Elizabeth: March 1569

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: March 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp40-56 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: March 1569', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp40-56.

"Elizabeth: March 1569". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp40-56.

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March 1569

March 1. 147. Letter in Spanish.
Relating to the stay of certain hulks at Plymouth.—Plymouth, 1 March 1568.
Endd. by Cecil: The Spanish Ambassador's request, 12 March 1568. Copy, in Spanish. P. 1.
March 1. 148. The Queen to the Marquis of Brandenburg.
Thanks him for his present of eight falcons, and is glad that he is beginning to follow in the footsteps of his predecessor who was accustomed to send her some annually.—Westminster, 1 March 1568.
Draft. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
March 4. 149. Request of the Spanish Ambassador.
Is informed by letters of 22nd ult. from Plymouth, that the captains and men there detained are kept without necessaries, also that on the 18th ult. eight or nine hulks bound to Flanders laden with a various cargo, had been seized in that harbour, and plundered of a quantity of money, and that twelve or fourteen others had been previously detained at that place and at Dartmouth. A French ship commanded by M. De Burdela for the Prince of Condé has also plundered two hulks in the harbour in the sight of the whole town. The Ambassador therefore requires the Council to order the officers of the different ports in which the hulks are stayed to take care that no further plundering be permitted; and cause the money and merchandise already taken to be restored. —4 March 1568.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 1¼.
March 5. 150. Sir Henry Lee to Cecil.
The Pope and the rest of the Princes mean to succour the French King with 12,000 foot and 2,000 horse. Large succour going from Germany. It is said that the Queen will not willingly have wars with the King of Spain; yet nevertheless for the unneighbourly dealing of the Duke of Alva, she minds not so lightly to part from the money which by fortune was brought thither. The fame of wars will make him draw home sooner than he meant.—Venice, 5 March. Signed.
Add. Endd. Seal. Pp. 1½.
March 5. 151. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
Was prevented from departing by the governor of Toul, and was not invited with the other ambassadors to the banquet on Shrove Tuesday. Afterwards, however, the governor told him that the King desired him to come to the Court, and offered soldiers to conduct him for his safety which he refused. Count Brisac has surprised Montgomery and taken from him three ensigns and a cornet. M. D'Anjou remains with his army about Limousin, and the Prince of Condé about Perigord. Monsieur has 16,000 footmen, 6,000 horse, and the 2,500 reiters who are unwilling to fight. The Prince has more footmen, and in his cavalry are 5,000 gentlemen of mark and parentage. After Captain Brocart had abidden five assaults in Sancerre the siege was raised, but they are preparing to batter it again. Aumale's making towards Germany gives great suspect to the Germans, and especially to the city of Strasburg, where certain Frenchmen having entered under colour of religion attempted other practises, and the magistrates have hereupon caused the whole French nation to withdraw out of the town. Aumale is at Phalsburg and Saverne with 4,000 reiters, 2,000 French horse, and 10,000 footmen. By an intercepted letter the Prince of Orange and the Duke of Deuxpont's forces were affirmed to be 14,000 horse, 25,000 footmen, 40 pieces of artillery with munition, and 40,000 bullets, being determined to march into France, 5 March. The motion for marriage for the French King with his daughter is but coldly received by the Emperor. Aumale advertises that the Prince of Orange and the Duke of Deuxponts are on this side of the Rhine with 15,000 horse and 30,000 foot which he cannot make head against. There are in readiness to be set forth twenty-eight galleys, whereof King Philip and the Pope prepare twelve and the French King sixteen. The practisers for the betraying of Strasbourg are taken, four hanged, two beheaded, and one detained still prisoner.—Metz, 5 March. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 5.
152. Abstract of some of the intelligence contained in the above.
Endd. P. 1.
