Henry VIII: October 1535, 26-31

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1886.

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'Henry VIII: October 1535, 26-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1886), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp231-248 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: October 1535, 26-31', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1886), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp231-248.

"Henry VIII: October 1535, 26-31". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 9, August-December 1535. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1886), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol9/pp231-248.


October 1535, 26-31

26 Oct.
R. O.
Latimer's Rem., 370.
684. H. Bishop of Worcester to Cromwell.
Forgive me that I have not delivered you this draft before, as I ought, I have been so distracted in preparing homewards. Postridie Sanctissimorum Sutorum.
If you have the old seal of my office I will recompense you according to the weight.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
26 Oct.
R. O.
685. Richard Abbot of Glastonbury to Cromwell.
Whereas this the King's monastery of Glastonbury has had spiritual jurisdiction within the town and parts adjoining, and has exercised by a deputy appointed by the abbot, now at the King's visitation I am inhibited from exercising such jurisdiction. The monastery has been visited already, and as many have causes depending in its courts, to whom I can give no answer, I wish to know what is to be done in the matter. Glastonbury, 26 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Sealed. Endd.
26 Oct.
R. O.
Cranmer's Letters, 312.
686. Cranmer to Cromwell.
Begs his favor for Dr. Thorindon, warden of the manors of Christchurch, Canterbury, and for the cellarer there, who is a right honest man. I beg that he may have some liberty for his health, for he is corpulent and sickly; for if he should still continue within his house, where there is no walk nor good air, his life will be shortened, and his house lose many commodities. Forde, 26 Oct. Signed.
Add.: My singular friend, Master Crumwell. Endd.
26 Oct.
Nero, B. vi. 144.
B. M.
687. Moryson to Starkey.
Frier writes the news about the ambition of the doctors of Padua, &c. Wishes to know whether his master (fn. 1) is alive and well. Barbarossa still gives the Emperor trouble, and has devastated Minorca. Frederick, the brother of Cardinal Contarini, is dead. Paul, the bp. of Rome, has given Erasmus a pension of 1,000 gold pieces. Pole is well. Wages war with hunger, dirt, cold, and wind. Will give in unless Starkey sends reinforcements. Padua, 7 cal. Nov.
Hol., Lat., p. 1. Add.: Londini.
27 Oct.
R. O.
C's. Letters, 313.
688. Cranmer to Cromwell.
Begs his favor for Henry Turney, who, notwithstanding Cromwell's previous letters, is little regarded. Dover, 27 Oct. Signed.
Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
27 Oct.
R. O.
689. Cheese and Butter.
Certificate by Sir John Champneys, mayor of London, that 14 qrs. wheat is delivered to Robt. Clarke, baker, and 5 weys of cheese, and a barrel of butter to Jas. Ketill, 27 Oct. Signed.
P. 1.
27 Oct.
R. O.
690. Ri. Gwent, of the Arches, to Cromwell.
Mr. Olyver, Mr. Carne, and myself have remained here at London, occupied as you know, and are now very desirous to see the King at this Holy time of All Saints, if we may do so after the late proclamation against Londoners going near where he is. London, 27 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
27 Oct.
R. O.
691. George Lord Cobham to Cromwell.
One Swayneland, searcher at Gravesend, came to me this 27th Oct. and told me that on the 21st a gentleman came with two servants to him at Gravesend, saying that he came from you, and a ship had been appointed for him. As soon as he was on board he spake opprobrious words against the King and the Queen. As many strangers have passed lately, thinks it were well the passage were more strictly kept. Dr. Layton has visited the abbey of Rochester, and, if you will send your letters to the prior, I think he will appoint my uncle, Sir Edw. Cobham, receiver to the abbey. Cobham Hall, 27 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
27 Oct.
R. O.
Rym. xiv. 554.
692. College of Cobham.
Submission to the King as head of the Church, and renunciation of papal supremacy, by John Bayly, the master or provost, and the college of Cobham, Kent, 27 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII. Five signatures.
R. O. 693. John [Hilsey] Bishop of Rochester to Cromwell.
Whereas you are informed that I unadvisedly visit colleges and abbeys in my diocese to the hindrance of the King's visitation, and have discharged me of my jurisdiction over my flock, certifying me by your own hand that covetousness should hinder me, and that all men in England would have offended the King before me, what answer can I make? I beg you will give credence to my letter as you have to the letter of my adversary, for if you withhold your protection I may be sorry I have received the charge I have, and be weary of my life. I have never visited abbey or college in my diocese more than I showed your mastership when I sued to you for my jurisdiction, and I never entered an abbey in my diocese till your visitors had left on Wednesday last, when I was in Malling at the licence of your visitor. And my adversary, your visitor, shall be my judge herein, though he has written to you otherwise. When I sued to you for my jurisdiction I had only 7 nobles in the world, which I borrowed. I have more since your favor, of which I have paid the chief part to your officers for their writings, &c. of my restitution. I desired your leave to visit the parish churches and deaneries of my diocese, which you gave me, and as I was doing this at Cobham your visitor's letters came to me that I hindered the King's visitation, and willed me to come to my church, where I should be visited by him. I replied, I was never there before, and was not stalled, nor had any provision to receive him. On which he licensed me to tarry his coming to Cobham, where he examined me upon oath of my duty towards God and my Prince, and licensed me to go to Malling to confirm children who waited for me there; where I preached in defence of the King's prerogative, and the abolishment of the bishop of Rome. If I be counted a trespasser for this, what courage shall I have hereafter to do my service? I am left without all comfort. Your visitor's complaint was owing to this: the convent of Rochester, by letters sent to Loudon, gave my chaplain the advowson of a benefice called St. Margaret's; but when the visitor came he visited for the said benefice, and was resolved to have it; and as he was told it was given away, he tried to put me out of your favor, that I might not sue to you for it, and compelled the convent to give him the advowson; and thus he effected his purpose. If I do not justify this statement let me never have your favor again. Further, Mr. Gostwyke has sent to my receiver to let me have no money of his receipt. I am ashamed to trouble you. You count me covetous; but if you are not favorable to me, I shall only have 200l. a year to discharge me every way.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
27 Oct.
R. O.
694. Thomas Legh to Cromwell.
I intend to appoint a new abbot in the monastery of Dereham. Let me know if you please to appoint any friend of yours. Let me know your mind concerning these religious persons, who, instantly kneeling on their knees, desire to be delivered of such religion as they have ignorantly taken upon themselves, and say that their living is against their conscience. I think it would be right they should be dismissed from their bondage, chiefly in Denye Abbey. The University of Cambridge are very joyful at your injunctions, and say that nothing was ever better for the students, except three or four Pharisaical Pharisees. Cambridge, 27 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd. by Wriothesley.
