Sept. 3. |
549. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
As the bearer returns home thoroughly instructed, and is able
to render a very good account of what he has seen, he refers
Burghley to his report. His Lordship can guess why he forbears to afford many lines.—Paris, 3 September 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ⅓. |
Sept. 3. |
550. Sir Humfrey Gilbert to Lord Burghley. |
Has received letters from the Prince of Orange, dated from
Hellewaye on 26th August. The gentleman who brought
them assured him that the Prince has 20,000 footmen and
9,000 horsemen. The whole army is paid for one month, and
the States of Holland stand bound for the payment of two
months more. The Duke of Alva has moved from Mons, and
has not above 1,000 horse and 14,000 footmen, whereof a great
number are ill armed and furnished. The Duke of Holst is at
Deventer with 700 horse and 2,000 footmen, and Count Vandemburg lies about the town with 5,000 foot and 1,800 horse
to keep him from joining the Duke of Alva. Skirmish in which
Mr. Cotton was a little hurt with a harquebuss shot. Look to
place their cannon against Tergoes on the 6th or 7th instant.
There is at this instant never a French soldier in Flushing,
Captain Staunton's band remaining there, so if there were
more English sent over before the French return, the place
might be possessed without bloodshed; yet there is nothing to
be attempted by the English without being masters of the sea,
otherwise the ships of war of the town and island will cut them
off from victuals. Understands that the Duke of Alva has
taken the messengers which they of Flushing sent to the Count
Ludovic with a copy of their petition to Gilbert for the bringing
over of more soldiers with the galley and galliasses.—Clowting,
in South Beveland, 3 September 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼. |
Sept. 3. |
551. Sir Valentine Browne to Lord Burghley. |
Has great difficulty in procuring timber for the bridge.
Desires him to favour Rowland Johnson's petition. Has
1,300l. which was sent to him for secret causes remaining
untouched, but for want of supply of other money is forced
to make but lenten provision of victuals.—Berwick, 3 Sept.
1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
Sept. 4. |
552. Sir W. Drury to Lord Burghley. |
If the Queen shall deal any more in Scottish matters, he
asks for instructions in writing for his guidance. He refers
the bearer, Captain Case, who has a suit to urge, to his favourable consideration.—Berwick, 4 September 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½. |
Sept. 5. |
553. Mission of M. La Ferte. |
He is to give the commendations of the Prince to the Queen
of England, and to beg that matters might take a speedy and
happy issue, since by the marriage the estate of both would
be better assured. He is to desire her to believe that what
has happened in Paris was not with the consent or assistance
of the Prince, who has lost many of his friends and some of
his household. He is to beg the Queen to continue her favour
to the Huguenots, and especially to send assistance to
Rochelle. He is further to assure her of the devotion that
the gentlemen of Normandy of both parties bear towards the
Draft, Endd. by Burghley: 5 September 1572. La Ferte
that came from Jersey from the Count Montgomery. Fr.
P. 1. |
Sept. 6. |
554. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
As he has not leisure to write to him at large he refers
him to the report of the bearer.—Paris, 6 September 1572.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼. |
Sept. 6. |
555. [La Ferte] to — |
As to the article that by the marriage the estate of both
parties will be better assured by reason of their neighbourhood; Normandy borders a great portion of this realm, and
would serve as a bulwark and defence against all enemies.
Thinks that the whole of Normandy would adhere to the
Prince, as in addition to his duchy he has great authority in
other parts. The whole of the nobility are devoted to the
prince, and hope by his means to be restored to their privileges and liberties according to the "charte Normande." The
lords of whom he spoke would have gone to Normandy if
matters had turned out as they wished, and if they could
have been certain of the favour of the Queen. The noblemen
intend that Rochelle should remain in the hands of the Queen
as a pledge.
Draft, Endd. by Burghley: Windsor, 6th September 1572.
