Entry Book: December 1680, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: December 1680, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp774-788 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1680, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp774-788.

"Entry Book: December 1680, 21-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp774-788.


December 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 21. Same to same from same on Christopher Carlton's petition to the King (as by a reference thereon from the King to the said Lords Nov. 20 last). Petitioner sets forth that about 1679, Aug. 11, one Redmond Handland, a notorious Tory in the Province of Ulster, committed a robbery in co. Fermanagh upon one Jon. Crafford; notice thereof being given by two Justices of Peace to petitioner as cornet of militia, he with a party of militia followed the robbers about 20 miles into the Province of Connaught, and lost intelligence of the said Toryes, but on his return with three of his party was surprised by said Redmond and 10 of his company. Petitioner received four bullets in his arm, and has been under cure ever since to the ruin of his wife and children. Prays some pension or allowance. Hereon the Treasury Lords report that as the alleged service took place in Ireland they cannot advise the grant of any pension in England, but if any be granted advise that it may be in Ireland [on the Irish establishment]. Reference Book I, p. 185.
Treasury reference to the officers of the Works of the petition of Eliz. Wilkinson to the King: petitioner shewing that her father had served for 12 years as master locksmith to the King and all the estate he died seized of was in debts [owing to him from the King] and the greatest part in the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office and the Office of Works. Therefore prays satisfaction of said debts. Ibid, p. 186.
Prefixing: reference dated Whitehall, Oct. 13. to the Treasury Lords from the King of said petition: "his Majesty having had an esteem for the singular skill and diligence of the petitioner's deceased father, is graciously pleased that the petitioner should have right done her with favour."
[? Dec. 21.] [? Treasury reference to the Auditors of Imprests of] the petition of Sir Jon. Osborne, bart., executor to his brother, Sir Henry Osborne, who was Receiver of the Moneys for the Sick and Wounded Seamen, Soldiers and Prisoners at War in the last war against the Dutch: petitioner praying for his quietus without further account and trouble, he having accounted with the Navy Commissioners for all the money received and paid by the said Sir Henry. Reference Book I, p. 187.
Appending: state of said accompt as sent to [Henry Guy] 1680, Nov. 17, to be handed to the Treasury Lords as from the Navy Commissioners, same being in response to the Treasury Lords' request of 1679. July 22. We find the state of said account as follows:—Charge.
l. s. d.
Imprests received by Sir Henry Osborne from the Treasurer of the Navy 1671–2, March 15 to 1675, June 28 59,378 0 0
Issued by him upon warrants from the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded 59,364 3 2
Remains 13 16 10
Memorandum. of the abovesaid payments of 59,364l. 3s. 2d. sums to a total of 50,616l. were issued by him to sundry persons upon imprest who do not appear as yet to have accounted for same.
There also appears to have been imported [sic, erratum for imprested] to Sir Jon. Osborne upon the abovesaid account 250l. which has been paid by him by way of imprest to one of the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded.
Dec. 21. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 100l. to the Master of the Great Wardrobe out of the 4,000l. lent into the Exchequer the 8th inst. by Mr. Bridges. (Same to said Master of the Wardrobe to pay said sum to Mr. Pinkney, his Majesty's Embroiderer.) Disposition Book II, p. 39.
Same to Mr. Creed. The Treasury Lords are informed that the 19,500l. per an. appointed for the service of the mole at Tangier is from June 24 last (together with the officers, workmen and stores belonging to that service under the direction and superintendency of Henry Shere, esq., Surveyor General of said mole) [to be] from thenceforward entirely applied to the works and fortifications at Tangier. Send to my Lords this afternoon a copy of that authority given to Mr. Shere. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 145.
Dec. 21. Royal sign manual for 541l. 15s. 3d. to Henry Guy for secret service: without accompt: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of Nov. 6 last. (Money warrant dated Dec. 23 hereon. Money order dated Dec. 23 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 76. Money Book, p. 310. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 190.
Same for 360l. to same for same on same. (Money warrant dated Dec. 23 hereon. Money order dated Dec. 23 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 76. Money Book, p. 310. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 190.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a grant to Prince Rupert, Count Palatine of the Rhine and Duke of Bavaria and Cumberland, of all and all manner of treasure trove of gold, silver and other things whatsoever hidden in or near the hill called Cocklom, co. Stafford, which shall be found within three years now next ensuing; with full power to them or such as they shall appoint to dig in or near the said hill during said term and to do all things which the King can lawfully authorise them to do in order to the finding the same; and to sue all persons in the King's name or the said Prince's who shall take away or withhold the said treasure contrary to the law or to this grant. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 77–8.
Money warrant for 500l. to William, Lord Alington for half a year to Lady day last on his fee or allowance of 1,000l. per an. as Constable of the Tower of London. Money Book, p. 305.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 100l. to Richard Topham for half a year to June 24 last on his annuity or pension of 200l. Ibid, p. 309.
