Elizabeth: February 1569, 1-28

Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1874.

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'Elizabeth: February 1569, 1-28', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571, ed. Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp25-40 [accessed 6 October 2024].

'Elizabeth: February 1569, 1-28', in Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Edited by Allan James Crosby( London, 1874), British History Online, accessed October 6, 2024, https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp25-40.

"Elizabeth: February 1569, 1-28". Calendar of State Papers Foreign: Elizabeth, Volume 9, 1569-1571. Ed. Allan James Crosby(London, 1874), , British History Online. Web. 6 October 2024. https://prod.british-history.ac.uk/cal-state-papers/foreign/vol9/pp25-40.

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February 1569, 1-28

[Feb.] 91. The Portuguese Ambassador to Cecil.
Informs him of the arrival of John Hawkins in this town, and desires that they may both appear before the Council. Promises to have a care for the men who are detained in prison at Lisbon. Signed.
Add. Endd. Lat. P. 1.
Feb. 1. 92. The Queen of Navarre to Elizabeth.
Thanks her for the favour she has shown to their cause, and refers her to the Sieur De Vezines, who will inform her of their affairs.—Niort, 1 Feb.
Hol. Add. Endd. Fr. P. ½.
Feb. [1.] 93. The Prince of Navarre to the Queen.
Letter of credence for M. De Vezines. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. ¼.
Feb. 2. 94. The Admiral Coligny to the Queen.
Begs her to consider the calamitous state of the times and afford what remedy she can. Refers her to M. De Vezines for news.—Niort, 2 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Fr. P. 1.
Feb. 3. 95. Bernard Hampton to Cecil.
Signifies M. D'Assouleville's answer which was that he thanked the Queen for liberty to confer with the ambassador, which he besought might be with expedition, very shortly after which he will let her understand which of the three ways put to his choice he will follow, that is to say, whether he will open his charge to the Lords of the Council, or write to the Duke for a more ample commission, or else take his leave and return, but until he has spoken with the Ambassador he cannot determine.—From the Court, 3 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Feb. 4. 96. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Refers her to his other letter of this date for the full discourse of the speech that passed between him and the Duke of Chatelherault. He seemed to show great plainness and sincerity, but lest she conceive further thereof than might hereafter prove true, he reminds her of his former opinion disclosed to her at his leave taking; "which then was, now is, and by my grandfather's rule ever will be, never to trust any Scot in any cause that toucheth his country further than ye have the surety in your own hands."—York, 4 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Hol. Add. Endd., with seal. P. 2/3.
Feb. 4. 97. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
On the 3d the Duke of Chatelherault came to this city, where he was received by Sussex and the Council. After they had retired into a chamber apart, Sussex opened to him the cause of his requiring his coming thither, and so made a particular recital of the principal matters contained in the Scottish Queen's letter and Her Majesty's proclamation. The Duke answered that he had heard by the Scottish Queen's commissioners that the Lords of the Privy Council declared to them that such writings were written into Scotland by their Queen, and proclamation made declaring that the Earl of Murray had promised the delivery of her son and certain forts, and because Murray had access to the Queen of England to accuse her, and she could have none for her defence she was not equally handled; and that she had written to the Earl of Mar to keep her son, and to the Laird of Grange to keep Edinburgh. Hereupon Sussex told him that the Queen was informed that he should repair into Scotland, with authority as the Queen's father adoptive, to support these untruths, and to stir up sedition and civil troubles; and therefore wished him to think well of the matter, and as a man of honour to make full and true answer. The Duke took God to witness that he never received any such authority, and was never privy or counselling to any such matter as should pass from the Queen of Scots. He then protested his devotion to the Queen of England, and declared that if this could be proved against him, he would be content to be used as a traitor. He desired that he might not be stayed on account of his poverty and inability to tarry longer. After Sussex had shown him copies of the Queen of Scots' letters, and Her Majesty's letter and proclamation, he promised to give Sussex an answer in writing, which he did on the following day, and which he encloses. (See Mary Queen of Scots, Vol. III. No. 38.)—York, 4 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Feb. 4. 98. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Requests him to procure a passport for John Romaignan, a soldier, who is desirous of joining the Prince of Orange.— Shene, 4 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ½.
