Minute Book: June 1667

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1905.

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'Minute Book: June 1667', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp4-23 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: June 1667', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1905), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp4-23.

"Minute Book: June 1667". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 2, 1667-1668. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1905), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol2/pp4-23.


June 1667

June 1.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Sir Thomas Clifford, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Write to Sir George Carteret to prepare an accompt speedily of what tallies and assignments are in his hands "and of his demur of his opinion of this Eleven Months' tax to pay past debts and then his desire to the Duke of Albemarle to be despatched for more money and that the present stop on his part for want of having given an accompt of his assignments [may be removed]: and that he returne his answer in writing and if the bankers will lend on any security on foote they shall have them."
The Marquess of Worcester to attend my Lords about the arrear on the Poll and Aids in the county of Hereford. The Serjeant at Arms to keep in close custody Mr. Price, receiver of said county. The King's Remembrancer to carry on process vigorously against said Price and all other delinquent receivers.
Sir George Downing to speak with Lord Arlington and Lord Ashley about Sir Robert Southwell's Privy Seal and the 5,000 pieces of eight he received out of a prize ship at Cadiz.
My Lords told Mr. Hartlib that they desire the Chimney Money Farmers to consider of paying the 20,000l. to the Privy Purse.
Sir John Winter's petition to be considered when Lord Ashley and Sir Philip Warwick are present.
Veale and White, two delinquent receivers of the Royal Aid in the custody of Lord Ashley's messenger, are to attend my Lords on Monday.
Sir Robert Long and Sir Stephen Fox to be spoken to about Lord Widdrington's warrant for Berwick.
Alderman Backwell's account for his interest money referred to Auditor Philips. (Notice hereof is given to said Backwell.)
My Lords will consider of two Privy Seals for Capt. Cooke for the boys of the Chapel Royal when they have that business wholly before them.
Copies to be made for each of my Lords of the patent for the Treasury Commission and of all Privy Seals giving power to the last Treasurer.
Consideration to be taken of the charge of the children of the chapel, the halberdiers, pensioners and additional grooms, pages, &c.
The King to be moved in Council for his pleasure how to proceed to come to an understanding what is become of the Militia money.
Sir George Downing to write to Sir Philip Warwyck to send to the Treasury Chamber such books and papers as he hath which may be for the use and service of my Lords.
Warrant to pay to Sir George Carteret 10,000l. [for the Navy] to be lent on Monday by Alderman Backwell.
Sir George Downing to write to Sir Thomas Player, Chamberlain of London, to know what moneys have been borrowed by him for the King's service since His Majesty's return and what tallies and assignments he has had for repayment of them and how much is unpaid, and what other payments he has made for His Majesty's service and what is the charge attending his receiving and paying moneys upon His Majesty's accompt.
All accompts for interest money, for moneys borrowed, are to be adjusted and paid off yearly.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 9–11.]
June 3.
Present: all my Lords.
The Earl of Anglesey pressed for the 50,000l. designed for Ireland.
Sir Robert Long represents that the Farmers of the Customs, to begin at Michaelmas next, demand tallies for the 200,000l. they have lent His Majesty (viz. 190,000l. to the Navy and 10,000l. to the Ordnance).
The Customs Commissioners called in and presented certain papers which were read.
A register book to be kept in the Treasury Office of all tallies struck on any branch of the revenue that they may be paid orderly.
Write to the Auditor of the Receipt for [an account of] the tallies on the Customs. A list of same to be sent to the Customs Farmers and they are to make return what of them have been paid in part or in whole.
The officers of the Exchequer called in and told that their ordinary hours of attendance are not sufficient while receipts and payments are so great as at present; and as complaint is made by Alderman Backwell of a refusal to attend longer they are to take care that there be no further occasion of complaint of that kind.
The Auditor of the Receipt and Sir George Downing are to consider of settling exchanges of moneys from all parts.
The First Fruits and Tenths and Hamper, &c., are to be sent unto (as also other receipts) for an account of what they have received and paid.
Write the King's Remembrancer for an account of what duplicates of the Poll money are already returned, and as any come in to give notice thereof to the Treasury Office.
Warrant ordered for the arrest and prosecution of Charles Tresvanian, Receiver of the aids of Cornwall. Edward Seymour, Receiver of co. Devon, to attend the Treasury with the accompt of his receipts. Walter Strickland, Receiver of co. Yorks, to pass his accompts. Thomas Veile, brother of Nicholas Veile, Receiver for the Aids in co. Gloucester, attended to excuse his brother's being behind in his accompts. Another Receiver to be appointed for said county, and meanwhile the brother to bring up the money out of the country.
Mr. Colvile is told that all punctualness shall be observed to him for past moneys lent by him, and that a reward of 4 per cent. shall be given him till declared otherwise by my Lords, and that both the interest and the reward shall be paid half-yearly.
Alderman Backwell is told that his interest accompts shall be referred to Auditor Philips, and to proceed according to former rules from the late Lord Treasurer. The like for said Backwell's coinage money.
Mr. Herlakenden, Receiver of the Aids for Kent, is to attend my Lords with his accompts, great complaint being made of his not paying in duly. Mr. Price, Receiver of Herefordshire, is granted leave to go in the custody of the Sergeant to get in his moneys.
The King's Remembrancer's officers to bring in writing to my Lords their way of proceeding to get in the King's money from accomptants.
Alderman Backwell's order for the jewel to be one of the first orders to be assigned.
Lord Carlisle's 2,000l. upon his embassy to be considered one of the first private businesses.
Quaere concerning Mr. Greene, Receiver of co. Leicester.
A distinction is to be made [in the matter of the Aids and Poll assessed] upon London and Westminster what is taxed upon the houses and what upon personal estates. Sir William Doily to take care herein.
The King's Remembrancer to be spoken to about quickening the payments of the tax by the protonotaries and other officers.
