Entry Book: May 1679, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: May 1679, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp62-75 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: May 1679, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp62-75.

"Entry Book: May 1679, 21-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp62-75.


May 1679

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
May 21. The Treasury Lords to Lord Chief Baron Montagu (and similarly to the Lords Chief Justice of the King's Bench and Common Pleas respectively), forwarding copies of the papers ut supra, pp. _ concerning several abuses and irregularities committed in the levying and bringing in of the Greenwax revenue. On reference to him the Attorney General is of opinion that many of said abuses are proper to be redressed by [judges'] orders to be made in the several Courts. We recommend the making such orders in your Court and that copies of such orders be transmitted to us with all speed. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Navy Board to make out bills of imprest from time to time for such money as shall be due to Major Brett and his partners as Victuallers of the Navy; assigning same for payment on the 1,000l. per week [paid out of the Customs to the Navy] and 500l. per week out of such other moneys as the Treasury Lords shall appoint to be paid to the Navy Treasurer for the Victuallers. Ibid, p. 53.
Money warrant for 30,000l. to Sir Thomas Player as imprest towards the speedy and complete disbanding of the Forces raised since 1677, September 29, as by the act for the Eighteen Months' Assessment: the present issue to be for and towards discharging of several of the said Forces in or near the cities of London and Westminster as by a certificate of the 21st inst. from Sir Gilbert Gerrard, Col. Roger Whitley, and Col. John Birch. three of the Commissioners named in the said Act for disbanding the said Forces. Money Book, p. 40.
May 21. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners for the shipment for Holland, Customs free, of the goods of his Excellency Heer van Beuningen, Ambassador Extraordinary from the States General. Out Letters (Customs) pp. 34–5.
Appending: schedule of said goods (including 18 boxes full of books, 14 boxes with pictures, 16 boxes with marble figures, 5 boxes with fine earthenware, 10 boxes with cabinets, 12 boxes with tapestry and gold leather hangings, 4 boxes with looking glasses and carved frames, East India mats, strong beer, 24 great picture frames, 4 more pieces of tapestry, etc.).
May 22. Treasury reference to same of the petition of William Sandford to the King for a patent for the office of Searcher of Carlisle port, surrendered to petitioner for a good consideration by Tho. Addison; said petition being referred to the Treasury the 17th inst. by the King, "being inclined to favour the petitioner." Ibid, p. 35.
Like reference of the petition of Henry Fortescue to the Treasury for the office of one of the Surveyors of Bristol port, loco Mr. Sansome or Mr. Cary, "who, he is informed, are both to be removed." Ibid.
May 23. Henry Guy to Robert Cresset. There is a considerable sum of the King's money in your hands. By the next post you are to inform the Treasury Lords how and when same shall be paid to the King, with some assurance for the speedy and punctual doing thereof. If this account be not furnished within a week process of extent will issue .Out Letters (General), p. 53.
Treasury reference to Sir C. Harbord, Mr. Tregeagle and Mr. Courtney of the petition of Amos Lugger, touching [the seizure of] two small pieces of tin containing in all 300 weight, which he brought to his house at St. Austell, contrary to the laws of the Stannaries .Ibid.
Warrant under the royal sign manual for 1,250l. to Laurence Hide, late Gentleman and Master of the Robes, whereof 125l. to be received to his own use without account and the remaining 1, 125l. to be paid to him as imprest for the Office of the Robes for the quarter ended 1678, June 24. The great seal of 1662, August 21, ordered 5,000l. per an. to be payable to him, 500l. thereof per an. for himself and the residue for said Office, which sums have been paid to 1678, Lady day: and said Hyde having surrendered said office, same was by patent of November 16 last granted to Sidney Godolphin with the like sum of 5,000l. per an., payable as from June 24. The interim period, 1678, March 25, to June 24 left unprovided for, is hereby provided for. (Money warrant dated May 24 hereon. Money order dated May 28 hereon. Letter of direction dated June 26 hereon charging same to be satisfied by tallies on Anthony Rowe and partners in part of the 81,000l. which they are to pay 1680, September 19, for the half year's rent to 1680, Lady day, of their Hearthmoney farm.) King's Warrant Book, p. 22. Money Book (General) p. 43. Order Book XXXVIII. pp. 11, 18.
