Entry Book: October 1676, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Entry Book: October 1676, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp336-350 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: October 1676, 1-15', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp336-350.

"Entry Book: October 1676, 1-15". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp336-350.


October 1676, 1-15

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Oct. 1. Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Louise, Duchess of Portsmouth, her executors and assigns, of the annuity or yearly pension of 8,600l., payable out of the Hereditary Excise for her natural life and one year after her decease : to be payable quarterly : with power hereby to the Farmers, Commissioners, etc., of Excise to pay same : her acquittances to be sufficient discharge to said Commissioners for such payments : with direction to the Treasury to allow such payments in the accounts of said Farmers, Commissioners, etc., and if need be to cause tallies of pro or assignment to be stricken for the due and quarterly payment of said pension : and in case said revenue shall be at any time paid into the Exchequer whereby the due payment of said pension cannot be made by said Farmers, Commissioners, etc., then same to be paid out of any money in the Exchequer. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Oct. 23 of docquet hereof : said pension to be paid quarterly from Michaelmas last.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 218. Docquet Book, p. 95.
[?] Same to same for a grant to John, Lord Tracy, or his nominee, of that yearly rent of 500l., payable to the Crown out of the benefit of the New River brought from Chadwell and Anwell to London, according to a contract made between Car. I. and Sir Hugh Middleton, deceased : to hold the same in reversion after John Buckworth, of London, merchant, for 21 years under the same yearly rents now reserved and payable by said Buckworth. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Oct. 23 of docquet hereof. The docquet states the grantees as Edmond Seymour and Littleton Powell, Esqrs., nominees of said Lord Tracy.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 219. Docquet Book, p. 95.
Oct. 2. Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Richard Kendal of the woods, underwoods and woodlands called Poilscoth (Polscoith) Wood in the manor of Penlyne and county and Duchy of Cornwall : all for 99 years from Sept. 29 last determinable on three lives at the rent of 20l. per an. and a fine of 20l. payable to the Receiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall.
Prefixing : (a) particular of the premises by Deputy Auditor James Symes. Premises are not in charge before me under any rent : but I find 6d. charged among the convencionary rents of said manor for the herbage and pannage of said wood as granted by the Commissioners for assessioning the said manor in the 19th year of Queen Elizabeth to William Kendall (said wood being then described as both above and below the wood leading from Lostwithiel to Launceston) for seven years at 6d. per an. : which herbag hath been so taken up and assessioned for from seven year to seven year ever since and before that time. "I find in the woodward's account for the said Duchy made in the second and third years of King Philip and Queen Mary that there was answered 10l. 10s. 0d. for seven acres of underwood cutt within the manor of Penlyne at 30s. the acre, besides one acre allowed for waste and also in the 11th year of Queen Elizabeth there was answered by the woodward the sum of 6l. 13s. 4d. for the price of two acres of underwood called firewood within the said manor of Penlyne in a certain wood called Polscow Wood of 80 years' growth and sold by the said accomptant for 66s. 8d. the acre. All which I conceive to be parcel of the wood above mentioned, for there is not another, as I am informed, within the said manor ; but the quantity of acres I cannot certify ; yet have heard by some persons it contains 18 acres, and by others not above 12 acres, and that it was felled in the late tymes of trouble by those who purchased the same of the late pretended authority."
(b) Ratal of said particular by Tho. Fisher, deputy to Surveyor General Sir Charles Harbord. The three lives are to be nominated by said Richard Kendall being authorised thereto by John Day, gent., the petitioner as is certified by Nicholas Courtney, Esq., who moved the same for said Day. The herbage and pannage of said wood is now in the tenure of said Kendall's father and has been held by him and his ancestors for several generations, according to the custom of the manor granted by the Commissioner at the usual assession held for the same every seven years, at the ancient rent of 6d., payable among the conventionary rents there, which customary estate and rent is now to be drowned by this lease.
Warrants not Relating to Money VI. pp. 411-12.
Warrant from [Treasurer Danby] to the Customs Commissioners. "Having received particular commands from his Majesty in this behalf, these are to direct and require you forthwith to send orders and directions to the respective officers in the outports throughout England to put a stop to the departure of any ships of his Majesty's subjects bound for the colonys of Virginia or Maryland until further order." Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 218.
