Elizabeth: August 1570, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: August 1570, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp320-329 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1570, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp320-329.

"Elizabeth: August 1570, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp320-329.

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August 1570, 16-31

August 16. 1187. The Earl of Sussex to Lennox, Livingstone, and Lethington.
Understanding that Leonard Dacres and others of the Queen of England's rebels are continually maintained in the West Borders of Scotland and that Lord Scrope cannot procure the redress thereof, he has thought good to repair into those parts. If they be not delivered upon his demand he cannot, with honour, permit these injurious contempts to pass without due revenge. None of the good subjects shall have cause to be grieved. As soon as he shall receive from the Duke and the other noblemen of the Scottish Queen's party the articles subscribed with their hands and sealed, he will forbear all forcible actions.—Warkworth, 16 August 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 16. 1188. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Sends a copy of a letter from Randolph. Knows not what special offences the captains and soldiers that be executed have committed, but if it be no more than being on the contrary party it will be taken to be sore justice. If the Master of the Ordnance be not the let will set forwards into Scotland on Saturday.—Hexham, 16 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
August 14. 1189. Thomas Randolph to the Earl of Sussex.
On Friday the Earl of Mar's house at Brechin being possessed by Captains Wemyss, Cowts, and Moore, with about 120 soldiers, was surrendered to the Regent, without conditions, and the next day Captains Cowts and Moore with thirty-two of the chief soldiers were hanged. Huntley has gotten into the mountains. The Regent has come to Dundee, where he remains for four days. There has come a letter from the Bishop of Ross to the effect that the Queen of England has demanded the custody of Edinburgh and Dumbarton castles, and four hostages from Scotland and one of the House of Guise, and that the Queen of Scots had answered that she would never bring her realm into bondage for anything that might be done to her. Prays him to have him in mind for his return. Captain Wemyss escaped very hardly; he pays 1,000l. Scots, and banished the country.—Edinburgh, 14 August 1570.
Copy. Pp. 1¼. Enclosure.
August 16. 1190. The Earl of Sussex to Randolph.
Is going presently towards the West Borders, and if he cannot get the rebels delivered he will be revenged. Since Livingstone's coming the matters offensive against the Queen are rather increased than reformed. If he can receive the articles signed he will forbear any forcible dealing.—Warkworth, 16 August 1570.
Copy. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
August 17. 1191. The Earl of Athol to the Bishop of Ross.
Assures him of his goodwill towards the furtherance of the Queen of Scots' cause. If he had a cipher he would have written more largely.—Dunkeld, 17 August 1570. Signed.
Add. P. 1.
August 18. 1192. The Earl of Sussex to the Laird of [Drumlanrig].
Cannot permit the maintenance of the Queen's rebels to pass over without due chastisement. Does not mean to disturb him or any other of the good subjects of Scotland, and therefore requires him to separate himself from the company of all such as have so contemptuously behaved, lest some displeasure might happen to any of those who have not deserved ill. Desires him to give knowledge hereof to all good subjects of those parts.—Carlisle, 18 August 1570.
Copy. P. 2/3.
August 19. 1193. Marsilio Della Croce to John Marsh.
Sends news from Messina of 31st July, Rome of the 12th August, and Venice of the 19th August.—Venice, 19 August.
Add. Endd., with seal. Ital. Pp. 6½.
August 20. 1194. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
1. They are all very thankful to the Queen of England for her gracious allowance and contentation with his estate. Is credibly informed that Lord Fleming has promised to deliver Dumbarton Castle to the French. If the Queen would direct two of her great ships with eight pieces of battery and 500 harquebussiers to the west parts for the recovery of the castle, it would put this state in great quietness and disappoint the adverse faction. Will take in hand that her men and ordnance shall be safe from all danger of an invasion by Scotchmen. Informs him of his going northwards to recover a house of the Earl of Mar's.
2. P.S.—Desires him to be a means with the Queen to grant him another license for a longer time.—Stirling, 20 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 20. 1195. Minute.
Minute of a document apparently relating to the navigation between Flanders and the north of Spain.
