Oct. 1. |
585. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley. |
In commendation of the bearer, Captain Read, who would
be as glad of trial and show of his duty and heart towards his
prince and country as any person he knows of his estate.—
Berwick, 1 Oct. 1562. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½. |
Oct. 1. |
586. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley. |
1. Though loth to have any further ado in Scottish causes,
he has, upon receipt of his letter, dealt in them again to the
utmost of his small credit, which is with them somewhat
decayed, or holden of less force than heretofore. It has lately
been commonly bruited that he has not only been stayed in
having further dealings in Scotland, but sent for up to the
court and committed to the Tower. Neither for reports nor
slanderous speeches, nor for attempts upon his life, has anyone ever been punished, though the parties be well enough
known. The Castilians are for their part ready to perform
all that they have promised, although they have had no
answer from above.—Berwick, 1 Oct. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
2. P.S.—Perceives that Morton has written to Lady Lennox
of late something of him to be by her dealt in. Prays that
from whatever source complaints may come, his doings shall
have trial and his faults receive due punishment. He would,
if it be not misliked, at the Cross at Edinburgh, require
that any his doings might secretly or openly be brought
to Mr. Killigrew. Mr. Randolph can bear witness of what
offers he made to the Regent and Morton in his presence,
and what subsequently they can judge themselves. Lord
Morton's grief is that he did not procure him more money,
which he believes and says he might have done, and also
that his intelligence with the Castilians rather proceeded
from himself than from his instructions. De Croc sends his
packets and advertisements by sea. He trusts to be able
to discover something within 20 days.
On separate paper. P. 1. |
Oct. 1. |
587. The Earl of Morton to Lord Burghley. |
Requests that Will Graham, taken prisoner by Lord Scrope
and confined in Carlisle Castle on the charge of selling a horse
to Edward Dacre, may be sent forth from prison or caused to
take trial in the matter, and if found innocent may be set at
liberty.—Edinburgh, 1 Oct. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓. |
Oct. 1. |
588. H. Killigrew to Lord Burghley. |
Interceding in behalf of Graham, Lord Morton's servant
(vide letter from Lord Morton of same date), and hoping he
may be set at liberty, as well for the justice of the cause as
that it is well for the Queen's service to gratify so noble and
devout a man as Lord Morton.—Edinburgh, 1 Oct. 1572.
Add. Endd. P. ½. |
Oct. 2. |
589. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
The bearer being one whom he dares trust, has requested
him to declare such things as he thinks not convenient
to commit to writing. It is commonly given out that the
King of Portugal's ships are arrived in Ireland, and that
Ireland is revolted; that order is taken for burning Her
Majesty's ships; that it is no hard matter to conquer England
by landing soldiers in Sussex, Wales, and the North. The
Duke of Lorraine has given commandment throughout his
dominions that all those of the religion depart within a
twelvemonth, licensing them to sell their land and make the
most of what they have. "This favour in respect of others is
very favourable."—Paris, 2 Oct. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½. |
Oct. 3. |
590. The Copie of the Proclamation set furth be the Kingis
Majestie and his Counsall, for ane Conventioun of the
Professouris of the trew Religioun within this Realme
to consult and deliberate upon the imminent Dangers
and Conspiracies of the Papistis. |
1. In respect to the great murders and more than beastly
cruelty used and put in execution in divers parts of Europe,
suggested, no doubt, by the unhappy, devilish, and terrible
Council of Trent, and to be prosecuted and followed forth not
only where treason and power may avail, but also in the
realm of Scotland and everywhere where Christ's Evangel is
sincerely professed, by the enterprise and device of the
malicious and bloody Papists and children of the world, who
in their kind are more busy and subtle than the children of
God, and as various supplications have been addressed to him
seeking him to foresee and provide for the danger, the necessity
of which he perceives, he has ordained that the sheriff shall
deliver open proclamation at the market crosses of the head
boroughs, in parish churches, and other places needful, that
every and particular kirk shall send on the 20th October one or
more commissioners sufficiently authorised to deliberate with
the Regent upon the preventing, resisting, and mutual defence
of Christ's Evangel from the rage and lawless cruelty of the
bloody and treasonable papists. All commissioners shall have
full liberty, licence, and protection to freely haunt, resort, and
come to the place appointed, and to have free speech and vote,
and be allowed 20 days to return without hindrance. "Given
under our signet at Edinburgh, 3rd day of October, the sixth
year of our reign." |
Ane Advertisement to the Faithfull. |
That every one may understand the bloody and treasonable
enterprise of the Papists, wherein they intend to execute and
continue the same with most barbarous cruelty, some of the
heads and articles of the confederacy, or rather the devilish
conspiracy made after the Council of Trent, are subjoined.
