Entry Book: December 1693, 1-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry Book: December 1693, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp406-421 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1693, 1-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp406-421.

"Entry Book: December 1693, 1-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp406-421.


December 1693, 1–10

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 1. Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for a grant to Robert, Lord Lexinton, of the 2,772 ounces of white plate remaining in his hands, which was issued to him out of the Jewel Office 1691, July 11, for the use of his table and service of his then intended embassy to Spain, over and above the plate which the King granted him by the privy seal of 1692, April 14, “and over and above such part thereof as hath been delivered into our said Jewel House.” King's Warrant Book XVII, pp. 287–8.
Royal sign manual for 1,500l. to William de Nassau, Master of the Robes; as imprest for the service of the Office of the Robes. (Money warrant dated Dec. 7 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 9 hereon.) (See infra, pp. 437–444.) Ibid, p. 288. Money Book XII, p. 147. Order Book IV, p. 44.
Same for the following payments, without account: l. s. d. King's Warrant Book XVII, pp. 289–90. Money Book XII, p. 147. Order Book IV, pp. 38, 41, 44.
to Sir Leonard Robinson, Chamberlain of London, to reimburse such money as he hath paid and is to pay at the rate of 20s. per 100l. to several persons that have lent and shall lend on the credit of the Exchequer in general 800 0 0
to Thomas Swift as royal bounty towards his transportation as chaplain to Barbados 20 0 0
to—Trepier for same as same to Jamaica 20 0 0
to—Moody for same as same to Jamaica 20 0 0
to—Good for same as schoolmaster to Virginia 20 0 0
to John Kynvin for the charges of the Great Seal appointing Col. George Fletcher to be Commander of the Militia in the Province of Connecticut in America 109 0 0
to Henry, Visct. Galway, as royal bounty 1,116 13 4
£2,105 13 4
(Money warrant dated Dec. 8 hereon.) (Money orders dated Dec. 8 and 12 hereon.)
Dec. 1. Royal sign manual for 150l. to Sir John Trevor, kt., for 30 days, Oct. 31 last to Nov. 30 last, on his allowance of 5l. a day as Speaker of the House of Commons. (Money warrant dated Dec. 11 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 13 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 292. Money Book XII, p. 147. Order Book IV, p. 41.
Same for 820l. 10s. 5d. to John Knight, without account: in consideration for good and acceptable service performed. (Money warrant dated Dec. 8 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 12 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 293. Money Book XIII, p. 152. Order Book IV, p. 40.
Money order for 125l. to Sir John Trenchard, kt., for 1693, Easter term, on his salary as Chief Justice of Chester. Order Book IV, p. 36.
Same for 50l. to Sir Littleton Powys, kt., for same time as one of the Justices of Chester. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 18,000l. to Francis, Visct. Newport, on any unsatisfied order in his name [as Cofferer], for the service of the Household: to be issued out of loans to be made by Mr. Lancelot Burton on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XI, p. 6.
Same to same to issue as follows out of the Exchequer: in each case to be issued out of loans to be made by the payees themselves or by any other persons by their appointment upon credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise, viz.: l. s. d. Ibid.
to the Lord Privy Seal on his allowance of 4l. a day 708 0 0
to the Lord President [of the Privy Council] on his allowance of 1,500l. per an. 750 0 0
to the Lord Keeper for a quarter to Michaelmas last 1,000 0 0
to the 12 Judges for Hilary term, 1692–3 3,000 0 0
to the Welsh Judges [for same term] 175 0 0
to the Masters in Chancery [for same term] 257 0 0
to the said Judges and Masters for Easter term, 1693 3,432 0 0
to the late Commissioners of the Great Seal for half a year to 1693, Lady day 2,250 0 0
to Sir John Sommers as late Attorney General 40 13 4
to Sir Thomas Trevor for half a year as Solicitor General 35 0 0
to the Master of the Robes 1,500 0 0
to the Master of the Horse for extraordinaries of the Stables 1,200 0 0
to ditto more to pay hackney coaches 600 0 0
to Visct. Galway for equipage and advance money 955 0 0
to Mr. Stepney: a quarter to the 8th inst. on his ordinary as Agent in Germany 273 0 0
to ditto more by way of advance for a quarter forward on his ordinary, by his Majesty's particular direction 273 0 0
to the Commissioners of Accompts: a quarter 875 0 0
to Mr. Fox to answer a bill from the Lords Justices payable to Mr. Elnathan Lum (in the margin: otherwise provided for, see infra, p. 417) 1,000 0 0
to Visct. Galway more: according to warrants to be received 1,116 13 4
to four ministers [of the Gospel] going to the Plantations 80 0 0
to the French ministers of the Savoy 60 0 0
to Sir Leonard Robinson: according to warrant to be received 800 0 0
to Mr. Shirley, serjeant at arms 65 0 0
to John Kynvin: according to warrant to be received 109 0 0
£19,654 6 8
Dec. 1. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 3,000l. to Ralph, Earl of Montagu, on any unsatisfied order in his name for the service of the Great Wardrobe: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Earl or by any other at his nomination on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book XI, p. 7.
