Henry VIII: November 1535, 1-5

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.

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'Henry VIII: November 1535, 1-5', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1886), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp248-262 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: November 1535, 1-5', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1886), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp248-262.

"Henry VIII: November 1535, 1-5". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1886), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp248-262.


November 1535, 1-5

R. O. St. P. ii. 291.
731. Henry VIII. to Skeffyngton.
Is displeased to hear that musters are not taken monthly. Has appointed lord Leonard Grey Chief Marshal of the Army in Ireland, Sir John Sentlowe, Wm. Brabazon, Treasurer of the Wars, and John Alen, Master of the Rolls, to take them regularly before payment of wages. Desires him to follow the advice of the Privy Council, especially lord Leonard, the Treasurer of the Wars, and the Chief Justice. (fn. 1) Thinks that now Thos. Fitzgerald is out of Ireland all or many of the footmen may be discharged this winter, and if any are wanted next year, they shall be ready by May 20. Marvels that he has omitted to take pledges of those with whom he has parled and pacted. Wishes Neile Mor to be excluded from Uryell. Desires him to use diligence in apprehending the traitors whom the Master of the Rolls, the bearer, shall prescribe; to advance the King's causes in Parliament; to send particulars of the lands of the late earl of Kildare, and other traitors attainted, and of the King's revenues. Will grant certain portions to persons able to defend the frontiers. Sends lord Leonard Grey back with the same room he had before. Has ordered him to show reverence and obedience to Skeffington, but the latter must consider his nobility, being of the King's blood, and his authority. Desires him to assist in preserving order in the army.
Corrected draft, pp. 15.
R. O.
St. P. ii. 293.
2. Irish Rebels.
These to be taken:—Sir James, Sir John, Richard, Oliver, and Walter Fitzgeralde, brethren to the late earl of Kildare. James and Geralde Fitzgerald, Wm. Fitzgeralde, called W. Naasy, Ric. Fitz Edmunde, his brother, and as many other of the bastard Geraldines as the Chief Justice and other of the Council think convenient.
The lord of Dunsany, Delahide, Dillon, Lynche, Felde of Payneston, certain of the Walshmen and Haroldes, Garlon of Garlonyston, to be attainted, with others named in a memorial delivered to the Chief Justice and me at our last being here, together with those who can be proved to be principal offenders.
P. 1. In Alert's hand.
1 Nov.
Vienna Archives.
732. Chapuys to Charles V.
On visiting lately the French ambassador I did all in my power to discover to what end the bishop of Winchester had gone to France, but I could get nothing from him. He affirmed on his faith that he had no information at all; of which, and of the little respect paid to him here in many things, he makes very great complaint, especially of Cromwell, who had lately refused him audience five or six times, and he confessed that at last he felt it so deeply that he had fallen into a fever; whereupon he had sent an angry message that henceforth he would not do him the honour to go and visit him or address himself to him in any way, unless he had express command from the King, his master. He complained of the thousand injuries that were daily done to the French, and among others that when the French admiral was here he was several times promised restitution of a great quantity of merchandise belonging to Frenchmen, which the King's officers pretended to be forfeited for evasion of customs, and notwithstanding repeated promises made to the said admiral, after the breaking off of the meeting at Calais, the said merchandise was declared to be forfeited without appeal or hearing the parties; and the ambassador thinks that, if the English will not have the sentence reconsidered, the King, his master, will find means for providing for the indemnity of the merchants. The said ambassador, accusing Cromwell of carelessness and indiscretion, told me he had been greatly astonished that Cromwell, when the said ambassadors were in Court, ventured to say in good company that he was surprised the French King and his master did not take better care lest they should leave their kingdoms in confusion and a prey to parties after their deaths; to which the said ambassador replied that it was very likely in the case of this kingdom, but that as to France the dauphin was well known to be the true successor and that his brothers would give him no trouble, and would have no great wealth to attempt it, as the greater part of what they had would be in pensions, which could easily be revoked.
The said ambassador said he was informed that Cromwell, besides coming to see me openly, had done so secretly, and that upon our communications I had lately despatched my servant to your Majesty, and that Cromwell had almost expressly said so to several persons, assuring them moreover that the understanding with you was like that between your Majesty and his master; and although I assured the said ambassador that Cromwell had not been to see me secretly, and that for a long time we had not spoken, except about the licence which I asked to visit the Princess and to pay the Queen certain arrears, he still suspects that there is some understanding between us. He declared it to me again two days ago when we met at the Lord Mayor's banquet.
I am told on good authority that the Bishop (fn. 2) whom the King sent to Germany had letters to almost all the princes and commonalties of Germany, with ample powers to treat and conclude. I think it was for the maintenance of the Lutheran sect and to prevent the holding of the Council. The Bishop left here in great anxiety, fearing some mishap by the road in Germany, from which, it would seem, his commission is a painful and dangerous one. The King, to prevent the abbots complaining of the changes which he has made or obstructing those he intends to make, has published an edict forbidding any abbot hereafter to be present in Parliament.
