Index: B

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Index: B', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Index: B', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024,

"Index: B". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024.



B. A., 467.

Baber, Sir John, Physician in ordinary to the King, 653, 900.

-, (Bebbington), Mr., trustee for Sir R. Thomas and Dr. Butler, 93, 94
-, Michael, 396.

-, Thomas, surety of J. Hartopp, 950.

Babon, Joshua, of Laverton, 1298.

Bacharach ("Backrag") Palatinate, 638.

Bacheler (Batchellor, Batchler, etc.), Christopher, underkeeper of Sandhurst Walk, 202.

-, Edward, landwaiter Southampton, petition, 34, 122, 129, 660.

-, John, keeper of the Setting dogs, 75, 560.

-, Richard, keeper of small guns, at the Tower 974
-, keeper of handguns, etc., Ordnance Office, 830, 1111.

-, see Greatbach.

Backer, Herman, 547.

-, see Bacharach.

-, Alderman, 27, 97, 433, 1400, 1401, 1402, 1407
-, interest, 13, 28, 566, 603, 1413, 1416, 1418, 1423, 1432, 1471
-, principal debt, statement of, and annuity for, 597-600, 603, 660
-, form of accompt of debt, 42
-, receivers moneys in hands of, 473-4, 1390
-, bonds with, 780
-, loans to Navy, etc., 555
-, accompts, 52, 96
-, assignments to, 630-1, 753
-, trouble with his creditors, 13
-, Portuguese dowry money and issues out of, 30, 78, 138, 143, 339, 350, 351, 354, 369, 371, 378
-, account of, 424, 452, 460, 478, 480, 492, 816, 949, 961, 1135, 1148, 1167, 1174, 1291
-, Dutch patacons, 48, 257, 452, 509, 541, 783, 1188
-, Dunkirk money, 452
-, Tangier money, account of, 268
-, supers in Sir G. Carteret's Navy account, 452, 453
-, paying money abroad for government, 1187, 1322, 1469
-, 5,000l. Duke of York's privy seal for Viscount Muskerry's regiment, 452
-, Comptroller of Customs, in and out, London, 223, 354, 379, 581, 776, 979, 1125, 1144
-, Customs farmer, 286, 566, 1236, 1408
-, Commissioner for inspecting the Mint, 751, 986
-, Lord Arlington's money, 1410
-, issues to, for New Year's gifts, 110.

Bacon, Sir Francis (temp. James I), trustee for the Prince of Wales, 238, 542.

-, Nathaniel, rebel in Virginia, 238, 1449, 1450.

-, William, Barbados soldier, 808.

Badcock, Nicholas, master of Customs smack at Queenborough, 326.

-, Paul, tidesman, London, 755, 759, 786, 1143.

Baddeley (Badley), Mr., and partners, 33.

-, Richard (Hearthmoney subfarmer, Dorset), 154, 318.

Baddeson, Capt. John, 557.

Baddow (co. Essex), 735.

Baden (Germany), 1023.

Badges, for the King's watermen, 1338.

Badsworth (co. Yorks), 406.

Bagg, George, lands, Plymouth, 825, 1081.

Bagley (Baggelly), John, chief glazier to the Works, 334, 778.

- (Bagly), John, tenant London, 341.

- (Baggelley), Thomas, 411, 1371.

-, Mary, petition, 57
-, widow and husband, 201, 214.

-, Robert, collector, Faversham, 214, 626.

-, John, receiver general, 18 months, co. Derby, and deputy to J. Rawlins, receiver Poll, Derby, 1098, 1240
-, surety of John Rawlins, 949.

-, Walter, surety of John Bagnold, 1099.

Bagot (Bagott), John, pension, 520, 1432.

-, Sir Walter, petition, 3.

-, Dr., 943, 1327
-, interest, 1333.

Bailehach, John, deputy customer Cowes, 910.

-, see Bayly.

Baines (Baynes), John, Commissary General of Musters, 62, 66, 141, 477, 805, 808, 1006, 1085, 1196, 1209, 1355, 1362, 1379.

-, William, quaker, 1257.

-, -, - (of Netherwyresdale), 1257.

-, see Ireland (bayes) and see Bayes.

Baker, Henry, surety of R. Coke, 951.

-, Capt. Jacob, 591.

-, John, of Isleworth, et al. Excise managers and collectors [abortive], 86, 87, 407.

-, see Lloyd, Lucius.

-, Mr., 1425.

-, Robert, waiter, Margate, 245, 357.

-, Thomas, Agent and Consul General in Tripoli, 669, 670-1, 997, 1162, 1234, 1456, 1457, 1470.

-, -, Excise Farmers' discoveries, 107-8. Mr., and partners' 50,000l. advance on farm, 385.

Balaam, Jonadab (creditor of Mr. Colvile), 486.

Baldock, Jeoffrey, of the ship Phoenix, 397.

- (Baldwick), Sir Robert, serjeant at law, 777.

Baldwyn, Henry, groom litterman, 362, 532, 705, 1061, 1091.

-, Mr., Serjeant at law, 392, 897.

-, Stephen (tenant of fee farm), 376.

-, Henry, Blanch Rose pursuivant, 610
-, Rouge Croix pursuivant, 610.

-, -, searcher and collector, Newcastle, 211, 737, 805, 909, 1002, 1268, 1297, 1456.

-, -, petition for clerk of passes, 1340.

-, John, pension as late Treasurer of Excise, 360, 1411.

-, -, lands in Jamaica, 1314.

-, Nathaniel, surveyor of Chester, petition, 24, 967, 1002, 1094, 1379.

-, Sir Peter, Attorney General to the Queen Mother, 168
-, Treasurer to the Queen Mother, 282, 323, 609, 900.

-, Dr. Richard, Keeper of the Temple, 395.

-, William, tenant, fee farm, co. Leicester, 395.

Ballard, Thomas, collector New Plantation duty, Virginia, 346-7.

Ballinlaban (Westmeath), 892.

Ballinlough (King's County, Ireland), 504.

Ballow, William, one of four Exchequer Court Messengers, 550.

Ballybritt (King's County, Ireland), 504.

-, Ballyclogh (Limerick, Ireland), 128
-, lands in Queen's county, Ireland, 508.

Ballycurragh (Ireland), 1011.

Ballydonegan (Ireland), 517.

-, see Kilmacud.

Ballyphillip (King's County, Ireland), 504.

Baltic, trade to, 967, 971, 1108, 1275-6.

-, Lord
-, see Calvert, C.

Baltimore (Ireland), 465.

Bambridge (Bambrigg), Mr., a yeoman warder of the Tower, 848-9.

-, see Baumbrough.

Bampfield, Sir Coplestone, commissioner for frauds, Lyme Regis, 1109.

Bampton (co. Devon), 973.

-, (Banaster), Christopher, 718
-, receiver of seventeen months' tax, co. Lancs., 615
-, receiver of subsidy, co. Lancs., 29, 358, 921-2, 1052, 1340, 1461
-, receiver general of Poll, co. Lancs., 951
-, surety of J. Starkey, 1099.

-, John, of the King's music, 174, 645, 824, 1382
-, and see Banister.

Banck (co. Lancs.), 615, 718, 951.

Bandoleers, 31.

Bandon bridge (Cork), 181.

Bangor (Carnarvon), Bishopric, tenths, 1281.

Banister, John, money from the receiver of Suffolk, 74.

-, Mr., musician, 1419.

-, and goldsmiths, 20
-, see Backwell, E., Bennett, S., Bernard, H., Collier, I., Colvile, J., Duncombe, C., Fowles, T., Hornby, J., Kirwood, T., Lewis, H., Lindsey, J., Portman, J., Rowe, T., Ryves, R., Snell, G., Snow, J., Staly, J., Stratford, R., Thurston, J., Turner, B., Vyner, Sir R., Welsted, R., Whitehall, G.
-, for other persons who were not bankers, but whose annuities on the Excise were assimilated to those of the bankers see Brett, R., Chamberlain, Dr. E., Gunman, C., Johnson, H., Legouch, I., Millington, F., Shaw, Sir J., Sturt, A., Torriano, G., Turner, Sir E., Wolstenholme, Sir T., Young, Capt. A.

- annuities on the Excise (including statements of principal debt and interest), 155, 182, 558, 559, 594-5, 597-600, 657, 660-1, 747, 801, 1039, 1147, 1155, 1179, 1234, 1244, 1254, 1268, 1290-1, 1292, 1346
-, annuities repurchased by the King, 941.

- creditors protected by Charles's arrangement of a trust clause in the annuities, 434
-, bond creditors, 481-2
-, note creditors, 481-2
-, cases of creditors and bankers' troubles with them, 13, 481, 486, 488, 1360
-, banker's dealings with and assignments to creditors, 46, 492, 545, 599, 835, 933, 939, 1288, 1337, 1365, 1386, 1396.

- debts and interest considered, and accounts of stated, 11, 36, 37, 38, 42, 44, 46, 70-1, 83, 85-6, 95, 96, 182, 201, 266, 419, 427, 433, 434, 439, 449, 451, 452, 458, 471, 542-5, 558, 559, 597-600, 650, 1351
-, Treasurer Danby's queries as to, 85-6, 87, 89, 95, 96, 543.

- interest payments, tallies, etc., 28, 38, 85, 95, 96, 242, 423, 426, 429
-, 140,000l. (for 2 years' interest to, by great seal of 1674, July 23), 28, 96, 182, 266, 543, 566, 571, 1010.

-, Receivers' and payees' moneys in hands of and supers on, 69, 98, 449, 452, 463, 464, 466, 467, 469, 472, 473-4, 475, 481, 492, 545, 563, 780
-, giving paper orders to Receivers, 66.

- question of paying annuities at the Exchequer or the Excise office, 458-9.

-, redemption of annuities, question of, 434.

- securities to be delivered up before receiving annuities, 439, 449, 451, 452, 472, 650, 1389-90.

- speculatively bought orders and tallies, 85-6, 95, 543, 545.

Bankruptcy, commission of, 1109.

Banks, Bartholomew, tenant, London, 341.

