Elizabeth: January 1569, 16-31

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: January 1569, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp13-25 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: January 1569, 16-31', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp13-25.

"Elizabeth: January 1569, 16-31". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp13-25.

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January 1569, 16-31

Jan. 16. 52. The Queen of Navarre to Cecil.
Thanks him for the goodwill and assistance which he has shown to the cause. In the postscript, which is in her own writing, she repeats these thanks; and desires to be commended to his sister-in-law, who is one of her friends.—Rochelle, 16 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 16. 53. Dr. Johnman to Cecil.
1. Whereas he desires to be advertised of his coarse usage before his departure [from Spain]; three months before his revocation he received commandment from the King to sequester himself from Madrid and be seen no more in his Court; whereupon he was driven to transfer himself and family to Barajas, six miles from Madrid, having no provision of meat, bread, or drink but from Madrid. In order to overlook that no person came to him, the Bishop of Pampeluna was set next door unto him, who never ceased, with his chaplains, to straiten and molest him to all their power. How the Bishop used him after his departure Cecil may understand by the bearer, by whom he sends a capitulation of all the slanders and the second part of the Historia Pontificall y Catholica.
2. P.S. Desires continuance of the Queen's licence for the keeping of the Deanery of Gloucester.—Merton College, Oxford, 16 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. 1.
Jan. 16. 54. The Earl of Arundel to Don Guerau D'Espes.
Albeit he was not present at the despatch of the Council's letter, he hereby understands that for that part which touches Her Majesty, he esteems him in sort as they therein have and worse, if worse may be. Where he has touched the honour or credit of any of the nobility, councillors, or other good subjects, he acknowledges the like naughtiness in him that the Council does. Wishes that a wise and well meaning man had been in his commission for the good of both their Majesties and their dominions.—Nonsuch, 16 Jan. 1568. Signed.
Copy. Endd., by Cecil. P. ½.
Jan. 16. 55. Don Guerau D'Espes to the Privy Council.
Has received theirs of the 14th inst., and much marvels that such persons have so answered letters that were not addressed to them without first understanding them. From lack of knowing what the phrase "grandes y pequenos" means, they have not understood his familiar letter to Geronimo de Curiel, which says all contrary to that which they signify in their own. For their better understanding offers to send a person to whom the Spanish tongue is natural. Unto the other parts of their letter, as being grown of this foundation, there is no more to answer. If they still have an ill opinion of him, he will answer therein as he ought to do, leaving apart the controversies that Secretary Cecil seems to pretend with him, which do not participate in any part with the Lords of this country, and for all which Cecil may not let to be a very good servant to his mistress, an honourable man, and peradventure not his enemy.—London, 16 Jan. 1568.
Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Jan. 16. 56. Translation of the above.
Endd. by Cecil. P. ½.
Jan. 16. 57. Count John of East Friesland to Cecil.
Understands that a certain controversy has sprung up between England and Burgundy which may lead to war. Desires if it should so fall out, that he may be informed as speedily as possible; so that he may be the readier to carry out any commands of the Queen of England.—Aurich, 16 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
Jan. 18. 58. The Queen to Philip II.
Is sorry for the turbulent condition of his territories in the Low Country. Complains of the seizure of her subjects and their goods, by the Duke of Alva, in direct violation of the different treaties. As she has no ambassador resident at his court, is obliged to send this letter through France. Desires that however his ambassadors in France and at her Court may explain these matters, he will not doubt her good will and desire for keeping peace.—Hampton Court, 18 Jan. 1568.
Copy. Add. Endd. Lat. Pp. 1¾.
59. Another copy dated 18 Jan. 1569.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 2.
Jan. 18. 60. Bond by the Regent Murray.
Acknowledges the loan of 5,000l. from the Queen of England, which he engages to repay in two equal sums of 2,500l., on or before the 24th June and 1st November next following.— Westminster, 18 Jan. 1568. Signed: James Regent.
Endd. P. ¾.
Jan. 18. 61. Arrest of Ships.
Commentary on the circumstances that led to the arrest of the English ships, commencing with the arrival of the Spanish vessels in the west of England.
Draft endorsed by Cecil. Span. Pp. 10¼.
Jan. 20. 62. M. D. Assouleville to the Queen.