The Lord in his mercy grant them true and penitent hearts,
that, amending their lives and uprightly walking in the ways
of our God, he may turn His mighty hand to confound their
enemies and to deliver His kirk from their cruel and merciless
rage. |
The 20 articles of the league, specifying the means to be
employed in stamping out Protestantism and restoring Roman
Catholicism, and detailing various marriages to take place
between the confederates, then follow. |
Imprentit at Sanctandrois be Robert Lepreuik, A.D. 1572.
Endd. by Burghley. Blackletter broadside. |
Oct. 3. |
591. The Count de Retz to Madame de Montgomery. |
Has received her letter, and informed the King of the state
of her affairs and those of her family. Assures her that if her
husband will live quietly they may enjoy their possessions in
peace, but that he fears the contrary will happen if he does
not do so. She is, however, to send her son to court, and
her other children to some relative, by whom they may be
brought up to learn the duty which they owe to the King
and their country. Thinks that Madame de la Suze would
undertake this charge. The King approves of this plan.
Desires her to inform her husband in order that they may
receive his answer.—Paris, 3 Oct. 1572.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. 1. |
Oct. 6. |
592. Sir William Drury and John Lovel to the Privy
Council. |
If the due punishment of the town offenders proceeds not
from better authority than their own, there will be little hope
of reformation. The second day after the mayor was chosen
(who obtained that office by excess of promises, gifts, and
threats) his officer, the town clerk, a young man incapable,
came to one who had been mayor the last year, and after
certain quarrelous words, drew his dagger on him, so did also
two of the brethren of the now mayor, even in the High
Street, and put him in great peril, if he had not been rescued
by soldiers, as happened also to an alderman coming to
further quietness. On inquiry they found this to be nourished
by the mayor himself, who, with some of his new chosen
officers, they also found to be the spreaders of a malicious
slander against the minister and preacher.—Berwick, 6 Oct.
1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½. |
Oct. 6. |
593. Rowland Johnson to Lord Burghley. |
Advertises him of his progress in repairing the bridge at
Berwick, which he hopes to have completed this year. Commends the bearer, Mr. George Muschance, to his favour.—
Berwick, 6 Oct. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼. |
Oct. 7. |
594. Sir W. Drury to Lord Burghley. |
De Croc, his son-in-law, and some Scottish gentlemen,
arrived here this day, and intend to be at the court on the
20th of the month. There is one Farryer, a Frenchman,
with De Croc, who is to pass with him into France, who
will bring a little writing from Drury to his Lordship. He
is presently to be returned either with men or money, and
has assured him he will declare all his knowledge. Has
given him 10l. He is 50 years of age, and had, in the
Scottish Queen's time, the keeping of Linlithgow House.