Feb. 6. 99. Henry Champernoun to Cecil.
About the 1st Dec. the Prince despatched eighteen messengers to different people, and on the 10th Jan. one returned with letters which the Admiral has shown to him. The contents were that the Prince of Orange and those noblemen of Picardy were joined, the Prince having 3,000 horsemen, and 10,000 pikes, and the others 4,000 horsemen and 4,000 harquebussiers. They march to join the Duke of Deuxponts, who attends them with 10,000 footmen, and thirty-two great pieces of artillery, and also Count Casimir, with 7,000 horsemen. Are advertised out of Gascony of the coming of other forces under M. De Grammont, who has defeated Monluc by the way. Have lost many footmen this winter, but hope to lack few of 100,000 men, when both their armies meet.—New York [Niort], 6 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 6. 100. The Queen to the Earl of Sussex.
The Queen of Scots having certainly affirmed by her letters that no part of the untruths and slanders were reported to her by any of her commissioners or others hereabouts, she is content to impute no part thereof either to them or to the Duke of Chatelherault, and that the said Duke shall freely depart according to his former passport.
Rough draft in Cecil's writing. Endd.: 6 Feb. 1568. P. 1.
Feb. 6. 101. Sir Thomas Gresham to Cecil.
Yesterday morning he brought M. D'Assouleville to the Spanish Ambassador, and the chief talk he had was that he never saw ambassador so straitly kept; Gresham's answer was that it was done for their surety, and that it was well known that he came not from the King, but from the Duke, which D'Assouleville denied. At dinner was no great talk but of the Duke's proceedings in the Low Countries. They were together in council from 9 till 12, and from 2 till 4 o'clock. The Spanish Ambassador thanked Gresham for his pains and desired him to move the Lords of the Council that D'Assouleville might live with him whilst he was here.—London, 6 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 8. 102. The Cardinal of Chatillon to Cecil.
Has spoken with the Earl of Leicester about the licence for transporting shoes and leather for the Prince of Condé's army, and desires that they may have 200 skins of "buffles et buffelins."—Shene, 8 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd. Fr. P. 1.
Feb. 8. 103. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
1. Is in this town past the enterprises laid in his way by his adversaries who have not neglected the occasion offered to them by his long absence in troubling his friends with all kinds of hostility, and persuading the people that he would never return.
2. P.S.—Sends him the principal of the letter, the copy of which he sent from Huntingdon, but as the Earl of Marr is not willing that any letters sent to him by the Queen of Scots should be objected against her, he desires that it may be returned in the next packet.—Stirling Castle, 8 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 10. 104. Sir Thomas Gresham to Cecil.
