Entry Book: March 1693, 11-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1935.

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'Entry Book: March 1693, 11-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp90-101 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: March 1693, 11-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1935), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp90-101.

"Entry Book: March 1693, 11-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 10, 1693-1696. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1935), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol10/pp90-101.


March 1693, 6–10

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Mar. 11. Henry Guy to the Commissioners for the 4s. Aid at Liverpool. In reply to yours of the 7th inst. the Receiver General of said Aid for co. Lancs is Mr. Molineux and my Lords suppose that he has taken care to appoint a head collector for [your] Hundred as well as the other Hundreds of the County. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 17.
Mar. 13. Regulation, under the King's sign manual, of the subsistence to be paid weekly to the Forces and Garrisons from April 1 next: from which time all former Regulations of Subsistence are to cease: King's Warrant Book XVII, pp. 140–3.
For the Forces and Garrisons in England.
Horse. Per week.
l. s. d.
to the Second Troop of Guards 241 6 0
to the Troop of Scots Guards 106 13 3
to the Royal Regiment 482 9 6
to Col. Villiers' Regiment 325 6 6
to Col. Coy's Regiment 325 6 6
to the Royal Regiment 293 6 0
to Sir Thomas Levingston's Regiment 223 6 0
to Col. Leveson's Regiment 223 6 0
to 12 Companies of the First Regiment of Guards 293 12 6
to six Companies of the 2nd Regiment of Guards 140 12 0
to the Regiments of Foot of Colonels Beaumont, Brewer, Hastings, Sir James Lesly, Sir David Coliear, Sir Geo. St. George, Edward Lloyd, the Prince of Hesse, Lord Cutts, Earl of Monmouth, Duke of Bolton, Ingoldsby, Erl, Venner, Tiffin: each 205 0 7
to the Regiments of Foot of Col. Godfry Lloyd, Col. Goodwin and Col. Foulk in the West Indies: each 205 0 7
to two Companies at New York 30 6 0
to one Company in the Leeward Islands 15 3 0
to “the Capt. Miners' Company” at Upnor 13 15 0
to the Company of Pensioners at Windsor 28 8 2
to the Commissary of the Musters 22 12 8
to the Provost Marshal 2 9 0
to the Earl of Portland's Regiment of Horse 347 4 7
to Col. Reidessel's Regiment of Horse 173 5 7
to Col. Reichteren's Regiment of Horse 173 5 7
to the Dutch Foot Guards 400 0 0
garrisons etc. 300 0 0
contingencies 86 4 4
Total for England £7,938 8 8
For the Forces in Flanders.
to the First Troop of Guards and Grenadiers 310 8 6
to the Grenadiers to the Second Troop 53 4 0
to the Third Troop of Guards and Grenadiers 310 8 6
to Col. Lumley's Regiment 517 16 6
to the Regiments of Lord Berkley, Col. Langston, Col. Windham and the Duke of Leinster: each 350 17 6
to Lord Galway's Regiment 517 16 6
to his [Lord Galway's] Reformed Officers 149 2 0
to the Troop of Dutch Guards 257 4 6
to the Regiments of the Marquis de Monpovillon, Earl of Athlone, Lieut. Gen. Scravemore, Col. Shak, Major General Zulestein, Col. Neuvenheuse, Col. Boncour: each 132 7 2
to the Regiments of the Prince of Wurtemberg, the Marquis D' la Foress, Col. Schested: each 247 12 8
to Lord Fitzharding's Regiment 236 1 6
to Col. Eppinger's Regiment 434 11 8
to two Battalions of the First Regiment of Guards 414 8 6
to the Battalion of the Coldstream Regiment of Guards 219 4 0
to the Regiment of Scots Guards 299 5 0
to the Royal Regiment 448 4 0
to the Regiments of Colonels Selwin, Churchill, Trelawny, Earl of Bath, Tidcomb (late Col. Beveridge's), Collingwood, Stanley, O'Farrell, Erle, Visct. Castleton, Earl of Leven, Earl of Argyle, Monro, Mackay, Sir Cha. Graham, Col. Lawder: each 228 19 6
to the Royal Regiment of Fuziliers 232 7 2
Dutch Foot.
