Minute Book: February 1668, 3-14

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: February 1668, 3-14 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp244-255 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: February 1668, 3-14 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp244-255.

"Minute Book: February 1668, 3-14 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp244-255.


February 1668

Feb. 3.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir Jo. Duncomb.
The Chief Baron has appointed till to-morrow only to plead to the jurisdiction of the London Farmers of Excise. My Lords, with the Lord Keeper and Lord Ashley, will be present in court. Write the Attorney and Solicitor General, Serj. Maynard, and Sir W. Wild to appear on behalf of said Farmers.
Mr. Culliford to have the place of Register of the Seizures: on the desire of Sir Edm. Pooley.
Write Mr. Bendish to observe my Lords' orders and send his bills to the Exchange Office at [Great] St. Helens [London]: or my Lords will put another in his place.
The Auditor of Wales is to bring in the account of David Powell, late sheriff of Montgomery.
Capt. Cooke called in: says he paid 15l. per cent. to Mr. Townsend for his assignments. Mr. Townsend says his abatement was to the King's advantage. Mr. Cooke says they had no discourse about any abatement to the King, but that this was to be to Mr. Townsend for making the assignment. Sir G. Downing to send to the Clerks of the Council for Mr. Townsend's account books.
Sir Hugh Cholmly presents the accounts of himself and others the Alum Farmers.
Mr. Slingsby and the officers of the Mint present the account thereof for the last year. To be heard on Thursday about paying the gravers.
Warrant for Sir William Waller to keep money out of his rent of the Butlerage in order to pay his debt: as by the Privy Seal.
Col. Birch called in: says that "where the landlord not known in case of empty houses they insist landlord in general if they do not know who he is: that for certificates [of exemption] they [the Receivers of Hearth money] must produce them to the Auditors and they must be such as are allowed by the Justices." A copy of the Hearth money instructions for the accounts for 1666, Lady Day, is to be sent to each Auditor. My Lords to let the Farmers of Hearth money know that they expect from them all but where there is no distress or a certificate from the Justices discharging such a house. An order to be drawn to the Chimney Farmers that upon representation made by Col. Birch my Lords find their accounts very lame. Therefore that they presently fall to collecting all the money leviable by law, and that as they undertook to be collectors for the said half-year, Lady Day, 1666, the King will expect them to make good whatever was collectable by law and shall be lost for want of being collected or by reason of their not having accompted in time.
A copy of the Customs tally list to be made for Sir John Jacob and any others concerned who shall desire it.
Lord Holles's account of his extraordinaries presented. The interest money and Exchequer fees disallowed thereon. The rest to him and Henry Coventry. The accounts to be first signed by both, then a warrant to issue.
Mr. Slingsby called in about paying the gravers of the Mint, as to what they do for the Great Seal. Warrant ordered.
Mr. North called in: moves about the money due from Mr. Hill of Cambridgeshire, that it may be paid into the Exchequer. Mr. Nicholas Coles, Mr. Hill's partner, will pay in 800l. in a fortnight. Process against him to stay meanwhile.
Sir Ste. Fox called in and his warrant signed. Write Mr. Ball to know why Fox's order for 1,500l. on the Excise is not paid.
Viscount Hinchinbroke's Privy Seal to be on account for the Earl of Sandwich for his embassy to Spain.
Mr. Bishop called in about certain dues to the King on fisheries. Col. Napper to be here about it to-morrow.
The business about the wood in Bedfordshire to be considered.
Warrant to accept Mr. Deering's securities in the like amount as the rest of the Receivers.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 45–7.]
Feb. 3.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir William Coventry, Sir Jo. Duncomb.
The Farmers of Hearth money to attend to-morrow about their accounts, and Col. Birch to give his objections against them then.
Mr. Newport, &c., report that all officers expect the old furniture when new is brought in, whereby they are encouraged to waste the old. The King to be moved. herein, and nothing to be removed out of the yachts till order be given.
The King to be spoken to about sail cloth and nets for the Tennis Court.
