Elizabeth: August 1570, 1-15

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: August 1570, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp302-320 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1570, 1-15', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp302-320.

"Elizabeth: August 1570, 1-15". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp302-320.

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August 1570, 1-15

[August.] 1129. Instructions for Henry Cobham.
Is to repair to the Low Countries and to come to some certainty of knowledge what the Duke of Alva's intention is in his preparing so great a navy, which he has advertised is to transport the Emperor's daughter into Spain. He is to deliver her letters to the Duke, and say that she had willed John Fitzwilliam to declare amongst other things that she was willing to show any [gratuity] to the Princess that she could passing by her coasts as by conducting her with some of her own ships and granting her entry into any of her havens, to which she has not received answer, and therefore she has directed Cobham to repeat the offer. If the Queen be come he is to repair to her and express her hearty goodwill towards her, and impart her said offer to her. When he has done these messages he is to use all means possible to obtain certain knowledge of the said navy, of the number of ships of war, where they lie, and the like, and advertise her with speed. And when this is done he is to require a passport from the Duke do go to the Emperor at Spiers.
Draft in Cecil's writing, incomplete. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 1. 1130. The Earl of Sussex to the Laird of Livingstone.
Assures him that he has no cause to blame Randolph, and warns him that if his party use any violence towards those who have joined him in the pursuit of the Queen's rebels he will defend them by all means from injury.—Alnwick, 1 August 1572.
Copy. Endd. P. ¾.
August 3. 1131. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
The Treasurer has received the sum of 228l. 14s. 2d. of the bearer, Robert Pindre, of St. Mary's Overy, grocer, and desires that he will give order for his repayment. —Eslington, 3 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
August 3. 1132. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
The Princes' deputies returned on the 1st inst., and made humble suit to the King both for the exercise of religion near Paris and for having preaching in the Princes' and noblemen's chambers following the Court, and for payment of their reiters and other friends from whom they have borrowed great sums of money since these wars. The King finding their great extremity begins to wax harder in granting their requests, and has flatly denied them both the exercise of religion within the Court or within ten miles of Paris, and will force them to forego Angouleme for Cognac, and though he has condescended to pay part of the reiters he will not pay their other debts. The King has granted the exercise of religion in all towns where it presently is, and to have two towns in every province for the exercise of their religion and other ceremonies, and gentlemen to have the same liberty in their houses. The ambassador of Spain has offered the King great help to continue these wars, declaring that it was to his great dishonour to make peace with his subjects, to whom the King answered that he thanked him for his offer, but that he had no war with his subjects, and what he now went about was to make an accord between them who of long time had an inveterate malice in their hearts the one towards the other. The Princes and the others humbly beg that she will send some honourable personage or write to the King to desire him to deal favourably with them. The Earl of Thomond, contrary to his letters, does not cease to be a continual suitor to the King for entertainment, assuring him that he shall be able to do him great service both in Ireland and Scotland. Thanks her for granting him license for the transporting of wools.—Paris, 3 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
August 3. 1133. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Was sent to yesterday by the deputies to be a humble suitor to Her Majesty that it may like her either to write or to send some honourable personage to require the King to be favourable to their demands. They desire that all expedition possible may be had in sending, as the King uses as much diligence as may be to have an end of this pacification, which they intend to delay till they hear from Her Majesty. The Earl of Thomond does not cease to travail for a pension at this King's hands, promising to do great enterprises both in Ireland and Scotland. Thinks it were very well that Cecil should speedily send for him, to whom he may promise what he lists, and having him there perform what he pleases, and do with him what he thinks meet.—Paris, 3 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
August 4. 1134. Charles IX. to Queen Elizabeth.
Has commanded his ambassador resident at her Court to inform her of the conclusion of the negociations of peace in his realm.—St. Germains, 4 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Royal letter.
August 4. 1135. Catherine de Medicis to Queen Elizabeth.
To the same effect as the above.—St. Germains, 4 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Royal letter.
