Entry Book: January 1671

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: January 1671', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp755-777 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: January 1671', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp755-777.

"Entry Book: January 1671". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp755-777.


January 1671

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Jan. 2 Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General. His Majesty would have you be at the House to-morrow morning early and bring with you the Subsidy bill, and likewise that on Wednesday you would be there early with the bill for the Home Excise, and on Thursday next with the bill for an imposition on foreign commodities: the despatch thereof being of great concernment for His Majesty's service. Out Letters General II. p. 406.
Jan. 2 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Prettyman and Mr. Porter to take care for the speedy paying in of the moneys concerning the First Fruits, my Lords being much pressed herein. Out Letters General II. p. 407.
Same to the Attorney General to attend my Lords on Thursday at the consideration of the articles which are to be granted to the new Farmers of the Customs. Ibid.
Treasury order for 275l. to the Masters in Chancery Order Book XXXVII. p. 78.
Letter of direction on the Treasury order of 1670, Aug. 18, for 5,000l. to Edward Backwell in repayment of loan: the like on an order for 7,000l.: the like concerning 400l. remaining unpaid on an order of 1670, Sept. 14, for 16,000l.: the like on an order of 1670, Aug. 17, for 7,600l. [all to said Backwell]. Ibid, p. 105.
Treasury order for 136l. 5s. 4d. to Edward Backwell as reward for loan. Ibid, p. 219.
Privy seal for 28,000l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse Warrants Early XVa. p. 90.
Note of allowance by the Treasury of the 1670, Xmas quarter's salary bill for the Excise Office, detailed. (Total, 1,917l. 6s. 0d.) Ibid, XXIV. p. 103.
Money warrant, dormant, for the annuity or pension of 300l. per an. to Anthony, Viscount of Falkland, as by the letters patent of Oct. 25 last: out of the Tenths of Winchester. Ibid, XXII. pp. 11–12.
Money warrant for 100l. to Justina Stepney alias Vandike for half a year on her pension. Ibid, XVIII. p. 371.
Jan. 3 Treasury order for 21l. 3s. 4d., 10l. 16s. 0d., and 8l. 8s. 2d. to John Peters as gratuity for loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 29.
Money warrant for 27l. 9s. 2d. to Anthony Seager in full of his disbursements for necessaries for the Treasury Chamber, 1670, June 24 to Dec. 25; and 10l. for last Xmas quarter's allowance as Chamber Keeper to the Treasury. (Treasury order hereon dated Jan. 9.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 372; Order Book XXXVII. p. 106.
Jan. 4 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Wardour [Clerk of the Pells] to hasten an accompt of what money has been paid in [i.e. out of] the Exchequer for interest money or reward money from the 1st of January, 1669–70, to the 1st of January, 1670–1, upon orders for such interest and reward. Out Letters General II. p. 406.
Same to Sir W. Doily to attend the Attorney General as to how much of Swynborne's debt his estate is liable to, Lord St. John having promised to pay so much. Ibid, p. 407.
Same to Lord St. John and the rest of the new Farmers of the Customs to attend on Thursday at the consideration of the articles to be made between the King and the said Farmers. Ibid.
Same to Auditor Beale and the late Farmers of the Customs to attend on Monday about the accompts of the last three years of their farm ending 1667, Sept. 29. Ibid.
Same to Sir Henry Wood. I have not yet received the list of the late Queen Mother's legacies, debts, &c., ranged in such course as her late Majesty's Council think best to have them paid in. Please hasten same, for the warrant lies unsigned for want of it. Ibid, p. 408.
Jan. 4 Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General enclosing for his report thereon the draft of a bill for 24,000l. per an. to the Duke of York in compensation for his Wine Licences. Out Letters General II. p. 408.
Same to same forwarding a paper which my Lords "desire you seriously to consider and to be to-morrow, 3 in the afternoon, without fail, at the Treasury Chambers with your thoughts upon it for that the King will then be there." Ibid.
Money warrant for 3,940l. 17s. 0d. to the Earl of Sandwich, Master of the Great Wardrobe, to be by him paid over to Samuel Danvers, silkman for wares by him delivered for His Majesty's service in the Wardrobe and Stables from 1663, Sept. 29, to 1667, Sept. 29. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 7.) Warrants Early XXVII. (reverse). p. 54; Order Book XXXVII. p. 202.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to advance 200l. into the Exchequer as a loan on the farm rent of the Customs of Aug., 1671. Out Letters Customs II. p. 169.
Treasury orders for 60l. to John Rose, His Majesty's gardener. And for 200l. to Humfry Cornwall as royal bounty. Order Book XXXVII. p. 106.
Same for 1,500l. to Robert Viscount Mandeville as royal bounty Ibid, p. 202.
Same for the Duke of York's children: out of the Country Excise. Ibid, p. 260.
Same for 12,000l. to Wm. Ashburnham Ibid, p. 76.
[ ? ] Same for 1,750l. to same Ibid.
[ ? ] Same for 1,000l. to Francis Webb in repayment of loan Ibid.
Jan. 5 Treasury warrant to Sir C. Harbord for a particular of some old storehouses, tenements and wharves at Woolwich belonging to His Majesty, or if they be not in charge before an Auditor, that you make out a constat of same in order to a grant thereof to William Prichard, in part of satisfaction for and in exchange of a great mansion house at Woolwich and several tenements and lands (mentioned in the order of the King in Council of Feb. 4 last for causing a survey thereof to be made) which are to be by him conveyed to the King according to the contract made with him by the officers of the Ordnance. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 444.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Pepys. I am informed by Sir R. Long that you have taken away the book of the Navy debt certified under the hand of the principal officers and Commissioners of the Navy, and that Long also sent you a query about interest to be paid for some part of the debt. Pray return the book to him and reply to his query. Out Letters General II. p. 408.
Treasury order for 62l. 10s. 0d. each to Sir Denny Ashburnham, Edward Wingate and Francis Finch. Order Book XXXVII. p. 260.
For 35l. to John Howland and John Champante.
For 50l. to John Ball.
For 41l. 5s. 0d. to John Dugdale, John Collins, and Tho. Gaywood.
Same for 500l. to Sir William Armorer as royal bounty Ibid, p. 245.
Same for 5l. to William Parks, porter at the Receipt Ibid, p. 106.
Money warrant for 6,000l. to Sir Allen Apsley for the Duke of York for Xmas quarter last on the privy seal of Sept. 28 last, granting said Duke 48,000l. to be paid in two years. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 12.) Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 47–8; Order Book XXXVII. p. 77.
Jan. 6 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Colville's executors and also to Capt. Wadlow and Sir C. Harbot [Harbord] to speak with Lord Ashley at his house to-morrow at nine in the morning about some orders in said executors' hands on the Wine Act. Out Letters General II. p. 409.
Jan. 7 Money warrant for 125l. to Major Rowland Langhorne for one quarter on his pension, in part of arrears thereon. Warrants Early XXII. p. 26.
Jan. 7 Same for 200l. to William Chiffinch, Keeper of His Majesty's closet, for one year on his annuity or fee. Ibid, XXVIII. p. 48.
Same for 250l. each to the following for half a year on their pension as Grooms of the Bedchamber, viz.:—
John Ashburnham.
Mr. Ellyott.
Robert Phelipps, Esq.
James Hamilton, Esq.
Thomas Killegrew, Esq.
Richard Lame [sic for Lane], Esq.
David Walter, Esq.
Henry Seymour, Esq.
William Legg, Esq. (erased).
Silius Titus, Esq.
Edward Progers, Esq.
Ibid. p. 49.
Same for 25,000l. to the Treasurers of the Navy for the service of the Navy. Ibid, pp. 49–50.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 26l. 13s. 4d. to Viscount Conway for his creation money for two years to Lady Day last. Ibid, p. 50.
Jan. 9 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Williams, Recorder of Chester. My Lords have to-day received an order of the Privy Council of the 4th inst. referring to them the petition and articles of John Brook, Sub-Farmer of Excise in Chester city, against yourself and Mr. Marry (Murry), Mr. Tailor, Mr. Poole, and Mr. Bird, Justices of Peace in said city. You are to attend my Lords hereon this day month. Out Letters General II. pp. 409, 412.
