Entry Book: December 1693, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry Book: December 1693, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp421-433 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: December 1693, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp421-433.

"Entry Book: December 1693, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp421-433.


December 1693, 11–20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Dec. 11. Treasury warrant to Jo. Knight, Receiver General of Customs, to pay 92l. 7s. 9d. to John Ady and Henry Ballow, Deputy Chamberlains for joining tallies in the Exchequer, for their fee of 2s. per 1,000l. on tallies as follows (which Thomas Fox, late Customs Cashier, and said John Knight, present Customs Cashier, have been allowed in their accounts), viz.: l. s. d. Money Book XII, p. 149.
on Fox's account of the Coinage Duty to 1690, Sept. 29 4,122 2
on Fox's account and Knight's account of same to 1691, Sept. 29 5,322 3
on Knight's several accounts of the Customs and New Imposts for the year ended 1692, Sept. 29 914,478 1
£923,922 7
Same dormant to Jo[h]n Shales, auditor for co. Surrey, and John Evelyn, Receiver of Crown Revenues for same, for payment of the yearly stipend of 12l. to Gideon Harding, Vicar of Kingston upon Thames, payable in lieu of certain tithes heretofore payable for several lands taken and enclosed within New Park, near Richmond: and for payment of the arrears now due thereon. Ibid, p. 150.
Money warrant for 40l. to John Pottenger for one year to Sept. 29 last on his fee as Comptroller of the Pipe. Ibid, p. 151.
Same for 50l. to same as reward for pains in sending out all supers upon the accompts of the Receivers General of the taxes of all England in the summons of the Pipe twice yearly and also in drawing them down into the Great Roll in order to the issuing of process for levying the same. (Money order dated Dec. 18 hereon.) Ibid, p. 151. Order Book IV, p. 50.
Same for 273l. to George Stepney for three months, Sept. 8 last to Dec. 8 inst., on his ordinary as their Majesties' Agent in Germany. (Money order dated Dec. 12 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 151. Order Book IV, p. 42.
Treasury warrant to the Principal Commissioners for Prizes to pay Capt. Bartholomew Clements 50l. to enable him to discharge the obligation as follows: it appearing that said Clements, late Captain of their Majesties' ship New Africa, did about Aug., 1692, come with said ship into the island of Orcades in Scotland, and was there told by one Bayliff Graham that on condition he would secure him a gratuity of 100l. he would inform him where there lay at anchor a Danish and a Swedish vessel, both laden with lead and deals for France, and accordingly he agreed with Graham to pay him 50l. for such information if the said ships should prove prize; whereupon he sent Capt. Pedder, of their Majesties' ship Sweepstakes, with said Graham to Kester Sound, where they seized said ships and brought same to Great Yarmouth, and by order of the Admiralty delivered same to Thomas Clarke, Agent for Prizes in said port, and the papers being sent up to the Admiralty Court the ships were thereupon condemned as lawful prize and were sold by the Prizes Commissioners for upwards of 1,000l. (1,011l. 9s. 1d., over and above Clements' expended charge and the tonnage [bounty] appointed by their Majesties' Declaration): but on Clements' application for 50l. to discharge said promised reward, the Prizes Commissioners replied that they could not allow same without Treasury order. Money Book XII, pp. 152–3.
Dec. 11. Money warrant for 343l. 2s. 6d. to Thomas Felton and the executors of William Chiffinch for last Michaelmas quarter on their several fees as Masters of the Hawks. Money Book XII, p. 154.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 1,925l. 11s. 3d. to Sir Leonard Robinson in repayment of the like sum lent by him on credit thereof the 9th inst. Ibid, p. 144.
1,504l. to Sir Stephen in like repayment of the like loan.
250l. to Sir John Trenchard in like repayment of a like loan made the 8th inst.
500l. to Sir Robert Atkins in like repayment of a like loan made the 5th inst.
500l. to Sir John Powell in like repayment of a like loan.
65l. 10s. 0d. to Thomas Shirley in like repayment of a like loan made the 8th inst.
500l. to Sir Geo. Treby in like repayment of a like loan made the 5th inst.