La Ferte that came from the Count Montgomery at Jersey. |
Sept. 6. |
556. Sir Humfrey Gilbert to the Count Montgomery
or Lord Burghley. |
1. Is greatly moved by the news from France, which he
trusts is not so horrible as the report goes. Hopes that he
will communicate all particulars to the Queen, and point out
the danger ready to fall on her if she does not look to taking
revenge for these atrocities, seeing that if the opportunity
favours them [the Papists] there is nothing else to look for
but the tragical destruction of all the Protestants in Europe.
Begs him to send an account of the affair and let him know
how many of the nobility have escaped. |
2. P.S.—Affairs here are in such good train that if the
Prince of Orange had some moderate succour the cause of the
religion would prosper, for being really the stronger and the
master of the open country it would be easy for him to
utterly overthrow, the Duke of Alva and consequently all the
other enemies of Christianity. Desires him to tell this to the
Queen as if it was his own opinion, and also if the Prince
were defeated how difficult it would be to make head against
the enemy.—Tergoes, 6 Sept. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1. |
Sept. 7. |
557. Sir Humfrey Gilbert to Lord Burghley. |
Has written to stay such of his friends of the West
Country who would serve with their ships, but not such as
would serve by land. Would be glad of more soldiers for the
respects which he has written to the Lords of the Council.
The Prince is of such strength that they do not doubt the
Duke of Alva if the Frenchmen aid him not. Her Majesty
may have at this present the islands of Walcheren, Zwerackeslee [Ziericksee], and South Beveland, which are of great
wealth and lie together. They have out of them 80 sail of
men-of-war, such as they be. Are not very well victualled,
but if they had Tergoes, then were these three islands able to
victual 20,000 men continually. The Prince is master of the
field, but they have grown to mistrust the French King for
these late murders. Knows that the Queen and the Lords of
the Council are many times forced to pretend that which they
nothing desire, wherefore what letters soever shall be sent
from the Council for revoking him home he will think them
but for form, except Burghley writes privately to him, and
then he will obey.—Olontynge-by-Tergoes, 7 Sept. 1572.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2. |
Sept. 13. |
558. Mr. Thomas Cotton to Lord Burghley. |
Since his last letter he sees great alteration through these
wicked murders in France. Those of Flushing so amazed as
it is much to be lamented, referring themselves to the Queen
as the only pillar for their refuge. The Dutch Church daily
practises with the Flushingers to request Her Majesty to take
their town into her hands. The people and chief of the town
be held as rude, simple, and wilful men, hardly able to judge
of their best. The three islands of Walcheren, Beveland, and
Ziericksee are very fertile, and able to maintain themselves
and those who shall keep them. Are entrenched before
Tergoes, which is garrisoned by 600 Spaniards and 200
Walloons, and their ships lie so as to stop all succours. Have
cut off all victual from going out of the island. It is reported
that the Duke of Alva has had a great overthrow. Begs him
to continue his favour to his friend Mr. Thomas Farmor of
Norfolk.—From the Camp, 13 Sept. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2. |
Sept. 14. |
559. H. Killigrew to Lord Burghley. |
Arrived at Berwick on the 11th and went thence to
Tantallon, where Lord Morton has lain sick for 10 days.
Many speeches passed between them, Lord Morton saying he
was the same man he always professed himself to be, both for
the King his master's service, and for the continuance of the
amity towards the Queen, and that he knew of no pensions
offered by De Croc, whom he seemed not to like as he had
not hitherto acknowledged the King's authority. There will
hardly be a good peace without farther trouble, on account of
the great jealousy shown by each party. The news from
France makes them startle, and alienates their minds from that
King. The day of meeting is put off from the 10th to the
20th of the month, when the Regent and Lord Morton will
return to Leith. He has informed the Castilians by Mr.
Melvil of his mission, and that he will come to them after
he has seen the Regent. He is not misliked of either party,
so some good may arise in the matter wherewith he is charged.
