Minute Book: February 1668, 17-28

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: February 1668, 17-28 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp255-265 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: February 1668, 17-28 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp255-265.

"Minute Book: February 1668, 17-28 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp255-265.


February 1668

Feb. 17.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir T. Clifford, Sir J. Duncomb.
Sir Edm. Windham's petition read. My Lords will consider it when he expresses to what value he desires to be gratified.
Sir W. Doyly called in: complains of the alteration again in the Middlesex tax. Auditor Phillips to attend to-morrow about it.
Warrant for 250l. for the Duke of Albemarle for horses.
Mr. Butts proposes to pay 3,000l. in stated instalments on condition of his extent being stopped and Stockden's extent secured to him. Mr. Laurence to satisfy my Lords as to Butts's security.
Write to stop the felling or carrying away of timber in Dean Forest [sic for New Forest], notwithstanding any grant now in being: in pursuance of an address from the House of Commons to the King.
Mr. Milbank to have his account declared, and Salkeld to be summoned. Mr. Townsend to attend to-morrow about 223l. he received of Mr. Milbank, for which Milbank has no tally.
Sir Ed. Carteret to get such a writing drawn as my Lords may legally sign about Pyford's land.
The Secretaries of State to be spoken to by my Lords about the 20 tuns of wine to the Emperor's envoy, and how prejudicial such things will be to the King's revenue.
Sir John Banks, Sir William Tomson and Mr. Meynell attend about their assignments from Sir D. Gauden on the Poll money. Banks to have Mr. Polhill's commission delivered to him: he having undertaken 2,000l. security for him.
Sir John Pretyman called in: offers 10,000l. in full of his debt to the King: and to be paid off as fast as writings can be made. To be offered to the King in Council.
Sir H. Wood called in. Says he demands no interest for Backwell. To attend on Wednesday.
Auditor Aldworth to state Mr. Meynell's interest accounts.
Auditor Hill to send a certificate to my Lords that his deputy is sworn.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 64–5.]
Feb. 18.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Sir Maurice Berkley, Sir John Shaw and Auditor Beale to attend on Tuesday next about the Dunkirk account.
Sir Edward Griffith called in. Warrant for 200l. for him for maundy money: or a direction to pay it on the money he has.
Sir John Shaw moves for 12,000l. for their [the Customs Farmers'] interest money, half on February and half on March. My Lords say it cannot be.
Mr. Butts to pay 3,000l. in stated instalments, and to have process in and against Stockden's and Pearce's estate. Alderman Sterling not to be paid by Butts till the King is first paid.
Petition read from Mr. Robert Bendish, Receiver General of Poll money for co. Norfolk, concerning some Poll money rolls delivered into Viscount Fanshaw's office and lost there. Viscount Fanshaw to attend to-morrow.
The business of the Irish establishment is to be considered on Thursday. The Lord Keeper, Earl of Ossory, Lord Arlington, Vice-Chamberlain, Earl of Burlington, Lord Privy Seal, Earl of Anglesey, Secretary Morice, Lord Berkeley, and Viscount Conway are to attend.
Sir R. Long is to instance how much money of each sort is in his weekly certificates.
By the King's warrant Mr. Legouse to have 300l. on the last general dormant Privy Seal.
Sir William Hicks moves for his wages of Keeper of Waltham Forest.
A warrant ordered for the Spanish Ambassador's 30 tuns of wines. The King to be moved that no more of these Privy Seals be granted.
Warrant to Auditor Chislett to cast up Mr. Colvill's account on the Poll Act as to the 6 per cent. and 4 per cent., and to see if this is not included in any other of Sir G. Carteret's Privy Seals for interest accounts.
The Queen's footmen's petition read. Referred to Mr. Newport and Col. Reymes.
The Duke of Hamilton called in: moves about certain goods he claims. My Lords will consider it when the Lord Chamberlain's officer brings a state of the matter. Mr. Weeks to bring the report to-morrow.
Sir John Shaw and Alderman Backwell called in.
