Entry Book: April 1675

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 4, 1672-1675. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1909.

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'Entry Book: April 1675', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 4, 1672-1675, ed. William A Shaw (London, 1909), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol4/pp718-733 [accessed 7 March 2025].

'Entry Book: April 1675', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 4, 1672-1675. Edited by William A Shaw (London, 1909), British History Online, accessed March 7, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol4/pp718-733.

"Entry Book: April 1675". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 4, 1672-1675. Ed. William A Shaw (London, 1909), British History Online. Web. 7 March 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol4/pp718-733.


April 1675

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
April 1 Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the King's Remembrancer. Alexander Dawes, Samuell Hardcastle and Edmond Cooper are by bonds of date 1672-3, Jan. 6. bound to the King in 350l. for payment of 186l. 17s. 9d. Likewise Alexander Carnegy, lately Collector of Rochester, and John Carnegy are bound in 200l. : and Nicholas Sanders, late Collector of Truro, and Thomas Cossen by a bond of date 1671, Dec. 29, are bound in 200l. Likewise Symon Taylor, Richard Ecleston and James Lowry by two bonds of 1674, May 3, are bound in 912l. for payment of 455l. 10s. 5d. All said bonds have been long forfeited and the debts thereon due often demanded but not paid, and said Alexander Dawes, Alexander Carnegy, Nicholas Sanders and Symon Taylor do wholly decline the payment thereof and some of them have left their wonted habitations and calling. You are forthwith to issue process of extent against said Dawes, Carnegy, Sanders and Taylor and process of scire facias only against their respective securities. Warrants Not Relating to Money V. pp. 312-3.
Same from same to same to send a particular of the lands of Sir Robt. Thomas, Bart., late Robt. Thomas, Esq., mentioned in an indenture dated 1669, Dec. 10, between him of the one part and Henry Saunderson and assigned by said Saunderson to His Majesty, which said assignment remains in your custody. Ibid, p. 213.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners and to the Customer. &c., of Yarmouth port. Henry, Earl of Norwich, Earl Marshal of England, has digged in his manor of Framlingham several quantities of potters earth to be transported from Yarmouth, which have been tried and found to be potters clay and not falling [sic for Fullers] earth, fulling clay or tobacco pipe clay. Several persons have digged several quantities of earth or clay in said county with intention to transport same without trial. I referred this matter to Sir William Jones, Attorney General, who certified his opinion that the export of such clay without trial and certificate is unlawful. You are to stop all ships in said port or any of its members in which there is any clay suspected to be of the sorts forbidden by the statutes to be exported ; and not discharge same till you are satisfied by reasonable proof and trial of the same that such earth is not of the sorts prohibited by the statutes. Ibid, pp. 313-4.
Money warrant for 1,500l. and 1,500l. to Sir Jno. Kirk, Kt., Receiver and Paymaster of the Band of Gentleman Pensioners, for wages and board wages for Xmas quarter and Lady Day quarter last for said Band. Money Book (General), pp. 40-1.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Sir John Griffith and the rest of the Wine Licence Commissioners to pay to Visct. Grandison and Col. Villiers 1,180l. 18s. 3d. out of any of the rents arising by sale of licences for retailing of wines and now remaining in your hands and before same be paid into the Exchequer : all as by the two privy seals of 1671, Jan. 17, and 1674, April 13, granting to them the rents or moneys due to the King upon wine licences or upon any farm thereof which were due or unpaid to the King at any time before 1674, Sept. 29 : it being certified by the Wine Licence Commissioners that several sums which became due within the aforesaid time were disposed of to other uses otherwise than by the said privy seals are directed amounting to said sum of 1,180l. 18s. 3d. Ibid, pp. 41-2.
Money warrant for 2,414l. 8s. 6d. to Jeremy Snow in part of money due to him for interest as follows : it appearing by an account stated by Auditor Aldworth that 4,828l. 17s. 1d. is due to said Snow for the interest of 51,218l. 5s. 0d. principal money by him lent and advanced, viz. at 6 per cent. from the several days the same stand charged on his said account to 1674, July 1 : to be paid by tally on the Excise. &c., all as by the great seal of July 23 last for payment of interest to the goldsmiths. Money Book (General) pp. 42-3.
[Cha. Bertie] to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies on the First Fruits for 500l. to the Earl of Oxford for last Lady Day quarter on his pension. Ibid, p. 103.
[Same] to same to pay the Treasurer of the Navy what remains unpaid of the 12,000l. late directed to him. Ibid.
[Same] to same to pay Mr. Fitz Symonds, a sergeant [at arms], what is unpaid of his warrant dated 1673 Dec. 9. Ibid.
[Same] to same for tallies for Lady Day quarter last of the Earl of Bath's and Lord Hawley's pensions. Ibid.
[Same] to the Treasurer of Excise to pay the abovesaid tallies. Ibid.
[Same] to Edward Backwell, Receiver of the Dutch patacons, to pay to Sir John Banks 1,302l. 3s. 5d. for 6 per cent. interest and 4 per cent. gratuity of the 20,000l. lent by him upon the credit of the Dutch patacons, for which he had tallies struck on said Backwell : so much appearing due thereon : same shall be allowed you in your account of said Dutch money. Ibid.
April 2 [Same] to Mr. Kent, the Receiver of Excise, to pay 100l. to Lady Shannon, "which my Lord Treasurer promises to make good." Ibid.
April 3 [Same] to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay three orders, each for 36l. 10s. 0d., drawn in the name of Carter, Elston and Maxwell, three of the Grooms of the Queen's Great Chamber. Ibid, p. 105.
Signior Hieronimo Alberti desires that no grant may pass of any mines of coal or lead in the forest of Arkengarth Dale or New Forest, in Yorkshire, without notice to him. Caveat Book, p. 13.
April 5 Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to the Countess of Sussex at her lodgings at Whitehall a box now in the Customs warehouse. In the margin : "Useless vide infra [under date April 8]." Warrants Not Relating to Money V. p. 318.