The King has lately sent into Ireland 400 or 500 hackbut men under the command of him (fn. 3) who brought hither the earl of Kildare. This shows that they have not made an end there yet. The goods of the Easterlings are still sequestered, and the King has promised the English merchants not to release them until the English ships taken are restored; although, on the other hand, the King gives fair words to the said Easterlings.
The Parliament which was to have met today is prorogued to Candlemas, and some think the delay has been in order to know what their ambassadors have done in France and Germany before proceeding further in execution of their accursed intention.
The first term of payment of the tax granted to the King at the last meeting of Parliament has already expired, but there is no talk of raising it, and, in the opinion of many, it is not expedient, lest they should stir the people to revolt, who were already in arrear, without the famine, which has maddened them. London, 1 Nov. 1535.
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 3.
1 Nov.
Vienna Archives.
733. Chapuys to [Granvelle].
As Granvelle will see by his letters to the Emperor, nothing has happened worth writing since his man left. Sends a copy of a letter from Cromwell which he forgot.
The French ambassador said lately that it was publicly reported in the Court that the king of Tunis had been compelled to recall Barbarossa to put down rebellion among his subjects, and had retaken Goletta, Bona, and the rest. The King, the Lady, and their party, are rejoiced. The Princess has sent to tell me the same, the news being sent to her to annoy her. The French ambassador thinks it strange that, as matters are now, they should allow corn to be obtained from Flanders for England. He was sure these people would never have any help from France. Has already informed the Queen (of Hungary?). Thinks notice should be taken of it in Spain. There is a great likelihood of famine, which will help towards setting matters right. The people murmur. The King and his concubine, who had previously caused it to be preached that God showed his approval of their Government by sending a good season, now make the preachers say that it is clear God loves the people because he sends adversity. Sometimes they say that the adversity is on account of those who object to this new marriage, and this new sect. London, 1 Nov. 1535.
The French pension has not been paid this year. From the French ambassador's manner in speaking of it, does not think it will be paid soon. He insinuated that the Pope would pay for them, when the executorials came. The Almain of whom he lately wrote, who said he was sent by the duke of Saxony and his Council, came principally to bring a book of Melancthon's, dedicated to the King, called "Loci Communes." He has been given 50 ducats, and Melancthon 200. It is said that the ambassador sent to Almain will go to Melancthon and his accomplices and try to make them sing his master's tune.
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 2.
1 Nov.
R. O.
734. John Whalley to Cromwell.
Has charged the Master of the Maysondewe with having promised to make the King a harbour for 500l. He allows it; but as for the pier, which he is making "athissyde the Chappell," it cannot be finished under 1,000l., nor the harbour, now in hand, under 2,000l. This pay day, 31 October, 14 score persons have wages, and I have, before this, discharged all the idle and weak workmen, some 60 or more. After five or six weeks the number will be reduced to 40 or 50 for the winter. Asks Cromwell to write separately to the said Master, "for he is malicious against me supposyng that I have complayned of hym unto you." Desires Cromwell's favour for the prior of Dover, "I neyver did see but honesty by hym; and one thyng I sertefye you, he ys no papiste." Trusts Cromwell will let him have the bed, &c. which he has bought of the Prior. Dover, 1 Nov.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
1 Nov.
Cleop. E. iv. 229. B. M. Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 82.
735. Thos. Legh to [Cromwell].
There is a priory named Byggyn, in Fordham, Norwich dioc., where is but the prior, and an aged monk at death's door. The earl of Northumberland is founder, from whom Cromwell may easily obtain his title and interest. It is a proper house, having 30l. a year in temporal lands besides a benefice of 16l. a year. Asks what shall be done with these religious persons, who, kneeling, with humble petition, desire of God, the King, and Cromwell, to be dismissed from their religion—a bondage they can no longer endure, as the bearer, Cromwell's servant, can show. Ely, 1 Nov. Signed.
P. 1.
1 Nov.
R. O.
736. The Monks of Chertsey to Secretary Cromwell.
Complain of the abbot's misdoings. 1. Since your visitation he has sold wood and is bargaining away Choueam (Chobham) Park. 2. He has conveyed away the plate. Beg he will consider their case. Chersey Abbey, 1 Nov.
Signed: Joh'es Chyrche—Will'm Roke—Joh'es Mylyster—John Walter—Radulphus Wachatte—Thomas Potter.
P.S.—Whereas the Abbot states in his letter that the portership has been given away, which you requested, it has not been granted under the Convent Seal.
P. 1. Endd.
1 Nov.
Calig. E. iii. 61.
