Minute Book: May 1676

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1911.

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'Minute Book: May 1676', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp42-54 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: May 1676', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1911), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp42-54.

"Minute Book: May 1676". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 5, 1676-1679. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1911), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol5/pp42-54.


May 1676

May 2. Sir Francis Clark's papers to be read on Monday when the Customs Commissioners come [to the Treasury Chambers].
Mr. Bertie to attend the Attorney General upon Sir William Killigrew's paper.
Monsieur (Count) Ulfeld is to be paid his 200l. : in order to which the certificates are to be produced.
Alderman Backwell's accompt is to be shewed to the rest of the goldsmiths as a form of accompting which the Lord Treasurer would have [the rest of] them observe.
The elder [Dowager] Duchess of Richmond is to be paid a quarter according to the order of Council.
The Lord Treasurer directs the payment of 249l. to Mr. Collingwood for the fortification of Holy Island : [to be paid] by the hands of the [Customs] Collector of Newcastle.
Give my Lord Treasurer a list of all the presentations.
An account of the Coinage money with the yearly dispositions thereof [is brought in]. The Chancellor of the Exchequer to look into the accompt.
Sir Tho. Morgan's order is to be put among the Lord Treasurer's papers for the King.
The Lord Treasurer to be put in mind of Major Baily's report.
Petitions read [and orders thereon made as follows] :
Col. Tho. Howard. To be examined and a state to be presented to the Lord Treasurer.
Lanier. To be paid as others.
Sub-Commissioners of Excise, Herts. Mr. Wingate to be spoken with in it by Mr. Bertie.
Widow Bowman. [This is a case of] an old arrear [and therefore cannot now be considered].
Officers of the [Commissioners for the] Union. A state of it to be produced.
Capt. Young. Nil.
Danvers for a landwaiter's place. Nil.
James Smith for stop of process till Michaelmas term. Mr. Lawrence to give an account and state of this matter.
Mris. Crane. Nil.
Brerewood and Petty, under clerks of the House of Commons, for [allowance for their trouble in supplying to the Treasury] copies of Acts &c. [of Parliament, when under consideration of the House in the form of bills &c.]. Mr. Bertie to consider what has been done and is fit to be done in the case.
Kirwood. [Ordered :] to be paid the Earl of Inchiquin's allowance.
Shepard and partners. Referred to the Customs Commissioners.
Clerks of the Peace. Referred to the Lord Chief Baron.
Cornwall and Aubery. To know what they can do.
Johnson. Referred to the Agents [for Taxes].
Ball. To be paid as the rest of the serjeants at arms are.
Perenant. The Lord Treasurer to see [what are] the arrears of the Coinage duty in all the ports and then will give an answer to this.
Mris. Golding. To be kept on.
Clerks of the Council of Trade and Foreign Plantations. To be assigned on some fund.
Officers and gunners of [the garrisons of] Dover, Deal &c. To be assigned and for the future to be reduced to the establishment. To be stated and considered how.
Mris. Smith. Nil.
Mris. Fox.
Blithman for repair of a lodge. Referred to the Surveyor [of Works] to make an estimate. In the margin : Done.
The Lord Treasurer to be put in mind to move the King on Mr. Andrewes' behalf about the remission of some part of his arrears, he paying the rest presently.
Mr. Aram's business to be heard on Friday, May 5, about the tally struck on Sir Humphrey Hooke &c. He and all parties to be summoned, Mr. Packer, Mr. Wiseman, Sir William Doiley, and Mr. Dering his clerk. [Treasury Minute Book V. 172-3.]
[Day Book p. 107.]
May 3. Sir John James and Major Huntington to attend in the forenoon [of this day]. [Day Book p. 106].
The Lord Treasurer directs a moiety of the Lord Privy Seal's fee of 20s. a day due at Lady Day to be paid and a warrant for his creation money for the time of Treasurer Danby's acting as Lord Treasurer "if he have received none already : at the desire of Coll. Cooke." (In the margin : Done : meaning warrant drawn.)
A privy seal to be drawn for Mr. Duncomb and the Bedfordshire gentlemen. The like marginal note.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 174.]
May 5. Mr. Veale's business [to be heard this day].
The Excise business [is to be heard this day] between 8 and 9.
All the Commissioners and Farmers and Dawson are to be summoned.
