Minute Book: September 1672

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Minute Book: September 1672', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp1098-1103 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Minute Book: September 1672', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp1098-1103.

"Minute Book: September 1672". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp1098-1103.


September 1672

Sept. 4. A letter is written to the Attorney General to transmit to the Treasury all papers (together with his report) concerning the business of the King's ships in the East Indies.
[Ibid. p. 324.]
Sept. 5. Present: Earl of Shaftesbury, Lord Clifford, Sir Jo. Duncombe.
A warrant for the prize goods to be delivered to Mr. Silas Taylor according to the letter of Sir Joseph Williamson.
An order that the gold that was landed and [is] now in the hands of the Admiralty (crossed through) be delivered forthwith to the Duke [of York's] officers of the Prizes. Query: if the gold be not in Mr. Mounteney's hands.
About the difference in the Chimneymoney of Devonshire, summon the parties to appear the Friday next after the beginning of the term.
Sir Ro. Howard to see what money Lady Harvy has had [for New Park] and how laid out. Enquire of the officers of the Works. Send to the Works to give an account how the 2,200l. was laid out about New Park. The Surveyor of the Works and Mr. Packer called in about this matter.
Consult with Sir R. Long concerning the warrant drawn for the 19,960l. for the Victuallers on wine bonds [viz. as to] whether they [the Victuallers] may not come on the King again if any bonds fail; for they must take it for ready money.
Every Tuesday morning [to be devoted to businesses] about [Receivers'] accounts and bringing in the revenue and no other business [to be entertained. Send] letters of notice to Auditor Aldworth [and the remaining Exchequer Court Auditors], the Auditors of the Imprests and the Agents of the Hearthmoney.
Referred to the Customs Commissioners to examine the business of Mr. Wearing (Wareing) and to report to my Lords thereon.
[Ibid. pp. 325–6.]
Sept. 7.
Present: Lord Clifford, Sir J. Duncombe.
On Mr. Chase's petition, ordered that he be paid as desired out of Franklyn's fine.
[My Lords] to meet about accompts on Thursday morning next and to put off the meeting on Tuesday and the following meetings on Tuesdays to [stand good].
Warrant for Mr. Legouse for 800l. for Viscount Halifax.
[Ibid. p. 326b.]
Sept. 14. Present: Sir Jno. Duncombe.
Upon affidavit of Thomas Gallop ordered that John Fox, John Foster, Hen. Fox, Tho. Waine, William Tew, Richd. Crump and Tho. Lane be taken into custody of the messenger. And on the same account ordered that Mrs. Willingham and Mrs. Coleman be summoned.
[Ibid. p. 327.]
Sept. 16.
Send to all the Auditors and to the Agents of the Hearthmoney to attend my Lords to-morrow, Tuesday morning.
[Treasury Minute Book IV. p. 327.]
Sept. 17.
Present: Earl of Shaftesbury, Sir Jo. Duncombe.
The business of Guernsey is to be heard on Friday week next. Sir Jonathan Atkins to attend then.
Mr. Edward Oveat to be an officer of the Customs at Milton, Kent, loco Philip Eaton, deceased, waiter and searcher.
To move the [Privy] Council to summon Sir Robt. Holt to come up.
Write to Mr. Wharton about the militia money in Staffordshire as in Lord Brooke's letter.
Warrant upon the Earl of Derby's petition as was formerly granted; with directions to the officers of the Customs to take care that no goods pass but for said Earl's family.
Mr. Holland to be allowed 150l. as solicitor for the subsidy in Suffolk. A warrant to the Auditor [for Suffolk, concerned in said Holland's account]. Warrant to the Exchequer to deliver up Holland's bonds for the subsidy and Hearthmoney in Suffolk upon his passing his accounts.
Sir Samll. Sterling to be here on Friday morning.
Mr. Lawrence to be here on Friday next about Major Walden.
The [various] Auditors to be here on Friday with [their states of various Receivers'] accounts.