27 Oct.
R. O.
695. Sir Will. Morgan to Cromwell.
I have received the King's commission for myself and the bishop of Llandaff for the value of the spiritual possessions of the diocese. Though the Bishop was not in these parts, I have endeavored to accomplish the object of the commission. As the commissioners live 40 or 50 miles asunder I could have little aid from them. I could not find Thos. Brene or John Wellden, the auditors. I have sent you a book of the valor, to the best of my abilities. It will rise above any previous estimation, as Master Quarr, archdeacon of Llandaff, can inform you. 27 Oct. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Secretary. Endd. Sealed.
27 Oct.
Add MS. 8,715, f. 431.
B. M.
696. Bishop of Faenza to M. Ambrogio.
Particulars about the illness of Francis I., who is better. The Landgrave and the duke of Wirtemberg have sent to excuse their going to the king of the Romans, to show that they intended nothing in contravention of the capitulation made with the French king. Gardiner (Vincesta) delays his coming to Court, perhaps on account of the King's illness. The Admiral, in the absence of the Grand Master, has charge of affairs, and is always much occupied near the King, who, when he was ill, saw only him, the queen of Navarre, Lorraine, Tournon, and two or three gentlemen; the queen of Navarre, I believe, very seldom. Hears that the English are displeased at Frederick Count Palatine's attempt to get possession of the kingdom of Denmark, with the favor of the Lubeckers, in whom England put much confidence. * * * By means of the Imperial ambassador, the brief has been sent to the Scotch king by way of Flanders.
Ital., pp. 3. Modern copy. Headed: Al medesimo Sig. M. Ambrogio, da Digiun, li 27 Ottobre 1535.
2. Another copy, from a decipher in the Valican, is among the R. O. transcripts.
28 Oct.
R. O.
697. Sir Thomas Vaux, Lord Harrowden.
"The boke of the accompte of [the] household of Thomas Vaus, knight, lord Harowdon, kept at his manor of Harowdon," from the 2 Aug. 27 Hen. VIII. to the 28 Oct. following; by Robert Downall, steward of the household.
Family and household, 46 persons; viz., my Lord, my Lady, Mrs. Mawde; Mrs. Nevell, Mrs. Seimper, Mrs. Wingfield, and two laundresses; 14 gentlemen, viz., *Robert Downeall, steward, Mr. Moete, chaplain, — Fowler, Thos. Barfford, Edm. Newenham, *Edw. Willoughbie, *Edw. Lenton, Jo. Thynne, *Tho. Hopton, *Jo. Catisbie, *Will. Browne, Tho. Furtho, *Jo. Particell, *Tho. Downeall; 12 yeomen, 3 horsekeepers, 5 grooms, 4 gentlemen's servants. ii. Half-yearly wages of the gentlemen marked above with an (*), total 11l. 13s. 4d., of which the steward's being the highest are 40s.; do. of 11 yeomen, 10l. 12s. 6d.; do. of 2 horsekeepers, 26s. 8d.; quarter wages of 3 servants, 20s. iii. Account of 21 quarters of wheat bought at Wenlingborough, Ketering, Northt., at the general rate of 16d. a strike; 10l. 16s. 5½d. iv. Receipts from the following; viz., Flor. Clark, Rich. Humfray, baillie of Bughton, of the baillie of Shanckton, Edw. Reve, b. of Burton, Will. Hackenay, b. of Wilbie, Hen. Tanner, b. of Okley and Carleton, Will. Lodge, farmer, of Staunton Barry, Hen. Bacar, b. of Lyveley, Will. Browgrove, b. of Slapton, of — Norton, of Edm. Newenhain, b. of Harowden, of Will. Dennet for hides, of Will. Kellet, tallowchandler; total, 147l. 6s. 9¼d. v. "Moneis delivered to the catoure," 7l. 12s. 6d. Paid for malt, after the rate of 5s. per quarter, 20l.; for 58 lbs. hops, paid Ant. Brian, 9s.; to W. Kellet, tallowchandler, for 38 doz. candles, 57s.; for 3 qrs. of salt, 20s. For beef bought at Herboroughe, &c., 11 oxen 10l. 18s. 4d., and at Wellingborough, two oxen 49s. 9d., 3 kye and one bull 3l. 0s. 4d., and one cow of Tho. Atkins 8s. 4d., &c.; total 19l. 6s. 9d.; for 3 score weders and ewis 6l.; 15 porkets bought at Wellingborough 21s. 4d., and 7 do. at Northampton 10s. 6d. For fish bought at Sturbridge fair, ling, salt, fish, &c., 7l. 4s. 4d.; miscellaneous expenses, among others a bird cage 5d., 9 mats 21d., for rushes 2s., 4 quires of paper 8d., 4 gallons of ale, 9d. Rewards to Mr. Parre's servant that brought my lord a book 16d.; to a poor woman that brought my lord 4 chickens 4d., to Briggs that brought my lady rushes 20d., to Mr. Bernard's servant that brought my lord two hearonsewis 12d.; to Mr. Warner's servant that brought my lord a swan 12d.; to Will. Gladwyn for riding of my lord's and my lady's gelding at Herboroughe fair 20d.; to Jo. Coton for his pains taken at Sturbridge fair 20d. Cartage for goods purchased 16s. 6d. Soap, ½ bar. of black soap 14s. 6d. firk. of grey soap 8s., 10 cakes of white soap 20d., &c.; total, 21s. 9d. vi. Steward's miscellaneous expenses 36s. 6d. Payments extraordinary; among others, 5s. to Jo. Cowlins to buy ale for the nurse of my young master, 8s. 4d. for a yd. of white velvet, 9d. for 1½ yds. of white cotton, 14d. for 2 yds. of flannel. Item, for Mrs. Nurse's nightgown, 8 yds. of kettrike 4s., one yd. do. of lining for my young master 9d., &c.; total, 9l. Signed Thomas Harowdon. vii. Memoranda of things to be allowed to the said accountant.
Pp. 13.
R. O. 698. Sir Arthur Darcy to Cromwell.
In coming to my house tonight, I met Mr. Bawdwyn and Mr. Chomley, who went into my lord Vawx's house, who, I hear, is about to make sale of a great part of his lands. (fn. 2) I beg you therefore to remember my bargain to which lord Vawx set his hand, that others may not expel me from my right. But that I am wet and cold riding in the night, I would have waited on you.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: To the right hon. Mr. Secretary. Endd.