The bearer, Mon. Dolayen, sent from the Prince of Orange to the Queen, desires licence for two ships of Holland to convey him to Emden or Hamburg. One of them being laden, the most part with Portingale goods, was arrested by Mr. Winter. M. Dolayen makes suit that the master and mariners may enjoy their own goods with the allowance of their freight, and that being allowed, Mr. Winter may enjoy all the rest of the Portingale goods.—Gresham House, 10 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Feb. 10. 105. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
On the 6th inst. had audience with the Queen Mother, and declared the occasions which moved Her Majesty to close her ports to the King of Spain's subjects, which could not be done except by general arrest for avoiding such frauds as in such cases are usual. The Queen Mother said that she would not have to do with the King of Spain's quarrel, and whereas the Queen had done her the honour to call her her mother, she wished both for her honour and safety she would not maintain overtly and covertly seditious persons and rebels with money, munition, and artillery, all which she said Winter, the ViceAdmiral, had landed at Rochelle. Norris trusted that she would find that if any such thing were done that it was without the Queen's knowledge or consent, and reminded her that in the troubles in the Low Countries her son could not, by proclamation or otherwise, let or defend, but that a number of his subjects repaired to the Prince of Orange, the quarrel being for religion. The Queen Mother, being greatly moved, said that these things were not unknown to her any more than Norris's letters to the Queen, wherein he wished her to take in hand the attempt of Calais or Rochelle the time serving so aptly thereto. Norris entirely denied this, and said that the Queen's ships were at sea only for the purpose of defending the Bordeaux fleet. In the end the Queen Mother said that if those ships which were taken in England to the number of fifty were restored she would solicit the delivery of those at Rouen. Afterwards the King gave him audience apart from his mother which never aforetime had he done, wherein the same conversation passed, as had done with the Queen Mother; the King promising in addition the delivery of the English prisoners in the galleys at Marseilles. The King has sent M. De la Forrest to the Emperor to let the league between the Elector of Saxony and the other potentates of Germany, and to continue the talk of his marriage with the Emperor's daughter. The Prince of Orange has gone to a diet holden at Heidelburg. His army is marching down Franche-Comté. A gentleman of the Prince of Condé, passing to the Prince of Orange, imparted to one of Norris's servants his message, which was that he carried letters of credit appointing the place for their meeting towards "Btrgone," with request to use diligence in that behalf, saying that the Prince of Condé was offended that the Prince of Orange was entered so far into Germany. The Prince of Orange has received 4,000 reiters. The 2,500 reiters under the Rhinegrave have been sent to M. D'Anjou, as they make a difficulty of fighting against their countrymen. M. D'Anjou and M. D'Aumale have sent for money, which is so scant that they are forced to sell their church plate and ungarnish their relics.—Joinville, 10 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 4.
Feb. 10. 106. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Informs him of his audience with the King and the Queen Mother. Reminds him that Grivin required him to advertise that few letters were sent whereof the French Ambassador was not certified of the contents by some person about Cecil. On the 8th inst. the King and his council complained that not only did Her Majesty's subjects spoil the French upon the sea, but also that her officers had suffered stolen goods to be sold in her ports, and lately Captain Gourdon, in sight of the town of Calais had his ship taken by the English. Whereunto Norris answered by complaining of the injuries done by the French. The Marshal Cosse goes into Picardy and Normandy as lieutenant from the King. Knows not which way to send the letter to the King of Spain from the Queen.—Joinville, 10 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 2.
Feb. 11. 107. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Though he has taken great care he cannot yet procure the release of the merchants who are stayed at Rouen, so that he thinks they mean to take part with the King of Spain. The greatest part of the King's army has marched to the Duke of Aumale upon the frontiers of Lorraine. The siege of Sancerre is raised. Since his leaving Paris one Rogers, very well learned in the Greek and Latin, whose father was burnt for the religion, being steward of his house and instructor of his children, going about his charge was, by the captains of the town, arrested, but by good hap, Mauvissiere meeting him, was cause of his release. Complains also that they have put in prison the physician who was attending his wife. Desires that he may have the Queen's favourable letters in this behalf that he may enjoy such free prerogative as other ambassadors have. This morning M. De la Motte's servant told him that the Queen Mother had willed him to charge the officers at Rouen to dismiss the ships and merchandise stayed there.— Joinville, 11 Feb. Signed.
Add., with seal. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 11. 108. The Earl of Sussex to the Queen.
Has imparted her pleasure contained in her letter of the 6th inst. to the Duke of Chatelherault, who answered that he thought himself bound to Her Majesty, and would never do anything that might justly offend her. He further said that whatsoever might be thought in him for dependence upon France, to which he was a long time greatly bound by honour and gifts received, he had of late received such discourtesy and unkindness that if he needed favour or help he would now seek it only at the Queen's hands. In all these speeches he ever used an exception for anything touching the honour and right of his Queen.—York, 11 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 2/3.
