Entry Book: July 1671, 11-20

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: July 1671, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp902-915 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1671, 11-20', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp902-915.

"Entry Book: July 1671, 11-20". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp902-915.


July 1671, 11-20

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 11 The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, on his accounts, he being now engaged on them with his auditor. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 178.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Laurence. I have occasion for the three papers I gave you yesterday, viz., the states of the poll, Royal and Additional Aid, and Eleven Months' tax. Return them to my house to-morrow morning. Out Letters General II. p. 514; I. p. 428.
Same to Auditor Aldworth. My Lords being now upon concluding all accompts depending before you, have directed that you present them a state of Mr. Fillingham's second accompt for the office of [Exchanges at] St. Helen's according to the times he gives in unto you, "and lett the same be forthwith done in order to their approbation and settlement." Ibid, II. p. 516.
July 11 Treasury order for 6l. to Ralph Almond, gent., as reward for loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 222.
For 6l. to Edw. Atcherly for same.
For 600l. to Sir Allen Apsley for interest for 20,000l. registered on the last Wine Act for the Duke of York.
July 12 Same for 1,000l. to the Duke of York Ibid, p. 114.
July 13 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of divers parcels of derelict lands in Dorset formerly granted to Charles Gifford, as from 1665, Lady Day, and including divers parcels of salt marshes and other waste lands and encroachments within the said county, granted at 6d. an acre rent for so much thereof as should be embanked and recovered from the sea at the lessee's cost or one fourth part of the clear yearly value thereof payable from the time of the embanking, provided 500 acres or more were so embanked within seven years which is near expired: with a view to a renewal of said lease to said Gifford, the period of execution of the work being extended for another seven years from Michaelmas next. Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 105.
Same to same for same of three tenements heretofore in the tenure of John Hooper, in Crannow and Slade, and two tenements in Treworgie, in the county and duchy of Cornwall, with a view to a lease thereof to William Braddon: the present estate in the premises being in the life of James Cock and petitioner only, the petitioners' son, William Braddon, being dead. Ibid, p. 106.
[?] Entry of demise to Robert Brent of the tithes of flax in Weston and Pinchbeck, co. Lincoln, and of lands and tenements in the city of Lincoln. Ibid, p. 107.
[?] Same of same by in custodiam lease under the Exchequer Seal to Edward Taylor of tithes within the parish of Fowey, co. Cornwall, parcel of the possessions of Henry Stephens, gent., outlaw. Ibid, p. 109.
[?] Same of same by same to Nicholas Parmanter of a messuage with the appurtenants called Aysh in the parish of Braunton ("Brampton"), co. Devon, part of the lands of Balthazar Beare, Esq., outlaw. Ibid, p. 111.
[?] Entry of the demise to Jonathan Brewer at the nomination of Henry Seymour, one of the Grooms of the Bedchamber, of a mill and several lands, part of the manor of Laverton, Somerset. Ibid, p. 113.
[?] Same of same to Sarah Hele, widow, of the capital messuage and barton of Bradridge and several lands thereto, parcel of the manor of Boyton and Duchy of Cornwall, for the lives of Sarah, John and Francis Hele. Ibid.
[?] Entry of the grant to Thomas Staples, Esq., of the office of bailiff of the franchises and liberties of the demesnes and manor of Cookham and Bray and the office of waterbailiff of the Thames within the said demesnes and manor together with the farm of the seven hundreds of Cookham and Bray. Ibid.
July 13 Treasury warrant suspending Christopher Jay from the office of Receiver General of Crown revenues for the counties of Norfolk and Huntingdon and appointing Robert Cooke to said office in his place till further order: Auditor John Phelipps, the Auditor for said counties having certified that said Jay has not made up or prosecuted the accompts of his receipt as by law he ought. Ibid, p. 110.
July 13 Treasury warrant to Henry, Earl of St. Albans, and the rest of the Trustees of the late Queen Mother, to pass a fresh lease to Dame Margaret Herbert, relict of Sir Edward Herbert. Kt., of several lands, tenements and hereditaments in Walton on Thames, co. Surrey, and of divers lands, messuages, and tenements parcel of the manor of Oatlands, all being part of the possessions of the honor of Hampton Court and late part of the jointure of the late Queen Mother. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 107–9.
Prefixing:—Three particulars of the premises and Surveyor General's ratal of same.
Same to same to pass a lease to Owen Hurst of the house or messuage lately built on the waste of the manor of Havering at Bower by Richard Emmes, near the King's highway leading from Rumford to Brentwood: the said Hurst to covenant to recover at his own cost the possession of the premises to His Majesty. Ibid, pp. 111–2.
Prefixing:—Surveyor General's constat and ratal of the premises.
Same to Auditor Aldworth for a particular of the office of steward of the manor of Barnsley, co. Yorks, now void by the death of Sir Francis Wortley. Ibid, p. 113.