Sir R. Long, Auditor Beale and Auditor Aldworth to be here on Friday.
[Ibid. pp. 327–8.]
Sept. 20. Present: Earl of Shaftesbury, Lord Clifford, Sir J. Duncombe.
[Order for] a dormant warrant for the Duke of Ormonde's pension.
Mr. Ralph Egleston (Eccleston), at Sir John Duncomb's recommendation, is to be clerk to the Commissioners of Appeals in reversion to Hill who is in possession.
[Licence granted] to ship 200 barrels of powder to any of the English Plantations for Josias Dewie (Dewy) [on his] paying customary duties.
A letter very sharp to be written to Massey at Liverpool that he is in the same case as Waringe.
A letter [to be sent] to the Commissioners of the Wine Licences to pay Fownes his tally taken from the Master of the Robes.
Send to Mr. Fabian Phelips to attend on Monday afternoon with young Sir Rob. Atkins.
[Warrant for] 500l. for Mr. Poynts on the Great Wardrobe; granted on his petition.
Sir Samuell Sterlinge [called in] about his accounting for Hearthmoney. My Lords will have the account stated. My Lords will have him to account upon the [Auditor's] charge given; which is agreed to.
Write to the [Customs] Commissioners that Sir Joseph Jordan's son be admitted a King's waiter [in London port] and Abraham Watson to be his deputy.
Sir John Banks to pass his contract for the Fee Farms about 300l. per an. and likewise about 58l. a year rent in co. Southants that were all intended for the city [of London as in part of security for the city debt of 60,000l.]
Mr. Parry's accompt [of the remainder of the Portuguese money of the Queen Consort's dowry] is to be sent to Sir Robt. Southwell for him to consider and attend my Lords on Monday next about it.
Ordered that Mr. Wheare have the next vacancy of a tidesman's place at Plymouth on the recommendation of the Earl of Bath.
Mr. Lindsey to attend on Monday to give his answer fully about the payment of the city.
Refer to Sir R. Long, Mr. Sherwin, Auditor Beale, Auditor Aldworth and Mr. Filingham to consider a way how the true state of all interest [accounts] may be presented to my Lords as well for interest payable out of the Exchequer as for money taken up by imprest accomptants; and to that end to take the assistance and concurrence of the Treasurer of the Navy, Sir Stephen Fox and other persons concerned in imprest accounts.
Refer to the Customs Commissioners the petition of Robert Milne, of Montrose, in Scotland, merchant, with the favourable addition that it appears to my Lords very reasonable; nevertheless that if they know anything that 'tis not so really that they should report it, or else to discharge the goods according to the petition.
Mr. Brice's business [is considered] about receiving head money upon passengers for Ireland. Brice to be enquired for by Mr. Bray and to be summoned here on Monday next.
Order to the [Customs] Commissioners that the next landwaiter's place that falls [vacant] be reserved for Mr. Davies, Surveyor of Bristol, who desires to be removed, and when Mr. Davies removes then Mr. Carew to be removed to be Surveyor at Bristol and Mr. Redford to be surveyor at the Pill.
Mr. Cannom (Cannon) to be here on Monday next.
Sir Rob. Howard to speak with Mr. Cranfeild about his paper.
The Farmers of the Irish Customs are to attend on Monday afternoon about Mr. Kirby's letter.
Send to the privy seal to know why any of the goldsmiths pass their pardon without a docquet sent to my Lords and [to take care] that none do [this in future]. (In the margin: Wolseley [to] do this carefully.)
Write Mr. Ball to forthwith state his account with Alderman Backwell.
Sir Rob. Howard to write to the Trustees for sale of Fee Farms that Mr. Chace be permitted to contract for 105l. per an. of rents in co. Beds not yet contracted for.
A letter [to be sent] from Sir Rob. Howard to the Trustees [for sale of Fee Farms] for Sir John Banks to have contracts for 7,856l. 13s. 7d., my Lords having been informed that there will be rents sufficient besides those [assigned as security] for the city. (In the margin: This to be written when Sir John Banks brings the particulars (crossed through).)
