Entry Book: October 1669

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1908.

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'Entry Book: October 1669', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672, ed. William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp279-294 [accessed 5 October 2024].

'Entry Book: October 1669', in Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Edited by William A Shaw( London, 1908), British History Online, accessed October 5, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp279-294.

"Entry Book: October 1669". Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 3, 1669-1672. Ed. William A Shaw(London, 1908), , British History Online. Web. 5 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-treasury-books/vol3/pp279-294.


October 1669

Date. Nature and Substance of the Entry. Reference.
Oct. 1 The Treasury Lords to Sir Edm. Pooly to terminate Christopher Jay's suspension of 1667, July 3, from his place of Receiver of Crown revenues and also of Hearth money for cos. Norfolk and Huntingdon. Warrants Early XXXVII. pp. 268–9.
Oct. 1 Sir G. Downing to the Keepers of the King's Bench to send Mr. Coates, under care of a keeper, to the Treasury next Tuesday. Out Letters General II. p. 118.
Same to Viscount Grandison to attend my Lords this day week, when my Lords will consider the business of the establishment of the Yeomen of the Guards. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Slingsby. You promised to send me the whole relation of the "Tryall of the Picks" for to remain in the Treasury Office. Do not fail to send it. Ibid.
Same to Alderman Bucknall and the rest of the Farmers of the London Excise to attend at the consideration of their accounts by my Lords on Friday. Ibid, p. 120.
Same to Auditor Birch also to attend then for the above Ibid.
Money warrant for 175l. 18s. 4d. to John, Lord Berkeley, Sir John Duncombe, and Thomas Chicheley, Esq.. Commissioners of the Ordnance, for one year of their salary. (Order hereon, dated Oct. 4.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 256; Order Book XXXVII. p. 89.
Same for 225l. to John, Joseph. and Philip Roetiers: gravers to the Mint. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 258.
Royal warrant to the Treasury Lords to give order to the Attorney General to prepare a bill for the great seal containing a grant to the Queen Consort of that royal or capital messuage or mansion house called Denmark House alias [Somerset House and all the] courts, gardens, orchards, stables, coachhouses, and other buildings to the same belonging, and all those four and twenty tenements near thereunto adjoining, which were formerly granted to the late Queen Mother by letters patent of 1630, July 1: and all that tenement called the Upper House, and all that building heretofore called the Tennis Court, lying on the backside of the said messuage or mansion house. Ibid, XV. p. 360.
Treasury orders for 10l. 7s. 6d. and 15l. 17s. 2d. to George Snell in reward for loans on the Eleven Months tax. Order Book XXXVI. p. 78.
Oct. 2 Sir G. Downing to Major Andros. Yours of the 22nd and 25th ult. have been shewn to my Lords, who are very well satisfied with your care in looking after the tin fishing. As to a reward to the Governor [of Ostend]. my Lords think it absolutely necessary, and also that the Mayor of the town and under officers should be considered. But by the agreement the King's moiety ought to come clear to him. Try to possess the undertakers [Custis] with this and that they ought to reward the abovesaid officers. If they cannot be persuaded to do it wholly. at least endeavour to make them bear as much of the charge as you can. My Lords will defer their reply to the letter which the Governor [of Ostend] sent to Lord Arlington until your reply to this comes to hand When it comes my Lords will speak to Lord Arlington to thank the said Governor for his care and readiness to give assistance in this business. As to the 1,000l due to the King from the undertakers when they have recovered 120,000lb. of tin, my Lords would prefer to have it not in tin but in money. I believe from Zeeland you will meet with no more disturbance, but if any should further happen to you from thence let me know. that complaint may be made of it to the States General. The weather here is as fair and as still and warm as we have it many years in August. I hope you find it so too in favour of your fishing. therefore I hope you will be able to persuade the fishers to stay longer than your last letter mentioned. Out Letters General II. pp. 120–1.
Dec. [sic for Oct.] 2 Sir G. Downing to Sir Tho. Littleton. I have this morning provided the whole 13,636l. which you [the Navy] are to have upon [the Customs of] March and April next. Mr. Meynell will pay it and you may have 5 or 6,000l of it this morning if you please to answer your bills of exchange. So send somebody to Spicer to the Exchequer to get your order directed. and my clerk will give you a note of Mr. Meynell to receive the money I thought this would be welcome news to you. Out Letters General II. p. 120.
Oct. 2 Same to William Batt and his partner. sub-farmers of Hearth money for Lincoln and Lancashire. The late Farmers of Hearth money have been summoned to give an account to the Treasury Lords why the rolls or duplicates of that duty for the several counties of England have not yet been returned to my Lords according to His Majesty's order of Feb. 10 last. and the said Farmers have replied that they could not comply therewith by reason of the failure in the return [from the various counties] of said rolls to them. My Lords expect you to make a return of these rolls to the Treasury Chamber within 14 days hereof: otherwise your bond will be put in suit. Also under pain of an extent you are to pay in the 8,635l. 16s. 0d. due from you on Sept. 29 last to the said late Farmers. Ibid, p. 121.
The like letter (concerning the return of the Hearthmoney rolls) severally to the following sub-farmers of Hearth money, viz., John Lloyd, sub-farmer of Hearth money for Norfolk, and as to his arrear of 6,100l. Ibid. p. 122.
Edward Rutter, same for Devon and Cornwall, and as to his arrear of 8,932l.