28 Oct.
R. O.
699. John Bishop of Exeter to Cromwell.
Today, Oct. 28, hears that several bishops have compounded with the King for the use of their jurisdiction during his visitation. Asks that he may do the same. The probates of testaments and the perquisites of his consistory do not amount to 40s. yearly. The fees of institutions do not average 11l. Has no confirmations of abbots or priors some two or three years. Visited his diocese in February and March last, and therefore cannot visit it again for three years. The bearer, Sir Philip Chamberis, Knt., can explain why the books of valuation concerning the spiritual possessions have not come sooner to Cromwell's hands. Sends 35l., the residue of his yearly duty, to Cromwell and Master Ric. Cromwell. Mr. Richard received 5l. last Lent by Dr. Gebons. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
28 Oct.
R. O.
700. John Graynfyld to Lord Lisle.
I have received your letter by your servant Bryant, and sped him of your requests. My Lord Chancellor prays you not to be so liberal in granting these petitions. I told him it was usual with your predecessors. He said, Never came so many; and told me to inform you that the certificate of the spiritualty was not correct, and that displeasure would be taken if it were known. I told him you would not certify from any partiality. He asked me why you had not certified Stanyngfyld. I told him "hit wasse a neuter;" and he said you ought to certify it as within the English pale, and that the King's subject was master of the house; also that you had omitted to certify the house of the sisters by the walls of Calais. Your lease of Sybberton is made sure. Please remember the matter between Golfon (Golston) and me. My lord Leonard Graye has gone into Ireland again, and many gunners with him. The King gave him 500 marks and 100l. land to him and his heirs, besides his previous grant of 300 marks land. Also the King gave him a ship well trimmed, and the Queen a chain of gold from her middle, worth 100 marks, and a purse of 20 sovereigns. The death is well stopped in London. All manner of grain is at a great price. St. Simon and St. Jude's Day.
Commends himself to his brother Sir Ric. Graynfyld and Mr. Porter.
Hol., pp. 2. Add. Endd.
28 Oct.
R. O.
701. Raynold Pole to Cromwell.
I am informed by my Lord my brother's letters of the comfortable relation made by you of the continuance of the King's favor; which, though I am well assured I never deserved otherwise, I cannot but account a singular comfort, the time being such that I might have feared some alienation. Few of my friends could have done me such a benefit as this assurance gives me; and I beg you will do me the still greater favor to assure his Highness of my readiness to do him service at all times; for I count whatsoever is good in me next to God to proceed of his Grace's liberality in my education, which I esteem a greater benefit than all the promotions the King ever gave to any other. Padoa, 28 Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.: 27 Oct. (sic).
[28 Oct. (fn. 3) ]
Vit. B. xiv. 153.
B. M.
702. —to Reginald Pole. (fn. 3)
"Illmo Signore, sono molti gior[ni] ..................... questi giorni passat[i] ........................................... d'intendere che si .................... me parso per far p ............... chiamato messer Ari ..................................... io non havessi sua cognoscenza, ne ma .................. nostra solo per haver inteso che dicto mio fratello ................ e per intendere dallui qualchosa di novo del suo paese, si che ............. Ari con dicto mio fratello entrorono in proposito di parlare di V. S............... fratello gli dette notizia, di che nhebbe grandissimo piacere. E per ....... di portatore non ho volsuto manchare di darvi notizia del nostro esse ........... a V. S. chome dicto mio fratello e io per la Dio gratia facciamo bo ............ desideriamo intender di quella. E in oltre I'adviso chome il nostro ........... a Pavia dove si ritiro per esservisi etiam ritirati Monsre di Ripa, e .......... vero che da pocho tempo in qua, chome credo hara inteso V. S. mo .......... Ripa del quale non sipuo stimare che danno sia stato maxime a quelli ........... in legge, pure bisogna haver patientia e laudare Dio del tucto.
"Io pregho humilmente V. S. farmi intendere del suo ben essere, e io n .......... risponderli, e sempre che haremo qualchosa di nuovo dengna desser ............... chero di fargliene intendere, e chosi pregho V. S. si degni fare ver ............ tanto che mio fratello e mi saremo in questo mondo, ne troverete .......... ad ogni chomando vestro. Non achade dirvi che sempre che vi pia[ccia] ........... chome havete a mandar le lettere, perche sapete benissimo che dandole a ..... per mandarle alli loro di-Lione haveranno bon ricapto. E quando .............. fastidio di scrivere inghilese che altrimenti potra farlo a suo modo .......... mio fratello lintende benissimo.
"Io credo che in breve nostro provesto sara per ritirarsi in Franza e ............. farvi chosa grata, per l'affectione e servitu la quale lui ha V ................. di passare il mare per andarli a fare la riverenzia, preghando .................... nel numero de sua servitori. Altro non diro salvo che .............. e mi ci rachomandiamo el simile a … Th[omas Starkey ?] * *
Mutilated. Add.: [All'] Illmo Signore, [il] Sr. Renaldo Pol, a Londra.
29 Oct.
R. O.
703. Edward Archbishop of York to Cromwell.
Received your letters and those of my Lord Chancellor to send up the books of the values of the spiritual promotions in our commission. Have now again received your letters marvelling that we have not done so. The books were sent up about the beginning of July by Tristram Teshe, my registrar, one of the commissioners, who, by your command, delivered them to one of your servants named Popeleye, to whom Teshe now writes for them.
Asks Cromwell to be good to him in "thalowaunce" of his book, in which he has "sett" himself to the uttermost. Bishop's Thorpe, 29 Oct. 1535. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: "Mr. Secretary." Endd.
29 Oct.
R. O.
704. Edward Archbishop of York to Cromwell.
In the inhibition which you sent me under the Great Seal I have no power to inhibit certain churches that have peculiar jurisdiction, the names of which I enclose.
Have heretofore written to know the King's pleasure concerning preachers. The King prohibited preaching on certain articles, such as purgatory, for one year, which expired last Whitsuntide; yet some preach against purgatory, &c., "wherwith the people grutche, whiche oodrewies all the Kinges commandement heer obeye diligentlie, as well for the settinge forthe of his title of supreme hed as also of the abolition of the primatie of Rome." Thinks a book should be made to settle such matters of controversy and the opinion of "tholie auncient doctours of the Church," whose authority Melancton and others think necessary, taken in doubtful passages.
Of late a friar preached for purgatory; I have discharged him from preaching in the "avoydenge" of controversy. We have very few preachers, as the benefices are so small that no learned man will take them; it were good that the proprietaries should find preachers, "for they have the fatt." Bishops Thorpe, 29 Oct. 1535. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: "Mr. Secretary." Endd.
ii. Jurisdictions not inhibited:— Of the dean and chapter of York cathedral, of the prebendaries of the cathedral, of the chapters and of the prebendaries of St. John's, Beverley, St. Mary's, Southwell, and St. Wilfred's, Ripon; also of the provost of Beverley, and the peculiars of Hoveden, Allerton, Snathe in the abbey of Selbie, St. Mary's, and St. Leonard's, York.
Lat., p. 1.
29 Oct.
R. O.
705. The Mayor and Aldermen of York to Cromwell.
Thank him for the great pains he has taken in the interests of the King's poor city of York. Desire him to show their solicitor, Mr. See, that they shall send up again some men sufficiently authorised for the old matter between the earl of Rutland and themselves, seeing that Parliament is now prorogued to a longer day. On being informed what time my Lord Chancellor and Cromwell will prefix to make a final end, will send a new obligation for the performance of their award, under the common seal of the corporation. York, 29 Oct.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Cromwell, chief secretary unto the King's Highness and Master of his Grace's Rolls.
29 Oct.
R. O.
706. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and Sir Th. Englefield, to Cromwell.