April 6 Charles Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt. By the King's directions the Lord Treasurer issued his warrant of Feb. 15 last for 1,500l. per quarter to Sir Allen Apsley for the Duke of York till his order of 1670, June 2, for 20,000l. be satisfied. You are forthwith to pay the second 1,500l. [due] at Lady Day last and so constantly every quarter till the whole be satisfied. Money Book (General), p. 103.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to the Countess of Sunderland on payment of Customs on certain goods as in a paper annexed [missing]. Warrants Not Relating to Money V. p. 318.
April 7 Same from same to same to deliver to Lady Marischall, Customs free, three barrels of herrings and a puncheon of meal sent to her by the Earl of Morton and brought from Scotland in the "Charles," of Leith. Ibid, VI. p. 3.
Royal sign manual for 200l. to Capt. Patrick Wesly as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon, dated April 8.) King's Warrant Book IV. p. 313 ; Money Book (General), p. 62.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a great seal recited in full, containing an indenture between the King of the one part and Sir Anthony Cope, of Hanwell, co. Oxford, bart., of the other, concerning the lease of the Custom House. The present indenture recites that in an indenture tripartite, bearing date the day before the date hereof and made between the King of the first part, Sir Anthony Cope of the second part, Treasurer Danby, Sir John Duncombe (Chancellor of the Exchequer), Sir John Holman, of Warcupp, co. Northants, bart., and Randolph Egerton, of , co. Chester, of the third part, the said Cope has granted, sold, &c., to said Treasurer Danby, Duncombe, Holman and Egerton, by bargain and sale thereof made for one year and by force of the statute of transferring uses into possession all that key or wharf commonly called the New Wool Key, with the appurtenances, &c., in Thames St., in the parish of All Saints, Barking, in the Ward of the Tower, and also all those several buildings and tenements with their appurtenances, being formerly one tenement, adjoining the said key or wharf ; and all that quay or wharf commonly called the Old Wool Key, with the appurtenances thereof in the said parish, with the several buildings, warehouses, cranes, &c., erected or to be erected there (the said keys and wharves abutting East, on Hartshorne Key, West on Porters Key), and with all messuages, ways, watercourses, easements, rights, tolls, duties of anchorage and plancage and other duties whatsoever : to hold to them and their heirs upon trust as follows, viz. : as for the newly erected Custom House and the ground thereof with the two wings or corner rooms at the end thereof, with free liberty of ingress, &c., with carts or otherwise, and room for the standing of the coaches of the managers of the Customs, and liberty to set up posts on the South side of the said whole building, and on the side of the said wings which face the one the other, not exceeding 4 foot distance from the walls thereof, and to set up spurs to keep off carts before the fronts of the said wings ; excepting only out of this limitation one little ground room at the East end of said buildings, then and yet used and enjoyed by the said Sir Anthony Cope as an accounting house, with one little chamber thereover used as a lodging room for his servants, and excepting also liberty for the present laying of goods as there was and yet is practised for the preserving the same from rain or wet under the said two wings or corner rooms at the end of the said building [viz if] necessity should require and not for storing or keeping them there any longer than necessary : all in trust for the King, to be used as at present for the receipt of the Customs, at the yearly rent of 274l. to said Cope, to be paid at the great South door of the Custom House opening upon the said wharves at Lady Day and Michaelmas : the King covenanting with said Cope to pay said rent for said premises, and in default of payment that said Trustees shall hold the premises for said Cope instead of for His Majesty, and so until payment of said rent and arrears thereof. The said recited tripartite indenture is hereby, by the present indenture, confirmed by the king, and the said Cope does hereby covenant with the King that heavy goods shall not be rolled or laid into the porches of the said building, called the Custom House, to the hindrance of the public walks there, without the permission of the Customs Commissioners, and that he will keep a true and perfect book, when required by the Treasury, of all goods and merchandises that shall be laden or unladen at the aforesaid keys or wharfs, to inform the officers in what manner the Customs are answered, and will deliver a particular of such goods ; and that said keys and wharves shall be for ever hereafter to the use of the King and of all merchants whatsoever as they now are used, and that he will not exact greater duties or sums of money than hitherto on the lading or unlading of any goods and will submit to forfeiture for conniving at any concealment of Customs. (Treasurer Danby's subscription, dated April 23, of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book IV. pp. 313-24 ; British Museum Additional MS. 28,075, p. 178.
Royal warrant to the Attorney General for a great seal for a grant to John Hall of the rent of 50l. per an reserved on the lease to Thomas Eyre of 7,331 acres 3 roods and 16 perches of barren and waste ground lying in several townships belonging to the King's manor or lordship of the High Peak, co. Derby, being parcel of the Duchy of Lancashire (as by two several leases thereof made to said Eyre by the Queen Consort and her Trustees, viz., one of date 1674, Dec. 24, for 31 years therein, and the other of date 1674-5, Feb. 15, for 57 years more therein, [which leases were] warranted by the privy seal of Feb. 3 last) : the present grant to be to said Hall for all the years remaining unexpired of the said two terms after the death of the Queen Consort : a clause to be inserted herein "for transferring of all such trust and estate as is or shall be remaining, after the death of our said dearest Consort, in the said Trustees for us, our heirs and successors unto the said John Hall." (Treasurer Danby's subscription, dated Apr. 23, of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book IV. pp. 308-9 ; British Museum Additional MS. 28,075, p. 177.
Treasurer Danby's subscription of a docquet dated 1674-5, March, of a grant to William. Earl of Derby, Thomas Cholmondly and William Bancks, Esqrs., and their heirs and assigns, of the yearly sum of 100l. from Michaelmas, 1673, payable half-yearly out of the hereditary Excise, to be by them employed towards the maintenance of such poor ministers in the Isle of Man as shall stand most in need thereof (Warrant, dormant, dated May 27, hereon to the Receipt for tallies of pro or assignment on the Excise Farmers or Receivers from time to time for said pension.) British Museum Additional MS. 28,075, p. 173 ; Money Book (General), p. 121.
[Cha. Bertie] to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 146l. to Sir Tho. Daniell for a quarter and a half to Lady Day last as Governor of Arcliffe fort. Money Book, (General), p. 104.
