Henry VIII: April 1536, 11-15

Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1887.

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'Henry VIII: April 1536, 11-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536, ed. James Gairdner( London, 1887), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp259-274 [accessed 28 September 2024].

'Henry VIII: April 1536, 11-15', in Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Edited by James Gairdner( London, 1887), British History Online, accessed September 28, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp259-274.

"Henry VIII: April 1536, 11-15". Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, Henry VIII, Volume 10, January-June 1536. Ed. James Gairdner(London, 1887), , British History Online. Web. 28 September 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/letters-papers-hen8/vol10/pp259-274.


April 1536, 11-15

11 April.
R. O.
649. Cromwell to John Whalley.
The King desires him to admit Thos. Wyngfeld as comptroller of the works at Dover with wages of— a day. The Rolls, 11 April.
P. 1. Add. Headed: Copy of such another sent by Mr. Secretary, 11 April 1536.
11 April.
R. O.
650. John Davy to Lady Lisle.
Has received her letters, and one touching the hunters at Wmberlegh. Has referred to Mr. Rolles for their punishment, who will take measures accordingly. This had not been needed if Mr. Densell had done it in his time. Has sent letters touching Mother Hall, who was not minded to come so far; also touching the benefice of Bukyngton then void, now held by Sir Wm. Thomas. Mrs. Thomasine Basset is deceased, Friday before Palm Sunday, full well and virtuously. She died at Bery's house, and lieth at Dowland. She was taken ill about the Purification of Our Lady. Will send further news by Master Digory. Exeter, at the Sessions, 11 April.
I intend to see Mrs. Thomasine's month's mind honestly kept. She had 20s. in Bery's hand, and a little more in Digory's. I have put her father's arms "and her mother's vj.," to be put about her hearse, and have sent thither the black sey, which was about my master's.
Hol., p. 1. Add.: Lady viscount Lisle, in Calice.
11 April.
R. O.
651. Oudart Du Bies to Lord Lisle.
I received yesterday your letter, and gave Bastien Michel a certificate that he belonged to the king of England. As to the venison pasty you ask for, there has been no hunting yet, but if we get anything worth sending shortly you shall have it. Boulogne, 11 April. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: a Calays.
11 April.
Vit. B. xiv. 174. B. M.
652. Antony de Vivaldi to Cromwell.
" Molto Magco Signor . . . . . . Non voglio manchare conti . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . haro qualcosa da dirli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . intendea,, hora per questa . . . . . . . . . . . . . che quella ne sia avertita come li Francesi hanno . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . et assignioritossi di tutto el stato del ducca di Sau[oia] . . . . . . . di Verselli qual resta fornito per sua Magiesta . . . . . . prima che s'accostino piu nel stado di Milano . . . . . locho, in effecto essi Francesi passano con gran exerci[to] . . . . . . che harano fanti cinquanta millia di quali digia con . . . . . . ne sono passati trentacinque millia. Sua Magiesta . . . . . . di far le debbite provigione, et el Signor Antonio de Le[yva] . . . . in Lembardia fanti ventimillia oltra che a Roma . . . . Magiesta, qualc li era entrata alli cinque del prezente, e . . . . . quatordeci millia et da cavagli quatro millia, si asp[etta] . . . . . piu somma de lanzichineck, et Spagnioli di Spagna . . . . . . . che ambi serano potenti, douera esser una cru . . .
. . . sua Magiesta parte hoggi da Roma, fara pas . . . . . . . . . . . poi a Firenze, dove non tardara, et deinde a . . . . . . . . . le mano dove bisognia. Io mi desidero cost . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . breve fra questo mezo se posso a . . . . . . . . erio che farlo, tenendomi ogni . . . . . . . . . . . . . cognoscendo lo favor' che la fa al mio [am]igo, quale per esser a torto travagliato da Georgio Ardisone et per [ess]er lui poco experto di quelle legie non posso manchar di racommandarlo [a] V. S. et pregar quella che giusto el solito suo costume non gli vogli [l]asciar far torto, et favorirlo in quanto porta la giusticia, et non altramente, como son certo che quella fara, quale mi ubligera di sorte, che non impiegando la mia vitta in servicio di quella, come son promto, mai mi parera esser sciolto di tal obligo. In tanto sino che accagia far qualcosa in servicio di quella, pregero nostro Signor Dio per la felice vitta di V. S. alla quale humilmente mi racumando." Genoa, 11 April 1536. Signed.
Mutilated. Add.: Al, &c. Thomaso [Cro]muel, gran secretario de Re d'Ingliterra, &c.
12 April.
R. O.
653. Sir Francis Bryan to Cromwell.
As Cromwell was good unto him concerning his warrant, amounting to 240l., which Cromwell has in his custody, of which he received 100l. while in France, begs him to deliver 40l. of the remainder to his servant the bearer, and to keep the rest till his warrant be signed, paying himself. York Place, 12 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: Mr. Secretary. Sealed.
12 April.
R. O.
654. Will. Turner to Cromwell.
Whereas the King has given livings to many who have done no service; I beg, in consideration of the long time I have been in the service of Dr. Claiburghe, deceased, and now in that of the bishop of Hereford, writing continually in the King's cause of matrimony without any profit, that I may have some poor living. I remember the comfortable words you spake to me, being at your bedside at Winchester, that the King should look better upon me within this twelvemonth. No man ever took greater pains than I have taken in this journey, my Lord and Chr. Mount excepted. The expenses of the Bishop will prevent him from doing anything for me. Wittenberg, 12 April.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.. Secretary. Endd.
12 April.
655. Nycholas Prior of Lenton to Hennege. (fn. 1)
Dan Hamlet Pencriche, one of his brethren, who last year laid an unjust accusation against him before the Council, has fled from his religion, as he did twice before, by the instigation of certain men of Nottingham, who love not this poor house.
He has taken goods of the house which the said men have received. Asks for Hennege's favor, and for his credence for the bearer. Lenton Abbey, 12 April. Signed.
P. 1. Add.: To, &c. Mr. Henege, grome of the stoole to the King's grace.
12 April.
R. O.
656. Calais.
Report of a general search touching corn, made in the 12 wards of the town of Calais, by order of lord Lisle, deputy of Calais, 12 April 27 Hen. VIII.
The amounts are given separately for the ward of each alderman, i.e., of Sir Rob. Wyngfeld, Sir Ric. Whetehyll, Wm. Pryseley, John Massingberd, Chr. Conwey, Wm. Snawdon, Griffith Appenrith, Thos. Tate, Thos. Holland, Wm. Johnson, Thos. Seryven, and Ric. Bennett.