On 21 Oct. we received your letter dated 21 Sept., for apprehending David Lloyd ap Owen, of Maighancloithe. (fn. 4) We send him to you by the messenger. Beaudeley, 29 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
30 Oct.
R. O.
707. Thomas Prior of Christchurch, Canterbury, to Cromwell.
Requests him to continue good master to himself and his church. Dr. Layton, the King's visitor, was here lately, and after his departure sent divers injunctions to be observed by the prior and his brethren, which they will observe as well as they can, but pray Cromwell to mitigate in points which the bearer will show. Sends him a Kentish gelding. Canterbury, 30 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
30 Oct.
R. O.
708. Thomas Legh to Cromwell.
Yesterday we finished our visitation at Cambridge, where they say you have done more for the advancement of learning than ever Chancellor did. We trust you will see our directions put in execution, for many of the heads, being addicted to sophistical learning, were not content with what we have done, and they labor for some relaxation. We have found them very conformable touching the King's business. We have redressed sophistical learning maintained by the elders, and partiality of country in choice of fellows. In divers colleges we found the fellows decreased, as they could not pay the King's first-fruits. We think, as Chancellor, you should get them remitted. As they have no superfluity it is a pity to take anything from them. The university is in much decay in consequence. At the nunnery of Sopham, hereby, we found things much out of order. My lady there hath given a benefice appropriated to the house, of 30l. per annum, to a friar, whom they say she loves well, the house not being able to dispend 100l. per annum. The friar is noted throughout the country, and "all the sisters of the said house, to be naught, with the prioress there." To make you laugh we send you a letter supposed to be sent to her from the said friar in the name of a woman, although anyone may perceive "it came from a lovier." She and all would have gone forth if we would have suffered them, and had "done" all cattle, corn, and household stuff to that intent. At Denny we found half-a-dozen who, with tears in their eyes, begged to be dismissed:—amongst them a fair young woman, sister to Sir Giles Strangwige, married to one Ryvell, a merchant "ventrer" at London, with whom she had four children, and now desires, of conscience, to rejoin her husband. They will not need to be put forth, but will make instance to be delivered, and so the deed shall be imputed to themselves. They at Denny say that they live against their conscience. Denny, 30 Oct. Signed.
Added by John ap Rice:—Though it were well done that all were out, yet to avoid calumny it were well they were dismissed upon their own suit. They will all do this if they are compelled to observe these injunctions, and the people shall know it the better that it cometh upon their own suit that they be not straight discharged while we are here; for then the people will say that we came for no other cause except to expel them.
Pp. 2. Add. Secretary. Endd. by Wriothesley.
30 Oct.
R. O.
709. John Bekynsaw to Lady Lisle.
I write briefly this time of Mr. James, your son, because your servant can inform you more fully, who has paid for his own commons here, waiting on Mr. James himself, and given the pedagogue 2 cr. for the dressing of Mr. James's chamber. For though the president commended him very heartily to the principal and the regent, and bade them apply to him for his expenses, they give him no credit, and he advances no money without shameful asking. The principal, however, agrees to furnish his commons; how, the bearer can tell. Mr. Raynolds and I dare not meddle as the child was sent to the president. I fear I shall not be long here to do you pleasure. Paris, 30 Aug. 1535.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: at Calais.
30 Oct.
R. O.
710. Sir Henry Knyvett to Lord Lisle.
I have made suit to Mr. Secretary for my poor kinsman this bearer, to whom your Lordship has been so kind, and Mr. Secretary has written to you that he is content that he shall continue in his room. Windsor, 30 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Endd.
30 Oct.
R. O.
711. Ivo Botegaw.
Notarial attestation by Anthony van Male, in the year 1535 and 6 Imp. Car. V., of the deposition of Arnoldus Richardi, John de Groote, of Middelburg, and Cornelius Guilielmi in Corona, of Arnemude, citizens of Middelburg, at the request of Ivo Botegauv of Penmark (?) (Plemarquensis) in Brittany, sailor, whose ship arrived at Middelburg on 22 Sept. last, concerning the sale of wheat with which she was laden. Certificate by the burgomaster, &c. of Middelburg that Van Male is an admitted notary for Holland. 30 Oct. 1535.
Vellum. Sealed.
31 Oct.
R. O.
712. Roland Lee, Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, to Cromwell.
I am informed of your displeasure toward my surveyor, Ric. Strete, priest, for not executing the King's command. If any surmise is made against him, I trust it will not be justified, for at the beginning of the Convocation, and always since, he has done his diligence. Whereas, at the beginning of the execution of the King's last commands, there was a little slackness in the archdeacon of Chester, I have spoken to his officers. The official lays it to the scribe, and he to him. Further, the archdeacon regards himself as ordinary, and will do as he pleases; so that I am not in fault. Now all is right. I have two reasons for writing in my surveyor's favor of first, our old friendship; secondly, the need I have of him at this time; for consider the charge you have laid upon me. In one fortnight of my absence this summer 60 felonies were committed. Have I not mine own auditor to keep for the living you got for me? Have I not to levy the King's tenths before Easter throughout my diocese, and I can trust no man except my surveyor? What shall I do if you are not good to him? I send you a pair of gloves, and beg to know of your goodness by Mr. Popeley, whom I have asked to deliver my letters to you. Beudeley, 31 Oct.
If he did not trust my letters, he would have come to you. Signed.
Pp. 2. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Endd.
31 Oct.
R. O.
713. Ant. Sentleger to Cromwell.
I have sent you seven pheasants killed with a hawk. I trust it will not be long before you have more. Whereas Dr. Layghton has lately visited the monastery of Ledes, of which my brother (fn. 5) is prior, and has given injunctions not to go out of the precincts: I beg of you, considering that my brother has hitherto always been used to take recreation with his hounds for a certain infirmity with which he is troubled, to grant him his accustomed liberty. Eve of All Saints.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
31 Oct.
R. O.
714. Roger Basyng to Sir John Wallop.
All the English ships that have brought wares hither this vintage have been arrested, and the justice of the town will deliver neither ships nor goods on sureties. The merchants beg your intercession and mine, for most of the ships have lain under arrest since 29 Sept. Today I heard that one of the King's ships is come into the river with others. I have asked the lieutenant-general if the King's ships might come in without danger of arrest. He says any merchandise in them will be arrested like other men's, but he is content they shall come and lade as usual. Bordeaux, 31 Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Sir John Wallop, knight, ambassador to the king of England's Highness, being in the French court. Endd.
31 Oct.
R. O.
715. Jenne de Saveuzes (Madame de Riou) to Lady Lisle.
I am better than I have been, which has prevented me writing more frequently. If health continue, I hope after Christmas to go to my daughter De Langey, 80 leagues hence, to be at her confinement; and I wish to know if you would like your daughter (fn. 6) to accompany me. You would do well to send her the cloth for a gown, for that which she has of demye ostade is too cold for this season. She ought to have a jaseran to put on a touret. Will you send one, or shall I procure it ? Pont de Remy, 31 Oct. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: à Calles.