Endd.: 20 Aug. 1570. Span. Pp. 1½.
August 29. 1196. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Has been forced by the rain and greatness of the waters to stay his journey. By this accident the Scots have time to fly their goods, man their strengths, and assemble their forces. Has given orders to Lord Hunsdon and Sir John Forster to make shows as though they would enter Scotland, by which means he thinks that every Borderer will stand upon his own guard and so their general assembly may be avoided. Has shown Hunsdon some of Cecil's letters, but denies that he has ever suffered them to be in the hands of any other person. Has received letters from Lethington. The Regent has returned to Stirling and Morton to Edinburgh. Leonard Dacres was yesternight at Dumfries, in Lord Maxwell's house. His wife thanks him for his commendations, and if she were a man and Cecil stood in need, he would not find a willinger champion to defend him.—Carlisle, 20 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2½.
August 23. 1197. The Lords Saltoun and Pitsligo to the Earl of Morton.
On the 14th inst. there arrived in Aberdeen, Mr. John Hamilton and two Spaniards, servants to the Duke of Alva, sent to the Earl of Huntley. The effect of their message was that whereas Mr. John Hamilton had been to the Duke for support of men to set forward the Queen of Scots' cause, the men were ready this long time past, and the fault was with the Queen, who had promised to send some man of honour to convoy them. Huntly has directed Lord Seton to return with them with all diligence to bring over the men, who will be to the number of 5,000 or 6,000. As long as Huntly is at liberty there will be no rest for the realm.—Rothernay, 23 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. with Lord Saltoun's seal. Pp. 1½.
August 23. 1198. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The Ambassador of Spain, perceiving that in this peace the Prince of Orange is restored to his possesions in this realm, doubts lest he be brought into the King's service and so become a naturalized Frenchman. Whereupon having some secret intelligence that the reiters of both parties are practised by divers princes of Germany in behalf of the said Prince, to make sudden entry upon the country of Burgundy, he has required of the French King that no hostility be used against any of his master's dominions, who has given good words that nothing is intended that may discontent the King of Spain. Marshal Cosse has advertised the King from Chalons, that he cannot cause the reiters to march to the frontiers for want of their pays. On Monday shall be solemnized the marriage between the Duke of Guise and the Princess of Porçien. The Queen of Navarre has demanded the restoration of some small towns in Guienne which are kept from her by M. Monluc.— Paris, August 23, 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 23. 1199. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. On the 13th sent his servant, Richard Huddlestone, to accompany the Earl of Thomond to Her Highness. Yesterday was given to understand by a Frenchman, both of the receipt by the Earl of Thomond of 200 crowns for his promise to deliver up certain ports and castles in Ireland to the French King, and of his soliciting Diego to the surprising of Limerick. Has lately learned that Diego has been aforetime hired to do heinous murders, and also that he had said that he would not come into England whatever promise he made. Much doubts that his servant is dead. Sends the oath that the King, Queen Mother, Monsieur, and the rest of the nobility took to see the Edict of Pacification duly observed. Sends a copy of Chambers' negociation, who was sent by the Earl of Arran to the French King. What there lacks of eloquence in it is supplied by spite and envy.
2. P.S.—Has given Thomond and his servants money, see August 13.—Paris, 23 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
August 5. 1200. Confirmation of the Treaty of Pacification in France.
Form observed by Charles IX., the Queen Mother, Monsieur, and many of their nobility, for the confirmation of the Treaty of Pacification at St. Germains-en-Laye.—5 August 1570.
Endd. by Cecil. Fr. P. 2/3. Enclosure.
1201. Translation of the above.
Endd. Pp. 1¼. Enclosure.
1202. Another translation.
Endd. by Cecil. P. 1. Enclosure.
August 24. 1203. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
Excuses the delay in sending his other letter. The house of Doune in Menteith is recovered to the King's obedience.— Doune, 24 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ⅓.
August 25. 1204. [Lord Saltoun] to—
Informs him of the movements of the Earl of Huntly, the arrival of certain servants of the Duke of Alva at Aberdeen, and their and other persons' intended departure.— Glenbervie, 25 August 1570. Signed.
