Henry VIII: April 1536, 16-20

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1887.

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'Henry VIII: April 1536, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536, ed. James Gairdner (London, 1887), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp275-287 [accessed 22 February 2025].

'Henry VIII: April 1536, 16-20', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Edited by James Gairdner (London, 1887), British History Online, accessed February 22, 2025, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp275-287.

"Henry VIII: April 1536, 16-20". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Ed. James Gairdner (London, 1887), British History Online. Web. 22 February 2025. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp275-287.


April 1536, 16-20

[16 April.]
R. O.
673. [Lisle to Cranmer.]
Thanks his Grace for sending hither at his request Master Hore and his associate. They have done much good since their coming. Hopes he will send every Lent either the said Master Hore and his associate or such other as shall be thought expedient for the erudition of the people in these parts. His wife sends commendations to his Grace. Calais, Easter Day.
ii. [Lisle to Cromwell.]
"Right honorable," it is untrue that Francis Hastings was sent for by privy seal, for he lies there with a tipstaff in his sleeve, and no man is here to do the King service for him. If this be suffered others will expect the same, "so that your proclamation should be broken." Being in want of a servant when he should send forth his ship to outward parts, has admitted an honest man's son of this town as one of his retinue. He has good language, and is a bachelor. I write that you may not suppose I have taken into my service a commoner contrary to the proclamation. Wishes to know his pleasure both touching Francis Hastings and whether he shall keep this young man. Whethill has not yet delivered any letter from the King, but whenever he does I will neither make dismission or admission till I know your pleasure. Hears the King will be at Dover shortly. Will send over a hogshead of "hegge wine, such as I am wont to have for his Grace's drinking."
Copies, p. 1.
16 April.
Add. MS. 9835, f. 21. B. M.
674. Kitchen Sinks.
Agreement of John Wylkynson, of Busshopgate Strete, "scowrer of synkes," with Edm. Pekham, cofferer, Thos. Hatteclyf, and Edw. Weldon, clerks of the Green Cloth, and Wm. Thynne, clerk, comptroller of the Household, to clean all the kitchen sinks in the King's houses at Windsor, Richmond, Hampton Court, the More, Westminster, Greenwich, and Eltham, for 26s. 8d., and a red coat cloth worth 5s. 8d., yearly. 16 April 27 Hen. VIII.
Copy, p. 1.
17 April.
R. O.
675. George Lord Rochford to Lord Lisle.
The King intends to be at Dover within this fortnight. I pray you help my servant, the bearer, to such things as he shall need for my provision. Greenwich, 17 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
17 April.
R. O.
676. John Borobryg, priest, Governor of the English Hospital in Rome, to Cromwell.
Asks him to send one of his servants to John Halsmer, clerk of the "Brygishous," to bid him send the money due on his obligation in the hands of John Haryson, butcher, in Estchepe. Rome, 17 April 1536.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Secretary. Endd.
17 April.
Corpus Reform., iii. 56.
677. Melancthon to Erhard Schnepfius.
Asks him to show Islebius's deprecatory letters to the duke of Wirtemberg. It is desirable that princes should be favorable to us, on account of our labours on behalf of the Church and Republic. Is still detained by the discussions with the English. Postridie Pascatis.
[17 April.]
Add. MS. 25,114, f. 157. B. M.
678. Charles V.
Report of his oration declaring the devotion which he and the whole House of Austria have always borne to the Holy See, explaining the causes of his difference with France (which he was ready to settle by single combat), and commending the Pope's proposal of a Council at Mantua; also of the Pope's reply, and the French ambassador's complaints of the speech.
Ital., pp. 5. This account is materially different from those in Nos. 684 and 689.
18 April.
R. O.
679. John Abbot of Whitby to Cromwell.
Whereas at the last term, when we complained against Sir Fras. Bygott, you were pleased to show us your favor, and send word that he should not meddle with our under-stewardship, and forbear to trouble us; I pray it may take effect. Also, if he make any suit to you, I beg he may take no advantage thereby in the absence of me or my counsel. If he will be peaceful, and pay me the money I lent him, as he promised Mr. Serjeant Gene (Jenney) before you, I would not press the law against him. Whereas he made slanderous reports to you against Gregory Conyers; the said Gregory is a just and true gentleman, and was never at variance with me, as Sir Francis reports, all his life. I send you a token. Whitby, 18 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary. Endd.
18 April.
R. O.
680. Sir Thos. Audeley, Chancellor, to Lord Lisle.
Asks that Edward Scarlett, one of the retinue of Calais, who is compelled to reside in England, may surrender his place to such a person as he may appoint. London, 18 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add. Sealed.
Vesp. F. xiii. 102. B. M. 681. Mary [Countess of] Sussex to [Lady Lisle].
Desires her to be good lady to the bearer, Edw. Scrarlet, who is in the King's retinue at Calais with 6d. a day. This is very little to maintain his wife and children. He wishes to exchange his place with one of his own kinsmen. Desires her to speak in his favor to Lord Lisle.
