Entry Book: May 1680, 21-28

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: May 1680, 21-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp545-562 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: May 1680, 21-28', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp545-562.

"Entry Book: May 1680, 21-28". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp545-562.


May 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
May 21. Letters patent under the privy seal (in Latin) constituting and appointing Sir Leolin Jenkins one of the Secretaries of State during pleasure: with an annuity of 100l. for his support: payable quarterly without account. King's Warrant Book, pp. 331–2.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue the 1,800l. (which Sir Edward Dering will lend into the Exchequer to-morrow) to the Treasurer of the Navy, 1,000l, thereof towards finishing 2 of the 30 ships now building and 800l. remainder thereof for payment of tickets. Disposition Book, p. 41.
May 24. The Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to observe an order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, May 12. Out Letters (Customs), p. 221.
Prefixing: said order. Upon a representation made in Council of the present scarcity and want of gum Seneca in this kingdom for dyers, hatters and others, same being of the growth of the river Senegal in Africa, of which the Dutch are sole masters, the King did Jan. 28 last refer same to the Treasury Lords who received an opinion thereon from the Customs Commissioners Feb. 14 last. Thereupon the King was pleased to dispense with the Acts of Trade and Navigation as to this particular commodity and that it should be imported for 3 months only from said Feb. 14. It appeared to his Majesty this day in Council that his subjects had no benefit of the said former order and hereby therefore orders the like freedom and liberty to all his subjects to import said commodity for 6 months from date hereof.
Instructions from same to same in reply to the latter's memorial of the 10th inst. (1) We do not approve of either Lovis Campion. David Horton or Carpenter for signing and sealing certificates directed by an order of Council relating to Jersey. Present other names to us for that service. (2) We intend to move in Council for an order to the Governor and Deputy Governor of Guernsey that they be very careful not to grant certificates for importing any goods into England as of the growth or manufacture of Jersey till they are satisfied they are really and bona fide such and not French goods carried thither. (3) You desire the power of displacing and changing the masters of the [Customs] smacks for the future. We hereby give you this power, but with the restriction that when you displace or change any you acquaint us therewith to confirm or approve same. Also you are not to put any masters in the new smack but are to present same to us. (4) We shall further consider the Customer of Yarmouth's taking upon him the collection of that port, and the directions formerly given for putting in a collector. Ibid, p. 222.
Treasury warrant to same to employ Samuel Fayter as waiter and searcher at Exmouth in Exeter port, loco John Watts. lately dismissed. Ibid, pp. 223, 225.
John Edwards to have an extraordinary commission to seize uncustomed and prohibited goods in co. Kent.
William Marshall to be tidesman at G[r]ainthorp Creek near Grimsby at a salary of 10l. per an. as proposed by Col. Jo. Butler. Customer and Collector of Boston port.
Samuel Haynes to be riding surveyor in Devon and Cornwall. loco Dering Blackburne, removed ut infra.
Dering Blackburne to be waiter and searcher at Exeter, loco Miles Temple.
Same to same. In your memorial of Dec. 9 last you proposed a smack for Bardsey [Bawdsey] Ferry at 182l. 4s. 0d. per an. and same was directed by our instructions of Jan. 24 last. In your memorial of the 10th inst. you inform that said smack is since built and ready to sail and that for better guarding the river of Woodbridge you have brought [bought] a small boat to be managed by a boatman at 30l. per an. for himself and the boat and propose to deduct this from the smack's establishment and to dismiss Thomas Keld, present boatman at Bardsey Ferry, and to add his salary of 5l. per an. to the establishment of the smack; and further to remove Robert Walker, present boatman at Southwold, to be boatman at Bardsey Haven to manage the said boat. All this is hereby approved. Ibid, pp. 223–4.
May 24. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Richard Aldworth of 2 closes in New Windsor and 3 acres in Spelthurst, co. Berks, for 41 years from Lady day last at the rents of 6l. 18s. 3d. and 2l. 6s. 8d.: all on surrender of his present interest (granted to him 1664, May 30), and fine of 125l. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 180–2.
Prefixing: particular and ratal of the premises, viz., the said 2 closes and 3 acres with the tenement, curtilage and garden called Frogmore or Frogmeare (which is to be herewith granted with the [? abovesaid] 3 [3½] acres of land and pasture in the common fields of New Windsor): as granted to William Gwynn and William Loving 11 June. XI. [? Car. I.] for 31 years after determination of the 41 years' grant to Richard Gwyn by patent dated 1606, Dec. 12. There is to be an exception in this lease of the 8 acres of arable and pasture land about 5 years since taken and enclosed in the King's Little Park or Castle Park of Windsor for his Majesty's immediate use valued at 5l. 6s. 8d. which is now to be abated out of the old rent of 12l. 4s. 11d. formerly paid for the whole. The King to be discharged of the mesne profits of said 8 acres and the lessee to be discharged of the increased rent of 40s. per an. reserved upon the last grant of the premises to Henry Seymour which commenced 1677, Dec. 12. Consideration herefor is to be the surrender and fine as above and petitioner's great charge and cost already expended and still to be in repairing and re-edifying the mansion and tenement called Frogmore so as it may be made with a handsome prospect towards his Majesty's said park to which it is near adjoining.
Henry Guy to Sir Robert Sawyer to consider with Auditor Done of the best and speediest way to get Sir George Wharton's account prepared for declaration. Out Letters (General), p. 506.
Money order for 500l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 121.
Money warrant for 500l. to Charles Fanshaw for his equipage in order to his going Envoy Extraordinary to the Prince of Portugal. (Money order dated May 25 hereon. Henry Guy dated May 24 to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue said 500l. out of the 500l. which Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe will lend into the Exchequer to-morrow.) Money Book, p. 101. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 117. Disposition Book, p. 45.
