Entry Book: July 1679, 26-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: July 1679, 26-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp148-163 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1679, 26-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp148-163.

"Entry Book: July 1679, 26-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp148-163.


July 1679

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 26. Treasury reference [to the Customs Commissioners] of the petition of William Agberowe setting forth that he formerly complained that he was unjustly deprived of his perquisite of bill money above stairs by the rest of the King's waiters, London port, under the pretence that none above the number of 18 ought to receive same: whereupon the Treasury Lords heard the matter and left it to law, and same was heard the 12th inst. by the Lord Chief Baron at the Guildhall, when petitioner got a verdict. He therefore prays that he may receive all his arrears. Out Letters (Customs), p. 77.
Treasury instructions to same in reply to their memorial of the 21st inst. (1) We will take the King's pleasure as to giving time till the 29th September to the keel owners, who will forthwith subscribe to the admeasurement of their keels by the way of bulkheads and as to dispensing with the forfeiture of those keels and boats by reason of their non admeasurement by August 1; and likewise as to comfirming the order of Council that all goods for Tangiers shall be entered and pay Custom. (2) You are to discharge Robert Jones, the collector of Lyme port, of the 12l. 18s. 1d. which the examiner of the outport books has surcharged upon him by reason of a charge of only half Custom and whole additional duty having been made upon eight hogsheads containing 65 cwt. 0 qrs. 20 lb. of tobacco, the remaining half Customs amounting to said 12l. 18s. 1d.: the said collector having since produced a certificate from the officers at Bristol port that one Thomas Williams exported from Bristol 1677, November 21, upon the Maydenhead, William Foot, master, for Morlaix the said tobacco, the duty on which was paid 1677, August 14, by Thomas Cooper at Bristol. Ibid, pp. 77–8.
Treasury warrant to same to give Benjamin Dewey an extraordinary commission to seize uncustomed and prohibited goods as proposed in your memorial of the 21st inst. Ibid, p. 78.
Likewise for same to Thomas Wayte as proposed in same.
Likewise for same to John Knight as proposed in same.
July 26. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ George Craft as a tidesman, Yarmouth port, loco Thomas Berry, lately dismissed. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 79, 80.
William Bowly (Bowley) as waiter and searcher at Eastbourne and Pevensey, loco Edward Fricker who cannot give security.
Edward Skinner as tidesman at Bideford, loco John Downe, who voluntarily quitted; the said Skinner having been presented to Treasurer Danby for same, but no warrant being granted, he has ever since been paid by incidents.
James Harman as a tidesman in fee, London port, loco Thomas Randolph, who has voluntarily quitted.
Treasury reference to same of the schedule of goods sent over from Brussels by Sir Richard Bulstrode to Ja[mes] Vernon and of which delivery is prayed. Ibid, p. 81.
Prefixing: said note (tents and drums, arms and bedding carried from hence for the soldiers that went over, three cases of pictures, two cases of gilt leather, damask linen).
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 300l. to Sir George Wharton on any late orders in his name as Treasurer and Paymaster of the Office of Ordnance: to be as imprest and to be by him paid over to Sir Robert Holmes for repair of his Majesty's fortifications in the Isle of Wight: to be satisfied out of the like sum which was paid into the Exchequer the 14th inst. by Sympson Smyth, Esq., Receiver General of Crown Revenues in cos. Southampton, Wilts and Gloucester. Money Book, pp. 133–4.
July 26

July 28).
Same to same to issue 500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be paid over to the Victuallers of the Navy: to be issued out of the money which the Customs Cashier is to bring into the Exchequer this week. Ibid, p. 134.
July 26. Money warrant for 231l. 5s. 0d. to Edward Villiers, Esq., for one year to 1678, September 29, on his fee or salary as Captain of Tynemouth Castle. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to deliver to Charles Duncombe 12,000l. in wine bonds to secure repayment to him for the sum of 2,849l (which said Duncombe has agreed to advance to the Treasurer of the Navy on the credit of tallies on the Customs) and 9,151l. (which he has similarly agreed to lend to the Treasurer of the Garrison of Tangier): any merchants' discount which shall be deducted on said bonds is to be made good to said Duncombe. Ibid, p. 138.
Same to the Receipt to issue 2,849l to Edward Seymor on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: for the service of the Navy: to be by tallies on the Customs. Ibid, p. 143.
Money warrant for 9,151l. to Samuel Pepys, Treasurer of the Garrison of Tangier, or to his assignec William Hewer: as imprest for the pay of said Garrison for six months as by the privy seal of 1674, December 23: thereof 4,300l. to be in full of the quarter ended December 30 last and 4,851l. to be in part of the quarter ended March 30 last: to be tallies on the Customs. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Ibid, p. 143. Order Book XXXVIII, p 28.