Hol., p. 1. Address lost, but copied in a modern hand.
18 April.
Vit. B. xiv. 189. B. M.
682. Richard Pate and Sir Gregory Casale to Henry VIII.
"Serme domine noster supreme . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cæsaris discessu adivimus . . . . Granu[ell] . . . . . . . . . oportere videbatur ob illam causam quod . . . . . . . . . . erat in hac legatione. Illi itaque aliqua ex iis . . . . . . Majestas vestra mandavit, percurrimus. At ille dix[it] . . . . . . sibi fore, Gregorium apud Cæsarem esse . . . . . . . quod meminisset eum olim rebus Cæsar[ianis] . . . . . studuisse: seque omnia cognovisse, quæ Cæs . . . . . dixissemus, magnamque inde cepisse voluptate[m] . . . . . Cæsarem quidem maxime optare, ut inter . . . . . . . . . Majestatem pristina illa benevolentia et am[icitia] . . . . . quam in sententiam multa verba fecit. Nos . . . . . . . ut vestræ Majestati suadeamus, caveat ne a Gallis . . . . . . . perducatur, quos nihil intentatum relict . . . . . . . . . quo Majestatis vestræanimum abalienent a Cæs[are] . . . . autem apertius ostenderet benevolentiam . . . . . . . . . . adversus Majestatem vestram, dixit, quo . . . . . . . potuerit Imperator multa facere contr . . . . . . . . . . . in suaque potestate habuerit censuras hujus sed[is] . . . . . tamen quicquam contra vestram Majestatem nec agere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . cte jurabat, idque ut facilius persuaderet [om] nino . . . [reco]nciliationem faciendam. Quod si . . . . . . amicitia redierit, firmataque fuerit, Cæsarem . . eram daturum dicebat, ut Majestas vestra ab hac [s]ede recipiatur, omniaque ante acta irrita fiant, et [r]es in eum locum, in quo antea fuit, cum vestræ Majestatis [di]gnitate restituatur. Ad hæc respondimus, nos quidem credere, Majestatem vestram pluris facere vel exiguam partem amicitiæ amorisque erga se Cæsaris, quam Papam et hanc sedem totam, etiam si papatum offerret. At Granvela pluribus iterum egit, ut ostenderet Cæsarem quæcunque posset facturum, quo Majestati vestræ rem gratam faciat; nec minus quam amantissimum fratrem vel parentem deceat curaturum, ut Majestas vestra apud omnes Christianos principes in maxima sit auctoritate et splendore. Nos insuper rogavit, ut ad Majestatem vestram scriberemus, velit Cæsaris oratorem libenter audire ut virum bonum, hujusque amicitiæ [c]upidissimum, eique si quid habuerit, quod ad hæc [per]tineat, communicare, itemque ad nos scribere ut aliquid simul constituatur . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . desiderat imperator. Sæpiu[s] . . am ad . . . . . . . . . . . . esse a Gallis, qui hæc sint quacunque . . . . . . . . . . . turbaturi. Multa præterea de Gallis a . . . . . . . . . . . ostendens, nolle eos ad æquas pacis conditio[nes] . . . . . . Literas quoque nobis ostendit Procuratoris . . . . . . . . Helvetiis, quibus scribitur, Helvetioru[m] . . . . . . . . . stare pro Cæsare. Quadraginta insuper . . . . . . . . . . Germanorum in Italia cum Cæsare futura affir . . . . . . . Galli quicquid voluerint. Uter viribus supe . . . . . . brevi appariturum. Hungariæ vero pacem . . . . . . . . esse, ut amplius prohiberi minime possit, . . . . . . . requisitum ad Regem Romanorum scripsisse . . . . . . . Casalium missum faciat: Qua de re nos ei . . . . . egimus, ostendimusque Romanorum Regem pa . . . . . . . fecisse, quod eum tam diu retinuerit, cu . . . . . . . . ex ipso cognoverit eam profectionem n . . . . . . . . fuisse facturam. Quod de Helvetiis . . . . . . . . . . mirum videtur. Cæsariani enim quoque fa . . . . . . . . . . . millia Helvetiorum jam esse cum Gallis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ex quo divulgatum fuit, Gallos . . . . . . milite . . . . ipere a principibus Helvetiorum . . . . ad timpanum collectitios habere, quod ut [G]allis et commodius ad rem gerendam, et minoris [i]mpendii futurum est. Ita Helvetiorum principibus [i]nutile: Hac de causa factum esse potuit, ut Helvetii indignati aliquid ejusmodi fecerint."
This is not written in English as Richard [Pate] is ill with fever. Rome, 18 April 1536.
The Emperor leaves today. Sends the Emperor's speech before the Pope in Italian to Mr. Secretary. Signed. In Casale's hand.
Mutilated. Add.
Vesp. C. xiii. 251. B. M. 683. [Sir Gregory Casale to Cromwell.]