In the afternoon, about 4, Sir Jno. Earnley, Sir Ro. Howard, Sir Cha. Harbord, Auditor Aldworth and Mr. Bertie [are to attend the Lord Treasurer] about the bankers' business.
[Day Book p. 107.]
May 5. Friday. The Lord Treasurer directs that Sir William Temple's 1,300l. for his quarter's [ordinary] ending Jan. last be paid out of the Michaelmas [Customs' account] money in Mr. Mounteney's hands. (In the margin : Done ; meaning letter written to the Customs Cashier).
Col. Tho. Howard of Berkshire and his sister Mary are to have a quarter of their pension being 125l. Letters to be written for striking tallies.
Sir Alexander Frazier to be paid 150l. for one year and a half of his salary : by particular direction.
The Lord Treasurer orders 2,000l. for the Robes upon the Chimney money in Sept. next : which carries that Office till Midsummer next (excepting 450l. which was due to him [the Master of the Robes] at Xmas last). [The present issue] to be upon the 5,000l. per an. establishment [for the Robes].
Mr. Anthony Stevens to attend the Lord Treasurer to-night or to-morrow morning.
The late Farmers of the Law Duty are to attend on Wednesday next.
The Navy to have the bonds in [the hands of the officer for bonds in the Custom House] London, in further part of their 100,000l.
Dr. Waldron to be paid as physician of the Household.
The [band of] musique to have some assignment.
Friday next is appointed for the hearing of Sir Nicholas Armorer by counsel concerning his wool licences in Ireland.
[Treasury Minute Book V. 174.]
May 8. Sir Samuel Moreland to be paid according to the order of Council.
The Lord Treasurer to be put in mind of the Serjeants at Arms and the Yeomen of the Guard to-morrow at the Treasury Chambers.
Petitions [read and orders thereon given as follows] :
Mr. Loving, one of the Tellers about the 4,500l. upon the Four and a Half per cent. [Duty in the Barbados]. His expedient to be considered.
Lady Widdrington and son. The Attorney General to be consulted in it.
[John] Jenkins.
Mr. Man, the City Swordbearer. To be considered at the Treasury Chambers.
[The members of the King's] musique. A way to be found for payment of the quarter for which they have a warrant.
Ravenscroft. Cannot be done this year.
Knight, Chubb &c. To be heard at the Treasury Chambers. The Attorney of the Duchy of Cornwall to be there and the Auditor of the Duchy to certify forthwith what estates are holden by lease for lives or years within the Duchy and what terms of lives or years are in being in such leaseholds.
William Pen. To enquire into the nature of those rents and what are payable out of them. The Auditor to be consulted.
Sir Ro. Atkins junr. To be considered at the settlement of that [the Law] duty.
The Queen's trustees. [To be considered] at the Treasury Chambers.
Lady Killigrew. Her privy seal to be compared with the former [one].
Sir R. Tompkins.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 175.]
May 10. The Contractors for the Chimney money [are to attend the Treasury this day] : Mr. Justice Barker, Falconer and all parties concerned [are to be summoned to attend].
[Day Book p. 107.]
May 10.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Sir Jo. Ernly (Chancellor of the Exchequer).
The Excise Farmers (and the Commissioners of Excise) to attend on Friday (next the 12 inst.) (about their difference) at that time of the day at which the [Privy] Council sits not.
Mr. Per. Bertie and Sir Edmd. Turner present an accompt of the Alienation Office for the year ending last term.
Warrants to be drawn for the Ordnance.
The Law Duty Farmers and the officers [of the said duty] and Auditor Aldworth are called in. They allege the Auditor has only stated their interest accompt for the 30,000l. advance money at the three years' end, whereas they conceive it ought to have been done thrice a year. The Lord Treasurer says whatever they pretend to have lost by the farm was through their own neglect, having greater affairs in their hands &c. and ought not to be the King's loss : yet is willing to allow interest for what they advanced above the 30,000l. from the time it was disbursed to the time of repayment and the interest of the 5,000l. charge also. The Auditor [is therefore ordered] to re-state the account accordingly by Friday next.
Sir William Darcy called in. His pretensions to 300l. per an. upon the alum farm besides the 400l. [is] discoursed [upon between the Lord Treasurer and him]. The Lord Treasurer orders the Earl of Bath's certificate concerning it to be put into his papers for [the Privy] Council this afternoon to move his Majesty therein.
My Lord Treasurer to have an accompt of what rent is due for Villier's house and to what time : and directs it to be settled upon the Chimney money [farm rent due] in Sept. next.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 176. Day Book p. 107.]
