Minute Book: December 1668

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: December 1668', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp498-514 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: December 1668', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp498-514.

"Minute Book: December 1668". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp498-514.


December 1668

Dec. 1.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Sir Ste. Fox's docquet for the Guards is to pass.
The Earl of Carbery called in: moves for an assignment for [the establishment of] the Presidentship of Wales. Warrant ordered according to the order of Council.
Mr. Roper moves for what he is behind. He must wait a little while.
Mr. Finch called in with Mr. Ball: Mr. Finch makes report that their salary is so far off, and pray that they may be paid at the charge of the office. Mr. Finch is first to speak with Sir Ste. Fox and the Cofferer. There must be new privy seals.
Col. Kirby called in with Auditor Chislet about his brother's account of the Hearth money for Lancashire. The Auditor is to engross the account according to the affidavit.
Write Sir C. Harbord and Sir Jo. Denham to return a list of all the King's houses and lodges which are not His Majesty's houses of residence, and which they conceive are to be kept in repair by the parties enjoying lodgings, &c., there, the King having ordered in Council the 22nd July last that all persons that by office or otherwise have houses or lodgings of his Majesty's out of the Court or His Majesty's houses of residence, as Whitehall, Hampton Court, &c., should keep the same in good repair at their own charge.
The Earl of Carlisle called in about his pension of 1,000l. per an. on coals. Warrant ordered on the [coal] Farmers; to be paid on July next come twelvemonth.
When Mr. Hollingshed's account is declared he shall have a warrant to repay him the money he has overpaid.
The King to be moved concerning Mr. Roger's docquet.
Mr. Hartgill Baron, Mr. Dudley Rease and Mr. Hayes are to attend on Monday concerning the manner of issuing moneys for Windsor.
Auditor Beale called in about Lord Willoughby's [Barbados] account and makes objections against it. The late Lord Willoughby's account to be first passed, then the present Lord's account to be proceeded on. Mr. Willoughby, Mr. Henshaw, Lord Brereton, Lady Ranelagh and somebody (Mr. Vynes) for Mr. Jones (at Lord Ashley's) are to attend about this account this day week.
Auditor Parsons to attend on Wednesday about Lord Colepeper's account.
Two orders of Council brought in for assigning the revenue for this year. Copies of them to be made out for each of my Lords. Also the warrants to be drawn for all pursuant thereto.
Sir Robert Long's draft is read of an order of Council for issuing the money of the first of the Eleven Months' tax for making good the deficiency of the Additional Aid. The order must be drawn as relative to certificates to be made by the Auditor of the Receipt and the Clerk of the Pells. Sir R. Long and Mr. Wardour are to send those certificates.
The Chimney Farmers called in: present a paper in which they declare their willingness to resign their farm. Also they desire that the sub-farmers be quickened to make their payments to the farmers, notwithstanding this treaty for a surrender: which desire of theirs is granted. They are to bring a list of their sub-farmers and of their covenants, and how each of these sub-farmers has performed them. They say the sub-farmers' covenants are to receive Lady Day rents and no more, but that they (the farmers) may enter sooner because the sub-farmers have forfeited their leases. A paper of the sub-farmers is read, by which they offer to surrender, but on condition to be [themselves charitably] considered, which my Lords refuse to do beforehand. The farmers say that they will give up to my Lords the securities of such of the sub-farmers as will not account. Ordered that the farmers bring to my Lords another paper more full and clear of what they will do, and bring the draft of it before it is signed.
Ordered that so far as may be without breach of the register [of certificates of loans] Sir Rob. Viner may have the remainder of the 110,000l. order on the Chimney money.
Mr. Madden called in about his account for Dean Forest, which is to be allowed except the 12d. per diem and the 12d. per £. Mr. Madden and Mr. Agar to be inserted in the commission for Dean Forest. Write Mr. Harbord to see this done.
Warrant for Mr. Weld in pursuance of the order of Council.
Mr. Lawrence produces affidavit of the [service of the] summons sent to Mr. Easmond, that he threw stones at the messenger and that he appears not. The affidavits to be sent up to the Privy Council.
Robert Dunstar, the Attorney, to attend this day fortnight on complaint of Mr. Skipp, Excise Farmer for Somerset.
Sir Edw. Walker moves for a clause in Mr. St. George's privy seal for extraordinaries. Says all others have had it. The docquet signed.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 403–4.]
Dec. 2.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry.
The Duke of Albemarle reports from the King [His Majesty's decision on matters as follow]:—
That the trees be not felled in Windsor Forest.
The Duke of Newcastle's docquet to pass.
Col. Gilby to have a lease of those lands in the Humber.
Mr. Meynell's warrant for transfering his poll orders to the Chimney money is signed.
Mr. Smith's docquet to be made during pleasure.
Mr. Rogers' docquet to be moved in the Privy Council.
Sir Edward Turner's warrant is signed.
