Minute Book: July 1667, 1-15

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: July 1667, 1-15 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp23-37 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: July 1667, 1-15 ', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp23-37.

"Minute Book: July 1667, 1-15 ". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp23-37.


July 1667

July 1.
Present: All my Lords.
Lord Carlingford to have his 250l. fixed among the first.
Mr. May called in about Windsor. Mr. Powse, the new Receiver for Windsor in the place of Mr. Taylor, of Windsor, to attend my Lords to inform them of his receipts and arrears.
Warrant ordered for 1,000l. for Sir George Carteret out of loans, "upon which he is to receive noe money but a tally and order of loan for Sir Thomas Allen the seaman for 1,000l."
The Lord Privy Seal's tally to be paid by the Customs. "Mr. Comptroller will give me [Downing] the date and sum."
Mr. Allistree. Receiver for the Chimney money for Derby, called in, To have liberty to go to the country, and his accompt put to the last.
Mr. Cofferer called in [and informs my Lords] that he can get no moneys of the bankers. Ordered to consider what is absolutely necessary for the King's table.
Warrant to pay Sir George Carteret the 2,500l. brought in on Saturday by the brewers.
Sir John Winter called in. His warrant from the King read and the articles produced. Consider how the King shall be secured for performance of his covenants. Winter says that if his own 8,000 acres be not obliged to make up the fences by the present articles he is willing it should be so; as also a proportionable part of it for ever for maintaining the fences. The first article of the return read viz.: that no freeboard be left on the highways but each two miles or mile and that he has eight or ten acres to be left for a house on one side only, and that the highways should be 60 feet broad. The Attorney General and Surveyor General of Lands are to consider whether the whole land is obliged to make the fences and part to keep them up. A new commission to go out.
Mr. Melhuish, Receiver of Tenths for Lincoln, to attend on Wednesday about a tally on him for 200l. not paid.
Write the Bishops of every Diocese to know the receipts, issues and remains in the hands of the respective Receivers of Tenths from the time of their entrance into their see to this day.
[Ibid. pp. 41–3.]
July 1.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir John Duncomb.
The Customs Farmers to attend on Tuesday week.
Mr. Melhuish, Receiver of Tenths for co. Lincoln, to be sent for in custody.
Sir Edward Sawyer and Mr. Kilby called in.
Write the Customers [Customs Farmers] taking notice that from their certificate they have paid several sums without first [receiving my Lords'] order; and that they do it not for the future.
Write the Bishops that the Receivers of the Tenths send in their accompts of receipts and disbursements.
Write Terry, undersheriff of Cambridge, to pay in the Hearth money in his hands.
Write all the Auditors to give an accompt of all sheriffs' accompts as collectors of the Hearth money. Write also to the Clerk of the Pipe to the like effect.
Mr. Arden, Clerk of the Hearth money for Brixton Hundred, co. Surrey, to attend here Tuesday week. Mr. Rogers, Robert Boone and John Boone, Receivers of Chimney money for Surrey, to be sent for in custody. Mr. Adams, Receiver of the Hearth money for Sussex, called in. Ordered to make up his account by Sept. 10 next, and in the mean time to be prosecuted.
Write the Farmers of the Hearth money to know how the collection stands for 1666, Lady Day, for co. Sussex.
Mr. Potter, Collector of the Hearth money for Berks, to be arrested ("Lord Ashley not signed and so the warrant suspended"). Ralph Saunders, Receiver of same for co. Oxford. to be arrested; and Mr. Beacher, [same] for co. Beds.
Order to the Auditors to allow a moiety upon all improvements in the Hearth money made by the Receivers thereof.
Auditor Philips called in. Edward Keene, Receiver of the Hearth money for Suffolk, to pay in all by this day fortnight. Sir Robert Croke, Clerk of the Pipe, is to send in after the end of every term an accompt of all [Receivers] passing [accompts] in their office that term. Robert Hill, Receiver for co. Cambridge for the Hearth money, is to pay in his money by this day fortnight.
Mr. Jaye ordered to receive no more of the King's revenue. A commission ordered for Sir Edmond Pooley to be Receiver of the King's revenue for Norfolk and Huntingdon.
Charles Fitch, Receiver of the Hearth money for Essex, to attend this day week. Sir John Watts, same for co. Herts, allowed till the last of August to pay in his money. Sir John Robinson and Capt. Reeves, same for London and Middlesex, to have till Sept. 10 for the like. Edward Rivet and Edward Hunt, collectors for London and Middlesex, to be arrested. Mr. Porter, Receiver of the Hearth money for Oxford, to pay in by Sept. 10. A messenger to be sent for several collectors of Oxford.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 43–5.]
July 2.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Capt. Cooke called in. Is to adjust with Sir John Denham the business of the materials of the house pulled down in Nonsuch Park. "The tenant in the house belonging to the Master of the Works my Lord Berkeley's tenant, Capt. Cooke to make him appeare."
