Minute Book: April 1676

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Minute Book: April 1676', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp35-42 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: April 1676', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp35-42.

"Minute Book: April 1676". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp35-42.


April 1676

April 1. 500l. to be forthwith provided for the Earl of Plymouth for a quarter due at Lady Day. Sir Stephen Fox to be spoken to, to remit it to him. Done.
April 3. The business concerning Sir Jo. Heydon and the ship "Providence" is to be done as the Commissioners desire. Done [i.e. letter written to the Customs Commissioners].
Lady Portland's docquets to be signed and given out. Done.
A letter [to be written] to the Irish Farmers to this effect : that my Lord Treasurer wonders they have disappointed him as to the payment of their money &c. which was designed for the yards &c. that he is much displeased &c. and expects their speedy answer and compliance. Done. Mr. Secretary [of the Treasury] to speak with them in it.
"Nothing to be done in Mr. Pepys's desire concerning the mole at Tangier as to 4,875l. for Mr. Sheers &c. till my Lord returns."
Count Ulfeld to have 200l. upon the privy seal document.
April 4.
My Lord Treasurer commands [are] signified by Mr. Fleetwood in the particulars following by letter to Mr. Bertie.
That 500l. be forthwith sent into the Exchequer for the Earl of Plymouth's quarter due at Lady Day : and Sir Stephen Fox [to be] desired to remit it to him pro hac vice.
That you give order for immediate payment of a full quarter to Prince Rupert.
That you fully discourse to the Irish Farmers as to the particulars of the enclosed letter (which Mr. Fleetwood writes is entered).
That before you come out of town you take care to satisfy yourself fully as to the Duchess of Portsmouth's tallies upon the Wine Licences what has been paid to Mr. Killigrew, Sir Phillip Lloyd or any others upon them, what the creditors have respectively received and to get the above mentioned persons to set their hands to what they assert in this matter together with Mr. Fillingham's accompt and opinion upon the whole.
Upon sight of yours and Mr. Secretary Coventry's [letter] my Lord Treasurer signed my Lady Portland's docquets and ordered the delivery of them : which was done within an hour. Struck through.
[Treasury Minute Book, V. p. 158.]
April 5. My Lord Treasurer will hear the business concerning the Excise men and Mr. Smith in Gloucestershire : and his letter to be produced.
[Ibid, p. 159.]
April 17. A warrant to be drawn for the King's hand for 200l. to Monsieur Ulfelt ; on the privy seal, dormant.
[Ibid, p. 158.]
April 18. [Order for] the Duke of Monmouth to have a full quarter due at .
Sir Leolin Jenkins to have 1,300l. upon the Chimney money [farm rent due] in Sept. next.
The Duchess of Richmond, the younger, to have 250l. [for] a quarter due at Xmas last.
[Ibid, p. 159.]
April 20.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Sir John Duncomb.
Remind my Lord Treasurer to employ somebody to look after his accompt as Treasurer of the Navy.
Summon the Chancellor [of the Exchequer] Sir Ro. Howard, Sir Charles Harbord and others [to attend the Lord Treasurer at the Treasury Chambers] concerning the Bankers' interest.
Mr. Prowse to attend the Lord Chancellor with Lord Clifford's draft of a great seal for 76,000l.
My Lord Treasurer to speak with the Master of the Wardrobe upon the petition of the Trumpet[er]s and Kettle Drum[mer]s.
To know my Lord Treasurer's pleasure concerning the payments that were formerly made by Sir Stephen Fox and the privy seals in his name.
The Excise Commissioners to be sent for [to attend at the Treasury] on Friday at 8 in the morning concerning the payment of the [King's] Household.
Auditor Aldworth to draw up a short statement of Sir Robert Viner's interest demanded for plate in his accompt made up to the 1st of January 1671-2 that my Lord Treasurer may receive His Majesty's pleasure thereupon.
The method of stating the Bankers' accompts [is] debated and what shall be the rule to the Auditor for taking the same. Sir Robert Viner differs from the rest of the goldsmiths in his claims of interest. On Friday next [the 21st] at 10 in the morning Sir Ro. Howard, Sir George Downing, Mr. Wardour, Mr. Twitty and the Auditors are to attend at the Treasury Chambers. Mr. Bertie to speak with Sir Ro. Howard to know what progress he has made in making up the accompt of the Bankers' debt and others and when it will be ready to be presented to the Lord Treasurer. Sir Charles Harbord also [to be summoned] about the Bankers' debt.