The Treasury Lords to Lord Buckley [Viscount Bulkeley]. "Having received information from Mr. Mostyn, the Receiver of His Majesty's revenue of Hearthmoney in the county wherein your Lordship lives and some neighbouring counties, that your Lordship and Mr. Peirce Lloyd have been ready, as occasion hath required, to assist him in that service, we can do no less than take notice of it to your Lordship and do assure you that we shall not be wanting to represent to His Majesty your affection to his service. We desire your Lordship will please to give Mr. Lloyd from us the like assurance." Ibid, XXXIII. p. 178.
Same to the Bishop of Bangor. "We have received information from Mr. Mostyn, Receiver of His Majesty's revenue of Hearthmoney within the counties of Anglesey, Merioneth, Carnarvon, and Montgomery (part of which as we are informed lie within your Lordship's diocese) of some difficulty they meet with in the ministers [of religion] signing certificates for the exemption of paupers, some of them being too scrupulous and others not rightly considering or regarding for whom they certify: by the former of which the collecting of His Majesty's revenues is delayed, and by the latter much of it is unduly discharged: We therefore desire that your Lordship will please to admonish them that they be careful to avoid these extremes which will both facilitate and expedite the bringing in of that revenue." Ibid, p. 177.
The like letter to the Bishop of St. Asaph Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the [warden of — prison] to release on bail until Michaelmas [next] John Cooper, late Receiver General of the Royal Aid and other assessments for co. Notts, and committed prisoner to your custody for not clearing and perfecting his accounts thereof; he having made proposals which are now being considered by the Treasury Lords in order to his settling the arrears upon his accompts. Ibid, XXXV. p. 28.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer for process of immediate extent against John Swynborn, late Receiver General of the monthly assessments in Durham and Northumberland: all courses hitherto taken with him for recovery of his debt to the Crown having proved ineffectual. Ibid.
July 13 The Treasury Lords to the sheriff of Yorkshire. We are informed that the abovesaid Swynborn had a considerable estate in Yorkshire. When the writ reaches you for the extending of his estate you are to see same effectually executed according to your duty. Warrants Early XXXV. p. 29.
Entry of two Treasury orders as follow: (1) The agents for Hearthmoney are to give notice to the respective Receivers thereof that neither they nor their deputies do at their peril receive the Hearthmoney at Michaelmas next till they have collected and paid in and cleared what is grown due thereon at Lady Day last and received order further to proceed. Ibid, XXXVI. pp. 211–2
(2) That the Auditors of the revenue for the respective counties do receive from the deputies or agents of the late Farmers of Hearthmoney, Collectors of the said duty for the half year ended at Lady Day, 1666, such books, papers or rolls containing their accompts as they have delivered or shall deliver in upon oath for the receipts of that revenue, and that they charge them with all such sums of money as they do find they have received, and for all such sums of money as they have not received, in regard the time limited for collecting the duty is elapsed, that they mention them as moneys whereof the accomptants crave to be discharged [so] that we [the Treasury Lords] may consider thereof: and that in the said accompts they give them such an allowance for the receipt thereof as was formerly allowed to His Majesty's Receivers of that revenue, and such allowances to the Clerks of the Peace and constables as were allowed in the said Receivers' accompts according to the tenour of the Act of Parliament in that behalf expressing in each county and place where the Clerks of the Peace have performed the service and where not, that we may likewise take consideration thereof: and that the said Auditors having stated the said accompts accordingly do deliver the states thereof subscribed by them to Mr. Sherwyn, Mr. Webb and Mr. Fillingham, agents for the Hearthmoney. If the said Auditors find any of that half year's revenue [ended at 1666, Lady Day, to have been] received by the former Receivers of Hearthmoney, they are to set same in super on such Receivers. If the said deputies or agents of the said Farmers do not deliver in their accompts as above within a month herefrom you are to certify us hereof that proceedings may be had against them.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Lindsey. Attend me to-morrow about Sir Henry de Vick's assignments which I lately acquainted you withal. Out Letters General II. p. 515.
[?] Same to the Customs Farmers. My Lords desire you to take care for sending into the Exchequer the money for the Judges of the Courts in Westminster Hall, the Welsh Judges, and the Masters of Chancery for the last quarter, and that you place it upon your rent for the month of August next. Ibid.
Same to Viscount Ranelagh to attend my Lords at Lord Ashley's house on Saturday afternoon next about a docquet which is before my Lords for paying 10,000l. to the Farmers of the Revenue in Ireland. Ibid, p. 516.
July 13 Treasury order for 5,000l. to Sir Rob. Viner in repayment of loan: Order Book XXXVII. p. 114.
For 5,000l. to Humphry Weld.
Money warrant for 13,105l. 11s. 9d. to Sir Ste. Fox for the Guards and Garrisons in part of 28,984l. 18s. 7d for two months, viz. 1671, July 29 to Sept. 23. Warrants Early XXV. p. 15.