John Knox is again in Edinburgh, which town and Leith are
fortified and guarded with the King's soldiers.—Leith, 14 September 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼. |
Sept. 15. |
560. Sir W. Drury to Lord Burghley. |
Has upon hearing of the late most horrible and detestable
murder committed in France, sent to Lethington and Grange
touching their adjoinment to the King's party, and will
write to them again. Wishes Pinart yet in France. Has
acquainted Mr. Killigrew in all Scottish causes, by the negligence of whose servant his Lordship's letter to him was conveyed into Scotland.—Berwick, 15 September 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3. |
Sept. 11. |
561. Robert Melvil to Sir W. Drury. |
Is sorry for the news; it appears that there are great
practices for the overthrow of religion. He prays that the
troubles may be quieted, and that they may continue steadfast
to each other.—11 September 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓. Enclosure. |
Sept. 16. |
562. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
Is under the physician's hands hoping to avoid a continual
fever. How they continue constant in their severity here
without respect of persons his Lordship shall learn by Sir
Thomas Smith's letters, as also of the proceedings in Flanders.
—Paris, 16 Sept. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P ½. |
Sept. 22. |
563. Edict by Charles IX. |
Prohibits all officers, magistrates, and administrators of
justice and finance of the reformed religion from the execution
of their respective officers on account of the distrust with
which they are viewed by his Catholic subjects, and exhorts
them to conform themselves to the Roman religion. Minor
officials, such as serjeants and notaries, who will abjure the reformed religion shall be permitted to continue to exercise their
offices. Promises to provide all such as shall conform with other
offices; those who are not culpable of the late conspiracy, and
who have not attempted anything against the King since the
last edict of pacification, are to have such of their goods as have
been seized restored to them. His proclamation of August
28 against the leaders of those of the new religion only refers
to those who have been guilty of the late conspiracy against
the King's person. All governors and officers are ordered to
protect those who desire to return to the Catholic religion,
and to severely punish such as molest them.—Paris, 22 Sept.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 5. |
Sept. 22. |
564. Sir Valentine Browne to Lord Burghley. |
Has given order that Henry Killegrew shall be furnished
with money and such other things as may serve his turn.
Upon the advertisements of "the tragicals" out of France, he
thought it his duty to make some speedy supply for the
place of his charge more than his ordinary limits. Not
being furnished of any prest he is driven to buy more
hardly. There has been very much transporting of corn
over the seas all this year, and the new will not be so plentiful as was hoped by reason of the continual wet. Desires
that his license for the transporting of the slaughter (hides)
and evil corn from Berwick may be renewed.—Boston, 22
Sept. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
Sept. 22. |
565. The Earl of Morton to the Earl of Leicester. |
The matter he writes of (the massacre of the Huguenots),
is both pitiful and lamentable, to hear of so many noble and
godly men so shamefully and cruelly murdered. He trusts
there is no good nor godly heart that would not hazard both
life and substance for the avenging of it; there is great
danger to them of the same religion in other countries; some
remedy should be provided whereby men can defend themselves should occasion arise. If his simple opinion had been
followed, the amity and friendship of the two countries had not
been now to be knit, but time and experience will bring that
which at present they cannot see. The countries being fairly
united and brought to friendship, the troubles of the same
being taken away, the mightiest and chiefest princes that are
their neighbours would be content to be friendly towards
them. De Croc leaves no good office undone that may
advance his master's favour and love in the country. There
has been no one from the Queen to encounter De Croc's proceedings for some time past, but that seemed to take quarrel
against them that were friends; whatever report may say,
the noblemen of the King's party have always been honest
and faithful He beseeches him not to leave off his travail
to bring the two countries to friendship and quietness.—
Dalkeith, 22 Sept. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
Sept. 23. |
566. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
Refers him for the state of things here to his general letter
directed to the Council and to the enclosed occurrents. Commends the courtesy of M. de la Mole in procuring a passport
for M. Belmain in order that Burghley may cause the French
Ambassador to thank him on his behalf. The King at first
would only grant him a safe-conduct to live unmolested,
which safe-conducts contain little safety, as has lately been
found here. Desires him to procure his return, as he lives
here but a languishing life, and will not be able to do Her
Majesty service worthy of her charges.—Paris, 23 Sept. 1572.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 12/3. |
Sept. |
567. Occurrents in France. |
1. It is reported that divers gentlemen of the religion in
Languedoc, because they see not how they may remain with
safety in their houses, have assembled at Nismes, Montauban,
and Castries, and have taken divers Catholics prisoners,
whom they hold as hostages. |
2. There have entered Sancerre 1,600 Protestants very
well appointed. |
3. On the 19th those of the religion in prison at Rohan
were most cruelly slain, without respect of person or sex, to
the number of 800. |
4. Those of the religion who have been baptised or married
lately are re-married and re-baptised. |
5. On Friday the 19th inst. the Prince of Conde was to
hear mass at St. Germains de Près accompanied by many
of the nobility. The King of Navarre shall go to mass at
Michaelmas, when the celebration of the order shall be, and
to induce him the sooner thereto, the King has propounded
these conditions—that he will write to the Pope to absolve
him from all that is past, and to admit him amongst the rest
of the Princes who have their ambassadors there resident;
that he will write to the King of Spain to restore such
domains as he withholds from him; and that he will resign
to him the disposal of all spiritual livings in his own territories. From Lyons they learn that 10,000 men are being
levied for the King in Switzerland, and that all companies of
men-at-arms in those quarters are commanded to repair
hitherwards. The Protestants of Toulouse, to the number
of 3,000, have retired to Montauban.
