Elizabeth: July 1569

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: July 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp92-105 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: July 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp92-105.

"Elizabeth: July 1569". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp92-105.

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July 1569

July 4. 313. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Has advertised Her Majesty of great preparation made by the Kings of France, Spain, and Portugal, to assail her navy, which they account the let of their enterprises. The Queen needs greatly to follow this general cause of religion, which ruined here they mind to bend their whole force upon her, and yet to feed her with fair words until their navy be ready. Reminds him that the Cardinal of Lorraine said in open council what promise of aid was sent to him from thence when any attempt should be made. Strozzi is taken prisoner and not slain. The Admiral marches very fast towards Saumur. The King to increase his forces has permitted the peasant to take arms and thereby put the sword into the madman's hands, who leaves no execrable act uncommitted to them that travel now in this country. As for them of the religion the cruelty was never so great, for besides most hard imprisonment the soldiers take it for a pastime to shoot at them being in their prison window, so that three poor men have been with harquebuss shot most miserably slain. The late defeat given to the infantry is thought to have chanced from not being supported by the cavalry, whereby has grown great dissension betwixt the two regiments. Master Borthwick being at dinner with him, declared that having advertised the Queen Mother of the great friendship shown by the Queen of England to the Queen of Scots, she seemed amazed and inquired upon what occasion that should be, seeing she was so straitly kept prisoner. They mind to make great offers to the Queen for avoiding the opinion conceived for the Queen of Scots' transaction with M. D'Anjou, which now they are in hand to draw out and return by Borthwick.—Orleans, 4 July. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
July 5. 314. Lord Herries to Queen Elizabeth.
Hears that she has been informed that he has not truly used himself in the service of his sovereign. Has at all times sought that these troubles should be ordered by the judgment of wise men rather than by the sword. When his sovereign upon the former promises of love, friendship, and assistance made between them came into England, he sought that she might be restored to her own realm by Elizabeth. If that could not be obtained, he desired that licence (which customably has not been to private subjects in time of peace refused) might be given for her Grace to pass into France. Her answer was that she would send for the Earl of Murray, and being heard wherefore he and his adherents durst so use their sovereign, she would order the cause as she found reasonable. Whereupon Herries returned to York, and after attending upon her commissioners for 17 days, was caused to pass to London, where they remained more than a quarter of a year, obtaining no other end except that Her Majesty said that she believed that the Earl of Murray would not pursue those who obeyed the Queen, so that he were not himself pursued. Shortly after their coming into Scotland they found him with 5,000 or 6,000 men ready to invade them. Considering that way to be destruction of the commonwealth, Herries passed to him upon his handwriting for his safeconduct, and had plain and open reasoning with him for their sovereign and commonwealth, but denies that he made any harangue against the honour of his mistress. Complains that on his coming to Edinburgh to consult on certain articles proposed by him he was committed to ward without trial or accusation, and not with his own good will, as has been unjustly reported. Professes that he has not dealt doubly in this cause of his mistress or in any other, which he humbly beseeches her to credit.—Edinburgh Castle, 5 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¾.
July 5. 315. Lord Herries to Cecil.
Sends a copy of his letter to the Queen of England of this date. Denies that when he was in England he had any privy communing or compaction with the Earl of Murray, or that he ever made any oration against his mistress's honour, or that he is committed to ward with his own will.—Edinburgh Castle, 5 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
July 6. 316. Dr. Mundt to Cecil.
The news they have is uncertain and inconstant, that which is against the French king being hidden, but such as is against the Huguenots solemnly spread. There is rumour of a battle with 10,000 slain on both sides. The French king gathers a greater army than before, but all of his own subjects. The Duke of Zweybruck died of a burning and hot ague, 10 June. The war in France is of great importance, and the Papists hold together and send aid, which the Protestants do not. The Emperor's ambassador is with the King of Poland at Lublin. The Turk has required passage for 100,000 men through Poland to make war against the Muscovites.—Spires, 6 July 1569. Signed, N.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 7. 317. The Regent Murray to Elizabeth.
