Entry Book: October 1679, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: October 1679, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp224-242 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: October 1679, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp224-242.

"Entry Book: October 1679, 21-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp224-242.


October 1679

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Oct. 21. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to give Robert Williamson a commission to seize uncustomed and prohibited goods. Out Letters (Customs), p. 113.
Subscription by the Treasury Lords of a docquet dated 1679, October, of a [great seal for the] creation of Dame Sarah Corbett, widow, to be Viscouritess Corbet of Linchiado during life, with all privileges, etc., thereto: and the fee of 20 marks per an. for the better support of that dignity. (fn. 1) Order Book XXXVIII, p. 46.
Henry Guy to the Attorney General to give the Treasury Lords your opinion whether it be best for his Majesty_s service that the fines levied in the Court of Common Pleas, commonly called the post fines, should be in farm or out of farm: and if best in farm, then to advise how the said revenue may be improved. Out Letters (General), p. 170.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for a list of all the orders registered on the 412,925l. 14s. 6d. [part of the last Eighteen Months_ Assessment] and how far these orders are paid as they stand in course. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to [the Duke of Ormonde, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland,] forwarding copies of a petition of John Smith alias Gowan and others and of a report thereon from the Attorney GeneraL Said petition is an application for a pardon to petitioners for crimes supposed to be committed in Ireland extending to September 1 last. Said pardon is so far proceeded in that the doequets are brought to us to be signed. The prosecution against petitioners seems, by what we can guess, to arise from malice, and that their opponents are likely to have some benefit by said petitioners_ estates if they be not pardoned. But it may be of dangerous consequence to pass pardons in England of crimes committed in Ireland. We have therefore suspended signing the docquet till we have your report on said matter, which we desire you to examine. Ibid, pp. 171–6. Out Letters (Ireland), p. 21.
Prefixing: (a) Copy of the petition to the King from John Smith alias Gowen of the Inner Temple, London, gent., Wichell Smith alias Gowen, Nicholas Smith alias Gowen, brothers, and Syry Amultually alias Flody, their kinsman, gent. [and] Phillip Smith alias Gowen, gent. Petitioners have been concerned in several law-suits against James Morly and James Caldwell, gent., both in England and Ireland for three years past. Out of malice they have suborned John Dusfy, a convicted murderer in Ireland, to accuse petitioners of robbery and felony, and are still dealing with other malefactors to the like end, and threaten to spend 5,000l. but they will take away petitioners_ lives. (b) Reference dated Windsor September 4 last of said petition to the Solicitor General. (c) Report thereon from Sir William Jones [Attorney General] dated September. It appears from the certificate of several Lords and Privy Councillors in Ireland, etc., that petitioners are of good repute and are maliciously prosecuted. The remaining petitioners are the brothers and brother-in-law of said John Smith, and are prosecuted with relation to the quarrels between said John Smith and Morly and Caldwell.
Oct. 21. Henry Guy to Henry Young to attend the Treasury Lords on Friday afternoon next concerning your petition for respiting the passing the King's grant for settling perpetual [bankers'] interest to Mr. Beckford and others, the assignees of Dorothea Colvile, relict of John Colvile. You were directed to attend to-day [about this same matter], but you have given no observance thereto. Out Letters (General), p. 176.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William, Earl of Derby, setting forth that his tenants in the Isle of Man, by reason of the present want of trade there, are not in a capacity of paying their rents to him in money, whereby he is necessitated to accept household provisions in lieu thereof as formerly his ancestors have done upon the like emergency, and have always imported the same Customs free into the port of Chester and its members, not being imported as merchandise, but expended in his house in Lancashire: therefore praying that he may import such household provisions free of Customs and Excise into the port of Chester and its members. Out Letters (Customs), p. 114.
Oct. 22. Privy seal for payments as follows to Sir Stephen Fox's on balance of his accounts. There are several sums due from the King to Sir Stephen Fox, Paymaster of the Forces, upon orders registered on several branches of the revenue, viz. 2,000l. upon an order No. 501 registered on the Country Excise, 500l. upon a like order No. 507, 150l. for an order No. 219 registered on the late [second] Wine Act, 250l. upon an order No. 30 registered on the Law duty, 100l. upon a like order No. 31, 46l. 10s. 10d. upon an order No. 414 registered on the Hearth-money, 66l. 2s. 6d. upon a like order No. 440, 27l. 7s. 6d. upon a like order No. 661, 200l. upon a like order No. 761, 242l. 0s. 1d. upon a like order No. 773, 344l. 10s. 8d. upon an order No. 127 registered on the sales of fee farm rents, the above sums amounting to 3,926l. 11s. 7d. Further there is due to him 554l. 1s. 10d. upon an order No. 65 registered on the sale of fee farm rents, but the assignment thereof to him (not being made upon the order) is not agreeable to the ordinary course and practice of the Exchequer. Nevertheless the King thinks it just and reasonable that said sum should be paid him upon the said order notwithstanding any want of formality in assigning the same. Further the said Fox upon his account for the pay of the Guards, Garrisons and Forces from 1674–5, January 1, to 1675, December 31, remains indebted to the King in 7,278l. 17s. 9¾d., and has prayed that the abovesaid credit items of 3,926l. 11s. 7d. and 554l. 1s. 11d. (making 4,480l. 13s. 5d. in all) may be allowed him in part of said debt. It is therefore hereby ordered that the said 4,480l. 13s. 5d. be paid to him out of such money as he shall pay into the Exchequer upon the foot of his said account. Further the assignment of the said 554l. 1s. 11d. is hereby to be written or transcribed on the said order No. 65 on the fee farms and affixed thereto, to the end it may more plainly appear that so much thereof is assigned and payable to said Fox. (Royal warrant dated September 23 to the Clerk of the Signet to prepare said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 112–4.
Oct. 22. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 138l. 6s. 8d. to Sir Nicholas Crispe for half a year to September 29 last on his fee as Collector out-wards London port. Money Book, p. 240.