Total:—Wheat and rye, 2,330 rasurs; barley and malt, 1,723 r.; oats, 2,164 r.; beans and pease, 122 r.; salt, 2,144 r. 1 b.; wine, 98 tuns; bastard and rumney, 4½ pp.; malvesey, 3 butts; oyle, 1 tun 1 firkin.
Pp. Endd.: "The vewe of corne within the town."
12 April.
R. O.
657. Oudart Du Bies to Lord Lisle.
According to the letter I wrote you yesterday I send you two venison pasties. I am sorry I could not send a wild boar. Boulogne, 12 April. Signed.
Fr., p. 1. Add.: At Calais.
12 April.
Poli Epist. i. 451.
658. Reginald Pole to Priolus.
Hears from his letters that the Emperor has arrived in Rome, but fears that his arrival will not assist the cause of religion, as war appears imminent. Is anxious that Contarini should urge the Emperor to act for the good of the Church, and disregard the fear of enemies. Refers to certain letters of St. Bernard's, which are applicable to this matter.
Hopes when he comes he will bring with him the Cardinal's opinion about the book. Is looking for his portrait. Venice, 12 April.
Hears from France that the king of England has gone to an interview with the Scotch king, hostages being given on both sides.
12 April.
Nero, B. vii. 115. B. M.
659. Edmond Harvel to Thos. Starkey.
Wrote last the 23rd ult., and have received none of yours since. Pole is at Padua. His work is now at an end, lacking only correction. The French have taken all Piedmont without contention. No business has passed between them and the Imperials, who are upon the confines of the state of Milan with 18,000 men under Ant. da Leva. Both armies are increasing. The Emperor was received with great honor and triumph at Rome on the 5th. The Pope and he have been seven or eight hours together, and it seems that things tend to peace between him and France, but he will do nothing without the advice of the Venetians to whom he has sent. The terms are supposed to be that the French king shall return Savoy to the Duke, and leave Italy; Mons. d'Angoulesme and the duchess of Milan shall have Milan, but for his security he will hold the fortresses of Milan, Cremona, and Como, and d'Angoulesme himself, for three years; 400,000 cr. 7,000 men paid for a year, and 30 galleys, are to be given to the Emperor.
Does not give much credit to these reported conditions, but the accord is nearly concluded. Wherefore shortly look for universal peace between these princes, or for a great and mortal war. I think that if the accord goes not forward, the French will go to ruin. It is said here that the King will not take part in this war, but at first it was reported that he would be at onethird of the costs. Venice, 12 April 1536.
The General Council is fixed to be held at Mantua twelve months hence, and certain cardinals and prelates are deputed to see it observed. I send herewith the Emperor entering into Rome, printed.
Hol., pp. 2. Add.
12 April.
Nero, B. vi. 113. B. M.
660. Ric. Moryson to Cromwell.
Expresses his gratitude to Cromwell, and mentions his poverty and persecution. Would not now wish to have been born of rich parents. It is almost thought disgraceful in England to be noble and learned.
The Emperor entered Rome on April 5, and conversed for many hours with Paul III. Great preparations are made for him at Mantua. Italy is full of soldiers. The enterprises of the French king have been hitherto happily successful. It is easy to conquer when there is no enemy. The Emperor is superior in veteran soldiers and experienced leaders, and the French in money. Yesterday the duke of Urbino, who had long been with the Emperor at Naples, spoke for four hours in the Venetian Senate about what was necessary for this war. Would write more about these matters, but knows that the King has heard them more surely and sooner. Asks Cromwell to send for him home, or help him to live more comfortably in Italy. Venice, 12 April. "Tuus scholasticus."
Hol., Lat., pp. 2. Add.: Secretario.
12 April.
R. O.
661. Morison to Starkey.
Pardon me for writing in English. I would fain move you to continue your benevolence. Mr. Pole departs tomorrow to Padua. I have put certain gear to making which scarce sufficeth me to write these few words. I think Mr. Pole goes to Verona, and I must lose the succour I had of him. Mr. Cole has taken a chamber for me at Padua, where I shall tarry as long as I can, God knows how. I have but 10 crowns left. "I was out of all apparel; certain books I could not choose but buy. If ye help me not, I wot not how to do." Rather than see me come to hunger's hands again I would my master, Mr. Wynter, sold my pension. If he cannot sell it so soon, ask him to advance me 20 cr. till it may be sold, unless you can make some other provision.
The Emperor arrived at Rome on the 5th with 4,000 soldiers, not too well disciplined. He had long interviews with the Pope, on what subject is unknown. He will soon come to Mantua. The French legions are composed of young men, not well trained, and have young leaders; who have to do with Ant. de Leva, the marquis of Guasto, and soldiers accustomed to drink blood instead of wine. I do not know if there is any chance of my being called home this year, but, if so, I will willingly take the risk. But remember, I pray you, my help of Mr. Pole is gone. 12 April.
Good Mr. Starkey, do as ye have done.
Hol., pp. 3. Add.
13 April. 662. William Whorwood, Solicitor-General.
See Grants in April, No. 21.
13 April.
R. O.
663. S. Vaughan to Cromwell.
On Chier Thursday, Francis, your post, brought me, at Antwerp, your letters to myself, the Privy Council of these parts, and the marquis of Barrugh, and also one from the Emperor's ambassador in England to the Queen. The Queen goes tonight from Gaunt towards Bruxelles, where she will be on Good Friday. I intend to be there too.
You write as if I had not continually advertised you of the news here. I wrote on Palm Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday, by Wm. Claye, and now this on Thursday.
In Germany there are many preparations to aid the Emperor against the French king, and all the nobility here are summoned to be with the Queen before the 24th inst.: "I hear not yet thyntent."
Asks Cromwell's favor for the bearer Wm. Ricardes. Complains that no notice is taken of his writing for money. Is in great necessity.
The diet of this country "dymynyssheth my health greatly. Yow thinke I am in Paradice, and I thinke in Purgatorie; Purgatorie I fynde it." Andwerp, upon Chier Thursday 1536.
Remember my wife's brother, "who if for honestie shuld have a benefice, ought to have one."
"If now yow sende but your lettre to the Pryvey Counsail, I could delyver Tyndall from the fyre, so it came by tyme, for elles it wilbe to late."
Hol., pp. 2. Add.: "Secretary." Endd.