Same to same to issue 515l. to Sir John Trevor, Speaker of the House of Commons, upon warrants to be received: to be issued out of loans as above, same being to complete his Speaker's allowance to Nov. 30 last. Ibid.
Same to same to issue 5,354l. 0s. 6d. to John Richards on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Office of Treasurer of the Chamber: to be issued out of loans as above. (In the margin: My Lords desire that so much of the said money as there is no order for may be advanced and they will take care that regular issues thereof may be made in a short time.) Ibid.
Dec. 1. Henry Guy to the Attorney General to report as early as possible on the several commissions for inspection into forfeited estates in Ireland sent you the 29th ult., supra, p. 404. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 170.
Same to Mr. Hamilton, enclosing the petition [missing] of David Jordan, together with Mr. Abbot's report [missing] thereon. My Lords desire you to forthwith state the account of his brother as desired. Ibid.
Same to Col. Tiffin's [Regiment's] Agent to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Major William Smith, with the reports [missing] from Mr. Clarke and Mr. Fox thereon. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt, enclosing the petition [missing] of the abovesaid Major Smith of Col. Tiffin's Regiment, praying that a check upon his and his servants' pay in Ireland may be removed. Please procure a royal warrant for removing same accordingly. Ibid.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 80.
Prefixing: Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Nov. 30 last, for leave to ships to sail as follows, notwithstanding the embargo, viz.: the Sun, Noah Barton master, 250 tons, 30 men; Good Success, William Daly master, 100 tons, 24 men; Companion, 150 tons, 22 men; to go to Malaga and Barcelona; Bonadventure, Roger Myers master, 280 tons, 36 men, to Venice; Leopard, James Porter commander, 250 tons, 60 men, from Bristol to Ireland to lade salmon, and thence to Italy; Chamber frigate, Thomas South commander, 300 tons, 50 men, to Leghorn.
The like for the Expedition pink to sail to Turkey with the Straits fleet. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ William Bulkly as searcher of the Four and a Half per cent. Duty at Bridgetown, Barbados loco Charles Alsted, deceased. Ibid, p. 81.
Dec. 2. Money warrant for 955l. to James Cressett, Envoy Extraordinary to the House of Brunswick-Luneburg; 500l. thereof for equipage and 455l. for three months' ordinary by way of advance from Sept. 12 last. Money Book XII, p. 143.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 10,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy out of the loans on the credit voted by the House of Commons: to be applied to the Victualling. Disposition Book XII, p. 7.
The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Amy de Roche, daughter of Lord Roche and widow of Edward Harvey of Glin, co. Limerick, concerning a pension payable to her and her brother. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 370.
Dec. 4. Money warrant for 2,250l. to the late Commissioners for the Great Seal (Sir John Trevor, Sir William Rawlinson and Sir George Hutchins) for half a year to Lady day last on their allowance of 1,500l. per an. each. (Money order dated Dec. 5 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 43. Order Book IV, p. 38.
Dec. 4. Money warrant for 40l. 13s. 4d. to Sir John Somers for half a year to Lady day last as late Attorney General. Money Book XII, p. 43.
Same for 35l. to Sir Thomas Trevor for same time as Solicitor General. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 18,000l. to Lancelot Burton in repayment of so much lent thereon the 1st inst. Ibid, p. 44.
3,000l. to Ralph, Earl of Montagu, similarly lent the 2nd inst.
1,000l. to Sir John Somers, similarly lent the 2nd inst.
100l. to Sir Littleton Powys, similarly lent the 2nd inst.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners. I have read to my Lords your letter of the 1st inst. about paying the workmen of the Yards half a year. You are to pay them a quarter and my Lords will take care to provide money for the other quarter “so soon as that is paid.” Disposition Book XII, p. 7.
Same to the Agents of the Marine Regiments. Bring my Lords a state of the arrears due to the two said Regiments. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 170.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account [missing] from the Navy Commissioners of the money received and paid by the Navy Treasurer between the 1st and 14th Nov. last. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite. There was sent to you in Flanders a proposal of Mr. Russell's, the Treasurer of the Chamber, and Mr. Richards' answer thereto, to be laid before the King there. Please send me these papers forthwith, as my Lords have occasion for them. Ibid, p. 171.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 81.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Nov. 30 last, for the Customs Commissioners to return to the Committee of Trade and Plantations a list of the ships (according to the distribution of 842 English seamen) to be allowed to go from the outports to the Plantations: and further an account of all ships cleared for the Canaries before Dec. 1 next.
Same to same to observe (a) infra. Ibid, p. 82.
