Entry Book: June 1680, 1-9

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: June 1680, 1-9', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp563-568 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1680, 1-9', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp563-568.

"Entry Book: June 1680, 1-9". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp563-568.


June 1680

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 1. The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners for the monthly assessments, co. Oxford. Samuel Bedford has been constituted Receiver of Recusants' forfeitures in your county. Deliver to him duplicates of any three months' assessment in such towns and places where any Popish Recusants' estates lie, to assist him in discovering the values of their estates. (The like letter for co. Berks and the like for co. Bucks.) Out Letters (General), p. 521.
June 2. William Lownds (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Customs Commissioners. The Governor, merchants and most of the inhabitants of Guernsey have complained to the king of your sending an officer thither to see to the observance of the prohibiting clauses relating to French goods on the last Poll Act. You are to attend the [Privy] Council on Saturday at 9 a.m. with your grounds for sending the said officer "and whether the doing thereof were not in pursuance of an order of Council for that purpose." Ibid, p. 524.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to forthwith issue process of distringuas ad computandum against H. Slingsby, Master and Worker of the Mint, to compel him to render an account of the money by him received for the service of the Mint from 1677, Dec. 20, to 1679, Dec. 20. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 183.
June 3. Money order for 12,700l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncomb in repayment of so much lent by them into the Exchequer this day: with interest at 6 per cent. per an. [to be paid or made into principal] at the end of every three months. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 122.
June 7. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Robert, Viscount Cholmondeley, of the Hundred of Namptwich for 31 years at 9l. per an. rent on surrender of his present term (granted 1662, April 15) therein and for a fine of 40l.: and with a special clause for extending the jurisdiction of the Courts belonging to said Hundred to all actions not above 20l., "for the benefit and ease of the country people in those parts, the like having been granted by his Majesty to Lord Newport [within the Hundred of Bradford] and others [in co. Salop]," &c., ut supra, p. 536. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 184–7.
Prefixing: particular in Latin (made out by deputy auditor Raban and dated 1680, May 26) of the premises; and memorandum and ratal by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, dated May 28.
Same to Henry Ayloff, the King's Remembrancer (in pursuance of the royal sign manual of May 26 last) to issue a grant or Commission under the Exchequer seal to Ralph Pemberton, esq., to be Receiver General of the revenues, etc., from the forfeitures of Popish Recusants within the counties of Essex, Kent, Surrey, Sussex: with such powers, directions, etc., as in the case of Mr. Bedford's commission, supra, p. 557. Ibid, p. 188.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to employ Robert Northan (at present tidewaiter in Hull) as waiter and searcher at York loco Peter Bennet, the place of landwaiter at Hull (to which Northan was formerly recommended loco Edward Gower, deceased) having been given to Capt. Idle. Out Letters (Customs), p. 227.
June 7. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 5,000l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be for two weeks' allowance to the 5th inst. for the ordinary service of the Navy: to be paid out of Customs money. Money Book, p. 113.
The like for 1,000l. to same for the Victuallers' allowance for said two weeks.
Money warrant for 2,078l. 4s. 8d. to Sir George Wharton, bart., Treasurer of the Ordnance as imprest, to be paid over for 6 per cent. interest due from Michaelmas, 1679, to Lady day, 1680, to the persons interested in the 69,273l. 19s. 2½d. Ordnance debt, ut supra, p. 440. (Money order dated June 9 hereon.) Ibid, p. 114. Order Book, XXXVIII, p. 120.
Same for 70l. to the executors of William Goldesborow for 7 years to 1678, Midsummer, on his annuity of 10l. payable at the Receipt to him as clerk of Parliament attending the House of Commons: there being 170l. due to him for 17 years thereon of which 100l. is registered on the Customs and remains unpaid. The present 70l. is to be satisfied out of arrears of Hearthmoney now or hereafter in the Exchequer. Money Book, p. 114.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the Customs Cashier to pay 20l. to Benjamin Herne, gent., for his charge and pains in searching for and seizing prohibited French goods. Ibid.