May 11. Lord Paulet formerly recommended one Spicer to be an officer at Lyme, but Col. Strangwayes prevailed for another. Col. Cooke desires he [? Spicer] may be remembered when any vacancy happens there.
Mr. Wells (and the Justices of Hertfordshire) are to be heard (to-morrow Friday) about the Excise of Hertfordshire.
Petitions read [and orders thereon given as follows] :
Le Gouch for 1,000l. To be considered when the arrears are [considered].
Antho. Sturt. His accompt to be stated and shewed to the Lord Treasurer at the same time.
Mr. Sayers, the King's cook. The report [thereon] from Sir Charles Harbord is [also] read. To be put among the papers for the King.
Mr. Chiffinch. Sir Charles Harbord's report is also read [hereon viz.] about Ruthin rents. Mr. Packer is to inform the Lord Treasurer what he has received or is to receive for the Works out of the said rents. The Auditor [for North Wales] is to give an account of those rents, what they are yearly, what has been received, and what is in arrear. Mr. Tudor's report is to be abbreviated against Tuesday.
Sir Thomas Morgan to have a settlement for his money, and interest in the meantime.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 176-7.]
May 12. Friday. The Contractors for the Chimney money et al (as above p. 45 on the 10th) [are to attend the Treasury this day].
[Day Book p. 107.]
May 12.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer.
The Lord Treasurer directs that 2,500l. be paid to Mr. Robarts for the service of the Works at Windsor by Mr. Stevens out of money paid him by Mr. Chiffinch. (In the margin : Memorandum : how to be brought to accompt?).
The bankers to deliver in an account of all their assignments to any of their creditors.
Sir Robt. Howard to see the difference betwixt the orders of the bankers [appearing in the Exchequer recordsas] registered and their [own statements of their] accompts delivered in.
Mr. Strode to attend the Lord Treasurer at Wallingford House concerning New Forest.
Memorandum : That my Lord Treasurer meet at the Lord Chancellor's house with the Barons of the Exchequer to consider the letter from the Justices of Peace from Yorkshire concerning the duty of the Chimney money ; as also upon the complaint from Westmorland of the stopping up of Chimneys and hearths.
The instructions of Sir H. Finch and Sir Fra. North are to be considered at the same time. The Attorney and Solicitor General to attend also. Mr. Bertie to know when the Lord Chief Baron can attend.
A letter [is ordered to be written] taking notice of Mr. Johnson's complaint and recommending him to the Justices to give him all assistance in the collection of the duty. This letter to be directed to Sir Geo. Fletcher, Bart. and Geo. Fleming, Esq., Justices of Peace for Westmorland.
Mr. Wingate and the Justices of Peace for Hertfordshire are called in with Mr. Wells concerning an old arrear of the Excise of that county. (Minute left incomplete.)
The Commissioners and Farmers of Excise are called in concerning the seven thirty-secondths [aliquot parts of the farm surreptitiously allotted by the said Farmers to the said Commissioners]. The state of the Farmers' case is read with Mr. Pemberton's opinion. Mr. Rowney's case is read with the Attorney General's opinion. Another state of the Farmers' case is read with Sir Fran. Pemberton's opinion. Both parties submit their differences to the Lord Treasurer. His Lordship will determine it to-morrow. The Farmers agree to pay 6,000l. betwixt this and Saturday week and 4,000l. by the latter end of the next week following to the Lord Treasurer's order.
The old Farmers of the Law duty are called in. They offer 1,500l. to clear all accompts if the Lord Treasurer please to give satisfaction to the auditor out of that sum. My Lord accepts and agrees to it.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 177-8.]
May 13. Mr. Kent's business and Mr. Smith's to be heard on Friday the 19th inst.
The Excise Commissioners, Excise Farmers, Mr. Kingdon, Mr. Rowney and Mr. Dawson are called in. The Lord Treasurer determines [as follows, viz.] : [1] the 12,000l. on the 5,500l. per an. shall be paid and the interest of the bond from the 25th of March 1675, at the rate of 6 per cent. All parties agreed to this determination. [2] That the Farmers pay next week 6,000l., the week after 4,000l. and the week after that the remainder of the bond with interest and within 14 days after Midsummer the remainder of the 12,000l. [3] Mr. Rowney to deliver up the articles for 5,500l. per an. to the Lord Treasurer after the first payment of the 6,000l. is made by the Farmers who are also to deliver to the Lord Treasurer the counterpart of the said articles : and both articles and counterpart are to remain in the Lord Treasurer's hand till the whole debt be satisfied and then general releases to be given by all parties by consent.