Treasury warrant dormant to the Customs Cashier to cause payment to be made from time to time out of the Customs of the port of Lyme of the several annuities or pensions of 100l. per an. to William Ellesdon for himself and Joan his wife, 100l. per an. to said William for his two sons Anthony and Charles, and 100l. per an. for his two daughters Anne and Mary Ellesdon: together with warrant for payment of last Lady day quarter hereon. Money Book, p. 41.
May 23. Money warrant for 250l. to Edward Griffin for half a year to 1678, Lady day, on his pension of 500l. per an. as by the privy seal of 1677, August 31, on which pension there is 750l. due at Lady day last as appears by the certificate of the 28th ult. from the Auditor of the Receipt. Money Book, p. 42. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 16.
(In the margin: for Lord Hunsdon. Money order dated May 31 hereon. Letter of direction dated June 21, hereon for payment of 125l. in part hereof: same to be paid out of the 4,000l. paid into the Exchequer "this week" by the Customs Cashier. Further letter of direction dated 1679, December 24, for payment of the remaining 125l.)
May 24. Henry Guy to the Wine Licences Commissioners to attend the Treasury on Thursday afternoon next with an account of what has been made yearly of the revenue of Wine Licences since 1676, June 24, and of what remains due to you of the money you advanced pursuant to your contract with the King. Out Letters (General) p. 53.
Same to the Earl of Sunderland to put into the next two Gazettes Thomas Doyley's description of William Davenport, John Willmott and John Crop, who have counterfeited the King's new coin and are fled for the same. Ibid, p. 54.
Treasury subscription for the execution of a warrant of 1678, July 15, from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to take from Phillip Marsh, the Receiver for wines and currants, London port, 4,000l. in wine bonds, and deliver same to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, in satisfaction of tallies to the like value in his hands. Money Book, p. 42.
The like of a warrant dated January 9 last from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 3,675l. to Samuel Maydwell for one year's impost wines to Christmas last as by the indenture under the great seal dated 1673, September 18. Ibid, p. 43.
Allowance by the Treasury Lords of items as follows, in part of the cravings of Robert Pelham, Esq., sheriff of Dorset for the year ended 1678, September 29: the total cravings being 67l. 17s. 0d., of which Judge Jones thinks fit to allow him 63l. 9s. 0d., but the total of items allowed by the Treasury as follows being only 40l. 6s. 8d.: viz.: 20l. for the Judge's lodgings; 40s. for carpets, cushions and other furniture for the court; 4l. 6s. 8d. for removing the prisoner from Dorchester to Winchester; 5l. for removing the two prisoners from Dorchester to Wells ; 9l. for removing three prisoners from Doncaster to Taunton. Ibid.
Money warrant for 100l. to Sir Alexander Frazier for one year to 1677, Lady day, on his fee as his Majesty's principal physician. Ibid, p. 44.
May 24. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ George Bourchier as a landwaiter Bristol port, loco Adam Winthropp "who it seems will quitt his employ to goe for New England"; as appears by your report of the 14th inst. on said Bourchier's petition. Out Letters (Customs) p. 35.
Same to same to discharge a seizure of (and to admit to an entry on payment of Customs) 74 beaver skins which Thomas Loyer, a very poor Scotchman, brought with him in the ship Hopewell from New York (he having been 15 years out of England and the said skins being all that he hath gotten in all that time for his subsistence) he having brought them on shore after the ship was cleared; it appearing from your report of the 22nd inst. that as the Customs of said parcel amount to above 40s. they cannot be compounded for [except by Treasury consent] .Ibid, p. 36.
Same to same to permit the deposit on security, with a view to re-shipment (and without payment of any new duty) of several parcels of goods (stick lac, iron, brass and alum) which John Wise and Richard Holder, merchants, shipped on board the Nicholas, Ralph Bellamy commander, in March last [for] S[an]ta Cruz in Barbary, but which not meeting with a market by reason of a war there are returned in the same ship without being landed, as appears by the affidavit of Wild [probably William] Clerke the person to whom said goods were consigned then resident there: the said exporting merchants having at the first export drawn back the half subsidy and additional duty of exportation .Ibid.
In the margin. schedule of said goods (Silesia lawns, German linens, Romish alum, sticklac, bottome, Shanen brass, Benjamin, ginger, steel, calicoes).
