Oct. 1. |
2058. Mr. Cunningham's Demands. |
Desires in the Regent of Scotland's name that the Queen
of England will supply him with money to pay his soldiers,
together with cannon ammunitions, 300 pioneers, and 1,000
foot soldiers. In case she does not think good to send her
own people, he requests that she will send money to entertain
the same number of Scots. |
Endd. by Lord Burghley. P. 1. |
Oct. 2. |
2059. Queen Elizabeth to the Earl of Marr. |
Very well allows of his excuse for his delay in writing to
her; and is glad that he is chosen as Regent. With respect
to such things as Cunningham has moved to her, and Sir
William Drury reported to her, although before she earnestly
desired that the King should be preserved, howsoever matters
might have been accorded by treaty for the Queen his
mother, yet she has lately discovered such pernicious practices
of the said Queen against her person and estate, that she is
resolved not to deal any further by treaty or otherwise in her
favour to have any rule. Means to help them to an universal
quietness by a general obedience to the King. Lord Hunsdon
will have power to treat with them. Recommends the Lady
Lennox's causes to his favour, and also the punishment of the
murderers of the late Regent. |
Draft in Burghley's writing. Endd. Pp. 2. |
Oct. 2. |
2060. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley. |
Panton, the Bishop of Ross's servant, has brought matter
wherewith they of the castle are very well pleased. He says
that his master is at liberty, and there is a good sum of money
coming to them, and that they shall be furnished from time
to time. Virac is much misliked with them by the discovery
of the contents of his letters, seeming to mislike of their
government, and advising his master to seek the other side,
whom with money he might win. A letter from the Duke
and the others to the French King is also intercepted. There
is a league of friendship signed and sealed between the Earls
of Huntley and Athol. They mind now to defend the town
to the adventure of their lives. The Lairds whom they term
barons of the King's party greatly mislike that the Provost
of St. Andrew's and Sir James Balfour's father should either
be judged or detained by soldiers. The Laird of Ormiston
has also a quarrel against the soldiers for imputing unto him
cowardice. The skirmish between young Carmichael and
them of the castle was very fierce and cruel. All who were
taken were hurt, and one of them is he whom Grange got out
of the Tolbooth, who killed the man on Leith sands. Divers
parts of the bridge are yet unrepaired.—Berwick, 2 Oct.
Signed. |
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¾. |
Oct. 4. |
2061. The Queen to Sir William Drury. |
Has commanded 4,000l. to be sent to him, which he is to
cause to be as secretly as may be paid to the Regent. If he
finds it is not necessary he is to stay the delivery thereof till
the coming of Hunsdon, and by good words keep them in
comfort. |
Draft in Burghley's writing. P. ¾. |
Oct. 4. |
2062. Magistrates of Hamburg to the Queen. |
Beg that she will allow their agents to export 400 lasts
of wheat and flour from her realm.—1571, 4 Oct. |
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1¼. |
Oct. 5. |
2063. — to the Elector Palatine. |
Informs him of the desire of the French King to strengthen
the bonds of friendship between himself and the German
Princes, by entering into a treaty with them, for the conservation of religion, and ensuring the tranquility of Christendom.
—Blois, 5 Oct. 1571. |
Copy. Endd. Lat. P. 1. |
Oct. 6. |
2064. Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley. |
Has according to his instructions written to Sir John
Forster and Sir Simon Musgrove, to appoint a place of meeting where they may devise for the quieting of these frontiers.
Has again committed Richard Lowther to safe custody, and
on Thursday he shall set forward as prisoner, under the conduction of his brother Edward Scrope and George Lamplughe.
Has advised Lord Herries according to the Council's pleasure.