-, James, importing horses, 1145.

-, John, merchant, 1242.

-, Sir John, trustee for Car. I. (about 1630), 238, 542.

-, Sir John, fee farms, 799, 1179, 1403, 1410
-, issues to, 48, 228, 291, 1140
-, loans by, 48, 67, 558, 573
-, ship of, 1405.

Banning, Lady, goods for, 900.

Bantam, Sultan of, 758, 931.

Bantock, Hugh, King's waiter, London, 209, 368, 582, 585, 697, 782, 824, 873, 961, 1020, 1062, 1133, 1221, 1268, 1298.

-, John, Customs officer, Bristol, 785
-, master of Bristol smack, 1018.

Barbados, 306, 315, 319, 397, 530, 1000, 1124.

-, Captain General and Governor in Chief, 397.

-, clerk of market, 1383
-, Clerk and Register of Chancery, 1382
-, Clerk of Peace and Crown, 1382.

-, constitution, 1438.

-, Customs officers, 396.

-, Four and a Half per cent. duty
-, see Four.

-, History of
-, see Ligon, R.

-, merchants of, 12, 60-1, 70, 84, 423, 424.

-, ordnance stores for, 897, 918.

-, plague and hurricane, 1280.

-, proprietory rights, pensions in lieu of
-, see Kinnoul, Earl of, Ranelagh, Earl of.

- Regiment (Sir Tobias Bridge's), issues for and debts due to soldiers of, 63, 66, 243, 475, 477, 805, 808, 841, 845, 846, 1006, 1084-5, 1196, 1209, 1354-5, 1356, 1362, 1378-9, 1390, 1403, 1472.

-, Register and Examiner in Chancery, 1383.

-, ships for, 82, 360, 396, 539
-, ships taken into the King's service at, 1378.

- sugar
-, see Sugar.

- trade, 12, 396.

-, transporting soldiers from, 1310.

-, Treasurer of Customs and his case against Lord Willoughby, 1296-7.

Barbary, war in, 112.

-, engagement with, and ransom of captured Englishmen, 261-2, 279.

-, Emperor of Morocco, Muley Ismael, 261-2, 279.

-, see Brabazon.

Barbee, Peter (John), of London, merchant, 651.

Barber, Captain (company of) 1085, 1121.

-, John, tidesman, Weymouth, 1107.

-, Thomas, coastwaiter, Newcastle, 633
-, landwaiter, London, 758, 785, 1304.

Barbett (Barbel), James, shipmaster, 529, 580.

-, John, exporting wool to Guernsey, 790, 1406
-, paymaster of the forces Jersey and Guernsey, 1368.

Bard, Thomas, sheriff of Bucks, 550.

Barden (co. Yorks), 197.

Barillon, Monsieur de, ambassador extraordinary from France, 728, 739, 1119.

Barkby Thorpe (co. Leicester), 375.

Barker, Christopher, falconer, 257, 354, 402, 525, 693, 716, 1079, 1116, 1429.

-, Peter, waiter, Chester, 999.

-, Richard, clerk of the Cheque, Sheerness, 1028.

-, Thomas, Justice of the Peace, 42, 45.

-, William, weigher, Yarmouth, 784.

-, see Barston.

Barkham, Sir Edward, Sheriff of Lincoln, 1370.

-, George, yeoman rider to the Queen, 655.

-, Sir John, 911.

Barking (co. Essex), 340-1, 764.

-, nunnery, 340-1.

Barkisland (co. Yorks), 307.

Barley, 88, 1078, 1113.

-, export, etc.
-, see Corn.

Barley, Richard, mayor of Dover, 537.

Barlow, John, baronet fee, 248, 1221.

-, Thomas, bishop of Lincoln, tenths, 396.

-, John, comptroller, Boston, 391, 403, 1327
-, secret service, 1330, 1332.

-, see Bernard.

Barnard Castle (in the bishopric of Durham), 284.

Barnes, William, collector, Antigua, 1211.

Barney, John, shipmaster, 962.

Barnow, John, inquisition, 1315.

Barnstaple (co. Devon), 183, 595-6, 626, 698, 810, 920, 957, 1417.

Barnwall, Francis, tidesman [London], 259, 723.

Barnwell (co. Northampton), 951, 1099.

Barnwell, Andrew, uncle of James, 882.

-, Edward, uncle of James, 882.

-, James, of Bremore, Ireland, petition, lands, 882-3, 1444.

-, Matthias, father of James, 882

-, Robert, uncle of James, 882.

Baron (Barron), Benjamin, assignment to, 1009.

-, Hartgill, payments to, for Prince Rupert, 558
-, royal bounty to, 558
-, keeper of the King's garden, Windsor Castle, 1089.

-, Major James, surety of W. Rooke, 951.

Baronet fees
-, discharge of, 124, 157, 187, 200, 228, 230, 248, 259, 263, 409, 524, 538, 567, 580, 595, 693, 753, 769, 770, 790, 806, 825, 829, 830, 832, 975, 987, 1003, 1026, 1033, 1041, 1055, 1058, 1062, 1103, 1111, 1221, 1288, 1314, 1447, 1457, 1458, 1462, 1463, 1465
-, grants of, 111, 124, 369, 387, 948, 1357
-, 20,000l. out of, for the Great Wardrobe, 157, 948.

-, (Barre), Peter, petition about customer's place, Sandwich, 40, 500, 1402
-, French money, 1317, 1318, 1319, 1320, 1321.

Barrett (Barrat, Baret), Christopher, landwaiter, Yarmouth, 127, 352, 363.

-, Capt. James (under Sir T. Bridge), 1354.

-, Mr., inquisition, Essex, 735.

-, Peter, searcher of Yarmouth, 272, 1102.

Barrington manor (Essex), 515.

Barrington, Abraham, searcher, Newcastle, 1268.

-, Thomas, of the Middle Temple, surety of J. Knight, 572.

-, in Stratton super fosse, 1166
-, and see Stratton.

Barrow, Mr., tenant of fee farm, 375.

-, William, petition, 98.

Barrowden (Rutland), 374, 375.

Barstable Hundred (Essex), 309, 922, 984, 1011.

Barston [? Barkestone] (Leicester), 375.

Barston, James, potter, 392.

Bartholomew, Francis, merchant, 170.

Barthorpe (co. Yorks), 1063, 1298.

Bartlett, John, surety for B. Johnson, 1213.

-, Mary, murder of, 282.

-, Mr., late receiver to late Excise farmers, 762.

-, William, servant to E. Backwell, 555, 1389-90.

Barton, John, navy bill, 1201, 1330.

Barwell, William, security of J. Chetwind, 951.

-, see Le Bas.

Bash, Sir Edward (lease, Dyffryn Clwyd for Prince Charles), 542.

-, (Basiere, Basire, Bazier, Batier), Isaac, surety of J. Basiere, 617, 950, 1098
-, inquisition, 744, 840
-, commissioner Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

-, John, clerk to collector of Newcastle port, 949.

-, John, receiver of seventeen months' tax for Northumberland, Cumberland, Westmorland, co. Palatine of Durham, Newcastle upon Tyne and Berwick on Tweed, 448, 451, 452, 617, 1427
-, receiver Eighteen Months' tax for same counties, 1098
-, receiver General Poll, same counties, 950, 1398.

-, Thomas, inquisition, 744.

Baskervill, Mr. (Wakefield advowson), 838.

Basselar, Cornelius van, 235.

Bassenett, Mr. (French ship), 1402.

-, Sir William, issues, 34, 72, 81
-, proposing for farm of law duty, 89, 91, 93, 393
-, law duty farm [abortive], 413, 521, 540
-, royal bounty to, 314.

Bastards' estates
-, 74
-, see Escheated.

-, see Bacheler.

Batersby. See Battersby.

Bates. Tho., a King's musician, 275, 645, 824, 832, 1022, 1419.

-, -, a wounded soldier, 557.

Bath (co. Somerset), 610, 950.

- and Wells, bishop of (Peter Mew), 1270, 1290
-, tenths, 1270, 1290.

-, Earl of
-, see Granville, J.

-, Robert, landcarriageman Western ports, 579
-, London port, 607, 667.

-, -, son of Robert, 579
-, landcarriageman, London, 607.

Batley (co. Yorks), 307, 517, 717.

-, (Battaylea), signora Eleanora, 393
-, an Italian musician, 1333.

Batte (Battie), William, extended estate of, at Barkisland, Yorks, 307, 382.

-, Sir William, 911
-, surveyor of the Navy, 632.

-, Lady Elizabeth, widow of Sir William, 632, 911.

Battersby, Nicholas, keeper of records of St. Mary's court, near York, 780, 787.

Battie, William, clerk, prosecuting conventicles in Norfolk and Suffolk, 400, 553, 1000, 1359, 1454.

Battisford (co. Suffolk), 617, 950, 1097.

Battison, Mr., defending ship against the Turks, 557.

Battles Walk
-, see Windsor Forest.

Baugh, Richard, Justice of the Peace, Gloucester, 330, 390.

Baumbrough, Mr., brewer, Hull, 868, 1444.

Bawdsey Ferry (Suffolk), 784.

Baxter, James, waiter, Stockton, 1285.

-, John, boatman, Portsmouth, 190.

-, Robert, noontender, 530.

Bayes, expert workmen taking looms, etc., to Portugal, forbidden, 746.

Bayles, Charles (Hundreds, Essex), 1373.

Bayly (Baly, Baily), Dorothy wife of [Major], 1394.

-, Francis, builder at Bristol, 87, 412-3, 572.

-, George, commissioner, Newcastle. for admeasuring coal keels, 1205.

-, John, commissioner, Newcastle for admeasuring coal keels, 1205.

-, Major, 42
-, fee farm rents and annuity payments for, 213, 1394.

-, Capt. Nicholas, Ireland Navigation Act frauds proposal, 974, 1046, 1248.

-, see Baines.

Bayonne (France), 550, 973.

Beach, Mr., payment, 289.

-, Sir Richard, for the Navy, 1255.

Beads, imports of, 870.