August 4. 1136. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Sends herewith an account of the state and whole charge for these parts unto and for the last of July, with such receipts and deductions as have been had with the same month of July.—Berwick, 4 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
August 4. 1137. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
1. Sends copies of letters which he has received from different people. Randolph writes that the Queen's party certainly comes forward with all their forces to this Parliament. Thinks that the Regent has some disposition to make some special attempt, wherein he would have aid. Has written to Randolph to advise him that no violence be offered on his side, and let him understand that if violence be offered to him he will aid him. There are ships come from France and Flanders to Scotland that have brought letters full of good words, but neither men nor money. Looks daily for the return of his "spy-all" from the Earl of Huntly. Has ordered Lord Scrope to make proclamation through his borders for all men to be ready at twenty-four hours' warning, which will stay Herries at home. There is at Newcastle a hot ague, whereof they die within one day and be full of marks, and therefore it is thought to be the plague. There died in six days above 100 persons. His house and Alnwick has been somewhat visited with the same disease, whereupon he was driven to a sudden remove and to "sparkell" his company.—From Eslington, Mr. Collingwood's house, 4 August 1570.
2. P.S.—There were before the discharge 300 lances, 850 light horsemen, and 3,000 footmen, whereof there remain at this present of lances, 300; light horse, 550; and footmen, 1,850. Sends a note of certain rebels' lands for which Sir William Drury is a suitor, belonging to Richard Norton, on a separate slip of paper. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
August 5. 1138. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
The French Ambassador has complained to her that the Laird of Livingstone, being sent by the Queen of Scots, was by the Earl Morton and others denied to enter into Scotland. Directs him to write to the Regent and Council to require them not to forbear for any respect concerning her to speak with the said Livingstone or to understand his commission.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
August 5. 1139. Proclamation in the name of the King of Scots.
In answer to the shameful lies and slanders spread abroad by the Earl of Huntley against the Earl of Lennox in saying that the present regiment is established in the person of one who has sworn obedience to a foreign prince.—Linlithgow, 5 August 1570.
Black letter broadside, printed by Robert Lekpreuik, at Edinburgh.
1140. Another copy.
August 5. 1141. Advices from Rome.
News from Rome, 5 Aug. 1570. Summary of a league between the King of Spain and the Signory of Venice, by which the King binds himself to furnish certain galleys and soldiers towards an expedition against the Turks, of which Don John of Austria is to be the general. News from Spires, 13 July 1570. Diet of the Empire held at Spires.
Endd. Ital. Pp. 8.
August 6. 1142. Christopher Bumpstead to Cecil.
1. Sends the following account of the Emperor's entrance into Nuremburg, which he has received from a friend in that town. On the 7th June, came into Nuremberg the Emperor and Empress with two daughters and four sons. He was received a mile from the town by six of the lords of the town, accompanied with gentlemen and merchants to the number of 560 horse, unto whom was made an oration thanking him for coming, and acknowledging him as their head and defender. On the keys being presented to him, he delivered them back declaring that he knew none so meet to keep them as they were, and so saying, accompanied with divers princes and noblemen to the number of forty-one, came to the gate, where he was received by twelve of the lords of the town, whereof four bare a rich canopy over him from the gate to the castle. There rode before him four heralds and the Marshal of the Empire, named Papenheim, with a naked sword; then followed several coaches with the Empress and the Princes and Princesses, and many noble ladies, gentlewomen, and nuns. Also there followed an elephant and twenty-five mules with the Emperor's treasure. The Emperor's train was 427 horse. The burgesses stood on both sides of the street from the gate to the castle, in complete harness, under nine ancients of red and white, which are the town's colours, to the number of 4,000 and odd men. Almost at the castle was made an arch or fort with three gates, on the top of which was set a great black eagle with two heads, crowned, made to flutter with the wings, and to bow down in the presence of the Emperor.
2. On the 8th of June was presented to the Emperor a standing cup of silver-gilt, wherein were 100 pieces of gold, amounting to 1,500 guilders. Also they gave him seventytwo pieces of plate silver-gilt very curiously wrought, to the value of 25,000 guilders; also they are said to have lent him 200,000 guilders. The guilder is worth 3s. 4d., so that the gifts and the money lent amount to 50,000l. On the 9th day was made a scaffold richly hung with arras, on which the Emperor stood, and all the lords of the town and a great number of the burgesses stood before him in the street, and were sworn to be his true and faithful subjects. On the 10th the Emperor departed towards Spires, where he keeps a parliament on 24th June.
3. Hans William of Saxony takes up 5,000 horsemen, and the Duke of Brunswick 3,000 to serve the King of France, who has also taken up 10,000 footmen in Switzerland.— London, 6 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3.