Sir George Downing is to consider with Sir Philip Warwyck how far the Eleven Months' tax is charged and how far ordered to be charged.
The Earl of Anglesey to be told by the Lord General that when they have the state of His Majesty's revenue before them they will consider of the money for Ireland.
The Farmers of the London Excise called in and presented several papers and a petition about strong waters. To attend on Wednesday. The Attorney and Solicitor General to attend then.
Write Sir William Poltney and Sir Thomas Allen to hasten their report of what is charged to be paid by Westminster.
Write Mr. Cooper, Receiver of co. Notts, to attend with his accompt of the Royal Aid, Additional Aid and Poll money. Sir William Doily to take care of the arrears of Norwich. The Serjeant at Arms to arrest John White, late Receiver of co. Oxford.
The Master, &c., of the Distillers' Company to attend my Lords on Wednesday.
Sir John Norton, Receiver of the Royal and Additional Aids for Hampshire, to attend my Lords on Friday with his accounts. Consideration to be had on Wednesday of putting Mr. Knipe out of the Receivership of Surrey.
Sir William Doily to bring on Wednesday the names of such solicitors [of the Aids] as live not within the county of which they are solicitors, and of such as follow not their business.
The moneys of the head collector of the Hundred of Lesnewth, co. Cornwall, to be got in by the Commissioners of the next hundred thereto.
Sir John Winter to be first heard on Wednesday morning.
Mr. Ricot's business of the grant of a forfeited estate of a Hollander to be considered Wednesday next.
Write the Customs Farmers concerning wines allowed to the late Swedish Ambassador and Resident, and what was the custom in the late King's time.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 11–15.]
June 5.
Present: all my Lords.
The warrant for Berwick garrison to be passed.
Process ordered against all collectors of Chimney money (before the present farm thereof began) who have not brought in their accounts. The Auditors to report to-morrow what every collector thereof is in arrear. Mr. Christopher Jay (Gay), of Norwich, and Mr. Scowen, of Cornwall, receivers of said money, are to be arrested by the Serjeant. Also Mr. Kilby, of Bucks, and Barrett, his security.
The Serjeant is to give no liberty to any prisoners to go abroad without express orders and is to tell the messenger to observe the like order.
Mr. Laurence, Solicitor for the Excise in the Exchequer, is to bring in a list of all prisoners for the King's debt, that it may be sent to the Lord Chancellor, who is to be moved that no habeas corpus be granted to any in prison for the King's debt without my Lords being first made acquainted therewith.
Sir William Doyly called in and produced a letter from Mr. [Thomas] Wild and Mr. [Thomas] Streete, Commissioners [of the Royal Aid] for co. Worcester. A round answer to be written to them concerning the arrears standing out on the various places and hundreds.
Sir William Dovly to meet the Auditor of the Receipt and Sir George Downing this afternoon to consider of a place and way of return by exchange, as much as may be to lessen the charge and clamour of the waggons.
The Farmers of the London Excise, the Master of the Distillers' Company and Sir William Doyly called in about the complaint of the suit in the Exchequer about strong waters half distilled. The Attorney and Solicitor General resolved which way to proceed.
The Marquess of Worcester called in about the arrear of the assessment of co. Hereford. Sir William Doyly and the solicitor of the county to attend his Lordship to inform him where the failure is, in what hundred or persons.
Sir John Winter called in about Dean Forest. Sir Charles Harbord, Mr. Harbord, Mr. Pitt and the Surveyors of the Woods to attend my Lords on Monday next about renewing the commission. Sir Philip Warwick to bring all the papers for this business, and Mr. Sherwyn to bring what he has.
Mr. Pepys called in about Tangier moneys. Warrant ordered for charging the 30,000l. on the Privy Seal for the 200,000l. for the King on the Eleven Months' tax.
Sir Robert Viner called in about the 20,000l. for the Privy Purse, [and intimated to my Lords] that he will accomodate the Privy Purse with 10,000l. at present, and lend 10,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax.
Some public intimation to be made that such as keep the King's money shall answer to the King in the Exchequer all damages.
A draft of a letter to the Justices of the Peace presented by the Farmers of the Chimney money and read.
Commission to Mr. Bathurst to be Receiver of co. Gloucester for the taxes.
George Dickson called in complaining of the Receiver of Cardigan that his men demand 12d. in the £ to pay a tally of 300l. due Lady Day last.
Mr. Jekyll to attend my Lords Friday next.
Sir George Downing ordered to signify upon the docquet of the Privy Seal for the King's 200,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax that my Lords are acquainted with it and that it may pass.
The Duke of Monmouth's business to be the first to-morrow.
Orders and Privy Seals to be sent to Lord Ashley, as formerly in the late Treasurer's time.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 15–17.]
June 6.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Sir William Coventry.
The King to be first spoken with as to the docquet about the Duke of Monmouth's Privy Seal.
Consideration to be had about exchanging the 50,000l. for Ireland for the 50,000l. given the King by an Act of Settlement in Ireland. The Irish Acts of Settlement to be got for reference purposes.
The Clerk of the Peace of Bristol to be summoned for not having sent up the two Chimney money rolls of Bristol. Mr. George Rawleigh and Mr. Mathew Coppinger, Receivers of the said Chimney money for Bristol, to be sent for by the Serjeant at Arms.
The Serjeant at Arms gives an account that Sir John Lenthall told him Mr. Kilby was in custody in town, but seeking in many places for him could not find him. To be enquired into how Kilby got himself out of the Fleet into the King's Bench. Complaint hereof to be made to the Council by some of my Lords to-morrow. The Serjeant reports Barrett to be in the Fleet.
Ordered that the rolls of the Chimney money when sent hither to the King's Remembrancer be immediately as they come in sent to the several auditors.