Beale, Bartholomew, Auditor of Imprests, 1025, 1351, 1400, 1404, 1405, 1406, 1412.

-, Thomas, searcher, Bridgwater, 1193.

Beaminster (co. Dorset), 891, 955.

-, see Beaumont.

-, Humphrey (Hearthsmoney 1666). 134
-, Auditor of Imprests, 153, 196, 307, 318, 321.

Bear, Balthazar, outlaw, 250.

Beard, Nicho., senior, quaker, 1257.

Beardsey, George, surety of J. Rawlins, 949.

Beare Coppice
-, see Whittlewood Forest.

Bearmasters place
-, see lead.

Beauchamp, John, lease, Duffryn Clwyd, for Prince Charles, 239, 542.

-, (Beauclaire), Charles, Earl of Burford, 414, 432, 613, 1041, 1213
-, title, 570
-, pension, 438, 688, 886, 1133
-, and see Gywnne, E.

-, James, brother to Charles, 414.

Beaumaris (Anglesey), 183, 1185, 1384, 1471.

Beaumont, Charles, keeper of small guns in the Tower, 974.

- (Beamont), John, issue out of wine licences, 420, 511.

-, Richard, of Whitley (co. Yorks), 307.

-, Sir Thomas, 376.

Beauvoir, Charles, undersearcher, London, 527, 968, 1452.

Beavis, John, robber, 787.

-, see Babington.

Beck (Becke), George, waiter, Penryn, 747.

-, James, serjeant at arms, 122, 529, 676, 872, 997, 1011, 1122, 1442
-, lease of tolls, Knighton, 1144, 1180-1, 1182, 1466.

Becket, Phillip, of the King's music, of the flute and sackbut, 174, 645, 824, 1013, 1419.

Beckford, Jo., 819.

-, Sir Thomas, slopseller to the Navy, 1226, 1246, 1320, 1321.

Beckman, Major Martin, chief engineer of forts, etc., 938, 1449.

Bedborough, William, stable keeper at Hampton Court, 40, 98, 248, 553, 912, 1363, 1398, 1445.

-, (Beddle), John, 616
-, security of W. Norrington, 950, 1097.

Bedfield (co. Suffolk), 950, 1097.

-, Earl of
-, see Russell, W.

-, Thomas (goods for Sir L. Jenkins), 391
-, secretary to commissioners to treat with the States General about Trade, 202.

-, -, landwaiter, Bideford, 734.

Bedford, county, 417, 694, 1048, 1098, 1288.

-, -, gentlemen of, 44.

-, -, receivers of Crown lands, 100, 361, 619, 1080, 1215, 1374.

-, -, receivers of assessments
-, see Cockayne, J., Duncombe, C.

Bedingfield, John, receiver of 17 months' tax, Norfolk, 430.

Bedloe, Mr., issues to, 860.

-, Wardrobe of
-, see Wardrobe.

Beedal, Peter (ship Star), 232.

Beeford (co. Yorks), 110.

Beegby, Tho., Yeoman warder of the Tower, 1377.

-, exported
-, see Excise (beer).

-, King's beer
-, see Royal Household.

-, small, 843, 1170-1.

-, strong, 843, 1170-1.

Beeston (co. Norfolk), 700.

Beilby, J., Justice of Peace, Yorks, 417, 418.

Beine, Edward, 1325.

Belasyse, John, first Lord Belasyse of Worlaby, Governor of Tangier, 8, 18, 146, 172.

-, Thomas, second Viscount (afterwards first Earl) Fauconberg, 116, 545
-, creation money, 503, 1188, 1471.

Belchford (co. Lincoln), 515.

Belenchard, Mr., 1329.

Belfast (Ireland), 1036.

Belfield (co. Lancs.), 307.

Bell, Jacob, importing gum seneca, 238.

-, John, tidesman, London, 759, 785, 1178.

-, Mr. (account of Blake's debt), 471
-, fine, 1465.

-, Phillip, discovery, 1235.

Bell wharf, London, 1232.

-, William, wine merchant, 346, 567, 629, 959, 980, 1360
-, estate, 1069, 1079, 1087, 1109.

Bellefonds, Marechal de, 933.

Bellew, Sir Christopher, 882.

Bellingham, Sir Daniel, deputy Vice Treasurer, Ireland, 791-2.

-, Sir Richard, son to Sir Daniel, 791-2.

Bellings (Beling), Dame Francis, the Queen's first dresser and woman of the bedchamber, pension, 553.

-, Sir Richard, secretary to the Queen Consort, master of Requests and trustee for her jointure, 141, 502, 1118.

Bellor [Bellot], Thomas, collector of Customs of wool, etc., London, 388.

Bence, Alderman John (ineffectual customs farm), 700-1, 706, 1430.

Bende, John, Excise Commissioner, 1249.

Bendish, Sir John, law duty farm, 566, 578, 600, 624, 634, 749, 1041, 1417.

-, Robert, receiver Royal Aid, Norfolk, 630.

Benefitt, John, searcher for uncustomed goods, 1211.

Bennet, Charles, Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, 197.

-, Capt., medal for, 851, 1103.

-, David, Customs officer, 969.

-, Francis, landwaiter, Plymouth, 955.

-, Henry, Earl of Arlington, 860, 1410, 1433
-, Secretary, 290, 464, 466, 467, 602, 735, 740-1, 752, 1111, 1197, 1358
-, Lord Chamberlain, 130, 246, 259, 344, 368, 612, 655, 688, 699, 727, 757, 759, 822, 889, 972, 974, 1061, 1076, 1107, 1197, 1214, 1242, 1289
-, Post Master General, for the Duke of York, 667-8
-, Post office defalcations, 178, 219, 305, 328, 663, 686, 932, 1003, 1269, 1283, 1456, 1457
-, pension 1,000l. per an., 64
-, 2,000l. per an., 270, 365, 483, 520, 586, 705, 783, 886, 966, 1081, 1156
-, lease, 1168
-, creation money, 1443.

-, John, clerk of works, Audley End and Newmarket, 1286.

-, -, of Shaftesbury, receiver of Crown Revenues, Dorset and Somerset, 169, 304, 577.

-, St. John, surety of J. Hartopp, 950.

-, Sir John, 1402, 1408
-, fee farms, 1412.

-, Peter, deputy searcher Poole port, 1135.

-, Simon, 65
-, banker's annuity, 657, 702, 1423, 1424, 1426.

-, William, of London, merchant, 559.

Benson, Francis, lands, Kendal, 1344.

-, William, collector, Truro, 626, 657, 737.

Bentinck (Benting), William, Envoy from the Prince of Orange, 727, 742, 783, 822, 1440.

Benyon (Binion), George, son of Sir George, 161-2, 1403, 1408, 1411.

-, Sir George, receiver of Crown Revenues Northampton and Rutland, 162
-, Excise Commissioner, 646.

Berd. See Bird.

Bere, Sidney, Lord Chamberlain's office, 1022.

Berenger. See Berringer.

Beresford, Richard, clerk of Pleas in the Exchequer, 715, 1427.

Bergeck, Count, Envoy from Spain, 667, 718, 723, 755, 962.

Bergen (Norway), 569, 593.

Berilia, farm of (Earl of Kinnoul), 386.

-, (Berrington ; and see Burrington), John, petition for place, 74.

-, William, royal bounty to, 1214, 1473.

-, George, Lord Berkeley de Berkeley (first Earl of Berkeley) importing elephants from West Indies, 113, 151
-, account for repairs at Nonsuch, 1308-9, 1422.

-, Mrs., Jane, pension of 200l. per an., 293, 336, 575, 795, 1329, 1415.

-, John, first Lord Berkeley of Stratton, ambassador extraordinary to France, 14, 133, 190, 250, 283, 290, 302, 351, 415
-, issues to, 22, 64, 72, 79, 80, 143
-, ambassador to Nimuegen, 63, 264, 302, 304, 313, 415, 504, 523, 573, 587, 602, 621, 656, 723-4, 773, 793, 796, 808, 938, 1414, 1416, 1419, 1438
-, pension of 1,200l. per an., 807
-, clerk of treasury in Court of Common Pleas, 821.

-, John, Page of Honour, 272, 408, 401, 628, 642, 716, 766, 816, 1059, 1111, 1430, 1457.

-, Maurice, third Viscount Fitz Hardinge, baronetcy fee, 263.

-, Sir William, Lieutenant and General Governor of Virginia, 946, 1453.

-, (co. Herts), manor, 271, 284, 298, 1450
-, Galloway fields in, 937.

-, Earl of
-, see Howard, C.

Berkshire county, 155, 201, 202, 694, 909, 1288.

-, -, fee farm, 376.

-, -, receiver of Crown Revenues, 565.

-, -, receiver of Assessments, 268, 678, 964
-, and see Brown T., Levett W.

-, -, sheriff, 187.

Bermondsey (Surrey), 203.

Bermudas, 188.

-, Governor of
-, see Heydon, Sir J.

Bernard (and see Barnard), Christopher, second Secondary in the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer's office, 488, 700, 1129.

-, Henry, petition, 4
-, banker's payment, 11, 18, 1423, 1424, 1426
-, Wadlow's accounts, 95
-, annuity, 657, 702.

-, Sir Henry, perpetuity on Excise assigned to Sir W. Bishop, 941, 1293, 1449.

-, James, clerk, 378.

-, John, Solicitor to the Treasury, 1307
-, Customs law suits, 188, 558, 634
-, disbursement in Sessions of Parliament, 104, 122, 1342
-, inquisition, 821
-, prosecuting the King's debt, 1259.

-, Mr., caveat about London searchers' place, 910.

-, Robert, comptroller Poole port, 325.

Berringer (Berenger), Thomas, sheriff, Bucks, 917, 1042.

Berrington (co. Hereford), 1239.

-, see Berington.

Berrow, John, landwaiter Bristol, 1450.

-, (and see Bury), Sir John, 1317
-, commissioner to adjust matters at Virginia, 334, 347
-, Captain of Deal Castle, 479, 787, 820
-, goods for, 297
-, dispatch of [to Virginia], 327, 344.