Same to same to give the necessary directions for corn to be exported and coals to be imported at Lowestoft (on due entry at Yarmouth as below) as well as other goods mentioned in the report of October 15 last from you, the said Customs Commissioners, to the late Treasurer Danby; and likewise for the attendance of a Yarmouth officer at Lowestoft upon occasion as below: you being of opinion in your report of the 12th inst. (made on the petition from the inhabitants of Lowestoft) that the petitioners may have liberty to export corn thence (due entries being first made at Yarmouth) but not to import it thither from beyond the seas and similarly to import sea coals (on like entries) but not to export them thence to parts beyond the seas, and that (when the officers at Yarmouth shall see it necessary) an officer be sent over to Lowestoft, the petitioners paying such officer reasonable allowance per day for his pains. (Memorandum: the above warrant being lost was renewed by the Treasury Lords 1679, June 16, and dated May 24.) Ibid, p. 37.
Treasury reference to same of Mr. Ralph Williamson's observations on the searcher's office, London port. Ibid.
The like reference of Sir John Cope's petition setting forth that the King's searchers and other officers of London port suffer fine goods to be laden and shipped off at Porter's Key and other quays remote from the Custom House to the hazard of the Customs and to the damage of petitioner who as owner of [the ground of] the Custom House has built conveniences for landing such goods: together with a paper of reasons why such goods should be laden and unladen at the Custom House Quay only. Ibid.
May 24. Treasury warrant to the Sheriff of Stafford to pay 20l. to the seizers of popish priests and Jesuits as follows: it appearing by a petition to the King from William Southall of Penkridge, co. Stafford, that he had in pursuance of the King's proclamation and of a warrant from the Council Board of January 6 last taken and secured several priests and Jesuits in the said county as Francis Cotton, Robert Peters, William Manlow alias Manley, Francis Leuison, William Atkins, Sampson Smyth, and William Hickin alias Higgins who were in custody and to be proceeded against. and therefore praying that he might receive the reward of 20l. for each, according to the said proclamation: upon which petition the King did order in Council the 7th inst. that for satisfaction of this and all other cases of the like nature the Treasury Lords should issue their orders to the sheriffs of all counties, that upon conviction of any popish priests or Jesuits they do pay 20l. to the person or persons who at the trial shall appear to have been the seizer. Money Book, p. 41. Out Letters (General) pp. 57–8.
May 26. The Treasury Lords to John Loving, one of the Four Tellers of the Exchequer to forthwith put down a bill for the 500l. received into his office upon account of Thomas Knatchbull, Receiver and Collector of the late Poll from the Lords Spiritual and Temporal. Knatchbull having for the King's service caused the said money payable to him to be paid immediately [piecemeal as he received it] into the Receipt into the hands of Oliver Gregory, clerk to the said Loving, with directions that as it amounted to any considerable sum, bills should be put down in the said office so that tallies [of acknowledgment or receipt] might be had for the same from time to time: which said Gregory lately fell sick and so was not able to attend the said office and there having been 500l. so paid in (over and above that which tallies have been struck for) said Knatchbull applied to Mr. Barcroft the other clerk attending in said Loving's office, and also to Loving himself for such a bill for a tally but was by them put off from time to time: said Knatchbull and Loving having been heard [before the Treasury Lords] by counsel. and it appearing that before his death said Gregory declared by writing that said 500l. had been so received "and was converted to the use of the said office": the Treasury Lords considering "that the Tellers are answerable for the actions of themselves, their deputies and clerks in their respective offices in relation to all his Majesty's money therein received or issued out." Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 10–11.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 127l. 10s. 0d. to Edward Backwell for half a year to Lady day last on his fee or salary of 255l. per an. as Comptroller of Customs, London port. Money Book, p. 44.
Money warrant for 70l. to Sir Francis Winnington for one year to Christmas last on his fee or salary as late his Majesty's Solicitor General "soon after which time he was discharged from the said office": to be satisfied by tallies on George Dashwood et al. Farmers of Excise on the 27,666l. 6s. 4¾d. balance of the Excise surplus money for the year ending June 24 last. Ibid.
May 26. Money warrant for 50l. 3s. 9d. to John Topham for half a year on his salary and board wages as a serjeant at arms: to be by tallies ut supra. Money Book, p. 45.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to satisfy by tallies ut supra the money order of the 5th inst. for 350l. to Dr. John Taylor for last Lady day quarter on his 1,400l. per an .Ibid.