Ordered that a register book be kept by itself for all moneys charged on the 16,000l. per month from the Customs.
Sir Ph. Warwick and Sir Rob. Long to certify the state of the Dunkirk account and what is to be done for the regular discharge of it.
Mr. Morice called in concerning the Irish Customs. The Order of Council read. The proposals first read about the defalcations: that whereas the Farmers demand 30,000l., if they are made accountants nothing is due to them. To certify why they keep the King's money. Also [Morice] offers to take a lease of these customs for seven years and advance 7,000l. per an. rent.
Sir Rob. Long to certify every week what orders are charged on the Exchequer and not to be registered, which are unpaid and to whom.
A paper of the Earl of Carlingford's brought in from Lord Arlington. Having heard the King's pleasure in Council concerning it my Lords have nothing to object against it.
The Order of Council for regulating the question of the King's signature as between the Treasury Lords and the Secretaries of State is to be written fair on a board and hung up in the Treasury Chamber.
Major Dean and Mr. Pleadall interested in the Customs in Ireland are called in. To bring their accounts, &c., on Monday next.
Lord Ge. Douglas called in and his petition read as to five days' pay to his regiment. The King to be moved in it.
The King to be moved about a warrant sent to the Customs Farmers by Secretary Morice under the King's sign manual and signet to naturalise a ship: which is against law.
Write the Earl of Anglesey to employ the 25,000l. old tallies and 6,000l. for tickets: and the rest for the yards.
The Duke of Richmond's impost bills [passed]. Also Lord Ashley's impost bills for this year and last year.
Lord Ashley reports the King's hand got to Sir D. Gawden's Privy Seal on the Customs: and to Mr. Legouse's warrant.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 65–7.]
Feb. 19.
Present: all my Lords.
Write Sir W. Doyly to hasten his report about the business of the assessment on the Hundred of Stratton.
Mr. Terry, deputy to Mr. Peryn, Receiver of Chimney money for co. Huntingdon, called in with Fox, who is employed by said Terry. Fox to lie in custody till he pays up the King's money in his hands. Mr. Hanscomb also to pay what is in his hands.
Sir H. Wood and Alderman Backwell called in. Sir H. Wood says he allowed him interest at 10 per cent. till the tally was due; that he demands nothing of the King, nor Alderman Backwell of him. Wood also says that he understood he agreed with Alderman Backwell for so much to take the tally at adventures, and at the delivery of the tallies discounted with Alderman Backwell for the interest till due for the whole tally.
Sir James Thyn called in. His petition read for his 2,000l. The King to be moved in it.
Alderman Bucknall complains of Joshua Holland of Chatham for not appearing as desired. Send to him to come.
Petition read from William Booth, Customer of Ipswich. To have liberty to exchange his life for his son's.
Mr. Tomlinson and Auditor Aldworth called in about said Tomlinson's Chimney money account for Yorkshire. His account declared. Nothing done upon his petition.
Another day to be appointed for the Lord Chief Baron and the Attorney General to attend for the consideration of processes on the Chimney money.
Mr. Lanyon's petition read. To be paid by tally on the prizes.
Sir B. Gascoigne's petition read on a reference from the King.
Sir George Carteret and Mr. O'Neale's executors to make up their account (of their farm of the French tonnage) with Auditor Beale.
Mr. Cofferer called in. Write Auditor Aldworth to hasten his accounts according to Order of Council.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 67–8.]
Feb. 20.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Sir R. Long to certify why the Cofferer's 1,500l. order on the Customs Farmers' payments for January is not paid.
Sir Rob. Long to deliver orders to the value of 10,000l. or there-abouts to the Earl of Anglesey out of the orders for the last 100,000l. for seamen's wages registered on the Eleven Months' tax.
Sir J. Duncomb reports that the King in Council accepts of the 10,000l. from Sir John Pretyman in full of his debt. That as to Lord Douglas's petition for five days' pay for his regiment, the King has no money at present. That the warrant for registering the City's debt [claim] on the Chimney money was signed by the King. That as to the warrant for naturalising the ship "Richard" of Newhaven the King will do nothing against law. That as to Sir James Thynn's petition for 2,000l. the King has no money.