Feb. 11. 109. The Earl of Sussex to Sir William Cecil.
The Duke of Chatelherault has departed and seemed well satisfied, and promised much for his service to the Queen; he is but simple, but the disposition of his country is to be subtle. Is glad to perceive that the Queen means to put in execution certain statutes which are very needful for the defence of the realm. Is sorry that the musters are not put off later, till Her Majesty's progress. Desires his helping hand for the young Earl of Southampton, that he may be rather charitably won than severely corrected. The travail of the councillors here is great, who go daily in the sittings four times from this house to the sitting place, which is as far as Charing Cross is from Westminster Hall; wishes, therefore, that Her Majesty would bestow some cost on a sitting place. —York, 11 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Hol. Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 11. 110. The Doge of Venice to Queen Elizabeth.
Has been informed that another Venetian ship has been seized by pirates and brought into her realm, and therefore desires that restitution may be made.—Venice, 11 Feb. 1569.
Add. Endd. Lat. Written on parchment.
Feb. 12. 111. The Earl of Sussex to Sir William Cecil.
Since his letter of yesterday Lord Herries came to York. At his coming he perceived by some general speeches that he was willing to enter into talk of his mistress's causes. Sussex being unwilling to deal therein entertained him with other talk. In the end Herries required him to favour his mistress's cause, and wished that the offence that the Queen had taken for the quartering of the arms of England in the French King's time were forgotten. Sussex answered that he had ever wished that Queen's cause to be such that men with honour might favour her; but said that he was an English nobleman, and was bound in honour and duty to have his first and chiefest respect to the honour and surety of his own Sovereign. Herries departed early this morning to overtake the Duke this night at Richmond.—York, 12 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 12. 112. The Prince of Conde and others to the Queen.
Reply to the charges brought against them by the opposite party, and throw all the responsibility of the war on their adversaries, begging her not to forsake them as the matter about which they are engaged is entirely for the religion.
Rough copy with analytical notes in the margin by Cecil. Endd. Fr. Pp. 11½.
Feb. 14. 113. Sir Henry Norris to the Queen.
On the 15th (sic) inst. the King sent for him and told him that he found it very strange that such a number of English ships made spoil on his subjects, and required that he might understand within fifteen days from the Queen whether he might trust to the continuance of the amity betwixt them or otherwise; declaring besides that there were certain prisoners taken at Dieppe and Newhaven, who had confessed that those places should have been yielded to her. Norris said that he hoped the King would not conceive anything lightly of the Queen, and then departed to the council chamber. There M. Morvilliers repeated what the King had said and complained that those who robbed on the seas had liberty to make portsales in the Queen's havens, and also said that her making such preparations to arms was much misliked, and lastly that it was known that the King's rebels sent over letters in the packets sent hither to him. Norris replied that it was no novelty to see ships before Dieppe and Newhaven, considering the traffic betwixt the countries, but if he could tell of any [thing] to the prejudice of the King, the Queen should understand thereof; and declared that the sale of goods by the sea robbers was utterly unknown to the Queen. As for misliking her arming, he said it was most requisite, seeing all on fire around about her on every side. Touching the letters conveyed in his packets, he was ready in every respect to answer for the same. Could not undertake to procure answer in a matter of so great importance within 15 days.—Joinville, 14 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¾.
Feb. 14. 114. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
Desires him to command the bearer not to utter what he has to deliver to him and the Earl of Leicester, for he finds that there be those who, to hinder his proceedings, betray secrets from hence. Has been twice burdened; once of the Queen Mother, for moving the Queen by his letters to take some enterprise in hand for Calais or Rochelle, and yesterday the King said that his rebels conveyed letters in his packets. It would be much better for the Queen's service to have some one here who is in less suspect than he is, wherefor he desires that he may be revoked. Asks how he shall convey Her Majesty's letters to the King of Spain.—Joinville, 14 Feb. 1569. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¾.