The officers of the Wardrobe are to provide silk liveries for the Trumpeters and to forbear the making of silver liveries.
The Earl of Sandwich to have a compensation for [in place or lieu of] his fees and poundage [as Master of the Great Wardrobe] when he returns. An Order of Council to suspend said fees, &c., till then.
Sir John Wolstenholme and the Auditors of Imprests called in about the Customs account. The old Farmers of the Customs to attend on Thursday week.
The warrant against Cotes to be suspended.
Mr. Rewse called in with Mr. Crow, deputy to Sir Edw. Sawyer. Rewse demands a rental from Mr. Taylor [Receiver of Windsor] and power to distrain from the tenants. Taylor to send an exact rent roll to the Treasury on Monday, and all the Auditors are to certify what rent rolls they want of the King's land revenues, and chantry and other rents. Sir Charles Harbord to advise how my Lords may come by all rent rolls, and to certify what lands were mortgaged by the late King to the Six Clerks for 8,000l.
The office of the Works at Windsor Castle referred to the consideration of Sir Charles Harbord, Mr. Hugh May and Mr. Packer to consider of a method and course of managing that whole affair.
Process suspended against Mr. Hugh May.
A warrant for stopping Mr. Vanderdowse's pension.
The Alum Farmers' account to be considered on Thursday.
Sir Robert Long to attend on Thursday about settling a way of accounting for the healing money "and to be 12,000l. per annum for that use."
Letter read from the King about certain am[bassadors].
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 47–8.]
Feb. 4.
Present: Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Mr. Webb and Mr. Hartlib called in about the defects which Col. Birch finds in their Hearth money accounts. My Lords declare that if the neglect be of levying in time what was levyable by law or in returning process in time then they expect the money from the Farmers, who, as to Lady Day, 1666, are Collectors, and so answerable to the King for his duty. And though they may appoint deputies and agents, yet they must answer for them. At least three weeks before Lady Day they are to return lists of such houses as are in arrear, with the name of the landlord and occupier. They are to go on vigorously with their accounting. My Lords will print lists of all who are returned as paupers by the Justices.
Mr. Chislett to attend on Thursday afternoon with the demands of the Chimney Farmers for defalcations.
Mr. Nappier called in: moves for a summons against Bellot and Ennys for 580l. received between Midsummer and Xmas, 1660, for the coinage duty on tin, but not accounted for. Summons ordered for them to appear at the Treasury.
Warrant for an immediate extent against Charles Trevanyon, deputy to Charles Trevanion, late Receiver General of Aids, co. Cornwall: for not performing his promise to pay in 500l. of the 1,100l. in his hands.
Mr. Taylor [Receiver of Windsor] called in: says Viscount Mordaunt had the rent roll from him, and gave it to Mr. Rewse, but says Mr. Rewse has received 2,500l., which should be for the unpaid Windsor emptions. Mr. Taylor says he'll see if he can get a rental from his deputy.
Sir Robert Long to hasten a draft of an answer to the Commissioners of Accounts.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 48–9.]
Feb. 6.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Letter read from the Customs Farmers about the Swedish Ambassadors' goods. Write them to inform my Lords what the goods are for which they demand defalcations.
Sir John Pretyman offers 9,000l. by way of instalment of his debt to the King, which is 16,048l. 10s. 8¼d. Sir William Bowles to attend on Monday with Sir Rob. Long and Mr. Pretyman about money received of said Mr. Pretyman. Sir John Pretyman's counsel moves for the Exchequer suit to go on for trying the King's right.
Sir John Bennet called in: says he has money detained from him by the Alum Farmers by my Lords' order. To be further considered.
The Earl of Anglesey called in: acquaints my Lords that his ticket money goes short, and shall be on ground next week. Write the Farmers of the London Excise that my Lords must speedily have 10,000l. from them, and 5,000l. thereof next Tuesday, because ticket day is next Wednesday.
Extent ordered against David Powell, late sheriff of Montgomery. Mr. Killegrew called in about it.
