Entry Book: July 1667

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Entry Book: July 1667', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp168-174 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1667', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp168-174.

"Entry Book: July 1667". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp168-174.


July 1667

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 1]
Petition from Sir John Wyntour concerning his liability (under the sign manual of 1665, July 15) to enclose and perfect certain nurseries for ship timber for the Navy out of the waste lands of the Forest of Dean. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 4.
July 1 Money warrant for 5,000l. to George Cock, Treasurer for Sick and Wounded. Ibid, XVII. p. 20.
Same for 1,000l. to Sir George Carteret in further part of the sea service for the present year. Ibid.
Signature by my Lords of Treasury orders of this day for 2,500l. to the Treasurer of the Navy for wages, &c.: of June 29 for 787l. 19s. 0d. to John Young for provisions delivered to the stores at Deptford: for 504l. 7s. 4½d. to Thomas Pit for cordage delivered at Portsmouth: for 120l. 1s. 3d. and 828l. 14s. 7½d. to James Barton (Burton) for provisions delivered at Portsmouth. Treasury Order Book XXXV. pp. 18–19.
July 2 Same by same of Treasury orders of this day for 300l. to the Bishop of Winchester in repayment of loan: for 500l. to Sir Orlando Bridgman for same: of July 1 for 1,114l. to Sir Robert Southwell, Envoy residing in Portugal. Ibid, pp. 19–20.
Royal sign manual for 30,000l. for the Victualler of the Navy in further part of the victualling this year. (Money warrant hereon July 4.) Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. pp. 21, 22–3.
July 4 Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 712l. remaining due on a tally of Jan. 31st last for 1,112l. to John Lord Robartes, Lord Privy Seal. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 5.
July 4 Money warrant for 10,000l. to William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, for the Household. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. p. 22.
Same for 30,000l. to Sir George Carteret in further part of 425,833l. 6s. 8d. for the victualling. (Orders hereon drawn July 15, and signed Sept. 3 by my Lords.) Ibid, pp. 22–3; Treasury Order Book, XXXV. p. 40.
July 5 Privy Seal for 1,020l. to John Barker, Esq., being so much furnished to the Earl of St. Albans for the King's service in France. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XV. pp. 7–8.
The Treasury to the Archbishops and all the Bishops to cause their respective Receivers of Tenths to send to the Treasury a speedy accompt of their receipts and payments: and for the like account to be sent every quarter day. Ibid, XXXIX. p. 199.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay two tallies for 200l. each to Lord George Berkeley. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 5.
Same to Viscount Fanshaw to suspend process against Andrew Noell, late Receiver of Firehearth money for co. Rutland. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 9.
July 6 Treasury order for 20,000l. to the East India Co. in repayment of loan. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 21.
July 9 The Treasury to Mr. Agutter and Mr. Wallis to see that several sums, detailed, in the hands of several under-sheriffs and constables, late Collectors of the Firehearth money in co. Northampton, are duly paid to John Eakins, late Receiver of same. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 9.
Signature by my Lords of Treasury orders: of July 3 for 149l. 8s. 3½d. to Christopher Coles for provisions delivered into the stores at Portsmouth: of July 5 for 1,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy for wear and tear: of July 6 for 400l. to Lord Ashley in repayment of loan: for 100l. to Dr. Nathaniel Hardy for repayment of loan: for 1,776l. 10s. 3d. to John Downing for anchors delivered to the stores at Deptford: for 100l. to the Bishop of Exeter in repayment of loan. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 21.
Petition to the Treasury from Alonzo de Villa, Master Domingo Morillo and Francisco Camino, mariners of the Spanish ship "St. Antonio," concerning the seizure of some wax. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 6.
July 10 The Treasury to Sir Joseph Seymour and William Gwynn, Auditors, to make up the account of John Ekyns, late Commissioner for receiving arrears of Hearth money in [co. Northampton] setting in super moneys still remaining in the the hands of any High Constable, &c., &c.: and to pursue the same rules in the accompts of all other receivers. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. pp. 10–11.
Treasury order for 300l. to Sir Thomas Rich in repayment of loan. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 22.
July 11 Money warrant for 2,480l. to Theobald Earl of Carlingford for his disbursements as Envoy Extraordinary to Germany. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. p. 33; Treasury Order Book XXXV. pp. 29–30.
Same for 460l. for a quarter's ordinary from the 3rd instant to Oct. 3 next to Thomas Thynne, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Sweden. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. p. 24.
July 11 Money warrant for 3,000l. to Baptist May, Keeper of the Privy Purse, for the Privy Purse. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. pp. 24–5.