Same for 1,000l. to Heneage, Lord Finch, Lord Chancellor, for last Christmas quarter on his annuity or yearly pension of 4,000l. per an., to be paid out of moneys lent into the Exchequer the 18th inst. by Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe. Money Book, p. 102.
250l. to Sir William Scroggs, kt., for 1680, Easter term's salary as Chief Justice of the King's Bench; to be paid ut supra.
250l. each to the Judges as follows for same term, viz., Sir Thomas Jones, kt., Sir William Dolben, kt., Sir Thos. Raymond, kt., Justices of the King's Bench; Sir Francis North, kt., Chief Justice of Common Pleas, and Sir William Ellis, kt., Sir Hugh Windham, kt., Sir Job. Charlton, kt., Justices of Common Pleas: William Montague, Lord Chief Baron, and Sir Richard Weston, kt., Sir Edward Atkins, kt., Sir William Gregory, kt., Barons of the Exchequer: to be paid ut supra.
May 24. Money warrant for 125l. to Sir George Jefferys, kt., for Easter term as a Justice of Chester: to be paid ut supra. Money Book, p. 103.
50l. to George Johnson for same as a same: to be paid ut supra.
Same for 74l. 3s. 4d. to Francis Crawly, esq., for half a year to Lady day last upon his two several fees of 100 marks each and for last Michaelmas term on his allowances of 16l. 13s. 4d. and 13l. 6s. 8d. as Fifth Baron of the Exchequer: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
Same for 25l. each to the following for last Lady day quarter as Masters in Chancery: viz., Sir Edward Lowe, Sir Andrew Hackett, Sir Timothy Baldwyn, Sir Lacon William Child, Sir John Hoskins, Sir Samuel Clarke, Sir Miles Cooke, Sir John Franklyn, Sir Thomas Estcourt, Sir John Coell, and Sir William Beversham: to be paid ut supra. Ibid, p. 104. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 118.
Same for 25l. each to Sir Charles Cotterell, Sir William Glascock and Thomas Povey for 1679, Lady day quarter and William Fanshaw for 1679, Christmas quarter on their fee or salary as Masters of Requests: to be paid ut supra. Money Book, p. 104.
Same for 20l. each to Sir Robert Sawyer, kt., and Sir George Jefferys, kt., for half a year to 1678, June 24, on their fee as King's Counsel: to be paid ut supra. Ibid, pp. 104–5.
Same for 41l. 6s. 10d. to Sir John Maynard for one year to 1678, Michaelmas, on his fee as a Serjeant at Law: to be paid ut supra. Ibid, p. 105.
Same for 35l. to Heneage Finch, esq., for half a year to Christmas last on his fee as Solicitor General: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
Same for 20l. 6s. 8d. to Sir Creswell Levins, kt., for last Lady day quarter on his fee as Attorney General: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
Same for 225l. to Andrew Newport for three quarters to 1679, Michaelmas, on his fee as Comptroller of the Great Wardrobe: to be paid out of unappropriated money in the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 106.
225l. to Marmaduke Darcy for same on his fee as Surveyor of the Great Wardrobe: to be paid ut supra.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: being for one week's allowance to the 22nd inst. for the ordinary service of the Navy. Money Book, p. 108.
The like for 500l. to same on same, for the same week's allowance for the Victualling.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 50l. 4s. 1¼d. to Mr. Burton upon the orders in his hands: out of disposeable money in the Exchequer. Disposition Book, p. 41.
Same to same to issue out of Excise money in the Exchequer 2,000l. to the Cofferer of the Household, 500l. to me [Guy] for secret service and 300l. to Mr. Topham for the Duchess of Cleveland's children. Ibid, p. 44.
Same to same to reserve for particular directions from the Treasury Lords what money shall be paid into the Exchequer by Mr. Astry the King's [Bench] Coroner. Ibid.
Same to same to pay out of any disposeable money in the Exchequer 100l. to the churchwardens and overseers of the parish of St. Martin's 50l. to the churchwardens and overseers of St. Margaret's, Westminister, 50l. to the Treasurer of the Hospital at Westminster founded by King Charles I. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of an order of the King in Council dated Whitehall May 12. Reference Book I, pp. 71–2.
Prefixing: said order, being an order of reference to the Treasury made upon reading this day at the Board the petition of the Governor and fellowship of English merchants for discovery of new trades, usually called the Muscovia Company, said petition setting forth that petitioners are now about fitting out their ships for Archangel to return for London, and having thoughts of lading a quantity of seal oil there as they annually do, and having had only a permission for the importation thereof for the last year [on] paying 6s. per ton Custom whereas in the time of the late Treasurers Southampton and Danby they had the same permission granted them without limitation of time, wherefore petitioners pray a general warrant on the same lines for the prevention of annual charges.
Same to Sir Richard Haddock of the petition of Jon. Tyrwhit shewing that he had served from 1675, Aug. 17, to 1678–9, Feb. 12, as a midshipman on his Majesty's ship Saphire under Capt. Harman, now deceased, and Capt. Shovel, from whom petitioner received a ticket for his said service: said ticket has not yet been paid, although petitioner was present at the pay of said ship at Deptford and Broad Street: petitioner intends to serve the King under Sir Robert Robinson, commander of the Assistance now going to sea, but is not able to do so without his ticket be speedily paid. Ibid, p. 72.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Jon. Thompson. Said petitioner sets forth that he was master and part owner of an English built pink called the Adventure, of Hull, which in her voyage thence to the Sound was cast away on the rocks at the Isle of Vannas where petitioner lay 14 days to save what he could, and having saved the rigging went to Stockholm and there bought a vessel called the Stockholm Merchant: petitioner sailed from Hull with 8 English and one stranger, but was obliged to return with said 8 English and 4 strangers, as his new ship was bigger than the old, and he could get no English [at Stockholm]; wherefore on his return to England with tar and iron his ship is seized by the deputy surveyor of the Navigation Act and the merchants refuse to pay his freight till he is cleared therefore prays for the discharge of said seizure. Ibid, p. 73.