Ordered that when Sir Thomas Player's Privy Seal for 15,000l. is entered in all the offices of the Exchequer it be delivered to the Earl of Anglesey, if it may be or else an attested copy thereof.
Sir G. Downing to get the Peers' impost list from Mr. Batelier.
My Lords' meetings to be Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at 8 a.m.; and Tuesdays and Thursdays 3 p.m. for the future.
The warrant, registering the City debt on the Hearth money, to be signed by the King.
A Privy Seal to be drawn by Abbott for 2,000l. to Sir Thos. Hervy as royal bounty.
Sir Thomas Estcourt presents by Deputy Auditor Pollard the account of John Estcourt, his late brother, for the Royal and Additional Aids for co. Wilts. Sir John's bonds to be delivered up to Sarah, his widow.
A Privy Seal for Sir Thomas Player's interest money for the 15,000l. paid to the Earl of Anglesey, including 300l. as the charge for signing five Privy Seals, &c.
Alderman Bucknall called in: says that someone from Ireland claims the French tonnage there for 20 years under Sir George Carteret. A letter read also from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland about this grant. Bucknall promises to pay 5,000l. by Tuesday and half of it this week. Write Sir George Carteret concerning the Lord Lieutenant's letter: to know if he pretend any right to the tonnage. Alderman Bucknall and his partners also present a petition which they desire to move the King in. My Lords advise them to be still a while.
Warrant for removing the Piedmont Papers to Viscount Fanshaw's office as desired by Col. Grey.
Deputy Auditor Chislett called in about rules for stating the accounts of the Chimney Farmers to the time of their farm. Rules agreed to be set for all the Auditors in this case.
Write Mr. Grismond that if he pay not the 28l. 3s. 4d. in his bond the bond will be sued.
Lord Chandos' impost bill to be given him though he have not paid his New Year's gift.
Sergeant Maynard moves for his fee. Warrant ordered.
The petition about the King's duties in Barbados to be considered to-morrow.
A Privy Seal ordered for healing money to be paid to the Warden of the Mint as formerly.
Col. Napier asked by what right he pretends to certain duties on fish at Yarmouth. Says he has had a patent for it about three years. To bring a copy of it.
Mr. Scowen of Cornwall to attend on Monday.
The Customs Farmers to certify the defalcation they pretend to in respect of passing the Swedish Ambassadors' goods Customs free.
In case of the release of Customs seizures Mr. Duy (Dewy) is to be heard before any order be made.
The draft of the letter to the Commissioners of Accounts is returned to Sir Rob. Long to peruse again; and for each particular head in the said Commissioners' letter to my Lords to be minuted in the margin [of the reply thereto].
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 49–51.]
Feb. 7.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Write the Attorney General to quicken his report on Capt. Middleton's proposal for the better bringing in of the Poll money.
The East India Company and the Commissioners of the Navy to attend next Thursday about the ships freighted to the East Indies.
Petition read from Ann Golding. To be considered when there is money. The like order on the petitions severally from Ann Litchfield; Jo. Hill; Jo. Whynyeard; Ja. Tunsted; and on the certificate about money due to the Bishop of London as Lord Almoner.
Petition read from Peniston Whally. The Serjeant to take his word for a week as to the dispatch of his bills of exchange.
Same read from Robert Gilbert, High Collector of the Aids for the lathe of St. Augustine, Kent. To have his liberty in order to go to Sir W. Doyly to get a certificate that the money is paid; he having paid in 696l. 18s. 1d.
Same read from John Webster. His desire granted according to the Attorney General's report.
Same read from Captain Rooth. Referred to the Earl of Anglesey. My Lords know not why the Earl may not make him an assignment like others on the 80,000l. for seamen's wages due before 1666–7, Jan 1.
Peer Williams's certificate read. To be paid out of the first money in the Exchequer.
Petition read from the poor of St. Magnus in London. The men that brought this petition are to be heard whether they are building this church and do now help their poor [thereby].
Petition read from Aphra Stevens. The Excise Commissioners to report the state of her case.