March 5. 153. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
The same as his letter to Her Majesty of 14th Feb. sent by a servant whom he hears has been taken sick at Chalons, and therefore does not know whether the packet has not miscarried.—Metz, 5 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
March 5. 154. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Has received a letter from three English merchants who are arrested at Boulogne, but cannot obtain their release. Thinks that they mean to gratify the Spaniards by show of discourtesy to him. His greatest care is for his wife whose house they threaten to search in his absence. Wishes that the Queen of Scots were in the Earl of Murray's custody, as otherwise she will breed mischief to the country she is now in. Informs him of some of the occurrents mentioned in his letter to the Queen of this date. It is thought that the eighteen galleys in readiness to be set forth will attempt something in Scotland. Metz, 5 March. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
March 5. 155. — to the Cardinal of Chatillon.
The government of the city is with M. D'Alençon because the Marshal Montmorency does not dare to enter it. The Bishop of Sens is the chief of his council, who looks for a cardinal's hat. Great numbers of those of the religion are committed to prison, and amongst them certain doctors of the Sorbonne. Gives an account of the numbers and movements of the different forces on either side, the preparations by sea, and the attempt to sieze Dieppe, similar to those contained in Norris's letters. There is owing to the gendarmerie 12,000,000 of livres for six quarters; to the 6,000 Swiss with Monsieur, 300,000; to those with the Duke D'Aumale, 100,000; besides what is owing to the infantry with M. D'Anjou. The cost of the two armies amounts to 900,000 livres a month, besides the gendarmerie and artillery, which is about 2,000,000 each quarter. Gives further information about the different armies, and warns him of the intention of the Kings of France and Spain to invade England.—5 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. by Cecil. Fr. Pp. 3.
March 7. 156. Daniel Rogers to Cecil.
On the 23rd ult., the Ambassador's servant Hawks was arrested at the Porte St. Honoré as he was entering Paris with a packet of letters from the Queen of England, and kept in close custody till the 2nd inst., when he escaped through a window and came to Lady Norris and certified her of his imprisonment. Was sent by her ladyship to the Duke of Alençon, and the Archbishop of Sens, who at first made as though they knew nothing of the matter, but said that they had heard that a footmen bearing letters from the Queen, and asking the way towards the Prince of Condé was stayed about the 23rd Feb. The Archbishop denied that he knew anything of the packet, and so did M. De St. Sulpice, who both promised to make diligent inquisition for it, and that if he came to-morrow he should have an answer. Although he has been to them several times they have always put him off with some excuse, wherefore her ladyship perceiving that they deferred their answer from day to day thinking that they had sent the letters to the Court, and that they will give no answer till they receive letters from thence; has thought good not to stay longer but to advertise him thereof.—Paris, 7 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 6½.
157. Copy of the above.
Endd. Pp. 42/3.
March 7. 158. Lady Norris to Cecil.
The bearer can declare all that has happened to Her Majesty's letters sent by Hawks. Has written to her husband of it. Sends certain notes.—Paris, 7 March. Signed: Margery Norreys.
Hol. Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
March 8. 159. M. D'Assouleville to the Queen.
Being detained at Dover waiting for a favourable wind, he has been informed that there are several vessels under the Prince of Condé's flag cruising off the town, by whom he fears he may be made prisoner; he therefore desires that orders may be sent to the captains of her men-of-war to convoy him across the sea.—Dover, 8 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
March 10. 160. John Clark to Cecil.
The King of Sweden refuses to agree to the peace accorded at Roschild by reason of its being intolerable and contrary to the honour of his country, but offers to submit his cause to the judgment of the Emperor and some other princes. Wrote to him about the Lord Bothwell of his deliverance, who has given certain articles into the Council which Clark has sent into Scotland, and as the answer comes again hopes that he shall be delivered. In Dutchland Duke Alba has given silver to take up 8,000 horsemen, but it is judged that he shall not get many.—Copenhagen, 10 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd.: 1568/9. Pp. 2.
March 11. 161. The Regent Murray to Elizabeth.