13 April.
R. O.
664. Francis Hall to Lady Lisle.
Hears from Mrs. Gaynfoorth that she is offended with him because he did not come today with his company to my Lord's dinner. Would be sorry at this good time to give offence; but when he last came to my Lord's house his Lordship was not only offended, but said openly before many that though he had been my friend I acted otherwise than became me. If I am what he reckons, I am not worthy to enter his house; but I am guiltless, and have always acted to preserve his good opinion. He has never made trial whether the fault was in me or in my accuser. Hopes they will have a good and merry Easter. In the market-place this Schyer Thursday, after dinner, 1536.
Hol., p. 1. Sealed. Add.
13 April.
Harl. MS. 6,989, f. 58. B. M.
665. Justus Jonas to Cromwell.
Cromwell will hear from the bishop of Hereford, archdeacon Nicholas, and Dr. Barnes what has happened during their embassy. Urges the necessity of agreement between the English and Germans. If the English learned men and Church dignitaries assist in settling the articles of Faith a political treaty will be easily brought about. If a General Council be held, England must not fail to send learned men to assist. The course of events will baulk the impious hopes and nefarious plans of the Pope. Offers to help the King in any contest for the Gospel. Intends to correspond with the ambassadors. Wittenberg, "Quarta post Dominicam Palmarum," 1536.
Lat., Hol., p. 1. Add. Endd.
13 April.
Vienna Archives.
666. Charles V. to Chapuys.
We have received your letters of 7 and 18 March, showing what has passed between you and Cromwell touching the renewal of amity between the King and us. Trusting in the sincerity of the King and Cromwell, we are much inclined to promote it frankly, and show the King that we desire his amity above all things. In this confidence we have restrained ourselves from treating with France until we hear news from you as to what the King wishes to do, although incessant suit is made to us both on the part of France and on that of the Pope, who is influenced both by his position and by the favor he bears to France and the pressure the French have brought to bear on him. Moreover, we have persuaded his Holiness, without, however, letting it appear, so to suspend the declaration of privation against the king of England and the appeal to the secular arm till he hears further from us; and we have taken occasion by this delay to see what turn affairs will take as to war between France and us, for which we have made such great preparations as the king of England may understand from others, although we suppose that the French as usual will labour to misrepresent everything. They have lately assured us (we may tell you privately), and do still, that they will not forbear, for anything that may touch the king of England, to treat with us as we would, and we have also understood that they are continually promising great things to the Pope against the king of England. They have even pressed for the expedition of the despatch for his privation, thereby to compel him to follow their will in everything. They have obtained from some of the Pope's men a copy of the draft of the said privation, which was sent to us at Naples, and which we have kept till now; and thereupon they have grounded their solicitation, although I hear they pretend otherwise towards the servants of the king of England, but we do not wish you to appear to know it (que vous en faites semblant); but, as carefully as you can, you will let us know immediately what you find on that side touching the said establishment of peace that we may regulate our conduct accordingly. As we have written you our intention in former letters, and are just about to leave for Lombardy, we need say no more. Rome, Maundy Thursday (Jcudi Saint), 1535.
Fr., from a modern copy, pp. 2.
14 April.
Harl. MS. 442, f. 129. B. M.
667. Meat.
Proclamation licensing butchers to sell flesh by retail freely from 12th April 1536 to 24th April 1540, notwithstanding the Acts 24 Hen. VIII. cap. 3. and 25 Hen. VIII. cap. I., in consequence of the great dearth of victuals by reason of murrain, great waters, and unseasonable weathers.
Addressed to the mayor and sheriffs of London. Westm., 14 April 27 Hen. VIII.
Later copy; pp. 3.
14 April.
R. O.
668. Lord Lisle and Sir Edward Seymour.
Receipt, by John Husee, of 196 oz. of gilt plate at 5s., from Roger Cotten, servant of Sir Edward Saymour, being part of 424l. due to him from Sir Wm. Hollys to the use of viscount Lyssle, by indenture between Lyssle and Hollis, dated April 1. 14 April 27 Hen. VIII.
Hol., p. 1.
[14 April.]
669. Thos. Warley to Lady Lisle.
I have not seen Mr. Receiver since getting your letter. Mrs. Margery asked when you were coming to Court, for she longed to see you. I answered that you were as desirous to see the Queen and her ladies and gentlewomen. Today the countess of Wiltshire asked me when I heard from your Ladyship, and thanked you heartily for the hosen. She is sore diseased with the cough, which grieves her sore. Mr. Lypyngkot delivered my Lord's letter to the King on Shere Thursday. Mr. Page says it is not yet opened, but he gives attendance for an answer. Mr. Basset is in good health and merry. I was with him yesterday at Lincoln's Inn. I fear Leonard Snowden has the worst end of the staff, for Whettell and his father have made such suit by means of Mr. Heneage. The Parliament is clearly dissolved. I am sorry to hear of the sickness in Calais. I beg you to get me a favorable letter from my Lord, as I mentioned in my last letter by Goodale. Today Sir Edw. Ryngeley showed me that the King will be at Dover in three weeks at the farthest, whither I intend to follow him, unless I am sooner dispatched. I would write more, but have no leisure, as the bearer, Worsley, the Mayor's officer, can inform you. Greenwich, Good Friday.
Hol., p.1. Add.: At Calais. Endd.
[14 April.]
Vit. B. xiv. 177. B. M. Audience with the Emperor, 21 March; who defends his action in behalf of his aunt, Katharine of Arragon,; but admits his obligations to Henry.; Hopes the King will not continue to treat his daughter as illegitimate.; Knows how Henry has been solicited to make war on him; but he is not afraid.; Pate urges him to renew the old alliance; to which the Emperor says it has cooled only on Henry's part; but refers him to Granvelle.
670. [Richard Pate] to Henry VIII.