Having charge and commandment in the name of the King his master, to communicate certain matters to his ambassador resident at her court, and also to obtain audience from her, he has this morning been arrested at Rochester by a servant of Lord Cobham. Desires that he may be allowed to continue his journey, and to produce his letters of credence.— Rochester, 20 Jan. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 20. 63. Adrien de Bergnes to Cecil.
Desires his favour and assistance in behalf of the Prince of Condé.—London, 20 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 2/3.
Jan. 21. 64. The Doge of Venice to Queen Elizabeth.
Desires that a certain Venetian ship which has been taken by French pirates and brought into England, may be restored.—Venice, Jan. 21.
Add. Endd. Lat. Royal letter on parchment.
Jan. 21. 65. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Sends him copies of letters written by the Queen of Scots, and also letters and proclamations written by her party in Scotland; whereby he will not only perceive what crafty and untrue—are published to make Murray odious, but as how specially the Queen of England's honour is touched by the dispersing of such strange lies.—Huntingdon, 21 Jan. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 66. Declaration by the Earls of Huntly and Argyle.
Whereas some disobedient subjects for pretence and colour of their doings have dared to accuse the Queen of Scots to have devised and commanded the murder of her late husband, they for the discharge of their consciences declare what they know of the said murder. In November 1566 in the returning from Jedburgh after Her Highness's great sickness, she being at Craigmillar, accompanied by the above-written and the Earls Murray and Bothwell and Secretary Lethington; Murray and Lethington came into the Earl of Argyle's chamber, he being in bed. Who lamenting the banishment of Morton, Lindsey, Ruthven, and the rest of that faction, said that the occasion of the murder of David was to impeach the Parliament, wherein Murray and others should have been forfeited and declared rebels. Seeing that the same was chiefly for the Earl of Murray's welfare, it would be esteemed ingratitude if he and his friends did not reciprocally enterprise for the said banished persons relief, providing the Queen should not be offended at the same. On this Lethington proposed that the nearest and best way was to promise the Queen to find the "moyen" for a divorce from her husband who had offended her so highly in many ways. Whereto Argyle answering that he knew not how that might be done. Lethington replied (Murray being ever present), "My lord, care not thereof, we shall find the moyen well enough to make her quit of him, so that ye and my Lord of Huntly will only behold the matter and not be offended thereat." Afterwards the Earl of Huntly being in the chamber, Murray and Lethington opened the matter in manner aforesaid, and promised if they would consent to the same, to find the "moyen" to restore them in their lands and offices. They answered that the matter should not stop for them. Afterwards they passed into the Earl Bothwell's chamber, who also gainsaid not the things proponed. Then they passed all together to the Queen, where Lethington, after he had reminded her of the intolerable offences that King had done to her, proponed that if it pleased her to pardon the Earl of Morton and his company, that they with the rest of the nobility would find means to make divorcement betwixt her and her husband "which should not come of her, nor "Her Majesty need to mell therewith." Lethington said that Darnley troubled both her and them all, and remaining with her would not cease until he had done her some other evil turn. After divers other persuasions which Lethington and all the other noblemen used to bring her to this purpose, she answered that under two conditions she would understand the same, the one was that the divorce might be made lawfully, and the other that it should not prejudice her son; otherwise she would rather endure all torments and abide the perils that might chance during her lifetime. Bothwell answered that the divorce might be made without prejudice of the Prince, alleging his own case where he had succeeded to his heritage without any difficulty. It was also proponed that after the divorce Darnley and the Queen should live in different parts of the country, or else he should retire to some other realm. Hereupon the Queen said that peradventure he would change opinion, and that it was better that she herself should for a time pass into France, abiding till he recognised himself. Lethington then said Madame, soucy ye not, we are here of the principal of your grace's nobility and council that shall find the moyen well to make Your Majesty quit of him, without prejudice of your son; and albeit my Lord of Murray be little less scrupulous for a Protestant nor your Grace is for a Papist, I am assured that he will look through his fingers thereto, and will behold our doings and say nothing thereto." The Queen answered that she willed them do nothing whereby any spot might be laid to her honour or conscience, and had rather they should permit the matter to remain as it was than believing to do her service it should turn to her hurt and displeasure. Lethington said, "Madame, let us guide the matter amongst us, and ye shall see nothing but good and approved by Parliament." After these words they hold for certain that Murray and the Secretary Lethington were the authors and causes of the murder of Darnley, in what manner or by whatsoever persons the same was executed. If they or either of them gainsay the aforesaid the two Earls Huntly and Argyle will defend the same against them by the laws of arms. Though Lethington is not their equal in quality or blood yet they offer to receive him in combat with the Earl of Murray. If they answer not directly this accusation and cartel, they shall be accounted guilty and vanquished of the said murder.—1568.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 3¼. Enclosure.
