 304.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal dormant for the payment to Robert Ryves of 6 per cent. per an. interest (to be made principal at the end of every six months) and 2 per cent. per an. reward (to be made principal in like manner) on such moneys as he has advanced or hereafter shall advance for the King's service and as are yet not repaid. King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 68.
Dec. 16. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Stephen Bunce for the vacant place of waiter and searcher in Deal port. Reference Book I, p. 181.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe's loans in the Exchequer) 48l. 4s. 0d. to the Treasurer of the Navy, "which is intended for Mr. Cornwallis and Mr. Baker. two volunteers" Disposition Book II, p. 36
Same to same to issue as follows out of the [remains of the] Queen's [Portugal] portion now remaining in the Exchequer: viz. 250l. to Sir Thos. Thynne [for] principal; 400l. to Henry Thynne; 350l. to Mr. Armstrong; 200l. to Col. Rumsey; 840l. to Sir Robt. Southwell; 200l. to Mr. Poley; 580l. to me [Henry Guy] for secret service; 612l. 2s. 3d. to Mr. Blathwaite, etc.; 25l. to Eliz. Martin, widow; 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords; 50l. to Lady Sanderson; 50l. to Mris. Mary and Sophia Nevill; 30l. to Mris. Ursula Elliot; 50l. to Mris. Isabella Bointon; 50l. to Mris. Rebecca Bridges; 150l. to the Countess of Newburgh; 75l. to Mris. Honora Harding; 60l. to Mris. Ann Goulding; 125l. to Lady Trevor; 125l. to Mris. Eliz. and Ann Lawsons; 50l. to Lady Stepny; 75l. to Mris. Sophia Stuart; 125l. to Lady Jane Howard; 100l. to Geo. Feilding; 250l. to the Countess of Portland; 25l. to Nicholas Estoll; 100l. to William Levet; 20l. to Robt. Bertie; 25l. to Nicho. Gibbon; 50l. to Francis Mansell; 125l. to Lord Lucas; 50l. to Edward Progers; 50l. to Jno. Dryden; 75l. to Visct. Falkland; 125l. to Edward Griffin; 500l. to Geo. Dunstan, esq.; 30l. to Lodowicke Bray. (Total, 7,997l. 2s. 3d.) Ibid, p. 37.
Same to same to issue 600l. to Mr. Thompson out of the 2,800l. which the old Farmers of the Hearthmoney will speedily pay into the Exchequer to balance their account of that farm; you are to reserve the remaining 2,200l. in the Exchequer for the Treasury Lords' directions. Ibid, p. 38.
Same to same to issue as follows the 250l. which is or speedily will be paid into the Exchequer by Mr. Collins, one of the sureties of Sir William Doyly, late Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Surrey. viz.: Ibid.
to Mr. Poultney, Page of Honour 90
to Mr. Killigrew, Page of Honour 90
to Mr. Oglethorpe, Page of Honour 60
Same to the Customs Commissioners to give the Treasury Lords notice of the next vacancy in the tidesmen, London port before presenting any one for same. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 143.
Same to Col. Birch [Auditor of Excise] to peruse the enclosed accounts [wanting] of the Excise Farmers, and to report your opinion thereon to my Lords. Ibid.
Same to the seven Auditors of the Exchequer. In case any Receiver General of the Monthly Assessments shall offer to set any supers upon collectors or otherwise in abatement of his charge, you are to forbear allowing same upon declaring his accounts until you acquaint my Lords therewith or receive their directions thereon. (Sent by Tyre [Teare] )Ibid.
Dec. 16. Henry Guy to Mr. Trant. I am to keep Lord Dunbarton's warrant till you call for it. The money is ready and you may have it on Saturday morning. (Sent by Mr. Smyton.) Out Letters (General) VI, p. 143.
Money warrant for 125l. to Dame Joane Howard, relict of Thomas, Lord Howard of Escrick for 1679, Christmas quarter on her annuity or pension of 500l. Money Book, p. 295.
Treasury warrant to Sir Anthony St. Leger, Warden of the Mint, to pay 10l. to William Tayleur for 1679, Christmas quarter's salary as assistant to the Weigher and Teller of the Mint; same having been payable by the [Mint] establishment some short time before said Tayleur's patent as such assistant. Ibid.
