Entry Book: June 1679, 2-7

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1913.

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'Entry Book: June 1679, 2-7', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp75-88 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: June 1679, 2-7', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1913), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp75-88.

"Entry Book: June 1679, 2-7". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 6, 1679-1680. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1913), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol6/pp75-88.


June 1679

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
June 2. There being a clause in the letters patent for payment of the Judges that they shall be paid till the day of their death or removal, Lady Littleton, administratrix of Baron Littleton, desires that she may be paid what was in arrear to him at the time of his death and that no warrant to her prejudice may be granted to Baron Raymond his successor till she have notice: the said patent directing that the succeeding judges shall be only paid from the date of their letters patent. [This caveat is] entered by Mr. Francis Caplin. Caveat Book, p. 3.
[?] Sir William Wild (by Mr. Michael Sergent) desires that Mr. Justice Pemberton may not be paid the salary due to the said Wild, by virtue of the clause ut supra; till he [Wild] be heard [thereon]. Ibid.
[?] Mr. Serjeant Bramston desires to have like notice before Mr. Baron Leake be paid. Ibid.
[?] Mr. Serjeant Bertie desires the like notice before Mr. Justice Ellis be paid. [This caveat is] with-drawn. Ibid.
[?] Sir Edwd. Thurland desires the like notice before Mr. Baron Atkins be paid. Ibid.
June 2. Report to the King from the Treasury. Lords on Richard Morley's petition to the King, praying a grant of so much of the estate of Edward Coleman, lately executed for treason, as will satisfy said Coleman's debt of 500l. owing to said Morley (which debt is vouched for by a promissory note of said Coleman for 500l., dated 1678, September 27; by said Morley's order of same date to Mr. Robert Pory at Sir Joseph Sheldon's in St. Paul's churchyard to pay Coleman 500l.; and by said Coleman's acknowledgment of same date of his receipt of 500l. from Sir Joseph Sheldon in full of this order). In their report the Treasury Lords find Coleman truly indebted as above, and as the King is willing to gratify petitioner they advise a grant of so much of said estate as will liquidate same upon petitioner's discovery of said estate. Warrants not Relating to Money, pp. 11–12.
Treasury reference to Sir William Jones, Attorney General, of the petition of Samuel Roll (Rolls) to the King (same being referred from the King to the Treasury May 13 last). Said petition sets forth that Sir William Willoughby was seised in fee simple of the manor of Woodlands and other manors and lands, co. Dorset, and did by indenture dated 1596, June 12, demise same to trustees for 1,000 years in trust for Henry Hastings, who being seised in fee of the reversion did by indenture dated 1596, April 5, grant same to the said Queen, her heirs, etc., provided that if the said Henry Hastinges, his heirs or assigns should at any time after pay 10l. into the Exchequer the said grant was to be void. Petitioner is justly entitled to the residue of the term of 1,000 years, and therefore prays the King on payment of 10l. to grant petitioner and his heirs, etc., the reversion of the said manors and premises. Out Letters (General) p. 64.
June 2. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Nich. Baly, Esq.: shewing that in July last he with others was empowered to prosecute the transgressors of the Plantation laws in Ireland: hath done good service and been at great charges therein: prays to be confirmed in the management of that employ as aforesaid or joined with such other persons as may be thought fit. Out Letters (Customs) p. 42.
June 3. Money warrant for 50l. to the Pages of the Bedchamber for one year to Christmas last on the 50l. per an. as of the King's free gift and reward for their pains and attendance upon his Majesty in his Bedchamber "as by several privy seals": and also for 15l. to them for half a year to same time on the 30l. per an. to them for washing sheets for his Majesty's service. Marginal note: memorandum: the 50l. per an. is by patent, but the cert[ificate] misled us in drawing the warrant; vide the entry of the order. (Money order drawn June 4 hereon for said 50l. to the said pages, viz., William Chiffinch, Fran. Rogers, Hugh Griffith, Theodore Randue, and Arundell Bull for one year's reward for attendance as above, as granted by _, dated 1660–1, February 17: and likewise a money order of same date for 15l. to same for washing sheets.) Money Book, p. 52. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 12.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, on any unsatisfied orders in the name of Edward Seymour for the Navy and Victualling, such sums not exceeding 2,000l. per week as the Customs Cashier shall weekly pay into the Exchequer (over and above the 4,000l. per week, which said Kent as Receiver of the Customs is directed to pay into the Exchequer for such particular services as the Treasury Lords shall think fit to appoint): and to continue same till the sum of 22,000l. be paid: which said sums so to be paid to the Treasurer of the Navy are to be by him paid over to said Richard Kent and Charles Duncombe as in satisfaction of 22,000l. which they have advanced for the King's service for the speedy paying off some of his Majesty's ships. Money Book, p. 52.
