Entry Book: February 1671

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: February 1671', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp777-795 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: February 1671', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp777-795.

"Entry Book: February 1671". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp777-795.


February 1671

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Feb. 1 Sir G. Downing to Col. Birch et al. [the Commissioners for the Retrospect of the late wine duty] to attend Sir R. Long on Thursday about Mr. Wadlow's account. Out Letters General II. p. 424.
Feb. 2 Same to Mr. Jo. Troode. My Lords have received a complaint against you from Sir Ja. Smith, Farmer of Excise for co. Devon. You are to attend my Lords hereon on the 27th inst. Ibid.
Feb. 4 Sir G. Downing to Col. Birch and the rest of the Commissioners of the Retrospect of the late Wine Act to meet at Sir R. Long's on Thursday about Mr. Wadlow's account. Out Letters General II. p. 424.
Same to Mr. Crispe. Serjeant Turner has expected you all this term time to come to him to conclude the agreement about the alum business, and not having heard from you has caused a seizure to be made of the alum works in the country. Let me know the reason of your neglect. Ibid, p. 425.
Same to the Commissioners of the Retrospect of the Wine Act for the district of York. My Lords desire with all speed an accompt of moneys received by you or by any agent or receiver of Mr. Wadlow's by your order or privity either upon the Rests or Retrospects since June 24 last or upon any bonds taken by the Farmers' [sic for former] Commissioners for the Wine Act: and also a list or particular accompt of all the bonds delivered to you by the former Commissioners; and the like of all bonds taken by you upon the Rests and Retrospect since June 24 last and of moneys received thereon. Ibid.
The like to the like Commissioners severally for the district of Exeter, district of Ipswich, and district of Bristol. Ibid.
Treasury order for 435l. to the Commissioners of the Privy Seal. Order Book XXXVII. p. 80.
Same for 435l. to Robert Hitchins in repayment of loan Ibid, p. 81.
Feb. 6 Money warrant for 4,500l. to Sir Edward Griffin for the service of the Chamber. Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 86–7.
Same for 5,500l. to the Earl of Sandwich to be by him paid to the Duke of Buckingham for half a year to Sept. 29 last on the allowance for 11,000l. per an., as by the privy seal of Jan. 13 last, made forth on the agreement between the King and said Duke, as Master of the Horse, for the furnishing and supplying His Majesty's stables with all those things which have been usually issued out of the Great Wardrobe. (Treasury order hereon, dated Feb. 8.) Ibid, pp. 90–1; Order Book XXXVII. p. 83.
Treasury warrant to the Earl of St. Albans, Sir Henry Wood. Sir John Wintour, Sir C. Harbord, Sir R. Long, Sir Peter Ball, Sir G. Downing, and Sir W. Doyly, or any four of them to give order to Sir Henry Wood to pay all and singular the debts, wages, salaries, entertainments, legacies, and sums of money as below [owing by the late Queen Mother]: the King having by letters patent under the Great Seal of July 15 last authorised the Treasury to issue warrants from time to time to the said Earl of St. Albans, Sir Henry Wood, Sir John Wintour, Sir C. Harbord. Sir R. Long, and Sir Peter Ball, trustees to the said late Queen Mother, empowering them to make order for such payments of debts, &c., as above, &c., as are mentioned in the schedules and lists annexed to the said letters patent. When the below mentioned sums are paid then such other money warrants as His Majesty has directed to said Sir Henry Wood are to be paid in course: but this is not to interfere with the payment of salary to the Trustees and Administrators of said late Queen. Warrants Early XLII. pp. 19–24.
Appending:—A list of the several sums taken out of the schedule annexed to the letters patent above mentioned and which are now to be entirely paid in the first place, viz.:—
£ s. d.
Walter Montague, Great Almoner to said Queen Mother 1,600 0 0
Lord Arundell, Master of the Horse to same 400 0 0
Same for travelling charges 400 0 0
Dr. Jenkins for travelling charges 200 0 0
Sir John Wintour, late Secretary to said late Queen Mother 340 0 0
Sir Peter Ball, Attorney General to same 125 0 0
Robt. Tomkins, Clerk of her Council 79 10 0
John Singleton, deputy to said Tomkins 35 0 0
The following persons to be paid by moieties in order as they stand and when one moiety is paid to all then the other moiety to be paid.
£ s. d.
Mr. Bradborne 300 0 0
Executors of Mr. Rice Williams 497 10 0
Sir William Boulton and Mr. Bradshaw 261 0 0
John Welkin 60 0 0
Mr. Tho. Howard 300 0 0
Mrs. Castle by assignment from Mrs. Shortis 540 0 0
Mr. George Kirke 100 0 0
Lady Price 75 0 0
Lady Sanderson 170 0 0
Sir Henry Herne, knight of the Bath 210 0 0
Col. Gerard 210 0 0
Sir John Arundell 200 0 0
Mr. Ludovick Carlisle 175 0 0
Mr. Valentine Clarke 175 0 0
Mr. Edw. Hill 175 0 0
Mr. William Shilcot 87 10 0
Mr. John Tuthill 87 10 0
Sir William St. Ravy 210 0 0
Mr. Thomas Shemons [Shemonds] 105 0 0
Mr. John Godden 105 0 0
Mr. James Townshend 105 0 0
Sir Edw. Wingfield 315 0 0
Sir Rob. Thorold 315 0 0
Sir Edward Walpoole, Surveyor General to [her late Majesty] 48 0 0
Henry Winne, Esq., Solicitor General to same 45 0 0
Sir Thomas Geery, Auditor General to same 165l. and 49l. 16s. 8d. and 20 0 0
James Symms, deputy auditor, 36l. 13s. 4d. and 10 0 0
John Griffith, clerk to said Symms 10 0 0
John Thorpe, Esq. 66l. 15s. 4d. and 65 1 6
William Wenslow 8 15 0
Mr. Aubery, Sir John Wintour's clerk 28 15 0
Richard Wey 8 15 0
John Ludwell 8 15 8
John Hatton 143 16 8
Marke Morley 35 19 2
Mr. Carrill 7 10 0
Francis Egglesfield 50l. 18s. 3d. and 70 0 0
Henry Browne, Esq., 180l. and 150l. and 20l. and 18 0 0
Mr. Hugh May 110 0 0
Mr. Thomas Purcell 105l. 10s. 5d. and 100 0 0
Mr. Will Peters 154l. 3s. 4d. and 186 0 0
Mr. Thomas Beauchampe 140 0 0
Mr. Gammon 84 15 5
Col. Gerrard 11 3 0
Mr. Sanders, the draper 11 0 0
Mr. Gould, the stationer 20 5 4
Mr. Rider 32 10 0
The porter at the gate of Somerset House for sweeping the street 36 0 0
The executors of Mr. Harpham 22 8 0
Mr. Francis Poyntz 12 10 0
Mr. Robt. Tempest 15 13 4
Mr. East, the clockmaker 25 0 0
The workmen for work done in Somerset House 39 6 5
James Parthon for wax lights 23 0 8
Francis Fortescue 4 0 0
William Lehunt, Esq 5 0 0
Sir John Denham 10 0 0
Dr. Christopher Wrenne 10 0 0
The following persons likewise to be paid by moieties, but in regard of their necessities to be paid before others if need be.