Alderman Backwell to go to Sir J. Duncomb to-morrow, and Mr. Colvill and Meynell and Snow to come to Sir G. Downing to-morrow to lend money on the seamen's orders.
Petition read from Cap. Fisher's daughters. The acquittance read that they paid 500l. for that pension. My Lords can do nothing in it. Same read from Judith Hobson. My Lords can do nothing in it. Same read from Jo. Wingfield. To be paid when there is money. Same read from Henry Devick. He is to state how this money is to be employed, and produce his patent.
The King to be moved about restoring to the proprietors the land taken from them at Portsmouth for fortifications, there being at present no money to pay them for it.
Petition read from Sir Thomas Peyton. Sir C. Harbord to certify the value of the woods and as to the omission of the underwood.
Same from the Lord Mayor of London for 4,000 chaldron of coal for the poor free of all tolls, &c. Warrant ordered, "but the patent to be first viewed."
Same from Sir (Mr.) William Moreton. Sir C. Harbord to report the value: and to send to my Lords a copy of the [late] Lord Treasurer's instructions about letting [Crown] lands.
Same from the King's coachmen. The Customs are farmed, so the King cannot abate them.
Same from Tho. Tooth and Abr. Grotton. Ordered to be paid when there is money. The like order on the certificate concerning the Pages of the Bedchamber.
Sir Robert Long's certificate as to the Jamaica money read. To be settled when there is money.
Certificate as to Lord Colepeper read. Ordered that he be placed on the post fines in due order in the Exchequer, but first to show a copy of his grant.
Petition read from Sir Sam. Sterling (Starling). To attend on Tuesday with the Excise Commissioners.
Lord Hawley's warrant read. Referred to Sir Robert Long and Sir Charles Harbord.
Lady Brentford called in and her petition received. She shall be paid out of the first money that comes in.
Warrant for 571l. 4s. 0d. to Sir Jo. Robinson for the Tower.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 52–4.]
Feb. 10.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Write Mr. Williamson to print in the Gazette that clause about the Exchange Office, for three weeks more successively.
Sir Jo. Robinson is to speak with Mr. Wharton to see if he will take his militia money and assign him an order on the Eleven Months' tax or elsewhere for it. Sir G. Downing to speak with Mr. Wharton about this.
Petition from Sir D. Gawden read about his Poll orders. He is to give the names of his creditors for that money, and my Lords will try to satisfy them with orders on the Chimney money.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Lord Arlington about 200l. for Sir William Temple on the 10,000l. Privy Seal.
Mr. Gilbert to be discharged, but to account in 14 days. Mr. White of Oxford to have his liberty for 14 days on bail.
Sir Robert Long's warrant for 500l. is granted, but not yet to be registered.
Sir. C. Harbord brings a copy of the King's instructions for letting lands.
Write the Navy Commissioners that the Earl of Anglesey has 5,000l. to furnish for the hemp lately contracted for by them for ready money.
Mr. Scawen to bring in his account of Cornish Hearth money in a week.
The King's officers of the Customs are to certify as the Customs Farmers desire.
Mr. Foster called in about the subsidies from Irish peers by Irish Act of Parliament. My Lords see no reason why they should not pay [when resident in England]. The Attorney and Solicitor General and Sergeant Maynard to attend on Tuesday week to advise how such Irish peers as live in England may be compelled to pay such subsidies, &c., as are charged on them in Ireland.
Sir G. Downing to speak with Mr. Williamson about a warrant for 2,000l. for Sir Tho. Harvy.
Mr. Knipe to attend to-morrow with Sir Edmond Sawyer.
A note read about some hangings of the Earl of Manchester. Mr. Richard Cooling to attend about it to-morrow.
A proposition about wood read. To be referred to the Navy Commissioners.
Money warrant ordered for 1,000l. out of the wood farm for the discoverers; in accordance with the Order of Council.
Warrant for Sir Alexander Frazier's pay as the King's physician.
Mr. Peryn and Mr. Terry to attend to-morrow with the Huntingdonshire men.