May 24. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Watts setting forth that he has served as tidesman since the Restoration. and is now like to be put out thereof by Mr. Cooper and Mr. Moore, surveyors of the port of _ without cause known, they denying him his salary and the benefit of his seizures and his ordinary and extraordinary charges unless he will deliver up his deputation. Reference Book I, p. 74.
Same to same and to the Excise Farmers of Gaddard's petition. Petitioner sets forth that he has, now arrived in the Thames on board the Eaglet, about 50 tuns of spirits from Barcelona and port of Salon which are refused entry as spirits, although petitioner imported about the same quantity and sort last year from the same places on which shipment the [Customs] Commissioners and Farmers only took 4d. per gallon as spirits "as in truth they were, nor are these any more, as also it may appear by the value your petitioner then sold and now offereth to sell them at were on their part lower in price than brandy or spirits which are perfectly made." But now said goods are refused entrance. Ibid, pp. 74–5.
Same to Sir Creswell Levins, Attorney General, of the draft form of a discharge and release from George Pley to the King of all pretensions and demands of said Pley. Ibid, p. 75.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of Thomas Tyrrell's petition for the next tidesman's place in fee. London port. having had Treasurer Danby's warrant for a noon tender's place. Ibid, p. 76.
Henry Guy to Mr. Allen. At your hearing before the Treasurer Lords concerning Sir William Doyley's debt as late Receiver of Hearthmoney for Surrey you undertook to pay 75l. as your [surety] quota. Pay it in forthwith or execution will issue against you for the whole debt. Out Letters (General), p. 510.
The like to Mr. Doughty concerning his quota of 125l. for same.
Same to Mr. Brisbane. The Navy Treasurer has to-day applied to the Treasury for money to pay off the Sweepstakes at Sheerness, being 8,640l. for 150 men from 1677, April 7, to 1680, May 31. It would very much conduce to the King's service at this time if those men or some of them can be continued in the King's pay on board other ships whereby their payment may be deferred. The Treasury Lords therefore desire the Admiralty Lords to give order for turning over as many of the said men into other ships as is possible. Ibid, p. 511.
May 24. Henry Guy to the Treasurer of the Navy to apply as follows the 1,800l. this day ordered to you out of the loans at the Exchequer: viz.: 1,000l. thereof by 500l. a fortnight for the work of the two new ships at Chatham and Harwich and the remaining 800l. for Sir Richard Haddock to pay off tickets. Out Letters (General), p. 511.
Same to Mr. Agar to report on the enclosed paper of repairs wanting at New Park near Richmond. Ibid, p. 512.
Appending: said paper offered May 3 inst. (1) 100 loads of the best hay that can be got; for the deer this summer. For want of good hay more than 600 fallow deer and 7 brace of red deer died in the year 1678. The hay that was mowed in the meads starved all the deer that winter and will do so again, for the ground is one-third overgrown with rishes this spring. (2) Harleton Lodge to be repaired, a barn and stable built and the yard and orchard to be paled. (3) The coping of the wall and several breaches to be mended. (4) A new grate to the common shoare next to Roehampton. (5) The paddocks to be made new to feed deer in for the King's hunting. (6) The old trenches to be scoured up about the park to draw the water from wet places into the common shoare. (7) A grate and bridge to be made at the great pond head and the pond head to be mended to keep the water from washing it down. (8) A pen stock to be lafd at the head of the pen pond and the pond to be scoured. (9) The meadows in the park will never be good for hay except they be scoured, the bushes grubbed up, the mole hills cut and trenches cleared.
Same to the Ordnance Commissioners to attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow afternoon concerning the papers and books desired to be seen by Auditor Done about Sir George Wharton's accounts. (The like letter to Auditor Done.) Ibid, p. 513.
Same to Sir James Shaen and partners forwarding from the Treasury Lords three papers relating to the 30,000l. which Sir John James and his partners received out of the advance money on the present farm of the revenue of Ireland. Bring my Lords your opinion on them to-morrow. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Brouncker forwarding a letter received this morning by the Treasury Lords from the Board of Greencloth. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Hoare, Comptroller of the Mint. for a certificate what is due to the moneyers for coining gold and silver moneys to this day and whether they have coined their proportion of small money. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Kenton and Mr. Rowe to forthwith make their report concerning the moneyers' waste in working the gold and silver moneys. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to attend the Treasury Lords on Wednesday next. Ibid, p. 514.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners for a particular list of Mr. Rives's tallies and the debt due to him on the Wine Licences, and an account of what debts are due to other persons on that revenue. Ibid.
May 24. Henry Guy to Mr. Grahme and Mr. Burton to consider the two following papers and to draw out of both a form of instructions fit to be given to each Receiver that is to be appointed for prosecuting Papists; adding what you think fit for the more effectual bringing their estates to pay to the King what they ought by law, and to take care that what moneys shall arise from thence be paid quarterly into the Exchequer. Out Letters (General), pp. 514–6.