Same to same to satisfy by tallies ut supra the sum of 43l. 2s. 7¾d. in part of the money order of the 7th inst. for 200l. to Phillip Burton, Esq., for Crown law charges. Ibid, p. 46.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 200l. to Seth, bishop of Sarum, for last Lady day quarter for the support of the honour of the Order of the Garter: the great seal of 1661–2, January 23, having established an annuity or yearly pension of 1,200l. for same, but there having been of late only 800l. per an. paid thereon, and it appearing by the Customs Cashier's certificate of the 17th inst. that the last payment thereon was 400l. for half a year to Christmas last .Ibid, p. 47.
Henry Guy to the Commissioners for Disbanding the Army. Capt. Robert Brett avers to me that he delivered to the doorkeeper of the Treasury a certificate under your hands of his pay, which said certificate should have had your seals. In the handing it from the doorkeeper to me or my clerks same is mislaid. There is no warrant or order drawn upon the same, so he cannot have any effect thereof. Please make out another. Out Letters (General) p. 54.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to forthwith make out imprest certificates of what Lemuel Kingdon, Esq., has received for the pay of the Guards and Garrisons upon the [Army] establishment of 220,000l. per an. Ibid, p. 56.
The Treasury Lords to the Sheriff of Stafford to take notice that William Southall has this day received 20l. for apprehending Francis Cotten (see supra, p. 66), who is deceased. You are [therefore] to make no payment [of that 20l. reward as by the warrant of the 24th inst. to you ubi supra] on account of said Cotten. Ibid, p. 58.
Prefixing. copy of said warrant of the 24th inst.
May 27. Treasury reference to William Harbord (altered from Sir Charles Harbord), Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition [to the King] from John Ferrers, Esq., same being referred from the King to the Treasury the 22nd inst. Said petition sets forth that King Edward III granted to Henry Ferrars and his heirs male the manor of Walton and Tettenhall, co. Stafford: premises are descended to petitioner, and eight more of the line being living he prays the inheritance. Ibid, p. 54.
May 27. Henry Guy to Phill[ip] Frowd, Esq. [Deputy Postmaster General]. The Treasury Lords are informed by Col. John Birch, one of the Commissioners for Disbanding the [new raised] Forces, that said Commissioners have 43 packets, some of them large, to be sent into several remote parts of this kingdom for deputing persons to disband [the new raised Forces] according to the late Act. Please receive them this night to be sent away accordingly, without requiring anything for the postage, the carriage of these packets being to be allowed to the Postmaster General in his next bill for defalcations for extraordinary carriage of letters, etc. Out Letters (General) p. 56.
Cave that no lease or grant pass to any of Rotten Row in Old Street, co. Midd., till Mr. Andrew Laurence be heard, who is now executing a commission of inquiry to find the King's title at his own charge upon a warrant which he obtained from the late Lord Treasurer [Danby]. Caveat Book, p. 3.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Sir Edward Thurland, Kt., of an annuity or pension of 500l. per an. in consideration of his good services as late one of the Barons of the Exchequer: commencing the first payment upon the last day of Easter term, 1679, for that term. King's Warrant Book, p. 23.
Same to same for a same for an annuity or pension of 500l. per an. to Sir William Wild, Kt., in consideration of his good services as late one of the Justices of the King's Bench: to commence ut supra. Ibid.
Same to same for a same for an annuity or pension of 500l. per an. to Francis Brampston, Esq., in consideration of his good services as late one of the Barons of the Exchequer: to commence ut supra. Ibid, p. 24.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to pay 400l. forthwith in part of the money order of the 7th inst. to the Duke of Monmouth for an extraordinary provision of coaches, etc., for the King and Queen: said 400l. to be paid out of any money in the Exchequer not appropriated to particular uses. Money Book, p 46.
Money warrant for 250l. to the Treasurer of Christ's Hospital for last Michaelmas quarter on the annuity of 1,000l. to the Governors of said Hospital for the support and maintenance of the schoolmaster and 40 [King's Mathematical] boys of the new royal foundation: see supra, p. 54. To be paid out of the 6,000l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay into the Exchequer this week. Ibid, p. 49.