Money warrant for 6l. 13s. 4d. to the vicar of St. Peters within the Tower of London for one year to Christmas last on his perpetuity: and dormant warrant for the half yearly payment thereof in future. Ibid, p. 53.
Same for 50l. to John Hill, keeper of Battles Walk in Windsor Forest, being for one year to Lady day last for hay for the deer and increase of keepers' wages: by virtue of the privy seal of 1662–3, February 20. (Money order dated June 4 hereon.) Ibid, p. 53. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 13.
June 3. Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to pay 40l. to Richard Hindmarsh for executing the office of Comptroller of Customs, Newcastle port, from the time of the death of Martin Foster in March, 1676, to the time of the admission of Ralph Williamson to said office: for which Hindmarsh has hitherto had no salary: as appears by the Customs Cashier's certificate of May 13 last. Money Book, p. 53.
Same to Sir John Osborne, Kt., Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer in the Exchequer and to Sir Robert Croke, Kt., Clerk of the Pipe, et al. to cause records of surplusage to be made (upon the debt of any other sheriffs indebted to the King) in the usual manner for Sir William Rawstorne and Sir Thomas Beckford, late sheriffs of co. Midd., who have petitioned for several sums [by them expended] for discovering, apprehending, etc., several highway robbers and burglars and for removing prisoners from Newgate to several counties in order to their trial; whereby the said sheriffs' charge far exceeds the profit of their bailiwick: same to be without any charge to petitioners as in the like case was formerly allowed to Sir John Peake and Sir Tho. Stampe, sheriffs of co. Midd., and others. Ibid, p. 54.
The Treasury Lords to John Perry and Edward Buckley, late Contractors (with Abraham Anselme) for the Hearthmoney, to give true copies of the books of entry, ledger books and other books, accounts and surveys and schedules of said duties to Anthony Rowe and his partners, present Contractors for said duty, viz., such as the said Rowe shall desire: they paying the charge thereof: it being in the covenants of your lease that you should keep such books, etc., and at the end of your term would permit copies thereof to be taken as desired. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 12.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to deliver up to be cancelled three surety bonds of John Keyte, Receiver General of Hearthmoney co. Worcester and Worcester city for the 1½ years ended 1665, September 29: he having fully passed his account thereof and being quit: said bonds being as follows, viz., one of 1666, August 1, for 1,250l. by said Keyte, one of same date for 625l. by Sir John Talbot, a third of same date for 625l. by Richard Hyde, gent. Ibid, p. 13.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to restore Thomas Martin to his employment as a tidesman, if there be nothing more objected to him than what relateth to the ship Batchellor: he having lately, with three other tidesmen, been dismissed upon suspicion of being privy to a fraud committed upon the said ship: two of them, John Thorne and Richard Bye having been restored, and the Treasury Lords having received a very good character of said Martin. Out Letters (General) p. 62.
Treasury reference to Nicholas Courteney, Attorney General of the Duchy of Cornwall, of the petition of Mary, relect of Roger Howen, shewing that her father, Mich. Andrewes, laid out near 500l. in 15 Car. I. upon a discovery of eight mills called the Castle Mills, and that there was due to him as Serjeant Surgeon 1,300l., which [debt from the king] he left to petitioner: that the patent for said mills was assigned to petitioner's husband: that there is due to her mother upon a pension 262l. 10s. 0d. which [debt also] is given to petitioner: that the family has suffered for the King, and that she is poor and has many children: prays that the patent [of the mills] may be renewed for 44 years at 20s. per an. rent from the time she recovers possession. Said petition was referred to Treasurer Danby [from the King] per Sir John Birkenhead 1678, August 4. (Marginal note: containing entry of a later reference dated 1679, June 18, of the petition and Mr. Courteney's report dated June 7 hereon to the Attorney General to examine the petitioner's deeds, and to certify the Treasury of the probability of recovering the premises [said mills] to the Crown.) Ibid.