Same from same to same to discharge the seizure of the eight blunderbusses, 18 guns, 18 muskets and so many swords and pistols mounted and laid on board the Unicorn, of Dantzig, John Deples master, for the use and defence of said ship, having been seized by one Pembrooke, deputy to Edmd. Long, Chief Sercher London port : said matter having been referred to Treasurer Danby by order of the king in Council. Security is to be given to the Customs Commissioners by the merchant to answer the matter in question. Ibid, p. 225.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet of a grant to Thomas Purcell, of the office of one of the King's musicians in ordinary, loco Jno. Wilson, deceased : to hold during pleasure with the fee of 20l. per an., payable quarterly out of the Exchequer : the first payment to commence from 1674, Mar. 25. Docquet Book, p. 91.
Letter of direction on 1,500l. in further part of an order of July 31 last, drawn on the privy seal of July 26 last, supra, p. 286, for 10,000l. to Charles Bertie for secret service, whereon there has been already issued 2,000l. by tally on Hearthmoney, 210l. out of the Customs and 660l. out of Customs money by Mr. Hebdon. The present issue to be by tally on the Hearthmoney Contractors' payment due in Sept., 1677. Money Book (General) p. 450.
Money warrant for 400l. to Sir Jonathan Atkins for half a year to Sept. 29 last, on his allowances [charged] upon the Commissioners or Receivers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty at Barbados. Ibid.
Charles Bertie to [the Customs Cashier] to bring into the Exchequer (and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue) 1,000l. to said Bertie for half a quarter on Treasurer Danby's allowance [as Lord High Treasurer] notwithstanding any former restriction. (Entry crossed through.) Ibid, p. 451.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies (and same to the Receivers of Excise to pay said tallies) for 500l. for half a year to Sept. 29 last, of the Earl of Bath and Lord Hawley's pension of 1,000l. per an. Ibid.
Money warrants for 125l. each to Mris. Anne Lawson and Mris. Eliz. Kynnaston (formerly Lawson) daughters of Sir John Lawson, for half a year on their pensions. (Charles Bertie dated Oct. 24 to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue said sums : and same to the Customs Cashier to bring said 250l. into the Exchequer as soon as he has satisfied the weekly payments.) Ibid, pp. 451, 467.
Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue (and same to the Customs Cashier to bring in) 1,000l. to said Bertie in further part of the order for 4,000l. in said Bertie's name for Treasurer Danby's salary. Ibid, p. 451.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay Richard Gregory last Michaelmas quarter's salary as the Lord Treasurer's messenger. Ibid.
Allowance by Treasurer Danby of last Sept. 29 quarter's salary bill of the Customs London port. (Total, 5,979l. 12s. 11d.) Ibid.
Warrant from same to the Customs Commissioners to direct the collectors of the outports to pay the outport officers' salaries for said quarter. Ibid, p. 452.
Money warrant for 2,500l. to Isaac Legouch (for a jewel of diamons of the value of 2,500l. sent by Mr. Hyde to be presented from the King at the christening of the daughter of the King of Poland as by the Lord Chamberlain's certificate of the 10th ult.) and 100l. allowed to said Legouch for his extraordinary charges therein. Money Book (General) p. 452.
Allowance by Treasurer Danby of the last Sept. 29 quarter's salary bill for the Excise [Office]. (Total, 2,017l. 10s. 0d.) Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier with [due] respect to the weekly payments to bring in (and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue) 150l. for Mr. Brerewood. Ibid, p. 253.
Money warrant for 910l. to Lawrence Hide, ambassador to the King of Poland to represent him at the christening of said King's daughter, for a quarter's advance of ordinary from the 14th inst. ; it being certified by Secretary Sir Joseph Williamson that said Hide took leave of the King July 15 last, in order to his said journey : the present payment being for the second quarter on his said ordinary. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 40,000l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy : to be by tallies on the Customs. Ibid.
Money warrant for 364l. to Bevill Skelton, Envoy Extr. to the Emperor of Germany for a quarter's ordinary to the 27th ult. Ibid, p. 454.
Same for 125l. to Charles, Earl of Carlisle, for half a quarter on his pension of 1,000l. per an. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 60l. to Edmond Long for half a year to last Sept. 29 as chief searcher London port. Ibid.
Money warrant for 150l. to John Trelawney, brother and executor to Major Edward Trelawney for three quarters on said Edward's allowance : to be by tallies on Edward Backwell as Receiver of the Queen's portion. Ibid, p. 458.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to authorise the Treasury to pay 40,000l. to the East India Company with 6 per cent. interest for the same, paying same out of such moneys as shall grow due for the Customs of East India commodities to be imported by said Company after the completing of their satisfaction [in a similar manner out of Customs] for (whatever remains yet unsatisfied of) the 37,100l. and interest payable to them for 700 tons of saltpetre which they formerly sold to the King : all by reason that said company has agreed to lend said 40,000l. to the King upon security of such customs after such satisfaction as above. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Oct. 16 of docquet hereof. Treasurer Danby, warrant dated Oct. 3 to the Customs Cashier hereon accordingly.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 219-20. Docquet Book, p. 94. Money Book (General) p. 457.