It is well known what her will and pleasure was anent cessation from arms and hostility on both parts when at her desire he came to England; but so little was her order first and last regarded by their adversaries, that to this hour they have spared no occasion to attempt disorder and hostility against the King's subjects. Gives the names of houses taken or besieged by them. This together with the abominable lies dispersed in their letters and proclamations (wherein Her Majesty is not spared) has not only made his cause odious to the common sort, but even some of his friends begin to despair of the action they had in hand. Can neither get reasonable answer to his requests for reparation nor yet intromission of hostility for one hour. They still continue in open depredation of the poor people, occupiers of his friends' lands, besides the intromission of a good part of his own patrimony, whereof some of them have already intitulated themselves as heritors. The ways and passages are stopped by wicked and naughty men authorised by them to bereave men of their horses and goods. By these and other intolerable injuries he has been constrained to prepare a force against the 10th of March. The Duke of Chatelherault has published letters and commission which he has sent to Cecil whereby she may perceive that nothing else is meant by that party but to set up another authority under pretext of a commission granted by the King's mother. Albeit they have likewise made a certain purgation as though the occasion of this instant preparation proceeded not from them, and have set some of his servants and friends at liberty. He assures her that the contrary is meant, and that they have bonds for their reentry without restitution of their goods. Their meaning is to delude him of his present expedition whilst they may have aid of Hispanye and France, whereof there is no small account made amongst them, or else to have as many put to freedom as were taken in battle fighting against the King. Desires her to send some one to remain with him for a season.— Stirling, 11 March 1568. Signed: James Stewart.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2¼.
March 11. 162. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
1. Sends copies of certain articles dispersed by their adversaries to them of their own faction. This is not the first of their vain and unworthy practices which they have used to make him and this action odious. Informs him of the meaning of their adversaries, and their expectation of aid from France and Spain.
2. P.S.—Has offered, they acknowledging and obeying the King's authority, to refer all other things past to the judgment of the whole nobility.—Stirling, 11 March 1568. Signed: James, Regent.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 13. 163. Proclamation by the Regent Murray.
Satan having persuaded the King's mother to pass into England, and there to complain upon the Regent and others of the nobility, and accuse them of crimes of treason, and so intended to have moved the hearts of the Queen of England and other foreign princes, as to have brought strangers into the realm, to the great trouble thereof. The Regent and the nobility were constrained to pass into England, and before the Queen make their purgation of the crimes falsely imputed unto them. After long and diligent trial it was declared that they had most honourably proceeded in the coronation of the Prince, and in all their proceedings for the punishment of Darnley's murder. For defence of which proceedings they were compelled to manifest the truth, that the Queen of Scots was participant of the murder aforesaid, and that she rewarded the Earl of Bothwell, one of the authors and chief committers thereof.
Endd. Broadside.
March 13. 164. The Battle of Jarnac.
1. A little before the rencounter the Admiral defeated near Jarnac between 700 and 800 horse, putting to flight Martigues, Brissac, and others, and recovered the town and castle of Jarnac by composition. The Duke of Anjou having caused two or three bridges to be made over the Charente, passed over at midnight his vanguard and the most part of his horsemen, before the Prince's army was informed of it. The next day being the 13th, the Admiral overthrew part of them, but seeing the strength of the Duke's army coming upon him, he sent for the Prince, who had undertaken, with 700 or 800 horsemen, to keep the passage of the bridges, who followed with such fury that he broke the whole vanguard of the Duke, but the same being reinforced by eight cornets of reiters, his men were forced to retire. The Prince's horse was first killed under him, and he hurt and taken prisoner by the Sieur D'Argence, and it is said that he was killed after he was taken by Martigues and others, who were expressly sent for that purpose by the Duke D'Anjou, and so was his body mangled after he was dead.
2. Stewart, the Scotchman, was also slain after he was taken, and his head carried on a pike's point about the army. Without the reiters the army of the said Duke had been wholly defeated, yet the Admiral, and generally all the chiefs, retired safely to Cognac, where they have in two days assembled their forces together again. Forty or fifty ensigns who were encamped in Cognac Park were, by the Admiral, all cut to pieces. The slain on both sides are not esteemed to be above 400. Of prisoners there be the Barons Pons, de la Noue, de la Loue, and ten or twelve others; and of the Duke's part there are many both slain and taken.
3. The army of the Prince continues under the Prince of Navarre, having 18,000 footmen and 3,500 horse, besides the four viscounts of Gascony. The army of the Duke of Deuxpont, which consists of 13,000 foot and 12,000, marches with all diligence to join with the Prince of Navarre.
