Elizabeth: April 1569

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: April 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp56-67 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: April 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp56-67.

"Elizabeth: April 1569". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp56-67.

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April 1569

April. 207. Intercepted Letters.
Copies of five letters written by the Count of Mansfeldt, M. de Francourt, the agent for the Huguenot party in the Duke de Deuxpont's camp, and the Prince of Orange, to the Huguenot leaders, expressing regret for the death of the Prince of Condé, and assuring them of the continued adherence of the Duke of Deuxpont and his reiters to their cause.—Dated from the camp at Jussey on the 4th and 6th of April 1569.
Copy. Endd. by Cecil: Letters intercepted from France, Prince of Orange, &c.
Fr. Pp.2.
April 3. 208. Dr. Mundt to Cecil.
Tarried at Cologne for eight weeks, and wrote many letters to Clough and Dun, signifying the great necessity of the delivery of such "cloths and merchandize" as were promised; but received no answer, but that they might return homewards, which is marvellously grievous to such parties as looked for the receipt of the promised "cloth." The Duke of Bipont's soldiers for want of pay destroy the country round about most miserably. Went to Heidelberg to Killegrew yesterday. A Diet will be held at Frankfort 16th April. The Elector of Saxony has published a decree in the name of the Circle of Saxony, that all soldiers who serve the Duke of Alva and the French King, shall depart from them, under pain of loss of goods and lands.—3 April 1569. Signed, N.
Add. Endd., with seal. P.½.
April 6. 209. Henry Killegrew to Cecil.
1. Gives an account of his journey from Hamburg. Was fain to stay at Luxemburg for fear of certain captains of horsemen who laid in wait for him. Passed without harm to Brunswick, through a country which resembled the wildest part of Windsor forest. At Brunswick they found divers returned from the Prince of Orange's camp, ill contented and worse to pass by, but that their company was there increased to the number of twenty persons. From thence they passed to Cassel, travelling through Duke Eric of Brunswick's country, and not a little glad when they were escaped. At Cassel, William, the Landgrave of Hesse, entreated him to remain, but Killegrew excused himself, on the plea that he had been already over long on his journey; but promised to make report to Her Majesty of his good will. The Landgrave sent his dinner to him by his Chancellor, and during dinner time Killegrew perceived that they saw the intents of the Catholics, and that it was time to prepare for their defence. Was well received by the magistrates of Frankfort, and at Heidelberg there wanted no good entertainment of wine, &c., from the Court.
2. On the 1st inst. was appointed audience at 8 a.m., against which time he had a fair horse with a footcloth of velvet brought, and certain of the Elector's gentlemen, besides Mr. Junius, to bring him to the castle, where his Grace accompanied with the Dukes Casimir and Christopher, his sons, and Philip, Landgrave of Hesse, his son-in-law, received him upon the stairs at the entry into his hall. Presented the Queen's letters to the good prince and to his son Duke Casimir, whom he joins with him in all his affairs, and did Her Majesty's hearty commendations to them both, and further desired to understand whether the two matters of which Mr. Junius had made overtures, agreed with their meaning and intent, which they avowed in general terms. After they had withdrawn into an inner chamber with Mr. Junius, Duke Casimir declared that it was the Elector's mind that Killegrew should take patience during his abode at his Court, being very sorry that he had no better means to honour the Queen withal. There was a great dinner prepared with three of his counsellors to keep him company. Cannot learn that any ambassador has been as much honoured as he has. Continued thus for three days, accompanied either at dinner or supper by one of the young dukes, who are princes of great towardness, especially Casimir, who for martial affairs is counted the flower of Germany. On Sunday, at the Elector's table, he had all the honour he could devise. Had this day audience again, the effect whereof he sends. Has made known to Mundt the Queen's good acceptation of his services. Explains the difficulty of conveying letters. Perceives that he will have no answer to his negociation till the end of this convention, to be held at Frankfort on the 15th inst.— Heidelberg, 6 April 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 3.
April 6. 210. Proclamation of Charles IX. at Metz.
