Elizabeth: August 1569

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: August 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp106-120 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: August 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp106-120.

"Elizabeth: August 1569". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp106-120.

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August 1569

August 1. 365. Mr. John Wood to Cecil.
Asks him to show his accustomed favour to his master and himself. Showed him how strange this proposition would be found here. Desires him not to let his assured friend be assailed with burdens "importable."—St. Johnston, 1 August 1569. Signed.
P. ⅓.
August 3. 366. The Regent Murray to Queen Elizabeth.
Excuses himself for his delay in answering her letter. Has kept the convention and in the same caused John Wood to communicate amply her credit declared to him, wherein are contained three degrees for an accord to be made of all controversies in Scotland. The same have been severally looked on, weighed, and well considered by the noblemen here present, who have taken her meaning in very good part. They find the two last degrees so prejudicial to the King's estate and the surety of his obedient subjects, and somewhat dangerous for the unquieting of the whole isle, that they can nowise condescend to direct anyone towards her to confer upon the same. As for the first degree being in itself not altogether so dangerous, if by her good means it may be compassed, not only will they be content to have the same conferred upon but will think themselves highly bound to her for the same. They will also be ready to confer with such of her subjects as she may appoint on that behalf. Desires her to credit the bearer Alexander Home.—St. Johnston, 3 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
August 3. 367. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Refers him to his letter to the Queen for news. Requests that he will cause search to be made for a letter written from the Queen of Scots to the Earl of Marr, as he is very desirous to have the same again.—St. Johnston, 3 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
August 3. 368. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
At the convention at St. Johnstones, where the Lord Boyd's commission was read, after long reasoning the equality of the Scottish Queen's government with the King was simply denied, but thus much granted generally, that whatsoever may be done for the commodity of both the countries, shall be granted to Her Majesty, two things excepted, first the King's authority, second the freedom of their country. Understands that Alexander Home comes to the Queen with their resolution, for Lethington is suspected to be friend neither to the King nor the Regent. Argyle came not to the convention. Lethington durst not go till Lord Home's, Athol's, and Huntley's servants and certain of the Hamiltons convey him thither. He is making a marriage that Claude Hamilton should marry the Regent's wife's sister, which will be the cutting of the Regent's throat. The Scottish Queen sent a commission to be divorced from Bothwell, which displeased the nobility very much, because therein she wrote herself Queen, with all her stiles, and wrote to the Bishop of St. Andrew's, head of the church, whereupon fell great argument between Lethington for the Queen, and James Macgill for the King. Lethington affirmed that she might be divorced without prejudice to the King or the church; Macgill affirmed the contrary, because she wrote to the Bishop, who remains an obstinate papist, and impugns the King's authority in writing herself Queen, and that she wrote to her subjects, and they were not her subjects, and therefore could have no answer. Lethington, the Prior of Coldingham, his brother, and the parson of Fliske, reasoned for the Queen, whereupon Robert Richardston, the Treasurer, took record that they had reasoned and vowed against the King's authority, and also pronounced that whosoever did so hereafter should be accounted a traitor, and so her commission for divorce was utterly rejected. This morning came Fleming, who thinks to make his mistress privy to these proceedings before the Queen should understand thereof. Will therefore stay Fleming one night after Home. The Regent has written for some aid into Liddlesdale, wherein he would know the Queen's pleasure.—Berwick, 5 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 3. 369. The Queen to Richard Patrick and Hugh Offley.
Sends a copy of her agreement for a mutual restitution of goods stayed on both sides, and commands them to resort to the Marshal Cosse, and determine together upon some certain day in this month in which the effect of that accord may be put in execution. The day is to be such as she may have advertisement from them, and be able to give knowledge thereof into remote parts of her realm, where some things to be restored may perchance remain.—Oatlands, 3 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
370. Draft of the above corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
August 3. 371. Acknowledgment by the Queen of England.
Having given to the Cardinal of Chatillon 20,000l. for the use of the Queen and Prince of Navarre and their associates, and received from the said Cardinal certain jewels in pledge, she promises to restore the same upon repayment of the money.—Oatlands, 3 August 1569. Signed.
Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 5. 372. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Informs her of the taking of Lusignan by the Admiral. M. D'Anjou judging that he would attempt Poitiers, sent into the town ten ensigns of Italian footmen, and after the Admiral was before the place, the Duke of Guise and his brother entered with 600 horse. The Admiral batters the town with eight cannon and some smaller pieces. On the 2nd inst. the breach was made almost saultable, and the Count de Lude, the governor, demanded to parley, which was refused. This news caused the King to depart towards Blois, to speak with M. D'Anjou, intending to rescue the place. The Queen Mother has required the Admiral to surcease for eight days, that in the meantime they might talk of some composition. On the 1st inst. the King went to the Palais where, in the end, the Parliament made a general arrest of all the goods, lands, and offices of those who bore arms against the King, and that all their lands held in fee or knight-service should revert to the crown; and that for the other lands first, there should be alienated for the sum of 50,000 crowns by the year, and given to the clergy, in recompense of their demesne, which the King had licence to sell, and the remainder bestowed on such as had suffered loss by the religion and done service in these wars. It is accounted that this attainture will amount to 2,000,000 francs a year. The same day they made sale, by sound of trumpet, of the Admiral's goods in Paris. Some moved to have him executed in effigy, which was thought unmeet, as serving only to irritate him to proceed the more extremely. The King borrows 300,000l., and offers to perpetuate the Councillors of Parliament's offices to their children, on their giving a certain sum of money; besides this they tax all citizens throughout the realm to make great contributions. The Cardinals of Bourbon and Lorraine to show an example to the clergy, have offered to sell 4,000l., rent of the monasteries of St. Germain and St. Denis. The King has sent into Italy for 3,000 horse and 6,000 footmen, but it will be hard for them to be in order to march these three months. The Swiss will not be ready to enter France until the middle of September, and are people rather to defend themselves than to assail their enemies. Whilst these forces are gathering, the Admiral has commodity to fortify those places already obtained and to win others, seeing he has good store of artillery and munitions, his footmen obedient and well disciplined, and his cavalry masters of the field. Give account of levies for the King in different places. Picardy and Normandy will be left smally furnished with men of war.—Paris, 5 August. Signed.
Pp. 32/3.
August 5. 373. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Gives the same information concerning the siege of Poitiers, and the confiscation of the property of the Huguenots as is contained in his letter to the Queen of this date. The Parisians have exhibited a list to the King of such as they think meet to be admitted to the Privy Council, and of such as they would should be secluded thence, with further request that some great personages should be imprisoned, so that they seem rather to give order to the King than to be directed by his Government. And whereas, when the Queen Mother and the Cardinal were at the camp, the King caused one Pirier, for his great disorders, and cruelty used to sundry persons without commission, to be deprived of his office, being a captain in the town, straight upon the Queen and Cardinal's return he was admitted to his former estate, and uses more cruelty than afore, so that it seems there is no King but the Cardinal.—Paris, 5 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 12/3.
August 9. 374. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. Complains of a restraint made by the Lord Treasurer and others to the customer of wools, hides, and fells, that none shall be transported out of Berwick into Scotland, as being directly against the privilege of their charter and contrary to all law, for whenever any Act of Parliament has been made for the restraint of any of the wares aforesaid, Berwick has been always excepted. Trusts that the common speech in Scotland which daily comes from London and the Court is untrue, that the Duke of Norfolk should marry the Scottish Queen.
2. P.S.—Desires to know what shall be done with the poor men who are in prison for coining the Scottish money.—Berwick, 9 Aug. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
August 10. 375. Examination of Nicholas Hubert.
The examination of Nicholas Hubert alias French Paris at St. Andrew's, 10 Aug. 1569.