Thomas Hodgkins, same for Wales, and as to his arrear of 5,250l.
George Lascells. same for co. Leicester, and as to his arrear of 2,137l. 10s. 0d.
Jo. Cooper, same of Derby and Notts. and as to his arrear of 4,390l.
Roger Higs and Thos. Owen and partners. sub-farmers for Essex and Herts, and as to their arrear of 5,970l.
Robert Carr and partners, sub-farmers of Suffolk, and as to their arrear of 3,786l.
Anth. Maukes, gent., sub-farmer of Gloucester, and as to his arrear of 3,747l. 11s. 0d.
Robert Hollinshed, sub-farmer of Shropshire.
Adam Moone, [sub-farmer] of Bucks.
Peter Busby, [sub-farmer] of Oxford.
William Applegarth, [sub-farmer] of Northumberland and Durham.
Edward Cornwall, [sub-farmer] of Hereford.
John Best, [sub-farmer] of Warwick.
Thomas Hodgkin, [sub-farmer] of Wales.
Bevis Lloyd, [sub-farmer] of Somerset.
William Warner, [sub-farmer] of Worcester.
Tho. Tookey, [sub-farmer] of Sussex.
Richard Edlin, [sub-farmer] of Hampshire.
Executors of James Temple. [sub-farmer] of Berks.
Sir Saml. Starling, [sub-farmer] of Beds.
James Horne, [sub-farmer] of Wilts.
Edward Wigg and partners, [sub-farmer] of Cheshire.
George Williamson, [sub-farmer] of Cumberland and Westmorland.
Sir Saml. Starling and partners, [sub-farmers] of Kent.
Francis Thompson and partners, [sub-farmers] of Cambridge, Huntingdon, Northampton, and Rutland.
Hugh Holland, [sub-farmer] of Stafford.
Toby Humphry and partners, [sub-farmers] of York.
Richard Badly and partners, [sub-farmers] of Dorset.
Executors of James Siddall, deceased, [sub-farmers] of Bristol city.
Oct. 2 Treasury order for 120l. to John Rose, gardener Order Book XXXVII. pp. 9, 89, 90.
275l. to the Masters in Chancery: (with a clause of direction hereon of same date).
150l. to Dame Barbara Villiers.
100l. to Peter Watson, Gentleman Usher.
350l. to Thomas Turner, gent., for secret service.
2l. 10s. 0d. to William Packe, porter at the Receipt.
200l. to the farmers of the importation of sea coals by way of defalcation.
586l. 19s. 5d. to John Coquus, silversmith. for a 12-branched candlestick for the Queen.
Same for 41l. 5s. 0d. to John Dugdale, John Collins, Elie Gaywood, late officers of the Excise Ibid. p. 250.
Same for 467l. to Edward Backwell in repayment of loan: for 2,022l. and 11,614l. to Isaack Meynell, goldsmith, for same. Ibid, pp. 5, 6.
Oct. 4 Sir G. Downing to the Farmers of the Customs, Peter Houblon, James Houblon, and Nathaniel Lodington. to attend the Treasury on Wednesday at the hearing of the case of Nathaniel Lodington and partners, concerned in the "Ruby" ketch. Out Letters General II. p. 123.
Same to Alderman Bucknall concerning the commissioners to be employed under the Irish revenue farmers. The King's pleasure is that their number shall be eight, and their salary 250l. per an. each. "I have ordered Charnock to follow the business of your 1,000l. privy seal." Ibid.
Treasury warrant to the Attorney General to prepare a bill to pass the Great Seal for a grant to the Queen Consort of the mansion house called Denmark House, alias Somerset House alias Strand House. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 267.
Money warrant for 746l. 13s. 4d. and 746l. 13s. 4d. to Sir Dennis Gauden for victuals for 2,000 men for Sept. and Oct. (Order hereon. dated Oct. 6.) Ibid, XVIII. p. 257; Order Book XXXVII. p. 322.
Treasury warrant to the Receipt to strike tallies and draw orders from time to time for repayment of such sums of money as have been or shall be lent on the credit of the fee farm rents, together with interest, the orders to bear equal date with the tallies of loan, and to be registered at the office of Sir Robert Long in the course and order wherein the said orders were struck with the said interest half-yearly and principal payable in course and for a book of registry to be kept to enter the same in course and see them paid accordingly, &c., &c., all in accordance with the directions of the privy seal of Aug. 16 last supra p. 270. Warrants Early XVIII. pp 259–60.
Treasury order for 75l. to Charles Gyfford Order Book XXXVII. p. 90.
Same for 5,000l. to John Colville in repayment of loan on the land revenue. Ibid, p. 322.
Oct. 4 Treasury order for 2,022l. and 11,614l. to the Navy Treasurers for the Navy. Order Book XXXVII. p. 4.
Same for 10,000l. to John Wadlow et al., vintners, out of the wine duty. Ibid, XXXVI. p. 94.
Oct. 5 Sir G. Downing to Edwd. Rutter to attend the Treasury this day week about John Aynell's complaint of hard dealing. Out Letters General II. p. 124.
Same to Auditor Chislet to attend with Capt. Hill's account on Tuesday at the hearing of the business of said Hill. Ibid.