His travail in the north has taken such success that of the great mass by whom this commonwealth was unquieted, none or very few this day avow their disobedience. Minds to proceed to the end, that the whole realm being once reduced to an uniform obedience the same may be more "steidfull" to Her Majesty, and able to defend itself from foreign invasion. Has received her letter in favour of Lord Boyd. Was minded that the weighty matters concerning this state which are not unknown to her should have been wisely and secretly handled, nevertheless they are so discovered by some servants of the Queen of Scots that they must now have the advice of the whole nobility, for which purpose he has appointed them to convene at St. Johnstons, on the 25th instant. Beseeches her to accept this delay in good part as proceeding from necessity. —Aberdeen, 7 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¾.
July 7. 318. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Has ordained the nobility to convene at St. Johnstons on the 25th inst. Desires him to move the Queen of England not to suspect any unreasonable delay or drift in him.— Aberdeen, 7 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
July 9. 319. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
On the 7th inst. the Duke De Negeres, being sent by King Philip and the Pope's Nuncio, had both audience with the King. Negeres, to treat of a marriage betwixt the King and the Emperor's second daughter, and between the King of Portugal and Madame Margaret. The coming of the Nuncio was by all means to persuade them not to make peace. The camp of the Duke of Anjou is by famine and sickness so scattered as not to be able to invade the enemy nor defend itself, wherefore the beginners of the war would most gladly have peace. On the 6th inst. Lignerolles arrived with special charge from M. D'Anjou to solicit the King to cause the French gendarmes to return to the camp, or else he should have few others left with him than the strangers. He also moved the King to treat of some pacification. The Count De Lude was forced to depart from before Niort with the loss of his brother and 300 soldiers. M. Sansac has begun his battery against La Charité.—Orleans, 9 July. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
July 9. 320. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Desires pardon for being so long in England without coming to Court, and also that he will appoint a time for him to have audience with the Queen. — Westminster, 9 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
July 10. 321. John Wood to Cecil.
Informs him of the intended convention. Abhors all "unsecret secrecies." Desires that he will so order matters that the officers on the frontiers may faithfully concur with the Regent at his first coming.—Edinburgh, 10 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 13. 322. The Regent Murray to the Privy Council of England.
Has received their letter of 18th June, and one from Mr. Lowther, and has written not only to the wardens and provosts of the principal burghs near the borders, but also privately to his affectionate friends, to make diligent search for the apprehension of the personage nominated therein.— Aberdeen, 13 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 13. 323. The Cardinal Chatillion to Cecil.
Sends by M. De Cavaignies certain news which he has received from France.—Shene, 13 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Seal. Fr. P. ½.
July 14. 324. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. Complains that by want of coming up he is forced for the non-payment of 300l. to forfeit 100l. land. The Regent is come to Aberdeen, and has brought all the north into obedience to the King. He has also with the consent of the rest of the nobility appointed to pluck down Boughty-Crag.
2. P.S.—The Queen might do him a great good turn to lend him 300l. in prest of his entertainment. Asks for an office in the Exchequer, and also for the justiceship of the forests this side of Trent. — Newcastle, 14 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
July 17. 325. The Queen to the Regent Murray.
1. Has been expecting some answer to the weighty matters which she ordered John Wood to impart to him.
2. A whole month having passed in silence she admonishes him hereof, and wishes him to think that the protracting of time may prove so disadvantageous to him that he may be sorry to have pretermitted the opportunity.
Draft in Cecil's handwriting. P. ¾.
July 17. 326. The Queen to Lord Hunsdon.
Has received letters from the Queen of Scots complaining that she has not some resolution in her causes which she imputes to the Earl of Murray's delays. Has written to him to that intent, and desires Hunsdon to send the letter to him by some discreet person of trust. The Marshal shall bring his licence to repair to Court.
Draft by Cecil. Endd.: 17 July. P. 1.