William Booth's son to have the reversion of his father's place as Customer of Ipswich.
Sir G. Carteret called in. A warrant to the Auditor to allow his interest account for the year 1665.
Write again to Sir Richard Pigott, the Clerk of the Patents, for copies of any of Lord Willoughby's patents relating to the government of the Barbados and to his laying any impositions on goods there.
A Privy Seal signed about the 3,000l. per an. to the Commissioners of Accounts.
Some papers read concerning Viscount Grandison and Sir Allen Apsley relating to some houses at St. James's. The King to be spoken to about it.
My Lords fell upon the business of the Irish establishments: there being present, besides my Lords, the Earl of Anglesey, Lord Berkeley, Sir G. Carteret, the Earl of Burlington, the Earl of Ossory. Dr. Gorges's annuity to be continued on the Irish establishment. Mr. Archer's pension to be paid at present, and the principal debt to be paid off as fast as may be when there is money above the establishment. Petition read from Capt. Rosse. To make out the steps to show that he discovered 8–10,000 acres of land, viz. by certificate from the Earl of Ossory: and if proved he shall have his pension continued.
"The Lords about Ireland went and my Lords of the Treasury sat about Treasury business."
The Lord Chief Baron and the Attorney General called in about the mortgage of Charles Pawlett. Mr. Smith, Counsel for Mr. Ludlow's executor, is to try to accommodate the matter with them.
Concerning the duty in Ireland on French tonnage, "Mr. Vice-Chamberlain says the Lord Lieutenant there would not suffer it to be paid there [in Ireland] till an agreement to take 200l. per an. for it: but that he pretends no right at this time to it and that he hath spoken with Sir John Shaw concerned with him and said the same to him."
Mr. Laurence to prosecute Mr. Holbech with vigour and forbear a little against Mr. Noell, who only was caution upon Excise arrears for Leicester and Rutland.
Sir J. Duncomb reports what was said by the King concerning the Queen's jointure. To be reported and considered when all my Lords are here.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 68–70.]
Feb. 21.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Mr. Newport moves for a commission for Mr. Rowe [as Solicitor for the Eleven Months' tax] for Anglesea, Denbigh, Merioneth and Carnarvon, as formerly held by one Clerk. A commission ordered.
The Duke of Hamilton and Mr. Weekes called in about his hangings. Weekes produced a certificate that 1,500l. was paid by Col. Lockhart for Cromwell for these furniture. The King to be moved again herein and the papers sent up.
Write the Earl of Anglesey that Sir R. Long has orders to give him 10,000l. in orders. "And that by advice of the Commissioners of the Navy he place [in their due course for payment] such Commanders as have wages [due] before or since January and are willing to take their pay on them [i.e. on the said orders].
Sir Stephen Fox called in: moves for my Lords to assist him to get money from the brewers, viz. 50,000l. by 10,000l. a month.
Sir Edward Massey called in: moves for the release of Shewell of Bristol on account of his poverty. Warrant ordered.
Sir G. Downing is to reserve for the Duke of Monmouth 1,500l. out of Sir Stephen Fox's 68,820l.
Lord Belasyse and Sir John Bennet move for moneys on the First Fruits for the [Gentlemen] Pensioners.
Write Col. Napper (Napier) to bring in his patent of certain tolls on Yarmouth fishing.
Warrant for 10l. to Mr. Bray.
Warrant for the wines for Eton College.
Mr. Keite to attend on Monday with his Auditor.
Write Sir Edw. Turner, the Speaker of the House of Commons, to desire him to settle the difference between Wisbech and other hundreds of co. Cambridge about the 18 Months' tax. No summons to issue till report is made.
Mr. Weedon to attend with Mr. Laurence and the Excise Commissioners about settling his abatements on the Excise for the plague.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 70–1.]
Feb. 24.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Write Auditor Phillips or Auditor Jefferies to perfect Mr. Hill's account as Receiver of Hearths for Cambridge.