Same to Lord St. John to send to the Attorney General all the deeds relating to the estate purchased by said Lord from Mr. Swynborn so as to enable the Attorney General to examine how far said estate is liable to pay the debt due to the King from said Swynborne. Ibid, p. 410.
Same to the Attorney General and also to Mr. Mariot to attend my Lords on Monday at the Treasury, when they are to consider the bill for supplying the Queen's jointure. Ibid, pp. 410, 411.
Same to Lord Hatton and to Sir Jonathan Atkins to attend my Lords on Wednesday next at eight in the morning at the consideration of a petition of the bailiff and jurats of the Island of Guernsey about the distribution of some money: same having been referred to my Lords. Ibid.
Same to Sir John Shaw et al., old Farmers of the Customs, and to the Auditors of Imprests to attend my Lords on Monday with the three last years' accompt [of their said old Farm of the Customs]. Ibid, p. 410.
Same to the King's Officers of the Customs to hasten their charge against abovesaid late Farmers, and to send same to the Auditors of Imprests, and a copy thereof to said late Farmers. Ibid, p. 411.
Same to Roger Higgs to attend my Lords on Wednesday about Mr. Dunklin's receipt of the Hearth money. Ibid, p. 410
Jan. 9 Money warrant for 250l. to Peter du Moulin as Secretary to the Council of Trade, in full of the privy seal of 1668–9, Jan. 8, for 900l. to said Council. (Treasury order hereon for —, dated Jan. 12.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 373; Order Book XXXVII. p. 379.
Entry of [Treasury allowance of] Richard Gregory's bill for his attendance on the Treasury for His Majesty's special affairs for Xmas quarter last (total 14l. 10s. 0d.). Warrants Early XVIII. p. 373.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies of assignment to be levied on the Tenths on the clergy for 2,250l. to the use of the Earl of Bristol and Ann his wife, His Majesty having intended that the pensions of 2,000l. and 1.000l. to them respectively, granted by the letters patent of Sept. 9 last, should be paid from 1669. Sept. 29, but the said letters patent making the first quarterly payment thereon to begin from 1670, Sept. 29: the above 2,250l. is therefore to make up for the three quarterly payments thus omitted. Ibid, pp. 12–13.
Money warrant for 3,210l. to Richard Mason for the Duke of Buckingham in full of said Duke's charges and expenses in his late employment into France. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 10.) Out Letters Customs II. p. 151; Order Book XXXVII. p. 29.
Same for 31,000l. to the Treasurers of the Navy for the service of the Navy. Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 51–4; Order Book XXXVII. p. 77.
Appending:—A paper or list prescribing the order of the distribution through 10 successive weeks of the 250,000l. advanced as a loan on the new farm of the Customs. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 12.) pp. 51–4; Order Book XXXVII. p. 77.
Same for 1,000l. to the Duke of Buckingham as imprest for provision of horses for the King and Queen, this warrant being to vacate the privy seal of April 13 last. (Letter of direction hereupon, dated ? Jan. 11, 1670–1. Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 11.) Warrants Early XXVIII pp. 55, 70; Order Book XXXVII. p. 76.
Same for 36,000l. to William Ashburnham, Cofferer of the Household, for the service of the Household; this warrant being based on the privy seal of Aug. 6 last. (Marginal note, dated 1671, May 22 (sic): the privy seal within mentioned of Aug. 6 last being overcharged [by] the sum of 22,000l. as appears by certificate of Sir Robert Long, dated 24 (sic) May, 1671, let the said sum of 22,000l., part of this warrant, be paid by virtue of the privy seal of 1671, May 6.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 55.
Same for 6,000l. to George Wharton as Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance, for the service of the Ordnance. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 12.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 56; Order Book XXXVII. p. 77.
Same for 2,000l. to the Earl of Sandwich for the service of the Great Wardrobe. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 12.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 57; Order Book XXXVII. p. 77.
Same for 1,000l. to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, in part of 6,000l. ordered by the privy seal of Dec. 20 last for impaling and fencing in the Great Park at Windsor. Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 57–8.
Same for 9,000l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 12.) Ibid, p. 58; Order Book XXXVII. p. 77.
Same for 7,500l. to Sir Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, for the service of the Chamber. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 12.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 59; Order Book XXXVII. p. 76.
Jan. 9 Treasury order for 25,000l. for the Navy Order Book XXXVII. p 76.
Same for 250l. to Henry Coventry, Esq., in repayment of loan Ibid, p. 77.
Same for 75l. to Dame Rebecca Williams. Ibid. p. 106.
For 20l. to Robert Swan.
For 12l. 10s. 0d. to Nicholas Estoll.
For 37l. 10s. 0d. to Charles Gifford.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe and the Eldest Secondary in the Pipe Office. Many Receivers and Collectors employed in the receipt of the Royal Aid, Additional Aid, Poll money, and Eleven Months' tax are in arrear, and indebted to His Majesty, and the money is to be levied by the Sheriffs by virtue of Exchequer process. The receipts arising therefrom cannot be diverted or applied to any other use whatsoever than to the payment of the orders registered upon the said Aids respectively by virtue of Acts of Parliament. You are therefore to keep a separate and distinct accompt of such moneys under each head thereof, and that no allowance to a Sheriff or deduction of any kind be made out of such moneys. Warrants Early XXXV. pp. 15–16.
Same to Sir C. Harbord to send to the King's Remembrancer for a particular of several lands in Midd. and Surrey, being concealments discovered by Sir Edmond Wyndham with a view to a lease thereof to said Wyndham, viz. several tenements in Hog Lane, near Little Tower Hill, of the yearly value of 200l.; and 16 tenements in the parish of St. Andrew's, Holborn, of the annual value of 120l.; and tenements and ground in Walnut Tree Lane, St. Olave's, Southwark: or of such of them as have not been granted since the Restoration. Ibid, XXXVIII. pp. 1–2.
Prefixing:—Said Wyndham's petition and Surveyor General's report thereon.
Treasury fiat for royal letters patent to constitute George Slee Comptroller of Customs of Boston port, loco George Slee, senior, surrendered. Out Letters Customs I. p. 223.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for a particular, fairly written in parchment, of all such messuages and lands of the sureties of Christopher Jay, late Receiver of Hearth money, co. Norfolk, which have been extended for the use of his Majesty by the Sheriff and returned into your office. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 445.
[ ? ] Entry of in custodiam lease under the Exchequer seal to Thomas Lloyd, gent., of divers messuages &c. in Cwmmwr, co. Montgomery, part of the lands of John Ellis, gent. [outlaw]. Ibid.
Jan. 10 Entry of the 1670, Sept. 29 quarter's salary and incidents bill for the Wine Office, London. Ibid, XXVI. pp. 28–9.
Appending:—Said bill. (Total, 295l. 0s. 7½d.)
In the margin:—"Memorandum: This is yet refused to be signed." Ibid, XXVI. pp. 28–9.
Jan. 11 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Hartlib to attend him to-morrow about some business of importance concerning salt. Out Letters General II. p. 411.
Same to Sir Charles Cotterell to send on Monday his report concerning presents to foreign ministers, which has long been wanting. Ibid.
Treasury orders for 909l. 0s. 8d.; 238l. 3s. 3d.; 197l. 6s. 4d.; and 830l. 12s. 0d. to Edward Backwell for loans. Order Book XXXVII. p. 114.
Jan. 11 Sir G. Downing to the Auditors of the Revenue, enclosing an accompt, and for them to quicken the Receivers [of taxes] to pass their accompts, and to certify my Lords which of said Receivers do not comply herein. Out Letters General II. p. 412.
Same to the Auditors of the Imprest forwarding Sir R. Long's account of moneys paid in by Collectors of Tenths for him to call on all those who are behind in their accompts, and for a certificate of those in arrear. "I have received such a certificate from Mr. Auditor Wild, dated the 24th of Dec. last, but their Lordships desire now a new accompt from you both." Ibid.
Treasury order for 1,500l. and 1,000l. to Philip Packer in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 77.
Same for 250l. to James Hamilton, Esq., for same Ibid.