Endd.: 13 March 1568. Pp. 1¼.
March 13. 165. Articles between the Regent Murray and the Lords of the Queen of Scots' Party.
Heads of articles whereby the King's authority is to be established; the nobility to be admitted to the same places as councillors as their predecessors held; Murray to be Regent; forfeitures to be restored, save in the case of Darnley's murderers, and a convention of nine of the principal nobility to consider what is best to be done in the Queen's case.
2. A note at the foot states that these articles were never agreed upon.—Glasgow, 13 March 1568.
Endd. Pp. 1¾.
March 13. 166. The Spanish Ambassador's Second Request.
Desires that orders may be given to the Queen's officers to see that the goods belonging to his master's subjects which are detained, may not be removed.
Endd. by Cecil. Span. P. 1.
March 14. 167. Third Request of the Spanish Ambassador.
The Queen's proclamation for the stay of the King Catholic's subjects being published on 6 January 1569. It is just that those vessels which were illegally detained by the ViceAdmiral before that date should be allowed freely to depart, and restitution should be made of goods taken out of them. Killigrew and the others who have seized the private property of Spanish subjects, and used personal violence to them, and cruelly deprived them of food, should be severely punished. The Queen's ship called the "New Bark," commanded by the Vice-Admiral's son, together with certain French pirates, have seized on divers Spanish ships, and taken out of them goods to the value of 500,000 ducats; moreover, the said "New Bark" has taken four very richly laden merchantmen into Rochelle, and there, contrary to all law, plundered them of their cargoes. Vessels have also been taken on the Flemish and French coast by those of Dover; it is, therefore, required that restitution be made in all these cases, and that the other ships which are detained may be so taken care of that none of their cargo be spoiled.
Endd. by Cecil. Lat. P. 1.
March 14. 168. Fortifications of Berwick.
An estimate of the charges that will grow in digging, carrying, laying, and ramming of such earthworks as are thought meet to be made for the better safety of the bulwarks and curtains on the north side of the town of Berwick, with provisions for the same. A tabulated form, with the estimated charges, in the margin; total, 3,296l. Signed by Rowland Johnson.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 3.
169. Copy of a portion of the above.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 12/3.
March 15. 170. The Regent Murray to Sir John Forster.
Has spoken with the Duke, the Earl of Cassillis, and Lord Herries, who are become more conformable. The King, his sovereign's, obedience was and is his only suit, whereunto they have condescended. For the ordering of particular cases they have named certain noblemen to convene at Edinburgh on the 10th of April. The Duke and the others remain as hostages with him. Minds to be in Kelso on the 22nd inst. to put some order in the broken and confused matters there. Without he takes the warden's office on himself there is little appearance of any good to follow. Desires Forster to cause his clerk to have that thing extracted which he has to crave betwixt him and Cessford, and to send it to Kelso. It were well if he commanded all in his charge to be in readiness to concur with Murray in the pursuit and punishment of such as will not keep the peace or redress attemptats according to the laws.—Glasgow, 15 March 1568. Signed.
Endd. P. ¾.
March 15. 171. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
According to his request sends a note of various sums disbursed in postage, amounting altogether to 135 crowns.— Metz, 15 March. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¼.
March 15. 172. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
1. On the 10th inst. went to the King and gave him to understand of the rude dealing of his officers in detaining the Queen's packet, desiring to know whether his commandment was, that they should do so; this being the third time since his being here that she had received the like discourtesy. The King answered that he was not privy thereto, whereupon Norris desired that the officers might have such punishment as others might fear to do the like, but he did not seem to agree thereunto. It is easy to know whose practice this is, as the Bishop of Sens does nothing but by the direction of the Cardinal of Lorraine, who now rules both King and subjects. Desires to be revoked, since he cannot receive the Queen's letters whereby he should be directed. Judges this to be done that they may be more grateful to the Spaniards. "The messenger I sent you the 14th of February was three days in the Cardinal of Lorraine's closet at Joinville, where he disclosed that trust which was committed to him, having given him in reward 300 crowns by the Cardinal. This has been greatly to the hindrance of Her Majesty's service, and to the damage of the Princes of Orange and Condé, whose secret attempts are by him betrayed, having delivered their letter into the Cardinal's hand, as also other letters." (In cipher.)
