Entry Book: April 1678, 16-30

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: April 1678, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp966-981 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: April 1678, 16-30', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp966-981.

"Entry Book: April 1678, 16-30". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp966-981.


April 1678, 16-30

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 16. Letter of direction on an order of March 21 last for 864l. to Sidney Godolphin, Esq. : same to be hereby by tallies on the Customs. (Charles Bertie dated April 16 to the Customs Cashier to immediately pay said tally, as said Godolphin "is to be dispatch't away to Holland this night." Money Book (General) p. 243. Out Letters (General) p. 241.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in notwithstanding any restriction) 100l. for last Lady day quarter on Sir John Howell's pension of 400l. per an. Out Letters (General) p. 241.
Same to the Customs Cashier to forthwith bring into the Exchequer 2,000l. to be paid over to the Treasurer of the Navy for payment of tickets. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies) for 500l. for last Lady day quarter of the Earl of Arlington's pension. Ibid, p. 242.
April 16 altered to 1678-9, Jan. 16. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Ralph Montagu, Master of the Great Wardrobe, authorising him to borrow money at interest for the service of the Great Wardrobe from time to time at 6 per cent. interest and 2 per cent. further reward for the loan and forbearance thereof : said Montagu having "at present and may at several times hereafter have occasion for the borrowing of moneys for the necessary supply of your Office upon the credit of orders and tallies drawn and levied at the Receipt of the Exchequer for the service thereof." Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 181.
April 16. Same from same to Serjt. John Ramsay to arrest Edmund Warcupp and Richard Downes, late Commissioners of Wine Licences : it being certified by Auditor Richard Aldworth the 16 inst. that he cannot make up the accounts of the present Commissioners of Wine Licences because said Warcupp and Downes have not passed their accounts of same for the years 1672-5 : they having been thereto called upon and warned and hitherto neglected same. Ibid, p. 182.
April 17. Commission from same to John Thompson to be Solicitor for the Poll Act for London and Middlesex. Ibid, p. 185.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer for process of immediate extent against Thomas Chapman, of Liverpool, merchant, absconded, on bonds dated 1676, Nov. 17, for 220l., and 90l. ; 1676, Nov. 28, for 80l. and 33l. ; 1677, April 27, for 100l. and 37l. ; 1677, June 8, for 149l. and 62l. ; 1677, May 26, for 290l. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 181.
[?] Treasurer Danby to [the Commissioners for the Poll] recommending to them the well execution of the Act for same without which its ends will not be answered "and that you will particularly take care to tax all servants for such wages as they really receive or have contracted for and not for such as by any statutes they are only allowed to take. I make this particular instance to you because I am informed that the Commissioners appointed to put the former Poll Bill in execution did proceed to tax the wage of servants by what they ought to receive by the said laws only : but I doubt not of your care in every part of this trust committed to you by this Act and hope you will improve to the best advantage and true intention thereof." Ibid, p. 182.
April 17. Charles Bertie to the Customs Commissioners to readmit "if you think fit" Mr. Ball, the Surveyor of Chester port who stands suspended for some neglect. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 43.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to same to observe an order in Council dated Whitehall, April 9, prefixed in extenso, for the Customs Commissioners to permit from time to time all ships that shall appear to have really cleared at the several Customs Houses of England and Wales before March 20 last to proceed on their voyages, notwithstanding the embargo ; as also all ships that shall appear to have been forced by stress of weather or otherwise to put into any port of England or Wales since the said embargo ; also to permit all ships that go to the Baltic for masts, pitch, tar, hemp, timber, plank or other naval provisions and stores to proceed on their voyages, notwithstanding the present embargo, provided they first give bond to sell their respective ladings at their return to the King or to give the King's officers the refusal thereof, when returned, at the then market rates : the present order herein being made upon report to the King in Council from the Admiralty Lords upon the matter of dispensing with the embargo. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in forthwith) 20l. for half a year to Lady day last on Dr. Boord's perpetuity of 40l. per an. as Law Professor at Cambridge. Out Letters (General) p. 242.
Same to same for tallies on the Tenths for 500l. for half a year on Visct. Brouncker's pension. Ibid.
Same to same to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect, etc.) 69l. 11s. 3d. for Gervas Price, viz., 30l. for half a year to Lady day last on his 60l. per an. as chief underkeeper of St. James's Park ; 25l. for last Lady day quarter on his 100l. per an. for keeping his Majesty's arms at Whitehall ; and 14l. 11s. 3d. for same quarter on his fee of 58l. 5s. 0d. per an. as Gentleman of the Bow. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (and to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect etc.) 20l. for Mr. Millward for one quarter on his fee of 80l. per an. as Provider of the King's Robes. Out Letters (General) p. 242.
Same to same for tallies [on the Excise] (and same to [the Receivers of Excise] to pay said tallies) for 250l. for a quarter on the Countess of Dorset's pension. Ibid.