Royal warrant for 100l. to Isabella Dorgofsky as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated Feb. 8; treasury order dated Mar. 13.) Warrants Early XVa.
p. 102; XXVIII. p. 88; Order Book XXXVII. p. 85.
Warrant under the royal sign manual for 100l. to Walter Slingsby as royal bounty. (Money warrant dated Feb. 24; Treasury order dated Mar. 6.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 110; XVIII. p. 378, Order Book XXXVII. p. 108.
Jan. 12 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Hall, of the Queen's Council. Please bring on Monday the bill for supplying the Queen's jointure which is in your hands. Out Letters General II. p. 413.
Privy seal for payment of the Navy Creditors. Many creditors of the Navy who had bills from the Principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy for such goods, wares, ships, merchandise, as they had respectively furnished for the service of the Navy, did give up the said bills and took certificates from the said Principal Officers and Commissioners of the Navy, to be paid their respective debts out of the money arising by the Act for the Additional Aid and had orders accordingly drawn for their respective debts and registered upon said Act. But there was so much money registered before [or in front of them, viz. for loans on said Act] that neither the moneys of the said Act nor the further supply of the first month of the Eleven months' tax could extend to pay the same. The King in Council did then direct the Treasury Lords to take special care of the satisfaction of the said creditors [so remaining unpaid] whose debts amount in the whole to 55,134l. 18s. 7¾d. Furthermore orders for in all 2,250l. 10s. 8d. were drawn in like manner on the said Additional Aid but not registered because said Register was overcharged before said orders were prepared: also other creditors delivered up their bills and took certificates upon the said Act of Additional Supply to the amount of, in all, 8,242l. 16s. 11d., which certificates came so late that there were never any orders drawn thereon: all which debts amount to 65,628l. 15s. 2¾d. and interest at 6 per cent. from 1669, Nov. 23, being the time agreed for the commencement of the interest. Said debts are to be paid out of the Exchequer, the officers of the Exchequer concerned being directed to cancel the record and registry of said orders, where registered, and to take in and cancel said orders themselves where not registered and also said certificates as above, "and to draw new orders by virtue of these our letters for such whose orders were formerly registered or drawn up: as likewise orders upon the said certificates for the said sum of 8,242l. 16s. 11d."A list of the said respective debts and names is annexed hereto, [wanting: see infra pp. 775, 782, under date Jan. 18 and 28] Warrants Early XVa. pp. 94–6.
Jan. 12 The Treasury Lords to Francis Bacon, Esq., Justice of Peace in Norfolk. We have seen an order of yours directing William Beamont, one of the Collectors of Hearth money for Norfolk, to restore to Richard Robins, of Itteringham, blacksmith, 3s. levied on him for his smith's forge. "Wherein you take upon you to assert that it is not the meaning of the laws concerning that duty to charge smiths' forges any more than the furnaces of braziers and pewterers. What should warrant such a conclusion we cannot discern, a furnace being literally excepted, but not one word in all the [Hearth money] Acts to exempt smiths' forges, which we suppose [you] will deny to be Firehearths. Upon a question moved whether smiths' forges were liable to pay the duty or not, we (being upon advice with His Majesty's counsel learned, satisfied of His Majesty's right thereunto) did give order that where payment was denyed the Receiver should take distress," and in case the party distrained brought action the Receiver should appear. We still expect these directions to be observed by His Majesty's officers, and desire you to consider well before you give any more interruption to it. We meet with very few of your opinion, and are not willing if it may be avoided to represent your proceeding to His Majesty and the Council, so we hope you will give us no further occasion. Warrants Early XXXVI. pp. 162–3.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to forbear issue of process against Lawrence Hyde, Master of the Robes, upon his accounts of Imprests, seeing that "we have given some assignments unto him for the expense of said office upon His Majesty's revenue of Hearth money which are not yet become payable at the Receipt, nor hath he been able, as we are informed, to raise any money upon the same, for which reason he is unable to perfect his accounts." Ibid, XXXIII. p. 157.
Treasury order for 500l. to Humphry Weld: in part of the 1,000l. per an. for secret service: to be paid out of the revenue of Southampton, Wilts, and Gloucester. Order Book XXXVII. p. 356.
Same for Richard Sherwyn and William Webb [as Agents for Taxes] for 37l. 10s. 0d. to John Heither [Heighter], and John Lynn, clerks, and to Edmund Ashpool, messenger [to said Agents for Taxes]. Ibid, p. 125.
Same for 909l. 0s. 8d. to Alderman Backwell for [repayment of loan or for reward for loan]. Ibid, p. 76.
Same for 250l. to Thomas Killegrew, Esq., in repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 77.
Money warrant for 14l. 10s. 0d. to Richard Gregory for Xmas quarter last as messenger attending the Customs. Out Letters Customs II. p. 151.
Jan. 13 Sir G. Downing to Sir C. Harbord and Sir Edmo. Sawyer. My Lords referred to you a letter of Dec. 16 last proposed to be signed by them and to be sent to the Mayor and Aldermen of London about [Crown] lands formerly mortgaged to them. You have made no report hereon as yet. You are to report to my Lords on Monday. Out Letters General II. p. 413.
Same to Alderman Bucknell to attend my Lords on Monday about your covenants for the new farm of the Customs. The like to the Attorney General. Ibid, pp. 413, 414.
Same to Mr. Colvill's executors to attend my Lords on Wednesday about the bonds in Mr. Wadlow's hands on the accompt of the Wine Act. The like to Mr. Wadlow. The like to Col. Birch. Mr. Wareing, and Mr. Wyngate to attend about same and about paying no more money to Mr. Wadlow. Ibid.
Jan. 13 Sir G. Downing to the Commissioners of Excise to attend my Lords on Monday about your report in the case of Richard Jones about an arrear of Excise in Wales. Out Letters General II. p. 413.
Same to the Trustees for sale of fee farms to attend my Lords on Monday without fail. Ibid, p. 414.
Treasury subscription of the royal warrant for the lease of the duty on French shipping in England, Wales and Berwick, to Sir William Bucknall on terms substantially ut supra p. 665, under date 1670, Sept. 23, but with some minor variations. Out Letters Customs I. pp. 222, 224–7.
The like letter as supra, under date 1670, Dec. 19, p. 705, from the Treasury Lords to Sir Henry Carew. Francis Drew and Tho. Bere and the rest of the Commissioners of Assessment for the hundreds of Hayridge, Tiverton. Halberton, Bampton, Hemyocke, in co. Devon, concerning the arrears of assessments in said county. Warrants Early XXXV. p. 14.
The Treasury Lords to all the Receivers of the Hearthmoney. You had notice in Oct. last to pay in one year's revenue of the Hearth money. You have not done so, although there is grown due 1½ years at Michaelmas last, which ought to have been collected before this, and, as we are informed, in most places is. By your commission you are to pass your accompt on or before Feb. 20 next. You are to forbear, on your peril, to collect the Hearth money due at Lady day next until you have duly accompted and received our order herein. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 204.
The Treasury Lords to John Baldwin. It appears from Mr. Weedon's accompt as Receiver-General of Assessments, co. Bucks, there is about 2,600l. yet due to the King from said assessments, whereof 1,000l. remains in your hands, which you are willing to discharge if released from further trouble as a security of said Weedon. We can proceed no further to treat with Mr. Weedon or accept of his overtures till we have spoken with you. You are to attend us hereon, and during that period you shall be free from molestation as Weedon's surety. Ibid, XXXV. p. 17.
Treasury warrant to Francis Stevens, serjeant-at-arms. His Majesty did lately rent a garden, called Goring Garden, of John Tregonnell, which is yet for His Majesty's use in the possession of Doctor Morison. His Majesty is pleased not to hold the garden any longer, and has commanded same to be delivered back to Tregonnell. As Morison makes difficulty of delivering same, you are to repair thither to put Tregonnell in possession. Ibid, XXXIII. p. 154.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of the Dowager Lady Abergavenny in which she prayed a grant of what your Majesty should recover or receive from the town of Hamburgh in consideration of the loss sustained by your Majesty in the river Elbe during the time of the late war with Holland from some Dutch men of war. We sent to the Navy Commissioners for an account of the case, and in their letter of December 31 last they conceive that your Majesty's pretences to satisfaction for the part of the said loss may amount to about 4,000l., but that they cannot yet ascertain or close the account of the said loss between your Majesty and Sir William Warren, in regard the whole is not yet adjusted nor determined between the said Sir William Warren and the town of Hamburg. Therefore your Majesty's share of the loss cannot be ascertained [or fixed] without disadvantage to your Majesty. Ibid.