Printed by Anderson, Vol. IV., p. 188.
Jan. 14. 67. Kirkcaldy of Grange to [the Earls of Huntly and Argyle].
Has received their letter of the 9th Jan. As to the writing they have received from the Queen, he is persuaded that the same is procured by the suggestions of such as are not only her unfriends, but also enemies to the King and their native country. Touching the accusation of her grace before the commissioners of England at York, he understands that there was no such thing there handled, but only a simple answer made to her commissioners' suit and claim, and if anything thereof has fallen out since, he is sure that the Regent was urged thereto by those of her party. As to the offer made by him of delivering the King to that country, and the castles of Edinburgh and Stirling into Englishmen's hands, that is no new song, for so was it "devulgate" at the treaty had with the King of England before the field of Pinkey. Is persuaded from his former behaviour that such bruits are of envious hearts imagined to bring him into suspicion with his countrymen. As for their proclamation, he marvels that so many of them as were at the approving of the Regent in his office in Parliament should so proceed, no trial being taken in the cause.—Edinburgh Castle, 14 Jan. 1568. Signed.
Endd. P. 1. Enclosure.
Jan. 22. 68. Proclamation by the Queen of England.
The Queen understanding that there are published sundry matters lately in Scotland only devised to blemish her honour and sincerity, and to bring the Earl of Murray into hatred of his own friends being good Scotchmen; declares that there has never been any secret practice betwixt her and him, that the Queen of Scots' son should be delivered to her to be nourished in England, or that the castles of Edinburgh and Stirling should be given into Englishmen's keeping, or that Murray should be declared legitimate to succeed to the crown, the Earl acknowledging that he held it in fee of her as Queen of England. It is true that some motion has been made by the Earl and Countess of Lennox that in case the Prince could not continue in safety in Scotland he might be nourished in England under the custody of such as now have the charge of him. Denies that there is any league or intelligence between Murray and the Earl of Hertford.—Hampton Court, 22 Jan. 1568.
Draft corrected by Cecil. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 22. 69. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Understands by the Duke of [Montmorency] that the King removed yesterday from Chalons to Metz, and there the King, the Duke of Alva, the Queen Mother, and the Cardinal of Lorraine are resolved to grant the Allemans whatever they will, yea Metz, so that they will take no part with the Protestants of France or the Queen of England. Dares not write as much as he desires till he knows whether the ports be open.—Paris, 22 Jan.
2. The French Ambassador in England has written to his master that he has used all his diligence to persuade the Queen that the armies of the Princes of Condé and Orange were broken, that she might not give them any succour. Also that he could not learn whether she would take arms or not. Further that she bore a great good will to the House of Bourbon, and hatred to that of Guise, and that she would help the religion with all her might. That she had taken certain Spanish vessels wherein were 400,000 crowns, which she would not give up having occasion to employ the same. Furthermore that he could not turn the affection that the Queen bore to the religion because she was governed by four English counsellors, great protectors of the same. Lastly he added that the Queen of Scots could not obtain to be sent into a Catholic house for her more safety. Thinks it no surety whilst the Queen of Scots remains there, considering the ambition of the Cardinal of Lorraine, as also the envy borne by the Papists who only seek for the maintenance of their religion to have her reign, though with the ruin of the Queen, therefore the sooner they rid the realm of her the more safety to the Queen, and quiet to the country there will be. Assouleville boasted how stoutly he would use his message to Her Majesty. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¾.
Jan. 22. 70. Occurrents in France.
The Bishop of Dol has commission to sell the goods of Huguenots which are at St. Malo. The messenger who was sent to the camp has returned. He has seen the English there, who number 6,000 and who had taken a strong abbey called St. Michael, and put all to the sword who were unable to ransom themselves. Gives an account of the movements of the different forces. The League threatens the King with war if he permits the exercise of the religion. Defeat of Martigues by the Admiral. Arrest of English ships at Antwerp.— 22 Jan.