July 13 Letter of direction upon three orders of June 3 last for 600l., 600l. and 1,400l. to Ralph Montague. Warrants Early XXV. pp. 15–16.
Money warrant for 20l. to Edgar, Duke of Cambridge, for one year's creation money to the dignity of Earl of Cambridge: and Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay him 40l. for same as Duke of Cambridge. Ibid, XXVIII. pp. 125, 127.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 40l. to the Duke of York for one year's creation money. Ibid, p. 128.
Money warrant for 500l. to Prince Rupert in full satisfaction of the like sum by him expended and employed for His Majesty's service: to be received without accompt. (Treasury order. dated July 21.) Ibid, p. 123; Order Book XXXVII. p. 417.
Same for 75l. 5s. 7½d. to John Collet, one of the sergeants at arms, for three quarters on his fee to June 24 last, as by the letters patent of Mar. 28 last granting him said office loco Benjamin Harrington as from 1670, Sept. 29. (Treasury order, dated ? Aug. 6.) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) p. 82; Order Book XXXVII. p. 226.
Same for 120l. (sic) to Sieur John Guitault, late page to the late Duchess of Orleans, for one year on his pension as by the privy seal of May 27 last, granting same from 1670, Lady Day. (Treasury order hereon for 125l., dated ? July 15.) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) p. 82; Order Book XXXVII. p. 207.
Same for 100l. 7s. 6d. to Sir Richard Bishopp for one year of his fee. (? A duplicate with the money warrant of July 7, supra, or a letter of direction merely.) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) p. 83.
Same for 36l. 10s. 0d. to Abraham Downing for one year on his fee as His Majesty's skinner. Ibid, p. 84.
Same for 490l. to the four yeoman prickers, viz., 150l. to James Bowles, 140l. to Michael Hancock, 110l. to John Richardson. 90l. to Nathaniel Bird. (Treasury orders hereon, dated? July 15.) Ibid, p. 86; Order Book XXXVII. p. 207.
July 14 Treasury warrant to Auditor Phelipps to deliver to Robert Cooke appointed Receiver General of Crown revenues for Norfolk and Huntingdon loco Christopher Jay, a perfect rental or extract out of the records of the charge of His Majesty's revenue in said counties. Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 110.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Rookes, Receiver of the Subsidy for Kent. I enclose my Lords' reply to your letter for your information and guidance. Out Letters General II. p. 516.
Same to the Alum Farmers and their auditor to attend my Lords at Lord Ashley's to-morrow with said Farmers' accompts. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Aldworth. My Lords desire you to call on Sir R. Long for a list given in by Alderman Backwell of all bonds that have been taken by the Customs Farmers from merchants for payment of the 4l. per ton on wines for completing the late 310,000l. Wine Act. Ibid.
Same to the Vice Chamberlain of the Household and his auditor. My Lords are informed by Mr. Jessup that your books have long since been delivered back [by the Commissioners of Accounts]. They desire that you will forthwith apply yourself with your auditor about preparing a state of your accompt. Ibid, p. 517.
Same to the Customs Farmers. My Lords desire you to forthwith pay into the Exchequer all the moneys that have been received by you at the Custom House for the 4l. per ton upon wines for supply of 310,000l. Wine Act. Ibid
July 14 Sir G. Downing to Sir Ch. Harbord. My Lords have received information of great abuses and obstructions made of His Majesty's wood in his several forests, chases and parks. You are to send them your speedy opinion as to some effectual remedy. Out Letters General II. p. 517.
Same to the Auditors of the Revenue. My Lords understand that several Receivers of the Hearth money have applied to you about their accompts for the 1½ years ending Sept. 29 last, and that you have certified several states thereof. My Lords now direct you to proceed and prepare these accompts to be duly declared before my Lords. If you meet with any obstruction therein you are to acquaint Mr. Sherwyn, Mr Webb and Mr Fillingham (the agents appointed for quickening in that duty) therewith. Ibid.
Treasury order (erased) registered on the new additional Excise, for — to Sir Rob. Vyner in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 502.
Three Treasury orders for, in all, 17,865l. 8s. 8d. to Sir Rob. Viner in repayment of loan. Ibid p. 131.
For 28l, 10s. 8d. to Mr. Sherwyn and Mr. Webb [for incidents for the Hearthmoney].
Money warrant for 450l. to Isaac Legouche in full of a jewel given by His Majesty to the Envoy from Portugal, as by the certificate of the 10th inst. from the Earl of St. Albans, Lord Chamberlain. (Treasury order hereon, dated July 15.) Warrants Early XXII. p. 31; Order Book XXXVII. p. 245.
Letter of direction on an order of date —, for 244l. 6s. 8d. to Mr. Lees. Warrants Early XXII. p. 32.
Money warrant for 46l. 11s. 2d. to John Mason for one year as one of the King's music. (Treasury warrant, dated ? Aug. 6.) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) p. 99; Order Book XXXVII. p. 225.