B. M.
737. Wallop to Lord Lisle.
Has received his letter dated … Oct. concerning the receipt of Wallop's ...... sent by the French king's archer [and the] cheer made unto him. The [French king] has been very sore sick, but is out of danger, though not like to recover his health and convale[scence] of all this winter. There [was] a bruit that Sophia had taken peace with the [Turk], but now certain news has come from Venice that [there is] no peace taken. Sophia offered the Turk for such ..... as he claimed to be his to have it determined ...... form, other to be contented, they two to try th[e] right hand to hand in battle, or else the Tu[rk] to appoint 20,000 of his best men, and he wol[d] take but 10,000 of his, but the Turk to have no ordnance. This the Turk has refused. Commendations from the writer and his wife to lord and lady Lisle, to Mr. Marshal that now is, Mr. Porter and other friends. Digeon, 1 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Mutilated. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
1 Nov.
R. O.
738. Thos. Leygh to Lady Lisle.
Since leaving Calais, I have received your token by Giggs. I can find no damask caffa that you would like, but I hope there will be some here in 8 or 10 days. If it does not come I will send the best here, which is with Florse ("flowers"). You shall have the piece of camryk in time for your purpose. Recommendations to lord Lisle. Antwerp, 1 Nov. 1535.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.
1 Nov.
Royal MS. 18 B. vi. 47.
B. M.
739. [James V. to Paul III.]
Intends to bestow on others the benefices held by certain priests who are guilty of homicide, and requests the Pope not to grant them dispensations. Stirling, 1 Nov. 1535.
Lat., p. 1. Copy.
R. O.
740. Gervase Tyndall to Cromwell.
So many enemies draw their swords against the Gospel of Christ that it is dangerous to contend with them. In these very holidays on which the dead are celebrated, a paltry doctor named Stanley, in a church at Grantham, "in quo oppido humaniores istas literas professus sum," preached impudently to the people on purgatory and masses for the dead, and was received with great applause. He pressed home his subject with the most foolish arguments, asserting that any earthly fire, as compared with the fire of purgatory, was as the picture of a man to a real man; and that on giving one penny to a priest souls were released from purgatory and went straight to Heaven. I remonstrated with him when his sermon was done, and he heard me at the time with patience; but after he was gone he began to abuse me, and hold me up to the people as a Saxon heretic, and drove away from my school all the boys of the town lest they should catch the infection. I beg therefore that you will assist me, as I am entirely exhausted of money, as, at your command and that of my lord of Rutland, I was employed in the business of certain friars who were about to practise necromancy.
Hol., Lat., pp. 3. Add.: A Secretis. Endd.
2 Nov.
R. O. Cranmer's Letters, 313.
741. Cranmer to Cromwell.
I lately received a letter from you stating that you had heard that I had stayed the verdict for the King on account of my claim to the woods of Okenfold, &c. My brother only stated to Anthony Ager, your servant, that he thought the tithes were his right. I have not stayed the verdict; only, as I have a just title I submitted it to the inquest. I am assured it is not the King's mind to do wrong to any. The bp. of Worcester lately wrote unto me in your name that I looked on the King's business through my fingers, doing nothing in the matter for which we were sent to Winchester; whereas the day before we left the King, I drew certain articles touching the bp. of Rome to assist preachers who knew not what to say in that matter. Any one of those articles will be sufficient for a sermon, and some for four or five sermons if they be searched to the bottom. I delivered a copy of my articles to certain bishops as the Council was not sitting, and I send it to you that you may add or take away what you please, and have them preached in every diocese. I beg you will show your favor to my friend Hutton. Ford, 2 Nov. Signed.
P.S.—I thank you for your favor to Dr. Peter. I had intended to make him dean of the Arches, and shall do so if you think good. There is no man so meet for it.
Mutilated. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
2 Nov.
R. O.
742. Edward Archbishop of York to Cromwell.
Reminds Cromwell "as my brodre Thresorer (fn. 4) commith nowe" that he has no power in the inhibition sent him to inhibit the dean and chapter of York nor any other peculiars. Wishes to know the King's pleasure concerning preachers.
Has received the King's commission as to Jurisdiction; it must be extended to include all cases. Concerning this has sent a note, which the Master of Savoye or one of the Archbishop's chaplains there will give him.
Understands Cromwell wishes Dan John Best, monk of Selbie, to have a licence to preach. When my lord of Westmoreland was at Selbie, the said John "rayled and jested," saying it was hypocrisy to fast, and the Archbishop revoked a licence he had already given him till he "were waxed sadder." Bishop's Thorpe, 2 Nov. 1535. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
2 Nov.
R. O.
743. Thomas Bishop of Ely to Cromwell.
Dr. Leghe has visited here at Ely of late and behaved discreetly as he did at Cambridge. He has almost visited my diocese throughout, and advised me to sue to you for relaxation of your former inhibition. There are divers petty matters, as contracts of matrimony and receiving convicts, which occur daily, in which I cannot act until the visitor assures me, for it concerns jurisdiction, and loth were I to offend. I beg you will show my brother your mind. Ely, 2 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Sealed. Endd.
2 Nov.
R. O.
744. John Abbot of St. Austin's [Canterbury] to Cromwell.
Has received certain injunctions from Cromwell's surrogate, Dr. Layton, as general visitor of all religion exempt and non-exempt, with full authority to declare how they should be observed, some of which are very hard. Desires to know how he is to use himself in them, that he may not incur the King's displeasure. Sends him a poor token, which he wishes were worth 1,000l., being the best jewel he has. Desires Cromwell to take him as one of his servants under the King's Highness, "that I may take refuge sub umbra alarum vestrarum." Will do as Cromwell shall counsel him in all things lawful. St. Austin's, All Souls' day.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary and Visitor.