Royal warrant to Treasurer Danby to give warrant to the officers of Windsor Forest to fell 40 loads of beech and 40 loads of elm trees for the officers of the Works, to be employed by them in rebuilding and repairing Windsor Castle : the charge of felling to be met out of the sale of offal, which is to be accounted for. (Treasurer Danby's warrant dated Nov. 8 hereon accordingly to William Chiffinch, woodward of said forest.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 225. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 6.
Oct. 3. Same to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to William Moses and Tho. Raymond, as below, of the estate as follows of Thomas Hoare, of Great Ilford, Essex, who is become one of the Farmers of the Revenue of Ireland, and has advanced a considerable sum of money as well for our immediate service as to secure the payment of the rent of said farm. He has been compelled to borrow a great part of the money so advanced, and desires to secure repayment thereof by sale or mortgage of part of his estate, which by reason of his becoming our Farmer, cannot be done without our permission. We are disposed to grant such permission, and in order hereto have accepted from him a grant of all those messuages or tenements called Edulphes, Salmans and Drogdales, in the parish of Gingraffee, alias Ingrave, co. Essex, and all those arable lands, meadows, pastures and wood grounds appertaining to said messuages or tenements containing by estimation 90 acres lying in said Gingraffe, heretofore in the tenures of Joane Derrick, widow, and John Larking, and late in the occupation of Richd. Allam, and now in that of said Thomas Hoare : and also all that messuage or tenement and farm called Newmans, in the parish of Wennington alias Wenigton alias Wenton, co. Essex, heretofore in the tenure of Robt. Brisco, late in that of Tho. Pamflin, and now in that of Ralph Bestland : and also that messuage, tenement and farm called Hatchmans, alias Wennington Wharfe, in said parish of Wennington, in the tenures successively of said Robt. Briscoe, Tho. Pamflin and Ralph Bestland : and also that close called Bridg mead containing four acres, and in said parish, and the lands to said messuages, tenements and wharf belonging, containing 84 acres : and also that messuage, tenement and farm called Elme House, alias Ilford, situate in Rainham. Essex, successively in the tenures of William Nelson, William Cooper, Tho. Crow and said Tho. Hoare : and also that messuage or tenement called Chapmans alias Mockbeggars in Rainham, Essex, and 39 acres of land to the last-mentioned two messuages belonging : and also those freehold messuages in Barking and Dagenham, Essex, viz., five acres of meadow called Wyat Holpenny, five acres of meadow called Neybrooks, five acres of freehold land of the fee of Hatfield, five acres of freehold land of Ennock Yard abutting upon Gant's lane towards the East, and a messuage or house with a curtilage where the kitchen is, and two acres of freehold land abutting on said kitchen and upon Ennock Croft, three acres of freehold land in East Marsh, two acres of freehold land in West Marsh, three acres of freehold marsh ground in Ripple Marsh, two acres thereof lying in Great Nun Mead, one of them abutting on land of the late Nunnery of Barking on the South, the way leading unto the marsh on the North, the lands sometimes called the lands of Sir Tho. Nevil, Kt., on the West, and the lands sometime the lands of Sir Tho. Jeffery on the East, the other acre of the said two acres in Great Nun Mead abutting on the lands sometime of the late Nunnery on the South, the way leading to said Marsh on the North, the lands sometime of Richard Hunting, of Dagenham, on the West and Little Nun Mead on the East, and the third acre lieth in Haghill Mead in Barking, abutting East, West and North on the lands sometime of said Nunnery, and South on the Thames, said parcels of land being in the tenure of said Hoare : and also all buildings, orchards, woods, common of pasture, fishings, passages, etc., etc., to all the above belonging : and all other the freehold messuages, farms, lands, etc., whatsoever of said Tho. Hoare in possession or reversion situate in Ingrave, Wennington, Rainham, Barking and Dagenham : and also that messuage or tenement and 21 acres of land in Aylesbury, Bucks, now in the several occupations of Luke Foster and Edward Russell : and also those 12 messuages in or near Little Pot Alley, heretofore called Kelley's Alley in the parish of St. Katherine Creechurch, alias Christchurch, London : and also those two messuages at the South end and West side of said alley, late in the tenure of William Gilburne : and all those messuages or tenements and two gardens thereto, sometime in the tenure of Ralph Dyall and Humphry Nelson and afterwards laid into one garden, and situate in the parish of St. Stephen, Coleman Street, and now in the tenure of Edmd. Gilpin : and all the messuages, gardens, etc., in the parish of St. Buttolphs without Bishopsgate, heretofore in the several tenures of Samuell Ford, citizen and tallow chandler of London, Tho. Cartwright, Tho. Brettey, John Robinson, Giles Greffen, Barth. Banks, Peter Simonds, Richard Willett, John Tedder, Edward King, John Strong, William Smith, widow Swanson, William Bover, Richd. Browne, Michll. Pye, Robt. Panke, Christopher Catler, William Birt, Agnes Wood and John Bagly and afterwards in the occupation of Anne Bull and Alice Wendover and now of Samuel Ford : and all other lands, etc., of said Hoare in the abovesaid parishes : all with intent to re-grant the same at the suit of said Hoare to William Moses of Grays Inn, Esq. and Thomas Raymond of Grays Inn, to whom same was intended to be settled by said Hoare for security of his debts : the grant to contain a discharge of the premises from all extents for or by reason of said Hoare becoming Farmer as aforesaid. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Oct. 24 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 220-3. Docquet Book, p. 96.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to William Chiffinch and Martin Folkes, for ever and without rent or other payment, of the reversion of all that new erected brick messuage or tenement in Pall Mall Field in St. Martins in the Fields, co. Midd., on the South side of Pall Mall Street, between the said street on the North and the wall enclosing St. James's Park on the South, and a messuage or tenement and ground now in the tenure of Mary, Countess of Portland on the East, and a messuage, tenement or ground of Mr. Griffith on the West : and containing in front next Pall Mall Street, 33 foot and a half of assize, and which is now in the tenure] and possession of Mris. Ellen Gwynn : and also of that long strip of ground, now divided into three parts called the Laysoyle, Veysy's Garden and Watt's Close, containing together about 3 acres, with a garden, house and shed thereon, bounded South with the common way between said Laysoyle and Pickadilly Tennis Court and East upon Hege Lane, leading to a street called the Soho and northward by several tenements belonging to Sir William Poulteney, Kt., near the South end of said Soho Street, and West upon other tenements of said Poulteney and Col. Thomas Panton or the yard and gardens thereto belonging, and so extends to the said common way to said Tennis Court : of which premises above the Earl of St. Albans is possessed for about 60 years to come. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Nov. 27 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. p. 225. Docquet Book, p. 102.
[? Oct. 3] Privy seal for 1,560l. to Robert Maddocks (Maddockes) as royal bounty for his faithful services particularly in discharging the great trust reposed in him by the Treasurers of the Navy for many years past with much diligence, integrity and despatch : to be paid by the Treasurer of the Navy and to be allowed on the accounts of Lord Treasurer Danby as late Treasurer of the Navy or any subsequent Treasurer of the Navy. (Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Oct. 16 of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book V. pp. 230-1 Docquet Book, p. 94.
Oct. 3. Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a great seal for a grant to Joseph Gyrle, of the parish of Marrybone, co. Midd., b[r]ewer, of the king's licence to build upon the unbuilt portions of the premises as follow good and convenient brick houses with outwalls of brick or stone : said Gyrle being possessed of certain closes and grounds called Kemps Field and Bunches Close in St. Martins in the Fields and St. Giles in the Fields, containing 17 acres divided into several parcels lying together and bounded by the roadway leading from Piccadilly towards St. Gyles under the military wall or Staines road Southward, the great roadway leading from St. Giles towards Uxbridge Northwards, and Hogg Lane Eastwards and Hedge Lane in part and several gardens belonging to several tenements of Sir William Poulteney in the Soho in part Westwards : of which premises (several parts of which are already built upon) the inheritance is in the Crown. King's Warrant Book V. pp. 231-2.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated 1676, Sept., of a confirmation of all the rights, liberties and franchises formerly granted to the East India Company by two charters, one dated 1661, April 3, the other dated 1668, Mar. 27, with a grant and declaration from the King that they may for ever hereafter take to their own use the full benefit of the covenants or agreements made or to be made with their factors, agents or servants or any commanders or owners of ships, whereby any special damage is to be paid upon breach without any account of a moiety thereof to the King : and that they and their successors in the port and island of Bombay may coin money to be current within the limits of their charters with any impression and inscription and to be called by any name, but [except] by the name of the coins current in any other part of the King's dominions : and also a pardon and release to them of all contempts, misdemeanours, etc., done before the 16th inst. : and the like to all their members, agents, factors, servants of all treason, murder, felonies, etc., committed within the limits of their charters before the 16th inst. by colour of any commission, order, etc. : and the like to said company of all accounts, reckonings, etc., and demands from the King, etc., for any fines, mulcts, penalties or forfeitures by them or their agents received for any stated damages paid them upon any covenants or for any seizures of goods or compositions before the 16th inst., saving the Customs due to the King before that time : with direction to the Attorney General to forbear prosecuting the company for any matters hereby pardoned, and to discharge all suits therefor already commenced against them. Docquet Book, pp. 92-3.