Write the Treasurers of the Navy to take care that the moneys of the Wine Act be employed according to the Act.
My Lords to be all summoned to meet to-morrow about a commission for Ireland about defalcations on the quit rents of unprofitable lands. Summons to be sent to the Lords of the Council of Ireland [at present in London to attend then]. Write the Solicitor General to attend then.
Write the Customs Farmers for one of their number to attend on Tuesday about the imposition on Scotch cattle; the Earl of Lauderdale will be here then.
[Ibid. p. 405.]
Dec. 3.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry. Together with: Duke of Ormonde, the Earl of Orrery, Lord Berkeley, Sir John Temple the Solicitor General [for Ireland].
The business of abatement of quit rents on unprofitable lands in Ireland set out to men in the year 1649 is debated. An order of Council about it is read and a draft of a commission. The Solicitor General takes away the commission and instructions to alter them.
[Ibid. p. 405.]
Dec. 7.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
The Earl of Berkshire presents a paper about the Greenwax. Before anything is done write to Sir Robert Howard to know whether the Earl of Berkshire be alone concerned in the Greenwax or if the said Howard has any joint concern with him therein.
Warrant for Edith Cary in pursuance of the order of Council.
[Ordered that there be] no impost [bills for free importations of wine] to foreign ministers for the future. All in pursuance of the order in Council of the 27th ult.
The Auditors make report from the Lord Chief Baron of certain difficulties in the accounts of the Aids.
[Money] warrant for Auditor Hill and for the Garter.
Mr. Sykes, Receiver of Berks, called in about his account: says he paid the money to Mr. Wharton in due time. The account to be suspended till Sir John Duncombe come to town.
Capt. Cock to attend on Wednesday about giving my Lords an account of the remains in his hands of the moneys issued to him for the Sick and Wounded: he not having attended the other day as required.
The Auditors called in about Mr. Sanders: his account is allowed on his affidavit that he could not collect that money by reason of the plague.
Warrant for [100l. for] the poor of Westminster.
Warrant to Col. Leg to assign the 3,000l. to the Duke of Monmouth out of Captain Cock's orders, as by the privy seal.
Mr. Buttler, master of the "Diligence," of Bristol, is to be heard the 14th inst. Give notice hereof to Mr. Hartlib who complained against him.
Warrants for stay of process against all Receivers of the Aids who have paid in their debits and who are [engaged] on [making up] their accounts. Process to stay as they bring certificate hereof from the Auditor.
As the weekly certificates of the Exchequer are made up on Fridays, write the Commissioners for Exchanges at St. Hellens are to make up their weekly certificate on Wednesdays and bring in their moneys to the Exchequer on Thursdays.
The Farmers of the London Excise are to be heard on Wednesday on their petition lately presented about their defalcations. Write the Barons of the Exchequer to attend then, and send them for their perusal a copy of the clause in the Farmers' grant on which they base their claim.
Dormant warrant for Robert Milward as one of the King's Counsel at law.
Warrants for the Earl of Carlisle and Mr. St. George on the privy seals on the Customs farm of June.
Lord Colepeper called in with Auditor Chislet about said Lord's account. The account of the trees felled by him in the Isle of Wight is to be put in the next account. The account is allowed. Warrant to pay him what is due to him. Write Deputy Auditor Pollard to attend to-morrow about said Lord's ordinary account, which is to contain the said item of the trees.
Write the Grand Commissioners of Excise to insert in their weekly certificate of their office what tally is in paying upon the Country Excise, and for whose use the said tally was struck.
Mr. Chislet presents a petition concerning money demanded by him for work done in the time of Auditor Morice's precedessor. Sir G. Downing to speak with Auditor Morice to see to compose the business.
The petition from Mr. Hinton and Mr. Gould is read. to be considered when Lord Ashley is present.
The Navy Treasurers move for money, and say that the ships will not be paid before Xmas unless they have more money. They also move for a warrant to allow interest and reward not exceeding 10 per cent. [in all, viz. 6 per cent. for interest and 4 per cent. for reward], as the Earl of Anglesey had. Warrant ordered for this.
Write Sir R. Long to return to the Treasury the [draft] order of Council concerning the issuing the moneys of the first month of the Eleven months' tax for meeting the deficiency of the Additional Aid: so that it may pass [the Privy Council] on Wednesday.
A copy of the warrant for the Earl of Anglesey's assignment is to be made for Sir Thomas Osborne. Send a copy of it also to the Earl of Anglesey for any objections he may have to it.
Mr. Montague delivers a letter from the Secretaries of State that 100l. a week be paid to the Ambassadors for France and Spain.
A warrant ordered for all Chudleigh's goods to be removed out of the Treasurer of the Household's house at Exeter and sold for the King's use. Sir C. Harbord to add this to Mr. Carew's warrant.