Sir G. Downing to advise what title to give the Commissioners of Accounts.
Sir John Pretyman, Sir William Bowles and Mr. Pretyman to attend on Tuesday. Sir John shows my Lords his petition to the House of Commons for his privilege.
The Cofferer's interest account to be considered on Thursday.
Alderman Bucknall says he [Bucknall] is the man that prosecutes against him [Mr. Papillon] about the King's duty on brandy. [To consider] whether brandy be strong waters now that he will bring this matter into the Exchequer from the Excise Commissioners. A warrant therefore ordered to take off the non prosequi in Pallin's [Papillon's] case about Canary wines.
Mr. Bridgeman to attend to-morrow to put in the 1,000l. which Mr. Lilly is minded to lend into the Exchequer on Sir Stephen Fox's 68,000l. [68820].
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 54–6.]
Feb. 11.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
The Earl of Carlisle called in. Moves for the remainder of his ordinary, &c., as Ambassador to Muscovy. Warrant for same on the Chimney money.
Write the Navy Commissioners to hasten their report concerning the Victualler's proposition.
Viscount Andover prays for 500l. of his pension to pay Sir Francis Dorrington.
Lord Howard of Escrick to have his impost bill given him.
The Equerries move for their salary during the year of suspension and since. The Cofferer to attend with them to-morrow to know why he cannot give them assignments.
The Earl of Anglesey called in: says he has not the [pay] books for the ships now come in.
Sir Thomas Harvy's Privy Seal is complete and in Sir J. Duncomb's hands.
The Attorney and Solicitor General and the Lord Chief Baron to attend Thursday week about redeeming a mortgage to Mrs. Pawlett of Ludlow.
The Earl of St. Albans and Sir Henry Wood called in: move for assignations for 15,000l. for the Queen Mother. The King to be moved herein. Said Earl also moves for his allowance of 1,000l. per an. as Governor of Jersey.
Write Alderman Backwell to pay in forthwith the 2,000l. which he is willing to lend for over interest money in the Exchequer. Sir Stephen Fox to assign him orders for it in repayment. Ordered that 1,000l. be put into Sir Ste. Fox's hands for secret service [to meet the said 2,000l. from Backwell], and then 1,000l. into some Privy Seal Sir Ste. Fox is passing.
Sir William Temple's accounts are to be signed by himself and a Secretary [of State] before the money is paid. Mr. Williamson to know this.
Certificate read from Mr. Lightfoot, &c., concerning the bridges at Hampton Court. Mr. May to view and estimate for the repairs.
Warrant for 2,000l. for the officers of the Works.
Sir Thos. Modiford's certificate read, moving for 2,500l. for this year for Jamaica.
Sir Ph. Warwick and Mr. Sherwyn to send [to the Treasury] all the accounts of the late Lord Willoughby's relating to his government of Barbados: and the Clerk of the patents to send Lord Willoughby's patent.
Write the Chimney Farmers that my Lords doubt whether any money of Lady Day, 1666, can be levied after Lady Day next, and that therefore they take care the money be all levied in time. My Lords will write no more letters to them about it.
Sir Sam Starling and the Excise Commissioners called in about said Starling's abatements for the Norfolk Excise. To be adjusted in the same way others have been. The Excise Commissioners present something concerning Mr. Butts' account.
The sheriff of Monmouth to attend concerning Cadwallader Jones's estate in Monmouthshire.
The Excise Commissioners report about the money due to Christ Church. Also about Mrs. Stevens that they are at suit with her. Ordered to go on with the trial.
Mr. Ball reports that he paid not interest to some at Cambridge for some quarters as they demand because they had not paid so much money as for which they demand interest. "So must only have interest for what is allowed them not for all was proved: and that no interest be allowed for any more than what allowed by my Lords." Mr. Laurence to draw an order to this effect. Mr. Ball also moves for an allowance for his Teller, whom he is enforced still to keep.
Mr. Butts' and Mr. Stockden's friends called in: propose that if allowance be made to them for their losses by the plague and small pox they will pay the remainder.