to the two Battalions of Dutch Guards 400 0 0
to the Brandenburg Regiment, Count Nassau's Regiment, Col. Groben's Regiment: each 215 7 10
Danish Foot.
to the Battalion of Danish Guards 216 17 0
to the Queen's Battalion 212 2 6
to Prince Frederick's Battalion 182 10 0
to Prince Christian's Battalion 184 3 4
to the Zeland Battalion 184 3 4
to the Prince Geo[rge's] Battalion 175 10 9
to the Jutland Battalion 182 1 8
to the Funish Battalion 175 10 9
to the Company of Miners 23 1 6
to two Deputy Commissaries of Musters: each 2 12 6
to the Provost Marshal and his servants 3 13 6
to the Waggon Master General 2 12 6
for the Hanover Troops 1,208 6 8
for the Hospitals 500 0 0
for contingencies 1,000 0 0
Total for Flanders, 16,438l. 14s. 6d.: for England, 7,938l. 8s. 8d.: or together 24,377l. 3s. 2d. per week.
Followed by: an abstract of the subsistence to be paid to each officer and soldier of the Forces pursuant to the foregoing Regulation.
Mar. 13. Henry Guy [to the Customs Cashier] to pay Godfrey Webster 52l. 0s.d. for 2 per cent. gratuity on 4,500l. lent on the Exchequer in general. Disposition Book XI, p. 109.
73l. 2s.d. to same for same on 5,000l. [similarly lent].
Mar. 13. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 10,000l. to the Cofferer of the Household out of loans made by Lancelot Burton on credit of the Hereditary Excise and Temporary Excise. Disposition Book, XI p. 110.
Same to same to issue 3,000l. to Mr. Richards on unsatisfied orders in his name for the Treasurer of the Chamber's Office: out of Burton's loans, ut supra. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Payne, enclosing John Oliver's petition [missing] concerning money due to Charles Oliver, a Capt. in Col. Foulke's Regiment. Attend my Lords with your answer thereto. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 17.
Same to Mr. Sotherne to lay before the Admiralty Lords the enclosed report [missing] from the Customs Commissioners on the said Lords memorial for an account of seamen and watermen employed in the Customs. Ibid.
Same to the [Principal] Officers of the Mint, enclosing (a) infra. Call the parties before you and consider whether the copper farthings or tin farthings may be most easily counterfeited and with most advantage to the counterfeiter; and report thereon to my Lords. Ibid.
Appending: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Mar. 9 inst., on hearing the petition of the Members of Parliament for co. Cornwall against the grant to Andrew Corbet for the sole making and vending of copper halfpence and farthings. The officers of the Mint are hereby to consider and report as above.
Same to Mr. Fox to forthwith pay 139l. 19s. 11d. to the innholders and inhabitants of the town of Hungerford for what is due to them from Sir Pury Cust's Troop of the Duke of Leinster's Regiment of Horse: according to your report on the petition of said innholders etc. Ibid, p. 18.
Treasury order to the Customs Commissioners to observe (a) infra. Out Letters (Customs) XIII, p. 34.
Prefixing: (a) Order of the King in Council, dated Whitehall, Dec. 22 last, for leave to the ships Edward, 500 tons, Capt. Gifford commander, 100 men; Henry, 350 tons, Capt. Hudson commander, 60 men, to proceed to the Madeiras: on the petition of Joseph Martin, John Lloyd and Company of London, merchants, shewing that no ships are [so far] allowed to go to the Madeiras this year.
Treasury reference to Sir John Somers, Attorney General, of the petition of Robert Dormer, esq., to the King, shewing that he is uncle and next heir of Sir William Dormer, bart., who is become lunatic: therefore praying a grant of his estate for paying off encumbrances of 5,000l. and to preserve the estate from destruction: “and if his Majesty shall not think fit to entrust him with his [nephew's] person he desires Sir Fleetwood Dormer and grandfather of Sir William Dormer may have the tuition of him.” Reference Book VI, p. 456.
Same to William Tailer of Lady Fitzharding's petition for a reversionary grant of the Barony of Kendal. co. Westmorland, after the decease of the Queen Dowager. Ibid.