[Same] to the Customs Cashier to satisfy forthwith the tallies for 12,900l. for Tangier to complete last Lady Day quarter's allowance. Ibid.
[?] [Same] to Mr. Kent, Treasurer of Excise, to forthwith satisfy the tally for 1,400l. for Tangier, to complete the quarter as above. Ibid.
April 7 Letter of direction by Treasurer Danby on an order dated 1675, Mar. 29, for 1,348l. to Sir William Swan for three quarters' ordinary, &c, as Resident with the Hanse Towns : 500l. hereof being hereby made payable out of the Exchequer and the balance by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent due in Sept. next. Ibid, p. 43.
Money warrant for 95l. 16s. 3d. to Edward Villiers for 1 years on his several fees of 18d. a day, 12d. a day and 6d. a day as Keeper of His Majesty's House and Park at Richmond. Money Book (General), p. 44.
Same for 100l. to Jonas Shish as royal bounty Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to William Harbord, Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, to allow in account to Sir Peter Killegrew and John Tregeagle, Receivers [of said Duchy], the sums of 140l. and 24l. 7s. 5d. and 96l. expended by them in prosecuting to a trial the export of tin in bars, in which great frauds have for some years been practised to the great decay of the King's revenue from tin : they having, in pursuance of a command to them to seize all tin so exported, seized a parcel of bar tin belonging to one Papillon and partners, which occasioned great expense to said Receivers in defending several suits prosecuted in the King's Bench against them and their agents, as also in justifying the said seizure before the King in Council "and also for further maintenance of His Majesty's rights were compelled to exhibit one bill in His Majesty's name against the said Papillon and another against John Tremenhiere and others, merchants . ., and whereas His Majesty, upon a hearing in Council, was well satisfied that the said seizure was just and that his officers had therein well acted according to duty, &c., yet in regard it appeared that the said Papillon and partners were not on the place and so not wilful offenders, His Majesty, being desirous to encourage trade, &c., was graciously pleased to order the said tin should be restored, whereupon, the said tin being valued at 1,280l., the said Receivers, by direction of His Majesty's Attorney and Solicitor General, did pay the said sum to Papillon, &c., although in truth it was more than they sold the said tin for by 96l.," the said seizure having had very good effect. Ibid, pp. 61-2 ; Warrants Not Relating to Money VI. p. 2.
April 8 Same from same to Edward Arden. Esq., Receiver of the [late sede vacante] revenue of the Bishopric of Durham, to pay 42l. to John Wrenn (in full of 60l., he having already received 18l. in part thereof), it being certified by Sir Gilbert Gerrard. Constable of Durham Castle, that said Wrenn, servant to the late Bishop of Durham, had the care of repairs and airing the rooms in said Castle, for which he was allowed 20l. per an. up to the death of said Bishop, in which office said Constable continued him for the vacancy of the Bishopric, being three years. Warrants Not Relating to Money VI. p. 3.
Same from same to Vere Bertie, the King's Remembrancer. In 1661 the King granted to the clergy of the Isle of Man an augmentation of 100l. per an. to be paid by the Receiver of Crown Revenues, co. Lanes., Westmorland and Cumberland (who was receiver for the late Queen Mother there and also in the Isle of Man) to Charles, late Earl of Derby, and the Bishop of Man : and there being a rent of 101l. 15s. 11d., parcel of the late Queen's jointure, due from said Earl for the priory of Rushen in the Isle of Man, it seems that for the convenience of the [said] clergy an arrangement was made that the said 100l. per an. should be paid out of said rent of 101l. 15s. 11d. and the said Earl to be discharged thereof by exchange of acquittances with the [said] Receiver, which was accordingly practised. By a certificate and affidavits of the said Earl's agents they endeavour to make out that the said allowance was duly paid to the [said] clergy till Mich., 1673. But, because acquittances were not taken for some years from the Receiver to that effect by reason of the neglect of persons trusted by the said late Earl there is demanded of the present Earl 300l. 9s. 4d. pretended to be in arrear of the said rent to 1672. Lady Day, on which demand said Earl has petitioned me for stay of proceedings till the matter be determined. You are to stay proceedings accordingly till I give order therein. Ibid, p. 4.
Constitution by Treasurer Danby of John Thompson to be one of the registers for Excise to attend the Excise Commissioners. &c. : with the salary of 175l. per an. from Lady Day last. Warrants Not Relating to Money VI. pp. 9-10.
The like for Edward Nowell as a same : with the like fee Ibid, p. 23.
[Cha. Bertie] to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay a quarter to Mr. Newport and Mr. Darcy on their salary.
500l. for a quarter on the Earl of Strafford's pension.
And to pay what is due to Lodowick Bray on his 40l. per an. and to continue it according to his warrant dormant.
Money Book (General), p. 104.
[Same] to same to strike tallies for a quarter on Sir William Killegrew's pension. Ibid.
[Same] to the Treasurer of Excise to pay said tallies Ibid.
[Same] to the Auditor of the Receipt to forthwith pay the Earl of Inchiquin 1,865l. on his warrant of Mar. 26 last ; for which Treasurer Danby will take care that a particular privy seal pass to vouch the payment. Ibid.
Money warrant for 890l. 19s. 2d. to Bernard Turnor (one of the goldsmiths named in the great seal of July 23 last for payment of interest to the goldsmiths), being the remaining moiety in full of the 1,781l. 18s. 5d. due to him (as certified by Auditor Aldworth May 9 last) for two years' interest for the principal sum of 14,200l. 13s. 8d. from 1671-2. Jan. 1. to 1673-4, Jan. 1 whereof one moiety has been paid by the warrant of Aug. 18 last. Ibid, p. 65.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver at the Earl of Sussex's lodgings at Whitehall two parcels in the Custom House at Dover containing clothes and other things for himself and his lady. Warrants Not Relating to Money V. p. 318.
April 9 Same from [same] to the Customs Commissioners to direct the respective collectors of the outports to pay last Lady Day quarter's salaries to the officers of said outports. Money Book (Customs) p. 194.