Mr. Chiffinch to pay 11,000l. more to Mr. Steevens, where [in whose hands] it is to remain deposited till further order.
The [? Navy] Commissioners to produce to the Lord Treasurer Lord Clifford's warrant for allowance of interest.
The quarter for the hawks viz. 335l. 10s. 0d. is to be paid presently in full. Done [meaning : direction sent to the Receipt] : done out of proffers.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 178.]
May 15. Visct. Grandison's order for 2,500l. is to be satisfied by tallies on the Chimney money in September next. In the margin : Done [meaning : letter of direction sent to the Receipt].
[Warrant for] 1,500l. more to complete Sir Jo. Bas' [Banks'] 4,000l. [to be paid] by tallies as the Lord Treasurer shall direct : out of which Sir Jo. is to deduct the interest of the foresaid 4,000l. at 6 and 2 per cent. for 4 months [viz. 106l. 13s. 4d.] and 510l. 0s. 8d. as gratuity resting unpaid for the 20,000l. he lent upon the Dutch patacoons ; which 510l. is to be placed upon Alderman Backwell's accompt. The aforesaid 1,500l. is to be also by tallies on the Chimney money [farm rent due] in Sept. next [and is to be drawn upon] the secret service order.
[Ibid. p. 179.]
May 17. Major Huntington and Sir Jo. James to attend the Lord Treasurer to-morrow morning betwixt 8 and 9. In the margin : Done [meaning : notice given to them].
The letter from the Yorkshire Justices is to be produced when the Lord Chief Baron is present.
The Lord Treasurer to be put in mind of speaking with the Lord Chancellor about his own patent [which has been] mislaid ; and [about] the Justices of Peace.
Rawlins' false certificates to be put amongst my Lord's papers for the [Privy] Council.
The agreement with Capt. Sheres concerning the mole at Tangier is "to be sent for and entered in our books."
Sam Foxcroft to be tidesman extraordinary at the recommendation of Lady Clifton.
May 17. [? afternoon] The Lord Treasurer directs that the Agents of the Hearthmoney and the Eighteen Months' assessment be paid their orders 360l., for salary and incidents to Lady Day last at which time their salary determined and they are to be paid no more upon that accompt. In the margin : Done [meaning : directions sent to the Receipt].
May 18. Thursday. Petitions read [and orders thereon made as follows] :
Sir Geo. Carteret. The Lord Treasurer to have a note of that revenue and to consider of the thing, so [long] as it may not interfere with any other settlement.
Lady Clerke.
Sir Lionel Walden. The Lord Treasurer to see the state of his accompt and what is now remaining in his hands and to know what thereof the King can remit and of that what the King will think fit to gratify the petitioner in.
Col. Molineux. Not to be done.
Sir William Godolphin. [The payment to him of his ordinary is] to be brought up to midsummer and [is to be charged or] placed on the next farm of the Excise. Memorandum : the southern ministers [the ambassadors in the southern Province are] to have warrants [for their ordinaries].
[Yeomen of the Guard.] The Farmers of the Hearthmoney are to supply Mr. Griffin with money for the Yeomen of the Guard on his tallies. Mr. Bertie to speak to them about it.
Mr Chiffinch. The Lord Treasurer to be put in mind of giving an answer to this petition.
Capt. Wetwang. His answer to be returned to the Commissioners of the Customs.
Mr. Polstead. To be recommended to another employment when the King's debt is secured.
The Under-Marshals. To be paid for one sessions.
Jo. Whinyard. [To be put among] the papers for the king.
Peter Proby. To be examined [when the Lord Treasurer happens to be sitting] with the Earl of Ranelagh.
Widow Bowman. See what her bills come to in my Lord [Danby's] time [of acting as Lord Treasurer] and my Lord will move the King in it.
Thomas Browne. My Lord to know the state of his case and when his fee was last paid.
Mr. Pley. The money to be [by him] first paid or secured.
Clerks of the Council of Trade. My Lord to have a state thereof.
Sir Dennis Gauden. To make a state of his debt and to whom his personal security is given. And the Chancellor of the Exchequer to be spoken with to issue process against the late Victuallers.