£ s. d.
Anthony Robert 175 0 0
Elizabeth Marbery 87 10 0
Richard Hudson, bargeman, and 21 watermen, 80 10 0
Mr. John Brownerig 105 0 0
Mr. John Chabbenor 140 0 0
Mr. William Fountain 127 15 0
Mr. Francis Suckley 127 15 0
Mr. Will Walton 127 15 0
Mr. John Strickland 127 15 0
Mr. Edmond Yeomans 127 15 0
Francis Marriot 26 3 0
Henry Beer 52 10 0
Norris Roberts 45 0 0
Peter Watson 150 0 0
John Fosse 15 0 0
Jane Penings 37 10 0
Margaret Wansborough 87 10 0
Theodore Steffkin 87 10 0
Mr. Le Grand 87 10 0
Mrs. Mary Blount 70 0 0
Mr. Will Chiffinch 15 0 0
William Clarke 52 10 0
John Spranger 52 10 0
John Carpenter 52 10 0
William Winchester 52 10 0
Henry Barnet 52 10 0
Edward Hilyard 52 10 0
Peter Topping 52 10 0
Tho. Lewer 52 10 0
Francis Cotton 52 10 0
James Groves 52 10 0
Jos. Wheeler 52 10 0
Humphrey Cantrell 52 10 0
John Field 30 0 0
Hester Varney 26 5 0
Rachell Sparkes 26 5 0
Richard Townsend 33 2 9
William Milward 33 2 9
William Kirkham 37 14 3
John Winch 21 11 0
Anthony Mason 87 10 0
Francis Plunket 70 0 0
Anthony Goddard 25 0 0
Ann Twyne 15 15 0
John Lane 15l. 15s. 0d. and 1 13 4
Alexander Houseden 15l. 15s. 0d. and 1 13 4
Mary Smith 52 10 0
Particular of the legacies to be paid by moieties as aforesaid:—
£ s. d.
Henriette Vantelet 1,000 0 0
Jane de l'Espervanche 1,000 0 0
Susan de Mercy 1,000 0 0
Henrietta Belin 1,000 0 0
Des Chappelles 1,000 0 0
Peter Moor 241 13 4
Nanon Bardeau 483 6 8
Madam Garnier, her late Majesty's nurse 483 6 8
more to her or her heirs 500 0 0
De Plancy, her late Majesty's apothecary 708 17 9
Walter Montague, Esq., in consideration of the plate and ornaments of the [said Queen's] Chapel [in Somerset House] 1,200 0 0
Henrietta Vantelet for [the value of] the plate, &c., in [said Queen's] bedchamber 300 0 0
Feb. 6 Letter of direction on an order of 1670, May 30, for 1,000l. to the Earl of Suffolk. Order Book XXXVII. p. 202.
Treasury order for 1,000l. to Richard Marryott in repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 81.
Same for 147l. 13s. 4d. to Sir John Bankes as gratuity for loan. Ibid, p. 220.
Treasury warrant to Auditor Aldworth to follow the rule as below for allowing interest, when making up the [Wine Act money] account of Mr. Wadlow and his partners on orders registered in the Exchequer on which interest yet remains unpaid by reason the moneys arising upon the Wine Act were paid to said Wadlow and not directly into the Exchequer: by reason whereof it could not appear in the Exchequer where the said moneys were received. Finding it necessary to give some rule by which the Auditors and officers of the Receipt should proceed in the payment of said interest "we by our warrant of the 31st of January last have directed the said Auditor and officers of the Exchequer in paying of interest upon any of those orders to observe this following rule, viz. that when it shall appear by the accompt of the said Mr. Wadlow that there was or is money sufficient in his hands to satisfy any of those orders, that they give allowance of interest thereupon to that time only and no longer." Warrants Early XL. p. 37.
Feb. 7 Same to the Lieutenant of the Tower and all others concerned to permit the Receiver of Hearth money for London and Middlesex without interruption to make views of the firehearths and stoves in the Tower of London and the offices thereof and the houses belonging to such offices. and also within or belonging to the Navy Office and likewise within the Artillery Ground: all which we [the Treasury Lords] consider are liable to pay said duty. Ibid. XXXVI. p. 162.
Feb. 7 Treasury order for 920l. to Sir William Turner in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 82.
Feb. 8 Same for 18l. 0s. 6d. and 89l. 10s. 2d. to Mr. Meynell Ibid, p. 107.
Same for 250l. to Edward Progers, Esq., in repayment of loan Ibid, p. 82.
Same for 1,200l. to Henry Baker for same Ibid.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Lawrence to attend him on Friday about Mr. Daberon's business. Out Letters General II. p. 426.
Same to the Farmers of the 4½ per cent. duty in Barbados to attend my Lords on Monday with an account why you have not yet paid in the advance of your farm. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners of Excise for an account of what money has been paid into the Excise Office on the account of Mr. Butts and Mr. Stockton for the Excise of Suffolk since your last report hereon. Ibid.