Jan. 13 Treasury order for 1,170l. to Isaac le Gouche, jeweller, in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 78.
Jan. 13 and 7 Money warrant for 3,704l. 3s. 11d. to Sir Dennis Gawden as by the privy seal of Nov. 9 last [being so much] as the victuals already issued and then issuing for the Navy would exceed the declaration for the year of 5,000 men for 365 days. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 16.) Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 51, 59; Order Book XXXVII. p. 77.
Jan. 13 Treasury warrant to Sir Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, to pay (out of the 7,500l. imprested to him on the 9th inst. for His Majesty's servants) the moneys due to Thomas Lisle and Raphaell Foliard, His Majesty's barbers, upon their bills. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 74.
Money warrant for 10,000l. to Samuel Pepys for Tangier. (Treasury order hereon, dated Feb. 11.) Ibid. p. 77; Order Book XXXVII. p. 82.
Same for 1,000l. to Baptist May for the Privy Purse for the furnishing of healing medals of crown gold for His Majesty's use in healing. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 79.
Same for 1,000l. to the Duke of Buckingham for 1 year in part of arrears as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Ibid. p. 85.
Same for 1,000l. to the Duke of Ormonde for same as same Ibid. p. 92.
[ ? ] Letter of direction touching the sum of 15,600l. remaining unpaid upon an order of 1670, Sept. 14, for 16,000l. to Edward Backwell in repayment of loan. Ibid.
[ ? ] The like letter of direction upon the following orders, all payable to said Backwell [representing the unpaid portion or total of each of said orders]: Ibid. pp. 92–93.
Order of 1670, Sept. 30, for 2,000l.
1670, Oct. 1, for 2,900l.
1670, Oct. 7, for 920l.
1670, Oct. 27, for 1,000l.
1670, Nov. 4, for 2,000l.
1670, Nov. 8, for 500l.
1670, Nov. 22, for 4,627l. 8s. 4d.
1670, Nov. 23, for 250l.
Jan. 13 Same for 174l. to Sir William Swan for last Xmas quarter's ordinary as Resident in Hamburg. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 23.) Ibid. p. 56; Order Book XXXVII. p. 79.
Same for 934l. to Sir Dennis Gauden for the ordinary of the Navy for November and December last. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 60.
Letter of direction made on an order of 1670, Nov. 28, for 200l. to Sir John Trevor, junr., for repayment of loan. Ibid. pp. 61.
Money warrant [? one or two] for 1,000l. to the Duke of Richmond in part of the arrears of his pension as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Ibid. pp. 61, 93.
Same for 24,000l. to Sir Ste. Fox for the Guards and Garrisons. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 23.) Ibid. p. 62; Order Book XXXVII. p. 79.
Jan. 13 Money warrant for 1,000l. to the Earl of Suffolk in part of the arrears of his pension as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 62.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 1,000l. to the Rt. Honbl. Charles Lord Gerard of Brandon, for one year to Xmas last on his pension as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Ibid, p. 63.
Money warrant for 10,000l. to George Wharton. Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance: for the Ordnance. (Two Treasury orders, undoubtedly duplicate, for 10,000l. each hereon, dated Jan. 20.) Ibid, p. 69; Order Book XXXVII. p. 78.
Same for 750l. to Charles Lord Buckhurst, for nine months to Xmas last on his annuity as one of the Gentlemen of the Bedchamber. Warrants Early XXII. pp. 25–6.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 200,000l. for Sir Dennis Gawden [for the victualling] for this present year. (Privy seal hereon, dated Jan 20: for sea victuals for 25,000 men to serve in the fleet for eight months of 28 days at 8d. per man per day, amounting to 186,666l. 13s. 4d., and for contingencies, sick and wounded, &c., 13,333l. 6s. 8d.: as by the Duke of York's estimate made in pursuance of an order of the [Privy Council] Board, Sept. 24 last, and presented to said Board on Nov. 4 last, and then read and approved.) Ibid. XVa. pp. 94, 101.
Same for same for 673l. 6s. 8d to Major Edmond Andros (XVIII. p. 375), Major of the regiment under Sir Tobias Bridge, now on service at Barbados and the Leeward Isles: being for clothes for said regiment at Barbados. (Privy seal, dated Jan. 20; Money warrant dated Feb. 7; Treasury order hereon, dated Feb. 11.) Ibid. pp. 94, 102; Order Book XXXVII pp. 107, 108.
Same for same for 620l. to Capt. Isles, viz. 310l. for so much due to himself and his company in the ship "Bachelor," for service performed in the West Indies, and 310l. more for his part in the said ship lost in His Majesty's service: to be paid out of the 4½ per cent. Warrants Early XVa. p. 94.
Royal sign manual for 200l. to Humfry Cornwall as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon, dated Jan. 16.) Ibid, p. 100; XXVIII. p. 69.
Jan. 14 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long to certify my Lords on Monday to what sum the Exchequer is charged upon [for] which [sums or assignments] there is no particular fund. Out Letters General II. p. 414.
Same to Sir Edward Thurland. My Lords do ask very earnestly for the Duke of York's bill. Send it by this messenger. Ibid, p. 415.
Same to Mr. Wardour to send the account, long since ordered, of what interest and reward money has been paid into the Exchequer from 1669–70, Jan. 1, to 1670–1, Jan. 1, upon orders for repayment of loan. Ibid.
Royal warrant under the sign manual to the Treasury for a lease to Lord Arlingtor of the manor of Crowland, for 60 years in reversion of the leases in being. Warrants Early XVa. pp. 93, 100.
Jan. 15 Sir G. Downing to Sir William Bucknall. I received yours last night and have gotten your warrant accordingly signed by my Lords that there might be no delay in your paying in your money for want of your counter security. So let me know when the money will be brought in so that the tallies may be brought to me so that I may insert the dates of them in the said warrant and may be thereby also enabled to date the warrant, for that it must bear date after the said tallies. There was a little mistake in your copy of my warrant, signed by you and [your] partners, which [mistake] I have altered, for that it would have been to your prejudice, and I shall acquaint you with it when I see you. I have also got the warrant and bill for your 62,000l. on the London Excise amended, and the word July inserted instead of the word December. Out Letters General II. p. 415.
Jan. 16 Treasury order for 50l. to Lieut. Col. John Rumsey: to be paid out of the Queen's jointure. Order Book XXXVII. p. 106.
Same for 80l. 0s. 0½d. to Thomas White in repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 125.
Same for 53l. 8s. 0d. to Richard Bagly as reward for the service [or supply] of loan. Ibid, p. 220.
For 76l. 2s. 4d. to Sir John Robinson for the like.
Money warrant for 10l. to Elizabeth Pinkney, widow Warrants Early XVIII. p. 374.
Letter of direction upon an order of 1670, Dec. 6, for 920l. to Sir William Turner in repayment of loan. Ibid, XXVIII. p. 77.
Jan. 17 Treasury order for 1,000l. to William Gower, gent., in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 80.
Jan. 18 The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to delay process of extent against the estate of John Swynborne, late Receiver General of assessments for Durham and Northumberland. Warrants Early XXXV. p. 17.
Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General for a particular of the manor of Crowland in order to a new lease thereof to Lord Arlington. Ibid. XXXVIII. p. 2.
Sir G. Downing to Alderman Backwell to attend my Lords on Friday. Out Letters General II. p. 416.
Same to Sir Edw. Thurland. I have directions to offer the Duke of York's bill for his 24,000l. out of the Excise. I shall be at the House of Commons to-morrow morning before 10 o'clock, therefore let me have the rough draft of the bill sent me to lye here. Ibid.