Prefixing: (a) a like order for leave to the following ships to sail to New England and New York, viz.: the Good Freind, John Stroud master, 100 tons, nine English seamen; James and Thomas, Paul Beckfor master, 150 tons, 11 men; Dolphin, William Baker master, 80 tons, seven men; Providence. John Thirle master, 280 tons, 18 men; London Merchant, James Thomas master, 200 tons, 14 men.
Same to same to observe (a) infra. Ibid, p. 83.
Prefixing: (a) the like order for the following ships to sail to the Leeward Islands from London port with the convoy for that trade, viz.: Endeavour, Capt. Whitson, 120 tons, six men; Mary, Capt. Thurst, 140 tons, six men; King David, Capt. Spurrell, 200 tons, ten men; Samuel, Capt. Johnson, 180 tons, nine men; John, Capt. Jones, 200 tons, ten men; Margaret, Capt. Roberts, 100 tons, six men; Eagle, Capt. Leatherland, 180 tons, nine men; Success, Capt. Burnham, 200 tons, ten men: James, Capt. Walker, 180 tons, nine men; Thomas, Capt. Clerke, 150 tons, seven men; Lyon, Capt. French, 150 tons, eight men; Wolfe, Capt. Purvis, 400 tons, 33 men; Robert, Capt. Aldred, 250 tons, 14 men; Union, Capt. Milk, 50 tons, four men: Merchants' Adventure, Capt. White, 200 tons, ten men; Rebecca, Capt. Smith, 180 tons, nine men: Sea Flower, Capt. Arthur, 200 tons, ten men; Joseph, Capt. Plummer, 160 tons, eight men; Bonadventure, Capt. Martin, 170 tons, eight men; Sunn, Capt. Laurence, 170 tons, eight men; Pearl, Capt. Peterson, 140 tons, six men. (Total, 200 men.)
Dec. 4. Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 84.
Prefixing: (a) the like order, granting leave to the Three Sarahs, Edward Rivett master, six seamen and a boy, to sail to Coruna, on the petition of Nathaniel Long, merchant, shewing that he has a considerable parcel of wines bought and paid for lying there all this last summer waiting for shipping.
Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Joseph Sawle, praying to buy some woods which he has the right of weeding off in the manor of Tewington, co. Cornwall. Reference Book VII, p. 15.
Entry of the Treasury Lords signature of the docquet of a lease to John Thatcher of a messuage etc. in the manor of Shippon, part of the Duchy of Cornwall, ut supra, p. 258: for the lives of him, Anne his wife and John his son. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 239.
Dec. 5. Treasury warrant to John Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay 177l. to Thomas, Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery, for 177 days, 1692, Sept. 29, to 1693, Mar. 25, on his allowance or fee of 365l. per an. as Lord Privy Seal. Money Book XII, p. 145.
Same for 708l. to same for same time on his allowance of 4l. a day in lieu of diet at same. (Money order dated Dec. 13 hereon.) Ibid, p. 145. Order Book IV, p. 43.
Same for 875l. to the Commissioners of Accounts (Sir Thomas Clarges, Sir Peter Colliton, Paul Foley, Sir Mathew Andrews, Sir Benj. Newland, Sir Samuel Barnardiston and Robert Harley) for one quarter to Oct. 25 last on their allowance of 500l. per an. each. (Money order dated Dec. 7 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 145. Order Book IV, p. 39.
Same for 750l. to Thomas, Marquess of Carmarthen, President of the Privy Council, for half a year to Sept. 29 last on his 1,000l. per an. in lieu of diet and 500l. per an. as royal bounty. (Money order dated Dec. 9 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 140. Order Book IV, p. 143.
Same for 60l. to the Dean and Chapter of West-minster for one year to June 24 last on the annuity for the ministers of the French church in the Savoy. Money Book XII, p. 146.
Dec. 5. Henry Guy to Mr. Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor]. It is the King's pleasure that the 8,000l. due to Mr. Wykes Parker, executed at the last Assize at Exeter for murder, be given to the widows of officers who have lost their lives in their Majesties' service. You are forthwith to prosecute the recovery of said money to that end. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 171.
Same to Auditor Bridges to attend my Lords on Thursday next as to the enclosed answers [missing] of Israell Feilding to your observations on his accounts. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account [missing] from the Navy Commissioners of money received and paid by the Navy Treasurer between Nov. 14 and 21, also an account [missing] from the Navy Treasurer of money paid to [Navy] ships etc. between Nov. 21 and 30 last. Ibid.
Dec. 6. Royal warrant [to the Clerk of the Signet] for a privy seal for a grant to Admiral Edward Russell of moneys out of wood sales in Dean Forest as follows. The privy seal of 1691–2, Feb. 29, provided for the raising of 20,000l. by such wood sales, ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, pp. 1495–7, and for the performance of sundry repairs etc. there out of the produce to the amount of 367l. 16s. 0d. and for 500l. to Daniel Osborne for buildings at Heddon, co. Yorks, and 2,500l. to Henry Guy for secret service. And further the privy seal of April 27 last, supra, p. 117, granted 6,000l. thereout to Sir John Guise. These sums make a total of 9,367l. 16s. 0d. [thus leaving 11,632l. 4s. 0d. unexhausted of the said 20,000l.]. All the said rest and residue of the said 20,000l. is hereby to be granted to said Russell: to be paid him from time to time as the money comes in from said wood sales: all as a mark of royal favour. King's Warrant Book XVII, pp. 289–91.