Same for 49l. to Lancelot Thornton for 3½ years to 1675, Christmas, on his fee of 14d. a day as Clerk of his Majesty's Wardrobe: see supra, p. 54: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
Same for 150l. to the Rt. Honble. Anne, Countess Dowager of Newburgh, for a quarter on her annuity or yearly pension of 600l.: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 300l. to Ralph Montague, Esq., upon any unsatisfied orders in his name as Master of the Great Wardrobe for the service of the Wardrobe: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
May 27. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 600l. to Baptist May on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Keeper of the Privy Purse: for the service of the Privy Purse: to be paid ut supra. Money Book, p. 50.
Money warrant for 100l. to Henry Frederick Thynne and James Thynne for half a year on their fee or annuity of 200l. per an. as Keepers of his Majesty's Library: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
Same for 125l. to Frances, Countess of Portland, for half a quarter on her annuity or yearly pension of 1,000l.: see supra, p. 44, and infra, p. 88: to be paid ut supra .Ibid.
Same for 50l. 3s. 9d. to Thomas Charnock for half a year on his fee and board wages as a Serjeant at Arms: See snpra, p. 53: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 2,500l. to Edward Seymour, on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: for the service of the Navy: to be paid ut supra. Ibid, p. 51.
The like warrant for 500l. to same: to be by him paid over for the Sick and Wounded: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
The like for 300l. to same to satisfy bills of exchange drawn by Sir John Narborough: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
The like for 500l. to same: to be by him paid over to the Victuallers of the Navy: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
Money warrant for 60l. to Anne Goulding, widow, for half a year to Christmas last on her annuity or pension of 120l. per an.: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
Same for 20l. to Robert Bertie, Esq., for half a year to Lady day last on the annuity or yearly pension of 40l. granted to him during the life of Mris. Mary Cock: to be paid ut supra. Ibid.
Letter of direction on 100l. in further part of an order of 1677, August 27, for 4,000l. to Philip Packer (for one year's extraordinaries of the Works, commencing from April 1 [then] last [i.e., 1677], "to be employed for such services only as the [then] Lord Treasurer [Danby] shall direct"): on which order there have been already paid the following sums: viz.: 500l., 100l., 200l., 200l., 200l., 200l., 400l., 200l., 369l., 200l., 5l., 200l., 400l., or 3,174l. in all. The present 100l. is to be paid ut supra. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 12.
Henry Guy to the Customs Cashier conveying the Treasury Lords' command (underwritten on Edward Fane's petition transmitted herewith) to depute the said Edward Fane as Surveyor of Bristol port in case Mr. Sanson resign the same. Out Letters (Customs) p. 38.
[?]Upon David Horton's petition, the Treasury Lords order Mr. Prowse [Solicitor to the Customs] to bring the Customs Commissioners' report made in that case. Ibid.
May 28
May 8].
Treasury reference to William Harbord, Esq. (altered from Sir Charles Harbord), Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of Owen Hughs (Hughes). Said petition sets forth that by patent of 1597–8, March 2, Queen Elizabeth demised inter al. to Nicholas Morgan and Thomas Horne, Pages of her Majesty's Chamber, all that her land and coast late of Jor ap Kenrick alias Day, late in the tenure of John ap Griff Lewis, being parcel of one Welly called Welly Ithell ap David, lying in the township of Cleyeroge [Clygyrog] alias Cloggrocke in the Commote of Tal y Bolion, co. Anglesea, for 60 years from 1621, September 29, at the yearly rent of 14s. 5½d., payable half yearly; and that one of the Kings or Queens of England had granted a term of years upon that passage called Southcrooke upon the river of Menai, co. Anglesea and Carnarvon at the yearly rent of 4l. 10s. 0d., which said arable land, waste and passage are now in the tenure of petitioner under several assignments of the remainders of said terms. He therefore prays a term of 31 years from the expiry of the former leases. Out Letters (General) p. 41.
The like reference (similarly altered) of the petition from Henry Webb and Thomas Dipford, praying for 759l. in satisfaction of lands taken into the royal citadel of Plymouth in 1672. Ibid, p. 45.
May 28. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt for a perfect account of the arrears due to Lady day last upon all fees or salaries yearly payable to the King's or Queen's servants and upon all annuities or yearly pensions payable to any persons whatsoever: distinguishing the salaries from the pensions, and expressing the sum of the said arrears to each, with the considerations for which the annuities or pensions were granted as they are expressed in the respective patents or privy seals. Ibid, p. 56.