Appending [a] the method to be prosecuted for settling the revenue given out of the two-thirds of Recusants' estates or the 20l. per mensem. Verbatim ut supra, pp. 529–30 under date May 11 down to "compound for two-thirds." [b draft of instructions from the Treasury Lords to the said Receivers.] (1) You are to take care as soon as commissions are issued out to the sheriffs of each county as above [supra, p. 530], to get evidence in readiness as above. (2) You are to take care to get copies of the several assessments from the Commissioners of Assessments in each division of these counties where any Recusants' lands lie and you shall take care to summon the said assessors and collectors to give evidence for the King as above, that by this means the King may have a better light into the true values of such estates when he comes to let them. (3) Where Recusants shall after seizure plead off their estates you are to take the 20l. per mensem. (4) You are to take care to convict the children of such Popish Recusants above—years to the end that such as have not great estates may be willing to compound for two-thirds. (5) You are to proceed with all diligence effectually to prosecute all Popish Recusants within your district according to these instructions and from time to time to inform us, the Treasury Lords. what progress you shall make; and if anything occurs to you whereby this service may be the better carried on, you are to acquaint us with the same. that you may receive further direction as we shall judge requisite. You shall give notice if by reason of conformity any shall come to be discharged and to use your utmost endeavour that none be discharged but in open court.
May 25. Same to the Hearthmoney Contractors. Sir Robt. Vyner has moved the Treasury Lords about the interest of [such of] his money [as has been] not paid by you in time. My Lords think it reasonable that you allow him 6 per cent. Ibid, p. 517
Same to Tho. Dennet at Wilton. Upon reading the petition of Sir Henry Coker, kt., the Treasury Lords direct you to take care that no further prosecution be made against him about an arrear of money received by him in co. Wilts in 1663 under the Act for settling the Militia till you have attended their Lordships therein. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners. We have received several informations from _ tending to the advantage of the Customs by preventing the importation of uncustomed and prohibited goods, particularly French goods prohibited by the late Poll Act. Discourse with him about it and give him all fair encouragement and proceed upon his informations. "But you are by no means to discover the correspondence you have with the said _ until he shall be willing to have his name known or we shall give you permission so to do; of which you are to take an especial care, we having mentioned his name to no other person whatsoever but yourselfe and conceiving it for his Majesty's service at the present to conceal it from all others." Ibid.
May 25. The Treasury Lords to the Lord Chief Baron to send for Mr. Murrell the undersheriff of Shropshire, and charge him to execute the extent in his hand for a debt to the King on the estate of Mr. Cresset, Receiver for co. Salop, of the first part of the late Eighteen Months' assessment. Out Letters (General), p. 518.
Same to Justice Windham. In ours of April 22 last to you we desired you pursuant to the order in Council of April 16 last to forthwith cause to be brought to the Treasury the names of the persons prosecuted at the last assizes for Popish Recusants in the several counties of your circuit to the end we might proceed therein as directed by another order in Council of the same date. Since that time we have received no such accounts from you. Despatch them to us without further delay. (The like letter to Justice Dolbin and Justice Ellis.) Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Ordnance Commissioners to attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow concerning the papers and books desired to be seen by Auditor Done about George Wharton's account. Ibid, p. 519.
Same to Sir James Shaen and partners to peruse the following memorial and to let the Treasury Lords know whether you shall claim the money mentioned in it by virtue of your [Irish revenue] farm grant in case the King should dispose of it [said money] to any other person. Ibid.
Appending: a memorial of the checques imposed and deducted from the Army in Ireland since the commencement of the last farm [of the revenue]. Capt. Robt. Fitzgerald was appointed Comptroller of the musters at an allowance of 436l. per an. out of such money as should be saved to the King by means of the cheques on the army and not otherwise. It may be made appear that there is an overplus of about 300l. per an. ever since the commencement of the last farm, over and above Capt. Fitzgerald's allowance. The said arrear with the growing income (above Capt. Fitzgerald's salary) is money concealed and of no present advantage to the King, but by the endeavours of the discoverer may [be] secured.
Same to same. The Treasury Lords have considered the proposal you presented to them this day relating to Tangier. They desire you will put into writing all the covenants and agreements that you propose as well on the King's part as your own and send them to my Lords. Ibid, p. 520.
Treasury warrant to the Treasurer's Remembrancer to issue process to the several sheriffs of Berks, Bucks, Oxford, Beds and Herts for levying the forfeitures of 20l. per mensem upon Popish Recusants from 1678, Sept. 29. to 1679, Sept. 29, "as they are returned into your office by schedule of Pipe." Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 180.
May 25. Treasury warrant to Samuel Astrey, Coroner and Attorney in the King's Bench Court. Several fines have been set upon several persons in the King's Bench at Westminster, Easter term last, viz., 500 marks on Henry Edgar, esq., 100 marks on Samuell Jessop, 5 nobles on Samuell Hemett. You are to pay same into the Exchequer "and such other fines as shall from time to time be paid unto you by virtue of your office." Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 180.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 88l. 5s. 0d. to Edward Griffin to be by him paid over to Theodore Randu, keeper of his Majesty's house and privy lodgings at Windsor Castle, in full satisfaction of his bills for half a year to 1679 Lady day. Money Book, p. 106.
Money warrant for 1,800l. to Sir Edward Dering, bart., in repayment of so much lent by him into the Exchequer the 22nd inst.: together with 6 per cent. per an. payable half yearly: to be paid out of the Customs. (Money order dated May 22 hereon. [This money order is given the date of the tally of loan but constitutionally it should not have been dated prior to the money warrant upon the authority of which alone it could be drawn.].) Ibid, p. 106. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 117.
Same for 552l. to Sir Peter Wyche, kt., for 6 months' ordinary, July 7 last to Jan. 7 last, as Resident with the Hanse Towns. (Money order dated May 27 hereon.) Money Book, p. 107. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 119.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the Customs Cashier to pay 20l. to Thomas Miller. late officer of the Customs at Carolina: for his present support. Money Book, p. 107.