Same to the Marshal of the King's Bench to permit said Capt. Hill to attend my Lords on Tuesday. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Blake and his partners in the coal farm. A petition has been presented to my Lords in the name of several merchants who trade from port to port with coals, complaining that the certificates which ought to be filed with their bonds and to be a discharge for them are often not filed, by which means their bonds are often returned into the Exchequer although they returned certificates: which creates trouble and charge to them. Please attend my Lords hereon this day week. Ibid, p. 125.
Same to Sir Hugh Cholmely and the rest of the Alum Farmers to inform my Lords to-morrow what money is due to the King upon the accompt of their alum farm. Ibid.
Same to the Earl of Kinnoul concerning the enrolling of his patent for smalts and potashes, ut supra, p. 144. Ibid.
Same to the Marshal of the King's Bench to permit Mr. Coates to attend my Lords on Tuesday at the hearing of his business. Ibid, p. 126.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners of Assessments for respectively the county and for the city of Chester, referring it to them to settle the dispute as the apportioning the assessment, my Lords having heard it yesterday by Counsel but finding it more fit to be settled locally. If it is not settled in a month process will issue out of the Exchequer against the whole county and city for the arrear. Warrants Early XXXIV. pp. 202–3.
[?] Treasury warrant to Sir W. Doily, kt. and bart., to dismiss from Sept. 29 last several of the officers. detailed, of the office of Exchanges at St. Helens (viz. Lawrence Stanyon, the cashier assistant, Leonard Spencer, clerk assistant, Anthony Seagar, doorkeeper, and John Orpin, surveyor of the carriages), leaving standing only Bartholomew Fillingham, the cashier, Charles Gringand, accomptant, William King, messenger, and James Barbon, clerk, "for that the greatest part of the moneys granted His Majesty by the late assessments is either actually returned in the course and method of the said office or by this time in so good a prospect of being answered shortly that the management of that affaire seems not now to require so great a number and charge of officers." Ibid, p. 204.
Oct. 5 Treasury order for 12l. 10s. 0d. to Nicholas Estoll on his fee of 50l. per an. Order Book XXXVII. p. 90.
Same for 2,000l. to Sir Ste. Fox Ibid, p. 5.
Oct. 6 Money warrant for 10l. to Anthony Seager for one quarter's allowance as chamber keeper to the Treasury. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 263.
Same for 5l. to Elizabeth Burrell, widow. as royal bounty Ibid, p. 266.
Same for 5l. to Henry Thomas as same Ibid, p. 267.
Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Clerk of the Signet attending for preparation of a privy seal to Gilbert, Archbishop of Canterbury, authorising him to grant to Sir G. Downing. kt, and bt.. and Sir William Doyly. kt. and bart., "whom we have hereby especially nominated in trust for ourself" letters of administration of the estate of the late Queen Mother, lately deceased intestate, by reason of which intestacy it pertaineth to the King to nominate an administrator: with the intent that they may sue and be sued, &c., and that they may be obliged to exhibit a true and perfect inventory of all the said estate. Ibid, XV. pp. 361–2.
Money warrant for 100l. to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, to be employed for the service of the Works. Ibid, XVIII. p. 259.
Oct. 7 Treasury order for the execution of a money warrant of the late Lord Treasurer Southampton, dated 1666, Sept. 20, for 500l. to John Chadwyck and the eight orphans of Hamond Chadwyck, deceased, for the pulling down of his house at Greenwich to make way for the King's building there. Ibid, XXI. p. 19.
[?] Treasury warrant to the Receipt to transfer from the Poll to the Hearth money the tally for 5,000l. payable to Sir George Carteret, but by him assigned to Isaac Meynell, of London. goldsmith. Ibid, p. 20.
Oct. 7 Treasury orders for the following sums to Isaac Meynell in repayment of loans, viz., respectively, 555l., 214l., 919l., 1.577l., 1,919l., 385l., 555l., 555l., 385l., 340l., 555l., 1,022l. 442l. [a total of 9,423l.]. Order Book XXXVII. p. 8.
Same for, in all, 7,000l. to the Lieutenant of the Ordnance Ibid, p. 5.
Same for 62l. 10s. 0d. each to Sir D. Ashburnham, Mr. Finch. Mr. Wingate, and Sir G. Benyon, and 50l. to Mr. Ball. Ibid, p. 250.
Oct. 8 The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners of the Navy forwarding a letter from George Goodman, who is joined with Mr. Moorhouse, purveyor of the Navy, and others for the felling of 1,000 trees in Whittlewood Forest, said letter complaining of Mr. Moorhouse's irregular and unhandsome carriage in the matter. Desire them to consider said complaint, and to prevent all such disorderly carriage in the future. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 268.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 10,000l. to Edward Backwell in repayment of the like amount furnished by him July 8 last to the Earl of St. Albans for the service of the late Queen Mother "in regard there was much more than the said sum of 10,000l. due unto her from us before her decease upon her pension of 30,000l. a year." (Privy seal hereon, dated Oct. 14; Auditor's order hereon, dated Oct. 28.) Ibid, XV. pp. 362, 367–8;Order Book XXXVII. p. 6.
Oct. 9 Treasury allowance of the 1669, Sept. 29, quarter's salary bill for the Excise of London, Middlesex, and Surrey. (Total, 1,825l. 19s. 10d.) Warrants Early XXIV. p. 93.