July 26. Treasury reference to the Ordnance Commissioners of the petition of Mary Browne, widow, to the King (on a reference thereof from the King in Council to the Treasury dated July 11 "to take care for the petitioner's satisfaction as soon as possibly the state of his Majesty's revenue will bear the same"). Said petition sets forth that in pursuance of several contracts made by her late husband with the Ordnance Office 4,000l and upwards of goods were delivered into the stores during his life time upon debentures still unpaid; and since his death in pursuance of several other contracts made by petitioner with the same Office there have been delivered into the stores towards the French war as many granadoes, round shot, brass guns and mortar pieces as amounted to 7,550l. 14s. 0d., for which the said Office likewise gave debentures which are still unpaid; further that several other contracts were made with her by the said Office for goods in reference to the said French war, amounting to 6,840l., all proved ready to be delivered to the stores. Therefore prays relief in the payment of this debt, petitioner having an inconsiderable estate and seven small children, and being much indebted to under-workmen for the said goods. Out Letters (General), pp. 107–8.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to restore Francis King to his place as tidesman, Bristol port, from which the Customer there suspended him; Lord Holles having lately recommended him to the Treasury Lords for a very honest person. Ibid, p. 109.
Treasury reference to Sir Christopher Wren, Surveyor General of Works, of the petition of Peircy Kirke. Said petition sets forth that the King granted to petitioner's mother during her life a little lodging for her servants standing upon the outside of his Majesty's Bowling Greens since altered; that she gave to petitioner her interest in the said lodgings on the side of the Bowling Green; said buildings are old and dropping down and petitioner must rebuild them; therefore prays a lease of an additional four foot of ground. The Surveyor General of Works is to report whether it is no obstruction or prejudice to the King's buildings or the passages there: the King being disposed to gratify petitioner and having the 16th inst. at Hampton Court referred same to the Treasury. Ibid, pp. 109–11.
Henry Guy to Sir John James and partners to return the draft privy seal for discharge of the tallies for 45,000l. to the end same may be immediately passed. Ibid, p. 112.
Same to Capt. Williams to forthwith pay into the Exchequer all the money due upon the third quarter of the present [Eighteen Months'] tax and to repair speedily to town to settle your account of the Poll money and Seventeen Months' Assessment. Ibid.
July 16
[sic for
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. Why do you not comply with the sign manual for the Count de Mayan, the Duke of Savoy's Envoy? Out Letters (General). p. 112.
July 26. Same to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay in its course (out of the [Navy] weekly money) a bill of 396l. 13s. 4d. for provisions delivered to the Jersey. Ibid.
July 28. Same to same. The 1,000l. you shall receive at the Exchequer on account of the Queen's portion and the 875l. more to be taken by two equal proportions out of the weekly payments of this and next week are to be applied to satisfy the bills for last Midsummer quarter's salary of 250l. each to the seven Admiralty Lords and 125l. to Mr. Hayter, their Secretary. Ibid, p. 113.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: for the service of the Navy: to be issued out of the 3,600l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay into the Exchequer this week. Money Book, p. 74.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to send a list of the officers whom you desired in your presentments of the 21st inst. to be put into the Establishment. Out Letters (Customs), p. 80.
Money warrant for 123l. 3s. 4d. to Roger Meredith, Secretary to the Embassy to Holland, for a bill of extras from 1678, May 25, to 1679, May 25. Money Book, p. 135. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 29.
Appending: said bill as allowed by the Earl of Sunderland June 23 last:—
Guilders Stivers
For postage of letters 593 5
For expresses 50 0
For a journey into England to carry the treaty of July, 1678 190 0
For intelligence, paper, prints, etc. 521 12
1,354 17
which reduced to English money at the rate of 11 guilders for 20s. makes 123l. 3s. 4d.
(Money order dated July 30 hereon.)
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 600l. to Baptist May on any orders in his name as Keeper of the Privy Purse: for the service of the Privy Purse: to be issued out of 3,600l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay into the Exchequer this week. Money Book, p. 136.
Money warrant for 125l. each to Sir Thomas Twisden, Sir Francis Brampston, late a Baron of the Exchequer, Sir William Wyld, late one of the Justices of the King's Bench, Sir Edward Thurland, late a Baron of the Exchequer, for last Trinity Term on their pensions of 500l. per an. each. Ibid, pp. 136, 137.
Same for 250l. to Sir Richard Rainsford for same on same of 1,000l. per an. Ibid, p. 137.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 17l. 10s. 0d. to Henry Hoogan for 1¾ years to June 24 last on his fee or salary of 10l. per an. as Comptroller of Customs, Yarmouth port. Ibid, p. 138.
July 28. Money warrant for 25l. each to the following for last Trinity Term salaries or allowances of 100l. per an. as Masters in Chancery: viz., Sir Edward Lowe, Sir Andrew Hacket, Sir Timothy Baldwyn, Sir Lacon William Child, Sir John Hoskins, Sir Samll. Clark, Sir Miles Cook (Cooke), Sir John Franklin, Sir Thomas Escourt, Sir John Coel and Sir William Beversham. (Money order dated July 30 for 275l. hereon.) Money Book, p. 139. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 30.
Same for 50l. to John Collins, gent., late an officer of the Excise for one year to 1673, September 29, on the pension of 50l. per an. payable to him till some employment of equal or better value be provided for him as by the privy seal of 1669, August 6. (Money order dated July 30 hereon.) Money Book, p. 139. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 29.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 69l. 3s. 4d. to Sir Nicholas Crispe for last Lady day quarter's salary as collector outwards, London port. Money Book, p. 140.