July 18. 327. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
M. De Sansac has lost 300 soldiers in assaulting La Charité, and being advertised that certain troops of the religion approached fast on, very ignominiously left the siege. Chatelherault is taken by them of the religion, and the Admiral is before Poitiers. M. D'Anjou is still in the Limousin, his army being much dispersed. At the end of August the King, expecting aid, hopes that his army will be able to march. Since the Duke of Deuxpont's death the army remains united and well disciplined, the reiters being nothing so mutinous as they were in the last wars. M. le Grand Escuyer is persuaded that he is not free from his promise by the Prince of Condé's death, but must needs offer himself in the camp within the time limited. Forasmuch as they would divert such as favour the House of Bourbon from assisting this general cause, the King has commanded by his letters patent to preserve the lands and houses of the Prince of Navarre, the Cardinal of Bourbon being admitted his guardian. The "Granatins" have defeated 300 horse of the King of Spain. Is informed that Captain Hayz an Almain is dispatched hence to seek by empoisoning to destroy the Admiral, and has the same entertainment that others aforetime had for the like. Etienne, the printer, being in company with two servants of the Cardinal of Lorraine, talking of the Queen of Scots, they said that she should not come out of England until she was crowned Queen thereof. Prays him to return hither John Norris, whom he fears lives as idly as his eldest brother.—Orleans, 18 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 12/3.
July [5]. 328. Letters Patent of Charles IX.
Appointing the Cardinal of Bourbon the guardian of the Prince of Navarre, with power to administer all his revenues and affairs.—Orleans, 5 July 1569.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 5. Enclosure.
July 19. 329. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
Has been prevented by illness from going to the Court to-day, as he had determined. Desires that Cecil will procure permission for a gentleman named Meguiville to remain in the island of Jersey.—Lambeth, 19 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
July 20. 330. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Sends a packet from the Regent. Would be glad of the Queen's licence for his coming up.—Newcastle, 20 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
July 20. 331. The Magistrates of Hamburg to Queen Elizabeth.
Inform her that the seizure within their territories of a certain pirate who had taken ships and goods belonging to some of their merchants by one of her captains was done at their urgent request.—Hamburg, 20 July 1569.
Add. Endd. Written on parchment.
July 21. 332. Charles IX. to M. De la Motte Fenelon.
Promises to restore the goods belonging to Englishmen which are detained in France, which shall be done at the same time that the Queen of England causes similar restitution of Frenchmen's goods to be made in her kingdom.—Orleans, 8 July 1569. Signed.
The original of the above letter was shown to the Queen of England, and a copy delivered to her by the French Ambassador on 21st July, whereupon she agreed to a mutual restitution as follows:—
The Queen of England to —.
Promises restitution of all Frenchmen's goods on a certain day in August, which shall be appointed by Marshal Cosse and her two commissioners whom she has sent to confer with him. Signed.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2.
July 21. 333. Charles IX. to M. De la Motte Fenelon.
Another copy of the above letter. Signed by Fenelon, with seal.
Fr. P. 1.
July 21. 334. Rough draft of a portion of the above relating to the presentation of the French King's letter to the Queen by M. De la Motte Fenelon, with two abstracts of Her Majesty's promise of restitution on separate slips of paper.
Endd. by Cecil: 25 July 1569. Fr. Pp. 1½.
July 26. 335. Another copy of the Queen's letter, dated 26 July.
Endd. Fr. P. ½.
July 26. 336. Another copy of the Queen's letter, with an attestation. Signed by Fenelon.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
July 26. 337. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
July 26. 338. Copy of the Queen's letter in English.
P. ½.
July 26. 339. Draft abstract of the Queen's letter in Cecil's writing.
P. 2/3.
July 21. 340. Remonstrance of the French Ambassador.
Complains that the Queen levies great numbers of soldiers in Germany who are instigated to invade France. Desires that she will forbid her subjects to traffic with Rochelle, and also prevent those of that town from buying arms and munitions in her kingdom. Also that she will carry out the restitution of the goods belonging to Frenchmen which are stayed in her realm. Also that she will join some of her ships to those of the King of France for the purpose of clearing the seas from pirates, as he is informed that a few days ago twenty-five ships left port with the intention of plundering the Newfoundland fleet.—21 July 1569.