The Serjeant and Lord Ashley's messenger to have each of them a warrant for Mr. William Harris, Receiver of the Chimney money for co. Devon. Mr. William Allestry, Receiver of the same for co. Derby, to be sent for by a messenger. The Clerk of the Peace of co. Herts sent to for the second roll of the Chimney money. Samuell Holbidge, Receiver of co. Leicester, to be sent for by the Serjeant. Mr. Cooper, the King's Receiver of Hearth money in co. Notts, to attend my Lords on Monday. Robert Knolls, Receiver of Hearth money, co. Oxford, to be sent for by the Serjeant, or to inquire if he be dead. Paul Adams, of Sussex, to appear here on Monday week. Lord Ashley to take care that Mr. Gleyd, of Sussex, be here. Mr. Tomlinson, Receiver of Chimney money for co. Yorks, to be sent for by messenger.
The Auditors to give an accompt by the last Friday in June what receivers of Chimney money effectually prosecute their accompts, "and that Mr. Williamson be desired to put this in his newes booke and that several of the collectors of this duty [are] already sent for in custody."
Sir William Coventry to write to Col. Strowd to accompt for the Chimney money for the Cinque Ports.
Ordered that the estreats of the Poll as they are returned to the King's Remembrancer's Office be forthwith returned to the Auditors. The Commissioners for co. Yorks to be written to to send up the duplicate of the Poll bill.
Mr. White to have liberty to go to Oxford for his papers when he shall put in security to answer his accompt.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 17–18.]
June 7.
Present: all my Lords.
One month's entertainment on the allowance to the Ambassadors at Breda to be charged on the loan of the Eleven Months' tax. The like for Mr. Morice, Secretary to said Ambassadors.
Sir Robert Southwell to be paid out of the pieces of eight received at Cadiz of the prize ships.
On Thursdays no persons to be admitted to my Lords, but that day reserved for debates among themselves.
"As to the Privy Seal for wine to the Swedish Ambassadors, that it was for their family and the Ambassadors now gone."
The King to be spoken to about the docquet for Ridley and Hollman to be receivers for Oxford and Berks on surrender of Mr. Cottle, the present receiver.
Sir George Carteret to be written to to appoint someone at Portsmouth to receive what moneys of the Aids shall be brought thither; and to repay it here by bills on him.
Sir William Doyly and Sir Robert Long to send in an accompt of what is in arrear and unpaid of the Aids of Lady Day quarter.
Sir George Downing to write to Sir Robert Vyner about the 10,000l. for the Privy Purse, and if there be any difficulty to acquaint my Lords with it. Sir Robert Long to consider where 20,000l. or any part thereof for the Privy Purse may be settled.
Money warrant ordered for 10,000l. to Sir George Carteret out of the loans on the Eleven Months' tax. The Navy Commissioners and said Carteret to be written to to employ same in abating the growing charge.
Write the Auditors to hasten for my Lords an accompt of the names of all the Receivers of the King's revenue in England and Wales, the sum of his receipt, his arrears, &c.
The King to be moved this day in Council that the 50,000l. given to him by one of the Acts of Settlement for Ireland be appointed for the use of that kingdom instead of the 50,000l. now demanded by the Earl of Anglesey.
Mr. Jekyll and Mr. Dickson called in, and another letter from William Griffith read. Ordered that Jekyll pay Dickson's tally without abatement of the 15l. A messenger to be sent for said Griffith.
Write the Navy Commissioners to take care when they charge the Eleven Months' tax with any certificates that it be for goods bought at reasonable rates; and that my Lords will endeavour as much as they can to help them with money for their occasions.
Write the Customs Commissioners that my Lords put no stop on Mr. Prynn's tally.
Sir William Doyly and the rest of the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded called in, and desire orders for 20,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax. Captain Cock's accompt to be hastened to the Navy Commissioners. Said Cock to try to borrow 10,000l. to be lent into the Exchequer on the Eleven Months' tax, "and that he shall have orders to receave it out and the ordinary allowance of 4 per cent. shalbe made good."
Sir William Doyly spoken to about the business of exchanges. Ordered that he look for a house for it.
The officers of the Works to give an accompt what is necessary for said Doyly's house as a Teller of the Exchequer.
Sir James Bunce told that till the King's public business be settled no private business can be considered.
Mr. Rycot's (Ricot's) business considered. The Attorney General to report whether this money is by way of trade or a legacy given at death.
Mr. Hartlib called in. Ordered that the form of a letter desired by the Farmers of the Chimney money be referred to the Attorney
and Solicitor General to consider its legality, and how far its clauses agree with the Act for that duty.
The papers of the country Excise from Sir Stephen Fox to be considered next Thursday, and his papers for interest money then also to be considered.
Write the Auditors of Imprests to hasten their report as to what accompt the Cofferer of the Household, Sir Stephen Fox, and all other officers who have had any money on imprest, have brought in or passed.
Ordered to procure a statute book for the table.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 19–21.]
June 12.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Sir William Coventry, Sir Jo. Duncomb.
Sir William Doyly presented a paper for settling exchanges of money from the counties. Ordered that a form of a commission and instructions for returning moneys be drawn up "and then consider whether a commission for the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury ... [sic]."
Viscount Fanshaw, the King's Remembrancer, presented an accompt of what duplicates of the Poll money are returned; which accompt was put into the hands of Sir William Doyly to consider as to sending process against any faulty Commissioners or divisions. Doyly to present to my Lords what divisions or hundreds are in each county and what Commissioners are in each division.
The warrant against Mr. Tresvannian to be suspended for a week and his securities delivered.
Viscount Fanshaw presented the names of the persons against whom process is issued. Promised to send a paper of them.
The Auditors of the revenue called in and ordered that there be no delay in calling to account the collectors of Chimney money. They presented the returns of what is in their charge.
The Auditors of the Imprest delivered in an accompt of what is accompted for of imprest moneys since 1660.