—Carlisle, 6 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd. P 1. |
Oct. 6. |
2065. Sir William Drury to Grange and Lethington. |
As by the discovery of certain high and dangerous practices,
the Queen's Majesty's disposition towards the furtherance of
the Scottish Queen's case is altogether altered, it will be best
for their safety and honour to desist from any further debating
in these seditious divisions, and wholly yield themselves to
the King's obedience, who is likest to rule them whatsoever
opinion they otherwise may nourish. The circumstances
which may induce them to believe their estate and cause to
be desperate are many and manifest, which the bearer may
declare. Prays them to embrace this counsel, for he assures
them that force is eminent upon them utterly to their
extermination.—Berwick, 6 Oct. 1571. |
Copy. Endd. P. ¾. |
Oct. 8. |
2066. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
1. His letters of the 17th and 20th September came in very
good season, for there is most earnest soliciting by the Ambassador, the Lord Fleming, and Douglas for present aid to be sent
into Scotland. Took occasion by presenting the Earl of Rutland
at his leave-taking to make the Queen Mother acquainted
with so much of the same as he thought fit, and told her that
he would declare to her the state of England, not as an
Ambassador but as a private gentleman. First, he made her
privy to what had passed between M. De la Mothe and the
Duke of Norfolk, as well touching the money as the packet
conveyed to Verac; also he acquainted her of the discourse
sent by the Queen of Scots to the Duke of Norfolk, and that
De la Mothe's unseasonable sending for an audience to have
moved Her Majesty for the enlargement of the said Queen
did not best like her. Concluded with the advice given to the
Queen of Scots by the Duke of Alva, as well for her own
marriage as her son's, as also not to depend any longer upon
France. Said that he was sorry to hear that De la Mothe
had intelligence with the Duke, who was discovered to be a
most dangerous subject, and that he should be so earnest in
seeking the Queen of Scots' liberty, who was to the Queen so
dangerous an enemy, which he feared might breed in her the
opinion that the friendship professed was not altogether
sincere. Wished that the King of France in seeking the
Queen of Scots' liberty would have some regard to the Queen
of England's safety. To this the Queen Mother answered that
her son would not have De la Mothe deal in anything that
might prejudice the Queen, and that the money which was
sent over was none of his but part of the Queen of Scots'
dower. Touching the soliciting of the Queen of Scots' liberty,
she showed him that as well in respect of the ancient league
with Scotland as the alliance by marriage, they could in
honour do no less than recommend her cause, which she
protested they never did with intention any way to prejudice
Her Majesty. Walsingham desired her to consider whether
the amity of England might not be as beneficial to France as
that of Scotland, which was more chargeable than profitable,
which besides they might have by joining the Queen in the
maintenance of the young King's government there. He also
pointed out that the indignities committed by the Queen of
Scots released the King's honour from protecting her, and
after mentioning other considerations he desired that they
would remit seeking her liberty till after the coming of the
gentleman whom his mistress meant to send. I. and K. being
by him so requested, dealt very earnestly with her in this
behalf. Douglas in his return to this court was accompanied
from Antwerp to Brussels by the Earl of Westmorland and a
dozen others of the rebels, and was put in comfort by the
Duke of Alva, that there should be somewhat done for the
assistance of the Queen of Scots' faction in Scotland. Junius,
the Count Palatine's servant, has shown him that the French
King intended to conclude a league with the Protestant
Princes, and wished that the Queen of England would join
therein. By a secret mean has learnt that Lord Fleming has
discovered upon great trust the following to a friend of his.
That they hope shortly that the Earl of Northumberland will
be stolen out of prison. That they have so great a party in
England, as having 3,000 harquebusiers and certain armour
and ammunition, they will be able to set at liberty the Queen
of Scots and put her in possession of the Crown of England,
which had been attempted ere this had not the Duke of Alva
been jealous of France. That they have intelligence in three
port towns northwards, naming only Newcastle. That the
Earl of Westmorland has sundry times advertisement out of
the north, the most part of that country being at his devotion.
That the Duke of Alva made little account of the said Earl
at his first coming, but now has increased his pension. That
he has made request for support of the French King, whereunto as yet he hath made no answer. The instrument whom
he uses in this behalf has promised to discover more. Is
advised by Her Majesty's friends here for certain respects
(that they will not tell him) to forbear to deal in the marriage
until the coming of him whom the Queen means to send.—
Blois, 8 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Partly printed by Digges. Pp. 7. |
Oct. 8. |
2067. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
Before his access to the Queen Mother he conferred with
M. De Foix, showing him the good disposition of the Queen
of England to proceed in the marriage, and that he was sorry
to understand that the Duke was not affected to marry. He
confessed that— made him stay from concluding and
advised him to deal with the Queen Mother in that behalf,
which he did. She would in no way confess that there was
any other let but religion. He desired her to be better informed for that he perceived by letters from his private friends
and the Queen that she was never better inclined that way.