Address obliterated. P. 1.
August 26. 1205. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. Has received a request from the Earl of Morton that forasmuch as Ferniehurst and Buccleugh and all that faction and rabble of thieves had offered their submission to the King's authority, and for all injuries and harms done to England, promised to abide such order as should be concluded, he would forbear to invade Scotland, at least till answer were returned from the Lord Lieutenant. Has granted hereunto.
2. P.S.—The rain has been so sore that the Lord Lieutenant could not enter Scotland before Tuesday.—Berwick, 26 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 26. 1206. The Earl of Lennox to the Earl of Sussex.
Having some suspicion of his servant, John Moon, he caused him to be searched at his departure from Edinburgh, when there was found on him above twenty letters in cipher and otherwise from the Earl of Athol, Lethington, and others to the Queen of Scots. Minds to have him straightly examined shortly, and thereupon will send him such letters as seem of importance and anything that may be collected by inquisition. Is glad to understand his Lordship's readiness to keep a meeting on the Borders. Is in hand with Cumbernauld, Lord Fleming's house, that it shall neither hinder the King's service or be a receptacle for his rebels.—Stirling, 26 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¾.
August 26. 1207. The Earl of Lennox to Cecil.
To the same effect as his letter of this date to the Earl of Sussex.—Stirling, 26 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
August 26. 1208. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Is very thankful to the Queen for her protection, but as he has urgent business in France, desires that he may have a passport.—Holborn, 26 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 2/3.
August 28. 1209. Thomas Cobham to Cecil.
The Queen of Spain arrived here on Saturday the 26th, and was received by the clergy with procession, and accompanied by the Duke of Alva and the nobility with their train to the number of 600 horse. She goes within two days to Ghent. This morning the Marquis Vitelli came to him and offered him any favour for Her Majesty's sake, and told him that if it had pleased her to have answered his letter written from Dover he would have written often and have made good show how willing he is to serve Her Highness in the causes he dealt in. Has given the Duke's secretary to understand that he has letters from the Queen.—Antwerp, 28 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
August 29. 1210. News from Rome.
Plan for the formation of a league of all the princes of Christendom against the Turk.—Rome, 29 August.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 1½.
August 29. 1211. Sir William Drury to Cecil.
Thanks him for having procured from the Queen the gift of the lands, goods, and life of the elder Smythe, a rebel and fugitive.—Carlisle, 29 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 29. 1212. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Has avoided the burning of houses and corn and the taking of cattle and goods to make the revenge appear to be for honour only, and yet has not left a stone house to an ill neighbour within twenty miles of this town that is guardable in any ordinary raid. Sends copies of letters.—Carlisle, 29 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
August 29. 1213. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Leonard, Edward, and Richard Dacres being as openly maintained by the Lords Herries, Maxwell, and others as ever, he wrote requiring that they should be delivered up. His demand not being satisfied, he entered Scotland on the 22nd, and threw down the castles where the rebels had been maintained. Forbore to burn Dumfries. In this journey Drumlanrig and all the gentlemen who had not committed offence in maintaining the rebels repaired to him for assurance, which he willingly granted. Besides the overthrowing of the castles, there has been little hurt done in the country. Lord Scrope has very diligently furnished him with all necessaries, for which he begs that she will send a letter of thanks to him.— Carlisle, 29 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3¼.
August 21. 1214. Francis Walsingham to Cecil.
The French King has accepted in very good part Her Majesty's congratulations. The Queen Mother having enquired of him touching the estate of the Queen of Scots, and being informed thereof according to his instructions, seemed to rest very well satisfied, and said that if the Queen dealt hardly with her it rather proceeded from her ministers than from herself. Walsingham said that she was right well able to justify all her doings with her. Whereupon the Queen Mother declared that she was no less well affected towards the Queen of England (who had been pleased to do her that honour as to call her by the name of mother) than she was towards her daughter-in-law. The King also saying that he wished the Queen of England would have more compassion on her case, he said that he doubted not that she would do that which would be to his contentation, as far as might stand with her honour and safety. Has caused one of the commissioners for the princes to advertise them of Her Majesty's intention in sending him, as tending chiefly to their benefits.—Paris, 29 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
August 29. 1215. Francis Walsingham to Cecil.