Money warrant for 250l. to Frances, Countess of Portland, for 1679, June 24 quarter on her annuity or pension of 1,000l. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 25l. to Tymothy Thornbury for half a year to Lady day last on his salary as collector of the duty on leather, etc., London port. Ibid, p. 296. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 182.
Money warrant for 20l. to Robert Bertie for half a year to Lady day last on his annuity or pension of 40l. for the life of Mris. Mary Cock. Money Book, p. 296.
Same for 75l. to Anthony, Visct. Falkland for 1678, June 24 quarter on his annuity or pension of 300l. Ibid, p. 297.
Same for 30l. to Lodowick Bray for three quarters to June 24 last on his annuity or pension of 40l. Ibid.
Same for 125l. to Edward Griffin for 1678, Michaelmas quarter on his annuity of 500l. (Money order dated Dec. 20 hereon.) Ibid, p. 297. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 191.
Same for 100l. to Sutton Oglethorpe for half a year to 1679, June 24 on his fee of 200l. as Master of his Majesty's Studs. Money Book, p. 297.
Same for 100l. to George Feilding for half a year to June 24 last on his annuity of 200l. (Money order dated Dec. 17 hereon.) Ibid, p. 298. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 185.
Same for 25l. to Dr. Nicholas Gibbon for 1679, Christmas quarter on his annuity or pension of 100l. Money Book, p. 298.
Same for 50l. to Edward Progers for 1678, Christmas quarter on his annuity or pension of 200l. Ibid.
Same for 90l. each to Tho. Pulteney and Robert Killegrew for three quarters to 1679, Christmas on their annuity or pension of 120l. each as Pages of Honour to the King. Ibid, pp. 298, 302.
Same for 125l. to Charles, Lord Lucas, for 1679, June 24 quarter on his annuity or pension of 500l. Ibid, p. 299.
Same for 50l. to John Dryden, Poet Laureat, for 1678, Christmas quarter on his annuity or pension of 200l. Ibid.
Same for 75l. to Mris. Sophia Stewart for 1671, Sept. 29 quarter on her annuity of 300l. Ibid, p. 300.
Dec. 16. Money warrant for 50l. to Francis Mansell, gent., for 1679, June 24 quarter on his annuity or pension of 200l. Money Book, p. 300.
Same for 25l. to Nicholas Estoll for half a year to 1680, Sept. 29 on his annuity or pension of 50l. for discovering a plot against the King's person, etc. (Money order dated Dec. 20 hereon.) Ibid, p. 303. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 190.
Same for 56l. to Arthur Fussell, Receiver General for co. Dorset of part of the Seventeen Months' tax, the Poll and the Eighteen Months' tax, as a reward for his pains therein and in settling the accounts between the country [county] and the deputies of Mr. Twiss, the former Receiver General of the Seventeen Months' tax. (Money order dated 1680–1, Jan. 7 hereon.) Money Book, p. 303. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 195.
Same for 100l. to William Levett, gent., for half a year to 1670, Lady day on his annuity or pension of 200l. Money Book, p. 302.
Same for 298l. 17s. 6d. to William Blathwayte for last Lady day quarter for the salaries and incidents for the persons attending the Committee of the Privy Council for Trade and Foreign Plantations: being 100l. to Fr. Gwyn, Clerk of the Council attending; 62l. 10s. 0d. to said Blathwaite for constant attendance therein and 25l. to same for two clerks; 9l. 2s. 6d. to the Underkeeper of the Records of the Council for furnishing pens, ink and paper at the Board and for attendance; 18l. 5s. 0d. to B. Coling and N. Cox, Keepers of the Council Chamber, for attendance and for supplying fire and candle; 12l. 10s. 0d. for salary to a messenger and his assistant; 15l. for rent for the Office rooms in Scotland Yard; 5l. for a servant to look to the Office and woman to clean it; 12l. 10s. 0d. to an extraordinary clerk by order of the Committee; 11l. for stationery ware and binding of books; 10l. for fire, candle, postage, bills of rate and price current, etc.; 18l. for Exchequer fees upon receipt of this account: all as allowed March 27 last by six Lords of the said Committee, and as in accordance with the privy seal of 1679, July 30, authorising such payments. (Money order dated Dec. 17 hereon.) Ibid, p. 306. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 185.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to respite process against Francis Hollingshead as surety for his uncle Ralph Hollingshead, late Receiver General of the last Eighteen Months' Assessment for co. Chester: it being certified by the Agents for Taxes that he is sick and not likely to live if thrown into prison for the said Ralph's debt. This respite is not to extend to his estate, and you are to take care that all others liable for said debt be prosecuted according to law. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 271.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the East India Company to export 200 barrels of gunpowder, Customs free, for Bantam: as by the royal sign manual of the 13th inst. directing said gunpowder to be delivered out of the Ordnance to said Company, to be sent as a present from the King to the Sultan of Bantam. Out Letters (Customs), p. 295.