June 3. Henry Guy to Edward Seymour, Esq. [Treasurer of the Navy]. The Treasury Lords have considered the memorial from the Admiralty Lords for 1,400l. to pay the Guernsey's men; and 21,110l. to pay off the Newcastle, Stavereene (Savereen), Cambridge and Mermaid. The Treasury Lords have taken care that Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe shall advance 22,000l. to you out of which instead of 1,400l. for the Guernsey's men (that frigate having gone for Iceland) their Lordships desire that 1,300l. may be applied to pay off tickets (the other 100l. thereof having it seems, been employed to fetch over a yacht) and the remainder of said 22.000l. to pay off the said ships. If there be money saved on such paying of ships, their Lordships desire that said 1,300l. be made up into 2,000l. for payment of tickets. Out Letters (General) p. 63.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to bring to the Treasury the report of January 7 last in the case of David Horton, late Collector of Cowes port, and that proceedings at law therein cease till his case be heard at the Treasury. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Lunn, praying for a landwaiter's place, London port. Out Letters (Customs) p. 43.
Warrant from the Treasury Lords to same to employ Peter Bennet (Bennett) as a tidesurveyor, Hull port, loco William Lynton, deceased. Ibid.
William Warner as a tidesman Newcastle port, loco Samuell Bolton, deceased.
June 4. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the Excise running cash to be paid to the Excise Commissioners: viz., as follows. By the Act of 29 Car. II. for the Additional Excise the King was enabled to borrow 200,000l. upon a Fifth part of the whole Excise, etc., ut supra, p. 45. By the privy seal of May—last, ut supra, ibid, it was directed that no further payment of the running cash of Excise should be made to Sir John James and Robert Huntingdon, then Commissioners or Treasurers of Excise, but that thenceforth it should be paid by the Excise Farmers (as it came into their hands) into the Exchequer towards discharge of the abovesaid credit. Since the said privy seal the King has appointed Sir Denny Ashburnham, Sir Robt. Southwell, Robt. Huntington Dr. Charles Davenant and Edward Wingate to be Commissioners of Excise. Confiding in their fidelity the King hereby revokes the said privy seal and hereby directs that henceforth the moneys or running cash of Excise be from time to time by the Excise Farmers or Managers paid to the said Excise Commissioners according to the covenants in the said Farmers' lease, and the said Commissioners shall pay the same into the Exchequer as the law directs. Interest shall be allowed to the said Farmers by said Commissioners not only for the said running cash detained from the said April 28 last and afterwards paid into the Exchequer, but also for the running cash afterwards paid into the same pursuant to the abovesaid privy seal as if the same had not been revoked, and that for the running cash hereafter to be paid to the said Commissioners interest shall be allowed according to the [said Farmers'] lease. And whereas the tallies struck for such payments [by said Farmers, of their running cash] into the Exchequer have in pursuance of abovesaid privy seal been struck in the names of said Farmers, it is hereby directed (in order that the whole proceeds of the Excise may be duly charged in the Excise Commissioners' accounts) that upon the delivery of said tallies by said Farmers to said Commissioners (the said Commissioners giving said Farmers an acquittance for the same therein, by which acquittances the said Commissioners shall be charged with those sums in their account) the said Commissioners shall in the same account have allowance thereof by the producing of the said tallies as if they were stricken in their own names. King's Warrant Book, pp. 26–8.
June 4. Money warrant for 1,760l. to Sir John Werden, bart., late Envoy in the Court of Sweden (then John Werden, Esq.), being for 352 days' ordinary, 1671, October 3, to 1672, September 19, the said last date being the day of his return into the royal presence; and also 225l. 7s. 8d. for a bill of extraordinaries in that service from 1670, August 31, to 1671, August 31, as allowed by Sir John Trevor; and also for 127l. 18s. 9d. for a like bill of extraordinaries in that service 1671, August 31, to 1672, August 31, as allowed ut supra, which last bill happening to be lost or mislaid, a copy thereof has been signed by said Sir John Werden and sworn to by Nicholas Johnson, Esq., before Lord Chief Baron Montagu January 25 last. Money Book, pp. 54–7. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 15.
Appending: said bills—
l s d
(a) 1670, August 31, to 1671, August 31.