Royal sign manual constituting Jeremiah Skingsley to be second clerk to the Warden of the Mint, with the salary of 40l. per an. loco James Ellis. lately deceased: he to obey the directions of the Treasury Lords in the performance of his trust. Ibid, p. 295.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, out of the small branches of the revenue, to Baron Bradbury 66l. 13s. 4d. for half a year to June 24 last on his fees and 15l. for Easter and Trinity terms last on his fee of 7l. 10s. 0d. per term. Disposition Book XII, p. 8.
Same to Mr. Knight [Customs Cashier]. According to a certificate of Sir Robert Howard. Auditor of the Receipt, there has been lent into the Receipt on credit of the Exchequer in general 36,150l. up to Dec. 5 last by your procurement on credit of the Vote of House for 400,000l. for the Navy. My Lords are pleased with your good services therein and direct you to proceed in procuring what further loans you can on the said credit. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 171.
Treasury reference to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of Capt. Christopher Billop (referred to the Treasury by Order in Council dated Nov. 30 last), petitioner praying that the said Commissioners may be ordered to deliver up a bond which he entered into to indemnify the King from the damages of a second sale of some prizes taken in the last Dutch war. Reference Book VII, p. 15.
Dec. 6. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Daniell Delamott, shewing that one Nash, a Customs officer, has unloaded one of petitioner's vessels bound from Rotterdam to Ostend with coffee berries, silks and other goods, and pretends to seize same, whereas petitioner put into this shore merely to secure himself from several French privateers which he saw off the North Foreland. Reference Book VII, p. 16.
Same to Aaron Smith [Treasury Solicitor] of the petition of Edward Anneley and Jo. Blackburne, shewing that they prosecuted Tho. Darby, an attorney in Yorkshire, for scandalous words against the Government, for which he was fined 80l.: therefore praying a grant of said fine. Ibid.
Royal warrant to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to buy for the King's service a prize ship of 30 guns which was brought into Kinsale some time since by the Dover frigate: to be paid for out of the revenue of Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 369.
Dec. 7. Treasury warrant to John Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay 285l. 2s. 6d. to Gilbert, Bishop of Sarum, for half a year to Michaelmas last on the annuity for the support of the honour of the Order of the Garter. Money Book XII, p. 146.
Money order for 400l. to Aaron Smith for Crown law suits. (Money order dated Dec. 9 hereon.) (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same out of loans to be made by said Smith on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise.) Ibid p. 147. Order Book IV, p. 41. Disposition Book XII, p. 8.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: l. s. d. Disposition Book XI, p. 8.
to the Treasurer of the Navy upon the proportion for Yards, imprests, bills of exchange and course of the [Navy] Office: to be issued out of loans on the new credit 35,578 9 6
to ditto for the Victuallers: out of the like loans 25,341 10 6
to Robert Farish et al.: out of Tenths, according to warrants to be received 40 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service: out of Tenths and the new duties on coffee and tea 35 14 6
£60,995 14 6
Same to the Customs Commissioners, enclosing John Clough's petition [missing] for a landwaiter's place at Hull. You are to present him for the first vacant place. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 172.
Dec. 7. Henry Guy to Mr. Bartho. Burton. My Lords desire you to use your utmost endeavours in procuring money to be lent on credit of the Exchequer in general pursuant to the 400,000l. vote of the House of Commons for the Navy. They will take care that a gratuity of 1 per cent. shall be paid to the lenders of the same. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 172.
Same to Mr. Sotherne to lay before the Admiralty Lords the enclosed presentment [missing] from the Customs Commissioners, together with the affidavit of the collector of Plymouth port, concerning two boatmen of that port being abused and hindered in their duty by the commander of their Majesties' ship Hampshire. My Lords think fit to inform the Admiralty Lords hereof before representing it to the King, hoping they will give directions for punishment of the offence, so that the Customs officers may not be molested and discouraged in their duty. Ibid.
[?] Same to the Navy Commissioners. My Lords lately promised you tallies on the 400,000l. voted credit, viz. for the sum you desired for the course of the Navy Office. I am to assure you that in a very little time they will direct the said tallies to be struck and they therefore desire you to satisfy the merchants and tradesmen accordingly. Ibid.
Dec. 7. Treasury reference to Mr. Blathwayt of the petition of Geo. Lillington of Barbados and Christopher Fowler of London, merchant, shewing that the Naval Office for entering ships in and out at Barbados is void by the death of Capt. Carmichael, therefore praying a grant thereof to said Lillington. Reference Book VII, p. 15.