Same to Alderman Backwell. There being several payments charged upon the remainder of the Queen Consort's dower, and particularly a pension of 200l. per an. to Major Trelawney, my Lords desire you forthwith to pay in such moneys of said dower as you have received. Ibid.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 600l. per an. to Mr. Baker for provision of hay for the deer in New Park. (Privy seal hereupon, dated Feb. 14, approving the proposal of and ordering 600l. per an. to said Henry Baker, viz. as follows: for a provision of good upland hay at 35s. a load for 2,500 deer [to be kept] in New Park, co. Surrey, at 350l. per an. and a further 220l. per an. for repairs of the walls, &c., &c., of said park, and for repair of houses, &c., and deer houses, when such shall be built, and for scouring the Great Shore and the several drains and maintaining the Great Pond head: and 30l. for incidents and 30l. "as our promise to the poor for preventing their destroying the woods in the said park according to an agreement of our late royal father upon taking in the commons.") Warrants Early XVa. pp. 107, 139–40.
Feb. 9 Sir G. Downing to Alderman Backwell. My Lords are very angry that you have not as yet sent them an accompt how the 10,000l. tally money is disposed of. Pray fail not to send it on Monday. Out Letters General II. p. 426.
Same to Mr. Slingsby. My Lords are very sensible of the great delay in the farthing business. You are to attend them on Monday with a full statement of this business. Ibid, p. 427.
Same to Mr. Lawrence. My Lords expect that you never leave until you make an end of Mr. Dawborne's business and the businesses of Mr. Dobell, Lady Sanderson, and Sir John Nicholas. Give me an account hereof periodically. Ibid.
Treasury order for 1,000l. to Patrick Wans, gent., in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 82.
Feb. 10 Same for 150l. to Major Edward Trelawney on his pension of 200l. Ibid, p. 107.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Williams, Recorder of Chester. On the 4th ult. the Privy Council referred to my Lords the petition Out Letters General II. p. 427.
and articles of John Brock, Sub-Farmer of Excise in Chester city, against yourself, Mr. Marry, Mr. Tailor, Mr. Poole, and Mr. Bird, Justices of Peace of said city. You are to attend my Lords hereon on Monday next.
Feb. 10 Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General. His Majesty having some intention of purchasing Holy Island for a fishery, concerning which some propositions are made to His Majesty by Mr. Daniell Collingwood, my Lords desire you will inquire into the title of it and report thereon. Out Letters General II. p. 427.
Same to the Customs Farmers, the King's officers of the Customs and Auditor Beale to attend my Lords on Monday at the consideration of the accompt of the late Farmers of the Customs. Ibid, p. 428.
Same to Sir Rob. Holt to attend my Lords on Monday about some business relating to Hearth money in co. Warwick. Ibid.
Privy seal for 1,000l. to George Lord Douglas as royal bounty. (Money warrant hereon, dated Feb. 24. Treasury order hereon, dated Feb. 27.) Warrants Early XVa. p. 109; XXVIII. p. 99; Order Book XXXVII. p. 83.
Royal warrant, dated Feb. 6, for a privy seal for 180,000l. for the Prince of Orange. Privy seal dated Feb. 10. "By the privy seal, dated 1664, July 27, we ordered 40,000l. to be paid to Sieur Constantine Huggins, knt., Seigneur de Zuylichem, deputy to our nephew, the Prince of Orange, in discharge of the marriage portion of [his mother] our sister the late Princess of Orange: and by another privy seal of same date we ordered 53,090l. to be paid to said Huggins to the use of our said nephew in acquittance and discharge of the like sum due from us to him: no part of which said sums have as yet been paid: and our nephew applying to us for payment thereof with interest we referred same to the Treasury Lords, to whom the deputy of said Prince of Orange exhibited a computation of the said interest to Nov. 2 last as follows, viz.: interest of 40,000l. at 75,200l., and interest of 53,090l. at 70,220l. [said interest being computed of course not from the date of the above quoted privy seals but from the date of the commencement of the debts], and making the whole principal and interest to amount to 238,510l.: on which the Treasury Lords proposed that he be paid 180,000l. without any interest after the rate of 40,000l. per an. by equal half yearly payments to begin from Midsummer next," the first payment of 20,000l. to be made at Xmas following. We approve hereof and our said nephew has agreed hereunto. But for the accommodation of his affairs we are graciously pleased that the first payment to be made at Xmas next shall be 40,000l. These are therefore to order said payments as above to William Henry Prince of Nassau. Warrants Early XVa. pp. 100, 103–5.
Appending:—(1) Statement or calculation of said interest as follows:
In 1660 the Princess Royal being in England had a calculation of the interest of her portion (at the sum of 40,000l. sterling) made here by intelligent persons first at the rate of 8 per cent. till 1651, Nov. 2, and at 6 per cent. from that date to 1660, Nov. 2, according to the reduction [of the legal interest rate] begun in England at Michaelmas, 1651.
£ £
Said interest together with the principal amounted to 91,200
6 per cent. interest, 1660, Nov. 2, to 1670, Nov. 24,000
Total of the marriage portion 115,200
The total sum of the moneys furnished [as loans to Charles II. during his exile] by the Prince of Orange (besides many more neglected and forgotten) for the repayment of which the King has passed his privy seal is 53,090
Interest thereon at 5 per cent. till 1670, Nov. 70,220
Total of moneys furnished 123,310
Total of the whole debt 238,530
[sic for 238,510]
(2) [Copy of the above mentioned statement as made out in 1660.]
£ £
"Your Royal Highness marriage with the late Prince of Orange was celebrated at the Chapel in Whitehall on Sunday the 2nd of May. 1641;
And according to the 3rd article of your marriage contract 40,000l. sterling were to be paid for your portion in two years after the celebration of your marriage from six to six months by equal portions. Then consequently 10,000l. thereof fell payable the 2nd Nov. following, which being not then satisfied interest became due for your principal, as it was then in course, at eight in the hundred, which for 10 succeeding years, viz. to the 2 Nov., 1651, rises to 8,000
For the second 10,000l. unpaid 9½ years from 1642. May 2, to 1651, Nov. 1, due for interest 7,600
For a third 10,000l. unpaid nine full years from 1642, Nov., to 1651, Nov. 2 7,200
For the fourth and last 10,000l. unpaid, interest from 1643, May 2, to 1651, Nov. 2 hereof, 8½ years 6,800
And from the said 2 Nov., 1651, when as at Michaelmas immediately preceding, interest money was reduced [by law] to six in the hundred the interest for the whole principal of 40,000l. unpaid to 2nd Nov., 1660, being nine years 21,600
And for the principal 40,000

Feb. 10 The Treasury Lords to the Attorney General. On the 25th Nov. last we referred to you the draft of an indenture between the King and Sir John Lowther and Mr. Trotter about the alum works We now desire you to prepare the like draft of an indenture between the King and Serjeant Turner for his [the King's] alum works at 400l. per an. rent. Also in the deed between the King and the Alum Farmers you are to insert the yearly sum of 500l. to be paid to Sir John Lowther and Mr. Trotter, and the yearly sum of 400l. to be paid to Serjeant Turner: for which said Farmers will be allowed defalcation yearly. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 157.