2 Nov.
Cleop. E. iv. 42. (fn. 5) B. M. Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 83.
745. John [Maxey] Bp. of Elphin, Commendatory of Welbeck, to [Cromwell.]
Received, 26 Oct., a certificate from the convent of Westdorham of the death of the abbot there, and the seal of his office as accustomed to be sent to the father abbot from filial churches. Asks whether the King's visitors (doctor Lee), being forth in these parts, shall meddle with the election. Though the King has given him and the monastery of Welbeck the elections of all the Premonstratensian order within the realm, he desires to know Cromwell's pleasure in writing. When last with Cromwell he was told to do his duty at the next election according to the King's grant. A priest (the parson of Brandon Ferre) has sequestered all the goods there. Touching their communications at his last being with Cromwell, he will perform at his coming up at Candlemas next. Welbeck, 2 Nov. Signed: "John Elphyn and commendatarie off Welbek."
P. 1.
2 Nov. R. O. 746. Richard Herman to Cromwell.
Has had no news. Ferdinandus has sent letters to the king of Portugal's factor here direct from the Pope. Through the means of a page that waits on the factor, a Christian brother of mine got a sight of them and copied them with expedition, desiring me to send them with the greatest secrecy. As I can skill of no Latin, I could not assist in the writing. The intent you will perceive by the reading. May God keep the King from their wicked designs, hoping that ye be the elect of God for that purpose. Dated at the head, Antwerp, 2 Nov. 1535.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
2 Nov.
Cleop. E. iv. 47 (fn. 5).
B. M.
747. Anthony Sawnder to [Cromwell].
Whereas you have appointed me to read the pure and sincere word of God to the monks of Winchcombe, to preach in the parish, which is the abbot's impropried benefice, "to scrape the sur of Rome out of the hearts of men," and to set forth the title of our sovereign and master, our supreme civil head in earth of this his politic body of England, I have small favor and assistance amongst the Pharisaical papists. The abbot of Haylys, a valiant knight and soldier under Antichrist's banner, resists much, fighting with all his power to keep Christ in his sepulchre. He has hired "a greate Golyas, a sotle Dunys man, yee, a greate clerke, as he sayeth," a Bachelor of Divinity of Oxford, to catch me in my sermons. "And whereas I preach sola fide hominem justum ire, id est, hominem pronunciari justum non ob proprias virtutes aut dignitate operum præcedentium aut succedentium, sed sola fiducia misericordiæ Dei promissæ propter Christum, adeo quod vita æterna, imputatio justitæ, remissio peccatorum, donum est credentibus gratis datum, non operum meritis, sed gratuita gratia propter Christum; opera vero esse fidei testimonia et quasi sigilla quorum fides auctor est: this, as he sayeth, offendeth him sore. Wherefore, apta (aperta?) voce cum scolasticis exclamat, fide, sc. formata, hoc est, fide igitur hominem propter dilectionem," which seems to me to upset Paul's argument, who teaches that faith does not depend upon the condition of our love (dilectio).
He does not preach the word of God truly, nor does he assert our Prince's just authority and speak against the usurped power of the bishop of Rome, which he rather maintains.
Certifies Cromwell of two sermons which he, the bearer, and many others lately heard him preach at Hales. The abbot says Cromwell sent him hither and will maintain him. He causes a tumult in the country of gentlemen and other people hired thereto. Sawnder and the bearer are both in danger of their lives. Desires Cromwell to appoint a convenient hour in the forenoon for him to read to the monks. They will not come in due time; they set so much by their Popish service. Wynchcombe, 2 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add: Mr. Secretary.
2 Nov.
Harl. MS., 604, f. 75.
B. M.
748. William Glyn, Priest, to Cromwell.
The sale of abusions and mart of vice is now greatly decayed in these parts, and so shall daily, if the great maintainer of them, the bishop of Rome, is expelled out of men's hearts. Asks whether the Popish law that persons married within the fourth degree, or connected by affinity or "gossypred" must be divorced, is still to be acted upon. 2 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Thos. Cromwell, secretary to the King.
2 Nov.
R. O.
749. Ivo Bottegaeu.
Certificate by Mark Taelman, clerk of the Receipt of the Tonlieu of Zealand, at Arnuyde, of the discharge at Arnuyde, on the 14th Sept., of 39 lasts 9 measures of grain, by Yvon Bottegaeu, of Planmarck, master of the ship called "La Pierre." 2 Nov.'35. Signed and sealed.
French, p. 1.
2 Nov.
R. O.
750. Jenne de Saveuses (Madame de Riou) to Lady Lisle.
I have received your letter and the 11l. 17s. 6d. that I had drawn (tiré) for your daughter, a thing for which there was no occasion to thank me. The cloth you have sent shall be made into a gown and coat. Mons. de Ryou thanks lord Lisle and you for the hackney. The bearer will bring the goshawk (autour) of which you wrote to me. As to thanking me for leaving Mademoiselle Anne so long, I shall be exceedingly sorry when you take her away. Pont de Remy, 2 Nov.