[?] Same (erased) for 141l. to Mr. Foliard for barbing linen Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) p. 100.
July 15 The Treasury to Viscount Fanshaw, the King's Remembrancer, to allow three months to Francis Scarlett, Receiver General of First Fruits, to complete his security of 10,000l. and meanwhile to accept his securities for 7,000l. Ibid, XXXIX. p. 11.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long. I lately received from you a certificate of all moneys conceived by you to be really borrowed upon the credit of the fee farms. My Lords now desire another certificate from you for what sum interest is paid upon orders registered on the fee farms being for real or fictitious loans. Also my Lords desire a certificate for what sum interest is payable upon orders registered in the Exchequer upon the new farm of the Customs, the Chimney money, last Wine Act, the respective [present and Additional] Excises and the Law Bill. Out Letters General II. p. 518.
Same to Sir Edw. Sawyer and Anditor Phelipps. I have received from all the Auditors except yourselves certificates of all accounts unpassed since 1660, which ought to have been passed before you. Bring your certificates to my house on Monday without fail. Ibid
Same to the Auditors of Imprests to the like effect. If any assistance to you in making this certificate you can see the like certificates from Auditors Beal and Wood in 1668. Ibid, pp. 518–9.
Same to Auditor Parsons to forthwith call upon the woodward of New Forest, co. Southampton, for his accounts and to perfect same. Ibid, p. 519.
July 15 Sir G. Downing to Deputy Auditor Pollard. My Lords perceive by your certificate of the 13th inst. that Mr. Bennet's accounts for Devon and Cornwall are ready to be declared. You are to attend my Lords with it at Lord Ashley's on Monday next. Out Letters General II. p. 519.
Same to Mr. Napper and Mr. Harbord to attend my Lords forthwith with a state of said Napper's accompt of the receipt of the Duchy of Cornwall. Ibid.
Same to Auditors Aldworth and Sir William Godolphin. You have not yet sent your certificates of what Receivers of the revenue have not yet passed their accompts. Bring it to my house on Monday. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Farmers. My Lords desire a certificate of what sum has been raised on the 4l. per tun both in London and the outports and that you take care the money be speedily paid into the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 520.
Same to Sir Robt. Atkyns to attend Sir John Duncombe on Tuesday evening about putting in a doorkeeper in his office [of Receiver of the Imposition on Law proceedings]. Ibid.
Same to Col. Birch to attend Sir G. Downing on Monday about the account of the Wine Act. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of Imprests. My Lords are informed by Mr. Jessop that the accounts of the Ordnance are ready to be delivered [from the Commissioners of Accounts] to such persons as my Lords shall appoint. Capt. Wharton has directions to attend you with them with vouchers, &c. You are to prepare a state thereof. Ibid.
Same to said Captain Wharton to attend Mr. Jessop for the books of the Ordnance and to go to the Auditors of Imprests. Ibid.
Treasury constitution of Thomas Cawood to be Receiver of Crown Revenues for Suffolk and Cambridge in place of Edward Deereing, who is hereby suspended: it appearing by the certificate of Auditor John Phelipps that said Deereing has not made up or prosecuted the accounts of his receipt as he ought to have done. Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 137.
Treasury warrant to said Auditor Phelipps to deliver to said Cawood a rental of said counties to enable him to collect and levy said revenue, allowing him such fees and allowances as are usual. Ibid, pp. 137–8.
Same to the Earl of St. Albans (Lord Chamberlain of the Household) and the rest of the Trustees of the late Queen Mother's jointure to prepare a lease to Robert Dey, gent., of the several parcels of land, tenements, and sheep walk in the manor of Wymondham, co Norfolk, and the piccages and stallage and tolls of the markets and fair of East Dereham, co. Norfolk, as follow, the Treasury Lords having contracted with said Day for the renewal of the leases in the same, "and you are to insert into the said lease the feed for the trip of sheep upon Sutton alias Southwood common in Wymondham aforesaid." Ibid, pp. 139–43.
Prefixing:—(1) Three particulars by Auditor J. Philips of the premises as follows, viz., the land and tenement in Vigars Street [Wymondham], late in the farm of William Walter, and four acres of land lying in Northfield and one acre lying near Townsend Cross, together with the sheep walk and faldage all as demised 1660–1, Mar. 8, to John Fisher: the small piece of ground and pasture called the Barneyard containing three acres in Wymondham alias Windham, and the close called Throwers, lying in Wymondham, demised by the late Queen Mother to said John Fisher on said date: the piccage and stallage and all the buildings called Lez Stalls and Standings situate in East Dereham, and all the profits thereof and the weekly toll of cattle and merchandise there as demised by the said late Queen Mother 1663, April 6, to Humphrey Whitgrave. (2) Surveyor General's ratal of said particulars.