Endd. by Cecil: Delivered at Lambeth. Fr. P. 1.
July 22. 341. Robert Huggins to Sir Henry Norris.
Excuses himself for not having written for nine years. Some unfaithful subjects of the Queen very earnestly procure to bring a foreign army into her dominions as their letters and supplication to that effect sent to the King does more largely declare, the copies of which he is promised to have. Has the names of ten of the chief lords who be consorts in this matter whose offer is great, as under the handwriting of one, being made a council of this practice, does appear which he keeps till the Queen shall order him to deliver it up. The Archbishop of Cashel solicits their cause, who has already had given him 1,000 ducats yearly and 1,000 more in ready money towards his charges. Their offer is well liked and will be accepted, unless there be some agreement made shortly betwixt the King and Queen, whereupon there is some stay made for a time. These things be practised by the Lords of the West of Ireland and the chief doers are as follows: James Fitzmaurice, of Desmond, captain in the absence of the Earl of Desmond, by the procurement of Tirlough O'Neile, has demanded of the King of Spain to send an army into Ireland to resist the Queen's power, and has offered to give into the Spaniards hands all his castles and towns upon condition that, winning others, they shall restore him his own again. Gives the names of others of the Irish who have sworn to aid the Spaniards who shall disembark at Dingle in Kerry. All this was given to him by a gentleman of Ireland who came with the Archbishop, who told him that he had made the like offer to the French King; he was also here a twelvemonth ago practising the same. An Irish foot post goes through France with the King's answer to these noblemen. It is a busy world here, and great enemies to England, and great practices in hand, and never so much preparation for the wars. England had never so much need to have somebody here to give advertisement of what is passing in this Court. The King has so many irons in the fire that he is forced to dissemble. There is a making 12,000 muskets, a new invention of shot, which the old soldiers of Italy brought with them into Flanders, which by the end of October shall be finished, with 5,000 other harquebusses which be in making in Biscay, and all the workmen in that country are taken up for that purpose. The King sends 4,000 or 5,000 Spaniards to aid the French King. These wars of the Moriscoes about Grenada do much trouble the King and the country. They increase daily more and more, and have already killed above 10,000 Christians, and few or none of them slain. The King keeps three camps against them, but can do no good unless it be for want of victual. On midsummer's day Don John of Austria gathered together 13,000 Moriscoes of Grenada, and took 2,000 for the King's galleys, and hanged some; a great number were sent to labour in the King's works and fortifications, and the rest, with their wives and children, kept as slaves. Those in the mountains are about 30,000, and have chosen a king. A stay of all ships has been made throughout the coasts of Spain, Italy, and Portugal for the service of this King against next spring. There are of the Moriscoes at least 60,000, and of the King's three camps but 14,000; a great odds both in numbers and courage, for the Moors be desperate. This country without doubt will be undone if there be not an end made betwixt the Queen and the King; many merchants bankrupt, and many towns on the sea-coast undone if the traffic do cease. There is no trade but into the Indies. Out of Biscay and Galicia they have sent up their procuradors requesting His Majesty to end this matter with England, as otherwise they will not be able to live. Desires Norris to provide some means for the safe transmission of letters between them.— Madrid, 22 July. Signed.
Add. Endd.: Portage two shillings. With seal. Pp. 4½.
July 24. 342. Lord Herries to the Regent Murray.
Reminds him of his promise on his honour for his safe coming, remaining, and departing to the day and place appointed to confer with him and the other noblemen concerning the articles delivered to him at Glasgow. Also after his coming on 16th April that he told Murray that he was informed that Argyle and Huntly had slandered him, that he should have broken promise with them, and not have dealt truly in the Queen's cause; and in order that he might be free to reason with them, desired that his superscription to the said articles might be deferred till their coming. Complains that nevertheless he is kept in ward, and in the meantime great hardships made upon his poor folk and his proper goods by the proud thieves of England and Scotland. Desires to be released. Has sustained great travails and received dangerous wounds in the service of his country.