The officers of the Works called in with Auditor Beale about their accounts. They say they want 5,000l. for the last year. This to be done when they bring Sir R. Long's certificate. A warrant for the Works for their assignments for this year in pursuance of the late order of Council. Also a warrant to them to take up money at interest not exceeding 10 per cent. as Mr. May had. As for the 8,500l. in arrear my Lords will take care of it when they can. All fines paid into the Exchequer from the King's Bench are to be employed for the Works at Greenwich. Warrant for this: also an order that the officers of the Works do prohibit taking away any chimney pieces, hearth pieces, wainscots, locks, keys, &c., out of the King's houses. The King to be moved for making bricks [by the burning] of furze in New Park.
Charnock to get ready blank warrants for [payment of] the King's servants.
Charnock to enter into the books apart all moneys assigned by the last order of Council.
Write the Salt Farmers ("Sir Thomas Strickland or his deputy to be given to Mr. Packer") to pay into the Exchequer forthwith the moneys due to the King on their farm of imported salt in order to meet the warrants that are charged thereon and in particular that for the Works.
Warrant on the Chimney money for a year's salary to Plummer and     of the Works.
Col. Napier to be heard on Wednesday as to the legality of his patent for toll fish at Yarmouth. Write the Solicitor General and Mr. North to attend, and request Mr. Bishop to instruct them herein beforehand.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 406–8.]
Dec. 8.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley.
The Commissioners of the Navy to attend on Monday about Sir Denys Gawden's victualling account for Lent.
Warrant for His Royal Highness [the Duke of York's] tally on Nottinghamshire to be altered according to Sir Allen Apsley's note.
Write the Customs Farmers for one of them to attend this day week about the imposition on Scotch cattle, my Lords having expected them to-day. Give the Earl of Lauderdale notice hereof.
Auditor Pollard to attend to-morrow about Lord Colepeper's ordinary account.
Auditor Beale to attend on Tuesday about Lord Willoughby's account.
The Attorney General to fill up the blank as to the date in Sir Solomon Swale's conveyance, which he is drawing, for securing 200l. a year to the King from said Swale till 2,000l. shall have been paid. The first payment to date from the time said Swale shall have received said 2,000l.
Warrant for a privy seal for 200l. for the healing medals.
Warrant for 200l. for Sir Edward Griffin for noblemen's servants that bring New Year's gifts.
Warrant for 5,000l. for the Privy Purse: to be upon Customs seizures and forfeitures.
Warrant for a year's salary to the Auditors of Imprests in pursuance of the late order of Council.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 408.]
Dec. 9.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry.
Lord Colepeper's account to be considered on Tuesday morning.
Mr. Hayes, Mr. Baron and Mr. Reuse to attend on Wednesday about the way of issuing the moneys for Windsor.
The Earl of Newport moves about a petition from the town of Newport. To be considered hereafter.
The Lord Chief Baron, &c., called in about the petition from the Farmers of the London Excise concerning their defalcations. Mr. Jones, the Farmers' Counsel, is heard.
Warrant for the prosecution of Tho. Chudleigh or his executors as late Receiver of the Voluntary Benevolence for co. Devon; he not having accounted.
Col. Napier is heard by his Counsel, Mr. Ophly, about his fish patent at Yarmouth; Mr. North, &c., appearing for the King. Mr. North says the patent passed without [the knowledge of] the Attorney or Solicitor General or the Secretary [of State]. Sir W. Doyly says this duty is worth about 300l. per an. Says the King grants only vectigal or Custom but what is paid is a composition.
Sir R. Long to make out an order for what is due to Mr. Colville for over interest.
In the docquet for Mr. Sharpe's [lease] the reason is to be added why so small a rent is reserved, viz. its being a discovery, &c.
Mrs. Price and Mrs. Wells to be paid up to Michaelmas, 1668, as Mrs. Boynton [has been].
The Earl of Anglesey says he'll assign about 3,000l. of Capt Cocke's orders as my Lords shall direct. But as to the remainder of the orders for 380,000l. that he can't assign them till he hath made up his account and sees how it stands with the slop-seller [naval] chest [at Chatham], &c. Says he believes that when all interest on loans shall be paid and the moneys yet due for 1667 there will be no money left of the 380,000l. for further use. He presents a paper of what money or assignments are in his hands. My Lords desire him to hasten his accounts, and say they will pay his clerks for their pains. Warrant ordered for the Earl of Anglesey to assign Capt. Cock's money to Alderman Backwell, and the former warrant to be delivered up and vacated.
Mr. Eastmond to attend on the 15th Jan. next.
Warrant for Lady Sayers on the order of Council.
Mr. Spencer to be heard next Monday.
Sir Godfrey Lloyd's petition to be heard next Monday.
Col. Gilby's rent to be 5l. per an.
The draft of an order of Council for issuing the money of the first month of the Eleven Months' tax to make good the deficiency on the Additional Aid is to be sent to the Clerk of the Council.
Warrant for Mr. Newsham to have allowance of his salary for his poll money [collection, &c.].