Sir Edward Hungerford called in about the debt of Sir John Prettyman, which is about 15,000l. The Attorney General explains how the case stands, viz. that the manor of Loddington in co. Leicester is seized for that debt, but that Lady Newport has a right for 1,200l. per an. out of it. Hungerford reports an offer of composition made by Sir George Prettyman, son to Sir John, and now also in prison for said debt. The Attorney General saith that a fine has been set on receivers as for a fraud, but that the best remedy is to keep them to punctual payment: that upon information of receivers using the King's money a fine may be set on them: further, that no interest money is allowed to the King, for that the law takes him not for an usurer: and that the law does not account keeping the King's money by a receiver to be a fraud. Ordered that before an answer be given to Hungerford's proposition the King's title to Prettyman's estate be inquired into.
Warrant for 5,000l. to Sir Geo. Cartwright [Carteret] out of the loans on the Eleven Months' tax.
Mr. Gauden called in (Sir George Carteret being present) about the 62,000l. to be assigned to him. To be considered to-morrow.
A warrant to Sir Robert Long to draw monthly orders for the Ambassadors at Breda and for Mr. Morice. Same to be registered on the Eleven Months' tax.
Mr. Meynald called in and assured of all kindness, and that Auditor Philips [is ordered to] state his interest accompt for what is past.
Sir John Winter called in. To leave his papers with Sir George Downing for consideration.
Sir John Bennet called in. Tendered a paper of failures upon the Cavalier money. Desires the receivers to be called to accompt.
Ordered that as to the Commissioners of Excise when any apply to Sir George Downing he appoint a time and that then the Commissioners be present also. Major Tolhurst and they to be here Friday morning next.
Mr. Comptroller to speak to Lord Arlington about the Earl of St. Alban's bill of exchange for 1,000l.
The Attorney General's report of Mr. Ricott's business read. The Privy Seal to be passed.
The Earl of Anglesey's Privy Seal for 30,000l. to be passed.
The King to be again moved about the 50,000l. for Ireland. Consideration to be had when all my Lords are present of the business of the accompts of the Treasurer of Ireland.
Sir George Downing to pay the postage of Sir William Temple's letters and such charges, and have them repaid on the dormant Privy Seal.
Lord Ashley reports concerning the docquet of Ridley and Hollman's reversionary appointment as Receivers of Crown revenues for co. Oxford and Berks: that the reversion be granted only to the extent of the lives surrendered: and that his Majesty will grant no more of these offices in reversion.
The Duke of Monmouth's docquet to be passed.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 21–3.]
June 15.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Sir William Coventry, Sir Jo. Duncomb.
The arrears in the hands of the Farmers of the London Excise are to be considered Monday next.
Commission to Mr. Smyth as Receiver for Surrey for the Royal Aid, Additional Aid and Eleven Months' tax.
The King's officers of the Customs are to give an accompt of the moneys by them received and paid from the Restoration to 1667, June 1.
Ordered that the Customs officers, Treasurer of the Navy, Lieutenant of the Ordnance, Cofferer of the Household, Treasurer of the Chamber, Paymaster of the Guards, Master of the Great Wardrobe, and Master of the Robes send weekly certificates of their remainder in cash the week before, and of their receipts and disbursements in the week and of their remains. These certificates to end every Saturday, and to be brought every Monday to my Lords at the Treasury. The Farmers of the London Excise and of the Chimney money are to give a weekly accompt of their payments on the King's accompt as part of their rent. The Surveyor for the outports is to give an accompt weekly of what is received for the outports.
Sir William Doyly, &c., to write again to the Receivers of the taxes and Poll money, and Commissioners [for the Aids, &c.], where necessary, to quicken their arrears.
[Treasury Minute Book I. p. 24.]
June 17.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Write Mr. Pepys to know the contract for the Molle [mole] and the establishment for the garrison and victualling of Tangier. A warrant ordered for 30,000l. for Tangier on the Eleven Month's tax.
Ordered that with the first private business Lady Villiers's pension be considered.
Mr. Slingsby and the officers of the Mint to attend on Tuesday concerning removing obstructions as to the Mint upon the late Act for encouraging the Mint.
Warrants ordered for tallies for the respective garrisions that apply for the same for two months' pay on their ordinary funds.
Warrant ordered for Prince Rupert for his 14,000l. on the Eleven Months' tax.
Sir John Duncomb to speak with the East India Company to try to borrow 10,000l. or 20,000l. from them.
Mr. White's petition read. His wife told that my Lords do expect his money before they can let him have liberty. She is to bring Mr. Loe who as she says has 2,000l. of the King's money her husband had.
Letters signed by my Lords to the Ordnance, Navy, Wardrobe, Treasurer of the Chamber, [Paymaster for] Tangier, Cofferer, and Customs Farmers to return weekly certificates of their receipts and disbursements.
Major Fincher is called in for Windsor garrison and told that the Customs officers shall be written to to take off the stop on the payment of their tallies.
Mrs. Moon called in about her petition about the coining of tin. To be considered Friday next, when Lord Ashley is here and Sir Charles Harbord and Sir Philip Warwyck.
Warrant for 400l. for Mr. Packer, Usher to the Exchequer.
When any extraordinary meeting of my Lords is appointed then all my Lords are to have notice sent them.
[Ibid. pp. 24–5.]
June 18.
Present: Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Sir John Duncomb.
Mr. Slingsby, for the Mint, called in. Ordered that Sir John Shaw pay in what moneys are in his hands [of the impost on certain liquors in the port of London] for the Mintage, and on the 20th inst. send hither an accompt of all that is in his hands or due from Dec. 20. Sir Edmond Turner and Mr. Dawes to attend on Friday, and Mr. Slingsby to be here then about settling the moneys for this use [Coinage money] received in the outports. The Surveyors and Comptrollers of the port of London are to send weekly an accompt of moneys received in the outports the first Monday in every month for the next month but one preceding. Warrant ordered for payment to the Mint of what moneys are in the Exchequer for the Mint. Another warrant for 1,000l. of the Loan money [on the Eleven Months' tax] to be lent out of the Exchequer to Mr. Slingsby to be repaid out of the first Mint money that shall come in thither. On Friday consideration is to be had with Sir Edm. Turner of the way of returning the Mint money out of the outports.