Feb. 15. 115. Sir Henry Norris to Cecil.
M. Genlis, with 2,000 horse and 4,000 foot, has taken a passage in Franche-Comté. The Duke of Deuxpont has joined the Prince of Orange, having now in their camp 12,000 reiters and 20,000 footmen. The Prince of Condé is marching to join Orange about Burgundy. There are letters sent to demand help of the Pope, but the most that may be looked for is 500 horse and 4,000 footmen.—Joinville, 15 Feb. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Pp. 1¼.
Feb. 16. 116. Lord Hunsdon to Sir William Cecil.
1. Marvels that Sir John Foster makes his charge so clear, as he is able to prove that the Middle March has had as many or more displeasures and robberies committed in it by the Scots as this. The Regent has been with 2,000 horse at Jedburgh, where was a great fair, where he thought to have apprehended the most part of the chiefest offenders of these borders, but they having some inkling of his coming he missed those he would have had, but yet took 60, whereof he executed three. Meets Cessford on Tuesday next. Small-pox is so plentiful here as there is but this house, and the Marshal's free of it. At Newcastle they have a burning ague, cousin german to the plague, for they live not past 24 hours. At Edinburgh the plague is rife. Has forbidden any merchandise to be brought out of Scotland, saving victuals. The posts make slower haste since the increase of their wages than before.
2. P.S.—Have a new disease here, called the "hyves," it is akin to the small-pox and a younger son to the plague.— Berwick, 16 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 12/3.
Feb. 17. 117. The Regent Murray to Elizabeth.
Thanks her for her gracious favour shown to him, and begs its continuance. Refers her for particular news to his letters to the Earl of Leicester and Cecil.—Stirling, 17 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ½.
Feb. 17. 118. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Since coming to Scotland he has continued quietly at Stirling without showing any hostility on the King's part, howbeit cause enough has been offered. Has now, however, determined to use force against his adversaries, and has convened the forces of the realm on this side of Tay to be at Glasgow by March 10. Has required Lord Hunsdon to send him 200 harquebussiers. Prays Cecil to procure for him sufficient warrant to do so. The matter of the Queen of Scots' return is renewed by her letters, wherein she dissembles not that her tarry or abiding is at her own pleasure.—Stirling, 17 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 17. 119. The Spanish Ambassador's Manifesto.
William Gybbins, salter, says that he has heard "little Babtest," the Spaniard, say that the Ambassador of Spain had made answer to the Queen's Majesty's proclamation, but to what effect he knows not.
Endd. P. ¼.
Feb. 17. 120. The Spanish Ambassador's Manifesto.
Depositions of certain of the Grocers' Company as to the publication of the Spanish Ambassador's manifesto in answer to the Queen's proclamation touching the arrest of ships in the Low Countries.—17 Feb. 1568.
Endd. Pp. 1½.
Feb. 17. 121. The Spanish Ambassador's Manifesto.
Depositions of sundry persons that they had seen or heard of the Spanish Ambassador's answer to the Queen's proclamation.
Endd. P. ⅓.
Feb. 17. 122. The Spanish Ambassador's Manifesto.
Examinations taken before the Lord Mayor of London of such as knew of the Spanish Ambassador's writings. Amongst the names of the deponents occurs that of John Stowe, merchant, a collector of chronicles, and also of Edward Osborne, of London, merchant.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 4½.
Feb. 18. 123. The Regent Murray to Lord Hunsdon.
1. Complains of the proceedings of their adversaries, who have made open incursions on the lands of the Earl of Lennox, Lord Semple, the laird of Minto, and others, and harried the poor labourers of the ground, and hurt and taken some gentlemen prisoners. They have, therefore, agreed either to compel them to acknowledge their duty or to recompense them as they have handled others. For this purpose they will have the power of all the countries "besowth" Tay convened in arms at Glasgow on the 10th of March. They have also concluded to entertain 400 harquebussiers and six score horsemen under wages. Desires that he may be accompanied by 200 of Hunsdon's harquebussiers during his voyage in the west country, which will be about twenty days.