"Pleaseth it your Majesty, that vicesimo primo Martii, hora diei fere tertia, I had a[n a]ud[ience of the Emperor] then sadder than ever I saw [him a]fore ti[me] . . . . whom after his Majesty patiently and with one countenance . . . . . . . . it, made me answer to every particular part [of] my commission, as well of mine own as of your Grace his beha[viour] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . and first as touching my gratulation of his honourable and triumphant victory had against the enemy of our professio[n in] Barbarie, he said that forasmuch as that I was there present, and knew right well what it was, he should therefore now so much the less of the same need to make any further declaration, marvelling not a little that your Grace othe . . . . . . he doubteth not since truly informed, or of itself by certain means in the process used noting (fn. 2) him extrea[mly obstinate in the] defence of his aunt's cause, cui quidem ut aiebat deessc non poterat, should think him so ingrate and uncur[teous] . . . . . . statim induceres tuum somewhat to alienate your mind from him, never otherwise therein intermeddling than that [she] might have justice and you thereby not injurised. In the which process if he had failed his said aunt aft[er that] manner, he might have justly feared the scourge of God, that as [He] is conscientiarum scrutator, so of the same [vi]olated an ultor, ut postremus hujus vitæ dies erit index, as the thing also itself even so considered and ex[teemed] may as well condemn the relation of certain persons as mollifie your displeasure of false suggestions by such made, taken and understond that so sincerely loveth you not, as perau[enture] præter omne æquum et bonum they study by dissembled colours to make you believe id certe quod uti affirma . . . . . . . aliquando probabit, when the differency of an unfeigned from a coloured friend shall be discerned to the decla[ration of the] truth by violence for the time suppressed rather than utterly oppressed. Your benefits he confesseth to be great and so of his part agnised that they shall never argue him to be ingrate, where inespecially he knowledgeth himself no less bound to render like again, where opportunity, occasion, or necessity requireth the same, than he hath persuaded with himself to confer upon your serenity very gladly and times so many mo, ubi vel res ipsa postulabit, vel facultates suæ suppeditabunt. But so to remember them as though he should other grant that his aunt was not your true wife and spouse, that his conscience abundantly informed with th[e tru]yth refusyth, or to have committed the probation of the same to silence as in neglecting the execution of justice in so godly a cause, now utriusque partis consensu begon and landably ended, he desireth your pardon, trusting that if it be justly perpended your highness shall perceive no thing [be]side his [honor] discussed, nor therein by him præter honestum ac justum done, but a great light given to the discharge of conscience of both parties to the confusion of the devil (fn. 3) and his members, the ministers of all error, that often soliciting your æres (fn. 4) otherwise innocentes to marry again upon hope of issue male, that not succeeding according as they conceived and trusted it should, may judge the providencie of God to pass the subtilty and imagination of man. And by what reason or justice your daughter his cousin, princess of England, should be made illegittim he can not perceive, the which in his belief could not long continue if you might be permitted to use that benign nature, with the benefits through that God hath indued you withal, that hath in time past made of her none otherwise than it right well beseemed a natural father to make of his dear and well beloved daughter worthy such a parent, deserving principally not the contrary of her part, of whom if the father may be honoured by the daughter, he is assured that your Majesty hath had and without cease shall have as much comfortable and meritorious renown (fn. 5) in this world as of any child that shall descend of your body lawfully begotten during your life, whereof he then desired continuance, saying that he could not perceive what dishonour should follow to you or detriment to your realm by her legitimation, but rather the contrary, besides infinite commodities and benefits, both particular and to all Christendom universal thereupon depending. Of the vehement provocations and instigations made unto you by certain to make him war as well offering their aid and succour in that interprise as in so doing referring to your only arbitrement, the place, the manner of setting on, and all such circumstances thereunto belonging, and your declination from the same, evermore so firmly having in memory the old league betwixt you made, that to the violation thereof you would never be persuaded nor purpose at any time to admit such uncourtesy, undermining of him to his undoing; he said that notwithstanding before time it hath not been unknown . . . . . . but that you have been so often tempted and solicited against him, yet having no just title so to do as he could . . . . . . . . . . . so he feared not other men's puissance in a false quarrel that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . power his destruction, no if it were egale in number to Darius army against Alexander . . . but it . . . . God . . at he feareth Dominum exercituum, never favouring an unjust cause, and was rig[ht] glad likewise, uti aiebat, that your Grace had not utterly forgotten him, although alate he hath dissimuled and [s]uffered many injuries of your party wrought against him in divers and sundry places, that if it remembered well how long and faithfully your two families hath been conjoint together as out of one fountain, springing in amity and friendship as the time and excellent enterprises in the same done may be to the reader an argument sufficient vel maxime incredulo; he doubted not but that your benignity would have long or this knowledged this variance and displeasure to have been given of your party, and no[t] . . taken of him, the which as only lieth in you ut omnino deleatur, ut constanter dicere saltem perseverabat, and so much the more that I inculcated to be his part according to the tenour of my commission in that behalf. So in me cannot remain a sparkle of ingratitude, quod he, the coal fires kindled by my brothers wind, as a man would say, and thus succeeding it could not otherwise be then as to both our comforts s . . . . . . . . . the tranquillity of Christendom and to the benefit in especially of both our realms evermore with continuance like to endure and continue. Confirming that it was never so merry nor wealthy with the princes of England and Burgundy with their realms as when this controversy was no[t u]njustly sought and ungodly invented. And where as now I exhorted and in the honour of God desired him that as he was a wise and an honourable prince, that he would devise some way to resuscitate this old assured love that of long time hath seemed to be suspended betwixt you by the reason [o]f his aunt's pretended matrimony now by her death dissolved and finished, whereof, as I said, there should be no man living more glad than I to see before my departure from his service and court, and in the mean season count me self the most fortunate person living, beside that I may have like cause to think my service hitherto well employed, showing as well as I could that your highness had now long since of his part begun arguing the same by the inclination of your mind toward his Majesty, of your often and frequent letters written to me collect by the certificate of my friends about you of good authority, referring the offers that hath been made to you to be of his back friends, and your absolute not only answer to such but the sincerity of your stomach without dissimulation manifestly upon like suggestions made, uttered by the sollicitude of . . . ynd you had upon false rumours feigned to bring you at a discord, with desire to purge yourself upon that suspicion to the quietness of his heart peraventure thereby before perturbate. And in conclusion that where and when you might have hurt him to his great detriment and discomfort, you would in no case so do at no man's instance, but utterly refused the same with indignation, he as concerning my part desirous to see this old accustomed brotherhed coalescere, affirmed that I did like a good Christian, a faithful servant to my master, and in so doing and intending I should exercise the part of a semblable orator. And in like manner knowledged your highness to be his friend in the premises, and so much the more that solicited by unreasonable means illis non acquieverit, but said that in you it only consisted to give occasion and begin to expel this frodour diminishing that vively ardour of love too long continued. And putteth no doubt but the longer that your Grace remembreth and more deeply considereth the same with itself, it will confess that this degeneration hath not proceeded of him by no manner mean, but by such rather quibus fuerat opinione saltem gratior singularis tuus amor quam animi salus. But hetherwith not as yet contented I heartily besought him that his Majesty would make me a more comfortable answer that my master might no less rejoice of his reconciliation than I to you both a true servant no more desirous to be mean thereof than glad of the effect so ensuing. Well, said he, if you speak with Grandvele, you shall further know, upon the which, rendering my most humble thanks, took my leave. And the next day having conference with him according to the appointment understood that the cause of the ingratitude these years past exercised between you and by me now often objected to his Majesty as thereof original cause touched his heart, where inespecially he could in nothing worldly knowledge himself therein guilty. Wherefore he did exhort me both hereafter to refrain the same and also in the mean season absolutely purge the Emperor of that note.