Same to Aaron Smith of the petition of Tho. Darby, shewing that he is maliciously prosecuted by two bankrupts, Annely and Blackburne, for speaking ill words against his Majesty although altogether innocent: therefore praying leave to manifest his innocence and loyalty that he may not remain under a scandal and that the 80l. fine upon him may be disposed according to his Majesty's or the Treasury Lords' direction. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, of the petition of John Milward, one of the Yeomen Ushers of their Majesties' Guard [of the Body], shewing that he has served in that station for 34 years and has above 80l. due to him for arrears in Charles II's time; therefore praying a lease of a small house with a little parcel of ground at Royston of 11l. or 12l. per an. value, which is in his Majesty's dispose by the death of James Morgan. Ibid.
Same to the Victualling Commissioners of the case of David Phillips, shewing that he paid 400l. to one Martyn for corn, meal etc., which was ready to be shipped from Worcester, Evesham etc. for Bristol for his Majesty's account by order of the Victualling Commissioners; that the mob under pretence of the said provisions going for France seizes the same, whereupon Phillips applies to Martyn for the money or like quantity of provision; in the meantime Martyn fails, and being a brewer his effects are all seized by the Excise Commissioners: therefore praying that “this debt may be taken upon their Majesties.” Ibid, p. 16.
Dec. 7. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for a constat or particular of such forfeited lands or estates as by inquisition are found to be settled to Popish or superstitious uses in cos. Worcester and Stafford: to the end such grant may be made thereof as the King hath directed. (In the margin: per the Marquess of Winchester.) Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 241.
[?] Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of William Chaloner (under the order of reference of Oct. 26 last from the Privy Council) concerning the making of farthings and halfpence of copper and pence and twopences of silver alloyed with copper, and similarly the proposals (under a like order of reference of 9 Nov. last) of the Governor and Company of Copper Miners and the petition and proposals of John Mittford, Daniel Allen and others. Ibid, pp. 241–2.
As to Chaloner's petition, the design thereof is much of the same nature with another which was lately offered, against which material objections were offered by the officers of the Mint. We think the like objections will lie against the pence and twopences proposed by Mr. Chaloner and that it would infer too great inconveniences to your Majesty and the public to proceed to a contract with him.
As to the farthings and halfpence of copper, we find that the Governor and Company of Copper Miners (according to our former report) do desire a term of five years and will coin the tokens at 22d. the lb. weight [of copper], cut them of English copper, ascertain 2,500l. a year [rent to the King] and advance the first year's rent; to which they have now added their being obliged to coin the said farthings and halfpence in the Mint so as to take off the objections of the Moneyers.
On the other side, Mr. Mittford and his partners desire a term of seven years; will coin the tokens of English copper at 16½d. the pound weight and pay to your Majesty the overplus; or if they are cut at higher value they will pay the respective rates mentioned in their proposal for so much as they shall coin and they will employ the same persons that the Commissioners and Comptroller of the Mint employed for coining the tin farthings. But Mr. Mitford and his partners will not agree to perform the work in the Mint or to ascertain any rent [to the Crown] so that, as we take it, the substance of their proposal imports only a management in which they would be entrusted for making of copper tokens “in a manner not much different from that which was reposed in your late Commissioners for Tin Farthings.”
We are still of opinion that the proposal of the Governor and Company of Copper Miners is more beneficial for your Majesty's service and the public than any other which has yet been offered.
Dec. 7. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the reversion of the barony of Kendal, co. Westmorland, in order to a grant thereof to Lady Fitzharding for 99 years after the death of the Queen Dowager at a yearly rent of 10s. and fine of 1,000l.; all according to the King's express desire herein. Ibid, pp. 242–3.
Prefixing: report dated 1692–3, Mar. 14, from William Tailer on said Lady Fitzharding's petition for same. The premises are part of the Queen Dowager's jointure. A fourth part thereof, called Marquess lands, and a moiety called Richmond lands, consisting of very many freehold, burgage, customary and other dry rents, together with rents issuing out of certain particular lands, not improveable, were all together valued at 501l. 7s. 11d. per an. in the Parliament's Survey in 1650 and were re-sold in those times at that rate: the profits of Court were estimated then at a further 55l. per an.: but of this total of 556l. 7s. 11d. per an. there were no reprisals for officers' fees etc. In Sir C. Harbord's ratal in 1665, in order to Queen Catherine's jointure, the said fourth part of the rents and farms of divers lands and tenements in Kendal and elsewhere amounted to 381l. 9s.d., with reprisals of 48l. 8s. 4d. or 336l. 1s.d. net. I cannot find whether this includes all that was valued as above. According to the Auditor [for co. Westmorland] the present clear rental is 379l. 8s.d., counting the profits of Court at 41l. 5s. 6d. per an. I rate the estate desired by petitioner at 4,000l., seeing that the value consists chiefly of old rents which will become due to their Majesties immediately after the death of the Queen Dowager.