Dormant warrant for creation money for the Dukes of Richmond and Albemarle and the Earl of Clare.
Mr. Tilson's petition to be considered on Wednesday; and Col. Powell's and Mrs. Jacobson's on Friday.
Sir Denys Gauden moves about some of his accounts. Warrant to the Auditor to allow what the [Dutch] prisoners [of war] had of him. Capt. Cock says he has scarce money in his hands to pay what is charged on him and to pay interest. Sir R. Long to certify what moneys have been imprested to the Victualler upon the account of the Victualling for this year from 1st January last, on what privy seals and out of what money.
Mr. Trethewy called in and his petition read. Warrant to the Auditor not to set interest on him for the money on his account as it was lent to the Victualler for the King's use. Process against him to stop.
Warrant for 10,000l. for Sir Edward Griffin in part of the last establishment [for the Royal Household] to be employed for this year's service from January next; if the order of Council says so.
Charnock to make a note of the expense of passing privy seals and write it in a paper to be added to the Exchequer fees.
Warrant for 100l. to the Earl of Carlisle for the carpenters at Newcastle according to the order of Council.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 408–10.]
Dec. 11.
Present: all my Lords.
Sir Sol. Swayle called in. Warrant for a privy seal to enable my Lords to take his security of land and to issue 2,000l. to him.
Lord Belasyse moves for an assignment for the pensioners on the First Fruits for the whole of their pay. Warrant for 3,000l. for them thereon.
Sir R. Long to draw a warrant for Sir W. Gaudy's 4 per cent. on his loan.
Warrant for the making of bricks in New Park and for making use of furze to burn them.
Lord Holles called in about the Queen's jointure about its being made up. Ordered that Mr. Burnet do attend and that the Auditors bring particulars out of what it may be made up.
The bills for the privy seals for Lord Alington and the Wardrobe are to be brought to my Lords.
The Attorney General, Sir R. Long and Sir C. Harbord called in and make report of the 12d. [per chaldron] which is alleged to be due at Sunderland as well as Newcastle for coals carried along the coast in pursuance of an Act of Parliament 5 Hy. V. imposing 2d. per chaldron, and that that chaldron is conceived to be but six bowles [of the measure, such] as the freemen of Newcastle do enjoy.
Warrant to the Earl of Anglesey to assign to Sir T. Osborne and Sir T. Littleton the remainder of all orders yet unassigned of the 380,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax: according to the privy seal.
Mr. Woodward to have four weeks' time to go into the country to raise money due on his account of the Aids.
Warrant for Viscount Brouncker on the issues of jurors.
The Clerks of the Council move for their salaries for which they have warrants.
The order of Council read about employing the money of the first of the Eleven Months' tax to meet the deficiency of the Additional Aid. Order for a warrant for the issue of 30,000l. of that month towards paying the orders registered on the said Additional Aid.
Sir W. Doyly to attend on Tuesday about Mr. Herlackenden's account for Kent.
Warrant for 3,000l. for the Robes: to be on the First Fruits: according to the order of Council.
Lord Richardson called in about the business of reliefs, &c., and the report of the Clerk of the Pipe is read. Ordered that Lord Richardson bring also the certificate from the Auditors.
Sir Roger Langley's petition read. Referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Sir William Godolphin's docquet is to be dated from the time of his departure from His Majesty's presence.
The Chimney Farmers present a proposition and a paper of the arrears which are in their Sub-Farmers' hands. Their paper is delivered back to them and they are to attend on Monday with the Solicitor General, Sir C. Harbord, Col. Birch and Mr. Sherwin.
A roll of the sheriffs for this year is to be sent to the Treasury from the office of the King's Remembrancer.
Sir Robert Viner moves for an assignment on the Customs on his privy seal for the Jewel House. Ordered to bring in his interest account.
Concerning Mrs. Mary Norice's petition for the place of Customer of Bridgewater port, the King is to be moved as to whether she or Sir Edmund Windham shall have it.
Widow Jacobson's petition is to be read next Monday.
Mr. Musgrave, et al., called in and the Earl of Sandwich's report on their petition is read.
Warrant for the present [Grand] Commissioners of Excise to pay old Excise tallies according to the privy seal.
Warrant on the Exchequer for my Lords' salaries for the [present] quarter.
Direction given for the payment of Lady Fisher, her warrant being lost.
Major Tolhurst's business to be considered on Monday.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 411–2.]
Dec. 14.
Present: D. of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir G. Downing to give Sir John Duncombe a form for an acquittance for sir William Gaudye's over interest money.
Warrant on the Customs for the Earl of Stafford's creation money.
Warrant for the issue of 62,000l. (out of the first month of the Eleven Months' tax) to make up the deficient moneys of the Additional Aid: "if soe much be wanting computing according to the late order of Council."
Dormant warrant for Viscount Brouncker.