-, Mr., author of 'Catholique naked truth,' 420.

-, Sir Thomas, Kt., Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, 197, 663.

-, (Bury), William, manslaughter, 938, 1392-3.

Berry (Brideston), Devon, 404.

-, Charles, Secretary to Treasurer Danby, 4, 72, 201, 306, 423, 650, 1419, 1426 and passim
-, issues to for secret service, 33, 38, 55, 71, 77, 80, 81, 140, 163, 173, 201, 205, 208, 217, 233, 240, 253, 259, 260, 286, 295, 310, 320, 330, 335, 338, 343, 350, 384, 388, 411, 427, 433, 436, 438, 500, 502, 510, 511, 518, 546, 550, 552, 558, 563, 565, 568, 583, 608, 620, 621, 644, 670, 679, 690, 698, 706, 709, 731, 733, 734, 736, 737, 740, 748, 753, 760, 762, 769, 789, 811, 880, 894, 904, 910, 920, 925, 931, 937, 940, 949, 950, 956, 959, 981, 988, 995, 1023, 1027, 1029, 1032, 1043, 1053, 1064, 1074, 1075, 1089, 1101, 1107, 1108, 1115, 1120, 1134,1143, 1146, 1150, 1161, 1165, 1172, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1191, 1196, 1213, 1226, 1255, 1271, 1289, 1318, 1320, 1329, 1334, 1335, 1424, 1430, 1431, 1433, 1435, 1436, 1437, 1446, 1447, 1449, 1450, 1454, 1456, 1464, 1466, 1467, 1468, 1469, 1471
-, payments by, out of secret service, 74, 76, 88, 94, 95, 96, 410, 415, 738, 778, 838, 851, 854, 865, 1453, 1465, 1468
-, French king's money, 415, 1316-23
-, issues to, for Treasurer Danby, 506, 754, 1305, 1319, 1320, 1321, 1322, 1323
-, issues to for new year's gifts, 229, 412, 414, 825, 1190
-, issues to, for the works at Windsor out of the 20,000l. reserved out of the Irish revenue, 597, 611, 651, 1100, 1128, 1465
-, loans to, 1072
-, issues to unclassed, 314
-, torn in pieces for money, 501
-, a Commissioner for the Queen Mother's arrears, 609, 665
-, a Commissioner for Inspecting the Mint, 751, 986, 1027, 1051
-, a Commissioner for Appeals in Excise, 663, 1204, 1263
-, a Commissioner of Excise, 1249
-, inspecting Teller's Cash in the Exchequer, 788
-, Comptroller of Newcastle port, 1308
-, referee, 543, 1472
-, Receiver of First Fruits, 977
-, grant to, in trust for Earl of Plymouth, 1281
-, death of his wife, 1200
-, loan to Lady Langhorne, 129.

-, Edward (uncle to Charles Bertie and to the Earl of Lindsey), collector of the great Customs (of wool, etc.), London, 387, 399, 403, 588, 683, 1348, 1394, 1427.

-, Elizabeth, daughter of the Earl of Lindsey, 613
-, for Elizabeth, wife of the Earl of Lindsey see Bertie, Robert.

-, James, Lord Norris de Rycote (afterwards Earl of Abingdon), 425, 431.

-, Nicholas, son of Sir Peregrine, 223.

-, Peregrine, a searcher of Customs, London, 265
-, Receiver General of the Seventeen Months' tax, co. Kent, 430
-, grant to, in trust for the Earl of Plymouth, 1281, 1327, 1328
-, Alienation Office, 45, 259, 647, 1423
-, (Gedney Marsh), 167
-, son of Nicholas, 223.

-, Sir Peregrine, 167, 223.

-, (Berkley), Capt Richard, 1327.

-, Robert, 4
-, Secretary of the Customs, 921, 1296
-, pension, 106, 253, 395, 502, 589, 676, 771, 869, 959, 1036, 1136, 1176, 1240
-, keeper of East Hainault Walk in Waltham Forest, 931.

-, Robert, 3rd Earl of Lindsey, 430, 454, 613
-, a Gentleman of the Bedchamber and pension to as such, 51, 124, 215, 227, 290, 323, 383, 389, 522, 528, 604, 695-6, 766, 782, 904, 992-3, 1057, 1089, 1141, 1162, 1418, 1428, 1446
-, Great Chamberlain of England, 304, 387, 522, 613
-, Warden of Waltham Forest, 687, 1427
-, King's House at Havering, 902
-, pension to him and Elizabeth his wife, 671, 776, 782, 925, 959, 965, 1060, 1129, 1421, 1422, 1425.

-, Vere, King's Remembrancer, 283, 292, 298, 1312
-, Secretary to the Customs (sic doubtless an erratum for Robert), 664
-, a Baron of the Exchequer, 52, 135, 447, 456, 635, 639, 708, 1030
-, a Justice of Common Pleas, 454, 1033.

Berwick, 88, 106, 183, 197, 205, 268, 287, 384, 526, 532, 719, 830, 842, 854, 862, 896, 938, 944, 954, 974, 1000, 1037, 1068, 1222.

-, bridge, royal bounty for, 200, 636, 989, 1080, 1420.

-, corn imports from Scotland, 393, 625, 976, 1217.

-, garrison of, at Restoration, 790, 860.

-, Governor of
-, see Widdrington, Lord W.

-, Hearthmoney
-, see Christian, W.

-, receiver of the Seventeen months' Tax
-, see Basier, J.

Berwick, Robt., commissioner, Newcastle, for admeasuring coal keels, and coal waiter, river Weare, 1206.

Besouth, Thomas, executor of J. Tomlinson, 1006.

Bessel, Mr. (attending the Danish Ambassador), 1092.

Bessiler, Cornelius van, petition, 202.

Best, Mr., seizer of goods, 385.

Bestland, Mr., paying in Churchill's moneys into the Exchequer, 473.

-, Ralph (tenement, Essex), 340.

Bestwood Park (co. Notts), 573.

Betham, Josiah, tenant of fee farms, 375.

-, Sir Hugh, 34
-, lease, 53, 65
-, fee farms, 136, 531-2, 549, 560
-, secret service money, 1334.

Bethune, Madame de, going to Dantzic, 233.

Betterton, Thomas, the Duke of York's comedian, 397.

-, Monsieur van, Ambassador Extraordinary from the States General, 277, 297, 974
-, pictures, 1453.

Beverley (co. Yorks), 1016, 1049.

-, Hospital of St. John of, 1049.

Bewick, Tho., junr., commissioner for admeasuring Newcastle coal keels, 1205.

Bexhill (How Bexhill, Sussex), 1047, 1048.

Bickerdick, Hen., commissioner, Newcastle, for admeasuring coal keels, and coal waiter, river Weare, 1206.

Bickerstaff, Sir Charles, 27.

Bickerstaffe (co. Lancs.), 1257.

Bickerton, Mrs., a rocker, 7.

Bidborough (co. Kent) ("Bedgbury"), manor, 218.

Biddy, Richard, commissioner, Newcastle, for admeasuring coal keels, 1206.

Bideford (co. Devon), 441, 626, 698, 729, 733-4, 920, 957, 1217, 1434.

Bigamy, 1235.

Bigg, William, discoveries, 309.

-, imports of, 1217.

Biggs, Abraham, 442, 825, 1081.

-, Mris. Leticia, lands Plymouth, 419, 421, 423, 425, 426, 427, 460, 461, 824-5, 867, 1013.

-, Thomas, deputy collector of Customs, Albemarle co. Carolina, tobacco, 1371.

-, Timothy, comptroller and surveyor general of Customs, Albemarle co. Carolina, 1119.

Bigland, Henry, lease, Holbech, 876.

Bignall, John (payment), 289.

-, Mary, relict of Robert, 254.

-, Robert, collector of Faversham, 253.

Bignell, Thomas, yeoman pricker of the privy harriers, 250, 261, 766, 782, 1174, 1340.

Bigsby, Daniel, surety of N. Bigsby, 1097.

-, John, surety of N. Bigsby, 617, 950, 1097.

-, (Bisby), Nelson, receiver of Seventeen Months' tax, co. Suffolk, 617
-, Receiver General of Eighteen Months' tax, co. Suffolk, 1097 : receiver of the poll. co. Suffolk, 950.

-, Robert, security of Bigsby, 950.

Bigshot Walk
-, see Windsor Forest.

Bilbao (Spain), 216, 348, 755, 1036.

-, John, 982
-, debt, 1363.

Billagh (Bilhay)
-, see Sherwood Forest.

Billing (Bylling), Edward, surety of R. Stockdale, 1177, 1286.

-, Mr., searcher, Gravesend, 76.

Billingsley, Mr., vintner, 21.

Billopp, William, 443.

Bills of rate, 1210.

-, Charles, Collector, Nevis, 347
-, collector for Four and a Half per cent., 114, 774.

-, (Byndlosse), John, petition, 23
-, searcher of Chichester, 104
-, merchant, London, 805.

-, Sir Robert, outlaw, 924.

-, Col. John, 461
-, Auditor of Excise, 161, 429-30, 456, 567, 1406, 1413
-, Receiver of Excise, 15
-, Hyde Park plantation, 422
-, treasurer for loyal indigent officers, 941, 1337
-, Wine Act Commissioner, 913, 1283, 1400, 1401, 1405, 1413, 1447.

-, Nathaniel, keeper of the King's gaol, co. Bucks, 917.

Bird (Berd), Mris., pension (30l. per an.), 581, 768, 1087, 1111, 1253.

-, Nathaniel, yeoman pricker of privy harriers, 890, 1174.

-, (Berd), William, shipowner, 1378.

Birk, John, ship's master, 213.

Birkenhead, Sir John, Master of Requests, 586, 725, 891, 1035.

-, William, landwaiter, Southampton, 14, 129.

-, see Sherwood Forest.

-, see Burstall.

Birt, Daniell, lease, Cornwall, 315.

-, John, lease, Cornwall, 316.

-, Katherine, lease, Cornwall, 316.

-, Robert, searcher for uncustomed goods, 224.