The Earl of Carlisle called in, and moved for 2,000l. owing to him, and for 200l. to be allowed him, which, when he was at Rochester, he was forced to take from Sir John Mints [Mennes] of the King's money. My Lords will move the King in his case.
Write Sir William Doyly, &c., to know what money is paid in by Major Barcroft of the Poll money; also to know what the present receiver is in arrear.
Mr. Scowen, Receiver of the Hearth money for Cornwall, called in. Ordered to give in an account to the Auditor of what he has received for Lady Day, 1666, and to accompt with the Auditor for the three foregoing half-years. Mr. Comptroller reports that Mr. Harris, Receiver of the Hearth money for Devon, is a Welshman, put in by Cadwallader Jones, his security, and now [that] the messenger [is] gone [he] is run away into Wales. Ordered to be prosecuted by the King's Remembrancer, together with Mr. Carre, security of Mr. White, Receiver of Aids for co. Oxford. Mr. Bynes, Clerk of the Peace of Surrey, called in [and stated] "that he lately had the rolls in his hands for the Hearth money for that county whereby he saw what the sheriffs charge themselves with; that when he was receiver of that duty he received 1,500l. and 2,000l. half-yearly for a Hundred for which they charge themselves with but 1,200l. and but about 2,200l. paid in for three half-years whereas they should pay in about 6,000l." Ordered that Mr. Rogers, Receiver for the Hearth money for Surrey, and Mr. Boon, collector for Brixton Hundred, attend my Lords on Monday next. Bynes to attend them.
Write to the Leather Sellers' Company about hiring part of their hall for settling exchanges of money there.
Write Sir Stephen Fox for a weekly certificate of moneys received and paid by him, and of what remains.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 25–7.]
June 19.
Present: Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
The business of the Farmers of the London Excise to be considered on Monday next.
Mr. Streete called in about the Assessment and Poll money of co. Worcester. Green, the collector of Oswaldslow Hundred in said county, has paid in the Poll money received by him to Mr. Foley. Quaere: whether paid by Foley into the Exchequer.
Write Sir George Cartwright [Carteret] that if he can borrow any money it be brought into the Exchequer and he shall have orders to receive it out.
Mr. Verbeck called in about a bill of exchange for 1,000l. charged by the Earl of St. Albans on Lord Arlington. He is told that a Privy Seal must pass. Sir George Downing to move Lord Arlington for it.
Mr. Gawden called in and told that orders shall be drawn for 30,000l. for him to be charged on the Eleven Months' tax, and that hereafter he shall have 60,000l. more charged on it. Moreover that the principal officers of the Navy report matter of fact and their opinion on the order in Council of the 7th inst. concerning the Victualler of the Navy.
Mr. Hartlib is called in concerning the Hearth money. Ordered to bring in an accompt of what came in from Lady Day, 1666.
Mr. Fenne called in, and produced a certificate of what was paid by Sir George Cartwright [Carteret] last week. A warrant ordered for 5,000l. to said Carteret out of the loans on the Eleven Months' tax.
The Earl of Lauderdale came in and reports a bill in Alderman Backwell's hands for part of the money for buying 1,500 musquets, and that he refuses to pay it till he speaks with my Lords. Ordered that Backwell be here to-morrow.
Sir John Winter called in. His business to be considered among the first private businesses.
Mrs. White called in and told that her husband must pay the King's money. Mr. Scowen written to, to take care that White receive no more money either as receiver or collector.
Mr. Price, Receiver of Hereford, called in and told he must clear the title of his land to Mr. Young, who is willing to take off the King's debt.
One order for Captain Cock for 5,000l. to be registered on the Act for the Eleven Months' tax. The other three orders each for 5,000l. not to be registered.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 27–8.]
June 20.
Present: all my Lords.
Write the King's Remembrancer to press to accompt all treasurers upon imprest, and to issue process against all who have not passed their accompt to this year.
The warrant for [subsistence money for] Hull [garrison] to be for four months [subsistence] on the Customs.
Two papers offered by the Duke of Albemarle read, concerning the Farmers of the London Excise.
Mr. Veale (Veile), of Gloucestershire, called in. Mr. Scowen to certify what said Veale is in arrear. Veale to pay a moiety of his Chimney money arrears by August 10. Write the Justices of the Peace of co. Gloucester to assist him in the collection of said arrears. Veale to attend to-morrow.
Alderman Backwell called in and spoken to about the Earl of Lauderdale's bill of exchange. He is desired to do what he can in it, the King's immediate service being concerned. He said he would comply with it so far as he could.
Mr. Harlakenden, Receiver of Kent, summoned again.
Mr. Bucknall and other Farmers of the London Excise called in about their lawsuit with the distillers.
Mr. Coppinger, Collector of the Chimney money for Bristol, called in and heard. Is to consider with George Rawleigh how the uncollected moneys may be got in. Rawleigh to attend to-morrow. Mr. Scowen called in and says that Snow has paid in well what he has received, and that Barcroft has also paid well. "As for Worcestershire the head collector of Pershore and Blackenhurst hundreds Captain Harwood called in, told by Mr. Scowen that he owes over 500l. of Christmas and all Lady Day quarter." Mr. Harwood to deliver to-morrow the names of the [payers] behind, whereby to see whether Mr. Townsend, the solicitor, have rightly charged him. Letters to be written to the Commissioners of these two hundreds of which Harwood complains, as collector, of the non-payment of the tax and to quicken it.
On Saturday Sir George Downing and Mr. Scowen are to go to treat with the Leathersellers' Company for part of their Hall for settling exchange of moneys there.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 28–9.]