2. P.S.—Those of Dumbarton have assailed the little house of Douglas, the garrison of which, save six or seven, having "sortit" forth. They were however repulsed and two or three slain, and Lord Fleming's brother taken prisoner.—Stirling, 18 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp 1½.
Feb. 19. 124. Portugalette.
Despatch and licence [for departure] of the Alcayde of Portugallette. Two documents with many signatures.
Endd., with seal. Span. Pp. 3.
Feb. 19. 125. Sir Thomas Gresham's Report of M. D'Assouleville's Answer.
M. D'Assouleville desires to speak alone, and not jointly with the other ambassador, and not to declare his matters by writing. Was not minded to confer with the Council, but with one or two he would deal, upon two causes; the one for that he had received letters from the Duke and was to answer the Council why he could not do his message without speaking with the Ambassador; the other to declare the answer of his letters which he had received from the Duke.
In Gresham's handwriting. Endd. by Cecil. P. 1.
Feb. 21. 126. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
Forwards certain letters. Reminds him of the Queen of England's letter to be directed to the King of Denmark for Bothwell, which could not be ready at his departure, because of Mr. Ascham's decease.—Stirling, 21 Feb. 1568. Signed.
P. ½.
Feb. 22. 127. Petition of Thomaso Fiesco to Queen Elizabeth.
Second petition of Fiesco for the restitution of the ships, goods, and money belonging to the King of Spain's subjects detained in England.
Endd by Cecil: 22 Feb. 1569. Ital. Pp. 6½.
128. Translation in French of the above.
Endd. Pp. 5½.
Feb. 22. 129. M. D'Assouleville's Answer to Sir William Cecil and Sir Walter Mildmay.
1. Assouleville said that the matters that he had commission from the Duke of Alva to declare were, that the King had always good will to the continuance of the amity with the Queen, and had given special charge to the Duke to preserve the same. Also, whereas the Spanish Ambassador had required that the money which had been stayed should be transported into Flanders, which had been denied, the Duke of Alva being informed that by the provisions of the treaties betwixt both Princes that in case of denial of justice for things detained the remedy is appointed to be by reprisals, had commanded the arrest of the Queen's subjects and their goods only until the money might be released.
2. Has been sent to require that the money may be safely transported into the Low Countries, and that all things now arrested may be set at liberty; and if the Queen will do so he is authorised to give good assurance that the like release shall be on the other part. If the Queen gives such answer as may stand with equity and justice then he has to declare other things unto her; and if otherwise she will not relent to make a release, then he can say no more, but it may be well understood with what mind the King will take it, and they must suffer that which shall thereof happen.
Draft in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 24. 130. The Regent Murray to Elizabeth.
Requests a safe-conduct for George Hopper, a burgess of Edinburgh, to go into any part of her realm.—Stirling, 24 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd., with seal. Royal letter. Broadside.
Feb. 24. 131. Dr. Mundt to Cecil.
The report that the Duke and the Prince have set forth with all their powers is not true, as the one is in his own country, and the Prince of Orange is at Argentin (Strasbourg). Both lack that thing which encourages soldiers and men of war chiefly in their setting forth. Considering he does no good here, he thinks it better to resort to the fair at Frankfort. These delays do marvellous great damage.—Cologne, 24 Feb. 1569.
Add. Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 25. 132. The Regent Murray to Cecil.