Sir Ste. Fox moves for some money of the Customs which is [has been] ordered to him. He says it is 2,200l. Sir R. Long to consider how it can be paid.
The King to be moved that Col. Legg's docquet may be made during pleasure.
Warrant for 10,000l. for the Queen Mother on the land revenues of the Crown: in pursuance of the order of Council. Sir R. Long to certify a list of such [Receivers of Crown revenues] as may pay same.
Mr. Wadlow says that [the Vintners] have paid all [their money due on their collection of the Wine Act] of this quarter, and that the Treasurers of the Navy shall have 5,000l. on Thursday, 5,000l. on Saturday, and 4,000l. on Tuesday. [For the next quarter] they will pay 10,000l. a week when they begin [which will be] the second week in January or, if they can, the first week.
Ordered, in regard the Victuallers' privy seal for this year is not past, that blanks be reserved on the several months of the Customs for the Victuallers' proportion, and the warrants passed for the Treasurer of the Navy.
The warrant for the Earl of Anglesey to make the assignment of what is not already assigned on his 380,000l. is to be made ready.
The officers of the Navy are to return an account how the blank for broken proportions of provision is to be filled up in the victualling contract. Ordered that any three of the Navy Commissioners may certify the estimate for the Victualler in the absence of the Comptroller. The officers of the fleet are to take care to preserve the Victuallers' cask.
The report from the Navy Commissioners on the Victualler's Lent account is read. Upon debate of the whole matter it is ordered that the Navy Commissioners make another representation what is fit to be allowed him. They also present Sir R. Long's certificate of what has been paid to the Victualler for this year, according to which 20,000l. is still owing to him. To be considered to-morrow.
Alderman Backwell says that of the money to be issued to make good the deficit on the Additional Aid he is to have 20,000l., which he will wholly lend to my Lords for paying ships and yards.
The Chimney Farmers called in. Resolved that they are to pay 5,000l. into the Exchequer presently, which Alderman Backwell is to have in part of what was paid by him to the city of London on their 110,000l. order on the [Hearth money for the] half-year commencing at Michaelmas last: and the remainder of that half-year to be divided, half to pay old tallies on the Chimneys and half to Alderman Backwell. Charnock to get the order of Council for this and then draw a warrant accordingly. Sir C. Harbord, Col. Birch and Mr. Sherwyn deliver a paper [concerning the said Farmers' defalcations] and the said defalcations are debated. My Lords declare that an account will be a vast trouble and charge and think the Farmers' demands are unreasonable, viz. of 27,000l. per an. [? for charges or for the plague] and [? 5,000l.] per an. for the burning of London. But if they like it my Lords will propose to the King to allow them 20,000l. per an. for 2½ years and they to surrender their lease at Lady Day next, or else that they keep their farm and my Lords will sue for the King's rent. Sir Robert Viner says that its impossible for them to accept this proposition. Ordered that they bring their answer on Wednesday.
Mr. Sherwyn to draw a privy seal to save my Lords harmless for moneys paid to the Comptroller and Auditor of Excise by the Commissioners of Excise.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 413–4.]
Dec. 15.
Present: D. of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Write the Farmers of the London Excise for a copy of their last grant of said farm. Likewise the farmers of the Customs.
The Earl of Newport called in and a petition read from the town of Newport.
The Earl of Lauderdale Called in with Mr. Hartlib and Mr. Dickenson about the business of Scotch cattle. The orders of Council are read, also the clause of the Act which says that all bestiall is to be custom free. The Farmers insist to have a trial at law, and if this be denied that then they be further heard by Counsel.
The Earl of Anglesey called in, desires that before he make the assignments of his orders he may have enough left for his uses for the slopseller. My Lords desire him to make the assignments to Alderman Backwell, which he says he will do.
Warrant for the Queen Mother for 10,000l. in pursuance of the last order of Council on the money to be paid [lent] into the Exchequer by Alderman Backwell on the credit of the land revenue. Warrant for Backwell to be repaid out of any money that shall come into the Exchequer of the land revenue preferable to all other [payees or creditors assigned thereon] except the court of [the President of the Marches of Wales at] Ludlow.
Major Broxholme's Fire Hearth account for co. Lincoln is declared. Also Mr. Cooper's for co. Nottingham.
Warrant for the Earl of Nottingham.
The state of Mr. Booth's account for the Aids of Cheshire is considered. Sir W. Doyly to attend to-morrow to consider whether he ought to have allowance for carrying the money to the waggons.
Auditor Beale et al. called in about the late Lord Willoughby's Barbados account. Mr. Willoughby, Mr. Champante and Lord Brereton to attend on Friday to inform my Lords who collected his Majesty's dues of 4½ per cent. on sugars in each of the several islands.
Lord Colepeper called in about his ordinary account together with Mr. Pollard. He is but a ministerial accountant; the Receiver of the county is grand accountant. The Auditor is to see how these accounts were allowed, and the surpluses paid in the time of King James and Queen Elizabeth.