Same to the Wine Licence Commissioners with all speed to make up your accounts for the years 1677 and 1678 to Lady day last: and to attend the Treasury to-morrow morning instead of the afternoon with the account you were ordered [the 24th inst.] to bring in; as the Treasury Lords do not sit to-morrow afternoon. Ibid, p. 57.
Privy seal arranging as follows the transfer of the Paymastership of the Forces from Lemuel Kingdon to Sir Stephen Fox. By the privy seal of 1675–6, Feb. 17, the payment of the Guards and Garrisons was to be executed by said Kingdon under the inspection of Sir Henry Puckering alias Newton; the establishment not to exceed 220,000l. from 1675–6, January 1. Pursuant thereto such sums have been issued to said Kingdon as were sufficient to discharge the Forces to 1678–9, January 1, and also 110,000l. more for half a year from 1678–9, January 1, to 1679, July 1, for which last sum tallies were levied on the Excise and Customs and remain unpaid. "We now think it necessary for our service that the payment of our Forces be completed to the said 1st January, 1678–9, by the said L. Kingdon and that the same be from thenceforth performed by our trusty and well beloved servant Sir Stephen Fox, Kt., of whose integrity and abilities for the same we have already had sufficient experience." Kingdon is therefore to deliver to Fox, now Paymaster of the Forces, said tallies for 110,000l. (58,000l. thereof struck March 3 last on the Excise and 52,000l. struck March 18 on the Customs). Kingdon to be discharged of said tallies on the delivery of them and Fox to be charged with them. And henceforth the moneys for the Guards and Garrisons not exceeding 220,000l. per an. are to be paid to said Fox from time to time as imprest to commence from 1679, July 1, by such advances or otherwise as the Treasury Lords shall think fit and to be from time to time issued by him according to musters certified by the Commissaries General of Musters and according to warrants from the Duke of Monmouth. The pay of the captains, officers and soldiers of Dover, Sandown, Deal, Sandgate and Walmer Castles (amounting by the ancient establishment to 3l. 7s. 0d. by the day and 1,222l. 15s. 0d. by the year) was made payable to said Kingdon by the privy seal of 1676–7, January 31, and in pursuance thereof have been fully paid up to 1677, September 29. The said yearly pay of 1,222l. 15s. 0d. is hereby to be issued to said Fox as imprest to be paid by him to the Lieutenant of Dover Castle for the said castles and bulwarks according to the ancient establishment, and according to muster rolls to be signed by the Lord Warden or the Lieutenant of the Cinque Ports. Furthermore as said Fox may have occasion to borrow or advance moneys for the timely supply of the service as herein, the payment of interest to him thereon is hereby authorised. The abovesaid privy seals of 1675–6, February 17, and 1676–7, January 31, are hereby to be void. (Royal warrant dated May 21 for said privy seal.) King's Warrant Book, pp. 22, 24–6.
May 28. Money warrant for 76l. to Robert, Earl of Lindsey, Warden of Waltham Forest, co. Essex, being for 6 years and 90 days to 1677–8, March 21. on the fee of 8d. a day, payable to said warden, as by the privy seal of 1672, June 29, for the keeper of Loughton Walk: to be satisfied by tallies on the Excise Farmers' first years' Excise Farm surplus of 26,666l. 6s. 4¾d. (Money warrant drawn May 30 hereon.) Money Book, p. 47. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 12.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to issue 277l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: to be by tallies ut supra. said 277l. being intended to be paid over to Sir Robert Southwell to satisfy his bill of June 21 last for victualling the ship Sweepstakes at Kinsale, Ireland. Money Book, p. 48.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay 150l. to George Porter for half a year to Lady day last on his fee as Surveyor of Customs, London port. Ibid.
Money warrant for 75l. to the Earl of Berkshire for last Lady day quarter on his annuity or yearly pension of 300l. granted to him by the name of Thomas Howard, Esq., out of the Excise of London, Middlesex and Surrey: to be hereby paid out of the receipts in the Exchequer from such Excise. Ibid.
May 29. Henry Guy to Mr. Prowse to bring to the Treasury the report of January 7 last made by the Customs Commissioners in the case of David Horton, late Collector of Cowes port. (Same dated June 3 to the Customs Commissioners to the like effect.) Out Letters (General) p. 57.