July 15 Sir G. Downing to Sir C. Harbord (erased), conveying the Treasury reference of Mr. Singleton's petition to him for his opinion what can be fitly done therein. Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 114.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Ann Spry, widow, of the messuages, lands and tenements called Lanvinian, Scruberiow and Molunian in the parish of St. Anthony, Cornwall, parcel of the manor of Porthea Prior as granted to Samuel Spry by letters patent of 1660–1, Feb. 7. Ibid, pp. 115–6.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises and Surveyor General's ratal.
The Treasury Lords to [the King's Remembrancer] to issue process against the following Receivers General of Crown revenues, it appearing from the certificate of Thomas Raban, deputy to Auditor Sir Joseph Seymour, that they have not passed their accounts: viz. the executors of Sir George Benyon, late Receiver General of Crown revenues for Northampton and Rutland on the account for the year ended 1669, Michaelmas. Ibid, p. 123.
Thomas Oliver, late same for Stafford, Hereford, Salop and Worcester.
Sir John Cutler, same for Notts and Derby, on his accounts ending 1670, Michaelmas.
Four Treasury orders, registered on the new Additional Excise, for, in all, 2,600l. to Sir Rob. Nott, gent. [sic] in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 501.
[ ? ] One same on same for 3,150l. 11s. 9d. to Sir Ste. Fox by way of advance for His Majesty's Guards and Garrisons. Ibid.
July 15 Treasury order for 120l. to Sir Edmond Sawyer to be paid to the Auditor's clerk. Ibid, pp. 206–7.
[?] For 34l. 7s. 6d. each to Tertullian Lewes, Richard Maugridge and Richard Vaux, drummers.
For 34l. 7s. 6d. each to Devereux Clothier, Robert Maugridge and John Maugridge, drummers.
For 86l. 12s. 8d. to Mr. Madge.
July 15 Money warrant for 46l. 10s. 10d. to Charles Evans for one year on his salary as His Majesty's harper. (Treasury order, ? Aug. 6.) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse p. 88; Order Book XXXVII. p. 226.
Same for 137l. 18s. 4d. to George Kirke for same as Housekeeper at Whitehall. Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) p. 88.
Same for 9l. 2s. 6d. to John Whynyard for same as keeper of the House of Peers. (Treasury order, dated ? Aug. 6.) Ibid, p. 89; Order Book XXXVII. p. 226.
The Treasury Lords to the Judges. We are informed that there are many suits at law brought by several persons against retailers of wine upon the penalties of the late Wine Act for 310,000l. We have been applied to on behalf of said retailers representing their great trouble, charge and danger by reason of said prosecutions. We did thereupon call before us divers of the said retailers and the persons who prosecute them and find that the said prosecutions are generally for over gauges, for which they are likewise prosecuted by the Commissioners for the Retrospect of said Act: the said retailers have unanimously on behalf of themselves and the rest of the retailers agreed and promised us to submit to our orders and determination in this whole matter. You are therefore to grant them time till the 1st day of Michaelmas term next for perfecting their accompts with the said Commissioners for the Retrospect and for performing such orders and directions as we shall make thereupon. We have accordingly given direction to said Commissioners and retailers to use all possible expedition therein. Meanwhile please stay all prosecutions. Warrants Early XXVI. p. 35.
July 15 Money warrant for 175l. to Walter Breames, Comptroller of Customs of Sandwich port, for executing the office of Customer of said port during the suspension of Cadwallader Jones, viz. for 2¼ years. Out Letters Customs II. pp. 174–5.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay Roger Charnock, the salary of 52l. per an. as one of the King's Waiters in London port, said office being granted by letters patent of Mar. 10 last to said Roger Charnock and Thomas Charnock on the surrender of Sir George Charnock and said Roger Charnock, who formerly held same. Ibid, p. 175.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 13l. 6s. 8d. to the Earl of Bridgewater for one years' creation money. Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 128–9.
Marginal note: of a Treasury order dated 1672, May 20, to Mr. Mounteney. "Let this warrant be executed and the money paid thereupon."
Money warrant for 60l. to the Earl of Bridgewater in part of six years' arrears of his creation money to Lady Day last. Ibid, XVIII. p. 423.
July 17 Same for 24l. to Sir Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, to be paid over to Samuel Rumney, son and administrator of Bridgett Rumny, being due to her at her decease asstrewer of herbs to His Majesty: to be registered on the Hearthmoney. Ibid, XXI. pp. 55–6; Order Book XXXVII. p. 131.
Together with:—Treasury warrant dated July 19 to said Griffin to pay said sum to said Rumny. (Treasury order hereon, dated? July 18.)
Privy seal for 1,095l. to Charles Sydenham being the baronet fee payable by Sir William Chaitor, of Croft Hall, co. Yorks. (Treasury order hereon, dated Aug. 16.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 207; Order Book XXXVII. p. 114.