Mr. Meynell's interest account to be considered this afternoon.
Warrant for the Foreign Apposer.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 415–6.]
Dec. 15.
Present: D. of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Trevanion of Grays Inn to attend on Friday.
Consider what course is to be had with Mr. Seymor (Receiver for Devon) and Mr. Veale (for co. Gloucester) and Mr. Harlackenden [for Kent].
The Attorney and Solicitor General to return their opinion on the legality of Viscount Mordaunt's coal farm.
Sir R. Long to certify what the Farmers of the London Excise are in arrear to Christmas last [on their rent payable to the King].
Mr. Meynell called in with Auditor Aldworth about said Meynell's interest account. In stating all interest accounts for [loans to] the Navy, the Auditor (Auditor Aldworth and Mr. Chislett) is to send to the Navy Office to get what light he can as to the times of borrowing the money. The Council to be moved that Sir G. Carteret being absent his certificate in Mr. Meynell's account cannot be had.
Warrant to Sir R. Long (taking notice of the late Lord Treasurer's warrant for Carr on which no money had been paid) to draw an order for said money and strike a tally for it on Josuah Greathead, late Receiver of Hearthmoney for the West Riding of Yorks.
Sir Ste. Fox called in about his unpaid money on the Customs, viz. 2,275l. 9s. 4d. He is to have it on the remainder of the Additional Aid or First Month's tax after 20,000l., which is to be borrowed [thereon] for the Navy. Fox's order on the Customs is then to be vacated, and the remainder of the abovesaid funds is to be for the Navy to pay the yards and the growing charge.
Sir R. Long to certify how Alderman Backwell's orders stand, whether any of them be [part] of [Captain] Cock's orders or all [dated] before [said Cock's orders]. Sir R. Long says that when the 120,000l. is paid there will remain about 19,000l. to be paid of Cock's orders.
"Sir John Trevor's docquet [of his patent as a principal Secretary of State] being 100l. during life and his place during pleasure, Sir G. Downing [is] to see how Lord Arlington's and Secretary Morice's were."
The Earl of Sandwich to be asked if John Sharpe's docquet concern him not.
Write Sir R. Long that, in accordance with the project now in his hands approved by the King in Council for fixing on the Customs the moneys needed for next year for the Navy, Ordnance and Tangier, he take care that no payments be placed on the Customs to the prejudice of this arrangement.
Mr. Walter Breams (Breame) of Sandwich is to give an account what money he has received [from his office of customer of Sand wich] since the suspension of Mr. Cadwallader Jones.
Write Sir W. Doyly to draft a letter to be sent to the Receivers of the Aids and the Eleven Months' tax that have money in their hands to admonish them to pay it: also to certify what securities the Receivers have given.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 416–7.]
Dec. 16.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Warcup is to see the letter, &c., sent from Sir Hen. Coker and make answer to it.
Mr. Girling to be sent for in custody on Sir W. Doyly's certificate.
Mr. Woolye's petition read. Ordered that 200l. be paid to Sir E. Griffin for said Woolye of so much to be paid into the Exchequer by Mr. Meynell on his interest account; but first the Privy Council is to be moved in it.
Twenty-two shipwrights were discharged at Chatham at their own desire.
Sir C. Harbord's report on Sir Roger Langley's petition is to be carried up to the King.
Warrant for Mrs. Pley on the fragments of the Royal Aid.
Write Sir R. Long to certify what the London Excise Farmers are in arrear. The Auditor and Comptroller of Excise are to assist him and to keep them to their monthly payments.
The King to be moved concerning Mr. Montague's docquet.
Petition from the Bishop of Chester. Mr. Prettiman to attend on Friday to show what has been the method in these cases.
Auditor Morice called in about Mr. Chislet's having the place of Auditor to the Queen Mother for the lands within Auditor Morice's audit. The matter to be heard on Tuesday fortnight.
The alum account to be heard on Tuesday fortnight. Write Sir Hugh Cholmely to find out if that time suit with the Lord Keeper's leisure.
Sir Edw. Walker called in about mending the order of Council about the tin account.
The Grand Commissioners of Excise and their Cashier and Mr. Lawrence are to attend to-morrow to give an account what is in arrear of the Country Excise, and how it comes to pass that there is so great an arrear thereon, and why the tallies for Tangier are not paid or are paid off so slowly; and also as to what they do to quicken in the old arrears.
Mr. Tyack called in. Ordered to pay in 400l. next term and 400l. in Trinity term, and on payment of the first 400l. he shall have such order as he desires.
Letter read from the Commissioners for the Aids for Kent. Sir W. Doyly and Mr. Gilbert to attend to-morrow about said Gilbert's account for said county: and then write the Commissioners that he's sent down at their desire.
Sir W. Doyly's certificate read about an allowance to Mr. Booth for carrying the moneys [of the Aids, &c., for co. Cheshire] to the waggons.