The like letters for 125l. for last Lady day quarter on Col. Thomas Howard's and his sister's pension. Ibid.
April 18. Charles Bertie to the Customs Commissioners to execute (without making further difficulty unless you have good reasons to the contrary) Treasurer Danby's warrant of [March] 28 last for employing John Lee as landwaiter at Topsham loco Clement Blakinston, who was grown blind. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 44.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies) for 125l. for last Lady day quarter, on Sir William Killigrew's pension. Out Letters (General) p. 243.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay the salaries for half a year of the patent officers of the outports. (Charles Bertie to same dated April 19 to pay same with respect to the weekly payments.) Money Book (General) p. 243. Out Letters (General) p. 243.
[Treasurer Danby's allowance of the] 15l. for salary or allowance to John Langwith for last Lady day quarter for attending the Treasury as one of the Messengers of the Chamber. [For Charles Bertie's letter for this sum see supra, p. 953 under date March 28. For Bertie to thus issue his letter before receiving Treasurer Danby's authorisation was unconstitutional.] Money Book (General) p. 244.
Money warrant for 5l. to Elizabeth Pinckney as royal bounty. Ibid.
Same for 250l. to Edward Griffin, Esq., for half a year to Lady day last on his pension as by the privy seal of 1677, Aug. 31. Ibid.
Same for 20l. to Robert, Earl of Cardigan, for one year on his creation money. (Charles Bertie dated May 15 to the Customs Cashier to bring same in with respect, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Ibid, p. 244. Out Letters (General) p. 253.
Four warrants from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 18l. each to Thomas Burton, Richard Goodlad, John Evance for 1 years to Lady day last and 15l. to Charles Beauvoir for 1 years to same time on their patent fees of 12l. per an. each as the four undersearchers of London port. Money Book (General) p. 244.
Money warrant for 312l. 10s. 0d. each to the following for half a year and half a quarter of their pensions of 500l. per an. each as Grooms of the Bedchamber, viz., Edward Proger, Sidney Godolphin, Henry Savile, Richard Lane, Henry Guy, Henry Seymour, Thomas Felton, Robert Phillips, David Walter, Bernard Greenvile, and the executors of Thomas Elliott, deceased : to be satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due 1679, Michaelmas. (For Bertie's letter for a different sum, see infra under date May 31.) Ibid.
Money warrant for 125l. to Sir Ralph Delaval for last Lady day quarter on his pension of 500l. per an. granted for three years from June 24 last. (For Bertie's letter hereon see infra under date July 15.) Money Book (General) p. 244.
Same for the salaries and incidents of the Office of the Lords of the Committee of Council for Trade and Plantations for last Lady day quarter : viz., 100l. to Sir Thomas Dolman as Clerk of the Council attending said service, 62l. 10s. 0d. to William Blathwaite as assistant to said clerk, 25l. for two clerks and 148l. 18s. 1d. for incidents ; making 336l. 8s. 1d. in all. (Charles Bertie dated May 11 to the Customs Cashier to bring same in forthwith, and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Ibid, p. 245. Out Letters (General) p. 252.
Same for 4,000l. to James, Duke of Monmouth, as advance for half a year from Lady day last on his agreement for furnishing the stables ; and 1,000l. as the like advance for furnishing horses, mares and geldings for the King and Queen. Money Book (General) p. 245.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to levy tallies of assignment on Thomas Jones, John Chetham, and David Bennett for the [King's] moiety of the appraised value of a seizure made by them of a parcel of painted earthenware appraised at 55l. 1s. 0d., being the same goods which were claimed by one James Perriman and afterwards pretended to by Mr. Bulstrode and others ; [the King's] one moiety whereof, pursuant to an order of the King in Council dated 1676, Nov. 24, is to be publicly broken and discharged. The present warrant is based upon the privy seal of 1675, Dec. 5, relating to the payment of forfeitures to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse, for the service of said Privy Purse. The abovesaid tally is to be delivered to such [officers] as the Customs Commissioners shall appoint, "they being to take care that the King's moiety of the said goods be destroyed as aforesaid and to make use of the said tally for the discharge of the said officers in this behalf." Ibid, p. 246.
[Treasurer Danby's subscription of a] docquet dated April of a warrant (privy seal) to the Exchequer to pay to Edward Masters, gent., or his assigns 600l. upon account of defraying several charges laid out and to be laid out about New Park near Richmond, co. Surrey. (Money warrant dated April 29 hereon. This money warrant quotes the privy seal as dated April 24.) Docquet Book, p. 195. Money Book (General) p. 249.
April 19. Charles Bertie to the Customs Commissioners to attend at Treasurer Danby's house at the Cockpit to-morrow morning at 9, whither Mr. Strong, of Weymouth (who by your advice was lately arrested) is to be brought, and his petition to be considered, he praying to be released because of the charge of his confinement. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 44.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to same to employ Jno. Eden as Surveyor of Customs, Newcastle port, loco John Burton, deceased. Ibid.