Warrant for tallies for 2,917l. 2s. 9d. on Mr. Keyte, Receiver of Hearths for co. Worcester: upon certificate of Sir Thomas Player.
Warrant for 500l. for the Commissioners of Accounts. The Privy Seal to be passed with all speed.
Sir Thomas Player's Privy Seal for 30,000l. and some receipts to be sent to Sir Robert Long to view and report.
The Excise Commissioners to attend on Thursday about the allowance to Mr. Weedon: and another security to be prepared with Mr. Dorrell.
"53,460l. returned on a short time on Saturday last into the Office of Exchange [in Great St. Helens, London, by bills of exchange upon the receipt of taxes of the respective counties]. This to be put two or three times into the Gazette."
An order to the Auditor to take speedily in hand Mr. Cofferer's interest accounts pursuant to the Order of Council.
Tho. Windham's tally to be changed, Mr. John Watts being now Receiver instead of his father.
Memorandum. Viscount Andover's business to be one of the first things my Lords have engaged to take care of: and to do it against this day fortnight.
The Gentlemen on both sides are to attend the Speaker with all their papers concerning the Wisbech dispute relating to the Eighteen Months' tax.
[Ibid. pp. 72–3.]
Feb. 24.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncombe.
Sir Solomon Swale for Major Norton to keep 100l. in his hands till Trinity term in part of the 1,200l. bond.
Mr. Darcy lends 600l. on his Privy Seal for 1,050l. disbursements. Warrant therefor.
Petition from Mr. William Gluvias, deputy to Lewis Stukley, Comptroller of Plymouth. Referred to the Attorney General.
Same from Col. Gerrard. To be reported to the King.
Sir Job Charleton and Mr. Mylward to be paid 350l. out of the Customs.
Mr. Stockden to have his liberty on bail.
Sir John Wintour, Mr. Clayton and Mr. Morice to attend on Thursday with Mr. Harbord about said Wintour's securing the King 11,000 tons of timber (or money in lieu of it) in Dean Forest.
Mr. Ch. Trevanyon to pay in 400l. before Friday week.
Mr. May to make assignments according to his note of request; upon interest for creditors and without interest for the officers [of the Works].
"An order to the Customs Farmers to the effect of the note now given that they make a speedy return of it for two years of the late farm."
Major Deane and the Customers of Ireland called in. They do not deliver in their papers as accomptants (their articles not making them so), but as a demonstration how the accounts stand among themselves: also [they state] the reasons, detailed, for the defalcations demanded, viz. the embargos on French, Dutch and Danes; the plague; the war; the restraint on trade for the Canary Company; "the loss of St. Christophers and those islands, several ships then laden for that place being taken by the enemy," and the late Act against importing cattle from Ireland into England.
The Earl of St. Albans called in with Sir Henry Wood about the Queen Mother's half-year due at Xmas last. The King to be moved in this.
The Earl of St. Albans moved about his Jersey government. The King to be moved about it.
Alderman Backwell took his 10 per cent. only to the time the tally was due for the 5,000l. furnished by him to the Earl of St. Albans. Question was whether the Alderman bought this or lent it. Backwell says it was not bought. The Earl of St. Albans says Backwell treated with Sir Henry Wood for the tally. The Alderman says he should have had money in June, 1665. My Lords understand the tallies to be bought, and therefore no interest payable after the tally was due. About the Alderman's 12,000l., not considered this month; but afterwards to be. For the three next months to be assured 4,000l. a month, beginning with March, upon the Customs.
Mr. Morice undertakes to prove that the Irish Customers are accomptants, and prays copies of their present exhibits. He says he's the person, and not they, that advanced the revenue 10,000l. Both sides to attend on Monday next. Morice to have a copy of all exhibits, and Major Deane to have a copy of Morice's objections.
Warrant for 4,000l. to the Privy Purse out of Sir John Prettyman's money, 2,000l. out of tin, 6,500l. out of Tenths, and 3,500l. out of the alum.