Charles Bertie to Mr. Dawson to pay Edward Masters 1,500l. Money Book (General) p. 453.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay [into the Exchequer] "notwithstanding any former restriction" 210l. 16s. 8d. for (and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same in the following proportions, viz), Mr. Wiseman (64l. 3s. 4d.), Mr. Pyle (64l. 3s. 4d), Mr. Whittle (47l. 10s. 8d.) and Mr. Peirce (35l.), as four of his Majesty's chirurgeons. Ibid.
Same to [the Auditor of the Receipt] for tallies [a tally for 1,000l. as below] for a quarter on Prince Rupert's pension due at Michaelmas last. Ibid, p. 454.
Same to the Customs Cashier to proceed in the payment of Prince Rupert's pension, being 500l. due at Michaelmas last and 1,000l. more, for which last sum a tally [as above] is to be delivered to you. Ibid.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for a tally on the Excise (and same to the Excise Commissioners to pay said tally) for 125l. for a quarter's pension due to Col. Thomas Howard of Suffolk. Ibid.
Same to same to issue to the Master of the Wardrobe (upon an order for 450l. for furniture of the Chapel Royal) the 450l. which the Customs Cashier is to bring into the Receipt. Ibid, p. 455.
Same to same to satisfy an order of the 2nd inst. for 34,500l. to Lemuell Kingdon by tallies for 8,500l. on the Excise and by paying the remainder by 2,000l. a week as the Customs Cashier shall pay same into the Exchequer for that use. Ibid.
Same to same for a tally for 5,000l. for a quarter on the 20,000l. per an. for Charles Bertie out of the Excise for secret service. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay off Sir Robt. Vyner's tally struck in Aug. last on the Customs for 1188l., "out of money which will come to your hands upon the Michaelmas account" [of the Customs.] Ibid.
Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring 500l. into the Exchequer for half a year of Sir Robert Vyner's pension : notwithstanding any former restriction. Money Book (General) p. 455.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the Tenths of the Clergy for Visct. Brouncker's full payment to Midsummer last. Ibid.
Same to same for a tally (and same to the Excise Commissioners to forthwith pay said tally) for 2,000l. for one quarter's pension to the Duke of Monmouth : "for which a tally will be brought to you." Ibid, p. 456.
Same to the Excise Commissioners to forthwith pay 1,000l. to Mris. Gwynne for a quarter on her pension "for which I will take care you shall have a regular discharge." Ibid.
[?] Same to the Navy Commissioners to immediately pay Sir John Berry's bill of disbursements (41l. 13s. 6d.) out of the Navy weekly money. Ibid.
Oct. 3. Money warrant for 14,300l. to Samuel Pepys for one quarter June 30 to Sept. 30 last, for Tangier. Ibid, p. 457.
Same for 7,500l. to Sir Edward Griffin for one quarter's allowance for the service of the Office of the Chamber. (Letter of direction dated 25 Oct. on the order dated Oct. 5 drawn hereon : same being hereby to be paid by tallies on the Law Duty Farmers.) Ibid, pp. 457, 470.
Same, dormant, for the perpetuity of 6l. 13s. 4d. per an. to the Vicar of St. Peters' in the Tower and warrant for what is already due thereon. Ibid, p. 457.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to pay 250l. to John Lock in further part of the order of Aug. 23 last for 347l. 9s. 6d. remaining unpaid upon an order of 1673-4, Feb. 26, for 650l. to said Lock, late Treasurer to the Council for Trade and Foreign Plantations : same to be by him applied for payment of 1 years' house rent for Villiers' house, according to the order of Council of 1674, Dec. 22. (See supra, p. 290.) Ibid, p. 458.
Money warrant for 48l. 10s. 0d. to Thomas Felton and William Chiffinch, Masters of the Hawks, for last Sept. quarter on 10s. a day ; 200l. for same on 800l. per an. ; and 120l. for four months on 30l. a month. Ibid.
Same for 150l. and 330l. to Isaac Legouch for a jewel value 150l., given to Monsieur Le Marr, who came from the Prince of Orange, and a jewel value 330l. given to Monsieur Horne, envoy from the King of Sweden : as by the certificate dated 1675, Nov. 20, from the Earl of Arlington, Lord Chamberlain. Ibid.