Reference [from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners] of the petition of Lancellot Ashby, late Surveyor of Deal, praying to be restored to his said office. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 48.
Same from same to same to permit the import (on payment of Customs, and notwithstanding any proclamation to the contrary) of a parcel of foreign cordage belonging to Peter Vandeput, of London, merchant, and now in the ship Alice and Mary, of London, Roger Halden master, an English ship lately arrived from Riga in the Downs : said Vandeput being apprehensive that it may be dangerous to permit said goods to proceed for France in respect of the appearance of a war. Ibid, p. 45.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay 177l. to the Lord Privy Seal for half a year to Lady day last on his fee of 20s. a day. Out Letters (General) p. 239.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Customs for 600l. for one year on Lady Fanshaw's executors' pension. (Same to the Customs Cashier to pay off abovesaid tally which will within a few days be struck upon you : "but [do] not [pay] the whole sum together ; only 300l. upon producing the tally and the remainder a week after.") Ibid, p. 244.
Same to same to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in notwithstanding, etc.) 100l. to the Churchwardens of St. Martins in the Fields for one year of the King's bounty to the poor of said parish. Ibid, p. 243.
The like letters for 40l. to Robert Swan for half a year to Lady day last on his pension. Ibid, p. 244.
The like for 50l. to Capt. Mansell for last Lady day quarter on his pension. Ibid.
The like for 100l. to Mr. Oglethorpe for half a year to Christmas last on his fee or salary as Master of his Majesty's Studs : to be brought in with respect, etc. Ibid.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated April of a grant to Alexander Fort of the office or place of Master Joiner for life, in reversion after Thomas Kinward, the present officer. Docquet Book, p. 196.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a privy seal for a pardon and release to George Legg, Esq., of an ipsum [debit balance remaining charged super ipsum] amounting to 6,825l. 6s. 9d. depending upon him at the foot of his account as executor of his late father William Legg, Esq., late Lieutenant General of the Ordnance ; which said account was declared before Treasurer Danby Nov. 29 last. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 6 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. p. 14. Docquet Book, p. 198.
Same to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for installing the First Fruits of the bishop of St. Davids, being 383l. 9s. 10d. (the Tenths deducted) : to be paid in four years by 96l. 17s. 5d. per an., the last payment at 1682, Lady day : "if he shall die or be translated before the days of payment he shall not be liable to pay any more." (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated April 29 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book, VI. p. 15. Docquet Book, p. 198.
April 20. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to observe an order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, April 19, prefixed in extenso for permitting the ships bound to the Baltic to proceed on their intended voyages on their giving bond for their returning directly to some port in this kingdom laden with naval commodities only, viz., masts, fir, timber, deals, pitch, tar, hemp and pipe staves, and for their being unladen in the said port : said order having been made on the report from the Admiralty Lords on the petition of divers merchants trading to the Baltic Sea for naval stores desiring only to be obliged to bring their ladings into England without contracting with the Navy Board to sell them to the King at their return : and reflecting upon the present importance of having the English market stored with those commodities usually brought from the Baltic [said Lords] were of opinion that it was necessary for his Majesty's service wholly to dispense with the embargo on such ships, and on condition of such bonds. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 45.
The like warrant for the observance of an order of Council, dated Whitehall, April 19, prefixed in extenso, made on the like report as above from the Admiralty for dispensing with the embargo in the case of the ships now laden or lading and bound to Ostend with corn and provisions for that garrison on their giving bond to return to some port of the kingdom within such time as shall be thought fit.
Followed by : an unfinished, undated entry relating to a [similar] order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, Feb. 8 last.
Ibid, p. 46.
Report from Treasurer Danby to the King on the petition of Humphry Millington on behalf of himself and others, freemen of London, dealers in butter and cheese, said petition setting forth that with great charge and adventure [they deal therein] for the supply of the city and suburbs of London, and also the Navy [and that yet] upon any sudden expedition they cannot have two or three tons brought up by sea or land, but the informers take hold of a statute of Edw. VI. and James I. against selling more than 4 way [weigh] of cheese at one time (being but 900 and odd [lb.] weight) and four barrels of butter, whereas the said city being so populous and the King's pressing occasion for a speedy supply of the Navy so considerable, they cannot be served by such small quantities, and said Millington for selling only one ton of cheese has been at over 40l. charges by troublesome suits commenced against him, which hath almost utterly ruined him : and therefore petitioners pray a royal proclamation to check such informers from any further prosecution by vexatious suits or to refer their case to the next sessions of Parliament. Said petition being read before the King in Council, Feb. 8 last, it was referred to Treasurer Danby who on March 6 following referred same to Sir William Jones, Attorney General. Thereupon said Jones reported March 15 to Treasurer Danby citing the Acts of 3 and 4 Edward VI. and 5 and 6 Edward VI. and 21 James I. Since the last Act the city of London is much increased, and so likewise the stores of this kind to be made for the Navy, therefore there is just cause to extend this liberty [as by 21 James I.] to more persons than cheesemongers and tallow chandlers free of the city, and to sell in greater quantities than the last Act allows. But this cannot be done without an Act of Parliament, which upon due application (the matter being profitable to the country and to all people dwelling in and about the city besides the advancement of his Majesty's service) will as I conceive pass without difficulty. In his present report hereon Treasurer Danby fully concurs with the abovesaid report of the Attorney General hereon. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. pp. 183-4.