Mar. 13. Treasury reference to William Tailer of the petition of Benj. Gyles, James Johnston and John Champion for a 31 years' lease of copper and lead mines in the Duchy of Cornwall which belong to their Majesties. Reference Book VI, p. 456.
Entry of a Treasury caveat in behalf of Henry Acourt and William Allam, assignee[s] of William Deane, praying that if any scire facias or other process be brought against the present grant of the Lotteries or if a surrender or forfeiture happen thereof, they may be heard by counsel. Notice to be given to Mr. Acourt at Waltham or to Mr. Allam at the Lottery Office in Hind Court, Fleet Street, or to Mr. Dodd, an attorney, at his chamber under the King's Bench Office in the Temple. Caveat Book, p. 32.
Mar. 14. Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of pro on the Excise for 21,000l. to Lancelot Burton in repayment of so much lent by him thereon on the 10th and 11th inst. Money Book XII, p. 38.
Money warrant for 50l. to Thomas Rymer, esq., for a quarter to Christmas last on his salary as Historiographer Royal. Ibid, p. 41.
Henry Guy to Secretary the Earl of Nottingham, forwarding, for action thereon, a letter [missing] brought to the Treasury by Mr. Colt, an officer of the Customs at Bristol. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 18.
Same to the Earl of Ranelagh to report on the enclosed proposals [missing] of Mr. Tracy Pauncefort relating to the Hospitals in Flanders. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Giles Merick, merchant, owner of a Dutch ship called the Horne, now Sarah, shewing that he had leave from the Customs Commissioners to send her to the Plantations for tobacco, but at her return to Bristol she is seized: therefore praying a noli prosequi. Reference Book VI, p. 456.
Same to Mr. Aaron Smith of the petition of Meriando Levander, a soldier now prisoner in Newgate, praying to be discharged from a fine of 20l. set on him for pressing a soldier, to which indictment he ignorantly pleaded guilty. Ibid.
Same to Philip Ryley, Surveyor General of Woods, Trent South, of the petition of Mr. Griffith May, master keeper of Haselborough Walk in Whittlewood Forest, for 12 ton of timber and 27l. 10s. 0d. in money and of dotard timber for repairing the great lodge there. Ibid, p. 457.
Same to same of the petition of William Adderley (referred to the Treasury the 10th inst. by the King): petitioner shewing that he has a wood called Bearwood on the waste of his manor called Evendens, co. Berks, which is about 50 years' growth and about 600 acres; that he is advised that by the statute of 22 Edw. IV, c. 7, he ought to fell and enclose the said wood with his Majesty's licence to be first obtained: therefore praying the benefit of said statute. Ibid.
Mar. 14. Treasury reference to the Warden etc. of the Mint of the petition of the Moneyers of the Mint, shewing that they have been a corporation above 300 years and faithfully performed their trust: that by reason of their work falling off they are become very necessitous: therefore for their support pray some relief out of the Coinage Act. Reference Book VI, p. 457.
Same to the Navy Commissioners of the report on Col. Hewetson's petition as follows. They are to report how much the whole charge of a hired ship of such force would be in the West Indies for seven months and whether the computation of 4,462l. 10s. be not a reasonable sum to be allowed. Ibid, pp. 458–9.
Prefixing: William Lowndes's report, dated Mar. 11 inst., on the petition of Col. Thomas Hewetson, late commander of the ship Lyon, praying payment of 7,860l. for wages for officers and seamen, wear and tear, provisions and disbursements by him. According to a letter of Col. Codrington (to which Mr. Blathwait refers in his report) petitioner continued above four months in the service; petitioner insists he was employed full seven months for the advantage of the Leeward Islands. His commission from Sir Robert Robinson, Governor of Bermudas, bears date 1689, Oct. 9, and the orders of Sir Edwyn Stede, late Deputy Governor of Barbados, dated 1690, April 11, relating to petitioner's command of said ship, as well as the affidavits of Thomas Mann, late master, Thomas Cooper, serjeant, and Alexander Spencer, a volunteer on the said ship, all tend to prove that said ship was in their Majesties' service in the defence of said Islands from 1689, Oct. 8, till 1690, May 11, which includes seven full months.