"Gratum mihi erit scire si placeret regi Angliæ dare in uxorem Mariam filiam Johanni regi Hungariæ, scilicet, Johannes rex Hungariæ regnum Hungariæ retineat, quemadmodum scripsi, ea conditione ut Imperator assentiret ac operam daret ut Maria renunciaret juribus regni. Si Serenissimi Regis sententiam super hac re cognovero, spero me boni aliquid et honorifici facturum. Dominus de Gramvelis viro amico meo dixit quod orator qui in Anglia est ad imperatorem scripsit quod si imperator voluerit assentire ut Maria filia renunciet juribus regni Angliæ, regem Angliæ omnia facturum quæ Imperator voluerit. Verum autem est quod ista dixit."
A detached leaf, principally written in cipher, in the handwriting of Casale's clerk, p. 1.
Ibid, f. 255. 2. Decipher of the above, in Wriothesley's hand.
[18 April.]
R. O. St. P. vii. 646.
684. Charles V. to Paul III.
Speech by Charles V. in the Consistory.
Denies that the words he used the day before mean that he is averse to peace. Would not have received the Eucharist if he had felt enmity to the French king. Complains of the French king's want of trust in him. The first article of his speech was, that past wars did not originate from his ancestors or himself; the second, that he was bound to defend his vassal the duke of Savoy, when attacked by the French king. Complained also of the pretended cession by the duke of Gueldres to Francis, and offered him 20 days to decide whether he wished for peace. Was ready for a single combat, hoping that it might prevent disaster to Christendom. Does not wish anyone to think he is moved to peace by fear, but desires it for the good of Christendom, in danger both from the Lutherans and the Turks. If war ensue, will use all his forces against France, and make no provision against the Turk, but he hopes, with the help of the Pope, that peace will follow.
The Pope replied, expressing his approval of the Emperor's explanation of his words, and his belief that both Princes were inclined to peace. De Vigly, the French ambassador, said that a single combat would not only be injurious to Christendom but contrary to divine law. The Pope rejoined that he would do all he could for peace, and with the Sacred College and all the clergy would pray to God to inspire the two Princes to agree. Vigly said he was sure of the disposition of both, but the difficulty lay in finding a form which would produce confidence in both parties. To this the Emperor replied that he would omit nothing that he could do to obtain peace, and if he ought to give up the state of Milan, he would do so; but that the duke of Orleans was not suitable, and he could not yield on account of the Florentines and the duchy of Urbino. Though the French king gave up all his right to Milan and Italy by the treaties of Madrid and Cambray, and the admiral told the Emperor at Piacenza that his master would have nothing more to do with Italy as it was the ruin of France, he sees that he still means to interfere. Notwithstanding, is content to give the state of Milan to the duke of Angoulesme. De Vigly said that as the Emperor wrote to his ambassador in France that he would be content to give the duchy to the duke of Orleans if he was assured of the observance of the capitulation, it would be difficult now to move the King.
The Emperor denied his being bound to keep the contents of the said letter, as Francis had taken away great part of Piedmont from the duke of Savoy, and his allies would never consent. De Vigly replied that if the Emperor persisted in thinking that there was no way of being secure, it was superfluous to offer the King impossibilities.
The Emperor again argued that he was not bound to keep what he had proposed. He objected to the duke of Orleans as having the niece of Clement VII. for a wife, but the duke of Angouleme would marry his niece, and be half French and half Imperialist, so that all would be contented. The Pope appeared to approve of this, and said he never saw anything better. It would be his duty to invite the French king to take Milan for one of his sons. While going down the stairs, the Emperor assured the Pope that if the French king would have confidence in him he would show how desirous he was to satisfy him.
Lat., pp. 5, mutilated. Endd.: [The] Emperor's second oration . . . . at Rome, ao xxvij.
R. O. 2. Modern copy of the preceding.
18 April.
Vienna Archives.
685. Charles V. to [Chapuys].
We wrote from this place two days ago by the secretary of the English ambassador with us. To advertise you of what has since passed, both in our business here and in our negociations held in public audience with the Pope, we send with this copies of the letters we are writing to the queen dowager of Hungary and our ambassador in France, by which you will understand everything. As you find opportunity, and see fit, you will be able to inform the King of the contents of the said letters to our ambassador in France in order that he may know what has passed in the said public audience; and, if need be, you will show him, as in confidence, in order that, in case it has been otherwise described from elsewhere, you might affirm the matter to have been as contained in our said letters; and you will inform us how the King takes it, and what he says to you, and also, as soon as you can, of all your negociations upon the contents of our letters sent to you by express courier from this place; informing us also very fully of your opinion of the practice (pratique) now under discussion, and what hope there can be of bringing the matter to some good effect; for, awaiting your news, we are delaying all that which concerns the Pope, as by our previous [letters] we have written to you. Rome, 18 April 1536.
Fr., from a modern copy, p. 1.
[19 April.]
Nero, B. iii. 133. B. M.