Mr. Burton to have the next Jerquer's place that shall fall [vacant].
Sir Jo. Pawlett's 100l. per an. formerly paid by Sir Stephen Fox [is ordered] to be continued.
Mr. Whitgreve to be paid 100l. for half a year due at Lady Day [last : to be paid] by tally on the Tenths.
A question is opened by the Chancellor of the Exchequer concerning Mris. Colvile's accompt of interest relating to 35,000l. on the Wine Act. Counsel is ordered to attend and the Attorney and Solicitor General to be here on the King's part : and Mr. Young to have Counsel.
A letter to be written to Mr. Mounteney to bring into the Exchequer 192l. for the Lord Chancellor's Gascoigne wine.
The new royal foundation [of the King's mathematical boys at Christ's Hospital is] to have 250l. for a quarter due at Lady Day [last].
The 4,000l. paid into the Exchequer by the Receivers of the Law duty is to be issued to the Ordnance in part of their quarter of 10,000l. ending Lady Day last.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 160-1.]
[Day Book p. 106.]
April 21.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Sir Stephen Fox, Mr. Kent, Major Huntington and Sir Jo. James are called in. Mr. Kent complains that the [Excise] Comptroller's book is not open to view as formerly. Major Huntington says they forbid him [Kent] only the sight of their private accompt but not of the certificate. Mr. Street [is ordered] to be sent for to know why he denied Mr. Kent the sight of the weekly certificate.
Sir Stephen Fox complains that they [the Excise Treasurers] should have paid 52,000l. by this time to him, when indeed they have not paid above 13,000l. and [yet Fox] finds that 44,000l. is paid to the [Excise] Farmers for [repayment of] their advance. The Lord Treasurer answers that Sir Stephen Fox will be paid out of the new advance money for the [new Excise] farm which will be applied to the discharge of his tallies within the time promised i.e. November or December at the furthest.
The Lord Treasurer to be put in mind to move the Lord Chancellor to peruse the Virginia patent this afternoon at [the Privy] Council.
Wednesday next [the 26th] is appointed for consideration of the bankers' debt and stating it. The officers of the Exchequer and all [the others formerly] summoned to attend this day are to attend then. The bankers' interest is to be made up to the 1st of July 1674 and thence to the 1st of January 1676.
The Earl of Sussex [is ordered] to be paid his quarter.
To speak with the Attorney General concerning the two Acts for the Coinage Duty.
The Lord Treasurer to have forthwith an account of the office of the Mint.
No tallies of pro or payments are to be made in any office without the Lord Treasurer's signification of his pleasure.
Warrant for 20,000l. per an. in Mr. Bertie's name on the Excise for secret service.
Mr. H. G. [sic for Mris. Nell Gwyn] to be paid 500l. for her quarter : [to be paid] by the Excise Commissioners.
All arrears [? of salaries and pensions due] before 1 Jan. 1675-6 are to remain as they now are and the growing quarters only [are] to be satisfied.
An assignment [is ordered] for 10,000l. in part of 40,000l. to the Ordnance [to be paid] out of the Customs [and to be] for the year's establishment of the Ordnance from 1 Jan. 1675-6. The 4,000l. of the 10,000l. which they are now to receive out of the Law duty money paid into the Exchequer must be repaid [to the account of the Law Duty] out of the Customs.
The Lord Treasurer directs the sum of 7,856l. 5s. 3d. due to the Duke of York for his (the flag officers' and commanders') share of the prizes shall be paid upon the Excise after all the tallies already struck [thereon are paid]. The 1,500l. due for [or in part of] one quarter of what is payable to the Duke of York for the damage sustained by registering 110,000l. on wines is directed by the Lord Treasurer to be placed on the Excise and the quarterly payments for the future are to be charged in like manner till the order for 20,000l. be satisfied.
[Warrant for] Roger Lestrange [for] 100l. on Mr. Bertie's privy seal for secret service.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 161-3.]
[Day Book p. 106.]
April 24. The Earl of Bristol to have a full quarter.
Sir William Killigrew [? the like order].
Mris. Hamilton [to have a] half quarter.
The Duke of Monmouth's privy seal for charges and fees in the Exchequer is to be filled up with the sum of 1,200l. wherein is included the charges and fees of this privy seal and clears all accounts of that nature
Mris. Grahme alias Howard's order for 2,000l. [is] to be paid by striking tallies for 1,000l. in part thereof upon the Chimney money [farm rent] due in Sept. 1678 and the other 1,000l. upon the same fund out of the rent due the March following : with due interest in the meantime.