Same to Sir Henry Wood. My Lords notice that in the list of payments lately sent to them from Her Majesty's [the late Queen Mother's] Council there is twice set down 1,000l. for Mr. Vantelet, and desire to be certified whether this is a mistake. Also look the list over to see whether there be no more mistakes in it. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long to attend my Lords on Friday about the representation made to-day by the Trustees for sale of fee farms concerning several obstructions in the fees about that business, and particularly about the fees for striking of tallies for those moneys. The like to Mr. Blany and Mr. Lightfoot. "And that you hasten in to my Lords the last book relating to that business." Ibid, pp. 416, 417.
Same to Mr. Prettyman, Mr. Porter, and Mr. Fenn to attend my Lords on Monday about the non-payment in of the money due from Mr. Prettyman for the First Fruits. Ibid, p. 416.
Treasury order for 1,250l. to Edm. Hammond for the price of the ship "Jacob" of Ipswich. Order Book XXXVII. p. 131.
Jan. 18 Sir G. Downing to Mr Crispe to attend my Lords on Friday, they having now agreed what Serj. Turner and Sir Jno. Lowther are to have. Out Letters General II p. 416.
Same to the Attorney General. Mr. Montague, Attorney [General to the Queen], and Mr. Mariott to attend my Lords on Monday about the bill for making up the Queen's jointure on the Excise. The bill is in the Attorney General's hands Ibid, p. 417.
Same to the Customs Farmers for an account to my Lords what moneys you have received upon the present Wine Act as well in London as from the out-districts and what thereof you have paid into the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to the Attorney General to attend my Lords on Wednesday when they intend to consider the order of Council about moneys over-assessed in Cripplegate wards. Ibid.
Same to the Farmers of [the 4½ per cent. in] Barbados. You have not yet paid in your advance money on your farm. Pay it at once and attend my Lords on Friday with an accompt hereof. Ibid.
Money warrant for the several sums expressed in the schedule annexed to the privy seal of the 12th inst to the respective creditors of the Navy therein referred to but not named, amounting in all to 65,628l. 13s. 2¾d. (See supra p. 761. For the missing schedule of names see the next two entries hereto and also under date Jan. 28 infra pp. 782–3.) Warrants Early XXI pp. 41–2.
Treasury order for 1,152l. 15s. 1d. to Capt. John Miller for hire and freight of ships. Order Book XXXVII. p. 126.
For 1,799l. 5s. 6d. to John Grymes in lieu of orders for the like sum on the Additional Aid.
Same for 817l. 15s. 9d. to John Vanderhove in lieu of so much due to him by assignments of orders registered on the Additional Aid: to be registered and paid out of Hearth money. Ibid, p. 127.
For 170l. 16s. 0d. to Edw. Gray for hire and freight of a ship
For 538l. 6s. 8d. to Tho. Chidleigh for provisions delivered into His Majesty's stores: to be registered and paid out of Hearth money.
For 631l. 6s. 3d. to John Mason for provisions, &c., ut supra.
For 103l. 1s. 4d. to John Lee for provisions. &c., ut supra.
For 174l. 12s. 7d. to James Blackman for provisions, &c., ut supra.
For 146l. 13s. 4d. to Mrs. Charity Nutt for hire of a ship, &c., ut supra.
Same for 50l. to the Pages of His Majesty's Bedchamber as royal bounty in reward for their attendance. Ibid, p. 106.
Letter of direction on an order of 1670, June 22, for 20,000l. to Sir Allen Apsley for the Duke of York. Ibid, p. 220.
Note of the allowance by the Treasury Lords of the account of the 1670, Xmas quarter's incidents bill for the office of the Agents for Hearth money (total, 24l. 2s. 9d.; Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 19). Warrants Early XVIII. p. 42; Order Book XXXVII. p. 125.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Henry Earl of Ogle for one year in part of his arrears as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 68.
The like for 1,000l. to Earl of Ossory as same on his letters patent of 1666, May 14. granting him a pension of 1,000l. as from 1666, Lady Day. Ibid, pp. 68–9.
Jan. 18 Money warrant for 798l. to Sir Edward Griffin, Treasurer of the Chamber, and warrant to said Griffin to pay same to Sir Alexander Frazier, principal physician in ordinary to the King, for several bills for riding charges and warrants for lodging money signed by the Chamberlain of the Household. (Treasury order hereon, dated Jan. 23.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 65. Order Book XXXVII. p. 79.
Same for 250l. to George Kirke for half a year in part of his pension as a Groom of the Bedchamber to the late King. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 66.
Same for 1,000l. to Lady Philippa Ashley, late wife of Carew Rawleigh, Esq., in full of all arrears to Sept. 29 last on the letters patent granting to her first husband, Sir Anthony Ashley, and herself an annuity of 266l. (and which was, as she alleges, settled on her as part of her jointure), on which it is certified that the arrears for 8¼ years to Sept. 29 last amount to 2,194l. 10s. 0d.: the Treasury Lords having, on her petition to the King for some present compensation, agreed to pay her 1,000l. in lieu of said arrears. Ibid. pp. 66–7.
Letter of direction upon and order of 1670, Sept. 13, for 300l. to Mrs. Sophia Stuarte. Ibid, p. 67.
Treasury warrant to the Auditor and other officers of the Receipt concerned therein to observe the privy seal of Dec. 22 last for registering on the new farm of the Customs commencing at Michaelmas 1671, "and forasmuch as we judge it may be expedient and necessary for the better carrying on of His Majesty's service that some payments be placed further off, and that room be left nearer hand for the placing others, we do therefore direct that in your registry book for this revenue you do distinguish each quarter, and that all such orders as are already signed by us to be paid out of the revenue be registered in course upon the first quarter which will end the 25th of Dec next, or so many of them as the said quarter may well bear, reserving enough for the payment of the Judges, Prince Rupert, Masters of the Chancery, and such other constant payments out of that revenue as do occur within each quarter; as also for the discharge of such interest and reward as will be due upon such orders for repayment of loan as shall be registered upon that quarter: and for the remain of orders signed by us. if any shall be, that you do place them upon the next quarter and for the future that you do register every order for repayment of loan upon such quarter upon which the tally shall be struck, and in all other uses [sic for cases] according to the directions of our warrants to you from time to time, reserving still upon each quarter enough for the discharge of the payments abovementioned." Ibid, pp. 63–4.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to the Earl of Lauderdale for one year in part of his arrears as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Ibid, p. 78.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 1,000l. to Robert Viscount Mandeville for one year to Xmas last as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Ibid.
Treasury order for 250l. to Thomas Ellyott [in repayment of] loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 79.
Twelve Treasury orders for, in all, 6,000l. to Sir Allen Apsley in repayment of loan. Ibid.
[After Jan. 18] Undated letters of direction upon an order (? 2 separate orders) of June 18 for 500l. to Sir Allen Apsley in repayment of loan. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 379; XXVIII. p. 100.
Together with:—Notes of 9 similar orders for 500l. each to same [for same].
Jan. 19 Treasury order for 100l. 19s. 6d. to Mr. Backwell in reward for loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 219.
Same for 250l. to Silius Titus Ibid, p. 79
Same for 250l. to William Mann [in repayment of] loan Ibid.
Jan. 20 Same for 149l. 1s. 8d. to Edward Backwell Ibid. p. 220.
Same for 250l. to John Lyndsey [in repayment of] loan Ibid, p. 79.
Privy seal for 300l. to Charles Bertie for his equipage and transport, and 4l. a day for his ordinary as envoy to the King of Denmark: to commence from the day of his departure. Warrants Early XVa. p. 107.
Jan. 21 Treasury order for 1,000l. to Richard Muty in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 82.
Jan. 23 Same for 1,000l. to Henry, Earl of Ogle, in repayment of loan. Ibid.
Same for 10l. to Eliz. Pinckney, widow, as royal bounty Ibid. p. 107.
For 6l. to Edward Atcherly.
For 12l. to Symon Bennet.
For 6l. to Ralph Almond.
Money warrant for 350l. to the Earl of Sandwich, President of the Council for Foreign Plantations, for half a year of his allowance of 700l. per an. as by the letters patent of the 11th inst. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 70.
Same for 250l. each to the following for half a year of their allowance of 500l. per an. as members of the Council for Foreign Plantations, as by letters patent of the 11th inst., viz.:—
Richard, Lord Gorges.