Same from same to same to deliver at Mr. Manfield's lodgings a trunk lately brought from Dover to Southwark by land carriage directed to John Harrison, porter, but belonging to said Manfield and containing only his apparel. Warrants Not Relating to Money V. p. 319.
[Cha. Bertie] to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 2,000l. to the Master of the Great Wardrobe. Money Book (General), p. 104.
[Same] to the Customs Cashier to pay 250l. each to the Earls of Sunderland, Ossory and Middlesex and Duke of Albemarle for a quarter as Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. Ibid.
[Same] to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 250l. each to the Earls of Manchester, Rochester and Suffolk as same. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to John Baynes, one of the Commissioners of the Musters. On receipt of 3,086l. 6s. 0d. payable to you by Patrick Trant, upon the tallies for that sum (which by my order of Mar. 26 last you were required to deliver to him) [you are hereby] to pay to the officers and soldiers remaining of the late Barbados regiment under command of Sir Tobias Bridges, deceased, and now in the four companies in Ireland (viz. of Major Andros, Capt. Talbot, Capt. Salkeld and Capt. Sir John Ernle) the respective arrears of pay due to each of them as of the aforesaid regiment according to the list annexed (having respect to the just debts claimed by the innholders of Southwark, due to them from any of the said officers or soldiers, which [debts for quartering] you are to see satisfied out of their respective arrears.
Appending :A list of said officers and soldiers of said four Barbados Companies who are mustered in Ireland and whose arrears are yet unpaid. The soldiers' names are detailed, and the arrears amount to 380l. 11s. 11d. for 12 men in Major Andros' Company, 969l. 13s. 9d. for 20 men in Capt. Talbott's Company, 426l. 6s. 0d. for 9 men in Sir John Ernle's (late Capt. Cotter's) Company, 1,309l. 14s. 4d. for 30 men in Capt. Salkeld's (late Capt. Barrett's) Company.
Money Book (General), pp. 59-60, 62.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of the last Lady Day quarter's salary bill for the Customs [London port] and direction to the Customs Cashier to pay same. (Total 7,447l. 11s. 8d.) Ibid, p. 63.
April 10 Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to the Duchess of York at St. James's a packet lately sent from Dover for her service. Warrants Not Relating to Money VI. p. 5.
Same from same to Francis Hodges, gent. In your petition you set forth that by direction of the late Treasurer Southampton and Under-Treasurer Lord Ashley you prosecuted at your own charge several sums of money due from sundry Collectors of Customs in the outports, amounting to 2,339l. 5s. 0d. without receiving any reward therein and therefore pray an allowance of 2s. per on said sum, as was allowed to you by the abovesaid Treasurer and Under-Treasurer for prosecuting certain bonds taken for the additional duty, and that such payment may be made out of such of the bonds (taken for the said additional duty whilst the Customs were in commission, which ended 1662, Sept. 29) as yet are standing out and in arrear. Such allowance of 2s. per on said sum of 2,339l. 5s. 0d. is hereby ordered, amounting to 233l. 18s. 6d. and to be paid out of such bonds as above yet remaining in arrear and unsatisfied as said Hodges shall recover and also a like allowance on such last mentioned bonds : with power to him to give acquittances, &c. Ibid, pp. 4, 5-7.
Same from same to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Barwick as waiter and searcher at Stockton loco Thomas Power, deceased. Ibid, p. 9.
[Cha. Bertie] to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 250l. to Mary, Duchess of Richmond for Lady Day quarter last on her pension. Money Book (General), p. 105.
Same to same for tallies for 150l. for a quarter of the late Lady Fanshawe's pension. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Cashier to pay the abovesaid tallies Ibid.
[Ch. Bertie] to the Cashier of the Customs to pay 500l. for a quarter of the Earl of Bath's pension as First Gentleman of the Bedchamber.
25l. to Mr. Doyly for a quarter on his pension.
Money Book (General), p. 105.
[Same] to Mr. Kent, Treasurer of Excise, to forthwith furnish Mr. Griffin with 7,500l. upon tallies on the Excise for his office [of the Chamber]. Ibid.
Money warrant for 15,158l. 6s. 4d. to Isaac Meynell and partners or assigns, being the remainder of interest due to them to 1674. July 1 : it being certified by Auditor Aldworth, Jan. 2 last, and by three several accounts by him made up to 1674, July 1, that there is due to said Meynell and partners 115,329l. 19s. 0d., which together with 101,049l. 15s. 11d. due to them upon orders of loan makes the total of their principal debt amount to 216,379l. 14s. 11d., two years' interest whereof (in accordance with the great seal of July 23 last) amounts to 27,157l. 5s. 10d., of which by a former warrant of Oct. 6 last there has been already 9,738l. 5s. 4d. directed to be paid as in part. Ibid, pp. 63-4.
Same for 250l. each to the Earl of Ogle and the Earl of Lindsay for a quarter on their pensions as Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. Ibid, p. 66.
Same for 750l. to the Earl of Bath for same on his two allowances as Groom of the Stole, &c. Ibid.
Same for 404l. 13s. 9d. to Col. Edward Villiers for 1 years on his allowance of 231l. 5s. 0d. per an. as Governor of Tynemouth Castle. Ibid.
Same for 1,000l. to Baptista May, Keeper of the Privy Purse, as imprest for providing crown gold for Healing Medals. Ibid, p. 67.
Same for 150l. to the Countess of Newburgh for a quarter on her annuity. Ibid.
Same for 5l. to Mris Elizabeth Pinckney as royal bounty for relief of her present necessities. Ibid.
Same for 100l. to Mris. Izabella Bointon, widow, for half a year to Lady Day last on her pension. Ibid, p. 68.
Same for 50l. each to Lady Roscommon and Mris. Katharine Boynton for half a year [on their pensions]. Ibid.
Same for 62l. 10s. 0d. to Ann Lawson, daughter of Sir John Lawson, deceased, for a quarter on her pension as by the patent of 1665. Aug. 28. Ibid.
