Minute Book: September 1668, 16-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: September 1668, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp439-448 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: September 1668, 16-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp439-448.

"Minute Book: September 1668, 16-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp439-448.


September 1668

Sept. 16.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Widow [Lady] Harvy of Ireland is to pay the 180l. for Barcelona wines [imported into London] in the time of the late Customs commission.
Write the Mayor of Plymouth to call to his assistance Sir John Skelton, the Governor of Plymouth fort, enclosing a copy of the letter from Mr. George Pley of Weymouth about an information given by one Mr. Downing, master of the ship "Hester" of North Yarmouth, concerning the Governor of Antigua's admitting Dutch and French to trade at that Island to the great prejudice of the navigation and trade and customs of this kingdom. Desire them to examine the said Downing, who is now bound for Plymouth, concerning this matter.
Sir John Denham's warrant for 500l. to be sent up for the King's signature.
The trumpeters to the late King are to apply to the Wardrobe for their liveries.
The 500l. to be lent by Mr. Adderly is to be upon the 65,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax, and to be issued to Mr. May towards the charge of the galleries and the Queen's lodgings in Whitehall.
[Treasury Minute Book II. p. 327.]
Sept. 17.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir R. Long to certify next Thursday what is in arrear of the Additional Aid and the Eleven months' tax and on what counties; and what fragments are remaining of the Royal Aid for which no tallies are yet struck. Sir W. Doyly to certify on what places the above said arrears stand out and in whose hands the money is, and to prepare the form of a letter to the Commissioners of the several counties to quicken them in getting same in seeing how much His Majesty is prejudiced for want of it.
Write the Attorney and Solicitor General and the rest of the King's Counsel to attend on Tuesday next to advise my Lords about the King's right to a part of Windsor Forest on Surrey side for which the country [people] obtained a verdict in the late King's time, which verdict took the same away from the King.
The King to be spoken to about the business of Preston having a landwaiter's place in London port. Also Mr. Symonds' warrant to be sent up.
In accordance with Viscount Fanshaw's certificate write the Customs officers (farmers) that have not yet returned their books covering the period of the late farm, to return them.
Write the Commissioners of the several counties for which poll rolls are wanting to send them up that so these accounts may be passed; taking notice of the complaint in the House of Commons; and request them to examine where the fault has been. Charnock to prepare the letters by Viscount Fanshaw's certificate.
Process to be stopped against Mr. Bevis Lloyd.
The names of such Receivers as Viscount Fanshaw wants are to be certified to him. Viscount Fanshaw's papers are to be sent to Mr. Sherwin to certify their names, [viz.] all before the Royal Aid. Sir. W. Doyly to deliver forthwith into the King's Remembrancer's Office the bonds of the Receivers of the Royal and Additional Aids.
Mr. Jeffryes called in about the state of Mr. Snowe's account as Receiver of the Aids of Middlesex. Mr. Hastings and Mr. Bennet to attend Auditor Philips with the state of the arrears in their receipts in order to the stating the said Snowe's account.
Process to be stopped against Sir Thomas Player, Receiver of the Aids for London, and Mr. Snowe, [same] for Middlesex: they being upon their accounts.
Seager to pay the 6l. 10s. 0d. for locks and keys.
Sir R. Long to certify what fragments there are of the Royal Aid in order that out of them the petitioners of Guildhall may be satisfied. Mr. Hinton and the rest [of them] called in and told so.
Mr. Swan to have a pension of 80l. per an. Charnock to draw the privy seal.
Ordered that tallies be struck for the Ordnance for such parts of the Royal Aids as were assigned formerly to them: amounting to 1,062l. 15s. 9d. Mr. Wharton to attend about it on Tuesday. The warrant must be as in pursuance of the late Treasurer Southampton's warrant.
Mr. Lawrence is to search the Patent Office for the patent to Sir Thomas Strickland for foreign [shipped] salt and all other patents to any present farmers of any small branches of His Majesty's Customs: and to see if by the said grants they are not obliged to enroll them in the Exchequer with Sir Robert Long, the Auditor of the Receipt, and within what time same ought to be done, and whether they be not void for want of such enrollment.