A draft of a Privy Seal left by Mr. Laurence for indemnifying him as to the tin lease.
Sir W. Doyly to certify what he gives Mr. Laurence for what he employs him, and what Laurence has from the Excise as Solicitor of Excise.
The minister and churchwardens of St. Magnus called in about the perpetuity to their parish. Warrant ordered for what is due.
Sir Edm. Sawyer to prepare Mr. Knipe's accounts to be declared. Process of immediate extent to go out.
Captain Titus's fee as Governor of Deal Castle to be paid.
Mr. Cooling says the Earl of Lauderdale affirms that these hangings were the Duke of Hamilton's, which is all their claim to them: whereupon the King gave order for their appraisement, and the Lord Chamberlain only certifies they are appraised. The King to be spoken to about this matter. If the King lets them buy these hangings he must buy others in their stead.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 56–9.]
Feb. 12.
Present: all my Lords.
Sir Ste. Fox called in: moves for four months' pay for the several garrisons. Warrant for 8,028l. 10s. 8d. on the Customs. Warrant also on the Excise for the Guards and other garrisons.
Warrant for 707l. 19s. 0½d. to Sir Edward Griffin for Stevens.
Sir Edw. Carteret's petition referred to the Attorney General to certify what is to be done to preserve the King's title. Mr. Bancroft to be heard herein.
The Cofferer called in with the Equerries. He says they are paid up to Michaelmas last; that as soon as the assignments are a little nearer in April the Greencloth will set them out another half-year. My Lords will be willing also to pay them their year of suspension when there is any fund to pay them on. Mr. Cofferer also moves about his interest account. My Lords say that by letter from the Greencloth it appears not when the moneys were borrowed or [re] paid, so in as great uncertainty as before. But the Cofferer offers his oath. My Lords will offer this matter to the King in Council.
Thomas Windham's petition read. To be considered with the first.
The Order of Council read for Thomas Warren. Referred to the Navy Commissioners.
Petition read from the Farmers of the London Excise about Joshua Holland of Chatham. Holland to be summoned to attend next Tuesday. Same read from Col. Burges. To be considered after Easter when there's money. Same read from Ann Windham. To be paid as soon as there is money. Same read from John van Hasdunk (Haesdonck) concerning a wrong entry made in a Privy Seal. Process stayed, and Sir Robert Long and Sir Ph. Warwick to certify the truth of the case. Same read from Sir Francis Clark, late Receiver of Hearth money for Kent. Process stayed, and his case to be reported to the King with others of the like nature.
Mr. Papillon called in concerning the ship with the Canary wines. Is told that for the East India Company's sake my Lords will renew the non prosequi, though they know the value of the ship and the law against [her].
Auditor Phillips to deliver his notes and papers about Sir G. Carteret's, Mr. Meynell's or any other's interest accounts to Auditor Aldworth.
A paper read about 2,000l. for the Earl of Bristol. His Privy Seal to be produced.
Warrant for 200l. to Col. Tho. Howard on the wood farm.
The Sergeant to bring Mr. Powell to-morrow; and his Auditor, Mr. Hill, to attend then.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 59–60.]
Feb. 13.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Controller, Sir W. Coventry, Sir J. Duncomb.
Mr. Killegrew and the Auditor called in about Mr. David Powell, late sheriff of Monmouth [sic for Montgomery], and Receiver of the 18 Months' assessment for co. Montgomery. Warrant for an immediate extent to issue for moneys due from him on the 18 Months' tax.
The late Customs Farmers called in about their late farm account and the Customs Commission account. Say there's but 35,000l. due to them. Ordered to give under their hands a list of all the tallies that are paid. The Farmers present an affidavit of a force [violence] put on some of their officers. Henry Dean, the officer, to go again to Sir John Robinson, the Justice of the Peace concerned herein, with the complaint, and Sir G. Downing to speak with said Robinson that he execute the law.
Sir Gilbert Talbot leaves a bill of extraordinaries for his employment as Envoy Extraordinary to Denmark.