31 Oct.
R. O.
716. The Staple at Calais.
Indenture between Henry VIII. and the mayor, constables, and fellowship of merchants of the Staple at Calais.
By which the King agrees to release them from the Act of Parliament 7 Hen. VIII. [cap. 10], which they have declared themselves unable longer to observe, and licenses them for five years from St. John Baptist's Day 25 Hen. VIII. to ship wool at 40s. a sack and 2d. a fell, discharging them of a debt of 13,033l. lent to them, and 1,388l. 5s. 21¼d. of arrears of their account before Sir John Dauncy and baron John Hales, surveyors of the King's lands, and all other debts before 12 April 25 Hen. VIII., in exchange for their new place called the Staple House, in Calais, and all their lands, &c. in Calais and its marches and the county of Guisnes; except their Staple Hall in the market-place of Calais and their prison house, now in tenure of John Hatfeld,—their lands over and above the Staple House being worth 60l. Flemish, or 40l. stg. a year,—also 10,000l., by one sum of 6,000l., and half-yearly instalments of 1,000l. each 12th April and 1st October. Dated 31 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII.
Fair copy, pp. 27. Large paper.
31 Oct.
R. O.
717. St. Martin's, Dover.
Inventory of jewels, plate, and ornaments belonging to the church of the priory of St. Martyn of the Newe Werke of Dover, and of other movable goods within the priory, made 31 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII. by Chr. Hales, general attorney of the King, and Sir John Tompson, master of the Masondew of Dover, commissioners.
Plate and jewels in the choir and vestry:—A cross of silver with the crucifix, Mary and John of silver, and parcel gilt. 3 chalices with patens, a censer, a pax with the crucifix, Mary and John; a shyppe, a small spoon belonging to the same, 2 cruets, all of silver or silver-gilt. An old relic partly covered with silver plate and the residue with copper and gilt. A pix of copper and gilt containing relics. A little double cross of wood plated with silver. A basin of latyn gylted. One pair of orgaynes.
Copes and vestments:—One vestment, 2 tyneacles, 2 copes of blue bawdekyn with the crosses, orfeces, and borders of tysewe, with 3 old aulbes to the same. Two old vestments, 2 tynacles of white velvet, one cope of the same velvet embroidered with red roses, orfeces, and crosses of red velvet without aulbes. Other vestments (7) with or without tynacles, &c., and many tynacles, copes, and aulbes, mostly old. In one case are "2 tyneacles, with aulbes thereto belonging, of red satin, with crosses and borders of cloth of gold;" and in another "2 tynacles of purper silk, branched, wrought, and embroidered with kings' and bishops' heads." Antipanes, fronts, fringes, and cloths for the altar, cushions, corporasses, &c., plain and embroidered. One quarterne of old black Bruges satin embroidered with the crucifix, Mary and John, and fringed with silk of divers colours. Coffers. Candlesticks. An old shrine painted.
In the prior's own chamber:—Two beds, &c. and furniture. Half the Bible written in parchment and 7 other small books.
In the chapel next the prior's chamber:—2 mass books, 2 images in alabaster, a desk, and a sakering bell.
In the Great Chamber:—A chest without a lock, containing evidences and books. Hangings, &c. In the White Chamber:—Bedroom furniture, with basin, ewer, &c., of pewter. In the prior's inner parlour and in the outer parlour:—tables, chairs, &c. In the vault where the monks do dine:—1 table, 1 form, 1 cushion, and 1 Bible written. In the buttery next the same:—A salt of silver parcel-gilt with cover. Six silver spoons with wreathed knoppes, gilted cloths, &c.
In the kitchen:—Chargers, platters, dishes, and saucers of pewter. Pots and pans of brass. A pair of racks of iron, a lattyn ladle, and a lattyn scumar. A mortar and pestle of brass, &c.
In the hands of John Whalley, gentleman:—furniture for a bedroom.
In the schoolmaster's chamber:—A feather bed, bolster, 1 pair of sheets, and a coverlet. So also in Richard Elam Chamber, but with 2 pair of sheets.
Plate impledged:—A pix of silver and gilt, impledged to Thos. Mansell, of Dover, for 7l.
A coat for an image of Saint Thomas, garnished with divers brooches, rings, and other jewels, impledged to Rob. Malyn for — (fn. 7)
Store of farms:—In the hands of Wm. Thorall, farmer of Ferding Lowe, sheep, cattle, and grain; of Rob. Malyn, farmer of Guston, 200 ewes.
Store of cattle in the possession of the said prior:—2 small lean oxen, I ram.
Pp. 14. Endd.
31 Oct.
Add. MS. 28,588, f. 34.
B. M.
718. Count of Cifuentes to Charles V.
Wrote last on the 28th. The Pope said that he had ordered those deputed for the English cause to put in order everything concerning it, for he had determined to proceed to the King's deprivation; the Nuncio with the Emperor had written to him that the Emperor was glad to hear that the Pope was going to do his duty, that his Majesty would not fail in what he was bound to do, and that the French king had given him to understand that he would do the same. His Holiness said also that he had heard that the French king had sent to the king of England, who had sent some one (fn. 8) back. Though it is clear that is for the usual purpose, asked the Pope if he knew any particulars. He replied that he did not, but would try to find out, and would tell him. Did not omit to say that this sending of a new person (fn. 9) to England did not agree with the offer of help in the deprivation of the king of England, of which His Holiness had spoken. * * * Rome, 31 Oct. 1535.
Sp., pp. 4. Modern copy.
Vesp. F. xiii. 122.
B. M.
719. Henry [Lord] Daubeney to Cromwell.
Desires him to stay a matter before my Lord Chancellor, between him and two of his tenants named Pester, concerning a copyhold which they forfeited by presentment of the whole homage. The Chancellor has made an order that they should enter at Michaelmas. Asks Cromwell to move him to respite it until lord Daubeney comes to London, which will be before Candlemas. Parat, —Oct. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary.
R. O.
720. William Freurs to Cromwell.
Desires the escheatorship of Oxfordshire and Berkshire this year. Wishes to know whether the Commissioners of the Subsidy for the town shall assess the university. Refers the matter to Cromwell. Thinks there is much money. Desires to know whether he shall pay the half year's fee due at Michaelmas, of the stewardship of Oxford, to my lord of Suffolk's receiver, or else bring it to Cromwell with his fee when he comes to London with the King's subsidy from the town of Oxford. Oxford, —Oct.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
R. O.
721. Robert Hogan to Mr. Southwell. (fn. 10)
Use means with Mr. Secretary that some friend of yours may be sheriff, for I cannot come to London before Hallowmas, as my wife is sick. I shall be there the week after. Mr. Robsart desired me to write to you not to forget to sue my Lord's grace and Mr. Secretary for choosing a sheriff. Estbradenham, Thursday before Hallowmas.
Hol., p. 1. Begins: Mr. Southwell. Endd.