Next day she desired K—to advise how she might make a
match between the Queen of England and the Duke of
Alençon, who dissuaded it utterly, saying it would only breed
disdain. Will do what he can to revive the matter but
despairs thereof. Has just received his letters whereby he
perceives that the Queen can be content to yield in toleration
but means to reserve the same to himself, unless he sees more
towardness here. Would be glad to know his opinion how to
salve the matter to the Queen, the Duke of Anjou utterly
refusing the match, all being granted that he desires. Lignerolles before his master reasoned that the right of England
was in the Queen of Scots. Douglas since his return has
greatly commended her beauty, and is grown to be very
familiar with the Duke. The Queen Mother seems to be more
affected to the Queen of Scots than lately she has been. The
Marshals with the King and Monsieur have resolved upon the
enterprise of Flanders; she with Morvilliers has bred a stay,
pretending that it were fit before they proceed to know how
the Queen of England is affected. Some doubt that it is a
pretence, for the Count Retz has had long and secret conferences
with her, who is a great friend to Spain and a secret enemy of
the match. Sends an extract out of a letter of the Cardinal
Pelve's [Pelleve], dated in March last, by which he may perceive
what are the intentions of the churchmen if the Kings of
France and Spain accord. Nothing will more decipher the
Queen Mother than the coming of him whom the Queen means
to send. Finds none willing to deal any further in the match.
Has thought good in the letter which is to be shown to the
Queen, to say somewhat to content her if it may be. The
Queen Mother now takes exceptions to the answers made to
the coronation and administration of government, which he
supposes she thinks will serve as a visard to hide the Duke's
refusal. The party whom he uses towards the Lord Fleming
is De Lanlue, who, with much ado, is brought to betray his
friend; notwithstanding, in the end knowing how it might
prejudice the common cause of religion, he promises to do
what he may. Has given him the names of the suspected
[rebels]. Begs Burghley to reserve his name to himself. The
Queen of Scots has too many friends to have anything kept
secret.—Blois, 8 Oct. Signed. |
Add. Endd., with seal. Partly in cipher. Pp. 3. |
March. |
2068. Extract from a Letter of the Cardinal Pelleve. |
As for the marriage of the Queen of England and Monsieur,
which is the practise of "notre apostat," the latter is not
willing. He would not be the King, but only the Queen's
husband. The Duke is very diligent and patient in his
actions, devout, and with a perfect hatred of heretics. If the
Kings of France and Spain would accord, there would be
great hope of a marriage between Monsieur and the Queen of
Scots, to which he is well disposed, and by this means the
Catholics in England might be set free, who also desire this
[match]. |
Extract enclosed in Walsingham's of 8 Oct. Endd.: Du
Cardinal Pelue. Fr. P. 1. |
Oct. 8. |
2069. Instructions for Henry Killegrew. |
Directs him to repair into France and supply the place
of Walsingham during his absence from the court for the
recovery of his health. He is to thank the French King for
the good part in which he has taken her friendly and plain
manner of dealing with him in the negociation for which
M. De Foix was sent, and tell him that she only defers sending
to him until she more largely understands the progress of
certain dangerous practises begun against her by the Queen
of Scots. He is also to inform him of the conspiracy of the
Duke of Norfolk, which under colour of restoring the Queen
of Scots to liberty, meant to put her on the throne. Is
comforted to find in all the said Queen's writings that in
seeking foreign forces to invade England, none of the French
King's ministers were made participant. |
Draft by Burghley. Endd.: 8 Oct. 1571. Pp. 4. |
Oct. 9. |
2070. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley. |
Has sent to Lethington and Grange and used such persuasions as he might to induce them to quietness and accord.
On the 4th, the Regent, accompanied with many noblemen
and others to the number of 800 horse came to Leith. There
are divers in Edinburgh suspected of intention to betray the
town, and twenty or thirty apprehended, and some of them
like to be executed. Those within have fortified, and also
thrown down houses in the suburbs. There is a small vessel
from Hamburg at Leith with brass pieces, four or five lasts of
powder, some couriers, pistols, and corslets of proof, all which
the Regent's party have bought.— Berwick, 9 Oct. 1571.
Signed. |
Add. Endd. Pp. 1⅓. |
Oct. 9. |
2071. Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley. |
Sends him a copy of his letter to Lord Herries with the
latter's answer.—Carlisle, 9 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd. P. ⅓. |
Oct. 6. |
2072. Lord Scrope to Lord Herries. |
Has sent his letters to the Lords of the Council from whom
he has recived Her Majesty's pleasure; which is that forasmuch as it plainly appears that the Scottish Queen and her
ministers have entered into such practises and devices tending
to the prejudice of Her Majesty and this realm, as she has
good cause utterly to forsake the party of that Queen, and to
assist and further the King's side and authority which she intends to do with all earnestness. He therefore advises him
for his own surety to join the King's party.—Carlisle, 6 Oct.