Same to same to pay 31l. 6s. 8d. to John Langwith for half a year to September 29 last on his allowance of 3s. 4d. a day as messenger attending the affairs of the Customs. Ibid, p. 242.
Money warrant for 125l. to Sir William Killegrew for last September 29 quarter on his pension: to be satisfied out of money to be paid into the Exchequer by the Excise Commissioners. Ibid. p. 241.
Same for 1,300l. to Sir William Godolphin for a quarter's ordinary to 1678. December 27, as ambassador in ordinary to Spain: to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent due March 25 next. (Money order dated October 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 241. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 49.
Same for 500l. to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, for imprest for the Works at Audley End. Money Book, p. 242.
Henry Guy to Sir Robert Howard, Auditor of the Receipt, to issue 1,200l. to the Privy Purse by 400l. a week out of the 1,800l. Excise money now remaining in the Exchequer. For doing this you shall have a Treasury warrant. Likewise 300l. thereof to Col. John Churchill for his journey into France to congratulate the Queen of Spain upon her marriage. For this you will also receive a warrant. The remaining 300l. you are to reserve in the Exchequer, as also 200l. per week above the 400l. [per week]. issuable [as above] to the Privy Purse out of the 600l. per week to be paid into the Exchequer by the Excise Commissioners. You are not to issue this on any account whatever without particular directions from the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General), p. 176.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren. The King has granted Mr. Kirk a piece of ground, part of the palace of Whitehall, to be built upon, with a condition of resumption by the King on paying Kirk's expenditure. The Treasury Lords desire you to take cognizance of the design of the building, to estimate what it will amount to, and to see that the money is expended accordingly. Ibid, p. 177.
Same to the Customs Commissioners forwarding a copy of the minutes taken on Monday last upon hearing the matter about the coast bonds. The Treasury Lords desire you to attend the Barons of the Exchequer with them who are desired to draw up rules for regulating that matter. Ibid, pp. 177–8
Appending. "the minutes."
To consider their [the Customs Commissioners'] own presentment last made to the Treasury concerning coast bonds.
To consider the rules and orders said to be made the 12 February, 24 Car. [II.] by the Barons of the Exchequer.
The [Customs] Commissioners to have a list of all bonds returned into the Exchequer as forfeited or unforfeited.
All [Customs] officers to be quickened in the return of all bonds into the Exchequer, and to conform to the practice used in London [port].
A large liedger book [to be kept] in the Exchequer of all proceedings upon such bonds to which the Customs Commissioners, their solicitor and the King's officers may have constantly free access without fee.
To prepare a draft of such rules and orders as they think expedient for the King's service in this matter.
The [said] Commissioners to deliver a list of all bonds forfeited since 1671, March 25, especially for coal, lead and tin, and Mr. Fanshaw to certify what proceedings have been thereupon.
Oct. 22. Henry Guy to Sir Richard Mason et al. [Mr. Ramsey and Mr. Fillingham, Agents for Taxes], to use all diligence in issuing process for bringing in moneys due on the present taxes, and all arrears on former assessments, applying yourself for information to the Auditors of the Revenue, and giving notice to the [King's] Remembrancer of the Exchequer for issuing such process. Out Letters (General), pp. 178–9.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to issue process against such persons from time to time as Sir Richard Mason et al. as above shall desire. Ibid, p. 179.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to discharge the seizure of 150 red hides brought into London port on board the ship William of London, Jon. Harwood master, which ship was navigated by 17 men, whereof 7 were strangers, being 3 more than the law allow; [being goods] of Muscovy; Harwood having made affidavit that he sailed from London for Norway August 13 last with 16 men, 3 thereof strangers, that he proceeded to Drontheim, where his ship purser and 4 English left him, so that he was forced to take in 4 strangers, as he could get no English: that he brought said ship home with the same company, but the ship proving leaky, he took in 3 Englishmen at Newcastle to bring her for London; further, about November last he took up upon the coast of Norway 4 distressed mariners that saved themselves in their boat, their ship being wrecked, and bought of them the said hides. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 113–4.
Oct. 23. Money warrant for 500l. to William, Visct. Brouncker, for half a year to June 24 last: as by the privy seal of the 17th inst.: on his annuity of 1,000l.: to be satisfied out of moneys of the Tenths in the Exchequer. Money Book, p. 243.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 25l. to Thomas Doyley for last September 29 quarter on his pension. Ibid.
Same to same to pay 200l. to Seth, Bishop of Sarum, Chancellor of the Order of the Garter, for last June 24 quarter on the 800l. per an. for the support of the honour of that Order: there having of late been only 800l. instead of 1,200l. per an. paid therefor. Ibid, pp. 243–4.
Oct. 23. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 46l. to Walter Braems for three years to September 29 last on his fee or salary of 15l. 6s. 8d. per an. as Comptroller of Sandwich port. Money Book, p. 244.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt, by virtue of the privy seals of February 28 last (see Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. V, pp. 1236–7) and June 30 last (see supra, p. 116), to receive from Phillip Packer the two orders of 5,000l. (No. 1479, dated 1668, September 12, registered on the Eleven Months' tax, being for said Packer for the Works), and 1,500l. (No. 223, dated 1670, July 16, registered on the Wine Act: being for said Packer), and the two orders for 1,500l. (No. 19, dated 1670–1, January 11, on the Customs: being for said Packer for repayment), and 1,000l. (No. 20, dated 1670–1, Jan. 11, on same to same for same: which two last orders were obtained by Packer in lieu of two orders dated 1670, November 22, for 1,500l. and 1,000l. for extraordinaries of the Works, on which orders issues were made out of Packer's loans on the Customs, upon which issues so made on the said orders last mentioned an imprest certificate is made forth charging the said Phillip Packer with so much money received by him when in truth he received no money, but [only] the said orders of loan) and to cancel same, and make memorials thereof in your books and certificates thereof to the Auditors of Imprests to the end Packer may be discharged thereof: and further to take notice of two other orders mentioned in the privy seal of February 28 last, one No. 684 for 5,000l. to said Packer for the Works registered on the Hearthmoney (on which order Packer has made assignments to the officers, tradesmen and artisans of the Works to the amount of 4,568l. 13s. 0d.) and the other also No. 684 for 3,500l. to Packer for the Works and registered on the Hearthmoney (on which order he has similarly made assignments of 3,029l. 12s. 0d.). The sums so assigned amount to 7,608l. 1s. 0d., leaving a remainder of 891l. 19s. 0d., which remainder said Packer has received out of the Exchequer and is already charged therewith by your imprest certificate. Also the assignees upon the said orders have, some or one of them, received 500l. of the money so assigned wherewith said Packer is also charged by your certificate. So there remains unpaid on the assignments on said orders 7,108l. 1s. 0d. This sum, when it shall be hereafter paid to the said assignees, you are hereby directed not to charge upon the said Packer, his heirs or administrators, because he is by the last mentioned (February 28) privy seal, charged therewith already upon account. Ibid, pp. 245–7. King's Warrant Book, pp. 122–7.