Same for 62l. 10s. 0d. to Elizabeth Lawson [for same] Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to pay 100l. to the Mayor, &c., of Berwick for keeping the bridge there in repair. Ibid.
Money warrant for 250l. to Frances. Lady Portland for Lady Day quarter last on her pension. Ibid, p. 69.
Same for 100l. to Sir William Turnor in consideration of services by him done for His Majesty for half a year to Xmas last in soliciting business relating to His Majesty's revenue. Ibid.
Letter of direction on an order dated 1673, Dec. 1, for 1,000l. to James Puckle as royal bounty ; same being hereby charged on the Hearthmoney farm rent due in Sept. next. Ibid, p. 70.
Treasurer Danby's allowance of the last Lady Day quarter's incidents bill of the Hearthnioney Agents. (Total, 26l. 7s. 2d.) Money Book (General). p. 70.
Arthur Fleetwood (in the absence of Charles Bertie, Secretary to Treasurer Danby,) to Sir Ro. Howard, Auditor of the Receipt, to strike tallies for payment of last Lady Day quarter to Sir Sam Morland on his pensions. Ibid, p. 72
April 12 Cha. Bertie to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay immediately 750l. for the incidents of the Council of Plantations. Ibid, p. 105.
April 12 [sic altered from Feb. 12] Royal sign manual for 184l. 13s. 0d. to Sir Jno. Watts, kt., as royal bounty. (Warrant hereon, dated May [sic altered from Feb] 5, for tallies on said Watts himself for 184l. 13s 0d., as so much due from him to the King upon his account as late Receiver of Hearthmoney in co. Hereford. King's Warrant Book IV. p. 255 ; Money Book (General), p. 18 ; Money Book (Pensions). p. 20
April 13 [Cha. Bertie] to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 12,000l. [to the Treasurer of the Navy] for two weeks [service] to the Navy. And 60l. 4s. 8d. [to the Master of the Great Wardrobe] for the service of the Wardrobe. Money Book (General). p. 105.
Money warrant for 558l. 13s. 4d. to Henry Fanshaw (executor to Thomas, Visct. Fanshaw, late King's Remembrancer), being ten years' arrears to 1674, Lady Day : to be paid by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent due in Sept. next. Ibid, p. 69
April 14 Royal sign manual for 200l. to Bevill Skelton without account in consideration of his extraordinary charges in going to Holland and back on the King's service. (Money warrant hereon. dated April 26.) King's Warrant Book IV p. 332 ; Money Book (General), p. 79.
Same for 200l. to Sir Richard Maleverer, bart., without account, as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon, dated April 30.) Ibid, p. 333 ; Ibid, p. 82.
[Cha. Bertie] to the Auditor of the Receipt for tallies for 250l. for a quarter of Visct. Brouncker's annuity on the Tenths of the clergy. Money Book (General), p. 105.
[Same] to same to pay Francis Bowman's executors 98l. 17s. 6d. in full of his order for 498l. 17s. 6d. Ibid.
[Same] to same to pay what is due upon the Duchess of Portsmouth's dormant warrant for creation money. Ibid.
[Same] to same to pay 50l. to Sir Edward Carteret for Xmas quarter last on his pension. Ibid.
[Same] to same to pay what is due to Serj. Harsnett upon his dormant warrant. Ibid.
Privy seal for 730l to William Samwell : to be paid by a tally on said Samwell for said sum as owing from him to the King for a fine on a reversionary lease of the manor of Burnham, co. Bucks., and other lands there, parcel of the Honor of Windsor : the King being indebted to said Samwell in the sum of 928l. 16s. 0d. for his service in surveying and attending the King's buildings at Newmarket for six years past : said Samwell being contented to accept said 730l. as in full payment of said 928l. 16s. 0d. (Royal warrant, dated April 7. for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription, dated April 10, of docquet hereof. Treasurer Danby's warrant hereon to the Receipt accordingly, dated April 29.) King's Warrant Book IV pp. 308, 326 ; British Museum Additional MS. 28,075, p. 175 ; Money Book (General), p. 80.
Privy seal for 1,865l. to Samuel Pepys, Treasurer for Tangier, to be by him paid over to the Earl of Inchiquin, being an advance of one year's pay as Governor, Colonel and Captain [of Tangier] : same to be defalked out of said Earl's pay as it shall grow due out of the establishment for Tangier. (Royal warrant, dated April 7. for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription, dated April 10. of docquet hereof. Money warrant hereon dated April 19.) King's Warrant Book IV. pp. 308, 328-9 ; British Museum Additional MS. 28,075. p. 174 ; Money Book (General). p. 73.
Same for 9,750l. to said Pepys to be by him paid over to Sir Hugh Cholmly as imprest for the service of the mole in the garrison of Tangier. (Royal warrant, dated April 7. for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription, dated April 10, of docquet hereof. Money warrant hereon dated April 19.) Ibid, pp. 308, 327-8 ; Ibid, ; Ibid.
Same for 100,000l. to William Ashburnham. Cofferer of the Household, as imprest for the service of the Household. (Royal warrant, dated March 31, for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription, dated April 10. of docquet hereof.) King's Warrant Book IV. pp. 311, 327 ; British Museum Additional MS. 28,075, p. 175.
Same for 4,831l. 1s. 11d. to Sir Stephen Fox for payment up to Dec. 31 last of the wages and fees to some of the captains. officers and soldiers belonging to Arcliffe Bulwark, Motes Bulwark [and] of Dover, Sandown, Deal, Sandgate and Walmer Castles, together with the fee of the assistant to the Lord Warden : which have been heretofore paid by the Receivers of Crown revenues for Kent, Surrey and Sussex by virtue of the privy seal of 1670-1, Feb. 11, but which have remained unpaid to the said amount by reason of the sale of fee farms. (Royal warrant, dated ? Mar. 31, for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription, dated April 10, of docquet hereof. Money warrant hereon. dated April 30 (altered from May 30), the warrant being for 2,606l. 14s. 2d. for items ut supra p. 710, viz., 3 years to Motes Bulwark, 2 years to Dover, Sandown and Arcliffe, and 1 years to Deal, Sandgate and Walmer, and half a year to the assistant to the Lord Warden, viz., all to Lady Day last and as in part of the present privy seal.) Ibid. pp. 311, 329-30 ; Ibid, p. 176 ; Money Book (General), p. 109.