40l. 13s. 4d. to Sir John Somers in like repayment of a like loan made the 9th inst.
[Henry Guy] to Mr. Duncombe [Cashier of Excise] to pay 250l. into the Exchequer of the moneys received by you for Excise before 1689, Lady day: “which was intended for a quarter's salary due to Richard Graham, esq., and formerly ordered to be kept in your hands.” Disposition Book XII, p. 10.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland, to pay 1,301l. 3s. 2d. to the Commissioners of the Transportation as in full for freight of four Regiments of Foot lately sent to Ostend. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 173.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Cashier to employ Stephen Hill as watchman in London port loco William Fells. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 70.
Treasury order to same to observe (a) infra. Ibid, p. 85.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the Privy Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 11 inst., granting leave to the ship Richards, Capt. William Ayles commander, 360 tons, 20 guns, 30 men, to sail to carry provisions for the Straits for their Majesties' squadron under Sir Francis Wheeler.
Dec. 11. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to insert the items of two small freehold tenements near Grimsby of 6l. per an. value erected on ground belonging to the Crown, in the particular which is ordered for a lease of certain lands at Stockwith, co. Lincoln: the said two houses, at a rental of 10l. per an., to be in trust for 31 years for Jane Madison, widow of Richard Madison, late of Grimsby, joiner, which said Richard died without heir at law. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, pp. 246–7.
Prefixing: (a) abstract of said Jane Madison's petition. (b) Report by S. Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, thereon. Petitioner is in such necessity as to take alms from the parish.
Dec. 12. Same to Sir Robert Cotton and Thomas Frankland, Postmasters General, to discharge Martha Dewberry, Richard Miles, senr., of Brickhill, blacksmith, and Thomas Peel of the same, victualler, from the debt of 83l. 7s. 8d. resting upon William Dewberry, late Deputy Postmaster of the stage of Brickhill, co. Bucks, he having served the said stage for 20 years and constantly maintained two servants and three horses for the performance thereof, which charge with his horses did for several years exceed his salary and he died wholly impoverished and his securities, said Miles and Peel, are wholly unable to pay the debt, the widow and her securities being in a very mean and low condition. Money Book XII, p. 153.
Money warrant for 100l. to Paul Jodrell, esq., for 10 years to June 24 last on his fee of 10l. a year as Clerk to the House of Commons. (Henry Guy dated Dec. 14 to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay same out of loans to be made by said Jodrell or by others at his nomination on the credit of the Excise.) Ibid, p. 155. Disposition Book XII, p. 12.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to pay 39l. 12s.d. to George Dunt, merchant, for their Majesties' part of a seizure of 13½ hundred weight of latin [latten] wire imported by him from Hamburg, which were landed by the inadvertency of a porter attending the cranes, “instead of another merchant's who had the like quantity of the same sort of goods,” and seized and prosecuted by Mr. White, a landwaiter, without Dunt's knowledge: the Customs Commissioners thinking that the said officer was too quick in taking the advantage thereof and should refund his share thereof also. Money Book XII, p. 156.
Treasury reference to same of the memorial of John Eason (Eaton), shewing that a parcel of lace was seized in his house by one Hall, a tidesurveyor; and praying re-delivery of same, it being for his own use and not for sale. Reference Book VII, p. 17.
Same to the Auditor for Wales of the petition of Sarah, Countess Dowager of Radnor, as referred to the Treasury by the King in Council Nov. 30 last; petitioner shewing that there was a warrant granted to her husband, the late Lord Bodmin, for the constableship of Carnarvon Castle, which place formerly belonged to her father, the fees being 10l. per an.; that for 11 years past the fees have never been received by any, but lie still in the hands of the Receivers of Crown Revenues for North Wales; therefore praying for said fees to be bestowed on her. Ibid.
Dec. 12. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant to James Saunderson, son of Visct. Castleton, of the office of steward and keeper of the courts of the manor and soke of Kirton in Lindsey, co. Lincoln, parcel of the Duchy of Cornwall, loco Nicholas Saunderson his brother, deceased: with the fee of 6l. 13s. 4d. per an., during pleasure. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 251.