Treasury reference to John Lawrence, esq., of the petition from Lord Wotton, Sir John Shaw and Lady Carterett, widow of Sir George Carteret, [petitioners] having a grant of the French tonnage in Ireland for 21 years at 200l. per an. rent, notwithstanding which the several Farmers of [the revenue of] Ireland have received the profits of the petitioners' farm all along, yet petitioners are sued for same: they therefore pray a letter to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to admit them into their farm and that they may inspect the books of the collectors, receivers and customers [of the Irish Customs] to see what the said Farmers have received thereon. Hereon said Lawrence is to state the case in a report to the Treasury Lords. Reference Book I, p. 79.
Same to Sir Anthony St. Leger. Warden of the Mint, and the two auditors of the Mint, of the petition of the Provost and Corporation of Moneyers. Petitioners set forth that they had a warrant from Treasurer Danby to Mr. Hoare to pay them 341l. 1s. 0d. for coining copper farthings, of which he paid 300l., but took their note for repayment; that there is further due to them 69l. 7s. 6d. from Mr. Slingsby for coining farthings and half pence. Ibid, p. 80.
Same to same of the petition of Joseph Buckmaster, Carriage Master to the Tower, praying for 41l. due to him for carrying away rubbish out of the Mint. Ibid.
Same to Thomas Hall of the petition of Joseph Alston, of London, merchant, the only surviving trustee of the creditors of Gilbert Havers. Petitioner in behalf of himself and the rest of said creditors sets forth that said Havers was indebted above 4,000l. to his creditors and was declared bankrupt in 1656, and the commissioners [of bankrupt] made an assignment of the manor of Brookshall [Broke Hall], co. Suffolk, being of the value of 3,300l. to petitioners et al. in trust for the creditors; that said Havers as Receiver General both to the late and present king, had a super of 1,116l. 0s. 4¼d. set upon him, upon which super the said manor was, 1670, Oct. 24, extended and seized into the king's hands; that on the 23rd Jan., 1672–3, the king granted said debt to James Porter, as also a lease dated 1673, April 8, of said manor to remain in his hands till said super of 1,116l. 0s. 5¼d. be paid; that said Porter did 1674, July 17, assign his interest therein for 600l. to Richard Glanvile, gent.; that the rents of said manor amount to 185l. per an. which have been received ever since the said extent in Oct., 1670, by the king or those claiming under him; these latter therefore have already received above 1,690l. of said rents which will pay said super and 590l. overplus for taxes and repairs which the King's assigns pretend to have paid; that the said Glanvill endeavours to get an order from the Barons of the Exchequer to have interest allowed for the said debt due to the king from the time same became due, thereby to enhance said debt to so great a sum that he may swallow up the manor and thereby defeat the creditors, although the said Porter, like a worthy Christian often declared that he would never suffer Glanvill to swallow up the said estate: therefore pray relief against Glanvill, especially as the king only granted to Porter said debt and not any interest thereon. Ibid, pp. 81–2.
June 7. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Excise money now in the Exchequer: Disposition Book I, p. 48.
to Mr. Johnson over and above the 2,000l. per week [for the Forces] 2,000
to Mr. Topham for the Duchess of Cleveland's children 300
to Mris. Gwynne 250
to me [Guy] for secret service 500
and out of the 12,700l. lent last week by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe into the Exchequer.
to the Treasurer of the Navy 11,500
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 1,200
Same to same to issue as follows the 1,000l. which the Wine Licence Commissioners are directed to pay into the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 49.
l. s. d.
to the Chancellor of the Exchequer 400 0 0
to Sir Edward Dering 400 0 0
to Phillip Kirke, housekeeper of Whitehall 68 19 2
to the French ministers of the Savoy 60 0 0
to Mr. Collins 50 0 0
Same to same to issue as follows out of the loans made into the Exchequer May 18 last by Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe, viz., 20l. to Sir Thomas Hanmore and 20l. to Sir James Butler. Ibid.