Money warrant for 40l. to Charles Whitacre for one year on his fee as Foreign Apposer in the Exchequer. (Charles Bertie dated? April 20 to the Customs Cashier to bring same in notwithstanding, etc., and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Money Book (General) p. 246. Out Letters (General) p. 244.
Same for 212l. 10s. 0d. to Richard Lebas for two years and half a quarter on his fee of 100l. per an. as Marshal of the Ceremonies. (Letters ut supra dated April 19 : to be brought in with respect to, etc.) Money Book (General) p. 246. Out Letters (General) p. 244.
Same for 125l. to John, Earl of Rochester, for one quarter on his pension of 500l. per an. Money Book (General) p. 246.
April 22. Same for 250l. each to Mris. Elizabeth Lawson and Mris. Anne Lawson, daughters of Sir John Lawson, for one year of their several pensions of 250l. per an. each. (Charles Bertie dated April 22 to the Customs Cashier to bring in with respect to the weekly payments and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Ibid, p. 246. Out Letters (General) p. 245.
Same for 29l. 3s. 4d. to Andrew Lawrence for 175 days from Sept. 29 last to Lady day last on his allowance of 3s. 4d. a day as Surveyor of the King's highways ; as by a certificate from the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, dated the 15th inst. (Letters ut supra dated April 26.) Money Book (General) p. 247. Out Letters (General) p. 246.
Same for 227l. 10s. 0d. to Sir Richard Bulstrode, Kt., for a quarter's ordinary Jan. 18 last to April 19 inst., on his ordinary as Resident with the Governor of the Spanish Netherlands. Money Book (General) p. 247.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of the salary and incidents bill of the Wine Licence Commissioners' Office from 1672, March 25, to 1673, March 25, as presented by Edmund Warcupp and Ric. Downes. (Total 2,433l. 8s. 6d. and 9l. 10s. 6d. for fees on passing the declaration of the two preceding accounts of this revenue.) Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 192.
Charles Bertie [to the Customs Cashier] to pay 50l. to William Culliford for last Lady day quarter's salary as Register of Seizures. Out Letters (General) p. 245.
Same to same to forthwith bring 231l. 19s. 0d. into the Exchequer for Mr. Wickham "notwithstanding any restriction whatsoever, for which you have my letter of the 13th of January last." Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to discharge any seizure of the ship Hopewell, of Yarmouth, Joseph Howard master, said master having sailed from said port 1676-7, Jan. 22, with 11 English beside himself for Leghorn and thence to Amsterdam, where (that voyage being ended) his men left him and he afterwards took in another freight from Bayonne, shipping seven English (who were all he could got) and three foreigners at Amsterdam, and with these came from Bayonne to London : Treasurer Danby having "several times given relief where ships having gone out regularly manned, have by reason of some necessary [misfortune] returned wanting something of their full complement of the master and three-fourths of their mariners being English :" all on proviso that said ship and goods were imported before March 20 last : and further with express signification that neither this nor any other warrant from me for discharging seizures or for delivering goods are to dispense in any wise with the limitations in the late Poll Act. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 48.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, to his Excellency Count Anthony of Oldenburgh, I Ambassador from the King of Denmark, his baggage, detailed, now arrived from Holland in the Mary yacht, Capt. Gunman, commander. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 46.
The like for same of the baggage (lately come from Holland on board the abovesaid yacht now at Deptford) detailed, of Monsieur Spanheim, Envoy of the Elector Palatine (including a pair of little virginals called pinnotts). Ibid, p. 47.
The like for the export from Dover to Calais by Monsieur Levalle, Gentleman of the Horse to the French King, of 12 horses "which are for the particular use and service of the [French] King himself" : Customs free, and notwithstanding any late order to the contrary. Ibid.
April 23. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Serjt. John Ramsey to set at liberty Edmund Warcupp and Richard Downes arrested ut supra, p. 966 : they having ongaged to make up their accounts more diligently for the future, and to do all that is necessary on their parts for completing same, which will be better expedited if they have their liberty. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 185.
Entry of [Treasurer Danby's signature of the docquet of] a demise to Sir Phillip Egerton of two marshes called Hatchew Mere and Fishpool, in the forest of Mara and Mondrem or Delamere in co. Chester, being parcel of the possessions of the late Earl of Chester : to be for 31 years at 10s. 6d. per an. rent and fine of 40s. Ibid.