Royal sign manual for registering the 1,600l. (due to the Ambassadors at Breda for two months to the 8th inst.) on the Eleven Months' tax: also the 2,480l. for the Earl of Carlingford's disbursements as late Envoy Extraordinary to the Emperor of Germany: also the 112l. to Nicholas Morice, Secretary to the Ambassadors at Breda. Ibid, p. 30.
Treasury warrant for the arrest of William Nash, alehouse-keeper, near Deptford. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 6.
The Treasury to the Justices of Peace of Anglesea to render all assistance to Col. Whitley, late Receiver of Firehearths there, in collecting arrears. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 30.
Same to Lord Widdrington to speedily collect the arrears of Hearth money from the town of Berwick, and to use the money in carrying on the fortifications of the garrison there. Ibid, p. 35.
July 12 Same to Auditor Chislett to state Mr. Allestry's account as late Receiver of Hearth money in co. Derby; he having lost several papers and acquittances, whereby he cannot pass a regular accompt of his collection, and is therefore unwilling to pay according to the highest roll. Ibid, pp. 11–12
Same to Edward Seymour, late Receiver of the Aids for Devon, to attend concerning his accounts. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 15.
Petition read (on reference from the King of June 29 last) from Sir Cyrill Wyche concerning his attempts to discover a mine of lead ore in the manor of Denbigh. Referred to Sir Charles Harbord. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 5
Money warrant for 112l. to Nicholas Morice for two months to July 8 next as Secretary to the Extraordinary Embassy to Breda. Ibid, XVII. pp. 19–20.
Same for 617l. 8s. 0d. to Sir John Robinson for the garrison of the Tower, May 11 last to June 22. Ibid, p. 25.
The Treasury to Sir Robert Long to take care that the Attorney and Solicitor General are paid their fees in the Exchequer as the Judges are. Ibid.
Warrant from the Treasury to the Receipt for discharge of the baronet fee of 1,095l. due from John Hollman, of Banbury, co. Oxford. Ibid, p. 26.
Same from same to same to allow in account to Viscount Brouncker, on the rent of the farm of issues of jurors, divers sums amounting to 974l. 15s. 1d.: said farm having been granted to Sir William Brouncker by indenture of date 1640, April 30, at the rent of 1,000l. per an.: the present Viscount Brouncker acting as administrator to his father, said Sir William, herein. Ibid, pp. 26–8.
Prefixing:—Certificate by the Auditor of the Receipt of the allowances due as above for fines, &c., pardoned or nichilled, &c., &c.
Money warrant for 1,020l. to John Barker for so much furnished to the Earl of St. Albans for His Majesty's service in France. Ibid, pp. 28–9.
July 12 Money warrant for 572l. 19s. 0d. to Viscount Mordaunt for six weeks' pay of the garrison of Windsor Castle to June 22 last. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. p. 29.
July 15 Same for 2,000l. to the Earl of Anglesey in part of 5,000l. directed to him by special order of the Privy Council of the 12th inst. Ibid, p. 31.
Same for 700l. to the Duke of Albemarle for horses for the King and Queen. Ibid, pp. 31–2.
Warrant from the Treasury to the Receipt to register on the Eleven Months' tax the particulars of the King's 200.000l. detailed, ut supra p. 164. (Vacated and re-entered July 25.) Ibid, p. 32, 39–40.
Same from same to the Auditor of the Receipt to take care that Sir Thomas Beverley, a Master of Requests, be paid his fee to June 24 last. Ibid, p. 36.
Privy Seal for the issue of 750l. to Sir Allen Apsley, for Midsummer quarter last on the pension payable to James Duke of Cambridge, who died before the completion of said quarter: same to be answered to the Duke of York. (Money warrant hereon dated July 22.) Ibid, XV. p. 10; XVII. p.38.
July 16 Petition from Nicholas Smith (on reference from the Privy Council of the 12th inst.), concerning the King's plate concealed by Henry Chapman, of Petworth, Sussex. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 4.
Referred:—To Mr. Anderton and Mr. Mills, justices of peace of Sussex.
Signature by my Lords of Treasury orders of July 11 for 500l. to Lord Brooke in repayment of loan: for 1,000l. to Sir Thomas Allen for same: of 24 orders for, in all, 15,300l. to Samuel Pepys for Tangier garrison. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p.23.
The Treasury to the Customs Farmers, concerning the Customs on certain silks, looking-glasses, &c., for the King. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 6.