1571. |
Copy. Endd. P. ¾. Enclosure. |
Oct. 8. |
2073. Lord Herries to Lord Scrope. |
Has received his letter, by which he understands the Queen
of England's determination, and intends to send to the Earl
of Morton, and by him offer to the Regent to join the King's
party. Desires him to procure the Council's letters in his
favour to the said Earls.—Terregles, 8 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼. Enclosure. |
Oct. 10. |
2074. Lethington and Grange to Sir William Drury. |
His letter and message to them was of such might that
they would have sent a gentleman to his mistress to have
made such overtures to her as she would have allowed of, but
could not obtain a safe passage for him at the hands of their
adversaries. Beg his assistance in procuring a warrant to that
effect.—Edinburgh Castle, 10 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd. P. 2/3. |
Oct. 10. |
2075. Frederic Elector Palatine to Queen Elizabeth. |
In behelf of Daniel Hochsteter, who with his wife and
children intends to go to England and there practise the craft
of copper mining.—Heidelburg, 10 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. 1. |
Oct. 12. |
2076. The Earl of Marr to Queen Elizabeth. |
Thanks her for the good meaning and intention contained
in her letters. Defers writing largely till after Lord Hunsdon's coming. The sooner the present enterprise is done the
better it will be for both realms, and the less chargeable to
her. Whatsoever the adversaries write to her as to be at her
commandment, they mean nothing less, as by their letters to
France intercepted may appear. The best means towards the
punishment of the late murder will be the dissolving by her
aid the mass of wicked men now compassed in the town and
castle of Edinburgh, amongst whom are the authors and
devisers of the murder of the King also.—Camp before
Edinburgh, 12 Oct. Signed. |
Add. Endd. Pp. 1⅓. |
Oct. 12. |
2077. The Regent Marr to Sir William Drury. |
Trusts that Lord Hunsdon is come down, and refers him
for the state of matters here to the bearers John Case and
James Cunningham.—Camp before Edinburgh, 12 Oct. 1571.
Signed. |
Add. Endd. P. 2/3. |
Oct. 12. |
2078. The Earl of Morton to Sir William Drury. |
Thanks him for his good and friendly dealing, and refers
him to John Case for information of the state of their affairs.
The Regent has sent Cunningham to Berwick to attend upon
Lord Hunsdon's coming.—Camp before Edinburgh, 12 Oct.
1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd. P. 2/3. |
Oct. 13. |
2079. Mr. James Cunningham's Instructions. |
1. Is instructed by the Regent of Scotland to declare to Lord
Hunsdon, or in his absence to Drury, what great comfort they
have received by the Queen's last letter, perceiving her mind
to put their estate into an universal quietness by a general
obedience to the King's service. Seeing that the adverse
party have rejected her gentle admonition and offers, and that
the Regent is in action for the recovery of the town of
Edinburgh, he is directed to desire Her Majesty's support in
money, men, munition, and other things. He is to ask for
200 pikes and 200 harquebussiers, and for 3,000 weight of
corn powder, and one last of cannon powder, which is to be
sent with all expedition.—Berwick, 13 Oct. Signed: James
Cunningham. |
2. Unless the aid come to them with all expedition they
will think that they are but drifted off from time to time, and
if the powder be not sent with all speed the matter there in
hand will have an utter overthrow. Signed. |
Marginal notes in Burghley's writing. Endd. by Drury.
Pp. 2⅓. |
Oct. 13. |
2080. John Case's Mission into Scotland. |
1. The answer of them of the castle is that for that they see
no sufficient warrant from the Queen of England or her
Council under their hands, the cause being so weighty they
cannot resolve, but desire to send a gentleman to treat with
her. For that they mean no delay, they say let the adverse
party do in the meantime what they can, so that the Queen
holds her hand from them. |
2. The heads that their messenger shall treat upon are, first,
for her to appoint some man of reputation with sufficient
warrant to deal with them. They will not deal for their own
security without that of their friends, nor leave them before
they are sure upon divers heads; as about the money sent from
France; the payment of their debts; and the protection of
the Queen of England against any foreign princes. |
3. Case says that they are in great heart against the adverse
party, and will have no treaty with them, because they will
not trust them. The town is fortified with a trench within
the walls, and the lanes going into the high street are all cut,
so that the town cannot be won without great slaughter.
