Entry Book: July 1671, 21-31

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: July 1671, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp915-919 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: July 1671, 21-31', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp915-919.

"Entry Book: July 1671, 21-31". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp915-919.


July 1671, 21-31

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
July 21 Sir G. Downing to Viscount Fanshaw [the King's Remembrancer]. My Lords desire you to give liberty to Mr. Sherwyn. Mr. Webb, and Mr. Fillingham, or such person as they shall appoint, to copy out all the extracts of the subsidy as they shall from time to time be returned into your office in order to the charging the Receivers General of the said subsidy and quickening the payment thereof into the Exchequer. Ibid, pp. 522–3.
Same to the Customs Farmers. You constantly return your certificate weekly for the custom of tonnage and poundage, but my Lords desire you [also] to return weekly an accompt of what is paid upon the Wine Act. Ibid, p. 523.
Same to — —. I want several of your quarterly certificates of what has been paid for the Customs of tunnage and poundage in the outports. My Lords desire you to hasten them to me and withal that you give them an account quarter'y what has been and shall be paid, in the several outports, upon the Wine Act. Ibid.
July 21 Sir G. Downing to [? Mr. Lawrence]. Sir John Duncombe has signed the warrant for stopping process against Mr. Fenwicke for a super set upon him in the accompt of the Receiver of Northumberland, he having promised to pay the money to Auditor Aldworth. Lord Ashley will sign it as soon as he comes to town. Therefore I desire you to take care that no process issue out against him. Out Letters General II p. 524.
Same [to the officers of the Receipt]. I acquainted you with my Lords' directions that no moneys should be received and paid into the Exchequer by the Farmers of the London Excise upon the accompt of their new farms until they had cleared and paid in their moneys upon their old farm. But it was not intended to stop their advanced quarters, but that you might receive the same from them. Ibid.
July 26 Royal sign manual for 400l. to Col. John Russell for the use of Sir Philip Monckton, Kt., Bevill Skelton, and Herbert Jeffryes, that is to say to each of them one third part: to be paid out of such fines as shall be paid into the Exchequer upon conventicles in co. Yorks. (Treasury order hereon, dated Aug. 23.) Warrants Early XVa p. 209; Order Book XXXVII. p. 114.
Money warrant for 1,500l. and 500l. to Henry Coventry for equipage and travelling charge, and 840l. for three months' ordinary in advance as Ambassador Extraordinary to Sweden, as by the privy seal of the 19th inst. (Treasury order for 2,840l., dated Aug. 3.) Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 131; Order Book XXXVIII. p. 416.
Royal sign manual to Sir R. Long as Treasurer and Receiver General of the revenue late in jointure to the late Queen Mother, to pay 1,200l. to Abbot Montague, almoner to the said late Queen Mother, in recompense and satisfaction for the plate and ornaments of the chapel of the said late Queen Mother: said sum having been allowed by His Majesty and so to be added to the schedule of the said Queen's debts and legacies, although being of a different nature from the said debts and legacies; also same is to be paid before all other said sums, notwithstanding the place it stands in on the schedule of said debts. Warrants Early XLII. p. 28.
July 27 Sir G. Downing to Sir Edm. Sawyer. I have not yet received your certificate of what accomptants [within your audit] have [not] passed their accounts since 1660. Out Letters General II. p. 525.
Same to Viscount Fanshawe. "These duplicates for the subsidy being returned to the Lords Commissioners of the Treasury and the person who brought the same being unwilling to deliver them into your office, I herewith send them to your Lordship to remain in your office." Ibid.
The like letter for a duplicate [return for the subsidy] for the North Riding of co. Yorks. Ibid.
Same to Alderman Backwell. Lord Ashley desires to speak with you at his house to-morrow by eight in the morning. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Gawood to attend him to-morrow morning Ibid.