Same of same of a demise [by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal] to George Brooke of a mediety of a messuage and 60 acres in co. Devon, parcel of the lands of John Stevens, of Bannto [Bampton] in said county, innkeeper, for the life of Judith his wife ; he being outlawed on plea of transgression against said Brooke. Ibid, p. 191.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export from London to Ostend, Customs free, of 20 horses belonging to Sir Charles Littleton and the officers of his regiment. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 47.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver, Customs free, twelve pictures with 19 pieces of cloth imported in a vessel lately arrived from Rotterdam for his Excellency the Heer van Beuningen, the Dutch Ambassador, said linen being for his own table. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 48.
Money warrant for 770l. to Isaac Legouch for jewels as follows, for which the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain, has by his letter of the 17th inst. certified that he has by the King's command agreed with said Legouch, viz., a diamond ring of the value of 140l. which was given to the Envoy from the Duke of Mecklenburgh ; and in March last for a diamond ring of the value of 200l., which was given to the Envoy from the Duke of Osnaburgh ; and in this present month of April for a jewel of the value of 430l. given to the Envoy Extraordinary from the King of Denmark. Money Book (General) p. 247.
Same for 125l. to Charles, Lord Lucas, for last Lady dav quarter on his pension of 500l. per an. (Charles Bertie, dated May 17, to the Customs Cashier to bring same in, notwithstanding any former restriction ; and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Ibid, p. 247. Out Letters (General) p. 254.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet of a grant to Charles Beaumont, gent., of the office of Keeper of the small guns in the Tower of London, now void by the death of Richard Batchelor : to be during pleasure : with the fees and profits thereof. Docquet Book, p. 197.
April 24. Reference to the Customs Commissioners of the proposal of Capt. Nicholas Bayly, Walter Goolde, John Stepkin, Pattrick Littell and Thomas Curteene, of Kinsale, gent., proposing to detect transgressors against the Act of Parliament prohibiting ships trading from Foreign Plantations to unlade anywhere but in England, Wales and Berwick, "which office he [sic? Curteene] will undertake in Ireland for such reward as my Lord Treasurer shall think fit."
(In the margin : Col. Napper's business.)
Out Letters (Customs) p. 49.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay in its course according to its date the tally lately struck for 1,300l. for Sir Leo. Jenkins : and if you will advance all or any part of the money upon the same Treasurer Danby will allow interest at 8 per cent. from the time of the advance thereof till the time of payment of said tally in course. Out Letters (General) p. 245.
Same to same to bring in notwithstanding etc. (and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue) 500l. to the Earl of Oxford for half a year to Christmas last on his pension as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Ibid.
Same to same to pay (with respect to the weekly payments) 25l. to Mr. Tho. D'oyley for last Lady day quarter on his pension of 100l. per an. Ibid, p. 246.
Same to same to forthwith advance to Mr. Stephens 2,500l. for the present service of the Navy "and repay yourself out of the next money that shall be in your hands of the Receipt of the Customs : notwithstanding any former restriction." Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 98l. 10s. 8d. to the Master of the Great Wardrobe upon any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of his Office. This sum will be brought in by Mr. Kent and is intended for Chapel necessaries for the Earl of Carlisle in his government of Jamaica. Out Letters (General) p. 247.
Same to same for tallies on the Excise (and same to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies) for 187l. 10s. 0d. for half a quarter on the Earl of Ranelagh's pension ; and for 125l. for the like on Lord Hatton's pension. Ibid, p. 246.
Same to same for tallies on the Tenths of York, Exeter, etc., for 500l. for last Lady day quarter upon the two pensions of the Countess Dowager of Bristol of 1,000l. per an. each. Ibid.
The like for tallies on same for 250l. for same quarter on the Earl of Sunderland's pension. Ibid.
Money warrant for 50l. to Peter Davaux for half a year on his pension of 100l. per an. as Picture Drawer in Miniature [to the King]. (Charles Bertie dated May 6 to the Customs Cashier to bring same in, notwithstanding, etc. ; and to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same.) Money Book (General) p. 247. Out Letters (General) p. 249.
Same for 75l. to James Vernon for last Lady day quarter upon his pension of 300l. per an. Money Book (General) p. 247.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant of the office of searcher of the port of Kingston upon Hull to Thomas Nisbett and Phillip Nisbett, gent., in reversion after George Moor, the present officer : all on the surrender of the like reversionary grant to Francis Weaver, gent., and John his son. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 8 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. p. 15. Docquet Book, p. 200.
Same to same for a same for a grant to George Dunstan, Esq., of an annuity or yearly pension of 1,000l. : during pleasure : to be payable quarterly out of the Exchequer : commencing the first payment from Lady day last. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 8 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. p. 17. Docquet Book, p. 200.