There is no want of victuals, and they have planted great
ordnance in divers places. They make account of 700 and
more men. |
Endd. by Drury. Pp. 3. |
Oct. 13. |
2081. Strength of the Regent of Scotland's Party. |
They are very willing to set forth to the winning of the
town, but their wants are very great. They have seven
pieces of ordnance, and but twelve barrels of powder, and shot
to some forty and to some sixty, and no corn powder. They
have not past five or six gunners. They have neither picks or
shovels. Gives a list of the Earls, Lords, and Abbots with the
Regent. The soldiers number 900, and 100 of Edinburgh well
furnished at their own charges. |
Endd. P. 1. |
Oct. 13. |
2082. Forces in Scotland. |
Note of the number of soldiers in wages on the King's side
and also in Edinburgh. Six bands of 100 men each on either
side with the names of their captains. |
Endd. by Burghley: 13 Oct. P. 1. |
Oct. 13. |
2083. The Counts and Dowager Countess of Emden to
the Queen. |
The failure of the harvest in Germany having brought
about a great scarcity in their country, they desire that the
bearer may have license to export 2 or 300 lasts of corn
from England.—Grethsiehl, 13 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1⅓. |
Oct. 15. |
2084. Fiesco to Leicester and Burghley. |
Thinks that Spinola will explain to them the cause of
the delay in his return, and trusts that it will not breed
any suspicion of him in them.—Brussels, 15 Oct. 1571.
Signed. |
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. 2/3. |
Oct. 15. |
2085. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley. |
Captain Brickwell remains, being earnestly required to
stay of the Regent for the better ordering of the forcible
offences against the town and castle. Informs him of the
result of Case's mission; the answer of them of the castle, and
of the Regent's want of money and munitions, and desires
directions. Commends the bearer Scudamore to his favour
for his diligence and faith. Notwithstanding, his well
deserving, he has nothing profited to his help of living.
Prays him to prefer a petition of his own touching a surrender
of the greater part of Smith's lands.—Berwick, 15 Oct.
Signed. |
Add. Endd. Pp. 2. |
Oct. 15. |
2086. Sir William Drury to the Privy Council. |
In reply to their questions he informs them that in the
town of Edinburgh there are at least 700 good fighting
men wanting no furniture for defence or offence. With
the Regent there are presently 800 good shot in pay, but
wanting money, powder, and ordnance, for the which
they have addressed James Cunningham to him. In order
to encourage the Regent and somewhat daunt the adver
saries he caused a drum to sound a call for as many soldiers
as will take pay through Berwick, where for such an exploit
will be found no great number. Advises that if the Queen
sends aid to them as the parties there are so seditious and
inconstant, that the numbers may be of sufficient strength.
—Berwick, 15 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼. |
Oct. 18. |
2087. Benedict Spinola to Burghley and Leicester. |
Encloses the copy of a letter which he has received from
Tomaso Fiesco. The Duke of Medina left the Spanish Court
for Flanders on September 17th. The Duke of Feria died on
the 6th September. Departure of Don John of Austria to
fight the Turkish fleet.—London, 18 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 1¼. |
Oct. 4. |
2088. Tomaso Fiesco to Spinola. |
Excuses himself for not having written to him before, and
informs him of the contents of a letter received from M.
Zwegenham, concerning certain ships.—Brussels, 4 Oct. 1571.
Signed. |
Copy. Endd. Ital. P. 2/3. Enclosure. |
Oct. 19. |
2089. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley. |
It appears that the bruit was lately in London that he was
slain in his own house, but hopes yet to do acceptable service
to the Queen, though he knows that he is hateful to all who
forget their duties towards her, having experience thereof in
the late rebellion. In that time he did service of no small
consequence as yet unknown, as he takes it either to Her
Majesty or Burghley. The opinion that some had of him then
as at this day some great personage [has] that he could not be
drawn (no not for a golden bait) to deceive the trust committed to him, will he trusts to his prince and all her true
subjects be verified. The Regent began his battery on the 16th
instant, which has prevailed against the wall, but they within
have entrenched and made defences. Cuthbert Ramsay the
trench master to the Regent's side is slain. Is promised
Virac's alphabet. Many already without leave depart from
the Regent. It is to be feared there will be some attempt
unto the camp. There has been a meeting between Adam
Gordon and the Forbes, and many on both sides slain.