[Paid] at his first public audience to the [Swedish] King's Coachman and footmen and other under servants (it not being usual, as he is informed to present the Master and Assistant of the Ceremonies at coming away) 30 0 0
For new year's gifts January, 1670–1, to the King's and Queen's coachmen, footmen, trumpets and others 40 0 0
For mourning for H.R.H. the Duchess of York, viz., for six liveries with their appurtenances and five other persons of his family, himself not counted in that number 96 15 0
Spent more than ordinary in following the Court into the country in June and July last and given to menial servants 25 0 0
For gratuities to several persons for copying papers, translations, etc. 10 0 0
In regard he is credibly informed that the postage of letters hath often times been allowed and that at Stockholm they are paid for by him both going and coming as far as Hamburg at the least he craves leave to insert here what the sum amounts to according to his book of entries of that account from the time of his arrival at Stockholm till 1671, August 31, being for 12 months; but this is meant of what hath been disbursed for letters only in Stockholm for as yet he knoweth not what he shall be charged with by account from Hamburg and Elsinore for the postage of the same letters there 23 12 8
£225 7 8
"I humbly beg of the Lords Commissioners that theire Lordshipps will please to pardon any mistakes herein in matter of form if there be any such, and as I hope for their Lordships' allowance of the abovementioned particulars, so I cheerefully submitt them to theire Lordships' correction, though in truth I have been as good a husband in them all as I thought was convenient."
(b) Sir John Trevor's allowance of the above bill "in all parts as very moderate in the sums and consonant to the rules established for allowances: only as to the sum demanded for postage of letters I must submit that to your Lordship's consideration, it having not been allowed in many cases."
(c) Said bill (dated Whitehall, 1672, September 28) of extras for the year ended 1672, August 31.
For new year's gifts 1671–2, to the King's and Queen's servants and others 31 0 0
Given the Master of the Ceremonies at coming away from Stockholm 50 0 0
Given to the Assistant of the said Master 15 0 0
For post letters from 1671, August 31, to 1672, August 15 (at Stockholm letters are paid for both going and coming) 27 3 9
More paid at Elsinore to Sir John Paul's secretary on the 23rd August, 1672, for letters till that time received and sent on my account twixt that place and Hamburg 4 15 0
£127 18 2
(d) Memorandum signed by said Werden [sic: for Sir Jo. Trevor] of Werden's return into the king's presence 1672, September 19.
(e) Affidavit by Nicholas Johnson 1678–9, January 25, before Baron W. Montagu that (c) supra is a true copy of a like bill formerly signed by Sir John Trevor, which was lost or mislaid and not yet satisfied: and likewise of said Trevor's certificate of the date of said Werden's return.
(Money order dated June 17 hereon for 2,113l. 6s. 5d. representing the above three amounts.)
June 4. Entry of the declaration of the King's pleasure to the Treasury that upon the payment of 1,100l. before the first day of next term by Major Michaell Arnold and William Dent they be discharged of all process as sureties for Robert Stockdale, late Collector of Dover port, who is indebted 2,200l. to the King. Out Letters (General) p. 64.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of John Gelson to the King (as referred from the King to the Treasury Lords the 2nd inst.) praying for the office of one of the Customers of Boston port lately void by the death of Tho. Hodges: the King being disposed to gratify him. Out Letters (Customs) p. 43.