June 21.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Warrant for the [pay of the] Guards to their last muster. The like for the arrears of the garrisons.
Write the Auditor of the Receipt to know what is paid in of the Additional Aid for Lady Day quarter. Mr. Scowen to send an account of what is behind of the Royal Aid on Wednesday morning.
John Stafford, a collector (high constable) for Guiltcross Hundred, in Norfolk, called in. Write Sir John Holland, enclosing the petition [so as to enable my Lords] to understand the case.
Sir George Cartwright's [Carteret's] letter of this day read. Mr. Fenn and Mr. Wayt called in. Warrant ordered for 2,000l. to said Carteret out of the loans [on the Additional Aid].
The King and the Duke of York "came in about the new forces, for pay for them for retrenching the charge of the land forces, that the troops and foote companyes be but half of what they ought to have raised and eight odd companies not to be raised."
Proposed to the King, and resolved by His Majesty, to register the King's 200,000l. next after the 80,000l. for the seamen, except 15,000l. of Tangier money and 14,000l. for Prince Rupert, which are to be upon the 100,000l. immediately preceding the 80,000l. for the seamen.
Mrs. Moon and Sir Charles Harbord, &c., called in about their farm of the coinage of tin in Cornwall. Proposed to Mrs. Moon that if she will fairly resign her patent 500l. per an. shall be paid to her out of the coinage money "and as to any other that rather they will intercede for her [than] that any other have it." Mrs. Moone submits to take 500l. per an. to be paid in Cornwall out of the tin coinage.
Mr. Napier, Treasurer of the Duchy of Cornwall, is to clear his accompts from the King's coming in, including Lady Day, and is to pay no money but by the direction of my Lords. The like order for Sir John Curston, Receiver of the Duchy of Lancaster.
Mr. Ward to certify the state of the suite against Mrs. Moon in the Exchequer. Process to be stayed and a commission to be sent down to take Mr. Ennys's account.
Write the principal officers of the Navy letting them know 2,000l. is ordered to Sir George Cartwright [Carteret] to help to pay the cripples at Chatham, and that they advise with Sir George how with that help to take off that clamour.
Mr. Slingsby called in with Sir Edmond Turner and Mr. Dawes about considering how to get in the money from the outports on the Act for the coinage. Said Turner to give monthly an accompt to my Lords what moneys are in every collector's hands of the coinage money in the outports. Write the collector of every outport to pay in what is in his hands of this money.
Mr. Bucknell and the Farmers of the London Excise to attend Monday next concerning the abatement made to them at Oxford and the other abatements demanded by them.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 30–1.]
June 21.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Ordered that all the garrisons have always tallies and assignments struck for them up to the same time with those in the care of Sir Stephen Fox.
Mr. Harwood, of co. Worcester, called in, dismissed from his confinement and desired to hasten in what he can of the King's money.
Sir Thomas Ingram called in and told that Sir Christopher Clapham is willing to let fall the suit. Desires he may be dismissed.
Write Mr. Harlackenden to attend Thursday next.
Mr. Hugh May called in and informs of a lodge at Nonsuch pulled down by Lord Berkeley and Captain Cooke, and that the King says he remembers not that he gave any order therein. Lord Berkeley to attend Monday next to inform my Lords by what authority he did it.
Mr. Coppinger, Receiver of the Chimney money for Bristol, and Mr. Rawleigh called in about said Chimney money. Coppinger to remain in custody, and process to issue against his and Rawleigh's estate. Mr. Eleazer Hooke, of Bristol, to be written to attend with the accompts of the Chimney money of that place. Coppinger to have three weeks' time to go to Bristol, under bail, to take accompt of said Chimney money.
[Ibid. pp. 31–2.]
June 24.
Present:—The Duke of Albemarle, Mr. Comptroller, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Write Sir George Cartwright [Carteret] to bring in his accompt of all moneys received and paid by him from his last accompt to this day.
An accompt [to be got] from the Auditor of the Receipt of all moneys paid said Carteret.
Sir William Doyly, &c., written to to know what they have done about quickening in the returns of the Poll money, and that if it be not speeded my Lords will impute it to them; so that they quicken in the next month's tax.
The receivers of Hampshire, Beds and Huntingdon, sent for by summons.
Mr. Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, presented a paper of his charge. Is told that my Lords desire him to try to borrow money and to get it paid into the Exchequer; and that the Household shall have their pay by assignment on the 100,000l. out of the [King's] 200,000l.
Mr. Fenn called in and gave in a certificate of this last week and a letter from Sir George Carteret.
Warrant for 3,000l, to said Carteret out of the loans on the Eleven Months' tax.
Sir Robert Long to send an accompt of what loans [stand registered] before the Duke of Albemarle's loan of 2,000l.
The Farmers of the London Excise called in with Mr. Finch, Capt. Reeves and Mr. Sellwood. They are demanded why they keep the King's money by way of defalcation till the defalcation is settled. The Comptroller of the Excise is to bring in an accompt of the receipts of the London farm to 1666, Xmas. The Farmers called in and told that in regard they keep of the King's money in their hands my Lords expect they advance a sum of money Wednesday morning next.
Sir Allen Apsley, called in, said that the Duke of Cambridge, being dead some few days before the quarter day, the Excise officers scrupled the paying of this quarter. Answered that he must get a Privy Seal. Moreover a summons to be given to Mr. Melhuish, Receiver of the Tenths for Lincoln Diocese, on which he hath a tally.
Sir Anthony Coape called in about building the Custom House. To attend with his models on Thursday next, when the Customs officers are to be here.
Mr. Tomlynson (Receiver of Hearth money for the North and East Ridings, and now in custody) called in and certain orders, detailed, made concerning the settlement of his accompts. The like in the case of William Allistree, Receiver of Hearth money for Derby.