Prohibits the exercise of any other religion than the Catholic, and directs his officers to see that this command is enforced.—Metz, 6 April 1569.
Copy. Fr. P. 1.
April 7. 211. The Prince of Navarre to Cecil.
Letter of credence for M. de St. Simon, sent about their affairs to the Queen of England.—Xaintes, 7 April 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ⅓.
April 7. 212. The Admiral Chatillon to Cecil.
Letter of credence for M. de St. Simon.—Thounes-bou tonne, 7 April 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
April 7. 213. The Prince of Navarre to Queen Elizabeth.
Letter of credence for M. de St. Simon.—Xaintes, 7 April 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
April 8. 214. The Admiral of France to Queen Elizabeth.
Letter of credence for M. de St. Simon.—Thounes-bou tonne, 8 April 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
April 8. 215. Commission by the Cardinal of Chatillon.
Letter of marque authorising Captain Stephen Helye, an Englishman, to cruize against the enemies of the religion.— Westminster, 8 April 1569. Signed and sealed.
Fr. P. 1.
April 8. 216. Captain William Reed to the Privy Council.
Desires that the fort at Holy Island may be completed, as otherwise the rain and weather will so beat into what has been done that it will cause it to decay. It has cost the Queen 500l. already, and he does not think 200l. more will end it.—Berwick, 8 April 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
April 11. 217. Henry Killegrew to Cecil.
Since his coming has sent to him four letters by different ways which contained in effect no matter but such advertisements as he had received from the Elector Palatine. Does not look for answer to the first article of his negociation till after 10th May, but to avoid suspicion from his over long abode here, it is thought fit that he should return to Hamburg. Also that he should signify Her Majesty that the desired sum in the second part of his instructions is to levy a new army for Duke Casimir, whose aid coming against the French King unlooked for besides the Duke of Zweybruck; it is not unlike but the balance will weigh on their side. It is meant that these two dukes shall not return before restitution he made of Calais to the Queen's Majesty. For the same he perceives they require not a third of what Junius desired. Desires him to direct his letters to him at Hamburg. There wants no good will in the Elector Palatine to advance the religion and to cut off the enemies thereof. On the 8th inst. the Duke of Zweybruck's footmen began to march after him, but as yet there is no certain news of him or the Prince of Condé. The French king moves not from Metz so soon as was thought, and levies footmen secretly in Germany.—Heidelburg, 11 April.
Entirely in cipher, deciphered. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 11. 218. The Privy Council's Answer to the Spanish Ambassador.
1. It should be expressed what ships were detained before the detention was published, and upon knowledge thereof the faults shall be punished; nevertheless all ships shall be stayed until it may appear how the King Catholic shall allow of the arrest first made by the Duke of Alva.
2. Arthur Killegrew and others shall, according to justice, make satisfaction and receive punishment according to their faults, if the same may be particularly understanded and proved.
3. There is no ship called the New Bark belonging to the Queen, but one of that name was sold four years past to one Gregory, a merchant, of Dorsetshire, but if knowledge may be had of the offenders there shall be restitution of the goods and due punishment.
4. The like answer to the third.
5. Protests against the use of the word "avenge" by the Ambassador.
6. It is true that he who has charge of the Queen's ships which she keeps in the narrow seas for defence against pirates, seeing certain hulks caused one of the ships to approach them and shoot off a warning piece, to move them to give some token of "availing" to the Queen's navy; whereunto the said hulks not only refused to show any friendly countenance, but contrariwise with all force bent themselves with great shot to have sunk the Queen's ship. For whose safety the Admiral being a great way off repaired, with the rest of the ships under his charge, against whom likewise the said hulks used such might and shot that they were forced to use such means as they did to master the hulks; and so being brought into port the goods in the same were arrested, and put in safety to be answered as others before in the like case.
Endd. by Cecil: 11 April 1569. Pp. 1⅓.
219. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 1¼.
220. Another copy of the above.
Endd. Lat. P. 1.
April 12. 221. Philip II. to the Count de Monte Agoudo.