Sir G. Downing to the Auditors of the Imprests to bring to his house on Wednesday next a certificate of all accounts unpassed since 1660. Out Letters General II. p. 520.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay Richard Breton the moneys due upon his salary of 100l. per an. as Comptroller of the Petty Customs in London port to which he was appointed by letters patent of May 17 last on the surrender of Thomas Nevill, and further to pay him what shall grow due to him thereon hereafter to Michaelmas next. Out Letters Customs I. p. 241.
July 17 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant to Thomas Williams of the office of steward of the lordship and manor of Kingsland, co. Hereford, with proviso that said steward deliver yearly to the King's auditor true and perfect extracts of the court rolls of the said manor, whereby the bailiff may be yearly charged upon his account with the profits thereof to His Majesty's use. Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 114.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises by deputy auditor Tho. Raban.
Same to the King's Remembrancer for a commission to be prepared under the seal of the Exchequer Court to Sir Edward Hungerford, Sir Charles Harbord, Sir William Cartsmay (Catchmay), kt., Sir George Probart, kt., William Harbord, Hugh Tynte (Tint), Thomas Master, John Robins, William Gregory, Tho. Carpender, William Pawlett, John May, Edward Bamfeild and Thomas Barrow, Esqs., William Jones, William Gough, Christopher Woodward, John Wyatt, Edmond Maddocks and Tho. Hearne, gent., to be Commissioners to enquire into all offences committed in the King's chase of Kingswood, called Kingswood Forest, co. Gloucester, and for the ascertaining of His Majesty's right there and for the better regulating and settling of the said chase. Ibid, pp. 117–22.
Prefixing:—Instructions to be observed by said Commissioners for their enquiry, viz. (1) to perambulate the same and after comparing with the Commonwealth survey of same to certify the true metes and bounds of said forest: (2) the number of the King's lodges and where they stood and who now possess same: (3) names of persons claiming right of common of pasture, estover or turbary: (5) timber felled since 1660, June 24: (6) coal pits and stone quarries dug since 1660. June 24: (7) assarts, purprestures or encroachments since 1660, June 24, or before (8) cottages and huts erected within the last 40 years to the terror, hurt or destruction of the deer and on whose soil and whether by leave of the owners or pretended owners of said soil: (9) how many of said cottages or huts may be permitted to stand:(10) the liberties, privileges and profits enjoyed by the rangers and keepers and whether they have used to make any drift or drifts of or in the said chase or to impound the cattle of trespassers or have seized waifs and strays to His Majesty's use: (11) what new parks or warrens have been erected or enclosed of late years: (12) all other offences, erections, destruction of veal and venison, trespasses, &c.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Nicholas Kemp and John Kemp, his son, of the tenement called Edon alias Odon, in the manor of Trelugan, co. Cornwall, formerly parcel of the possessions of Edward, Earl of Devon, and now annexed to the Duchy of Cornwall: all as granted to said Nicholas Kemp, of Gerrans, yeoman, and John Kemp, his son, by letters patent of 1661, Nov.21. Ibid. pp. 125–6.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises by Ja Symes, Deputy Auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall, and Surveyor General's ratal.
Same to same for same to Edward Izard of the portion of tithe lying in Beckley Field, co. Oxford, formerly parcel of the possessions of King Hy. VIII.'s College, Oxford. and of the tenement called Cornish Changh, in the city of Oxford, formerly in the occupation of Robert Compton, and lately in the tenure or occupation of Richard Quayte, and late part [of the possessions] of the Fraternity of St. Nicholas in the parish of St. Mary, and as granted to Henry Woodford, gent., by letters patent of 1625–6, Mar. 24. Ibid, pp. 127–8
Prefixing:—Two Particulars of the premises by Chris. Crow, deputy to Auditor Sir Edw. Sawyer and Surveyor General's ratal.
July 17 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to John Daw (Dawe), gent., of the pasture called Northolt in the parish of Evershot containing 153 acres, parcel of the manor of Ryme, co. Dorset, and of the Duchy of Cornwall, and formerly in the tenure of William Browning, as is contained in the minister's account for the 17th year of the late King Edward IV (and as demised to John Dawe by an indenture of Charles formerly Prince of Wales, dated 1624, June 19, for the lives of said John Daw, John, son of Thomas Dawe, of Cattistock, co. Dorset, yeoman, and Thomas, son of Symon Rogers, of Wraxall, Dorset, yeoman). Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 131–2.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises by Ja. Symes, deputy auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall; and ratal thereof by Sir C. Harbord, the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Same to the King's Remembrancer for a commission to the following to inquire into the encroachments, concealments, and wastes in cos. Yorks and Lincoln, viz.:— Ibid, pp. 133–4.
For the county of York:—
Sir John Hotham, Bart.
Sir Rob. Hildyard, Kt. and Bart.
Sir Ralph Warton, Kt.
William Gee, Esq.
William Sympson, gent.
For the county of Lincoln:—
Sir William Hickman, Bart.