Granvelle repels Henry's charge of ingratitude against the Emperor; speaks of the treachery of the French; against whom they were fully prepared.; He is gratified by the friendliness of Henry's tone; and thinks if Henry will acknowledge the Pope, his last marriage may be recognised. "And first, that it cannot be proved that ever your Highness suffered by his means any detriment in name, honor, fame, or of your realms, although provoked by your succours and maintenance against his niece in . . . . rke, and expressly in Germany tempting rebellion against . . . . . . . . e. Secondarily, that such an order was taken in his aunt's cause, that it might right well rather have been judged [to have] proceeded by his intercession than any favor of the law obtained in alteram . . . . . . des [ha]ve been thatyour Grace should have had such a controversy with his Majesty r . . . . . . . . or sister in like fashion, except it had been only for the experience of y . . . . . . . . [know]ing that thereby that otherwise is lightly set by and not regarded. And that thirdly . . . . . . . . . . . rid and refused and excommunication with the interdiction of your realm and all other Christians from the community of the same, in as much as that constantly he affirmed that it could . . . . . . persuaded to receive nor hear it read, now sent, but commanded incontinent that it should be suppressed and n[o more] spoken of, notwithstanding the fervent desire of divers persons of sundry regions that it might be put in execution, solliciting the same incessantly by prayer and courage, adding of h . . . . . . truer tokens of sincere love in such a case hath been rarely seen, beside that the Scots had never joined them self in league with you, if he would other have admitted their request [or] condescended to certain offers then by them made. And as touching such as provoked your serenity to make him war, it would be none other than the French king, as he said, of whose fidelity when you were most assured, it was none otherwise than a hand gripping an eel, for we have in our hands that . . . . . . only cause him at our pleasure to forsake your master, leaving him in the briars, but also to reny God that in my belief, quod he, hath now given him in reprobum sensum, the which thing . . . . . . . had succeeded if his often suggestions had sooner taken place with the Emperor, and tedious suits for his private profit than the true amity toward your Prince, as the process of time as h[e doubted] not would once manifestly declare to the discharge of your consciences and comforts, alleging your age, quæ certe quo magis ad senectutem vergeret, eo omnium rerum guara in pristinum statum cum . . . . . . tebatur liberius ac sollicitius redigere niteretur, leaving here many secrets unuttered, that of your master, as he said, known, . . . . . might give it cause to say, Now do I right well perceive that the Emperor, doing otherwise than he hath had . . . . . . . . me the French king wrong nor injury, but all things be not at one time, uti dixerat, to be disclosed . . . . . . . . to your benefits, confessed them to be great and worthy memory, but not such as should other obliterate th . . . . . of nature in heart written, or the precept divine, having the same for his sure fundament; and said for that your benignity would not condescend to unjust conditions, offered to bid us battel . . . . . like it self knowledging it as kindness and no small benefit, howbeit whatsoever had fortuned pre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nem they had provided for all invasions, incursions, and assaults in every corner by . . . . . . . . . . . . namely in Burgundy out along thereon all the borders and in Flanders, despising utterly the French king . . . . . . r expressing to me that he had but six thousand Almayns, that coming to the point of fight doubted whether [they] would [st]ick by him; the Swisses already forsaking his camp, returned now home, where the Emperor's ambassador might, if he would become their captain, have the best part of the country follow and to die in his quarrel, and have also sufficiently provided that his other presidy shall not prevail; meaning thereby, as I conjectured, the Turk's aid. Concerning the rest of his army, which be his legions, we care not, for knowing their hearts of old, and what they will do, coming to the trial and point, whose manfulness before time showed, may be an experience sufficient as to them a discomfort, qui jamdiu terga verterunt nobis, remembering their sinistrous fortune then suffered, and to ours a courage, manus conserere cum hoste profligato sæpius jam victo ac superato, adducing for the confirmation of the same that by certain prophecies this Prince should destroy himself and bring his children in great thraldom, misery, and captivity, quibus licet parum fideret, tamen pro vulgi opinione ne ita aliquando succederet magnopere se vereri affirmabat. To that you intend not to intermeddle with Milan and Genoa, nor with none other of the Emperor's possessions, as having no title thereunto, nor violate the league betwixt your Majesties these many years made and continued of your party, his answer was, that as I could very well testify, speaking with the said Emperor facie ad faciem, it was no small comfort to him that hitherto hath neither dissembled with you nor gone about to break that fraternity nor intend not during his life, but unreasonably provoked, a token whereof he heartily beseecheth your Highness to call unto remembrance the constant faithfulness and fatherly exhortations of his Majesty's grandfather Maximilian towards you in the enterprise of Tournay and Terouenne, you then presently being there against king Louis of France. Now after he had in this manner declared his mind in these premises, said that there remained none other thing to the reconciliation and recuperation of this godly love of long time hanging in a suspense, than the legitimation of your daughter lady Mary, bonâ fide parentum gotten, conceived, and born, willing no more mention to be made from henceforth of lady Katherine's marriage, considering that God hath now called her to His mercy and miscricord, but out of this world rid by poison, si fortassis Gallo sit credendum, inquit: referring the intreaty and manner thereof to [your p]rudencie and discretion, promising that if you will have a general council, the Emperor shall, as he darcth boldly in [that beh]alf promise, no less labour that it may so succeed, then there order everything more like your son pert . . . . . . . to his office and authority than such a one as some would you believe, but this way refused, and thautho[rity] of the Bp. of Rome admitted, his Majesty shall find the mean that all may succeed to your pleasure, honor, and even so as you would it [shou]ld, other for the continuance of this your last matrimony, or otherwise as you shall be disposed, and [if no]ne of none of (fn. 6) these please you, look what indifferent order and deliberation may be taken for the establishment of your succession, the renome of your estimation and authority, for the declaration of your conscience before God, the comfort of your realm, and finally to the contentation, dignity, and consolation of both your Majesties; and he of his part, as your lover, and to his poore (power) assured friend, shall be glad no more of a communication indifferent found than of his part study it may take effect to the tranquillity of Christendom, and to the accumulation of your honor, protesting that he had no commission of the Emperor thus to say to me but of himself invented as wholly yours, bene consulens rebus tuis, honori, successioni, in primis et famæ.