He has a black beard with some white hairs. If he cannot
well come himself [to Burghley], he whom he sends is to
take him by the little finger of the right hand. He has
assured Drury to do his best to return through England,
and requires to have some one appointed in France to whom he
may open such things as he knows. Will advertise Killigrew
of certain things which he has discovered to him touching
the Castilians. Verac has been commanded by the French
King to remain in Scotland, but persuaded by the Castilians,
who put all their trust in him and mislike De Croc, he has
made the journey.—Berwick, 7 October 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3. |
Oct. 7. |
595. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
Languet, Councillor to the Duke of Saxony, has recommended the bearer to him as the rarest young man in Europe
for those great good parts that are in him. He has been a
great traveller, and can render as good account of what he
has seen as any. He is a gentleman of good house. Besides
Latin, Greek, and his own tongue, he has both Italian and
Almain. Being driven to abandon his country for religion,
cannot but commend him to his protection.—Paris, 7 Oct.
Add., with seal. Endd.: "in the com. of Monsr. Plessis."
P. ½. |
Oct. 7. |
596. The French Ambassador to |
The more those here consider what has happened in France
the more they enter into great suspicion, and look to their
safety. Has had great difficulty in persuading them to
continue their customary voyage to Bordeaux for wine.—
7 Oct. 1572.
Extract. Fr. P. ¼. |
Oct. 8 (?). |
597. Abstract of Letters. |
Abstract of the Lord Deputy of Ireland's letter of the
25th September, giving heads of the events in the four provinces of Ireland, and of one from Killegrew of the 8th
October on the events in Scotland.
Endd. Pp. 12/3. |
Oct. 9. |
598. Lethington to Lord Burghley. |
Has received a letter from him in which he is persuaded to
prefer the good of his country to his own particular; he has
always conformed his actions to what he has written in his
former letters, when the Marshal of Berwick was a trafficker
amongst them. He would that Mr. Killigrew had been
instructed to have resolved them on certain points, and so
assure them of Her Majesty's good favour towards them;
he is afraid he was despatched on a sudden, and was not
made acquainted with what had passed before, neither is he
particularly instructed what to answer to those points.
Will respect the public yet not altogether neglect his own
particular. Wishes there were more frank dealing, and
matters brought from general propositions to more special
terms.—Edinburgh Castle, 9th October 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
Oct. 13. |
599. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley. |
This day William Stewart, servant to Lady Lennox, departs
hence towards her, with whom goes William Henryson, an
old and affectionate servant to the Scottish Queen. By William Stewart he may understand M. De Croc's proceedings.
He has dealt very honestly with Drury in secret causes, and
has had some little consideration from him. He can declare
that De Croc dealt not inwardly for accord but to nourish the
contrary.—Berwick, 13 October 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
Oct. 15. |
600. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley. |
Upon intelligence of the late detestable murders in France,
he assembled the captains and others of the best sort here,
declaring unto them the effect thereof, and warning them to
look into their companies, and if there could be known any
favourer of such horrible acts that he should be apprehended.
There has lately been accused a soldier, whom he has committed till such time as he receives direction as to what
punishment he shall have. Has caused a hearer or two of his
disordered speech to be committed.—Berwick, 15 October
1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½. |
Oct. 15. |
601. H. Killigrew to [Lord Burghley]. |
He is assured that in case the Regent shall not answer his
expectations, the "great matter" shall be brought to pass
without him. He has written to Mr. Secretary touching
the peace.—Edinburgh, 15 October 1572. Signed.
P. 2/3. |
Oct. |
602. Robert Melvil to Killigrew. |
He assures "Brother Harry" that he has continued of the
same mind since his arrival, when he dealt plainly with him,
letting him understand that the practice of other nations had
moved them to be more willing that quietness should be in
the whole isle at this time more than any other, and that they
mean truly and faithfully to join themselves with the rest
of their country for profession of religion and avoiding of
strangers. As he is a Christian they intend nothing but to
make a present end, craving nothing but surety in time
coming without prejudice of any persons, and rather to be at
an end therein than to have all the designs performed that
their enemies invent against them. Their reasonable offers
are hindered by such as can be content with nothing but their
wreck and dishonour, seeking that the Laird of Grange should
part with the Castle. He will see who is least careful to prevent all foreign practice without regard to religion. He
doubts not but that he (Killigrew) can make an end to the
evil, to his own honour. Signed: R. M.