R. O. 722. Thomas Burnett, Mariner.
His petition to "Mr. Secretary, High Councillor to the King," for the fulfilment of a promise made to his wife, that on Cromwell's return from the West parts he should be set at liberty. His wife, by visiting the prison, was so infected that she died, and her child also.
P. 1. Endd.
R. O. 723. John Horwode, alias Placett, to Cromwell.
You cannot love your servant Dr. Leyhton too well. I have diligently remembered everything you spoke to me when the King was at Waltham. "I have sowzht mony wolde bokys and ragyde pawmphylions de Purgatorio" pro et contra; also a letter sent to Pope John against pride and covetousness. "Item de tribus erroribus," that prayers do not profit the dead, &c. This little quire I have scribbled in haste and will mend at leisure. Also a book of Alverius de Planctu Ecclesiæ. which some think smells of the Popish pannier. Item, a book of physick for the Queen. Item, divers little treatises in defence of the supremacy. Item, a papistical book and a leaf of absolution that brought my master in great scrupulosity, almost in desperation. The abbot of Winchcombe owes me 10l. 13s. 4d., which I give you with all my heart, begging you to lend me 40s. to save my honesty and pay my debts, and place me where I may have meat and drink, or I shall be compelled to beg. Signed: "John Horwode, aliter Placett Secundum Papisticos."
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
Cleop. E. iv. 49.
B. M.
724. Abbey of Hyde.
1. It is released and permitted to John bishop of Bangor, abbot of Hide, to go or ride whither he will with three or four of his brethren, keeping them as long as he likes, and changing them for others. 2. The customary household shall be continued so that there are at least eight brethren every day in the frater. (fn. 11) 3. Officers who have been accustomed to ride abroad to see to the works of the monastery or keep the courts shall have their usual liberty with the abbot's licence, provided that they are only occupied in this business, and act as behoves men of religion. 4. The abbot may give the prior, subprior, and other officers leave to go abroad for recreation three or four times in the year, taking with them four brethren at the least, foreseeing that they resort to no light or suspect places and behave according to their religion. 5. Whereas the monastery is charged by the King's visitation to "find" three scholars at one of the universities in England: the abbot during his life may appoint one scholar, an Englishman, or born within some of the King's dominions, to study in any university beyond the sea, so as by colour hereof the King's ordinance be not frustrated.
P. 1. Corrected draft.
Tit. B. i. 149.
B. M.
725. Remembrances.
That the perfection of such laws which hath been this two years thoroughly and indifferently examined by great numbers of sage clerks of the realm, may not only be published to the King's council and others of good judgment, between this and next session, but also that all those laws which shall be thought expedient for the good order of the English church may pass by Act of Parliament, and to be used as the King's laws for ever within this realm.
That 10,000l. yearly may be deducted from the revenues of the men of the long robe, where it may be well spared, and given to such personages of the short robe as the King shall think convenient, and thereupon to make an Act of Parliament to endure for ever. An Act to be made for the punishment of negligent justices of peace and sewers. That it may be established by a law what causes the ecclesiastical persons shall have knowledge of. That the people shall pay yearly to the King in lieu of smoke pence, which they were wont to pay to the bishop of Rome, a certain small thing for every head or house towards the defence of the realm, to be employed in making fortresses. That an Act may be made that every ecclesiastical person to whom the King shall write to certify the yearly value of his benefice shall present the truth on pain of forfeiture. An Act to be made for examination of the just value of persons within the limits of the King's commissions who ought to pay the subsidy of 12d. in the pound, wherein the King has been greatly deceived. An Act to be made that all persons shall marry at their liberties in all degrees and cases not prohibited by God's law, and that no dispensation shall in anywise have place to the contrary.
P. 1.
Ib. 1486. ii. "Remembrances."
Item. Some way to be devised betwixt this and next session by which young men should be restrained from marriage till they be of potent age, and tall and puissant persons stayed from marriage of old widows. Some good way to be devised for restraint and utter extinction of the abuses of lawyers. Some reasonable way to be devised for the King's wards and prymer seasyne. That it may please the King that an Act may pass that strangers shall pay no more custom for merchandise (except wool) than Englishmen, which will be a great wealth to the realm and a singular profit to the King. That an Act may be made against usury, which is cloked by pretence of law. That an Act may be made that merchants shall employ their goods continually in traffic and not in purchasing lands; and that craftsmen shall continually use their crafts in cities and towns, and not take farms in the country; and that no merchant shall purchase more than 40l. lands by the year. A device to prevent the stealing of the custom of silks by certain strangers. The Bill of sheriffs. The great calling of divers for payment for the Great Wardrobe. The proclamation drawn for corn in all events. The money for the bows cometh to 390l. Touching Sir David Owen's will. Touching lands given by Henry VII. to Sir David Owen and his heirs males. To declare what great sums of money are demanded of the Easterlings by divers of the King's subjects, and to know their end. Robert Fowler's and Wm. Lilgrave's letters. Penyson's licence for Gascoigne wine, which it may please the King may be discharged before Candlemas.
P. 1. In the same hand as the preceding. Endd.
R. O. 726. John Cok, of Beeston.
Inquiratur touching the arrest of John Cok, clk., of Beston; arrested by Augustine Wikes, by order of Sir John Jermy, of Sprowston, Norfolk, one of the King's judges of the county of Norfolk, appointed 23 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII., by virtue of the King's writ of supplicavit; and notwithstanding a supersedeas procured by the said John Cok, Jermy refused to release him till he had paid a fine of 2s.
P. 1.
R. O. 727. Valuation of Benefices.
Page headed, "Of the promotions folowinge we can make no certificat for caws herafter expressed."
John Newman, prebendary of Warthill, has a portion of his living at Axmister, Exeter dioc., and is resident in Hampshire.
Chr. Balderton, prebendary of Grendall, has part of his living at Axmister, and is a student in Cambridge.
The archdeacon of Richmond is not resident within the shire, and his official has not brought in any book.
Signed by Edw., archbishop of York, Wm. Wright, mayor of York, [Sir] George Lawson, Wm. Clyfton, and Tristram Teshe.
P. 1.
[—Oct.] (fn. 12)
Vit. B. xiv. 62.