Order given to the Civil Governor of Seville to arrest English ships.—Escurial, 12 April 1569.
Copy. P. ½.
April 12. 222. The Princess of Condé to Queen Elizabeth.
By the death of her husband she is left with six young sons and a daughter, and is deprived of all her possessions. Begs that she will receive her and her children into her protection. Promises to bring them up in the same devotion to her service as her husband had.—La Rochelle, 12 April 1569. Signed: Francoise d'Orleans.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
April 13. 223. The Queen of Navarre to Queen Elizabeth.
1. Desires her to give credit to the bearer, M. de St. Simon, and to continue her protection and aid to the cause.
2. P.S.—Requests her favour for Captain Bourset.—La Rochelle, 13 April 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. Pp. 1½.
April 13. 224. The Queen to Killegrew and Mundt.
Hears that there is likely to be this month at Frankford an assembly of the Electors and other Estates of the Empire, which she conjectures to be for some consultation to be had for the quieting of these dangerous troubles raised up in France, and elsewhere, about the execution of the decrees of the Council of Trent and the subversion of the estate of religion. Requires them to have good consideration hereof, and to repair to Frankford and deliver her letters to the said Estates, and to testify in her name that she has been always ready to preserve the common peace of Christendom, and especially the estate of Christian religion from subjection. Upon knowledge of what they shall think meet for this purpose she will assent to and assist all their reasonable and lawful determinations.
Draft. Endd. P. 1.
April 14. 225. The Queen's Reply to the Duke of Alva's Proclamation.
First draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 14 April 1569. Pp. 8¾.
April 15. 226. Answer to the Duke of Alva's Proclamation.
1. The Queen of England finding in the Duke of Alva's proclamation of 31 March many clauses touching her honour and sincerity, is forced somewhat unwillingly to notify at length the order of her doings, in such things as are published in the King of Spain's name. Has always performed as much as she could devise to maintain the old alliance and the mutual trade of navigation betwixt their subjects even when by contrary proceedings, she might have been otherwise provoked. Whereas by the treaties it is specially provided that either of the princes confederate should punish pirates as enemies of the commonweal, she has armed to the seas to her great charges, whereby at sundry times great numbers of pirates have been taken, the like of which will not be found to have been done on the part of France or the Low Countries. Has besides provided special means to expedite justice for the King's subjects by providing certain persons to keep extraordinary audiences only for them. Has caused all means to be put in execution for the stay of her subjects resorting to the seas with appearance to commit any piracies. Does not think it true that any person in authority should have any portion in any prey taken by any known pirate.
2. Where the pretended arrest of certain moneys in her ports is noted to have given cause both to pirates to use greater insolency, and to the Duke of Alva to have made a counter arrest of her subjects and their goods, she does not consider that the truth hereof is clearly known. She never refused before the time of the arrest of her subjects by the Duke of Alva to permit the money to be conveyed into the Low Countries. The Spaniards themselves who had charge of the money confess that if they had not been defended by her officers that the same had been forcibly carried away by certain Frenchmen.
3. The arrest of her subjects at Antwerp was made on the 29th December under pretence of the stay of certain money in England, which indeed was not so, but only preserved from the French, and allowed to be carried away, as appears by her passport given to the ambassador resident about 12th December. After the grant whereof, she heard by special letters from Antwerp that the money should belong to merchants and not directly to the King of Spain. Told the Spanish Ambassador what pleasure she had shown the King in preserving the money from the French if it were his, as she heard say the contrary that it belonged to certain merchants, which he utterly denied. At his next audience she showed him certain good proofs in writing that it did belong to merchants, whereupon he departed. The same day he sent Marron, his secretary, to Dunkirk, who, when he was landed, caused the ship which carried him over to be arrested, and besides sent messages to all the towns thereabouts to imprison all Englishmen and arrest their goods.
