Entry Book: August 1679, 1-9

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: August 1679, 1-9', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp163-177 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: August 1679, 1-9', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp163-177.

"Entry Book: August 1679, 1-9". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp163-177.


August 1679

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Aug. 1. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to certify the Treasury Lords what money was imprested at the Exchequer from 1630 to 1642 and for any time since for the service of the Mint, "for there is a hearing before their Lordships on the matter of the Mint on Monday." Ibid, p 118
Aug. 1. Henry Guy to Mr. Done. The end for which the Treasury Lords desire the Mint accounts from 1630 to 1642 was to know what money was coined there and what charge or advantage accrued to the King thereby. Out Letters (General), p. 119.
[?] Same to the following to attend the Treasury on Monday at the hearing of the difference between the officers of the Mint and Mr. Tailor "by order of the [Treasury] Lords appointed by order of Council to hear the" said difference, viz., Mr. Rowe, Mr. Duncombe and Mr. Bartlett, goldsmiths, Mr. Trovell, assay master of the Goldsmiths' Hall, William Harrison and Tho. Harris, plate workers, a servant of Mr. Butler's, an apothecary in Cornhill, Mr. Taudin, pewterer in St. Martin's Lane. Ibid.
Aug. 1. Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay 1,000l. into the Receipt this week for Prince Rupert. Ibid, p. 121.
The Treasury Lords to the Earl of Northampton to suspend Mr. Kingston, the present Lieutenant under you of Whittlewood Forest, who has been deeply guilty of notorious misdemeanours, and in an eminent manner betrayed his trust. He is to remove presently from Wakefield Lodge, which we think necessary for the preservation of said forest. We have issued a commission of inquiry into the abuses in both Whittlewood and Salcey Forests that offenders may be speedily punished and the King's woods rescued from utter destruction. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 43.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against John Hebdon, late Collector of Customs at Colchester, upon his accounts, in regard the King owes him a greater sum upon another account, which he is not able to make out at present by reason his papers are in the custody of the Earl of Danby (as is certified by said Earl), and he cannot come at said papers by reason of said Earl's restraint. Ibid, p. 44.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to permit the Governor and Fellowship of English merchants for discovery of new trades (usually called the Muscovia Company), to import such quantity of seal oil as they shall, this voyage only, lade on board their ships on payment of [only such] duty according to the Book of Rates as is paid for train oil from Newfoundland, being 6s. per ton, notwithstanding the seeming prohibition made in [the Act of] 25 Car. II for the Eastland and Greenland trades: all provided that same be brought in in ships English-built and navigated as by law, and sworn to be seal oil and no other. Out Letters (Customs), p. 86.
Money warrant for 250l. to the Earl of Shaftesbury for last June 24 quarter on his 1,000l. per an. in lieu of his allowance of diet of 10 dishes every meal, formerly made to the Lord President of the Privy Council. (Money order dated August 1 hereon.) Money Book, pp. 153–4. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 31.
Same for 100l. 7s. 6d. to James Beck for one year to 1676, Christmas, on his salary and board wages as a serjeant at arms. Money Book, p. 154.
Aug. 1. Money warrant for 4l. 11s. 3d. to Sir William Bishop for last Christmas quarter on his fee of 12d. a day as Serjeant at Arms attending the House of Commons: and further for 20l. 10s. 7½d. to him (making 25l. 1s. 10½d. in all, being equivalent to the fees and allowances of the rest of the Serjeants at Arms), it appearing by the certificate of the Auditor of the Receipt of the 1st inst. there has also been paid to said Bishop (by virtue of the dormant patent of 1660, September 28), so much money as made his fee [up to 1678, September 29] equal with the fees and allowances of the rest of the Serjeants at Arms. (Money order dated November 19 hereon for said 20l. 10s. 7½d.) Money Book, p. 159. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 49.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 15l. to John Needler for half a year to June 24 last on his salary as Comptroller of the Great and Petty Customs, London port. Money Book, p. 154.
Same to same to pay one year's fees or allowances to Midsummer last to Sir Robert Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, Jon. Pottinger, Comptroller of the Pipe, and John Ady and John Cole, the present deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer; being 63l. 2s. 0d. usually paid out of the Customs to the Clerk of the Pipe for the yearly fee of himself, the Secondary in the Pipe Office and other sworn clerks there, and 5l. 15s. 0d. as the like yearly fee to the Comptroller of the Pipe, and the like yearly fee of 11l. 15s. 4d. to the two deputy chamberlains of the Exchequer: which said several fees have been paid to 1678, June 24: as appears by certificate of John Bruer, gent., deputy to Brook Bridges, an Auditor of Imprests. Ibid. pp. 156–7.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour on any unappropriated, unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be issued out of the 3,600l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay into the Exchequer this week. Ibid, p. 155.