686. Marcus Meyrus to Henry VIII.
Thanks him for benefits conferred on him and his brother Gerard. Writes in reply to the last letters received from the King. Has been besieged for 10 months, so that he cannot tell precisely what are the warlike intentions of the duke of Mecklenburg (Magnopolis) and the count of Oldenburg. Doubts not Henry knows better than he does. From their last letters perceives that they wish to take the way he has already referred to. The Hollanders would like to have a finger in the pie. Wishes he had put himself in subjection to the Turk rather than to this Holsatian and these false Senates. It is possible that the King may be liberated from prison.
If the king of England were to send 20 ships here before the Hollanders arrive he would gain possession of the kingdom. Whoever comes first with help will have Copenhagen (Haffnia) and Malmoe or Ellebogen (Malmogiam sive Ellebogiam). They have been besieged for 16 months by the nobles, and whoever occupies them first will be lord of the kingdom. Will never admit anyone to this fort till he knows whether he is a friend to Henry.
Begs him to send two ships with 500 men, and he will surrender this fort in the King's interest. Asks him also to send ordnance. If the King is disinclined to do this, offers to serve him if he may come to England. "Ex arce Wordbergen., 3a feria in Octavas Paschæ, anno a Natali Christiano mdxxxvi." Signed.
Lat., pp. 4.
19 April
Nero, B. vi. 126. B. M.
687. Sir Gregory Casale.
Extract of a letter to Henry VIII., dated 19 April.
The Venetian ambassador with the bishop of Rome told Gregory today that he was commissioned to declare to the Bishop that they would be right glad of peace, and that the duchy of Milan should be given to the duke of Angolesme, and not to the duke of Orleans.
The French ambassador to the bishop of Rome said he was glad that the King had made Gregory his ambassador, for he favored the French, and would do nothing against them, though it was rumoured that matters were being treated by us against them, viz., that the Emperor should give the duchy of Milan to the duke of Richmond. Gregory replied that neither in his own commission nor in the past commissions of his fellow was there anything to be treated with the Emperor against France; he might safely write this to the French king, and if the contrary appeared Gregory offered to be counted as a false man.
He added that our commission was rather for the French party, and that we should be ready to do anything to further their matters. He repeated this with many words, fearing that the French king, on this surmise, would sooner fall to appointment. The Emperor requires much of the French king, which it is thought he will not refuse, if he may have his purpose.
Pp. 2. In Mason's hand. Endd.: News from Venice.
19 April.
Camusat, 155.
688. The Bishop of Tarbes to Francis I.
On Easter eve a courier came to the Imperial Ambassador, who went next day to ask Cromwell when he could communicate the news to the King. Knowing that he was put off till Tuesday, let Cromwell know that he wished to speak to the King, and was answered that the King would be willing to see him on Wednesday. Went to Greenwich on that day, and while waiting to see the King, spoke to Norfolk, who has been ill several days. He assured the Bishop that what he had said the last time they met was true, and that whatever overture the Emperor might make things would not be other than they have been hitherto. Replied that he had no doubt of this, knowing that the friendship between the Kings cannot be affected by any practice or overture of the Emperor. The conversation was interrupted by Rochford and others. Met the King going to mass. He is vexed that the gentleman whom Francis was going to send has not come. He says the Emperor has written him a letter containing five articles: (1.) That he hoped to enter Rome the day the courier was starting, and when there he would try to bring the dissension between the Pope and the King to some good end. (2.) That the French king had made war on the duke of Savoy, claiming his patrimony and county of Nice, which Francis seemed to have given up as the Duke is named as an ally in treaties on the part both of France and of the Emperor. He therefore requests Henry to intercede with Francis for the said Duke, and persuade him to relinquish the war and return what he has taken. (3.) He fears that Francis will make war upon him in the duchy of Milan, and begs the King to defend it, in accordance with the treaty of Cambray and other treaties, by which Francis has no right to the duchy. (4.) He asks the King to forget what passed between them touching his aunt's divorce, and to renew the old treaties, for he has not forgotten the King's kindnesses and help. (5.) He asks Henry to contribute to the defence of Christendom against the Turk.
The King says the Emperor is anxious to have a speedy answer, but he wishes to think about it before replying, as it is a matter of importance, and he told the Ambassador so. He did not wish to make himself a judge between princes, and he had heard that Francis had just cause for making war in Savoy. He understands that the Emperor is preparing a powerful army to attack the French forces in Italy, preferring to do so before the Turkish army lands in Sicily or elsewhere. He thinks the Emperor cannot long pay such a great army, and that the French should fortify their camp in Piedmont and Savoy, and wait for the enemy in the towns, before which the Emperor would waste men and money, while Francis might collect a stronger army. This would be a better course than risking battle when the Imperialists wish to give it. A little delay will consume his money. Many of his men will desert, which will bring about his complete ruin, and force him to abandon Italy to Francis.
The treasurer Feguillen spoke about the delay in sending the gentleman, which some wished to turn to a bad end, and the Emperor was practising very diligently. Has always found the Treasurer very desirous of serving Francis, but does not know whether this was his object, or because his master is anxious to hear from France before answering the Emperor.
Went to Court really to know the charge of the Emperor's Ambassador, but his pretext was to excuse Bonneboz, captain of a galley which came into Hampton (Antonne) equipped for war, and of which complaints had been made. London, 19 April.