Mentions decays in the fortifications of Berwick necessary to
be remedied.—Berwick, 19 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½. |
Sept. 7. |
2090. The Duke of Chatelherault, Huntley, and others to
Charles IX. |
See original under 7th September 1571. |
Copy. Fr. P. 2/3. Enclosure. |
Sept. 7. |
2091. The Duke of Chatelherault and others to Catherine De
Medicis. |
Thank her for her good-will towards their mistress, and for
the succours which the King has sent them in their great
necessity, and express their devotion to the crown of France. |
Copy. Endd. by Drury. Fr. P. 2/3. Enclosure. |
Oct. 19. |
2092. The Doge of Venice to the Queen. |
Sends news of the victory at Lepauto, and the entire destruction of the Turkish fleet by that of the Holy League.—
Venice, 19 Oct. 1571. |
Endd. Royal letter on parchment. Ital. |
Oct. 19. |
2093. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
Has seen M. De Foix, who, touching the match in respect
of the inconstancy of both parties, thinks it dangerous to
proceed any further, and therefore thought that religion would
be the best cause of breach. He seems since his return to
have no very good opinion of Monsieur. He is sorry that
there is such great delay used in sending, as it gives the
Queen's enemies occasion to say that she does but dally. He
assured him that there were very dangerous practises in hand
and wished that the Queen would not make light of the
King's friendship of which she will have great need. The
French King himself is very well affected towards Her
Majesty, but the Queen Mother bears him in hand that she
does but dally. Has sent to—divers reasons why Her
Majesty could in no case restore the Queen of Scots to liberty,
and if the King should urge that matter, she would be forced
to make a conquest of Scotland for her own safety. Perceives
by him and others that the fear hereof will make the King
forbear being over earnest in this cause. Urges the speedy
sending of one to treat of amity.—Blois, 19 Oct. 1571.
Signed. |
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 22/3. |
Oct. 19. |
2094. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
Thanks him for procuring Killegrew's access so speedily.
Reminds him to have the Duchess of Zesse [Uzes] in memory
for it will much advance the Queen's service.—19 Oct. 1571.
Signed. |
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½. |
Oct. 19. |
2095. Walsingham to Lord Burghley. |
On the 17th the King sent for him and showed him that he
was given to understand that Her Majesty meant to send
certain forces into Scotland, which he would be very sorry
should fall out, as he would be forced in respect of the ancient
league with Scotland to strengthen the Queen's party there by
sending forces thither which he may not in honour forbear to
do. Walsingham declared that he knew nothing of such
sending, but if it were so it proceeded upon the discovery of
certain dangerous practises of the Queen of Scots. The King
said that his meaning now was not to recommend her cause
but only the liberty of the country. Walsingham told him
that in that behalf he doubted not but that he would find the
Queen inclined to do anything that might agree to reason, but
if he sought the liberty of the Queen of Scots, he would by
no means prevail, she now of late being discovered to be so
dangerous an enemy. His answer to that was only that he
meant not now to recommend the same, and that he hoped
shortly to see one from Her Majesty to treat of such things as
may tend to good and perfect amity between them. Is
secretly given to understand that there are certain of the
Guisian faction who have offered to serve in Scotland on their
own charges, and that the King if he receive not a good
answer is determined to employ them. There are some also
of that faction who go about to persuade the King that the
Queen means only to entertain him until she may make a
thorough conquest of Scotland. Is also given to understand
that the morning the King sent for him there was long debate
in Council whether he should recommend the Queen of Scots
or not. Is put in great hope that the King will be content
to join with Her Majesty in establishing the young King's
government. If she sends hither in convenient time, whilst
her friends enjoy the credit of the court, some personage of
good quality he thinks that she may obtain any reasonable
thing that she may desire at his hands. The enemies of the
enterprise of Flanders have persuaded the King not to resolve
in that behalf until he may know what Her Majesty may do.
Has discovered that the Queen of Scots has means of conveyance of letters, notwithstanding, the straitening of her
liberty. She has written into Flanders that unless something
be done for the relief of Edinburgh Castle she is undone.
The K. willed him to advertise that the Pope's Nuncio, notwithstanding the late discovery, has great hope that some
practise will take place. He suspects poisoning. The Portingales mean to embrace the enterprise of Ireland. Has
requested the Ambassador of Florence to write to his master
to see if he can sift out Ridolphi's doings.—Blois, 19 Oct.