The like for the like issue of 500l. to same out of same: to be by said Seymour paid over to the Victuallers of the Navy.
The like for the like issue of 600l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse: to be issued out of, etc., ut supra. Ibid, p. 156.
The like for the like issue of 300l. to Sir George Wharton, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Office of Ordnance: as imprest for the service of that Office: to be by him paid over to Sir Robert Holmes for repair of the fortifications in the Isle of Wight: to be issued out of the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 157.
Aug. 2. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on a draft royal letter to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland as follows. The archbishop of Tuam has heretofore usually received from the clergy of his diocese and of the diocese of Kilfenora, also held by him, a certain proportion of the profits of the livings there, commonly called quarta pars episcopalis, the payment whereof is a very great charge to the said clergy, "whereof we designed to ease [them] upon the late promotion of John, late lord bishop of Limerick to the archbishopric," but finding that the said archbishopric with said quarta pars subtracted is of no greater value than the bishopric of Limerick, the King has not thought fit to take away said quarta pars until some other provision be made to said archbishop in lieu thereof; which the King designs to do by granting him the wardership of Galway in commendam when next vacant. You, the Lord Lieutenant, are therefore hereby, upon the death or removal of Dr. Vaughan, the present warden, to pass a grant of same to said archbishop, who is thereupon to release and discharge his right and pretension to said quarta pars for him and his successors in said archbishopric, it being the King's will that the clergy of said dioceses should be for ever afterwards paid and discharged thereof. Out Letters (Ireland), pp. 15–17.
Said draft being referred to the Treasury Lords, they hereby report. We submit to your Majesty the annexation of the wardenship as above, but advise that the said quarta pars be forthwith discharged without waiting for the making of said annexation, the inferior clergy of the said dioceses being exceeding poor, and the [arch] bishopric being competently provided for withal, it having also in the Earl of Strafford's time received some compensation in lieu of said quarta pars.
Aug. 2. Henry Guy to [? the Customs Commissioners] forwarding papers enclosed [missing]; same having been sent from the Lords of the Committee for Trade and Plantations to the Treasury. You are to comply with the desire of the said Lords therein. Out Letters (General), p. 119.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for an account what orders remain unsatisfied on the appropriated part of the Eleven Months' tax. Ibid, p. 121.
Same to Mr. Wicks and Mr. Marsh severally for an account what Customs bonds you have delivered to Richard Kent in pursuance of Treasury warrants. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Phelipps for an account what fee farm and other dry rents remain still unsold, distinguishing the possessions from the reversions and what the totals of each for every particular county; and likewise what rents reserved nomine decimae are still unsold within your [audit] division. Ibid, p. 122.
Same to Auditor Aldworth, Mr. Raban (for auditors Sir Joseph Seymour, Morrice and Shales) and Auditor Parsons for like accounts of fee farms and nomine decimae rents unsold. Ibid, pp. 122–3
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to direct the Customs Cashier to pay Giles Dowle 20l. who is employed to prosecute planters of tobacco in England and is ready to go to trial on the King's behalf with one Henry Spillar et al, for planting great quantities of tobacco in Worcestershire, and prays 20l. to go on with said suit. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 44
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Dame Sarah Bunce in behalf of her son Sir John Bunce. By the privy seal of 1667, March 30, petitioner's late husband Sir James Bunce, Kt., was ordered 5,776l. without account in consideration of several sums by him expended for your Majesty's use when beyond the seas and for service done. On this tallies for 4,000l. have been levied, and thereof 3,100l. have been paid. For the balance of 900l. petitioner's son has tallies on the Farmers of the French duty and for the remaining 1,776l. he has no assignment. Petitioner's case may be hard, but considering how far every branch of the revenue is already overcharged, we cannot advise which way to satisfy at present. Ibid, p. 45.
Aug. 2. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Dame Katherine Parsley and Katherine Hambleton, her daughter, spinster, praying for the grant of the fines set upon John Diton and Francis Fillamore. By certificate from the clerk of peace for co. Middlesex we find that said Fillamore and Dighton at the sessions holden for the verge of your Majesty's Household June 14 last were convicted for a riot and assault committed December 28 last within said verge upon the said Katherine Parsley and were fined 33l. 6s. 8d. each and likewise for a same on said Hambleton and were fined 33s. 6s. 8d. each likewise. These fines may be granted as prayed. Warrants not relating to Money, p. 46.
Treasury warrant to Michael Wicks, Receiver of the Customs for Plantation goods in London port, to deliver to Richard Kent, Customs Cashier, bonds in your hands to an amount not exceeding 11,000l.; taking his receipt for the same and giving the Treasury an account of said bonds, names, sums and dates. Money Book, p. 157.