The East India Company and Mr. Pepis called in about an account of some ships hired by the King to go to the East Indies, viz. the "Mary," "Rose," "Leopard," "Dunkirk," and "Convertine." My Lords offer upon the whole to take 7,600l. if that will satisfy the East India Co. Sir William Thompson says this is much too much, but will take time to acquaint the Company.
My Lords to move the King in Council about the business of Bombay, that it may be considered on Saturday at a Committee of the Council.
Mr. Bendish, Receiver of Norfolk, and Sir William Doyly to attend to-morrow.
Sir John Banks offers a petition. To be read with the first.
Alderman Backwell prays his interest account may be referred to Auditor Aldworth. Ordered. Sir Henry Wood to attend on Monday concerning interest on Backwell's loans for the Queen Mother.
Backwell to order the sale of the tin at Amsterdam at the best rate he can.
Sir D. Gauden's ordinary monthly provision out of the Customs to be paid.
A warrant for three months' pay for Tangier when Mr. Pepis brings the particulars what it comes to.
Sir Rob. Long to attend to-morrow about the certificates lately sent to him from the Navy Office: my Lords being also desirous to press the despatch of the Victualler of his monthly supply out of the Customs.
Mr. Sayer and Mr. Cranfeild called in about Barbados business. Auditor Beale to send to my Lords the late Lord Willoughby's accounts. Lord Willoughby's creditors to be also heard.
Mr. Sayer to be heard when the 1,000l. for the wood farm is to to be distributed.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 60–2.]
Feb. 14.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir T. Clifford, Sir J. Duncomb.
A Journal book for caveats to be kept.
Mr. Morice to be heard before anything be done as to defalcations for Customs or Excise in Ireland. The Farmers there to make their demands for the whole time.
Warrant for one year's pension to Sir Jo. Cloberry and Sir Ra. Knight: and for 100l. to Mrs. Langhorn.
Mr. Marm. Darcy to attend on Monday as to his Privy Seal.
Lord Aungier called in: presents a letter from the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland.
Write the Earl of Anglesey to certify to whom he delivered the duplicates of each year's accounts for Ireland while he was Vice-Treasurer there.
Sir D. Gauden's creditors for the 50,000l. on Poll orders to attend on Tuesday next.
Sir Robert Long reports about the Navy certificates.
Mr. Butts's petition to be read on Monday.
Sir John Shaw to attend on Tuesday about Sir Morice Berklye's Dunkirk account, in which said Shaw was deputy to said Berkley.
Referred to the Attorney General to advise what to be done in law about the registering or not registering of the Navy certificates on the Additional Aid and the Eleven Months' tax, viz. as to whether the latter tax be to make good any shortage on the certificates on the former tax, and whether the Exchequer be still obliged to receive certificates for goods for the Navy now that the war is ended.
Sir Tho. Player to satisfy my Lords as to the 300l. Exchequer, &c. charges on his Privy Seals: before his Privy Seal be signed.
The Lieutenant of the Tower to be acquainted that Lord Arlington must get directions about his exchanging his militia money: but a warrant from my Lords to Mr. Wharton to pay said Lieutenant.
"Mr. Gifford's Privy Seal to be carried to the King for his hand by a Secretary of State: it being for a pension."
Mr. Scawen's Firehearth account to be sent to the Treasury by Auditor Parsons on Monday next.
Lord Ashley's report is made concerning papers carried to the King: viz. as follows:—The King will do nothing on Lady Fanshaw's petition for a further term; because of the consequence of it. Sir John Robinson to pay his militia money to the Ordnance, and then the Treasury to direct the Ordnance to pay him his bills. The King will do nothing in Mr. Munford's business. Mr. Waterhouse's Privy Seal signed by the King. Also Viscount Hinchinbroke's Privy Seal. Also Sir Gilbert Talbot's warrant for paying all New Year's gifts to the Privy Purse.
Sir D. Gauden's Privy Seal on the Customs to be made ready for my Lords signing a warrant.
[Treasury Minute Book II. pp. 62–4.]