Capt. Brabant called in: prays to be accomptant for both the farms. He is moved to pay in 2,000l. My Lords return Mr. Place's proposition about the other farm. To report to the King that my Lords find no reason for this to be granted, and that another [than Place] offers to take the other farm without defalcation.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 73–5.]
Feb. 26.
Present: The Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir T. Clifford, Sir J. Duncombe.
Paul Adams, late Collector for Hearth money for Sussex, prays leave to petition the King about arrears to be compounded. Leave granted.
Sir Gilb. Talbot called in about his extraordinaries for [his] Denmark [embassy]. To be considered to-morrow.
Thomas Shewell, late Collector of Customs in Bristol, to be discharged from custody without fees.
Viscount Grandison's petition read and granted.
My Lords will take a more particular inspection from Sir Rob. Long what is charged on the Hearth money. To attend to-morrow with the Chimney Farmers.
Sir Charles Harbord desires to know if he may proceed going into the country without my Lords' particular order about granting copyholds. Ordered not to do so, for it invades the right of the Chancellor of the Exchequer. Therefore no stewards of manors are to obey warrants direct from Harbord. The stewards anciently gave surveys. Lord Ashley to give in a list of what has been granted by him in this kind formerly.
The case of the pensioners [Gentlemen and Grooms] of the Bedchamber is mentioned. My Lords would know from Sir G. Downing what is assigned on the 16,000l. a month from the Customs.
Complaint against Mr. Holland concerning unpaid duty on some French wines and brandy. Holland to appear to-morrow.
Process stayed against Mr. Pepys; he being on his account.
Lord Ashley will write down to Salisbury about the money, viz. one half-year to be answered by them and the other half to be further respited.
Lord Ashley has [taken away with him] most of the papers relating to the Irish accounts this morning to consider of.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 76–7.]
Feb. 27.
Present: all my Lords.
A dormant warrant on the Exchequer for Mr. Gifford, he having had a hand in the King's escape from Worcester.
Lord Holles to be placed on Sir Ste. Fox's 68,000l. for his ordinary on his Breda embassy, &c. The former warrant on the Chimneys to be recalled.
Sir Edm. Windham's report to be drawn as in the paper.
Warrant for 1,000l. on the Chimney to Sir G. Talbott in full of his extraordinaries.
The Commissioners' papers about Montgomeryshire to be abbreviated and marginted, and the whole to be reported in Council. Charnock to prepare this.
Warrant to divide Sir Robert Viner's tally of 3,000l. on Derbyshire into 2,500l. and 500l. because the quarter on which that tally is charged would not bear 3,000l.
My Lords will acquaint the King with Viscount Fanshaw's business. The King to be moved about Sir Charles Harbord's report.
My Lords read the rules drawn by Auditor Chislett about defalcations on Chimney money. To be signed by my Lords to-morrow.
Mr. Lightfoot called in with the Huntingdonshire men. Mr. Fox says he'll pay the money, about 50l. Mr. Hanscomb promises to pay the King what he owes, viz. about 12l. Then to be discharged.
Mr. Keene called in about his Chimney account for Suffolk with Deputy [Auditor] Jefferies. His account declared, and his deputies to be discharged.
Mr. Spry called in about the tin account. My Lords will speak with the Lord Privy Seal to-morrow at the Council to appoint a time to consider it.
Mr. Ekin's account of Northamptonshire Hearth money is brought up by Deputy Auditor Chislett and declared.
Warrant for four months' pay to Chester garrison to the 18th January last inclusive.
Warrant to the Customs Farmers to bring into the Exchequer 16,000l. a month to pay off the old tallies. "and therein a clause ordering the Auditors to allow these payments on their present accounts." An intimation to be made in the News Book that this 16,000l. a month is ordered to be brought into the Exchequer to pay off old tallies in the course mentioned in the list.
Sir J. Duncomb makes report about the Queen's jointure. The King to be moved about it.
Capt. Brabant called in: prays for a report concerning defalcations. Granted; and my Lords to view it. The terms, detailed, of the report drafted.
Sir W. Doyly to try if Sir Steven Fox can make use of money in the Collector's hands in the Isle of Wight.