Henry Guy to Mr. Seymour, the Treasurer of the Navy, to apply for the satisfaction of wages due to the [workmen in the] yards as follows the 5,980l. 18s. 7d. which the Treasury Lords have directed to be issued to you: viz.:— Out Letters (General) VI, pp. 147, 148.
l. s. d. l. s. d.
On account of repairs.
[yard at] Deptford [on the] ordinary and extraordinary 2,148 19 6
[yard at] Woolwich on ditto 931 0 7
[workmen in the] Ropeyard 376 9 10
3,456 9 11
[On account of the] 30 new ships.
[Deptford yard] 1,084 11 3
[Woolwich yard] 1,155 10 0
[Ropeyard] 284 7 5
2,524 8 8
45,980 18 7
(The like letter to the Navy Commissioners.)
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners [for the late Assessments] for Middlesex and Westminster. According to the Taxes Agents' state of arrears on said assessments there remained on the 21st inst. upon Middlesex and Westminster an arrear of 327l. 3s. 3d. on the Eighteen Months' Assessment of 1673. of 115l. 0s. 1d. upon the Seventeen Months' Assessment of 1677, of 113l. 16s. 9d. upon the Eighteen Months' Assessment of 1678, and 66l. 3s. 0d. on the last Six Months' Assessment, or in all 622l. 3s. 1d. We recommend this to you for your speedy and effectual proceeding to have same re-assessed, levied and paid in without further delay, as is expressly required of you by particular clauses in said Acts, to which we hereby draw your attention and desire you to peruse and forthwith put in execution. Ibid, pp. 149–50.
Dec. 21. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the Customs Cashier to pay 20l. to Thomas Miller, late Customs officer in Carolina, for his present support. Out Letters (Customs), p. 297.
Likewise 12l. to John Taylor in full of all his pretensions.
Likewise 8l. to Solomon Sommors in full of all his pretensions.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the report of the Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland on the petition to the King from Edward Richardson and Ann his wife. Petitioners pray a new grant to them and their heirs of the manors of Mullalleish and Legacorry and other lands in co. Armagh, in their present possession and under the present rents. Out Letters (Ireland) I, pp. 96–7.
Said petition being referred Sept. 13 last to said Duke of Ormonde, the latter reported thereon Nov. 30 last. In regard petitioners have been so long in possession, it will be no prejudice to make such fresh grant.
Said report being referred Dec. 7 inst. by the King to the Treasury Lords, the latter hereby report concurring therewith.
Dec. 22. Certificate by Henry Guy to the Auditor of Imprests of his payment (out of the King's money in his hands) to Phillip Burton, gent., 1679, Nov. 1, of the sum of 66l. 5s. 6d. for Crown law expenses; and 100l. in 1680, May 28, to be laid out by direction of the Attorney General. These sums are to be surcharged on said Burton in his account. Reference Book I, p. 188.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Peter Bennet for employment and for payment of his expenses, caused by his being removed about 12 months since from Hull, where he was deputed surveyor of Customs, the Treasury Lords having on a former petition ordered him some reasonable payment for same, but the Customs Commissioners not thinking the said order a sufficient warrant for payment. Ibid, p. 189.
Dec. 23. Entry of [the Treasury Lords' signature of] a demise by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Richard Sherley of divers lands and tenements in Kingthorpe, co. Lincoln, being parcel of the lands of Randall Brereton, outlaw: at a rent of 6s. 8d. per an. and fine of 3s. 4d. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 200.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Treasurer of the Chamber the 900l. remaining of the 4,000l. lent by Mr. Bridges the 8th inst. Disposition Book II, p. 39.
Same to Mr. Griffin [of the Treasury of the Chamber] to issue as follows the abovesaid 900l. which the Treasury Lords have directed to be issued to you, viz.: 750l. for one quarter of the Yeomen of the Guard without their officers, and 150l. which, with 50l. which my Lords desire you to supply, will make a quarter for the footmen. Ibid.
Dec. 23. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Treasurer of the Navy the 5,980l. 18s. 7d. of Excise money which will be paid [shortly] into the Exchequer. Disposition Book II, p. 40.
Same to same. There are already or will be speedily paid into the Exchequer the following sums, viz., 541l. 15s. 3d. (as part of 3,942l. 18s. 0d. loan from Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe on the credit of order No. 104, ut supra, p. 771), 1,000l. (of wine licence revenue), 687l. 16s. 9d. (of general loans from Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe), 2,600l. (of arrears of the old Hearthmoney farm), 125l. 16s. 6d. (of Poll money paid in by Henry Guy) and 2l. 17s. 9d. (of the remain of the Queen's portion). The total hereof is 4,958l. 6s. 3d. and the Treasury Lords desire you to issue it as follows, viz.:
Ibid, pp. 40–1.
l. s. d.