Same [to the Clerk of the Signet attending] for a privy seal for 2s. a day each to Thomas Thackham and John Kernan, Grooms of the Great Chamber in Ordinary to the Queen in the places of Richard Elton and Thady Kenidy (Kenedy) : to be received without account quarterly : [to be payable] from the times they were respectively sworn [into said office]. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated May 8 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. p. 15. Docquet Book, p. 199.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet of a discharge of the baronet fee of 1,095l., payable to the King by Francis Edwards. (For Treasurer Danby's warrant to the Receipt hereon see under date Sept. 10 infra.) Docquet Book, p. 197.
April 25. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ Henry Dyer as a noontender, London port, loco Adrian Lenthall, lately deceased. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 49.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners (vacated, see infra under date May 17) to employ George Wiltshire as waiter and storehousekeeper at Chester, loco Robert Harwar, who has been criminal therein. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 50.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated April of a pardon to Joseph Dawson, yeoman, of the crimes and offences of clipping and fileing the King's coin and of all indictments, penalties, etc., by reason thereof : with restitution of lands and goods. Docquet Book, p. 197.
April 26. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for tallies to discharge the officers of the King's moiety (being appraised at 7l.) of the boats seized by Michael Walford at Yarmouth and ordered to be burned : all by virtue of the privy seal of 1665, Sept. 5, for payment of forfeitures to the Privy Purse. Out Letters (Customs) IV. p. 49.
Same from same to deliver, Customs free, a box of gilt leather, lately brought from Holland in the Navy [sic for Mary] yacht, Capt. Gunman commander, being sent by Ambassador [Lawrence] Hyde to his lady. Ibid, p. 50.
Charles Bertie to same. Treasurer Danby intends to speak to Secretary Pepys to procure instructions to be given to the men of war that go from time to time to the Leeward Islands or any other of his Majesty's Plantations to be assisting to the Governors, etc., in seizing ships that keep out of command and load without making entries, as you inform his Lordship the Blackmore pinck has done at Antigua. And his Lordship will represent at the Committee for Foreign Affairs the necessity of Col. Stapleton's having a small vessel for transporting himself to the several islands under his Government. His Lordship directs Mr. Pley of Weymouth to pay in within a fortnight his arrear of above 2,527l. 5s. 7d. owing at Lady day, 1676, and meanwhile process against him to stop, and if he comply with this his Lordship will recommend him to the King's favour as to the old debt which he desires may be set against money which the King owes him. His Lordship will hear Mr. Collingwood about the business of importing Scotch corn into Berwick.
Followed by. (a) Undated letter from same to Samuel Pepys forwarding (b) infra as from the Customs Commissioners who desire instructions to be given to the men of war as above. Treasurer Danby desires you to lay this before the [Admiralty] Lords at a convenient time that such instructions may be given.
(b) Extract from a letter dated Nevis, 1677, June 29, from [Governor] William Stapleton to [the Customs Commissioners]. I have yet no answer from Antigua other than that amongst others one Henry Fernes, Commander of the Blackmore pinck, comes not under the command of any fort, but staves it out and will not enter or give any obedience. There is a flag ordered to be put up at Five Island Harbour to try whether he will submit. The last year I was at Antigua there he rode and would not come near me. He loads at his pleasure. He is one of the transgressors you hint in your list to me. I hope I may be able by the first conveniency to give you an account whats done relating to him and others who little mind the breach of their bond and as little regard Government.
Ibid, pp. 50-1.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Charles Bertie, John Lawrence and Lowde Cordell, Esqrs., and to the Auditors of First Fruits and Tenths, i.e., Brooke Bridges and Thomas Done. Upon the petition of William Prettyman, King's Remembrancer of First Fruits, and Charles Porter, Esq., one of his sureties, the King was pleased to instal the debt of 7,965l. 17s. 8d. owing from said Remembrancer, whereby said debt was to be paid off by sums of 800l. per an. Since then said Prettyman is not only surcharged with several great sums of money by him received long before the said instalment wherewith he did not charge himself as he ought to have done, but also (he being the person trusted by his Majesty by virtue of his being Remembrancer of First Fruits with the taking the bonds given by the clergy for payment of their First Fruits and the keeping them safe for his Majesty's use until the moneys due thereon be paid to the King's Receiver of said revenue) hath contrary to the duty of his said office and in manifest breach of the trust reposed in him by the King delivered up very many of the said bonds, although the moneys thereupon due were never paid to the Receiver of First Fruits, but (as is conceived) the said Prettiman has received the moneys due upon the said bonds and converted the same to his own use. I do therefore hereby suspend said Prettiman from his said office and direct you to repair to his Office, and take an account of all books and other records, rolls, remembrances and papers whatsoever relating thereto, and of all bonds and other securities, and to take same into your custody by an inventory thereof. Further Lowde Cordell is hereby to execute the said office during the suspension of Prettyman, and is to receive and apply all the fees and profits of said office towards the dischargo of moneys due from said Prettyman.
