Elizabeth: September 1571, 15-30

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: September 1571, 15-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp535-541 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: September 1571, 15-30', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp535-541.

"Elizabeth: September 1571, 15-30". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp535-541.

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September 1571, 15-30

Sept. 16. 2038. Francis Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Has made report to the French King of that which passed at sundry conferences between the Queen and M. De Foix and his Ambassador. The King gave thanks for the honourable entertainment of De Foix, and protested that he desired nothing more than strait amity with Her Majesty, and that it would be no small grief to him if the marriage should not take place. Her Majesty is much beholden to the Duchess of Uzes, who stands earnestly in defence of her honour. She seems to think herself much bound to Her Majesty, for that it pleased her once to write to her. The Queen Mother is much governed by her. Advises that some ring should be bestowed on her. 150,000 francs have lately been made by the Queen of Scots' officers in Poitou, which he thinks will be made over by exchange to London, and so to Scotland. The Admiral who arrived on the 12th sent to him, desiring him to consider what suspicion would grow if he visited him, but assured him of his readiness to serve the Queen. Generally all those of the religion who are the flower of France make the like protestation. The only impediment to the marriage between the Prince of Navarre and Lady Margaret is religion. The Queen of Navarre is in Bearn at certain baths. Count Ludwig left a man here to attend Her Majesty's answer touching those things which he propounded. The resolution of that enterprise stands only upon the expectation of what she will do. If the opportunity be let slip the unkindness between the Kings of France and Spain will be reconciled, which the house of Guise travail secretly for, dissuading what they may from the amity of England, as they think nothing will more prejudice the Queen of Scots than the same. His disease grows so dangerously upon him that he must desire the Queen to take speedy order for some one to supply his place. The continual increase of charges grows far beyond Her Majesty's allowance. Liggens continues in Paris, and sometimes resorts to the Scottish Ambassador; suspects that he is revolted in religion. —Blois, 16 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Printed by Digges. Pp. 3½.
Sept. 16. 2039. Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley.
1. Sends the copy of a letter which he has received from Lord Herries, and does not mean to write to him without Burghley's further direction.
2. P.S.—There is one Robert Laing, a Scotchman, servant to Mr. George Verney, who has brought out of Scotland other five young men with hawks, and would pass into Warwickshire to the said Mr. Verney and Sir Thomas Lucye, wherein he desires to know his pleasure.—Carlisle, 16 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Sept. 14. 2040. Lord Herries to Lord Scrope.
Had no intention of offending him by the words in his letter. Has part of a writing dated 15 May 1570, from the Earl of Sussex to Scrope, containing these words, "True it is, my Lord; I intend not to meddle in the cause of title in Scotland, neither to take part with either side." According to this, when he came to Scotland with the power, he willingly troubled men who might truly acquit themselves of the resset of the fugitives. Desires to know how far he may deal with them in the castle without offending the Queen, and also what order he will take with the Greames, who upon the 1st of this month lay for his slaughter under assurance subscribed by Scrope, Forster, the Vice-President of York, and others the Queen of England's commissioners for that time sufficiently authorised. If this had been done amongst themselves who know no honour, yet would they have taken some trial of it. —Terregles, 14 Sept. 1571.
Copy. P. ¾. Enclosure.
Sept. 16. 2041. The Regent Marr to Sir William Drury.
Thanks him for the goodwill he has to pleasure him, and desires him to continue therein, as he means sembably to use himself.—Leith, 16 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
Sept. 17. 2042. The Earl of Morton to Sir William Drury.
Is sorry to hear of such troubles as appear to some noblemen in England, but glad for the Queen's weal that their practise is discovered. Their neighbours of Edinburgh are minded to "list" more men of war, and Verac intends to "list" a band in the Cardinal of Lorraine's name. Trusts that it is not unknown to the Queen what truth those of the castle mean towards her. Has declared some of his mind to the bearer to be shown to him.—Leith, 17 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd P. ¾.
Sept. 17. 2043. The Earl of Sussex to Lord Burghley.