to the Earl of Sunderland 700 0 0
to Sir Leoline Jenkins 500 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service out of Kent and Duncombe's loan on order No. 104 541 15 3
to me [Guy] more [for same] out of Kent and Duncombe's general loans 360 0 0
to Mr. Thompson, pursuant to a former letter of the 20th inst. 600 0 0
to Lady Price 200 0 0
to Sir Edward Carteret 100 0 0
to Capt. Sackvile 200 0 0
to Mris. Bolton 50 0 0
to Mris. Elliot, housekeeper at New-market 50 0 0
to the huntsmen and yeomen prickers 60 0 0
to Serj. Topham, 40l. and 60l 100 0 0
six serjeants-at-arms a quarter each (Edward Hatch, William Mease, Edmund Williamson, Orlando Fitz Symonds, Tho. Payne, William Bishop) 150 8 3
Grooms of the Chamber to the Queen 146 0 0
Mr. Sayers, Page of Honour 90 0 0
Mr. Cooleing and Cox, Keepers of the Council Chamber 90 0 0
Mr. Packer for Mr. Waite, Keeper of the Privy Garden 180 0 0
same for Mr. Gurle 100 0 0
same for Hampton Court garden 100 0 0
to Mris. Rebecca Low 18 0 0
to Mris. Alice Baggot 20 0 0
to Sir Christopher Musgrave 100 0 0
to Phillip Kirke, esq., Housekeeper at Whitehall 68 0 0
to Mris. Martha Witherden 45 0 0
to several musicians according to warrants 335 0 0
Same to Mr. Howland. Since mine of the 9th inst. to you Mr. Birch has again declared to the Treasury Lords that their [Wine Act] accounts cannot be declared till the money in your hands is paid in. If you are not yet in a condition to come to town you are to direct its speedy payment, otherwise process will issue against you. (Sent by Mr. Smyton.) Out Letters (General) VI, p. 146.
Dec. 23. Henry Guy to Mr. Trant to pay immediately 500l. to William Roberts, esq., paymaster and receiver for his Majesty' buildings at Windsor, as part of the money due from the Earl of Ranelagh. You and your partners [in the Hearthmoney farm] are to attend the Treasury Lords this afternoon concerning the matter in my letter of Tuesday last. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 146.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to assign, out of the weekly money of the Navy, a payment of 20l. to Mris. Forster on account of her pension. Ibid, p. 150.
Money warrant for 125l. to William Killegrew for last Michaelmas quarter on his annuity or pension of 500l. Money Book, p. 310.
Same for 5,000l. to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse: for the Privy Purse without account: to be paid out of such moneys as shall from time to time be brought into the Exchequer from seizures and forfeitures of uncustomed and prohibited goods as by the privy seal of 1665, Sept. 5, which appropriated such seizures to the Privy Purse. (Money order dated Dec. 23 hereon.) Ibid, p. 310. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 191.
Same for 90l. to Adulphus Sayers for three quarters to Lady day last on his annuity of 120l. as a Page of Honour to the Queen. Money Book, p. 311.
Treasury warrant to the Excise Farmers to forthwith pay 4,000l. to the Excise Commissioners as part of the surplus of the Excise for the year ended June 24 last. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay the abovesaid 4,000l. to Sir Jno. James and his partners, taking from them an acquittance for same (as in part of the balance which upon adjusting their accounts with his Majesty shall appear to be due to them) and also taking from them 4,000l. worth of the tallies of pro remaining in their hands for counter security, "which tallies are to remain with you till the said accounts be adjusted and you shall receive a more regular discharge in lieu thereof. "Ibid.
Money warrant for 50l. to Clara Bolton, widow, for 1673, Christmas quarter on her annuity or pension of 200l. Ibid, p. 312.
Same for 68l. 19s. 2d. to Phillip Kirke for half a year to Michaelmas last on his fee as Housekeeper of his Majesty's Palace of Whitehall. Ibid.
Same for 180l. 9s. 6d. to Phillip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, as imprest, to be paid over to William Wayte (Waite), keeper of his Majesty's garden at Whitehall for wages and disbursements for keeping the said garden and the Fountain Garden there, and also for cleaning the long stone gallery within said palace for the half-year ended 1679, June 24, as by two bills certified by Sir Christopher Wren, Surveyor General of the Works. Ibid, p. 312. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 192.
Same for 50l. to Elizabeth Elliott, widow, for 1678, June 24 quarter on her fee or salary of 200l. per an. as Housekeeper of his Majesty's house at Newmarket. Money Book, p. 312.
Dec. 23. Money warrant for 45l. 12s. 6d. to Martha Witherden, relict of Thomas Witherden, for 1¼ years to 1675, Lady day on his allowance of 2s. a day as late one of the Grooms of the Chamber to the Queen. (Money order dated Dec. 23 hereon.) Money Book, p. 313. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 191.
Same for 50l. to Thomas Elliott, Master of his Majesty's Harehounds, in part of 1678, Christmas quarter on his fee of 500l. per an. as in lieu of all fees and allowances for keeping of the Harehounds and all other charges incident to them. (Money order dated Dec. 24 hereon.) Money Book, p. 313. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 193.