A warrant to allow to the Governor and Deputy of the East India Company the duty of two pipes of Spanish wine and two tuns of French wine.
[Treasury Minute Book IV. pp. 328–331.]
Sept. 23. Present: Earl of Shaftesbury, Lord Clifford.
Speak with Mr. Cranfeild about his business of the manor in order [for it] to be done for him.
Write Col. Rumsey to know whether Mr. Rumsey that belongs to Sir Francis Popham has any relation to him, because he interrupts Lord Clifford's business in Rogers' estate in Somersetshire.
According to William Hickey's (Hicky's) petition write to the Customs Commissioners to deliver the books.
Sir Rob. Howard to speak with the Barons of the Exchequer and the Attorney General concerning Lady Salton's patent made to Col.
Grey and Sir James Keith and others as in their petition.
The Earl of Shaftesbury to write to the gentlemen of Dorsetshire about obstructing the 2s. 6d. upon recognizances.
Mr. Justice Atkins to speak with some about letting [to farm the revenue of] the law bill [in one farm all] together or by parcels and which way may be most [advantageous] for the King's service: and to report his opinion to my Lords.
Mr. Canham called in. His case is referred to the Commissioners of the Navy together with the order of Council referring same to my Lords. On said Canham's petition to my Lords setting forth that the King owes him money for hemp and he owing money for Customs for which he has given bonds, which bonds were assigned to the Victualler of the Navy, my Lords after the [possible taking off of the Exchequer] stop at Xmas [next] will take some care for his satisfaction.
The Customs Commissioners called in. [My Lords take into consideration] Mr. Brice's business about striking the Surveyor Mr. Cary at the Pill, near Bristol, and [his] using the King's boats for gathering headmoney. [Ordered] that Mr. Brice be restored to his place of landwaiter on his [making] submission and to quit his gathering headmoney. Write to Col. Rumsey to speak with John James, deputy sub-searcher to Mr. Sackfeild Graves, the King's head searcher, that he must quit either the headmoney gathering or his place in the Customs.
The Customs Commissioners deliver a paper [which is margined by my Lords with their directions thereupon].
Order for Isaackson, the Collector of Newcastle, to be indemnified for passing stuffs called 'fingerings' and 'pladdings' ad valorem.
Order to Mr. Mounteney to pay Mr. Man's and Mr. Clement's charges for destroying the tobacco [plantations in England]. Look up their imprest order and grant it on the account. Also Mr. Blake's charge. The Customs Commissioners to put [them] into [under the head of] inc[idents].
The account of Maryland, from Lord Baltimore, about tobacco is delivered to the Customs Commissioners then present.
The papers also and accounts from Mr. Kirby in Ireland about tobaccoes landed there are delivered this day to the Customs Commissioners for them to peruse and report their opinion upon.
[Order for] 20l. to be given to Mr. Job Dowle for his care and assistance about the destruction of tobacco. To be paid by Mr. Mounteney [and to be charged] in Mr. Man's account. The Customs Commissioners to put it upon the head of incidents.
Ordered that Capt. Steward give bond to land the goods in some part of England.
The gilt leather now in the warehouse is to be delivered to the importers.
Mr. Joyce to be a noon tender and to be removed from being a land carriage man.
Mr. Lyndsey to attend on Wednesday next.
Ordered that the Customs Commissioners pay incident charges from time to time as they shall think fit, not exceeding 20l. at one time.
Mr. Milne to have the goods discharged according to his petition.
[Treasury Minute Book IV. pp. 332–4.]
Sept. 25.
Present: Sir John Duncombe.
Send to Sir Edmund Turner to attend my Lords on Monday next to give an account why he has not passed his accounts about the four and a half [sic for 4l. additional duty] per tun laid on wines.
Order for Coles (Cole) to be Receiver of Hearthmoney in Staffordshire; and his former security to stand for this appointment. [Similar order] for Francis Hollingshead for Lancashire.