William, Lord Arlington.
Thomas Grey, Esq.
Silius Titus, Esq.
Sir John Finch, Kt.
Sir Humphry Winch, Kt. and Bart.
Edmund Waller, Esq.
Henry Slingsby, Esq.
Henry Brounkerd, Esq.
Ibid. pp. 70–1.
Same for 500l. to Henry Slingsby for half a year to Xmas next on the 1,000l. a year for the incidents of the Council for Foreign Plantations, as by the letters patent of the 11th inst., which granted to said Slingsby 1,000l. a year on account to be by him employed for the said incidents according to such warrants as he shall from time to time receive from the said Council. Ibid. pp. 71–2.
Same for 150l. to Dr. Benjamin Worsley for half a year of his 300l. per an. for assistance already given and to be given in matters relating to the Foreign Plantations, as by the letters patent of the 11th inst. Ibid. pp. 72–3.
[Jan.? 23] Sir G. Downing to Mr. Williamson to insert 'the enclosed' advertisements [wanting] in next Monday's Gazette. Out Letters General II p. 418.
Jan. 23 Same to Mr. Pepis. The Navy privy seal is delayed only for want of speaking with you. See me to-morrow. Ibid.
Same to Sir Philip Honywood. My Lords have been made acquainted with a receipt of yours for 300l. paid to you by Stephen Fox for the repairs of the fortifications of Portsmouth. You are to forthwith account for this money. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Battaillie to attend him to-morrow about Sir Marke Oniate's [Ognate's] impost bills. Ibid.
Same to Sir John Banks, Col. Birch, Mr. Wingate, Mr. Waring, Mr. Bodurda, Mr. Man, and Capt. Wadlow to attend the Treasury Lords on Wednesday at Lord Ashley's house. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Collector of Hearth money concerned. In accordance with the King's pleasure you are not to levy Hearth money on any the houses or lodgings of the Dean and Canons within the Royal Castle of Windsor. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 204.
Same to the King's Remembrancer to take the sureties, detailed, of James Smith, of New Windsor, as Receiver of Hearth money for Sussex, loco Christopher Smith, deceased. Ibid. p. 205.
Jan 24 Treasury warrant to Henry Slingsby, Master of the Mint. Edward Backwell was to have delivered to you 140,000 crowns of French silver to make up the 1,360,000 crowns formerly delivered to you by him [into] the 1,500,000 crowns, which was the full number of crowns received for His Majesty's use in France on the sale and rendition of Dunkirk. His Majesty was pleased to allow to Alderman Backwell liberty to melt down and coin in his own name the said 140,000 crowns, allowing to His Majesty the value thereof according as [i.e. computing it at the rate at which] the said 1,360,000 crowns should produce in the Mint upon a medium or average. By a certificate of Sept. 3 last of the Warden and Comptroller of the Mint it appears that every 666 of said crowns produced 481b. 50z. 5 dwt. Troy upon a medium in weight, and proved in fineness a dwt. upon the lb. worse than the standard of English moneys. You are therefore to enter into your ledger books the said 140,000 crowns as at that average weight and fineness, making in gross weight 10,182lb. 10z., and in standard silver 10,136lb. 20z. 12dwt. 8gr. Backwell is hereby to give you a receipt and discharge for that weight of standard silver at the rate of 3l. the lb. weight, making 30,408l. 13s. 1d. and at 4 pence the lb. [for] shere [a further sum] of 168l. 18s. 9d., making together 30,577l. 11s. 10d. All this being done, you are to give a full receipt and discharge to Sir George Carteret and said Backwell jointly or severally according to their respective commissions for the whole 1,500,000 crowns. Ibid, XXXIII. pp. 158–9.
Treasury order for 1,198l. to Thomas Bates, gent., in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 82.
Same for 662l. to Isaack Meynell, goldsmith, in repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 29.
Same for 6l. to Henry Cooke in reward for loan Ibid, p. 107.
Jan. 24 Money warrant for 140l. creation money due to the Countess of Guildford for seven years to 1667, Easter, payable to the Earl of St. Albans as her executor. Warrants Early XVIII. p 380; XXVIII. p. 101.
Jan. 25 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long for a list of such orders as are yet unpaid upon the first Wine Act, and also of what assignments have been entered in the Exchequer upon any of the said orders, and also what you conceive to be due upon the said orders or any other orders upon the said Act for interest and reward. Out Letters General II. p. 419.
Same to Mr. Wadlow to send to my Lords a list of such bonds upon the first and second Wine Act as remain yet unpaid, with an account of the probability of the payment of same and in whose hands they are. Please deliver this to them at Lord Ashley's house on Friday. Also please return to Auditor Aldworth the eight quarterly accounts which he gave you and send him the accompts of the discount upon bond. Ibid.
Same to the Farmers of the 4½ per cent, in the Barbados. My Lords are surprised you neglect to pay in your 1,500l. advance on your farm, there being clothes ready made for the soldiers at Barbados which cannot be sent away for want of money to pay for them. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Farmers for an accompt of the moneys you have received of the 4l. per tun on wines and how paid by you, and also of what bonds have been given on this account. If you have not an accompt of this business from the outports send for it forthwith. Ibid, p. 420.
Same to Mr. Lawrence to make all possible despatch in Major Daberon's business. Ibid.
Same to Col. Birch, Mr. Wingate, Mr. Waring, Mr. Bodurda and Mr. Man to attend my Lords on Friday at Lord Ashley's house about the arrears of the Wine Act yet standing out on the Vintners. Ibid.
Treasury order for 200l. to John Jervis for the expenses of the President's Court and Household in the Marches of Wales. Order Book XXXVII. p. 356.
Money warrant for 230l. to Isaac le Gouche for a diamond ring bought of him by the King and given to the Marquesse Garbeilliers. Envoy Extraordinary from Lorraine. (Treasury order dated Mar. 21.) Warrants Early XXVIII p. 73; Order Book XXXVII. p. 86.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 3,000l. to William Bataillie for the impost bills for the year ended Xmas last. Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 75–6.
Jan. 26 Sir G. Downing to Commissary Banes, in Orchard Street, for a full statement of the debt mentioned in the petition of Col. Miles Man, which has been referred to my Lords from the King in Council as to the best expedient for petitioner's relief. Out Letters General II. p. 420.
Money warrant for 435l. to Sir Edw. Dering, Sir Thomas Strickland and Robert Milward for Xmas quarter last as Commissioners for keeping the Privy Seal. (Treasury order hereon, dated Feb. 4.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 74; Order Book XXXVII. p. 80.
Same for 100l. to Raphaell Foliard, the King's barber, for half a year to Xmas last on his fee: and 70l. 10s. 0d. for half a year for barbing linen and lace for the King. Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 74–5.
Same for 100l. and 45l. 10s. 0d. to Thomas Lisle, King's barber, for the like fee and allowance respectively. Ibid, p. 75.
Jan. 27 Treasury order for 350l. to Edward, Earl of Sandwich in repayment of loan. (fn. 1) Order Book XXXVII. pp. 80, 81.
Same for 250l. to Richard, Lord Gorges for same (fn. 1) Ibid.
The like for the following:— (fn. 1)
Lord Arlington, 250l.
Thomas Gray, Esq., 250l.
Edmond Waller, 250l.
Silius Titus, 250l.
Mr. Brunkerd, 250l.
Sir Humphry Wynch, 250l.
Henry Slingsby, 250l.
More to him for contingencies, 500l.
Sir John Finch, 250l.
Dr. Worsley (quarter of a year), 150l.
Money warrant for 500l. to John Dryden, M.A., His Majesty's Poet Laureate and Histrographer Royal, in full of what is grown due on his pension of 200l. per an. granted by letters patent of Aug. 18 last, payable from the feast of St. John Baptist next after the death of Sir William Davenant, it appearing "by the certificate of Philip Tynckare, chanter of the Abbey or Collegiate Church of Westminster, that the said Sir William Davenant was buried in the said church the 9th day of April, 1668." (Treasury order hereon, dated Feb, 17.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 76; Order Book XXXVII. p. 83.
Same for 20l. to the Earl of Carlisle for one year's creation money: and dormant warrant for same in future. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 114.