Same for 1,500l. to Henry Sidney for part of the half year to Michaelmas, 1679 on the 5,000l. per an. to him for his office of Master of the Robes as by the patent of grant thereof dated 1679, July 7 as from 1679, Lady day. Hereof 1,350l. is to be as imprest for the service of said Office and the remaining 150l. for his own use. (For money order hereon see infra under date 1681, July 28.) Money Book, p. 313.
Same for 75l. to Somerset Fox for last June 24 quarter on his annuity of 300l. Ibid, p. 314.
Same for 20l. to Alice Baggot, relict of John Baggot, for half a year to 1670 [? 1678], June 24 on his annuity of 40l. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Geo. Dashwood et al., Farmers of Excise, to pay to the Excise Commissioners 16,000l. in further part of the surplus of the Excise for the year ended June 24 last; there still remaining due to the King on the said surplus (after the covenanted deductions and allowances [ut infra, pp. 781–2] and over and above the sum of 6,000l. already paid thereon by said Farmers) the sum of 44,204l. 13s. 9½d. Ibid, pp. 314–5.
Money warrant for 18l. 5s. 0d. to Rebecca Lowe, relict of William Low, gent., for half a year to 1674, Christmas, on his allowance of 2s. a day as late one of the Grooms of the Chamber to the Queen. (Money order dated Dec. 24 hereon.) Ibid, p. 315. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 192.
Treasury reference to Sir Creswell Levins, Attorney General, of the petition of Lawrence Mowbray, praying an allowance of 50l. expended by him in his Majesty's service from 1680, Oct. 20 to Dec. 15, as by a bill of particulars thereof [wanting]. Reference Book I, p. 190.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests of Edward Griffin's interest account [of the Treasury of the Chamber] amounting to 299l. 14s. 5d. Ibid, p. 188.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the East India Company to ship on the New London and Parsee Merchant the 200 small brass guns or Rantockers for Bantam, the said Company being willing to pay duty thereon according to the Book of Rates. Out Letters (Customs), p. 298.
Dec. 24. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords concerning the estate of Sir Jno. Arundell in co. Cornwall. We are informed by Mr. Randall, Receiver of Popish Recusants' Estates in that county, that the rents of assize, demesne and farm rents without fines amount to 588l. 12s. 10d. and that there is paid out of it to your Majesty for chief rents and to others 273l. 15s. 0d., leaving clear no more than 308l. 17s. 10d., which is also encumbered with 1,000l. upon a mortgage to Mr. Windham, and there is further owing 1,500l. to Mr. Henning and his son [?-in-law] Mr. Trevanion (which said mortgage titles precede the date of Sir John's conviction as a Recusant). The same Receiver informs us that said Arundell's estates in Dorset are but 181l., which are encumbered with an annuity of 200l. per an. for one life and other payments, so that nothing remains saving fines upon renewing estates for lives, which have been lately filled up in both counties. The Attorney General is of opinion that if your Majesty should seize the two thirds of his lands you might have the two thirds of all fines arising by copyhold estates (which we are informed may be equal to the rent), but not fines upon leases. We therefore conceive you will not receive more than 200l. per an. by seizing the two thirds of said estate, whereas by the 20l. per month you will receive 260l. It appears that King James by a great seal, dated 1606–7, Feb. 20, was pleased to accept the 20l. a month from John Arundell, grandfather of the abovesaid Sir John, rather than the two thirds of the estate, though the estate was then of greater value than now. It will therefore be no prejudice to your Majesty to receive said 20l. per month, and if so we conceive it reasonable that the first half year's payment be made in Easter term next, he being convicted a little before Michaelmas last. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 274.
Dec. 24. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Excise money which is or shall be paid into the Exchequer [this week]:— Disposition Book II, p. 41.
to Mr. Johnson for two weeks [for the Forces] 4,000
to same for off-reckonings [of the Forces] 4,000
to Cha. Toll for 1679, Michaelmas quarter 3,000
to the Duchess of Cleveland's sons 600
to Mris. Gwynne 500
to Sir Stephen Fox for the Earl of Lichfield 300
to same for the Earl of Sussex 300
to the Duke of Monmouth 2,000
to Sir William Killigrew 125
to Somerset Fox 75
Dec. 25. Royal sign manual for 199l. 10s. 0d. to Edmond Poley, esq., who is employed as the King's Agent in the Court of the Elector of Brandenburgh, for his support in that employment for 133 days, Oct. 30 last to March 10 next, after the rate of 30s. a day: to be received by him by way of advance, but without imprest or account: and to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of Nov. 6 last. (Money warrant dated Dec. 28 hereon. Money order dated Dec. 30 hereon.) King's Warrant Book VIII, p. 78. Money Book, p. 318. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 193.
Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords for allowances to the Excise Farmers as follows in their account of the surplus of the Excise for the year ended 1680, June 24. By the indenture of 1676–7, Feb. 26 the farm of the Excise was demised to George Dashwood and partners for three years from 1677, June 24, with covenants for payment of the overplus to the King after allowances of 55,000l. for salaries and incidents, 5,000l. for bad debts, 10,000l. for reward and a poundage of 3¾d. per l. on such overplus, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, V. p. 832. They are now ready to account for said surplus for the abovesaid year, and have with a view thereto besought allowances as follows, viz. 1,000l. for their extraordinary charge of management during said year; poundage of 8¼d. over and above said 3 ¾d. on the surplus of said year, so as to make the total poundage 1s., and six per cent. interest and one per cent. reward on the money they have already paid on account of said overplus. To all these allowances the King agrees, and hereby authorises same, especially in consideration that said Farmers have in the quarter ended Michaelmas last and in the present Christmas quarter paid 8,000l. per week by way of advance upon account of their rents, which hath been very useful to his Majesty's service, and are willing to do the like for 11 weeks in the succeeding quarter at the simple interest of six per cent. King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 79–80.
Dec. 25. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 80l. to the mayor, bailiff and burgesses of Clifton, Dart-mouth, Hardness, for two years to 1680, Sept. 29 on their perpetuity of 40l. out of the Customs of Exeter and Dartmouth in consideration of their charges in building and maintaining a fortification there. Money Book, p. 319.
Dec. 28. Henry Guy to Col. Birch. The Treasury Lords are lately informed that you gave Treasurer Danby an account of the daily receipts and payments of Sir John James and Major Robert Huntington, as Treasurers of Excise, viz. from the commencement of the farm, 24 June, 1670, to the end thereof, 24 June, 1676. Give my Lords a true copy thereof with all speed, as it may now conduce to his Majesty's service. And you are to continue said account for the succeeding period during which said James and Huntington continued Treasurers of Excise. (Sent by Mr. Tyre.) Out Letters (General) VI, p. 150.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to admit Lawrence Thompson as one of the 50 extraordinary tidesmen London port loco Francis Barker, deceased. Ibid, p. 152. Out Letters (Customs), p. 303.
Treasury reference to Auditor Anthony Stephens of Mr. Duncomb's interest account made up to 1680, Dec. 25 for several sums of money lent for his Majesty's service by Richard Kent and said Charles Duncombe: the balance of principal and interest due at the end of said account [after part payments of interest and part re-payments of principal] appearing to be 281, 118l. 5s. 10½d. and 222l. 8s. 4d. principal and 6,196l. 14s. 6d. interest. Reference Book I, p. 191.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor and the Comptroller of Excise to forthwith make a state of the account of George Dashwood et al., Farmers of Excise, for the produce of that revenue for the year ended June 24 last in order to the stating of the surplus thereof. In said state you are, in accordance with the privy seal of Dec. 25 inst., to allow to said Farmers the sums of 1,000l. for extraordinary charge of management, an extra poundage of 8¼d., and six per cent. interest and one per cent. gratuity to the 25th inst, on the portion of said surplus which they have already paid. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 275.
Dec. 28. Treasury warrant to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to Henry Dering and his heirs the following fee farm rents on his production of a tally purporting the payment of the purchase money. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 276.
Prefixing: note of said Dering's contract, dated 1680, Oct. 26, for said fee farms detailed as follows:—
per an.
l. s. d.
Co. Bucks
a pension issuing out of the rectory of Bradwell 3 0 0
a pension issuing out of the rectory of Astwood 2 0 0
a fee farm rent out of Haverly Coppice 7 6 4
an annual rent out of the manor of Ravensmore 2 1 6
a same out of the manor of St. Clare and rectory of Stone 2 1 10
a same out of the manor of Aston Abbots 4 13 4
a same out of the manor of Stoughton Berry 4 1
a same out of the manor of Canon Court in Chilton 1 0 7
a same out of Farnham Mill 2 0 0
£28 5 6
To be reckoned at 16 years' purchase, the purchase money to be paid within 40 days and the arrears of rent due at Michaelmas last to be reserved to the King.
Same to same to convey to Symon Smith the [hitherto unrated balance of] a rent of 7l. 19s. 9d. issuing out of the rectory of Hawthhucknell [Ault Hucknull], co. Derby, on said Smith's payment of 12l. Ibid, pp. 275–6.
Prefixing: (a) fresh contract dated 1680, June 17 between said Smith and said Trustees. The said fee farm was conveyed to Francis Pemberton and George Hadley in trust for said Smith by indenture dated 9 Aug., 1672, said rent being then stated to be 7l. 9s. 9d. per an. (rated at 119l. 17s. 0d. purchase money), whereas now it is stated to be 7l. 19s. 9d. per an. (rated at 127l. 16s. 0d. purchase money), as appears by the certificate of Tho. Raban, deputy to Auditor Morrice. The said 10s. per an. excess is agreed to be purchased by Smith at 16 years' purchase and he agrees to pay eight years' arrears thereof to the King to Lady day last, making said 12l.
(b) ratal by Auditor [John] Phelips dated 1680, July 7 of said new contract.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to James, Duke of Monmouth, 500l. thereof to complete 1679, Michaelmas quarter on his annuity or pension of 6,000l. and 1,500l. for 1679, Christmas quarter on same. Money Book, p. 315.