Feb 11 Treasury warrant to John Newsham to act as sede vacante Receiver of the rents of the Bishops of Worcester and Lichfield and Coventry. By certificate from William Chislet, Deputy Auditor of Worcester and Stafford, of the 28th ult., it appears that the bishopric of Worcester is vacant by the death of the bishop about July last, the temporalities and profits whereof are answerable to His Majesty sede vacante by the Receiver of that county. There was due to His Majesty at Martlemas last about 500l. of said profits besides rent-corn and other moveable rents. The money lies for the most part in the hands of the bailiffs of the manors. Similarly the see of Lichfield and Coventry is vacant, the bishop having died since Martlemas last. One Receiver may serve both. You are therefore by yourself or deputy to receive said profits till further order. You are to make up your account hereof on oath before the Auditor of the said county and give security. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 161.
Privy seal for 666l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Thomas Lynch as royal bounty in reward of services in Candia against the Turks. (Money warrant hereon, dated March 8. Treasury order hereon, dated April 3.) Ibid, XVa. p. 112; XXVIII. p. 103; Order Book XXXVII. p. 86.
Treasury order for 10,000l. to Mr. Pepys for Tangier Order Book XXXVII. p. 86.
Same for 500l. to Henry Slingsby for half year for contingencies for the Foreign Plantations [Office]. Ibid, p. 81.
Same for 4,500l. to Sir Edw. Griffin Ibid.
Money warrant [not signed, and crossed through] for 40,000l. to William Henry Prince of Orange in part of 180,000l. by the privy seal of the 10th inst. Evidently replaced by a money warrant of same date for 20,000l. to same on same. Another similar warrant of same date for 20,000l. to same being crossed through and described in the margin as left unsigned. (But two Treasury orders hereon ? duplicate, dated Feb. 11. See below.) Warrants Early XXI. p. 43; XXVIII. pp. 89, 90; Order Book XXXVII. p. 127.
Three Treasury orders for the following sums to the Prince of Orange, viz. 11,000l., 11,000l. (with a letter of direction on the second order), and 20,000l. See above. Order Book XXXVII. p. 80.
Treasury order for 250l. to Richard Lane in repayment of loan Ibid, p. 82.
Sir G. Downing to the Grand Commissioners of Excise. I have not yet received a copy of your grant of the Excise. Send it to me forthwith fairly margented. Out Letters General II. p. 428.
Same to Mr. Slingsby and the rest of the officers of the Mint to attend my Lords on Monday about the business of the farthings, there being great complaint for the want of settling that business. Ibid.
Treasury order for 50l. to the Clerks of the Hanaper Order Book XXXVII. p. 202.
Feb. 13 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Lord Buckhurst for a grant of that piece of ground whereon the Great Wardrobe stood before the burning of the city of London. We have caused the former grants to the Keepers of the Wardrobe to be perused, and do find that Hy. VI., in the 25th of his reign, granted many privileges to the Keeper of the Wardrobe inter al., that no officer should have power to enter the ground belonging to the Wardrode to make arrests. This grant was confirmed and greatly enlarged by letters patent of I Queen Mary, whereby the Wardrobe was made a body corporate and politique for ever and a free place exempted from the jurisdiction of the Lord Mayor and Aldermen of London and other officers whatsoever: and power is thereby also given to the Keeper of the Great Wardrobe to let the houses, shops, tenements, cellars, &c., thereunto belonging to any artificer or tradesman; native or foreign, and the inhabitants and tenants of same are by said charter further exempted from paying all taxes and duties and from bearing any office in the civil government, and that they shall not be compelled to watch and ward, with other privileges, which were likewise afterwards confirmed by Queen Elizabeth and Kg. James. Warrants Early XXVIII.pp. 8–9.
As to the value of the land the Surveyor General reports that for a 60 years lease it may yield about 5s. a foot to build upon, fronting every way fifty foot in depth, which, containing about 400 foot in [the four sides of the] front, will yield about 100l. per an. Since the Restoration said ground and the houses thereon were granted to the Earl of Sandwich, Master of the Great Wardrobe, for life, "for which your Majesty hath been pleased lately to give his lordship a compensation." If there are any tenants who have just title to any part of said ground, and have had no compensation, we think that Lord Buckhurst should compound with them for their respective interests.
Feb. 13 Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown lands for a particular of certain lands in Somerset (viz. the capital messuage and demesnes of Laverton, called Laverton farm), with a view to a re-grant thereof to Hopton Shuter. Esq. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 9–10.
Sir G. Downing to the Customs Farmers. This being the last day of the term my Lords desire you to pay 3,000l. forthwith into the Exchequer on the farm rent of January next, to meet the Judges' salaries, and a further 550l. for the Masters in Chancery. Out Letters General II. p. 428.
Same to Mr. Breames to pay speedily into the Exchequer the profits of the place of Customer of Dover, which have been received by you since the suspension of Cadwallader Jones. Ibid, p. 429.
Same to Sir C. Harbord to advise with the Attorney General as to what is fittest for my Lords to do in this business of the demise of the salt marshes to Mr. Spencer. Ibid
Same to Sir Robt. Holmes and Lord Colepeper respectively to attend my Lords on Monday at the hearing of the business between you. Ibid
Same to the Attorney General and Mr. Mountague to attend my Lords on Monday at the consideration of the bill for the supply of the Queen's jointure: the Attorney General to bring the bill with him then, it being in his hands. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 500l. to the Earl of Carlisle, due for half a year to the feast of St. Thomas the Apostle last, on the pension of 1,000l. per an. as granted to said Earl by the letters patent of 1667, Mar. 21, for 21 years out of the duty upon exported coals, except out of the Customs of 4s. per chalder upon sea coals of Newcastle measure exported: which duty on exported coals is included in said farmers' lease of the Customs dating from 1671, Sept. 29: and it appearing by certificate of Mr. Mounteney, cashier to the present Farmers of the Customs, that the 1,500l. paid to said Earl for 1½ years of said annuity to Midsummer last was the first payment thereon. Warrants Early XXVIII. pp. 93–4.