Same for 210l. to same for a diamond ring given to the governor of the Prince of Neuburg : as by the like certificate of Aug. 10 last. Ibid, p. 459.
Same for 364l. to Thomas Chudleigh, secretary to the extraordinary embassy for the treaty of peace at Nimueguen for six months' advance of ordinary Mar. 13 last to Sept. 11 last : it being certified by Sir Joseph Williamson that said Chudleigh took leave of the King for said employment Dec. 13 last : and further for 54l. to him for extraordinaries in said service 1675, Dec. 30, to 1676, June 30th.
Appending : bill of said extraordinaries
For a screw press for letters for entry books, paper, etc. 18
For portage of letters sent and received to and from all parts 36
Money warrant for 915l. to Sir Thomas Higgons for six months' ordinary Mar. 9 last to Sept. 8 last as Envoy Extraordinary to the Republic of France. Money Book (General) p. 459.
Same for 364l. for same (Mar. 25 last to Sept. 23 last) to William Perwich. employed for the negociation of certain of his Majesty's affairs at Paris. Ibid, p. 460.
Same for 910l. to Sir Edward Wood for same (Jan. 7 last to July 7 last) as Envoy Extraordinary to Sweden. Ibid.
Same for 546l. to Sir William Swan for same (Dec. 24 last to June 23 last) as Resident with the Hanse Towns. Ibid.
Same for 546l. to Sir John Paul for same (Dec. 3 last to June 2 last) as Resident with the Court of Denmark. Ibid.
Same for 366l. to Sir Martin Westcombe for same (1673, Sept. 22, to 1673-4, Mar. 24), as Agent at Cadiz, etc. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Sir Robt. Atkins, junr., late Receiver of the Law Duty, to pay 100l. to Richard Aldworth for half a year's salary to Lady day last as an Auditor of Crown Revenues, as by the great seal of Feb. 22 last. Ibid, p. 461.
Same from same to John Strode and partners, Farmers of the Four and a Half per cent. duty in Barbados and the Leeward Islands. The privy seal of 1672, May 31, ordered payment of arrears due to the officers and soldiers of Sir Tobias Bridge's regiment who served in the West Indies. Thomas Kirwood of London, goldsmith, advanced 4,794l. 14s. 9d. for payment of part of said regiment, for which sum he received tallies on abovesaid duty. The warrant of 1675, July 27, ordered said tallies to be paid out of said duty in Barbados, without mentioning the Leeward Isles, although said privy seal directed payment as above out of said duty in both Barbados and the said Islands. You are hereby to pay moneys in your hands towards satisfaction of said tallies out of said Revenue in said Islands as well as in Barbados, and so to continue to do till said tallies be fully discharged. Ibid.
Same from same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of the manor of East Moulsey alias East Mulsey and of Hampton Court ferry and the fishing of the river from Cobham Bridge : with a view to a fresh lease to James Clarke ut supra p. 324. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 1.
[? Oct. 3] Warrant from Treasurer Danby to [the King's Remembrancer] for the delivery to Nicholas Warren of bonds pro tanto to be cancelled to the amount of what shall be levied on his estate in liquidation of the debt due from him to the King on Customs bonds : part of said assets now lying ready in his creditors' hands, payable on demand to his Majesty's use to Philip Marsh the Receiver for wine and currants in London port : and similarly to deliver 1,400l. (1,401l.) in such bonds as representing a sum which is due to said Warren from Capt. Alford, which is likewise seized into the King's hands and ready to have been levied, had not the Exchequer process against said Alford been superseded. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 1.
Oct. 3. Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Shaw as examiner and computer of wines, etc., London port, loco, John Feild, deceased.
Capt. Phillip Lightfoot as Comptroller and surveyor General of [customs in] the Colony of Virginia, loco Roger Greene, with the allowance of 25 per cent. [of his receipts] for himself and deputies.
Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 219.
[Same from same to same] to depute Nicholas Robinson, constable of Winchcomb, co. Gloucester, to destroy tobacco raised and planted in Gloucestershire, Worcestershire and elsewhere, his services therein being certified by the affidavit and other papers annexed [missing] : and for his past services to make him some further fit allowance (in addition to the 5l. already received.) Ibid, p. 220.
Instructions from same to same in reply to their representation of the 2nd inst. (1). The Receiver General of Customs is to pay 54l. 14s. 6d. to Richard Taylor, waiter and searcher at York, in full of his bills for 66l. 14s. 6d. for his expenses in destroying tobacco cos. Yorks and Notts, deducting 12l. not thought fit to be allowed. (2). You are to have a smack of 20 tons burden built for service at Bristol, but as it will take time to build, and the season for importing wines is near, you are to send meanwhile two landwaiters from London to act as riding surveyors for the guard of that coast. (3). As to Mr. Osborne's proposal for taking a new Custom House at Bristol for a long term of years, he is to take it from year to year, as long as the Customs be in Commission. (4). The Customs Solicitor is to attend the Attorney General for his advice upon Mr. Kirkby's information touching the importation of Irish cattle, and how the offenders may be proceeded against. Ibid, p. 221.