Copy. Endd.: 24 July. Pp. 2.
July 24. 343. The Regent Murray to the Queen.
Is heartily sorry that necessity has made him so long in answering her expectation. Trusts that things may be done more quickly and resolutely by means of this convention than otherwise they might have been.—Dundee, 24 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
July 24. 344. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Was not minded to have written to him until the issue of this convention to be held at St. Johnstone, but the Queen of England's letter coming yesterday compels him to ask Cecil to excuse to her the necessary delay in this matter.—Dundee, 24 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
July 24. 345. Agreement by Marshal Cosse.
Agrees with Richard Patrick and Hugh Offley that there shall be a mutual restitution of merchandise seized both in England and France, on the 25th August.—Rouen, 24 July 1569. Signed: Artus de Cosse.
Endd., with seal. Fr. P. ¼.
July 25. 346. Robert Huggins to the Earl of Leicester.
To the same effect as his letter to Sir Henry Norris, of the 22nd inst. "Here is great talk, and England in words is half won; many foul brag is made against it."—Madrid, 25 July. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4½.
July 25. 347. Arrest of Spanish Merchandise in England.
Note of the sale of goods belonging to Spanish subjects by the commissioners appointed for that purpose, consisting of sugar, furs, wines, ostrich feathers, and other merchandises which are mostly described as being in bad condition: 101 hogsheads of aqua vitæ sold at 25s. the hogshead; sarsaparilla, at 1s. 4d. the pound, and molasses at 6l. 15s. the tun; total value of the sale, 3,801l. 9s. 9d. Signed.
Endd. Pp. 3.
July 26. 348. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
According to the Queen's letter he has sent a special messenger to the Regent, and forwards his answer. Perceives that his stay has been and is upon the Marshal's coming up, and fears that if he tarries his coming he will not look to be there at all. Sees by his dealing that the Queen must grant his request or else he be unwilling to serve here. Would be sorry to see Her Majesty so hard "bested" of her servants as though none could exercise the room but he. The Earl of Sussex and his lady are here.—Berwick, 26 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 26. 349. Valentine Dale to the Privy Council.
Put the agreement on the Queen's behalf in French, and showed it to the French Ambassador, and declared that they had somewhat altered his former device, because there could not be restitution made of such things as had been sold in their own kind, but of the value thereof, and required him to procure the like to be accorded by his master. He said he had already sent to his master a form which he had agreed unto, and that it would be overlong to have answer again, and that it seemed they did not mind any conclusion. Dale told him that the Queen would only put in writing that which she could perform, and bade him consider how impossible it was for the King to deliver all things which were taken from the Englishmen in France at a certain day, unless he should do it out of his own purse, which was never meant but only to restore that which was in essence, and for the rest to do justice. The Ambassador would in general terms include restitution of things taken by the French and brought into England, but Dale told him plainly that those things were never meant. Agreed that order should be taken to restore all men stayed either in the Cinque Ports or on the coast of Picardy.—London, 26 July. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
July 26. 350. Valentine Dale to Cecil.