Endd. Enclosure. Pp. 1½. |
Sept. 24. |
568. H. Killigrew to Lord Burghley and the Earl of
Leicester. |
Will hear this day from the Regent and the Earl of Morton
in a matter they wot of, of which he hopes good. It is
desired that the Bishop of Ross be kept sure. Has good
hopes of a peace, as he finds all the Lords willing to join in
common defence with Her Majesty. He is utterly deceived if
De Croc has any credit now with the Regent or Morton, who
sent him word that his mistress should make the peace, and
that they wished that De Croc would go. If it come to a
peace Lethington must into England and put the Queen to
some charge for a time, and she must also promise for Grange
that he shall be true and obedient to the King for his Castle
of Edinburgh. De Croc has intelligence with Athol and
Huntley that they command all their followers to put their
horses to hard meat, a thing strange at this time of year, and
cause of great jealousy. It were good that Morton should be
encouraged to continue his devotion and well doing. They
be marvellous glad that the Queen has recalled her Ambassadors, and wish the French had none in England.—
Leith, 24 Sept. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾. |
Sept. 24. |
569. James Harvey to Sir Thomas Gresham. |
1. Chiefly on commercial matters. Money being scarce
the rate of interest is 15 per cent.—Antwerp, 18 Sept.
1572. |
2. P.S.—Sends a copy of the composition of Mons, which
the Duke of Alva has taken, and Count Ludovic has departed
with his men with their armour.—Antwerp, 24 Sept. 1572.
Signed: James Harvie, junior.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
Sept. 24. |
570. The Prince of Orange to Lord Burghley. |
Desires him to show favour to the bearer, M. De Boison,
and to obtain for him an audience with the Queen.—From
the Camp, 24 Sept. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½. |
Sept. 25. |
571. Secret Service Money. |
A minute of receipts and payments by Sir Valentine
Browne for certain extraordinary and secret causes, between
Michaelmas 1571 and Michaelmas 1572. The total receipts
are 5,100l., and the payments 3,787l. 20d. To Sir William
Drury for certain secret causes, and for his entertainment in
Scotland, 1,500l. To the masters of several ships hired for
espial service, 193l. 4 8. To George Tottye in secret causes,
1,240l., 100l. being paid by the Laird of Lochleven's brother.
For clothes for the Earl of Northumberland 12l., and for his
charges at Berwick, 109l., and for his conveyance to York,
66l. 13 4.
