Entry Book: March 1693, 6-10

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry Book: March 1693, 6-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp82-90 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1693, 6-10', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp82-90.

"Entry Book: March 1693, 6-10". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp82-90.


March 1693, 6–10

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
1692–3. Mar. 6. Royal warrant to the Postmasters General to carry free all single inland letters of the Members of either House of Parliament during sessions of Parliament and 40 days before and 40 days after until the King's further pleasure be known and notwithstanding the King's order of Mar. 4 inst., supra, p. 79: this freedom having been allowed by Charles II and James II. In order to prevent “abuses formerly practised by divers persons who, though they were not Members yet presumed to endorse the names of Members of Parliament on their letters, we do expect each Member of both Houses do write his name and give the impression of his seal such as he will put upon his letters in a book to be provided by you for that purpose.” King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 62.
Mar. 6. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 38,700l. to Francis, Visct. Newport, on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Cofferer of the Household; for the service of the Household: to be issued out of loans to be made by Mr. Lancelot Burton on credit of the three fourths of the Customs. Disposition Book XI, p. 106.
Same to same to issue as follows the 575l. which Mr. Duncomb is this day directed to pay into the Exchequer out of the Hereditary Excise and Temporary Excise, viz.: l. Ibid.
to Lord Villiers 200
to Earl of Derby for the ministers in the Isle of Man 75
to Mr. Eckhart's Secretary 100
to me [Guy] for secret service 200
(Same to said Duncomb to pay said 575l. into the Receipt.)
Same to same to issue 12,300l. to John Richards on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office: to be issued out of loans to be made by said Richards on credit of the three fourths of the Customs. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Westmorland. I have spoken with Mr. Lowndes in your business. He tells me the whole debt, about 70,000l., is not to be granted to you and that a grant of so much as can be charged on the estate of Bence implies a grant of the whole whereunto it (as well as other estates not intended to be granted) is liable. He thinks a schedule should be made of Bence's estate if inquisitions cannot readily be taken, and a grant and confirmation thereof be made to exonerate the same against the whole debt. Please speak with him about it this afternoon at the Treasury. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 11.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite, enclosing a petition [missing] of Fr. Roberts et al. against Mr. Corbet's patent for coining copper farthings. The King declared his pleasure to my Lords last Saturday to hear the matter in Council on Thursday next. Give notice to the parties concerned. Ibid, p. 13.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Capt. John Hawkins for payment of 141l. 17s. 11¾d. stated by the Commissioners of Accounts in Ireland as due to him. Ibid, p. 14.
Same to Mr. Blathwaite to procure a royal warrant to direct Mr. Fox to deduct 1s. [a day] out of the established pay of each non commissioned officer and private trooper of several Regiments and Troops of Horse [in Ireland] for the time it shall appear by the muster rolls that they continued unmounted. Ibid, p. 16.
Same to same to procure a same to authorise said Mr. Fox in making out the debentures for Lord Galway's Regiment of Horse to allow the additional Troop complete for the month of May, 1690, according to the establishment, notwithstanding the absence of a muster taken thereof for said month: the same being found complete in the June muster following. Ibid.
Mar. 6. Treasury reference to William Robinson of the memorial of Brigadier Churchill, praying that the cheques [deductions] upon his Regiment when under Mr. Fox's pay may only be charged at the rate of 6d. per day each man, for otherwise his officers will be charged with such a debt that their pay cannot bear. Reference Book VI, p. 454.
Same to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Thomas Mathews for an allowance of 202l. 3s. 4d. and 120l. 6s. 8d. for his extraordinary charges in his receipts of respectively the second Twelve Months' Aid and the Quarterly Poll for co. Hereford. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Capt. Griffith Bowen, shewing that he is suspended of being collector of Padstow in Cornwall for not staving some French wine according to the Customs Commissioners' order, which the rabble there would not allow of, saying it was her (his) Majesty's gift to the country: therefore praying to be restored or for some employment in the Customs in Ireland. Ibid.
Same to Sir Christopher Wrenn of the petition of Jo[h]n Cocke for 22l. 6s. 10d. due to him for plumber's work done for four years past about the pipes of St. James's House. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Tailer of the petition of Col. Ferdinando Hastings for extension of his term in an old inn and stable yard called the Unicorne and 11 other small tenements in the parish of St. James's. Ibid.
Mar. 7. Money warrant for 75l. to the Earl of Derby, Thomas Cholmondley and William Bankes for three quarters to Christmas last on the pension for the poor ministers in the Isle of Man. Money Book XII, p. 35b.