Hol., Fr., p. 1. Add.
*** On the back are the following sentences in another hand:—
"Glad to hear of her good diligence, and that it hath pleased you to make her your godsep (?) and contented that ye shall have her with her.
"Whereas Mr. de Riou hath written to [my lord Lisle] (fn. 5) me to send me a goshawk, it should be shame for [my lord Lisle] (fn. 5) me to take him, seeing he hath sent him two this year."
3 Nov.
R. O. Cranmer's Letters, 315.
751. Cranmer to Cromwell.
I have deferred writing to you in favor of Sir John Markham for his suit now before my Lord Chancellor; but he has always stated that you are his special good master. He is a gentleman of very good qualities. Forde, 3 Nov.
I have known Sir John in his country above 30 years. Sir Will. Merynge also desires your favor. The bailly of Newark boasts that Sir John shall be committed to prison before he can make his answer. Signed.
Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
3 Nov.
R. O.
752. Northumberland to Cromwell.
In behalf of his servant Roland Bradforthe, the bearer, who is troubled by the suit of lord Mordant about certain accounts touching his lordship's lands in Northumberland. His father, Bartram Bradforde, has been arrested for the same cause. Roland has done good service in the late Scotch war under the Earl. The Captain of Berwick gets daily worse, and is not likely to recover. Topclyf, 3 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Master Cromwell, secretary to the King's Majesty. Sealed. Endd.
3 Nov.
R. O.
753. Sir George Lawson to Cromwell.
Begs to be remembered as in his other letters, for now is the time Cromwell may advance his poor living. Leaves today for Berwick for the payment of the wages, and will be with Cromwell shortly after Christmas. Was much rejoiced to hear from his poor wife of the comfortable words Cromwell gave her towards him. Desires credence for her if she put him further in remembrance. York, 3 Nov.
Sir Thos. Clifford is marvellously vexed with palsy. Is desired by my lord of Northumberland to request Cromwell to have him in remembrance touching Berwick. Thinks he will give a good sum of money for it and make ready payment.
P. 1. Add.: Master Secretary to the King's Highness. Endd.: Sir George Lawson.
3 Nov.
R. O.
754. Thomas Megges to Cromwell.
The King's grace is like to be defeated of a great part of his rights by untrue assessment in the Isle. They so favor each other in my hundred that the King shall not have a half and scantly the third part given him by Act of Parliament. As I am named with others in the Commission for the subsidy, I give you information. This is not followed only in the part where I dwell, but through the whole Isle. You must write sharply to the Commissioners, and to lay more lack in me than in any other, "because that I am towards your mastership," and as I am popular in the county I must have an urgent reason to do anything against them, except in the Prince's cause. They have always befriended me, especially in the late riot surmised against me by the prior of Ely, when the officers of the bishop and the prior made great labor with the inquest to obtain their purpose. Keep my letter secret, or it will lose me the hearts of my county. Please help me to a house and farm of the prior of Ely called Scheppey, as the prior on his oath has valued it at five marks yearly, and that I may have it in fee farm. I shall reward your goodness to my little power. Wisbeach, 3 Nov.
I send you a present of swans, cranes, and herons. Your 100 pikes are ready when it is your pleasure to have them.
Hol., pp. 2. Sealed. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
3 Nov.
R. O.
755. Roger Neckham, monk of Worcester, to Cromwell.
I received your letters touching the plate to be received from Sir John Russell. I shall keep it according to the tenor of your writing. You admonished me to keep the injunctions lately left with us. "Your writing is to me great fear." I and all my brethren of the King's monastery of Worcester will be glad to observe them, and to pray daily for the King's godly reformation by your visiting. There shall be no negligence in the "gravity" of the monastery, or in punishing delinquents. Worcester, 3 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
3 Nov.
R. O.
756. St. Martin's, Dover.
Petition of John Folkstone, prior of the house of St. Martyns and New Worke of Dover, to [Cromwell], whom he addresses as "your mastership." The convent reverently received the King's commission on Oct. 31, sealed with his ecclesiastical seal, containing a sequestration of their goods and lands, and immediately compiled an inventory of their jewels and goods, now in the custody of Chr. Hales, general attorney to the King, and Mr. John Tompson, Master of the Masondew, Dover. Perceives that complaints have been made to the King of his negligence and evil governance. Is 31 years old, and has been in possession of the house only three years, "the foresaid house being but of the yearly stent of 200l. by the year 12l. 13s. 4d., was seven score pounds in debt" at his predecessor's departure. Was at great expense in repairing the church. The glass in the windows which was rusty and dark, was taken down and scoured, and new glass added, where necessary, at his expense. Paved the church; bought new vestments from John Antony for 16l., and spent other sums. Has mended the bakehouse and the dortour. Has procured new brass and pewter at his own cost, "and no marvel though it be simple and scarceness thereof, for the strangers resorting be such wastful stroyars that it is not possible to keep any good stuff long in good order, and many times and specially strangers ambassadors have such noyous and hurtful fellows that have packed up table cloths, napkins, sheets, coverpanes, with other such thing as they could get." Has been at great cost with English and foreign ambassadors. Begs him to consider deeds more than words which may not be true. From the negligence and destroying of hired servants, has been at great charges in buying and renewing oxen, horses, carts, ploughs, &c., and through their untrustworthiness was compelled to let his husbandry to farm and give his brethren 20 nobles each a year to go to commons together, that he might get the house out of debt. Would have come up but for the contrary commandment of Cromwell's substitutes. Begs that the debts of the house may be paid, which are not as heavy as were left to him. 3 Nov.