Pp. 1½. |
Sept. 25. |
572. Junius De Jonge to Killigrew. |
These treasons and horrible massacres which have been
perpetrated in Paris and elsewhere in France serve for a
ladder not to mount up to heaven to scrutinise the judgments
of God, but rather to descend and contemplate the hearts of
the traitors and wretched reptiles ("pauvres vermins") of this
lower world, filled with an hypocrisy such as the world has
never seen the like, or so horrible. These murders must
show those who have even the least judgment that they
intend to carry out their conspiracy against those of the true
religion, according to the tenor of their Holy League. Urges
the necessity of union, and not to suffer themselves to be
talked into a vain feeling of security by those enemies of
God, whose design is to destroy, one after another, all those
who have not on their forehead the mark of the whore of
Babylon. Begs that he and Lord Burghley will urge the
Queen of England to give all aid and assistance to the Prince
of Orange, if not openly at least secretly. They have great
scarcity of munitions to carry on the siege of Tergoes, which
he begs may be sent. A dissension has broken out in the
camp before Tergoes, between Sir Humfrey Gilbert and
Captain Morgan, who seeks to withdraw himself from the
command of Sir Humfrey on account of some insult which he
says he has received. Does not think that it deserves to be
called an insult, and has endeavoured to reconcile them.
Fears that some letters addressed to him by his master
the Elector have miscarried. — Flushing, 25 Sept. 1572.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 3. |
Sept. 25. |
573. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
The surrender of [Mons] by composition is held here for
certain. It is commonly said that they departed with bag
and baggage, and ensigns displayed. They fear much here
that the Duke of Alva and the Prince of Orange should grow
to composition, which makes them give out speech that they
much desire continuance of amity with Her Majesty. The
Chancellor is neither dead nor prisoner, though something
was intended against him. He is commanded only to make
his wife to go to mass. The bearer can inform him touching their practises in Portugal. — Paris, 25 Sept. 1572.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1. |
Sept. 27. |
574. Anonymous Letter from Rome. |
Movements of the Christian fleet against the Turk, and
efforts to induce the French King to join the League.—Rome,
27 September 1572.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 1½. |
Sept. 27. |
575. M. Haultain and others to Burghley. |
The late massacre in France having caused great numbers
of foreigners to fly into England, they beg that the foreign
churches in that country may be permitted to select such as are
able to serve, and send them over to the Low Countries with
their proper arms.—Flushing, 27 September 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½. |
Sept. 27. |
576. Sir Humfrey Gilbert to Lord Burghley. |
Is sure that no complaint in his absence will cause his
Lordship to condemn him unheard. Would gladly have
written particularly of such as have misused themselves, but
time will not permit as he is now embarking towards Tergoes,
where they mind this night to attempt the town, having
made a breach.—Flushing, 27 September 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
Sept. 28. |
577. Sir Humfrey Gilbert to Lord Burghley. |
On the 27th instant they made a camisadoe on the town of
Tergoes, which he utterly misliked, yet could not let it. They
had hurt and slain but 10 persons, but it was a marvel that it
had not cost them 500 lives. A gentleman of his band named
Bramydge was hurt and taken prisoner, whom he is promised
to have ransomed. The Spaniards would be glad to make
good wars, for that they have hanged so many of them, and
are like to take more of them. Two young gentlemen served
very valiantly at this service, one Colby, not above 19 years
of age, and one a son of Mr. Keys, the late serjeant porter,
who is very dangerously hurt.—Tergoes, 28 September 1572.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1⅓. |
Sept. 29. |
578. H. Killigrew to Lord Burghley and the Earl of
Leicester. |
Things are not yet so ripe as men would wish them. The
Regent and Lord Morton are willing of the matter they wot
of, but they have not broken it to him; he is made believe
they will first sound others' minds therein, whereby they
may be better able to perform in the end, and he thinks
they will see some end or other of this matter before he
receive an answer worthy to build upon. Has written to
Mr. Secretary about De Croc's proceedings. The advertisements in their letter to him did some good, for all those who
had any fear of God or zeal for religion exhibited a supplication to the Regent to prevent the like danger drawing near.
The Regent said that Strozzi's coming was to be feared; he
would have the Castle for the custody of the King, not considering Stirling sufficiently strong; if that can be compassed
peace will follow, but otherwise rather war than longer abstinence. They are at their wits' end resolving, he does all in
his power to bring matters to a peace, thinking that thereby
other matter will be accomplished with greater surety. Every
man cries out that it is high time to join in a straiter
league with England, unless it be Atholl and the Castilians,
who trust or fear the French King. De Croc fears to remain
in Scotland, as his credit is lost except with some secret
friends. Hearing his master openly exclaimed against, he
besought the Regent to publish a commandment that none
should speak dishonour of the King, saying the Queen of
England had done the like, but he has had no answer; at all
assemblies and meetings they show more favour to him
(Killigrew) than to De Croc. Lord Herries visited him yesterday, and professed to be wholly at the Queen's devotion.