Forwards letters and copies of letters from Lord Scrope. It seems thereby that the King's party is not decreased by the lack of the Regent, and if he who now holds his place may be bound to Her Majesty, her party may be as strong as it was. Trusts that his wife will have the full use of both her eyes shortly.—Mordant's house, near Smithfield, 17 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
Sept. 19. 2044. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Has received his letters of the 14th on the 17th, about 5 p.m. Has lately received sundry advertisements from Scotland, which he cannot well rehearse in writing, and therefore sends the bearer instructed with as much as he can gather from thence.—Berwick, 19 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Sept. 19. 2045. Instructions for John Case.
Notes of information about Scottish matters which John Case is to impart to Lord Burghley, chiefly relating to offers of reconciliation, made by different members of the Queen of Scots' party, and their intention of abandoning the town of Edinburgh, but still to keep the castle. In Drury's writing and signed by him.
Endd. by Burghley. Pp. 1¼.
Sept. 22. 2046. — to Giacomo Spinola.
Sends sums from Venice, of 22nd September 1571. Anticipated battle between the Christian and Turkish fleets. Burning of Corfu by the Turks. News from different parts of Italy. Heretic burnt in effigy.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 22/3.
Sept. 22. 2047. Charles IX. to Queen Elizabeth.
In favour of Maurice Chamail, whose ship with her cargo he desires she will cause to be restored to him.—Blois, 22 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Royal letter.
Sept. 25. 2048. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
James Borthwick and a servant of Virac's, who were dispatched by them of the castle into France, have been apprehended at Leith, and all their letters taken. There has been a skirmish between them of Edinburgh and the soldiers in the abbey, and certain slain. On Saturday were two of the castle side executed in Leith. The proclamation to bring forty days provision is thought an innovation, and of the multitude not allowed. Morton does all.—Berwick, 25 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Sept. 26. 2049. Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
Within three days after M. De Foix's return, the King sent for him and willed him to thank the Queen for her good entertainment of M. De Foix, and to show her how glad he was to understand of the good affection which she bears towards him, and also to say that he finds her answer on the point of religion very hard and doubtful, and that he trusted that the same would be qualified. He also desired him to recommend again to the Queen Maurice Chamail, in whose behalf he has lately written that an end might be made of his long suit. Understands that the council have promised him letters of marque. After this, Monsieur desired him to thank the Queen for her letter, and to assure her that whatsoever shall come of the matter, she will always find him ready to serve her with the hazard of his life. M. De Foix has every way made most honourable report of Her Majesty. The Admiral desires that the bill signed by the Queen, for the receipt of certain jewels, and given to his brother the Cardinal, should be exchanged for one, both signed and sealed, which he does to content the Queen of Navarre. Immediately on the news of the Regent's death, the Ambassador of Scotland desired the King to send forces into Scotland to assist the Duke of Chatelherault. Repaired to M. De Foix, and showed him that if the King consented to this request, that it would be in vain for him to hope for any strait league with England. The King is well affected towards the Queen, and besides, sees that the amity of England will stand him in more stead than that of Scotland. Of late there has been great consultation between the King, Monsieur, the four Marshals, and the Admiral about the enterprise of Flanders; the lets thereof are two, the expectation of what the Queen will do, and the lack of money. Morvilliers, who is altogether at the devotion of the house of Guise, very much opposes the enterprise. Cardinal Rambouillet, Ambassador leger for the King at Rome, uses great persuasions to draw the King to continue his amity with Spain, warning him of entering into amity with heretics, and has made great offers on Spain's behalf. The marriage between the Prince of Navarre and the Lady Margaret is thoroughly concluded.—26 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4¼.
Sept. 26. 2050. Walsingham to Lord Burghley.