2. There have come into this town many carts and wagons laden with the Duke D'Aumale's hurt and maimed soldiers. His soldiers are ill content from want of pay, 500 harquebussiers went from him to M. de Mouy. He has marched to join the Duke of Nemours, but as neither will serve under the other the Cardinal has gone to appease this difference. A gentleman has come from the Emperor to the Duke of Lorraine, who is premier guydon of the empire, whereby he holds his dukedom, to wills him to do there his service or else yield up what he holds of the empire. Is secretly advertised that the Dukes of Montmorency and Boullion will be shortly in arms for the Prince of Condé, and that they levy forces in Picardy.—Metz, 15 March. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
March 18. 173. The Admiral of France to Cecil.
Letter of credit for M. de Puch Pardaillan, sent from the Prince of Navarre to the Queen of England.—St. Jean D'Angely, 18 March. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ⅓.
March 18. 174. The Prince of Navarre to Cecil.
The bearer, M. Pardaillan, will inform him of what passed at the battle on the 13th. Begs his aid in procuring assistance from the Queen. Assures him of their readiness rather to die than abandon the cause they have embraced, or cease resisting their enemies, who are determined to exterminate them.—St. Jean D'Angely, 18 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
March 18. 175. Piracies.
Deposition of certain Flemings taken before John de Haestrecht, notary public, in the town of Brielle. 18 March 1569. State that on their voyage from Brielle to La Rochelle in a "vlieboot" of the tonnage of thirty-six lasts laden with herrings and other goods, they put into Falmouth roads, where they found a certain corsair named "Grand Jehan." On the 18th February they were visited by the vice-admiral of the country, who admired their ship, and to whom the master made a present of two Dutch cheeses. After his departure they made sail for the French coast, but the following day they made out the said pirate bearing down on them, with about 200 well-armed men on board, who took their ship and robbed them of every farthing they had. The pirate put them all, to the number of eight men and a boy, on board a fishermen, who landed them again at Falmouth, and the fourth day after they saw the pirate lying in Plymouth harbour. Whilst on board they heard the sailors say that their ship would make a fine vessel for the Admiral, and also overheard them talking of other piracies, and how they were favoured by certain lords and others. The deponents were constrained to beg before the church doors, but never got a single penny, and would have starved if they had not found a woman of Flushing who was dwelling at Plymouth, who kept them for three days, and begged some money for them, to the amount of eight sous. Five of them found a ship at Dartmouth, but the captain and two of the sailors went to London, and during their journey could scarcely get straw to sleep upon or a morsel of bread to eat.
Copy translated out of the Flemish.
Endd. by Walsingham. Fr. Pp. 4½.
March 18. 176. Lord Hunsdon to the Privy Council.
Sends them the same information about Scottish affairs as that contained in Murray's letter to Sir John Forster of the 15th inst.—Berwick, 18 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
March 18. 177. Lord Hunsdon to Sir William Cecil.
1. Informs him of the agreement between the Regent Murray and the Lords of the Queen of Scots' party. Looks shortly for the Regent's coming for redress of matters on the Borders.
2. P.S.—Has got hard hewers to take Cecil's stone in hand at his own prices.—Berwick, 18 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 19. 178. Rowland Johnson to the Privy Council.
Petitions for the payment of his entertainment of 4s. 2d. per diem, which has been detained from him these two years and a half; also that he may be allowed his entertainment when the work ceases, in consideration of his 22 years' service. Desires payment for his charges in coming up from Berwick to the Court by special commandment, viz., three post horses for himself, his servant, and guide, at 3d. per mile, and for his charges by the way 40s., and for his return 6l., and for his charges in attending upon their pleasure 8l.: in all, 20l. Signed.
Endd. P. ½.
March 19. 179. Petition of the Clergy of Metz to Charles IX.
Complain of the usurpations of those of the pretended reformed religion, and desire that they may be expelled from the city.
Petition of the Nobility of Metz to Charles IX.
To the same effect as the above.
Petition of the Commons of Metz to Charles IX.