Dec. 13. Royal sign manual for 250l. to John Latten as royal bounty: out of the like sum of Excise moneys to be paid into the Exchequer by the late Excise Commissioners or Charles Duncomb, their Cashier, being received by them before Lady day, 1689. (Money warrant dated Dec. 15 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 16 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 295. Money Book XII, p. 155. Order Book IV, p. 45.
Same for 500l. to Charles Bertie, without account: for 2 per cent. gratuity or reward for a loan of 50,000l. made in his name May 26 last to Nov. 26 last on credit of the three fourths of the Customs: to be by him distributed to the assignees upon the orders [for repayment] of the said loan. (Money warrant dated Dec. 15 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 20 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 295. Money Book XII, p. 155. Order Book IV, p. 47.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 750l. to Sir John Trevor in repayment of the like loan made by him thereon the 9th inst. Money Book XII, p. 144.
750l. to Sir William Rawlinson in like repayment of the like loan.
750l. to Sir George Hutchins in like repayment of the like loan.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 8,000l. to Edward Russell on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy for the service of the Navy and Victualling: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Russell on credit of the 400,000l. voted by the House of Commons: and to be paid to the Victualling Commissioners to answer the credit given by Sir Joseph Herne and Sir Stephen Evance for victualling for Cadiz. Disposition Book XII, p. 10.
[?] Same to same to pay John Knight the 820l. 10s. 5d. ut supra, p. 407, out of any moneys of the fourth part of the Customs in the Exchequer. Ibid.
Dec. 13. Same to Mr. Fox, enclosing a letter [missing] from Major William Smith, late of Col. Tiffin's Regiment. You are to consider his case before you pay any more money to said Colonel. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 173.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account [missing] of money paid by the Treasurer of the Navy for ships etc. between the 1st and 7th inst. Ibid, p. 174.
Same to Serjeant Wogan to report on the enclosed informations upon oath of undue practices in abatement of the assessments to the several Aids therein mentioned within co. Pembroke. Ibid.
(In the margin: memorandum dated 1693–4, Mar. 22. This letter was altered and a new one written to Mr. Gibbs)
Dec. 13. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners, enclosing an abstract [missing] of a particular of certain sandy and oozy ground in and near Plymouth which are found to belong to the Crown. You are to enquire of the Navy officers there whether same may not be useful for the enlarging the port, making docks, building store houses etc. or for the use of the Victuallers. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 174.
Treasury reference to Sir Christopher Wren of the petition of Capt. Studholme, praying an imprest of 500l. towards making of the way between Kensington and Chelsea. Reference Book VII, p. 17.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the proposed heads for a charter of incorporation of Sir Mathew Dudley and others for the working of copper mines and other minerals and for divers commodities found in New England; as reported on by the Attorney General and as referred to the Treasury Lords by the Privy Council Oct. 5 last. We have heard all parties. Sir Henry Ashurst and other agents appeared for the inhabitants of New England and desired that the said inhabitants may be first made acquainted with these proposals for a charter. Being informed that a return may come from them in six months' time, we advise the deferring this grant till it has been first communicated to the Government and Council there, rather than, for want of it, to pass a grant that may prove to be uneasy and give great dissatisfaction to those Plantations. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 247.
Dec. 14. Money warrant for 5,508l. 10s. 2d. to Edward Brewster, Gilham Hills and Dorothy Newcomb as in full for printing Acts of Parliament, Proclamations, Forms of Prayer, speeches and other things by them delivered to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop of London and other public officers and for stationery wares delivered for the service of the Parliament up to May 10 last: 2,700l. hereof to be satisfied by tallies on the fourth of the Customs and 2,808l. 10s. 2d. out of loans to be made by Edward Dorrell, gent., on the revenue of the Post Office. (Money order dated Dec. 15 hereon.) (Henry Guy to Mr. Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay same by 100l. a week, beginning from this week.) Money Book XII, pp. 154–5. Order Book IV, p. 42. Disposition Book XII, p. 13.
Appending: abstract of said printers' account: l. s. d.