Same to the Customs Cashier to deliver to Charles Duncombe the abovesaid bonds: said Duncombe having agreed to lend 11,000l. for his Majesty's service and to take Customs bonds in repayment. Any discount allowed on said bonds you are to pay and make good to Duncombe. Ibid, p. 158.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 600l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be paid over [by Seymour] upon account of the Sick and Wounded: to be by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Aug. 4. Henry Guy to the Excise Farmers to pay to the Excise Commissioners 20,000l. upon account of the Excise surplus for the second year of your farm: viz., 4,000l. weekly from this week, 3,000l. the fifth week, 1,000l. the sixth week. Out Letters (General), p. 122.
[?] Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to John Tooker of the farm (and capital messuage of the manor) of Welton alias Welkton in the parish of Midsomer Norton, co. Somerset, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall: for 99 years terminable on two lives to be nominated by him, to commence after determination of the lease in being: at the ancient rent of 4l. 17s. 4¼d. per an. and fine of 500l. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 47–50.
Prefixing: (a) particular, partly in Latin, by John Gryffith (deputy to William Harbord, auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall), of the premises (said farm, capital messuage, demesne lands of said manor lately in the tenure of Thomas Mogg, the messuage and tenement called Deverells, situate in Welton, at the west gate or passage of said manor, the messuage or tenement called Selward, parcel of said manor, and 16½ acres of overland thereto, 15 acres thereof lying in Tutehill, and 1½ acres thereof lying below Blackmead, the close and meadow of overland called Southovoner and lately in the tenure of Thomas Mogg, except the woods: all as now leased to Richard Mogg by patent of 1626, July 21, for 99 years terminable on the lives of John, Richard and James his sons, said sons Richard and James being dead; and as now demised by patent of 1662, May 31, to William Champneys and William Webb and Elizabeth and Jane their wives for the lives of William and Richard sons of said William Champneys of Orgardly, co. Somerset, in reversion after the death of said John Mogg: (b) ratal dated August 2 of said particular by William Harbord, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, with a special proviso that immediately on the passing hereof said Tooker assign to said Richard Mogg the full part of the premises now in his possession, said Mogg paying 1l. 7s. 10d. part of the rent per an. and 140l. part of the fine.
Aug. 4. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of the officers late of Col. MacCartie's regiment. Said petition sets forth that petitioners quitted the French service, where they were in actual employments, to serve your Majesty, that their pay is considerably in arrear, and that they are now (that regiment being long since disbanded) in a miserable condition, some of them lying in gaol for debts contracted, others starving for want of bread. We find by an annexed list [missing] with the certificate of Lemuel Kingdon, late Paymaster of the Forces, that the Lieut. Col. and seven Captains of the said regiment who are particularly named in the said list have been paid by said Kingdon to September 1 last, and all the rest of the officers therein named to November 1 last. The pay due to them from those dates to February 28 last amounts to 2,503l. 11s. 0d. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 51–2.
Aug. 5. Henry Guy to the Treasurer of the Navy. There is about 3,000l. remaining undisposed of of the money appointed for paying ships. You are to apply 1,000l. of it to paying tickets, 130l. to paying 50 shipwrights to be discharged at Woolwich yard, and reserve the remainder for paying off more ships. Out Letters (General), pp. 123–4.
Same to same. By direction of the Treasury Lords Mr. Stephens has assigned to Mr. Hervey 1,590l. on the 15,000l. order No. 86, registered on the 412,925l. 14s. 6d. [part of the Eighteen Months' Assessment] in the names of Sir John James and Major Huntingdon. Of said sum 90l. is for interest. You are to be charged with the whole 15,000l. and are to be allowed said 90l. per contra. Ibid, p. 124.
Same to Col. Legg to deliver up the five orders for 14,991l. 15s. 5d. to be cancelled as by the privy seal relating to your father's account. Memorandum in dorso: In pursuance of this letter Col. George Legge, executor of Col. William Legge, his father, did deliver up to Sir Robert Howard [Auditor of the Receipt], for the King's use, to be cancelled, the said five orders and also a tally of 1,060l. according to the privy seal of 1676–7, February 28 supra, Vol. V., pp. 539.40: as appears by said Howard's certificate dated 1679, November 26. Ibid, p. 125.
Appending: certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt of the orders registered on the Eleven Months' tax, which remain unpaid:—
No. l. s. d.
1475 Mris. Ann Porter 40 0 0
1476 Mr. Nicholas Hammond 29 10 2
1478 Col. Legg, Lieut. of the Ordnance 3,000 0 0
1480 [ditto] more 2,000 0 0
1481 [ditto] more 5,000 0 0
1482 [ditto] more 2,000 0 0
1483 [ditto] more 2,991 15 5
Together with: said Auditor's memorandum: "there is a privy seal entered in my office bearing date the 28th of February, 1676–7, whereby the executors of the said Col. Legg is discharged of the five last mentioned orders for 14,991l. 15s. 5d. upon their assigning the same unto me for his Majesty's use to be cancelled, but the said orders have not been yet brought in, though often called for."