To the same effect as the above.—Rough draft, dated 19 March 1569.
Fr. Pp. 4.
March 20. 180. Sir John Forster to Sir William Cecil.
Has been again in Redesdale and taken Michael Hall, one the principal disorderers of that country, and ten more pledges for the stay of the rest of them, and put the rebels forth of the country and destroyed their houses. Complains of the chargeableness of the keeping prisoners in his own house and desires that he may have warrant to the jailor of Durham for the safe keeping of such as he shall have occasion to send thither.— Alnwick, 20 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1¼.
March 19. 181. Proclamation by Sir John Forster.
As the Regent of Scotland will be at Kelso on the 22nd inst. for the repressing of thieves and evil doers, he commands all gentlemen and others of the Middle Marches to put themselves in their best defensible array in readiness for such service as they shall be charged withal. All complaints against those of Scotland are to be brought to him before Tuesday next.— Alnwick, 19 March 1568.
Copy. P. 1.
March 21. 182. The Queen of Navarre to Cecil.
As their enemies are sure to make the most of the late battle, they have thought fit to send the bearer, M. De Puch de Pardaillan, to the Queen to inform her of the truth. Desires him to remain their friend and assister, and assures him of their resolution to continue the quarrel.—Rochelle, 21 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
March 22. 183. Catherine de Medicis to Queen Elizabeth.
Letter of credence for the Sieur de Montassier, who is sent by the King to inform her of the signal victory lately obtained over his rebellious subjects.—Metz, 22 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Royal letter.
March 22. 184. Charles IX. to Queen Elizabeth.
Knowing the affectionate good will that she has always shown to the prosperity of his affairs, he thinks she will be pleased to hear of his success, and therefore sends M. de Montassier to inform her of the signal victory gained by M. D'Anjou over his rebels. Metz, 22 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Royal letter.
March 22. 185. Sir Walter Mildmay to Sir Henry Norris.
Has sent for his son to repair home, a present occasion being offered by the coming of the new ambassador from Venice. If the ambassador comes straight to the court, he desires that his son may tarry a little with Norris.—London, 22 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
March 22. 186. Maitland of Lethington to Cecil.
Excuses himself for not having written. Has not been in the Regent's company till of late. By the convention at Glasgow there is a beginning of an accord and union of the whole nobility. The Regent has directed the bearer, Mr. Wood, to declare the whole to the Queen of England. His Grace will altogether follow Her Majesty's direction, as it shall please her to command him.—Edinburgh, 22 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
March 22. 187. English Prisoners in the Low Countries.
List of names of English merchants, mariners, and others detained in prison or under sureties at Bruges, together with the names of three gentlemen and a servant in prison at Dunkirk.—Dunkirk, 22 March 1568.
Endd. P. 1.
March 23. 188. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Letter of credit for Mr. John Wood whom he sends to Her Majesty instructed with the truth of the proceedings here.— Edinburgh, 23 March 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
March 24. 189. Commission by Sigismond Augustus, King of Poland.
Desires that free passage, &c. may be granted to Asmus Benrich who is about to take the command of certain ships and fighting men against his enemies the Muscovites.—Dublin, 24 March 1569. Signed.
On parchment.
March 24. 190. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
On the 13th instant a battle was fought between Monsieur and the Prince of Condé in which the Prince, Montgomery, Telligny, and Steward were slain together with many others. The Admiral and the Prince of Navarre saved themselves in Cognac. On Monsieur's part are hurt and dead only Montsalez, young Lansac, and Captain La Riviere. It is reported that the battle endured seven hours and the victory five, viz., from 2 p.m. till 7 p.m. M. D'Anjou having taken an overthrow in a skirmish, sought revenge for the same as follows: the Prince of Condé having passed over the river with all his forces, broke the bridge after him. Monsieur placing his baggage on a neighbouring hill in the sight of the Prince, left there 400 or 500 men-at-arms to make a show to give their enemies to think their whole forces had been there, in the meantime new making the bridge and also another of boats, he passed over and joined battle with the Admiral. The Prince of Condé coming to his aid gave so sore a charge that the matter was most doubtful, till Monsieur charged on his flank and entered with so great a force as to put them to flight, where the Prince and the others were slain and the Admiral hurt. This news was sent by Marshal Vielleville who has stood the religion here under his government in great stead, notwithstanding the day following their temple was razed and their ministers voided the town. The bearer has charge to advertise him of Norris's miserable estate by a Judas lately returned into this country called Mitty, he therefore begs Cecil to obtain his revocation. Is informed of the continuance of the King of Spain's preparations as also of the galleys, and that the King of Spain will be in Flanders within two months. Sends a copy of a letter of M. de la Motte complaining of injuries done to his master. If they would send for Mitty under colour of desire to understand further of his affairs, it would be a great good riddance for Norris.—Metz, 24 March. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2½.