August 6. 1143. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Has heard from Randolph that the Duke and his party still continue their gathering of men, and intend to come to the Parliament at Linlithgow, for the resisting whereof the Regent has already gone from Stirling to Linlithgow. Grange has refused to let them have the ordnance and munition which he promised. Has not yet heard anything of the money, but has all things in readiness to execute the Queen's commands immediately upon its coming. Understands from Lethington that the Queen of Scots' party think that their handwriting and seals and promises on their honours should be taken as sufficient assurance. Sends a copy of Lethington's letter.— Eslington, 6 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 16. 1144. Maitland of Lethington to the Earl of Sussex.
Defends himself against the charge of inconstancy. If the Queen of England may be moved for her surety to like that which sometimes she misliked, he asks why it may not be permitted for him to mislike now of that which sometimes he liked, if the weal of his country requires it at his hand. Denies that ever he persuaded the destruction of the Queen of Scots. There are both noblemen and others of credit who were present within a month after the late Regent accepted the office, when he earnestly advised him to accord with the Queen. Has never changed his course from first to last. Complains that he has not received a plain answer as to what he likes or mislikes of Lethington's overtures, touching the union of this nobility, touching the offers to be made on behalf of the Queen of Scots, and the assurance to be provided for the true observance of the same.—Blair Athol, 16 July 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
July 29. 1145. The Earl of Sussex to Maitland of Lethington.
In answer to his complaint that he would bind him never to change his opinion, he admits change in things indifferent but not in those which be good or ill of themselves. Reminds him that the Queen of Scots was by him and his faction and not by the Queen of England brought to captivity and deprived of her royal estate, and that they came into England to detect her of a number of heinous crimes, and sought to have her delivered into their hands, or detained in such sort that she should never return into Scotland, and also to persuade the Queen of England to maintain the King of Scots' authority. Asks him by what doctrine he may think the causes hereof to be then just which he now thinks to be unjust. These be not indifferent matters, and the good philosophers do not teach that the estate and surety of a Prince ought to depend upon the blind affection of others. Lethington does well to forbear the answering of matters not answerable when he has been an open dealer in the practising with the French, receiving the Queen of England's rebels at the convention, and divers other matters of greatest moment.— Alnwick, 29 July 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4⅓. Enclosure.
August 7. 1146. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Encloses copies of letters. Rests in daily hope to hear of the money which he wrote to him for.—Eslington, 7 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
July 30. 1147. The Earl of Huntly to Lord Hay.
Desires him to meet the Lords of the Queen of Scots' party at Brithen [Brechin] on the 8th August, with his servants and tenants in warlike manner, in order to assist them to keep the Parliament at Linlithgow and to resist the opposite faction.— Aberdeen, 30 July 1570.
Copy. Endd. P. ½. Enclosure.
August 2. 1148. The Earl of Northumberland to the Earl of Lennox.
Begs him to be a means unto the Queen of England for her favour to be shown unto him, to grant him his poor living to spend here in this country. Desires that he may have more liberty, and denies that he has ever practised any evil against the realm of Scotland. Declares that he was forced into the late insurrection for fear of his life.—Lochleven, 2 August 1570. Signed.
Copy. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
August 6. 1149. The Earl of Lennox to the Earl of Sussex.
1. Has been advertised of a conspiracy made for his slaughter, as he should ride from Edinburgh to Stirling, by the Duke's son Claude and others of the Hamiltons, with the harquebussiers from Draffine, which Claude's intercepted letter and one who was apprehended and executed has declared. Desires to have some part of the forces under his charge for their aid, for the Queen's rebels are not only maintained but conveyed to all their assemblies and conventions as a spectacle. Was advertised by Randolph yesterday that his Lordship cannot be persuaded that there is any such thing meant as force to be levied by their adversaries. Assures him that they never cease by force, violence, and all other practise to establish the authority that they wrongfully usurped at Linlithgow in April last. Whatsoever has been spoken or written by them in their behalf anent cessation and abstinence from arms their actions declare that they mean nothing less than to abide any such order. They have massed together 200 soldiers, besides footmen and a band of horsemen, besides other waged men that they entertain in Clydesdale. They have spoiled the Earl of Mar's principal house beside Brechin, and taken away his stuff in great quantity. Their garrison at Draffine in sembable manner oppresses and spoils the King's subjects inhabiting the country adjacent. The Earl of Huntly has of late warned all men to meet him in warlike manner at Brechin, on the 10th inst. Officers of arms have been threatened with death and constrained to make their proclamations. Huntly not only resists the King's authority, but under pretext of justice oppresses all who profess the same, and in the Queen of Scots' name sets out letters and holds courts.