Pate pleads for Mary's legitimation.; Granvelle has a bad opinion of Sir Gregory Casale.; Pate thinks the Emperor will not take action against Henry while at Rome. "Now, my most gracious Prince, if there remain nothing else but the legitimation of your natur[al] dear beautiful daughter to the consecution of so inestimable a benefit to the Christian republic, I as your assured faithful beadsman and servant, tanquam ad pedes serenissimæ Majestatis tuæ provolutus cum lacrimis rogo et supplex peto ut cum legibus suis dispenset, suffering not that redolent flower nimio solis ardore to wither away sine sobole, that of what side soever it fortune your integrity to look, that you may see posterita[t]is tuæ pignus, as well by her ladyship as otherwise your inestimable honor in mine opinion. Surely, my noble Prince, if my love exceeded not toward you the fear I have so to write of any person's displeasure living, I would commit such sincere affects to silence, sed quid facit singularis in te meus amor vide, cogita et considera, sanctissime princeps. For if St. Augustine's saying be true that propter reipublicæ commodum licet nobis sæpenumero in rebus divinis dispensatione uti, ubi alioqui sub pœna peceati mortalis non liceret, how much the more securely during your life may it be permitted to you therefore so to do in your own laws, the emolument of so great a benefit thereupon depending inespecially to your great honor and renome through the world. And now, after I had put him to knowledge that Gregorius Casalus should be joined with me in this province, and so continue with me, apud Cæsaream Majestatem orator, he made me answer that he was therefore right sorry, partly that the man male meritus est de tua celsitudine, speaking of the same alate to divers of the nobles of Bologna abominable words, of them incontinent written to us; and for my sake also, that if there he any good like to ensue between the Emperor and your goodness, his perversity of nature is such as he will lick the crumbs . . . . of from your beard, declaring it to come by his prudence and industry, beside that he is malicious, and that wars (fn. 7) is qui in malicia sua delectetur. Wherefore my most hearty thanks rendered, I desired him to take no thought for me, more glad of such a benefit succeeding to his Majesty and my master, than sorry that it should not so do . . . . . policy and wit without God of no efficacy, as knoweth His omnipotence, who give you long life ut vivas, and direc[t] mine acts and doings so to your pleasure that as hitherto they may be your allowance, favour and reading worthy. I shall not . . . . e you may be right well assured to be a common courier betwixt you in such a case, principally knowing that that . . . . . . o pass I should immediately fatis concedere, taking all jeopardies therein suffered as singular benefits. [The Empero]rs countenance as is above mentioned continued on in all our conference unto such time he heard me name Milan and Genoa, whereunto non solum erexit aures verum etiam et oculos in me sustulit et firmiter illos . . . . . so that thereby I judged that it was præter ejus expectationem, as in his answer thereunto he said that it could not [si]nke into his belief that you would intermeddle in such his possessions, cujus medio aliquando acquisiverat, as in my belief also for my part, I reckon that he will, his abodes at Rome, nihil contra regni tui statuta statuere, aut cum pontifice agere ut in aliud differatur tempus, considering that hitherto he hath not ordered himself rashly against the same. Wherefore all things with me pondered I thought it not need to delay these premisses further than I did, unless that nimis longa dilatione they might have lost their grace, both these princes in the mean season laboring for peace that so fortuning might have caused repentance of my party, both for that consideration, and also where and when I should have spoken with Casalus, I stood in doubt our journey daily differred from Naples. My judgment is if (of (fn. 8) ) this Prince that if the devil were against him the courage that he hath conceived could not be debated. And do perceive that this orator now joined with me shall not be to them here grateful, but for what circumstance I am plain ignorant, as you shall not be, surely, (fn. 9) in my mind, for he added that he would so write to their ambassador resident in your Court.
Desires instructions regarding Casale. "My noble Prince, this love and peace succeeding will make the Turk quake and tremble, leonem illum qui semen hujus discordiæ seminarit rugitus vulnerum inde contractorum edere formidabiles, and the Christian princes infinitely rejoice, singing Laus sit Domino nostro Jesu Christo, Dei et hominum Mediatori de tanta reconciliatione solum authori et singulari ejus in primis reipublicæ beneficio, a qua certe immensæ sunt reddendæ gratiarum actiones, ubi succedat et ut succedat omnibus bene serenitati tuæ præsertim volentibus sine intermissione orandum censeo. I most lowly beseech your highness to be so gracious to me as to make me privy of your pleasure touching such things as I shall communicate from time to time with Gregorius Casal your ambassador, that whatsoever hereafter fortune by [hi]s lightness, whereof I am advertised to beware, I may be securus and without repentance, for beside that I cannot ita laxare, so will it be hard for me in long time to attain to his disposition that at this time other liketh not your proceedings, or else to undermine me sometime he inculcateth things of no purpose . . . . . . . [a]dvisement I have deferred this my answer unto this present upon divers occasions that because are too lo[ng] . . . . . . . . shall refer to this present messenger's relation. The French king sent letters to the Emperor alate to put him to knowledge that . . . . . . . . . . . . . . league with him as I am informed by a credible person, but as he had title to Savoy and N[ice] . . . . . . . . . recovery of the same. Whereunto his Majesty in the presence of the bishop of Rome pacis in . . . . . iis . . . . . . [am]bassadors this answer, that he knew right well what his brother meant and intended, but trusted to remead[y] everything thereafter. And forasmuch as that the said duchy and "senoigrie" were under his protection he w[ould not] nor could fail but so defend them as appertained to his faith, honor, office, and duty, in the experience whereof he would gladly put in jeopardy of losing all that he is lord of. I trust I shall not need other to admonish you [of the] French ambassador's various disclosures in my letters following declared, that is quo animo fuerint dicta, quo tempore relata, et in quo rerum statu excogitata, or of my purgation, rashly ta[king] upon me to trouble your Grace with such light and premeditated news, that stonding in doubt what I might . . . . . . . . . . it more sure to make you thereof partaker than to commit them utterly to silence. The solemnity and ceremonies of [Palm] Sunday and Maundy Thursday here done by the bishop of Rome, præsente Cæsare, this man can abundantly declare, as thereat present, with the circumstances of the Vernacle. From Rome, 12 Aprilis.