Fr. Pp. 2¼.
Jan. 22. 71. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Desires him to procure the release of the bearer's ship which has been arrested on her voyage towards Antwerp, whither she was bound laden with wine, for the purpose of buying munitions and powder for the Princes of Navarre and Condé and bringing it to La Rochelle. — Shene, 22 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Jan. 23. 72. The Queen to the Lords Warden of the Borders.
Sends printed copies of a proclamation to be dist ributed on the Borders (see Jan. 22).
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 23 Jan. 1568. P. 2/3.
Jan. 24. 73. Sir Henry Norris to the Earl of Leicester and Cecil.
The time is so dangerous that he dares scant venture to write to him. On the 20th instant sent his secretary to the court to require the release of the Englishmen's goods which were arrested at Rouen. Lansac told him that it was not strange if they were arrested, seeing that a greater quantity of the King's subjects' goods were stayed in England; but further told him that he should have letters to the governor of Rouen to inquire for what cause the arrest was made; but afterwards, the said letters being presented for the King to sign, the Queen Mother would not suffer him to put his hand to them. Insomuch as the secretary returned with nothing more than a simple note written under the request, and that to small effect. Amongst other things that M. Lansac spake were the injuries that the King's subjects daily received by Captain Sores and other his adherents favoured in England. He finally said before the company there present, "Friend, we know in what sort to live, and if all things were answerable to the letters and courteous words we receive of the Queen of England, it were such as we could desire, but we are not ignorant that there are a great number of Bretons and others arrested there, yea, and powder with munition brought to Rochelle to the King's rebels; but if the Queen will begin to intermeddle, the King shall make an end, not doubting but in few days, in such sort, to reduce things in order as other princes shall be as glad of his amity as he of theirs." On the 20th and 21st divers regiments and companies arrived at Chalons and the villages thereabouts. The King's army is compounded of 4,500 Swiss, 2,500 French cavalry, and 6,000 infantry, and on the 23rd were appointed to march forwards, under the command of the Dukes de Nevers and Aumale, against the Prince of Orange, whose army is yet at Baccarach. There has been great practice to draw the Duke of Deuxponts from the Prince of Orange, and likewise no less offers made to the Prince to leave assisting the religion here, promising his reconciliation with the King of Spain. On the 24th instant the King removes to Metz, where his sister the Duchess of Lorraine meets him. The Emperor sends thither a great personage, and the King of Spain has despatched to him the Duke of Nestre. The Duke of Bavaria also sends a nobleman to assist. They intend to treat of great alliances, namely, of this King's marriage with the Emperor's daughter, and King Philip's marriage with Madame Margaret. The marriage appointed between Duke Casimir and the Elector of Saxony's daughter greatly lets their designs. The King has ordered the Counts Rhine grave and M. Bassompierre, with the reiters, to go to M. D'Anjou's camp. It is thought the King in his journey to Metz shall commit two errors; first, that his going thither will irritate the Germans, and then in sending away his reiters to his other camp before he is assured that the Count Westleburg, the Landgrave's brother, and the Marquis of Baden will come with their forces, who, in their last letter, made exception not to fight against the confession of Augsburg. Gives account of movements of different detachments on both sides.
2. On the 20th instant there arrived a captain sent from M. D'Anjou, who brought word that the Queen of England had sent to Rochelle to the Prince of Condé 100,000 crowns, besides powder and munitions, which moved Lansac to say as much as he did.—Paris, 24 Jan.
3. Having, according to commandment, given the ambassador of Spain to understand of the Queen's proceedings, he took the matter very highly, saying that the King's ambassador at her court could not have accessto Her Majesty to the great hindrance of his master's service, the money that was stayed being for the "solde" of his army in the Low Countries, and much marvelled that she would procure the Emperor, his master, and the French King to be her enemies. Norris answered that his mistress deserved great thanks for her friendly dealing in preserving the treasure from the Prince of Condé's ships; and as for seeking to make enemies, that no prince had borne more injuries than she had, instancing the treatment of Dr. Man, who was refused the exercise of his religion. The ambassador replied that he went about to bring a new religion into the country, with other objections of very small effect. Intends taking his journey to-morrow towards the King's camp.—24 Jan. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 7½.