Money warrant for 100l. to Sutton Oglethorp for half a year to 1678, Christmas, on his fee as Master of his Majesty's Studs. Ibid, p. 110.
Same for 20l. to Jon. Dolbin and Richard Cam for one year to 1679, Lady day, on their fee as Clerks of the Fines at Ludlow. Ibid, p. 111.
Same for 300l. to Phill. Burton, gent., as imprest for the charges of law suits and other business relating to the Treasury. (Money order dated May 26 hereon.) Ibid, p. 11. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 116.
Same for 170l. to Sam. Langford without account: same being intended as a reward to himself and the other clerks belonging to his Majesty's Secretary and other persons attending the King, [being] for their extraordinary labour and pains in doing several businesses relating to his Majesty's service, (Money order dated May 26 hereon.) Money Book, pp. 111–2. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 116.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (out of such moneys as shall be paid into the Exchequer of the Tenths of the Diocese of York) 250l. to Visct. Brouncker on his pension of 1,000l. per an. Disposition Book I, p. 45.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the money now in, or which shall be paid in to the Exchequer by the sureties of Sir William Doyley, late Receiver of Hearthmoney for co. Surrey, viz., 170l. to Mr. Langford. 60l. to Major Brett for half a year's interest, 88l. to Mr. Griffin for Mr. Randue, 100l. to Mr. Oglethorp for half a year's salary, 300l. to Mr. Burton, and 70l. to Mr. Goldsborough: (in all 788l. 5s. 0d.). Disposition Book I. p. 45.
Same to same to issue (out of First Fruits which shall be paid into the Exchequer by John Lawrence) 263l. to the Earl of Plymouth to complete 750l. for one quarter on his pension. Ibid, p. 46.
Mr. Welsh of the Exchequer desires on behalf of Mr. Somers that no release may pass to Mr. Hunt et al. of a recognizance of 500l. entered into by said Hunt upon an indictment against him for burning Mr. Somer's farm in Worcestershire, till notice be given to Mr. Welse for Mr. Somers who has the said for feiture granted him by privy seal. Mr. William Fanshaw is the person supposed to solicit the pardon. Caveat Book, p. 11.
Nicholas Reynardson of London, esq., desires that no lease may pass of Holbrook Park, co. Suffolk (formerly pretended to be the lands of Gilbert Havers, esq.), without notice be given to himself at Sir Small. Barnadeston's house near the Pump in Bishopsgate Street, London. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Comptroller, Warden and Auditors of the Mint of the petition of Edward Silvester, smith of the Tower, praying that his accounts with Mr. Slingsby may be stated "and he [Silvester] be paid 370l. paid him [Slingsby]." Reference Book I, p. 76.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Josias Walker, late collector at Minehead, praying for the remission of 140l. which he is in arrear on his collection of said port, in reward for his having discovered abuses there. Ibid.
Same to Sir Anthony St. Leger, Warden of the Mint, and James Hoare, Comptroller of the Mint, of the petition of Frances Harley, widow, praying payment of 209l. 12s. 4d. due to her for dressing and providing diet for the officers of the Mint from 1676 to 1678, for which her bills have been delivered in to the Comptroller [of the Mint] and the money often demanded of Mr. Slingsby. Ibid, p. 77.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Rene Petit, his Majesty's agent at Rouen, being in debt (by reason of his 14 years' imprisonment for his Majesty's service) to the value of 600l., and being to go to Carolina prays something out of the Customs that shall come to his Majesty of the petitioner's plantations there after the 2,000l. is paid for the charges of carrying over persons and settling them there. Ibid, p. 79.
May 26. Henry Guy to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, to apply as follows the 7,684l. 13s. 0d. ordered to be issued to you, viz.— Out Letters (General), p. 523.
l. s. d.
for the men of the Date Tree 1,000 0 0
for the men at Harwich 903 0 0
for Capt. Story 417 0 0
for dead men's clothes 300 0 0
for the Soudades 1,000 0 0
for the Katherine yacht 1,000 0 0
for Sir Tho. Beckford 600 0 0
to discharge men at Portsmouth 1,563 1 0
901 12 0
May 26. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows the 10,639l. 13s. 0d. which Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe will lend to-morrow into the Exchequer, viz., 7,684l. 13s. 0d. to the Treasurer of the Navy (for items ut supra): 955l. to Mr. Warwick for his equipage and entertainment, and 2,000l. to the Ordnance. Disposition Book. p, 46.
Same to same to issue the 594l. 13s. 6d. (lent into the Exchequer this day by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe) to Sir John Micklethwayte and the other physicians that attended the King at Windsor and Charas the Apothecary. Ibid, p. 47.
Same to same to issue as follows out of such Excise money as shall be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz., 1,000l. to the Privy Purse, 300l. to Mr. Topham for the Duchess of Cleveland's children, 250l. to Mris. Gwynne, 500l. to me [Guy for secret service] in part of 5,000l., 100l. to the Ministers of the Isle of Man. Ibid.
Same to same to issue 412l. 3s. 6d. to me [Guy] for secret service (upon such warrants as you shall receive from the Treasury Lords) out of the following funds, viz., 312l. 3s. 6d. out of the Tenths paid by Mr. Stephens, surety of Mr. Peters, deceased, late sub-collector to the Bishop of Lincoln; 82l. 15s. 0d., the residue of 871l. paid or to be paid into the Exchequer by the sureties of Sir William Doyley, deceased, late Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Surrey; 17l. 5s. 0d. out of any disposable money in the Exchequer not reserved or not directed by the Treasury Lords. Ibid, p. 48.