The Duke of Chatelherault and the Lord Herries are come to Dumfries, and mind from thence to Hamilton. They sow many inventions abroad in order to confirm the King's rebels in their obstinate rebellion. Has desired that the houses surprised and the prisoners taken whilst he was in England might be rendered and released, but as yet has had but a plain refusal, and so is compelled to take armour and convene his forces. Had found no difficulty if, during his absence, the abstinence according to the Queen's promise had been kept, and so trusts that she will see that hurt repaired, and to that effect let him have the 200 shot, not only to support his forces but rather to let his adversaries know Her Majesty's will. Desires that the Queen will cause her wardens of the West and Middle Marches to stay the attemptats of their broken men. Desires Cecil to move the Queen that some assured personage may be sent here to remain for a season and consider the state of matters, with whom he may freely communicate his mind.—Stirling, 25 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. Pp. 2.
Feb. 25. 133. Seizure of Spanish Vessels.
Complaint of the Spanish ambassador of piracies committed by a Dover ship, and of the illegal detention of certain Spanish vessels by the Vice-Admiral. He desires that they may either be set at liberty or that the Council shall declare whether this was done by their consent.
Endd. by Cecil. Lat. P. ½.
[Feb. 25.] 134. Memoranda by Cecil.
Notes of arguments to be used in reply to the Spanish ambassador, being chiefly assertions that Her Majesty had always kept the treaties and done what she could to restrain and punish piracy.
Endd. P. 1.
Feb. 16 & 26. 135. The Inquisition in the Low Countries.
Articles and resolutions of the Spanish Inquisition for occupying and conquering the Low Countries, of a very stringent character, recommending, amongst other measures, the extermination of the inhabitants, to which is appended the King's formal sanction.—Madrid, 16 and 26 Feb. 1568.
Copy, in Latin; translated from the Spanish. Endd. Pp. 2½.
Feb. 26. 136. Answer to M. D'Assouleville.
1. First, where the said D'Assouleville has declared that the cause of his coming was to declare on what grounds the Duke of Alva had commanded the arrest in the Low Countries, and to require that certain money pertaining to the King should be redelivered and the arrest made of his subjects and their goods dissolved, the Queen perceiving that there are many things to be considered, whereof some part are meet to be imparted to Assouleville and others to some person expressly sent and authorised by the King, has thought good to alter so much as seems pertinent for him and to forbear the rest.
2. The Queen allows very well the remembrance of the good disposition of the King towards the continuance of amity with her, but is sorry that the Duke of Alva has made no better demonstration thereof by his sudden and general arrest without just cause. The principal cause of this arrest is, by D'Assouleville, said to be the arrest and denial to deliver certain money pretended to be the King of Spain's; but if the circumstances of the matter shall manifestly show the contrary, then is the deed of the Duke of Alva not only unkind but invidious. First, when the ships arrived they were not arrested by any manner of way, but preserved and defended by special commandment of the Queen and her Council from the French men-of-war, who, perceiving that Her Majesty's ships and castles, did indeed defend them, attempted by offers of 50,000 crowns to some, and 20,000 to others, to induce them only to wink at their doings and to withdraw their forces. Recapitulates the proceedings which led to the arrest of the English in the Low Countries, and asserts that Her Majesty never denied answer to the Spanish ambassador as he wrote to the Duke of Alva. Again, it is not possible that a denial in England on the 29th should give cause to the Duke of Alva at Brussels to command an arrest to be made on the 28th, neither was the manner of the request or of the arrest in any way agreeable to the treaties of former times, as Assouleville pretends.
3. Thus it may be plainly seen that the things alleged by Assouleville to maintain the arrest made by the Duke of Alva have no certain ground or probability; and therefore, as to his request to have the money delivered and the general arrest released, Her Majesty cannot so readily give such answer as is desired, and if there should be a beginning, it were more reason the redress began where the error did. If there should be any accord for the relaxation on both sides, it is necessary that the party who shall treat should have special authority from the King himself.
Draft, in Cecil's writing. Endd. Pp. 5.
Feb. 26. 137. The Regent Murray to the Earl of Leicester.