They stand in fear of their fifty or sixty ships which be gone
to Bordeaux, and wish their mariners were in the Queen's
service. Lethington and Grange deem it strange they have
had no answer to their many offers. If it comes to a peace,
he requests instructions what to do in Lord Home's matters.
The Irish bishop has escaped by the treachery of a papist, who
ran away with him to Aberdeen, where he stays for passage
to Flanders or Spain. Is offered to have him taken by
recompensing them who will do the feat, who must fly with
him to England, and forsake the north whilst the Earl of
Huntley rules there. If it fall to war again the Regent will
demand Home Castle, and aid to take that of Edinburgh.—
Edinburgh, 29 September 1874. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 4. |
Sept. 30. |
579. Mons. de Haultain and others to Lord Burghley. |
If they succumb to the violence of their enemies the Duke
of Alva would soon be able to subjugate the Low Countries
and then attack England. Beg that he will urge the Queen
of England to send them prompt assistance, to enable them
to make sure of the island of Walcheren, and thus escape this
common danger.—Flushing, 30 September 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½. |
Sept. 30. |
580. Proclamation in Normandy. |
Prohibits all armed assemblies, unless by the express command of His Majesty, under pain of death.—Caen, 30 Sept.
1572. Signed by M. de Matignon, Lieutenant-General for
the King in Normandy.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1¼. |
Sept. |
581. Advertisements. |
1. Venice, Sept. 29.—Movements of the Christian army
under Don John of Austria in the neighbourhood of
Navarino. |
2. Possonia, 30 Sept.—Account of the coronation of
Rudolph the Emperor's son as King of Hungary.
Endd. Pp. 1½. |
Sept. |
582. The Duke of Alencon to Sir Thomas Smith. |
Thanks him for the goodwill which he has shown towards
his marriage with the Queen of England, and desires him to
continue in his efforts for its accomplishment, assuring him
that both the King his brother and himself will be so grateful
that he will have no cause not to be content. Signed:
Holograph. Add. Endd. by Burghley. Fr. P. 1. |
Sept. |
583. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. |
If the Marshal Montmorency had been in Paris he had
passed the same way with the others because he is hated of
the Parisians and the Guises, and his brethren who were there
were kept for no other cause but because he was not there.
The L. of Nance had the coffers of the Admiral, who was
commanded to search in them to see if there were no letters
which the Admiral had written to the Marshal, or from the
Marshal to him, which made mention of any conspiracy, but
there were none found. Monsicur Teligny when he found
his father-in-law was dead got from house to house and
entered into a garret against the lodging of the Marshal of
Savoy, who is now Admiral, and being discovered was slain
with daggers, and being half dead was thrown down from
the windows into the street. The murder [endured] at
Paris above eight days without ceasing to murder men and
women, and the opinion is there was slain above 3,000
persons, besides 400 gentlemen very brave and valiant and of
great houses. On the 26 August they slew above 1,200
persons, besides women, at Orleans. In Lyons was the like
committed, putting the most part in prison, who were also
slain. In the town of Meaulx they committed also a horrible
murder. There is also a speech of the like in Bordeaux and
Toulouse. In Rouen they put in prison 62 of the religion,
the rest were in their houses, and on Wednesday, 18 Sept.,
about 4 a.m., the murderers went to the prison and by force
commanded the jailor to deliver the prisoners to them,
whereto he refused as much as he might. In the end he
delivered them to the said murderers, who calling them out
by their names one after another slew them. The jailor
would have saved one, but they looking into the roll and
finding him lacking, he was forced to deliver him unto them.