June 5. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for payment of a salary of 1,000l. per an. each to the following who have been constituted and appointed Commissioners of the Admiralty: viz., Sir Henry Capell, Kt. of the Bath, Daniel Finch. Esq., Sir Thomas Lee, Sir Humphrey Winch and Sir Thomas Meeres, barts., Edward Hales and Edward Vaughan, Esq.: to be paid by the Treasurer of the Navy out of moneys imprested for the Navy and upon bills to be quarterly made forth: the first payment thereof to begin from Lady day last. King's Warrant Book, pp. 28–9.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal to direct Phillip Harbord, Esq. (son and heir of Sir Charles Harbord, lately deceased, who was the surviving trustee in the premises as follows) to make and execute in due form of law a grant or conveyance to Sir Thomas Wilbraham, his heirs and assigns for ever of the village, manor or hamlet of Great Saughall, co. Chester, with all its appurtenances, rights and commodities and also the fishing in the water of Dee and all liberties, franchises, advantages, customs, emoluments, commodities or profits arising in or through the whole lordship, manor or town aforesaid, which were included within the ratal or value [valuation] of 24l. 3s. 4d. per an. as below and are now enjoyed by said Wilbraham and have been in the possession of him and his ancestors since the making of the letters patent of 1631, December 24, as below: the said premises nevertheless to be subject to the yearly fee farm rents now payable for same: an exception to be inserted of the several parcels of land mentioned in the said patent to be enclosed upon the waste of said manor and to be of several yearly rents amounting to 9l. 13s. 4d. per an.: a proviso to be inserted that this grant as herein shall not bind said Phillip Harbord, his heirs, etc., to warrant or defend the premises in any manner: the late King having by patent dated 1631, December 24 (in pursuance of a contract made between the King and several Lords and others of the Privy Council of the one part and Sir John Heydon, Kt., then Lieutenant of the Ordnance and others therein named of the other part and for considerations therein expressed) granted to Charles Harbord, Esq. (afterwards Sir Charles Harbord, Kt.), William Scriven and Phillip Eden, their heirs and assigns for ever the abovesaid village, manor or hamlet with all lands, tenements, woods and underwoods, rents, services, customs, leets, liberties, franchises and hereditaments whatsoever and also the fishing in the water of Dee and all liberties, etc., in the lordship, manor or town aforesaid ut supra which by the particular of the premises were [at the time of said grant] mentioned to be of the abovesaid value: to hold same (with other manors and lands granted by said patent) to said Harbord, Scriven and Eden, their heirs and assigns for ever in fee farm under the yearly rent of 33l. 16s. 8d. for the premises and the manor of Shotwick therein mentioned: as to which premises the abovesaid Wilbraham has lately petitioned the King setting forth that he and his ancestors have for a long time been tenants of and held in fee farm of the King the said village, hamlet or manor of Great Saughall, consisting of several small rents amounting to about 15l. 1s. 10d. per an. together with a Court Leet and the fishing aforesaid for which (and some inclosures of waste ground therein mentioned) petitioner pays several rents amounting to 24l. 3s. 4d. per an., and that the said premises were granted to said Harbord and other Trustees as aforesaid (amongst other things) to the end that petitioner's ancestors might have a conveyance from them which petitioner believes his ancestors had, but it was lost in the late was: therefore prays a conveyance as herein: which said petition was referred to Treasurer Danby, to whom Sir C. Harbord reported thereon that said grant to himself, Scriven and Eden as patentees in trust appointed by the Earl of Portland, then Lord Treasurer, was made upon a contract with the late King for raising money by sale of lands for payment of debts then owing in the Office of the Ordnance, and that he did not remember the conveyance to petitioner's ancestors: the King being nevertheless graciously pleased to quieten said Wilbraham in the possession of said premises. Ibid, pp. 31–3.
June 5. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for discharging Phillip Packer (upon his account as Paymaster of the Works) of two orders of loan dated 1670, Nov. 22 (drawn by virtue of the privy seal of 1670, October 21), for respectively 1,500l. and 1,000l. being drawn for said Packer as imprest for the Works and in part of 20,000l. for the extraordinaries thereof: the said orders being by warrant of the then Treasury Lords made payable out of loans on the Customs which the said Packer did discharge the King of by giving acquittances under his hand to one of the Tellers of the Exchequer as so much received out of the said loans as for the King's service; by which procedure said Packer is charged therewith by an imprest account made out by the Auditor of the Receipt dated 1674, May 13, although said Packer never received any part of either of the said orders, but in lieu thereof, according to the course then practised in the Exchequer, took orders of loan No. 19 and 20 for the like sums in his own name dated 1670–1, January 11, and registered in the Exchequer as to be paid out of the Customs for the quarter ended at Lady day, 1672, together with 6 per cent. interest till repayment of principal: both which orders and the interest thereof remain wholly unpaid as is certified by the Auditor of the Receipt. Although by the course of the Exchequer said Packer is to be charged only with the 2,500l. first mentioned, he is nevertheless, by the privy seal of February 28 last (contrary to the said course of the Exchequer), charged also with and made accomptable for the two orders of loan last mentioned and is to be discharged thereof by delivering up the said orders of loan to the King's use to be cancelled so that Packer thereby stands doubly charged with the said same item of 2,500l. He is therefore (upon delivering up the said orders of loan to be cancelled) hereby to be discharged of the said 2,500l. imprest charge and of the said 2,500l. payable by the said orders of loan for which he is made accomptable by the said privy seal: all in regard it evidently appears that said Packer hath not received any moneys upon the former or latter orders. The said orders hereby to be so delivered up and cancelled are to have endorsements made on the back thereof to this purpose. King's Warrant Book. pp. 34–5.