Same to Mr. Slingsby. Make haste to bring in your accounts from 1677 Christmas, to 1679 Christmas, and attend the Chancellor of the Exchequer at his house to-morrow concerning the accounts that are now declaring. Out Letters (General), p. 520.
Same to the Hearthmoney Contractors. The Treasury Lords find it necessary for his Majesty's service to have the payment of 1,000l. a week continued for another quarter and have therefore sent for some of your partners and discoursed them about it and do desire you to consider of it all together with speed and to give them answer in two or three days. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Goldsborough [Clerk of the House of Commons]. The Treasury Lords have directed 70l. to be issued to you at the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to the Ordnance Commissioners to apply as follows the 2,000l. now directed to the Treasurer of the Ordnance, viz., 1,513l. 0s. 3d. to Lieut, Isaac Rutton in part of his bill and 410l. to Col. Villiers for moneys by him expended for necessary repairs and works at Tynemouth Castle and Clifford Fort in part of the estimate of the charge of those works. Ibid, p. 521.
May 26. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to pay by way of imprest out of the weekly Navy money the 23l. 4s. 9d. due to Phillip Overton, late volunteer on board the Assistance (due to him by bill signed in your Office) in regard he is speedily to go to sea again. Out Letters (General), p. 523.
Treasury warrant to Henry Ayloff, the King's Remembrancer, to prepare a grant and commission to Samuel Bedford to be Receiver General of the Forfeiture of Popish Recusants within the counties of Beds, Bucks, Herts, Oxford and Berks: during pleasure and with instructions as hereto annexed [missing] the original whereof has been approved by Sir Creswell Levinz, Attorney General. [For these instructions see infra under date ? June 30.] Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 182–3.
Same to same to take said Bedford's securities, viz., said Bedford himself and Christopher Theed, citizen and Goldsmith of London: total bond, 1,500l.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland's report on the petition of Phillip Frowde, said petition praying a grant of Mountjoy, co. Tyrone, with about 40l. per an. now withheld from the Crown. Said petition being Feb. 28 last referred to the Lord Lieutenant he reported that the town, castle and fort and lands of Mountjoy, with 300 acres of land were granted 1610, June 19, to Sir Francis Rowe, kt., for 31 years, and in 1617–18 were granted to Mountjoy Blunt, Lord Mountjoy, and his heirs male. It does not appear whether said Lord be dead without heirs male. Any grant to petitioner can only commence from the determination of such interests as above. Said report being referred April 10 last to the Treasury Lords the latter hereby report agreeing therewith. Out Letters (Ireland), pp. 79–80.
Same to same (on a reference dated March 26 last) on a draft royal letter to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland authorising the issuing of money for building the fort and buying the land for it at Ringcurran near Kinsale to a total of 16,440l. 3s. 7d. whereof 11,557l. 1s. 1d. appears by the Surveyor General's account to be expended up to Feb. 25 last. We have no objection to the passing the said draft. Ibid, pp. 81–3.
Prefixing: said draft. We consider said fort necessary to secure the harbour and have given you, the Lord Lieutenant, several orders for the work but none specifically for issuing moneys for it. From the accompt of William Robinson, Surveyor General of Buildings and Fortifications in Ireland the amount expended to Feb. 25 is as above, and there will yet be needed 2,642l. and 200l. more for the palisading and counterscarp, and 1,000l. to enlarge the houses at present built in said fort for only one entire company to take another company or more. By royal letter of 1678–9, March 14, you were authorised to pay Sir Robert Southwell 1,041l. 2s. 6d. for the land of said fort being 50 acres. The total is 16,440l. 3s. 7d. You are hereby authorised to issue this sum. When finished render an account hereof and transmit a plot of the fort.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to determine and annual the great seal of _ which created and granted to Richard Dereham during pleasure, with the fee of 50l. per an., the office for the receipt of the revenue arising by the forfeitures of Recusants in cos. Beds, Berks, Bucks, Cambridge, Cornwall, Devon and Exeter, Dorset and Poole, Essex, Colchester, Maldon, Harwich and liberty of Havering, Gloucester, the liberty of the Duchy of Lancaster, Hereford, Herts, Huntingdon, Kent and Canterbury, Leicester, Middlesex, London, Monmouth, Northampton, Norfolk and Norwich, Oxford, Rutland, Salop, Somerset and Bristol, Southampton, Suffolk, Surrey, Sussex, Warwick and Coventry, Worcester, Wilts, Anglesey, Brecknock, Cardigan, Carmarthen, Carnarvon, Denbigh, Flint, Glamorgan, Pembroke, Haverford West, Merioneth, Montgomery and Radnor. King's Warrant Book, p. 322b.
Same to the Treasury Lords to cause such and so many persons as they think fit to be receivers general of the forfeitures of Popish Recusants ("of the issues, rents, profits and revenue of or belonging or which shall belong to us, our heirs and successors arising by the forfeitures of Popish Recusants") within the several counties, cities, etc., of England, Wales and Berwick. To be during pleasure and with such wages, powers and instructions as the Treasury Lords think fit. Ibid, p. 322.
Four separate royal sign manuals for respectively 600l., 100l., 500l. and 312l. 3s. 6d. to Henry Guy, for secret service without account: to be paid out of the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of the 19th inst. (Four separate money warrants dated May 26 hereon. Four separate money orders dated May 27 hereon.) Ibid, p. 322. Money Book, p. 109. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 116.