Write the Auditor to hasten the accompt of what sheriffs have not passed their accompts as collectors of the Hearth money.
The Serjeant at Arms is to seek in town for Veale's brother.
The letter to the Justices of the Peace, to be helpful to the Farmers of the Chimney money, having been sent to the Attorney General for his opinion, was brought back to my Lords by Mr. Laurence, solicitor to the Excise, who reports that it's the same which was agreed to in the late Treasurer's time, and the clauses are in accordance with "those" laws for the Chimney money.
Orders for repayment of loans and upon certificates are to be sent immediately to the Exchequer.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 32–4.]
June 26.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
The Earl of Newburgh sent to to be here to-morrow to pay in 4,000l. due from him to the Hanaper, otherwise process will issue out against him. For the future the profits of his office to be suspended and to be received by Mr. Seymour till the arrear be paid. Ordered that a state be drawn up of the King's revenue [in the Hanaper] how charged when my Lords came to the Treasury.
Mr. Stafford, of Norfolk, called in and told that if speedily he satisfy not what is due to the King he will be sent for again. Meanwhile to have liberty to go home.
Warrant to Sir Robert Long to pay Mr. Benbow and the rest of the Exchequer messengers.
Mr. Ashmoold, Comptroller of Excise, called in.
Warrant for 60l. to Sir William Fleetwood for deer, and 50l. to Sir Daniel Harvy for the deer in New Park.
The Farmers of the London Excise called in and told that if they expect any further abatement it will be considered when they have furnished my Lords with matter. For the present the Comptroller of the Excise has not yet perused their books, and if they expect any abatement my Lords expect that they presently pay in 20,000l. Mr. Bucknell said they would endeavour to get 10,000l. but pray it may not be as rent. My Lords told them it must be as rent but that it shall be no prejudice to their abatement. Mr. Breedon said they hope they shall get 20,000l.
Viscount Mordaunt called in [and informs my Lords] that Sir Stephen Fox undertook to pay Windsor upon the Customs and now quits it. Prays a settlement for the said pay elsewhere.
Write the Customs Farmers to pay in the first place the garrisons assigned on them.
Lord Berkeley called in and confessed the pulling down a lodge in Nonsuch Park, that he did it without order because it was so old and decayed. Mr. May to attend to-morrow about this business.
Mr. Bucknell called in again. [Ordered that the Farmers of the London Excise] have extracts of papers of objections against their abatements; that upon Saturday next they pay into the Exchequer what money they can, to be paid as loan upon their farm and then tell what more they will lend and when.
Sir Stephen Fox called in. His paper for payment of the Guards read. My Lords will endeavour to get a month's pay for them and the new forces. Lord Ashley will let tallies be struck for Sir Stephen Fox on the prizes for 1,000 Rix Dollars, which now is in Jersey in the Governor's hands. My Lords hope also to make up a month's pay for the Guards and other forces.
Lady Villiers's docquet to be signed.
Warrant for tallies on the monthly payments of the Customs for Thomas Thynne's ordinary as Minister in Sweden.
Sir John Winter, Sir Charles Harbord and Mr. May and the Surveyor of Woods to attend to-morrow. Also Mr. Scowen and Mr. Townsend, of the Great Wardrobe.
The Cofferer's 10,000l. to be charged on the Eleven Months' tax next after Prince Rupert's 14,000l.
The Customs written to to pay Prince Rupert and the Judges.
Coppinger and Rawleigh called in and heard. Coppinger not to be discharged, and Rawleigh to be prosecuted.
The King is to be moved about the docquet for the Queen's servants about exempting them from subsidies.
Mr. Warcob's (Warcup) petition read. The Excise Commissioners to attend on Friday.
Mr. Veale called in. Mr. Scowen to attend hereon to-morrow.
Captain Reeves called in. To be considered whether to secure the brewers' books in Mr. Selwood's time.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 34–6.]
June 27.
Present:—Lord Ashley, Sir William Coventry, Sir John Duncomb.
Sir John Denham called in about the lodge pulled down by Lord Berkeley in Nonsuch Park. Order to be sent to Mr. Turgis, the buyer, and Capt. Cooke, the seller, of the materials, to stop them and seize the materials. Write the farmer in possession of the house belonging to the works at Nonsuch to shew why he keeps possession.
Mr. Scowen called in about the arrear of the monthly taxes. Ordered that the receivers and head collectors give a weekly accompt to the respective Solicitors of the money in their hands: and that the Solicitors give a weekly accompt thereof to Mr. Scowen.
Mr. Veale and his brother called in. Auditor Parsons is ordered, setting all other business aside, to finish Mr. Veale's accompt for the Royal [and] Additional Aids. Sir Robert Viner and Mr. Colvile to be here on Monday to attest what tallies Mr. Veale has paid them for Gloucestershire on the said aids.
The Earl of Newburgh called in and proposes that if his office continue sequestered it will prejudice his credit to borrow money. Answered that my Lords cannot take off the seizure of his office for the consequence to all others with whom they must daily deal. When any disposal is to be made by him to procure money my Lords will join therein or take off the seizure.
Sir Anthony Coape, Sir John Worstenholme and Sir Charles Harbord called in, the Attorney General being present, about the rebuilding of the Custom House. Mr. Attorney asked if the King may resume the whole Custom House. The clause in the patent is read by which the King may aliquo tempore take rooms. Sir John Worstenholme says it is their duty only to offer that the place may be made convenient for the work of the Customs, and no rooms lived in over their heads. Sir Ch. Harbord says that the King's commission is that the Custom House be built incontiguous to all other buildings for safety from fire. Sir John Shaw says that they have also a model, but not here, nor their principal engineer now here. Ordered that they speak and advise together, and attend this day week.
The Attorney General reports Sir John Prettyman's estate as seizable in the hands of Sir George Prettyman.