Same for 29l. 6s. 4½d. to John, Lord Berkeley for half a year to 1670, Lady Day, on his allowance of 58l. 12s. 9d. per an. as late one of the Commissioners of the Ordnance. Ibid, XVIII. p. 374.
Same for 1,000l. to the Earl of Rochester in part of arrears as a Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Ibid, XXVIII. p. 79.
Same for 198l. 11s. 4d. to Robert Blaney and Richard Lightfoot to be by them paid over to Sir Richard Piggot, Clerk of the Patents in Chancery, for passing grants for His Majesty in that office. Ibid, XXVII. p. 55 (reverse).
Same for 50l. to Blaney and Lightfoot to be by them paid to John How, William Wray, and others the clerks in the Patent Office, as royal bounty for their pains and losses in the engrossing and despatch of the patents for sale of fee farm rents. Ibid.
Jan. 27 Money warrant for 1,500l. to Ferdinando Marsham, 1,000l. to Rob. Thompson and 200l. to Tobias Rustat out of the Earl of Norwich's annuity. Warrants Early XXVII. p. 56; XVa. pp. 97–8.
Appending:—Copy of the privy seal, dated 1666, Nov. 30, for payment out of the pension of 2,000l. granted for seven years to the Earl of Norwich or such part thereof as yet remains unpaid of the sums following, viz. 780l. to Sir Philip Warwick 1,500l. to Ferdinando Marsham, Esq., "of our body"; 1,000l. to Robert Thompson, Groom of the Privy Chamber; 200l. to Tobias Rustat, yeoman of the Robes; 1,100l. to Elizabeth Deane, being their respective principal debts due to them from the late Earl of Norwich remaining as yet unpaid, and damages for forbearance thereof.
Warrant under the royal sign manual for 210l. to William Snow, James Noble, William Withers, Walter Goudge, John Snow, Archibald Callinder, James Turner and John Goudge, doorkeepers of the House of Lords, as royal bounty for their service and attendance there. (Money warrant dated Mar. 24; Treasury order dated April 3.) Ibid, XVa. p. 120; XVIII. p. 390; Order Book XXXVII. p. 109.
Same for 40l. to John Walker as royal bounty for his attendance as clerk to the Commissioners for England treating about the Union with Scotland. (Money warrant and Treasury order ut supra.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 120; XVIII. p. 389; Order Book XXXVII. p. 109.
Jan. 28 Sir G. Downing to Mr. Lawrence. The Treasury Lords have agreed with Mr. Dobell for 1,000l. for the surrender of his walk at Windsor, and with the Lady Sanderson for surrender of her walk there for 1,100l. You are to hasten the surrender and privy seals therein. Mr. Dobell is to have possession till Michaelmas next, but with leave that His Majesty may enter with carriages, &c., on all occasions. Out Letters General II. p. 421.
Same to Sir Charles Wheeler, Sir Peter Coleton, Col. Stroud, Capt. Cotes and Capt. Tabot to view the clothes bespoken by Mager Andrewes [Major Andros] for His Majesty's regiment in the Barbados under the command of Sir Tobias Bridges, and report as to the quantity, goodness and price. Ibid.
Same to the King's officers of the Customs in London port for a certificate of what moneys have been received upon the 4l. per tun on wines, and of what bonds have been taken for payment thereupon. Also for the like of moneys received on the duty of 8l. and 12l. per tun on wines at the Custom House to the last day of this month, and that for the future you return to my Lords weekly certificates of receipts upon that duty. Ibid.
Same to the late Farmers of the Customs and the King's officers of the Customs and Auditor Beale to attend my Lords on Monday week at the consideration of the account of the late farm of the Customs. Ibid, p. 422.
Same to the Customs Farmers for an account of their receipt of moneys and bonds on the 4l. per tun on wines. Ibid.
Same to Col. Birch and the rest of the present Commissioners of the Wine Act. On Friday last my Lords heard you and the late Commissioners of the Wine Act about the business of the accompts with Vintners, &c., not in their [the said late Commissioners'] times not yet perfected by them, whereby these moneys are not yet collected, and to be now collected with much more difficulty than they might have been. My Lords desire you to certify what failures you have found in their [the said late Commissioners'] trust in this or any other matter. Ibid.
Jan. 28 Sir G. Downing to Sir Edmond Turner for a certificate of what moneys and bonds have been received on the 4l. per tun on wines in the outports; and of what moneys have been received on the duty of 8l. and 12l. per tun on wines in the outports to Dec. 25 last. "and that for the future you return certificates quarterly of what moneys come in each quarter upon that duty." Out Letters General II. p. 422.
Same to Sir Robert Holt to attend my Lords on Monday next at the Treasury Chambers about some business relating to the Hearth money in co. Warwick. Ibid, p. 123.
Same to Mr. Agar to attend my Lords on Monday with an accompt of moneys laid out by you in the Forest of Dean. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Ellesdon concerning the Retrospect of the late Wine Act. My Lords desire an accompt of moneys and bonds received by you. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners and Principal Officers of the Navy. I have received no certificate [from you] since Oct. last, which was [made up] to the 10th of that month. Let me have the certificates which are behind, and so for the time to come. Ibid.
Treasury order for 300l. to Symon Smyth, Esq., in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII p. 82.
and for 200l. to Thomas Rudyard, gent., for same.
Same for 485l. to Isaack Meynell, Gilbert Whitehall, and John Grymes in repayment of loan. Ibid. p. 86.
"The following orders were drawn for the several persons following to be paid out of the Hearth money with interest at 6 per cent. from the 23 of Nov., 1669, being for several creditors of the Navy removed [or transferred to this fund] from the [register of orders on the fund] of the Additional Aid." (See supra pp. 769, 775.) Ibid, p. 125.
£ s. d.
Richard Waiths for the sum of 69 11 0
Maurice Linch for the sum of 22 10 0
Thomas Punnet for the sum of 123 6 0
Henry Turpin for the sum of 361 15 0
Thomas Birkhead for the sum of 961 3
Ralph Whistler and William Buckler for the sum of 638 11 8
Sir John Bankes for the sum of 959 15 0
George Poyner, Jacob Lucy, and Saml. Wastell for the sum of 1,032 3 3
Ralph Heather for the sum of 373 10 11
Sir William Warren for the sum of 2,354 5 6
Edmond Rayner for the sum of 136 5 9
Henry Higford for the sum of 882 3 9
Bernard Eales for the sum of 7,423 14
Henry Whistler for the sum of 1,977 12 6
John Harris for the sum of 224 18
Sarah Young and John Young for the sum of 2,215 0 9
More [to said Sarah and John Young] for the sum of 2,651 12
John Hardwyn for the sum of 907 7 1
Isaac Walker for the sum of 103 9 6
Samuel Morice for the sum of 21 4 6
John Marsh for the sum of 6,075 10
Thomas Best for the sum of 4,138 15
Henry Lewis for the sum of 8,571 9
Samuel Pack for the sum of 1,188 0 0
John Warren for the sum of 602 2 0
John Wats for the sum of 57 3 9
Thomas Crafts for the sum of 675 18 4
John Wild for the sum of 403 16 8
Gervas Maplesden for the sum of 858 14 4
John Norwood for the sum of 75 4 9
Gregory Page for the sum of 1,076 18 8
John Taylour for the sum of 283 16 3
Robert Morecock for the sum of 565 6 0
Robert Morecock for the sum of 167 3 6
Edward Hicks and Sarah his wife for the sum of 1,518 15 5
Thomas Lucas for the sum of 125 8 1
Edward Whitton for the sum of 106 16 3
Thomas Westerne for the sum of 1,321 16 4
John Watts for the sum of 5,457 18 6
John Taylour for the sum of 409 14 9
Richard Barton for the sum of 19 18 5
Sir John Banket (erased) for the sum of 447 13 4
Jan. 30 The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to swear William Prettyman as Remembrancer of First Fruits and Tenths, said office having been granted to him and after his death to Charles Porter. Warrants Early XXXVIII. p. 3.