Money warrant for 1,300l. to Sir William Godolphin for 13 weeks' ordinary 1678, June 28, to September 27 as Ambassador to Spain. (Money order dated July 31 hereon.) Ibid, p. 141. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 32.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 241l. 13s. 4d. to Sir John Shaw for last June 24 quarter on his fees or salaries of 466l. 13s. 4d. per an. as Collector Inwards, London port, and of 500l. per an. as Surveyor of the Navigation Act. Money Book, p. 141.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Henage, Lord Finch, for last June 24 quarter on his pension: same being payable out of the Excise, but being unpaid and in arrear for said quarter, and not able to be satisfied out of the Excise by reason of the great anticipation and charge at present upon the Excise. Ibid, p. 142.
Same for 125l. to Sir Job Charlton for last Trinity Term as one of the Justices of the city of Chester. Ibid.
Same for 50l. to George Johnson for same as a same. Ibid, p. 143.
Money order for 745l. 4s. 0d. to Sir Robert Howard in reward for the making and keeping of registers for the Seventeen Months' tax, the Fifth part of the Excise, the Poll, and the two Acts for disbanding the Forces, for the registering of orders for payment of the moneys arising thereby respectively, pursuant to the Acts of Parliament granting same. To be issued by virtue of the privy seal dormant of the 24th inst. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 27.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a lease to John Tooker for two lives in reversion after the life now in being of Welton farm in the manor of Midsomer Norton, co. Somerset, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, under the old rent of 4l. 17s. 4½d. and for the fine of 500l.: said Tooker to assign one part of the premises to Richard Mogg, who is to pay part of the rent and charges. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 38–40.
Prefixing: (a) said Tooker's petition for such lease. Had formerly petitioned Treasurer Danby for same and obtained a reference dated February last thereon which was followed by a report from the Surveyor General dated March 15 last and by Treasurer Danby's warrant dated March 19 for a particular thereon. (b) Treasury reference dated May 29 of said petition to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands. (c) Report from said Harbord dated July 9 on the [separate] petitions of said Tooker and Richard Mogg and Solomon Kelson. The tenement of Welton farm was passed several years since by mean assignments from William Champneys, senr., and others to said Tooker, Mogg and Kelson for the lives of William and Richard, sons of said William Champneys, at the old rent of 4l. 17s. 4¼d. and increased rent of 50l. per an. which latter is extinguished since the late death of said Richard Champneys. The farm is estimated at 100l. above the old rent and the renewal may be valued at 500l. Advises a single lease to Tooker (he having about three-fourths of the whole since Kelson assigned his interest to him). Tooker to be bound to assign to Mogg the 95 acres now in the latter's possession at the rent of 1l. 7s. 10d. and fine of 100l. in part of the total rent and fine as above.
July 28. Treasury warrant to the Auditors of Imprests to allow 100l. to Thomas Green in his account as late Cashier and Paymaster to the Office lately erected in London for exchanging, transmitting and bringing in the moneys of the late [1672] Eighteen Months' tax and the Hearthmoney, being his account of moneys imprested to him for the service of said Office; it appearing from the statement thereof made by John Bruer, deputy to Auditor Brooke Bridges, that 321l. 17s. 7d. remains in said Green's hands and said Green having, since the date of said account, by Treasurer Danby's warrant of 1678, September 2, paid 60l. to John Lynn. The present allowance is to be for salary, charges and disbursements and and is to be made on said Green's paying into the Exchequer the balance of 161l. 17s. 7d. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 41. Money Book, p. 140.
[?] Same to the officers of the Exchequer concerned to supersede process against Sir John Shaw and the rest of the late Farmers of the Customs for five years to 1667, September 29, they having paid all their rent and passed their accounts, which latter are now before Sir Robert Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, notwithstanding which process has been issued against them for all the rent due upon that farm; to their great vexation and damage. Ibid, p. 42.
July 29. [Henry Guy] to the Auditor of the Receipt. In case Mr. Kirwood does not fully settle the whole of his receipt of the taxes by Saturday morning next the Treasury Lords will take out of his hands the whole of his receiving of any of the King's moneys. Attend my Lords on Saturday with an account herein. Out Letters (General), p. 113.
[?] Same to the Board of Greencloth. There has been a dispute between the Farmers of Excise and Mr. Parsons about the Excise of beer served into the King's Buttery for the use of the Household, the Commissioners demanding the duty as for strong beer, although Parsons receives but a small beer price for same by the contract. After hearing the business the Treasury Lords think he ought to pay Excise as for strong beer "as he is and has been constantly charged for same" but that he be by you repaid what the same exceeds 9d. per barrel. Ibid, p. 113.