Aug. 5. Letter of direction on 700l., the remainder of an order of March 22 last for 1,300l. to Leoline Jenkins whereof 600l. is already paid in part: said remainder is hereby to be satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 33.
Indenture between the Treasury Lords of the one part and Peregrine Bertie, one of the sons of Montagu, late Earl of Lindsey, Sir Edmond Turnor, of the Inner Temple, Kt., Edward Courthop, son of Sir George Courthop, of Whiligh, co. Sussex, Kt., Charles Middleton, of St. Martins in the Fields, and Percivall Brunskell, of St. Andrews, Holborn, co. Midd., gent. [as Commissioners of the Alienation Office] of the other part: whereby the said Treasury Lords appoint the said Commissioners their deputies for the execution of the powers conferred upon said Treasury Lords by the great seal of June 28 last which did grant to the said Lords the profits of the Alienation Office, ut supra, p. 93, under rents and conditions therein expressed. The said Bertie, Turnor and Courthop have been employed for several years in the management of said revenue, and said Middleton and Brunskell have proposed to advance the said revenue for the advantage of his Majesty, which [proposal] the Treasury Lords think fit to make trial of for one year. The said deputies hereby covenant to obey the instructions from said Treasury Lords from time to time. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 52–5.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition from Charles York (Yorke) who sets forth that he has knowledge of several considerable quantities of foreign prohibited goods imported into this kingdom and the places where they are now concealed, and prays a commission for seizure. Out Letters (Customs), p. 86.
Money warrant for 16,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox; 11,600l. thereof to be as imprest for the pay of the Forces which his Majesty thought fit to raise for assisting his loyal subjects of Scotland to suppress the late rebellion there [as in part of 13,826l. 3s. 4d. for pay of the said forces for one lunary month, commencing according to the establishments]: and 4,400l. thereof to be as imprest for levying several of the said Forces [as in part of 9,440l. as by the privy seal of June 25 last]. Of said sum 8,000l. is to be satisfied by tallies on Charles, Marquess of Winchester, in part of 16,531l. 6s. 3d. agreed by said Marquess to be paid into the Exchequer as by the privy seal of July 23 last (supra, p. 130); and the remaining 8,000l. out of any money in the Exchequer. (Separate money orders dated August 6 hereon). Money Book, p. 161. Order Book XXXVIII, p. 34.
Aug. 5. Money warrant for 100l. to Dame Clara Bolton for half a year to 1673, September 29, on her pension of 200l. per an. Money Book, p. 161.
Same for 125l. each to each of the Grooms of the King's Bedchamber for a quarter on their annuities or yearly pensions, viz., Henry Savile, Henry Seymour, Bernard Greenvile, Robert Phillips, Richard Lane and Edward Progers for 1678, Michaelmas quarter, and Henry Guy, George Porter and George Rodney Bridges for 1678, Christmas quarter, and Thomas Killegrew for 1679, Lady day quarter, and Thomas Windham and Thomas Lee for 1679, June 24 quarter: to be by tallies on the Customs. Ibid, pp. 161–2.
Same for 250l. to George Dunstan for 1678, June 24 quarter, on his pension of 1,000l. per an. to be paid out of the Exchequer or by tallies on the Customs. Ibid, p. 162.
Treasury warrant to Col. John Strode and partners, Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty at Barbados, to forthwith satisfy and pay to Commissary Baines the several sums of 1,325l. 7s. 10d. and 568l. 2s. 8d. upon his delivery of tallies for the same. These sums are to be paid before any other tallies or payments on your accounts of said duty, the Treasury Lords not thinking it reasonable that you, the said Farmers, should be allowed salaries before you have complied with the said payments: all by reason of the facts as follow, viz.: by an order of Council of April 9 last made upon the petition of several poor orphans, widows, executors and assigns of the late Barbados officers and soldiers, deceased, and of such as are yet living and unpaid, said petition was referred to the Treasury Lords. On examination thereof the Treasury Lords took notice of two former orders of Council, one dated 1669, December 22, which particularly directs that the Four and a Half per cent. duty in Barbados and the Carribbee Islands shall in the first place be by the Farmers thereof applied for the support of the militia remaining there and for the satisfaction of their arrears; the other order dated 1670, December 22, ordered that Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment in Barbados and the Leeward Isles should be forthwith sent for home, and that only such of the said soldiers as were in the first muster rolls and were then [at the time of recall] in service in the said regiment should be paid their whole arrears and the officers half their arrears: and to be paid out of the Farm of the Four and a Half per cent. before any other payments. Pursuant to the said orders in Council tallies were levied on said Farmers for 2,915l. 1s. 2d. for the pay of the officers and soldiers now living and the widows, orphans and executors of such as are dead and unpaid. The Treasury Lords lately summoned said Farmers to appear before them June 20 last to shew cause why said tallies were not paid accordingly, "to which you then answered that there was no effects in your hands, but produced no account thereof, wherefore we then ordered that you should forthwith attend Mr. Auditor Aldworth with your accounts of that revenue, from whom we have received a certificate dated the 16th of July last that you charge yourselves to have received of the last three years of that revenue the sum of 20,174l. 4s. 0d. and have disbursed the sum of 6,962l. 13s. 8d.; and whereas you do allege that of 4,231l. 17s. 4d. you have tallies in your hands for all that sum except 1,325l. 7s. 10d., and that it appeareth to us that you detain 568l. 2s. 8d. for completing the salaries of yourself and partners for the first farm." Ibid, pp. 162–4.