19 April.
Vit. B. xiv. 196. B. M.
689. French Ambassadors in Rome to Francis I.
"Sire, we have written unto you heretof[ore] . . . . . . . . practised as well with the Pope as with the Emperor . . . . . . . all that we have understand until this xv[th d]ay . . . . . . . ordinary courier for the merchants of Lyons went fr . . . . . . . Yesterday we were at the service in St. Peter's Ch[urch] . . . the Emperor revested with his Imperial raiments, the crown . . . . . and accompanied of Sr. Peter Loys, which did bear . . . . . of one of the marquises of Brandeburg, which did bear . . . . . . sceptre; and of the Sr. of Bossue, great escuyer, which d[id bear] the sword. The residue of the ceremonies was . . . . . . ordinary." The Pope having told the [bishop] of Mascon that the Emperor had complained that he had not [visited] him, sent to ask for an audience, which was appointed at 13 hours of the clock this morning. Found the Ambassadors of . . . . there. When they had gone, offered the Emperor their services. He said he heard from the Pope that the Bishop had done but good office, and desired to [know their] pleasure. They answered nothing. He said to De Veilly, "that by the purpose and manner that . . . . . and kept with him lately, when he declared unto me the con[tents of] the articles by him communicate to our said Holy Father . . . . . . or for to accept them; forasmuch as he withdrew himself from the same that had be spoken of Mons. de Orleans, asking of us whether we had anything else of your intentions thereupon." I said that this difficulty about Mons. d'Orleans being so recent, we could not have heard of your good will therein, because he who brings you the news is seant come to you, and which we think you will find very strange. The Emperor said he would not justify himself privily, but they should both come with him to the Pope, and also the Venetian ambassador. Went with him to the Consistory chamber, where the Pope is accustomed to revest himself. The Emperor talked with the Cardinals a quarter of an hour before the Pope knew of his being there. He caused him to be asked whether he would go up to his chamber, "and after he had a . . . . . . abide for his Holiness, he came down a . . . . . to lean upon a bed which was there . . . . . . Cardinals did make half a circle about . . . . . . . we were, and the said Venetians behind us . . . . . the Emperor, the cap in his hand, began saying that h[e had] come for to kiss the feet of his Holiness, to off[er him] . . . . . . his person and his power, and to pray him to convo[ke a] Council, whereto he found the same well disposed a[nd so] prompt and ready that he kissed his hands for the go[od] beginning he had given thereto, thanking him very h[eartily], and praying him that he would continue, and fulfil [so] necessary a work for all Christendom. And further . . . . . . he hath always desired and desireth to have intellig[ence] with you; and had not been sorry that the things might [have] been brought here to a better disposition or conclusion, but that he findeth you so unreasonable that he is constrained to make to his Holiness, in the presence of th[e] Cardinals and of us, accompte and reckoning of all [his] liffe, and of all such things as are passed between you [two]; to the intent it may be known whether of you two ha[d the] better cause to complain of the other; praying his Holi[ness] to have him excused if he be long in the rehersal of [them]. The entry of his narration was, Sire, of the mar[riage] that was treated between him and the Queen, (fn. 1) late de[ceased], whom God absolve, for default whereof, as he hath [said] unto us, king Maximilian chased out the king, deceased, (fn. 2) of Milan; that he sent the earl of Nassau and others to renew alliance with you after you were crowned, and disobeyed his grandfather, who wished him to hinder your conquest of Milan; that you asked him to attack the king of England to recover Tournay, from which he dissuaded you. He thought the competition for the empire at Maximilian's death was the beginning of jealousy, and narrated the various events which had passed between you, as the treaty of Madrid, the Holy League, &c.; referring also to the French promise of help to the Turk, the death of Merveilles, the war in Wirtem[berg], &c. He wishes especially to know your inte[nt] concerning the Council, the reduction of the Lutherans, peace in Italy, and help against the Turk. He complains of your conduct about the duchy of Milan, and your taking Savoy and entering Italy during the practice of peace. Notwithstanding all this, he desires peace, if you will withdraw your army. "That he is content to deliver the said [duchy to the Duke] of Angolesme. As touching Mons. Dorle[ans he cannot] perceive how it can be done, because the . . . . . . . ye offer of Florence and Urbyn shall be no st . . . . . . . those which ye have made of Burgoyn, and tha . . . . . that he shall do for my said lord d'Angolesme with so . . . . (showing his finger's end) he would not do so much . . . . . . Dorleans, forasmuch as his arme which he show . . . . . ." If peace is impossible, he thinks it best "that ye shall avoid . . . . . . your differents person to person," and suggests an isle of the sea, "or of the mea . . . . . . or upon a bridge within a boat upon some river, he is conte[nt]. As touching the kind of arms, that he shall easily a[gree] with you, because they shall be like to one and to the oth[er]. That this way there shall be less danger, because it s[hall be] without artillery, and that he that shall obtain shall [promise] to assist the Pope in the Council General against the Tu[rk], and to the good of Christendom, and that if God [give] him the same grace, he promiseth unto his Holiness to [do the] things before said. And because ye pretend M[ilan], that ye will lay against it the dukedom of Burg[undy], and that each to other shall give hostages, for to ca[use him that] shall be vanquished to observe to the victor." He wishes an answer in 20 days. He desires peace more than war, and his "propriety" (interest) shall not withdraw him from it if you retract your army.