Put my Lords in mind the next sitting of the business of Sherwood Forest concerning the Duke of Newcastle's cutting wood [in the coppices of Lindhurst and Noemanswood there].
Enquire what [sums of money] the Master of the Horse has had for buying horses.
Capt. Baron's petition [read. Ordered] to be paid his pension of 200l. per an. by the Receiver in Wales according to said Baron's petition and grant.
The King to be moved that no pardon nor compositions with clippers [and counterfeiters], &c., shall be made without the [cognizance and consent of the] Treasury Lords.
My Lords will speak with the Attorney General how 300l. may be paid to Mr. Doyley by the persons that are passing their pardons for clipping: and [my Lords] to move the King that no pardon pass till Mr. Doyley have satisfaction.
Mr. Lindsey called in. He owes a debt of about 6,000l. to the King upon the subsidy: which it is ordered he is to pay before his conveyances of fee farms be passed. Then his proposition (struck through). "Then [it is] agreed that Mr. Lindsey shall proceed to purchase the residue of the city rents which is to be 6,000l. per an. with what has been already purchased by the city." The first conveyances to be in respect of the city, and Mr. Lindsey whenever he passes a conveyance must pay the purchase money of the rents into the Chamber of London, and so for every conveyance as it passes till the city be paid [the balance of their loan of 60,000l. to the King] and then the residue of the 6,000l. per an. [of fee farms] "to be paid the purchase money in his orders" [i.e. shall be paid into the Exchequer which shall take the orders in his hands as part purchase money]. His method of payment nevertheless is in relation to conveyances that may pass sooner than the utmost limits that are allowed Mr. Lindsey for payments: for he is to pay [to the city] the half of the remaining city debt by the last of October and a moiety of the other half by the middle of November and the remaining fourth part by the end of November: all [these] payments to be made by Mr. Lindsey into the Chamber of London. [In order] that Mr. Lindsey may speed his conveyances he is to have all assistance from my Lords to expedite and finish the whole [purchase of the fee farms to the value of] 6,000l. per an. And my Lords do admit [allow] that Mr. Lindsey shall hare (crossed through) may proceed by such ways as may save [give] him the Michaelmas rents of the whole purchase, viz. the remaining rents of [the] 6,000l. [per an. i. e. the portion thereof which he is hereby undertaking to take up. Ordered further] that if the rents shall be wanting to make up the 6,000l. per an. that then there be a removal of so many rents set off [or reserved] for pensions as may be sold to supply it and [that the said pensions and other fixed charges so displaced may be] placed upon church rents that are not saleable.
Mr. Cremer, counsellor at law, is to attend my Lords with Mr. Dusky, a solicitor appearing for Mrs. Susanna Willinggam, who has cut certain woods in Waltham Forest.
The Attorney General to attend on Monday to inform my Lords of the condition of Sherwood Forest and what injury the Duke of Newcastle has done there by his cutting down of wood.
Warrant for 100l. for Mr. Beauchampe.
Sir Stephen Fox's interest account to be considered on Friday morning.
Send to Mr. Lawrence for the two bills and the other papers that relate to the business of the East India Company.
Go to Sir Ro. Long and tell him that the King must have 500l. before he go to Newmarket.
[Treasury Minute Book IV. pp. 335–7.]
Sept. 27. Present: Sir Jo. Duncombe.
Write to Sir Ro. Atkins to send in an account of the Law Bill.
On Monday afternoon, Nov. 4, Sir Jonathan Atkins, Major Walters, Major Dorrell [are to attend my Lords] concerning the business of Guernsey [which business is] to be heard without fail.
Auditor Beale also to attend.
[Order for] 100l. to be put into the [week's payment] list for Mr. Tho. Elliot.
[The like order for] 100l. for the organ of the Chapel [Royal].
Memorandum Sir J. D[uncombe].
Sir William Warren and William Wood [erased].
[Ibid. p. 338.]