Archbishop of Canterbury 1,707 15 0
Bishop of London 11 12 6
Treasury Lords 1,163 14 8
Lords of the Great Seal 56 10 0
Lords of the Privy Council 229 18 10
Secretary the Earl of Nottingham 250 11 10
Secretary Visct. Sidney 166 13 7
Commissioners of the Privy Seal 4 14 0
Lord Privy Seal 7 12 0
Lord Chief Justice of the King's Bench 12 6 0
Lord Chief Justice of Common Pleas 12 6 0
Lord Chief Baron 12 6 0
War Office 237 19 0
Clerk of the House of Peers 475 8 10
Speaker of the House of Commons 65 11 9
Serjeant at Arms of the House of Commons 337 9 11
Attorney General 44 3 6
Solicitor General 49 4 0
Master of the Rolls 14 3 6
Crown Office 169 16 2
Hanaper Office 21 8 6
£5,508 10 2
Dec. 14. Henry Guy to Mr. Doddington. My Lords are informed that there is 1,761l. 2s. 6d. in your hands of the moneys arisen by their Majesties' third of the prizes taken by the Navy. You are to pay same to the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded for the relief of sick and wounded mariners and seamen and the widows, children and impotent parents of persons slain in the service. Disposition Book XII, p. 11.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue to Mr. Pottinger the 90l. ut supra, p. 421, out of sheriffs' proffers. Ibid.
Same to same to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: l. Ibid.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Yards: out of loans on the new [400,000l.] credit 6,000
to ditto for Mr. Barrett's ship: out of same 1,900
to ditto for the Victualling Commissioners: out of same 20,000
to ditto for Sick and Wounded, out of the Navy proportion: out of same 1,200
to ditto for Sick and Wounded, out of the Victuallers' proportion: out of same 800
to Mr. Fox for the Commissioners of the Transports in part of 2,250l. 17s. 11½d. for the charge of the transportation of four Regiments of English Foot and 100 soldiers of Col. Tiffin's Regiment from hence to Ostend: out of loans on the Review of the Poll 1,000
to the Earl of Ranelagh for recruit money for 900 men detached from the Regiments in England for Flanders at 40s. a man: to wit 1,340l. out of loans on the Review of the Poll; 364l. 15s. 8d. out of the second Twelve Months' Aid: 95l. 4s. 4d. out of the 21d. per barrel 1,800
Same to same to issue as follows: out of Tenths and out of the new duties on coffee and tea: l. s. d. Ibid, p. 12.
to Mr. Mansell's executors 50 0 0
to Col. Maurice Kingwell as royal bounty 20 0 0
to Ann Goodman as same 30 0 0
to Barbarah Roach as same 10 0 0
to Martha Simpson as same 10 0 0
to Ann Fitzharrey for herself and children 26 0 0
to me [Guy] for secret service, 50l. and 220l. 14s. 9d. 270 14 9
£416 14 9
Dec. 14. Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to pay the 1,761l. 2s. 6d., ut supra, p. 426, in the hands of the Navy Treasurer to the Commissioners of Sick and Wounded for purposes ut ibid., pursuant to the Act of Parliament in that behalf. (“There was enclosed in the above letter a memorandum of the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded.”) Disposition Book XII, p. 12.
Same to Mr. Blathwayt to write to the Governor of Pendennis Castle to permit Sir Peter Killigrew or workmen to view said castle and the house and edifices in the same, to estimate the yearly value and to see the present condition of the repairs. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 175.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of John Gore, Receiver General for the Quarterly Poll for co. Northampton, praying an allowance for his extraordinary charges in his receipt. Reference Book VII, p. 17.
Same to same of the like petition of David Williams, Receiver General for cos. Denbigh, Flint, Montgomery and Carmarthen, for the Aids in 1690 and 1691. Ibid.
Dec. 15. Royal sign manual for the following payments, viz.: l. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 296. Money Book XII, p. 155. Order Book IV, p. 46.