Deposes to having carried letters between the Queen of Scots and Bothwell at the time of the journey of the former to Glasgow. Determination to lodge Darnley at the Kirk-ofield. Understanding between Bothwell, Lethington, and James Balfour. Bothwell told him that Lady Reres used to bring him every night to the Queen's chamber at Holyrood. Refers to his deposition taken 9th Aug. for fuller particulars of Darnley's murder. Relates several circumstances and sayings of the Queen, showing her complicity with Bothwell in the crime. Carries keys from the Queen to Bothwell. The Queen recommends that the commendator of Holyrood and William Blacater should be persuaded to assassinate Darnley. Huntly offers to accompany Bothwell to the Kirk-o-Field. When at Seton the Queen commanded him to take her casket containing money to Bothwell, and another one containing jewels to the captain of Edinburgh Castle. First had proof of the intimacy between the Queen and Bothwell during the journey to Glasgow. The night before the seizure of the Queen was sent with a letter to Bothwell who told him to say that he would meet her next day on the road by the bridge. Was ordered by the Queen to induce Joseph [Rizzio] to leave the country. After the King's death John Hay often comforted him, but no one else did so except Huntly. Taken in the presence of Mr. George Buchanan, Mr. John Wood, and Robert Ramsay.
Copy. Endd. Printed at length in Anderson's History, vol. II., p. 192. Fr. Pp. 8½.
August 11. 376. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Is required by the King to depart to-morrow towards Orleans. On the 1st inst. there departed hence one Brodeau alias Chastetiere, secretary to the Queen of Navarre and the Sieur De Pins, with letters of credit signed by the King, the Queen Mother, and the Cardinal of Lorraine, to persuade the Queen of Navarre to lay down arms, offering great conditions, and amongst others Madame Margaret in marriage for the Prince, whom they must practise to mount upon a Spanish horse, and so bring him to the place of rendezvous. The Admiral has made two breaches at Poitiers, but was in such sort annoyed by the castle and a platform as he could not assault the same without great loss. There is in the town the Duke of Guise, the Marquis of Mayenne, the Count De Lude, and divers other gentlemen of name, with 4,000 footmen and 1,000 horse. Is thankful for the victory over the Queen's rebels in Ireland, but sees the Cardinal of Lorraine's helping hand has been there, who promised no less in open council. Sends Chapelle to the Cardinal of Chatillon, and desires Cecil to stay his return hither as he has caused him great trouble. —Paris, 11 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 12/3.
August 11. 377. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Robert Etienne, the King's printer, who for his religion is forced to abandon his country, has required him to present to Her Majesty the fruit of his last labour as a token of the service he owes to her as the chief patroness of the Gospel. He desires that the other one without clasps may be given to the Cardinal of Chatillon.—Paris, 11 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
August 12. 378. The Queen to the Regent Murray.
Finds no reasonable cause of satisfaction in his letter of Aug. 3. Mislikes his communicating with the whole estates of her secret purposes sent to him by John Wood, for excuse whereof he alleges the Bishop of Ross and his servants writing thereof, which is flatly denied by the said bishop. Does not think his private letter a sufficient answer, he having propounded the matter so openly. Sees no reason why the dangers he writes of should not have been particularly advertised to her. Is altogether unsatisfied with his answer, and finds no cause for her to send commissioners to the Borders, the cause being properly his and meet for him to solicit her favour in the ordering thereof, and not to use the matter by such an indifferency of conference as though there were any equality betwixt her and him. Returns his bearer to the end he may better consider of his proceedings, and as he means to have the continuance of her favour so to satisfy her speedily in some more substantial and satisfactory manner than this is, otherwise he will occasion her without further delay to proceed to such a determination with the Queen of Scots as she shall find honourable and meet for herself. In so doing considers that she perceives that he only respects himself and no other party, and doubts how he will like it, and though he should yield to more conformity it may prove too late and not recoverable by repentance.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 2½.
August 12. 379. William, Landgrave of Hesse, to the Queen.
Congratulates her on the firm establishment of the true religion in her kingdom, and trusts that she will entertain the same good will towards him as subsisted between their predecessors. Various rumours having come from France of the death of his relative, Wolfgang, Count Palatine, desires that if she hears anything certain that he may be advertised. —Cassel, 12 Aug. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 2½.
August 13. 380. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires him to procure permission for him to export six lasts of gunpowder to Rochelle for the use of the Prince's army.—Shene, 13 Aug. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 13. 381. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
On account of a certain sum of money being retained by Sir Thomas Gresham at the request of Madame De Stafort, the business which he has with the Cardinal is hindered. Desires that he will interpose his authority for its release.— 13 Aug. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 2/3.