Sir Anth. Ireby, Kt.
Sir Tho. Meeres, Kt.
Ro. Mellish, Esq.
William Shipley, gent.
[And for both counties combined:—]
Robert Seymour, of Gray's Inn, Esq.
Timothy Barecliffe, Esq.
Henry Barecliffe, Esq.
Field Dunn. Esq.
Christopher Lond, gent.
Seth How, gent.
Richard Yates, gent.
Prefixing:—Articles of instructions to be observed by said Commissioners in said inquiry.
Money warrant for 100l. each to Francis, Lord Hawley, Sir C. Harbord, Sir William Haward, Sir Robt. Stewart, Sir John Talbott, and William Harbord; for June 24 quarter last as Trustees for sale of fee farms; and 62l. 10s. 0d. to Sir G. Downing; and 100l. to Robt. Blany and Richard Lightfoot, their principal clerks, and 75l. for their inferior clerks, and 10l. each to a messenger and doorkeeper. (Treasury orders hereon for 600l. for the Trustees, and for 100l. and 95l. to Blany and Lightfoot, dated July 20.) Ibid, XXVII. (reverse) pp. 89–90; Order Book XXXVII. p. 207.
Same for 13l. 13s. 9d. to James Davis for one year on his fee as wardrobe keeper at Windsor. (Treasury order, dated ? Aug. 6.) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) p 90; Order Book XXXVII. p. 208.
Same for 260l. to Thomas Davis for same on his fee of 100l. and 160l. per an. as his late Majesty's barber. (Treasury orders dated July 20 for 100l. and 160l.) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) p. 90; Order Book XXXVII. p. 208.
Same for 60l. 2s. 6d. to Philip Beckett for one year as one of the King's music. (Treasury order, dated? Aug. 6.) Ibid. (reverse) p. 91; Order Book XXXVII. p. 226.
Same for 40l. 9s. 2d. to Thomas Blograve (Blagrave) for same as a same. (Treasury order, dated July 20) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) p. 91; Order Book XXXVII. p. 208.
July 17 Money warrant for 36l. 10s. 0d. each to the seven Grooms of Her Majesty's Bedchamber for one year each, viz. Richard Elton, John Robinson, Thomas Wetherden, John Maxwell, Bartholomew Lucar, William Lowe and Henry Carter. Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) p. 91.
June [sic erratum for July] 17 Same for 100 marks to the ordinary Grooms and Pages to the Queen Consort to be divided amongst them as royal bounty for one year. Ibid, pp. 92–3.
July 17 Same for 239l. 10s. 0d. to Edward Warcop, His Majesty's Clerk of the Petty Bag in the Chancery Court, for drawing and engrossing all the commissions by which the Commissioners in the several counties are empowered to execute the late Act for the subsidy. Ibid, p. 93; Order Book XXXVII. p. 245.
Together with:—A later letter of direction hereon, dated 1671, Aug. 26. (Treasury order hereon, dated Aug. 30.)
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for the sheriffs of Surrey and Sussex to pay the Duke of Norfolk 20l. for one year's creation money as Earl of Surrey and the Sheriff of Norfolk to pay him 40l. for same as Duke of Norfolk. Warrants Early XXII. p. 131.
Treasury order for 597l. 16s. 4d. and 238l. 3s. 2d. to Edward Backwell for reward for loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 120.
July 18 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to William Braddon of three tenements in the tenure of John Hooper, in Cranow and Slade, co. Cornwall, and of two tenements and the pasture of the wood in Treworgie, co. Cornwall, in the tenure of John Mill, parcel of the manor of Treworgie and Duchy of Cornwall, and of all the houses and buildings [formerly] demised to William Kekewick, gent., in trust for the support of Thomas, William, Alice, Mary and Thomasine, children of Joseph Jane, Esq., by letters patent of 1661, Nov. 21, in reversion after the death of James Cock, or after the determination of the demise of same to William Bligh during the life of William Braddon, of Treworgie, abovesaid, and of William Braddon his son [since deceased]. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 135–6.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises and Surveyor General's ratal.
Letter of direction on a Treasury order of 1667, Aug. 22, for 250l. to the Earl of Anglesey for wages to officers, seamen, and mariners. Order Book XXXVII. p. 115.
Treasury order for 80l. 0s. 0d. to Tho. White in repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 131.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay one year on the following fees due to the several officers of the Pipe, in part of two years' arrears thereon, viz. 63l. 2s. 0d. to the Clerk of the Pipe and the Secondaries of the Pipe Office and all other clerks thereof; 5l. 15s. 0d. to the Comptroller of the Pipe; and 11l. 15s. 4d. to the Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer for fees for entering and joining all Customs tallies. Out Letters Customs II. p. 176.
Money warrant for 140l. to Jeremiah Gohory, dancing master to the Queen Consort, for one year in part of the arrears on his fee. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 423.