Feb. 13 Money warrant for 300l. to Charles Bertie for his equipage as Envoy to the King of Denmark, and 336l. for a quarter's ordinary in advance. (Treasury order hereon, dated Feb. 27). Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 95: Order Book XXXVII. p. 83.
Treasury order for 141l. 14s. 8d. and 154l. 9s. 2d. to Sir John Bankes [as gratuity or over-interest] for loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 220.
Same for 20l. to Edward Sheldon, Esq., in reward [for loan] Ibid, p. 107.
Feb. 14 Same for 1,400l. to Henry Baker, gent, in repayment of loan. Ibid, p. 83.
For 1,000l. to Lawrence Hyde for same.
For 1,000l. to William Gawen for same.
The Treasury Lords to the Lord Mayor of London. The late King, upon a contract with the Lord Mayor, &c., of London, did grant in fee farm to Edward Ditchfield and others as patentees and trustees for the city divers great lordships, manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments of the clear annual value of about 12,500l. in old improveable rents as well for satisfaction of the several debts and interest, in all amounting to 229,897l. 2s. 0d., owing to several persons within the said city, as also for the sum of 120,000l. paid in ready money according to said contract with His Majesty. By a commission under the Great Seal of 1632, April 25 (declaring that it was always the intent as well of his said Majesty as of the said Lord Mayor and community of London and so by them promised and agreed at the making of the said contract that the said manors and lands should be sold at the best values for the competent satisfaction of those persons that advanced the said several sums, the remainder of the lands to be reconveyed to His Majesty and his heirs) thought fit to authorise and command the Commissioners therein named to take a full and perfect accompt thereof: and shortly after upon summons and demand of the said Commissioners an account was made up by the then Lord Mayor and Commonalty and presented to the said Commissioners of all the sales that had been then made of the said lands and what moneys had been thereby raised and to whom it was paid and how much of the said several sums remained then unpaid and to whom due and which of the said lands remained unsold. And it was promised and agreed on the part of the said Lord Mayor and Commonalty of the city that they would effectually proceed in the sale of so much of the residue of said lands as should satisfy the then remainder of said debts and interest thereof, and that his then Majesty should have a full and clear accompt thereof and the surplusage of said lands returned to His Majesty. "But the same being not pursued and effected before the late unhappy troubles began, whereby his said Majesty was obstructed and disabled of receiving a just accompt and satisfaction herein, we are commanded by His Majesty to pray and require your Lordship and the rest whom it may concern with all convenient speed to make up and send us fairly written in paper a true and perfect accompt of the proceedings and product of all the sales made of the said lands and of all the revenues and profits thereby raised or received, in which accompt you are plainly and particularly to express how much of the said lordships, manors, lands, tenements and hereditaments have been sold, and when and to whom the said consideration was payable or paid and how much thereof in ready money and how much in discharge of debts and interest distinctly and what debts in particular and to whom the same were properly due and payable and whether the same be accordingly released and discharged," and what of the said lordships, manors, lands &c. remain yet unsold and how much money has been received or is yet to be received on said sales or by reason of rents and profits arising thereupon. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 6–7.
Feb. 15 Treasury order for 1,000l. to Henry Gascoyne, gent., in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 83.
Feb. 17 Treasury letter of direction on two orders of 1670, Oct. 11, and 1670–1, Jan. 2, for 275l. and 275l. to the Masters in Chancery. Out Letters Customs II. p. 152.
Feb. 18 Sir G. Downing to Sir Robt. Holmes and Lord Colepeper to attend my Lords on Tuesday next. Out Letters General II. p. 429.
Same to the Attorney General and Mr. Mountague to attend my Lords on Tuesday about the bill to supply the Queen's jointure. Ibid.
Feb. 20 Treasury order for 1,000l. to Robert Cozens, gent., in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 83.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Greene, a bailiffman, Holborn, to produce the body of Mr. Applegarth, now in your custody, at the Treasury to-morrow at the hearing of a business, at the complaint of a Mr. Tunstead, in which said Applegarth is concerned. Out Letters General II. p. 430.
Same to the old Farmers of the Customs, the King's officers of the Customs, and Auditor Beale to attend my Lords to morrow about said farmers' accounts. Ibid.
Same to the new Farmers of the Customs and the King's officers below stairs to attend to-morrow, which the King has appointed for the consideration of your papers concerning bonds and cocquets. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Prettyman to attend my Lords to-morrow about the remains of moneys yet unanswered in your hands as Receiver of First Fruits. Ibid.
Memorandum:—To give notice to Sir Ste. Fox, the Cofferer of the Household, the Victualler of the Navy, the Treasurers of the Navy and the Attorney General to attend my Lords to-morrow. Ibid.
Feb. 21 The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer. The rolls of the views appointed to be taken by the Receivers of Hearth money were ordered to be certified into the Exchequer by the Clerks of the Peace by the end of this term. The said Receivers are to attend the Auditors by the 20th of this month. For the purpose of such audit please deliver over said rolls to said Auditors according to their respective circuits and divisions. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 163.
Feb. 21 The Treasury Lords to abovesaid Auditors to apply themselves diligently to said Hearthmoney audit, and to certify to the Treasury every Monday the names of the said Hearthmoney Receivers attending the said audit. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 164.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Jo. Troode to attend my Lords on April 11 about the complaints against him from Sir Ja. Smith, Farmer of Excise of Devon. Out Letters General II. p. 424.
Same to Mr. Blaney and Mr. Lightfoote to attend him tomorrow. Ibid, p. 431.
Same to Mr. Slingsby and the officers of the Mint to attend my Lords on Thursday at the consideration of the business of the Mint. Ibid.
Same to the Auditors of the revenue to certify my Lords every Monday what Receivers of revenue come to you respectively to prosecute the passing of their accounts. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Prettiman to attend Auditor Beale for the purpose of taking his account of the First Fruits to this day. The like to said Auditor Beale. Ibid.