2. This is come of the Laird of Livingstone's dealings, so he may judge whether they are the first to offer violence. In case he should think otherwise, he begs that he may understand how far he has proceeded with them.—Linlithgow, 5 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 3. Enclosure.
August 7. 1150. The Earl of Sussex to Lethington.
Is informed that the noblemen of the Queen of Scots' party levy force to come to Linlithgow to hold a Parliament. Sends copies of intercepted letters which show a contrary intention to that which he has written. Warns him that he will not suffer the noblemen who have pursued Her Majesty's rebels, and maintained the amity between both realms, to be suppressed by the violence of the contrary party. Desires to know whether they will perform the articles accorded between the Queen and the Bishop of Ross.—Eslington, 7 August 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1¼. Enclosure.
August 7. 1151. The Earl of Sussex to Randolph.
He may inform the Regent in answer to his requests, that if the Queen of Scots' party offer violence, he will aid him with part of the forces under his charge, and that Lord Scrope has already warned those under his charge to be ready upon twenty-four hours' notice, so as if Lord Herries raises force to go to Linlithgow he shall enter those Borders presently. He is to desire the Regent and the rest of the lords to consider what great charges the Queen of England has been at in continuing her forces for their maintenance only. Where the Regent desires to know in what terms and how far he has proceeded with Lethington, Randolph may declare to him the contents of his letter of the 4th July to him, a copy whereof he sent to him.—Eslington, 7 August 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1¼. Enclosure.
August 8. 1152. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Has received letters that 6,000l. have been committed to the charge of his man Adam Gascoigne. Desires instructions in certain details for the raising of money. Randolph has bor rowed since February, for the Queen's service, 200 marks.— Berwick, 8 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
August 8. 1153. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
His not being allowed to come up will lose him more than will be his ease to bear. Will not trouble him or any other to remember any suit for him, seeing so many daily by friendship obtain great suits while he is forgotten. Desires that he may have 200 marks for the repair of Norham Castle, which is in great decay, there is no place in the house dry, and the hall is a fish-pool at every great rain, and if there be not some present help be fears that it will fall down this winter. If there be not some other order taken for the ordnance and munition here and at Newcastle Her Majesty will soon be weary of it. The plague is very sore at Newcastle, and some of it come to Alnwick. If it comes hither it will scour, there being 6,000 or 7,000 people in the town, whereof 2,000 children as he thinks. Trusts to receive some answer for Norham, and for the timber in Chopwell.—Berwick, 8 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 8. 1154. The Earl of Leicester to Cecil.
The Queen desires him to consider what instructions are meet for Mr. Walsingham, who is to be sent into France. The Ambassador resident is in the meantime to advertise the Admiral of her intent, and if they think it better that they should have a greater person for their purpose, she will appoint one hereafter.—Chenies, 8 August. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
August 9. 1155. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Has used all diligence to get the Earl of Thomond to make his repair to her presence, whereupon he desired to know whether she had sent him a pardon. He said that his fear was such of imprisonment that he durst not enterprise this journey, except Norris assured him by his letter signed by his hand that he should not be imprisoned coming to Her Majesty. Knowing his intent to be that misliking here, he would straight take his course into Spain, and offer as he has done here the delivery of the ports and castles in Ireland into their hands, Norris granted his request, and likewise required under his hand and seal that he would never hereafter make any attempt against Her Majesty. On the day following he would needs go to the Court to fetch 200 crowns, which were given him by the King, and failing of this money he again excused his going for want thereof, though he charged a horse with plate at his coming to this town. Has lent him 100 pistoles for his journey. As he is a barbarous man, so he wants neither vain glory or deceitfulness, and yet in his talk is very simple. Desires that she will be pleased to take him into her mercy. Has got Captain Diego to come with him, who has been his "trucheman" since his coming hither, who has promised that he will hide nothing which has been uttered to her prejudice.—Paris, 9 August 1570. Signed.
Endd. Part cancelled. P. 1.
August 9. 1156. Promise of the Earl of Thomond.
Promises to be a most loyal, faithful, and obedient subject to the Queen, and to obey her directions for his repair into England.—Paris, 9 August 1570. Signed: Conor Thomond.
P. 2/3. Enclosure.
August 9. 1157. Bill of the Earl of Thomond.
Engages to repay Sir Henry Norris 100 French crowns at his next coming to Ireland.—Paris, 9 August 1570. Signed: Conor Thomond.
P. ½. Enclosure.
August 9. 1158. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester.