Treasury warrants for the arrest of James Peirce, servant to William Nash, a victualler, near Deptford, for secreting French goods in Nash's house. Also for the arrest of Robert Fowler, of Dover, for same. Ibid, p. 7.
Same to the Customs Farmers to deliver duty free to Jean Sponbergh 30 tuns of French and Spanish wines for the use of the Ambassadors from Sweden. Ibid, p. 8.
The Treasury to Sir William Godolphin, Bart., Receiver of the Crown revenues for Devon and Cornwall, for an account of the yearly value of the revenue under his receipt, and of the pensions and other constant payments charged thereon. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 5–6.
The like to all the other Receivers of Crown revenues detailed, viz.:—
Sir John Watts, Receiver for London, Middlesex, Essex and Herts.
Charles Read, Receiver for Lennox lands in Yorkshire.
William Spencer, Receiver for Lancaster, Westmorland and Cumberland.
Bevis Lloyd, Receiver for South Wales.
John Eccleston, Receiver for Suffolk and Cambridge.
John Harvy, Receiver for Lincoln.
Mr. Wosely, Receiver for Beds. and Bucks.
Thomas Oliver, Receiver for Stafford, Hereford, Salop and Worcester.
Maurice Wynn, Receiver for North Wales.
Francis Ridley, Receiver for Oxford and Berks.
William Greene, Receiver for Warwick and Leicester.
Maurice Wynn, Receiver for Chester.
Robert Wyvell, Receiver for Richmond, Durham and Northumberland.
John Bennett, Receiver for Somerset and Dorset.
Thomas Bland, Receiver for York.
Robert Scowen, Receiver for Southampton, Wilts and Gloucester.
Sir John Cuttler, Receiver for Notts and Derby.
Sir George Benyon, Receiver for Northampton and Rutland.
Sir Edmond Pooley, Receiver for Norfolk and Huntingdon.
[? July 16] A note of the names of the respective Receivers of Tenths of all the dioceses of England and Wales. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIX.p. 200.
July 17 Money warrant for 3,376l. 6s. 8d. to Sir Stephen Fox for the pay of the two maritime regiments for one month to June 22 last. Ibid, XVII. p. 33.
Same for 10,013l. 1s. 0d. to same for one month to the new forces of the Guards. Ibid, p. 34.
Same for 16,982l. 2s. 6d. to same for pay of the old forces of the Guards, June 22 last to August 3. Ibid, pp. 34–5.
The Treasury to the Customs Farmers to pay a tally for 460l. to Thomas Thynne, His Majesty's minister in Sweden. Treasury Outletters Customs I.p.8.
Treasury warrant to same to discharge a seizure of wax belonging to Alonzo de Villa, et al, Spaniards. Ibid, pp. 10–11.
Prefixing:—Petition from said de Villa, et al, and report from the Customs Farmers thereon.
Signature by my Lords of a Treasury order of July 15 for 20l. to William Wardour for attendance in vacations. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 25.
July 18 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant of the office of Collector of the rents of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem in London to John Watts. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 9.
Prefixing:—Particular of said office.
Signature by my Lords of Treasury orders of July 15 for 300l. to Sir Harbottle Grimston, in repayment of loan: for 100l. to Dr. Thomas Holbeech for same: of July 16 for 100l. to Dr. Patrick for same: for 200l. to John Fountayne for same: for 100l. to Sir John Maynard for same. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 26.
Money warrant for 934l. 14s. 8d. to the Earl of Bath for the garrison of Plymouth, May 9 last to July 4. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. p. 35.
Same, dormant, for 100l. a year to Sir William Morice for his office of one of the Principal Secretaries of State. Ibid, pp. 35–6.
July 19 Treasury warrant to Richard Aldworth, Auditor of Crown revenues for co. Northumberland, to allow in account to George Williamson, Receiver of Hearth money for co. Cumberland, 108l. 8s. 5d. in lieu of a moiety of his increase of that revenue. Ibid, p. 36.
Money warrant for 225l. to Dame Rebecca Williams for nine months to June 24 last on her 300l. per an. for keeping her house for the reception of Ambassadors. Ibid, p. 37.
The Treasury to Robert Johnson, late Receiver of Firehearth money in Northumberland, to collect certain arrears of said money. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 14.
July 19 The Treasury to the Farmers of Hearth money to allow to Robert Johnson, late Receiver of Hearth money in Northumberland, 12d. in the £ for himself and 2d. in the £ for the petty constable, on his receipts. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 15.
July 22 Money warrant for 10,000l. for Sir Stephen Fox, for the new forces of the Guards to August 3 next. Ibid. XVII. p. 37.