March 8. 191. M. de la Motte Fenelon to Norris.
Is sorry their most Christian Majesties have come to such terms with the Queen of England, on account of the injuries done to them, and earnestly urges Norris to use all his endeavours to preserve peace between them, as he for his part promises to do. Is thankful for the good treatment that he receives from the Queen.—London, 8 March 1569. Signed.
Copy. Endd. Fr. P. ¾ Enclosure.
March 9. 192. Pierre le Blanc to Norris.
Norris's servant was two or three days ill in his house. He said that he had come from Germany on the King's affairs, and showed him 200 crowns which he said the King had given him for his services, a portion of which money he left in his charge.—Chalons, 9 March 1569. Signed.
Copy. Add. to Cecil, with seal. Fr. P. ½. Enclosure.
March 24. 193. The Vidame of Chartres to Cecil.
They have been taught by their recent losses to be more careful in future. Although no fewer fell on the enemy's side than on theirs, and their army is still as numerous as theirs without the Germans, it is to be feared that the death of the Prince of Condé will so dispirit some of their party, that without assistance from abroad they will not continue in the same zeal. They have, therefore, sent M. de Pardaillan, whose suit to the Queen he desires him to further.—24 March. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1¼.
March 26. 194. Proclamation by the Cardinal of Lorraine.
Having as Bishop of Metz and Prince of the Empire ordered all those who will not conform to the Catholic religion to quit his territories within six weeks, and being informed that certain persons have not done so, he now commands them to depart within eight days after the publication of this proclamation, which he directs his officers to see carried into effect. —Metz, 26 March 1569.
Copy. Endd. Fr. Pp. 2.
March 29. 195. Queen Elizabeth to the Senate of Hamburg.
Has received their letter of 2 Feb., informing her of the rumour of war between her and the Kings of Spain and France, and expressing their fear of an interruption thereby of their commerce and navigation with her realm, and asking her to take steps with her sea officers and others for its prevention. There is not at present any cause of war with either of these Sovereigns, although she has been compelled to prohibit any intercourse with the Low Countries on account of the Duke of Alva's cruel conduct towards her subjects. Promises them hospitality and the observance of their privileges in her realm.—Westminster, 29 March 1569.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1½.
March 30. 196. Mr. Mather to Cecil.
Yesterday M. de Gourdan, the governor here, told him that he marvelled that the Queen's subjects no less spoiled the French than if it were open wars. Whereunto he answered that it was done without the Queen's permission; this, quoth he, is no other than a plain disguising in suffering one thing and giving another in words. The English merchants who are stayed here are well treated by the governor, but yet remain at excessive charges.—Calais, 30 March 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
March 30. 197. Petition of the Protestants of Metz to Charles IX.
Having for eight years enjoyed the liberty to exercise the ceremonies of their religion in their own church, which they suspended during the King's residence in the town at his wish; it is now sought to deprive them of the enjoyment of this privilege. Beg that he will continue them in the privileges and franchises which they had before his father took them into his protection; and that he will not allow their church to be destroyed, or their children compelled to be baptized by those of the contrary faith.
Endd. Fr. Pp. 2⅓.
March 31. 198. Mr. Mather to Cecil.
The hot news of the discomfiture is much calmed. The Duke of Alva minds to send 2,000 horse to the King, but a good part of them will stand like ciphers in arithmetic; the whole number, indeed, not amounting above 1,200. The Duke demands ten in the 100 of the merchandise transported out of the Low Countries, intending to bring in divers monopolies, which utterly alienates the subjects' hearts from him.— Calais, 31 March. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1½.