Dec. 8. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for 10,000l. to Bernard Eales, their Majesties' goldsmith, for gold works, plate etc. which he hath or shall deliver into the Jewel House. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 289.
Same to same for a same for 1,000,000l. to Edward Russell, Treasurer of the Navy: as imprest for the service of the Navy and Victualling. (Money warrant dated Dec. 11 hereon. This warrant quotes the privy seal as dated Dec. 11.) (Money order dated Dec. 12 hereon.) Ibid, p. 292. Money Book XII, p. 150. Order Book IV, p. 40.
Same to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 5,354l. 0s. 5d. to John Richards, gent., in repayment of so much lent by him thereon into the Exchequer Dec. 6 inst. Money Book XII, p. 144.
1,800l. to Evert Jollyvett for so much similarly lent Dec. 2 inst.
365l. to Sir John Trevor for so much similarly lent Dec. 2 inst.
500l. to Sir John Turton for so much similarly lent Dec. 2 inst.
500l. to Sir Nicho. Lechmere for so much similarly lent Dec. 2 inst.
Money warrant for 1,125l. 11s. 3d. to Sir Leonard Robinson, without account: as in full of his extraordinary charges and expenses, and as reward for his and his clerks' pains and hazard in [procuring the] lending of 292,319l. into the Exchequer, viz. 279,012l. upon the Review of the Poll and 13,307l. on the Million Act over and above what he hath [already] been paid for. (Money order dated Dec. 8 hereon.) (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same out of loans to be made by said Robinson on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise.) Ibid, p. 147. Order Book IV, pp. 38, 41. Disposition Book XII, p. 10.
Dec. 8. Treasury warrant to the Excise Commissioners to allow to the owners, adventurers etc. of Great Yarmouth 160l. for one year to Sept. 29 last for the Excise of beer for the North Sea and Herring Fishery. Money Book XII, p. 148.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: l. s. d. Disposition Book XI, p. 9.
Out of 6,169l. 10s. 0d. of loans on the Review of the Poll; 728l. 3s. 10½d. of the complements of the Excise; 304l. 2s. 5d. of loans on the Million Act; 1,351l. 8s. 5d. of low wines; 846l. 15s.d. of the fourth quarter of the Poll: making 10,000l. in all.
to the Earl of Ranelagh in further part of 25,340l. 12s. 9d. for the week's subsistence to Oct. 4 last; there being already issued 13,299l. 14s. 3d. thereof 10,000 0 0
to ditto for the drummers for half a year: out of the 4th quarter of the Poll 50 0 0
to ditto for Arnold Cooper for a quarter on his pension; out of the same 18 5 0
to Mr. Fox for Sir Francis Compton: out of the same 200 0 0
to ditto in lieu of the like sum directed the 1st inst., supra, p. 408, to be issued to him out of loans on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise, to answer Elnathan Lumm's bill for the use of Sir Joseph Herne, upon account of the war: out of the second Twelve Months' Aid 1,000 0 0
to ditto for the Commissioners of the Transports in full for the freight and provisions for four Regiments of Foot sent to Ostend: out of the second Twelve Months' Aid 1,301 3 2
£12,569 3 2
Same to same to issue 1,504l. to the Earl of Ranelagh upon any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Forces: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Earl on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise: and to be to satisfy to Sir Joseph Herne and Sir Stephen Evance so much due for the exchange of 15,041l. remitted to the Duke of Savoy. (Same dated Dec. 19 to said Earl to so pay same to Evance and Herne, “and also to deliver them tallies upon the said revenues of Excise for the said sum of 15,041l.”) Ibid, pp. 9, 13.
Dec. 8. Henry Guy to Secretary Trenchard, The King has signified his pleasure to the Treasury Lords that the passes which have usually been given to poor Dutch seamen and soldiers for Harwich shall for the future be to Gravesend in order to their passage for Holland. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 172.
Same to Mr. Auditor Done, enclosing the petition [missing] of Edward Wyvell, executor of William Stokes, and Elizabeth Richards, executrix of William Richards, together with a state of their account prepared by you. My Lords desire you to despatch the said account. Ibid, p. 174.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Col. Tiffin concerning the 115l. charged as paid to his Regiment for subsistence money, whereas the same was laid out for fortifications at Ballyshannon. Ibid, p. 178.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 84.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, 30 Nov. last (made upon hearing by counsel the complaint of the inhabitants of Guernsey against the powers granted to William Hely, Register of Certificates in that island), referring it to the Lords of the Committee for Jersey and Guernsey to examine on Dec. 20 next and consider the Order of Council of Mar. 23 last granting to said Hely the powers complained of: at which time the Customs Commissioners are to attend and the Attorney and Solicitor General.