Jan. 24. 74. Decree of the Elector of Saxony.
Commands all captains and soldiers who are his subjects, and who may be serving under the Duke of Alva or the King of France, to return home within two months after the date of the publication of this decree; and further orders his officers to arrest any persons whom they may find setting forth for these services.—Dresden, 24 Jan. 1569.
Copy. Endd. Lat. Pp. 5.
Jan. 25. 75. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Yesterday, being at the palace to take leave of M. D'Alençon, he told him and M. St. Sulpice of the Queen's favourable dealing with the King of Spain in preserving his ships from spoil, and also of her desire to continue the amity and league betwixt her and the King. St. Sulpice answered that he was well able to testify of Her Highness' good affection to maintain peace, only the doubt that the King had was that she aided his enemies, sending armour, munition, and money to Rochelle for their use, which Norris denied. Finds no release of the merchants at Rouen, and therefore thinks that the likelihood is great that the French King will take part with the King of Spain's quarrel by the importunate suit that the Cardinal of Lorraine makes for the same. The King goes towards Metz, and is determined to make a division of his army, the one part under Aumale to be sent against the Prince of Orange, and the other under his own conduct with M. De Nemours as his lieutenant, to go against the Prince of Condé. The forces of M. D'Aumale are 5,500 reiters, 26 companies of French horsemen, and 30 ensigns of foot, besides others. The troops that the King brings are 26 companies of gendarmes, 15 companies of the old French crew, 4,500 Swiss, 2,500 reiters, and his household. The partition of this army is because De Nemours thought himself injured hearing the Duke D'Aumale appointed to be the King's lieutenant, and also that the King, by his presence and the forces he will bring, will soon determine the matter with Condé. Ten of the persons who were lately imprisoned by the private authority of the captains here have been examined and released, and the rest remain yet in durance. Montmorency has departed to Chantilly, being conspired against by the aforesaid captains. It is here greatly marvelled that the Queen of Scots receives and sends letters so usually as she does.—Paris, 25 Jan. 1569. Signed. Part in cipher.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1¾.
Jan. 26. 76. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
Understands that the Queen of Scots has of late, by sundry writings into Scotland, advertised her party there of many untruths and slanders touching her and her estate, commanding the same to be published. Has commanded the wardens upon the frontiers to notify by proclamation her reproof of the said untruths and slanders. Is informed that the said Queen has given commission to the Duke of Chatelherault to be the principal furtherer and maintainer of the said untruths. Orders Sussex to require him in her name to repair to York, where he is to impart to him the premisses or matters much misliked by her, and to require how far forth he is a party to the same, and to send her his answer. In the meantime he is to stay the Duke until he shall understand her further pleasure. Sends a copy of the Queen of Scots' letter, and of the proclamation published on the frontiers; of both which he may make the Duke participate. Whilst he is stayed he is to be well and courteously used, without frequent conference of persons inconvenient.
Draft. Endd.: 26 Jan. 1568. P. 1.
Jan. 26. 77. M. Assouleville's Answer to Drury and Marsh, sent to him by the Privy Council.
On being told that they were sent to conduct him to the Privy Council, he answered that he found it strange that he had received no manner of answer from the Queen in four days, and though he found very good entertainment, yet he was restrained of his liberty. He refused to deal with the Lords of the Council, saying that his charge and commission was first to confer with the Spanish ambassador, and afterwards to talk with the Queen herself. Signed by Drury and Marsh.
Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
Jan. 28. 78. Spaniards at Dartmouth.
The Spanish captains of the ships detained at Dartmouth have written to the Spanish ambassador desiring him to procure that either necessaries and provisions may be provided for their crews to the number of 150 persons, or that they may be allowed to depart to the continent, as otherwise they are in danger of perishing from hunger.
Endd. by Cecil. Lat. P. ½.
Jan. 28. 79. John Ricardby to Francis Bemysaid.
All the goods of English merchants were stayed here on the 13th instant at the request of certain of this town. Rode to the English ambassador at Paris, and thence in company with his secretary, to the court at Chalons. Gives Lansac's answer to their request for release. Since his coming from the court the Vice-Admiral has sealed up some of the packhouses and taken an inventory of the goods in them.—Rouen, 28 Jan. 1568.
Copy: Endd. Pp. 1¼.