Hol., large paper, pp. 7. Endd.
3 Nov.
Harl. MS., 99, f. 148.
B. M.
757. Lord Cobham.
Receipt by John Cornwell of Stebbyng, Essex, and Dame Elizabeth lady Cobham, his wife, from Sir Geo. Broke lord Cobham, of 33l. 6s. 8d., due at Mich., of an annuity of 100 marks for the jointure of the said dame. 3 Nov. 27 Henry VIII. Signed.
P. 1.
Ib. ff. 150–1. 2. Two similar receipts dated 3 May 26 Hen. VIII., and 2 May 27 Hen. VIII.
3 Nov.
Add. MS. 8715, f. 132 b.
B. M.
758. Bishop of Faenza to the Prothonotary Ambrogio.
Particulars about the illness of Francis I. After receiving Ambrogio's letters of the 15th and 20th, had an interview with the Admiral, who, in the course of conversation, spoke of the power the Emperor would have of doing what he would with the Church, and the difficulty which Francis, with the best intentions, would have to defend his Holiness; that the Pope must be cautious about the Council, which the Emperor might wish to hold armed and in a place where he alone had power. As to the Pope's avenging himself in this way of the follies which the king of England has committed and commits every day, it would perhaps be better for the Pope and the Holy See to leave English affairs as they are, especially as Francis knows that that province will return of itself to the right road; but for [the Pope] to avenge himself now by these means would aggrandise the Emperor, which the Church would be the first to repent; that the Emperor is doing what he can to draw England to his side (dalla sua) notwithstanding the injuries he has received. Replied that the Pope was bound to avenge the King's impiety and was sure of God's help; and for this and other reasons he wished for the Council.
Hears from England that Gramuel (Cromwell) is visiting all the monasteries of friars and nuns and driving out those who are under 24 years of age (da 24 anni in giu); and that a Council has been held to take away the images from churches, though this has not yet been done. "Da Digiun," 3 Nov. 1535.
Ital., pp. 10. Copy headed: Al Signor Proto. Ambrogio, &c.
[4 Nov.]
R. O.
759. Henry VIII. to the Deputy, Treasurer, and Comptroller of Calais.
As his former commands on two several occasions to restore Harry Tornay, one of the soldiers of Calais at 8d. a day, to his former room and wages from which Lisle removed him, have been disregarded, the King notifies that he himself re-admits the said Harry to his room and wages, and that he is to have the same from the day he was expelled, provided he find an able man in the town "to keep his scry, larum, watch and ward."
P. 1. Endd.: The form of a letter devised by the archbishop of Canterbury to be sent to the deputy of Calais for Harry Tourney.
4 Nov.
R. O.
760. G. Earl of Shrewsbury to Cromwell.
I thank you for your kindness to my servant John Bekeley, when he was before the King. He and twelve honest poor men are now subpænaed to appear before the Council because eight of them could not in conscience agree to indict him, as the bearer, my chaplain, will show you. At my lodge in Sheffield Park, 4 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
4 Nov.
R. O.
761. Edward Bestney to Cromwell.
Thanks him for his favors. There is a little religious house named Bygyn in the town of Fordham, with a prior and one canon, and an income of 26l. yearly. One of them is old and like to die. For their naughty observance of their foundation and their enormities they are likely to fall into the King's hands, and will be under Cromwell's administration as general visitor. "And whereas you have oftentimes comforted me, not only by your words but also by your letters, willing me to spy out, and you will help me, the truth is, this house and the land thereunto pertaining adjoineth to my land" so commodiously and pleasantly, that if you will help me to the farm thereof I shall esteem it more than a thing more profitable. Soham, 4 Nov.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
4 Nov.
R. O.
762. Dr. Thos. Legh to Cromwell.
I have sent Dr. Rookeby to you. If you had known his good qualities you would accept him as your servant, as he intends to leave the University. He is meet to execute any function, whether it be the examination of religious foundations or otherwise, in which he will attempt nothing but what shall be to the glory of God and your pleasure. We have been brought up together from children. Bury, 4 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary and Master of the Rolls. Endd.
4 Nov.
R. O.
763. Robert Abbot of Athelney to Cromwell.
Dr. Tregonell, the King's visitor, has visited our poor monastery, and has found it in meetly good order, but has given us certain injunctions for the reformation of religion, by which I and my brethren are to keep within the precincts, unless you dispense with me. I desire a licence to go abroad with a chaplain sometimes, on the business of the monastery. Athelney, 4 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Secretary unto the King's grace. Endd.