With much ado has got the French Ambassador to like the form which he brought, with one addition, which is nothing material, as long as the absolute restitution is apart by itself and not mingled with the matters in controversy.—London, 26 July. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 27. 351. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
M. Sansac is returned from La Charité, having suffered great loss of his men. His soldiers are sent to lie in garrison on the Loire. M. D'Anjou's camp is almost all broken. They will make some surcease until they have received some foreign succours. Young Schomberg has offered the King to make a levy of 4,000 Polonois. In all payments the strangers are preferred before the King's subjects, so that the captains retire themselves much discontented. The Count Martinego has come to the Court very ill satisfied, and remains here making sale of the booty he took at Chatillon. The Court of Parliament of Paris mind to publish the Admiral's attainder, and have lately beheaded the Baron de Courtenay, besides divers others of the religion executed, whereof is Captain Wallace, a Scotchman. The Admiral is besieging St. Mesmin. St. Fiore finds himself greatly angered and earnestly demands to be admitted to the affairs of conducting the camp. The Cardinal has lately persuaded the King how easy it is to ruin all them of the religion saying that they have all the forces they can look for whereas the King can daily augment his, upon which the King has taken order for 8,000 Swiss and 4,000 reiters. The King came from Orleans on the 24th inst. to prest money of the Parisians, to the sum of 500,000 francs. Prays him to have care of the Queen's safety and his own, since the Cardinal of Lorraine has sent two of his servants, the one an Italian named John Baptista, the other an apothecary having a small red beard and like coloured head, of whom Cecil shall have shortly more particulars.—Paris, 27 July. The last sentence in cipher. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
July 28. 352. Mahomet Aben, King of the Moriscoes, to Don John of Austria.
Complains of the traitorous and unjust behaviour of those who governed the realm of Grenada, who for so small a matter as finding him with a dagger, judged him to the loss of his goods, and destitution of such a principal office as one of the twenty-four of Grenada, serving very well and faithfully King Philip, and also to condemn him to the galleys, not having respect to what he was and from whence he was descended. Seeing his parents and brother kept two years in the galleys and in prison, he could not omit to depart and die in the service of God and for the destruction of the Christian enemies of his faith. He and his men do not serve the Devil, seeing there is but one God who made heaven and earth. The cause of the troubles in Grenada has been the prelates augmenting and inventing every day so many laws and inventions, thereby to live, which were intolerable, and giving false relations to King Philip against such good servants as he has in the realm. Swears that as his parents did not know his intent or the oath that he had taken that Don John had no occasion so evil to entreat them. Does not so treat the prisoners that he has here as he shall understand by a letter written by a Governor under the Marquis of Bylena, being here in his hands, whom he took in a fort called Seron, with 240 women and children and 150 soldiers who are with him. If his Excellency will render his parents and brother to him he will give a safe-conduct to those who shall bring them and deliver the prisoners before that they shall be brought. If this does not content him, if there be any knights prisoners in Barbary or Turkey he will speedily send for them. At any rate he begs that they may be treated according to their estate, and have such things as are necessary for them; and if all this may take no place, then his Excellency will be the occasion of the destruction of 400 prisoners, men and women, whom he swears he will burn all quick and as many more as he shall take. Desires that none of those who belong to him may be put to execution, seeing that it is troublesome enough for many Christians. Let them not think that this matter shall be ended as they think, but even as in Barbary and all Spain prognostications and prophecies do declare. Although he is King of this land, yet does he but govern the same as a lieutenant of the Great Turk, his lord, who, if he dies, will be well able to revenge him.—Ferreira, 24 July 1569.
Copy, translated from the Spanish. Endd. Pp. 4½.
July 28. 353. Convention at Perth.
1. A list of the names of the noblemen and others of the Estates convened at Perth by the Regent, 28 July 1569.
2. Besides these there were present a great number of ancient barons and senators of the College of Justice and other learned men.
Written on a large sheet of paper. Endd.
July 29. 354. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Has received letters from the Duke of Norfolk and the Earls of Warwick and Leicester in behalf of Mr. Sutton, to be Master of the Ordnance here, for whose sufficiency they take upon themselves to answer. Is content so long as he remains upon his charge, but will never consent that any man may have it to occupy by a deputy.—Berwick, 29 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
July 29. 355. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
M. D'Anjou being somewhat sickly, minds to come to Tours. In the castle of Lusignan were found by the Admiral four pieces of battery. The Admiral has divided his army, the greater number being before Poitiers, but himself with the rest draw towards Saumur. M. Bravillart, one of the King's secretaries, this day sent to the ambassador resident in Spain instructions earnestly to treat of marriage between the King of Portugal and Madame Margaret. The Duke of Alva has promised to send new succours of war. The Count St. Fiore has sent his opinion touching this war which is rather to animate them to battle than to treat of reconciliation. The King has granted to him by the Parisians to support the charges of these wars 700,000 francs, and the other parts of the realm are required to make up the sum of 1,800,000 francs. The King is advised to annex the confiscations of the Protestants' lands to the crown. When he is charged by the French Ambassador to have intelligence with his master's rebels, he denies the same, and declares that none of them can show even a piece of a letter that since his coming he has written to the Admiral or any of his company. Sends a prophecy of Francis I. that "La mayson de Guise metteroyt le Roy en purpoint et son poure peuple and chemise."—Paris, 29 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 12/3.