Together with. copy of said privy seal of Feb. 28 last.
Henry Guy to the Admiralty Lords to inform the Treasury Lords to what particular uses you design the 300,000l. "which some time since you were made acquainted was the sum his Majesty intended to allow for one year for the use of the Navy and the victualling thereof." Out Letters (General), p. 179.
Same to Mr. Mounteney to inform the Treasury Lords whether the 300l. remaining on the foot of your prizes account is still in your hands, or if paid out, to whom you paid same, and by what order. Ibid.
Oct. 23 [? 30]. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Sir William Killigrew for last Michaelmas quarter's pension the 125l. which the Excise Commissioners are directed to pay into the Exchequer this week. Out Letters (General), p. 180.
Oct. 23. Treasury reference to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of George Rodney Bridges praying a lease of Englishcombe farm, co. Somerset, for 99 years in reversion of John Roswel, of Englishcombe, who has a lease thereof for life. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition as follows from Viscount Grandison and Mr. Villiers. Ibid, pp. 181–3.
Prefixing: said petition to the king. Petitioners as trustees for the Duchess of Cleveland are seized in fee of the chief mansion house and its yards, gardens and appurtenances heretofore belonging to Thomas, Earl of Berkshire, and are possessed of or interested in several new buildings lately erected between St. James's Park and the said house, and [also of and in] one other parcel of ground, toft, yards or garden plots heretofore, coach houses, stables, wash houses, grottes, banquetting houses or other buildings belonging to the said mansion, and also of and in all those buildings lately erected in the place of a messuage, and the yards and gardens thereto, late in the occupation of John Ogle, gent., on the west side of the said mansion house, together with so much of the old messuage as is still remaining, and also of and in the court or grass plot lying on the east side of the said house whereon is lately erected a new building, and also of and in one other messuage or tenement with its appurtenances late in the occupation of John Collop, called the Antelope in St. James's Street; all lying near St. James's, in the parish of St. Martins in the Fields, and wherein (except only the piece of ground lying between St. James's Park and the said mansion house, which is in the immediate possession of your Majesty) petitioners as trustees have a present interest for term of years by several indentures made by the late Queen Mother to Sir William Pulteney, John Ogle, John Collop and others. The reversion thereof is in the King except as to the messuage called the Antelope wherein Sir William Pulteney has a ten years' interest in reversion of petitioners. All the said revrsions your Majesty formerly ordered to be conveyed to petitioners in trust for the Duchess of Cleveland but hitherto through the remissness of petitioners' agents, same has been neglected to be prosecuted. Therefore pray they may have a grant hereof in trust as above.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Richard Cartright, his Majesty's hosier, for some office in the Custom House, with a certificate from Sir Robert Vyner and eight other aldermen of London of his ability, loss by fire and loyalty; the Treasury Lords being inclined to gratify him. Out Letters (Customs), p. 115.
Same to same of the petition of William Bellamy, of London, merchant, shewing that being indebted to the King in a great sum upon wine bonds, he was damnified by violent prosecution 2,388l. 13s. 3½d. besides the damage done to his goods by removing. Ibid.
Oct. 23. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to receive from Robert Stockdale, late Collector of Dover port [and from] William Dent, Michael Arnold, and Edward Billingsome [said Stockdale's sureties] four tallies for the use of Henry Dering, viz. one of February 5 last for 327l. 16s. 0d. paid into the Exchequer by said Cashier as of said Stockdale's Dover Customs moneys, one of June 21 last and one of June 28 last importing the like payment of 743l. into the Exchequer as received of said Michael Arnold and William Dent, and the other of June 21 last importing the like payment into the Exchequer of 29l. 4s. 0d. upon [said Stockdale's] account of Coinage [duty in Dover port] being paid to said Cashier by said Arnold and Dent: which sums make up the 1,100l. which the King accepts as in full satisfaction of said Stockdale's debt of 2,316l. 10s. 9¼d. And with the said tallies you are to receive from Giles Lytcot, Comptroller General of Accounts of the Customs, some note or memorial that the said tallies are entered before in full discharge of the aforesaid debt: which the said Lytcot is hereby required to do, to the end you may be charged therewith by the said Comptroller and discharged thereof on production of the said tallies and [so] the same may appear in the general account of the Customs. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 115–6.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Sir William Darcy, setting forth that he formerly had a grant of 400l. per an. in part of a contract made on the King's behalf and for his advantage; upon which he granted a lease of his alum works in Slapeworth for a term yet unexpired, "it seeming good to your lordships to dissolve the contract [with] the [Alum] Farmers who was obliged to pay the same 400l. per an., in lieu thereof: your petitioner being moved to accept of his rent for the remaining term out of the Custom of alum to begin from Christmas last past." Thereon 300l. is due from Christmas last, but thereon he has only a warrant for 100l., notwithstanding his great charge and trouble in passing a privy seal accordingly: therefore prays the remaining 200l. Ibid, pp. 119–20.