To the same effect as his letter to Cecil of 25 February. Considering how far their cause has been hurt through the non-observance of the abstinence from arms promised to both parties, the Queen can do no less of honour and duty than see them restored to the same point they were in at the time of his going into England.—Stirling Castle, 26 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Add. Endd. P. ¾.
Feb. 26. 138. Dr. Mundt to Cecil.
The Duke of Bipont is ready with horsemen, soldiers, artillery, and munitions. Because he has required a certain negotiation, which is above Mundt's commission, he has written to Gresham. The Emperor takes 5,000 horse, because three of the chief lords in Hungary are revolted. The governor in Brussels "conducts" horsemen and footmen. Certain princes shall meet shortly in Saxony. The town of Argentin takes soldiers because the King of France was minded to invade the Duke of Bipont's town. The Prince of Orange still abides about the city of Argentina, and because his men be not paid they destroy the whole country.—Cologne, 26 Feb. 1569.
Add. Endd., with seal. P. ¾.
Feb. 28. 139. The Queen to John Thomworth.
Warrant authorising him to pay the Earl of Murray 5,000l., to be repaid by 1 Nov. next.—Westminster, 28 Feb. 1568. Signed.
Draft, corrected by Cecil. Endd., with seal. P. ¼.
Feb. 140. Fortifications of Berwick.
1. A brief declaration to the Lords of the Privy Council of the state of the fortifications of Berwick, and what plans are thought most requisite to be first put in hand this summer to bring the town soonest to some perfect strength.
2. A tabulated form, with the estimated cost of the different works, in the margin. Signed by Rowland Johnson. Endd. Pp. 2⅓.
141. Another copy of the above. Endd. Pp. 2½.
[Feb.] 142. Depredations by Pirates.
Memorial by the Spanish ambassador, touching the seizure of seven merchantmen near the Isle of Wight by English and Flemish pirates.
Incomplete. Endd. Span. P. ⅓.
Feb. 143. The Spanish Ambassador's Manifesto.
Depositions taken before the master and wardens of the Merchant Taylors' as to the publication of the Spanish ambassador's manifesto in reply to the Queen's proclamation touching the arrest of ships in the Low Countries. Amongst the names occurs that of John Stowe.
Copy. Endd. Pp. 5.
[Feb.] 144. The Emperor's reply to M. De la Forrest.
Expresses his sorrow at the troubled state of France, but complains of the damages done by the French army, under the Duke of Aumale within the limits of the empire, and desires that he may be ordered to withdraw. Will do all he can to prevent the Duke of Zweybruck from taking part in this war. Recommends that the French King should try peaceful methods instead of force for the pacification of his kingdom.
Endd. Lat. Pp. 20.
[Feb.] 145. Complaint of the French King.
Complains of the aid afforded by the Queen of England to those of Rochelle, through Mr. Winter, and desires to know the Queen's intentions with respect to certain warlike preparations. Has ordered Marshal Cosse to cause restitution to be made of the Englishmen's goods seized at Rouen. Desires that all private ships trimmed to the wars may be called home, and that the fleet of merchant ships making ready to sail to Rochelle may be stayed.
Endd. by Cecil. Pp. 2½.
[Feb.] 146. Relation of Actions in France.
When Duke John Casimir's reiters had passed Auxerre, a secret council was held in the cabinet of Monsieur, at which the King, the Queen Mother, the Cardinal of Lorraine, and others were present, when it was resolved to make peace with those of the religion for six months, without intention of keeping faith, and so destroy them without much difficulty, the King remaining armed and the Huguenots being deprived of theirs. After the peace was concluded, at another council held in May it was determined to exterminate all the chiefs of the religion. Gives details of the plot of the Cardinal of Lorraine for the destruction of the Huguenots and for the reduction of La Rochelle.
Endd.: M. De la Forest, orator to the Emperor, with His Majesty's answer, and a discourse of the Cardinal of Lorraine for the overthrow of them of the religion in France. Fr. Pp. 8.