April 15 Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to permit the export, Customs free, of a gold watch and a cabinet which the Envoy Extraordinary from the Elector of Brandenburgh desires to send as a present to Monsieur Romsoinkel. Envoy Extraordinary from the said Prince at the Hague. Warrants Not Relating to Money VI. p. 17.
Royal sign manual for 110l. to Charles Strode. Surveyor of Woods, South Trent, viz., 20l. each for four keepers of Dean Forest and 30l. for repair of fences. (Money warrant hereon dated April 24.) King's Warrant Book IV. p. 331 ; Money Book (General). p. 78.
Same for 86l. 13s. 4d. to Peer Williams, late Clerk of the [Foreign] Estreats in the Exchequer Court, as royal bounty in consideration of his surrender of the patent of said office, at which time there was so much due to him for his fee or salary upon account thereof. (Money warrant hereon dated April 30.) Ibid, p. 332 ; Ibid. p. 81
Same for 315l. to Gilbert Pegg without account for the charges laid out or to be laid out in passing the patent for the dignities of Baron of Dartmouth, Visct. Totnes and Earl of Plymouth, "which we are graciously pleased to confer upon our natural son Charles Fitz-Charles." (Money warrant hereon dated April 30.) Ibid, p. 333 ; Ibid, p. 82.
Same for 100l. to Count Ulfelt as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon dated April 30.) Ibid, p. 334 Ibid.
Money warrant for 1,320l. to Sir Francis Chaplin, Kt., as by the privy seal of 1668, Oct. 31, for two years' interest at 6 per cent. on 11,000l principal money due to him on 21 orders registered on the Hearthmoney as a loan : until repayment of the principal : to be paid by tallies on the Excise, viz. for one moiety thereof payable at Midsummer next, and for the other moiety thereof payable at Midsummer. 1676. Money Book (General). p. 72.
Cha. Bertie to the Customs Cashier to pay Mr. Calliford the salary due to him at Lady Day last as Register of the Seizures. Ibid.
April 16 Money warrant for what is due to Roger Charnock on his salary and board wages as a Serjeant at Arms and dormant warrant for same in future. Ibid, p. 70.
Same for 2,414l. 8s. 6d. to Jeremy Snow in full of interest due to him as by the great seal of July 23 last, on the principal sum of 51,218l. 5s. 0d. by him lent and advanced, viz. 6 per cent. thereon from the several days, the same stand charged in his account [as so lent to the King] to 1674. July 1 : said Snow having already received a moiety of his said interest by the warrant of the 1st inst. Ibid, p. 71.
Same for 833l. 13s. 4d. to Joseph Hornby to complete two years' interest (as by the abovesaid great seal) on his principal debt of 18,234l., on which said two years' interest at 6 per cent. amounts to 2,288l. 9s. 5d., whereof 1,454l. 16s. 1d. was ordered him by the warrant of Oct. 31 last. Ibid, pp. 71-2
April 17 [Cha. Bertie] to the Customs Cashier to pay 100l. to Lord Chandos for half a year to Xmas last on his pension. Ibid, p. 105.
Privy seal for 2,120l. to the Earl of Bristol without accompt : to be by tallies on the Receivers of the last three months of the Eighteen Months' tax for the counties of Monmouth. Glamorgan, Brecon, Radnor, Carmarthen, Cardigan and Pembroke. (Royal warrant, dated Mar. 31, for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription, dated April 4, of docquet hereof, and warrant to the Receipt hereon, dated April 8.) King's Warrant Book IV. pp. 307, 311 ; British Museum Additional MS. 28,075, p. 172 ; Money Book (General). p. 44.
April 19 Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal for a grant to Philip Earl of Pembroke and Montgomery of the manor of Ramsbury and the advowsonsas below (Ramsbury, Pewsey and Mildenhall) and the reversion thereof, as of the manor of East Greenwich in free and common socage : (of which said Earl is seized of an estate tayle by the grant of 6 Edw. VI. to William then Earl of Pembroke and his heirs male of the manor of Ramsbury, Boyton and Axford, and the Hundred and park of Ramsbury, with their appurtenances and several lands, tenements, advowsons, mines, profits, privileges and hereditaments, co. Wilts). King's Warrant Book IV. pp. 330-1 ; British Museum Additional MS. 28,075, p. 208.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to [the King's Remembrancer] to supersede process against Martin Sandys, late Receiver of Hearthmoney, co. Worcester, "by reason of suites now depending betwixt him and others for moneys of His Majesty's due from them." Warrants Not Relating to Money VI. p. 10.
Same from same to the Clerk of the Pipe to make an assignment to Sir Robt. Thomas, bart., of Llanvihangell, co. Glamorgan, of the lease of the manor or demesne of Flintstone [Flemingston], co. Glamorgan, and the capital messuages thereof and the rights, members, appurtenances and lands, &c., thereof, profits of court. &c., and the advowson of Flintstone, in Llanvihangle, and the advowson of the rectory of Llanvihangle, and of all other manors and lands of said Sir Robert Thomas, in co. Glamorgan or elsewhere, and of the several indentures of assignment as follow in consideration of the good services performed by said Sir Robert Thomas and Sir Edward Thomas, his father, in the late times of rebellion.