Same for the following [of the King's musicians], viz.: 10l. to Dr. John Blow for 1671, Sept. 29 quarter on his fee of 40l. per an., and 10l. for 1674, June 24 on another fee of 40l. per an., and 10l. for 1673, June 24 quarter on another fee of 40l. per an., and 12l. for 1674, Sept. 29 quarter on his fee of 48l. per an.; 13l. 15s. 0d. to Robt. King for 1680, Lady day on his fee of 55l. per an.; 25l. to Thomas Heywood for 1678, Sept. 29 quarter on his fee of 100l. per an.; 15l. 0s. 7½d. to Richard Robinson for 1679, Lady day on his fee of 60l. 2s. 6d.; 15l. to William Turnor for 1675, Lady day on his fee of 60l. per an.; 5l. to Charles Coleman for 1674, Christmas quarter on his fee of 20l. per an., and 10l. for 1675, June 24 quarter on his fee of 40l. per an.; 14l. 13s. 6½d. to Robert Blagrave for 1669, Lady day quarter upon his fee of 58l. 14s. 2d. per an.; 10l. 2s. 3½d. to Thomas Blagrave for 1671, June 24 quarter on his fee of 40l. 9s. 2d. per an.; 5l. to Richard Dorney for 1675, Sept. 29 quarter on his fee of 20l. per an.: in all, 155l. 11s. 5½d. Ibid, p. 316.
Dec. 28 Money warrant for 10l. each to the following King's musicians, viz.: John Crowch for 1680, Christmas quarter; Nath. Watkins for 1670, Michaelmas quarter; Alphonso Marsh for 1674, Michaelmas quarter; John Goodgroom for 1671, Christmas quarter; John Clements for 1673, Midsummer quarter; Anthony Robart for 1671, Lady Day quarter; Jon. Harding for 1670, Christmas quarter; Edward Dyer for 1678, Midsummer quarter; Francis Cruys for 1675, Michaelmas quarter; Jno. Moss for 1678, Michaelmas quarter; Edward Hooton for 1673, Lady day quarter: in all, 110l. Money Book, p. 317.
Same for 11l. 12s. 8½d. each to the following King's musicians, viz.: Jon. Gamball for 1669, Sept. 29 quarter; Charles Evans for 1672, June 24 quarter; Francis Gerard for 1678, June 24 quarter; Isaac Staggins for 1670, Christmas quarter; Robert Strong for 1673, June 24 quarter; John Singleton for 1671, June 24 quarter: in all, 69l. 16s. 3d. Ibid.
Dec. 29. Money order for 249l. 10s. 0d. to John Walker, Usher of the Exchequer Court, for necessaries delivered to the Officers of said Court in Michaelmas term, 1680. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 194.
Dec. 30. Money warrant for 200l. to Goditha Price, relict of Sir Herbert Price, for half a year to 1677, Sept. 29 on the annuity or pension of 400l. granted to Herbert Price, esq., and his said wife or the longer liver: "there being 100l. paid at the Exchequer to the said Goditha Price on an order dated 12 July, 1679, as of his Majesty's free gift and royal bounty, which is intended for one quarter of the said annuity or pension due at Lady day, 1677." Entries and memorials hereof are to be made in the books of the Auditor of the Receipt accordingly. Money Book, p. 319.
Money order for 10l. to William Parks, Porter at the Receipt; being for half a year to 1680, Christmas for his attendance at the gate of the Receipt for the better securing of his Majesty's treasure and for his attendance on the officers there. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 194.
Henry Guy to Mr. Johnson [Paymaster of the Forces] to pay 1,800l. to William Hewer, Treasurer of Tangier, which you have in your hands, on account of the musters for July and August last for the six Companies at Tangier. Out Letters (General) VI, p. 151.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the transport, Customs free, to Tangier of 1,000 pair of shoes and 1,000 pair of stockings for the supply of Col. Kirke's Regiment there: as by the order of the Lords Commissioners for the Affairs of Tangier of the 27th inst. directed to Richard Thurloe to ship same. Out Letters (Customs), p. 299.
Dec. 30. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the loans made or to be made into the Exchequer by Tho. Ducke, merchant:— Disposition Book II, p. 42.
l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy 8,571 6 1
to Sir Geo. Wharton, Paymaster of Ordnance 1,000 0 0
to same for half a year's interest to the creditors of the Ordnance on account of the French war 2,078 4 8
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to apply the above-said 8,571l. 6s. 1d. as follows:— Ibid.
l. s. d.