Bishop of London. [He is] to be gratified ; the King having given direction in it.
Mris. Bointon. To be put in the King's minutes.
Sir Algernon May. To be paid according to the scheme.
Mr. Sturt. His accompt, and interest thereof, is to be stated. The [officers viz. the] Auditor and Attorney of the Duchy of Cornwall and Sir Charles Harbord are to attend at the Treasury Chambers to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 180-.]
[Day Book p. 107.]
May 19. Friday. Mr. Veal's business [to be heard this day].
[Day Book p. 107.]
May 20. Mr. Le Gouche's order for 300l. (for a jewel [presented by the King] to Signr. Alberti late Resident from Venice) is to be paid out of the 500l. which in Sir Robert Howard's certificate for the week ending the 12th inst. is mentioned as remaining in the Exchequer upon the 4s per chaldron for sea coal. In the margin : Done [meaning : letter of direction to this effect sent to the Auditor of the Receipt].
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 181.
May 22. Mris. Sophia Stuart's warrant for 150l. for half a year of her pension is to be paid.
Sir Geo. Charnock's tallies are to be struck according to the scheme.
The draft of the privy seal concerning the Duchy of Cornwall [grants] to Visct. Grandison and Col. Villier's [is to be put among] the papers for the King. [Ibid.]
May 23. Petitions read [and orders thereupon made as follows].
Ellis Cooper. [To be put among] the papers for the King.
Jo. Moore. Nothing can be done in it.
Benj. Glanvile. The Lord Treasurer to be satisfied in the account.
Sir William Carr. The Lord Treasurer to be put in mind of speaking with the Duke of Lauderdale in the matter concerning Drinkwater's estate who killed the New Park keeper.
Brimskell and Dod. The Lord Treasurer to be minded to speak with the Lord Chancellor on Thursday at the Treasury Chambers.
Col. Molineux. Mr. Bertie to give my Lord Treasurer an account of those prae fines and every other small [revenue] branch for one year, by examination of the certificates.
Vaughan. To be paid as the order of Council directs.
Mris. Clarke. Mr. Griffin to give my Lord an account what he has paid her.
Arnold. Process to be stopped against him till the first day of the next term. The [Customs] Commissioners to be asked whether Mr. Stockdale [may] be permitted to have his liberty with security to the King's debt.
Low. Why silent all this while?
Capt. Alford. My Lord can do nothing in it.
Henry Flory. Referred to the Customs Commissioners.
Mr. Lawrence for [salary as surveyor of] the King's ways. [Ordered :] to have 200l. Query : where best to be placed?
Marsellis Jacob [sic for Jacobson]. Referred to the Customs Commissioners.
[Ibid. pp 181-2.]
May 24. The officers of the Works [to attend this day].
Col. Cooke, Mr. Strode and Coster [are to attend this day] about Dean Forest.
Mr. Kent [to attend this day] about [Excise] accompts.
The officers of the Duchy of Cornwall [to attend this day].
Mr. Veale's business as Receiver [for Co Gloucester] of the Royal Aid and Additional Supply [is to be heard this day]. Mr. Fillingham to attend.
[Day Book pp. 107-8.]
May 24.
Treasury Chambers, Wednesday.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Chancellor of the Exchequer.
A letter to be prepared, for my Lord's signing, to Sir Edmd. Sawyer to furnish an account of his fee farms [the fee farms under his audit].
Mr. Smith and the Farmers of Excise are called in. The affidavits are read against Mr. Smith. He complains of the Excise officers' deportment and instances in several particulars. Col. Norwood [is ordered] to give the Lord Treasurer an account of Mr. Smith's deportment in relation to the King's revenue and to attend in order to it with Mr. Smith to-morrow morning.
Sir Geo. Downing and one other of the Customs Commissioners are to attend the Lord Treasurer to-morrow morning concerning the clause in the patent of the fishery for exempting their [the fishery] ships from customs.
Mr. Coster called in concerning the conveying away out of Dean Forest 18 tons of timber more than was sold. My Lord thinks it convenient that Coster be examined before the Marquess of Worcester and that the said Marquess be informed that Creed, the keeper, delivered the timber and that 'twas brought to Coster's house.
The 1,200l. for privy seals, Exchequer fees &c. for the Duke of Monmouth is to be placed [or charged for payment] on the same fund whereon the Stables are : and tallies are to be struck accordingly.