[?] Same to same to employ Robert Mason (at present landwaiter at Hull) as tidesurveyor at Hull loco Mr. Harrison, lately deceased; Robert Northan (at present waiter and searcher at York) as landwaiter at Hull loco said Mason, and Robert Sanderson as waiter and searcher at York loco said Northan, as proposed in said Commissioners' report of the 10th inst. on Phillip Howard's petition praying for said tidesurveyor's post at Hull to be given to said Sanderson. Ibid.
Dec. 18. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. Report to the Treasury Lords on the enclosed order of Council touching a cessation from planting tobacco in Virginia and the papers herewith sent [all wanting]. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 144.
Same to Mr. Perry and Mr. Buckley. Come to Mr. Lowndes at the Treasury Chamber next Monday about the draft of a privy seal for allowances to be made in your account [as late Farmers of the Hearthmoney]. (The like notice to Mr. Shales.) Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of Valentine Morley's petition for a tidesman's place in ordinary, having been a tidesman extraordinary for six years. Reference Book I, p. 181.
Same to same of the East India Company's petition for permission to ship, by bill of store, on board the New London and Persian Merchant, now bound for Bantam, 200 small brass guns or Rantackers weighing in all about 11 tons, being English manufacture. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General of the petition of Robert Williamson shewing that his brother, Sir Thomas Williamson, obtained from the Queen a lease of the demesnes of the manor of Newark and other lands and hereditaments in co. Notts and of Shimpling Park, co. Suffolk, the King covenanting to make such further assurance as counsel should advise. Petitioner purchased his brother's interest in the premises, but is advised that by reason of some defects in the grant he may suffer prejudice. Therefore prays a new grant. Ibid, p. 182.
Appending: (a) note of reference dated Whitehall, Nov. 10 from the King to the Treasury Lords of said petition;
(b) note of later reference dated 1680–1, Feb 21 [from the Treasury Lords] to Mr. Marryot to report the state of the Queen's title to the premises;
(c) note of a later reference dated 1680–1, Feb. 28 from the Treasury Lords to the Attorney General of the fitness of such new grant.
Same to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Sir Henry Thompson, shewing that he has a house called Clifford's Tower in York which the King makes use of for a magazine and keeps a Company of Foot therein; therefore prays the Treasury Lords to buy same or pay a yearly rent for it, and also for some recompence for the time past. The Surveyor General is hereon to report petitioner's title and the value of the premises. Ibid, p. 183. Money Book, p. 301.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,800l. to Edward Griffin, esq., Treasurer of the Chamber, out of the 4,000l. lent into the Exchequer the 8th inst. by Mr. Bridges. Disposition Book II, p. 38.
Dec. 18. Money warrant for 500l. to Peregrine Bertie, Charles Bertie and Charles Osborne [for the Countess of Plymouth] for half a year to Sept. 29 last on the annuity of 1,000l. to them (as by the patent of 1678–9, March 20 and privy seal of 1679, July 31) for uses mentioned in certain indentures tripartite dated 1678, Aug. 29 relating to a marriage between Charles, late Earl of Plymouth and his Countess. Money Book, p. 301.
The like for 750l. to same [for same] for last Michaelmas quarter on the annuity of 3,000l. payable to them by the like patent and privy seal and for uses as in the like indentures tripartite. Ibid.
Same for 1,500l. to Sir John Kirke for 1679, Christmas quarter for the wages and board wages of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners (the Capt., Lieut., Standard Bearer, Clerk of the Cheque, Harbinger, and 40 Gentlemen pensioners). Ibid, p. 302.
Dec. 20. Royal sign manual for 200l. to Col. Edward Sackvile as royal bounty: without account: to be issued on the 10 000l. privy seal dormant of Dec. 6 last. (Money warrant dated Dec. 20 hereon. Money order dated Dec. 23 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII. p. 72. Money Book, p. 308. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 191.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor and the Receiver of the Duchy of Cornwall to pay 243l. 6s. 8d. to Sir Barnard de Gomme for one year to Sept. 29 last on his fee, wages and allowance of 13s. 4d. a day as Chief and Principal Engineer of all his Majesty's garrisons, castles and fortifications: with dormant clause for the like payment for the future. Money Book, p. 305.