20l. to Kingwell; 30l. to Goodman; 10l. each to Roach and Simpson; 26l. to Fitzharrey, ut supra 96
to John Clayton, Nicholas Vaughan and Robert Farish in reward under the Proclamation of 1692, Sept. 13, for discovering and apprehending Robert Wright for robbery committed by them on the highway at Islington 1692, Dec. 5, as certified by Justice Gregory and Baron Turton 40
(Money warrant dated Dec. 15 hereon.) (Money order dated Dec. 19 hereon.)
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 1,500l. to William D'Nassau in repayment of so much lent by him thereon the 13th inst. Money Book XII, p. 144.
400l. to Aaron Smith in like repayment of a like loan made the 12th inst.
955l. to Paul Bowyer in like repayment of a like loan made the 13th inst.
150l. to Sir John Trevor in like repayment of a like loan made the 14th inst.
35l. to Sir Thomas Trevor in like repayment of a like loan made the 11th inst.
Dec. 15. Treasury warrant dormant to John Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay the fee or salary of 15l. 6s. 8d. per an. to William Veal, gent., Comptroller of Sandwich port. Money Book XII, p. 156.
Money warrant for 50l. to the executors of Charles Mansell, ut supra, p. 426, for 1690, June 24 quarter, on his pension. Ibid, p. 157.
Henry Guy to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Phillip Dowty, esq., late a Capt. in Col. Richard Hamilton's Regiment of Horse, concerning what is due to him for his own pay and for clothing and other disbursements for his Troop. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 174.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Mris. Maria Williamira Manley, widow of William Manley, ut supra, p. 5, said petition being referred by the King [in Council] Dec. 8 last to the Treasury and by the Treasury to Auditor Aldworth. We submit Aldworth's report [missing] thereon. We also referred the case to the Navy Commissioners and to Sir John Parsons, one of the Commissioners of the Victualling at the time of your Majesty's landing in the West. They cannot find that any money was paid to said Manley or to Mr. Martyn, by whom he was employed, for the said provisions. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 249.
Royal warrant to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to discharge Elnathan Lum, gent., late Deputy Receiver and Paymaster of the Revenue, Ireland, of the sum of 524l. 8s. 7d. in any account in which the same appears: it being the sum for which Visct. Sidney stands engaged to him for poundage and hospital deduction on various sums paid by said Lum to said Visct. Sidney on account of his entertainment as late Lieutenant General of Ireland and upon his allowance relating to the wool licences: it being the King's pleasure that said Visct. shall not be liable to the payment of the said poundage or deduction: all to the end that said Viscount's engagements to said Lum for said sum may be released. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 370.
Dec. 18. Treasury warrant to Philip Ryley, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South, to pay to Admiral Edward Russell the balance of moneys raised out of the wood sales in Dean Forest as by the privy seal of the 14th inst., supra, p. 412. Money Book XII, pp. 157–8.
Same to Brook Bridges and Thomas Done, Auditors of Imprests, to allow to John Knight, Customs Cashier, in his account of the Customs, the following sums paid by him to divers lenders for 2 per cent. gratuity for forbearance of their loans, viz.: 2l. 5s.d. to Barbara Franklyn; 11s.d. to Mary Duriez; 4l. 5s. 11½d. to Anthony Sturt as assignee of Edward Russell; 23l. 9s. 2d. to Sir John Read, bart.; 6l. 17s. 9d. to Joseph Jory as assignee of Edward Russell; 73l. 2s.d. to Godfrey Webster as assignee of Charles Fox; 19l. 5s. 10d. to Hugh Squier, esq.; 51l. 18s. 4d. to Robert Fowles; 12l. 0s.d. and 12l. 0s.d. to Samuel Cooke; 9l. 4s. 7d. to Sir William Bowyer as assignee of Robert Roberts; 5l. 5s. 5d. to Thomas Hancock; 4l. 15s. 3d. to Samuel Gerrard; 3l. 12s. 3d. to Thomas Stoakes; 13l. 12s.d. to Alexander de Bonnoux; 11l. 8s. 5d. to Thomas Felton; 14l. 3s.d. to Richard Dalton; 14l. 13s.d. to John Harwood; 8l. 9s. 2d. to Anne Crisp; 47l. 9s.d. to James Eyton; 127l. 15s.d. to Sir Leonard Robinson; 27l. 17s.d. to William Wallis; 113l. 5s. 8d. to ditto as assignee of Charles Fox; 31l. 6s.d. to James Oades; 46l. 14s.d. to Whitfeild Hayter; 5l. 13s.d. to John Longland (total, 691l. 4s.d.). Ibid, p. 158.