B. M.
728. [Ghinucci to Cromwell. (fn. 12) ]
M ............................. y .......................................... and ............................. both .................... lesse ............................ my coming .............. and you wrote unto ................ of Mr. Richard Ricardyne ............... perceived and learned. It shall .................... know like as I wrote also at .................. to his Majesty, that in a cer .............. between me and the said Maist[er] ...................... I chanced to express the m ............. I had that the King's Maie[sty] ................ enjoy the whole quiet, and so ............ of his mind and desire, and ......... the said Mr. Richard, as I s .............. to his Majesty that if I ........... might by mine industry and ................ renew and redub the old frend [ship] ...... benevolence between his high[ness] our most holy father, my ........... and infirmities, that I ............. I would gladly * * * his Majesty ............. assured friendship............. and that his ........... know that if I ............... my labour and ......... cause as my duty ............ d many things might have been done by force of authority I have with his Holiness, which were not done I answer that I neither can ne will deny that his Holiness in the preferment of my person to the dignity of a Cardinal, and in the manner and form therein used, hath not showed more than his accustomed affection and goodness towards me; and yet of this it cannot be inferred that mine authority should be so great with his Holiness as he will in his affairs resolve at my pleasure, specially in those affairs which of their own nature were to be treated and should be treated [of] in the whole consistory of Cardinals, [the] number whereof is not small. Your [Magnificence] knoweth that when there be c ............ * * * * them not ........... that perfect credence .......... that treat of the affairs of ....... to whom they be known ad .......... inclinable. Now, if his M[ajesty and] your Magnificence shall duly [weigh and] consider these things, I doubt [not but that] the same shall so agree with m[e that you] shall not persuade to yourself that I [can or] may dispose of a Prince at [my will], and ye may know that if h[is Majesty's] affairs have not had such [success as] was desired, the same cannot [be laid] to me. I do omit that perc[ase I have] therein travailed above my .............. nevertheless, I shall remit [myself to the] testimony of other, lest [that] .......... sentence might be objected [against me], "Thou sayest testimony [of thyself, therefore] thy testimony [is not true]." * * * [In] your letters ye declare .........lest under the ......... should do or .......... ng towards his .............. displeasaunt ............... was unto me new .......... considering, I suppose .............. [k]nowen to his Majesty and to all his ministers that I have ever accustomed to proceed sincerely, plainly, and with all faith and integrity, which if any man should not have so esteemed it, yet I thought the same should never have been brought in to doubt. Howsoever my proceeding hath been, I think there neither remaineth scruple of my faith in his Majesty's stomach, nor in any man's else with whom I have treated. And I take for certain that your Magnificence would not doubt of me in that point, if at any time ye had had conversation or knowledge of me. I trust my doings hitherto, and those which, if I may have place, I shall ever continually do in all things that I may to the commodity and honor [of his] Majesty, shall within short while ................. ble from you.
And if * * * * * * but I bring ............. specially whom mine I ........................... and diligence which I .............. in the King's affairs mad[e] ........... enemies, whose persecution ............ have also suffered and do ............ suffer. If your Magnific[ence] ........... chance at any time to he[ar any] men speak anything of [me, I] doubt not but they will clere[ly put] away all your suspicion co[nceived of] tergiversation, collusion, or fraud ........... of me. I doubt not but [both his] Majesty and you know [how the] imperials have lately la[boured that] upon the decree made by [his Holiness] of the letters executorials [in his Majesty's cause] of matrimony the same l[etters forthwith] should be expedited. W ............ certain craft privily th ........................... s thereof under ..................... [hol]y father, whereby .................... we that I have ................. prince as the ....................... h presuppose, if [I had had any auc] toritie these letters should [never have been ex]pedited without my know[ledge. Nevertheless] I would little have esteemed the doing thereof without my knowledge, but for that I lost thereby an occasion to have declared how much I desire to serve his Majesty. Finally I thank your Magnificence for the desire ye have to do me pleasure, not being this the first time that thereby ye have bound me to you. For my nephew (fn. 13) which I sent thither the last year declared a most evident testimony unto me of the same. Wherefore again I render thanks unto you, and offer again my good will and industry, whatsoever it be to your benefit and satisfaction. Desiring your Magnificence, to whom I commend me, to vouchsafe in my name to kiss the King's Majesty's hands. Bene valeat.
Evidently a translation in Wriothesley's hand. Mutilated.

729. Grants in October 1535.
1. Mons. de Dinteville, bailly of Troyes, ambassador of the French King. Licence to depart the realm, with his servants, 5 horses, and baggage. Wynchester, 27 Sept. 27 Hen. VIII.—T., Westm., 1 Oct.—S.B.
2. Ric. Bartlat, M.D., physician to the Queen. To be bailiff of the lordship of Rydmarley, Worc., and keeper of the park there, vice And. Grenehill, deceased; with wages and fees usual. Del. Westm., 1 Oct.—S.B.
3. Denizations.
John Growte, a native of Normandy and born subject of the French king. Westm., 1 Oct.
Ric. Jordayn, a native as above. Westm., 1 Oct.
Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16.
4. James Algar, alias Auger, Agare, Augars, Awgar, &c., of London, grocer, alias merchant adventurer. Protection, going in the retinue of Arthur Plantagenet viscount Lysle, deputy-general of Calais. Del. Westm., 1 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
5. The monastery of Wharwell, Hants. Assent to the election of Morphita Kingesmel, the prioress, as abbess, on resignation of the last abbess. Southampton, 2 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII.—S.B.
6. The bishopric of Hereford. Restitution of the temporalities on the election of Master Edw. Fox, the King's almoner, as bishop. Woolfall, 7 Sep. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 39.—Rym. xiv. 552.
ii. Certificate of consecration by Thomas abp. of Canterbury. 20 Sep. 1535.
7. The bishopric of Worcester. Restitution of the temporalities on the election of Hugh Latymer, S.T.P. as bishop. vice Jerome de Ghinuciis, deprived. Wolfall, 7 Sep. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 39.—Rym. xiv. 553.
ii. Certificate of consecration by Thomas abp. of Canterbury. 23 Sep. 1535.
8. The bishopric of Rochester. Restitution of the temporalities on the election of Master John Hilsey, S.T.P. as bishop, vice John Fissher, deceased. Wolfall, 7 Sep. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 4 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 39.—Rym. xiv. 553.
ii. Certificate of consecration by Thomas abp. of Canterbury. 23 Sep. 1535.
9. Peter Symond, a native of Halen and born subject of the Emperor. Denization. Westm., 4 Oct.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 16.
10. Cosmas Palavicinus, gentleman, Italian. Licence to depart out of the realm and town and Marches of Calais to his own country, with his servants, two horses, and baggage. Southampton, 4 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 5 Oct.—S.B.
11. Will. Wygmor, one of the grooms of the Chamber. To be receiver-general of the lordship of Bergavenny and Ewyace Harold and Ewyas Lacy, S. Wales. Endd.: Salisbury, 10 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Oct.—S.B. Pat p. 2, m. 7.
12. John Husse. To be searcher of the manors of Mark and Oye, marches of Calais, lately held by Walter Ap Howell, deceased; with fees of 8d. a day. Endd.: Salisbury, 10 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Oct.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
13. John Wynter, of Bristol, merchant. Licence to import 200 tuns of Gascon wine. Endd.: Salisbury, 10 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Oct.—S.B.
14. Thos. Uvedale. To be constable of Winchester castle, and to have the custody thereof, with all rents and profits thereto belonging; with same fees as enjoyed by Sir David Owen, late constable, out of the issues of co. Hants. Endd.: Salisbury, 10 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 14 Oct.—S.B. Pat. p. 2, m. 8.
15. Sir Francis Brian or Bryane. Reversion of the office of Chief Butler of England, with an annuity of 50 marks, and another annuity of 100 marks, now held by John lord Huse, by virtue of pat. 1 June 13 Hen. VIII. Winchester, 14 Sept. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 3.