Auditor Persons is to state Mr. Veale's accompt from the beginning of his receipts.
The Cofferer of the Household is to send in an accompt of the state of his office and his weekly certificate.
Mr. Gauden to attend to-morrow.
Sir Edm. Sawyer called in about the Surrey accompt for the Chimneys. Mr. Boone, collector of the Hearth money for Surrey. called in and given till August 25 to accompt. Mr. Rogers, receiver of Surrey, called in and given till Sept. 10 for the like. Auditor Aldworth called in with Lieut. Col. Greethead, Collector of Hearth money for the West Riding of Yorkshire, and certain terms, detailed, laid down for the stay of the suit against him.
Write Sir Robert Long to pay the Ushers, Chamberlain and messengers of the upper Exchequer.
Mr. Christian, Receiver for Durham, called in. Ordered to pay in 600l. and then to be considered, as to the residue, for his extraordinary allowances for his discoveries.
"The farmers of the Chimney money satisfied as to Lady Day 1666." For the future if any pretend to any allowances on the Chimney money they are to produce their vouchers. Ordered that what was due at Michaelmas, 1664, of the Chimney money, and before, be paid into the Exchequer.
Sir John Shaw and Alderman Backwell called in and tendered the patent of their farm of the Customs to commence from 1667, Sept. 29. Ordered to have a copy of it, and that consideration be had of giving them tallies for their 200,000l. lent to the Treasurer of the Navy.
Sir John Shaw is spoken to [to know] why men are not paid in course; and is requested to pay Mr. Gauden's tally on the Customs for 2,379l. 8s. 4½d.
Sir John Shaw desired that the Customs Farmers should with Sir Anthony Coape prepare the business of re-building the Custom House that my Lords may have less trouble in it.
Mr. Johnson, Collector for the Hearth money for Northumberland called in. To pay in 500l. by August 1, and have 170l. allowed him. Mr. _, sheriff of Northumberland, collected nothing for this halfyear, and another sheriff for another half-year. Mr. Moore, Mayor of Berwick, collected the Chimney money for the first year for that place, and has in his hands about 52l. Ordered to be assigned to Lord Widdrington for the pay of Berwick garrison.
Write Sir Robert Long to know what each receiver of Tenths has paid in since 1660. Write the Auditors of the Imprest to know what the charge is upon each receiver of the Tenths and how each one's accompt stands.
Mr. Johnson to have an order for collecting what is in arrear.
Auditor Persons called in. It is ordered that all accompts when stated and sworn be brought before my Lords to be passed.
Mr. Cadwallader Jones to attend my Lords about the accompt of Mr. Harris, Receiver of the Hearth money for Devon.
Write the Auditors to certify the state of the accompts to this day of all the receivers of the King's revenue.
Mr. Scowen, receiver of the Hearth money for Cornwall, called in. Mr. Edgecomb, Deputy Clerk of the Peace for Cornwall, to attend on Friday next about knowing when he received the second rolls of the Chimney money. Mr. Scowen to be here then. Mr. Sexton, receiver of the like for Hampshire, called in. Ordered to come again with his accompt prepared. [Says] that the sheriff of Southampton town had not brought in his roll for the year 1663, when Sexton collected the arrears, but the year after the roll was brought in. Auditor Persons to hasten Sexton's accompt and Sexton to pay in 400l. immediately. Robert Challener, receiver of the Hearth money for Somerset, called in. Ordered to presently pay in 500l. and pass his accompts.
Sir Stephen Fox to attend to-morrow about his paper.
Answer to be given to Sir Jo. Prettyman that he is not my Lords' prisoner, so they have nothing to do in it.
Mr. Jaye to make oath that the moneys which he charges in the collectors' hands for the Chimney money of Norfolk are in their hands. A warrant to be granted him for them as he desires.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 45–8.]
July 3.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
The Duke of Albemarle's Privy Seal read, as Master of the Horse. Order for a warrant for 1,400l. therein: to be part of the 62,000l. for Sir Stephen Fox on the Eleven Months' tax.
Sir George Downing to speak with Mr. Colvile and consider how to settle the interest money on the Eleven Months' tax.
Mr. Gauden called in, and desires that his 30,000l. remaining of his 62,000l. may be fixed on the Eleven Months' tax. Ordered so. My Lords to move the King that for the future the Victualler of the Navy's Privy Seals be not in the Treasurer of the Navy's name but in his own name as anciently. Order for a warrant for 32,000l. to Sir George Carteret for the Victualler of the Navy on the Eleven Months' tax.
A civil letter [ordered to be written] to Sir Edmond Pooley with a commission therein [to him as Receiver of Norfolk] with civil expressions.
The East India Company will lend 20,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax on condition little is charged on the said tax in the mean time.
The officers of the Mint to send a weekly certificate of what they receive and pay and coin.