Dec. 18. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 546l. to George Stepney in repayment of so much lent by him thereon the 14th inst. Money Book XII, p. 144.
Henry Guy to the Duke of Schomberg, enclosing the petition [missing] of Henry Powell of Hampton Court concerning a debt of 82l. 9s. 2d. due to him for maintaining several horses of your Regiment in 1691 and 10l. due to the farrier for same: with Mr. Fox's report thereon. Please order these to be paid out of the first money that shall come to the Regiment. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 175.
Same to Auditor Bridges, enclosing a copy [missing] of Israell Feilding's answer to your report on his accounts. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing an account of the Navy Commissioners of money received and paid by the Navy Treasurer for wages etc. between Nov. 23 and 30 last. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. John Johnson of Col. Tiffin's Regiment, concerning a respite of 136l. 10s. 0d. on his pay. Ibid, p. 178.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 85.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, the 14th inst. (made on a memorial from the Admiralty Lords) that in order to the more timely manning of the Fleet an embargo be laid on all ships and vessels until such time as the Fleet shall be ready to proceed to sea: excepting such ships and vessels as are already permitted to go on trading voyages and those which shall trade to Holland, Flanders, Hamburg, the East Country, Ireland and Newfoundland: and that so soon as the Fleet is at sea the said embargo be taken off.
Same to same to observe (a) infra. Ibid, p. 86.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the Queen in Council, dated Whitehall, Sept. 28 last (made on a report of Sept. 18 from the Committee for Trade and Plantations), that the Royal Africa Company be permitted to send out on their next year's trade eight ships with 200 men, viz. the Fauconberg, Capt. Thos. Buttram, 40 English seamen; Guinee galley, 18 men; Coaster, 28 men; John Bonadventure, 30 men; one large ship, 40 men; a ditto, 36 men; a small ship, 8 men: a ditto, 8 men.
Dec. 18. Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 86.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 14 (on a report from the Committee for Trade and Plantations), that the embargo be taken off the Don Carlos, Thomas Thompson master, 250 tons: Granada, Charles Keeble master, 250 tons, and from all other ships that shall be ready to sail from London and the outports for Cadiz and other ports of Spain before the 31st inst. And further that the Customs Commissioners do after Dec. 31 return a list of all ships so cleared to Spain before that date.
Same to same to observe (a) infra. Ibid, p. 87.
Prefixing: (a) a like order, dated Dec. 7 inst., for the Concord of Bristol, John White master, 60 tons, five men, and the Flying Horse of Bristol, 60 tons, William Levingston master, five men, to be put on the Plantation list in place of the Leopard, which was allowed 10 men and entered out for Barbados, but which by particular Order of Council of Nov. 30 last was permitted to proceed to the Straits, whereby there are 10 men less on the Plantation list.
Same to same to observe (a) infra. Ibid, pp. 87–8.
Prefixing: (a) a like order (made upon a report from the Committee of Trade and Plantations) for granting leave to sail to the following list of ships according to the distribution made by the Customs Commissioners of 842 seamen to go from the outports to the Plantations, excepting only the Leopard, Rice Jeffreys commander, 10 English seamen, from Bristol to Barbados, for which substitution is provided as above. And further that 200 English seamen out of 800 allowed by the like distribution from London port for the trade of Virginia and Maryland be distributed by the Customs Commissioners as they think fit amongst the merchants of London to be sent out upon the trades to the Sugar Plantations, so as to be ready to go with the convoys appointed for “those trades.”