for Chatham [yard on the] ordinary and extraordinary 4,322 9 1
for same [on the account of the] 30 new ships 2,031 12 0
for the ropeyard 356 10 2
to same [on the account] for the 30 new ships 42 16 4
three guardships 1,250 0 0
Sheerness, ordinary and extraordinary 362 18 6
for the Eagle, a guardship 205 0 0
£8,571 6 1
Dec. 31. Privy seal for allowances in account to the late Farmers of the Hearthmoney as follows. By the great seal of 1674, June 13 the Hearthmoney was let to farm to Abraham Anselme (since deceased), John Pery and Edward Buckley for five years from 1674, March 26, under the yearly rent of 151,000l. and on an advance of 125,000l. Pery and Buckley, the surviving lessees, are now ready to render an account, which account, as stated by Auditor John Shales, charges them with 755,000l. for rent and allows them [credits of] 594,875l. 6s. 8½d. paid into the Exchequer, 25,000l. for advance money by them (as by their covenants) detained on 1674–5, March 15, 25,000l. ditto on 1675, Sept. 19, 37,500l. ditto on 1678, Sept. 29, and 37,500l. ditto on 1679, March 25; and further 24,722l. 8s. 9d. for interest on said advance money. These credits leave a remain or debet on said Farmers of 10,402l. 6s. 6½d., out of which remain or debet the said surviving lessees crave the following allowances, viz.: 57l. 17s. 3d., for six per cent. interest on 4,000l. advanced for the service of the Queen Consort 1674, Dec. 17, said interest being reckoned from said date to March 15 following, the day for payment of their rent; 799l. 7s. 0d. for six per cent. interest and two per cent. reward on several sums which they advanced to sundry persons pursuant to directions from Treasurer Danby upon tallies struck on their rent before said rent was payable under their covenants; 1,250l. for five years' rent of a house to keep their office: 955l. 12s. 0d. for loss by the fire at Northampton [when the Hearthmoney tax in said town was remitted] during the last four years of the farm; 59l. 6s. 8d. for loss during two and a half years of the farm which happened by the fire at Wem, co. Salop; 262l. 1s. 0d. for loss during three half years of said farm from a great fire in Southwark; 516l. 6s. 0d. for loss of the duty upon smiths' forges in Yorkshire which the said Farmers were forbidden by direction of Treasurer Danby to levy; 100l. for loss by the fires which happened at the Temple; 1,480l. 18s. 7d. for expenses in prosecuting and defending several actions and indictments in ascertaining and settling the King's right in several litigated payments relating to said revenue; 1,200l. for so much [paid] by them to Sir Phillipp Lloyd, who received the same by the King's direction for the King's use and 432l. for six years' interest thereon at six per cent.; 488l. 16s. 0½d. for said Farmers' extraordinary pains and care in improving the said revenue; and lastly 200l. to Auditor Richard Aldworth and Auditor Shales successively for five years' audit fee of 40l. per an. All these demands of defalcations amount to 7,802l. 4s. 6½d., and thus leave a debet of 2,600l. still due from them. It is hereby directed and authorised that on payment of said 2,600l. the said Farmers be allowed in account the said items of defalcations of in all 7,802l. 4s. 6½d., the King being fully satisfied that same are just, upon the covenants of lease or other reasonable grounds: and further that no interest charge or damages be made upon the said lessees for detaining any part of the said rent in their hands after the time they ought to have paid the same. (Royal warrant dated Dec. 21 to the Clerk of the Signet to prepare said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 72–5.
Dec. 31. Privy seal for the issue of 54,000l. to Henry Brouncker, Cofferer of the Household, as imprest for the service of the Household for the year 1680, Oct. 1 to 1681, Oct. 1, and also such further sums for the extra-ordinary service and expense of the Household as the Treasury Lords shall find necessary and expedient in respect of the King's service and affairs by such proportions at a time as the Treasury Lords shall think fit. (Royal warrant dated Dec. 20 to the Clerk of the Signet for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book VIII, pp. 71, 182.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords (in obedience to the order of reference from the King in Council dated the 17th inst.) on a paper of memorials, (a) infra. presented to the Privy Council on that date by Mr. Hewer concerning the payment of moneys and other matters relating to the service of Tangier. As to the first article in the said paper relating to bills of exchange to a total of 1,498l. 5s. 2½d. drawn by the Earl of Inchiquin on Sir Jno. Mathews and others, merchants, for moneys taken up by the said Earl at Tangier, we find that said Earl was authorised by an order of the late Commissioners for the Affairs of Tangier to draw upon merchants here [London] to a total not exceeding 4,000l. From Mr. Hewer's account it appears that the Earl drew only for, in all, 2,813l. 1s. 5½d., of which the abovesaid 1,498l. 5s. 2½d. is part and remains unsatisfied. We therefore think it ought to be complied with in order to preserving future credit and, if so directed, we shall take the best care we can accordingly. If it should appear on making up the said Earl's account that the money has not been laid out as was designed by the late Lords for the Affairs of Tangier, care may be taken that as much thereof as shall appear to have been misapplied be stopped out of what [salary] is yet due to the Earl for the time he was Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Tangier. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 277–282.