1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd., with seal. Partly printed by Digges.
Pp. 2¾. |
Oct. 21. |
2096. Alexander Seton to Lord Seton. |
Informs him of his favourable audience with the Pope.
Sends his commendations to his brother, and the Provost of
Bothwelhaugh. News from Venice that the Turkish fleet has
been destroyed, 190 galleys being taken and forty sunk.—
Rome, 21 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd. Ital. Pp. 2. |
Oct. 20. |
2097. Advices from Venice. |
1. Venice, 20 Oct. 1571. News brought to Venice of the
battle of Lepanto, fought on the 7th instant, at which there
was great rejoicings. Account of the battle. List of the
losses on both sides. The Turks had 180 galleys taken and
thirty-six sunk. 20,000 men killed or drowned, and 5,000
taken prisoners. 14,000 Christian galley slaves were liberated.
The Venetians lost sixteen captains of galleys, and their
General Barbarigo slain, and General Viniero wounded,
together with five galleys sunk. |
2. Also copy of a letter written on board the fleet, 3 October
1571, to Don Francisco De Toledo, giving an account of the
battle and of the booty taken. The Christian loss is put down
at 8,000 men. |
Endd. Ital. Pp. 9⅓. |
Oct. 20. |
2098. Instructions for Lord Hunsdon. |
Original rough draft of instructions for Lord Hunsdon, sent
to Berwick to negociate between the rival parties in Scotland. |
In Lord Burghley's writing. Endd. Pp. 8. |
Oct. 22. |
2099. Instructions for Lord Hunsdon. |
Amended draft of instructions for Lord Hunsdon in
Burghley's writing.—22 Oct. 1571. |
Endd. Pp. 7⅓. |
Oct. 22. |
2100. Instructions for Lord Hunsdon. |
1. Fair copy of the above. He is to procure Lethington and
Grange upon reasonable conditions, to return themselves to
the obedience of the King, according to the former conditions.
He is to move the Regent not to be hard upon them. He is
to remind Lethington and Grange of the calamities of their
country, and to assure them that the Queen of England will
faithfully cause whatsoever may be accorded to be observed,
and thereof they shall have any reasonable grant under her
hand. The trial of those accused of the murder of Darnley
and the Regent is to be referred to indifferent persons. |
2. He is in the meantime to make open preparation of
men, ordnance, and munition to go to Leith, to aid the
Regent, in case they will not accord by treaty; and Drury is
to have command of the expedition. He is to capitulate with
the Regent for certain articles for the good usage of the
English soldiers, and the return of the munition and ordnance.
He is further to agree upon certain articles with the estates
of Scotland, that the King of Scotland shall not be transported beyond the seas, or offered in marriage until he shall
be fifteen, without the Queen's consent; that no persons be
suffered to repair into Ireland as men of war; and that the
Earl of Northumberland and the other rebels be given up.
He is also to assure them that the Queen does not mean them
to do anything contrary to the ancient league with France,
He is to send to the Regent to signify his coming, with
authority to treat.—Richmond, 22 Oct. 1571. |
Endd. Pp. 8½. |
Oct. 22. |
2101. Instructions for Lord Hunsdon. |
Abstract of the above in Hunsdon's writing. |
Endd. P. 1. |
Oct. 22. |
2102. Advices from Italy. |
Venice, 29 September. Loss of Famagosta, and massacre
of the garrison. Great cruelty of the Turks. Numbers and
order of battle of the Christian fleet. The Turkish fleet is
near Corfu, to the number of 280 sail. News from Rome,
22 Sept.; Antwerp. 22 Oct., and Brussels, 19 Oct. |
Endd. Ital. Pp. 2½. |
Oct. 24. |
2103. Lord Scrope to Lord Burghley. |
Forwards copy of correspondence between Lord Herries
and himself.—Carlisle, 24 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Endd. P. ⅓. |
Oct. 20. |
2104. Lord Scrope to Lord Herries. |
Has advertised the Lords of the Council of Herries' intention to offer to join the King's party, who have written to
the Regent and the Earl of Morton for the accepting of his
obedience to the King, so that there remains nothing for the
preservation of both their credits, and for the performing of
his offer, but for him to make demonstration of his meaning.