Enclosure. P. 1. |
Oct. 16. |
603. Sir John Forster to Lord Burghley. |
Has, with other justices of the peace, held a sessions at
Hexham, whereat execution was ministered to offenders and
order taken for the Marches. Sends certain articles agreed
upon by the gentlemen of the country for the pupose of preventing feuds and promoting concord and amity amongst
themselves. As he can get no redress by authority in Scotland, he has conference with the "Laird's Jock" and others,
his coherents, whom he found willing to bind themselves into
assurance with England, which offer he accepted.—Alnwick,
16 October 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
604. Articles for maintaining good order on the Borders. |
Set of articles agreed upon by the gentlemen of the East
and Middle Marches of England for the quiet stay of the
country and avoiding murder and theft. They promise to
obey the Queen's lieutenant and wardens, to submit all controversies of lands and goods to the determination of eight
gentlemen, and if they cannot agree to the judges of assize;
to stand by each other in all feuds with the Scots; to use all
their power to prevent thefts, and to punish evil doers; and
to share all losses with each other.
Endd. Enclosure. Pp. 12/3. |
Oct. 16. |
605. Charles IX. to the Town of Rochelle. |
Expresses his displeasure at their refusal to receive M. de
Biron as their governor, and commands them forthwith to
lay down their arms, and to admit him into the town with
such company and forces as he may think fit.—Paris, 16
October 1572.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1⅓. |
Oct. 17. |
606. Dr. Junius to Lord Burghley. |
Recommends to his favourable notice Janus Douza and
Theodorus Neopyrgus, who are coming to him as ambassadors
from the Dutch Republic.—Haarlem, 17 October. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1. |
Oct. 18. |
607. Alderman Duckett to Lord Burghley. |
Reminds him of the suit of the Muscovy Company to the
Queen, for her letters to the Emperor of Russia. Wishes
that Her Majesty would thank him for receiving the company
again into his favour, and restoring their privileges, and
desire him to continue his goodness towards Thomas Bannister
and Geoffry Duckett, and their charge coming from Persia,
and that he should give no credit to the sinister reports of
other Englishmen there against the Company and their agents.
Also to ask leave to ship Thomas Glover, Ralph Rutter,
Thomas Pett, and their adherents into England. Also if any
Englishman offend his laws, that he may be punished, and not
the Emperor's displeasure to fall on the Company. Though
the Muscovy Company is now very poor, they hope of good
success hereafter, when they will not be unthankful to his
Lordship.—London, 18 October 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½. |
Oct. 18. |
608. Petrus Suavius to Lord Burghley. |
Desires his intervention with the King of Denmark, for the
liberation of Captain John Clark, who is detained in prison
on false charges, to the great grief of all good men. Clark
was sent over by the King of Scots, with the consent of the
Queen of England, to desire that Bothwell might either pay
the penalty of his crimes in Denmark, or be delivered up to
him, by an iniquitous plot of his own soldiers, was thrown
into prison, and notwithstanding letters from the King of
Scots' and Queen of England, is still kept there.—Copenhagen,
18 October 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2½. |
Oct. 19. |
610. Advertisement from France. |
They of Sancerre offer to render themselves to the King,
who promises remission of the past, through the mediation
of M. Fontaine, his hunting companion, who married one of
the daughters of the Count of Sancerre. There is great search
made for those that stole the Admiral's body from Montfaucon, and hung up divers pasquils most spitefully written
against their Majesties. It was looked for that there should
have been execution done at the Grève of the Admiral's
picture, as also of Bricquemault's and Cavaignie's lively bodies.
It is said that one of the Admiral's younger sons with another
of D'Andelot's, who are prisoners at Bois des Vincennes, shall be
made monks of the Carthusians. The Baron de la Garde has
offered to keep the entrance of Rochelle with his galleys. It
is reported that the Princes of the religion in Germany have
made a general muster; also that there is landed in the
island of Tergoes 2,000 soldiers of the Duke of Alva; that
the Prince of Orange has retired beyond Ruremond towards
Germany, and that the Duke of Alva is at Maestricht. M.