Same for 10,000l. to John Richards, gent., as imprest for wages, bills and other allowances payable in the Office of the Treasurer of the Chamber: as in part of the privy seal of Feb. 16 last, supra, p. 31. (Money order dated Mar. 19 hereon.) Ibid, p. 35b. Order Book III, p. 352.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to permit Mr. Warr to re-ship for Spain a box of chocolate sent to him as a present from Spain, the Customs whereon amounts to what it can be bought for. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 14.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Mary Stedman for the subsistence due to her husband as Lieut. in Col. Foulk's Regiment of Foot. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Starke for leave to unlade in Ireland his ship Spencer, 250 tons, bound from Virginia to England, which, after waiting three months in Ireland in the Lough of Carrickfergus, was on the 15th of last month driven on to the sand by a storm, whereby her lading must have received damage. Reference Book VI, p. 455.
Mar. 7. Treasury reference to Mr. Tailer of the petition of William, Earl of Devon, for a lease of the house wherein the Duchess of Mazarin now liveth. Reference Book VI, p. 455.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Anne Newton, praying to be discharged the 57l. 1s.d. due from her late husband, George Newton, formerly collector of Excise in Wales, she being very poor and having four children. Ibid.
Mar. 8. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a commission to George Twistleton and 26 others [part thereof as in the Act 4 Wm. and Mary, c. 1] to be Commissioners for the 4s. Aid for co. Carnarvon: all by reason that the King is given to understand that there is not a sufficient number of persons nominated in the said Act capable to be Commissioners in the said county according to the qualifications in said Act and in such case the King is therein empowered to issue a commission as herein. King's Warrant Book XVII, pp. 67–8.
Same to same for like commission to 25 persons detailed to be Commissioners for same in co. Anglesea and to 28 persons detailed to be same for co. Merioneth. Ibid, p. 69.
Same to John Richards, gent., to pay 200l. to William Fermain, gent., barber in ordinary to the King's person, in full satisfaction to 1693, Lady day, for his expenses in providing cases of instruments, looking glasses, combs, razors, wash balls and other things for his said service since the King's accession: and thenceforward to pay him 170l. per an. for providing all trimming necessaries for the King, linen excepted. Ibid, p. 70.
Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Ralph Cooke of Grays Inn, esq., of the debts of 10,602l. 6s. 9d. owing to James II (and so to the present King) by Thomas Price, then of London, goldsmith (being sums received by him from John Price, then Receiver General of the Revenue in Ireland), and of all the estate of the said Thomas Price, which has found by inquisition and seized into the King's hands as cover for the said debt. Ibid, pp. 74–7.
[This warrant recites a second debt owing by said Price to the King: viz. 4,203l. 17s. 0d. which was put into his hands by Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces under James II, for which sum part of said Price's estate was extended in Fox's aid: and the said Fox made or agreed to make an assignment to James II of the said debt and of his interest in the said extent. The present warrant does not specifically grant this debt to Cooke, possibly by a clerical slip, but it appears to cover it in the following words: “and all our right and interest whatsoever either in law or equity of, in or to the said several sums and either of them or any part or parcel thereof.” The reason of this indefiniteness, if it be not a clerical slip, is probably that the present grant is of Price's estate, which was cover for both debts, but as Fox's conveyance of his interest in the second debt is left uncertain only the first named debt is clearly conveyed in the intended grant.]
Mar. 8. Royal warrant to the Earl of Ranelagh to pay (out of Army contingencies) 1,000l. to William Blathwayt, Secretary at War, whom the King has appointed “to attend our royal person in our expedition to the Low Countries”: same to be for providing horses, carriages and other necessaries for himself and his office and for other extraordinary and incident charges in the said service. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 100.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Moses De Vaulx, secretary to Mr. Eckhart, late Resident at Brussels, in consideration of his services and expenses in taking care of our affairs there from the time of said Eckhart's death to the arrival of Mr. Wolseley, present Envoy Extraordinary there. (Money warrant dated Mar. 13 hereon.) (Money order dated Mar. 14 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 36. Order Book III, p. 357.
Henry Guy to the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded to accept and pay a bill drawn by Mr. Kirke, their Majesties' Consul at Genoa, upon the Navy Commissioners for 95l. payable to John Lugg, “which sum he disbursed by his Majesty's order in the relief of 70 poor seamen taken in Capt. Mathews' ship that came from Marseilles to Genoa in order to be sent for England.” Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 14.
Mar. 9. Treasury warrant to the Navy Commissioners to apply as follows the 18,000l. directed infra, p. 87, to be issued to the Navy Treasurer: viz. 6,000l. for wages; 4,000l. for wear and tear and 8,000l. for Victualling. Money Book XII, p. 22.
William Lownds (in the absence of Mr. Guy) to the Excise Commissioners to pay into the Exchequer to-day 400l. upon the Additional Excise granted [by 3 Wm. and Mary, c. 1] for the year ended Nov. 17 last. Disposition Book XI, p. 107.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: l. s. d. Ibid.