Same to the Commissioners [sic for Trustees] for sale of fee farm rents to certify my Lords why you return some contracts, which have been signed, to be cancelled by them. Ibid, p. 432.
Same to Mr. Webb and Mr. Sherwyn for their opinion as to the sureties of Mr. Slye, Mr. Vernon and Mr. Cleake, who pray the employment of Receiver of Hearthmoney for co. Derby. Ibid.
Treasury order for 145l. 12s. 4d. to Lawrence Bathurst for a surplusage on his account. Order Book XXXVII. p. 107.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 800l. to Sir Henry de Vic for the support of the Order of the Garter. Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 96.
Together with:—A letter of direction hereon as infra under date 1671, Nov. 20.
Feb. 22 Treasury order on the fee farms for 2,000l., 3,000l. and 500l. to Sir Edward Griffin in full of 10,500l. to be paid to Sir Robert Vyner. Order Book XXXVII. p. 179.
Same for 5l. 6s. 8d. to Thomas Haynes. Ibid, p. 220.
For 10l. to Mr. Ligner in reward [for loan].
Same for 20l. each to Edward Falconberge and Mr. Lowe, Deputy Chamberlains of the Exchequer. Ibid, p. 108
Feb. 23 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland on the petition of Captain Terence Molloy for remission of the new quit rent on his estate in Ireland. Advise remission of same. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 87.
Treasury fiat for letters patent to create Thomas Marsh, Comptroller of Customs of Chichester port loco John Martin, gent, deceased. Out Letters Customs I. p. 228.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland on the petition of Jenico Viscount Gormanston, who was decreed innocent by the Commissioners of the late Court of Claims in Ireland, and prays to be freed from the new quit rent and the arrears thereon, a considerable portion of his estate being near co. Cavan, and yielding little above the quit rent. Advise the remission of said quit rent, seeing that of the divers marks of your Majesty's bounty bestowed upon him none have yet proved effectual. Out Letters Ireland I. pp. 59–60.
Prefixing:—Said Viscount's petition: note of the amount of said quit rent ("it appeareth by the Auditor General's office in Ireland that the estate of the Lord of Gormanston paid no crown rent in 1641. The new quit rent is yearly 200l."), and note of the order of reference from the Privy Council, dated Whitehall, 1670, Nov. 11.
Feb. 23 Report to the King from the Treasury Lords and the Lords of Ireland on the like petition of John Seagrave, of Little Cabaragh, co. Dublin, who by royal letters of date 1660, Sept. 26, and 1661, July 15, was restored to his estate, and the new reserved rent put out of charge. He was afterwards declared innocent by the Court of Claims, and confirmed in the estate descended to him from his father, Henry Segrave, who was likewise declared innocent. Advise the remission of the new quit rent of 38l. 15s. 0d. on his producing a certificate from the Auditor General of Ireland to show what the old quit rent was. Out Letters Ireland I pp. 62–4.
Prefixing:—Said Seagrave's petition and order of reference from the Privy Council, dated 1670, Aug. 8.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease under the Exchequer seal of the capital messuage of the manor of Laverton [co. Somerset] to Hopton Shuter, the present tenant. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 11–12.
Prefixing:—Particular of the premises and Surveyor General's ratal.
The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Sir Francis Clerke, late Receiver of Hearth money in Kent, on his accounts. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 165.
Treasury warrant to Sir R. Long [sic; an erratum for Viscount Fanshaw, the King's Remembrancer] to stay process against John Strode, late Collector of Hearthmoney for the Cinque Ports, he having promised speedily to perfect his accompts. Ibid, XXI. p. 43.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 4,000l. to Thomas Holder for the Company of Royal Adventurers of England trading into Africa for and towards His Majesty's adventure into their stock. (Privy seal, dated Feb. 28; Treasury order hereon, dated April 13.) Ibid, XVa. pp. 108, 123; Order Book XXXVII. p. 472.
Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord, Col. Birch, and Auditor Aldworth to meet at Sir R. Long's to-morrow about the general state of Mr. Wadlow's account, and particularly where to place the 10,000l. allowed for collection by the Act by way of discount in the Exchequer. Out Letters General II. p. 432.
Treasury order for 34l. 14s. 4d. to Thomas Westerne as reward [for loan]. Order Book XXXVII. p. 108.
Same for 29l. 6s. 4½d. to Lord Berkeley, Commissioner of Ordnance. Ibid, p. 107.
Money warrant for 450l. to John Dodington in full of his arrears of 40s. a day as late Secretary to the Extraordinary Embassy to Venice, and 230l. more for a quarter's ordinary as Resident at Venice, being 92 days to Jan. 9 last, and 200l. for Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 98; XXII. p. 27; Order Book XXXVII. p. 245.
his equipage: being 880l. in all. (Treasury order hereon for 880l., dated Feb. 28, with a later marginal note of a letter of direction thereon but crossed through, "blotted out by consent and at the desire of Sir Richard Temple on behalf of his brother Dodington, witness my hand the 5th April, 1671, G. Downing.")
Feb. 23 Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay 500l. to Prince Rupert for last Xmas quarter on his annuity. Out Letters Customs II. p. 152.
Money warrant for 50,000l. to the Treasurers of the Navy for the service of the Navy. (Sixty separate Treasury orders hereon of varying amounts for in all 50,000l., dated 1670–1 Feb. 27.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 97; Order Book XXXVII. pp. 84–5.
Same for 10,000l. to George Wharton, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Office of Ordnance: for the service of the Ordnance (Treasury order hereon, dated Mar. 1.) Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 99; Order Book XXXVII. p. 85.
Same for 10,000l. to the Navy Treasurers for the Navy. (Treasury order hereon, dated Feb. 24.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 376; Order Book XXXVII. p. 107.
Same for 40l. per an to William Mountague, Attorney General to the Queen Consort, for his fee as one of the King's Counsel learned in the law, to which he was constituted by letters patent dated June 13 last. Warrants Early XVIII. p. p. 379.
Money warrant for 920l to Sir William Temple for three months' ordinary to the 1st inst. (Treasury order hereon, dated Mar. 6.) Ibid, XXII. p. 27; Order Book XXXVII. p. 245.