The Attorney General reports that Sir John Wintour's articles do oblige the land, which he is to have, to make the fences, and part to make them good. Ordered that said Winter have his commission renewed. His articles to pass the Great Seal.
The Attorney General reports concerning Mr. Taylor, of Windsor. What my Lords can do to expedite his suit in the Exchequer they are willing to do.
Auditor Persons and Mr. Veale called in about Veale's accompt for the Aids for Gloucestershire. Veale to make it appear that he has paid 223,000l. on tallies by producing the tallies or notes from the bancquiers specifying the tally on which he paid. Auditor Persons to state Veale's whole accompt as to the Royal and Additional Aids by Friday. Mr. Scowen to have order about the 4,405l. which Veale says is in the collector's hands, to inform himself if it be so. Veale offers to pay the interest of the 2,000l. he paid to Mr. Henry Killegrew.
Referred to Sir Charles Harbord to consider where the 200 acres for the King shall be taken in the Forest of Dean.
Ordered that all deputies to the auditors be sworn before they enter on their office. Write the auditors to send in the names of their deputies.
The Privy Council to be moved against a warrant for a Privy Seal for selling a ship to one Mr. Warren.
Mr. Trevanion says that when the waggons come he will pay all his arrears of the Royal and Additional Aids. Ordered that he pass his accompt and pay his money. A warrant ordered for his discharge.
Ordered that the extraordinary allowances be not made to the Chimney collectors but by representation to the King in Council, setting down the reasons of each abatement.
Sir William Pulteney called in. Ordered that Sir Thomas Allen, Sir Lancelot Lake, Mr. Philips, of Kempton Park, Sir William Poultney, Sir Philip Warwick and Sir Charles Herbert [Harbord] attend my Lords this day week about the dispute between Middlesex and Westminster over the Aids.
Sir Richard Oatley, Receiver for the Hearth money for Salop, called in. Prays suspension of process against him. Deputy-Auditor Chislott called in. Ordered that 28 days be given to said Oatley as Farmer of the Excise to bring up his agents, but he must perfect his accompt by August last, and pay in his money by Sept. 10. Process meanwhile to be stayed against him and Richard Scowen.
Auditor Persons called in again about the Fire Hearth money. Robert Napper, Receiver of said moneys for co. Dorset, called in. Thomas Worseley, Receiver of same for the Isle of Wight, to pass his account and pay in presently. The like order for Sir Thomas Escort, Receiver of same for co. Wilts. Deputy Auditor Chislett called in again. Mr. Eakins, Receiver of the Fire Hearths for co. Northampton, called in. Resolved that the half of his new discoveries will be allowed him by the Auditor, but that it's strange that he should have discovered 8,000 chimneys and yet but 300l. and odd pounds increase of the revenue. Ordered that all who pretend to discoveries shall make oath of it. A summons to be sent through Auditor Chislot to several constables in co. Northampton, to be named by said Eakins. Said Eakins to pay in presently 500l. and on the accompt to be allowed as far as may be. Andrew Noell and Mr. Holbidge, joint receivers of the like Fire Hearth Moneys for cos. Rutland and Leicester called in. Holbidge to pay in 500l. by Friday and the remainder by Sept. 10. Francis Dormer, Receiver of the like moneys for co. Warwick, called in. Alderman Backwell to be spoken to about 200l. of Mr. Dormer's in his hands. Dormer to expedite his accounts. Anthony Dormer, Receiver of the like moneys for co. Stafford, called in: says that the Lichfield returns are not yet come up, that he delivered it about a year and a half since to the Clerk of the Peace to send it up. Dormer to make up his account in ten days' time and pay in. Mr. Bowdler's account as Receiver of the like moneys for co. Hereford is considered, he being absent. Write him to pay in 500l. presently and pass his accounts by August last.
Ordered that the allowance for discoveries for chimneys be for one year only.
William Bullen, tenant at Nonsuch, appeared. Lord Berkeley to be spoken to.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 48–52.]
July 4.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Sir William Coventry.
The Commissioners for Sick and Wounded called in and presented a memorial that they can get no money upon their assignment upon the Eleven Months tax. Answered that in regard of the little money in the Exchequer my Lords cannot supply them.
Sir George Downing to draw up particular orders for suspending process against such of the Chimney collectors as have time given them.
Sir Anthony Cope and the Customs Farmers called in about re-building the Custom House. As to Sir Anthony's title, my Lords will not ravell to take it away because Sir Anthony's house burnt, nor give away anything of the King's right. Ordered that Mr. May, with Mr. Lawson and an architect to be appointed by Coape and the Customs Farmers, shall consider of the convenience fit for the King for the Customs and for the better convenience to trade.
Sir Robert Long, Sir George Downing and Sir Philip Warwyck are to consider together of Sir Thomas Ingram's letter about the revenue of the Duchy.