-, William, lease, Cornwall, 316.

-, -, tenant, London, 341.

Bisbaine, Danll., quaker, 1257.

-, Sir Edward, 409, 436
-, Clarencieux King at Arms, 523, 608, 677, 894, 1168, 1176, 1418, 1425, 1443, 1458.

Bishop, Alexander, 823.

-, John, killing of, 1392.

-, Sir Richard, serjeant of the House of Commons, 172, 471, 484, 742, 799, 851, 891, 1014, 1418, 1446.

-, William, petition, 97
-, Sir William, junr. (son of Sir Richard), serjeant at arms attending the House of Commons, 389, 497, 742, 954, 981, 1054, 1104, 1141, 1189, 1353, 1453, 1461
-, annuity out of Excise, 1293.

Bishops, King's order to, to issue a proclamation for a fast, 157.

Bishops Cleeve (co. Gloucester), 1309, 1392.

Bison, Richard, shipmaster, 992.

Biss, Thomas, merchant, of Bristol, 203, 219.

-, William, cooper, of Bristol, 203, 219.

-, William, receiver of Seventeen Months' tax, co. Hereford, 615
-, receiver general of Eighteen Months' tax, co. Hereford, 1097
-, receiver general, Poll, co. Hereford, 950.

Bitton (co. Gloucester), 132-3.

Black, Mr., payment, 289.

Black Rod
-, see Carteret, Sir E.

- -, house, St. Paul's, Covent Garden, 403.

Blackborne, Mr., pay of Barbados soldiers, 808.

Blackerly, Thomas, surety of N. Bigsby, 1097.

Blackeston, Edward, quaker, 1257.

-, William, commissioner, Newcastle, for admeasuring coal keels, 1205.

Blackett (Blacket), Michael, commissioner, Newcastle, for admeasuring coal keels, 1205.

-, Sir William, 448
-, coal farm assignee of Lord Townsend, 496, 745, 920, 1025, 1349
-, commissioner, Newcastle, for admeasuring coal keels, 1205.

Blackingston, Clement, landwaiter, Topsham, 949, 968, 1042.

-, see Brydges.

-, (Thames), 499, 595, 714, 1384
-, manor, 747, 1117.

Blackwell (Blackwall), Richard [Prize goods receiver], 714, 725, 747, 838, 1434.

Bladen, Nath. (inquisition), 821.

Bladon (Oxford), 228.

Blaen Arrian (co. Cardigan), 527, 1021.

Blag, Capt., navy commander, 1134.

Blagrave (Blagrove, Blaegrave, Palgrave), Mr., vintner, 21.

-, Robert, of the King's music, 174, 645, 824, 1419.

-, Tho., of the King's music, 275, 645, 824, 1419.

-, see Blanchard.

-, see Blathwait.

Blake, George, waiter, Bridgwater, 364.

-, John, of London, gent., 1175
-, deputy landwaiter, London, 1209, 1231.

-, Mr., debt from the King, 471
-, ineffectual Customs farm, 706
-, tallies, 1402.

Blancard, Monsieur, secretary to M. Ruvigny's embassy from France, 246.

Blanch Rose
-, see Heralds' College.

Blanchard Richard, clerk of the peace for East Riding, co. Yorks, 207, 258.

Bland, Mr. (Exchequer officer or ? messenger), 258.

-, Mr. [Customs] officer, Virginia, 67, 308.

-, Mr. (Mr. Nott and the Earl of Oxford, bound for), 403.

-, Mrs., 67.

-, Nathaniel, apprentice, 641.

-, Richard, searcher, Sandwich, 948.

Blandesby Park (co. Yorks), 142.

Blandford (co. Dorset), 886, 953, 1099.

-, Robert, petition, 24
-, clerk to trustees for fee farms, 1201, 1223.

-, see Le Blank.

Blatchington (co. Sussex), 1257.

Blathwait (Blathwayte), William, clerk to the Committee for Trade and Plantations, 249, 282, 299, 321, 642, 740, 802, 898, 969, 1075, 1190, 1210, 1220, 1231.

Blenerhassett, William, sheriff of Cumberland, 1039.

Blisse, William, tenant of fee farm, 373.

Blisseter, Oliver, boatman, Plymouth, 147.

-, see Blythman.

Blockhouse Field (Milton, Kent)
-, see Gravesend.

Blomley, Laurence, steward of Kennington, 1215.

Blondon, William, lease of tolls, Knighton, 1144.

Blow, Jo., a King's musician, 274, 311, 645, 824, 1419.

Blythnook (Newcastle port), 1205.

Blythman, Jas., Justice of the Peace, Yorks, 417.

-, (Blithman), Mr., 43.

-, see Bord.

Boardman (Bourdman)
-, see Bordman.

Boche, Mrs., servant of Lady Ossory, 676.

Bodenham (co. Hereford), 1257.

-, (tenement Bucklawren, Cornwall), 251, 316, 995
-, and see Overbodiga.

Bodurda, Griffith, referee, Ireland, 792.

Bodvell, Henry, cashier to Sir R. Long, for the Queen Mother's officers, 168.

Bodycourt, Richard, constable of Richmond, 589.

Bogan, William, surety of G. Clark, 159, 1242.

Bois, John du, loan to the Navy, 1375.

Boldar Walk
-, see New Forest.

-, Earl of
-, see St. John O.

Bolingbroke, soke of (co. Lincoln), 514.

Bolney (co. Sussex), 1257.

Bologna (Boulogne) wash balls, 788, 900.

Bolswith Wood (Penline, Cornwall), 301.

Bolter, John, importing earthenware, 792.

Bolton, Clara, pension (of 200l. per an.), 274, 292, 408, 426, 443, 444-5, 564, 644, 794, 1114, 1422, 1438.

-, Lancelot, receiver Seventeen Months' tax, co. Northants, 618.

Bolton (co. Yorks), chantry in, 515.

Bombazin (stuff), 1015.

Bon Esperance, Cape of (Africa), 529.

Bond, Eliza, quaker, 1256.

-, Henry, petition, 3, 63
-, pension for discovering longitude, 63, 132, 203, 287, 364, 529, 589, 676, 770, 894.

-, Isaac, quaker, 1256.

-, Jno., quaker, 1256.

-, Tho., boatswain, pension, 557.

-, Sir Thomas, goods for, 199
-, exporting horses, 1112.

-, William, landwaiter, Weymouth, 129.

Bonnell, James, deputy searcher, London, 911.

Bonnick, Eliz., payment, 289.

Bonyalva (co. Cornwall), 1392.

Books (and see Newspapers, Pamphlets, Press, Scott, R.), imports and exports of, 581, 592, 633, 637-8, 679, 739, 904, 956, 1139, 1182.

'An address of the Church of England,' 637.

'Catholique naked truth.' 420, 504.

'Description de l'Amerique,' 283.

'The Golden Fleece,' 643.

Hakluyt 'Relation of the West Indies,' 283.

'History of the Roman Emperors,' 1182.

'History of the World ;' see Howell, Dr. W.

'History of the Antilles,' in French, 643.

-, see Butler S.

Ligon, R., 'History of Barbados,' 283.

W. Morgan's 'Britannia,' 1003, 1367.

Morrison's 'New Herbal,' see Morrison, Dr. R.

L. Muggleton's book, 1327.

'Natural History of West Indies,' 283.

Ogilby's 'History of America,' 283.

'Papers of Carolina and New England,' 283.

Priorati's 'History of Europe,' 1289.

'Receuil des traits,' 643.

Sandford and Holford's 'Genealogical History of the Kings of England,' 625.

'Smyth's Voyages,' 283.

'Statute Book of New England,' 643.

Dr. Stub's book, 547.

'Turkish History,' 1182.

'Uniformity of Government from the first times to the end of Edward III,' 478.

Boom (Netherlands), 1083.

Boone (Boon), John, watchman, London, 1191, 1470.

-, Thomas, merchant, of London (order), 329, 358, 563, 579, 790, 1415
-, (Northcote), 12, 89, 91.

Boot or Bot
-, see House boot, Cart boot.

Booth, Elizabeth, daughter of Sir John, 820.

-, John, son of Sir John, 820.

-, St. John, son of Sir John, 820, 1447.

-, Sir John, father of Capt., 491, 820.

-, Nath., receiver of subsidy, Chester, 358.

-, Richard, shipowner, 742, 918.

-, Sir Robert, Ireland, 1241.

-, Capt. Thomas, executed for murder, 240, 491, 817, 820, 841.

-, William, collector, Ipswich, 144.

Boothby Pagnell (co. Lincoln), 616.

Bord (Board), Dr., Prof, of Law, Cambridge, 173, 637, 793, 967.

Borde, d'Assigny, Madame Henriette de, dresser to the Queen Mother, pension, 123, 223, 292, 323, 378, 528, 604, 716, 766, 895, 1006, 1028, 1058, 1425, 1429, 1430, 1431.

Bordeaux (France), 307, 1005, 1145, 1146, 1251, 1360.

-, wines
-, see Wines.

Bordman (Boardman and see Boreman), John, Dwarf orchard, Greenwich, 18.

-, Samuel (and his widow), receiver (for the Queen Mother), Worcester, Hereford, Shropshire, Stafford, 901
-, tenant of fee farm, 375.

Boreham manor (? Essex), 1372.

-, Sir William, clerk of the Greencloth, 239
-, keeper of Dwarf Orchard, Greenwich, 18, 156, 522
-, grant of Old Court manor, 239
-, lease of Pike Garden, 1301.

Borgia, Don Carlos de, 826.

Borilliet, Barbara, payment, 289.

Borlase, Sir John, 515.

-, see Burlace.

Borwick (co. Lancs.), 924.

Boscawen (Boscowen), Edward, fee farm, 799.

-, Mr., merchant (Cornwall), 456, 461.

Boscawen Point [near Falmouth], 855.

Boskenna (Cornwall), blowing houses, 922.

-, Christopher, watchman, London, 869
-, messenger of the Chamber for the Customs, 1035.

-, Edmond, Farmer of Law duties, 115, 512-3.