Feb 24 Same for 20,000l. to Sir Ste. Fox for interest of money taken up for the garrisons. (Thirteen Treasury orders hereon for, in all, 20,000l., dated Mar. 14.) Warrants Early XXIV. p. 58; Order Book XXXVII. p. 261.
Same for 10,000l to Sir Dennis Gauden on the privy seal of Jan. 20 last, for the Victualling for this ensuing year. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 378.
Same for 200l. to Thomas Wyndham for one year in part of the arrears of his annuity. (Treasury order hereon, dated Mar. 1.) Ibid, p. 100; Order Book XXXVII. p. 203.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Ellesdon. My Lords do not think it necessary you stay at Bristol any longer as Mr. Wadlow's Receiver is chargeable with the money which has been paid to him; and the rest which is standing out may very well be recovered without your staying there. You are to give an exact answer and accompt to the [Wine Act] Commissioners of the London district as is required of you by Mr. Howland's letter of the 20th inst. Out Letters General II. p. 432.
Same to Viscount Brouncker, Sir Rob. Morray, Sir Paul Neale, Dr. Wren, Sir Robt. Viner, Sir William Tompson, Mr. Jolliffe, Sir Anthony St. Leiger, Mr. Slingsby, Mr. Hoare, and Mr. Brattle. My Lords intend that trial be made of coining of 30 or 40 lb. weight of copper into farthings by the moneyers of the Mint. You are to consider and report the charges and waste thereof and the necessary expenses. Ibid, p. 433.
Same to Sir C. Harbord for a certificate of the term of years for which a marish in Moulton, co. Lincoln, was let by the late Queen Mother's trustees to Mr. Clarke and how much remains unexpired. Ibid.
Feb. 24 Sir G. Downing to the Attorney General, Mr. North, the present and late Commissioners of the Wine Act, Sir R. Long, Sir C. Harbord, Auditor Aldworth, and Mr. Wadlow to attend my Lords on Tuesday next about the arrears of the Wine Act due from vintners upon over gauges. Out Letters General II. p. 433.
Same to Deputy Auditor Tuder to certify my Lords whether there are no supers remaining on the account of Col. Whitley for the Aids, &c. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Farmers. There are some tapestry hangings lately arrived on a vessel containing three suites, as also a hanging for a closet of brocatelle, with seven pictures and two small boxes of counterfeit flowers for the use of the Portugal Ambassador. We desire a particular account of said goods and what the Customs thereof would amount to. Ibid.
Same to Sir W. Doily to attend him to-morrow about the bill now depending before the Committee of the House of Commons concerning the bringing in the arrears of the Taxes. Ibid, p. 434.
Treasury warrant to Sir George Charnock, William Ellesdon, Charles Hinchman, and Nicholas Sexton, Commissioners for the Wine Act for the Bristol District. By our late instructions to you you were to pay your receipts to John Wadlow, John Henderson, and William Hargrave, being persons appointed by His Majesty for receiving same. But now, thinking it more expedient for His Majesty's service that such receipts be paid to John Birch, Edward Wyngate, and Edward Waring, Commissioners for the Wine Act for the district of London, who are ordered to pay same directly into the Exchequer, you are now to observe this rule. You are at the same time to send an account of moneys paid under our abovesaid late instructions to Wadlow et al. Warrants Early XL. pp. 38–9.
The like letters respectively to William Christian, William Fairfaix, George Crevett, and Gerard Fox, as Commissioners for said Act for the York district; and to Edmond Pott, Jasper Breeden, Ralph Waring, and Robt. Hollingshead, as same for Ipswich district; and to John Northcott, John Martyn, Charles Gringaud, and Richard Camock, as same for Exeter district. Ibid, p. 39.
Feb. 25 Treasury order for 250l. to John Ashburnham in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 85.
For 250l. to Henry Seymour for same.
Feb. 27 The Treasury Lords to [the King's Remembrancer] to stay process against John Randall, Receiver of Aids for co. Dorset, on account of the 310l. charged upon him in his accounts, he having paid same in the time of the late Dutch war to Capt. William Killegrew for His Majesty's extraordinary service, "it appearing to have been a very acceptable service to His Majesty at that time His Majesty hath been pleased to order the repayment thereof." Warrants Early XXXV. p. 19.
Treasury warrant to the Attorney General for a grant of the place of a King's waiter in London port to John Uthwat on the surrender of Edward Eccleston. Out Letters Customs I. p. 230.
Feb. 27 Treasury warrant to George Wharton, Treasurer and Paymaster of the Ordnance, to pay 693l. 11s. 10d. to the Earl of Craven in full of his account of 2,793l. 11s. 10d. by him disbursed in and about the buildings and repairs of the fortifications at Tilbury and Gravesend upon the late accompt of the Dutch between the 15th June, 1667, and the 15th Oct., 1668, on which account said Earl has received 300l. from Sir Ste. Fox and 1,800l. out of the Chamber of London, the remainder having been disbursed out of his lordship's own moneys (crossed through. See infra p. 828, May 12). Warrants Early XVIII. p. 383.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Osborne, the Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, to send my Lords for His Majesty's service a copy of the extent and inquisition taken before the sheriff of Bucks, whereby the manor of Langley Marish is seized into His Majesty's hands for arrears of rent. Out Letters Customs II. p. 434.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay the Earl of Suffolk's creation money. Warrants Early XXVIII p. 87.
Feb. 28 The Treasury Lords to Sir John Trevor in reply to his of the 23 Dec. last, touching the erecting of the office of Comptroller of His Majesty's revenues of the kingdom of Ireland and the salary fit to be allowed for said office. The King has commanded a warrant for erecting such an officer, with a salary of 400l. per an. for such officer for himself, deputies and clerks. Out Letters Ireland I. p. 61.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant under the Exchequer seal of the office of bailiff and steward of the manor of Havering at Bower, co. Essex, to Sir Philip Matyewer. Warrants Early XXXVIII. pp. 13–14.
Prefixing:—Auditor's particular and memorandum of said office.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer. According to the report of the Surveyor General of Crown lands there are several messuages, lands and tenements contained in two inquisitions returned as concealments into your office, the one of date 1666, Aug. 29, of several tenements in Hog Lane, near Tower Hill, distinguished by metes and boundaries and of the yearly value of 200l.; and the other of date 1666, Nov. 19, of messuages or tenements situated in the parish of St. Andrew, Holborn, valued at 220l. per an. You are to cause particulars of said premises to be fairly written out in parchment and transmitted to the Treasury to the end we may proceed in a grant of same to His Majesty's best advantage. Ibid p. 14.