The several proposers for the victualling called in. My Lords ask them if they have named their partners, whereupon Mr. King takes away his proposal and will return it to-morrow morning to the Privy Council sealed and with the names of his securities. The rest of the proposals to be sent up similarly sealed to-morrow to the Privy Council.
Mr. Wadlow called in: moves for security for the 13,000l. which is to be allowed [to the Vintners] by order of Council above the 10,000l. appointed by the Act [as expenses for collecting the wine duty]. My Lords say tis best to place it on the Chimneys. Warrant for same with interest from Midsummer next.
Write some of the Customs Farmers to attend my Lords on Tuesday next.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 327–8.]
Sept. 22.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir William Thomson called in from the East India Company: moves for the 3,309l. 11s. 9d. [due to them] for so much lent for Bunbay, for which they have a warrant [which has not been paid]. A new warrant ordered for payment of same on the 8,000l. per month of the Customs appointed for [re] payment of the 200,000l. [to the Customs Farmers] and to rank after the said 200,000l. has been paid. The former warrant to be returned to my Lords to be vacated. Also whereas as the East India Company is to pay 10l. per an. at the Custom House they desire to know to whom to pay it. Ordered that this payment be transferred to the Exchequer either by the general letters patent or by a particular privy seal. Charnock to examine whether this and the Earl of Carlisle's 1,000l. per an. cannot be inserted in the Great Seal now passing: if not a particular privy seal to transfer them.
Viscount Mandeville called in: moves for his pension of 1,000l. per an. as [a Gentleman] of the Bedchamber, and that the 1,000l. [thereon] assigned him on the Chimneys may be put on a better assignment. My Lords say that year cannot be altered, and that others are so assigned except the Earl of Bath which the King over-ruled: but as to the other 1,000l. [thereon] due to him in October, if the Exchequer is clear he shall have a warrant for it on the Exchequer [then] or else as soon as the Exchequer is clear.
Warrant for 100l. on the Exchequer for the Harbingers: to be paid by Sir Edward Griffin.
Sir John Shaw and Alderman Backwell called in. They will lend 10,000l. for Tangier to be paid [repaid] on the 8,000l. per month of the Customs after the [Customs Farmers'] 200,000l. and the East India Company's 3,309l. 11s. 9d. are paid.
Warrant for the 22,000l. for the Ordnance. To be sent to Sir R. Long for an order.
A list to be made and presented to my Lords of all the dormant warrants passed by my Lords.
The new order of Council about the revenue is to be sent for from Sir Edward Walker.
Mr. Killigrew called in: prays for his warrant. [He shall have it] when the order of Council is altered.
Sir R. Long is to give once a quarter an account what every Receiver of Tenths and of all other revenues are in arrear on their payments into the Exchequer. An account hereof to be made up to Michaelmas next and sent in after Michaelmas.
Mr. Lawrence to attend on Thursday, when my Lords will give him direction to search the rolls of the Chancery, to inform them for what forest commissions [for determining the boundaries, &c., thereof] have issued out of the Chancery on the Act of 17 Charles I., and what return has been made on them.
A register book [is to be kept in the Treasury] for the Customs, in which there is to be a leaf for each month, on which each warrant for that month is to be charged. Charnock to prepare it under the direction of Sir G. Downing.
Write Sir Denis Gauden acknowledging the receipt of his papers and desire him to hasten his accounts.
Mr. Levet's account as Receiver of Wilts is tendered by the Commissioners [for Exchanges] at Great St. Helens. Levet to attend this day week.
Write the Commissioners [of the Aids] for Suffolk that my Lords have seen the account of Mr. Gipps, but will not interest themselves therein, but do expect the King's money.
Sir Rob. Viner and Auditor Beale to attend on Thursday about the Piedmont account. Write Col. Gray to attend then.
Sir Rob. Viner to make up the account of the 105,000l. tallies on the Royal Aid deposited in his hands by Sir George Carteret: my Lords having appointed Auditor Beale to take the accounts of same.
Auditor Beale presents an account for the garrison of Hull and another for Scarborough: which are declared. Write Lord Belasyse to pay into the Exchequer the 99l. 8s. 0d. on his Hull account.
The privy seal for the Tower is to be sent up to be signed.
Warrant for the Duke of York's children: on the moneys saved by the retrenchment on the Excise.
The Earl of Carbery called in: moves for a privy seal to make his pension payable at the Exchequer. A privy seal ordered.