Royal sign manual for 108l. 2s. 0d. each to Sir John Micklethwaite, Sir Charles Scarborough, Dr. Richard Lowre (Lower), Dr. Wetherley and Dr. Dickinson (as Physicians to the King) and 54l. 3s. 6d. to _ Charas (Charras), apothecary, "as our free gift and royal bounty without account." To be paid out of the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of the 19th inst. (Money warrant dated May 26 hereon. Money order dated May 27 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 323. Money Book, p. 110. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 116.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Ann, Countess of Newburgh, for 49½ years from June 24 next of all those moneys, duties and payments of sixpence arising upon sealing of writs and commissions in the Court of Chancery commonly called Sixpenny Writs (as granted 6 Car. I to James Levingston, Esq., for 41 years from 1647–8, Jan. 13, under the rent of 1,000l. per an.). The like rent of 1,000l. per an. to be reserved to the King, payable quarterly to the Clerk of the Hanaper. The present grant to be on surrender first made of the said prior grant and payment of all arrears of rent due thereon. The Lord Chancellor to have power to sequester the said duties if the payments of said reserve rent be 10 days in arrear, the Clerk of the Hanaper paying the overplus (after satisfaction of the rent) to said Countess; but if the reserve rent be in arrear 30 days after any quarter day then the Lord Chancellor shall have power, by order signed by him, to determine the said term and from the time of such order the present grant shall be void. The said Countess hereby covenants that she, her executors, etc., shall for each ensuing quarter's rent pay into the Hanaper all such sums as she or they shall receive until that ensuing quarter's rent be satisfied (see supra, pp. 278–9, and infra, p. 581). King's Warrant Book, pp. 323–4.
May 26. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a grant to Sir Thamworth Reresby, his executors, etc. of the 400l., part, as below, of the 500l. which his sister Diana Reresby, deceased, left by will to Charles Huggford to be distributed by said Huggford according to directions which she had given him, being for the employment of same for the maintenance or provision of Popish Priests or such other uses as subjected the said money to forfeiture: as to which the said Sir Thamworth has exhibited a bill at his own charge in Chancery in the name of the Attorney General against said Huggford whereupon it was decreed in Chancery that 400l., part thereof (some deductions being first made for charges) should be paid by Huggford to the Attorney General for the King's use. Same to be received by Sir Thamworth to his own use and without account. King's Warrant Book, pp. 324–6.
Royal sign manual for 150l. to Thomas Doyley without account, for his charges in apprehending and prosecuting counterfeiters and clippers of the coin. To be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of the 19th inst. and to be issued out of the fine payable by said Doyley for a lease of the office of Seneschall and bailiff of the three Hundreds of Chiltern, co. Bucks. (Money warrant dated June 17 hereon. Money order dated June 25 hereon.) Ibid, p. 327. Money Book, p. 121. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 128.
Royal warrant to Francis, Visct. Newport, Treasurer of the Household, William, Lord Maynard, Comptroller of the Household, Henry Brouncker, Cofferer of the Household, and the rest of the Board of Greencloth to pass and allow from time to time to said Henry Brouncker the sum of 300l. per an. payable quarterly from Christmas last and during the King's pleasure. Said Cofferer is hereby to pay over said sum to such uses as the King shall direct whereof no account is to be rendered or given. The present warrant is by reason that in an establishment for the charge of the King's and Queen Consort's diet and of the Household, Chamber, Chapel and Stables to continue from 1679, July 1 during pleasure, there is an item of 500l. per an. to the Master of the Horse; which sum there is no person entitled to receive since the vacancy of the office of Master of the Horse: and the King being resolved that 300l. per an. to be esteemed part of said 500l. per an. "shall be applied to our particular use and service without account." King's Warrant Book, pp. 327–8.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a grant to Robert Phelipps, the King's servant, and in consideration of good and faithful services of all sums which are or shall appear due to the King from Humphry Jones, citizen of London, who was made a Treasurer under the pretended Act of 1649 for the sale of the goods and personal estate of the King and Queen and Prince Charles (which matters have been expressly excepted out of the several Acts of pardon and indemnity since the Restoration), viz., for any of the goods which were sold or disposed of under said Act which said Jones has not yet answered or paid or accounted for to the King: and also all goods, chattels and jewels whatsoever which have been heretofore concealed or unjustly withheld from the King by said Humphry Jones, William Webb, John Crooke, Jon. Boulton, James Noel, Elizabeth, relict of Tho. Pride, Richard Anot, John Lason, Tho. Appletree and James Yates or any of them of the goods, chattels or jewels of the late King, Queen or the Prince and which have not been heretofore granted away or remitted by his present Majesty and also the following moneys recovered by judgment against said Crook and Bolton, the said Phelipps having informed that the said Jones has made a false and unjust account of the money received by the sale of the said goods and that said Jones et al. ut supra, or some of them have contrary to the said pretended Act converted several of the said goods to their own uses being neither servants nor creditors to the said late King or Queen, and that judgment has been obtained against the said John Crooke and Jon. Bolton for 200l. or upwards now payable to the administrators of the late Queen Mother for the King's use. The premises herein are to be received by said Phelipps, his executors, etc., to his and their use without account and they to have full power (with the written consent of the Treasury) to conclude and compound with any of the said persons and thereupon discharge in the Exchequer is to be given to such person. Ibid, pp. 328–331.
May 26. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 25l. to Timothy Thornbury for half a year to 1679, Sept. 29, on his salary as Collector of the duty on leather, etc., London Port. Money Book, p. 108.