July 29. Henry Guy to the Auditors of Imprests to attend the Treasury on Monday next at the hearing of the business between the officers of the Mint and Mr. Taylieur on reference from the Privy Council. Bring with you the accounts of the Mint from 1630 to 1642; and of moneys imprested at the Exchequer from that time for the service of the Mint; and your objections (if any) against the accounts of Mr. Slingsby and Sir Anthony St. Leger. (The like notice dated July 30 to the following persons to attend at the hearing of the matter between Taylor and the Mint, viz., Charles Bertie, Sir Robt. Viner, Sir William Smyth, Charles Osborne, Charles Cheney, Edward Backwell, Thomas Neale, John Buckworth, Brook Bridges, Thomas Done, Thomas Doyley, William Taverner, Mathew Harding, James Wilder, Thomas Seabrooke, Thomas Anderson, Lancelott Parrot, Edward Sturton, Richard Collard, Edward Sylvester, Thomas Broofe, Nicholas Bradley,—Bayly, Anthony Guat, Richard Dallow,—Smyth, Thomas Walford, Thomas Harris, Lewis Fawson, John Foster, Francis Kenton,—Kenton, William Shenton, Richard Jones,—Souton, Richard Shaw, Mr. Swallow, Mr. Bayly, Gilbert Thomas, Mr. Wicks; Joseph Hart, Mr. Coleburne, James Todwyn, Mr. Hodgkins, William Smyth.) Out Letters (General), p. 113.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to bring 2,000l. into the Exchequer on Saturday. Ibid.
Same to the Lord Chamberlain. Mr. Neal, the Groom Porter, has lately obtained a patent for 600l. per an. for furnishing the Household stuff and furniture which by the duty of his place he is obliged to provide, whereby his payment on bills is to cease. Please inform the Treasury Lords whether said 600l. do not exceed communibus annis what the said bills signed and allowed by you and payable by the Treasurer of the Chamber amounted to and whether it is better for the King's service that the said expense be reduced to such a certainty. Ibid, p. 116.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on a draft royal letter for allowing several payments made by the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, as necessitated by the requirements of his Majesty's affairs there, being items not contained in the present establishment of Ireland, and for which the said Lord Lieutenant had only general orders from the King, "that is to say the extraordinary charge of our Forces in the North by imprest warrants," viz.: Out Letters (Ireland), pp. 6–9.
l. s. d.
to Daniell Lyfford, Richard Allen and Richard Cadwell for 20,000 [lb.] weight of biscuit 90 0 0
to Arthur, Visct. Granard, for 10,000 weight of biscuit caused by him to be made in the North, and for cask for same 49 10 0
to William Robinson for providing tumbrels and harness for his Majesty's service 145 0 0
to same to be disbursed in buying two new field carriages for minion and falcon guns at Carrickfergus 25 12 0
to John Barton for several persons for hogsheads, casks and cooper's work and other contingent charges in order to putting on board and conveying biscuit to Carrickfergus 52 17 3
to Visct. Granard and the Field and Staff officers commanding the Forces in the North for their additional allowance from 1677. October 5, to December 25 following 611 7 5
to James Creary, pilot to his Majesty's ship Sweepstakes, from Dublin to Carrickfergus 6 10 0
to Capt. Arthur Forbese for his additional pay of 7l. a month as Captain of Horse commanded into the North, from 1677, October 5, to December 25 following 19 5 0
to Visct. Granard for the additional allowance for himself as General and Col. of Horse and the officers of his regiment from 1677, December 25, to 1678, March 25 207 18 4
to Sir William Flower, Kt., and the officers of his regiment of Foot for their additional allowance for the like time 71 5 0
to Lady Gore, relict of Sir Francis Gore, Kt., for his additional allowance as Col. of Foot from 1677, December 25, to February 11 following 24 12 0
to Sir Francis Newcomen, Lieut.-Col. of the regiment of Foot late under Sir Francis Gore for the additional allowance for himself and the officers of the said regiment from 1677, December 25, to 1678, March 25 79 16 0
As also for payments on imprest warrants issued for his Majesty's special service in order to the defence of Ireland as follows:—
l. s. d.
to William Robinson, Esq., to be disbursed for providing of spades, shovels and other necessaries of war for furnishing the garrisons of Leinster, Munster and Connaught 468 15 0
to same to be disbursed for repairing arms in the stores in Ireland 753 4 0
to James Clarke, Esq., to be disbursed for secret service as the Lord Lieutenant shall think fit 500 0 0
to Col. John Jeffries on the same account 30 0 0
to William Robinson to be by him disbursed in repairing and supplying the defects in the Castle of Carrickfergus 186 0 0
to Francis Cust, Esq., deputy Master of the Ordnance, to be by him disbursed for timber to be used in the stores in Ireland 150 0 0
The King being satisfied that the said sums have been ordered to be paid for his necessary service and according to such general orders and directions as said Lord Lieutenant received from the King hereby approves and allows same and commands the Commissioners for taking the Vice Treasurer's accounts Ireland to pass and allow same. Further, hereby all such sums of money as by the present establishment are appointed for the payment of a Company of Foot Guards and for the additional pay of four Troops of Horse doing duty at Dublin [during such period as or] whilst the same shall not be applied to the uses designed by the Irish establishment shall and may be laid out by the Lord Lieutenant to such public uses relating to the safety and defence of Ireland as he shall find necessary.