Thanks him for his letter, whereby he finds greatly to his comfort of a pretended rebellion revealed. Since hitherto Her Highness's great clemency has had no other recompense, but such lewd and perilous attempts as these have lately gone about in Norfolk, Her Majesty must for her more safety use some correction. The Queen has been marvellonsly well advised to arm out her ships at this time, and he trusts that they will not be revoked until it is known what these here will do with their footmen, peace being proclaimed, and also till all things be concluded with "faulte" [the Queen of Scots]. Touching a release of her title during the Queen's life, and the issue of her body, he thinks that she will be otherwise persuaded from hence. The French King has refused to undertake the performance of such promises as she shall make. As these link themselves together to increase their forces, so should the Queen join with the Princes of Almain or some other of the religion. Touching the Earl of Thomond he went about to practise, promising to deliver both forts and castles in Ireland to the French King, and if that were refused then to make like offer to the King of Spain, whereof Captain Diego can and has promised to declare at large to Leicester, who has further given him to understand that the said Thomond persuaded him to the surprising of Limerick. The peace was concluded on the 4th inst., but the articles so altered that he dares not send them till better resolved. It is strange how the King by fair words and promises has enchanted the deputies. Trusts that the Queen will send some one of honour to desire the King to be favourable to the Protestants. The King's brother has made great suit that no preaching may be allowed anywhere in his territory, which is granted, whereby he has marvellously won the Catholics, who, as they never omit either poisonings or other treasons to bring their designs to desired effect, so do the wise greatly doubt lest they will use some desperate attempt against the King to set him up who so favours their cause as never man more. The King has answered the Spanish Ambassador that he thought it his duty to make peace with his subjects since King Philip had done the same with the Moors. As he hears that the Queen will make her progress into Oxfordshire he desires Leicester to be master of the poor game in his parks. —Paris, 9 August 1570. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 1¾.
August 9. 1159. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Yesternight came George Livingstone from the Laird of Livingstone with a letter of credit, to whom he complained of the breaking of the articles accorded between the Queen of England and the Bishop of Ross by the Queen of Scots' party, whereby Her Majesty stood in honour free from all promises made to the behefit of the Queen of Scots. Sends copies of letters. It seems that Morton and the Regent hope to make some sudden surprise of persons or places, or both.—Eslington, 9 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 4. 1160. Instructions for George Livingstone.
He is to inform the Earl of Sussex of Lord Livingstone's proceedings to obtain an abstinence from arms on both sides. He has written to Randolph, but has not received an answer to his second letter. Found the Duke of Chatelherault and his party willing to convene without arms, although some of them had sustained intolerable wrongs from the other side. Is to declare that the Duke's party mean to do no violence to anyone, but only to convene in some convenient place in order to send answers to the Queens of Scotland and England. Is to desire Sussex to send some special man with letters of credit as mediator for an abstinence to be taken between both parties.—Blair Athol, 4 August 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1¾. Enclosure.
August 8. 1161. The Earl of Sussex to Lord Livingstone.
Much mislikes that after Livingstone's dealings with them those noblemen should raise forces for the keeping of the Parliament at Linlithgow. Declares that the first offering and warning for the gathering of forces proceeds from his side. As soon as he receives from the Duke and the others certain articles sealed and subscribed he will deal with the lords of the King's party to leave off arms. Will in no ways deal in procuring a convention; or permit if he may stop it, any such convention, before the Duke and the two Earls have subscribed to the articles in his letter of 3rd July. Will also impeach their intentions which tend to the suppressing of such as have sought to continue the amity with England.— Eslington, 8 August 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 12/3. Enclosure.
August 7. 1162. Randolph to the Earl of Sussex.
Morton, with certain field pieces and 600 horse, has gone towards Dundee. It is thought that they are very near 3,000 men, and will go to Brechin, where the Earl of Huntly has appointed to assemble forces, and where he has 400 harquebussiers, whom Morton minds to remove. The Regent likewise removes with his forces towards Clydesdale against the Hamiltons. Complains of want of money, being already 300l. behindhand. On Monday the Queen of Scots was proclaimed in Brechin. Grange confesses now that his party are in the wrong.—Edinburgh, 7 August 1570.
Copy. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
August 7. 1163. Randolph to the Earl of Sussex.
It may chance that the Regent will change his purpose and follow the Earl of Morton. George Livingstone was sent by Lethington and that faction with special charge not to have to do with him by the way, which makes him think that their matters are not so much the honester. Finds nothing but falsehood and deceit.—Edinburgh, 7 August 1570.