The Lord Treasurer to speak with the officers of the Works concerning the Duke of Monmouth's 1,700l. for buildings in the Mews that it may be placed on the extraordinaries for the Works.
The officers of the Ordnance are to have tallies on the Customs for 6,000l. to complete their quarter.
The Lord Treasurer directs the Gentlemen and Grooms of the King's Bedchamber to be paid in three weeks in the following order : first week, Earls of Bath, Ogle, Lindsey and Lord Gerard, Mr. Greenvile, Mr. Lane, Mr. Savile, Mr. Eliot. Second week, Duke of Albemarle, Earls of Ossory, Rochester and Middlesex, Mr. Guy, Mr. Killigrew, Mr. Progers, Mr. Walter. Third week, Earls of Suffolk, Manchester and Sunderland, Mr. Philips, Mr. Felton, Mr. Godolphin, Mr. Seimour. (The Earl of Mulgrave is paid upon the alum farm by tallies half yearly.)
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 182-3.]
May 25. Thursday afternoon. The Vintners' business to be heard [on the afternoon of this day] before the Lord Chancellor, Lord Treasurer, Barons of the Exchequer, Chancellor of the Exchequer and Sir Jo. Duncomb.
The Hearthmoney Contractors [to be then heard].
[Day Book p. 108.]
May 25.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Lord Chief Baron, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Baron Bertie, Baron Littleton, Attorney General, Solicitor General.
The business and all proceedings concerning the Hallamshire cutlers and smiths' forges in Yorkshire is discoursed. The Contractors of the Chimney money and Mr. Lawrence are to attend the Attorney General upon their Yorkshire case for his directions therein and then to receive the Lord Treasurer's directions [as to] whom 'tis most proper to prosecute. The Attorney General to be attended also in the case of Lancashire concerning distresses and the intended trial about smiths' forges there, before the Judges go their circuit.
The Attorney General to consider and answer their [the Hearthmoney Contractors'] queries &c.
The Earl of Ranelagh to speak with the Lord Treasurer and the Attorney General to-morrow before they go to [the Privy] Council.
The Lord Treasurer to move the Lord Chancellor about the King's giving directions to the Barons how they should proceed in giving approbation about the tolls of Fleet Bridge and Bridewell Dock.
Enquire whether Warren's debt to the King may be secured without prosecuting Capt. Alford. Process to be stopped against Alford in the mean-time.
The Earl of Rochester to be allowed 302l. 6s. 9d. laid out upon Woodstock lodge, "but not as a repair."
His Majesty consents that Sir Robert Townsend's lease of Coventry Park &c. be renewed.
And [similarly] Mr. Arundell's [lease] of Kennington &c.
[Treasury Minute Book p. 184.]
May 26. Friday. Mr. Kent's [business to be considered this day].
[Day Book V. p. 108.]
May 26.
Treasury Chambers.
Present : Lord Treasurer, Sir Jo. Earnle, Sir Cha. Harbord.
The Lord Treasurer directs 2,500l. for the Works at Windsor : [to be paid] out of money in Mr. Stevens's hands paid him by Mr. Chiffinch. Memorandum : to consider how this to be charged upon Mr. May [as Comptroller of the Works] and accompted for.
Tho. Gresham to be the next tide waiter.
Mr. Geo. Porter's warrant to be filled up for 150l. for half a year, by the Lord Treasurer's direction, a year being due.
Sir Cha. Harbord moving for the Lord Treasurer's directions upon Alderman Backwell's accompts, his Lordship directs that such accounts of his as are discharged by privy seal and the money paid shall not be further enquired into. The same rule to be observed in all.
Col. Norwood with the Farmers of Excise called in. They gave an account of Mr. Smith's deportment on the bench and instance Mr. John Tracy's letter and his behaviour at Cirencester, Mr. Meredith's certificate and Sir Bainham Throgmorton's letter read to the purpose. Mr. Smith with his friends come in, and answer to the paper exhibited by John Meredith concerning the conventicle held by the Quakers at Hambrook in the parish of Winterbourne. The Lord Treasurer upon hearing the whole matter and after several admonitions to Mr. Smith declares he will impartially report the whole business to His Majesty. The Farmers [are ordered] to write a letter to the Justices of Peace of Gloucestershire to promote a good understanding betwixt the said Justices and their [the Farmers'] officers.
[Treasury Minute Book V. p. 184.]