On the abovesaid draft royal letter the Treasury Lords hereby report agreeing to the same save as to the last clause for which they advise to substitute that the saving of pay of the said company and Four Troops may be from time to time represented to the King by the Lord Lieutenant with the uses to which he proposes to apply same and that there-upon the King may direct the application thereof.
July 29. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the draft of a royal letter to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for the establishment of a hospital for old soldiers in Ireland as follows. Many soldiers in the army in Ireland are grown aged or otherwise unserviceable but are yet continued in pay for want of other fitting provision "and we conceive it unreasonable that such persons who have faithfully served us in our army whilst their health and strength continued should, when by age, wounds or other infirmities they are disabled from serving us any longer, be discharged without any care to be taken for their future subsistence." Upon a contract made between the King of the one part and Robert and William Bridges, gent., of the other for advancing 36,565l. 4s. 11d. or thereabouts towards the discharge of some arrears of pay to the army [in Ireland] there was an allowance to be made to the said R. and W. Bridges of 12d. in the £ out of all the pay that should grow due by the establishment of the military list in Ireland for 18 months from 1677, September 29. The said period expired at Lady day last and the King has thought fit that the said deduction of 12d. in the £ be not continued for any longer time to them and that after said Lady day last there shall be only deducted 6d. in the £ out of all pay that afterwards shall grow due on the said military list establishment and that the same shall be wholly applied towards making a provision for such aged and maimed officers and soldiers as above. The present royal letter therefore authorises such deduction of 6d. in the £ from time to time from Lady day last. Same is to be paid into the hands of such persons as the Lord Lieutenant shall appoint and the Lord Lieutenant shall give them full power from time to time to issue and employ same towards the building and settling a hospital for such aged and maimed officers and soldiers as shall at any time be dismissed as unserviceable and for making provision for their future maintenance in such way as the Lord Lieutenant shall think fit. It is the King's express will and pleasure that none of the said money shall upon any occasion or pretence whatsoever be diverted to any other use except only the allowance to be made to the persons appointed to receive and pay the said moneys. The said Receivers to give good security and to account yearly, and the issues to be by authority of warrant from the Lord Lieutenant. "No persons who were either aged or otherwise unserviceable when they were first taken into our army shall be taken to be comprehended within the provision hereby intended but only such persons" grown unfit as above since their first coming into the said army. Out Letters (Ireland), pp. 9 12.
The said draft being referred to the Treasury Lords the latter hereby report that they have nothing to object against it "so as the clause be omitted under which the line is drawn, and a direction be inserted for your Majesty's Lord Lieutenant to prepare a draft of such rules and orders for the constitution and Government of the Hospital as his Grace shall think fitting, and the same be transmitted to your Majesty for your royal approbation."
[? July 29.] Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on a draft royal letter to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland as follows, for providing arms and ammunition for Ireland out of the surplus of the military establishment of Ireland. After the above-said Robert and William Bridges shall be fully paid the abovesaid 36,565l. 4s. 11d. or thereabouts there will be some surplusage of the revenue above the present establishment in Ireland. The King desires same to be wholly employed towards public uses for the safety and defence of Ireland and the Lord Lieutenant is hereby thereto authorised and required to take care that the whole said overplus be applied towards providing such arms and ammunition as shall be from time to time wanting there, and fitting up a marching train of artillery there, and towards furnishing the fort designed by his Majesty to be made near Kinsale and maintaining such an additional number of gunners and other officers there [Kinsale] as shall be necessary, and for repairing and building such other forts and storehouses as the Lord Lieutenant shall think necessary and for maintaining such recruits as the same shall think fit at any time hereafter to be added to the army in Ireland: with full power for the issue of any such surplus as aforesaid to the aforesaid uses or some of them; "and to take care that no part thereof be hereafter issued to any private uses, notwithstanding any orders or directions that you have received or shall hereafter receive from us untill the aforesaid public works whereunto wee do hereby designe the same be fully accomplished." Out Letters (Ireland), pp. 13–4.
On the same draft the Treasury Lords hereby report their opinion that when there shall be any surplusage of the said revenue which may be applicable as herein, the Lord Lieutenant may then represent the same, together with the particular uses [to which he proposes to apply same], to your Majesty and thereupon receive your Majesty's direction for such application.
July 29. The Treasury Lords to the Auditor of the Receipt. The city of London has lent to the King several great sums of money in the name of Sir Thomas Player, Kt., Chamberlain of the city, on the credit of the late Act of Parliament [31 Car. II, c. 1] for 206,962l. 17s. 3d. for disbanding the Forces raised since 1677, September 29. In pursuance of said Act orders have been registered [on said Act] for repayment of said loans in course with 8 per cent. interest. You are to take special care that as soon as three months' interest grows due to said Player thereon it be duly and punctually paid out of the moneys of said Act. Money Book, p. 144.