Same to Viscount Cornbury, Chamberlain to Her Majesty. "I did believe when your Lordship spoke to me the last night that my Lord Ashley had signed the first warrant about the lease of Her Majesty's building at St. James's, but I durst not be very confident. Yet upon enquiry this morning I find it is done, and it is in my office at the Treasury Chambers, so that he who follows that business may have it there." Ibid.
July 27 Privy seal for the ordinary of 2l. a day to Thomas Rosse as secretary to Henry Coventry's embassy to Sweden; to date from same date as Coventry's allowance. Warrants Early XVa. p. 200.
Money warrant for 40l. to Anthony Roberts for one year as one of the King's music. (Treasury order hereon, dated ? Aug. 6.) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse) pp. 96, 97;Order Book XXXVII. pp. 225, 226.
For 80l. to Alphonso Marsh for two years as same. (Treasury order for 80l. to Philip [sic] Marsh, dated ? Aug. 6.)
For 58l. 14s. 2d. to Robert Blagrave for one year as same. (Treasury order hereon, dated ? Aug. 6.)
For 100l. to Henry Dupuy for same as Keeper of the Pell Mell in St. James's Park. (Treasury order, dated ? Aug. 6.)
The Treasury Lords to [the Wine Act Commissioners] enclosing a copy of the letter of July 15, supra p. 909–10, to the Judges concerning the retailers of wine. You are to send for such vintners as are any way indebted on the overgauge or otherwise, and if they soall not pay the money due or give bond to pay it in three months you are to return us a list of their names before the first day of next term, so that proceedings may go against them. Warrants Early XXVI. p. 35.
Money warrant for 168l. to Thomas Rosse [for three months advance] on his ordinary of 40s. a day as secretary to attend Henry Coventry to Sweden as by the privy seal of the 17th inst. (Treasury order, dated Aug. 3.) Ibid, XXVIII. p. 132; Order Book XXXVII. p. 416.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to discharge a seizure of a parcel of 260 doz. of coarse English stockings entrusted by John Phillip Weirtz, merchant alien, to Robert Wagstaffe, a packer, to pack up and enter to be transported to Frankfort in Germany; which in his absence and without his consent were entered in another man's name and about 100 doz. short. Out Letters Customs I. p. 240.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of certain lands in the precinct of the monastery of Meaux, co. Yorks, part of the late Queen Mother's jointure, containing about 269 acres: with a view to a lease thereof to John Banes: it being certified in said Surveyor General's report on the petition from said Banes that Mr. Grantham, another suitor for this lease, was not the tenant to the Crown, but hiring this with other lands adjoining hath cut down a great quantity of the timber without any warrant and converted the same to his own use, for which it is fit he be punished. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 143–4.
Same to George Lea, gent., of Coppenhall, Cheshire, appointing him, until further order, Collector and Receiver of several small rents belonging to divers late monasteries, chantries, and guilds in co. Stafford, said office being now void by the death of Edward Ellis, late Collector thereof: said Lea to first give such security as the auditor for said county shall approve "before whom this our warrant is to be entered." Ibid, p. 145.
July 29 Treasury order for 400l. to John Tregunnell, Esq., in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 120.
[? July 29] Sixty six (or ? seventy-two) Treasury orders of varying amounts for in all 63,250l. (or ? 75,250l.) to Samuel Pepys for the service of Tangier. Ibid, pp. 484–5.
[?] One same for 1,000l. to Phillip Packer, Paymaster of the Works. Ibid, p. 485.
[? July 29] Three Treasury orders for 148l. 10s. 0d., 451l. 10s. 0d., and 630l. to Isaac le Gouce. [the King's] jeweller. Order Book XXXVII. pp. 485–6.
[?] Seven same for, in all, 6,400l. to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works. Ibid, p. 486.
July 30 Royal sign manual for 1,000l. to Thomas Robson, gent., as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon, dated Aug. 26. Treasury order, dated Sept 4.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 217; XXVIII. p. 137; Order Book XXXVII. p. 418.