July 19 Privy seal for the following sums to Henry Coventry as Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Sweden, viz. 1,500l. for equipage and 500l. for the charges of his journey and 10l. a day to be paid quarterly in advance; also for his extraordinaries as by letters to be subscribed by the Secretary of State, "hee at his returne delivering an exact narrative of his embassy." Ibid, XVa. p. 197.
July 19 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Napper. Attend me to-morrow at my house. Out Letters General II. p. 521.
Same to Auditor Aldworth to certify my Lords whether the moneys of the coal farm be included in what you lately certify as having been paid in by Capt. Brabant. Ibid.
Same to same. By your certificate of the 15th inst. there is a super of 419l. 4s. 0d. upon Mr. Bland's account for [Crown revenues for] co. Yorks. Is it not fit that process go against him? Also let me know whether any course be taken for recovering the money in Mr. Read's hands, besides his being in custody. Ibid.
Same to Capt. Wadlow. Herewith I send you two copies of accounts of moneys received and paid upon the first Wine Act. My Lords desire you to discharge yourself on what is charged on you, and that you attend Auditor Aldworth therewith on Tuesday next. Ibid.
Same to Col. John Bowles. If the 210l. which you stand boundin with Col. Disny to pay off the debt which Eustace Seymour owes to the King which you should have paid on the 12th of the last month be not forthwith paid my Lords will put your bond in suit. Ibid.
Same to Sir Edw. Sawyer. My Lords desire you to call upon Dudley Rouse, Receiver of Aids, co. Oxford, to prosecute his accounts and that you prepare a state thereof. Ibid, p. 522.
The Treasury Lords to the late Commissioners of the Wine Act to forthwith pay into the Exchequer 300l. and odd "by you acknowledged to be in your hands," and all such other moneys as are remaining in your hands of the first Wine Act. Warrants Early XL. p. 42.
The same to the King's Remembrancer for process of immediate extent to issue out of the Exchequer against the following Receivers General of the late monthly assessments and their sureties for detaining considerable sums of His Majesty's moneys in their hands, viz.:— Ibid, XXXV. pp. 29–30.
Thomas Seykes for co. Berks.
Nicholas Viele for co. Gloucester.
Richard Kirkby and William Kirkby for co. Lancs.
and the surety of Walter Vaughan, late Receiver of Aids for Pembroke.
Same to same to stay process against Kemp Harward, one of the head Collectors of the Royal Aid and Eleven Months' assessment for co. Worcester, he having lately paid 750l. into the Exchequer in part of the super charged upon him by Robert Foley, late Receiver General of same, and having promised to discharge the remainder within two months. Ibid, p. 30.
Same to the Countess of Southampton. We are informed by John Dunklyn. Collector of Hearthmoney for London, Westminster, and Middlesex that the said duty is unpaid for three half years to Michaelmas last for fifty hearths in your house in Bloomsbury. We desire you to take order for the speedy payment thereof. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 212.
The like letters severally to the following:— Ibid. pp. 212–3.
Lord Gerrard for three half years to 1670, Michaelmas, for a house at Acton containing 34 hearths.
Sir John Huberd for 16 hearths in his house in St. Martin's Lane.
The Earl of Craven for 9 hearths in his house at Paddington.
Lord Brereton for 15 hearths in his house in Westminster.
Anthony Ellis for 10 hearths in his house in Leicester Fields.
Col. Panton for 27 hearths in his house in Picadilly.
Sir Thomas Daniell for 12 hearths in his house in Great Queen St.
The Earl of Oxford for 17 hearths in his house in Covent Garden.
Mr. Kirke for 26 hearths in his house at Charing Cross.
Lord Arundell for — hearths in his house at Hounslow.
The Duke of Richmond for 14 hearths in his stables in Duke's yard.
The Swedish Resident in Bloomsbury for 10 hearths in his house.
Mr. Gerrard for 20 hearths in his house in Bloomsbury.
The owner of the Spanish Resident's house in Elm Street for three half years ended at 1670, Michaelmas.
The [Treasurers severally] of Grays Inn, Middle Temple and the Inner Temple about the Hearthmoney unpaid there.
July 20 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland on the petition of John Kelly (as by the order of reference of the 8th inst., praying the remission of the new quit rents on his estate in Ireland. Advise the remission thereof. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 89.
Same to same from same on the petition of Garrett Moore (as by the order of reference of the 8th inst.) praying the remission of the new quit rents on his estate in Ireland. Advise the remission of same. Ibid, p. 90.
July 20 [in margin Aug. 3] Treasury order for 150l. 11s. 3d. to Geo. Smith, a sergeant at arms. Order Book XXXVII. p. 208.
July 20 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Meynell. Please attend at my house tomorrow morning at seven; it being upon extraordinary occasions with you. "You must not faile me, because I am to goe out of towne by 8 to-morrow morning.' Out Letters General II. p. 522.
The like to Mr. Lyndsey Ibid.