Privy seal for the following sums to John Dodington, late Secretary to the Extraordinary Embassy to the states of Venice and Princes of Italy, viz. 450l. for his 40s. a day from 1669, Nov. 12, to 1670, Oct. 9: and from said date of Oct. 9 last to pay him 2l. 10s. 0d. as day for his ordinary as Resident with the Republic of Venice, that being the date when he went from Augsburg to perform that employment: also 200l. for equipage: also his extras when and as certified in the usual way. Ibid, XVa. p. 109.
Same for 100l. a year to Charles Seeres [Serres] as of the King's bounty for his support and out of the remains of the Queen's dowry. (Money warrant dormant dated Feb. 23.) Ibid, p. 110; XVIII. p. 377.
Jan. 31 Treasury warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General to prepare a reversionary grant of the office of one of the Customers or Collectors of Customs in Newcastle port to Sir Robert Cary. son of Sir Horatio Cary, from the surrender or forfeiture of William Burrows. Out Letters Customs II. pp. 223–4.
Sir G. Downing to Sir John Nicholas. My Lords desire you to despatch your surrender of your interest in the Great Park at Windsor. Out Letters General II. p. 423.
Treasury order for 230l. to Isaack Le Gouse in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 81.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to allow interest on orders registered on the late 310.000l. Wine Act, "and whereas the moneys arising upon that Act were paid to Mr. Wadlow and partners and not directly into the Exchequer, by which means it is come to pass that it doth not appear there [in the Exchequer] when the said moneys were received" you are therefore to Warrants Early XL. p. 37.
Jan. 31 observe the following rule in paying said interest, viz. "that when it shall appear that there was or is money sufficient in Wadlow's hands to satisfy any one of these orders that you allow of interest thereupon to that time only and no longer."
Treasury warrant to Sir C. Harbord for a particular of several messuages and lands in co. Surrey, viz. one messuage and lands in Weybridge of the value of 82l. above the old rent of 10l. 10s. 5d. reserved to the Crown, and another messuage and lands in Chertsey, Weybridge, and Walton of the value of 48l. above the old rent of 3l. 13s. 0½d., all with a view to an extension of lease thereof to Lady Margaret Herbert. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 3–4.
Same to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to pass the Exchequer Seal of a tenement in Winslade, in the manor of Stoke Climsland (Climsland Prior) for two such lives as shall be nominated by Thomas Berriball of Stoke Climsland, husbandman, in reversion after the death of Timothy Stephens. Ibid, pp. 4–5, 74.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises and Surveyor General's ratal: and entry of demise.
Same to Auditor Humfry Morice for a particular of the office of Steward of His Majesty's manor of Newark, co. Notts, heretofore in grant to Thomas, late Earl of Berkshire: with a view to a grant thereof to the Earl of Ogle. Ibid, p. 10.
Money warrant for 100l. to Isaac le Gouche for one year in part of 300l. arrears to Xmas on his fee of 100l. per an. as His Majesty's jeweller. Ibid, XVIII. p. 374.
Same for 10l. to Henry Thomas as royal bounty for his present necessities. (Treasury order hereon, dated Feb. 11.) Ibid. p. 375; Order Book XXXVII. p. 107.
Same for 50l. to the churchwardens of St. Margaret's, Westminster: as royal bounty for relief of the poor. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 376.
The like for 100l. to the poor of St. Martin-in-the-Fields Ibid.
Same for 1,500l. to Peter Lilly [Lely] for 7½ years arrears to Xmas last on his pension of 200l. per an. (Treasury order hereon, dated Feb. 28.) Ibid, XXVII. p. 69: Order Book XXXVII. pp. 202, 203.
Royal sign manual to the Attorney or Solicitor General to prepare a bill to pass the Great Seal for a grant to Edward Backwell and John Backwell, his son, of the office of Comptroller of Customs in London port ("Comptroller as well of our greater or lesser Customs, as also of our subsidy of 3s. the hogshead and 12d. the pound in our port of London"), said office having by letters patent of 1669, Nov. 18, been granted to Nicholas Cooke during his life, and in reversion after him to Richard Mounteney during his life: said Cooke and Mounteney having by an instrument dated the 23rd inst. surrendered said grant. Out Letters Customs II. pp. 154–5.
Money warrant for 10,361l. 16s. 1d. to Sir Dennis Gawden in full of 15,000l. for the victualling. (Treasury orders hereon, dated Feb. 11.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 80; Order Book XXXVII. p. 81.
Same for 1,400l. to Ralph Montague, Master of the Horse to the Queen Consort, for 14 weeks' ordinary as Ambassador to France, as by the privy seal of 1668, Dec. 18. (Treasury order hereon, dated Feb. 11.) Warrants Early XXVII. pp. 80–1; Order Book XXXVII. p. 82.
Jan. 31 Money warrant for 20l. to the Duke of Monmouth for one year's creation money to the dignity of Earl of Doncaster in part of arrears thereon: and dormant warrant for same in future. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 81.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 40l. to the Duke of Monmouth for one year's creation money to that dignity: and dormant warrant for same in future. Ibid, pp. 81–2.
The like for the Earl of Berkshire's creation money separately as Earl of Berkshire and as Viscount Andover, and for the Earl of Chesterfield's creation money as Earl. Ibid, p. 82.
Money warrant for 300l. to Thomas Killegrew for three quarters of a year to Xmas last on his annuity. (See infra, p. 795.) Ibid, p. 83.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay to John Lord Belasyse one year to Xmas last on the several fees of 10s. a day for himself as Governor and Capt. of Kingston upon Hull, and 8d. per man per day for 20 soldiers there: in all amounting to 425l. 16s. 8d. per an. as by the letters patent of 1660, Dec. 5. Ibid, pp. 83–4.
Money warrant for 1,000l. to Lawrence Hyde, Master of the Robes, for the service of the Office of the Robes. (Treasury order hereon, dated Feb. 11.) Ibid, p. 85; Order Book XXXVII, p. 81.
Same for 112l. to Ann Cogan, relict of Anthony Cogan for one year to 1669, Xmas, on 80l. 10s. 0d. payable to her yearly for the rent of a garden called the Great Garden, situate in the parish of St. Martins in the Fields, heretofore in the occupation of Thomas Hoskins, and for 1½ years to June 24 last on the 21l. 0s. 0d. per an. payable to her for the rent of the pasture ground called the Mulberry Garden, in the same parish, which said rent and sum [of 31l. 10s. 0d.] is to be paid over to John Tregunnell, Esq. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 86.
Same for 20l. to the Earl of Ailesbury for one year in part of his arrears of creation money: and dormant warrant for same in future. Ibid, p. 87.
Same for same to the Earl of Devonshire for same Ibid, p. 88.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 20l. to the Earl of Denbigh for one year's creation money: and dormant warrant for same in future. Ibid, p. 97.
Money warrant for 2,000l. to the Earl of Bath for one year in part of his arrears as Groom of the Stole and First Gentleman of the Bedchamber. Ibid, p. 100.
Royal warrant for 100l. to Lady Sanderson as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon, dated Feb. 13.) Ibid, XVa. p. 108; XXVIII. p. 96.


  • 1. The above transaction is a typical one at this particular juncture. It will be noticed that these Treasury orders contained in the first three entries above correspond to the money warrants already entered supra, p. 777, under date Jan. 23, but whereas on p. 777 the money warrants run as for payment of salary the Treasury orders on the present page run as for repayment of loan. I read this as follows:— The financial tightness was increasing so rapidly that holders of money warrants for payments of salary, &c., could not obtain payment thereon. As they presented their warrants at the Exchequer they either themselves elected or were induced by the Exchequer officials to surrender the warrants and to accept order of loan in place of them. By getting an order of loan the creditor took his place on the register of orders for repayment of loan, and in the ordinary way of things stood a chance of some day getting his money in his proper turn, that is according to the course of the register. From the point of view of genuine lenders of money to the State such a transaction was a fraud committed upon them by the Exchequer. The nature of the Register as prescribed by the Act of Parliament for the Additional Aid was quite specific. It was to be a register of orders for payments for goods supplied to the Navy on credit of the Act, or for repayment of loans made on the credit of the Act. It was never contemplated by Parliament that salaries should be put upon the register so as to rank for payment with loan money— much less that such items as contingencies should rank thus.