July 29. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,000l. upon any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in the name of Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy: same to be for the Admiralty Lords' salaries for last Mid-summer quarter. Same is to be paid out of the moneys which shall be paid into the Exchequer by James Herriot, of London, goldsmith, upon account of [the remains of] the Queen's [Portugal money or] portion. Money Book, p 144
Money warrant for 75l. to Thomas, Earl of Berkshire, for last June 24 quarter on the annuity of 300l. granted to him as Thomas Howard, Esq., for life. Ibid, p. 145.
Same for 62l. 10s. 0d. each to Elizabeth Lawson and Anne Lawson, daughters of Sir John Lawson, deceased, for same quarter on their respective pensions. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 712l. 19s. 4¾d. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be by him paid over upon account of the Sick and Wounded: to be paid out of moneys that are or shall be paid into the Exchequer upon account of the [remains of] Queen's [Portugal dowry or] portion. Ibid.
Money warrant for 60l. to Charles Coleman, one of his Majesty's music, viz., 40l. for one year to 1673, Christmas, on his fee of 40l. per an. and 20l. for one year to 1673, June 24, on his 20l. per an. for strings. Ibid, p. 146. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 28.
Same for 75l. 5s. 7½d. each to John Ramsey and Roger Harsnett for three quarters to June 24 last on their fees and allowances as Serjeants as Arms. Money Book, p. 156.
July 30. Privy seal for the salaries, etc., of the attendants on the Committee of Trade and Plantations, ut supra, pp. 139–40. King's Warrant Book, pp. 93–5.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to deliver up the bonds of David Horton, late Collector of Cowes, allowances in account having been made to him which reduced his debt to the King to 308l. 15s. 4¼d. (as in your report of January 7 last) which sum has since, viz., the 18th inst. been paid into the Exchequer by Robert Clarkson, one of the sureties of said Horton. Said sum is to be charged on Richard Kent, Customs Cashier, to whom said tally is to be delivered to be applied to his account. Out Letters (Customs), pp. 81–2.
The Treasury Lords to Prince Rupert. The complaint of Mr. William Taylieur against some officers of the Mint is referred to us by order in Council. One part of said Taylieur's information is that Mr. Charles Bertie et al, late Commissioners for inspecting the affairs of the Mint, did order the Moneyers to deliver to them some of the gold which they were working and making money of, that one part was delivered to Mr. Bertie to have the same assayed, and that he delivered same to your Highness, who took an assay thereof. Please let us know how you found the said gold as to fineness upon the assay thereof. Out Letters (General), p. 114.
July 30. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to assign (out of the Navy's weekly 2,500l.) two bills for 12l. 10s. 0d. each for two quarters to 1678, June 24, on Mris. Fowler's pension of 50l. per an. Out Letters (General), p. 115.
Same to same to attend the Treasury Lords to-morrow morning at 9 o'clock precisely touching the report concerning the Eastland merchants. Ibid, p. 116.
Same to same. On your receiving the undisposed part of the order for 15,000l. registered on the 412,925l. 14s. 6d. [part of the Eighteen Months' tax] in the names of Sir John James and Robert Huntington (which order was by them assigned to Mr. Anthony Stephens) you are to apply 959l. 1s. 4d. to paying to the quarters of the Sick and Wounded men at Faversham. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to make some fit allowance (up to 5s. per hogshead) to persons who shall discover and prosecute any French wines upon the clauses in the late Poll Act. Ibid, p. 115.
Money warrant for 150l. to Anne, Countess Dowager of Newburgh, for 1678, Michaelmas quarter on her annuity or yearly pension of 600l. Money Book, p. 146.
Same for 10l. 10s. 0d. to the Churchwardens of St. Bottolphs, London, for 1½ years to June 24 last on the perpetuity of 7l. per an. to same: and dormant warrant for said perpetuity in future. Ibid.
Same for 75l. to Anthony, Viscount Falkland, for 1677, Christmas quarter, on his annuity or yearly pension of 300l. Ibid, p. 147.
Same for 150l. to Col. John Romsey for three quarters to June 24 (? Christmas, 1678), last on his annuity or yearly pension of 200l. out of the moneys arising of the Queen's [Portugal dowry or] portion, as by the privy seal of 1669, November 20. (Money order dated July 31 hereon.) Ibid, p. 147. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 31.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 50l. to William Culliford for last June 24 quarter's salary as Register of Seizures. Money Book, p. 147.
Money warrant for 4,000l. to William Roberts, Receiver of the rents, etc., of the Honor and Castle of Windsor: to be as imprest for and towards the rebuilding and repairing of the said Castle: to be paid out of the moneys of the Queen's portion in the Exchequer. (Money order dated July 31 hereon.) Ibid, p. 148. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 30.
Treasury warrant to the Trustees for Fee Farms to convey to Thomas Bowdler, gent. (as assignee of John Lindsay), certain rents scheduled to be conveyed to said Lindsey in lieu of other rents which were conveyed to others first and afterwards to him by mistake. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 42.
Prefixing: note of the schedule as certified by Auditor Phelips dated 1678, June 22: (the said rents 160l. 14s. 9¾d. per an., rents doubly conveyed and to be reprized 128l. 12s. 0d. per an.; remains 32l. 2s. 9¾d. per an., which at 16 years' purchase, amounts to 514l. 5s. 0d.; allowance for four years' arrears to 1678, Lady day, of the doubly conveyed rents 514l. 8s. 0d. "which said sum exceeds the former by 3s.")