4 Nov.
R. O.
764. Thomas Sudbury, Cellarer of Worcester, to Cromwell.
Complaint is made to you that I am a dilapidator of the monastery. If that were true I could not blame you for expelling me from my place. I remit the truth to my brethren, and if the surmise is grounded on malice I trust you will accept it accordingly. I am content that another should hold my office, so it be one of my brethren who is a discreet and provident man. Worcester monastery, 4 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
4 Nov.
[Calig., E. i., ii. ?]117.
B. M.
765. Simon Hey[nes] to Cromwell.
"Pleasith it your Mastership to be advertised, b ....... with one Sturmius, a German, unto whom M[elancthon doth] ever write, and Bucer also, concerning all matters of [their r]elligion now entreated betwixt the French king [and the] princes of Germany, I have obtained duples [of all] such letters, which now of late be come to his hand[s, which] I send here to your Mastership. This Sturmius [is a] very sad man, and of a great modesty, excellently le[arned] both in the Greek tongue and in the Latin, brought up with [Melancthon (?)], speaking ever much honour of the King's highness and in a[ll things] that he can do, so ready (as I may perceive) to do hi[s Highness] all service and pleasure, as if he were a true and faithful [subject] to his Grace, he and other of his countrymen here be p[lain] men and meaneth not to dissemble, for they spare [not to] speak plainly their minds before such men as they l[ove in] all matters.
Sturmius is very desirous to see the brief sent from [the bp.] of Rome to the French king, and the answer which [his] Highness hath made to the same, beseeching your Ma[stership], if it be so seen convenient to you, to send me the [copies] of both, for considering that he do show me all [that he] do know out of Germany, he looketh that I shu[ld show] him again somewhat of such things as be done [there]." Having small matter to write of, directed his packets to the bp. of Salisbury or the Queen's almoner, enclosing letters for Cromwell. Paris, 4 Nov.
My lord of Winchester arrived here yesterday.
Hol., p. 1. Mutilated. Add.: Master Secretary.
4 Nov.
R. O.
766. Fitzwilliam to Lord Lisle.
Yesterday the Council sat here upon the ordinances devised by me and my late colleagues when we were at Calais. They like them well, but it is not yet resolved whether to pass them by Act of Parliament or but by a Council from the King's highness. The King is content that Porchester castle shall be repaired, and I have despatched your servant, keeper thereof, in that behalf. Westminster, 4 Nov.
Added in his own hand: Cannot thank Lisle and my lady sufficiently, but will always be glad to do them pleasure. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
4 Nov.
R. O.
767. John Husee to Lord Lisle.
Has written several times since being with Mr. Norres, about Leonard Melle's goods and lands. Has not had any answer, though the matter "standeth not a little upon your honor and my poor honesty." Mr. Saymer's matter is now past danger, for after much suit he has promised Smythe, your auditor, to receive 60l. in part payment. London, 4 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
4 Nov.
R. O.
768. Anne Rouaud (Madame de Bours) to Lady Lisle.
I thank you very much for the hawk (lanier) and greyhound. I was glad to hear your good news. I have received the six livres, but you need not have sent them, as I told Jehan Semist they might go towards payment of the violet frieze. The said frieze is very pretty, and my son thanks you for it very humbly. He must make some present to your daughter. (fn. 6) She is writing to you. I have got a night mantle made for her of red cloth. I have kept the bearer till I could get a goshawk (autour) to send you, and one has been brought me this evening, which I forward. I should have been very sorry not to have been able to get one. I send you a little pot of confitures de cornoilles, which I understand you have not in your country. Bours, 4 Nov. 1535. Signed.
Fr., p. 1.
ii. On the back of preceding is the following draft of lady Lisle's reply:—
"To make recommendations to [my lord your husband, M. d'Agincourt, and my lady] (fn. 7) your daughter there is married, and to my lord her husband, and to the good gentlewoman that maketh so much of my daughter, and to my lord your son that maketh so much of my daughter. My said daughter hath written to one of her sisters to be mean for her to me for money to play. I am content that she play when ye shall command her; but I fear she shall give her mind too much to play. It will come soon enough to her. I would she should ply her work, the lute and the virginals, but I refer in all to your goodness. Thanking her for the oultour. My servant showeth me that ye have made my daughter a robe furred with white. I pray you send me word what it cost, and I shall send you."
4 Nov.
R. O.
769. Thibault Rouault (Sieur de Riou) to Lady Lisle.
Sends a goshawk, which is good at partridges. Thanks her for the greyhounds, which are rather young (ung petit jeunes) for the work he wishes to put them to. His wife desires to be recommended. Pont de Remy, 4 Nov. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: A Calles.
Add. MS. 28,588, f. 40.
B. M.
770. Dr. Ortiz to Charles V.
Is astonished at the high and secret judgments of God, who sells to some persons so cheap the glory prepared for them, but to others, like the queen and princess of England, very dearly, in the opinion of the world, with great adversity and tribulation.