Boston (New England), 810, 1023, 1359.

-, (co. Lincoln), 183, 274, 312, 322, 391, 427, 483, 558, 590, 759-60, 800, 991, 1056, 1081, 1119, 1175, 1270, 1450, 1463
-, setting out the port, 296.

Boswell, John, grant of estates, 1195.

-, see Boot.

-, Mary, petition, 97, 573-4
-, lease Tamworth, 624, 644, 1414, 1420.

-, William, husband of Mary, 624.

Botternell, South Botternell, Carnedon Prior, Cornwall, 664.

Boucher (Bouchier), Dr. T., Prof. of Civil Law, Oxford, 518, 733.

-, George, petition (father killed at Bristol), 1387.

Bough wood, 548.

Boun, Thorn., 1348.

-, see Corn.

Bounty, William, a King's trumpet, 1370.

Bourgneuf (France), 1146.

Bourke, Ellen, wife of William, seventh Earl of Clanricarde, 501.

Bourne (co. Sussex), Eastbourne, 1148, 1212, 1218, 1402.

Boutell, Mr., wine merchant, 702.

-, see Bows.

Bowden (Northants), 373.

Bowden, Nico., receiver of the Voluntary present, Chester and Lancs., 1361.

-, Thomas, petition for place of King's waiter, 246
-, deputy landwaiter, 928.

Bowes, Mr. (for the Tower warders), 843.

Bowles, Charles, second son of Sir William (reversion of Master of Tents), 136.

-, Francis, yeoman of the Tents, 1284.

-, James, yeoman pricker, 766, 782, 1063, 1174, 1462.

-, John, a King's waiter, London, 209, 368, 582, 585, 697, 782, 823, 873, 874, 1020, 1268.

-, Mr. (goods for Tangier), 703.

-, William, keeper of the King's wardrobe, Greenwich, 1284.

-, William and Sir William, Master of Tents and Toils, 2, 18, 26, 107, 136, 355, 536, 548, 719, 979, 1139, 1219, 1284, 1414, 1445
-, inquisition, 1286, 1289.

-, Sir William (temp. 1581), 284.

Bowling Green
-, see Whithall.

Bowman, Mrs., widow, 43, 49.

-, Seymour, surety of A. Davis, 952, 1098
-, surety of W. Levett, 617, 952, 1098.

-, Gentlemen of
-, see Price, G.

-, yeoman of
-, see Fordham, T.

Bowyer, Sir James, baronet fee, 1003, 1314, 1455, 1458.

Boxgrove (co. Sussex), 1047.

Boyer, William, tenant, London, 341.

Boyle, Elizabeth, Countess, wife of Richard, 197.

-, Michael, Archbishop of Dublin, 1241.

-, Richard, 197.

-, -, Earl of Cork, Earl of Burlington, 1241
-, creation money, 568
-, Irish lands, 182, 1010-1
-, grant of English lands, 197.

-, Roger, first Earl of Orrery, 18, 27, 1337, 1456
-, lands in Ireland, 128
-, 8,000l. out of quit rents, 241, 621
-, Commissioner for affairs of Ireland, 130
-, compensation for President of Munster, 219, 644.

Boynton (Pointon), Mrs., Isabella, widow, pension, 30, 49, 56, 150, 272, 411, 425, 469, 635, 719, 794, 929, 1292, 1294, 1305, 1418, 1429, 1440, 1460.

-, Katherine, pension, 164.

-, Mary, pension, 272, 291, 637, 719, 794, 929, 1414, 1429, 1440, 1460.

Boys, Samuel, merchant, 795.

Boyton (manor, Cornwall), 316, 576, 666.

Brabant (Braband), Henry, commissioner, Newcastle, for admeasuring coal keels, customer of Newcastle, 328, 1206.

-, receiver general, Poll, Durham, 205
-, ditto Northumberland, 1061.

-, Richard, Sandwich port admeasurement, 398.

Brabazon (Barbazon), Capt. Edward, petition, 1071, 1381.

-, Visc.
-, see Egerton, J.

Brackley (Northants), 374.

Bradford, John, riot, Weymouth, 955.

-, Julian, and her brother, 74.

-, John (arrears), 74
-, messenger of the Chamber, 76, 567, 1379.

-, Mrs., wife of John, 1379.

-, Mr. [? Consul], 80.

-, Nathl., Consul at Tripoli, 164, 231, 256, 355, 715, 743, 750, 1313, 1432, 1434, 1435.

Bradshaigh, Sir Roger, grant of J. Collin's debt, 109.

Bradshaw, Arthur, prizes account, 1302.

-, Cornwall, Receiver of Hearthmoney, London and Westminster, 13, 24, 57, 58, 64, 80, 85, 98, 114, 261, 455, 456, 458, 460, 490, 497, 692, 877, 920, 1366, 1427
-, Hearthmoney Farmer, 1151
-, advancing money for the Leeward soldiers, 795, 1145
-, inquisition, 1286.

-, Edward, executed for murder, 777, 1439.

-, Sir James, grant of Edward Bradshaw's estate, 777.

-, Mr., 289, 441
-, East Moulsey lease, 118
-, debt from Sir T. Williams, 1384-5
-, debt from Wine Licence Commissioners, 266
-, for Consul Baker, 1234.

-, Robert, waiter at Bourne and Pevensey, 1212, 1218.

-, Capt. Robert, collector Chichester port, 1128, 1148.

-, Sir Roger, lease, 1175, 1470.

Brady, Dr. Robert, Prof, of Physic, Cambridge, 805, 1017.

Brafferton (co. Durham), 617.

-, (co. Yorks), 744.

Brag, Henry, tidesman, Bristol, 980.

Braines, James, 121.

-, Francis, serjeant at law, 1030
-, baron of the Exchequer, 1030.

-, Sir John, 574, 1330.

Brampton Abbotts (Hereford), 422.

Brancepeth (Durham), 715.

-, Elector of, Envoy from
-, see Schwerin, Monsieur.

Brandon, Charles, inquisition, 151-2.

Brandrith, Daniel, land carriageman, London, 1053.

Brandy, seizures, 385, 495, 813.

-, prohibition, 855
-, allowance for, in Excise farm, 1260.

Brannel (co. Cornwall), 950.

Bransby, Mr., petition, 3.

Bransty Beck, near Whitehaven, 1263.

Brattle, John, assaymaster, Mint, 1297, 1345.

-, see Brevall.

-, see Browne Rich.

Bray, Sir Edmund, Kt., 187, 1012, 1285, 1456.

-, Lodowick, petition, 98
-, pension, 405, 497, 593, 644, 886, 1041, 1363.

-, see Windsor Forest.

Breach, Mrs. (widow of a yeoman warder of the Tower), 848-9.

Breame, Walter, customer of Sandwich, 398.

Breames, Sir Arnold, Kt., surety of W. Rooke, 616, 951.

-, receiver of assessments
-, see Lloyd, J., Stradling, M.

-, (S. Wales), receiver general of the poll
-, see Stradling, M.

Breda, Christian van, merchant of London, 737

-, see Grediow.

Bredwardine (Hereford), 1239.

-, John, alderman, Excise farmer, London, 108, 1405
-, revenue farmer, Ireland, 53, 54, 419, 436, 462, 601.

-, Robert, surety of J. Watts, 711.

-, Thomas, Irish farmers arrears Commission, 535, 601.

Breehault, James, French merchant, 147.

Bremore (Ireland), 882.

Brent, Mr. [New Forest account], 430.

-, Mr. (Pointz's tally), 9
-, fee farms, 54, 64, 422, 453, 489, 491
-, letters of attorney, 1062, 1241, 1330, 1334, 1381.

-, Peter, Serjeant Plumber, 101, 411, 1371.

-, Richard, in the absence of C. Bertie, 910.

-, Robert (for J. Tooker and J. Salmon), 248
-, witness, 865.

-, Countess of
-, see Ruthven, Clara.

Brereton, William, third lord Brereton of Leighton, Barbados rights, 4, 6, 421, 1296.

Brerewood, William, Customer inwards, Southampton, 412, 525.

-, -, underclerk of the House of Commons, 43, 318, 339.

Bretforton (co. Worcester), 376.

Breton (Britton), Elizabeth, daughter of Dr. Robert, 1348, 1356.

-, John, brother of Thomas, 1124.

-, Richard, customer of Sandwich, 398, 408, 1439
-, customer of Dover, 198, 245
-, receiver, Dover, 509, 730, 779, 957.

-, -, Comptroller of Petty Customs, London, 408, 779.

-, Robert, wine dealer, 626.

-, Dr. Robert, lease, 157, 1348, 1356.

-, Thomas, suicide, 1124.

-, Ursula, daughter of Dr. Robert, 1348, 1356.

Brett, George, shipmaster, 612.

-, John, goods for, 608.

-, Mris. and her sister, pension, 1396.

-, Major Richard, for the Duke of York, 176
-, debt to, 740, 833
-, witness, 1128
-, banker's annuity to, 892, 1039, 1220, 1318, 1433, 1438
-, Excise, 15, 41, 446
-, Navy Victualler, 825, 1103, 1186, 1199, 1200, 1201, 1261, 1391
-, pension out of logwood, 1184, 1244, 1271.

Brettey, Tho., tenant, London, 341.

Brettridge, Col. Roger, issue, 435, 1419.

Brevall (Bravall), Dr., 1329, 1332.

Brewer, Edward, collector of Customs of wool, etc., London, 388, 1348, 1349.

-, John, deputy Auditor of Imprests, 202, 309.

-, Mrs., widow of Edward, 1349, 1394.

Brewers, the, petition, 3, 9.

-, individual, 342, 747.

Brewers Marsh (Essex), 309.

-, John, Comptroller of the Pipe, 119, 306
-, wife of, 739.

-, Samuel, one of the four messengers of the Exchequer, Court, 550.

Brick making and supply of, 21, 1278.

Brickerstaffe, James, quaker, 1257.

-, Jno., quaker, 1257.

Bridestow (Devon), 404.

Bridewell, Christ, Bridewell and St. Thomas' Hospital, lease, 121, 184.