Oct. 24. Money warrant for 1,000l. to Prince Rupert for last September 29 quarter on his pension. Money Book, p. 245.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Charles Leave, said petition praying for a grant of 100l. per an. issuing out of Gedney Marsh. From the certificate of the Auditor for co. Lincoln it appears that Charles I. by patent of 1636, August 20, granted said marsh to Sir Peregrine Bertie and Sir Phillip Landen, knights, in fee farm for ever under the yearly rent of 100l. [which rent] in regard the premises are not yet recovered from the sea has never been answered to the Crown. It may be granted to petitioner for 31 years from September 29 last for the sufferings and lovalty of him and his family. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 78.
Oct 24. Treasury warrant to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to John Mann (Man) and his heirs a rent of 35l. 3s. 0d. per an. [arising] out of Kentwell Ward, co. Yorks, and another rent of 20l. 4s. 0d. per an. arising out of the manor of Bowes; all as in lieu of a rent of 53l. 6s. 11d. arising out of the manor of Norton Conyers, co. Yorks, which rent had been by the said Trustees conveyed to John Fisher and Roger Jacson and afterwards [by mistake] to said Mann. Said Mann is first to pay into the Exchequer 13l. 9s. 4d. as the difference between 440l. 4s. 8d. (the value of the first two rents as rated by Auditor Philips at eight years' purchase as reversion rents) and 426l. 15s. 4d. (the value of the said rents doubly conveyed, being reckoned at the like rate). Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 79.
Same to Sir Robert Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, to prepare a patent to pass the Exchequer seal to constitute Tho. Sidderfin as steward and keeper of the courts leet, liberties and views of frankpledge of his Majesty's lordship and manor of Kennington, co. Surrey, part of the Duchy of Cornwall, with the fee of 26s. 8d. per an. and all other fees, liveries, diets, etc., thereto: all on surrender of the patent of February 20 last which granted same to Robert Sidderfin. Ibid, pp. 79–80.
Henry Guy to the Customs Cashier to pay 1,000l. into the Exchequer, to be issued to Prince Rupert on his pension of 4,000l. per an. Out Letters (General), p. 180.
Same to Mr. Wardour [Clerk of the Pells] to send to the Treasury a list of all fees taken in your office on any account whatsoever. Ibid.
Same to Henry Young to attend the Treasury on Tuesday morning next at the hearing of your petition "and Mr. Beckford about perpetual interest" [or banker's annuity to be settled for said Beckford et al]. My Lords resent your non attendance this morning. Ibid, p. 181.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay, notwithstanding any former directions, 251l. 10s. 6d. to Sir Phillip Lloyd on an order of July 1 last; and 37l. 10s. 0d. to William Blathwaite on an order of the same date; preferable to all other payments. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of Ralph Bucknall's petition, as farmer of Excise for co. Yorks for the late farm ending 1674, June 24. Petitioner assigned his right therein to John Forth who left the rent thereof in arrear to the sum of 1,114l. 5s. 0d., which petitioner has since paid to the Excise Commissioners. Petitioner's bonds are detained by said Commissioners because some of the said rent was not paid upon the precise days limited. Prays the discharge of his accounts and the delivery of his securities. Ibid, p. 184
Oct. 25. Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords to direct the Comptroller of Excise, the Auditor of Excise and the Auditors of the revenue concerned, to allow in the account of George Dashwood et al. of the second year's surplus to June 24 last of their Excise farm, 1,000l. for their extraordinary charge of management during the said second year [and also a further] poundage of 8¼d. (over and above the 3¾d. poundage as by their covenants) to make the said poundage up to 12d. in the £ on said surplus; [and also] 6 per cent. interest and 1 per cent. gratuity for the money they have paid and are to pay upon account of this second year's surplus from the times of payment thereof until 1680, Christmas, [and also] 420l. which they have paid by the King's direction: all by reason that the said lessees (though by their covenants they were not obliged to accompt for said surplus until the end of their term) have nevertheless, for supplying the King's affairs, already given satisfaction for the surplus of the first year, and have a discharge therefor by indenture under the great seal of May 16 last, and have also paid to the Excise Commissioners several sums upon account of the second year's surplus, and are willing forthwith to make complete payment of the remainder thereof so as they may have the abovesaid defalcations which the King has agreed shall be made to them. King's Warrant Book, pp. 140–2.
Oct. 25. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of the 3,000l. which the Customs Cashier is directed to pay into the Exchequer this week. Money Book, pp. 254, 255.
The like for 500l. to same: out of same: to be for the Victualling.
Same to same to similarly issue 400l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse: out of the Excise money in the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 256.
Oct. 26. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet attending for a privy seal to the Treasury to pay 3,000l. 7s. 6d. for the use and behoof of the indigent royalist officers to be distributed among them according to the Act [of 14 Car. II, c. 8], for the distribution of 60,000l. among them: same to be issued out of such moneys as shall be brought into the Exchequer as of the arrears of the late Eleven Months' tax whereof William Broxholme was receiver within co. Lincoln: it appearing, etc., ut supra, p. 219. King's Warrant Book, pp. 136–7.
Money warrants for 50l. each to the following for half a year to 1678, September 29 last on their fee as Physicians in Ordinary to the King, viz., Ferdinando Mendes, Sir Charles Scarborough, Sir Ed. Greaves, Dr. Cox, Dr. Barrow, Sir Alexander Frasier, Dr. Witherley, Dr. Talbor, Dr. Dickenson. (In the case of the last six, the period for which the warrant is drawn is incorrectly given as the half-year due at 1680, September, an erratum for the half-year ended 1678, September 29, as above, by tallies on the Hearthmoney due September 1680.) To be satisfied by tallies on the half-year's Hearthmoney rent due 1680, March 25, and payable 1680, September 19. Money Book, p. 239.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Sir Francis Lawley, bart., shewing that John Upton, one of the Commissioners of Customs, received his salary to the day of his dismission, it being the constant practice to be paid off when dismissed: therefore petitioner prays his salary till about three weeks after the quarter day, he having executed the place till then. Out Letters (Customs), p. 117.