The Pope began to say that the Emperor had well shown his desire for peace, &c.; when the Emperor, who was reading a little bill, interrupted him, and said he had forgotten to say that he prayed him to receive his justifications, and to understand which of the two was to blame; and if he found that it was he, the Emperor, he prayed him to help you against him, but if otherwise, he invokes God, his Holiness, and all the world against you.
The Pope said he thought both Princes had great desire for peace, and understood that you had made good offers, whereby he thought peace would follow. As to the combat, he thought more damage would follow "by the [death of] any of both" than by war. He would do what he could to have you agreed, and for this purpose had determined with the advice of the Cardinals to remain neutral, though he could not but use the authority of the Church against him who should do against reason.
I, de Mascon, excusing myself that I could not an[swer] because I understood not the said Emperor's tongue (which) was Spanish, protested that I would accept noth[ing] that he said. We desired that I, De Veilly, should [be] heard upon the things beforesaid; which they ref[used] unto us. And so the Pope and the Emperor rose and w[ent] asunder.
Went aside till his Holiness was revested to go to mass. De Mascon asked the Pope and De Veilly the Emperor, for what he had said in writing, which the Emperor said he would cause to be delivered. I said it was no man's fault but the Emperor's, that you had not sent hither an ambassador furnished with power, as he had never declared that he would treat by the knowledge of the Pope. He answered that you might have known that he was coming, and that he had told De Veilly. After mass met with Granvelle and the commander Cauves (Covos), who said they looked not that their master should make such a sermon, but the first part only was to be taken. "We answered that ye were not for to fail him nother in the one nor in the other." Intended to despatch this courier yestereven, but the Pope desired me, the bishop of Mascon, not to write till he had spoken with me; which we thought much to our purpose, and that we should have occasion to answer part of the Emperor's purposes, principally touching the combat. Have been this morning with the Pope, who declared that he knew nothing of the same that the Emperor had done, and thought not that he would have so done, and that if he had made him privy thereto he would not have suffered it, "admonishing us that we would do but good office, and to w[rite nothing that] might exasperate you more. I, De Mascon, sh[owed unto] him that since the declaration was made by [the Emperor] so publicly and in so great company, it was [impossible to] disguise it unto you. It notwithstanding, we sh[ould write it] of as much sweetness as we might, advertising y[ou of] the things aforesaid. But that we doubted ye sh[ould be] advertised from elsewhere otherwise, specially bi[cause] we understand of sundry persons that the things [were] divers ways taken, and very evill interpretate, [and therefore] it could not be but ye should be advertised by sun[dry] . . . ways and means."
The Pope said that he understood that his answer, which was without premeditation, was badly taken also; that he did not mean to abandon neutrality; and what he had said about being contrary to him th[at] should do against reason, meant only admonition and correction as his qua[lity] requireth it. Thanked him, and continuing to speak of the evil report made by sundry persons upon the foresaid purpose of the Emperor, De Veilly said "that we desired to understand bett[er the mind of] the said Emperor in the presence of his Holiness some . . . . . . . . for (according to the same) to expound unto you the s . . . . . . . . purposes with the most sweetness possible. The Emperor . . . . . . . . ready to depart, and coming to take leave of his H[oliness], we went aside, waiting to be called for, which was done long after." The Pope warned us not to be tedious to the Emperor, who had a great journey to make the same day. De Veilly, speaking to the Pope, said that yesterday they showed the great desire they had for peace; that it is true the Emperor had offered to fight in case it could not be made, not that he pretended any cause or quarrel, but only to prevent war for the dukedom of Milan. We could not answer as to your mind, but you would not refuse him. It had been proposed before, but now it was not necessary, because it may well be perceived that you will not have the dukedom of Milan per force; you had forbidden the Admiral to touch anything that the Emperor holds, and he is not like to do it. "That we have thought convenient in the presence of his Holyness to answer the same, and ask of . . . . . . understandeth by his purposes so holden yesterday . . . . . . . defied you, declaring that we knew not th . . . . . . . . any cause so to do, for as touching the things . . . . . . . . . treated, they be in writing, and may his Holiness . . . . . . . . judge of the same, that is happened since on both [sides], wherein we will enter no further, for as much [as] we have not understand by the said purposes that [the] Emperor would impute unto you to have failed yo . . . . . . nor charge you in any wise of your honor," though we perceived that he was not conte[nt] with you.