Treasury reference to the Navy Commissioners of the petition of several clerks of the Navy, shewing that their salaries do not exceed 100l. per an. and therefore praying some relief from the 4s. Aid. Reference Book VII, p. 16.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Richard Tregeare for an allowance for his extraordinary charges as Receiver of [various] Taxes and Polls for co. Cornwall. Ibid, p. 17.
Same to same of the like petition from Geo. Howells, Receiver for Glamorgan, Pembroke and Haverford West of the second Twelve Months' Aid and Quarterly Poll Ibid, p. 16.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Dorothy Penny, widow, praying the discharge of a bond given for Excise and a debt owing from a brewhouse of which she has possession. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the manor of Egham, with a view to a lease thereof to William Blathwayt for 99 years from the death of the Queen Dowager at a rent of—and fine of 571l. 1s. 11½d., in consideration of said Blathwayt's services. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, pp. 244–6.
Prefixing: report by S. Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, on said Blathwayt's petition for same. According to the certificate of Mr. Hewet, deputy to Auditor Aldworth, James I granted the premises in 1616 to Sir Fra. Bacon and others in trust for Prince Charles, who in 1629 conveyed it to the Earl of Holland et al. in trust for the late Queen Mother Henrietta Maria: that trust was transferred by Charles II to Trustees for the present Queen Dowager, with a further term of 43 years. In the combined terms there are 65 years yet to come. In Sir C. Harbord's ratal for Queen Katherine's jointure the premises are valued to her only at 64l. 5s.d. per an., being leased at that rental to John Thynn, esq. From Mr. Hewet's certificate it appears that the scite of the manor and the demesnes are parcelled out into 24 small farms under rents totalling 35l. 16s.d., besides 12 loads of hay to be delivered at Windsor and 20 loads of hay and 15 quarters of oats at Hampton Court. In the [Parliamentary] Survey of 1650 the demesnes were granted by as many distinct leases as now, and they, with the profits of Court, were valued at 617l. 7s. 7d. per an. over and above the reserve rents. The scite and all the other demesnes, except two small parcels in lease to said Thynn, were leased 1675, May 10, by the Queen Dowager to Sir Richard Powle for 40 years in reversion of several terms in being. I value the desired reversion of the reserved rents of 64l. 5s.d. per an. at 707l. 2s.d. (11 years' purchase); the manor and the two small parcels held by Mr. Thynn at 240l. (four years' purchase); the scite and nine of the said farms (404l. 16s. 2d. per an. value) at 879l. 10s. 4d.; and the remainder of the demesnes, consisting of 12 parcels (leased and valued at 152l. 11s. 7d. per an.) at 457l. 14s. 9d.: total ratal, 2,284l. 7s.d.
[? Dec. 8.] Entry of the Treasury Lords' signature of the docquet of an in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to William Shodbrook and John Shodbrook of several lands etc. in Stoodleigh, co. Devon: part of the lands of Arthur Broughton, outlaw: at the rent of 5s. per an. and fine of 10s. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 246.
Dec. 8. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the manor of West Ham, co. Essex, in order to a lease thereof to Geo. Booth, esq., for 99 years from the death of the Queen Dowager: on a fine of only 915l., by the King's express command. Ibid, pp. 248–9.
Prefixing: report by William Tayleur on said Booth's petition, ut supra, p. 112, for same. The manor as part of the Queen Dowager's jointure was valued to her at 167l. 7s.d. per an., being the sum of the quit rents and other rents reserved on the leases of the demiseable lands. I value the desired lease at 11 years' purchase or 1,837l. fine. The demesne lands are valued in the late Parliamentary Survey at 336l. per an. above the reserved rents and at five years' value are worth 1,680l. more and there is a parcel of wood ground called Hamfrith Wood with two cottages, not valued in the above estimate, which are leased at 13l. 7s. 9d. per an., which at 11 years' value comes to 143l., making the whole fine for the desired 99 years' term 3,660l.
Dec. 9. Warrant under the royal sign manual to Charles Fox to pay 58l. 6s. 0d. to William Smith, late Major to the Regiment of Foot commanded by Col. Zacharia Tiffin for the pay of himself as Major and Captain from [1690–1] Mar. 1, to [1691] April 22, and of [? him and] his servants to 1691, Oct. 31: notwithstanding his remaining respited on the musters of said Regiment for said time. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 298.
Dec. 9. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 500l. to Sir William Gregory in repayment of so much lent by him thereon the 2nd inst. Money Book XII, p. 144.
500l. to Sir Tho. Rokeby for the like.
500l. to Sir John Powell for the like.
500l. to Sir John Holt for the like.
500l. to Sir Edward Nevil for the like.
Money warrants for 189l. to Samuell Bradshaw, gent., for his extraordinary charges etc. as Receiver General in co. Derby of the second Twelve Months' Aid and Quarterly Poll. (Money orders dated Dec. 11 hereon.) Ibid, p. 148. Order Book IV, pp. 40, 45.
230l. 15s. 0d. to Charles Brawn for same as same for co. Somerset.