Appending: said list. Newcastle port, 2 ships, 13 men; Portsmouth, 1 ship, 24 men; Poole, 5 ships, 30 men: Lyme, 2 ships, 18 men; Milford, 1 ship, 5 men; Weymouth, 3 ships, 10 men; Plymouth, 10 ships, 74 men; Dartmouth, 7 ships, 38 men; Bideford, 10 ships, 67 men; Bristol, 38 ships, 305 men; Yarmouth, 1 ship, 10 men; Hull, 1 ship, 15 men; Stockton, 1 ship, 5 men; Whitehaven, 12 ships, 87 men; Lancaster, 5 ships, 24 men; Chester, 2 ships, 10 men; Liverpool, 22 ships, 98 men; Beaumaris, 2 ships, 9 men; total, 842 men.
Treasury reference to the Auditor of Wales of the petition of Fra. Phillips, widow of Capt. Thomas Phillips, shewing that her husband died in the service, leaving her with five children unprovided for; that Charles II granted to Hartgill Baron an annuity of 200l. out of the revenue of Wales, which [annuity] expired at Michaelmas, 1692; therefore praying a grant thereof for 21 years for the maintenance of her and her children. Reference Book VII, p. 18.
Dec. 18. Treasury reference to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of John Kent for the next vacant collector's place. My Lords recommend him for employment. Reference Book VII, p. 18
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the demesne lands of the manor of Portland, co. Dorset, in order to a lease thereof to Geo. Stillingfleet, steward of the Island of Portland, for 31 years at the ancient rent of 10l. per an. and fine of 500l. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 250.
Prefixing: (a) note of said Stillingfleet's petition; (b) report thereon by S. Travers, Surveyor General of Crown Lands. The premises were granted inter al. to Henry Seymour 2 Oct., 1664, for a term which expired at Michaelmas last, at the ancient rent of 10l. per an. and 20l. per an. de incremento. This grant was assigned to William Loveing 10 June, 1669, and by Loveing to John Strong 26 Mar., 1670, who in August last conveyed to John Toby. On Nov. 17 last I reported on Toby's petition of Sept. 11 last, and therein rated a new lease at 300l. fine if with rents of 10l. and 20l. and at 500l. if with the ancient 10l. rent only. A grant to Stillingfleet seems to me to be in prejudice to the assignee of the last tenant, who was also the first petitioner for a new lease.
The Treasury Lords to the Lords Justices, Ireland. We have laid before the King yours of the 2nd inst., with a petition of the Judges of the Court of King's Bench, Common Pleas and Exchequer, Ireland, praying an addition to their salaries. It is the King's pleasure that when the revenue of Ireland is able to bear it he will agree to the addition of 200l. per an. each, which you desire for the said Judges, “and that the same shall commence from such time as your Excellencies shall think reasonable and advise.” Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 373.
Dec. 19.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 1,116l. 13s. 4d. to Paul Bowyer in repayment of so much lent by him the 18th inst. on credit thereof. Money Book XII, p. 144.
Henry Guy to Mr. Blathwaite to procure a royal warrant to authorise the Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland to pay 1,000l. to the Commissioners of Transports on account. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 175.
Same to same to procure a same to authorise same to pay 1,000l. to Sir Joseph Herne to answer a bill of exchange drawn by the Lords Justices of Ireland Aug. 23 last. Ibid, p. 176.
Treasury reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Caroletta Hastings, praying a lease for 99 years of the manors of Barton, Barrow and Gouxhill, co. Lincoln, of the value of 120l. per an.: in reversion of the Queen Dowager. Reference Book VII, p. 18.
Dec. 19. Royal warrant to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to renew the licence to [Edward Hoare of Kinsale], the Agent of the Victualling [in those parts], for the cutting pipe and hogshead staves in the King's woods in those parts and to cut into staves the timber already felled: on the representation of the Victualling Commissioners, England, that said Hoare, their agent, being in great want of cash for the supply of ships of war obtained licence from the late Lieutenant of Ireland for felling and cutting such timber, the renewal of which licences you the present Lords Justices have not thought fit to grant without an order from England. You are to renew same as above forasmuch as there is an absolute necessity for the said commodity for victualling the ships of war and it is very dear and scarce to be had, being double the price they were formerly. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 371.