Oct. 27. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to constitute and appoint Robert Wolseley, William Young, Esqrs., John Taylor, D.C.L., Henry Dering and Michaell Brighouse to be Wine Licence Commissioners ("Commissioners and Agents for granting licences for the selling and uttering by retail all and every or any kind of wine or wines whatsoever in any city, town or place" in England, Wales or Berwick); with such powers, instructions, salaries and allowances from Michaelmas last as in the Commission now in being: and to continue during pleasure: power to be given to proceed for all arrears and in all other cases left undetermined by the Commission now in being. King's Warrant Book, p. 132.
Same to same for a same for the creation of an office of inspection, examination and control of all accounts of the Wine Licence revenue "to the end we may know the true value of the same, and how it arises"; and for the grant of said office to Henry Howard, Esq., with power and authority to inspect, examine and control all the books, entries and accounts of the said revenue: to hold said office for one whole year "in case we shall think fit so long to continue him in the same": and with the fee or salary of 200l. for that time or after that rate for so long as he shall be continued therein: said Howard from time to time to give to the Treasury accounts of the produce of said revenue, and to observe the directions of the Treasury Lords. (Vacated: see infra under date November 13.) Ibid, pp. 132–3.
Royal sign manual for 300l. to Henry Guy for secret service without accompt: out of the dormant privy seal of August 20 last. (Money warrant dated October 28 hereon. Money order dated October 29 hereon.) Ibid, p. 134. Money Book, p. 249. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 47.
Same for 300l. to John Churchill, Esq., for defraying the charges of his journey into France to congratulate the Queen of Spain, in the name of the King of England, on her late marriage: to be received without accompt: out of the privy seal dormant of August 20 last. (Money warrant dated October 28 hereon. Money order dated October 29 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 135. Money Book, p. 249. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 47.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for remitting to (Lady Middleton) the heirs and executors of John, late Earl of Middleton, of the arrears or debt of 6,534l. appearing due as follows from said Earl by the state of his accompt in relation to his government of the city of Tangier as made up by John Creed and Auditor Tho. Done and as confirmed July 29 last by the Committee of Council for the management of the affairs of Tangier: the present release being granted by the King in consideration of the many good and faithful services of said Earl in his life time, and the low condition of his family: said account being as follows:— King's Warrant Book, pp. 143–4.
Charge. Received of l. s. d.
Sa. Pepys 21,864 1 4
Thomas St. John 2,072 5 6
Col. Henry Norwood 1,645 15 6
Thomas St. John 453 5 0
Upon the Establishment 3,708 5 0
Out of the revenue of the said city 4,560 2 2
By the product of divers prize goods 4,436 9 0
£38,740 3 6
[Paid] for freights and recruits 631 0 0
Pay to the then Lieut. Gov., Town and divers mayors of the said city 17,590 16 0
Arrears of pay to the Earl of Middleton 3,345 3 0
For the Hospital expenses 1,462 9 0
For coal and firing for the use of the garrison there 1,239 5 10
For boats and boatmen for the service of said garrison 641 4 11
For expresses, spies, redemption of captives, presents to the Moors in reference to peace and other contingent charges 1,655 8
For fortifications and repairs 5,639 19 11½
£32,205 6 11¾
Oct. 27. Henry Guy to Mr. Griffin to attend the Treasury Lords on Saturday morning next when they will take the business of your office [of the Chamber] into consideration. Out Letters (General), p. 185
Same to Mr. Duncombe to attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow morning. Ibid.
Same to Auditors Aldworth and Shales to prepare for declaration the accompts of the late Farmers of the Hearthmoney for the whole period of their management thereof. Ibid.
Same to the old Contractors for the Hearthmoney with all speed to make up and perfect your accounts as above. Ibid, p. 186.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. The bills of exchange are so clamorous that the Treasury Lords are under the necessity of ordering at least 400l. a week towards the discharge of them. They desire you to apply at least that sum weekly to that service till they are paid off. Ibid, p. 185.
Same to Col. Russell to attend the Treasury Lords on Saturday morning. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Kingdon. To-morrow morning is your own time to attend at the Treasury about your accounts. My Lords sit on purpose about the same. You are to attend without fail at 8 a.m. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Bridges to attend to-morrow at the hearing of said Kingdon's accounts. Ibid. p. 186.
Oct. 23
[sic, probably
for 27].
Money warrant for 5,955l. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe together with 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. reward as in repayment of the like sum by them lent into the Exchequer the 27th [sic] of this inst. October, as appears by a tally of loan of that date. Of the said loan 5,000l. is hereby to be issued to the Treasurer of the Navy as imprest for the Navy and upon any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name for the Navy. The remaining 955l. is to be issued to Robert Roberts, Esq. (now Visc. Bodmin) on his ordinary to the 17th inst. as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Denmark. (Money order dated October 27 hereon.) Money Book, p. 248. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 47.
Oct. 28. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the payment to Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton, out of moneys of the Tenths now in the Exchequer, of 199l. 5s. 7d. in part of an arrear due to her upon her annuity of 500l.: and dormant warrant for the payment to her of such moneys of the Tenths of the Clergy [out of such dioceses particularly] as by the patent of 1673, July 20, granting her the annuities of 850l. (for her children) and 500l. (for herself) are applicable to the satisfaction of the said annuities: all by reason that the said patent granted same to be paid by tallies on the receivers of said Tenths, but the said sum of 199l. 5s. 7d. having been paid into the Exchequer May 31 last by the Collector of the Tenths of the diocese of Rochester instead of being paid ut supra: and said Elizabeth Hamilton having prayed for same to be issued to her, the King readily consenting thereto remembering her husband James Hamilton "and his unfortunate death in our service." (For money warrant hereon see infra, under date 1679–80, January 8. This money warrant quotes the privy seal as dated 1679, November 12.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 138–40.
Money warrant for 309l. 10s. 3d. to William Blathwayte for last June 24 quarter's salaries and incidents for the Council of Trade and Foreign Plantations: all by virtue of the privy seal of July 30 last: no further payments to be made on the like privy seal of 1676, June 24, except on such orders as are already drawn for what was due thereon to March 25 last. Money Book, pp. 250, 252.