Oct. 9 Treasury order for Mr. Seymour, deputy clerk of the Hanaper in Chancery, or in his absence Mr. John Lawrence, to attend at the seals and receive the King's duty arising by writs in Chancery commonly called sixpenny duty he answering for same to His Majesty in the office of the Hanaper: the authority heretofore given to Mr. William Adderley for the receiving same having expired at Michaelmas last and it not being yet determined in what way of receipt to put the same for the future. and there being several general seals in Chancery already appointed, the first whereof is to be upon Monday next the 11th inst. Warrants Early XXII. p. 139.
Oct. 11 Sir G. Downing to Sir Tho. Littleton. I did a little wonder when you told me this morning that the letter about borrowing 3,000l. for the Navy from the Customs Farmers towards buying stores for next year was not as yet sent to them. Charnock says he showed your brother the letter, who said there was no haste of it for that he thought it would be ordered another way. I have given new directions to send the letter away. Out Letters General II. p. 126.
Same to Sir Saml. Barnardiston, Governor of the East India Company to transmit to the Treasury a copy of the Company's patent granting them some privileges in point of payment of Customs. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long and Sir W. Doily forwarding their last accounts of the arrears of the Royal and Additional Aids and Eleven Months' tax for them to be corrected to date. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Slingsby inquiring as to the dispatch of the new indenture of the Mint. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long to hasten his certificate of what remains charged and unpaid on each Treasury warrant on the Exchequer in general. Ibid. p. 127.
Same to Sir Robt. Southwell. My Lords will hear you on Wednesday next about your account of the remainder of the Queen's portion. Ibid.
[Treasury allowance of] Richard Gregory's bill as a messenger of the Chamber in ordinary for his attendance on the Treasury Lords for Michaelmas quarter last. (Total 16l. 3s. 4d.) Warrants Early XVIII. p. 267.
Oct. 12 Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to permit Nathaniel Lodington, partner to Thomas Oneby, to land the wax and to re-export the sugars which formed the cargo of the " Ruby," a small English ketch owned by said Oneby, bought at Sallee by said Oneby, and there laded with sugars and other goods and consigned to said Lodington: all in regard of the fact that said vessel was not brought into the port of London by consent of the owners but upon the arrest made by the Court of Admiralty, which they have since discharged. Out Letters Customs I. pp. 181–2.
Oct. 13 Sir G. Downing to Lord Ashley. The London Farmers of Excise were here this morning with their accompts and their auditor, but by reason of your absence that business was put off to Friday next, at which time my Lords desire you to attend somewhat early. Out Letters General II. p. 128.
Oct. 13 Sir G. Downing to Sir Ste. Fox. If Col. Worden brings you a warrant of the King's for 100l the Treasurer of the Household desires you to pay the money, taking from Worden such an acquittance as will discharge the Exchequer, and send me the King's warrant, and I will get you my Lords' warrant upon it, whereby you will receive it back out of the Exchequer presently. Out Letters General II. p. 128.
Same to the Auditors of the Imprest forwarding to them the directions of the Treasury Lords on the queries raised by said Auditors on the last three years' accompts of the late Customs Farmers, viz. ut supra. p. 143, together with the following additional orders:— Ibid, p. 129.
That the Auditors allow them [the said Farmers] so much of the 222l. 4s. 8½d. as they shall make appear to have advanced upon the late Lord Treasurer's warrant.
Also that the 15l. 15s. 4¼d. be allowed if it appears that the money for which it is demanded was paid into the Exchequer before it was due. As also the 78l. 7s. 6d. to be allowed if it appear that the judges were not paid before their salaries were due and out of money not then due from the Customs Farmers.
Same to Peirce Oliver, of Poole, to attend the Treasury on Nov. 8 concerning the Excise Farmers complaint against him of refusing to pay excise and rescuing a distress. Ibid, p. 130.
Money warrant for 50l. to Andrew Lawrence, guide and surveyor of the ways, in part of the 300l. by the privy seal of June 15 last. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 265.
Treasury orders for 20l. to Robert Swann on his annuity and for 378l. 15s. 7d. to John Walker, Usher of the Exchequer [Court]. Order Book XXXVII. p. 90.
Same for 6,000l to John Colville in repayment of loan Ibid, p. 6.
Oct. 14 Sir G. Downing to Sir R. Long. Those who have lent their money on the land revenue do very much press the Treasury for their respective orders of repayment. Please prepare them and send them to my Lords, that they may be signed and registered and delivered to the lenders. There are some others who would lend upon that credit, but do stop because none have yet got their orders out. Out Letters General II. p. 130.
Same to Lord Ashley. Sir John Duncomb cannot be at the Treasury to-morrow morning, and therefore desires you to attend. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long, Sir Philip Warwick, and Mr. Sherwin. The Treasury Lords, foreseeing that information may possibly be given to the two Houses of Parliament that several sums of money of the Royal and Additional Aids and Eleven Months' tax were made use of by His Majesty for other uses than the late wars, do conceive it necessary to have in readiness wherewithal to give them satisfaction. And because you are best acquainted both with what was doing in that kind and the reasons thereof, my Lords do desire that Sir Robert Long do furnish you with a list of the respective sums made use of by His Majesty as aforesaid. and that you do meet together and prepare a paper by way of answer, showing the reason and ground thereof, and that you present the same to my Lords so soon as may be. I desire that the meeting may be at Sir Robert Long's house, and that as soon as he hath prepared the list abovementioned he will be pleased to appoint the time of meeting and I shall be ready to meet with you. Ibid, p. 131
Oct. 14 Treasury order for 750l. to the Duke of York's children Order Book XXXVII. p. 250.