Aug. 6. Henry Guy to the Navy Treasurer to allow towards the building of the new yacht at Woolwich 500l. of the 11,000l. that is now to be advanced by Mr. Duncombe to you. Out Letters (General), p. 126.
Same to the Excise Commissioners. The Treasury Lords have this day ordered that besides the payments to the Queen, the Duke of York and the bankers, you pay into the Exchequer 300l. weekly for five weeks for their Lordships' disposal, notwithstanding any late command from them to the contrary. The first payment to be on Saturday next. Ibid.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Elizabeth Langhorn (as by the order of reference dated Hampton Court July 24, 1679, thereon), said petition praying a grant of the forfeited goods and chattels of her husband, Richard Langhorn, attainted for high treason: to be for the support of herself and children: and that the Earl of Longford and Lord Hatton may have the management and disposition thereof. Petitioner is a protestant, and has several children wholly unprovided for. She is a fit object of compassion. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 55–6.
Prefixing: particular of said Richard Langhorn's estate. A rent of 100l. per an. charged on an estate of Sir John Stapley, Kt., whereon an arrear of 100l. to Lady day last: the sum of 200l. due upon a decree in Chancery not yet settled upon the remainder in fee of the Duke of Devonshire's house in Queen Street. "No person can give light in this save only Mr. Newman who lives in Old Palace Yard, Westminster, and is on the Commission for the Peace": a remainder in tail of a small estate in Essex in the parish of Hornchurch, after the decease, without issue, of Sir John Hoddesdon, an infant, and of Martha Fisher, wife of Secill Fisher, of Holborn, apothecary: goods: books: "the chamber in the Inner Temple wherein I practised is in the name of Sir William Langhorne in trust for me. If he had dyed before me it had been lost, it being for his life."
Entry of the Treasury Lords' subscription of a docquet of a lease to John Tooker of Welton farm, ut supra, pp. 167–8. Ibid, p. 57.
Aug. 6. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to examine what arrears appear to be due to the King upon the taxes or assessments already granted and also to examine the state of all the [small] branches of the revenue (except the Customs, Excise and Hearthmoney) and particularly how the same are charged by grant or otherwise and how the remainder, if any be, hath been answered into the Receipt: all by reason that there are many and considerable sums of such arrears of taxes and small branches, the nonpayment whereof hath caused greater expense for interest than otherwise would have accrued and hath obstructed many necessary payments. Warrants not Relating to Money. p. 57.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Sir George Carteret, Vice Chamberlain of the Household, as by the order of reference of June 2 last. Said petition prays payment of 500l. per an. granted to him out of the revenue of Barbados and the arrears thereof. We find that by patent of 1667, December 18, said annuity was granted him out of the moiety of the revenue of the Carribbee Islands, (the other moiety thereof having by order in Council of 1663, June 13, been appointed to be paid to Francis Lord Willoughby of Parham, during the remainder of a lease by which same was demised to him and afterwards to be reserved to your Majesty's disposal towards support of the Government there, and such other purposes as you should assign). Said annuity was granted to said Carteret to hold to him, his heirs and assigns, for the lives of William, Earl of Marlborough, and James Carteret, son to said Sir George, or the longer liver of them in trust to be employed in pursuance of the will of James, late Earl of Marlborough, deceased, to whom petitioner is executor. The said order in Council directs that 500l. per an. should be paid to the said late Earl of Marlborough for life and afterwards to William Ley, now Earl of Marlborough, for life (which annuity was surrendered upon the abovesaid grant to petitioner) and that same should be paid by way of preference before the assignments therein mentioned to the late Earl of Kinnoul and the creditors of the late Earl of Carlisle "to which the clause of preference in the said letters patents relates." By another order made in Council 1669, December 22, all the revenue arising by the farms of the said Islands were directed to be particularly applied first to the support of the militia then there and to the satisfaction of their arrears. There are several arrears yet unsatisfied to [such] soldiers or those claiming under them for services in the regiment late under Sir Tobias Bridge. Ibid, pp. 58–9.