Appending: bill of said salaries and incidents (including 13l. 7s. 9d. for stationery ware, binding books, etc; 10l. for postage, fire and candle, bills of rate and price current, etc., 14l. 15s. 0d. for the charges of the privy seal for re-settling the allowances for this service upon the dissolution of the late Council [of Trade and Foreign Plantations] pursuant to the order in Council of April 22 last; and 19l. for Exchequer fees; and salaries of 100l. to Sir Thomas Doleman, 62l. 10s. 0d. to Mr. Blathwayte, 9l. 2s. 6d. to the underkeeper of the records of the Council, 18l. 5s. 0d. to Benjamin Coling and Natha. Cox, keepers of the Council Chamber)
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to make issues to Sir Stephen Fox out of the 7,278l. 17s. 9¾d. which he is to pay into the Exchequer as due upon his account for the pay of the Forces for the year ended 1675, December 31, of the various sums as detailed supra, p. 225. Ibid, p. 251.
Money warrant for 2,717l. 10s. 5d. to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe; whereof 1,630l. 10s. 3d. is for 6 per cent. interest and 1,087l. 0s. 2d. for 4 per cent. gratuity on loans by them made to the King as by an account of such interest made up to September 29 last. And whereas in the said accounts there are comprehended the sums of 33l. 10s. 7d. and 11l. 16s. 8d. for interest and 30l. 4s. 10d. for gratuity "of both the said last mentioned sums." said items amounting to 75l. 12s. 1d. and are made payable to said Kent and Duncombe "by orders of loan for repayment of the principal sums from which the said sums for interest and gratuity do arise," memoranda are to be entered on the said order of loan and the entries thereof that the interest and reward thereby payable is satisfied to September 29 last: to the end the King may not be liable to double payment. (Money ordered dated October 29 hereon for said 2,717l. 10s. 5d.) Ibid, p. 253. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 45.
Oct. 28 Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 25l. to Edward Bertie for half a year's salary to September 29 last as Collector of the Customs of wool, tin, etc., London port. Money Book, p. 253.
Same to the Receipt for tallies to be levied for 100,000l. to the Farmers of Excise, upon the production of the acquittances of the Excise Commissioners purporting their receipt of that sum from said Farmers as in part of said Farmers' advance money, viz., 50,000l. payable before June 24 last and 50,000l. payable before September 29 last: all as by the warrant of April 19 last, supra, pp. 29–30, based upon the warrant of March 8 last (supra, Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. V, p. 1258). Ibid.
Money warrant for 15,000l. to William Ashburnham in further part of the 100,000l. imprest for the service of the Household as by the privy seal of January 29 last: same to be for defraying the expense of the Household for the quarter ended September 30 last: to be satisfied 12,000l. thereof out of the surplus of the Excise and 3,000l. out of the Exchequer. (Money order dated October 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 254. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 49.
[Treasury allowance of] 31l. 6s. 8d. to John Langwith, one of the messengers, for half a year's attendance to September 29 last on the Treasury Lords; at 3s. 4d. a day. Money Book, p. 255.
Treasury warrant to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to the Right Honourable Theophilus, Earl of Huntington and Robert, Lord Deincourt, and their wives and heirs or assigns a rent of 4l. 17s. 0d. per an. out of the Guild of the Blessed Mary in Topcliffe, co. Yorks, a rent of 3l. per an. out of a tenement in Welwick cum Weeton, co. Yorks, a rent of 9l. 3s. 0d. per an. out of the manor of Easington and Kilnsey, co. Yorks, and a rent of 35l. 6s. 8d. per an. out of the rectory of Duffeild, co. Derby: all as in lieu of a fee farm rent of 35l. per an. out of the rectory of Bardsey and Collingham being purchased by Sir William Bucknall, and afterwards [by the said Trustees sold or] granted to Elizabeth and Mary Lewis, who cannot enjoy same, wherefore their husbands, said Earl of Huntingdon and Lord Deincourt have contracted for the first named rents as in lieu thereof. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 80.
Prefixing. ratal by Auditor J. Phillips of both sets of rents—
l. s. d.
The doubly conveyed 35l. rent at 16 years' purchase 560 0 0
Eight years' arrears thereon 280 0 0
£840 0 0
The first mentioned rents amounting to 52l. 6s. 8d. at 16 years' purchase 837 6 8
Remains due to the purchaser £2 13 4
Oct. 28. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the draft of a royal letter to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, said draft being as follows (as by a reference thereof from the King to the Treasury Lords dated Oct. 24 inst.). We are informed that in Trinity term, 1671, the Attorney General of Ireland preferred an information against Alderman William Hawkins for the mesne profits of several lands in that kingdom set out to him upon account of the Dublin ordnance, and that in Hilary term last the Exchequer Court decreed that the King should have and recover said mesne profits from 1654 to 1668, amounting to 759l. 5s. 0d. For refusing to perform said decree Hawkins was committed to the Marshalsea of the Four Courts of Dublin, whereupon he prayed an instalment of his debt, which the said Court, with the consent of the Attorney General, has agreed to. The Lord Lieutenant is hereby to order the instalments of 300l. and 459l. 5s. 0d. to be paid to the Vice Treasurer of Ireland, who has an order to issue same according to the directions of the Explanatory Act, whereby the mesne profits of lands set out upon account of the Dublin ordnance, etc., are assigned and granted to several persons therein named: and the Exchequer Court is to give discharge to said Hawkins upon payment. And because several other of our subjects are indebted to us upon the same account, same are to be speedily prosecuted, to be issued likewise: all notwithstanding any former letters, instructions, directions or orders to the contrary. Out Letters (Ireland), pp. 21–3.
On the said draft the Treasury Lords report "we have nothing to object against" it if the words underlined above be omitted.
Henry Guy to the Excise Commissioners to pay into the Exchequer 300l. this week, 300l. next week, 300l. the week after and 350l. the week after: to be issued to Mris. Gwinn for last September 29 quarter to herself and the Earl of Burford. Out Letters (General). p. 186.
Treasury reference to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of James Smith, of New Windsor, praying for satisfaction for his orchard which was enclosed six years since into his Majesty's Little Park at Windsor, which was valued at 300l. besides the three years' profit "which he now presses, because his son is in prison for the petitioner's debt, and himself forced to abscond." Ibid.