June 5. Treasury subscription for the execution of a money order of July 10 last for 51l. 11s. 0d. to Col. Anthony Buller for 1678, June 24 quarters interest on 3,436l. 16s. 10d. as by the privy seal of 1676, July 26. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 12.
Henry Guy to the Customs Cashier to advance the money on the tally dated February 13 last for 5,000l. to Sir Ed. Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, for the service of the Chamber. You shall be allowed 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. gratuity till the payment of said tally in its course. Out Letters (General) p. 65.
Treasury reference to Sir Rich. Mason, Serjeant Ramsey and Mr. Fillingham of Ralph Whitley's petition for an additional allowance as Receiver General and Solicitor of the late Seventeen Months' tax and Poll money for the six counties of North Wales. Ibid.
Like reference to Mr. Henry Dering of the petition of Richard Clarkson and Jane his wife, praying for 200l. (due to them upon an assignment of the Earl of Bath) to be paid out of money to be raised by the sale of fee farms for which they delivered up bonds: are now poor and live at Berwick on Tweed. Dering is to inform the Treasury Lords whether there remain [sufficient fee farm] rents unsold to satisfy petitioner. With a later letter dated June 7 from Henry Guy to same to hasten his report, the Treasury Lords being very sensible of this poor woman's case. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Chancellor. We are informed by Mr. Williamson that his patent for the Comptrollership of the Customs is stopped at the great seal by Mr. Wheldon's caveat. Mr. Wheldon's pretensions have had a full hearing before us by counsel upon a reference from the King, and it did not appear to us that he had any such right as he pretended. Upon our report the King has granted said place to Williamson. Ibid. p. 66.
June 5. Henry Guy to Mr. Grahme to peruse Mr. Nevill's deed (who will attend you with it) and to prepare a bill in the Exchequer against the mortgagor and mortgagees to entitle the King to the 2,500l. supposed to belong to the Jesuits. Out Letters (General) p. 66.
Same to Sir William Jones, Attorney General, to consider William Aldred's docquets for a second pardon, and to report the reason of the invalidity of the first pardon. Ibid.
Petition from Sir George Carterett shewing that he has a grant of the manor of Wyberton, co. Lincoln, under a peppercorn rent, commencing from 1654, March 26: that one Jackson is in possession for a term unexpired under the rent of 68l. 10s. 5½d. [who] is content to pay it to the petitioner, but the Receiver [General of Crown Lands, co. Lincoln] threatens to distrain if the rent be not paid to him. Therefore petitioner prays an order that he may receive the rents without interruption. Ibid.
Followed by: subscription by Henry Guy, dated June 5. "If Sir George Carteret have a right to the premises the law will relieve him."
June 6. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 2,500l. to Edward Seymour, Treasurer of the Navy, on any unsatisfied, unappropriated orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy for the service thereof: to be issued out of the 4,000l. which the Customs Cashier is to bring into the Exchequer this day. Money Book, p. 57.
The like for 400l. to said Seymour: to be issued out of same: and to be by Seymour paid over for the service of Sick and Wounded men. Ibid, p. 58.
The like for 500l. to said Seymour: to be issued out of same: and to be by Seymour paid over to the Victuallers of the Navy. Ibid.
Money warrant for 1,114l. 5s. 8d. to Lawrence Hyde for 11 weeks and 1 day (November 28 last to February 14 last) on his ordinary of 100l. a week as one of the Ambassadors Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for the treaty at Nimuegen: his said embassy being determined by the King's revocatory letter of February 14 last. Ibid. p. 59. Order Book XXXVIII. p. 14.
Appending: copy of the sign manual of revocation dated Whitehall February 14 last. "We have thought fit for considerations relating to our own service to revoke your said commission in which function you have served us to our entire satisfaction. We do hereby signify the same to you that you may order your affairs accordingly and recall your family and equipage forthwith out of the Low Countries." (Two money orders dated June 16 hereon: the one for 1,100l. by virtue of his Majesty's letters of privy seal dated 1677, July 11, and the other for 14l. 5s. 8d. for the one day, and is by virtue of the letters patent dormant of 1660, September 28. Letters of direction dated June 19 on both orders charging same to be satisfied by tallies on Anthony Rowe and partners on the 81,000l. payable by them 1680, September 19, for the half year's Hearthmoney farm rent to 1680, Lady day.