July 31. Privy seal for the payment to the Earl of Shaftesbury, Lord President of the Privy Council, of 1,000l. per an. in lieu of an allowance of diet of 10 dishes every meal formerly made to the Lord President of the said Council: to be received without account and to be paid quarterly during pleasure. King's Warrant Book, p. 92.
Henry Guy to the Commissioners of the Admiralty. On examination the Treasury Lords find the accusation against Lieut. Sidman of defrauding the Customs to be true and they desire that for example's sake same do not pass without marks of your displeasure. Out Letters (General), p. 117.
Treasury reference to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of Richard Michill's petition (as by a reference thereof from the King dated Whitehall, June 8 last). Said petitioner sets forth that he is nephew and heir to Tho. Michell, who was executed for felony in the end of the reign of James I, leaving an estate of 20l. per an. at a place called Clayhill, in Epsom, Surrey, which is now in the possession of Robert Weston, and did not come to the Crown, though legally escheated. Petitioner therefore prays said estate, having served the late and present King faithfully as the Duke of Buckingham can testify. A former petition was referred by the King February 24 last to Treasurer Danby, who soon after resigning, nothing was done therein. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Johnson [for the Excise Commissioners] to pay into the Exchequer this week 1,000l. whereof 500l. was intended for Mris. Gwynn and 500l. for Prince Rupert, but the whole is now to be paid to Prince Rupert to be issued on his pension: "and is to be mentioned in the certificate from the Excise Office." Ibid, p. 118.
[?] Same to Sir Robert Southwell to inspect (together with two or three Portugal merchants) the enclosed accounts [missing] of Alderman Backwell of the money by him received of the Queen's portion. Ibid.
July 31. Treasury reference to William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of R. Aldworth's petition for renewal of lease of two small plots of pasture in New Windsor and three acres of other land there and of a tenement with its appurtenances called Frogmore, parcel of the manor of Old and New Windsor. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to deliver the following goods imported from Leghorn for the use of Sir John Williams and now in London port, viz., a damask bed with hangings of brocatele, a chest with 22 or 23 pictures, "being flowers and fruit, with some kittchin peices with the figures of fish" being furniture for his house, three boxes with three marble heads in them and a small box of essences; all the above to be Customs free, and the following to pay Customs, viz., damask flowered with gold and silver, satin flowered with gold and silver, 119 yards of Durans with silk and 9 1b. of silk lace for two liveries. Out Letters (Customs), p. 82.
July 31. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export Customs free, of the following now shipped on the Elizabeth, Jon. Pennington, commander, for the Garrison of Tangier, to be there delivered to Thomas Bennett, storekeeper to the office of Ordnance there: viz., wheels for stand carriages (12 pair demi culverine, 3 pair saker, 2 pair falcon, 2 pair 12 pounders), 64 halberts, 400 hangers, 50 head pieces, 40 iron pots, 37 oaken planks, 109 fir baulks, 1,300 deals, 301 large spars, 1,526 pallizadoes, 50 granadoe shells of 8¾ inches, 3 union flags with halyards. Out Letters (Customs), p. 83.
The like for same for 48 oaken planks, 590 palizadoes and 211 large spars as shipped on the St. George, George Moone, commander, for Tangier likewise. Both schedules of goods are certified by the Ordnance officers. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of C[apt.] Thomas Brereton for a landwaiter's place, London port, being well certified by several persons of worth and honour; and the Treasury Lords being inclined to favour him. Ibid, p. 84.
Henry Guy to same, forwarding a [statement of] case on the Act for prohibiting plantation of tobacco in England, with the Attorney General's opinion thereon. Ibid.
Same to same forwarding an order of Council for suspending the execution of the order in Council touching the Island of Jersey, of which you complain in your presentment of the 28th inst., until the business be heard the first Council day. Ibid.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Richard Phillips for a landwaiters's place, London port, he being certified by Sir James Edwards. Lord Mayor, and others. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to same to employ John Langden as a tidesman in fee, London port, loco—Oddy, dismissed. Ibid. p. 85.
Christopher Hollister as a watchman, Ibid, loco said Langden, preferred.
William Dickinson as waiter at Flint, loco William Watson, dismissed.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Peter Brown for a tidewaiter's or watchman's place, being with his wife very poor by reason of sickness and calamity: having been employed in the Prize Office in the late war, and been faithful in his employment as tidewaiter. Ibid.
Money warrant for 2,000l. for last June 24 quarter on the salary or allowance of 8,000l. per an. to the Treasury Lords: the said salary having been formerly issued to Sir Stephen Fox as secret service (but as intended for the salary of the Lord High Treasurer or the Treasury Lords) and having been so paid till 1675, Christmas, from which date by the privy seal of 1676, July 19, it was to be paid at the Receipt [and was so paid] until Christmas last: and the King having by dormant letters patent of the 14th inst. directed that there should be paid to the present Treasury Lords all such fees, salaries or other allowances as have formerly been paid to the Lord High Treasurer or the Treasury Lords. (Money order dated August 5 hereon.) Money Book, pp. 148–9. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 33.