4. Although she did not give personal audience to the Councellor sent over by Alva, yet she accorded that certain of the principal of her Council should speak and treat with him. He can himself testify in what good, quiet, and amiable sort he was answered, and how restitution of all things arrested was not by her denied, providing that for the reciproque being done not only in the Low Countries, but also in other the King's dominions, she might be assured that he had commission from the King. He confessed that he had not, but used many reasons to make his authority sufficient, all which however she could not think enough, but offered him either to depart or to tarry till commission might come from the King. Has also by her letters advertised the King of Spain of the whole accidents from the beginning. Has appointed certain honest merchants to search and sell any of the goods arrested that might by delay perish or decay, and to make the owners privy to their doings, with which commissioners was permitted to go one Baptist, a subject of the King of Spain.
5. By this and all her doings the world may judge how free she is from giving cause of offence or maintaining these differences. If, however, her doing, shall be otherwise misinterpreted and further inconvenience hereof arise, she doubts not that she will be able to defend her realm and people against all attempts, and maintain her own estate as a prince sovereign. Considers that the general liberty given by the Duke's proclamation for all manner of persons to arm ships and levy soldiers, is not a good way to suppress piracies, as it may be doubted that such adventurers must seek their maintenance by spoiling good and quiet merchants, for pirates seldom assail their like. Where by the proclamation it is commanded that no inhabitants of the King's countries shall trade with Englishmen until the arrests be discharged, she wills and commands the like to be observed respectively to all purposes by her own subjects.
Second draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 15 April 1569. Pp. 11.
April 15. 227. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
In favour of two poor merchants of Scotland who have lately been spoiled of their goods on the coast of Cornwall as they returned from France.—Edinburgh, 15 April 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
April 16. 228. Maitland of Lethington to [Cecil].
To the same effect as Murray's letter of the 15th.—Edinburgh, 16 April 1569. Signed.
P. ½.
April 16. 229. Henry Killegrew to Cecil.
Recapitulates the substance of his letter of the 11th inst. "These notes were taken out of a letter which was sent from the Elector of Saxony to the Elector Palatine. Our counsellors are sent to Frankford, and are commanded to agree with you in all points. The Emperor shall at length be constrained to do the like with us. It is necessary that there be a general Diet to the end that either party may declare the truth to the other. If the King of Denmark find the Spanish King to have the better hand, he will not fail to give aid against him. I desire to hear what your Ambassador has done in England for in the Queen's Majesty there consisteth the safety of the Low Countries and of the Prince of Condé. We desire that some trusty man of yours may be sent hither that we may communicate our counsels together. The Emperor has commanded the Electors by the Rhine, upon their allegiance, to be ready with their powers that if any foreign Prince should invade any of the German States resistance may be made, and specially against the Duke of Aumale. This commandment came to the Elector Palatine the 10th of April. The Elector Palatine is advertised that M. De La Forrest, ambassador from the French King to the Emperor, is arrested by him; the cause is not known. He was also advertised the 10th of April, by letters, that the Baron Des Addretz, seeking to stop the passage of the Duke of Zweybruck, was slain himself and 5,000 of his men, and the Duke of Zweybruck lost 2,000 in the same fight. May it please your honour I have this day received mine answer in writing which does differ from that I wrote to your honour of in my last. I repair to Hamburg with all [speed] and there do purpose to send it over to your honour. I am required to remain there till the Elector Palatine has conferred with the Elector of Saxony and others touching the league. Thus till further occasion I humbly take my leave of your honour, beseeching God to preserve you and yours.—At Heidelberg, this 16th of April."
Wholly in cipher, undeciphered. Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
April 17. 230. Duke John Cassimir to the Queen.
Is glad that she has sent Killegrew, by whom he has understood her zeal for the public cause. It is to be feared lest, if a proper medicine is not applied in time, this disease may spread to other members.—Heidelburg, 17 April 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. ¾.
April 17. 231. Queen Elizabeth to the Duke of Anjou.