Signature by my Lords of Treasury orders of July 18, for 100l. to Sir William Moreton for repayment of loan: for 1,000l. to Sir George Sonds for same: for 100l. to Dean Ryves for same: for 100l. to Dr. Jones for same. Treasury Order Book XXXV. pp. 26–7.
July 23 Money warrant for 200l. to William and Robert Packer, Ushers of the Receipt. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XVII. p. 39.
The Treasury to the Customs Farmers to pay to Edward Backwell certain tallies detailed, amounting in all to 16,000l. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 11.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to suspend process against Thomas Rogers, late Receiver of Hearth money for Surrey. The like for Robert Challenor, late same for co. Somerset: for James Warwyck, late same for co. Westmorland: for William Christian, late same for co. Durham: and for the widow of Mr. Estcourt, late same for co. Wilts. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 17.
Signature by my Lords of Treasury orders of July 22 for 5l. to Dr. Read for repayment of loan: for 300l. to Anna Vivian for same: for 100l. to Sir William Merrick for same: for 35l. for Edward Falconberge and six other officers, detailed, in reward of service. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 27.
July 24 Fresh Treasury order (in place of one lost) for 20l. to Joseph Glanville, for repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 32.
The Duke of Albemarle to Peniston Whaley, to despatch his account for the Hearth money, for Kesteven, co. Lincoln. King's Warrant Book XXXVI. p. 18.
July 25 The Treasury to the King's Remembrancer to suspend process against Bevis Lloyd, late Receiver of Firehearth money for Monmouth and Radnor: and against Walter Vaughan, late same of Pembroke, Carnarvon and Cardigan. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 17.
Same to Laurence Bathurst, Receiver of the Aids in co. Gloucester, to demand various sums, detailed (in all 4,000l. 15s. 10½d.), due and unpaid by the collectors, detailed, of the various hundreds under the late Receivership of Nicholas Veele. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 16.
Treasury warrant to Auditor John Phelipps, to deliver to Sir Edmond Pooley a rental of the Crown revenues of Norfolk and Huntingdon, in charge before said Auditor. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 7.
Signature by my Lords of Treasury orders of July 23 for 240l. 19s. 7½d. to John Harris, for sails for the navy: for 223l. 5s. 0d. to William Attaway, for boats for the navy: for 189l. 9s. 9d. to John Harris, for sails and wares for the navy: for 50l. to Dr. Stradling in repayment of loan: for 50l. to Dr. Perinchief for same. Treasury Order Book XXXV. pp. 28–9.
July 26 The Treasury to Sir Robert Crooke, Clerk of the Pipe. The lands given for the Queen's jointure have left scarce revenne in some counties to pay the certain annual payments fixed thereon, such as for creation money to noblemen. for hospitals, &c. Require a certificate of all farm rents, &c., &c., in each county in charge in the Pipe Office, distinguishing those payable to the Exchequer only, those payable either to the Exchequer or the sheriff, and those payable to the sheriff only: together with certificate of the certain payments fixed or charged on said revenues. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 6.
July 26 The Treasury to the King's Remembrancer to suspend process against John Lloyd, late Receiver of Hearth money for Glamorgan and Brecon. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 17.
July 29 Same to Robert Apprice and six others. detailed, to pay to Sir Thomas Estcourt, as surety for John Estcourt, all sums remaining unpaid on the Hearth money. Ibid, p. 20.
Same to the Customs Farmers to pay the tally of Jan. 16 last for 1,000l. to Sir Edward Turner, Speaker of the House of Commons. Treasury Outletters Customs I. p. 11.
Signature by my Lords of Treasury orders of July 24 for 610l. 15s. 9d. to Robert Foley for ironwork delivered to the stores: for 360l. 13s. 1d. to Christopher Coles for wares delivered to the stores: for 100l. to Dr. Triplet for repayment of loan: for 60l, to Dr. Lake for same: for 10l. to John Patrick, vicar, for same: for 41l. 18s. 3½d. to Christopher Coles for timber delivered to the stores: of July 29 for 1,237l. 14s. 4d. to Lord Widdrington for Berwick garrison. Treasury Order Book XXXV. p. 30.
July 30 Declaration of accompt of William Christian, late Receiver of Hearth money in the Bishopric of Durham. Treasury Miscellanea Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 52.
July 31 Treasury warrant to the Attorney and Solicitor General for a grant to Edward Deereing of the office of Receiver General of revenues in Suffolk and Cambridge, loco John Eccleston. Ibid, XXXVII. p. 10.
Money warrant for 5,000l. to Samuel Pepys for Tangier Ibid, XVII. p. 42.