Same for 75l. to Lady Williams for rent of her house Ibid, p. 90.
Oct. 15 Sir G. Downing to Lady Harby to attend my Lords concerning some business relating to her [late] husband's office in New Park. Out Letters General II. p. 131.
Same to Col. Panton also to attend as above concerning his office in New Park. Ibid.
Same to Major Andros in reply to his of the 2nd and 3rd. Herewith you will receive Lord Arlington's letter to the Constable of Castile to take off the arrest from the tin which you may make use of as you see fit. The price of tin at London is now about 4l. 5s. 0d. or 4l. 6s. 0d. the cwt., which being low my Lords think it best that you sell it at Ostend, but before you conclude your bargain my Lords would have an accompt of your proceedings and then they will give you final directions in it and how the money shall be disposed. Ibid, p. 132.
Same to Col. Birch and Mr. Ashmole to attend on Monday at the hearing of the business about defalcations to the London Farmers of Excise. Ibid, p. 133.
Same to Edw. Rutter to attend my Lords on Tuesday about John Aynell's complaint against him. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to the Commissioners for enclosures in the Forest of Dean, forwarding a letter from Mr. May, overseer of Woods in the Forest of Dean, concerning the planting of the enclosures in said Forest. Warrants Early XXXVII. pp. 269–70.
Same to said May concerning same Ibid, p. 270.
Royal warrant for a privy seal for 150,000l. for the Navy. (Privy seal dated Oct. 28.) Ibid, XV. pp. 364, 370.
Sign manual for 877l. 1s. 6d. to Ambrose Norton, Surveyor of the Stables in the Mewes, as imprest for repair of said stables. (Money warrant hereon dated same day, auditor's order dated Oct. 21.) Ibid, p. 366; XVIII. p. 260.
Money warrant for 18l. 5s. 0d. to Peter Brent, sergeant plumber of the Works, for one year's fee. Ibid, XVIII. p. 261.
Same for 8,000l. to Philip Packer for one year's allowance to the Works. Ibid, XXII. p. 7.
Treasury order for 1,200l. to Ralph Montague on his ordinary as Ambassador to France. Order Book XXXVII. p. 6.
Oct. 18 Privy seal for 1,500l. to Thomas Viscount Fanconberg, as equipage as Ambassador Extraordinary to Venice, and 10l. a day as ordinary, payable quarterly in advance. Warrants Early XV. pp. 366–7.
Oct. 19 The Treasury Lords to the King's Remembrancer for process of immediate extent to issue against Thomas Weeden, Receiver General of assessments for Bucks, on an arrear which he has lately offered to satisfy by 1,000l. a month, but has not given security therefor. Ibid, XXXIV. p. 205.
Oct. 19 Money warrant for 45l. 12s. 6d. to Percival Stanny for one quarter's fee as letter carrier to the King. Warrants Early XXII. p. 122.
Treasury order for 150l. to Sir Edward Scott on his pension of 300l. per an. Order Book XXXVII. p. 250.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Dewy. Please attend me to-morrow: I am commanded to speak with you about the business of the forfeitures and seizures payable into the Privy Purse. Out Letters General II. p. 134.
Same to the late Farmers of the Customs to speedily pay in the 5,000l. yet remaining unpaid by them in the Exchequer, that so the assignments made by my Lords thereupon may be discharged. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Pincomb. There is 1,059l. 14s. 8½d. due upon the rent of your farm of logwood for two years ended at Michaelmas last. Pay it in forthwith. Ibid, p. 135.
Same to Sir Robt. Paston. There is due upon the rent of your farm of [unwrought] timber and glasses 700l. for one quarter of a year to Michaelmas last. Pay it in without delay. Ibid.
Oct. 20 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Sir Robert Holmes, Captain of Sandown fort. Isle of Wight, he being now upon his account. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 121.
Sir G. Downing to Mr. Townsend to give my Lords an account by Wednesday next how the accounts of the Wardrobe stand. Out Letters General II. p. 136.
Same to Tho. Killegrew. My Lords have offered you the choice of two several assignments about your 600l. Please see me on Friday about it. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Meynell to attend him on Friday next Ibid.
Same to Mr. Colvill to attend Sir John Duncombe at his house to-morrow. Ibid.
Same to the Marshal of the King's Bench to permit Mr. Cotes with his keeper to attend my Lords on Tuesday. Ibid.
Same to said Cotes to attend as above, and meanwhile to send to Auditor Chislett the vouchers of such moneys as he had paid to Sir Tho. Player. Ibid. p. 137.
Same to Deputy Auditor Jeffryes to send to Auditor Chislett the vouchers and papers about Mr. Hills and Mr. Cotes. Ibid.
Same to Sir Ste. Fox. There was this morning presented and read before my Lords an establishment for a new foot company in the Isle of Wight: which my Lords have appointed to consider on Friday. Pray attend then with Sir Robt. Holmes. Ibid.
Same to William Batt. Sub-Farmer of Hearth money in cos. Lincoln and Lancashire, to attend my Lords on Friday next to give an account of the money due to the late Farmers of the Hearth money, who are to attend then. Ibid. p. 138.
The like letter respectively to the following Sub-Farmers of Hearth money, viz.:— Ibid.
Anthony Mawkes for co. Gloucester.
Thomas Hodgskin for North and South Wales.
Jno. Cooper for Notts and Derby.
Geo. Lascells or William Hargrave for Leicester.