Appending : Order and instructions from Treasurer Danby to be observed by said Prottyman and Cordell and by the Receiver of First Fruits. (1) and (2) account to be given of bonds and papers, etc. ut supra. (3) Prettyman to deliver to the above a book specifying all the compositions that have been made since Dec. 31 last ; (4) and similarly to deliver to the above Auditors all the institutions and collations made by the archbishops and bishops and which have been certified to him under their seals. After copying same to enable them to charge said Prettyman, said Auditors are to deliver same to said Cordell. (5) Said Cordell shall hereafter send to the said Auditors all institutions and collations as soon as same are certified to him. Said Auditors are thereby to charge said Cordell and then to return said certificates to him, who is to keep the same safely for the King's service. (6) When any person comes to make compositions for First Fruits Cordell shall make out a bill specifying what he compounds for and send the same to the said Auditors, who are to examine and correct same and then return it to Cordell, who is thereby to take bonds for the same, payable at such times as the law requires, unless the king's privy seal grant a longer time. (7) When said bonds come to be paid said Cordell shall give to the person (as hath been heretofore accustomed) a solvendum or note in writing of the sum to be paid and for what and when due, to the end said person may carry same to the Receiver for [to be] his [said Receiver's] directions what to receive. On receipt of the money said Receiver is to give his acquittance, and on receipt of such acquittance said Lowde is to deliver up the bond (8) and thereupon charge said Receiver with such receipt. (9) Cordell to keep safely and be responsible for all bonds as above. (10) Cordell shall receive no money whatsoever on account of First Fruits. (11) If compositions be not paid when due Cordell shall make process out of the said Office for recovery thereof, according to the course of the Exchequer, and shall take care that such process shall be duly returned by the sheriffs concerned, and that said sheriffs be duly opposed thereon, and shall move the Barons of the Exchequer to fine said sheriffs in case of neglect, and if any money be levied by virtue of such process Cordell shall make a certificate thereof to the Receiver of First Fruits and shall not discharge the sheriff that shall levy the same until said Receiver certify him that he has received the money so levied and given his acquittance to the sheriff for the same. (12) Similar process for persons certified as instituted or collated but who do not compound within the due time. (13) In January next Cordell to make his accompt with the abovesaid Auditors for all compositions made by him and of all bonds delivered to him up to that date : (14) and so afterwards yearly in January, according to the ancient and usual course of that Office (15) and declare same before the Chief Baron according to the ancient custom of declaring those accompts. (16) When the abovesaid Auditors return to Cordell any certificate from any archbishop or bishop specifying the names of persons who have not paid their Tenths as the law directs, and the sums due from them, Cordell shall issue commissions or process directed to said archbishop or bishop for levying thereof in such manner as has been heretofore used and accustomed, and shall continue the same from time to time until same shall be levied, and if any archbishop or bishop refuse or neglect to execute any such commission then Cordell is to acquaint the Lord Treasurer and Chancellor of the Exchequer or the Exchequer Court therewith. (17) On receiving the return of any archbishop or bishop upon any such commission testifying what money has been received by virtue thereof Cordell shall shew same to abovesaid Auditors, and leave with them a copy signed with his hand of the particulars of the moneys so received and of whom, to the end said Auditors may charge said archbishops and bishops therewith upon their respective accompts.
Warrants not Relating to Money VII. pp. 185-9.
April 27. Charles Bertie to the Navy Commissioners. Treasurer Danby desires that the bills you have already made out or shall from time to time make out to the Victuallers of the Navy by way of imprest and upon account for the Harbour Victuals to be issued to the ships in ordinary, be assigned for payment out of such moneys as shall be paid over to the Treasurer of the Navy for that purpose. Out Letters (General) p. 247.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of the salary and incidents bill of the Wine Licence Commission for the quarter ended 1673, June 24. (Total, 507l. 3s. 0d.) Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 190.
Warrant from same to Auditor Anthony Parsons to make up the account of Symon Smith as Receiver General [of Crown Lands] of the counties of Southampton, Wilts and Gloucester as by the patent of his appointment thereto, and as also appointed by instrument under Treasurer Danby's hand and seal dated 1676-7, March 23, as the like for Somerset and Dorset. In said accounts allowance is to be made to him of 40l. for his pains, labour and expense in Somerset and Dorset, and his extraordinary charge of passing the whole account. Ibid.
Mr. Progers of the Bedchamber desires to have notice and be heard before any further progress be made in [the matter of] Mr. Lane's petition for several fee farm rents ; which petition was referred to Sir Charles Harbord the 27th inst. This caveat is entered by Mr. Thomas Heley. Caveat Book, p. 33.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet of a grant of the office or place of [a] Musician in Ordinary for his Majesty's private music to John Mosse in the room and upon the surrender of John Jenkins : to be during pleasure and with the wages and fee of 40l. per an. payable quarterly out of the Exchequer, the first payment to commence from March 25 last. Docquet Book, p. 198.