Two other P.Ss. for the above. Same date.
Inrolled also on pat. 28 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 11.
16. Master John Chambre, M.D., the King's Physician, and Walter Walshe. Next presentation to any canonry and prebend and portion in the collegiate church of Bromeyarde, Heref. Wollfall, 7 Sept. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 1, m. 3, and p. 2, m. 9.
Another P.S. for the same. Same date.
17. Thos. Crane, chaplain. Licence to acquire lands in co. Somerset of the annual value of 40s., for the term of 60 years, notwithstanding the Act. Wollfall, 7 Sept. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Oct.—P.S.
18. Thos. Belhows. Presentation to the parish church of Westchanfeld, Essex, Londou dioc., vice John Drewe, clk., resigned; at the King's disposal by the minority of Hen. Nevell lord Bergavenny, son and heir of Sir Geo. Nevell lord Burgavenny. Wollfall, 7 Sept. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 18 Oct.—P.S. Pat. p. 2, m. 7.
19. Rob. Parke, of London, cloth worker. Protection, going in the retinue of Sir Arthur Plantagenet, K.G., viscount Lysle, deputy of Calais. Southampton, 5 Oct. 27 Hen. VIII. Del. Westm., 20 Oct.—P.S.
20. Bristol. Assent to the election of John Hutton, as mayor, and John Ware and Roger Coke, as constables of the staple of wools, fleeces, and lead at Bristol. Westm., 20 Oct.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m 43.
21. Monastery of Wharwell, Winchester dioc. Restitution of temporalities on the election of dame Morphita Kyngesmyll, the prioress, as abbess, vice Anne Colt, resigned. Westm., 20 Oct. —Pat. 27 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 44.
22. Sir Thos. Vaus lord Harowden. Licence to alienate the manor of Newyngton Luces, Kent, and 500 a. of land, 100 a. of meadow, 200 a. of pasture, 40 a. of wood, and 6l. rent in Newyngton and Marden, Kent, to Sir John Russell, Sir Thos. Tresham, Will. Brereton, Ric. Humfrey, and Will. Jefson, to the use of Sir Roger Cholmeley, serjeant-at-law. Westm., 21 Oct. —Pat. 27 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 46.
23. Denizations.
Arnold Vergowse, of Southwerke, Surrey, goldbeater, a native of the Emperor's dominions. Westm., 25 Oct.
John Coke, a native of the bishopric of Utrecht ("sub Episcopo Tranectensi," for Trajectensi ?). Westm., 25 Oct.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII., p. 1, m. 16.
24. Hewlardus Huberdson, a native of Destlaken, in the duke of Cleves' domi nions. Denization. Westm., 27 Oct.—Pat. 27 Hen. VIII, p. 1, m. 16.
25. Denizations.
Ric. Brere, a native of Normandy. Westm., 28 Oct.
Geoffrey Michell, a native as above. Westm., 28 Oct.
John Robard, as above. Westm., 28 Oct. Pat. 27 Hen. VIII. p. 1, m. 16.
E. vi. 259.
B. M.
Strype, Eccl.
Mem. I. ii. 230.
730. [William Barlow to James V.] (fn. 14)
Has certain special matters to declare to him secretly from the King his uncle, who both as a natural cousin and a loving father, tenders James' prosperity like his own. God has revealed to Henry by study and consultation with famous clerks "the thral captivity under the usurped power of the bishop of Rome and his ungodly laws, by which he and many of his progenitors have been abused; and he wishes to persuade James. What can be more intolerable to a Christian prince than to be a King only in name, defeated of his righteous jurisdiction in his own realm ? What can be worse for true subjects than to be slaves to a foreign potentate ? What realm is there but the bishop of Rome has so planted his kingdom therein that he and his crafty creatures were obeyed by princes, to whom they ought to have been subjects? If they were thwarted "they bounced out their thunderbolts and cursing fulminations." Many excellent princes like John and Henry II. of England were cruelly vexed. Refers also to the emperor Lewis [V.] and pope John XXII., the emperor Henry III. and pope Hildebrand, king Childeric of France, Pepin, &c. The bishop of Rome has now even put himself in God's place. He sits in the Temple by damnable dispensations, lying miracles, &c. Wishes James to consider these things and Henry's desire to allure him to the "favorable embracement of God's word."
Draft, pp. 4.
R. O. 2. Copy of the preceding in Barlow's own hand; prefixed to which is an imperfect copy of Wolsey's letter to queen Margaret (see Vol. IV. 4131). From a misconception of the tenor of this letter, of which the conclusion alone remains, the document has been endorsed in a later hand, "Persuasions to queen Katherine to yield to a divorce."
R. O. 3. Exhortation [by bishop Barlow] to James V. to vindicate his kingly authority, and reform the clergy of his own motion without consulting them, urging that his treasure would be inestimably augmented if all the emoluments of the Church were restored to the Crown, to which they rightly belonged. Advises him to suppress "papistical prelates" as Jehu did the priests of Baal, "albeit with no such mortal extremity," taking example of his uncle the king of England, who though at first resisted by some, has now peaceably established his supremacy, so that, a few hypocrites perchance excepted, all freely assent to the extirpation of the Pope's banished power.
Begins: "Most mighty, puissant prince, so excellent of wit."
Ends: "Whereof a further declaration with more evident notition of many mo matters concerning this necessary purpose than I can recite, at the most desirous meetings of both your graces shall be disclosed to your Highness."
Pp. 10.
R. O. 4. Another copy of § 3 in Barlow's hand.
Imperfect at the beginning, pp. 9.


  • 1. Cromwell.
  • 2. See Stat. 27 Hen. VIII. c. 30, §4.
  • 3. The date of this letter, according to a modern marginal note made before the mutilation, was 28 Oct. 1535, a time when Pole was certainly not in London. But if there be any error it is impossible, from the state of the document, to correct it by internal evidence. An equal difficulty occurs as regards the writer's name, which seems to be transcribed in the margin as "Henr. Derem. Olasco (?)."
  • 4. Machynlleth?
  • 5. Arthur St. Leger.
  • 6. Anne Basset.
  • 7. Blank.
  • 8. Gardiner.
  • 9. The bailly of Troyes.
  • 10. Richard Southwell, who was sheriff of Norfolk in 1534–5.
  • 11. This paragraph is struck out.
  • 12. Dated in a modern marginal note "Oct. 1533." The month is probably correct, but the year is certainly wrong. See the letter of Ortiz, 4 Nov. following (No. 770).
  • 13. Andrea Ghinucci. See Vol. VII., 166, 701.
  • 14. "In the moneth of November thair come ane Inglis ambassadour with sextene horss in tryne, to infek this realme (Scotland) with heresie, quhilk was in England amangis thame, but throw the grace of God he come no speid but depairtit with repulse." Diurnal of Occurrents, p. 19. See Barlow's letters of credence, dated 3 Oct. (No. 527).