A letter to be written to the Commissioners of the Poll money [in all cases] where the money has not been returned.
Sir Philip Lloyd to give the Lord Treasurer an account of what has been received upon his privy seal for the arrears of the Chimney money due at Lady Day 1666 and before.
"Mr. Hall to inform us concerning the making of a Chancellor of Exchequer &c."
The business of Mr. Aram is to be heard some time next week.
The Lord Privy Seal to have half a quarter of his allowances.
The Commissioners of the Wine Licences [are ordered] not to entangle [by charges or assignments] that duty against 1678 at which time the additional duty on wines determines.
The Lord Treasurer to have an account of the number of wine licences.
The Lord Treasurer "to see the proposal of the Farmers of Excise concerning it."
Notice [dated Wallingford House April 24 is ordered] to be set up at the outward door and hall [of the Treasury Chambers or of Wallingford House, as follows viz.] :
For preventing the unnecessary attendance of persons at times unreasonable : this is to give notice that my Lord Treasurer cannot speak with any person upon private business except on Tuesday and Thursday mornings betwixt the hours of 9 and 12, at which time and no other his Lordship can be spoke with about business unless in matters relating to the public for which there are days already appointed at the Treasury Chambers, Admiralty &c.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 163-4.]
April 25. The privy seal for repair of the Mews is to be put into the Lord Treasurer's papers for the [Privy] Council to-morrow.
The Healing medals to have 200l. [In the margin : Done ; meaning : letter written to the Receipt for such an issue.]
[Ibid, p. 164.]
April 27. "Coll. Cookes assures that my Lord Treasurer directs 25l. to be sent in [to the Exchequer from the Customs] for half a year of Jasper Everard's salary as falconer : upon the Master of the Hawks' certificate that he attended lately at Newmarket. [In the margin : Done ; meaning : letter written to the Customs Cashier to bring same in.]
The Earl of Bath to have 250l. at the Custom House and 375l. on the Exchequer.
Sir Edward Carteret to have 50l. for a quarter due at Lady Day [last].
The Earl of Carbery to be put upon the minutes intended for the King.
The Duke of Buckingham to have 625l., half of 1,250l. for half a quarter ending at Xmas last.
Lady Windham to have 200l. for half a year full : on the Exchequer.
Secretary Williamson to have 1,000l. for secret service [the said sum] remaining unpaid of his order of 2,000l. out of the Customs.
Mr. Browne of Strabane is to have 20l. as His Majesty's free gift to carry him home.
[Warrant for] 150l. for the Duke of Albemarle for half a year due at Lady Day last for his interest in Mote Park : to be paid on the Customs.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 164-5.]
Petitioners : [their petitions read and orders made thereon as follows] :
Col Mollineux. Referred to the Attorney General.
Tho. Strangwaies. The Lord Treasurer to be put in mind to write to him.
Nich. Veale. This business to be heard to-morrow week and the great seal to be stopped till it be heard.
Patent officers of the Customs. [Ordered :] to make their certificates and the comptrol to continue as it does.
Smithson and Wilkinson. Referred to Sir Charles Harbord.
Ralph Pigot. The 500l. is in the list of arrears.
Mris. Milward. [To be put amongst] the papers for the King.
Sir Ri. Ford. Nil.
Gentlemen and Yeomen Harbingers. Mr. Griffin to be spoken with in it.
Jo. Web (John Webb). Referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Pet. Bar (Peter Barr). Referred to the Commissioners to make their report on Monday.
Cha. Gifford. The Lord Treasurer to know what he has had in his time.
Harrington. Nothing can be done in arrears.
Earl of Carlisle. The Attorney General to give advice what is to be done.
Mris. Ridley. The Lord Treasurer to be informed.
Mr. Younger. Nil.
Dover and Hill. Referred to the Lord Chief Baron.
John Burrell. Nil.
Bedborough. To be carried as far as it can be done.
Si. Smith. To be considered at the Treasury Chambers.
Ten re ormed officers. Not to be done.
Fra. Pointz. My Lord can do nothing in it.
Ed. Hobart. [To be put among] the papers for the King.
The six Under-Marshals. [Ordered :] to produce the order of the Lords.
Andr. Lawrence. His account to be seen.