Has received his letter with a writing declaring his victory and the death of the Prince of Condé, for the which it seems it is looked for that she should rejoice. Thanks him for his good remembrance in writing to her in a time incumbered with so many matters, and so far rejoices as she may hereafter see that, by this effusion of so much Christain blood, the King may recover a perfect obedience of his subjects as well in minds as in bodies, otherwise she thinks the victory to be only in name. Fears that in these lamentable inward wars more earnestness is bestowed to nourish civil hatred than in pacification of the troubles, for otherwise she thinks that the King and his mother would not have been diverted from accepting her motions tending to have procured an universal quietness. Cannot but utter her grief that the King's affairs are not otherwise conducted, but that he is forced to hazard his own brother to employ his first age in such dangerous and doubtful attempts as, wheresoever the victory inclines, the ruin and waste must be of the blood of his own country.
Draft, written and corrected by Cecil. Pp. 1¼.
232. Copy of the above in French.—Westminster, 17 April 1569.
Endd. Pp. 2.
April. 233. Ordinance by Charles IX.
The Pope having by his bull authorised the sale of 50,000 crowns worth of rent of the temporalities of the church towards the expenses of the present war; the said sales have been so hindered and opposed by persons calling themselves syndics general of the clergy that the proposed assistance has been entirely interrupted to the great danger of the State. Directs his officers to imprison any people obstructing the said sales, and in the case of bishops, to seize upon their temporal revenues.—Metz, 1569.
Printed. Fr. P. ½.
April 18. 234. Intelligence from France.
Abstract of news contained in Norris's letter of this date with further intelligence to the effect that the Duke of Lorraine had offered the Duke of Deuxpont 100,000 crowns if he would cass his army, which he refused to do. His vanguard gave the Duke of Aumale an overthrow, taking his ordnance and a great number of prisoners. The Emperor being required to command that no Almains should serve against the King, answered that he could not so do, as he understood that the Duke of Aumale misused the territories of the Empire, by which they are provoked to seek revenge. The Duke of Saxe has published a revocation of all his subjects from service of the French King or King of Spain, upon pain of confiscation, whereupon they return home daily.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 2.
April 18. 235. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Has advertised Her Majesty that the loss on both sides was not above 400 men, which were so indifferently divided as it is hardly guessed which side received the greater defeat. The morning following the Admiral presented them so hot a skirmish, as he took their baggage not far from Jarnac. This done the King of Navarre came into the camp and declared that though he could not but greatly lament the death of the Prince of Condé nevertheless since the ground of this war stayed upon liberty of conscience and the maintaining of true religion, it might not at all discomfort any one of them, whom he assured that for his part he was resolved with his good friends and allies wholly to maintain this general cause of religion. Since the 13th inst. a gentleman arrived with four cornets which he said were won in this sort. The Count of Montgomery being sent towards Montauban to convoy the viscounts with 900 horse, and lodging in two villages, Mons. D'Anjou sent Martigues, Brissac, and the young Guise, with 1,500 horsemen, who finding Montgomery at the coming out of his village with but 400 men, forced him to fly to his troop of 500 which was a league before them,. On the 8th inst. the ambassador of Spain earnestly solicited the King to hasten the preparation of his galleys. Understands besides that the Duke of Alva makes great preparation of ships and munitions in the Low Countries. The King has despatched the Sieur de Malazaise to Frankfort to appear at the Diet on the 20th inst. His chief charge is to win by money as many as may be got to band against the Count Palatine, to which end he has commission to offer 200,000 crowns. On the 7th inst. minding to send Mitty to him he gave him to understand that he would go serve the Cardinal of Lorraine, and so did. The Cardinal refused to give him up saying that France was a free country for all strangers. Is sorry to hear of his sickness and that of Mrs. Anne Cecil. Requires his help that the Queen may recompense the person who disclosed to him the treason wrought against him by the Cardinal of Lorraine.—Metz, 18 April 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2¼.
April 23. 236. Henry Killegrew to Cecil.