Money warrant for 3,689l. 0s. 7d. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe for 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. gratuity or reward on several sums by them lent for the King's service as by an account thereof made up to March 25 last by Auditor Aldworth; such interest and gratuity (to be made principal at the end of every three months) being authorised by the privy seal of Aug. 14 last. "But in regard some part of the said sum' is or may be already authorized to be paid in the orders of repayment which were drawn for several of the principal sums comprehended in the said account" therefore care is to be taken by making memorandum in the margent of the entries of the [money] orders [which are to be drawn upon the present warrant] and likewise upon the orders themselves, so that the King may not be doubly charged. The present sum to be satisfied by tallies on said Kent as Customs Cashier. (Money order dated June 14 hereon.) Ibid, pp. 109–10. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 123
Same for 90l. to Sir John Lethellieur for one year's interest to July 1 last at 6 per cent. on 1,500l. due to him upon an order No. 41 for 5,000l. registered on the fee farms, and drawn in the name of William Ashburnham [as Cofferer of the Household] by whom same was [pro tanto] assigned to said Lethelliere. (Money order dated June 7 hereon.) Money Book, p. 110. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 119.
Money warrant for 80l. to John Topham, Serjeant at Arms attending the House of Commons, to be by him distributed to Thomas Hewes, Abel Carey and Edmond Cooper, doorkeepers, and John Wood, John Bennett, Henry Pight, Samuel Freeborne and Davies (David) Powell, messengers attending the said House of Commons; as in reward of their services for the last five sessions of Parliament. (Money order dated June 7 hereon.) Money Book, p. 112. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 119.
Same for 60l. to the Dean and Chapter of Westminster for one year to 1679, June 24, on the annuity to them for the ministers of the French Church in the Savoy. Money Book, p. 112.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 31l. 13s. 4d. to Mary Jenyngs, relict of Thomas Jenyngs, for one year to 1679, Sept. 29, on his salary as late Comptroller of Customs Bristol port. Ibid.
Same to same to pay 483l. 6s. 8d. to Sir John Shaw, bart., son of Sir John Shaw, kt., late deceased, for half a year to Christmas last on his salaries of 466l. 13s. 4d. per an. as late Collector Inwards London port and 500l. per an. as late Surveyor of the Navigation Act on both which there were 3 quarters due at Lady day last. Ibid, p. 113.
Money order for 594l. 13s. 6d. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncomb in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 122.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Curwen concerning the allowance of his contingent charges of 1s. 6d. per diem for his horse and riding about the country (not usually amounting to above 9l. per an.) hitherto usually allowed but now obstructed by the present Customs Commissioners ever since they came in. Reference Book I, p. 77
Same to Sir Richd. Mason, kt., Barth. Fillingham and Serj. Ramsey [Agents for Taxes] of Col. William Rooke's petition for some allowance as Receiver of the Seventeen Months' and late [1678] Eighteen Months' assessment in [co. Kent] and as soliciton for same by Treasurer Danby's order, his collection being expensive, there being no head collectors to be assistant as formerly, and the charge of continual guards to move the money very considerable. Ibid, p. 78.
Same to same of the petition of Letice Whitley, widow of Ralph Whitley, esq., Receiver of the Seventeen Months' tax, Poll and Eighteen Months' tax for the 6 counties of North Wales praying some allowance for extraordinary pains, etc. Ibid, p. 79.
Same to the Surveyor General of the petition of William Williams, gent., complaining of Sir Edward Mansell for taking a fee as steward of the castle of Haverford West which [fee] belongs to petitioner whereby his Majesty is wornged [together] with petitioner. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of _ Freake, mariner, for discharge of a seizure of uncoined gold which he took one night on shipboard for safety and brought away next day in his return for London, when same was seized at Gravesend. Ibid, p. 80.
May 27. Money order for 10,639l. 13s. 0d. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest. Order Book, XXXVIII, p. 121.
May 28. William Lownds (in the absence of Henry Guy) to Sir John James, Robert Huntington and Lemuel Kingdon to send the Treasury Lords a particular account by Wednesday next of the several sums you received out of the advance money upon the present farm of the Irish revenue, how and by what warrants you received same, when, from whom, and upon what considerations or for what uses same was paid to you and how and to whom same was issued. Out Letters (General), p. 522.
Same to Auditor Bridges and Auditor Done to forthwith attend Serjt. Maynard, the Attorney and Solicitor General and Sir Robert Sawyer with the present state of the Mint and the accounts between the King and Mr. Slingsby as they appear since the last hearing in the Exchequer and the declaration of those accounts before the Treasury Lords; and to desire said Counsels' opinion what may now be legally done by the Treasury Lords to secure the King's debt and to prevent stops to bringing money into the Mint to be coined. Ibid.
Money order for 10,000l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe in repayment of so much by them lent into the Exchequer this day: with 6 per cent. interest. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 121.
William Lownds [for Henry Guy] to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to the Treasurer of the Navy for the service thereof the 10,000l. which Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe will lend this day into the Exchequer. Disposition Book, p. 47.
Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to apply as follows the 10,000l. now provided to be paid to you out of loans in the Exchequer, viz., 3,500l. towards pay of the Sweepstakes, and 6,500l. for pay of the St. David; and if money remain of the said 10,000l. after the said uses are satisfied it is desired that Phenees Pett, who was Marshal General of the fleet late under Sir John Holmes, may be paid 75l. 4s. 0d. for wages due to him, and Mr. Stanley _ which is due to him. Out Letters (General), p. 523.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ Nicholas Webb as waiter and searcher at Norwich, loco Thomas Fettiplace, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 225, 226.
Francis Lownds as tidesman at Hull, loco Robert Northerne, preferred to be waiter at York.
George Beck (present waiter at Penryn) to be waiter at Exeter, loco John Lee, deceased.
Same to same to suppress the office of Collector of Hastings and to put the receipt thereof into the hands of the patent officers and to employ John Randall as surveyor, waiter and searcher there, loco John Parker the present collector, waiter and searcher (he being willing to resign by reason of his age) adding to his salary that of the tidesman of that port whom you are to suppress as useless. Ibid, p. 226.