As to the ship's force, she carried 150 men and 48 guns. It does not appear that there was any charter party or agreement for the hire of the ship or that the Governor in the West Indies had any power to contract with him, but a mere necessity for preserving the English interest in those parts, in contributing to which petitioner engaged himself with the good success which is amply related in his testimonials. It is well known to your Lordships that in the estimates for the Navy the victuals, wages, wear and tear with ammunition for the King's ships is computed at 4l. 5s. 0d. a man per month. At such a rate the pay of said ship for seven months would be 4,462l. 10s. 0d. Petitioner also demands payment of a bill of 1,159l. 12s. 0d., sworn to by said Man and Cooper, for carrying and victualling soldiers and for powder and arms furnished to them, including 432l. for the repair of his ship after the fight. I conceive this will be satisfied in the allowance for wear and tear “and then the remainder of his bill comes to 727l. 12s. 0d. and both the said sums amount to 5,190l. 2s. 0d.
Same to the Excise Commissioners of the petition of Henry Page of Oxford, brewer, praying to be forgiven the 400l. which he owes for Excise, being not able to pay it. Ibid, p. 459.
Mar. 14. Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to forbear process against James St. John on his debt as late Receiver of Taxes in co. Herts. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 140.
Henry Guy to the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, enclosing copy of (a) infra. Give directions therein as you think best for their Majesties' service. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 265.
Appendinq: (a) note of a letter given to said Guy by Mr. Colt, a Customs officer of Bristol port, containing an information of a ship belonging to Samuell Taverner, a Quaker, who lives at Limerick, which is brought into Waterford and unladen there, being freighted with French goods.
Treasury warrant to same to permit the landing of the tobacco from the ship Spencer, as petitioned for by Tho. Starke, merchant, supra, p. 84, but not to admit of the entry of more of said tobacco there [Ireland] than shall be necessary to defray the charges of repairing the ship: the ship's bond obliging her to bring her entire lading of tobacco to some part of England or Wales, danger of the seas only excepted: all in accordance with the report thereon from the Customs Commissioners, England. Ibid, pp. 265–6.
Mar. 15. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Thomas Paine of Westminster, esq., of the lordship and manor of Holme Cultram, co. Cumberland, with the scite of the said manor and the monastery of Holme Cultram: to hold for ever as of the manor of East Greenwich in free and common socage by fealty and the rent of 13s. 4d. per an.: and whereas the said premises were granted 1665, June 30, to Denzell, Lord Holles, et al., Trustees for the present Queen Dowager, for a term which has since been assigned (by indenture dated 1687, April 26) to Lewis, Earl of Feversham, et al. [present Trustees to said Queen Dowager], these latter are hereby after the said Queen Dowager's decease to stand possessed of the premises only in trust for said Paine. King's Warrant Book XVII, pp. 83–5.
Same to the Treasury Lords to give warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to William, Earl of Devonshire, of the house and grounds, ut supra, p. 90, for 99 years at 20s. per an. rent. Ibid, pp. 98–100.
Appendinq: (a) constat of the premises and ratal thereof by William Tailer. The ground fronts west 74 feet along the road leading from St. James's Park to St. James's Stables, east 44 feet on the garden of the Earl of Bath's house, south 55 feet on the house in the tenure of Christian Harrell, doctor of medicine, and north 71 feet on the house of Widow Dawson.
(b) Treasury warrant dated Mar. 17 hereon accordingly to the Clerk of the Pipe.
Royal sign manual for 500l. to John, Archbishop of York, as royal bounty “for a lecture to be had at Southwell in our county of Nottingham on every Sunday in the afternoon and to be disposed of by him for that purpose according to his best discretion: and to be in lieu of all arrears due or alleged to be due upon a pension of 20l. per an. formerly allowed for supply of the cure there.” (Money warrant dated Mar. 18 hereon: to be satisfied by 200l. tallies on the Tenths of the diocese of Lincoln due at Xmas last, and 100l. yearly on same due Xmas, 1693, 1694 and 1695 successively.) (Money order dated Mar. 20 hereon.) Ibid, p. 104. Money Book XII, pp. 41–2. Order Book III, p. 360.