Robt. Care or Edw. Smyth for Suffolk.
Bevis Lloyd for Somerset.
Jno. Lloyd for Norfolk.
Roger Higgs or Thomas Owen for Essex and Herts.
Oct. 20 Money warrant for 220l. to Mrs. Henrietta Maria Price, one of the maids of honour to the Queen, for half a year to Sept. 29 last on her father's several pensions of 400l. per an. and 40l. per an. lately assigned to her. Warrants Early XVIII. p. 261.
Same for 600l. each to Sir John Cloberry and Sir Ralph Knight for one year on their annuity. Ibid, pp. 260, 262.
Money warrant for 4,000l. to Lawrence Hyde for the Robes Ibid, XXII. pp. 113, 144.
Treasury order for 30l. to the Duke of Albemarle for wages of the underkeepers of St. James's Park. Order Book XXXVII. p. 90.
Oct. 21 Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a grant to Christopher Cock (on surrender of John Ward) of the offices of bailiff of the manors of Helston in Kerrier, Porthea Prior and Grediow, parcels respectively of the Duchy of Cornwall and of the priory of Tywardreth. Warrants Early XXXVII. pp. 290–1.
Prefixing:—(a) particular of said offices as certified by James Symes, deputy auditor of the Duchy of Cornwall.
(b) Certificate by Nicholas Courtney, steward of the manor of Helston in Kerrier, as to said Cock. He is one of the most considerable tenants of said manor and fit for the employment. "and that as well the King as tenants have very much suffered for want of a fit person in the said office."
Privy seal for 6,000l. to Isaac Le Gouse, being the price of two large diamonds bought of him by the King. Ibid, XV. p. 371.
Treasury order for 1.500l and 840l. to Thomas Viscount Fauconberg for equipage and advance of ordinary as Ambassador to the Republic of Venice. Order Book XXXVII. p. 6.
Oct. 22 The Treasury Lords to Francis Fulford and John Tuckfield to arbitrate in the dispute between John Aynell, lately employed in collecting the Hearth money in several hundreds of co. Devon, and his employer Edward Rutter, late sub-farmer of said duty in said county. Warrants Early XXXVI. p. 143.
[?] Same to Warden of the Fleet prison to release from custody John Kilby, late collector of Hearth money for co. Bucks, and Matthew Barrett, one of his sureties: Kilby's debt of 2,800l. having been granted by the King to Charles Gyfford and said Gyfford having certified that he has made an agreement with said Kilby, and is satisfied with the security Kilby has given him for the payment of said 2,800l. Ibid.
Oct. 22 Sir G. Downing to Auditor Beale to bring Lord Willoughby's Barbados account next Wednesday. Out Letters General II. p. 139.
Treasury warrant to Ralph Skinner to keep the courts of the manor of Hitchin, co. Herts, part of the late Queen Mother's jointure in like manner as he (together with John Skinner, of Hitchin, now deceased) was authorised to do by grant from the said late Queen Mother. Warrants Early XXXVII. p. 271.
Oct. 22 Treasury warrant to Auditor Sir Edmund Sawyer to forbear to charge the 12 per cent. interest charge on the account of Sir Samuel Sterling, late Receiver of Hearth money, co. Kent. Warrants Early XXI p. 21.
Money warrant for 124l. to Prince Rupert on his fee of 10s. a day for his office of Governor or Captain of Windsor Castle. Ibid, XVIII. p. 264.
Same for 100l. to Isabell Boynton, widow, for half a year on her pension, and for 50l. to Isabell Boynton, junr., for same on her pension. Ibid, pp. 264, 264–5.
Same for 100l. to Thomas Rosse for same on his annuity as Keeper of the King's libraries. Ibid, p. 265.
Oct. 23 Treasury orders for 2,000l. to John Colville in repayment of loan. Order Book XXXVII. p. 8.
Same for 35l. to John Howland and John Champante, late officers of Excise. Ibid, p. 250.
Oct 25 Sir G. Downing to the Farmers of the duty on exported coals to forthwith pay in the arrear of their rent. Out Letters General II. p. 139.
Same to Auditor Phelips to certify to my Lords the general total how much of the present Queen's jointure is quit rent or dry rent, and how much other rent or improveable rent: and the like certificate for what was in jointure to the Queen Mother. Ibid.
The like letter to Auditor Morice, Auditor Aldworth, Deputy Auditor Tuder, Deputy Auditor Chislett, and Auditor Parsons. Ibid.
Same to Sir Edmund Sawyer. You have by you the certificates of the respective Auditors how much fee farm rents and dry rents and how much other rent or improveable rent is now answerable by each of them [the said Auditors] into the Exchequer. My Lords desire you to draw out of them the general total how much thereof is fee farm or dry rent, and how much other rent or improveable rent: likewise similar totals as above for the Queen Consort's and the late Queen Mother's jointures. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to Capt. Benjamin Johnson, Storekeeper at Portsmouth, requesting him to keep and to render yearly a distinct accompt of what timber comes yearly into His Majesty's yard at Portsmouth out of New Forest for the service of the Navy. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 121.
Same to the Chief Woodward of New Forest for a similar yearly account of the quantities of timber felled for the use of the Navy, abuses being often committed in embezzling such timber. Ibid.