Henry Guy to the late Contractors for the Hearth-money for an account what tallies are struck on you for the half year's [Hearthmoney farm] rent due 1679, Lady day, and payable at the utmost days of grace September 19 last. Ibid, p. 187.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for a list of all sums lent into the Exchequer or paid into any public office, viz., to the Navy, Ordnance, etc., and which were comprehended in the general stop of the Exchequer and [which] yet remain unsatisfied by grants of perpetual interest, distinguishing the real loans of money from those which were fictitious. Ibid.
Oct. 28. Henry Guy to Sir George Wharton. You have not brought in your accounts, although by the rules made by the principal Officers of the Ordnance at their board you are required always to pass your account for the year ending at Midsummer by Michaelmas following. You are to despatch same. Also the Auditors of Imprests gave you exceptions against several allowances which cannot be made you except by privy seal. You have kept these by you these six months without making any proceeding in your account. If you do not come immediately with your answers to those exceptions the Treasury Lords will order your account to be made up without allowing the things excepted against. Out Letters (General), p. 188.
Same to Auditor Shales forwarding the royal warrant for making several allowances to the Excise Farmers. Ibid, p. 189.
Same to the Customs Commissioners forwarding for their observance thereof an order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, October 24, for the removal of Samuell Stretch, one of the searchers of the Custom House, London port, who did in a late search for Flanders lace find a box of treasonable papers, which, instead of delivering them to one of his Majesty's principal Secretaries of State, as he was directed by the Customs Commissioners, he carried back and delivered to one Mr. Harris in whose house at Axe Yard they were seized. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 118–9.
Oct. 29. Same to the Navy Commissioners to despatch the ledger books of Sir Thomas Littleton and the present Treasurer of the Navy not yet delivered in. Out Letters (General), p. 187.
Same to Sir Denny Ashburnham (and the like to Alderman Sturt. Sir Dennis Gauden. Mr. Jagar, Sir Jos. Child, Sir Tho. Littleton), to pass your accounts as late Victuallers of the Navy, otherwise process will issue against you. Ibid, p. 188.
Oct. 30. Privy seal for 2,000l. to Robert, Earl of Sunderland, one of the principal Secretaries of State: for secret service without account. (Royal warrant dated October 27 for said privy seal. Money warrant dated November 3 hereon. For letter of direction hereon see infra under date 1679–80, March 2.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 133–4, 144. Money Book. p. 256.
Money warrant for 1,250l. to Mris. Eleanor Gwinn for last September 29 quarter on her 5,000l. payable during pleasure for the support of herself and Charles, Earl of Burford: to be paid out of Excise money in the Exchequer. (Money order dated November 3 hereon.) Money Book, p. 255. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 49.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Excise for 2,000l. for last June 24 quarter to the Duke of Monmouth on his several annuities of 2,000l. and 6,000l. Money Book, p. 256.
Money order for 7l. 10s. 0d. to Robert Emms for three quarters of a year to Lady day last on his salary of 10l. per an. as one of his Majesty's Groom Littermen (privy seal 1676–7, January 31). Order Book XXXVIII, pp. 47, 48.
15l. to James Goodenough and James Tayler for same as same (privy seal 1677–8, March 20).
7l. 10s. 0d. to Richard Jones for same as same (privy seal, ut supra).
7l. 10s. 0d. to Tho. Franklin for same (altered to for three quarters ended 1675, Lady day), as same (privy seal 1676–7, January 31).
7l. 10s. 0d. to Henry Baldwin for three quarters ended 1676, Lady day, as same (privy seal, ut supra).
22l. 10s. 0d. to John Eldridge, Jon. Hosey, and Jon. Williams for three quarters ended 1675, Lady day, as same (privy seal 1664, July 7).
Oct. 30
Oct. 13].
Henry Guy to the Attorney General forwarding papers as follows, relating to illegal importation of salt from Guernsey. The Treasury Lords, to whom said are referred by the Privy Council, desire your opinion what legal course may be adviseable for redressing these abuses. Out Letters (General), pp. 159–64.
Appending: (a) letter from John Clement, a Customs officer, dated Weymouth, 1679, September 3, to the Customs Commissioners. I have enquired what quantity of salt has usually been made upon the island of Guernsey, and find that for many years past there has not been made above 10 or 15 tons in a year, and very often none at all. Yet into this port here (Weymouth) hath been lately brought 28 tons as the product of the island, and at Lyme and Poole twice that quantity to each place. So the case is very plain that French salt is brought into Guernsey, and by the act of the Deputy Governor, Capt. Sheldon, and his licence to back it, it becomes the product of that island, and so must be received here by virtue of their charter. If this is not prevented in time, these western ports will be as well furnished with French salt as ever it was before the prohibition of that commodity. For here hath very lately gone from hence to Guernsey two or three barques to load salt either for this or some other of these western ports. Send me your directions concerning the said salt.
(b) Letter from Col. Richard Norton to Secretary Coventry dated from Southwick, 1679, September 20. There is an act to prohibit the importing Irish [sic for French] goods. The King might not have suffered much thereby in his Customs if other wine might have had encouragement to be brought in instead of the French, wherein we have had a great trade a long time in these parts. Were it is only for any gentlemen's particular drinking, the matter had not been much since wines did [by smuggling] come in, but it is made so great a trade by smucling fellows, that are no merchants, that it is shameful. I have enquired whether his Majesty takes any notice of it, and am told that order has been given to the Customers in these parts to look after it, but the trade has increased to a great degree of late. Some scores, if not hundreds of tuns, have passed at first in the night, but of late in the day time, and that with men guarding it with swords and pistols. No one can prosecute the law against them, no informer can have a fair trial; the end of the law (the French not to sell their wines) is defeated, the King loses his Customs, the merchant his trade, even to the undoing the good town of Southampton, tumults raised upon it, and they come to me as a Justice. The law is so ill made, the legal means so lame and dilatory, that nothing but an open rage and tumults will be the issue if no order be taken in it. This very day I am informed of three loads of wine stopped by the people who came to me. I told them they must carry it to the Custom House. It seems the factor agreed to give them 10l. to let it pass, in the meantime sent to Portsmouth to one that came in the name of a Customer, who brought what they spilled not back to Caustum near Portsmouth (whereby one may guess at a correspondence between them). Much spoil they have done in it, but what the further issue will be I know not. What am I to do in these cases ? I think myself obliged to keep the peace and do not think it fit people should ride armed on such an occasion, to the terror of the people.