March 31. 199. Proclamation in the Low Countries.
1. Recites the treaties between England and Burgundy, by which it is provided that pirates are to be pursued and punished by either Prince, notwithstanding which they are received and favoured in the havens of England, and more especially certain rebellious subjects of the French King, who have taken to the seas to spoil and rob all good Catholic persons. The arrest of the money sent out of Spain for the payment of the soldiers in the Low Countries, notwithstanding the Queen of England's passport for the transport of the same, has greatly encouraged them. The Duke of Alva has been hereby occasioned to use counter arrest upon the persons and goods of Englishmen, after giving warning by the Ambassador resident in England, and by M. D'Assouleville, who was specially sent for that purpose. The denial of an audience to D'Assouleville has still further encouraged the said pirates.
2. It is therefore ordered, for to cleanse and purge the seas the sooner of such wicked and hinderful people, that none sail unless they be sufficiently manned and armed to resist the pirates; they are, however, to enter into bonds not to offend any other but pirates or "those who shall show any enmity." In order to make the masters and mariners more circumspect and careful, all "sickerings" and assurances are henceforth forbidden. Moreover, where the Queen of England has forbidden her subjects to trade in the lands of the King of Spain until his further meaning be known, the King's subjects are hereby forbidden to traffic with England, or to trade or occupy directly or indirectly with any Englishmen until the arrests be discharged in England. Authority and command is hereby given to the proper officers to search for and confiscate the goods of those attempting anything against the present interdiction, and also to publish this proclamation in the proper places.—Given at Brussels, 31 March 1568.
Copy, translated from the Dutch. Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 13¼.
[March.] 200. Advices from England.
The Queen gathers men and furnishes her ships through all parts of her realm, but the writer cannot understand against whom they are prepared. Is told that there be some of her council who are not of that advice that she should meddle in this present war, which is inflamed through all Europe for matters of religion, but they are so few in number that he fears the same army is prepared against France. They have published a book in England, printed at Rochelle, full of affections and greatly to the dishonour of their Majesties, whereof he can get no redress. Two ships full of munitions of war be departed out of England. The Queen is much animated against the Spaniards who are in Flanders. The Queen has made him understand that she has sent a certain gentleman towards the Emperor, nevertheless he has been advertised that he is sent to certain princes of Germany to confirm with them and the Prince of Condé a league for the conservation of their religion, and to exterminate the contrary. There is a certain Italian in England, named Franchot, who is of the religion, but who does all he can to do service to their Majesties.
P. 1.
[March.] 201. Complaint of the English Merchants in Flanders.
Complain of the non-observance of the Treaty of Intercourse and of the injury sustained by them through different prohibitions and arrest, and also by the arbitrary exaction of tolls and rates at Antwerp, entirely contrary to the provisions of the said Intercourse.
Copy. Endd.: "The doleances of the company in the Low Country." Pp. 3½.
March. 202. The Queen to Lord Hunsdon.
Letter of credence for Henry Middlemore, whom she sends into Scotland to remain about the Earl of Murray. Has commanded him to impart her instructions to him for the furtherance of her service.— Westminster, March 1568. Signed.
Copy. Endd.: L. Hunsdon. Broadside.
March. 203. The Queen to the Earl of Murray.
Letter of credence for Henry Middlemore, whom she sends to reside with him.
Draft in Cecil's writing with a copy of the Queen's letter to Hunsdon annexed. Endd. P. 1.
204. Another copy of the letter to Murray.
Corrected by Cecil. P. ½.
March. 205. Petition of Lope de la Sierra to the Privy Council.
Lope de la Sierra, captain of the Spanish ship laden with Spanish wool, wherein came the 59 chests of Spanish reals, begs their letters to the mayor of Hampton to restrain him from unlading the said wools.
Endd. Broadside.
[March.] 206. Arrest of English Ships at St. Sebastian.
Account of certain English ships seized at St. Sebastian by reason of divers piratical acts committed by them.
Span. P. 1.