A certificate to be prepared for to-morrow to show my Lords how much the Act for the Eleven Months' tax is charged.
Sir John Robinson moved that some of my Lords should go with the King's letter to the East India Company.
Sir Stephen Fox called in. Warrant ordered for 6,472l. 7s. 0d. for a month's pay for the new forces.
Mrs. White called in and her husband's petition read. Ordered to pay in 1,000l. and then attend again.
Mr. Finch and the rest of the Excise officers called in and presented a report about the Farm of the Excise of co. Wilts. To be considered Monday next.
Warrant to Sir Robert Long to strike tallies for the Receivers of the issues of Jurors, for Viscount Brouncker.
Auditor Chislett called in. John Kite, Receiver of the Firehearth money for co. Worcester, called in. Ordered to pay in 100l. by August 4 next. Sir Philip Warwyck spoken to about what time he thinks fit for Mr. Warwyck for paying in the arrears of his collection of the Firehearth Money for Westmorland. Mr. Williamson, Receiver [of same] for co. Cumberland, to attend Monday next. Mr. William Kirby, Receiver of same for co. Lancs, is heard, he alleging that he compounded first with the county. To be considered Monday next. Ordered that any names which any of the auditors give of constables or collectors that have moneys in their hands, Sir George Downing write to them to let them know of the complaint, and that they pay in their money or they will be sent for. Mr. Broxholme, Receiver of the Firehearth Money for two Hundreds of co. Lincoln, called in and told that he shall have the half of his improvements for one year. "Mr. Chislett gave me [Downing] the names of the Constables of Lincolnshire that have moneys in their hands." Mr. Broxholme says he thinks but about 300l. in his hands, which he will presently pay in. Ordered that his discoveries shall be allowed in account.
Mr. Warren called in about the Privy Seal for buying a ship. [Resolved] that its irregular to have Privy Seals for the purchase of ships; that she be sold by the candle, and then if the King will give him the money he may; that if he put any servant on board he may and the officers of the Ordnance will bring about his goods.
Mr. Pennyston Whaley, Receiver of Firehearths for Kesteven, in co. Lincoln, to be sent for in custody, not having brought in his accompt. Mr. Cooper, same for co. Notts, called in; ordered to pay in 200l. this month of the 528l. 14s. 6d. in his hands, the rest by the middle of August. Mr. Allistree, same for co. Derby, called in. Desires to accompt by the Great Roll and willing to swear what he has received. To be considered Monday next. Mr. Nicholas Moseley, same for co. Chester, called in. Ordered to bring in his affidavit what moneys are in the sub-collectors' hands and they shall be sent for. Further ordered to pay in 140l. by August 15. Auditor Tudoll called in. Mr. Bevois Lloyd, Receiver of the Firehearths for cos. Monmouth and Radnor called in. To be considered on Monday next about the 461l. 19s. 4d. in his deputy's hands.
Mr. Deering's petition to be Receiver of Suffolk read. Referred for consideration.
The docquet for 1,000l. to Mr. Barker, on a bill of exchange from the Earl of St. Albans, to be passed.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 52–4.]
July 5.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Sir William Coventry.
Write Auditor Persons to expedite Mr. Scowen's accompt.
Write Sir Thomas Clergus and William Bowles, of Clerkenwell, to attend my Lords on Wednesday next about the difference between Middlesex and Westminster.
Write Mr. Watts, Collector of Yarmouth, to ask the Customer by what order he has received the moneys for the coinage.
Write Sir George Carteret to acquaint my Lords on Monday next what assignments or tallies he has had for all the regiments and land forces paid by him and what moneys he has paid.
Sir Daniel Harvey called in, concerning John Harvy, Receiver of the King's Revenue for co. Lincoln, who is in debt and arrear. Desires that Robert Mellish and William Mellish may be put in instead of said Harvey, they agreeing to pay the arrears due to the King. Sir George Downing to enquire who these men are.
Lord George Bartelet [Berkeley] called in about the rooms claimed by the officers of the Works at Nonsuch. Both parties are to set down their title. Write the Customs Farmers to pay Lord Berkeley the month due to him.
Sir John Wintour called in. Ordered that the surveyors, &c., certify where Sir John Wintor may best have 180 acres in the Forest of Dean instead of the free board, &c., so [i.e. provided that] the King have his entire 10,000 acres; and that when all this matter concerning the Forest of Dean is complete the Privy Council be acquainted with it.
Sir William Warren's petition read. Referred to the Navy Office to hasten the state of his accompt, deducting his interest and the payments on his Navy Bills, and then to consider how to ascertain his 21,000l. by tally or assignation.
Write the Commissioners [for the Royal Aid, &c.] of Devon to settle the business of the complaints of the inhabitants of Morebath and Clayhanger in the hundred of Bampton in said county at their general meeting, inclosing to them a copy of the petition from said hundreds.