Money warrant dormant for the annuity or yearly sum of 400l. to William Bridgman (as granted by the patent of 1677, October 4, for seven years): together with warrant for what is already become due thereon: same to be satisfied from time to time by tallies on the Customs. Money Book, pp. 164–5.
Same for 100l. to Sir Samuel Morland and Lady Anne, his wife, for last Lady day quarter on their pension of 400l. per an.: and 50l. to said Sir Samuel for same quarter on his other pension of 200l: to be paid out of money of the Tenths in the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 165.
Aug. 6. Money warrant for 75l. each to Lady Tuke, Lady Killegrew, Lady Frazier, Dame Isabella Wyche and Mrs. Wyndham for last Michaelmas quarter on their annuity or pension of 300l. each as Dressers to the Queen: to be by tallies on the Customs. Money Book, p. 166.
Same for 75l. to Dame Lelia Cranmer for same quarter on same as a same: 29l. thereof to be by tally on the Customs, the remainder out of the Exchequer. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 1,741l. 16s. 0d. to Lemuel Kingdon upon an order dated 1677–8, March 16, drawn by virtue of the privy seal of 1677–8, March 5, for 197,989l. 11s. 2d. to said Kingdon for those Forces which the King was pleased to raise for the support of his alliances "whereof we are informed that 32,000l. 0s. 9d. remains unpaid." The present issue is to be as imprest for the service aforesaid, and is to be by Kingdon paid over to Machado and Pereira, late Providores General of such of the said Forces as were in Flanders; being for so much due to them in pursuance of their contract with the King. Ibid, p. 167.
Aug. 7,

July 21.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a grant to Sir William Darcy, his executors and assigns of an annuity of 400l. for 7½ years from Lady day (altered to Christmas) last: to be payable quarterly out of the Customs of alum imported or exported: the first payment to be made for the half year ended June 24 last: the payments to be by Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier or Farmers or (in case any of the said Customs be paid into the Exchequer) then to be paid out of such [alum] money in the Exchequer. The present grant is by reason that Sir William Darcey, Kt., George Darcey, Esq., his son and heir, and Sir Jno. Hewly, Kt., by an indenture dated 1665, June 20, did lease to the Crown several alum works, alum houses and alum mines in the parish of Skelton, co. Yorks, called Slapeworth alum works, for 21 years from 1665, June 24, at the rent of 400l. per an. payable at the Exchequer; which rent was afterwards made payable to them from the Farmers of the Alum Works pursuant to a special reservation or agreement in the lease from the Crown to said Farmers by the indenture dated 1665, November 8; the King having accepted a surrender lately made by the survivors of said Farmers of said last named indenture of lease, and being further pleased that said Sir William Darcy, George Darcey and Sir John Hewly may re-enter on said (Slapeworth) alum houses, works and mines, and being further pleased to grant them the annuity as herein [being for the remainder of the term of lease as above] "for divers good causes and considerations us moving." (Dated from Windsor, July 21, altered to Hampton Court, August 7.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 85–7.
Aug. 7. Same to same for a same for the payment to Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe of interest not exceeding 6 per cent. (made principal at the end of every three months) and gratuity not exceeding 4 per cent. (made principal in like manner) for such sums as they by agreement or direction of the late Treasurer Danby or of the present Treasury Lords, have advanced or lent for the king's service and are yet unpaid, or such as they shall, by agreement and direction of the present Treasury Lords, advance for the like service: such payments to be without account. Dated from Hampton Court. Ibid, p. 96.