M. De Foix since his return finds Monsieur so coldly affected to marriage as he has no hope of the matter. They have agreed to hide the imperfections of both parties, not knowing what hereafter may follow. The fear he has, that if France and Spain grow to accord by the devilish practices of those who seek the utter subversion of the gospel, that as well religion as Her Majesty's safety shall be in great peril, makes him earnestly wish that some encouragement might be given to France to proceed in this enterprise. If it proceeds, those of the religion who are devoted to the Queen shall continue their credit with the King; but if it go not forward, the house of Guise are like to bear the sway, who will be as forward in preferring the conquest of Ireland and the advancement of their niece to the crown of England, as the other side is contrariwise bent to prefer the conquest of Flanders. The outward greatness of France will never do so great harm as the dangerous and inward guest at home. Has disbursed certain money in providing certain things for the Queen, for which he desires repayment. — Blois, 26 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Sept. 27. 2051. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
Received his letters of the 22nd instant on the 25th, whereby may appear the negligence of the posts. Has sent Lady Lennox's packet to the Regent. Sir James Hamilton and the Duke are reconciled. They of Leith have got many oxen and kine that should have served the town of Edinburgh, but Lord Claude has brought in a number with him. Great preparation is made for the defence of the town. The Regent minds to have ten battering pieces. The Laird of Drum wassel's son has gone away discontented, and Morton has committed his charge of twenty-five horsemen to young Carmichael. Some part of Virac's letter to the French King intercepted, was to have 200 men sent presently.—Berwick, 27 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 29. 2052. The Regent Marr to Sir William Drury.
Understands that he has stayed a packet to the late Regent, wherein was a letter from the Queen of England touching the state of the King's cause; if it is still by him he desires that he will send it to him, that he may be certified of the contents. Are now in preparation to travail for setting the town of Edinburgh at liberty. Finds good-will and furtherance in all the noblemen who promised their faith and obedience to the King at the time of his acceptation of the regiment.—Stirling, 29 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Sept. 29. 2053. Sir Valentine Browne's Accounts.
Abstract of Sir Valentine Browne's accounts for the charges of the army sent into Scotland, for the prosecuting the rebels who fled there, beginning 23rd November 1569, and ending at Michaelmas 1571; the total charge being 59,768l. 7s. 9d.
Endd. Pp. 11.
Sept. 30. 2054. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley.
1. Sends the heads of Virac's intercepted letters. On Monday, Panton, a servant of the Bishop of Ross, came to the castle. Secretly gathers that it is meant to have the greatest of the King's party by treason with dags or harquebusses shot at. Morton is their chiefest mark, for they think there would be little resistance if he were taken away. Desires some money for Her Majesty's service.—Berwick, 30 Sept.
2. P.S.—Is advertised that there was a French boy apprehended with letters and ciphers bestowed in a staff. There was a French boy in August last recommended to him by a brother of Lord Ruthven to pass into France, saying that he had remained with him two years and behaved himself honestly. Desires if he be the same boy that he may be duly examined who were the senders of the letters. If Lord Ruthven's brother be acquainted therewith, he has dealt like a Scot and a villain. If the Regent and his adherents have not cause to speak English, they will presently speak French. The soldiers have been mustered and cry out for money. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Sept. 30. 2055. Contents of M. Verac's intercepted letters.
Accounts of his proceedings and detention; the enterprise of Stirling; desire of those of the castle for French support, for they dare not trust their own men; also their fear that the Queen of England will send an army to besiege them; his misliking of their government on both sides, that having their enemies in hand they use not better execution; his good intelligence and dealings with the King's party, especially Morton. With marginal notes by Drury.
Add. Pp. 1¾. Enclosure.
Sept. 30. 2056. The Earl of Morton to Sir William Drury.
Thanks him for sending Cunningham's letter. On Saturday nine of his servants with the young Laird of Carmichael chased and overthrew thirteen of the horsemen of Edinburgh, slaying one and taking eleven. Divers of his are hurt but none dangerously. Hears he is offended with Ferniehurst for the reset of his horse, which was stolen. If he will have remedy promises him help to set forward his enterprise. Sir Andrew Ker writes that as he was riding to the Merse, along his own ground, there was a piece of ordnance shot at him forth of Wark, and at his return they shot another at him, and that the men of Wark issued out and pursued him, which he takes very grieveously. Desires that he will put order to the same for the quietness of both countries.—Leith, 30 Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Sept. 2057. Rowland Johnson to Lord Burghley.
Gives an account of the work for the repair of the bridge at Berwick, and desires that they may be allowed some more timber for its completion.—Berwick, Sept. 1571. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.