Sir Edmund Sawyer called in [and complains that] the Commissioners for the Poll [money] return bills [of] what [is due] to be paid them: particular persons get certificates of exemption as having paid elsewhere; yet the Commissioners do not certify whether that deduction be part of the sum charged in the bills. Ordered: that the auditors in such cases cause the general receivers of such place to get such certificates; otherwise the abatements not to be allowed. My Lords will be ready to favour the Receivers with a letter to the Commissioners to that effect.
Lord Widdrington to be directed to gather the arrear of the Hearth Money for Berwick during the time the sheriff acted as receiver: same to be allowed to him for the fortifications of that place.
The Comptroller of the Excise brings in the account of the London and country Excise.
My Lords to meet Tuesday next about the Dean Forest business.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 55–6.]
July 9.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Sir William Coventry.
The Earl of Carlingford's [order for] 2,000l. to rank next to the Cofferer's and what else is already registered on the 200,000l.
Mrs. Eliz. Grey's petition read and referred to the Surveyor General. Ordered that in all such cases the petitioners assert the improved value of what they demand, and that the King give such directions to his Secretaries.
Write to the Customs to pay a tally of 500l. to the Duke of Albemarle dated Jan. 24 last.
The warrant for 270l. for so much expended in the Earl of Cleveland's funeral by Lord Arlington, to be passed.
Sir William Courtney's petition read. Nothing to be done herein till Mr. Brunkerst be heard.
The Farmers of the Chimney Money sent to for an account of their receipts for 1666, Lady Day, and of what they have paid to Sir Tho. Player.
Warrant to Sir Robert Long to pay Lady Williams.
Ordered that the Usher of the Exchequer take care to bring the 20,000l. into the Exchequer.
Mr. Horne, Woodward of Hampshire, to give an account of the proceeds of the offal wood and bark of the 500 tons of timber felled for the works of Portsmouth in 1666.
The Customs Farmers called in. My Lords will on Thursday next consider the papers of the Commission account [i.e. the Customs account during the time the Customs were in commission].
The two Auditors of the Imprest to be here when Col. Legg returns from Sheerness. The King to be moved about his letter of July 6 about landing some goods, Custom free, from a prize.
A paper brought in from the Farmers of the London Excise in answer to some papers given them. To be considered on Thursday next. My Lords to move the King about 2,000l. lent by them to the Earl of Carlingford. They will endeavour to pay 5,000l. more by Saturday next.
Write Sir George Carteret to send to my Lords a copy of his patent as Treasurer of the Navy. The Earl of Anglesey the like. The King to be moved for a Privy Seal authorising my Lords to pay moneys to the Earl of Anglesey, which by former Privy Seals were to be paid to Sir George Carteret.
Sir Phillip Warwick, Mr. Sherwyn and Sir George Downing are to state the whole Dunkirk account, and that of the whole tin at Ostend and London. Alderman Backwell to be sent to for an account about it.
The draft of a letter to the Auditors concerning Mr. Ekins's case relating to Chimney Money is to be considered by Sir Philip Warwick and Sir George Downing. Mr. Jay called in and ordered to get in the Chimney Money remaining uncollected, and to pay the receipts for 1666, Lady Day, to Sir Thomas Player. Mr. Williamson, Receiver of Firehearths for Cumberland, called in. The Auditor is to state what improvements he has made in that revenue.
Sir Robert Long's letter of the 9th inst. to Sir George Downing read.
Write the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster that my Lords desire from him a state of that revenue, and that their writing to his auditors was only as to others in general.
Mr. Terrill, undersheriff for co. Cambridge, to attend to-morrow.
Sir George Downing to draw out [a list of] the pensions out of [paid by] all receivers and paymasters on imprest.
The Pipe Office to be considered on Thursday week.
The petition of the Spaniards referred to the Customs Farmers.
Mr. Allistree called in. Desires to pay by the Great Roll and to be discharged. Ordered that he pay in, and in the end his request shall be considered, but not to be granted at present for the sake of precedent.
The Earl of Anglesey called in and moves for pay for the two marine regiments. To be considered when a certificate is brought from Sir Robert Long how far tallies have been struck for those regiments. Sir Stephen fox, being requested to inform my Lords how far tallies had been struck on co. Bucks for the two naval regiments, was called in and said that Sir George Carteret had 13,000l. which was remaining on that county.
Sir Stephen Fox's paper read, demanding 10,000l. to make up a month's pay for the new forces.
The Clerk of the Privy Council is to certify who of the said Council did promise to lend on the Eleven Months' tax and how much.
A paper read for [the assigning of] seizures in the Customs to the Privy Purse. Ordered that as this money comes into the Exchequer it be issued thence to the Privy Purse, with 3,000l. paid in pursuance of the Privy Seal of 1665, Sept. 5.
Sir John Winter is told that his business will be considered when Sir William Coventry is here.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 56–9.]
July 10.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir John Duncomb.