August 15. 382. Valentine Dale to Cecil.
Is still more induced to think that the French will depart from the agreement made with their Ambassador and put in writing with his own hand, and will require satisfaction of things spoiled on the sea before they will restore the goods stayed in France. Besides the agreement past, it is against all reason that goods arriving under the safe-conduct of the Prince in time of peace should be stayed by public authority, upon colour that some others have spoiled some of theirs, unless they can show either refusal or delay of justice. The men of Rouen estimate their damages with interest at little less than 50,000l. There remain in Rouen, Dieppe, and Calais of English goods arrested little less than 10,000l., besides about 20,000l. sent thither of late. Complains that the English merchants are so afraid of their particular losses that they cannot deal roundly.—London, 15 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
August 15. 383. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. Is much bound to him for the procuring of 300l. at the Queen's hands which he is sure was not easily got. Has saved thereby his land in Norfolk. Is sorry to understand that Cecil has been made such a stranger, either in the Scottish affairs or any other, for he is sure they end so much the worse. Hears that Sutton means to put in one Coke of Newcastle to be his deputy, who is as fit for it as Hunsdon is to be a bishop. Trusts that the Queen will consider that this is now the only key to the realm, and if there is any service here the master of the ordnance is the principal man that must be employed, and therefore it behoves him to be of skill and acquainted well with the place and them that must serve under him. Trusts, therefore, that the Queen will condition with him to serve here himself, and then Hunsdon thinks that he will not be very desirous of it.
2. Thinks there were some further fetches in Mr. Marshal's not returning. As the coiners of Scottish money have all wives and children, and are very good soldiers, he thinks some small punishment will be sufficient, for they have remained long in prison.
3. P.S.—Writes concerning the infringement of the conditions of sale of certain trees in Sussex to the Lord Admiral. —Berwick, 15 Aug. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 15. 384. Thomas Randolph to Lord Hunsdon.
Thus far has returned from his long journey, having brought with him an Ambassador from the Emperor (of Russia), a man of good calling and well esteemed of His Highness. His train is about three score persons. His provision was greater than their ships were able to bestow. What his doings will be, and how he will govern himself who now comes into a new world and school of good manners, they will know by the issue. Worse entertainment there was never shown to any than to himself for a long time, but in the end he sped right well.—"Upon the wild seas aboard the "Harrye," 15 Aug. 1569. Between Skewtesenes in Norway and Shetland, the pole elevated 61 degrees." Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
August 16. 385. The Spanish Ambassadors instructions to Jacob [Burgos].
Directs him to require that the present commissioners appointed to view the goods of Spanish subjects which have been stayed in England may be dismissed, and their malpractices inquired into.
Endd. Lat. P. 1.
August 16. 386. A Memorial from the Spanish Ambassador.
Complains of the unfair proceedings of the commissioners appointed to inspect and sell the Spanish goods which have been stayed.—London, 16 Aug. 1569.
Endd. Span. Pp. 1½.
August 16. 387. The Count of Montgomery to the Prince of Navarre.
Has defeated and taken prisoner M. De Terrides with the most part of his officers and soldiers, together with their artillery, arms, and horses. Sends a copy of the capitulation with M. De Terrides and a list of the prisoners.—Orthez, 16 Aug. 1569. Signed.
388. Composition between MM. Montgomery and Terrides.
Arrangements for the exchange and ransom of M. De Terrides and his officers. The common soldiers to depart without arms, unless they prefer to enlist under Montgomery. The artillery in the town and castle of Orthez to be surrendered to Montgomery for the use of the Prince of Navarre. List of prisoners annexed.
Copy. Fr. Pp. 2½.
389. Another copy of the above.
Fr. Pp. 2.
390. Another copy of the above.
Fr. Pp. 3¼.
August 16. 391. Charles IX. to Cecil.
Thanks him for his good offices for the preservation of peace and friendship between him and the Queen of England, which he desires he will continue.—Amboise, 16 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
August 17. 392. Albert Frederick of Brandenburgh to the Queen.