"I wrote unto your honour four sundry letters before my departing from Heidelburg, and now being thus far on my way towards Hamburg I thought it not superfluous to write these few lines from hence, lest the other miscarry by reason of the hard dealings in Flanders. To the first article of mine instructions I shall receive answer at Hamburg, so that I can write nothing thereof till I come thither from thence I purpose to send you one of mine company. To the second matter contained in mine instructions, the same is demanded that was first by Junius in England, and no assurance for the same but the good that may grow to the common cause by levying of a new army under Duke Casimir, who both has his men in readiness and a good colour to lead them into France for want of a month's pay which the French King doth owe him. I shall enlarge the circumstance from Hamburg, most humbly beseeching your honour, if this request be not to be granted, that I may upon your answer return home, and I shall be bound to pray for you.—At Coleyn this 23rd of April, your honour's bounden (signed in cipher).
2. The news doth continue of the Vaivodes preparation against the Emperor, and of the rebelling of certain noblemen of Hungary. The Duke of Zweybruck tarries his footmen at the passage which he has won upon the river of Some, beside a place called Gomfallan, it is believed that he defeated the Baron Des Addretz and killed 5,000 of his men. Here be many bruits of the Prince of Condé's death, and the number of 300 with him beside Cognac, but no certain news to build upon. The Duke of Aumale has charge to fight with the Duke of Zweybruck if he see any good occasion, and as far as I can perceive they shall hardly join with the Prince's army. The Duke of Alva has set forth a proclamation touching the difference fallen between the Queen's Majesty and the King his master, imputing the fault to rovers, and to some ill-disposed persons about the Queen's Majesty, forbidding all the subjects of the Low Countries to traffic or deal with the English, and commanding such as will traffic by sea to have double furniture of men and munitions in warlike sort."
Entirely in cipher, undeciphered. Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
April 27. 237. A Proclamation against Piracy.
Her Majesty commands all her subjects to forbear from aiding any pirates by buying, or selling, or victualling any of them, upon pain of being punished as the principal offenders ought to be. Whosoever shall hereafter arm or prepare any vessel to the sea, except they have the express licence and permission of Her Majesty, shall give knowledge to the officers of the ports, who, if there be any manner of suspicion, shall not suffer them to pass to the seas without good bonds first had to use nothing but lawful trade or fishing. If the officers neglect to do this, they shall not only answer for any piracies which may be done, but shall be imprisoned until the offenders may be apprehended.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd.: 27 April 1569. Pp. 2.
April 28. 238. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Suggests that a reward should be given to a certain "secretary's Commis" who has given him information, and who may stand Her Majesty in great stead, who should spare no cost to win such men. He has given him to understand that if they can appease these troubles in France, that the Catholics joining together will invade England. If peace were had with the King of Spain they need little care for the French, who will never be friends whilst the Cardinal of Lorraine rules. La Manta has been twice sent to him to renew the suit that Montmorency had in behalf of M. D'Anjou for marriage with the Queen. Earnestly warns him not to give such credit to their words as to leave off his preparation to arms. Thinks that if some noble personage were now sent to demand Calais that reason would be had at their hands.—Verdun, 28 April 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. In cipher deciphered. P. ¾.
April 29. 239. John de Corput and Francis de Capella to Cecil.
Understands by his letter that Her Majesty is surprised that affairs of so great moment are committed to persons of such inferior condition, nevertheless they can assure him of their fidelity and silence, of which qualities if Sturmius had not known they were possessed he would never have trusted them. If the Queen will not confer with them, they desire at least that they may have answer to their letters.—3 Cal. Maias 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
[April.] 240. Memoranda by Cecil.
Note of the value of the goods of the English merchants in the King of Spain's dominions and also of his subjects in England, viz.:
£ s. d.
The Merchant Adventurers in the Low Countries 112,456 7 1
The Merchants of the Staple 17,994 9 10
The goods of Englishmen in Spain 59,783 15 7
Total 190,234 12 6
The goods of strangers in London 37,486 0 0
The value of the goods and merchandise at Southampton and other places not filled in.
P. ½.
[April.] 241. Arrest of Spanish Ships.
A certain French captain has presented letters, purporting to be subscribed by Cecil and others of the Privy Council, authorising them to deliver to him three out of the thirteen ships which have not yet been plundered.
Incomplete. Lat. P. ¼.