Copy. Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
August 10. 1164. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Has taken up 49l. 7s. 4d. from Adam Pindelburie, a merchant of this town, which he desires may be repaid to him.— Berwick, 10 August 1570. Signed.
Add. P. ½.
August 10. 1165. The Same to the Same.
Has taken up of the bearer, James Garstone, a merchant of this town, the sum of 312l. 7s. 1d., which he desires may be repaid.—Berwick, 10 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
August 11. 1166. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Has seen copies of sundry letters from Livingstone, Lethington, Randolph, and the Regent, and his answers to the same, and the directions which he has taken for the aid of the party favourable to her, with all which she is right well satisfied. Is glad to think that Lethington, who is accounted the flower of the wits in Scotland, shall see himself overmatched. As for the assurance of the Duke and his party for the performance of the articles accorded with the Bishop of Ross, she thinks it sufficient at this time to have their writings, with their hands and seals, as Lethington offers; but if there shall follow hereafter any agreement for the Queen of Scots she must of necessity have hostages and some castles either in her own possession, or that of such as depend upon her and the young King. Is sorry that he could not attempt the enterprise upon the West Border without money, whereof some portion is already upon the way.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 11. 1167. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
The peace was enrolled in the Parliament here on the 11th inst., the which he sends herewith in writing. There is great talk of enterprises to be taken in hand whispered to be into Scotland, but when he considers that the chiefest about the King are of the religion, and her cruel enemy the Cardinal of Lorraine is not admitted to Council, and the King also deeply in debt, he judges that they will rather choose to live in quiet than begin new matters. Advises her, however, not to revoke her navy till all things be perfectly settled. Finds the Earl of Thomond so double in his dealings that he cannot be sure of him till he be in England. He has made great offers of forts and castles which he would deliver in Ireland, but the French King was dissuaded by the Marshal Vielleville to take such enterprises in hand, his debts being so great. Great persuasions are used to Thomond not to commit himself to her mercy.—Paris, 11 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
August 11. 1168. Instructions for Francis Walsingham sent into France.
After conference with Sir Henry Norris he is to deliver the Queen's letters to the French King, and to endeavour to persuade him to show favour on his subjects of the reformed religion. If her proceedings lately against those who sought liberty to use the Roman religion be objected to as contrary to her profession, he may point out that it was only used to colour treason, whereas the exercise of the religion professed by the Princes and their adherents in France does not in any way prejudice the King's title. He is also to tell him that she daily looks for a general ceasing of arms in Scotland, and the access of noblemen of both parties to her to treat and conclude upon the Queen of Scots' causes.—12 August 1570. Signed by the Queen and Cecil.
Endd. Pp. 6.
August 11. 1169. Another copy corrected by Cecil.
Endd. Pp. 9.
August 11. 1170. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Sends him the articles of the peace, which has this day been declared and enrolled in the court of Parliament of Paris. One Brimon was yesterday despatched into England with letters from the Cardinal of Lorraine to the Bishop of Ross. He is a crafty man, of whom the Cardinal of Chatillon should beware. There is come out of England one named Mockett, who has used great persuasions to Thomond not to come into Her Majesty's presence unless he would lose his head. Is sorry to find so much unnaturalness in a countryman.—Paris, 11 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
August 12. 1171. The Queen to Sir Henry Norris.
Informs him of the mission of Walsingham into France. Will communicate to him such things as he has in charge.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 12 August 1570. P. 2/3.
August 12. 1172. The Spanish Ambassador to the Privy Council.
Has received their letter appointing a meeting with certain of the Queen's commissioners next Monday at St. Albans. Does not consider this the proper method of transacting affairs of such moment. If they will give him the names and powers of the said commissioners he will send them to the Duke of Alva, to whom the King has written very fully about the matters in discussion.—London, 12 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Lat. P. ½.
August 12. 1173. Robert Hogan to Sir Henry Norris.