Prefixing :Particular of the premises and memorandum as follows by the King's Remembrancer. This particular is made by virtue of an indenture enrolled in the Exchequer Court, dated 1671. Oct. 23, between the King of the one part and Henry Sanderson, of the Inner Temple, of the other, reciting that whereas Sir Edward Thomas, of Llanvihangle. co. Glamorgan, bart., and Robert, his son, by indenture dated 1665. Aug. 25, demised to Edmond Thomas, of Llanmaes. co. Glamorgan, gent., the abovesaid premises for 99 years for the yearly rent of 1d., and said Edwd. Thomas, by indenture dated 1665, Aug. 26, assigned said premises to said Robert Thomas, together with the original lease and for a residue of said term ; and the said Robert Thomas, by indenture of 1669. Dec. 10. granted to Henry Sanderson the original lease and the said deed of assignment for the residue of said term ; the said Henry Sanderson, for divers valuable considerations, sold and assigned to the King, by the said indenture, the said original lease and the several indentures of assignment thereof, as also all the said manor of Flintstone and the capital messuage thereof and all other the aforesaid manors, &c., for the remainder of said term.
Ibid, pp. 11-14.
Arthur Fleetwood (in the absence of Cha. Bertie) to the auditor of the Receipt to pay widow Hudson 12l. 10s. 0d. for a quarter on her pension. Money Book (General), p. 72.
Same to Sir Stephen Fox. It is His Majesty's pleasure that Sir Robert Holmes's pay as Governor of the Isle of Wight should be continued. Ibid, p. 73
Money warrant for 150l. to Visct. Falkland for half a year's pension to Lady Day last. Ibid.
April 20 Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to take Mr. Hebdon's own security (apart from his security for his office) for his debt of 500l. odd owing by him to the Crown as Collector of Customs at Colchester. Warrants Not Relating to Money VI. p. 15.
Same from same to same to make allowance of a twentieth part of the Customs of the first two voyages of the two decked ships "Scipio" and "Unity," one of 360 tons, carrying 32 pieces of ordnance, the other of 325 tons, carrying 30 pieces of ordnance, and capable, if in His Majesty's service, of carrying 46 pieces of ordnance : the said ships being finished and launched after the determination of the seven years of the first Act of 14 Car. II. and before the commencement of the second Act of 23 Car. II. for the encouragement of such shipbuilding. Ibid, pp. 15-16.
Same from same to same to permit the shipment, Customs free, on board the "Quaker" ketch at Deptford, of goods as in a schedule annexed, being goods of the Earl of Inchiquin, Governor of Tangier. Ibid, p. 19.
Arthur Fleetwood (in the absence of Cha. Bertie) to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay Mr. Lawr. Hyde 400l. for four weeks for the service of the Robes. Money Book (General). p. 74.
Money warrant for 5,859l. 13s. 9d. (or such part thereof as Dorothea Colvile has not already orders for) to said Dorothea Colvile for two years' interest, in accordance with the great seal of July 23 last on the principal debt of 47,260l., said interest amounting to the sum above stated, "making the interest principal every six months," which is 71l. 16s. 10d. less than two years interest at the abovesaid rate [as provided in said great seal]. Ibid.
Same for 156l. 17s. 6d to George Snell for two years' interest as above on the principal debt upon orders of loan (being 1,250l.) making the interest principal every six months. Ibid.
April 21 Warrant from Treasurer Danby to Ralph Montagu. Master of the Great Wardrobe, to assign or pay over the 60l. 4s. 8d. warranted to you to Henry Fanshaw in full of the arrears of livery money due to the late Visct. Fanshawe. King's Remembrancer. Ibid, p. 75.
Arthur Fleetwood (in the absence of Charles Bertie) to Sir Stephen Fox to pay 100l. more to Prince Taffaletta, for which the Lord Treasurer has received the King's command. Ibid.
April 22 Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to permit the shipment, Customs free, of certain goods as in a schedule [wanting], being designed only for the service of the King of Denmark. Warrants Not Relating to Money VI. p. 19.
Arthur Fleetwood (in the absence of Charles Bertie) to the Customs Cashier to pay what is due to Sir Joseph Jordan's son as one of the King's waiters. London port. Money Book (General), p. 75.
Same to same to pay 10,000l. forthwith into the Exchequer Ibid.
April 23 Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Receipt to issue 5,000l, to Edward Seymour on any order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy : to be by him paid over to the Victuallers : to be paid by tallies on the Hearthmoney farm rent due in Sept. next. Ibid, p. 76.
Money warrant for 20,725l. 9s. 7d. to Edward Backwell in full of two years' interest to him. as by the great seal of July 23 last for two years' interest to the goldsmiths : it appearing by Auditor Aldworth's statement of said Backwell's account that there is due to said Backwell 229,845l. 4s. 0d. principal debt and that two years' interest thereon at 6 per cent., making the interest principal every six months, amounts to 28,847l. 6s. 3d, whereof has been paid for interest of loans 4,525l. 7s. 4d. and the sum of 2,346l. 19s. 1d. for the interest of 18,700l., thus leaving 20,725l. 9s. 7d. due as above, "being less than what will complete two years interest of his principal debt by 302l. 15s. 2d." Ibid, pp. 76-7.
Same for 127l. 10s. 0d. to said Edward Backwell for half a year to Lady Day last on his salary as Comptroller of Customs. London port. Ibid, p. 77.
Same for 40l. to the Earl of Marlborough for two years' creation money. Ibid.
Money warrant for 125l. to the Earl of Marlborough for 1 years on his annuity. Money Book (General), p. 78.
Arthur Fleetwood (in the absence of Charles Bertie) to the Auditor of the Receipt for a tally to be struck for 50l. for last Lady Day quarter of Dr. Trout beck's pension. Ibid.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to permit the "Rupert" yacht to pass through London Bridge with her whole cargo by Prince Rupert's order leaving a waiter on board her who is to receive the duties and Customs for the wine on board as it is delivered out. Money Book (Customs), p. 193.
Robert Sanderson desires to be heard before Sir Robert Thomas's lease about lands in co. Glamorgan be completed. Caveat Book. p. 13.
Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Signor Paolosarotti, Resident in England from the Republic of Venice, certain goods as in a schedule [wanting] being his own goods. Warrants Not Relating to Money VI. p. 17
Same from same to same to deliver unopened goods as in a schedule [missing] belonging to the Dutch Ambassador and now on board the "Abraham." Abraham Niblet master. Ibid.
April 24 Same from same to [the King's Remembrancer] in accordance with the King's command to stay process immediately against Sir Richard Pigott and partners [on their account as former Farmers of Hearthmoney] until they shall have been heard before His Majesty. Ibid. p. 19.