Desires to know Her Majesty's pleasure for his return.— Paris, 29 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
August 31. 1216. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Although this peace procures a certain community and civil policy amongst the meaner sort drawn partly thereunto by weariness of the wars, yet does not the same bring any firm reconciliation betwixt the nobility, so that the original cause and spring of the war still continues. Hereunto it may be objected that time will qualify many things, and that those matters which in the beginning seem hard will be by wisdom mollified and made easy; whereupon he judges that this peace being made on both sides of necessity cannot be but suspect, and shall nourish hatred, procuring new attempts against the chief of the religion. If their enemies perceive that they are abandoned by their own faction there is no doubt but that they will seek their ruin. Some others are of opinion that the King will seek by courteously treating the gentlemen and captains of the religion to win them from bearing arms. Others think that the cure of this commonwealth will be sought by assailing some one of their neighbours, and so to make in a case of common danger a friendly reconciliation amongst themselves. This device tends to M. D'Anjou's advancement by making their enterprise upon England by way of Scotland, whereby shall grow, as they imagine, two benefits, the one the aforesaid reconciliation, and the other the eschewing of another war betwixt the King and his brother, whose haughty mind may not be restrained in so little territory as the dukedom of Anjou. The heat hereof is moderated by her preparation of her navy, and as long as she stands in such sort on her guard there is no doubt but that they will make fair weather. The King also being endebted above 37,000,000 [francs] cannot so suddenly make this attempt as some of them wish. The Cardinal of Lorraine is now in disgrace, and Montmorency bears the vogue in Court. The Queen of Navarre has demanded restitution of a town named Lestore, which the King has refused. The King has refused to prohibit preaching in the suburbs of Clermont. The reiters stay in Champagne for want of their pays. The camps of both parties scale, whereby grow many disorders. The Prince of Navarre has lately escaped a great danger by a fall of his horse.—Paris, 31 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2⅓.
1217. Rough draft of a portion of the above.
Endd. Pp. 42/3.
August 31. 1218. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Having made up his packet, there was sent to him the "beginning" of letters sent unto Her Majesty by the Queen of Navarre, which he forwards.—Paris, 31 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
August 31. 1219. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Sends him the articles which are not inserted in the edict in print, also certain advice to the King of the preparation of the Queen's navy. The Spaniards doubt that it is to meet their India fleet. Sends similar information on divers subjects as in his letter of this date to the Queen. The Queen of Navarre has determined to ask the sister of the Duke of Wirtemberg for the prince, and the French King will rather offer his sister Margaret than suffer this match to take place.— Paris, 31 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1⅓.
August 31. 1220. Pacification in France.
Additional articles agreed upon by the French King and his Council for the completion of the pacification in France.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2½. Enclosure.
August 8. 1221. Advices touching Calais.
An English gentleman who has come over to study at Louvain has informed certain of his acquaintance that there are great preparations in England of ships and men for the purpose of doing honour to the Queen of Spain, and preventing any attempt upon England by the Spanish fleet. After the said fleet has passed Land's End it is intended that these forces shall make a sudden attack upon Calais, the condition and state of defence of which place has long been well known to the Queen of England and her Council by means of spies of the Huguenot faction who are in her pay.—8 August 1570.
Fr. P. 1. Enclosure.
August 31. 1222. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Lord Herries has sent lamenting that he should be compelled to forsake his Queen or be in danger of destruction. Has answered that the Queen of England had no intention to force him or any other person in Scotland to do in these cases against their consciences. Herries offered to be at Her Majesty's devotion if she would receive him. Has returned the forces to their ordinary places, and intends to meet the Earl of Morton.—Carlisle, 31 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 31. 1223. Charges for the Army in the North.