Same to Joseph Hornby to attend the Attorney General next term with all your charters and titles to the coroner's fines, to the end the King's counsel may peruse them in time before next Michaelmas term. Out Letters (General), p. 524.
June 7. Henry Guy to Col. Strode, forwarding from the Treasury Lords the petition of Tho. Broom of Dover, and the petition of Tho. Hamerden, butcher, and Jon. Randall, miller. Bring to the Treasury by Wednesday next your answer hereto. Out Letters (General), p. 524.
Same to Alderman Backwell. Complaint has been this day made to the Treasury Lords by Sir Rich. Mason, et al., Agents for Taxes, that the money assigned by my Lords out of the arrears of Hearthmoney owing by Mr. Thomas Browne, late Receiver of Oxford and Berks (and which is to be by you answered to Mr. Browne according to an order of Council that so he may be enabled to pay his debt to the king) is not yet paid by you, although some time since you promised my Lords it should be done. The Taxes Agents are to receive satisfaction herein without further delay. Ibid, p. 525.
Same to the Customs Commissioners, forwarding for reference thereon a letter of Mr. Herne's. Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to pay to the executors of Capt. Thomas Gardner, late commander of H.M.S. Assistance, the 275l. 12s. 5d. due to him for wages. Pay same by 40l. a week out of that part of the weekly money of the Navy which is appointed for paying off tickets. Ibid. VI, p. 1.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to take care that the ships freighted by the Ordnance Commissioners with stores for Tangier be not retarded in proceeding on their voyage on account of fees demanded by the Customs officers, and to pay such fees if just, and place same to the account of incidents. Ibid.
Appending: copy of letter from the Ordnance Commissioners to the Treasury concerning said ships, the Pellican, William Sherwin, master, Phenix, William Cutler, master, Sea Flower, William Norham, master, and Charles, Roger Morcatt, master, laden with stores and provisions of war for the immediate use of Tangier, on which fees are demanded in London and at Gravesend for clearing the ships at the Blockhouse (although freighted with his Majesty's stores) contrary to all former practice.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners to forthwith pay 1,000l. into the Exchequer of the 1,800l. Wine Licence money in your hands. Pay the remaining 800l. to Robt. Ryves on his tallies in course. Ibid, p. 2.
Same to the Ordnance Commissioners. There is presented to the Treasury Lords a debenture signed by the officers of the Ordnance dated 1678–9, Jan. 10, for 65l. 17s. 0d. to Visct. Morpeth for repairs at Carlisle. Send to my Lords for their perusal the bill and the vouchers for said particulars. Ibid.
June 9. Same to Auditor Parsons to state with all speed Mr. Symon Smyth's account as Receiver of Revenues for co. Southampton. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Mayor and the [Assessment] Commissioners for the city of London. In January last we gave you an account, through the Agents for Taxes, of the great arrear on the city upon the last Seventeen and Eighteen Months' Assessments. This you then undertook to see effectually levied and paid, yet the following account prepared by said Agents the 25 May last shows how much is still in arrear. To prevent all further delay you are to take care that in the full re-assessing and levying these arrears such course be taken as to have the entire sum speedily paid into the Exchequer, as his Majesty's affairs, particularly the building the 30 ships of war, suffer very much by this delay. We desire an account of your proceeding herein. Ibid, p. 3.