Letter of direction on 1,000l. in further part of an order No. 38 dated 1671, July 1, for 3,000l. to Robert Child and William Bowles upon account for the tents and toils : whereon 1,000l. is already paid. The present 1,000l. is to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due March 15 next. Money Book (General) p. 248.
Same on orders of the 18th inst. for 455l. and of the 5th inst. for 172l. 10s. 0d. to Bevil Skelton, Envoy to the Emperor of Germany : both to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay to Edward Backwell 127l. 10s. 0d. for half a year to Lady day last on his fee as Comptroller of Customs, London port. (Charles Bertie dated May 3 to same to pay same.) Ibid, p. 248. Out Letters (General) p. 249.
Same dormant from same to same to pay the fee of 16l. 13s. 4d. per an. to Thomas Thornton as Comptroller of Customs, Hull port, viz., as grown due since Midsummer last and as same shall grow due in future. Money Book (General) p. 249.
Money warrant for 15l. to Mris. Ursula Elliott, widow, for last Lady day quarter on her pension of 60l. per an. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 5,500l. to Ralph Montagu on any unsatisfied orders in his name for the service of the Great Wardrobe : to be by tallies on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due Sept. 19 next. Ibid, p. 250.
April 29. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to employ Robt. Syborne as boatman at Rochester loco William Yeerdley.
William Richardson as a tidesman at Shields, loco Nicholas Richardson.
John Golding as a tidesman in fee London port, loco Benjamin Cooke, deceased.
Dominick Morris as a tidesman at Bristol, loco Henry Brag, dismissed.
Out Letters (Customs) IV. pp. 52, 53, 54.
Same from same to same to observe an order of the King in Council dated Whitehall, April 24, prefixed in extenso, to permit and suffer all ships bound for Sweden and Norway for naval stores to proceed on their respective voyages, notwithstanding the present embargo or any other order to the contrary, provided they first give good security to the Customs Commissioners for their returning directly into some port of this kingdom laden with masts, fir, timber, deals, pitch, tar, hemp, pipe staves or any other naval stores and provisions within such time with respect to their several voyages as shall be thought fit. Ibid, p. 52.
The like for the like of a like order in Council dated Whitehall, April 24, prefixed in extenso, to permit and suffer all ships that belong to the coal trade of Whitehaven and Workington, co. Cumberland, and bound for Ireland freely and quietly to proceed on their intended voyages, notwithstanding the present embargo or any other order to the contrary, provided they first give bond not to trade to any other kingdom or country during the continuance of the voyages hereby permitted, and to return to some port of this kingdom within such convenient time with respect to their several voyages as shall be thought fit. Ibid.
The like for the like of a like order in Council dated Whitehall, April 24, to permit and suffer all ships belonging to Scotland to trade to England and Ireland, and all ships belonging to Ireland to trade to England, notwithstanding the present embargo, on first entering into bond not to trade to any other kingdom or country during the continuance of the voyages hereby permitted and to return, etc., ut supra. Ibid, p. 53.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Serjt. John Ramsey to release from his custody Richard Strong on security to answer any prosecutions by the Attorney General concerning his misdemeanours against the Customs and Excise. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 189.
Same from same to the King's Remembrancer for fresh process of extent immediately against William Bellamy, of London, merchant, against whom a like warrant for such process was issued the 9th inst. on several obligations, representing a considerable debt to the King which was in danger to be lost : "besides which said Bellamy appears to be further indebted to his Majesty in several other sums of money." Ibid, p. 191.
Same from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular [and ratal] of the office of water-bailiff of the rivers or waters in Yorkshire, in order to a lease thereof to Capt. John Wetwang for 31 years in reversion of the grant now in being to William Chamberlain : said Wetwang's petition for same having been referred to Treasurer Danby Aug. 2 last who thereupon did Aug. 3 refer same to said Surveyor General who reported thereon Jan. 7 last. Ibid.
Letter of direction on the 3,724l. 13s. 5d., remainder of an order dated March 16 last for 20,000l. to Charles Bertie for secret service, whereof 16,275l. 6s. 7d. is already paid : same to be hereby satisfied by tallies on the Customs. Money Book (General) p. 248.
Warrant dormant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt for tallies of pro on the Excise from time to time for the annuity or yearly sum of 322l. 4s. 0d. to Isaac Legouch, payable quarterly from Christmas last as by the great seal of the 13th inst. ut supra, p. 948. Ibid, p. 249.
April 30. Privy seal for 200l. per an. to Sir John Reresby, bart., as salary as Governor of the town and port of Burlington [Bridlington] in the East Riding of Yorks. : to be payable quarterly from Lady day last during the continuance of his said governorship and to be without accompt. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated April 24 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book VI. p. 24. Docquet Book, p. 197.
Charles Bertie to "Good Cousin" [Sir Robert Howard, Auditor of the Receipt] to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in in three weeks by three equal payments) 917l. 10s. 0d. in discharge of Secretary Williamson's order for payment of the several sums of 437l. 10s. 0d. and 480l. Out Letters (General) p. 247.