Rate of pay for the Lord-Lieutenant and his thirty halbardiers, 300 lances, 573 light horsemen, and 1,900 footmen, with their officers, amounting to 144l. 18s. 2d. per diem, and 4,057l. 8s. 8d. per mensem.
Endd. P. 1.
August 31. 1224. Charges for the Army in the North.
The total debt and charge for the army up to 31st August amounted to 21,140l. 16s., whereof 8,616l. had been raised by loan, leaving the debt 12,524l. 11s. 1d.
Endd. Pp. 3.
August 31. 1225. Henry Cobham to Cecil.
Had audience on the 28th with the Duke of Alva, and delivered him the Queen's message and letter, which he received with great reverence, and answered that he had informed the Queen of Spain of such courteous offers as were made to him by the Queen of England, and said that whatever favour she should show to his master's ships he would acknowledge it. Also he was grieved that she had heard sinister reports of their doings, notwithstanding he found her gracious and courteous, whereof there had been borne with her that which should not have been suffered at any other prince's hands. Touching the Spanish Ambassador resident in England, there should be done as much as would content the Queen, but of this he would confer with some wiser person and send Cobham answer. On the 29th he had audience with the Queen of Spain, and delivered the Queen's letter to her, who thanked him and said that she would advertise her husband of the Queen's courteous offers. In the afternoon M. D'Assonville came and enquired whether he desired any more conference, and if he had any intention to deal with the matter of traffic and restitution; to which he answered that he referred himself to the Duke for the first, and had no commission to intermeddle in the second. On the 29th D'Assonville was sent again, who told him that the Duke was much beholden to Her Majesty for her gracious message, but as for the proffer of the ships, he trusted to have no cause to trouble her in that respect. The cause why the Spanish Ambassador has deferred his coming to the Lords of the Council was for that this year and a half past he had been restrained from the presence of the Queen; Alva, however, promised that the King should be advertised that his dealings were not agreeable to Her Majesty. The Duke had further commanded D'Assonville to declare three things: the first, that a friar who had spoken unseemly words of Her Majesty at Bruges should be rigorously punished; secondly, he required the Queen to stay all things uprightly in the matter of two officers of the King, who by some sleight had been conveyed into England, and are, as he understands, in her hands; thirdly, that he was not satisfied with the straight dealing of the commissioners appointed for the restitution of goods stayed. The Marquis Vitelli has shown him great favour in coming and sending to him and lending him horses. Forwards letters from the Queen of Spain and the Duke of Alva to Her Majesty. The Queen has gone to Bergen-op-Zoom to attend the first good wind. There pass into Spain with her the Grand Prior Francisco de Gavarra, one that is in disgrace with the Duke, Don John de Avila, and other gentlemen. In the Queen's ship there shall be fifty Spaniards, and in the rest of the ships 1,200 Walloons under Mondragon. The number of the ships of war is twenty-six, and there is laid in them great store of artillery from Bruges, Ypres, and other towns. Of all sorts there will be about ninety ships. Their admiral is M. de Bossu. They like not the peace of France. The King has given 50,000 crowns a year amongst the nobility and gentlemen of this country in land and fee. Cannot find that they have any other intent with the ships than to pass directly into Spain. Desires to know what he shall do with the Archduke Charles's letter. The Duke has given him a pass in large manner.—Antwerp, 31 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3¼.
August 31. 1226. Henry Cobham to the Queen.
Informs her of his reception at the Court of the Queen of Spain, and of the delivery of her letters to her and the Duke of Alva. The Queen has in her company two of her younger brothers, named Albert and Wenceslaus, who are fallen sick of the small-pox. The Archduke Charles is at Vienna, and the Emperor purposes to stay at Spires this winter.—Antwerp, 31 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
[August.] 1227. The Lords of the Queen of Scots' party to the Duke of Alva.
Complain of the Queen of Scots' unjust detention in England, and the usurpation of her authority by certain in Scotland, and the misery inflicted on that country by the incursions of the Queen of England's army. Have authorised the bearer, George Lord Seton, to beg assistance from him.— 1570.
Draft. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1⅓.