Treasury authorisation to Thomas, Earl Rivers until further order to keep the courts of the honor, manor, and fee of Halton, co. Chester, as formerly, and to receive the fees and profits thereof; he having been appointed steward thereof by the late Queen Mother, which grant is now determined by her said Majesty's death. Ibid, p. 122
The Treasury Lords to the Chancellor of the Duchy [of Lancaster] requesting him to give instructions to the Auditors of said Duchy to return a certificate how much of the present Queen's jointure within said Duchy is quit rent or dry rent and how much thereof is other rent or improveable rent: and the like certificate for what was in jointure to the Queen Mother within the said Duchy. Ibid, p. 123.
[? Oct. 25] Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to stay process against Philip Packer, Comptroller and Paymaster of the Works, he being now on the perfecting his accounts. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 123.
[?] The Commissioners of Accounts at Brooke House to the Treasury requesting the issue of a further 1,000l. to Edward Arden on account of their expenses. Ibid.
Oct. 25 Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer for preparation of a Commission under the seal of the Exchequer Court to Sir Thomas Cullam and 15 others, detailed, to enquire what money of the Hearth money of the half year ended Lady Day, 1666, has been received by Thomas King, His Majesty having by letters patent of 1666, March 30, appointed Sir Richard Pigott, Perient Trott and Humfry Beane, receivers and collectors of same, and they having by writing dated 1666, May 22. appointed Thomas King and Robert Carr their subcollectors and deputies for the receipt of same in Suffolk: whereon said King (for the divisions of Beccles and Bury St. Edmonds) has only paid 200l., whereas said Carre (for the divisions of Ipswich and Woodbridge) has paid 1,300l., which is all he received. Ibid, XXXVI. pp. 141–2
Same to same for stay of process against John Kilby, late Receiver of Hearth money for Bucks. Ibid, p. 144.
Privy seal for 500l. to the Earl of Essex. Ambassador to Denmark, for the charge of his mourning for the Queen Mother. Ibid, XV. p. 368.
Royal warrant for 500l. to Isaack Le Gouse, King's jeweller, for a jewel with the King's picture given by the King to the Comte de St. Aignan, Envoy Extraordinary from the French King, " sent to condole with us for the death of our mother." (Money warrant hereon dated Oct. 26.) Ibid, p. 369; XVIII. p. 268; XXII. p. 53.
Same for 350l. to same for a diamond ring given by the King to the Sieur de Mariva, Envoy from the Duke of Orleans, sent to condole with us ut supra. Ibid, XV. p. 369; XVIII p. 269; XXII. p. 53.
Same for 200l., 200l. and 200l. to Thomas Killegrew in satisfaction of the like sums by him lent to the King. Ibid, p. 370.
Oct. 26 Sir G. Downing to Sir Tho. Litleton. My Lords have this morning signed a warrant for 5,000l. for the Navy out of the loans on the Customs for May next, but the Treasurer of the Household tells me that Sir Ste. Fox will advance the money. You please to speak with him. Out Letters General II. p. 140.
Same to John Hoblon, of Bodmin, to attend my Lords on Nov. 12 next concerning the complaint made against him by the Excise Farmers of Cornwall. Ibid.
Same to Sir R. Long and Sir W. Doily to hasten a state of the arrears on each county of the Aids and Eleven Months' tax. Ibid.
The Treasury Lords to Lord St. John. We have considered your propositions for raising a nursery of timber and underwood in New Forest and are willing to encourage same. Please consult the officers of said forest as to what place is most convenient for planting a nursery of 300 acres. Warrants Early XXXIII. p. 122.
Oct. 26 Money warrant, dormant, for 20l. per an. to Thomas Howard, of Berks, clerk of the market of the King's house, his said fee, which was granted by letters patent of 1661, Sept. 28, having remained wholly unpaid to this day. Warrants Early XVIII. pp. 267–8.
Oct. 27 Sir G Downing to Morice Wynn, Receiver of North Wales. On July 30 last my Lords wrote you to permit Mr. Hodgson, the messenger of the Receipt, to receive and collect such money in the manor of Ruthin and in such manner as Mr. Nicholas Tyack should advise. Please send my Lords an account of the moneys collected by this means or otherwise received by you of the said manor. Out Letters General II. p. 141.
Same to the Marshal of the King's Bench to permit Mr. Coats to attend Auditor Chislet. Ibid.
Same to Sir Denys Gauden and Mr. Pepys to attend on Friday about said Gauden's Toulon and Lent account. Ibid.
Same to Sir W. Doily to attend my Lords on Friday with the account of Mr. Powell, Solicitor of Aids for Kent, of the arrears of taxes in Kent Ibid, p. 142.
Same to Mr. Prichard to forthwith pay in the 500l. long due of his 1,500l. liability as security for Mr. Harris. Ibid.
Same to the late Commissioners of Excise and Col. Birch to attend my Lords on Wednesday with said Commissioners' accompts. Ibid.
Money warrant for 300l. (in part of 900l., as by the privy seal of Jan. 8 last) to Peter du Moulin for the Council of Trade. Warrants Early XXII. pp. 53, 69.
Oct. 28 The Treasury Lords to William Warner, late sub-farmer [of Hearth money] of co. Worcester. On the 20th inst. we called before us several of the late Sub-Farmers of Hearth money, and at their desire granted them six weeks' time for returning to the Exchequer the rolls or duplicates of that duty. In default hereof the late Hearth money Farmers' covenants will be sued. "And because it may be best that one method or form be observed in the making up said rolls or duplicates, we have here enclosed sent you such form which you are exactly to follow. The said Farmers have signified to us that they have paper ready ruled and all of one size, which you may send for to their office for this service." Ibid, XXXVI. p. 145.