Money warrant for 20l. to John Potenger for half a year to Sept. 29 last on his fee of 40l. per an. as Comptroller of the Great Roll of the Pipe. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to John Ofley, now or late sheriff of co. Stafford, to pay 40l. to William Southall for apprehending Francis Levison and William Manlowe, Popish priests and Jesuits, in accordance with the order of the King in Council of 1679, May 14, for the payment of 60l. to Southall for arresting Fr. Cotton and said Levison and Manlowe, Southall having already been paid 20l. for arresting said Cotton. Ibid, p. 307.
Same to Henry Guy to assign forthwith to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe (as security for repayment of a loan of 3,942l. 18s. 0d. which they have agreed to make forthwith into the Exchequer) the order No. 104 registered on the 412,925l. 14s. 6d. [part of the last Eighteen Months' tax] being for 18,590l. payable to Lemuel Kingdon as imprest for the Forces, which order said Kingdon assigned to Guy (ut supra p. 443), the said Guy being by the privy seal of Feb. 25 last to assign same or any part thereof to such persons as the Treasury Lords should direct. Ibid, p. 308.
Money warrant for 50l. to John Collins, gent., late an officer of the Excise, for 1 year to 1677, Sept. 29, on his annuity or pension of 50l. allowed him by the privy seal of 1669, Aug. 6 until some other or better employment be provided for him. (Money order dated Dec. 21 hereon.) Ibid, p. 309. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 192.
Dec. 20. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 10,000l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be satisfied by tallies on the Excise, and to be issued to the Victuallers for part of the moneys due for this year's victualling. Money Book, p. 309.
Treasury reference to Sir Richd. Mason, Bartholomew Fillingham and Serjt. Ramsey [Agents for Taxes] of the petition of the Lord Mayor, aldermen and commons of the city of York (on a reference dated Dec. 12 thereof to the Treasury Lords from the King, "being graciously inclined to favour the petitioners in the present suit"). Petitioners set forth that by the decease of Walter Strickland they are charged with an arrear of 517l. 7s. 1d. upon the Royal Aid and Additional Aid, which charge they did not understand until after his death, it being a charge of so long continuance that of the 50 Commissioners there are now but seven living in the city, and the mayors being dead who for those several years should by their office have taken discharges from the Receiver, as are also four-fifths of the sub-collectors, insomuch that it is impossible for the petitioners to make any justification of themselves, and if any arrear be it arises from the proverty and insolvency of poor citizens since dead, so that it is impossible to levy said arrear save by levies on those who have already paid their assess ments or on those that were no citizens at the time. Therefore pray that this supposed arrear may be remitted. Reference Book 1, pp. 183–4.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of Thomas Miller's petition for an allowance for his present maintenance and for some place, he having suffered much by the rebellion in Carolina, having resigned his collectorship there. The said Commissioners are hereby to present him for some employment.(In the margin: Cancelled 12 Feb., 1681–2.) Ibid, p. 184.
Treasury warrant to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, for a particular of certain premises [see supra, p. 755] with a view to a lease thereof to Jon. Aston, gent., for 31 years at 13s. 4d. per an. rent, with covenant for the lessee to recover the [King's title to the] same at his own charge. Ibid, pp. 184–5.
Prefixing: report dated Dec. 4 to the Treasury Lords from Sir Creswell Levins, Attorney General. I find by certificate from the Clerk of the Leases in the Pipe Office that said premises were granted 4 James I for 40 years at 33s. 4d. rent and 6l. fine. Said lease expired long since and no fresh lease thereof can be found, and the Auditor [for co. Gloucester] certifies that same has not been in charge since [the effluxion of said lease].
Treasury reference to the Auditors of Imprests of William Prettiman's petition to the Treasury Lords: petitioner shewing that there being a remanct of 2,328l. 7s. 5d. upon his account [of First Fruits] he craved allowance of 1,500l. (being for 1,000l. paid to Sir William Bowles, Master of the Tents, and 500l. paid to the Gentlemen Pensioners), and further craved 200l. for his own salary; but never had any allowance for these sums; "and your Lordships being then pleased upon Mr. Porter's undertaking to pay 500l. thereof, which is since done, to refer the same to Auditor Aldworth to examine whether the same had been allowed [to] your petitioner upon any of his accounts, who being since dead and nothing done thereon," therefore prays for same to be referred to some other auditor. Ibid, p. 191.