Duras departs to Rome with the King of Navarre's submission
to the Pope.
Endd. P. 1. |
Oct. 19. |
611. Thomas Brune to Lord Burghley. |
Has been required not to discover himself to be in the town.
On the 11th inst., 56 sail, great and small, with 1,800 Walloon and Dutch soldiers, under the command of Hampsted
and Mondragon, sailed down towards Zealand about eight in
the morning, and met six miles from the town with six Zealander ships, between whom and the Duke's ships, who were
succoured with three pieces of ordnance mounted on the dike,
there began a sharp and hot charge, and being afterwards
reinforced with 40 sail more, the Duke's ships were shrewdly
beaten and retired under their ordnance upon the land, and
so came their ways home again with the loss of four sail.
Besides this the Zealanders carried away one of the greatest
pieces of brass which was mounted on the dike, which by often
using broke its carriage and tumbled into the ditch. It is
thought that 600 Walloons and 1,000 Spaniards shall be sent
to succour those of Tergoes. The Prince of Orange has
shaken off all his Dutch, both horse and footmen, in whom
the common bruit is was great treason; and he reported to be
in Dort. The Prince Ludovic is in Friesland with 3,000 horse
and 12,000 foot. The Duke of Alva's forces are about Maestricht.—Antwerp, 19 Oct. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3. |
Oct. 19. |
612. Antoine De [Batteville] to Jan [Canning]. |
Short letter in Dutch.—Middleburg, 19 Dec. 1572. Signed.
Add. P. ¼. |
Oct. 19. |
613. H. Killegrew to Lord Burghley and the Earl of
Leicester. |
The day after his coming was bidden to dinner with the
Regent, where he saw the King, who seemed a very toward
prince of his age both in wit and person. Pressed the Regent
to give a good and reasonable answer to be made unto
the form of surety demanded by the Castilians, to the end
that this abstinence be not neglected like the other was, without doing anything for the peace until it was too late, and,
having sounded him, he found him to be most desirous of
peace, more so because he finds not the assistance he looked
for. The Abbot of Dunfermline will give him, on his return
to Edinburgh, such answer as the Regent and Council have
determined on, the which, if they mislike, shall be referred
to the Queen of England. Finds the Regent very earnest
touching the "great matter," asking him to write speedily to
both their honours to further the same, as being the "only
salve for the cure of the great sores of this commonwealth."
His first coldness arose rather from want of skill how to
compass so great a matter than lack of goodwill to execute
the same; he desires also to be furnished with more money
for the payment of his soldiers, for lack of which he is driven
to put off the raid against the thieves of the Borders.—Stirling,
19 October 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 12/3. |
Oct. 19. |
614. Sir W. Drury to Lord Burghley. |
The letters he received on the 10th arrived with the packet
all rent and the seal broken, whether done of purpose or by
negligence he knows not. Signifies thus much the rather
for that there was a letter enclosed for Mr. Killegrew. De
Croc, Verac, and the rest are happily gone from Scotland,
where it were better they had never been. Has done his
uttermost to press the Castilians to remit their causes and
difficulties to the Queen. His Lordship would do well to
allow Robert Melvil to come to him to understand his meaning for their preservation, and also that he may be better
satisfied of the Castilians, who still bear him (Drury) favour,
though they burden him that he has not been able to procure
a direct answer to their offers. Protests that he has not given
any cause whereof it should rise that his Lordship should wish
him not to conceive any scruple in Mr. Killigrew's often
advertising without his understanding the contents; they are
good friends, and he esteems the choice of Mr. Killigrew to be
employed as good as of any other not being of the Privy
Council, and has been willing to further him as well as he
could. Would be glad to be discharged from hence, or else
have leave to be absent for a time, to seek his health, and to
provide for some infirmities fallen and risen in his body and
limbs; he has a swelling in his left side, of the which if he