Hen. Web (Webb), beer brewer at Plymouth. Nil.
Miles Bull. Nil.
Fra. Mansell. To be continued for my Lord Treasurer's time [of acting as Lord Treasurer].
William Raifes. His lease to be renewed according to Sir C. Harbord's report.
William Lownds. To have as has been usual.
Sir Richard Browne. He to have what is in the hands of the tenant : and as to the 500l. he is to find out something [as a fund on which that sum can be charged].
Benj. Cooling. Nil.
Merchants' case. Nil.
William Andrews. To be enquired into as to the man.
Le bas (Lebas). To be kept on in payment as others are.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 168-9.]
April 27.
Wallingford House.
Sir Tho. Chichely and the Irish [Revenue] Farmers are to attend at the Treasury Chambers to-morrow, Friday, April 28.
Mr. Bevil Skelton's order to be satisfied [viz.] of 364l. Quere : out of what money?
Cotter to be sent for [to come] up by a messenger. The Marquess of Worcester to be attended by Mr. Bertie to show him the papers and the keeper to be examined by said Marquess.
[Order for] 500l. for St. Paul's out of Bishop Laney's arrears. A warrant to be drawn for a privy seal [for this sum].
Mr. Darcy and Mr. Newport to be paid a quarter according to the order of Council. The Lord Treasurer will direct the payments of the Wardrobe according to the order of retrenchments.
Acquaint the Lord Treasurer with the state of Sir John Robinson's 4,000l. relating to the warders of the Tower.
On Monday morning (May day) 'twixt 9 and 10 Mr. Osborne, Mr. Bret and Mr. Parsons are to attend the Lord Treasurer at Wallingford House.
The Lord Treasurer to direct how Mr. Strode shall be satisfied his salary.
Sir William Darcy's papers [are ordered to be inserted among the] bundle for the King.
The Lord Treasurer to direct how Mr. Christian's 225l. shall be paid.
The Lord Treasurer to move the King to-morrow concerning the statue.
The Earl of Lichfield to be paid his quarter : 500l.
Sir Robert Croke, Auditor Phillips and Sir Edmo. Sawyer (Sayer) are to be at the Treasury Chambers to-morrow.
Put the Lord Treasurer in mind of Mr. Charnock.
[Ibid. p. 170.]
[Day Book p. 106.]
April 28.
Treasury Chambers.
Mr. Griffin complains he can get no money upon the tallies struck on the Chimney money. The Contractors [for the collection of the Chimney money] are called in. They promise to supply Mr. Griffin with so much as will pay the King's footmen.
A copy of the resolves of the Justices of Peace of Yorkshire is ordered to be transcribed. The Lord Treasurer to write to Sir Godfrey Copley to give him information concerning those resolves the very next post.
Memorandum : That the Lord Treasurer speak with the Earl of Carlisle concerning Sir Geo. Fletcher and Mr. Geo. Fleming, Justices of Peace for Westmorland, who discountenance the King's revenue of Hearthmoney.
Thomas Falconer to be sent for into custody. Mr. Thomas Barker (the Justice of Peace), the Constable and all other parties concerned therein are to attend on Wednesday nex upon the [? abovesaid] complaint made by the Contractors for the Chimney money.
[Order for] 1,000l. for the Robes : directed [to be charged] on the Chimney money [farm rent] due in Sept. next. Of the said sum 450l. pays the Robes to Jan. 1 last and the remainder for this year which is for weeks due.
An [order of] reference [is made] from the Lord Treasurer to Sir Ro. Howard, Sir Cha. Harbord, Sir Geo. Downing and Mr. Bertie with Auditor Aldworth to take the bankers' debt into consideration and to state it to his Lordship with their opinion of what they conceive fit to be done therein (and the method of proceeding thereupon) in order to easing the King of his charge. They are to meet the first time on Tuesday morning next at the Treasury Chambers.
The Irish [Revenue] Farmers are called in concerning the payment of their second advance of 30,000l. Mr. Rider and partners offer that till such time as they have completed the payment of the second 30,000l. they will be contented to leave the security of the quit rents in the King's hands provided the patent [of their farm] might be delivered [to them] : which my Lord Treasurer would not consent to. He, Mr. Rider, said he could by the last of June upon his own particular account undertake the payment of the said 30,000l. and clear it. But the whole matter was referred to the Master of the Ordnance and them [? the Farmers] to see how things might be accommodated.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 171-2.]
[Day Book p. 106.]