July 31 Privy seal for 319l. 15s. 4d. to William Goldesburgh, clerk in the Commons House of Parliament, for his pains in all those large bills on public concernments passed in that House, which he has attended, prepared and engrossed from 1666. Sept. 18. till March 6 last, as also for many copies of bills, reports, narrations, and other proceedings made out by him by direction of the Treasury Lords from 1666–7, Jan., to 1670, March, for which he has yet had no allowance: and his ordinary salary from the crown being but 10l. a year. (Incomplete royal warrant of about April for said privy seal, and complete same for same, dated June 30. Money warrant hereon, dated Oct. 4.) Warrants Early XVa. pp. 118, 184, 223–4; XIX. p. 1.
Treasury warrant to Sir John Norton, woodward of New Forest, or his deputy, and to the verderers, regarders, and other officers of said forest to fell sufficient timber to raise 900l. and 6 per cent. interest due on said 900l. granted by the privy seal of June 30 [last] to Ann Neale, widow and executrix of John Neale. late of St. Giles in the Fields, co. Midd., in consideration of the surrender by her made June 6 last of the letters patent granted to her said late husband 1669–70, Feb. 22, of the office of bailiff of Burley in New Forest, and also of the herbage and pannage of swine in said bailiwick. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 146–7.
Same to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands for a particular of a tenement in Butcher Row in New Sarum, with a view to a lease thereof to Jo. Beach in reversion after the term in being to Nicholas Staples: said Beach alleging in his petition that his ancestors have been ancient tenants to the Crown for said tenement and that said Staples obtained a lease of the whole from the Crown by a surprise, being only under tenant to said Beach. Ibid, p. 148.
Treasury order suspending Richard Marriott from his office of Receiver of His Majesty's revenues of the honor of Windsor, he having neglected to give security or accompt for the money by him received of the said revenue. Ibid, p. 154.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners of Aids for Oswaldslow Hundred, co. Worcester. Robert Foley, Receiver General of Aids for your county, has in his accounts set an in super of 2,148l. 13s. 0d. upon Richard Hodgkins, head collector of your hundred. For the recovery of this sum process of distringas has issued out of the Exchequer, but the sheriff has returned thereupon that Hodgkins has nothing in his bailiwick whereby he may be distrained, "and there being also several sums of money set in super on high collectors of other counties and cities whereupon process have issued and like returns have been made, and the Court of Exchequer being lately moved on His Majesty's behalf for a remedy to be speedily had in the premises did then order that process of distringas should be awarded against the Commissioners of the several counties and cities, whereof the county of Worcester is one, to render an accompt to His Majesty . . . for the several supers . . . where the sheriffs have made such return as aforesaid, but upon consideration of the said order had by us and of the trouble and vexation which may happen to the Commissioners of the said several counties and cities in case such writs of distringas shall issue against them, and to prevent such an inconvenience to you, we have hereby thought fit before such process issue to acquaint you with the proceedings aforesaid and to desire that you will forthwith take care that the moneys so appearing due from the said Richard Hodkins may be forthwith levied upon his estate by sale of his goods and lands if he have any, according to the Act of Parliament in that behalf . . . and if the same cannot be so levied or if the same shall not appear to be in the hands of the said collectors but [to be] unpaid to him by any sub-collectors or [to be] not paid to the sub-collectors by the persons on whom the same was assessed, that you cause the same forthwith to be levied and paid to His Majesty's use on or by the persons in whose hands the same is or if the said persons in whose hands the same is be insolvent that you cause the same to be reassessed on the country [county] according to the powers given to Commissioners in that behalf by the said Acts . . . . and we desire you to give us from time to time an accompt of your actings and proceedings herein." Ibid, XXXV. p. 31.
July — Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay John, Lord Belasyse, 212l. 18s. 4d. for half a year to June 24 last as Governor and Captain of Kingston upon Hull, on his 10s. a day for himself and 8d. a day for his twenty men. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 130.