Having lost both his parents in one day, he sent to Antwerp for the purpose of having a monument made, as this cannot be completed on account of the scarcity of alabaster, he desires licence to export a ship load from England.— Konigsburgh, 17 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1¼.
August 18. 393. The Regent Murray to [Cecil].
Sends him a tarsel and a falcon, and desires to understand some taste of his mind.—St. Andrews, 18 August 1569. Signed.
P. ¼.
August 20. 394. The Queen to the Regent Murray.
Has been informed that he has caused the castle of Dumbarton to be besieged, and has appointed a new convention at Stirling towards the end of this month, for the preparation of new forces to pass into the west to make pursuit against such as he thinks favourable to the Queen of Scots. Considering that the said Queen has remitted to her the final order of all her causes, and that she has his promises at many times to be advised by her, she cannot take in good part his delay in answering her, and his pursuit of the Queen of Scot's friends by force. Doubts notwithstanding his promises that he only seeks the satisfying of his own estate without her advice or allowance. Peremptorily requires him to make some more resolute answer concerning the articles sent to him by John Wood, and in the meantime to forbear besieging Dumbarton and conducting any force into the West country. Has in the favour of the Queen of Scots been content to send this letter by Thomas Fleming, her servant, whom she requires to be suffered to return to her quietly, and that also with some answer meet for her expectation, assuring him that she cannot with reason and honour satisfy the said Queen or her friends with any further delay which may grow from lack of answer from him. In default thereof she will be occasioned to proceed in such sort without him, as perchance he shall find much against him.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 2.
August 21. 395. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires him to procure the release of a ship called the "Dorothea Fortuna," for which he has engaged a French captain, who will conduct her to Rochelle, and employ her in the defence of the common cause.—Shene, 21 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
August 22. 396. Bernaldo [Baktodebiro] to John [Denis].
Wishes to know whether the King of Portugal's Ambassador has left any letter or writing behind him which relates or belongs to the writer. And whether his (the writer's) son has been with the Ambassador to London, or still remains there. An answer to be sent to Father Maldenado, rector in the Jesuit's College.—Paris, 22 August 1569. Signed, Bernaldo Baktodebiro (?).
Add.: To Johana Denies Engles, of the household of the Ambassr of the K. of Spain. Endd., with seal. German. P. 1.
August 22. 397. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Encloses a list of "merchandises" which are most necessary for the succour of the Princes and their camp. Begs that he will procure a licence in the name of an English merchant, who has engaged to transport the said "merchandises" to Rochelle.—Shene, 22 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
August 22. 398. The Queen to the Regent Murray.
Is informed that Paris, a Frenchman who fled into Denmark with the Earl Bothwell, and who is thought to be most privy to the said Earl's worst actions, has by policy been brought into Scotland. Requests that after diligent and circumspect examination of him had for knowledge of the manner and circumstances of the murder of Lord Darnley, the execution of him by way of death may be deferred, whereby the truth may more plainly appear by his testimony living than otherwise it will seem to have credit after his death.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. P. 1.
August 22. 399. Arrest of Spanish Goods in England.
A memorial to the Privy Council by the Commissioners appointed to view the goods, as to the disposal of certain portions of them.
Endd. P. 1.
August 24. 400. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
1. Thanks him for his letter and news. Is glad that the Queen conceives well of his son. Desires that Cecil will give his assistance and advice in an offer of marriage that he has had from the heir of Mr. Onedall, for one of his daughters. Sends a letter which he has received from Randolph out of Russia. Looks to meet the Regent this week at Kelso and to take order for the punishment of malefactors.
2. P. S.—Desires to know whether he shall send certain men to Knockfergus. Hears that the Earl of Ormond passing through Wales is very sore hurt by the Mansfields.—Berwick 24 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
August 24. 401. Valentine Dale to Cecil.
Gives an account of negociations with the French ambassador, whose answer he looks for this day.—London, 24 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
August 25. 402. Valentine Dale to Cecil.
Has got an answer in writing from the French Ambassador, which he sends. He has omitted divers of his reasons which he spake. The Ambassador and the merchants of Rouen claim by promise that their matter should have been done in three days; to which he answered that the commissioners were named within three days, but that there were other matters for which there must be time.—London, 25 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
August 25. 403. Valentine Dale to the Privy Council.