May 30. Treasury subscription for the execution of a money order of 1678, August 13, for 10,000l. to Ralph Montague for the Great Wardrobe (in part of the privy seal of 1678, July 31, for 40,000l. for the Great Wardrobe). On the said order there has been already paid the sums of 784l. 11s. 4½d., 1,000l., 860l., and 357l. 9s. 9d., or in all 3,002l. 1s. 1½d. The present subscription prescribes for the balance "let this order be executed for the remainder." Order Book XXXVIII. p. 11.
Letter of direction on 195l. 16s. 3d. in part of an order of March 10 last for 2,000l. to Baptist May for Crown gold for Healing Medals as by the privy seal of 1667–8, March 20. Treasurer Danby having by letter of direction of March 19 last directed same to be paid by tallies on the Customs the present letter directs same to be paid out of the 6,000l. which the Customs Cashier is to pay into the Receipt this week. Ibid.
Same on 200l. in part of a money order of 1671, July 14, for 450l. to Isaac Legouch for a jewel which the King gave to the Envoy from Portugal: said 200l. to be hereby paid ut supra. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Sir John James and partners [Receivers of Excise] to attend the Treasury to-morrow afternoon with your orders for 15,000l. which you have received, and likewise with your privy seal, warrants or other authorities for paying to yourselves 200,000l. out of the 412,926l. 13s. 4d. [part of the present Eighteen Months' Assessment] and a list of the particular orders and their numbers and a state of your security by the said orders and on what account you understand you detain those order [in your hands]. Out Letters (General) p. 58.
Same to Sir John Ernle, Kt., Chancellor of the Exchequer, to examine the sufficiency of the sureties of Richard Deerham, Esq., as Receiver of all Recusants' estates beyond Trent and whether the total bond of 5,000l. be sufficient. Ibid, p. 59.
Prefixing: list of said securities (said Deerham, Sir Phillip Mathewes, James Mathews of Lincoln's Inn, William Adderly of St. Andrews Holborn, John Sommers, citizen and draper of London, Edmond Eyres of Chancery Lane).
Treasury reference to Auditor Aldworth of the interest accounts of Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe for money advanced for the King's service on tallies struck on the Customs, viz.: (a) an account made up to 1678, December 25: principal [of said advance money or] debt 165,575l. 13s. 92/3d. (interest thereon 3,853l. 8s. 2d.); credit for [i.e., part repayment of said advance money or] principal 32,037l. 3s. 0d. ([deduction for] interest thereon 277l. 7s. 9d.) leaving [at the time of stating this accompt] a balance of principal of 133,538l. 10s. 92/3d. and balance of interest of 3,576l. 0s. 5d. (b) a like account made up to March 25 last, in like terms: principal [or total advance money] 174,883l. 5s. 10d. (interest thereon 3,582l. 12s. 2d.) [part of] principal repaid 14,414l. 5s. 11d.; ([deduction for] interest thereon 110l. 17s. 2d.); balance of principal due to said advances [at the time of stating this accompt] 160,468l. 19s. 11d.; balance of interest due 3,471l. 15s. 0d .Ibid.
May 30. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to permit the landing and delivery, Customs free, of the baggage of his Excellency the Heer Diderick van Leyden van Leuwen, Ambassador Extraordinary from the States General and his gentlemen and Chirurgeon (except the wines, which are to pay duty, and the books, which are to be visited and allowed according to the statute): all provided that none of the goods prohibited by the clauses in the late Poll Act be passed by virtue hereof. Out Letters (Customs) pp. 38–40.
Appending: (a) note in French from said Ambassador dated Westminster, May 30, to the Treasury requesting the passing of said baggage.
(b) List of said baggage embarked in the ship of William Keijser (including tapestry hangings, furniture, etc., pictures, gold leather, Turkey work carpets, books and papers belonging to state affairs, feathers for the top of a bed, Rhenish wine, two coaches, 14 black mares).
[?] Treasury reference to same of the petition of James Harmon (Hermond), only son of Sir William Harmon, of the Privy Chamber, Kt., deceased, and godson to King James I, together with papers annexed containing a certificate from the Earl of Carbery and other persons of quality of petitioner's faithful services. Said petition (referred from the King 1673, July 24, to Treasurer Danby) sets forth that he served the late King in all the late wars, was at last taken prisoner by Oliver, was ruined and his estate plundered, was appointed to be shot; also had three sons in the service of the present King at sea in the wars against the Dutch, the eldest was slain in the ship Antelope, the second drowned and the third had his leg shot off in the ship St. Andrew under the command of Sir John Kempthorne: that the King directed the Lord Treasurer to settle petitioner in a landwaiter's place, but he was put off from time to time so that he never had it to this day, but divers, though strangers (that could give larger perquisites) have been put in in his stead. Ibid, pp. 40–1.