May 27. Saturday. Alderman Dashwood and the old Farmers [of the Revenue] of Ireland are called in. The Lord Treasurer acquaints them that at their request 30,000l. was assigned by them to Kingdon et al on condition to be discharged in Ireland [by being there paid] to the Army ; for which reason there was a stop put upon the money here : [but that as a matter of fact] the Lord Lieutenant writes that there is 12,295l. [thereof] yet remaining unpaid and prays that bills may be returned [to him] for that sum payable at sight. Mr. Dashwood says they owe the debt and is ashamed the money was not paid at Lady Day last : that four of them [the said Farmers] are forthwith going over. The Lord Treasurer [lays down that he] expects the payment of it against Midsummer and desires to know if they will pay the 12,295l. here [in London] or in Ireland else my Lord will return the money over [to Ireland] which remains deposited here. The Farmers promise to give the Lord Treasurer an answer on Tuesday morning next. A letter [is ordered to be sent] to Sir William Bucknall and Mr. Breedon to come to town on Monday so that they may give some answer to the Lord Treasurer against Tuesday morning that my Lord may give an account to the Lord Lieutenant by that night's post. In the margin : Done [meaning : letter written to Bucknall and Breedon]. A letter to be written to Mr. Aldworth into Ireland giving an account that my Lord Treasurer will write by Tuesday's post to the Lord Lieutenant and answer his Excellency's letters. (The like marginal note.)
Write to Mr. Jo. Lloyd of Edgeworth concerning the further improvement of his proposal for the Wine Licences.
Enquire of Coll. Jenkins whether Sir Hugh Bethel hath taken out his lease upon payment of 17,000l. (corrected to 1,700l.).
"The certificates of Customs and Exchequer to be produced to my Lord this afternoon."
[Order for] 6,000l. of Custom House bonds to be given to the Wardrobe which brings that office up to Xmas : and 6,000l. more to the Ordnance which completes their quarter [due] at March last. In the margin : Done [meaning : warrants sent to the Auditor of the Receipt].
Sir William Temple's 1,000l. [is ordered] to be discharged : [same] being upon account of his first designed journey for Holland when his equipage was provided and his journey afterwards stopped.
The town of Dartmouth to have 40l. for one year of their pension. (The like marginal note as above.)
Sir Joseph Seimour to have 100l. in part of his warrant for 200l. (The like marginal note.)
The Grooms of the King's Chamber to have 100l. for their New Year's gift, and [to receive also] the Queen's 100 marks, being of ancient custom. (The like marginal note.)
Mr. Phillips to have the paper of demands of the late Farmers of the Law duty and to shew his reason for abating any part thereof.
[Treasury Minute Book V. pp. 184-6.]
May 30. Sir William Bucknall, Alderman Breedon and Dashwood called in and are asked by the Lord Treasurer whether they were ready to pay the 12,000l. (12,295l.). Sir William Bucknall asks if the 12,295l. wherein the others were discoursed [with] on Saturday be demanded as a due and says they are not obliged to pay it [he alleging that] Sir Jo. James et al are to take it [receive it] in Ireland. Sir W. B[ucknall] will not stand to any agreement made with the Foorths but will endeavour to accommodate the matter with Sir Jo. James et al. Sir Jo. James, Major Huntington and Dawson [are ordered] to attend at 3 this afternoon. The copies of letters to be produced.
Mr. Fab. Philips and Mr. Seimour are heard as to the complaint against the first for non payment of the King's duty upon the sealing of writs &c. A letter is to be written to Lord Chief Justice North to hear the business between them and report his opinion.
Mr. Philips to be heard [by the Lord Treasurer] as to the improvement of the Law duty.
Auditor Aldworth's claim of 50l. per an. for making up the accounts of the Law duty is referred to Mr. Lawrence [who is] to show the Lord Treasurer the usage upon such claims.
Sir Jo. Robinson's petition is read on behalf of himself and [the Yeomen] Warders [of the Tower] for 3,655l. 18s. 2d. [he praying for same] to be paid by [out of] the fee farms. My Lord Treasurer to see a state of such fee farms. Mr. Brent says there are no fee farms left.
[Ibid. p. 186.]
May 31. Wednesday. Mr. Kent's business [to be heard this day].
The Excise and Wine License Farmers and Mr. Ryves are to attend [Treasurer Danby] at Wallingford House at 9 in the morning [of this day] about the business of the Wine Licences.
[Day Book p. 108.]