The Emperor said he had heard that he had been misunderstood, and therefore caused the assistants to draw near, and said in Italian that he would declare the four points which he had intended to have touched the day before. 1. Recounting what had passed between him and you, he said he minded not to tax or blame you, but only to excuse him[self]. He esteemed you so much that he had no cause to say evil by you, though he was miscontented with some things. Considering the strait alliance between you, and the good turns he has done and is ready to do you, whatever he has said was not to break with you, or that he would not agree with you, but that he desired peace, which is more profitable unto him than any other thing, but he will not be constrained or forced to it. Since he has purposed to go forward and show you his face nothing shall turn him back, though the Turks were landed with all their power in his countries. He is therefore gathering the greatest puissance that he can to make an end, in case he shall come to war. He will do all he can not to come thereto, and if ye cannot fall to agreement, he thinks settling it by single combat the best way; not that he willed [to] defy you in any wise, specially in the presence of h[is Holiness], without the licence of the which he would never en[ter into] such affair. He knows that you are a Prince of great heart, and it is not a thing that he would lightly undertake, for he has no cause except to eschew a greater evil. Mutual peace and confidence would be the highest good to Christendom, and the contrary will open the gate to the Turk, heresies will multiply, the Council and redu[bbing] of Christendom impeached; affairs fall to such confusion that princes shall be subject [and in] danger of their subjects, the Church and prelates w[ithout] any authority, the world without faith or religion, and [the] opinion and belief of God all annulled, and other miseries which are looked to follow the div. . . . . . . The fourth point is that he desires you to withdraw your army in 20 days, because within that time the forces might approach so near that it would be hard to withstand the rupture.
I, de Veilly, answered that his Holiness might withstand it, and that he had accepted so to do, whereunto the Emperor had submitted himself. They then rose to take their leave. I asked the Emperor to say, in the presence of the Pope and the assistants, whether he had accorded the dukedom of Milan for Mons. d Orleans. He said he had written it, and caused it to be said by his ambassador, but he never thought it could be possible to find sufficient sureties, nor that ye would agree to his conditions. "I have r[eplied] that ye could but enter in greater diffidence fr[om his saying] that he should purpose such a thing without inte[nt to] observe it. He excused himself, inasmuch as y[ou did] not accept it, and that ye have caused your army [to enter] into Italy, and done so great hurt to Mons. de [Savoy]. We sticked upon the article touching Mons. d'Or[leans], wherein we have, as is above said, obtained that the Emper[or hath] knowledged that he would have granted it unto you [and that] he hath done as much as he might to ready and dep[eche] himself thereof; saying now that there be no suretie [thereof] now that ye have not accepted it; and also that h . . . . . . that offered it, provided that his confederates will be cont[ented] therewith. He hath also let himself to understand t[hat] he woll put therein Mons. d'Angolesme, for to have . . . . . . in the said dukedom, saying that the Duke shall depe[nd] of you, and the Duchess of him. And that man[y] persons find strange that he prayeth you to accept [for] Mons. d'Angolesme the same that ye should ask of him."
This is the substance of what was said. If anything is omitted it is not of importance. The Pope asked for the delay of the courier, that he might send to his Nuncio the copy of the Emperor's letters to his Ambassador about you. Rome, 19 April 1536.
Pp. 20. English translation.
19 April.
Cleop. E. iv. 34*. B. M.
690. John Abbot of Leicester to Cromwell.
According to my promise, I have sent by the bearer the 100l. I promised for your pains taken in my favor. I send it with as good will as I ever sent anything in my life, and beg you to continue your favor, which I prefer above all my living. I have vehemently moved my brethren to give the farm of Yngwordsbye to Master Richard, as you required; but since it has always been the demesne land of the house, without which we can neither bring up beeves nor muttons to maintain our hospitality, I cannot bend them to it. My predecessor brought the monastery to its present hindrance by letting it. As it is your pleasure that I should prosper because I am of your advancement, with kneeling heart I beseech you not to require it. April 19.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Master Crumwell. Endd.
19 April.
R. O.
691. Richard Pate to Lord Lisle.
On the 5th April the Emperor was pompously received into Rome, where he still continues lodged with the Pope in his palace. Many hope for peace, especially the Pope, who is very diligent about it. The truth must be known ere long, the Frenchmen lying so near Milan and the Emperor so provided for them that they can come no nearer without battle. The bearer will inform you of all occurrences. Rome, 19 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais.
19 April.
R. O.
692. Jehan Ango to the Deputy of Calais.
As Riseban had not the inventories of the goods contained in the hoys which you asked for, he is going back to speak with those who have charge, and on his return everything shall be delivered to him. The master had no safe-conduct. Dieppe, 19 April. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.
20 April.
R. O.
693. Rowland Morton to Cromwell.
A priest of little reputation and less discretion, of no promotion or learning, but vagrant as a conduct, where he may have service abroad [in] the world, chanced to be in light company in an ale-house, and on his ale-bench spake certain words which came to my ear; on which I repaired to Tewkesbury, where he reposed, and send you his examination in letters enclosed. I have committed him to Gloucester castle. A poor husbandman was distrained for certain words alleged to have been spoken when the King was at Winchcombe. When the accuser was examined before Sir John Hoddylston and me, first he asserted and then revoked the charge, as will be seen in his depositions. He is a man of no reputation, and I have committed him to ward, and bound the accused, who is of a soft spirit, to appear from time to time. I and other of my associates justices of the peace have sent you certificate of a riot said to have been in the said county, which the jury refuse to find. Twynnynge, 20 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Secretary.
ii. Depositions at Tewkesbury, 6 April 27 Hen. VIII., before Rowland Morton, justice of the peace.