July 29. 356. Communication by the Ambassador of the Duke of Savoy.
Informs the King and Queen Mother of France of a plan devised by his master for raising a force of 42,000 foot soldiers to put down those of the reformed religion, by compelling every village and hamlet to furnish and keep at least one soldier, and also recommends them to make the different dioceses present the King with harquebusses á croc to the number of 4,000.
Endd.: 29 July 1569. Fr. Pp. 6¾.
July 30. 357. Sir John Forster to Cecil.
Received a letter from the Lords of the Council for the taking of one Armstrong, called Splede Adam, and understanding that he remained in the wastes between Tynedale Head and Liddlesdale, made a purpose for the taking of him. He being that night a stealing, was missed, but Forster has got his son and committed him to the high castle of Newcastle till the Regent's coming to the frontiers, and then minds to deliver him to his Grace. Sends a letter from the Regent, and his answer thereto.—Alnwick, 30 July 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
July 19. 358. The Regent Murray to Sir John Forster.
1. Thinks not to delay his coming to Teviotdale longer than the middle of August. Hears that the thieves of Liddlesdale brag that whenever they are prosecuted they are certain of refuge within Forster's charge.
2. Desires his opinion in what order it will be best for him to proceed.—Dundee, 19 July 1569. Signed.
Orig. Add. Pp. 1½. Enclosure.
July 25. 359. Sir John Forster to Murray.
Denies that the thieves of Liddlesdale have any receipt within the bounds of his office, but the rebels of England are maintained with Liddlesdale, and accompanied by them have done divers displeasures to sundry of his kinsmen and friends. At Murray's coming to the frontiers he shall have his opinion, and help to the uttermost of his power for the quietness of the Borders.—Alnwick, 25 July 1569.
Copy. P. 1. Enclosure.
July 30. 360. Requests of the Spanish Ambassador.
Desires that certain measures may be taken for the disposal and custody of the goods of his master's subjects, which have been stayed in England.—30 July 1569.
Endd. Span. P. 1.
July. 361. Arrest of Spanish Merchandise in England.
A valuation of the merchandise remaining in the west parts and some part of it transported to London, consisting chiefly of wool, cochineal, and woven goods. Forty-one "olyvantes tethe" are valued at 100l.; thirty ships and hulks at 4,000l., and five hulks at 600l.; total value, 49,930l.
Endd. Pp. 1½.
July. 362. Arrest of Spanish Merchandise in England.
An estimate of the goods received into the hands of Thomas Smith, customer by order of the Council, and for the most part delivered up to divers people as being the property of neutrals. Total for which he is accountable, 3,078l.
Endd. Pp. 2.
July. 363. The Proceeding of Richard Patrick and Hugh Offley.
Were stayed at their landing at Dieppe, and their swords and mails taken from them, which they could not have again without giving rewards to the soldiers. On coming to Rouen and speaking with the Marshal Cosse, and delivering to him the French Ambassador's letters, he said that he knew of no such determination taken by the ambassador, and that he had no such authority from the King to take any such order. He willed them to stay seven days that he might advertise the King of their commission.
Endd.: July 1859. P. ½.
[July.] 364. Ordinance by Charles IX.
Commands certain companies of the gendarmerie to repair to the camp of the Duke D'Anjou by the — of August, and gives a list of the names of their commanders extending over two pages.—1569.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 3.