Has declared to the Spanish Ambassador how careful their Lordships were to have the doings to be examined of such as had the sales of the King of Spain's subjects' goods, who had commission to sell no goods but such as without damage could not be kept, and that at the highest price that might be. If he would make it appear that they had done the contrary, he desired him to make more diligence, as he had to make his report by the 29th instant. The Ambassador said that it could not be done in such a short time, and required at least the whole of September. He further desired Dale to tell their Lordships that, if they thought good to sell all the goods, to do so plainly, without any colour, and declared what goods might have been kept, as sugar, cochineal, sarsaparilla, and the like.—London, 25 Aug. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
August 25. 404. Sir George Speke to Cecil.
Sends the Spanish Ambassador's reply to his articles in writing. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
August 25. 405. The Spanish Ambassador to [Cecil].
Requests a passport for a gentleman who has been sent by his wife and his cousin to know his health.
Endd. Span. P. ¼.
August 27. 406. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Desires Cecil's assistance that the bearer, Henry Rolfe, who has served in the wars for 25 years and had charge of men as well by sea as by land, may purchase of the Queen 30l. of "conceled" lands after 12 years purchase.—Berwick, 27 Aug. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
August 27. 407. Declaration of the French Ambassador.
Does not agree to the proposition of the Lords of the Council to prohibit the transportation of goods between England and the Low Countries by his master's subjects during the suspension of commerce, as it is contrary to the 5th Article of the last treaty of peace, which he gives at length. Approves of the plan of the Council for appointing four notable merchants of London to arrange all matters relative to the restitution of Frenchmen's goods stayed in England; and also that the arrests made on both sides before the 8th of July last shall be continued until the feast of St. Michael if the proposed justice cannot be done earlier.
Draft. Endd.: 27 Aug. 1569. Fr. and Lat. P. 1.
408. Another copy of the above.
Endd.: 24 Aug. Fr. and Lat. P. 1.
August 28. 409. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
1. The motion for peace is clearly vanished away, for the Admiral, by good experience, perceiving their treaties to be only put forth to gain time and drive him to some inconvenience by reason of his mercenary strangers, has rather been attentive earnestly to follow his attempt against Poitiers than otherwise to be deluded with such vain persuasions. Mon. Bonnivet, sent by the King with four companies of men-at arms to enter Poitiers, has been defeated and taken prisoner and brought before the two Princes of Navarre and Condé. Two of his gentlemen, sometime of the religion, were before his eyes beheaded, and soon after two Italians hanged. After this defeat, the town being more straitly shut up, the Abbess of La Trinité, sister unto the Cardinal of Bourbon, had licence to come forth with certain other gentlewomen, and in her passing through the army saluting the Princes, her nephews, she said to the Admiral that she marvelled he would thus assail the King's towns and trouble his good subjects. Whereunto he answered that he knew that she spake according to her affection, further requesting her to declare that he hoped shortly to have Poitiers in possession. As for the Duke of Guise, he should pay the ransom of her late brother the Prince of Condé, and the Marquis of Mayenne should satisfy six months pay to the reiters. The King has sent M. De la Valette with 600 horse, who makes divers skirmishes. On the 19th the Admiral, assaulting furiously the town wall, there was slain about 600 men, but in the end they entered and drove the others to their trenches, for the town is huge in circuit and many vineyards and meadows within the same. The Duke of Guise has made double trenches within the town, and has to the defence thereof, 4,000 men and the Prince's army is esteemed to be 10,000 chosen footmen and 8,000 or 9,000 horse.