Same to same to direct payment of 145l. 17s. 0d. to Eliz. Caldwell for several barrels of gunpowder which she bought of James Kennedy at Dublin in Dec., 1688, and sent to Enniskillen, where it was afterwards made use of in the King's service: being 97l. 4s. 6d. for the gunpowder and 48l. 12s. 6d. for interest thereon to the 2nd inst. Ibid, p. 375.
Dec. 20. Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal to order the Navy Commissioners to forthwith sell to the best advantage the ships Antelope and Guernsey and the several stores as in the schedule [missing] hereto annexed, which upon a survey have been found unuseful for the Navy: and to pay the proceeds to the Treasurer of the Navy upon account. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 307.
Additional establishment under the King's sign manual for an adjutant to the Troop of Dutch Horse Guards, viz. 7s. per diem or 127l. 15s. 0d. per annum: to date from 1692–3, Jan. 1. Ibid, p. 429.
Establishment under the King's sign manual, dated Whitehall, for 10s. a day or 182l. 10s. 0d. per an. for the Governor of Londonderry: to date from 1691–2, Mar. 7. (In the margin: Sir Matthew Bridges, Governor of Londonderry.) Ibid, XVIII, p. 95.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal for a grant and restitution to Arthur Turnor of the Middle Temple of the goods, chattels etc. forfeited by him by his late conviction for killing Joseph Loftus. Ibid. XVII, p. 297.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of pro on the Letter Office revenue for 2,808l. 10s. 2d. to Edward Darell, gent., in repayment of so much lent by him thereon the 16th inst. Money Book XII, p. 159.
Money warrant for 158l. 9s.d. to the Agents for Taxes: to be immediately repaid into the Exchequer upon Edward Bromfeild's account as Receiver General of the 4s. Aid for co. Sussex; same being an overpayment on his account of the Quarterly Poll for said county. (Money order dated Jan. 9 hereon.) Ibid, p. 159. Order Book IV, p. 54.
Dec. 20. Money warrant for 1,500l. to William Smith, Receiver and Paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners: for 1692, Christmas quarter, to said Band. (Money order dated Dec. 20 hereon.) (Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same out of loans to be made by said Smith or by any others at his nomination on credit of the Hereditary and Temporary Excise.) Money Book XII, p. 160. Order Book IV, p. 47. Disposition Book XII, p. 14.
Treasury warrant to the Postmasters General to pay off the abovesaid 2,808l. 10s. 2d. to Edward Darell with 6 per cent. interest as the Post Office revenue shall come in, from and immediately after the expiration of the weekly payments now charged thereon for the Works and Gardens. Money Book XII, p. 160.
Money warrant for 17,250l. to Edward Nicholas, esq., Treasurer to the Queen, to complete the 57,250l. directed for her by the privy seal of April 29 last, supra, pp. 173–4. (Money order dated Dec. 22 hereon.) Ibid, p. 160. Order Book IV, p. 47.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies on the Hereditary and Temporary Excise for 189l. to John Kinvyn in repayment of so much lent by him thereon the 19th inst. Money Book XII, p. 144.
Henry Guy to the Navy Commissioners to satisfy (out of money raised on the tallies lately levied on the credit of the Million Act and put into the hands of the Navy Treasurer for the head of wages) so much as is now in arrear of the 2,000l. a week for recalls. Disposition Book XII, p. 13.
Royal warrant to the Lords Justices, Ireland, to direct payment of 696l. 11s. 0d. to Sir Charles Porter (Chancellor of Ireland) and Sir Cyrell Wych (one of the Lords Justices): it appearing by certificate of William Palmer, Deputy Clerk of the Privy Council, Ireland, that they were sworn in as Justices of that kingdom July 4 last and remained in the execution of that government to the 28th of the same month: being 433l. 11s. 0d. for 24 days at 18l. 1s.d. per diem (the entertainment of the Chief Governor of Ireland) and 263l. for the same proportion of the Chief Governor's 4,000l. per an. in lieu of wool licences: as certified by Elnathan Lumm, late Deputy to the Receivers General of the Revenue, Ireland. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 372.