seek not present remedy, not here to be had, he believes he
will not long feel any grief.—Berwick, 19 October 1572.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3. |
Oct. 20. |
615. Articles of the Ministry and Commissioners of the
Reformed Kirk of Scotland to be presented to
the King on the 20th October 1572. |
Understanding the treasonable cruelty and fearful persecution begun and intended to be executed against all the
professors of the true religion throughout Christendom; they
pray that there be a public humiliation from the 23rd
November to the end of the month; that good order be taken
of His Majesty's preservation and for his virtuous and godly
education; and that the regency be given to a man who fears
God. That as God has plagued the land because the murders
of the King and two Regents remain unpunished, their deaths
may be speedily avenged; that all Catholics within the realm
be made to recant their belief, and make profession before the
kirk, and upon refusal to do so may be proceeded against even
to death, and not be allowed to plead in courts of law; that
persons holding benefices under the Pope be punished as
traitors; that certain regulations be made for the better
government and ceremonies of the kirk, relief of the poor, &c.;
lastly, that there be a league with the Queen of England for
the better resisting the cruelty and treason of the Papists.
Endd. Pp. 3¼. |
Oct. 21. |
616. Mr. Steward's Declaration touching De Croc's
Negotiation, &c. |
De Croc's dealing in Scotland was not in any way to make
peace, but to keep things in the same doubtful state, so as his
master might make his advantage thereof. Grange has promised both by writing and through his brother to the French
King to keep the Castle of Edinburgh for the Queen of Scots
and the said King, who has promised that the Castle shall be
supported in all things that they need. He daily expects his
brother with money or men. It is to be feared if the Council
of Trent and those who have used this late cruelty mind to
subvert religion that they will not pretermit the commodity
of this faction in this island unless the Queen and her Council
foresee the danger and take advantage before they make their
Endd. Pp. 2. |
Oct. 22. |
617. Antoine de [Batteville] to Jan [Canning]. |
Short letter in Dutch in which the name of Lord Seton
occurs.—Middleburg, 22 October 1572. Signed.
Add. P. ½. |
Oct. 24. |
618. H. Killegrew to Lord Burghley and the Earl of
Leicester. |
Will omit no occasion or opportunity to the furthering of
his charge. The Regent will be here shortly to "concur"
with Morton about these great matters and the peace, to
which they still seem inclined, but could Grange be induced,
to which nothing can move him, to give up the Castle, there
would be no doubt of peace. Could draw on peace faster, but
not without hindrance to the "great matter." It would be
well if he (Lord Burghley) wrote a friendly letter to Lethington, saying that the Queen's slow answering to their offers
proceeded from her thinking that the late league concluded
with France was the best way to compound their differences,
and therefore had forborne to deal with them, and likewise
withdrawn her support from their adversaries. Both Grange
and Melvil are in favour of peace, provided they be sure of
their lives and the restitution of their livings, and that the
Castle remain in Grange's keeping. He thinks 100l. yearly
pensions to Lethington and Grange and 500l. to the Regent
and Morton sufficient, and as Grange is far behind hand 1,000
crowns might save the expenses of many a thousand. For the
King's death they would be content to be judged by the
Parliament, and the conditions of peace settled by the Queen.
It will do good if the Queen would send letters to both
parties to come to agreement. The Regent requests some
relief for his soldiers, but none shall be delivered unless they
come off roundly with the "great matter," or to a speedy
league and peace defensive with England. Is very friendly
with Drury and seeks his advice; and does his best to bring
him (Drury) and Morton to be friends, and desires that Drury
may be thanked for his advice. He has shown Morton part
of the Earl of Leicester's letter to himself, which served to
very good purpose.—Edinburgh, 24 October. Signed.