The Privy Seal for the healing gold is to be [directed] to the Keeper of the Privy Purse.
Mr. Snow to be spoken to about the words "or assigns" in his orders.
Mr. Weedon to satisfy Sir W. Doyly about his security: and then to attend with the Excise Commissioners about his defalcations.
An impost bill to be granted to the Earl of Dover, though he has not paid his New Year's gift money.
Mr. Webb and Mr. Hartlib are called in. They are demanded what security the Chimney Farmers will give for their rent: this in pursuance of an Order of Council.
Lord Holles and Sir W. Bealing called in: move about the Queen's jointure. Sir J. Duncomb says he'll again give the Board [Privy Council] an account of what the King said concerning it.
Write Alderman Backwell to call on Sir Rob. Viner for interest for Mr. Booth's money for so long time as he kept it in; and not to account for that time to the King.
Sir Thos. Player to certify on Tuesday next whether the Chimney Farmers have paid in the 10,000l. Sir R. Long to attend to-morrow about the money charged on the chimneys.
Warrants for 2,500l. to the Customs Farmers on March, 5,500l. on April, 4,000l. on May for their interest money of their 200,000l. Auditor Beale to make up this interest account. The principal officers of the Navy to certify the respective days and times when each part of the said 200,000l. was really paid to the Treasurer of the Navy.
The Auditor to hasten in the Earl of Carbery's account.
Mr. Snow's interest accounts referred to Auditors Aldworth and Chislett.
Deputy Auditor Jefferies called in about the account of Mr. Hill of Cambridge. His account referred to Mr. Lightfoot to state speedily.
Sir John Earnley called in. To come again with an oath.
Sir John Shaw and Alderman Backwell to attend on Tuesday with Sir Maurice Berkley about the Dunkirk account.
Auditor Chislet presents a state of the accompts of Sir Rich. Oatley and Col. Scriven for the Chimney money of Salop. They are to attend on Monday next.
Sir Edm. Turner to be quickened in the matter of sending the quarterly certificates of what the Customs have made in the outports: and of the amount of the coinage duty there.
The person called in that came from Mrs. Moone: moves for a week's time more for Mr. Ennys and Mr. Bellot. They are to attend this day week.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 77–9.]
Feb. 28.
Present: all my Lords.
Mr. Roper called in: is desired to have patience 14 days.
The King will have Lady Castlemaine's two sons to have their lives in [lands of the value of] about 500l. per an. which Mr. Kirke now has. Mr. Controller reports this. Also as to reversions of two offices [for the said sons]. This latter item to lie by. The papers as to the said lands referred to Sir Charles Harbord.
Mr. Wild to have [bring] a signification of the King's pleasure in writing.
Lord Richardson called in and his petition read. Referred to the Attorney General and Sir C. Harbord.
Sir John Watts and Deputy Auditor Lightfoot called in about said Watts's Firehearth account for co. Herts. Sir John to bring a schedule of any constables that have the King's money in their hands.
The Auditor to hasten the Cofferer's accounts and attend next Monday with them.
The Earl of St. Albans to have his 1,000l. per an. put on the Army establishment. Sir Ste. Fox to have 1,000l. more to enable him to do it.
Viscount Grandison's petition for a reversion of Berkshire House referred to Sir C. Harbord.
Sir Courtny Pool and Mr. Prideaux move for the payment of some tickets of men whom they pressed. My Lords will not write, but will of themselves speak to the Earl of Anglesey to pay them.
Mr. John Cooper called in with Deputy Auditor Rawbon about said Cooper's Firehearth account for co. Notts. If there be anything new and particular in this account the Auditor to present it to my Lords. Process against Cooper suspended.
Major Tolhurst called in with his petition about the 12d. per chaldron on coals at Sunderland. My Lords will consider him in the discovery. Viscount Mordaunt to send a copy of his grant of the 12d. per chaldron on sea coals next Tuesday.
Mr. Williamson called in: moves for copies of what was done in the business of Ireland as to reductions. Ordered that he have it from Sir G. Carteret.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 80–1.]