1. His letters to Leicester and Sir William Cecil were opened and read, and his man Mather put in prison, and after fifteen days was set at liberty and the letters delivered to him again, for that they found no great matter of importance in them, as he suspected that they would be intercepted. Subtle as these folks be, yet the Moriscos have gone beyond them, and under colour of peace have caused great numbers of unnecessary persons who were in their camp to render up their weapons and submit themselves to Don John of Austria, because they should not spend victuals, and in the meanwhile have gathered in all the corn which they now have to maintain themselves for one year more. They be in number above 35,000 able and valiant men, and of all sorts, and as many more have rendered themselves. They have aid out of Barbary. The King's galleys took eighteen vessels bringing victuals and munition to them. If the Turk had not wars with the Venetians it would be wrong with Spain. The Venetian Ambassador told him that undoubtedly if the King could have his country quiet he was determined to set upon England, and that the Duke of Alva had commission to make men for that purpose, like as there lay 6,000 men in Biscay for five months, one of whose captains told him that they should go against England. The Duke of Alva was the only procurer that the nobles in the north rose. Order is given from hence that all of that confederacy shall be well treated. In the month of June Mr. Stukely came into Spain with a great ship and many gentlemen, and made an offer to the King about the conquest of Ireland. An Italian brought letters from certain nobles of that country concerning the same, to whom the King sent a great chain and money and special commission that he shall be furnished of all things necessary. The Archbishop of Ireland has been called to council two times about these matters, and has had lately two messengers from Ireland. If Stukely comes Hogan will throw such a bone betwixt them that they will become enemies. The Duke of Feria is more an enemy to the Archbishop than a friend, and would not have the King take upon him any enterprise upon the persuasion of any Irishman, for that he well knew that they were but a sort of beggarly people, great traitors one to another, and of no force; and so did Don Diego de Guzman declare to the Council, who being asked of the state of the realms of Scotland and Ireland, said that he was informed that they were a sort of beggarly, proud, and traitorous people of both countries. It is suspected that the Queen is advertised of all from hence. The Bishop has found means to intercept many of his letters, but none of any importance. When his letters were delivered again to Mather, he being at St. Juan de Luz, there came a letter from the King to the Justiciar of St. Sebastian to send him and all his letters up to the Court. He being gone out of Spain an Englishman was sent after him, who by craft got his letters and brought them to the Court, but as hap was Hogan had provided for them, for besides his letters he gave him a brief note of all the matters of importance, which he carried in a secret place and which they never sought for. There is great wait laid for his coming again into Spain. There is no doubt but that if the King may he will be avenged on the Queen, but let not Her Majesty be afraid of this country, for they are more of fame than of strength. Desires that the Queen will give him yearly that which is reasonable. Has those who tell him all out of the Secretary's house, but this cannot be compassed without expenses and more charges than he is able to bear. The entertainment which he has here of the King has of late been so evil paid that he cannot do as he would.—Madrid, 12 August.
2. P.S.—It is marvellous matter to hear what shameful and dishonest brags they make. If great words may win such a realm as England it is won every day. All their foundation is to take some port and to fortify themselves. They say already that the Queen does not dare to stir abroad. If Norris hears that he is in trouble, hopes that he will cause them to have some consideration of him. Has been well paid and well used until this Archbishop's coming.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4¾.
August 13. 1174. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
Although the soldiers be in great misery for lacks, not having received any pay since the Marshal's return from Scotland, he has so dealt with the captains that upon their own credits they will have the soldiers ready to set forward to morrow. Has by borrowing from man to man been able to deliver to every captain six days' pay to bring him to Carlisle, and by sending to other friends has borrowed as much as will serve for six days' pay to be delivered at Carlisle. If it had been his own case he would not have gone a-begging in this sort from man to man. Will be at Carlisle the same night that the ordnance arrives there, and the next day will enter Scotland. The Regent has taken 240 harquebussiers at Brechin.—Warkworth, 13 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
August 13. 1175. The Earl of Sussex to Cecil.
1. Sends the copy of a letter from Lethington, together with his answer. Lord Livingstone has no direction touching the two principal matters accorded with the Bishop of Ross, concerning the refusing to receive foreign aid and the continuing of the government in the state it was in at the death of the Regent. Is loath to be noted over suspicious, but has good ground to think that if these are omitted of purpose out of Livingstone's instructions there is some other matter meant than is openly pretended. The Queen has commanded him to decrease her charges here. Desires to have a certain direction what numbers he shall discharge. The late great rain will much hinder the carrying of the ordnance to the West Borders.
2. P.S.—This new sickness of the hot fever [rages] sore in all these parts. Cannot call it the plague, but they die of it in two days, and most have the marks when they be dead.— Warkworth, 14 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 9. 1176. Maitland of Lethington to the Earl of Sussex.