Dec. 20. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 600l. to Mr. Thompson out of the 600l. which will be paid into the Exchequer by the old Farmers of the Hearthmoney, which is intended for said Thompson: this direction is to be notwithstanding the former direction of Dec. 16 last, supra, p. 767. Disposition Book II, p. 38.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests. Return by bearer all the papers I lately sent you relating to the accounts of the old Victuallers of the Navy. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 144.
Same to Col. Legg. The Treasury Lords have ordered process to be made out against Capt. Williams if the 1,795l. 18s. 0d. now in his hands be not paid into the Exchequer before Christmas. (Sent by Smiton.) Ibid.
Same to the Master of the Great Wardrobe to pay to Mr. Pinckney, the King's Embroiderer, the 100l. which Sir Stephen Fox will pay into your hands above the ordinary allowance for your Office. Ibid, p. 145.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to state the accounts of Sir Thomas Littleton and partners, late Victuallers of the Navy, under the four heads as is proposed by them as in the papers sent herewith [wanting]. Ibid.
Same to Sir Gilbert Talbot. The Treasury Lords have seen the Lord Chamberlain of the Household's warrant for the 1,000oz. of plate for the Earl of Feversham, the Queen's Lord Chamberlain, and desire you to deliver same if there be plate in the Jewel House fit for this service. Ibid.
Same to the Hearthmoney Contractors. There was a tally struck on you 1679, Oct. 23 for 2,400l. for the Stables [on your farm rent] payable 1680, Sept. 19. It has been represented to the Treasury Lords on behalf of the Duke of Monmouth that the said money was advanced by him and applied to the use of the Stables long before said tally was satisfied. You are to pay his Grace 150l. for interest for said advance, and this sum shall be allowed you in account. Ibid, p. 146.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the Victuallers of Tangier Garrison to ship provisions for same as follows, Customs free, as desired by Sir Dennis Gauden, viz.: Out Letters (Customs), p. 296.
1,315,000lb. of biscuit.
94,500 four-lb. pieces of beef.
75,600 two-lb. pieces of pork.
11,750 bushels of peas.
8,811 bushels of oatmeal.
57,390lb. of butter.
75,920lb. of cheese.
Same to same to employ Ralph Milton as waiter at Liverpool loco Samuel Rhodes, deceased. Ibid.
Same to same to employ John Greene, gent., as riding surveyor of the borders of Scotland, with the salary of 43l. per an., the Customs Commissioners having in their report of the 17th inst. upon said Green's petition certified that they have directed Field Dun, customer of Berwick port (at his single salary as customer), to take upon him the collection there loco Elias Pratt, deceased, late collector, by which the said collector's salary may be applied to a riding surveyor on the said borders, they being a great district of ground and much linen and other goods being clandestinely conveyed over them into England without payment of custom, to the prejudice of the revenue. Ibid.
Dec. 20. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to give Noble Waterhouse a commission for seizing prohibited and uncustomed goods. Out Letters (Customs), p. 297.
Same to same to dismiss Christopher Williams, collector of Chichester, he being become wholly unfit, and to suppress his office from Christmas next; and to order—Tayler, the patent customer of said port, to undertake the collection thereof for his patent salary: and further to employ Robert Eden as riding surveyor on that coast at the salary of 40l. per an., which is the salary of the present collector of Chichester. Ibid, p. 298.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Sir Leoline Jenkins, Judge of the Admiralty Court of England, Orland Gee, Register, Tho. Bedford, Deputy Register, and William Joynes, Marshall of said Court: said petition setting forth that for six years they have disbursed 225l. 7s. 11d. more than they have received from perquisites besides their fees of 92l. 5s. 3d. on Crown cases, which they could not receive because of your Majesty pardoning most of the fines out of which same used to be satisfied, and therefore praying to be paid out of seizures under the Plantation Trade Act. We find by the report of Thomas Exton and Sir Richard Lloyd, your Majesty's Advocate and Counsel in said Court, that said statements are true, and we think said 310l. 2s. 3½d. may be fitly paid them. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 272.