Money warrant for 40l. to Sir Edw. Griffin to be paid (as by warrant of Oct. 8 appended) to William Smith for repairs of bridges and ways in New Forest. Ibid, XVIII. p. 266.
Royal warrant for 253l. for mourning for the five trustees of the Queen's revenue now in England, two Admrs. [administrators], one Clerk of the Council, one Keeper of the Council Chamber, one Messenger, and two Porters at the gate. Ibid, XV. p. 374.
Privy seal for 1,000l. to William Bucknall, viz. 350l. 13s. 4d. for the interest of 70,000l. from June 24 last to Aug. 24 last, and 649l. 6s. 8d. by way of gratification for services done. (Money warrant hereon, dated Nov. 15; order hereon, dated Nov. 17.) Ibid, p. 376; XXIV. p. 94; Order Book XXXVII. p. 250.
Same for the fee of 1l. a day usually paid to the Keeper of the Privy Seal and the allowance of 4l. a day in lieu of 16 dishes of meat to be paid to Sir Edward Deereing. bart., Sir Thomas Strickland and Robert Mylward, appointed Commissioners of the privy seal in the absence of John Lord Robartes on his employment as Lieutenant of Ireland: to date from Sept. 22 last. Warrants Early XV. p. 389.
Oct. 28 Treasury order for 560l. for the Earl of Essex, Ambassador to the King of Denmark, for mourning on the death of the late Queen Mother. Order Book XXXVII. pp. 6,250.
Same for 50l. to Andrew Lawrence, surveyor of the King's highways. Ibid, p. 91.
5l. to Eliz. Burrell, widow, as royal bounty.
5l. to Henry Thomas as same in regard of his sufferings
10l. to Anthony Seager, doorkeeper to the Treasury on his 40l. per an.
Oct 29 Sir G. Downing to the late Farmers of the Hearth money and Col. Birch and Mr. Hartlib to attend on Wednesday with their account of the King's half-year of said duty to Lady Day, 1666. Out Letters General II. p. 142.
Same to Auditor Beale to hasten Sir Denys Gauden's interest account. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Meynell to attend him to-morrow Ibid, p. 143.
Same to Alderman Backwell to attend him to-morrow. "My Lords have directed me to acquaint you with some business from them." Ibid.
Same to Lord Ashley "to put your Lordship in mind of speaking to some friends of yours to lend money on the Customs." Ibid.
Same to Sir Denys Gawden and Mr. Pepys to attend on Wednesday about the Lent and Toulon account, Mr. Pepys having failed to attend this morning. Ibid, p. 144
Same to Auditors Beale, Aldworth and Chislett or their deputies to attend on Monday to give my Lords advice about some tallies for 160,000l. placed by Sir G. Carteret in the hands of Sir Robert Viner and others. Ibid.
Same to the principal officers and Commissioners of the Navy. My Lords require you every Monday morning when you come here to wait upon the King you bring with you the weekly certificates. Ibid.
Same to Major Andros concerning the fishing for the tin at Ostend. I have not received any letter from Mr. Gill, whom you mentioned to have written to me about paying in the proportion of the 1,000l. Pray hasten them [the contractor Custis] to pay it in. None of your letters make mention of the whole weight of tin which is recovered. Please send this, and an account of the number of blocks. My Lords are content that two blocks of tin should be sent to the wife of the Governor of Ostend. As for a present to the Governor himself and the other officers fit to be gratified my Lords would have you find out what will satisfy them. Concerning the sale of the tin you had better send to Amsterdam, Antwerp and Bruges about the price of it and then send us your opinion whether it be best to sell it at Amsterdam or elsewhere or at Ostend by an outroep. Ibid.
Oct. 29 Money warrant for the issue out of the Hearth money of Norfolk of 66l. 10s. 2d. to Robert Foley, ironmonger to the Navy, being in part of an order for 4,401l. 10s. 2d. charged in his favour on the Additional Aid, same being unsatisfied by reason of the overcharge on the said Additional Aid. Warrants Early XXXIV. p. 205.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Farmers to discharge a seizure of 120l. belonging to Jane Bruce, seized in the ship "Providence." of Leith. bound for Scotland. Out Letters Customs I. pp. 182–3.
Prefixing:—Said Farmers' report on said Bruce's petition.
Same to same to permit the transportation of 16 horses customs free, they being a royal present to the Duke George William of Brunswick and Lũneburg in return for the present of stags which the Sieur Levin Adam Hague, Gentleman of the [said Duke's] Chamber, brought from said Duke to the King. Ibid, pp. 183–4.
Prefixing:—Royal warrant, dated Aug. 27, for said Hague to export said horses, he being now to return home.
Money warrant for 3,000l. to John Kirke, Paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, for wages and board wages of said Band. Warrants Early XXII. p. 145.
Same for 40,000l. for the Ordnance for saltpetre Ibid, XXI pp. 21–2.
Same for 486l. 17s. 1d. and 357l. 6s. 1d. to the Earl of Sandwich for interest and gratuity on 6,313l. 13s. 11d. and 6,000l. Ibid, XVIII. pp. 275–6.
Treasury order for 5,000l. for the Navy Treasurers Order Book XXXVII. p. 6.
Same for 5,000l. to Sir Stephen Fox in repayment of loan Ibid, p. 9.