Alderman Backwell will lend 20,000l. for the Navy at 8 per cent., viz. 2,000l. on the Customs for May, 9,000l. on August, and 9,000l. on September. Warrant for the Navy for 9,000l. on August and 9,000l. on September, 1668.
Warrant for the Treasurers of the Navy to allow 6 and 4 per cent. to Mr. Wadlow for what money he pays before the time of his articles [of the rent of the wine duty].
Write Mr. Slingsby to hasten to town, several complaints concerning abuses in the Mint having been lately brought to the Privy Council by some goldsmiths. Write Mr. Brattle, Assay Master of the Mint, that my Lords expect him to quit his place of Assay Master for Goldsmiths' Hall when he has his patent sealed as Assay Master of the Mint: that so the Pix may be tried which otherwise cannot be done.
The King's pleasure to be known about Sir William Godolphin's patent for an auditor's place.
Warrant for stay of process against the Earl of Derby [concerning the royal bounty to the poor clergy of the Isle of Man]. The warrant to recite the case in the Bishop's certificate.
Warrant to the Grand Commissioners of Excise to allow interest to the Farmers of Excise for the advance quarter according to the articles in the leases.
Warrant for Sir Denis Gauden to assign 20,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy of what is registered in his name after Capt. Cock's orders on the Act for 1,250,000l.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 417–8.]
Dec. 17.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
The King to be moved concerning Sir Hugh Wyndham's petition.
Petition read from the inhabitants of Cottingham, co. Northampton. My Lords cannot ease them, the decision rests with the commissioners for the county, but Sir W. Doyly shall write to them to consider it, taking care nevertheless that the money comes in.
A project to be made about proportioning the Customs according to the order of Councll.
Write Sir W. Doyly to write to the Commissioners for Suffolk to cause the 1,000l. due from Mr. Keene, to be paid to the Receiver General [of taxes for said county].
The King to be moved concerning Mr. Weld's order.
The Grand Commissioners of Excise called in with their cashier. Ordered that it be published in the Gazette that such as have tallies on the Excise and come not in time to receive their money shall have no interest from the time that the money is ready for them, my Lords having been informed by the Grand Commissioners of Excise sitting in Aldersgate Street, London, that notwithstanding due publication by them made from time to time what tallies are paying in course on the Country Excise, yet several persons have neglected to bring in their tallies and receive their money due thereupon. Also write Sir R. Long that publication is to be made in the Thursday's as well as the Monday's Gazette what orders are paying in the Exchequer in course upon the land taxes, and that for the future Sir R. Long affix a table at the Exchequer door what orders are paying in course on the London and Country Excise and upon the Fire Hearths, and notice hereof to be given twice a week to Mr. Williamson that he may insert the same in every Gazette. Ordered that the Excise Commissioners do quicken the Farmers to pay their rent.
[A copy of] the late project and order of Council for settling the revenue is to go under the hand of a clerk of the Council and sent to Sir R. Long.
Give notice through Mr. Hartlib to Lord Townshend's sub Farmers of the farm of coal to be heard on Tuesday after New Year's Day.
On the letter from the Commissioners of Accounts a warrant is ordered for them: to be payable out of such money as shall be paid in on that discovery or fine.
Mr. Tyack, who has petitioned my Lords about the manor of Ruthin, co. Denbigh, on behalf of one Mr. Francis Arundell, says he is a guardian to Arundell. Ordered that no agreement be made with Tyack till Crane, now a prisoner in the Fleet, be heard. Give Crane notice hereof.
Widow Pinkny to have 10l. on the old general dormant [privy seal].
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 420.]
Dec. 18.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Alderman Backwell to bring a certificate that the money on the Chimneys is paid to the city and then a certificate that the assignment is made to him by Sir Thomas Player and an order of Council to approve what is done.
Warrants to discharge Peniston Whally and Lewis Harding of the 12 per cent. [interest charge on moneys retained in their hands as Receivers].
Warrant for the arrest of Mr. Veale, the Receiver.
Warrant read from the King for a Customer's place for Mr. Brighouse. To be be considered when there is opportunity.
Mr. Hayes called in about the Windsor business which my Lords will consider after Christmas. An order at present for Mr. Dudley Rewse to make up his account.
Mr. Warcup called in and Sir Henry Coker's letter read with Mr. Warcup's reply. To be reported in Council.
Mr. Christian and Mr. Tolhurst to pay in 50l. more and the rest to be remitted to them.
Charnock to draw a warrant for the King to sign for 500l. more for the Works: to come out of the Windsor revenue.
Write Sir C. Harbord to put in no officers for life, but only during pleasure, my Lords noticing in a late report of his that he offers to them the putting in a person for a bailiff for life.
Ordered that the executors of the late Lord Willoughby pass his account, and Mr. Champante is to attend the Auditor with the vouchers to make it out.