60l. to Tho. Richards for same as same for co. Herts of the Second Twelve Months' Aid.
250l. 13s. 0d. to Andr. Huddleston for same as same for cos. Cumberland and Westmorland for the first and second Twelve Months' Aid.
270l. to Thomas Trueman for same as same for cos. Notts and Leicester of the second Twelve Months' Aid and Quarterly Poll.
210l. to Edward Mitchell for same as same for co. Gloucester of the second Twelve Months' Aid.
88l. 16s. 0d. to Robert Chaplin for same as same for co. Suffolk of same.
144l. to Hugh Horton for same as same for co. Bucks of the second Twelve Months' Aid and Quarterly Poll.
Same for 466l. 15s. 8d. to the Agents for Taxes, to be by them immediately repaid into the Exchequer on Ralph Williamson's account as Receiver of the Review of the Poll for co. Yorks: same having by mistake been paid in on account of the Quarterly Poll. (Money order dated Dec. 13 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 149. Order Book IV, p. 43.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to report on (a) infra the names of persons fit to be Commissioners. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 173.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 7 inst., made on a report of the Committee for Trade and Plantations of same date, proposing that Commissioners be appointed in New England to examine upon oath all persons able to give evidence relating to the complaint of Jaleel Brenton, collector and surveyor of Customs in New England, against Sir William Phipps, Governor of Massachusetts Bay, and that their evidence with other the examinations already taken be forwarded to said Committee under the seal of the Province of Massachusetts Bay. The Treasury Board is hereby to present the names of such Commissioners.
Same to the Board of Greencloth, enclosing the petition [missing] of the Governor and Company of the New River, brought from Chadwell and Anwell to London, concerning an arrear of rent of 27l. per an. for water supplied to the Palace at St. James's: together with Sir Christopher Wren's report [missing] thereon. My Lords desire you to direct payment thereof. Ibid.
Dec. 11. Treasury warrant to Jo. Knight, Receiver General of Customs, to pay 92l. 7s. 9d. to John Ady and Henry Ballow, Deputy Chamberlains for joining tallies in the Exchequer, for their fee of 2s. per 1,000l. on tallies as follows (which Thomas Fox, late Customs Cashier, and said John Knight, present Customs Cashier, have been allowed in their accounts), viz.: l. s. d. Money Book XII, p. 149.
on Fox's account of the Coinage Duty to 1690, Sept. 29 4,122 2
on Fox's account and Knight's account of same to 1691, Sept. 29 5,322 3
on Knight's several accounts of the Customs and New Imposts for the year ended 1692, Sept. 29 914,478 1
£923,922 7
Same dormant to Jo[h]n Shales, auditor for co. Surrey, and John Evelyn, Receiver of Crown Revenues for same, for payment of the yearly stipend of 12l. to Gideon Harding, Vicar of Kingston upon Thames, payable in lieu of certain tithes heretofore payable for several lands taken and enclosed within New Park, near Richmond: and for payment of the arrears now due thereon. Ibid, p. 150.
Money warrant for 40l. to John Pottenger for one year to Sept. 29 last on his fee as Comptroller of the Pipe. Ibid, p. 151.
Same for 50l. to same as reward for pains in sending out all supers upon the accompts of the Receivers General of the taxes of all England in the summons of the Pipe twice yearly and also in drawing them down into the Great Roll in order to the issuing of process for levying the same. (Money order dated Dec. 18 hereon.) Ibid, p. 151. Order Book IV, p. 50.
Same for 273l. to George Stepney for three months, Sept. 8 last to Dec. 8 inst., on his ordinary as their Majesties' Agent in Germany. (Money order dated Dec. 12 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 151. Order Book IV, p. 42.
Treasury warrant to the Principal Commissioners for Prizes to pay Capt. Bartholomew Clements 50l. to enable him to discharge the obligation as follows: it appearing that said Clements, late Captain of their Majesties' ship New Africa, did about Aug., 1692, come with said ship into the island of Orcades in Scotland, and was there told by one Bayliff Graham that on condition he would secure him a gratuity of 100l. he would inform him where there lay at anchor a Danish and a Swedish vessel, both laden with lead and deals for France, and accordingly he agreed with Graham to pay him 50l. for such information if the said ships should prove prize; whereupon he sent Capt. Pedder, of their Majesties' ship Sweepstakes, with said Graham to Kester Sound, where they seized said ships and brought same to Great Yarmouth, and by order of the Admiralty delivered same to Thomas Clarke, Agent for Prizes in said port, and the papers being sent up to the Admiralty Court the ships were thereupon condemned as lawful prize and were sold by the Prizes Commissioners for upwards of 1,000l. (1,011l. 9s. 1d., over and above Clements' expended charge and the tonnage [bounty] appointed by their Majesties' Declaration): but on Clements' application for 50l. to discharge said promised reward, the Prizes Commissioners replied that they could not allow same without Treasury order. Money Book XII, pp. 152–3.