June 6. Treasury warrant to Bartholomew Fillingham and Nicholas Dering, Esqrs., deputy to Sir William Doyly, Kt. and Bart., one of the four Tellers of the Receipt. It appears from your account as such deputies that from 1678, August 16, to April 19 last you have received of the said Teller's fees, according to several dividends mentioned in said account, 1,029l. 0s. 1½d. and have disbursed for taxes and other things relating to the said Teller's office and house 38l. 2s. 10d., so that there remains in your hands 990l. 17s. 3½d. of said fees, which by covenants on said Doyly's behalf you are obliged to pay according to Treasury order, being towards the payment and satisfaction of 12,598l. 9s. 3d. due from said Doyly to the King until said debt be thereby or by any other means satisfied. Said account is hereby allowed and you are hereby to pay said 990l. 17s. 3½d. into the Exchequer for the King's use in part of the remains of 1,130l. 19s. 8d. of the fee farm money which is part of said Doyly's debt to the King. Money Book, p. 60.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to satisfy 500l. of the order of April 29 last for 955l. to Sir Henry Goodrick, Envoy Extraordinary to Spain, paying same out of the abovesaid 990l. 17s. 3½d. payable into the Exchequer on behalf of abovesaid Doyly's debt. Ibid.
Same to George Dashwood et al., Farmers of Excise, to discharge John Cholmeley, brewer, of the 277l. 11s. 3d. Excise duty surcharged upon him by the gaugers on the 79,939 gallons of beer by him delivered into the King's buttery at Whitehall, for the expense of the Household, in accordance with his contract with the Board of Greencloth for one year from 1677, October 1, at the rate of 45s. per ton of 2,040 gallons each: the gaugers having charged him for same at the rate of strong beer, viz., 2s. 6d. per barrel over and above the 19d. per barrel payable for small beer, "and which we direct shall be only payable for this." In case you, the said Farmers, are already charged therewith and have paid same to the King's use, or are chargeable therewith, then you are hereby to be repaid and allowed same as an incident. Ibid, p. 61.
Treasury subscription for the execution of the late Treasurer Danby's warrant of 1677, April 3, to the Receipt for tallies of pro on John Pincombe (Farmer of the logwood duty by the indenture of 1662, September 23), for the yearly rent of said farm (viz., 500l.) to be paid to Lawrence Hyde as by the patent of 1676, December 1, granting same to Hyde for the residue of said farm. Ibid, pp. 61–2.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 600l. to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse, on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Privy Purse: paying same out of the 4,000l. which the Customs Cashier is directed to bring into the Exchequer this day. Ibid, p. 62.
June 6. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for process ad computandum forthwith against Sir Henry Coker, formerly sheriff for co. Wilts: there being still in his hands a considerable sum of the single month's [militia money] assessment raised in said county in 1663 by virtue of the Act of Parliament for ordering the Forces in the several counties of England. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 13.
Treasury reference to Auditor Aldworth of the petition of Thomas Thynme to the King, praying for 450l., being the price contracted for a picture case set round with diamonds which by the King's orders was presented to the Portuguese Ambassador in 1671. together with interest for same from that time: said petition being referred from the King to the Treasury May 7 last. Aldworth is to compute the interest and state the whole. Out Letters (General) p. 67.
Warrant from the Treasury Lords to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, two old sets of tapestry hangings arrived from Flanders on board the Mary yacht for the Marquis de Burgomaine d' Este, Ambassador Extraordinary from Spain. Out Letters (Customs) p. 44.
Same from same to same to permit the gruffe goods as follows, viz., salt, timber, deal boards, pitch, tar, rosin, iron, hemp ropes, cordage and pantiles to be imported and butter, cheese and fish to be exported at Lowestoft entries being first duly made at Yarmouth and an officer being sent over to Lowestoft when the officers at Yarmouth shall see it necessary, such officer to be paid a reasonable daily allowance by the people at Lowestoft: the said town having petitioned the late Treasurer Danby, praying for the settlement of a Customs officer there for receiving entries and granting cocquets for export or that the chief Customs officer at Yarmouth may permit the landing of their goods at Lowestoft: upon which petition you, the Customs Commissioners, did report, October 15 last, ut supra, Cal. Treasury Books, Vol. V., pp. 1218–9. Ibid, pp. 45–6.