Col. Reymes called in with Alderman Backwell. My Lords desire him [Backwell] to lend the Wardrobe 2,000l. on the Ward-robe's assignments on the Eleven Months' tax: also that he lend Mr. Bridgeman 200l. for the Angel Gold [healing gold]. Warrant for Mr. May for 200l. for Angel Gold [for the healing] on the [loan on the] Eleven Months' tax [so to be] paid in by said Backwell.
Alderman Backwell's interest account is to be placed on the 22,991l. 15s. 5d. on the 65,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax: with interest to date from the date of the privy seal.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 329–30.]
Sept. 23.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Send to Mr. Gipps, Receiver of the Aids for Suffolk, a copy of the exceptions made by the Commissioners of Aids for Suffolk to his account with Mr. Keene.
Write Mr. Battailler to send to the Treasury on Tuesday a list of all such persons as have had impost bills granted them this year for wines, with the respective qualities [social status] of each [recipient] and the quantity had by each.
Mr. Guy called in: presents affidavits against a constable in Skipton refusing to execute some mittimuses. To be reported to the Privy Council.
Mr. Halbert Payne called in. He and Mr. Dewy to attend on Friday, about the business of the seizure at Liverpool of goods belonging to said Payne.
Lord Townsend called in with Mr. Offley, his counsel, and Mr. Philips, a witness, and an affidavit is read against Mr. Blacket and Major Tolhurst. To be considered to-morrow.
Sir John Clayton to have Mr. Beale for his Auditor (to take the accompt of Sir Robert Paston of his demands of defalcations upon his wood farm).
Viscount Fanshaw or his deputy to attend on Friday morning about names returned by Mr. Sherwyn of the several Receivers that are wanting [or behind in their accounts], against whom process is to issue.
Alderman Bucknell called in. The Excise Commissioners must pay the taxes for the Excise Office.
Warrant for 500l. for Mr. Hugh May, lent by Mr. Warcup on the Eleven Months' tax.
[Ibid. p. 331.]
Sept. 24.
Present: Sir W. Coventry, Sir John Duncombe.
Warrant to Mr. Harbord to assign to the Paymaster of the Works the money [standing assigned] in his name on the Eleven months' tax, to be employed by the officers of the Works for New Park wall.
Sir W. Doyly to certify what is in arrear of the Additional Aid to Michaelmas next in order that my Lords may be at some certainty, although my Lords know that the said Receivers accounts do alter daily. Write the Chief Baron of the Exchequer to quicken the Receivers of the Royal and Additional Aids forthwith to their accounts, taking notice also of the Act for charging said Receivers with 12 per cent. on their unpaid moneys.
Sir Robert Viner and Col. Gray to attend about the Piedmont account on Monday week.
Send to Sir W. Doyly Sir Rob. Viner's paper concerning the tallies for 105,000l. on the Royal Aid delivered to him by Sir George Carteret, whereon there yet remain unpaid arrears upon the counties of Cornwall, Devon, and on London: and desire Doyly to hasten the said moneys in.
Write the Chamberlains of the Exchequer and the Auditor of the Receipt to certify this day week what proportions of plate were wont to be delivered to Ambassadors, ordinary and extraordinary, at their sending abroad in the reigns of Eliz., James and Charles I. respectively; and by whom the said plate was wont to be delivered to them, and what bond or security was used to be given, or what course was observed for the re-delivery thereof at their return. And then the Privy Council to be moved that the same method be observed [for the future], and that the plate be actually re-delivered.
Mr. Strickland called in with Auditor Aldworth about his accounts of the Royal and Additional Aids. His whole Poll money is paid, his account is not yet ready.
The order of Council about the Vintners is to be explained, viz. [as to] how long they are to keep the 13,000l. in their hands and whether upon [my Lords'] giving them other security for the same the Vintners are or are not to pay the 13,000l. into the Exchequer.
Mr. Jeoffryes called in with the state of the account of Mr. Argall for the Aids.
Mr. Lawrence to attend on Monday to consider what is to be done as to the disposal of the profits of Mr. [Cadwallader] Jones's place at Sandwich, now that Mr. Preston is to be removed from there.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 331–2.]