The executorials of the principal cause have been granted with all the necessary clauses, which were refused in Clement's time. They can be despatched at any time, but nearly a year must pass before the deprivation. As the King's sins are sufficiently notorious for him to be deprived ipso facto of the kingdom, the Pope will declare him so. Thinks a draft of the bull has already been prepared and shown to many cardinals. Thinks it comes from the hand of God, that this is done motu proprio by the See Apostolic and not at the instance of the Queen, that the King may have no cause of anger against her or the Princess. Rome, 4 Nov. 1535.
Sp., pp. 3. Modern copy.
5 Nov.
R. O.
771. E. Earl of Derby to Cromwell.
As by your late letters to my servant Alex. Standyshe, you desire the delivery of such goods as are in his hands belonging to the late bishop of St. Asaph, I desire you to hear what he has to say, and that he may have the preferment of such things as he is minded, doing for the same as largely as any other would. Lathom, 5 Nov. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Master Secretary.
5 Nov.
Cleop. E. iv., 120. B. M. Wright's Suppression of the Monasteries, 85.
772. John ap Rice to Cromwell.
Supposing that, ere they return, suit will be made to Cromwell touching Burie, sends account of their proceedings there. As for the abbot, "it was detected that he lay much forth in his granges" and spent money at dice and cards and in building; also that he did not preach and had converted farms into copyholds. He seems addict also to superstitious ceremonies.
As for the convent, believes they had compacted to disclose nothing. In no place were there more women resorting to the monastery. Amongst the relics found much superstition, "as the coals that Saint Lawrence was toasted withal, the paring of St. Edmund's nails, S. Thomas of Canterbury penknife and his boots and divers skulls for the headache, pieces of the Holy Cross able to make a whole cross of, other relics for rain," &c. Of those under age, about eight depart, and about five of those above age would depart if they might. The whole number of the convent before we came was 60 saving one, besides three at Oxford. Of Ely I have written to you by my fellow Ric. a Lee. Bury, 5 Nov.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
5 Nov.
Vatican Archives.
773. The Bishop of Faenza to [M. Ambrogio].
The news of England is that Cromwell goes visiting all the monasteries of friars and monks, dismissing and even expelling those under 24 years of age; and already it was proposed to take away the images from the churches, although it was not done. Hears that a German has come to that King from Strasburg (Argentina), sent by some great persons there, who declares that the king of the Romans has secured the obedience of Saxony, Wittemberg, and the Landgrave, on condition that Lutherans be allowed not only to live unmolested in the lands of those lords but to preach as they please in that King's countries until the Council meet. But this V. Signoria will know better by other ways.
Ital., from a modern copy, p. 1. The original is endorsed: "1535. De Mons. de Faenza de li 5 de Novembre, da Digiun."
5 Nov.
Add. MS. 28,588, f. 42.
B. M.
774. Count of Cifuentes to Charles V.
Wrote last to the Emperor on the 2nd, and on the 3rd and 4th to Idiaquez. The bearer is a servant of the ambassador in England who came with letters from the Queen to the Pope, asking him to provide a speedy remedy for what was taking place in that country.
As the Pope has ordered with all fury (con toda furia) the privation of the King to be concluded, thought it unsuitable that it should appear to be done at the Queen's desire. Has therefore kept the letter and ordered the messenger to go first to the Emperor and give him an account of the Queen's wishes. It will not be much delay as his Majesty is so near. Has been promised a copy of the bull of privation, and will send it to the Emperor.
* * * Rome, 5 Nov. 1535.
Sp., pp. 4. Modern copy.
5 Nov.
Add. MS. 28,588 f. 44.
B. M.
775. Dr. Ortiz to Charles V.
Hears' from a Parisian doctor who has come here, that an English doctor in theology named Master Haius (Hains) has arrived in Paris to ask the doctors there secretly and separately, if they think it can be established that the royal power is above (sobre) the power of the Pope. This doctor has signified to the faculty that no one should give an answer without letting the whole faculty know. When the Englishman knew this, he gave up his request. It is to be wondered at if such a thing should be done without the consent of the French king.
The French doctor told him also that the French king had written to the faculty of theology bidding them dispute with Philip Melanton on certain propositions which he sent to the faculty. They replied that they were forbidden to dispute publicly with heretics on matters of faith. The King answered that he thought they were only matters of ceremony and not of faith. The faculty then showed the heresies contained in these propositions, and said that if Melanton came it should not be to dispute about the faith, but to show him how he was deceived and make him understand the causes of his error. He should first be asked whether he believed the article of the faith, that there is one Holy Church, and that the Universal Council cannot err; and then what Councils he receives as Catholic, and what Catholic doctors he believes. The King sent this answer back to Germany, and Melanton's visit is deferred till summer. Rome, 5 Nov. 1535.
Sp., pp. 3. Modern copy.


  • 1. Aylmer.
  • 2. Foxe.
  • 3. Lord Leonard Grey.
  • 4. Lancelot Colyns, Treasurer of York Cathedral.
  • 5. Struck out, and "me" interlined, in both these places.
  • 6. Mary Basset.
  • 7. Interlined.