Although he could sufficiently refute the most part of the objections laid out against him in his letter, he forbears doing so, seeing that his silence can in no ways be prejudicial except to himself. Where Sussex requires the Duke and the lords of his party to send under their hands and seals certain articles, they cannot do so unless they be in one place assembled to agree upon the substance thereof. As to the articles of foreign forces, he finds that the French Ambassador has taken upon him to satisfy the Queen of England therein. And for the article touching the government of Scotland, he never finds that head touched in all the conferences which the Bishop of Ross had with the Queen of England and her Council. If the lords were assembled he would be better able to advise them to satisfy his Lordship in some points in which he dares not venture his credit by writing. Desires him to send the very form of the writing which he requires them to sign for assurance of the performance of the articles, and also that he will interpose to take an abstinence between the parties that they may meet more quietly. Knows no intention of the noblemen to gather force for the annoyance of the other side, and knows that they have the Queen's commandment to the contrary. Hopes that they will convene within five days at some convenient place, and therefore desires his answer with speed.—Blair Athol, 9 August 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2. Enclosure.
August 13. 1177. The Earl of Sussex to Lethington.
Where Lethington writes that he is not willing to proceed further in private matters, he is very ready to end them, yet takes the liberty of judgment that St. Paul gives him, "Ex operibus eorum cognoscere eos." Recapitulates the different heads contained in Lethington's letter from which he dissents. Touching the writing which he requires, he has not been brought up in penning treaties, neither will he take upon him to do so, as he has already sent him as plainly as he can write the substance of the articles which he can best frame into a good form. If his party perform what belongs to their side he will stay the Queen of England's forces out of Scotland and procure the other side to lay down arms. Is sorry that patches of his letters be rather snatched at to move questions than the whole course of his writings plainly and truly collected; he might perhaps say they be utterly neglected. If Lethington is desirous to satisfy him, if he satisfies the Queen, he will easily do so to him.—Warkworth, 13 August 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 2⅓. Enclosure.
August 13. 1178. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
To the same effect as his letter of the 9th inst., touching the Earl of Thomond.—Paris, 13 August. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
August 13. 1179. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
The Earl of Thomond in return for his offer to possess the French King of certain ports and castles in Ireland, has received from the Queen Mother 200 crowns. Has lent the Earl 100 crowns, and paid Captain Diego 20 crowns, and the Earl's servant Henry 10 crowns. The Earl was in such doubt about coming over that he durst not deny any of his requests. He finds great lack that the Queen does not commit such trust in him in his country as he desires.—Paris, 13 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1.
August 13. 1180. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Desires his favour for the bearer, John Blatier, that a sentence given in his favour against John Geffries, of Hastings, for certain spoils upon the seas made upon him may be put in execution.—Paris, 13 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
August 13. 1181. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Desires him to assist the Earl of Thomond for his better and more speedy reconciliation with the Queen. Perceives that he has a good meaning to advance her service in Ireland and to make a double amends for all that is past.—Paris, 13 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
August 13. 1182. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester.
The same as his letter of the 9th inst., with an additional paragraph in behalf of the Earl of Thomond.—Paris, 13 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
August 14. 1183. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Thanks him for his letter, being before in some doubt that he had conceived some misliking of him. It is nothing for the Queen's profit to defer time in resolving for the Scottish Queen. Wishes that she knew the carefulness, continual toil, and wise and stout dealing of the Earl of Sussex for her surety and honour. The plague is not yet come to Berwick, but both in the town and all the country over is the cousin german to the plague, whereof multitudes fall daily sick, but few die. It is a new ague, continually burning, whereof many fall mad for the time, but such as have good keeping recover within eight or ten days.—Warkworth, 14 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
August 15. 1184. Sir Valentine Browne to Cecil.
Has taken up of the bearer, Robert Pindre, the sum of 388l. 13s. 4d., which he desires may be repaid to him.—Berwick, 15 August 1570. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
August 15. 1185. The Earl of Sussex to Lord Herries.
Is sorry that he has given him just cause to alter the good opinion he had of him, for that he has kept and maintained within his rule Leonard Dacres and others, notorious rebels and manifest conspirators against the Queen of England, and also had, both secretly and openly, conferences with them. Requires him to deliver them up presently to Lord Scrope, which if he refuses to do he must take him as an evil willer to the Queen and an enemy to the good quiet of both realms.— Warkworth, 15 August 1570.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 15. 1186. The Queen to Francis Walsingham.
Sends him other letters which he shall deliver to the French King if he finds that the peace is concluded at his coming. He is to cause, through Norris, the Admiral and his party to understand her intention in sending him, making it appear how careful she is of their well being.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1.