Private conversation with Casale.; The Emperor's entry into Rome. "Pleaseth it your highness to be advertised . . . . . præsentis I attained Rome, where the next day following came to welcome me Casalus, to wh[om after] commendations made, Master Secretary's letters delivered, and two lines of the same tacite et secum read, suddenly began again one . . . . . . . to me, and incontinent rendered his most humble thanks to your Grace for the trust it hath had in him with continuance, and for this your honorable commission also commended to his fidelity, confessing that estimation that he is now in to proceed of your only gracious goodness, his maker, erecter, and foundator, the very cause of his not only service faithfully owed, but of the courage, in like manner that it hath been acceptable, now given to study to do you such as may be to the pleasure of God, to your like contentation and great comfort. To whom now, taken apart, after I had declared [the pri]ncipalest part of our commission touching your Majesty's mind toward the truth and the Emperor, and the observation of the league betwixt you made, hitherto of your part never violated, nor at any time purposed, what suggestions so ever should be made unto you so to do, he demanded of me incontinent whether this was not more di[ssim]uled of you than sincerely written, alleging my lord of Winchester to be in the Court of [Fra]nce for a contrary purpose, et ista subridendo injecerat; whom I answered that if the words of your let[ter]s had not been expressly such as could not contain any ambiguity, yet were it our parties to think [your] highness a prince of word and deed, intending no such way as might reasonably distain your honor, faith, and fame, omni auro pretiosior. Well, said he, if it so be, let me alone, for surely I have invented a mean that al[l] shall be well to our Master's honor, the tranquillity of Christendom, to the reformation of many abuses, and reconciliation of the censures against the bishop of Rome's authority, the which thing I besought him for his prudence to labour, study, and for his great experience nervos omnes extendere suos, quo omnia recte succederent. Quarto die Cobus and Grandvele had a great banquet made them of cardinal Campeges, he then lying sick of the gout. The next day they had access, junctim, and audience of the bishop of Rome for the space of two hours; the said Grandvele, suddenly sent for by post to the Emperor two hours before his Majesty made his entry, that was very triumphantly, having before the same 50 Romans richly apparelled, the duke of Alva and the cond of Bonavent, well beseen, with all theirs. And thus passing through a great part of the city accompanied with a cardinal of every hand, and Casal's uncle to show the antiquities of old and new Rome by name, most expert therein. And even thus, with his guard in complete harness, the old soldiers of Spain, and an infinite number of nobles as well of the city as of his own, he was deduced to the palace, where the bishop of Rome, brought in a chair and set on foot, gave his Majesty his benediction, humbly receiving the same with an inclination of the body, and so mounted unto St. Peter's church togethers, where their devotion finished, departed into the Bishop's palace.
Francis expects aid from the Turk.; The duke of Savoy escaped to Milan. Ghinucci.; Rumors touching Mary.; Chapuys.; The French ambassador is dejected,; and shows Pate how his master's offers to the Emperor were refused; and how the Emperor meant to publish the bull against Henry. "The morrow after having long conference togethers, but whereof I trust we shall further know in process of time, as at this present I shall commit the circumstances of this entry to the relation of this present messenger, that can sufficiently declare everything by mouth, as no man better. The orator of Venice showed me that the French king looketh for a great number of horsemen from the Turk; whereat taking up his hand, blessed him that Christianissimus should now turqueizare. The Emperor made strait commandments, with pains upon the same, that none of his during their abodes here should give any opprobrious words to any belonging to the bishop of Rome. The marques of Brandenburg with his brother and the bishop of Brixia be comen, the count Palentine daily looked for, general captain of this enterprise as it is said. There be three captains hence sent to Geane, where also are arrived 4,000 Spaniards from Spain in ipso tempore, before in great fear and perplexity of the French king's forward approaching. The duke of Savoy with his wife and children is entered Milan, his duchy left as a prey to them that shortly, I fear me, will repent their depopulation and cruelty. The cardinal of Genucis (Ghinucci), sometime bishop of Worcester, sent unto me a gentleman to welcome me in his behalf soon upon mine arrivement, and to offer me such courtesy and pleasure that might lie in him or his to do for me, saying that per[son]ally he would right gladly have done the same, but for certain respects, declaring his faith and love such toward your Grace always continued that in his conscience he confesseth and protesteth constantly that otherwise never he hath ordered himself toward you than that it might right well beseem a faithful servant, whereof he said there lacketh no testimony, in as my[ch] as the messenger added that he feared lest that thought would shortly make an end of him of your displeasure taken without his desert, and so much the sooner as his love adversus amplitudinem tuam is the ferventer and more sincere. There was an ambassador showed me that it is privily spoken in this Court that your Highness should send unto the Emperor to call his cousin, your daughter the lady Mary, to him. Whereunto I heartily besought him to make answer to all such that you did not so little regard your own flesh and blood that you thought it more to be esteemed and better conserved in an unnatural conceptacle in comparison . . . . . . n the veins of the same most natural, nor that you did so little set by your daughter that you should think his . . . . . . more able to do for her than your indulgence paternal would or intended. Surely, gracious Prince, you have, in mine opinion, there with you resident the Emperor's orator that no longer hath done you service than so wisely served your Majesty as in process of time may no less worthily turn to his laud and pray[se than] to your honor and consolation, when it shall be your pleasure to agnise the same by your favor owed and . . . . . . . toward him, for he ceaseth not t . . . . . . . . . honorably as possible is for such a one using that room inespecially a . . . . . . . these years past . . . . . . . intreat of that that since our coming to Rome wrote to Cæsar such letters as were to his great comfort, [as Gran]evela showed me. The French ambassador these days past, inviting me to dinner, said that he had news to communicate with me not unworthy my knowledge, at what time I having somewhat in my mind, yet not digested, of great importance, for that present desired his pardon, but for certain considerations conferred me the same day to him under the way of visitation, whom I found as a man animo dejectissimo, full of dolour and such sadness that methought he had vocem magis lachrimabundam quam pristinæ hilaritatis aliquid referentem, of his affairs præter votum succeeding, wherewith incontinent ex consuetudine mutuaque inter nos a duobus annis proxime elapsis intercessit, I was not a little moved. And now his chamber entered, began to disclose