-, dock tolls, 52.

-, prison, 557.

Bridge (co. Kent), 616.

Bridge mead (close, Wennington, Essex), 340.

Bridgeman, Lady, 369.

-, Mr., 1415.

-, Thomas, collector of Ipswich, 132, 144.

-, William (400l. per an. for seven years), 700, 869, 1083, 1428.

-, Bridge
-, see Brydges.

-, Earl of
-, see Egerton, J.

Bridgewater, Jacob, killing deer in New Park, 589.

-, see Bridgeman.

Bridgwater (Somerset), 183, 364, 526, 549, 633, 690, 982, 1193, 1471.

Bridlington (co. Yorks), 262, 287, 981, 1038, 1149, 1162, 1205, 1283.

Bridport (Dorset), 318, 1078.

Briefs for collections for fire losses, 1368.

Brighouse, Michaell, commissioner of wine licences, 197, 254-5, 816, 1229.

Bright, Robert, tenant of fee farm, 377.

Brighton (co. Sussex), 112, 1189.

Brighurst, Mr., proposal, 56.

Brill (Netherlands), 1083.

Brimell (Hereford), 377.

-, see Brunskell.

-, 655, 1384.

-, [John], equipage and ordinary, 76, 80
-, Agent for merchants' affairs, France, 330, 331, 335, 546-7, 574-5, 575-6, 584, 633, 765, 776, 907-8, 932, 1007, 1065, 1086, 1143, 1149, 1232, 1239, 1272, 1415, 1420, 1427, 1456, 1457, 1470
-, Secretary to the Embassy to France, 1055, 1070, 1111, 1143. 1144, 1232, 1272, 1461.

Brisco, Mr., petition, 98.

-, Robert, tenement, Essex, 340.

Briscoe ("Bristol"), co. Yorks, chantries, 406.

-, Earl of
-, see Digby, George.

-, Robert, Customs officer, Gravesend, 361.

Bristol, 87, 431, 963, 1242, 1387.

-, besieged by Rupert, 1387.

-, bishop of, 1235.

-, port, 183, 231, 235, 288, 300, 321, 346, 360, 608, 626, 627, 667, 785, 788, 855, 933, 1026, 1092, 1109, 1310, 1364.

-, officers, 21, 135, 170, 171, 172, 356, 363, 456, 458, 461, 462, 463, 464, 466, 470, 521, 663, 679, 732, 741-2, 822, 932, 944, 980, 1000, 1001, 1018, 1093, 1253, 1297, 1307, 1380, 1388, 1450, 1451.

-, Custom house, 470, 732.

-, assessments receiver
-, see Tooker, J.

-, Hearthmoney receiver
-, see Churchill, R.

-, merchants, 203, 219, 927.

-, sheriffs, 203, 794.

-, Tenths, 1269.

Brittaine, Mr., coffee house, 445.

-, see Breton.

Brixton Hundred (Surrey), 1048.

Broad, Mr., waiter, Cowland, 786.

Broadway (Dorset), 955.

Brocatello, 772.

Brocklesby (co. Lincoln), 515.

-, Henry, petition, 18
-, one of the King's private music, 1395.

Brogborough (co. Beds), 1048.

Bromfield, William, inquisition post mortem, 268.

Bromley, Edward, searcher Lynn Regis, 295, 1307.

Bromsberrow (co. Gloucester), 1256.

Bronziere, Monsieur de la, 851.

Brooke, George (lease), 973.

-, -, ninth Lord Cobham, 1292.

-, John (lease), 1242,

Brooke, John, of York city, baronet fee, 228.

Brooke priory (Rutland), 375.

Brooks (Brookes), Margaret, tenant of fee farm, 373.

-, Mr., Customer outwards, Bristol, 1307.

-, see Wombridge.

Broomfield (Sayes Court, Kent), 1048.

Broomfleet (co. Yorks), 718.

Broomham (Sussex), 153.

Broster, Charles, waiter, Chester port, 369.

Brotton (Yorks), 1067.

Broughton, (co. Bucks), 515.

-, (co. Lancs.), 947, 1449.

-, (co. Worcester), 376.

Broughton, James, surety of J. Watts, 691.

-, John (Isle of Man), 743.

-, Mris. Margaret (now Lady Craven), pension, 229, 263, 562, 687, 918, 938, 1425.

Brouncker, Henry, late Commissioner of Council of Trade and Plantations, 483, 484, 485, 1321.

-, William, second Viscount Brouncker, Chancellor and Keeper of the Great Seal to the Queen Consort, 141, 1118
-, trustee of the Queen Consort's jointure, 141, 511, 1118
-, pension out of Tenths, 344, 433, 590, 704, 762, 967, 1042, 1149, 1200, 1226, 1234-5.

Browes, William, 726.

Brown (Browne), Sir Adam, order, 95, 1317, 1318, 1323.

-, Anne, daughter of Sir Richard, 1346.

-, Arnold, collector, Bristol port, 944, 1000, 1451.

-, Christopher, commissioner, Newcastle, for admeasuring coal keels, 1206.

-, Devereux (Lady Langhorne's payments), 129.

-, Francis, third Viscount Montagu, 933, 949.

-, -, third son of Viscount Montagu, afterwards fourth Viscount Montagu, 1189.

-, George, the King's gunfounder, 786.

-, -, commissioner, Newcastle, for admeasuring coal keels, 1206.

-, Henry, surety of J. Langley, 614, 950, 1096
-, surety of Sir C. Musgrave, 616.

-, Henry, navy bill, 1246
-, clothes for Virginia soldiers, 81, 82
-, navy bills, 1166.

-, Hugh, petition, 18
-, provost of Strabane, 167, 212.

-, Jerome, watchman, London port, 1209.

-, Dr. John, surety of Thos. Browne, 473, 780.

-, Marcus, farm of Customs of Galloway, 1374
-, petition for loss in farm of Irish Customs, 73.

-, Mary, petition, 98.

-, Mathew, surveyor, Boston 991, 1270.

-, Mris., debt, 455.

-, Mr., fine, 460, 466, 996.

-, Mr., ship's master, 213
-, defending ship against the Turks, 557.

-, Mr., of Strabane, royal bounty to, 40.

-, Mr., proposal for law farm, 91.

-, Mr., treasurer to late Excise farmers, 762.

-, Mr., action against Vyner, 481.

-, Philip, seizer of goods, 1464.

-, Richard, surety of J. Langley, 614, 950, 1096, 1099.

-, (Brawne), -, Mr. Carlisle's pension, 1365.

-, -, tenant, London, 341.

-, -, subfarmer of Excise, Norfolk, 243.

-, -, tidesman, Newcastle, 388.

-, Sir Richard, petition, 40
-, fee farm, 163, 278
-, pension, 1346.

-, Thomas, commissioner for setting out Newcastle port, 328
-, commissioner, Newcastle, for admeasuring coal keels, 1206.

-, -, receiver general Eighteen months' assessment and Hearths, Berks and Oxford, 268, 463, 473, 474, 484, 485, 706, 780, 925, 960, 1023, 1050.

-, -, Clerk of Estreats in the Common Pleas, 1432.

-, -, debt to, 26, 49
-, salary, 74, 98, 436.

-, William, merchant of London, 763, 918.

-, William, law duty farm [? abortive], 413.

-, lease, Grediow Cornwall, 251, 576-7, 666, 1415, 1424.

Browning, George, land on the Exe, 1397, 1473.

-, Dr. Thomas, 491, 936, 1006, 1034-5, 1364, 1458, 1459.

-, Timothy, lands Cornwall, 708.

Brownlow, Ric., mortgage to Car. I., 1385.

Browsewood, definition of, 410.

-, William, petition, receiver of Aids, Lincoln, 62
-, receiver of Eleven months' assessments, Lincoln, 118, 211, 418.

Broxtow, wapentake (Notts), 396, 1242, 1308.

Broyle Park (co. Sussex), 1137.

Bruce, Lord Bruce, 372.

-, Robert, first earl of Ailesbury, lease, 68, 71, 210, 324, 351, 563
-, goods, 1053, 1086, 1461.

Brudenell, Robert, 2nd earl of Cardigan, creation money, 501, 670, 968, 1424, 1452.

Bruges (Flanders), 612, 640, 1171.

-, thread, 171.

Brunette, Francis, goods for, 413.

-, (Brimskell, Brumskell), Percivall, collecting fines of Courts, 50, 59, 63, 439, 440, 474
-, Receiver of ditto, 795, 896, 945
-, trustee for part of Greenwax fines, 993.

-, Envoy from the Duke of
-, see Thanne, Monsieur de la.

-, Duke of, horses for, 877.

Brussels, 823, 662, 934, 957, 1059.

-, camp at, 120.

-, Resident at
-, see Bulstrode, R.

-, (Bridges), Brook, an Auditor of Imprests, 101, 106, 202, 439, 453, 486, 488, 570, 614, 791. 815, 977, 1063, 1162, 1189, 1240, 1241, 1245, 1265, 1272, 1279, 1283, 1290, 1297, 1407, 1408
-, a Commissioner for inspecting the Mint, 986.

-, Elisha, alias Blackney, 189.

-, George Rodney, a Groom of the Bedchamber, 1080, 1141, 1162.

-, Joshua, collector of the new Plantation duty, Virginia, 347.

-, Mr., army arrears, Ireland, 467-8.

-, Nathaniel, surety of W. Bridges and of P. Howard, 617, 1421.

-, Rebecca, daughter of Lord Chandos, pension to, 412, 538, 602, 636, 769, 996, 1076, 1273.

-, Robert, 1435
-, lending money for Ireland, 744, 746, 748, 966.

-, (Bridge), Sir Tobias, Barbados regiment, 243, 345, 421, 516, 1084-5, 1196, 1209, 1354-5, 1362, 1371, 1378.

-, William, lending money for Ireland, 744, 746, 748, 966.

-, William, Receiver of the Seventeen Months' tax for Norfolk and Norwich, 616
-, surety for P. Howard, 1099.