Mar. 15. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to revoke the patent of Richard Dalton as Comptroller of the Accounts of the revenue of Wine Licences and to grant said office to Thomas Hancock, during pleasure: with 200l. per an. King's Warrant Book XVII, p. 105.
Royal sign manual for 100l. to Hugh Greg, gent., without account: as royal bounty in consideration of his residence at the Court of Denmark in the absence of Robert Molesworth, Envoy there. (Money warrant dated Mar. 18 hereon.) (Money order dated Mar. 20 hereon.) Ibid, p. 106. Money Book XII, p. 44. Order Book III, p. 360.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a privy seal to empower the Treasury Lords to discharge Bevis Lloyd, esq. (who with William Jones, gent., was appointed by Charles II. to be Collector of Crown revenues in cos. Pembroke, Carmarthen, Cardigan, Brecon, Radnor, Glamorgan, Monmouth and in Haverford West), of 5,000l. out of the ipsum of 8,005l. 8s.d. which stands charged upon his account ended 1687, Sept. 29 (the said 5,000l. having been granted by James II to Thomas Robson, gent.): and likewise to discharge said Lloyd of 824l. 4s. 0d. as in further part of said ipsum (being the sum owing to him from Gilbert Whitehall, goldsmith, for which Whitehall was to assign to Lloyd a proportionate part of the bankers' interest due to him out of the Hereditary Excise, which part the said Lloyd is hereby, by the King's pleasure, to assign to Henry Herbert): and further to contain a grant to said Henry Herbert, in consideration of his faithful services, of the balance of 2,181l. 4s.d. of said Lloyd's ipsum after allowance of the above two sums: and likewise a grant to him of the 324l. 3s. 5d. owing to the Crown from John Nash, who received the said Crown revenues for the year ended 1688, Sept. 29. King's Warrant Book XVII, pp. 129–33.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a same for an annuity of 200l. to Baldwyn Leighton out of the rent of the Royal Oak Lottery, during pleasure: from Xmas last. Ibid, pp. 147–8.
Money warrant for 25l. to Nahum Tate for last Christmas quarter on his annuity as Poet Laureat. Money Book XII, p. 38.
Same for 276l. 0s.d. to John Templer for 2¾ years on his fee and board wages as a Serjeant at Arms from 1686, May 11, to 1688–9, Feb. 11. Ibid, p. 39.
Same for 210l. to John Luff, Dr. of Physic and Reader of same in the University of Oxford: for 5¼ years to Christmas last on his fee of 40l. per an. Ibid.
210l. to Thomas Boucher, Dr. of Civil Law and Professor of same ibid, for same time on the like allowance.
Treasury warrant to John Knight, Customs Cashier, to pay John Ady and Henry Bellew, Deputy Chamberlains for joining tallies in the Exchequer, 71l. 11s. 0d. for their fee of 2s. per 1,000l. on Customs tallies paid into the Receipt as follows for the year ended 1691, Sept. 29: viz. 400,741l. 17s. 3d. for Customs; 295,981l. 18s. 3d. for new duties; and 18,777l. 6s. 11¾d. for coinage duty to 1689, Sept. 29: making 715,501l. 2s.d. in all. Ibid, p. 40.
Mar. 15. Treasury warrant to the Receipt to make out a duplicate of the order of loan No. 1,173, dated 1691, July 8, in the name of Edward Russell, for 500l. registered on the two-thirds of the Additional Excise and payable with 7 per cent. interest after 686,260l. 8s. 3d. thereon: which order was assigned by Russell to Charles Fox, by Fox to the Earl of Bellomont and by said Earl to John Burneby, and three-quarters of a year's interest has been paid thereon to 1692, April 8, but said order has since accidentally been destroyed or defaced. (Entry of said copy and of Burneby's affidavit: with Treasury warrant dated Mar. 17 for payment of interest thereon.) Money Book XII, p. 40. Order Book III, pp. 359–60.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to Thomas Cox, late Envoy to the Swiss Cantons, for a bill of extraordinaries, 1691, Mar. 25, to 1692, May 18, in said service. (Money order dated Mar. 27 hereon.) Money Book XII, p. 41. Order Book III, p. 362.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 2,799l. 11s. 0d. to the Master of the Horse out of Mr. Burton's loan on the Excise: “which will complete 10,000l. for the Stables” (in the marqin: paid in full 19 August). Disposition Book XI, p. 110.