—Carlisle, 20 Oct. 1571. |
Copy. Endd. P. ¾. Enclosure. |
Oct. 23. |
2105. Lord Herries to Lord Scrope. |
Is heartily glad to know that the Queen has taken his
intentions in good part. Has written to the Earl of Morton
who has answered that he will send a friend to declare his
mind. There is a communing of marriage between Herries'
son and Morton's niece. Desires him to advertise what he
shall do before the coming of the Earl of Morton's friend.—
Terregles, 23 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Orig. Add. Endd. Pp. 1½. |
Oct. 24. |
2106. Lord Scrope to Lord Herries. |
Is glad that he still continues the course that he minded
which the Queen will very well like. Advises him as shortly
as possible to grow to such order with the Regent and the
King's party as his good doings in that behalf may by
demonstration appear to Her Majesty.—Carlisle, 24 Oct. |
Copy. Endd. P. ⅓. |
Oct. 26. |
2107. Maitland of Lethington to Lord Burghley. |
Understands from the Marshal of Berwick that he wishes
to have the commodity to deal with him, and that there remain
some shreds of his particular love towards him, whereof he is
most heartily glad. Trusts that his late doings being rightly
construed, shall not be found worthy of blame. Most of the
personages who have entered on the theatre of this action
have not continued at all times without change. Although he
pressed to do good offices to his mistress, to whom he was
greatly beholden, yet he always forbore to offend the Queen
of England. In his own country matters he has always
dealt earnestly, but has not meddled with those of England,
and is not afraid in the discovering of the practises (whereof
there are great bruits) that any man shall name his name.
Touching the purposes wherein the Marshal has dealt with
Grange, they desire to direct a special messenger towards the
Queen, and beg that by her means sure passage may be
procured for him from hence to Berwick.—Edinburgh Castle,
26 Oct. 1571. Signed. |
Add. Pp. 2¼. |
Oct. 27. |
2108. Articles between the Wardens of the West and
Middle Marches. |
Articles agreed upon at Hexham between Lord Scrope and
Sir John Forster, for the better government of their charges
by the capture of offenders, registration of horses, and the
setting of watches in different places, who shall be answerable
for any goods stolen within their precincts, in case no hue and
cry is raised. |
Endd. P. 1. |
Oct. 27. |
2109. Money received of Thomas Stonley. |
Note of bullion and money received of Thomas Stonley on
three separate occasions, amounting to 88,818l. 0s. 22½d. |
Notes in Burghley's writing. Endd.: Money received by
Thomas Stonley P. ⅓. |
Oct. 29. |
2110. Sir William Drury to Lord Burghley. |
Fears that hitherto they of the castle have sought but
delay of time, in hopes of some further storm or trouble to
be in England. The Regent could be content that these
troubles amongst them were ended, but Morton, who rules all,
unless he and his friends might still enjoy all they have
gotten of the other party, allows not thereof. He mislikes
that the Queen should have any further dealing with them of
the Castle and desires a pension from her. Holds him to be
not the most sure person in Scotland or best inclined to run
the course of England, unless it may wholly serve his own
turn. The Regent's side daily look for some resolution from
the Queen as to support. The Master of Forbes is with the
Regent, soliciting to have horsemen and footmen sent into
the north against the Gordons.—Berwick, 29 Oct. 1571.
Signed. |
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½. |
Oct. 30. |
2111. News from Antwerp. |
1. Copy of a letter from Thomaso Fiesco, 30 Oct., Brussels.
News of the defeat of the Turkish fleet, with the loss of
15,000 men killed and 5,000 taken, together with 180 galleys. |
2. Antwerp, 30 Oct. Expected coming of the Duke of
Medina. Imposition of a duty of 3½ per cent. and 10 per
cent. on exports and imports. |
Endd. Ital. Pp. 1½. |
Oct. 30. |
2112. English Merchants in Spain. |
Legal proceedings in the case of Richard Barret, an English
merchant in Spain.—30 Oct. 1571. |
Span. Pp. 6½. |
Oct. |
2113. Intelligence from Italy. |
Tumult at Naples, in which more than thirty Spaniards were
killed. Siege of Famagosta. Capture of Turkish galleys.
Arrival of Don John of Austria at Messina. Three of the
principal gentlemen of Piacenza committed to prison for the
slaughter of certain of the Spanish garrison in that town.
Dispute about the succession of Pitagliano. |
Endd.: Oct. 1571. Ital. Pp. 2½. |