Mrs. Moone called in and claims that the King promised her 500l. per an. clear. Mr. Napper and the Tin Farmers to attend on Friday to give an account what they have paid of their rent to the King and what is behind unpaid.
Write all the Receivers of the Revenue not to pay any Pensions of Grace.
The Excise Commissioners called in and their report for the Wiltshire abatements to Mr. Warcup is read. Mr. Warcup and Mr. Veile called in. The Commissioners ordered to give in the books of accompt for Suffolk, Wilts and Kent from 1664, Mich. to 1665, Mich.; and generally that they endeavour to get in the books from all other farmers; also that they state the demands of the farmers of Wilts, Kent and Suffolk, with their opinions as to the allowances to be made. An affidavit read of Mr. Penystone Whally for Oxfordshire abatement. Sir William Blakeston's petition for abatements referred to the Excise Commissioners. The like for Westmorland. Warcup and Veile again called in. Process against them to be stayed.
Sir John Denham and Mr. May called in and presented a paper for provision of money for the Works on their 10,000l. per an., and further demanded 2,000l. to go on with Greenwich House. My Lords will consider their demand this day fortnight and settle them an assignment of 10,000l.
Sir Thomas Allen and the rest of the gentleman of Middlesex and Westminster called in. Sir Thomas Clerges opened the case in difference. Mr. Phillips replied. Ordered that the tax levied at the two general meetings by which the 30l. per month is levied on the five Hundreds of Middlewich is a legal tax and must be observed: that for the future if there is any grievance they may with those of Westminster have survey made of new buildings for the future guide but that the Act does not oblige the making such a survey: that the 1,500l. arrears must be paid by the five hundreds of Middlesex, and that the gentlemen of Middlesex be desired to take care in it and issue out their warrants, otherwise my Lords must have the money levied.
Mr. Scowen called in. Ordered to try to agree for Alderman Bond's house for two years.
Mr. Scowen to bring in the names of the defaulters on the tax on Tuesday next.
Write the Commissioners [for the Aids] for Cornwall to displace Mr. Wills, collector for the Aids, and to put the utmost of the law in execution against him. Write Sir Walter Moyle, John Glyn, George Heale, and Hammond Greenvill, some of the said Commissioners, to get the money out of the hands of Mr. Caskys (Cuskys).
Sir George Downing to give Lord Arlington the Commission for Exchanges [of money], in order to its passing the Great Seal.
Write Lord Townsend that my Lords take very kindly his intimation of the willingness of the gentlemen of the counties to lend on the Eleven Months' tax what they had on the Oxford Act; and that my Lords shall take care for tallies and orders accordingly for each person as the money grows due on the Oxford Act, unless particular intimation to the contrary be given by his Lordship.
Mr. Veile called in and ordered to pay the arrears of the county to Mr. Bathurst, in the country; further, to bring to-morrow security for the arrear of 2,627l. 6s. 0½d. His account for the Royal and Additional Aids to be sent to Mr. Scawen; as also Colonel Trevanyon's account for Cornwall.
Write Sir John Shaw to put the law in execution against those from whom moneys are due on the Act for Coinage from Dec. 20. Sir Edmond Turner's letter read. Ordered to hasten into the Exchequer what money is in hand in all the outports. The other part of his letter concerning his having appointed the Customers in the outports instead of the collectors to receive the coinage moneys is to be considered to-morrow.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 59–61.]
July 11.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Comptroller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
The Customs Commissioners called in and complain against William Nash, alehousekeeper at the half-way house between Deptford and London, in whose house great parcels of French goods were seized. "So soon as the goods were seized he rid away to the Exchange to acquaint the merchants." Order for the arrest of Robert Fowle, to whose name said Nash confesses.
Order for a warrant on Mr. Lewis's Privy Seal for 2,000l. on the prizes.
The Earl of Anglesey and Sir Stephen Fox called in. Sir Robert Long is to certify the ancient practice of paying the victualler; whether his moneys [issue from the Exchequer] under his own name or from the Treasurer of the Navy. The Earl of Anglesey to send a weekly certificate.
The Admiral's regiment to be considered.
Tallies to be struck on Sir Stephen Fox on the Excise as desired, for six weeks' pay for the old forces. The King to be moved whether the land forces paid by the Earl of Anglesey shall not be paid by Sir Stephen Fox; His Majesty's pleasure is to be signified in writing.
Ordered that when Sir Stephen Fox's 68,000l. is registered on the Eleven Months' tax he assign 15,000l. of it to the Cofferer. Further ordered that his [money warrant ?] be made up to 10,013l. 1s. 0d., whereof 2,500l. out on the loans of the London Excise farmers and the rest out of the loans on the Eleven Months' tax, viz. to make up a month's pay for the new forces.
Warrant to the Duke of Albemarle, Master of the Horse, to have 700l. (on his privy seal of 1,400l.) out of the loans of the London Excise Farmers and 700l. to be assigned by Sir Stephen Fox on his abovesaid 68,000l.