Same to Mr. Fox to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of Antho. Stamp, praying payment of the half pay due to him as an Ensign in the late Earl of Roscommon's Regiment of Foot. Out Letters (General) XIV, p. 18.
Same to same to report on the petition [missing] of John Herring, late Lieut. in said Regiment, concerning the half pay which was promised him by the late Duke of Schomberg upon breaking the said Regiment. Ibid.
Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Charles Hatch for a deputy searcher's or landwaiter's place in the Customs, London port. Reference Book VI, p. 457.
Treasury warrant to William Tailer for a particular of two pieces of ground in Dover Street, ut supra, p. 76, in order to a grant thereof to Sir Edward Seymour. Warrants not Relating to Money XIV, p. 139.
Prefixing: said Tailer's report on said Seymour's petition for same. The premises are forfeited by the outlawry of Sir Hen. Bond, but no office or inquisition yet found.
Treasury countersignature for the execution of a warrant dated Mar. 9 inst. from the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain, to Sir Francis Lawley, Master of the Jewels, for the delivery to John Feild, waterman in ordinary to the Queen, of a pair of badges as other her watermen have, not exceeding 50 ounces. Ibid, p. 143.
Mar. 15. Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for a patent to pass the great seal of Ireland to grant to James Roche all and every the ferries in any places where ferries are or have been used in Ireland which belong or appertain to the Crown and are not in the tenure of any person by virtue of any lease or grant now in force: and of all mesne profits due to the Crown for same: to hold to him and his heirs for ever under the ancient Crown rents due for same: all by reason that on said Roche's petition for same the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, have reported that Charles II granted to Alexander Shinton in 1660, Nov. 21, a 21 years' lease of the ferries at Youghal, Wexford, Waterford, Passage, Kinsale, Portadown, Ross, Carrick-upon-Slane, Portumna, Corkbeg, Croyle Portaloe, at 16l. 10s. 0d. per an.: and that after the determination of said lease the premises were granted to the Duke of Monmouth, but that since said lease to Shinton bridges have been built at Portumna and other places and that the ferries of Waterford and Wexford, if not some others, are in possession of persons pretending ancient right thereunto and that the value of the remaining ferries is but small, amounting to not above 80l. per an. beyond the Crown rents. This grant is in compensation of Roche's services in hazarding his life by long lying in the water and the wounds he received when he was sent by Major-General Kirke into Londonderry to give notice of the intended relief. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, pp. 266–7.
Same to same to direct the Receivers General of Revenue, Ireland, upon the respective certificates from the Commissioners for stating the Accounts of the Army, Ireland, to give Exchequer acquittances to the several collectors upon the arrears of licences due before 1691, Dec. 25, for all bills signed and allowed by the officers of the Army to 1691, Dec., and all bills signed by the officers which have been brought in since Jan., 1691–2: and that the said Receivers General do take credit upon their account with the King for all such sums as above to be charged to the accounts of the respective Regiments indebted: the said certificates to be a sufficient voucher (when endorsed by the collector delivering same up) to the Paymasters of the Forces, Ireland, and to the Auditors: Ibid, pp. 267–8.
All by reason that by warrants of Nov. 9, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. IX, p. 1894, the like direction was given for similarly setting the arrears of the rents of forfeited lands and of the Excise upon the score of the Army bills and the Revenue Commissioners think it necessary to do the like for the arrears of licences.
Same to Charles Fox and Thomas, Ld. Coningsby, Paymasters of the Forces in Ireland, to state the accounts of the said Army as follows, the King (after considering the objections of the various Colonels to the accounts as stated) thinking it necessary to clear those Regiments that served in Ireland and are now in England and Flanders first to 1691, Dec. 31, and then to April 1 following. For the accounts to 1691, Dec. 31, the accounts are to be finally closed according to the following allowances, viz. to the Horse one third part of all the moneys paid to each Regiment for buying recruit horses and a third of the value of all horses delivered to each Regiment in consideration of the horses lost in service: also one third of the charge delivered in by the officers of the Ordnance, Ireland, for tents, arms etc. in lieu of the loss they sustained in the several engagements and at the camp at Dundalk in 1689. Ibid, pp. 268–71.