Sept. 25.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
The Earl of Anglesey, Sir R. Long, Sir G. Downing and Auditor Beale are to review the report from the Navy Commissioners of the money expended, allotted and designed for the Navy since my Lords' commission as Treasury Lords. My Lords do not find the said report to be so full and clear as they desire as to the employment of the said moneys and therefore desire the abovesaid to adjust how much money has been expended for the use of the Navy since Michaelmas last, whether for buying of stores or otherwise (except what has been paid for discharge of debt accrued before that date); and also what has been paid for that which is to be called the charge of the extraordinary fleet this year: to which difficult work it would be fitting they had the assistance of Mr. Pepys.
In the warrant on the Customs for the 10,000l. for Mr. Pepys for Tangier there must be a clause to stop so much of Pepys's assignments on the Excise. Abbot to remember this in drawing the warrant.
The 500l. already lent by Mr. Warcup and the other 500l. to be lent by him are to be charged [for their repayment] on the Sixpenny Writs. Warrant for these moneys to be paid to Mr. Packer for the Works.
The officers that made the seizure of Halbert Payne's goods are to have 20l. for their reward and the goods to be discharged.
Warrant on the Chimney money for 3,000l. for Sir Edm. Pooly.
Mrs. Boynton called in: moves for 100l. on her pension: my Lords will consider it.
Mr. Bucknell called in: moves against some justices in Essex that do not do the Commissioners right in the matter of the Excise. The King to be moved herein in the Privy Council.
Sir R. Long to send a list of such as are next to be paid on the Act for 1,250,000l.
Warrant for 600l. to Sir Ste. Fox (on the 65,000l.) for repair of the Horse Guards at Whitehall.
Warrant for Sir John Robinson for the Tower garrison: to be on the Country Excise.
Write Mr. Williamson to insert in two successive numbers of his "Gazette" an advertisement concerning the arrears yet remaining behind of the Royal and Additional Aids, several Receivers whereof have not yet brought in their account to the Auditors, and do not prosecute the same before the Auditors, whereby it might be made to appear in whose hands the said arrears lie: and warning the said Receivers that if they have not brought in their accounts to the Auditors by Oct. 23 next and prosecute same with effect they shall be sent for in custody.
Lord Townshend's business to be considered on Monday.
Major Hooper called in: moves for money for the tickets of the year 1666 for some poor seamen killed.
Write the Justices of the Peace in Somerset as desired by Mr. Skip.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 332–3.]
Sept. 28.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Mr. Maxwell called in: moves for some money on his salary.
Mr. Chiffinch and Alderman Backwell called in. Alderman Backwell to furnish Chiffinch with the 170l. for the house at Newmarket.
The Customs Farmers [are to] have their counter security on the chimney money for their loan money on the Customs.
Warrant on the privy seal for Mr. Rumbold's children.
Mrs. Boynton, the mother, to have 100l. of her pension on the Exchequer.
Lady Frasier, Mrs. Killigrew et al., the Queen's dressers, called in. At the end of this year they shall be paid.
Write the King's officers of Sandwich port to receive the fees and profits of Mr. Jones's place to the King's use.
Mr. Strickland called in. Ordered that he have back his bonds for the Royal and Additional Aids on certificate of his having paid his money [due] as by his account.
Halbert Payne called in with Mr. Dewy. Ordered that the English goods be forfeit but the foreign goods discharged.
Mr. Lawrence to attend on Thursday with the names of the Justices of Gloucestershire in order to the passing of the commission for Dean Forest.
Mr. Lawrence makes a report of what Commissions issued out in the late King's time about settling the bounds of forests and of the returns made thereupon.
Charnock to make ready the new warrant for the King's signature for removing the Customs payments to the Exchequer.
Alderman Bucknell and the rest of the Farmers of the French tonnage are to pay in the arrears of their rent of the said farm.
The Groom Porter called in. Warrant for 200l. for him in part of the 339l. 10s. 3¾d. on the Farmers' Customs Commission account.
Write Mr. Wharton to attend on Wednesday about the 1,062l. tallies on the Ordnance.
Write Mr. Anslowe of Surrey that my Lords would speak with him when next he comes to town concerning the limits of Windsor Forest, they being desirous of making such a settlement thereof as may consist with the satisfaction of the county.
Sir R. Long to certify how the tin account in Flanders stands.
The King to be moved concerning the Duke of Buckingham's docquet.