Warrant from same to same to make an allowance of a sixth to Francis Stone, William Bellamy and Mark Manbret, merchants, on their entering as hogsheads a parcel of wines imported in uncertain cask (the quantity of gallons at the medium being between 42 and 63), they promising not hereafter to import wines in such uncertain cask. Ibid, p. 222.
Same from same to same to employ the following (who are recommended by the Agents for Virginia) as collectors there of the [new Plantation] duty of 1d. per lb. on tobacco, etc. : viz., Thomas Ballard and Joshua Bridges, Esqrs. at James River, Nicholas Spencer, Esq. and Mr. John Washington at Portomack River, Phillip Ludwell, Esq., at York River, Ralph Wormley, Esq., for Rapahanock River, and Col. John Stringer for the Eastern shore : they to collect said duty [with reward] "after the rate of 10l. per cent." and with such instructions as shall be requisite. Ibid, pp. 222-3.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to appoint Robert Mason as collector at Hull, loco Mr. Meriton, deceased, late collector. As said Mason now acts as customer there in right of Sir Mathew Appleyard's heir, a minor, his appointment as collector (at only his present salary and 20l. per an. for a clerk) will put an end to there being two customers there. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 223.
Same from same to same to permit the warehousing and re-shipment for France on bond (to return same to France, but not for Spain) of some contraband goods consigned to Michael Godfrey from his correspondent Monsieur Geroult of Rouen on board the ship Little Samuell. Said Godfrey informed the Customs Commissioners in August last of such consignment, praying leave to warehouse same, paying custom thereon, and to re-ship same for Spain, and on receiving no encouragement from said Commissioners tried to stop the consignment from France, but was too late to prevent it, for that before said Andrew Geroult received said advice the ship sailed, was taken by a French privateer, carried into Calais, is since released and expected to arrive in London port. Ibid, p. 224.
Same from same to same to employ John Willie and Thomas Hicks as tidesmen at Poole to complete the establishment [there.]
John Hopper as waiter at Leigh, loco Nicholas Elton, dismissed.
Jeremy Ward as weighing porter in the warehouse London port, loco Jonah Man.
William Southwell as watchman, London, loco William Palmer, deceased.
Joseph Martin as collector at Nevis, loco Charles Bincks, who is absent.
Charles Sherman as waiter at Margate, loco John Smith.
Valentine Percivall as tidesman [? London port] loco St. John Hazey.
Ibid, p. 225.
Oct. 4. Royal sign manual for 200l. to Sir John Berry, Kt., Col. Herbert Jeffreys and Col. Francis Morison, appointed to be Commissioners to adjust and settle matters in Virginia : 100l. thereof to be for their clerk to be employed on that service and the remaining 100l. to be for their charges in procuring said commission, and fees on the privy seals for their salaries, etc. (Money warrant hereon dated Oct. 9). King's Warrant Book V. p. 223. Money Book (General) p. 464.
Charles Bertie to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to pay the 2,360l. [which the Customs Cashier is directed to bring into the Exchequer] to satisfy the remainder of Mr. Packer's two orders dated 1675, July 12, for 8,000l. and 4,000l. for the Works. Money Book (General) p. 462.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Henry Savile, on payment of customs, six parcels of goods (cabinets, looking glasses, tables, stands, gloves, etc.), sent from Dieppe. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 227.
Oct. 5. Charles Bertie to the Customs Cashier to bring into the Exchequer, notwithstanding any former restriction (and same to [the Auditor of the Receipt] to issue) 40l. for Robert Swan, who was instrumental in the King's escape [from Worcester fight]. Money Book (General) p. 462.
The like for 446l. 17s. 2d. for Mr. Walker, usher of the Exchequer Court, for liberates in Trinity term 1676, and for his diet money of 5d. a day for 133 days to July 22 last. Ibid.
Same to [the Auditor of the Receipt] for tallies and same to [? the Excise Commissioners] to pay said tallies for 375l. to the Lord Privy Seal for half a quarter due at Michaelmas last on his pension of 3,000l. per an., "for which a tally will be delivered to you." Ibid.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay or lend to the Lord Privy seal half a year to Sept. 29 last on his fee of 20s. a day. Ibid, p. 463.