June 7. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 96l. 12s. 4d. to Phillip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the ordinary of the Works: paying same out of the 990l. 17s. 3½d., which is to be paid into the Exchequer in part of Sir William Doyly's debt to the King. Money Book, p. 63.
Money warrant for 100l. to Dame Bridgett Saunderson for half a year to Christmas last on her pension: same to be paid out of such money as is in the Exchequer and as is specified in the Auditor of the Receipt's weekly certificate as an ordinary remain. Ibid.
Same for 100l. each to Cary Frazer, Mris. Phillippa Temple, Mris. Cecilia Swann and Mris. Elizabeth Godolphin for same on their annuity or yearly pension as Maids of Honour to the Queen: to be paid ut supra. Ibid, pp. 63–4.
Same for the following to the falconers, being for one quarter each on their respective fees or salaries: (to be paid out of the 990l. 17s. 3½d. payable into the Exchequer in part of Sir W. Doyly's debt to the King): viz., Andrew Holmes, 12l. 10s. 11¼1/8d.; George Russell (as Serjeant of the Hawks), 16l. 5s. 0d.; ditto (as falconer), 22l. 16s. 3d.; Marmaduke Conway 20l. on his 50l. per an. as falconer and 30l. per an. as Keeper of his Majesty's Spaniels; Arthur Wichells, 12l. 10s. 11¼1/8d.; John Preston, 12l. 10s. 0d.; William Sakins, 12l. 10s. 11¼1/8d.; John Burchill, 11l. 0s. 0d.; John Legge, 12l. 10s. 0d.; John Osboldston, 7l. 19s. 8¼1/8d.; William Russell, 9l. 10s. 1¼1/8d.; William Poulton, 12l. 10s. 0d.; Richard Edes, 11l.; Abell Daniell, 11l.; Thomas Dechampe, 11l.; James Russell, 12l. 10s. 0d.; John Sylvester, 12l 10s. 11¼1/8d; Thomas Duffield. 11l.; Peter Croles, 12l. 10s. 0d.; Silvanus Rowley, 12l. 10s. 11¼1/8d.; George Russell, junr., 12l. 9s. 2d. Ibid, p. 64.
June 7. Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Henry, Earl of Peterborough [Lord] Lieutenant of co. Northampton: as by the order of reference of May 30 last thereon. Said petition prays a privy seal to empower him to receive the 425l. which was raised [in 1663 in said county] for the use of the Militia and [which] by petitioner's charge and prosecution in the Exchequer is found to be in the hands of Sir Roger Cave as son and executor of Sir Thomas Cave and was in Easter term last ordered by the Barons of the Exchequer Court to be brought into said court. Your Majesty may fitly be pleased to empower said Earl to receive same and to give a discharge for same. But when same shall be so received it ought to be applied by his Lordship to the uses mentioned in the Act of Parliament for ordering the Forces in the several counties of this kingdom and not otherwise. Warrants not Relating to Money, p. 14.
The like report on the petition of Machado and Pereira, late Providores General of your Majesty's Army in the Netherlands, concerning damage by delay. Said petition being referred from the King to the Treasury May 30 ult. the Treasury Lords hereby report. We find by several certificates under the common seals of the town of Brussels and Malines grounded upon the respective oaths of Benjamin Fernandes, Martin Peres and John d'Asilva [Da Silva], commissaries and clerks to petitioners, that 40 ammunition waggons and 128 horses were by said providoers furnished and bought for your Majesty's service and afterwards upon making the peace were sold to a very great loss, which together with the hire of 40 waggoners and maintenance of 25 waggons more, each with four horses, from August 20 last to September 27 last, amounted to 14,551 florins to petitioners' damage which at 23d. per florin makes 1,394l. 9s. 5d. They further demand 638l. 16s. 7d. for 29,021 ammunition loaves each of 6lb. weight, at 5¼d. per loaf, for which they produce acquittances signed by English officers acknowledging the receipt thereof. These two items total 2,029l. 6s. 0d. of which they confess to have received 287l. 10s. 0d. of your Majesty's Receivers in Flanders; so remains as they pretend 1,741l. 16s. 0d. But in regard the contract between petitioners and your Majesty has not been produced to us whereby the ground and reason of their demands may appear, we cannot advise payment of any moneys upon this petition. Ibid, pp. 14–15.