Out of 33,800l. of contributions [on survivorships]; 1,100l. of low wines; 1,679l. 17s. 11d. of loans on the 4s. Aid: making 36,579l. 17s. 11d. in all.
to the Earl of Ranelagh for a week's subsistence for the Forces here and in Flanders, including the Train of Artillery and the several additions lately made 22,525 17 7
to ditto for the gunners in the several garrisons in further part of their arrear 107 18 4
to ditto for Sir Joseph Herne to answer his bills given for the Hanover Troops 1,208 6 8
to ditto for additional subsistence to the Earl of Oxford's Regiment 650 19 4
to ditto for the families of Lord Galway's Regiment 50 0 0
to ditto for the General Officers in further part of their clearings to Dec. 31 last 1,000 0 0
to ditto for Monsieur La Motte, Col. and First Capt. of the Miners: on his allowance of 1,000l. per an. 500 0 0
to ditto for the Baron de Neuvile on his allowance of 8s. a day to Dec. 31 last 36 16 0
to ditto upon account of the officers' pay of the Hospitals 500 0 0
to ditto upon account of bread and forage for the Hanover Troops 4,000 0 0
to ditto for same to the other Forces 6,000 0 0
Out of loans on the 4s. Aid.
to Mr. Fox for a week's subsistence to the Regiments of Hamilton, La Melonier, Du Cambon and Belcastle 939 14 4
to ditto for 14 days' subsistence for Lord Strathnaver's and Sir James Moncreif's Regiments now raising in Scotland 703 18 4
to ditto for Sir Joseph Hern in full of 10,000l. advance to the Danes 2,000 0 0
£40,223 10 7
Mar. 9. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of loans [on the Exchequer] in general, viz.: l. s. d. Disposition Book XI, p. 108.
to the Cofferer of the Household 3,000 0 0
to Mr. Richards for [the Office of] the Treasurer of the Chamber 2,500 0 0
to the Master of the Horse towards buying horses 625 0 0
to ditto for his salary to 1692, Christmas 66 13 4
£6,191 13 4
Same to same to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: l. Ibid.
Out of loans on the 4s. Aid.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for wages 6,000
to ditto for wear and tear 4,000
to ditto for Victualling 8,000
Out of contributions [on survivorships] as are or shall come into the Exchequer.
to ditto for contingencies for the Mediterranean [Fleet] 2,000
to ditto for the like for the Fleet in the Channel 2,000
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for arms at Liège 2,000
to ditto towards the Train [of Artillery] 2,000
Same to same to issue as follows the 415l. which Mr. Duncomb is directed to forthwith pay into the Exchequer out of the Hereditary and the Temporary Excise, viz.: l. Ibid.
to Emanuell Laurence, according to warrant to be received 190
to me [Guy] for secret service 200
to the Poet Laureat 25
(Same to said Duncombe to so pay in said 415l.)
Mar. 9. Henry Guy [to the Customs Cashier] to pay 52l. 17s. 9d. to Matthew Humberston, esq., as assignee of Charles Fox: being 2 per cent. gratuity on 4,500l. lent on credit of the Exchequer in general. Disposition Book XI, p. 109.
5l. 17s. 6d. to Mris. Eliz. Herbert for like gratuity.
Same to Mr. Shales, enclosing a certificate [missing] of money paid by the Treasurer of the Navy out of the 4s. Aid to ships etc. between the 1st and 7th inst. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 15.
Same to the Earl of Montagu [Master of the Great Wardrobe]. In yours of the 7th inst. you say there are very many services called for out of the Wardrobe which will require ready money. Please let my Lords know what those particulars are. In yours of the 6th inst. you estimate 200l. for the charge of furnishing the Fubs yacht “according to my Lord Chamberlain's warrant.” Send my Lords a copy of that warrant. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Commissioners of Transports of the petition of James Hull of Plymouth, merchant, praying payment of 1,658l. 17s. 6d. due to him for hire of the ship Returne for their Majesties' service, at 13s. per ton per month for 170 tons according to measurement. Reference Book VI, p. 453.
Same to Sir John Somers, Attorney General, of the petition of James Startre (Sartre) to the King, shewing that he was forced to fly out of France to preserve himself from Popery and leave his estate behind, and his brother Petie [Petre] Sartre has possessed himself thereof without giving petitioner any part: that his brother has about 1,200l. in a merchant's hands in London, “which is forfeited to your Majesty” by reason his brother is a subject of France: therefore praying a grant of the said money. Ibid, p. 455.