Warrant for 5,000l. for the Earl of Anglesey out of the loans on the Eleven Months' tax.
Mr. Veile, late Receiver of co. Gloucester. called in. Ordered that the Serjeant take him into custody. Mr. Seawen to take order that the present receiver collect the arrears.
Lady Frazer and other Ladies, the Queen's dressers, called in. My Lords to speak to the King about them.
Bevis Lloyd, collector of Hearthmoney for Monmouth and Radnor, called in. Warrants ordered for arrest of the persons that have his money in their hands.
Col. Whitley, Receiver of the Hearth money for Denbigh, Flint and Anglesea, called in and his account produced by the Auditor. Col. Whitley's deputy, Mr. Terrick, also called in, says much of those counties uncollected, and prays aid from my Lords. Ordered that a letter be written to the Justices of the Peace to assist him; and that Whitley account immediately for Flint and Denbigh. Mr. Williamson, Receiver of the Firehearth money for Cumberland, called in. Auditor Chislett to attend to-morrow morning about his account.
The Privy Seal for 1,020l. to Lord Arlington in Mr. Baker's name to be paid out of the loan from the London Excise Farmers.
Copies to be sent for of all the farms out of any part of the Customs as the Coal farm, Sir Robert Paston's farm on wood and all such.
Viscount Brouncker's paper considered concerning the fines of Jurors. The warrant signed.
Mr. Saxon, of Hampshire, ordered to pay in the other 200l. to Sir Thomas Player.
The Chimney Farmers written to to attend on Monday next about the moneys of Lady Day, 1666. Mr. Johnson to attend then concerning his payments to them on said moneys.
The Farmers of the London Excise called in. Their paper to be considered on Tuesday and no other business [to intervene]; nor any to be admitted into the outer room except them.
The Customs Farmers' report read on the Spaniards' petition. The parties to attend to-morrow.
Alderman Backwell called in, and Auditor Phillips gave in his account. To be considered next Thursday.
Mr. Scawen is to certify what money is in collectors' hands and what uncollected for co. Suffolk. Mr. Herlackenden, Receiver of Kent, to attend next Thursday to give in his account and moneys.
Warrant ordered for six months' pay to Windsor.
Ordered that my Lords speak with the King about Sir John Winter's business of the forest of Dean.
Viscount Hinchinbroke's draft of a Privy Seal to be brought hither.
Mr. Edmund Windham's docquet to pass. Sir George Downing to return answer that till he swear his deputy he make use of none.
The Auditors of the Imprests called in and are desired to be very strict in passing accounts.
Ordered that a time shall be appointed to consider of the Customs account for the time they were in commission.
Ordered that Sir George Downing pass the warrants for [discharging] all Baronets of their 1,095l. [as a matter] of course.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 61–4.]
July 12.
Present: All my Lords.
Ordered that process be stayed against the Cofferer till further order, he having brought to my Lords the state of his accounts which is under my Lords' consideration.
The remaining particulars of the 200,000l. to be registered in the course set down in the paper.
Ordered that Sir George Downing advising with Sir Philip Warwick and Sir Robert Long and Mr. Sherwyn, draw a Privy Seal to enable the paying of money to the Earl of Anglesey, Treasurer of the Navy.
Ordered that the King be moved not to pass any more Privy Seals for discharge of [the fee of 1,095l. from] Baronets: but that the money be actually answered into the Receipt of the Exchequer.
The King to be moved for an order of Council for paying 5,000l. to the Earl of Anglesey in regard the Privy Seal is not yet passed.
Mr. Williamson and Deputy Auditor Chislett called in concerning the Hearth money in Cumberland. Viscount Fanshaw to be written to to know why process is not issued out for 134l. 9s. 0d. standing out on constables, and for 25l. 10s. 0d. of arrears from the times when the sheriffs were receivers of said moneys.
Ordered that the rolls of the Voluntary Present and the old Poll be called for. Mr. Clutterbuck to be called on for what is behind from the Lords on both heads and also on the last Poll bill. But first speak with Mr. Burgesse.
Ordered that the Clerks of the Peace who by Viscount Fanshaw's certificate have not returned the rolls of the Hearth money be written to to send them in with speed, or they will be summoned.
Warrant for the salaries of the Attorney and Solicitor General.
Memorandum. To inform the King that no moneys have been lent by any of the Judges except Lord Bridgeman.
Sir Cerill Wiche's petition referred to Sir Charles Harbord.
Write Mr. Seymour to attend my Lords on Monday week, and to pay in the money speedily.
The Countess of Brentford called in. Ordered that her pension shall be considered with the first.
Lord Ashley to draw a state of Sir John Wintour's business about the Forest of Dean. Captain Tyringham's petition to be considered at the same time.