Appending: said account dated May 25 and signed by Philip Howard and Robert Moore, of returns and arrears standing out on the city of said assessments.
l. s. d.
returns for the Seventeen Months' Tax 943 7 11¼
arrears for ditto 782 16
returns for the first 4 quarters of the Eighteen Months' tax 656 14 1
arrears for ditto 396 6 2
returns for the fifth and sixth quarters of ditto 43 13 1
arrears for ditto 1,738 13 0
Total £4,561 10 10¾
June 9. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such Excise money as shall be paid into the Exchequer this week, viz.: Disposition Book I, p. 49.
to Mr. Johnson over and above the 2,000l. per week [for the Forces] 3,000
to the Cofferer 1,000
Treasury warrant to Lemuel Kingdon, late Paymaster of the Forces, to pay 1,636l. 13s. 6¾d. to Sir Robert Holmes in satisfaction of the surplusage due upon his accounts to 1679, Sept. 29, as Capt. and Governor of all the forts and castles in the Isle of Wight, and steward, bailiff and Receiver General of his Majesty's revenue there. You (Kingdon) are to pay same out of such moneys (not particularly appropriated by Act of Parliament for a war against the French king or for disbanding the army) as shall appear on [the foot of] your accounts now depending for moneys formerly imprested to you for pay of the Forces "in case so much shall appear to be so due on the said accounts." Money Book, p. 115.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to the Treasury Lords (the Rt. Honble. Lawrence Hyde, esq., Sir John Ernle, kt., Sir Edward Dering, bart., Sidney Godolphin, esq., and Sir Stephen Fox, kt.) for last Lady day quarter's salary. (Money order dated June 10 hereon.) Ibid, p. 116. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 120.
Same for 68l. 19s. 2d. to Phillip Kirk for half a year to Lady day last on his fee of 137l. 18s. 4d. per an. as housekeeper of his Majesty's palace at Whitehall. Money Book, p. 116.
Same for 20l. to Richard Dorney for one year to 1676, Midsummer, on his fee or salary as one of the King's musicians. Ibid, p. 117.
Same for 50l. to Jon. Collins, gent., for one year to 1675, Michaelmas, on his allowance (pension) granted him by the privy seal of 1669, Aug. 6, "until some other employment shall be provided for him of equal or better value." (Money order dated June 14 hereon.) Ibid, p. 117. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 122.
June 9. Royal sign manual for 125l. to Richard Aldworth, esq., as royal bounty: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of May 19 ult., and to be paid out of said Aldworth's fine for renewing his lease of a tenement and land at Windsor. (Money warrant dated June 14 hereon. Money order dated June 16 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 332. Money Book, p. 120. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 124.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Tho. Aram, gent., of the office of Surveyor of Greenwax (surveyor of our revenue arising by all and all manner of fines, forfeitures and sums of money commonly called Greenwax money): during pleasure and with the fee of 150l. per an. to be paid him quarterly out of the said revenue by the hands of the sheriffs or other receivers or collectors thereof. Clauses to be inserted in said grant to direct said Aram to take care that lords of liberties have no greater allowances than they ought, that sheriffs do only levy what they have in charge, that the officers of the courts of justice do duly estreat such profits as arise to the king and that he discover to the judges of the several courts such abuses as he shall find, so that they may regulate the same, "and also a clause to determine the grant of the said office to Henry, Earl of Peterborough, et al. under the patent of 1677–8, Jan. 24, in case the same be not already sufficiently revoked. King's Warrant Book, p. 333.
Privy seal for 300l. to Henry Capell, gent., in full satisfaction for his services as late Consul at Tripoli in Barbary: to be paid out of the Receipt without account. (Money warrant dated June 23 hereon. Money order dated June 25 hereon.) Ibid, p. 339. Money Book p. 135. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 127.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to observe an order of the King in council dated May 26 last. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 227–8.
Prefixing: (a) said order made on the petition of the Countess of Powis, which petition sets forth that on November last a box belonging to her was seized and searched at Berwick upon the presumption that things of great consequence should be found therein, wherein petitioner only had some small things for her own use and a crucifix of Brazil wood which she knew not of. Hereon it is hereby ordered that said box be restored to her except the crucifix which is to be broken and demolished according to law, an inventory thereof having been returned to the Council Board by John Luck, Mayor of Berwick, and Thomas Watson and Richard Clarkson, two of the Justices of the Peace, pursuant to a letter from the said Board of Nov. 19 last. (b) said inventory.