2. The wisest here are persuaded that the importance of the war depends chiefly upon the success of Poitiers, for if the Admiral take this place he has in his hands the chief branches of the house of Guise, besides great riches and ransoms and the flower of the King's army; but if he abandon it, the loss of time, men, munitions, and other necessaries will be no small hindrance. The King, in recompense of his great travail in these winter wars last past, invested M. D'Anjou with the county of Maine, and after the Queen Mother's decease has given him the county of Auvergne; but Monsieur being well liked of, and having the commandment of the men-of-war, in time it will draw the King to have great suspicion of him, so that the end of this war may be the beginning of another. Thirty prisoners of the religion have been burnt in a house at Orleans by the papists, and about 50 others cruelly cut in pieces and thrown into the river. The Protestants have taken certain places, and those of La Charité have spoiled the King's house at Fontainebleau. The King is at Plessis. Gives account of different forces which are being raised for the relief of Poitiers, but does not think that the King can gather together his forces yet for 20 days. The King has been certified that the Duke of Holstein levies 6,000 reiters and 40 ensigns of foot to invade France. Is secretly given to understand that the gentlemen of La Beauce are ready to receive their further directions upon the success of Poitiers.—Amboise, 28 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 5½.
August 29. 410. Sigismund Gise to his Brother.
Chiefly relating to family matters. The siege of Poitiers by the Admiral and the distress of the besieged. Difficulty that the French King has in keeping his troops together.— Paris, 29 August 1569. Signed.
Ger. Pp. 3¼.
August 29. 411. Lord Scrope to Cecil.
Finds that Prestall is sometimes at Dumfries daily accompanying the Lord Maxwell, and sometimes at [Tynnoll] with the Laird of Coghill, where, having got two other persons, he coins both gold and silver, whereby he has now such friendship that he is not easily upon any sudden or by secret means to be come by. It were not amiss to pray his delivery at the Regent's hands. Intends to muster the Queen's subjects within this wardenry. The Borders were never in such disorder since he has had charge of them. Intends to call in the sureties of those who refuse to enter themselves, and also proclaim the disobedient outlaws.—Carlisle, 29 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1¼.
[August 29.] 412. Memoranda concerning John Prestall.
1. Note of such places in Scotland where Prestall resorts.
2. It is said that he has the Regent's and the Earl Morton's assurance for his safety in Scotland.
Endd. P. 1.
August 29. 413. The Queen to Lord Scrope.
Is informed on the behalf of the Queen of Scots that of late he has proclaimed a peace upon the Borders, wherein amongst other things was specially expressed that if any Scotchman were invaded by the Earl of Murray the same should not be received nor their goods in England for their safety. Directs him in case Murray makes any pursuit by force against his contraries, as far as he can without evident taking sides, to preserve the persons who shall fly into her realm for succour.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 29 Aug. P. 1.
August 29. 414. Valentine Brown to Cecil.
Writes touching the loan of 300l. from the Queen to Lord Hunsdon. Denies that he has ever meddled directly or indirectly with the trade of the Low Countries. The coast men of Norfolk and Lincoln have all this year haunted Scotland with great quantities of corn under colour of Berwick and Newcastle, and return with the wares of the said Low Countries. If the Queen will give him authority to apprehend any of them, he doubts not with the help of the Lord Governor to have some of the chiefest forthcoming.—Berwick, 29 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¼.
August 29. 415. Christopher Ehemius to Killegrew.
Is on the point of starting for Nuremburg. They hear that Poitiers has been taken by the Admiral. Many Italians return to their own country. Three thousand Swiss are levied for France.—Heidelburg, 29 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
August 30. 416. Lord Hunsdon to Cecil.
Paris was put to death a fortnight since, and so was Stewart, who was King of Heralds, who had determined to kill the Regent, but was forgiven for that, and was burnt for conjuration and witchcraft. Is glad to hear of some likelihood of the Marshal's coming, and trusts that then he may have licence to come away. Thinks Cecil is not ignorant of his opinion of that marriage; he loves and honours the one so well as he would be right sorry it should take place. It is commonly spoken and believed both in Scotland and in all this part of the north.—Berwick, 30 August 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
August 30. 417. Sir George Speke to Cecil.
Has told the Ambassador that Swigs and his fellows shall be inhibited to make any sale until upon trial it be known whether they have committed any of the offences wherewith they stand charged, so that the trial be made with as much speed as conveniently may be. Whereupon he answered that he would use such expedition as he conveniently might, albeit he thought that ambassador hardly dealt with, who must reveal the circumstances whereby he received his information. —London, 30 August. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
[August.] 418. Arrest of Spanish Merchandise in England.
A note of certain matters to be considered concerning the merchandise stayed in England.
P. 1.