unto me that sincere love that never hath been between his master and you hitherto violated, and how that his said master is more bound to your goodness than that of infinite benefits received again should be during your life, agnising the redemption of his captivity and the restitution of his children to liberty only to you, that with no mundane benefit is comparable, with other like comforts therein showed inestimables to him and his realm; and trusted that this amity should alway continue as of your brother's part seriously intended; he read me a manifest argument in a couple of letters alate received from the King, the first containing his aid offered to the Emperor against the Turk by men, vessels, and money, to have his own with peace, promising to give to the duchess of Milan during her life a very liberal dowry as between them should be thought honorable. And the second, that in the recovery of his own he utterly refused all conditions of the Emperor offered, which was to restore that state to the younger son, Mons. de Angouleme, and, in conclusion, that not succeeding, to the duke of Orleans, thereof now heritier legitime; but these offers presented of his master were refused for that that the label upon them depending was not well contexed, moving him to leave your Grace and other princes by league confederates, as the gelding of Gelders, whom as he could not, so never would upon no condition prejudicial to such, forsake. Adding also that he would not become a merchant forsak . . . . . . . . . . . . . his manner. Of this after my friend had made me participant said that these were the letters . . . . . . . . . . . . . touched in his garden in Naples tere (sic, i.e., there) last conferring togethers, promising that shortly I should . . . . . . . . . . but now would that the principal cause of my coming to him should be to hear that the Emperor instantly la[boreth] to have the bishop of Rome his excommunication published against you, affirming that he had obtained the same out of the said Bishop's hand for that intent, purposely since his arrivement, arguing it so to be for a surety that both he and his master's orator here upon such a suspicion, desiring the copy of the said bishop of Rome, had awnswe[r] . . . . . . commissary had it, that required therein answered that it was past his hands, whereupon they . . . . that his Majesty had it to put in execution, but the cause why hitherto it hath been delayed and deferred, beside the fraternal love owed you, upon this particle therein contained that sub pœna excommunicationis no prince Christian should meddle or have commercium with you and your realm, &c. The whole then read to me (fn. 10)was his master. (fn. 10) And now his counsel was that your Grace made him war in the parties of Andolosia and Civile, leaving Fl[anders] quod tam bene convenit nobiscum cum Flandris propter mutua inter nos commercia, and Byscay likewise propter rationes non omnino his absimiles, for as the better part of Spain pertained to you, quod he, and your succession, the Emperor descending of the bastard, so the just title yours, all should succeed to your honor and emolument with so much the less charge, peril, and more security that the country is open without munitions and people in feats of war most ig[norant]. Of these things he desired me heartily, although against his conscience, I dare boldly say, that I would not make your orator Casal participant, eo quod illis non faveat, and was a mean sometime that his master lost or co . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lan cum Lotherike in Italiam proficisceretur. And at this communication purposed the French ora[tor] . . . . . . . bishop of Rome to have been if I had dined with the other as is above mentioned. Wherefore I do conjecture that the said Casalis hath uttered part of our commission to them whom he often visiteth, and to the bishop of Rome I doubt not, quo cum sæpe habet colloquia; upon the which a post suddenly of them despatched confirmeth in manner my conjecture, for as soon as we had audience of the Emperor he left me in the Court, and conferred him to the bishop of Rome before determined, to whom often since my coming to Rome he hath resorted by night, but so by his own desire, thereby avoiding suspicion, who also although saith that (fn. 11) is totus imperialis, dissimuling with me in that behalf manifestly, yet I am not so ignorant but that I do perceive quod multo melius velit Gallo quam Cæsari, cujus quidem potentiam timet, magis quam auctoritatem revereatur.
"At this present I can no more write than that all in the court of Rome desireth to have your love again, as knoweth our Lord God, who send your Highness long life, like prosperity, and that renome that your infinite virtues requireth and desireth. And even now the said orator sent me word that the excommunication was found in the tuition of a cardinal, and that there is nothing sinistrously intended against you, and that he hourly looketh for his despatch hence and discharge. From Rome, on Good Friday, (fn. 12) where the Emperor with great devotion heareth daily service in St. Peter's chapel, præsentibus cum pontifice cardinalibus."
Hol. Mutilated. Add. Part cipher.
Ibid, f. 181. 2. Decipher of the above, also mutilated.
15 April.
R. O.
671. John Husee to Lady Lisle.
I sent by Goodall 350l. Your letters are surely conveyed into Devonshire. I delivered the letter to lord Dawbeney, who would make me no answer, nor yet bid me drink. Mr. Danaster has your book, and will see what can be done before the holidays are over, and what lord Dawbeney may do by law. Your gentlewoman is ready, but requires me to disburse 23s. 4d. for her. When the wines come I will see them delivered. As to Mr. Gaynsford, Mr. Tayler wishes him in anywise to come over himself, and he will make all the friends he can for him. Having no more time, I refer all till Lypycot comes. London, 15 April.
I hope Whetthill shall not have all his mind.
Hol., p. 1. Add.
R. O. 672. [John Husee] to Lady Lisle.
I sent 350l. by Goodall, and what ado I had for that money he can tell you. I beg you to remember the ordering of your household and the abatement of the same. Mr. Danastre has the book to peruse about lord Dawbny, and it should be known in six days what he can do. Your letters are conveyed by a sure messenger, who will bring an answer. Your gentlewoman is ready, but cannot leave till 23s. 4d. be disbursed for her, which I cannot do without orders. I will deliver the wines after the holidays. Mr. Paige has got his, and will deliver my Lord a good gelding. Baker delivered Mr. Tewk's wine before I knew. Mr. Basset is merry, and must needs have a gelding. I trust Whetthill shall not have all his will. Whatever his mother said, or how she has used herself to your Ladyship, matters not, as it came of no gentle behaviour, "but only of her accustomed dissembling ungoodly demeanour, which doth wholly sound to her disworship."
Hol., p. 1, the end of the letter being apparently cut off. Add.


  • 1. This letter has already been inserted in the year 1532 (Vol. v. No. 937); which is certainly too early.
  • 2. nothing in the decipher.
  • 3. diule in MS. The decipherer has written aiule.
  • 4. eyres. Decipher.
  • 5. rerome. MS.
  • 6. none of. Apparently a repetition.
  • 7. "wares"—decipher.
  • 8. if in decipher; the word in the original is lost.
  • 9. "scorly" in the cipher.
  • 10. These words are in the margin, but are inserted thus in the decipher.
  • 11. 4, not deciphered. Is it a mistake for +, the Pope?
  • 12. 14th April in 1536.