Report to the King from the Treasury Lords on the petition of Thomas Catesby, of Hardmead, Bucks, praying a reversionary grant of the Shrob Walk in the forest of Whittlewood, he offering to impale said walk and to store it with deer if he may have a grant of wood for said paling. The Surveyor General of Crown lands objects to such allowance of timber as it would take up more timber than the walk is worth. Said forest is a part of the Queen's jointure and no grant can be made thereof without a warrant from the Queen and her Council before whom all complaints touching said forest are now depending. Ibid, pp. 17–18.
The Treasury Lords to Mr. Marshleigh. According to the affidavit of William Broxholme, late Receiver of Aids for co. Lincoln, you were appointed head collector thereof in the wapentake of Kirton. You have hitherto forborne to accompt with said Broxholme. According to his books you are indebted 2,036l. to the King, as appears by the books, accompts and receipts left him by Thomas Wells, his agent. You are at once to adjust your accounts and discharge your debt. To that end you are to apply yourself to Auditor Humphry Morice at his office in Gray's Inn. Ibid, XXXV p 18.
[? Feb. 28] The Treasury Lords to Viscount Fanshawe and Sir William Doily. Roger Whitley, Receiver General of Aids. &c., for the six counties of North Wales and Receiver General of Hearthmoney for Denbigh, Flint, and Anglesey for the year and a half ended 1665, Sept. 29, has passed his accounts. You are to deliver up his bonds. Warrants Early XXXV. p. 18.
Feb. 28 Royal warrant [undated and very incorrect in its text] for a privy seal, itself dated Feb. 28, for placing on the Wine Act the following sums, viz. 18,176l. 2s. 0d. to Sir Thomas Player, Chamberlain of the City of London, for so much due to several Navy creditors, whose assignments from Sir G. Carteret fell short by the burning of London, as appears by a certificate of said Player of July 10 last, [for the list of which assignments see infra under date June 12]: and likewise for 189,100l. 9s. 7¾d. due to the Treasurers of the Navy, to be by them paid to the creditors of the Navy, as due upon bills for stores, disbursements, and other services before and during the late war unto 1668. Dec. 31, as appears by the accompt of the Navy Commissioners of August 4 last: and 282,484l. 8s. 3¼d. due for wages and other particulars as in the said accompt from the Navy Commissioners, "which they declare to be upon estimate only and not upon an exact accompt." The second sum herein mentioned, (viz. 189,100l. 9s. 7¾d.) includes an item of 19,536l. 4s. 8d. for interest to Navy creditors for stores (in accordance with the order in Council of 1665–6, Feb. 21, for allowing such interest), being included under the second and third of the above three items, viz. 2,196l. 14s. 2d. under the second item and 17,339l. 10s. 6d. under the third. (Money warrant hereon, dated June 12, save that the second sum payable to the Treasurers of the Navy is stated as 265,368l, 19s. 2d. instead of 282,484l. 8s. 3¼d., as in the privy seal; the sum of 17,115l. 9s. 1¼d., payable to Sir D. Gawden for the victualling, having been deducted as being included in the sum of 17,286l. 19s. 9¼d., which was made payable to said Gawden by a privy seal of Mar, 29. For regulations as to the payments of those sums, see infra, under date June 12.) Ibid, XVa. pp. 108, 108–3; XXVI. pp. 31–2.
Sir G. Downing to Lord Ashley. My Lords have appointed to-morrow morning to consider the business about Cripplegate Ward and the business of the fees to be taken off from the purchasers of fee farm rents, and they desire you to be there precisely at eight o'clock. Out Letters General II. p. 434.
Same to Sir C. Harbord for a certificate of the value of the marish called Pipnell. Ibid.
Same to Sir John Shaw and Sir Edm. Turner. Mr. Slingsby has written to my Lords that the Mint is in great want of money to carry on the coining. You are forthwith to pay into the Exchequer all such money as has been collected upon the coinage duty both in the outports and in London. Ibid, p. 435.
Treasury warrant to Sir Heneage Finch, Attorney General, and Sir Edward Turner, Solicitor General, to prepare a grant of the office of a King's waiter in London port to Roger Charnock and Thomas Charnock on the surrender of the letters patent of 1662, Oct. 10, granting same to Sir George Charnock and the abovesaid Roger Charnock, his brother. Out Letters Customs I. p. 229.
Feb. 28 Treasury order for 1,500l. to John Earl of Bath in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 85.
Money warrant for 300l. to Thomas Killegrew for three quarters to Xmas last on his annuity. [Probably duplicate with the warrant of Jan. 31, supra p. 777.] Warrants Early XXVIII. p. 101.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to pay Capt. William Noy the arrears of his fee of 20l. per an. as searcher of Exeter and Dartmouth, viz. from the death of George Lee to 1671, Michaelmas: said office having been granted by letters patent of 1662, Apr. 16, to said Noy in reversion after George Ley: it being certified on Dec. 24 last by Thomas Launcelott, accomptant, that said Ley was paid his fee to 1667, June 24, and it further appearing by certificate, dated Jan. 13 last, of Emanuell Wolley, mayor of Clifton-Dartmouth-Hardnes, that said Ley died and was buried 7 Oct., 1667. Out Letters Customs II. pp. 155–6.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt for tallies to be struck importing the payment of 1,620l. 10s. 10d. by the Farmers of Post Fines (demised by indenture under the Great Seal dated 1661, April 29, to Thomas, late Earl of Berks, and Sir Robert Howard) being moneys answered direct to the Crown [instead of to said Farmers] by several sheriffs upon the determination of said sheriffs' several accompts. Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 381–2.
Prefixing:—Certificate by the Clerk of the Pipe, dated Feb. 4, of the sums so answered direct to the Crown by said sheriffs for the years 1668 and 1669, and of the rent due from said Farmers. The whole rent is paid to 1668, Mich., and for the year ending 1669. Mich., the rent due is 2,276l., against which the Farmers have paid 405l. 9s. 2d. on various tallies, detailed, levied on them, and 250l. to Lady Barbara Villiers for half a year to 1669, Mich., on her pension payable on said Post Fines.