As to the debts due from the Army to the country, which have been stated under five heads by the Commissioners for stating the Accounts of the Army, all debts under the first distinction [or head] due from the Army to the country by bills signed by the officers, and duly allowed by the officers, are to be charged to their account and the King will take care that the said debts shall be paid to the country in due time. (2) All debts due under the second distinction, said to be due to the country, but which upon examination before the Commissioners were disallowed by the [Army] officers, the bills not being signed by any officer, all such sums shall not be charged to the Regiments' account.
(3) Bills under the third denomination, said to be signed by the officers but not examined by them, by reason the bills came not to the Commissioners of Accounts until the time limited by the Proclamation of the Lords Justices was expired and the Regiments on whom chargeable were removed to England and Flanders, such thereof as appear not counterfeit are to be charged to each Regiment's account, “which shall in due time be paid by us to the country.”
(4) Such bills as came not before the Commissioners of Accounts before the time limited as above and are not signed by any officer, but sworn unto as true before a Justice of the Peace, considering that under this pretence many private soldiers may sign notes for much more than their pay amounts to, which ought not to fall upon the Regiment, and in view also of the fact that several of the Regiments in England and Flanders have not adjusted their accounts of debts with the Commissioners [of Accounts] in Ireland, all such bills and vouchers are immediately to be sent to England and such as appear just shall be placed to the Regiments' accounts and the rest rejected. For such Regiments as have settled their debts with the said Commissioners none of the affidavit debts are to be charged to their account.
(5) Debts for Excise, being due to the Crown, and for corn, cattle etc. taken during the war and charged [to the respective Regiments] by the said Commissioners, the King is pleased to remit the same.
Further, to the Dragoons there shall be allowed two third parts of all money paid to them for recruit horses and men and two third parts of the value of all horses delivered to them, at the rate they stand charged in the account; and also one third part of the charge of the Ordnance, being for arms, tents etc. delivered in Ireland and also the like allowances and benefits of debts as under the above five distinctions for the Horse.
To the Foot the King hereby allows to each Regiment all moneys paid to them for recruiting, in consideration of the cheques charged upon them: and also a third part of the Ordnance charge for arms, tents etc. delivered. “And whereas several Regiments were clothed by us,” the King therefore allows all the charge for packing and carrying the said clothes and for carriage of all accoutrements: and to the Regiments which received surtout coats out of the stores by order of the late Duke of Schonberg or [other] Commander in Chief of the Forces the King allows the said surtouts free. And whereas several recruits were transported to Ireland who were not in pay until they landed there the King allows the provisions charged on the said recruits in their transportation.
The King further allows [to the Regiments of Foot] the several [five distinctions of] debts under the same qualifications as are allowed unto the Horse and Dragoons.
On the above lines the accounts of such Regiments as are now in England and Flanders are to be forthwith stated and closed, beginning with those that are in Flanders and so proceeding with the rest in order as they have adjusted with the Commissioners of Accounts. And when the whole is stated to 1691, Dec. 31, the pay of the said Regiments to 1692, April 1, is to be forthwith stated according to the muster rolls “as returned and regulated by us.”
Mar. 15. Royal warrant to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for Commissions of enquiry into the debts owing to Joseph Dean and John Stepney from George Phillips on mortgage and for the seizing thereof and of the lands so mortgaged thereunder into the hands of the Crown: and thereupon for a grant to pass under the great seal of Ireland to said Phillips of all moneys and lands so found and seized: the said Dean and Stepney being indebted to the Crown in divers great sums and said Phillips having mortgaged his estate in co. Londonderry to them for 3,669l. 17s. 2d. and having petitioned for a grant of said sum out of their debt as in consideration of his services and losses in Ireland: upon which petition the Lord Lieutenant has reported that the debt to the Crown from Dean and Stepney far exceeds said sum and that hitherto no estates belonging to them have been discovered. Dean and Stepney are hereby to be allowed in their account so much as shall be hereby granted to said Phillips. Out Letters (Ireland) VI, p. 283.