The chief of the murderers were Captains Marrone and Caumont and the Curate of St. Sulpice. Captain Caumont came
to Dieppe on the 30 September with his companions, thinking
to have done the like there, but the Lord of Cigongnes would
not suffer them. The Lady Dowager Princess asking license
of the King four days after the murder to go to Conde to see
her children who were sick, he agreed unto her upon condition that she should not in going save one Huguenot,
swearing divers times that if she should save one she would
much displease him. |
2. List of names of gentlemen who were slain, amongst
whom occur those of two Catholics; also the names of some
of those who escaped.
Endd. Pp. 2. |
Sept. |
584. Massacre of St. Bartholomew. |
Carrouges, the Governor of Rouen, understanding that it
was the King's pleasure to have the Protestants of Rouen to
be partakers with those of the religion who were before
most cruelly murdered, would not attempt so cruel a fact
without sufficient warrant of the King, and sent to know
whether it was his pleasure. The King, with a frowning
countenance and binding his anger with oaths, said that it
was his mind, and that he should see the same executed.
The Governor not being satisfied with simple words sent
again to the King requesting his letters for his discharge,
whereat the King seemed to be very angry, and with horrible
oaths, snuffing and shaking his head, bade the same should
be executed, saying he should have no letters. When the
Governor heard this answer he retired to a house in the
country, after which the people slew all those of the religion
without any resistance. The King is now become so bloody
that it is impossible to stay his thirst to quench the same
in innocent blood; riding or hunting last week he went to
Montfaucon to see the Admiral hanging by the feet, a
spectacle which shows what good nature is in him. It is
much lamented to see his cruelty; even by the Papists many
be sorry that so monstrous a murder was invented, and partly
they dread their own lives, in so much that M. de Morvilliers
wished himself dead ten years ago. The Duke of Guise
himself is not so bloody, neither did he kill any man himself,
but saved divers; he spake openly that for the Admiral's
death he was glad for he knew him to be his enemy, but for
the rest the King had put to death such as might have done
him very good service. After the Admiral was hurt he
requested of the King that he might have some armour in his
house, who sent his passport to Marcells for a cartload.
Marcells advertised the Queen Mother and Monsieur, by
whose means the cart was taken by the way. The Queen
Mother, about 11 p.m., went to the King, telling him that
the Admiral caused armour to be taken to his lodging, who
answered that he had granted passport for the same; "whereupon the Queen Mother with her loving and motherly persuasions began to inform the King that the Admiral did hate
the King, herself, Monsieur, and the rest of his house, and
that he would give him arms to destroy them all. She so
persuaded the King that he swore that they should every
one die, and presently M. de Guise was sent for to take this
execution in hand and used as a butcher for the slaughter.
The inventors of this monstrous bloodshedding were the
Queen Mother, Monsieur, Duke Nevers, and Tavannes. The
revealers of this invented conspiracy were Grammont and
Bouchevannes. The Queen of Navarre, not long before her
death, talking with the Ambassador of England, told him
that Grammont was born to the ruin of her and her house."
All the Scots be grown into marvellous misliking of this
extreme tyranny. A Scottish gentleman, who has been an
earnest servant for his mistress, talking with "my lord the
day before I came away," wished with all his heart that the
lords might grow to agreement. The King has sent to De
Croc to keep them still in division. The English Ambassador
desires to know whether he shall grant a passport to the
Laird of Livingstone to this country. It is reported that
Mons is rendered by composition to the Duke of Alva.
Divers Papists coming to Walsingham's secretary willed him
that Her Majesty should not trust the French King, or suffer
herself to be abused with fair words. By the way, the
writer met some one who said that they [the English] should
all go to mass, and would be much astonished when the two
great trumpets came to summons them, meaning France and
Spain. He answered that he did not think the French
[King] would infringe his league, and as for Spain the amity
was so ancient, and further, that there were many lame in
England, and that they would be greatly troubled with the
carriage of them. One said he hoped shortly to be a lord,
and others to make choice of the best houses in London,
which betokens no good meaning. The execution was appointed at Amiens upon Thursday last. M. de Longueville
has gone towards St. Quintins, where the King assembles
6,000 horse and 8,000 footmen to aid the Duke of Alva and
pursue the Prince. The Protestants and Papists of Tours
have been together in fight, and many slain on both sides.
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