(c) and (d) two orders of the King in Council referring the abovesaid papers to the Treasury Lords to propose a way for rectifying the smuggling abuses and to give order for preventing the salt importation abuses.
Oct. 30. The Treasury Lords to the Lord Chancellor not to pass a grant to Sir James Edwards, Kt., Lord Mayor of London, of all that scite of the demolished castle called St. Johns Castle adjoining Kilmanam, and of all lands and tenements thereto belonging till we speak with you. Out Letters (General), p. 189.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt out of the Excise money in the Exchequer to pay 300l. to me (Guy) for secret service, and 300l. to Col. John Churchill for his journey into France to congratulate the Queen of Spain on her late marriage "for both which sums I have herewith sent" the Treasury Lords' order. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Duppa (and the like to Mr. Lawrence) for an account by Saturday next of the arrears of First Fruits and Tenths, and on whom standing out; and of what moneys of that revenue are in your hands. Ibid.
Same to Col. Strode. The Treasury Lords have been obliged from your defaults in payment, to issue process against you and your partners to account for the rents due to the King on your farm of the Four and a Half per cent. duty. Ibid, p. 190.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to attend at the Treasury on Tuesday with Mr. Kingdon's account [the imprest roll for] which the Auditor of the Receipt says is made forth and sent to you. Also send to the Treasury Lords forthwith an account what dioceses have not accounted for their Tenths and First Fruits. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Kingdon to attend ut supra, with your accounts. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of the inhabitants of Rochester, Chatham, Strood and Milton for 5,257l. 1s. 2d. due to them for quartering sick and wounded above six years since. Ibid, p. 191.
Oct. 30. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to send to the Treasury on Saturday morning one of the Surveyors of the landwaiters. Out Letters (General), p. 191.
Treasury reference to Sir Creswell Levins, Kt., Attorney General, of a proposal concerning the Greenwax. Ibid, pp. 192–3.
Prefixing: said proposal. The annual profits answered in the Exchequer of the casual revenues of Greenwax did and do amount in the whole but to 500l. whereout the General Receivers had 150l. per an. certain as salary whether they advanced the revenue or no. The whole profits being so small by the corruption or neglect of the officers, it is proposed to receive a commission during good behaviour to perform the judges' orders and to receive the revenues from the officers, and to account for and pay the same into the Exchequer as formerly, and to inform the Treasury from time to time of abuses committed.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to the Marquis de Burgomaneye, the Spanish ambassador residing here, a bundle of galoon lace for liveries and lately seized at Dover. Out Letters (Customs), p. 119.
Same to same to open and deliver at the Earl of Peterborough's house in Westminster the house-hold goods of him and his family which are arrived in London on the Charlotte yacht from Flanders. Ibid.
Money order for 100l. to William Wardour, Clerk of the Pells, as for one year to June 24 last for his pains in attending the Lord Treasurer and Treasury Lords: as by the patent dormant of July 24 last. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 51.
[?] Letter of direction on 3,000l. in part of an order of August 15 last for 4,274l. 11s. 0d. to Henry Slingsby, Master and Worker of the Mint, for defraying the charge of the Mint and the assaying, melting down, waste and coinage of gold and silver and the encouragement of bringing in gold into the Mint there to be coined into the current coinages of this kingdom: as by the privy seal of 1666–7, March 11: said 3,000l. to be hereby paid out of the Coinage money. Ibid.
Oct. 30. Royal warrant [to the Clerk of the Signet] for a privy seal for allowing to Sir Thomas Littleton in his account [as former Treasurer] of the Navy such sums as he paid by order and as are comprised in his ledger signed by the principal officers and Commissioners of the Navy. King's Warrant Book, p. 144.
Oct. 31. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to order the Customs Cashier to pay 20l. to Samuell Reniger in consideration of his being wounded in assisting the Customs officers at Dover to seize uncustomed goods, he being shot in the left arm so that he will not have the use of it as formerly. Money Book, p. 259.
Henry Guy to Sir William Godolphin, Auditor of [Crown revenues in] Wales, for a perfect account forthwith of his Majesty's whole [Crown land] revenue of Wales and how it stands charged. Out Letters (General), p. 191.
Oct. 31. Henry Guy to Mr. Toll to bring in the account of the money arising by the last Poll Act from the King's servants whereof the Cofferer of the Household was made receiver. Out Letters (General), p. 191.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 100l. to Sir Edward Bish and 100l. to Mr. Bernard Phillips on their money warrants "by reason their conditions (especially Mr. phillip's) are very necessitous and want speedy supply." Ibid, p. 192.
Same to Mr. Dereham to forthwith bring in your account as Receiver of the Poll money for London and Middlesex. Ibid.
Treasury reference to Thomas Agar and Charles Stroud Surveyors of Woods, of the petition of Samuel Maydwell, keeper of Chappell Newholt [Hainholt] walk in Waltham Forest, for repair of the lodge there which will tumble down. Ibid.


  • 1. This entry is struck through, doubtless because the clerk who made the entry had inserted it in the wrong entry book. The item should have been entered in the Treasury Bocquet Book. That the Treasury at this period kept such a docquet book is certain. For Danby_s period of Lord High Treasurership there are extant three volumes of this docquet book. But from the end of Danby_s tenure of the Treasurership the docquet book is not forthcoming. That it actually existed the pres3nt entry is absolute proof. Why it has disappeared is uncertain. It may have actually disappeared, or its identity may have been mistaken, and it may by some re-arrangement have been merged in, say, the Signet Office Docquet Book.