Money warrant for 100l. to Sir James Norfolk in part for provision of fire, candles and other necessaries for the House of Commons. Money Book (General), p. 78.
A[rthur] F[leetwood] (in the absence of Charles Bertie) to Sir Stephen Fox signifying the Lord Treasurer's desire for him to pay Madam G. [Nell Gwyn] 500l. by way of advance for the next quarter. Ibid, p. 79
April 26 Same (in the absence of same) to the Auditor of the Receipt, to pay 12,000l. to the Navy Treasurer upon any late orders drawn for the service of the Navy. Ibid.
Money warrant for 700l. each to Francis Lord Hawley. Sir William Haward. Kt., Sir Jno. Talbott, Kt., three of the Trustees for sale of Fee Farms, being for 1 years' salary to Lady Day last, and 187l. 10s. 0d. to Cuarles Bertie, the present Secretary to the Lord Treasurer, for of a year to same date and due to him for his service in that affair : all to be paid out of the moneys arising by sale of fee farms, viz. out of the sale of the rent of 305l. 11s. 4d. per an. reserved [payable] for the lordship and priory of Leominster, co. Hereford. Ibid, pp. 79-80.
April 27 Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the petition of Thomas Horde. His allegation is true. In 1668, Nov. 2. an order was drawn in the Exchequer for 924l. 11s. 7d. in the name of the Earl of Sandwich to be registered on the Hearthmoney and to be assigned to John Horde, woollen draper, petitioner's brother, in part of a debt due to him out of the Wardrobe : which assignment was made accordingly, but no part of said order has been satisfied : for which petitioner now prays in consideration of his father's services and sufferings and for relief of himself and ten children. Warrants Not Relating to Money VI. p. 20.
April 28 Privy seal for 2,000l. to Sir Thomas Armstrong for provision of horses, mares and geldings for the King and Queen for the year commencing Mar. 25 last : to be by him issued to such persons and for such uses as shall be appointed from time to time by warrant of the Duke of Monmouth, Master of the Horse. (Royal warrant, dated Mar. 31, for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription dated April 23, of docquet hereof. Money warrant hereon, dated May 24.) King's Warrant Book IV. pp. 312, 345 ; British Museum Additional MS. 28,075, p. 178 ; Money Book (General), p. 119.
Same for 8,000l. to Major Francis Watson for one year from Lady Day last for providing all requisites, detailed, for the stables, royal train and equipage ordinarily issued out of the Great Wardrobe : to be applied from time to time according to warrants ut supra, p. 514, from the Duke of Monmouth. (Royal warrant, dated Mar. 31, for said privy seal. Treasurer Danby's subscription, dated April 23. of docquet hereof. Money warrant hereon. dated May 13.) Ibid, pp. 312, 344-5 ; Ibid, p. 177 ; Ibid. p. 115.
April 29 Warrant from Treasurer Danby to the Customs Cashier to call upon John Thorp for several bonds amounting to 10,914l. 2s. 8d. owing to the King by the East India Company for Customs and due and payable July 29 next (said Thorp being the officer in whose custody said bonds are) and to receive same from him, discharging him thereof, and then to deliver [same] to said Company and receive from them said sum of 10,914l. 2s. 8d, allowing thereout a rebate of 6 per cent. for said sum. Money Book (General), p. 81.
A[rthur] F[leetwood] (in the absence of Charles Bertie) to the Auditor of the Receipt to pay 2,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox upon any orders drawn in his name for secret service. Ibid.
April 30 Royal sign manual for 1,600l., without account, to William Richards, gent., "in full satisfaction for a statue in brass of our royal father, which we have bought of the Right Honbl. the Countess of Portland." (Money warrant hereon, dated May 6. See infra, p. 754.) King's Warrant Book IV. p. 335 ; Money Book (General). p. 111.
Report to the King from Treasurer Danby on the petition of Major Nicholas Baily. In consideration of his services and sufferings in the late times your Majesty granted him 3,600 acres of land in Louth, Ireland, which, after he had been at great charges in gaining, and for some years in defending the Crown's title in the Court of Claims, was by the Act of Settlement given from him. Whereupon your Majesty and Council designed him another thing for satisfaction, which, after long soliciting, did also prove short of your Majesty's intentions He now petitions for the reversion of the Honor of Penrith after the Queen's death and after any leases in being. The value hereof is computed at 2,500l., "which sum I am humbly of opinion your Majesty may much better bestow upon him out of the revenue in Ireland, to be paid in a year or two after Xmas next, than to part with the reversion of the said Honor." Warrants Not Relating to Money VI. p. 22.
Arthur Fleetwood (in the absence of Charles Bertie) to the Auditor of the Receipt to strike a tally for payment of one quarter of the Earl of Bristol's pension. Money Book (General), p. 81.
Same to same to pay Lord Byron 250l. for half a year on his pension [by means of a tally on the Excise.] Ibid.
Same to Mr. Kent. Treasurer of Excise, to pay abovesaid tally Ibid.
Money warrant, dormant, for 250l. per an. as annuity or yearly salary to Sir Philip Lloyd [as one of the clerks of the Privy Council], as by the patent of Jan. 23 last. Money Book (General), p. 41 ; Money Book (Pensions). p. 31.
The like warrants for Sir John Nicholas. Sir Edward Walker and Sir Robt. Southwell as same. Ibid. ; Ibid.
Money warrant for 158l. 17s. 4d. to George, Lord Berkeley, as keeper of Nonsuch House and Park. viz. 106l. 13s. 4d. for four years to Xmas last on his several fees, amounting in all to 26l. 13s. 4d. per an., and 52l. 4s. 0d. for 29 loads of bay provided by him for the deer in said park in 1670.
Appending:Accompt of said hay.
Money Book (General), p. 101.
Same for 53,500l. to William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, for the service of that office : to be by tallies on the Excise Ibid, p 102
Same for 10,000l. to Ralph Montagu as imprest for the Wardrobe. Ibid, p. 109