Lady Villiers's docquet not to pass because it makes her pension payable by the collector of London, whereas the Act for the coinage requires all the moneys leviable by that Act to be paid quarterly into the Exchequer.
[Ibid. pp. 36–8.]
June 28.
Present: The Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Sir John Duncomb.
Mr. Harlackenden, Receiver of Kent, called in. Lloyd complained of to be so much in arrear. Write the Commissioners complaining that they act not, and that if they act not prosecution shall go out against them. Write them also mentioning the arrears, and as to the ignorance on whom to charge it, and that my Lords expect them to give order to the collectors and sub-collectors to give weekly accompts to the Receivers and solicitors, of the moneys in their hands. Mr. Scowen to attend to-morrow.
The paper from the Commissioners for Sick and Wounded read. The Commissioners are to keep the last order for 5,000l. in their hands. A further order to be drawn for 5,000l. for them, to be registered on the Eleven Months' tax. This warrant to be in Captain Cock's name.
Lady Temple called in. Mr. Comptroller is to speak to Lord Arlington about Sir William Temple's paying himself, as formerly, 600l. more out of the tin in Mr. Shaw's hands.
The Excise Commissioners called in and Mr. Warcop's petition given them for their sense against next meeting.
Mr. Finch to meet with Sir Philip Warwyck and Sir George Downing and Mr. Sherwyn to consider of a Privy Seal for abatements on the country farms of Excise.
The Auditors of the Revenue called in about the arrears of the Chimney farm. Sir Edm. Sawyer and Auditor Philips to be here to-morrow, and Auditor Aldworth and Mr. Persons on Tuesday morning next, and Mr. Chislot and Mr. Tudall on Tuesday afternoon next. And each [said] Auditor is to warn the Receivers in their divisions to be here at the said times. The Serjeant at Arms is to take care that Mr. Kilby be here to-morrow.
Mr. Jaye, Collector of the Chimney money for Norfolk, called in.
Write the Clerk of the Pipe to send an account of the foot of the accounts of all accomptants against whom process is now taken; and to give an accompt after the end of every term what has been done on said process.
The Masters of the Chancery to be paid for this quarter.
Mr. Prettyman, Receiver of First Fruits and Tenths, to be here to-morrow.
Mr. Hartlib called in. Sir George Downing is to look over the draft of a Privy Seal for Col. Wyndham for arrears in Mr. Searle's hands, and to speak with Mr. Hartlib about it.
Warrants to be drawn on the Earl of Anglesey's Privy Seal for 30,000l.
Baron Spillman to be paid for this last quarter.
The Duke of Monmouth's warrant to be drawn.
Petition read from Mr. Taylor, of New Windsor. Mr. Baron, Comptroller of the works at Windsor, and Mr. Laurence, solicitor of the Excise, to be heard on Wednesday morning next about it.
Sir John Winter to be here on Monday with Sir Charles Harbord and Mr. May.
Adjourned till Saturday.
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 38–9.]
June 29.
Present: Duke of Albemarle, Lord Ashley, Mr. Comptroller, Sir William Coventry.
Copies of such papers only to be delivered to the Farmers of the London Excise as look forward to their present demand of abatement.
The two docquets for the Queen's servants for their exempting from subsidies to be passed.
Sir Stephen Fox called in. If his money fall short leave given him to pay the private soldiers about London their allowance of 4s. a week.
A warrant to Sir Robert Long to certify what has been paid by Viscount Brouncker on the issues of jurors.
Mr. Scowen called in. Sir George Downing and he are to treat about the house in St. Helens.
The commission about settling exchanges read, and ordered to be fair written.
Sir John Prettyman to be permitted his liberty during privilege of Parliament.
The Serjeant to stay the arrest of Col. Charles Trevannion, of Cornwall. Charles Trevannion, of Gray's Inn, to be arrested ashaving intermeddled for Col. Trevanion in receiving the Cornwall Aids.
[Write for] the Attorney and Solicitor General's opinion whether the profits accruing to Viscount Mordaunt on the Coal farm above the King's rent be not chargeable to the Aids.
Mr. Strickland written to to send to Mr. Scowen an accompt to Lady Day.
Mr. Scowen written to to order the receivers to keep even in their payments upon the Additional and Royal Aids, and not to pay the Royal Aid faster than the Additional.
Col. Kirby to bring in his accompt for 1665. William Greene, Receiver of Aids for co. Leicester, written to to pay the arrears ending Lady Day, and the accompt for Lady Day, else speedily a messenger will be sent for him. William Broxholme, of co. Lincoln, written to to pay in his arrears, including Lady Day.
Sir William Poltney and Sir Thomas Allen to be here Wednesday next about [proportioning] the 30,000l. per month between Westminster and Middlesex.
Mr. Cooper, Receiver of co. Notts, to bring his accompt next Wednesday. George Hosier [same] for Salop and Francis Hollinshead for Stafford to bring in their Lady Day accompts for the Aids. Sir John Norton, Receiver of Aids for Hants, quickened to pay his arrears, and that he must not rely on orders else my Lords must put in another and do that which their respects to him have yet made them forbear to do. George Gyps, Receiver of co. Suffolk, written to to pay in his arrears. Mr. Knipe, Receiver of Aids for Surrey, to attend next Wednesday and pay his arrear and clear his accompt, else my Lords will proceed against him. John Newsam, Receiver of Aids for Warwick, to give in his account for Lady Day and pay in all arrears. William Levet, Receiver of Aids for co. Wilts, the like. Col. Whitley to attend Wednesday next and pay in his arrears. Walter Vaughan, Receiver for Pembroke and Haverford West, to pay in his arrear. (Suspended.)
[Treasury Minute Book I. pp. 40–1.]
June 29.
Present: Mr. Comptroller, Lord Ashley and Sir Jo. Duncomb.
Mr. Kilby called in.
Sir Edward Sawyer and Mr. Philips to attend on Monday.
[Treasury Minute Book I. p. 41.]