May 30. Same to the Navy Commissioners of the petition to the King from the inhabitants of the town of Faversham. Said petition (referred from the King to the Treasury the 23rd inst.) sets forth that in the late [Dutch] war in 1672 and 1673 petitioners quartered sick and wounded seamen and have about 900l. due to them for same: petitioners are very poor and some of them have been imprisoned for want of this money and others forced to make away all they had for their support, so that they are now like to perish: therefore pray speedy payment to preserve them from utter ruin. Ibid, p. 41. Out Letters (General) p. 62.
May 31. [Signature by the Treasury Lords of the] docquet of a lease to Isaac Legouch of divers lands and tenements of Thomas Goddard extended for debt [due to the King]: at a rent of 11s. 2d. per an. and fine of 22s. 4d. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 11.
May 31. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of William Morgan, his Majesty's Cosmographer, praying for the continuance of the Lord Treasurer [Danby's] warrant for his importation of paper duty free in accordance with the privy seal granted him for his importing 10,500 reams of Royal or other paper. Out Letters (Customs) p. 42.
The like reference of the petition of Sam. Gabrye, gent., for the office of a surveyor of the landwaiters or of one of the four jerquers or [of] a deputy searcher's or a landwaiter's place, London port, upon the first vacancy. Ibid.
The like reference to Sir Richard Mason, Serjeant Ramsey and Mr. Fillingham, of the petition of Charles Goodwin, gent., Receiver General for co. Sussex for the last Seventeen Months' tax and the Poll. Out Letters (General) pp. 59–61.
Prefixing: (a) said petition. In order the better to make speedy payment of said Assessment and Poll into the Exchequer, petitioner expended several considerable sums of money and paid into the Exchequer several great sums before the money became due; the interest whereof (for the early payment of the Poll) computing from the time of the several payments of the same to the time the Act directed payment thereof amounts to 42l. 3s. 6d. (b) statement of his case. The Poll money upon the last Act of Parliament came, for Sussex only to 5,376l. 15s. 4d., and was payable 1678, August 9. Of this he paid into the Exchequer 850l. (1678, June 7), 400l. (June 15), 3,250l. (June 22), 610l. (June 27), 108l. 14s. 2d. (August 3). The interest on said prepayments comes to 42l. 3s. 6d. The petitioner's salary as Receiver General came but to 43l. 17s. 0d., out of which he expended 4l. for his commission and securities, 1l. for sending warrants to the Commissioners; writing copies of the Treasury letters to the Commissioners in all parts of the county (being 70 miles in length) about rating [or assessing] servants for their wages, and sending [copies of] the Acts of Parliament [for said assessment] into all parts, for which petitioner kept no account of charges; expended in receiving the moneys in six several places of the county with charges of guards, of which likewise he kept no account: 7l. for charges in carrying the money to London and expenses there; about 5l. 10s. 0d. paid to the deputy Receivers; 2l. for the Auditor's fees yet to be paid; 4l. 12s. 0d. lost by bad money in this [Poll] receipt and the Seventeen Months' Assessment; 1l. 10s. 0d. expenses in London in the time he was passing his accompt. If but 12l. be allowed for expenses and for the two blank [items] as above he shall not get anything for his labour and hazard, but be 9s. out of purse.
For the Seventeen Months' Assessment the salary of the Receiver General for Sussex came to 129l. He expended 73l. on his commission, giving security, passing accounts, 21 tallies, fees of deputy Receiver, charges of receiving the money with guards in all the places of the county, being 70 miles in length, charges in carrying the money to the Exchequer quarterly, with expenses on the guards and charges in London each time and when he passed his accompt. So that for all his hazard and pains he hath not received 56l. for that service. Furthermore, upon these assessments, several sums were paid into the Exchequer before the times of payment [prescribed in the Act] as appears by his accompt.
May 31. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt not to pass any tallies for the King's moiety of any parcels of iron wire seized and condemned, nor to suffer anything to be done in the Exchequer in relation thereto, save by further direction from the Treasury Lords. Out Letters (General) p. 62.