Aug. 7. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Ralph Whitley, Esq., of the offices of Surveyor and Master Mason of the Works within and about the castle of Chester, as likewise of the office of Comptroller of all and singular records, pleas, fines, amerciaments, redemptions, bails, recognizances, enrolments, exemplifications, inquisitions, process and all other writs whatsoever before the Justices of the counties of Chester, Flint and Carnarvon and before the Chamberlains of Chester and their deputies or lieutenants, and also before the escheators of cos. Chester and Flint and their deputies, and also before the sheriff of co. Flint and his deputies and also before all other officers and ministers within the said counties: to hold for life and with all fees, profits, etc., as amply as William King, Esq., and John Shaw, gent., or any other their predecessors therein. (Dated from Hampton Court.) King's Warrant Book, p. 97.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for allowances in account as follows to be made to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy. Said Seymour is charged with several sums as issued and paid to him at the Receipt for the use of the Navy and Victualling, viz., 22,000l. as paid to him 1675, August 21, 6,000l. as paid to him 1675, September 9, 15,000l. as paid to him 1676, Oct. 19, and 15,000l. in 1676, October 20, or in all 58,000l., which sum or any part thereof was not actually received by said Seymour in money, but in tallies struck upon Richard Mounteney, late Cashier of the Customs, which tallies still remain in said Seymour's hands without his having received any money thereon. As the said Mounteney is since removed from being Customs Cashier, it is fit that said tallies be delivered up and cancelled "to the end the said tallies may not seem to be a charge on our revenue of the Customs." The Auditor of the Receipt and other Exchequer officers concerned are hereby to take in and cancel said tallies and their countertallies and to make memoranda in the margin of the same of this cancellation. On such delivering up and cancellation of said tallies the Treasury are to give allowance of said 58,000l. to said Seymour in his account, he being charged and chargeable therewith by imprest certificates. Further the said Seymour did by direction of the late Treasurer Danby's warrant of 1677, August 23, deliver to Richard Kent, Customs Cashier, two tallies dated 1675, August 25, stricken upon the said Mounteney for 5,000l. each, being so delivered to Kent for 10,000l. by said Kent advanced to pay for tin which was brought [sic for bought] for the King's use. The said tallies are hereby to be applied to the discharge of 10,000l. upon the account of said Kent as Customs Cashier and in satisfaction of such advance. And as the said two tallies were delivered at the Receipt to said Seymour and by his acquittance [acknowledgment of receipt] he became charged therewith as for the service of the Navy and Victualling, allowance and discharge is hereby to be made to him of said 10,000l. in his account of moneys imprested to him for the Navy. Ibid, pp. 98–100.
Aug. 7. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a dormant privy seal for 10,000l. to be issued in such proportions, to such persons and for such uses and services as the King shall from time to time direct by warrant under his sign manual; either by way of imprest and upon account or without account as the respective cases shall require. King's Warrant Book, p. 100.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Barent Phillips, gent., (Capt. Phillips) as royal bounty without account: out of the privy seal dormant of 1677, December 31. (Money warrant dated August 13 hereon.) Ibid, p. 101. Money Book, p. 18.
Same for 100l. to Maurice Kingwell (Col. Kingwell) as royal bounty in consideration of his former services and sufferings: out of the dormant privy seal ut supra. (Money warrant dated August 13 hereon. Money order dated August 15 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 101. Money Book, p. 182. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 38.
Same for 200l. to the Company of the Royal Fishery of England as royal bounty for their use and for their better support and encouragement: out of the privy seal dormant ut supra. (Money warrant dated August 13 hereon.) King's Warrant Book, p. 102. Money Book, p. 190.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for arrangements of sale and transfer of trust as below as in part liquidation of Sir William Doyly's debt to the King, said privy seal being addressed to the Treasury Lords and to Charles Bertie, John Laurence, Bartholomew Fillingham and Nicholas Dering, Esqrs. Said Doyly was indebted to the King in 12,508l. 9s. 3d. and in order to or towards paying same did make said Fillingham and Dering his deputy in his office of one of the four Tellers of the Receipt to receive the fees thereof in trust for the King until the said debt was thereby or otherwise satisfied and thereafter in trust for said Doyly: as appears by the deed of such deputation dated 1678, August 12, and by an indenture of same date between said Doyly of the one part and said Fillingham and Dering of the other, declaring the end and trust of such deputation. Further, by an indenture tripartite dated 1678, August 12, between said Doyly of the first part, John Ramsey, of St. Martins in the Fields, and Anthony Segar, of St. Margarets, Westminster, of the second part, and the Honble. Charles Bertie, of St. Martins in the Fields, and John Laurence, of St. Margarets, Westminster, of the third part, the manor or lordships of Pondhall, Cotsford Hall and Toppesfield Hall with the rights, members and appurtenances thereof and also the messuage, tenement or form called Pondhall containing 300 acres then or late in the tenure of John Kemball, and that other messuage, tenement or farm of 96 acres then or late in the tenure of Abraham Abbott, and the like containing 53 acres then in the tenure of Phillipp Abbott, and the like containing 80 acres then in the tenure of Edward Townsend, and the like containing 42 acres then in the tenure of Samuel Norris, and the two mills and 5 acres of meadow thereto belonging, then