-, William, 7th Lord Chandos, 26, 412, 1076, 1273
-, pension to, 149.

Bryers, John, surety of Christopher Banastre, 951.

Buchar, Richard, ship master, 1015.

Buckborough (Buckbarrow) and Great Buckborough (co. Dorset), 276, 409, 410, 575.

Bucker, William, surety of W. Harrington, 616.

Buckholt [Hants and Wilts], 33.

-, Wood, or East Walk of Buckholt, 1309.

-, Duke of
-, see Villiers, G.

Buckingham town, 620.

-, county, 341, 489, 515, 522, 613, 628, 1047, 1194.

-, -, Hearthmoney
-, see Kilby, J.

-, -, King's gaol, 917.

-, -, quakers, 1256.

-, -, receivers of Crown Revenues, 100, 361, 619, 1080, 1374.

-, -, receivers of Assessments, 210
-, and see Corney, C., Herbert, J., Russell, G.

-, -, sheriffs, 550, 917, 1042.

Buckland, John, lease, 585.

Bucklawren (Cornwall), 251, 315, 333.

Buckler, William, surety of W. Norrington, 950, 1097.

Buckley, Edward, contractor for Hearthmoney, 65, 1196, 1215, 1292, 1334.

-, -, Excise farmer, 830, 903, 1178, 1250.

- (Bulkeley), Capt. Henry, Helders fine, 431, 432, 608, 1417, 1419.

-, Mr., 1331.

-, Ralph, receiver General Eighteen Months', Anglesea, 942.

- (Bulkley), Sam., 1335.

-, Mris. Sophia, pension, 443, 450, 476, 664, 705, 724, 771, 876, 1079, 1111, 1326, 1331, 1425, 1426.

-, William, Northampton town, hearthmoney, 506, 674.

-, Mr., petition, 64
-, fee farms, 1472.

-, Ralph, Irish Revenue farm Commission, 601.

-, Richard, Irish Revenue farm Commission, 535.

-, Sir William, Revenue Farmer, Ireland, 2, 53, 54, 601, 1400
-, Farmer of Excise of London, 108, 441, 442, 843, 1358, 1402, 1405
-, French tunnage duty, Ireland, 741
-, suit against the Customs Cashier, 147.

Buckthow (Buckthorn), Dr., 1331.

-, John, new river Company, 336
-, surety, 85.

-, Mr., merchant, commissioner for the Mint, 752, 986.

Budget locks, seizure of, 870, 919.

Buggins, Butler, inquisition, 1315.

Bugia (Algiers), action at, 557.

Buglework, 772.

-, see Buckley.

Bulkheads, measuring keels by, at Newcastle, 1078.

Bull, Ann, tenant, London, 341.

-, Arundel, page of the Bedchamber, 121, 926.

-, Edward, reversion of the Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall, 150, 947, 1435, 1450.

-, -, employed in Plymouth works, 1278-9.

-, Miles, serjeant at arms, 40, 43, 693.

-, Mr., for W. Devereux, 534, 539.

-, Mr. (Mr. Hill, Customs office), 469.

Buller, Anna, daughter of John, 333.

-, Col. Anthony, lease, 191, 1421
-, interest 286, 362, 399, 433, 505, 551, 590, 706, 833, 897, 1042, 1129.

-, Anthony, son to Sir Richard, 276.

-, Francis, son of John, lands, Cornwall, 333, 505.

-, John, son of John, 333.

-, -, son to Sir Richard, lease, 315, 316, 333, 505.

-, Katherine, daughter of John, 333.

-, Maria, daughter of John, 333.

-, Sir Richard, lease, 276.

-, William, son to Sir Richard, 276.

Bullock, John, alias Watson, bastard, 510.

Bullow, Mr. [servant to the Danish ambassador], 964.

-, Monsieur, 1090
-, see Bulow.

Bulow (? Bulossius), Monsieur, Envoy from the Duke of Brunswick and Luneburg, 1090, 1171, 1197.

Bulstrode, Henry, grant of T. Ward's estate, 1309, 1392.

-, Mr., potter, Dutch tiles for, 799, 807, 969.

-, Richard and Sir Richard, Resident with the Governor of Spanish Netherlands or Agent at Brussels, 5, 24, 80, 100, 101, 106, 120, 144, 378, 410, 447, 533, 562, 578, 622, 662, 704, 767, 774, 786, 823, 898, 934, 972, 1038, 1061, 1148, 1161, 1222, 1265-6, 1314, 1437, 1453, 1467
-, campaign in Flanders, 432.

Bulteel, Mr., merchant, 432.

Bunce, Sir John, petition, 3, 484.

-, Lady, 454.

Buntington (Herts), 1257.

Buollynehowen manor (Ireland), 985.

Burchell, John, falconer, 402, 715, 1116.

Burden, Edward, bailiff of Gillingham and Grain, Kent, 736, 1433.

-, Robert, bailiff of Gillingham and Grain, Kent, 736.

-, Earl of
-, see Beauclerk, C.

Burges, Mr. (an Exchequer official), 382.

Burges Close (Stratton super Fosse), 275, 410.

Burgess (Burgesse), Capt. Daniel, Irish farmers arrear Commission, 535, 600, 601.

-, Thomas, of Exeter, seizer of tin, 1137.

-, William, Barbados soldier, 1006.

-, -, petition for 700l., 75
-, lease Holbech, 876.

Burgomayne d' Este, Marquis de, Spanish ambassador to England, 746, 986, 1092, 1173.

Burkin, James, merchant, 654, 745, 758, 915-6, 1266, 1267, 1341, 1424.

-, (Burlasse, Borlasse), Humphry, surety of J. Tooker, 615, 950, 1097
-, ditto for L. Trethewy, 615, 950, 1097.

-, Earl of
-, see Boyle, R.

Burlock (Sussex), 1257.

Burman, Mris., payment, 289.

Burnett Cressy, commissioner of Assessments, co. Yorks, 905.

-, John, Barbados soldier, 808.

-, Mr., 79.

Burnham (Somerset), 190, 288.

Burnill, Edward, Barbados soldier, 808.

Burrell, John, petition, 40.

-, Mathew, commissioner, Newcastle, for admeasuring coal keels, 1205.

Burrington ("Buriton") (Hereford), 377, 378.

-, Robert (lease. Devon), 313
-, and see Berington.

Burrough (co. Leicester), 505.

Burroughs (Burrough), Eliz., petition, 454.

-, William, customer, Newcastle, 328, 505, 1077.

Burstall (Birstall), Mr., sick and wounded, 839.

-, Robert, searcher, Gravesend, 949, 1000, 1172.

Burton on Trent (Staffordshire), 240.

Burton, John, surveyor, Newcastle, 326, 969.

-, Mr., jerquer, 37.

-, Robert, son of Thomas, under searcher, London, 282.

-, Thomas, undersearcher, London, 140, 282, 382, 387, 968.

Bury St. Edmunds (Suffolk), 949, 1303.

-, (and see Berry), John, petition, 18
-, heir of Sir W., 130.

-, Richard, commissioner of Excise, 309, 1659.

-, Sir William, Commissioner for affairs of Ireland, 130.

-, see Thread.

Busch, Mrs. Cornelia, 125.

Bush, Mr., wine merchant, 702.

Bushell, Edward, shipowner (four and a half per cent, duty debt), 3, 1378.

- (Bushel), Capt. Lenard, shipmaster, 784.

Bushey Park
-, see Hampton Court.

-, Chief Butler of England
-, see Prizage.

Butler, Amelia, Countess of Ossory, 676.

-, Elizabeth, Duchess of Ormonde, 182, 612, 649, 1423.

-, George, surveyor, Boston, 1270.

-, Sir James, a King's Counsel, 129, 550, 912, 1253, 1446.

-, James, 1st Duke of Ormonde, 116, 249, 427, 434, 446, 462, 464, 467, 545
-, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 300, 453, 495-6, 504, 666, 789, 791, 842, 843, 885, 966, 1010-1, 1071, 1084, 1091, 1125, 1127, 1198-9, 1241, 1287, 1313
-, 5,000l. per an. to, in lieu of debt due from the King, 219, 221, 365, 532, 621, 720, 925, 985, 1255-6
-, lands in Ireland, 182, 365
-, creation money, 560.

-, John, commissioner for admeasuring keels, Newcastle, 1205.

-, Dr. John, King's Chaplain and Dean of Windsor, interest in Sir R. Thomas's lands, 58, 60, 61, 93, 142, 146, 314-5, 386, 396, 417.

-, Nicholas, tenant of fee farm, 374.

-, Richard, 1st Earl of Arran, 1241
-, goods for, 1069.

-, Robert, a Quaker, 1257.

-, Samuel, author of 'Hudibras,' pension of 100l. per an. to, 478, 479, 1116.

-, Susan, wife of Dr. John Butler and sister of Sir R. Thomas, 142.

-, Thomas, Earl of Ossory, 116, 843, 1042
-, a Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 51, 127, 209, 323, 389, 551. 604, 695, 766, 904, 992, 1057, 1132, 1141, 1428, 1446, 1461
-, Chamberlain of the Queen's Household, 1032
-, assign ment, 78
-, 2,000l. a year for 7 years out of the 20,000l. saving in Ireland, 144, 175, 597, 1313
-, 2,666l. 13s. 4d. per an. for 3 years 152
-, 2,000l. per an. for 3 years, 152
-, going to Flushing, 920
-, returning from Holland, 1145, 1466.

-, see Prizage.

Butlers Marston (co. Warwick), 952.

Butter, retail and wholesale trade in, 971.

Butterworth, Alexander, extended estate of (of Belfield, Lancs.), 307, 382.

-, see Royal Household.

Buttons, import of, 602, 737, 870.

Butts, Thomas, of Barking, royal bounty to, 764.

Bye, Rich., tidesman, London, 1266.

Byfleet (Surrey), manor, 1118, 1356.

-, see Billing.

Byron, Richard, second Lord Byron, 1330
-, pension, 104, 256, 479, 790, 863, 917, 1009, 1087, 1160, 1240 super on, 396, 1242, 1308.