Write the several Collectors of the Tenths to pay in what is in their hands, and to appear or send in their accounts this day fortnight.
All memorandums for the King to be given to the Duke of Albemarle only, and presented [to no] other of my Lords at present.
Sir George Downing to write the several auditors of the revenue to notify the several Receivers of the Hearth money that they pay no more money to Sir Thomas Player, but into the Exchequer.
The sellers of the wax to the Spaniards are to attend my Lords on Monday next.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 64–6.]
July 15.
Present: all my Lords.
Sir William Doyly and Mr. Scawen called in.
Ordered that whoever petition the King for any bounty they should express to what value they would be gratified by the King: and the Secretary [of the Treasury] to have notice thereof in what they offer.
The Customs Farmers to allow to the Swedes the Customs on the wine demanded.
Warrant for 4,000l. to the Earl of Anglesey for the two naval regiments to June 22: to come out of the loans on the Eleven Months' tax. From June 22 Sir Stephen Fox is to pay them. Warrant for 3,376l. 6s. 8d. to said Fox for a month's pay to said regiments from that date.
The Tellers of the Exchequer to attend my Lords to-morrow.
My Lords to represent to the King that whereas the Earl of Anglesey's patent is granted during life and with 3d. per £ on all moneys paid, &c., by him, the same is contrary to the Act of the Poll and to the Act for the Eleven Months' tax.
Sir John Norton to be no longer Receiver [of the Aids for Hampshire]. Mr. Scowen to be spoken with concerning another for the place. Norton's agent to be sent for in custody. Mr. Auditor Aldworth and Mr. Johnson, Receiver of Hearth money for Northumberland, called in. To attend to-morrow.
Ordered that 5,000l. be issued to the Treasurer of the Navy out of the loans on the Eleven Months' tax.
The Customs Commission account to be considered on Tuesday week.
Warrant for the arrest of Robert Fowler, of Dover, a redhaired man, and of James Peirce, servant to the alehousekeeper near Deptford.
"To consider how to avoyd underhand appraisements and whether were best sell such [? prize] goods by inch of candle."
Write the Earl of Bath to know in what state the business of the tin is both under his Lordship and under the late usurper, and what can be done most to His Majesty's advantage. As to the garrison of Plymouth [the cost of the establishment] cannot be settled on the Excise. My Lords will consider where to settle it, intending it on the tin business. The Earl of Bath's gent., Sir Stephen Fox and the Cofferer to attend on Wednesday concerning Plymouth's assignment on the Excise.
Mr. Coppinger to make his account in custody, and he shall have what aid he shall demand against George Raleigh or any other. Mr. Eleazer Hooke said he saw Mr. Rawleigh have the Firehearth books in his hands after his son's death, and Rawleigh alleges now that the money is in Coppinger's hands. Warrant for George Rawleigh's arrest, as his son John's executor, for having the King's money in his hands.
The Privy Seal for paying money to the Earl of Anglesey on Privy Seals previously ordered to Sir George Carteret, and on the Victualler's Privy Seal for 32,000l., is ordered to be sent to Lord Arlington to be passed.
Mr. (Sir John) Watts, Receiver of Firehearth money for co. Hearts, called in. Process to be stopped till Sept. 10 next.
The docquet for the Duke of Cumberland to be passed.
Mr. Roper's certificate produced. Ordered that he shall be the first of that kind to be considered.
Look out the books to see for what counties Receivers of the Firehearths have appeared.
Petition read from Robert Sanders, of Oxford. Nothing done on it. The like read from John Bradford, of Whittlesea, co. Cambridge. Warrant hereon for the arrest of John Lamb for not having accounted.
Petition read from Nich. Smith, near Petworth, Sussex. Referred to the Justices of the Peace.
The Spaniards called in about two parcels of wax shipped without paying foreign custom. Ordered that the Englishmen pay the foreign custom and the cost of the seizure and the Spaniards be discharged.
Sir Robert Vyner called in about the Hearth money for 1666, Lady Day [on behalf of the farmers of said money]. Brings excuse that they are not ready. Ordered to give an account hereof this day fortnight. "(3 in the afternoon.) That yet but 14,000l. paid to Sir Thomas Player of that money." In the meantime ordered that they send an account what receivers have intermeddled with that half-year and have not yet cleared with them.
Mr. Mellish, Receiver of the Tenths for Lincoln, called in and released from custody. Ordered to pay in what is in his hands.
Sir William Courtney called in and his petition read concerning the bark and offal wood [in Whittlewood Forest]. Mr. Goodman, the ranger of said forest, to give an account of said bark and offal.
Write the Customs Farmers to pay Sir Job Charlton and Mr. Millward their fees as the Judges are paid. "And if they want tallies, upon notice thereof they shall have them." Sir Thomas Beverley, Master of Requests, to be also paid.
Viscount Fanshaw to send an account of the several sureties of the several receivers of the revenue.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 66–8.]