The Privy Purse warrant for the Countess of Castlemaine is to be signed; as also the privy seal for placing the Secretary [of State's 3,000l. per an. for secret service] on the Wood Farm. Dormant warrant for the latter.
The last quarter's incidents account of the late Commissioners of Excise is to be signed next Wednesday.
Lord Ashley reports from the Privy Council that a messenger is ordered to be sent for the constable of [ ... in] Yorkshire. Also that the two Justices are ordered to attend the Privy Council on Wednesday fortnight, and that Alderman Bucknell et al. are then to make out their charge against them.
The King to be moved about the docquet for the wines for the French Ambassador.
An order is made in Council the 25th inst. for farming the Customs and Excise of Ireland.
Ordered that the accounts of the Tin Farmers be declared upon their paying the foot of their account: which is about 360l. Consideration to be had of improving the tin farm, at the first meeting [of my Lords] after the the King's return [from his progress].
Lady Dysart to be paid the 6,000l. arrears of her pension upon her quitting it for the future.
The pay of the Secretaries [of State] is to be put into the establishment.
Charnock to inquire who took away Sir W. Temple's warrant and privy seal for 955l.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 333–4.]
Sept. 30.
Present: Lord Ashley, Treasurer of the Household, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir R. Long and Mr. Warder to hasten an account of all fragments of the Royal Aid on which no tallies are struck.
Charnock to draw a privy seal for 120,000l. for the Ordnance, half thereof for land and half for sea service.
The feodaries' warrant to be signed.
As the certificates of the King's fee farms come in from the auditors Charnock is to draw out what has been paid to the King and what to the Queen.
The orders of the Privy Council for the allowance of 4 per cent. and but 2 per cent. more are to be overlooked by Sir R. Long.
A copy of the order of Council of the 26th inst. for ordering the disposing of His Majesty's revenue according to the several occasions for employing thereof is to be sent to Sir R. Long and Mr. Wardour: together with the former order of Council of July 22 concerning same.
The Earl of Lauderdale moves for an assignment for Lady Dysart. Ordered that after the public assignment she be the first settled for 2,000l., but if she will have 2,000l. on the Chimney money she shall have it now.
Copies of the last order of Council for the revenue are to be prepared for each of my Lords.
Warrant for the 1,062l. for the Ordnance to be placed on the privy seal [mentioned] in Capt. Wharton's paper.
No warrants are for the future to be dated in figures but in words at length. Abbot to take notice hereof.
The Earl of Anglesey and Mr. Pepys to come to Sir R. Long's on Tuesday next about the business of [preparing the account of] the money disposed for the ordinary of the Navy to Michaelmas last.
Sir Tho. Ingram makes report of the King's rents in the Duchy [of Lancashire].
Mr. Morice to have a copy of the order of the Privy Council about letting to farm the Irish Customs and Excise.
Sir Edw. Griffin called in: moves for an assignment for bills [due in the Treasury of the Chamber] according to his book. The imprest rolls to be first looked over.
Mr. Strickland called in. His certificate from Mr. Fillingham must be that he has paid in the whole money of the Aids.
A new dormant privy seal for 10,000l. for payments on warrants under the King's sign manual, and to direct the payment of the money to Lord Wentworth's officers.
Mr. Levet called in about his account of the Aids. My Lords ask him whether the 4,000l. odd paid into the Exchequer by Alderman Backwell for him was by him received after the waggons went away or before. He could not deny that he had the money before. Ordered to bring a certificate when he received this money.
Warrant to Sir R. Long to issue 20,000l. of the moneys of the first month of the Eleven [Months' tax] to pay off the arrear [deficiency] of the 1,250,000l. Act.
Warrant for the Barbados money on the 46,000l. of Capt. Cock's money for the Lords [? for Lord Willoughby as proprietor and for the earl of Kinnoul, &c., as creditors of said Willoughby]. The warrant must be to Col. Legg to assign it to them.
Mr. Guy called in: complains of the sheriff of [the city of] York. To get a plain affidavit of the facts. He says also that many of the Justices of York are maltsters. Write the Lord Mayor of York to admonish them to be careful of their duty.
Mr. Mead to send a list of such as have had impost bills [for wine duty free] this year: with the amounts [of wine] and the quality of the persons [recipients].
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 335–6.]