Add. Endd by Burghley. Pp. 3½. |
Oct. 28. |
619. H. Killegrew to Lord Burghley. |
The Regent is in great danger of his life, but is somewhat
amended, having been let blood; Morton had a letter from
Alexander Erskine, the Regent's brother, saying there was no
hope of life, and willing him to provide accordingly, which he
did. He shall understand of their opinions for the peace and
the "matter he wots of," which will in no way satisfy his
expectation, unless it be squared and framed to a more reasonable proportion.—Edinburgh, 28 October. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1. |
Oct. 25. |
620. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
1. Touching the overture it would seem the party employed passed the bounds of his commission, or that such as
employed him have altered their purpose. |
2. La Mole showed him immediately upon his return that
the Duke D'Alençon would shortly send to him to communicate a thing that touched the Queen. |
3. Judges that the evil success of the Prince of Orange has
altered their purposes. The Queen [Mother] has so many
spies abroad that they are afraid of one another. The said
party is very jealous of the Duke D'Alençon, in respect of
his greatness with the Duke of Montmorency. There is
scarce one about him whom he may trust.—Paris, 25 Oct.
1572. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1. |
Oct. 28. |
621. Abbot of Dunfermline's notes to Killegrew. |
"Certain notes given me in writing by the Abbot of Dunfermline, this 28th October 1572, in the name of the
Regent's Grace and my Lord of Morton, to be copied
out by me, and the original to be restored unto him
again." |
That the Queen take the protection of the King of Scotland; that it be declared in Parliament that no process against
his mother should prejudice him; that there be a defensive
league between the two countries; "that the Earl of Huntingdon, Bedford, or Essex, with 2,000 or 3,000 men of war,
assist to the execution;" that the Castle of Edinburgh be
put into the King and Regent's hand, or else a sufficient sum
of money and artillery be provided for recovering the same;
that all their men of war shall be paid for all bygones; that
they have money to pay 500 footmen and 100 horsemen for
six months, after the recovery of the Castle, for the quieting
the country to the King's authority, and to do good service
upon the Borders. They have hitherto been loth to be overbold in making these demands, for when three years since the
Queen of Scotland was to be delivered, and hostages granted,
nevertheless the matter took no effect, and they know not
but that the like may be done now; according, therefore, to
the answers they receive to these demands, so shall they show
forwardness on their part.
Endd., with date only, by Burghley. Pp. 1¼. |
Oct. 28, 29. |
622. Decree of the Parliament of Paris. |
The late Gaspard De Coligny, Admiral of France, having
been found guilty by the confessions of certain prisoners in
the Conciergerie and elsewhere, and also on the evidence of
certain writings and letters, of high treason against the
King's authority, and of being the principal deviser of the
late conspiracy against his person, the Parliament of Paris condemns his name and memory to perpetual suppression, and
that his corpse shall be hanged in the Place de Grève for 24
hours, and afterwards suspended on the gibbet at Montfaucon.
His banner and arms are to be dragged through the streets
at the horse's tail, and afterwards broken in pieces by the
common executioner, in token of perpetual ignominy. All the
Admiral's armorial bearings and portraits to be destroyed.
His estates to be forfeited to the crown, and his children to
be declared ignoble and infamous, and incapable of holding
any office or dignity in France. The seignorial chateau of
Chastillon to be razed to the ground, and forbidden ever to
be rebuilt, and all trees planted for its adornment to be cut
down, and in place of the said chateau a pillar to be erected
inscribed with this sentence. On every anniversary of St.