Same to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay to the executors of Dame Barbarah Villiers 150l. out of coinage money : for last Michaelmas quarter's pension. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to employ Edmund Cumings (Cuming) as a tidesman extraordinary, and to be presented as a tidesman in fee on a vacancy. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 226.
Reference to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands of the petition of Edward, Lord Montagu, for a grant of woods, etc. Ibid.
Oct. 9. Warrant from Treasurer Danby, dated from Newmarket, to the Customs Commissioners and Sir John Shaw, Surveyor of the Act of Navigation, to register as a free ship the Greyhound, of Dover, (same having been certified as entered on the list of free ships in the office of Secretary Coventry) ; and to grant the usual certificate, the customs or duties being first paid.
Prefixing : Note of royal warrant dated 1674, June 21, for such naturalization.
Same from same to same to discharge the seizure of a barrel of Mercery and a parcel of pewter and victuals, value 65l., belonging to Henry Maheitt, and sent from Rohan [Rouen] to Exeter, from thence to go to Bilboa, but seized by Mr. Cooper, an officer at Exeter : as to which goods petitioner's correspondent gave notice to the customs before their arrival. Surety is to be first given for the return of the goods to France, and not to send them to Spain. Ibid.
Same from same to same to allow or repay the duty on 19 pipes as part of a parcel of 34 casks of decayed wines belonging to George Pott : said Pott having been ordered an allowance of a third for such defectiveness by the warrant of June 15 last, which appears to be insufficient, as said wines were three quarters defective : a moiety having been allowed in a like [previous] case. Ibid, p. 227.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby, to the Customs Commissioners to allow to John Glanvile the salary of the collector of Looe for the time of his collection there as deputy to the Customer of Plymouth (Looe not being the place of residence of said Customer), who was appointed to undertake the receipt of Looe during the suspension of John Natt, superseded for not paying his arrear nor perfecting his security. Out Letters (Customs) III. p. 227.
Oct. (Nov.) 9. Treasurer Danby dated at Newmarket to [? the Admiralty Lords]. By your direction of July 29 last Sir Nicholas Armorer has applied to me for compensation for non-performance of the King's part of a contract for building four frigates in Ireland. I agree with the report of the Navy Board thereon, which he has shewn me, and think that if he will give security to go on with his contract it will be better to have said ships built thereby than to pay such compensation. Warrants not Relating to Money VII. p. 2.
Oct. 9. Warrant from [Treasurer Danby] to the Receipt to issue 40,000l. to Edward Seymour on any unsatisfied orders in his name as Treasurer of the Navy. Money Book (General) p. 463.
Money warrant for 30l. to Henry Wroth for last Lady day quarter on his pension of 120l. per an. as a Page of Honour to the King. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier. The East India Company have by their charter six and six months for payment of their Customs. You are therefore on the warrant for 40,000l (ut supra, p. 339), to allow them a discount of interest for the said time of six and six months, according to their charter. Ibid, p. 464.
Same from same to same, to pay 30l. to William Hurt, collector at Dartmouth, towards his legal costs ; he having seized a parcel of thread entered in July, 1671, by Samuell Austin as cross-bow thread, which appeared to be peecings thread, which pays ten times the duty of cross-bow thread, which goods said Austin recovered by an action of trover, which was reversed on a writ of error : the question as to the nature of such thread being one of considerable consequence to the King. Ibid.
Money warrant for 500l. to Sir Robert Vyner for half a year to Lady day last on his annuity of 1,000l. a year for 12 years as by his patent of 1671, Sept. 15. Ibid, p. 465.
Same for 13l. 6s. 8d. to Francis Sandford for half a year to Lady day last on his fee of 40 marks per an. as Lancaster Herald. Ibid, p. 467.
Treasurer Danby's subscription dated Newmarket of a docquet of a warrant to the Exchequer for installing the First Fruits of the Bishopric of Norwich being 834l. 11s. 7d. (the Tenths deducted) to Anthony, now Bishop thereof, to be paid in four years by equal portions from Michaelmas next [sic for last.] Docquet Book, p. 93.
Oct. 13. Charles Bertie to Alderman Backwell to pay into the Exchequer (so that same may be issued to Mr. Roberts for the service of the Works at Windsor) the 15,000 milreis or about 5,000l. which Treasurer Danby understands came over lately in the Saudados, and is now in your hands as part of the Queen's portion. Money Book (General) p. 465.
Oct. 14. Same to the Excise Receivers to bring 700l. into the Exchequer (and same to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue same) for Dr. Taylor for half a year to Sept. 29 last, on his privy seal for 1,400l. per an. Ibid.