Mr. Wadlow called in. A warrant to accept his further orders as money, as [has been] done hitherto.
The Receivers of North and South Wales are to be excepted out of Alderman Backwell's warrant for the Queen's money.
The Privy Council to be moved to send for Mr. Harlackenden.
Sir W. Doyly says the Lord Mayor will get in the arrears [of the Aids, &c.] of London.
Process of immediate extent to issue out if Walter Vaughan, lately deceased, or his executors have not accounted for the Royal and Additional Aids and the Eleven Months' tax. If the account is passed then a warrant for process to issue for the money.
Warrant for about 20,000l. for the Victualler of the Navy: to be on the Wine Act. The amount to be the just sum certified in the letter from the Navy Commissioners. The warrant to recite the said letter.
Mr. Gilbert to have liberty on bail to go into the country for 6 weeks to get money.
Sir Samuel Bernardiston and Mr. Jolliffe desire deputations for some of the East India Company servants to seize goods imported contrary to law within their charter, which is granted. Warrant for Humphry Faircliffe and 4 or 5 more whom the East India Company shall name; the warrant reciting the law that none can seize but such as are authorised by the Lord Treasurer. The business as to the "Leopard," "Convertine," &c., yet depending between the King and the East India Company is to be considered the first Friday after New Year's Day. Write Sir W. Penn and Mr. Pepys and Auditor Beale to attend then.
Lord Richardson called in and Sir Edm. Sawyer's certificate read concerning reliefs, &c. Ordered that the word 'escheats' be left out of the grant except old escheats formerly accounted for but not received since the Court of Wards was put down. The Attorney General is to draw such an order as he thinks fit for my Lords to sign. Sir C. Harbord, Sir Edm. Sawyer and the Clerk of the Pipe are to assist him.
The Commissioners of the Wine Act deliver a copy of such an account as they have delivered to the Commissioners of Accounts.
Alderman Bucknall et al. [Farmers of the London Excise] called in about their petition for defalcations. My Lords say that the Barons of the Exchequer were here, and they did not think that the effects of the plague did remain to Christmas last, as to make it reasonable to give defalcations for that time; but that they must apply to the King or the law. They say if they go to law they are to keep their rent till an issue. This to be again considered when all my Lords are present. Sir G. Downing is to state the money lent by the said Farmers, and what is due to them for principal and interest. Downing is to see if the interest for the 20,000l. lent by Bucknall and his partners to the Cofferer of the Household be not allowed to the Cofferer, and whether this 20,000l. principal be not placed to account for the Cofferer.
Mr. Prettiman called in. He must bring precedents on Monday fortnight concerning the allowing of more than four six months to the Bishops for the payment of their First Fruits and Tenths.
New warrant ordered for a privy seal for 1,200l. for Mr. Fillingham, and insert in it a warrant to Col. Leg to pay 5,000l. to the Customs Farmers for so much lent by them on my Lords' warrant of August 28 last.
Warrant for Mr. Wooly in accordance with the order of Council.
Sir Robert Viner's petition read about Mr. Knype. He must apply to the Court for the time from which Mr. Knype must pay the interest to him. Mr. Knype to attend on Monday to show cause why he has not paid the money to Sir R. Viner in accordance with the order of the Exchequer Court. The King to be moved about Sir R. Viner's Jewel House debt.
Write to the seven Auditors of the Exchequer Court to pursue the directions of the Barons of the Exchequer in passing the accounts of the Aids and to apply to them in case of any further doubts.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 421–3.]
Dec. 21.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry.
Warrant for Sir W. Godolphin as Envoy into Spain.
Warrant for the Wardrobe on their privy seal.
Warrant for Mr. Stanny.
Sir Bernard Gascoyne complains that Ald. Bucknell and the rest of the Farmers of the duty of 5s. a ton on French shipping have not paid their rent into the Exchequer, and that thereby he has been disappointed of his payment upon the same. Write said Farmers to attend on Jan. 5 next.
Write the Customs Farmers to give an account what goods were seized in the Savoy by their warrant and what has been since done in that business.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Sir R. Long as to what month the Grooms of the Bedchamber may be placed on.
Warrant for Viscount Mordaunt's 139l. if he has paid his poll and benevolence moneys.
Write the Justices of Cumberland about the complaint concerning the Excise.
The officers of the Pipe and the Auditors are to make out their title to their Custom House salaries [or fees for passing, &c., the accounts of the Customs].
Sir Hugh Wyndham to have a warrant for the Customer's place at Bridgwater.
Sir James Smith's petition read about Excise abuses at Barnstaple. Write the corporation to answer the petition and affidavits.
Order for a privy seal to pay the late Commissioners of Excise at the Exchequer as of the charge of the Excise Office.
[During the adjournment of the Treasury] Sir G. Downing is to acquaint the Duke of Albemarle with any business of haste, and procure a meeting [of my Lords].
Adjourned to Jan. 4 next.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 423.]