Bartholomew public prayer and thanksgiving is to be offered
up in the city of Paris for the punishment of this conspiracy, and the Admiral's armorial bearings dragged through
streets and broken by the public executioner.—Oct. 28 and 29,
Extract. Fr. Pp. 3¼. |
Oct. 30. |
623. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
Refers him to the enclosed occurrents. They were never
so inconstant here in their doings as at present. Not two
days before the execution of Bricquemault they were resolved
not to have executed him, and seemed very much to lament
what had already been done, as having weakened the realm
and made them odious to all other nations. The alteration of
this humour is thought to proceed upon advertisements out of
Spain promising them great things. It is now thought that
their cruelty will rather increase than assuage. Such as are
"parties" and passionate bear greatest sway, who in respect of
their private passion and revenge care not what becomes of
their prince and realm. The "long gowns," who are men
of the greatest experience, are only employed in the expedition of ordinary causes. All men look for some mischievous
issue of this kind of government. It is feared that their
neighbours shall participate some part of the smart of their
folly. None is so much threatened as poor England.—Paris,
30 Oct. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 12/3. |
Oct. |
624. Occurrents. |
1. There is looked for out of Spain the Marquis of Agamont to congratulate the Queen's deliverance, and the late
execution done against the Huguenots. |
2. It is thought that the Cardinal of Lorraine will be here
from Rome by the end of this month. On the 27th the young
Queen was brought to bed of a daughter, whereat there was
no great rejoicing. The same day Bricamo (Bricquemault)
and Cavaignies were executed, Bricquemault taking on his
death that he was innocent of any conjuration. |
3. Monsieur, as General for the King, shall march towards
Rochelle, and stays upon the return of Petropaulo, an Italian
captain, who with certain engineers went to view the place.
They have of late at Rouen executed in effigy four or five of
those who committed the late murder there, but the parties
themselves walk up and down the Court here in great
Enclosure. P. 1. |
Oct. 31. |
625. Answer to the Merchants of the Hanse Towns. |
Where the orators of the cities of the Hanse have desired
a confirmation of their privileges and treaties made with
Queen of England's predecessors, and say that their Lords
will so kindly accept the same as to give place to none in the
keeping of the amity; but if it shall not please Her Majesty to
depart from the sentence of late declared to them in Council,
they will make report thereof to their superiors. To all this
they shall be answered that Her Majesty would be content to
grant a confirmation of their privileges, with conditions
expressly that the said orators shall confess, covenant, and
compact that the said confirmation should not be understood
to prejudice or derogate from the treaty of 1560. As to the
article concerning the bringing in of bowstaves, where they
contend that they are not comprehended in the statute of
Edward IV., they are to be informed that the statute of
Richard III. does not in anywise alter the said statute. The
statute of Edward IV. binds all ships from any city or town
whence any bowstaves have aforetime been brought, that
they should bring for every ton of merchandise four bowstaves; and the statute of Richard III. ordains all merchants
of Venice and others should for every butt of Malvoisy bring
ten bowstaves; therefore the former is general to bind all
merchants from any part of the world, but the statute concerns only such as bring Malvoisie or "Tyre," and none
other. The Hanse merchants, until of late years, used to
bring into England such quantity at reasonable prices that
there was no cause why they should be hardly dealt withal
with the execution of the statute, but lately finding some
slackness therein the Queen has caused this ordinance to be
put in execution. Her Majesty can, however, be content to
have the intention of the law executed by equity, without
the exacting of every particular ship the bringing in of bowstaves, so as such reasonable number as the realm may have
need of may yearly be brought; and if the said orators can
propound any reasonable means for this purpose, the Queen
has given order that they should be favourably heard.
Promise that other matters touching "de quota salis," and
licence to carry out white cloths, and other matters, shall be
arranged according to law and reason.
Draft, corrected by Burghley. Endd. Pp. 5¾. |
Oct. 31. |
626. Sir John Forster to Lord Burghley. |
Has stayed Sir George Heron, Sheriff of Northumberland,
and other gentlemen from coming up to answer to certain
writs, as they cannot be spared, as upon hearing of the death
of the Regent of Scotland the Borders stand in very dangerous
state.—Alnwick, 31 Oct. 1572. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½. |
[Oct.] |
627. The Duke of Montmorency's Embassy. |
List of presents given to the Duke of Montmorency by
Queen Elizabeth, consisting of the insignia of the Garter,
and gold and silver plate, to the total value of 1,769l. 6s.
P. ½. |