Jan. 28. 80. Message to M. D'Assouleville.
Where by his letter it appears that he could not declare his charge until he had first spoken with the King's ambassador, when they sent for him the said ambassador was present with them, and at that time their meaning was, after they understood from whom he had his commission, to have said somewhat to him of the said ambassador in his own presence, and after that he should have understood their meaning for their conference.
Memoranda by Cecil. Endd.: 29 Jan. 1569. P. 1.
Jan. 29. 81. D'Assouleville's Declaration to the Privy Council.
Has come over with a commission from the Duke of Alva to declare certain matters to the Queen of England after he has communicated with the Spanish ambassador resident. Defends the power of the Duke as Governor-General of the Low Countries to grant commissions in his master's name to ambassadors, as has been frequently done formerly. Desires that the Queen will permit him to fulfil his charge, and complains of the strict watch kept over the ambassador, whereby he is prevented from communicating with him.
Endd. by Cecil: 29 Jan. 1568. Fr. Pp. 2.
Jan. 30. 82. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Having heard from the Princes of Navarre and Condé that their greatest want is shoes for their soldiers, he desires Cecil to procure licence for certain French merchants to purchase the same and convey them to Rochelle.—Shene, 31 Jan. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 30. 83. M. D'Assouleville to Cecil.
Sends him the writing of which the Lords of the Council spoke yesterday by an express messenger, and desires that it may be shown to Her Majesty.—London, 30 Jan. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Jan. 30. 84. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Has taken order so as the Duke of Chatelherault shall in no way enter Scotland before her further pleasure be known. Is sorry, seeing she has always had so great care in conscience to have the Scottish Queen's cause uprightly heard, and a secret inclination to favour her, so far as with honour she might, that she is recompensed with such unkind reports and slanderous devices.—York, 30 Jan. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal P. 1.
85. The Earl of Sussex to Richard Lowther.
Commands him to stay the Duke of Chatelherault, if he pass within his rule, till further order.—York, 30 Jan. 1568.
Copy. Endd. P. ½. Enclosure.
Jan. 30. 86. The Earl of Sussex to Sir William Cecil.
These Scottish devices seem to be shrewdly meant to serve the turn for the present. Their intent, as he takes it, is to raise the people against the return of the Regent; and therefore they "inculke" the perils of wrasting the right of the Crown, of surprising the principal fortresses of the realm, of exiling their known heir, and of subjection to "foreign natives," which be the matters most odious to the people and aptest to stir popular tumults. Is glad that they utter amongst other things their malice so directly against Cecil, which by the working of his enemies will turn to more good and credit, than his friends could devise to procure for him.—York, 30 Jan. 1568. Signed.
Hol. Add. Endd. P. 1.
Jan. 87. Order of St. Michael.
Names of ninety-one gentlemen who were created knights of the Order of St. Michael, in France.
Endd. Pp. 1½.
Jan. 88. Queen Elizabeth to the Earl and Countess of Marr.
It being reported by the Queen of Scots that the Earl of Murray at his being here made certain covenants with her for his own private commodity, to aspire to the crown, and to the prejudice of the realm of Scotland and the young Prince, she has thought good to testify on the word of a Prince that she never treated with the said Earl for any such matters of contract, but all to the surety and benefit of the child and the continuance of the Earl's government.
Rough draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
Jan. 89. Account of the Mission of M. De Favelles to the Prince of Orange.
Marshal de Cosse understanding of the Prince's entry with his army into Picardy, of which province he has the government, has sent him to know his intentions. Has seen the great disorders committed on the French King's subjects by his soldiers, and warns the Prince not to be so rash as to declare himself the enemy of such a puissant monarch. The Duke of Anjou has already forced the Prince of Condé to retreat across the Vienne towards La Rochelle, and has with him 6,000 cavalry and 25,000 or 30,000 foot, and twenty-eight large pieces of artillery. Enumerates besides the 6,000 Swiss and other large bodies of troops under different commanders of the King's party. The King is content to give the Prince of Orange free passage for his army into Germany.
Fr. Pp. 22/3.
Jan. 90. The Portuguese Ambassador to Cecil.
Desires the restitution of certain goods which are stayed at Falmouth by the brothers Winter, and hopes that he may live to enjoy "Nestorian years." Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. ½.