Same to the Commissioners of Excise and of Arrears of Hearthmoney of the petition of Nath. Harper, praying to be discharged from an arrear of Hearthmoney as a late collector thereof: he being very poor and unable to pay same. Ibid.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren of the petition of Alexander Fort, master joiner [to the Works], praying payment of 328l. 16s.d. due to him for works done by their Majesties' command for Baptist May, esq., at the Lodge in Windsor Great Park in 1690–1. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Josiah Bacon et al., owners of the ship Thamer which laden with tobacco and bound for London was driven on shore near Dublin, where they became bound in 3,000l. for payment of the duty or for re-shipping the said tobacco for some port in England within three months, but said ship is disabled for taking in the said tobacco within said time: therefore praying three months longer time for re-shipment. Ibid.
Mar. 9. Treasury warrant to the Commissioners for Prizes to depute William Hely as their Agent for Prizes in the island of Guernsey: to be rewarded according to merits without standing salary. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 138.
Mar. 10. Money warrant for 66l. 13s. 4d. to Henry D'Auverquer, esq., for one year to Christmas last on his fee of 100 marks per an. as Master of the Horse to the King. Money Book XII, p. 36.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay, out of the small branches of the revenue, 180l. to Mr. Whitaker, the Foreign Apposer, pursuant to a money warrant “of this day's date” [see this warrant, infra, p. 108, under dated Mar. 18]. Disposition Book XI, p 109.
Treasury warrant [to the Customs Cashier] to pay 113l. 4s. 8d. to Mr. Wallis for 2 per cent. gratuity on a loan on the Exchequer in general. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 20,000l. to the Earl of Ranelagh out of loans on the 4s. Aid: same being intended as in part of the clearings to such officers as are first to go to Flanders. Ibid, p. 110.
Same to Mr. Chetwynd to attend the Chancellor of the Exchequer at his house this afternoon with the declared account of North and South Wales in order to the examination of the Duke of Beaufort's account relating to North and South Wales. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 15.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed petition of Thomas Colby, administrator of Phill. Colby, deceased, praying that 3,097l. may not be stopped upon Mr. Broughton's pretence that there is money due to him from petitioner's father. Ibid.
Appending: note only of said petition.
Same to the Agents for Taxes. Send my Lords an account what Mr. St. John is indebted to their Majesties as late Receiver of Taxes in co. Herts. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to give warrant to the Clerk of the Petty Bag for a Commission under the Great Seal to Charles, Lord Gerard of Brandon, and eight others detailed to enquire of lands, debts etc. conveyed to Popish or superstitious uses in co. Lancs: of which my Lords are informed. Ibid, p. 16.
Same to Mr. Hall, enclosing a bond [missing] entered into by John Child and others. Ibid, p. 17.
Same to Mr. Johnson. Please despatch the bill [for the grant] to Mr. Ralph Cook so that it may be ready for the King's signature on Monday next. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to employ Samuell Gillart as waiter and searcher at [East] Bourne and Pevensey in Rye port loco Samuell Bincks. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 20.
William Hubbert as tidesman and weigher at Yarmouth loco Samuell Kirk, deceased.
Samuell Bincks as collector, waiter and searcher at Arundel loco Cha. Young.
Charles Young as collector and waiter at Shoreham loco Edward Lawrence, deceased.
Mar. 10. Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to remit the King's part of the forfeiture of four casks of Canary which Ann King, being lately in Holland with her son, a merchant, there had presented to her, and some muslins which at her coming over she was desired by the Duchess of Richmond, the Countess of Shrewsbury and Westmorland and other persons of quality to bring for them: the whole being valued at 80l.: all in consideration of her ignorance of the laws of this kingdom, she being no common trader. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 33.
Treasury reference to same of the petition of Andrew Richmond for employment in the Customs. Reference Book VI, p. 456.
Same to Sir Christopher Wren of Mr. Tailer's report “for making an Hospital of their Majesties' House at Greenwich for seamen: with a draught of the same annexed to the said report.” Ibid.
Treasury warrant to Mr. William Tailer for a particular of the Duchess of Mazarin's house in order to a lease thereof to William, Earl of Devon[shire], for 99 years at 10s. per an.: without fine. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, pp. 138–9.
Prefixing: said Tailer's report on said Earl's petition, ut supra, p. 85, for said lease. The premises contain a brick tenement adjoining St. James's Palace as is situated over against the house now in the possession of Lord Lexinton within St. James's Park, having two clear stories besides cellars and garrets, four rooms of a floor but small and irregularly built, about 40 foot in depth, including a small yard of 10 foot deep in the back part and about 60 foot in front, “which I think considering the place where it stands may be valued at 80l. per an.” I value a 31 years' lease at 800l. fine and 10s. rent; a 99 years' lease at 1,200l. fine.