The second item sets forth that by letter from Tangier of Oct. 20 last Mr. Sheres prays that for his guidance in the management of the moneys, stores and officers committed to his care relating to the fortifications there he may receive the warrant and direction of the Lords of the Council for the Affairs of Tangier on the lines of the draft, (b) infra. We have considered said draft, but find on enquiry from Mr. Creed that the directions sent to Mr. Shere were as follows, viz. that he be forthwith directed to send an account of all stores and materials appertaining to the mole and to apply what is fit of them to the fortifications, and altogether desist in working any further at the mole, his Majesty resolving to be at an end of all charge as to the mole at present; and therefore that all labourers and workmen be put out of pay that cannot be useful for the fortifications. We conceive that these instructions were only intended to give him authority to employ so much of the stores and materials as were then in his power, and upon the place, to the use of the fortifications, but not to apply to the fortifications the money designed for the mole (which is the effect of the said draft, as in (b) infra) otherwise than as your Majesty shall from time to time more particularly direct. We propose that if your Majesty appoint any money for the going on with any works on the land, it may not be left in the power of Mr. Shere alone nor of any one person whatsoever, and that for such works as are already done and whereof certificate shall be sent at the time of the drawing the bills care be had to have them paid: but for the future no new works be undertaken by Mr. Shere without the approbation and consent of the Commander-in-Chief of Tangier, with a joint certificate from them both that such works are necessary. This also covers the third item of Hewer's memorials.
As to the fourth item, it may be granted, having been formerly practised in Mr. Pepys's time.
Appending: (a) Paper of said Hewer's memorials to the Lords of the Council for the Affairs of Tangier. (1) Some time since there were laid before you by Sir Jno. Mathews and other merchants four bills of exchange drawn by the Earl of Inchiquin for moneys by him taken up at Tangier upon a letter of credit given him by the late Lords Commissioners for the Affairs of Tangier, said bills being as follows: Sir Jno. Mathews, 715l.; Mr. Benjamin Rokeby, 229l. 3s. 4d.; Mr. Thomas Wise, 466l. 13s. 4d.; Mr. Robt. Britton, 87l. 8s. 6½d.; or 1,498l. 5s. 2½d. in all. The said merchants desire payment thereof with interest from the date they became payable. (2) By letter of Oct. 20 from Tangier, Mr Shere prays guidance and warrant ut supra as by the draft, (b) infra, or in whatever way may be thought fit. (3) The Treasury Lords have satisfied Mr. Shere upon the establishment of the mole to 1680, June 24, from which time the works of the mole and its payments have ceased. By a late letter to [me, Hewer] the Treasurer, [for Tangier garrison] he, Shere, expresses as follows the difficulties he lies under for want of money in the works also of the fortifications:—
"Such a proceeding (speaking of his not being punctually supplied with money) will utterly undoe us under our present circumstances, for it is not with the fortifications as it has been with the mole, where our credit might be spun out to a distance and we could be a whole year in arrear. But here whilst we are working in the field, especially the soldiers, must receive pay every night, which has already swallowed up all our ready money, so that I am this day writing to Cadiz to procure new credit, and in case you are not enabled by the Lords of the Treasury to answer the expense there can be no palliating the matter, for all proceedings here must cease, how farr to the dishonour and disservice of his Majestie tyme will tell."
Hereupon it is [by Shere] moved that in case the King and the Lords of the Council for the Affairs of Tangier shall assign to the service of the fortifications the same allowance (to commence from June 24 last) which was to that time established for the mole, a privy seal may be passed to that purpose, and the Treasury Lords desired meanwhile to enable the Treasurer [for Tangier Garrison] forthwith to remit to Mr. Shere one quarter's proportion of said allowance, and (either upon the old establishment or otherwise) to pay the bills which Mr. Shere has lately drawn upon said Treasurer for that service to the value of 2,000l. (4) [I, Hewer, desire] that the Council for the Affairs of Tangier forthwith issue their warrant to the Commander-in-Chief [of Tangier] and the other officers concerned in paying and accompting at Tangier, prescribing that from the 31 Dec. inst. the charge of receiving, paying and accompting for the King's moneys there be committed to and performed by Mr. Hewer or his deputy, as was heretofore done by Mr. Pepys: it appearing that for want of such direction the said officers continue the use of Mr. Pepys's name therein. Further, that the respective officers do presently adjust a state of the arrears due to the 31 Dec. inst., and that what shall remain in cash upon the foot of that account be paid to [me, Hewer] the present Treasurer or his deputy.
(b) Said Shere's draft of a proposed warrant of instructions to himself. The King has determined that the money appointed by the establishment for the mole at Tangier (amounting to 19,500l. per an.), together with the officers, workmen and stores belonging to that service under the superintendence of Henry Shere, Surveyor General of the said mole, be from June 24 last henceforwards entirely applied to the works and fortifications which are or shall be directed to be done on shore at Tangier for securing that city, and the said Shere, having been, by the King, commanded back to Tangier, is hereby to apply to such fortifications what money shall come into his hands upon account of the said establishment from said June 24 last, and also such stores, officers and workmen as shall then remain under his command, the said works and fortifications being to be taken into said Shere's care and inspection, and the said moneys, stores, etc., to be issued, employed and accompted for by him in the same method as at present directed for the mole.