July 31. Money warrant for 70l. to Francis Sanford (Sandford) being 30l. for 1½ years to 1675, September 29, on his fee of 20l. per an. as Ronge Dragon Pursuivant, and 40l. for 1½ years to 1679, Lady day, on his fee of 40 marks per an. as Lancaster Herald. Money Book, p. 149.
Same for 50l. 3s. 9d. to Thomas Charnock for half a year to 1678, September 29, on his fee of 3s. a day and allowance of 2s. 6d. a day for board wages as a Serjeant at Arms. Ibid, p. 150.
Same for 25l. 1s. 10½d. John Topham for last June 24 fee and allowance ut supra as a Serjeant at Arms. Ibid.
Same for what is due, and dormant same for what shall hereafter grow due, on the annuity of 100l. to Henry Coventry as one of the Principal Secretaries of State. Ibid.
Same and same for same to the Earl of Sunderland on same as a same. Ibid, p. 151.
Same for 125l. to Sir Joseph Williamson for 1¼ years to Christmas last on the like annuity of 100l. as late a same. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 6l. to John Halliley for 1½ years to June 24 last on his salary of 4l. per an. as Usher of the Custom House, London port. Ibid, p. 152.
Money warrant for 100l. to Jammes (James) Herriot, of London, goldsmith, without account, as a reward for his service in receiving from Capt. Henry Killigrew, commander of his Majesty's ship Mary riding in the Downs, six chests (containing 120 contos 700 mil 512 reis Portugal money received by Francis Parry, his Majesty's Agent in Portugal, on account of the Queen's portion) and disposing the same and paying the produce thereof, being 7,764l. 5s. 5d. into the Exchequer. (Money order dated August 1 hereon.) Ibid, p. 152. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 32.
Same for 1,000l. to Prince Rupert for last June 24 quarter on his pension of 4,000l. per an. Money Book, p. 153.
Same for 100l. to Nicholas Oudart for 1¼ years to Lady day last 1678 [sic] on his fee of 80l. per an. as Latin Secretary. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the stewardship of Wirral, co. Chester, in order to a grant thereof to Thomas Dod [sic], gent., for 31 years on surrender. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 43.
Prefixing: petition from Randle Dod [sic] for said lease.
Entry of [the Treasury subscription of a] docquet of a demise by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Edward Peirce of divers lands and tenements in the village of Nandi and elsewhere, co. Merioneth, parcel of the lands of Hwelli Vaughan extended for debt. Ibid.
July 31. Treasury reference to William Harbord. Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Col. William Dean. Out Letters (General), pp. 119–20.
Prefixing: said petition: served the late King from the very beginning of the wars: raised a troop of Dragoons and then a troop of Horse and then a regiment of Horse which to the last he commanded: by the King's special commission surprised 36 horses laden with cloth to the value of 3,000l. which was employed for clothing the soldiers at Oxford and Faringdon, the petitioner at his own charge paying the soldiers: petitioner's father victualled the army at Winchester to the value of above 2,000l. for which he never received a penny: in 1661 petitioner was promised repayment of said 2,000l. out of a discovery of near 5,000l. which [discovery] was afterwards paid into the Exchequer, yet petitioner remained unpaid; as also after a second discovery of 1,100l.: in 1670 he prepared a parliamentary bill for promoting and encouraging the fishing trade which was so well approved that a good progress was made therein, and he has since been often called upon by several members of the House of Commons to renew his prosecution, but is disabled so to do by his sufferings: in 1664 he with Sir Jarvas Lucas and others prayed a lease of the Forest of Dartmoor, co. Devon, and several reports were thereupon made by the Earl of Bath, Sir Jeoffery Palmer and Sir Charles Harbord after which a contract was made for a lease thereof in order to the improving the said waste or forest, but by reason of the death of some of the partners and disability of others he could not go through with the contract; but now having got other able and sufficient persons to assist him, he begs a fresh reference in order to such agreement as may conduce to the best improvement of the said waste. Together with: notes of the accompanying papers [missing], viz., the former petition of Sir Jervas Lucas, Sir Henry Cary, Sir Henry Chichley, Col. Richard Geratt, Col. William Stewart, Col. John Marsh, Col. Paule Smyth, Col. William Deane; reference thereon to the Earl of Bath; the said Earl's report; a further reference to the Earl of Southampton [Lord Treasurer]; and the proposals; the last item being as follows: (1) to have a lease for 99 years with power of deforestation and commissions ad supervidend, perlustrand et dividend, (2) to have the extra-parochial tithes and all mines, minerals, quarries of stone, waifs, strays, felons' goods, deodands and encroachments, (3) it is intended to build a town on the premises in which it is desired to have a market weekly and two fairs yearly, and to set up a linen manufacture for the making of sail cloths and other linen, (4) there being now an estate for three lives granted of the premises, same is intended to be purchased, and to advance the present rent to the King from 31l. 15s. 11d. per an. to 50l. per an. during the term in being and thereafter 150l. per an.