in the tenure of Thomas Balls, and all the park or enclosed ground belonging to Pondhall containing 100 acres with the lodge built thereon, then in the tenure of Thomas Timperly, and the underwoods or wood grounds containing 31 acres then in the tenure of said Doyly and the parcel of ground of 14 acres then in the tenure of John Golden, and the like of 9 acres then in the tenure of Thomas Barnes, and the 4 small pieces of ground containing 10 acres in the whole, then in the several tenures of Robert Smith, Robert Dawson, Samuel Barnes and Avice Tompson, and also the several quit rents issuing out of the said manors of Pondhall, Cotsford Hall and Topsfield Hall and the profits of Court of the said manors and all other emoluments whatsoever to the above belonging, being situate in Hadleigh, co. Suffolk, were conveyed to said Bertie and Laurence, their heirs and assigns upon trust to sell same when thereto required by the Lord Treasurer of England and to receive the proceeds thereof for the King towards payment of the said debt, rendering any overplus to said Doyly, his heirs, etc., and until such sale be made, then to receive the yearly rents and profits of the premises for the King towards payment of said debt. Further Henry Coventry, Secretary of State, has by direction of said Doyly paid or agreed to pay into the Exchequer for the King's use 7,000l. in part of said Doyly's debt of 12,508l. 9s. 3d. in consideration whereof the King is pleased and hereby appoints said Fillingham and Dering to pay the said Teller's fees to said Coventry during the continuation of the deputation as above and said Fillingham and Dering are therefore hereby discharged of the trust in them for the King; also for the aforesaid consideration said Bertie and Lawrence are hereby to convey to said Coventry, his heirs and assigns the abovesaid manors, lands and hereditaments and are therefore hereby released and discharged of the like trust. The Treasury to make out all warrants, etc., necessary for these arrangements. Further for the better securing of the said Coventry the King hereby covenants with him that the abovesaid manors and lands and the lands as follow shall at the request and costs of said Coventry be extended for the said Doyly's debt to the King or upon said Doyly's bonds for the due execution of his office of Teller and afterwards leases thereof be granted to said Coventry, his heirs and assigns to hold so long as the same shall remain in the hands of the Crown by reason of the said extent with quiet enjoyment as against any claim from the Crown, viz., the abovesaid manors, lands and tenements and also the following which are intended to be conveyed from said Doyly to said Coventry, viz., all that messuage, farm or tenement now or late in the tenure of John Scrivener, and the like called Whitwood House in the tenure of Robert Dobbs, both situate in the parish of Shottesham, co. Norfolk. King's Warrant Book, pp. 102–8.
Aug. 7. Henry Guy to Mr. Ashmole [Comptroller of Excise], to despatch with all expedition the receiving the vouchers from the [Excise] Farmers [in order to] the account for ascertaining the surplus accruing to the King for the second year of their farm ended at June 24 last. Out Letters (General), p. 128.
Aug. 8. Same to the Customs Commissioners to open Col. Churchill's baggage at his house in Germain Street who is going to Brussels: "to save him the trouble of having them opened at the Custom House." Out Letters (Customs), p. 87.
Aug. 8. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to permit the shipment [Customs free] of stores for Tangier Garrison as desired by Mr. Hewer. There is not a quorum of Treasury Lords in town. If you will permit the export I will move them for their warrant at their first meeting. Out Letters (Customs), p. 87.
Appending: (a) note of a copy of said William Hewer's memorial and schedule of the goods (cables, cordage, blocks, timber, Swedish iron, beds and furniture), the copy being attested by Robert Bertie, Secretary [to the Customs Commissioners], and B. Alexander, deputy Secretary: (b) copy of Treasurer Danby's warrant of February 7 last for shipment of said particulars for the service of the mole at Tangier.
Aug. 9. Treasury reference to Sir Richard Mason, Bartholomew Fillingham and Serjeant Ramsey [Agents for Taxes] (as by the privy seal of 1678–9, January 14), to examine the sufficiency of the securities proposed by Bevis Lloyd to secure his debt of 1,106l. 11s. 0d. to the King. Out Letters (General), p. 126.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to pay into the Exchequer weekly as received the 20,000l. Excise surplus money from the Excise Farmers, ut supra, p. 167. Ibid, p. 127.
Appending: a fresh letter dated August 9 [? a clerical error for August 4] identical with the letter of August 4, supra, Ibid, to the Excise Farmers as to the payment of said 20,000l.
Money warrant for 53l. 6s. 8d. to John Pottinger. Comptroller of the Pipe, for one year to June 24 last as formerly paid to the Comptroller of the Pipe, for writing the farms and debts of Recusants into the Great Roll and summons of the Pipe in Pipe hand twice every year: to be satisfied out of any money which shall be paid into the Exchequer by any sheriff. (Money order dated August 5 [sic erratum for August 10] hereon.) Money Book, p. 159. Order Book XXXVIII, pp. 33–4.
Treasury warrant to Sir John Osborne, Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, and Sir Robert Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, for records of surplusage to be made in the usual manner for Thomas Beringer, sheriff of Bucks for the year ending 1677, September 29, for his surplusage of 26l. 16s. 1¼d.: said surplusage to be hereby charged on the debt of 120l. 7s. 3¾d. owing on the account of Sir Compton Read, Bart., sheriff of the said county for the year ended 1678, September 29. This to be done without charge to the said Beringer. Money Book, p. 160.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 600l. to Baptist May on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Keeper of the Privy Purse: for the Privy Purse: to be issued out of the 3,600l. which the Customs Cashier is directed to pay into the Exchequer this week. Ibid, p. 169.