Touching words spoken by Thos. Sowlle, priest, of Peryth, Cumb., charged by Jas. Tomekyns, of Tewkesbury, painter, for saying "he had brought the King's money, and we be kept bare and smete under, yet we shall once rise again, and 40,000 of us will rise upon a day." These words were heard by David Williams and Roger Carpenter, as he affirms, but Williams denies; and that the priest said he was God's and the King's, body and goods, and the King was above all men next to God. Roger Carpenter deposed that he sat by the fire in the said ale-house, and as he was hard of hearing he understood nothing of the communication.
Pp. 2.
iii. Depositions before the same and others, dated 13 March. Testified by Gryffythe Wyllys that Giles Bageworth, of Fedyngton, co. Glouc., said when the King was at Winchcombe at dinner in his own house "that the country was the worse that the King's grace was in, and that God was not pleased with the way he took." Witnesses, Ric. Clarke and Thos. Davys, of whom the former denied the accusation, and the other was out of the country.
iv. Depositions before the same and others, 20 March. Griffith Wyllys "disaffirmed" all that he had said before, stating it was said of malice by the procurement of Thos. Byglynge.
P. 1. (iii. and iv. together.)
20 April.
R. O.
694. John Drews to Cromwell.
I recommend you my suit for Henbury. I am not able to recompense you except with 40l. for a gelding, it standing with the King's pleasure that I shall have it. If you would write to the steward and surveyor of the lands of the bishop in Gloucestershire, declaring the King's pleasure in that behalf, I might obtain the herbage and fruits thereof this summer. Bristow, 20 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Secretary.
20 April.
R. O.
695. Antony Barker to Cromwell.
Sends letters addressed to Cromwell from Rome, given him on March 19 by Thos. Makens, a Scot, who lives in Paris. Thade, the courier, passed the day before. The Tuesday afore yesterday there was a solemn procession of the presidents and councillors of Paris to give thanks that the French king had no hurt from his fall. Te Deum was sung at Our Lady Church. The scholars and religious men also had a procession apart. Paris, 20 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add. as Councillor and primier Secretary. Endd.
20 April.
R. O.
696. John Whyte to Lord Lisle.
I trust you and my Lady are in good health. This last Lent when I was in Hampshire partly for your business against Sir Robt. Wallop, my wife, in my absence, received from Master Hussey one hogshead of claret of your gift, for which I thank you. I beg to assure you of my faithful service. And where it has pleased God to call to His mercy Sir Robt. Wallop, I wish it had pleased him to have taken that good lady his wife, to have kept company with her husband to Heaven, and prevented her procuring further trouble. She will, however, find, as she has done, that you have many faithful hearts there to help your right. London, 20 April.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Deputy of Calais. Endd.
20 April.
Add. MS. 8,715, f. 235. B. M.
697. Bishop of Faenza to Mons. Ambrogio.
Had an audience of the Grand Master yesterday. As to the king of England, he said he was not likely to give up his friendship for Francis (quella Maesta), but he had become so avaricious, impious, and estranged from the right path, "che talvolta questa Maesta per haverlo amico, che inimico, qual mai non fu altro, che persuadere qui a fare contro alla chiesa, di quelle cose ch'egli fa tutto di, che pure hora di nuovo ha pigliato le Badie in mano, e le lassite delli monti (sic), dicono che tutto e suo, e mille altre cose fa, che sua Eccelenza dice ch'egli e un Diavolo, c che piacesse a Dio il Re lo potesse lasciare, perche quando ben l'havesse per inimico poco l'hauria a curare perche di lui non bisogna temere, si per esser perso, come e, si per il pericolo in che sta tutto di delli suoi medesimi, quale quando havessero spalle di qua, male si troverebbe, pero che questa Maesta fida solo in Dio," &c.
Ital. Modern copy, pp. 6. Headed: A Mons. Ambrogio. Da Lione, 20 Aprile 1536.
20 April.
Add. MS. 28,588, f. 249. B. M.
698. Dr. Ortiz to the Empress.
Has received her letter of March 25. Other letters will inform her of the conclusion of the Council and the Emperor's heroic speech in Consistory. Letters from England of March 18 state that the Princess is well, and that the King is prosecuting his intentions against the Holy See. It is thought that they will soon martyr Master Abel, and another chaplain of the late Queen. To confirm their heresies, they have translated the Bible for the people, altering many passages to support their errors. The Princess has been removed to another house, not so good. Rome, 20 April 1536.
Sp., pp. 2, modern copy.


  • 1. Mary, the French queen.
  • 2. Louis XII.